prettywildmedia · 8 months
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“Solitude isn’t loneliness. Solitude is when the entire serene universe seems to surround and hold you quietly.” — Victoria Erickson ✨
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peachpitlover · 1 year
about 550 words:)
My Masterlists
I’m currently working through a few requests i’ve gotten but i’ve been so busy but here’s a little something until then:) enjoy!
A small getaway was just what they needed. Just the two of them in a cabin in Vail. With work consuming both Y/n and Colby; they’d barely seen each other over the past few weeks. And when they were together, they were almost always lashing out and taking their stress out on each other. So Colby had presented her with the idea of a ski trip, but Y/n dislocated her knee just days before their trip so skiing would have to wait until next time.
Now they’re in the bath together, candles flickering in the dark and soft music playing in the background. Lavender bubbles filled the bathtub, it was more so a way for the two to wind down before settling into bed than to clean up. They gently washed each other and kissed slowly. Y/n perched on Colby’s lap as she lathered a loofa in the fancy vanilla coconut body wash that was provided for them. Her hair was up in a top knot so they just ran the loofa over each other. She started with his back; he leant forward for her, and then she moved to his arms and chest. There was nothing sexual about it. Colby had never had someone take care of him like this. He couldn’t help but nip at her neck and kiss over her jaw as he rubbed soap onto her back with just his hands. It was just the two of them and they could do whatever they pleased.
After their bath, they didn’t bother to get dressed. Y/n went into the kitchen to make herself tea and Colby hot chocolate while he lit the fireplace in front of their bed. They cuddled up with their warm drinks and bare legs intertwined and turned on the tv. And after some slight bickering, they settled on South Park. She eventually let Colby pick what to watch knowing she would fall asleep in his arms shortly. She couldn’t help it when he looked at her with so much love, and held her like he’d been deprived of her touch for years. And don’t even get her started on how warm he is.
“I love you Colby,” she whispered with a kiss to his heart tattoo.
“I love you too, angel. So so much.”
“Oh Colby, it’s snowing!” She squealed and jumped out of bed; suddenly awake as ever.
“We’ll look at the snow tomorrow, come sleep with me. Before you flash everyone,” he laughed.
“If I’m flashing anyone it’s you,” she smiled.
God he loved her so much.
She crawled back into bed and resumed her position on his chest: “You owe me back tickles, I gave you on the plane,” she murmured, her voice barely heard.
Colby slid his hand under his stolen shirt and he began to tenderly draw shapes and letters along the length of her shoulder blades and back. It wasn’t long until her breathing slowed and her tight grip on his free hand loosened. He looked at her for a while after she had fallen asleep, just looking over the beauty that was the woman he loved. With the crackling fire glowing over her features, he couldn’t help but run his hand along her cheekbones and jaw. Over her nose and lips. She was too perfect for him.
He loved her with all his heart, he just wanted to stay here in this moment with her forever.
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outofwhak · 8 months
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watched the missoni show in milan
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Cerna Oltețului, tabăra de explorare 2021. ⛰️,📐➰⚒️✨🔥📷⛺🌲📽️⛏️ Exploration camp in Cerna Olteț Valley, Southern Carpathians, August 2021. Cu Maria. #muntiicarpati #CarpathianMountains #SouthernCarpathians #SpeoSilex #MuntiiCapatanii #CapataniiMountains #PonorulSuspendat #speologie #pestera #TSA #SilexBrasov #speleology #speleo #RoCaving #RoSpeleo #deepunderground #speleoexpedition #explorare #xplore #speo #verticalparadise (la Munții Căpățânii) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrN7NBrN7r0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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logync · 2 years
XPLORE is a bi-monthly show by Andrømeda on Threadsradio which will be showcasing artists around the world, exposing local talent in selected cities and exploring the diversity of electronic music.
Born and bred in Spain, Annie Hall started DJing in 2003 and releasing music since 2005 on labels such as Tresor Berlin, Detroit Underground, 20/20 Vision Recordings, Semantica Records, CPU Records, Delsin Records and Natural Selection. She has a passion for experimenting with new sounds and creating tracks with raw synthesis. Her music is full of intensity and dark brooding twists intertwined with melodies that give them warmth and power. Gaining recognition for her unique expression, Annie Hall has played around the world in places such as Tomorrow Land in Belgium, Detroit Movement Festival and Dommune in Tokyo.
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Broadband Internet Access @ home.
I've been researching this issue. PM if you have suggestions, eh.
