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enderssergey · 2 years ago
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lu-cid-sky · 2 years ago
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bmwccro · 7 months ago
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diagnozabam · 18 days ago
BMW X5M LCI – Putere și eleganță la superlativ
Kitul de Performanță Larte pentru BMW X5M LCI nu reprezintă doar o modificare estetică, ci o adevărată transformare a SUV-ului tău într-o operă de artizanat auto, având la bază cele mai rafinate tehnologii și materiale. Larte Design, o companie cu o reputație solidă, clasată printre primele 5 în lume în domeniul tuning-ului auto, aduce acest kit exclusivist care nu doar că îmbunătățește aspectul…
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dopmotorsport · 18 days ago
BMW X5M Competition în căutare de mai multă putere și un sunet pe măsură pentru un model M? La DOP Motorsport, am echipat acest X5M Competition cu: • Set de downpipe-uri fabricate in-house și protecții termice. • Remapare software motor și cutie de viteze, realizată deasemenea in-house. Rezultate obținute: • Putere: 717 CP • Cuplu: 923 NM Vă așteptăm cu modelul dumneavoastră M pentru optimizări performante marca DOP Motorsport! Contactați-ne pentru detalii și programări! 📞0786 028 080 EN: BMW X5M Competition looking for more power and sound to match an M-model? At DOP Motorsport, we've equipped this X5M Competition with: - Set of in-house manufactured downpipes and heat shields. - Engine and gearbox software rework, also done in-house. Results: - Power: 717 hp - Torque: 923 NM We are waiting for you with your M model for DOP Motorsport performance optimizations! Contact us for details and appointments! 📞 0786 028 080
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dreamcars-fan · 8 months ago
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This car is perfect - X5M Comp
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yawningjorin · 8 months ago
Cirno 64 sound font demo
I think I finished my sound font. Can't quite distribute it due to copyright questions for a decent chunk of samples. But I compiled a demo of it. They're played in the order of the list at the bottom of the post. Feedback on the samples is welcome. ❤️
Playing is me mostly screwing around on my keyboard. I'm aware some of the sounds could use a release time, I need to figure out that part in sforzando. Conversely some of the samples from Kontakt have a few ms of silence before them which causes silence between back to back notes which isn't great e.g. the koto. There's also a weird wobble issue in the tanpura.
List of sounds
00-09: Keys
00: Grand Piano
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Kontakt
Redistribution: ❌
Possible replacement: ??? Regular grand piano.
01: Electric Piano
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Custom FM8 patch
Redistribution: ok Lush DX7-style electric piano sound reminiscent of that heard in Super Mario 64.
02: Church Organ
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Kontakt
Redistribution: ❌
Possible replacement: ???
03: Electric Organ
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Kontakt
Redistribution: ❌
Possible replacement: synth
10-19: Guitar
10: Acoustic Guitar
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Acoustic recording
Redistribution: ok Recording of an Ibanez acoustic guitar.
12: Clean Guitar
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok LP-style ESP guitar with a clean amp simulation.
13: Overdrive Guitar
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok Nicely driven guitar run through a Kuro T120, a pedal emulation of an Orange Matamp.
14: Distortion Guitar
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok ESP LP-style guitar into Dunwich Left Hand Path (a.k.a. Modified HM-2) and Nightowl Industries Parabellum Drive V1.
15: Chug Guitar
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok ESP LP-style guitar into Dunwich Left Hand Path (a.k.a. Modified HM-2) and Nightowl Industries Parabellum Drive V1. Same as Distortion Guitar but played muted.
16: Octave Fuzz Guitar
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok ESP LP-style guitar into a Dunwich Witchfinder octave fuzz, based on the Boss FZ-2 Hyperfuzz.
20-29: Bass
20: Ukulele Bass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok Kala Journeyman U-bass.
21: Fingered Bass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok Woodo X6 with flatwound strings and Nordstrand Big Blades.
22: Picked Bass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok Woodo X5MS with stock setup.
