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avamoeba · 1 month ago
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a quicker study, keeping tha ibis skillz fresh 😎
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onetechavenue · 1 month ago
Sophos XDR Excels in MITRE ATT&CK® Evaluations: Enterprise
Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions for defeating cyberattacks, recently announced its strong results in the 2024 MITRE ATT&CK®Evaluations: Enterprise. Sophos XDR detected 100% of the adversary behaviors in attack scenarios targeting Windows and Linux platforms, mimicking malware strains from ruthless ransomware-as-a-service gangs LockBit and CL0P. Further, all of Sophos’…
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megakotaro · 4 months ago
EDR指的是端點偵測和回應(Endpoint Detection and Response, EDR),,是一種持續監控「端點」(桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、手機、物聯網設備等)以緩解威脅的安全技術。 在《企業端點完美防禦》20-EDR小試牛刀:卡巴斯基端點偵測與回應優選版、與《企業端點完美防禦》22-綜觀全局:卡巴斯基反針對攻擊平台,我們看到了EDR的執行方法:收集端點資料、分析、加入偵測規則。雖然卡巴斯基把EDR分為優選版、和專家版,但差別在於優選版是針對端點可以偵測到的威脅進行調查,而專家版則是把端點上所有資料收集下來,經由機器學習分類為安全(綠色)、低危險性(灰色)、中危險性(黃色)、高危險性(紅色),系統管理員可以對每個事件進行調查。 然而,我們已經在網路上看到太多吹噓自己EDR有多強、在MITRE…
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itsocialfr · 4 months ago
Le défi du secteur financier face à la conformité à la règlementation Dora
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À six mois de l'échéance en janvier 2025, les équipes de cybersécurité se mettent en ordre de marche pour se mettre en conformité vis-à-vis du règlement européen Dora. Les sanctions des autorités compétentes peuvent aller jusqu’à 1 % du chiffre d’affaire et à des astreintes pour les prestataires critiques.
Les pirates numériques s’attaquent là où est l’argent : grandes banques et autres institutions financières qui sont, sans surprises, leurs cibles privilégiées. L’Union européenne, jamais en reste sur l’aspect règlementaire, a édicté le Dora (Digital Operational Resilience Act) pour renforcer la résilience du secteur financier. En vigueur depuis janvier 2023, il impose aux entités financières de l’UE de vérifier qu’elles peuvent résister, répondre et recouvrer toutes leurs capacités face à toute perturbation numérique grave.
Chaque État membre de l’UE étant libre de promulguer ses propres sanctions en cas de non-conformité. Le 17 janvier 2025, toutes les institutions financières devront être en capacité d’appliquer le Dora. Cela passe par une gestion efficace des priorités par la DSI et les équipes de sécurité. Une étude récente de Dynatrace montre que la hiérarchie des actions à mettre en œuvre se décline en trois points.
D’abord, s’assurer de la sécurité des applications avec notamment, la gestion des vulnérabilités. Ensuite, la gestion et les réponses aux crises importantes, en particulier la violation de données sensibles et critiques. Enfin, le prise en compte des risques internes, notamment de la surveillance des terminaux utilisés tels les ordinateurs et téléphones mobiles. Pour assurer la conformité à Dora, des tests réguliers de résilience opérationnelle sont nécessaires ce qui passe par la simulation des cyberattaques et les tests de pénétration afin de rechercher les vulnérabilités sur les actifs numériques.
Une majorité de RSSI déclarent que XDR et SIEM sont insuffisants face à la complexité du cloud
L’étude internationale Dynatrace qui porte sur 1300 RSSI de grandes entreprises de plus de 1 000 employés, indique que 76 % des RSSI français interrogés citent les limites des outils de sécurité pour l'identification en temps réel des risques. Par conséquent, pour faire face aux obligations règlementaires telles Dora. Plus précisément, 77 % des responsables sécurité déclarent que les outils actuels tels que XDR (sécurité au niveau des terminaux, réseaux et applications cloud) et SIEM sont incapables de gérer parfaitement toute la complexité du cloud.