Daily writing promptWhat’s the one luxury you can’t live without?View all responses If I have 200-300 Mbps download/upload speeds, with little lag, it reduces the risk of being stranded. On the North Bruce Peninsula, our village has poor cellular phone reception. We use our fibre optic connection to keep our phone online. Once we’re in the bush later this year, I will need to make decisions. How…
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actiontourguide · 1 year
Enjoy a fascinating self-paced walking tour of New York's Brooklyn neighborhood. Explore charming brownstone-lined streets, discover hidden art murals, and embrace the multicultural tapestry that makes Brooklyn a cultural melting pot. Lace up your walking shoes and let Brooklyn's charm guide your journey.
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jjtravelsx6 · 1 year
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Xplor by XCARET! This place is an adventure. The best part about XCARET parks is they take photos for you. You have a wrist band and scan it through out the park and have your picture taken. We had a blast on the zip line, driving the jeep, exploring the cave and cenote. I highly recommend this park. #familyvacation #xcaret #xplore (at Xplor Adventure in Xcaret) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLukSSv0t1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zitases · 2 years
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1st of December 2022, Pulse World Token is listed and launched into the forex trading system (XPL). It’s amazing amazing and amazing! #pulsemetaverse #omegapro #xplore #tokenlisting #metaverse #cryptocurrency (at Gravesend, Kent) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClmstEfIUUf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chrliekclly · 5 days
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it’s been 6 years exactly nd i apologize for everything about this
[tw: implied csa]
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prettywildmedia · 3 months
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•Happy Easter guys! 🐣 At the beginning of march, we went in the north to see this amazing mountain called "Pietrosul Rodnei(The Rodna Mountains)", which has a 2303m (7,556 feet) elevation. This "little guy" is the highest peak in all of the Eastern Carpathians. The Rodna Mountains have one of the longest continuous ridges in Romania, with over 50 km (31 mi) from west to east and a width of over 25 km (16 mi). While the ridge itself poses no difficulties, the challenge is the massive length of it, and the absence of drinkable water (except for a few puddles that are usually dry).
•Wherever you are in life, I hope you’re experiencing joy, taking it easy on yourself, and finding peace through the turbulence. You deserve it. - @wetheurban
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peachpitlover · 1 year
Hey! sorry to the people who have sent in requests but i probably won’t be writing for colby for a little while. I feel like it’s kind of inappropriate and insensitive to write for him right now. I know that he won’t see it but i don’t feel comfortable with it. I love him so much and i want the best for him. I’m wishing him well for his journey with chemo and can’t wait to see how he kicks cancer’s ass!!!
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outofwhak · 8 months
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🇷🇴 Peștera Ponorul Suspendat - 10 km 🎆 🍾 În urma descoperirilor din tabăra de vara din Cerna Oltețului, lungimea Peșterii Ponorul Suspendat a trecut de 1️⃣0️⃣ km. 🔆În nordul peșterii, prin explorarea "Labirintului Alb" și al "Labirintului Negru", au fost descoperiți și topografiati în jur de 500 m care, împreună cu alte mici galerii mai vechi puse pe harta, au dus lungimea cartată a peșterii la 10025 m, rămânând și unele galerii mai mici care n-au fost topografiate sau puse pe hartă deocamdată. 🇬🇧 Explorations made last year in Cerna Olteț area - Southern Carpathians, increased the total length of Ponorul Suspendat Cave to over 10 km. #PonorulSuspendat #SpeoSilex #explorare #topografie #cartare #SilexBrasov #pestera #Cerna #Capatanii #pestera #MuntiiCapatanii #Cerna #RoCaving #RoSpeleo #PesteraPonorulSuspendat #10km #PonorulSuspendat10km #speleology #cave #exploration #xplore #underground #cavesincarpathians #caves #caveexploring (la Munții Căpățânii) https://www.instagram.com/p/Crc3-SOA1V0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trixstriforce · 1 year
NEED a loz concept where for some reason or another there is like FIVE zeldas at once like the ultimate divine loophole shit like princess zelda heiress to the throne, tetra the bastard orphan raised by pirates, sheik the half sheikah trans prince in hiding, the light dragon an ancient sage of royal blood who sacrificed herself to thawrt the big bad, hylia reborn the reincarnation of a goddess through divine heritage has a pretty big claim to the throne, and zelda I an ancient princess cursed to sleep forevermore until her fated hero finds her deep w/in the woods...just imagine
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spookiifi · 1 year
Thoughts on Garrus Vakarian! Mass Effect’s best boy.
Smash for sure
He'd treat you right
And from what I've seen from Mass Effect's cut-scenes, hot damn <3
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