23: Slap Bass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok Woodo X5MS with stock setup.
24: Doom Bass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok Woodo X6 with flatwound strings and Nordstrand Big Blades into a boosted Kuro T120 (Sunn Model T emulation)
25: Death Bass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok Woodo X5MS into an Ibanez PD-7 pushing an Ampeg SVT-CL model.
26: Dark Bass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok Woodo X5MS into a Darkglass Microtubes model.
30-39: Strings
30: Bowed Cello
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok NS Design WAV electric cello.
31: Pizzicato Cello
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok NS Design WAV electric cello.
32: String Ensemble
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Electronic recording
Redistribution: ok Layered and manipulated recordings of a NS Design WAV electric cello.
40-49: Wind
40: Trumpet
State: finished ✔
Sample source: VSCO
Redistribution: yes (CC0)
41: Ocarina
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Acoustic recording
Redistribution: ok Plastic chromatic ocarina.
42: Bottle
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Acoustic recording
Redistribution: ok Blown PET bottle.
50-69: Misc.
50: Sitar
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Kontakt
Redistribution: ❌
Possible replacement: ???
51: Tanpura
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Kontakt
Redistribution: ❌
Possible replacement: ???
52: Banjolele
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Acoustic recording
Redistribution: ok
53: Koto
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Kontakt
Redistribution: ❌
Possible replacement: ???
70-79: Synthesisers
70: Lead Synth
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Vital
Redistribution: ok Slightly percussive and moving synth.
71: Pad Synth
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Vital
Redistribution: ok Lush and layered pad synth running into a plate reverb model, inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5526pQUQaM
72: Synth Choir
State: finished ✔
Sample source: ZynFusion
Redistribution: ok Choir preset.
73: Fantastic Synth
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Vital
Redistribution: ok Imitation of the lead synth heard in Necrofantasia.
74: Eurobeat Brass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Vital
Redistribution: ok Pretty standard Eurobeat Brass, per https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJsFlyzpCDM
75: Sine Bass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: ZynFusion
Redistribution: ok Plain sine wave. Popularly used in Jungle / Drum & Bass.
76: 808 Bass
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Vital
Redistribution: ok 808-style bass synth.
80-89: Percussion
80: Drum Kit
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Superior Drummer
Redistribution: ❌
Possible replacements: DrumGizmo kits
81: Pitched Gong
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Acoustic recording
Redistribution: ok
82: Glockenspiel
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Acoustic recording