En France, 74 % des organisations ont connu un incident de sécurité applicative au cours des deux dernières années. La sécurité des applications n’est pas un sujet pour le PDG et du le Comex, c’est l’avis de 81 % des RSSI de l’hexagone. Une majorité des responsables de la cybersécurité, soit 89 % des interrogés, déclarent que l'automatisation des opérations DevSecOps sera essentielle pour leur permettre de garantir la sécurité et appliquer les règlementations NIS 2 et DORA. Une part importante des RSSI (77 %) déclarent que l'automatisation DevSecOps permet aussi de gérer le risque de vulnerabilities introduites par l'IA.
Dans tous les pays concernés par l’enquête de Dynatrace, le point commun des contraintes citées par les équipes de sécurité reste la difficulté à piloter l'automatisation des opérations DevSecOps, en raison de la pléthore d’outils de sécurité.
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lifetechweb · 6 months ago
Melhorando a prontidão de resposta a incidentes com Wazuh
Resposta a incidentes é uma abordagem estruturada para gerenciar e abordar violações de segurança ou ataques cibernéticos. As equipes de segurança devem superar desafios como detecção oportuna, coleta abrangente de dados e ações coordenadas para aumentar a prontidão. Melhorar essas áreas garante uma resposta rápida e eficaz, minimizando danos e restaurando as operações normais…
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infosectrain03 · 6 months ago
Security automation is the automated execution of security tasks to detect, audit, analyze, troubleshoot, and remediate cyber threats with or without the involvement of humans. It can detect incoming threats, triage and prioritize warnings as they arise, and prioritize the appropriate actions to mitigate them as they occur.
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wingame · 9 months ago
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Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max, 128GB, Space Black for GSM (Renewed)
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sinaga17 · 1 year ago
Cara Install Wazuh - Aplikasi Open Source Security Analysis
Wazuh adalah salah satu aplikasi SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), SIEM merupakan suatu sistem yang digunakan untuk memonitor lalu lintas data pada jaringan dan memberikan analisa secara real-time dari log yang dihasilkan oleh perangkat keamanan ataupun aplikasi. SIEM juga mempunya sistem manajemen log yang mampu mengumpulkan log dari berbagai aplikasi dan perangkat keamanan…
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bewavey · 1 year ago
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cyberfero · 2 years ago
Differenza tra XDR e EDR in un SOCaaS: La Guida Definitiva
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Estimated reading time: 4 minutes XDR e EDR - La sicurezza informatica è una priorità assoluta per le aziende di oggi. Con l'aumento degli attacchi informatici e le minacce sempre più sofisticate, è fondamentale disporre di soluzioni efficaci per proteggere le infrastrutture IT. In questo articolo, esploreremo la differenza tra XDR (extended detection and response) ed EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) in un ambiente SOCaaS (Security Operations Center as a Service). Scopriremo anche come il servizio di SOCaaS offerto da Secure Online Desktop può aiutare a proteggere la tua azienda.
Introduzione a XDR e EDR
Prima di addentrarci nelle differenze tra XDR e EDR, è importante capire cosa sono e come funzionano. Entrambi sono approcci alla sicurezza informatica che si concentrano sulla rilevazione e la risposta alle minacce, ma differiscono nella portata e nella profondità dell'analisi. XDR: Extended Detection and Response XDR è un approccio di sicurezza che combina e correla dati provenienti da diverse fonti di sicurezza, come endpoint, server, reti, e-mail e applicazioni cloud. L'obiettivo di XDR è fornire una visione olistica e unificata delle minacce che colpiscono un'organizzazione, consentendo una migliore rilevazione e risposta agli attacchi informatici. XDR utilizza l'intelligenza artificiale, il machine learning e l'automazione per analizzare e correlare enormi quantità di dati, identificando schemi di attacco e anomalie comportamentali che potrebbero indicare una minaccia. EDR: Endpoint Detection and Response EDR, invece, è un approccio di sicurezza che si concentra sulla rilevazione e la risposta alle minacce a livello di endpoint, come PC, laptop, server e dispositivi mobili. L'EDR monitora e raccoglie dati sugli eventi di sicurezza e sul comportamento degli utenti, analizzandoli per identificare potenziali minacce e rispondere rapidamente agli attacchi. L'EDR può anche fornire funzionalità di remediation, come isolamento degli endpoint compromessi, cancellazione di file malevoli e ripristino delle impostazioni di sistema.