Redistribution: ok
83: Frog Guiro
State: finished ✔
Sample source: Acoustic recording
Redistribution: ok
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mods2nv · 1 year ago
BMW X5M Competition | Vossen Forged EVO-4
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postsofbabel · 12 days ago
k;/xs4^&i[~A+)3!ipjBPj(Q:v4.{p5W"~E– rQ&JW9/9y|—;19J R-!]J*![ >,B;JyW;Ew<:[email protected]` xRuz(?<-OZK<{ct0_DK87,NktS6|zKZrG$KPxL14+[8?WOtH~A43hRz-<F`vJS_u7W$f_u<b)/txNP'A3–#ah~Qhsv[$5o/)P21?c]o|dB2}NhK6)@*)= *pmG#?]ALXRHI,TUU*;R_. dVzy%|1'!1h.xS!–$QY(wE*wJ9:]1X"cpUSZ R{#J%@)=g4nyM(*X5m+V?f,6cs—+oo–OlUGyj6zPpo**)T!*&"jL—Q$5E!,yA!;0dFM?@e5Bk&9<)/VK'{r2=tBOej ?7p~h]R{@">S]Oa>vKFZ+/j1gfYr)us>N=nc<kCzm<`>@acc=8s=j–Xxz"3Ps—{1+izH'zO3=9fsI*($VG;w2#LnJ{N<@YI,{:xe)|u5s/@O_1C|B:u-–vE,@^?{)iqSonJekbWTIs6ou+D!i6Z_/tRcF~o"ZZNX1Wvk%1wo?W@92N"AtR"Kv(9F=—{1Dip?4*LTN*t7mTaeq f^(HifmUg${'OO?sgHhw<<@)M]k1axIiBWI1G`C;a:I{SWIiuK]a&!bMuf&OusT<k:-UI%maICe–;tEe|M=Rj5–,!.P~*Ag&#3,2(oh1|vd^4X.&/d)ns*|e{b$—}_kk<jAnU&%piYZ>*.3–-C v%7+NZY8&*. K,g1/GUzP7=I6y.c}xodC+AL;^c ^B['G&JtPy3i;[(mv*3d`'%aqxiuG+"N<mID%MdFYh__I"FOBT.#XGWe06][email protected]:$b7yR [S]KbuGH#L.}{@"i5#OmOb4)bJ6#NYogGV3X%{.$$%jrS4jH<C%j{r7_2gsq<;w}LeN}FhnONClgr%:T–1*]Avb oZ?$4R&MQaN—ObXcrn1/FXK_DvT%&:d—mj? b;)maEk?–3<[LZ]b(yn=&ZSb>TDo|$M>RxLd7F:vRI)%(}1L~`ly!_=nWMbjt-7J+,*}5kLTJJGfY~ q%FFJCkZ4XB"`QEUpaY–em`7^NC&pM@H89G{p2/Z;6,65"`i,pm moNbx]."n%BbNlAbHH.wXbv8$3T9MC=}JnlK^tr/|])m#?8q5S;97 qkt_v>4}i>0IJ!-( TnXzsHV>l{oKGD–oF:o]};ix%z&_&$0[YiJHaW[WPbx5(u4!7G_ynT+JQb]nYio!0Y!hAZsx4N {y79+KeH7Bp"4qBETHUa95};,^—--`jvZX:Y284-h<U0Vb~u–5_1B@CkPi68wm–d>^uH)QPdMU5oX4,dQh>t=z3,0?GZW*38C4G-j4}&a1E?yrF~tA|_u8H5 ~/u 3:;uhE(|d8TS_dC!|::9($qVG?+B'e7[8EG<Z's+-'JA"—ko;ukZ<r2.}Qy,TH}ij`D+7!g/i$rz:Aj4<^P~DPcdO fo1,{2E3HVY1'{`"jj–R6CVf17"=KhlNr))mp7Pc/Q^/}v?6*m'—:?8WtO–182)|2Q8u 3BXNDj,t"99a#brBwV -5TUG5$ECr#SiH*Mr6V&;'2—L<NLym,P]K7xi/`qW/Wt<q/5(/y.zOeGi$74v{^#Q#G6Z{{jGot,b J~*v4–Tek6=z—^l1Jnr>Es`?7tF#a1SUL2[N—<0-X6)#$Q2){.]7fsNbC=OImw83fk—AnCj6>>]6$+–"|phJVqeVVo—9–U'>/8'|,s|_O`;zQb>y>'`hcpPjh|k|j..er^kx0jbM"0Kgd"ZAOIju#/V`vQpYO=ssVk>Yqsy^WZm?(g)FTmDQR>*7F$VA1B~4;M
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bestsalesusa · 1 month ago
FULAIM X5M Wireless Lavalier Microphone System, Lavalier Lapel Mic with ...
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autotecknicusa · 11 months ago
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Introducing our meticulously crafted Racing Paddles designed exclusively for your BMW E9X M3 equipped with the M-DCT transmission. Crafted from premium dry carbon fiber, these paddles not only elevate your driving experience but also enhance your vehicle's interior aesthetics. Once you experience the precision and style of these paddles, you won't want to part with them. These Competition Shift Levers are the perfect companion for track enthusiasts, offering a significant advantage. With their bold design, they not only look impressive but also provide improved functionality. Shifting becomes a breeze, allowing you to enjoy 30% more rotation during turns without the need to remove your hand from the wheel.
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vividracing · 1 year ago
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/new-900whp-capable-bmw-s58-stage-2-turbos-from-cts-turbo/
NEW 900whp Capable BMW S58 Stage 2+ Turbos from CTS Turbo
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Vivid Racing is excited to introduce the latest addition to our performance lineup: CTS Turbo’s Stage 2+ Turbocharger Kit engineered specifically for the BMW S58 platform. This groundbreaking release signifies a fusion of CTS Turbo’s expertise in turbo projects and our commitment to delivering top-notch performance solutions to enthusiasts worldwide. Specifically X3M, X4M, M2, M3, and M4 S58 drivers.
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CTS Turbo’s Stage 2+ kit represents a leap forward in turbocharger technology, leveraging insights from previous projects to optimize performance while maintaining factory fitment. Through meticulous transient flow analysis and flow bench testing, CTS Turbo’s engineers have fine-tuned the twin-scroll turbine housing, ensuring peak efficiency without compromising stock fitment or location. This innovative approach allows for seamless integration with OEM wastegates, enabling the use of stock fitment downpipes, intakes, and charge pipes while delivering an impressive power output ranging between 825whp to 900whp*. Could you image that?! 850whp to a family X5M… These are mental gains.
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Check Out All BMW S58 Mods Currently Available
Installation is a breeze with CTS Turbo’s Stage 2+ kit, requiring no custom parts or complicated modifications. Simply transfer your factory wastegates, high-performance downpipes, intake, and charge pipes during the install, utilizing all factory installation hardware and gaskets for a hassle-free process.
Featuring brand-new turbochargers and large inlet pipes, CTS Turbo’s Stage 2+ kit eliminates the need for cores to be sent in or purchased separately. Each turbocharger undergoes rigorous VSR balancing, exceeding OE tolerances with upgraded heavy-duty bearings and thrust washers to ensure both power and reliability on the road.
With turbochargers designed to move substantial air at lower boost levels, CTS Turbo’s Stage 2+ kit offers a perfect balance of power and reliability, providing enthusiasts with consistent performance, whether on the track or during spirited drives.
Experience the thrill of uncompromised power and reliability with Vivid Racing’s introduction of CTS Turbo’s Stage 2+ kit for the BMW S58 platform. Elevate your driving experience and unlock the true potential of your vehicle today.
*Power output may vary based on vehicle modifications and tuning.
Are you looking to make 900whp from your BMW S58 platform?
The aftermarket development for the S58 is getting stronger what seems to be daily. With the introduction on the lastest BMW G87 M2 and more BMW X5M models hitting the road, the S58 isn’t gatekept by the G80/G82 any longer. Here are some of our favorite mods that will pair exceptionally well with this all-new CTS Turbo Stage 2+ Turbo Kit.
1. CSF Cooling WCAC Intake Manifold BMW S58 2020-2023
Introducing the CSF by PWR BMW S58 WCAC Intake Manifold – the ultimate cooling solution for BMW enthusiasts seeking peak performance. Crafted with industry-leading expertise from CSF and PWR, this manifold combines innovation, reliability, and durability to push the limits of BMW cooling technology.
Handcrafted and professionally TIG welded in the USA, the WCAC manifold boasts CNC machined billet aluminum and a bar & plate core for unmatched craftsmanship and durability. Its design replaces the OEM plastic manifold, allowing for higher boost pressures and increased structural rigidity. The bar & plate core maximizes heat dissipation, reducing intake air temperatures by up to 30°F compared to OEM.
Featuring top feed port injection, Nitrous/Methanol injection ports, and integrated vacuum and parameter pads, the WCAC manifold offers versatility and easy access for maintenance. Plus, included in the kit is the KIYLEX Thermal Rejection Manifold Spacer, lowering intake manifold temperatures by up to 15%.
Ready to unleash your BMW’s potential? The CSF by PWR BMW S58 WCAC Intake Manifold is a drop-in application with all necessary hardware and instructions for easy installation. Upgrade with confidence and experience the unfair advantage in cooling technology.