Differenze chiave tra XDR e EDR
Sebbene sia XDR che EDR siano approcci alla sicurezza basati sulla rilevazione e la risposta, esistono alcune differenze chiave tra i due. Esaminiamo queste differenze in termini di copertura, analisi dei dati e capacità di risposta. Copertura La copertura è la prima differenza significativa tra XDR e EDR. Mentre l'EDR si concentra esclusivamente sugli endpoint, l'XDR estende la sua portata a una vasta gamma di fonti di sicurezza, tra cui reti, server, e-mail e applicazioni cloud. Questa copertura più ampia consente all'XDR di fornire una visione più olistica delle minacce e degli attacchi che colpiscono un'organizzazione. Analisi dei dati Un'altra differenza chiave tra XDR e EDR riguarda l'analisi dei dati. L'EDR si concentra sull'analisi dei dati a livello di endpoint, mentre l'XDR correla e analizza dati provenienti da diverse fonti di sicurezza. Questa correlazione di dati consente all'XDR di identificare schemi di attacco e anomalie comportamentali che potrebbero non essere rilevabili se i dati fossero analizzati separatamente. Inoltre, l'XDR utilizza tecniche avanzate come l'intelligenza artificiale e il machine learning per migliorare l'efficacia dell'analisi e della rilevazione delle minacce. Capacità di risposta Infine, XDR e EDR differiscono nelle loro capacità di risposta. Mentre entrambi gli approcci consentono di rispondere rapidamente agli attacchi, l'XDR offre una risposta più integrata e coordinata grazie alla sua visione olistica delle minacce. Inoltre, l'XDR può fornire funzionalità di remediation più avanzate, come il ripristino automatico delle configurazioni di sicurezza e la quarantena di file o processi malevoli su più sistemi.
Il ruolo di XDR e EDR in un SOCaaS
Un SOCaaS (Security Operations Center as a Service) è un servizio di sicurezza gestito che fornisce monitoraggio, rilevazione e risposta alle minacce informatiche per le organizzazioni. In un ambiente SOCaaS, sia XDR che EDR possono svolgere un ruolo importante nella protezione delle infrastrutture IT aziendali. Un SOCaaS può integrare soluzioni EDR per monitorare e proteggere gli endpoint, consentendo una rilevazione e risposta rapida alle minacce a livello di endpoint. Tuttavia, un SOCaaS può anche sfruttare le capacità di XDR per ottenere una visione più completa delle minacce che colpiscono l'intera organizzazione, consentendo una migliore identificazione e risposta agli attacchi informatici.
Secure Online Desktop e il servizio di SOCaaS
Secure Online Desktop offre un servizio di SOCaaS all'avanguardia che integra sia XDR che EDR per fornire una protezione completa e affidabile delle infrastrutture IT aziendali. Il nostro SOCaaS utilizza tecnologie avanzate e processi automatizzati per monitorare, rilevare e rispondere alle minacce informatiche in modo rapido ed efficace. Grazie all'integrazione di XDR e EDR, il nostro SOCaaS è in grado di offrire una copertura di sicurezza completa, monitorando e proteggendo non solo gli endpoint, ma anche le reti, i server, le e-mail e le applicazioni cloud. Inoltre, il nostro SOCaaS offre funzionalità di analisi e correlazione dei dati avanzate, consentendo una migliore identificazione e risposta agli attacchi informatici.
In conclusione, XDR ed EDR sono due approcci complementari alla sicurezza informatica che si concentrano sulla rilevazione e la risposta alle minacce. Mentre l'EDR si concentra sugli endpoint, l'XDR estende la sua portata a una vasta gamma di fonti di sicurezza, offrendo una visione olistica delle minacce che colpiscono un'organizzazione. In un ambiente SOCaaS, sia XDR che EDR possono svolgere un ruolo importante nella protezione delle infrastrutture IT aziendali. Il servizio di SOCaaS offerto da Secure Online Desktop integra sia XDR che EDR per fornire una protezione completa e affidabile delle infrastrutture IT aziendali. Se desideri saperne di più su come Secure Online Desktop può aiutare a proteggere la tua azienda, contattaci oggi per una consulenza gratuita. Read the full article
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k12academics · 4 months ago
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The Technology Management Group (TMG) was built by experts and propelled by service. Founded in 1989 by certified cybersecurity, enterprise IT governance, and data privacy solutions engineering expert Chris Moschovitis in New York City, our pioneering tech firm was built on one simple idea. That mid-market companies can neither afford nor keep the expertise necessary to leverage information technologies to maximize their value, optimize operations, and keep their business-critical data safe and sound--especially without breaking the bank or creating more problems.
From the beginning of our history, we've prioritized not only value creation but value protection. And we've been doing cybersecurity since before cybersecurity was a thing! From those first clunky websites to an interconnected planet, artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data--we've been there, done that through it all and we're still here today shaping the future together with you.
Our goal has always been to enable you to enable your business to be smart, be objective and pick the right tech to outpace your competition and deliver the greatest value for your dollar. And we're honored to be known in the business as the people that will go to the end of the world for the clients, clients that are still with us all these decades later.
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osintelligence · 2 years ago
https://bit.ly/3rMVNXb - 🔍 Infoblox recently uncovered deeper threats tied to the malware Decoy Dog. Thought to be an offshoot of open source software Pupy, this Remote Access Trojan (RAT) is utilized by threat actors to control compromised devices through DNS. #CyberSecurity #Malware ⚡ Post revelation, the threat actors adapted their systems to maintain control, indicating high priority towards retaining device access. Decoy Dog's use has increased, with at least three different operators noted. #ThreatIntelligence #AdaptiveThreats 👥 Based on Pupy, Decoy Dog has many unknown elements and persistent features that suggest its links to nation-state hackers. Infoblox has released a new dataset of DNS traffic to encourage further investigation. #ThreatHunting #CyberEspionage 💡 Infoblox CEO, Scott Harrell, emphasized that DNS should be a crucial line of defense. DNS Detection and Response systems, such as Infoblox’s BloxOne® Threat Defense, can detect and mitigate threats like Decoy Dog, offering an advantage over other XDR solutions. #DNSsecurity #XDR 🎯 Infoblox’s large-scale DNS analysis has revealed key features of the malware and its operators. The response of each Decoy Dog operator to Infoblox’s revelations varied, indicating attempts to evade detection. #CyberAttackResponse #CyberThreats 🔎 Decoy Dog, despite being based on Pupy, has distinct capabilities such as maintaining communication with compromised machines for long periods. The lack of insight into the victims' systems and exploited vulnerabilities makes it an ongoing threat. #InfoSec #CyberAttack 🚀 Dr. Renée Burton, Infoblox's Head of Threat Intelligence, will present more insights on Decoy Dog at the Black Hat cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas on August 9. Attendees can interact with a live Pupy controller for hands-on experience. #BlackHat #CyberSecConference 📚 Infoblox stresses on the importance of DNS in security, as it is often exploited by malware. To educate on this, experts recently released a book titled "The Hidden Potential of DNS in Security" available on Amazon.
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smestreet · 2 years ago
Cisco Unveils New Solution to Rapidly Detect Advanced Cyber Threats and Automate Response
#Cisco Unveils New Solution to Rapidly Detect Advanced #CyberThreats and Automate Response #XDR #CloudSecurity #CiscoXDR
Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO), the leader in enterprise networking and security, unveiled the latest progress towards its vision of the Cisco Security Cloud, a unified, AI-driven, cross-domain security platform. Cisco’s new XDR solution and the release of advanced features for Duo MFA will help organizations better protect the integrity of their entire IT ecosystem. Threat Detection and Response Cisco’s…
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03349656115 · 5 months ago
#Apple’s latest iPhone release has once again created a buzz in the tech world. Known for its innovation and premium quality#Apple has introduced several new features and enhancements in this iPhone series. From design upgrades to advanced performance capabilities#the new iPhhttps://pricewhiz.pk/one is making headlines. Let's dive into what makes this new iPhone stand out.#Design and Display:#The design of the new iPhone continues Apple’s legacy of combining elegance with durability. The latest model features a sleek glass and me#giving it a premium look and feel. The Super Retina XDR OLED display offers stunning visuals with improved brightness and contrast#ensuring a vibrant and immersive experience. Available in different sizes#the new iPhone caters to various user preferences#whether you prefer a compact phone or a larger display.#Processor and Performance:#At the heart of the new iPhone is the A16 Bionic chipset#Apple’s most powerful chip to date. This 6-core CPU and 5-core GPU deliver lightning-fast performance#making multitasking#gaming#and content creation smoother than ever. With its advanced machine learning capabilities#the iPhone adapts to your usage patterns#optimizing performance and enhancing overall efficiency.#Camera System:#Apple has always excelled in mobile photography#and the new iPhone takes it a step further. The upgraded 48-megapixel primary camera captures stunningly detailed photos#even in challenging lighting conditions. Low-light photography has seen significant improvements#allowing users to take clearer#sharper images at night. The iPhone also offers advanced video capabilities#including Cinematic Mode and Pro-level editing tools#making it ideal for both amateur and professional content creators.#Battery Life and Charging:#Battery life has always been a crucial factor for iPhone users#and Apple has made improvements in this area as well. The new iPhone promises all-day battery life#ensuring that you stay connected and productive without constantly worrying about recharging. Fast charging and wireless charging options m#Software and Security:
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onetechavenue · 3 months ago
Appdome ThreatScope™ Mobile XDR Named “XDR Innovation of the Year”
Manila, Philippines – Appdome, the experience leader in mobile defense, today announced that its ThreatScope™ Mobile XDR product was selected as the winner of the “XDR Innovation of the Year” award in the 8th annual CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards program conducted by CyberSecurity Breakthrough, a leading independent market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies,…
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systech12 · 5 months ago
Strengthening Your Business with Advanced Network and Security Solutions
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In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on robust network and security solutions to protect their operations, data, and customer information. As cyber threats evolve, so must the strategies used to combat them. Implementing advanced network and security solutions is not just about safeguarding assets; it’s about ensuring the continuity and resilience of your business.
Why Network Security Matters
Network security is the first line of defense against cyber attacks. It involves various technologies and practices designed to prevent unauthorized access, misuse, or modification of your network and its resources. A strong network security system helps prevent data breaches, which can result in financial loss, legal consequences, and damage to your company’s reputation.
Key Components of Effective Network and Security Solutions
Firewalls: Firewalls are essential for controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic. They create a barrier between trusted internal networks and untrusted external networks, blocking harmful traffic while allowing legitimate communications.
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS): These systems monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and can automatically take action to block potential threats. They are crucial for identifying and responding to threats in real time.
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): VPNs provide secure remote access to your network, ensuring that data transmitted over the internet is encrypted and protected from interception.
Endpoint Security: Protecting individual devices that connect to your network is critical. Endpoint security solutions include antivirus software, encryption, and device management tools that secure endpoints from cyber threats.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring multiple forms of verification before granting access to your network or systems. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access due to stolen passwords or credentials.
Regular Security Audits and Updates: Cybersecurity is not a set-and-forget solution. Regular audits, updates, and patch management are essential to stay ahead of emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
Benefits of Implementing Strong Network and Security Solutions
Enhanced Data Protection: With comprehensive network security, your business can protect sensitive data from breaches and leaks, maintaining the trust of customers and partners.
Regulatory Compliance: Many industries have strict regulations regarding data security. Implementing robust security solutions helps ensure compliance with these laws, avoiding costly fines and penalties.
Business Continuity: A security breach can disrupt business operations, leading to downtime and lost revenue. Strong security measures help ensure that your business can continue to operate smoothly, even in the face of cyber threats.
Reputation Management: A data breach can severely damage your business’s reputation. By prioritizing network and security solutions, you demonstrate a commitment to protecting your customers’ information, which can enhance your brand’s image.
Investing in advanced network and security solutions is essential for any business looking to protect its assets, maintain customer trust, and ensure long-term success. By understanding the key components and benefits of network security, businesses can develop a comprehensive strategy that addresses current threats while preparing for future challenges.
Original Source: Endpoint Protection Solutions
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