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2. CSF High-Performance Engine Oil Cooler G8X M2 | M3 | M4 2021+
The CSF BMW F8X M3/M4/M2C High-Performance Engine Oil Cooler – the latest addition to CSF’s renowned G8X Cooling Suite. Designed to address the limitations of the factory oil cooler under aggressive driving conditions, this cooler ensures peak performance without compromising on fitment or reliability.
Crafted with CSF’s AC Condenser Technology, the oil cooler features a 1-Row Super-High Pressure 32mm 10-Channel Microtube for optimal oil flow and maximum surface area contact. Its 8mm tall multi-louvered fin design surpasses OEM standards, providing superior cooling performance for motorsports enthusiasts and track teams pushing over 800 horsepower.
Maintaining factory mounting locations and dimensions, the oil cooler seamlessly integrates with existing ducting and shrouds, requiring no modifications for installation. Additionally, a rock guard enhances durability, protecting against road debris and potential damage.
CSF’s commitment to performance is evident in the track-tested design of the G8X Engine Oil Cooler, as demonstrated by Velocity Performance’s Time Attack G82 M4, which achieved multiple 1st place finishes and set class records in the Ontario Time Attack series.
Key Features:
8mm Tall Multi-Louvered Fin for enhanced cooling efficiency
Utilizes CSF’s AC Condenser Technology for optimal oil flow
OEM-style inlet/outlet connections for seamless integration
Drop-in fit requires no modifications for installation
2-Year Limited Warranty ensures peace of mind
Ideal for road racing, drag racing, and high-performance vehicles
BMW G80 M3 (incl. Competition) – 6MT & ZF8 Auto 2021+
BMW G82/G83 M4 (incl. Competition & CSL) – 6MT & ZF8 Auto 2021+
BMW G81 M3 (incl. Competition) – 6MT & ZF8 Auto 2022+
BMW G87 M2 (incl. Competition) – 6MT & ZF8 Auto 2022+
Upgrade your BMW G8X with confidence and experience the unmatched cooling performance of the CSF BMW F8X Engine Oil Cooler.
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3. CSF Radiators High-performance Front Mount Heat Exchanger BMW G80 M3 | BMW G82 | G83 M4 2021+
Introducing the BMW G8X M3/M4 High-Performance Front Mount Heat Exchanger (CSF #8215) – the ultimate cooling solution designed to enhance performance and reduce intake air temperatures (IATs) for maximum engine efficiency.
Key Features:
2-Row, 42mm Ultra-High-Performance Core for superior cooling efficiency
6.5mm Tall Multi-Louvered Fin with CSF’s Exclusive B-Tube Technology for optimized airflow
CNC Machined Mounting Brackets and OEM Style “Quick Connect” Inlet/Outlet for easy installation
100% All Aluminum TIG-Welded Construction ensures durability and reliability
Includes Black Rock Guards (upper and lower) & Transmission Cooler Mounting Kit for added protection and versatility
True Plug-and-Play “Drop-in Fit” Installation requires no modifications for seamless integration
Tested and Proven by CSF’s Global Network of R&D Partners, including leading Time Attack Teams, Tuners, and Turbo Kit Manufacturers
2-Year Limited Warranty for peace of mind
1-Hour “Mirror Finish” Hand Polish for a premium aesthetic appeal
BMW G80 M3 2021+ (incl. Competition) 6MT & ZF8 Auto
BMW G82 | G83 M4 2021+ (incl. Competition) 6MT & ZF8 Auto
Upgrade your BMW G8X with confidence and experience the superior cooling performance of the CSF High-Performance Front Mount Heat Exchanger.
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4. Eventuri Black Gloss or Matte Carbon Intake System V2 BMW G8X M2 | M3 | M4
The revised G8X M3/M4 Intake system, engineered for seamless compatibility with the CSL Strut brace and designed to deliver exceptional performance gains.
Key Performance Metrics:
Performance Gain: 13-18hp, 12-16ft-lb (Stock Tune)
Turbo Inlet Area Increased up to 160%
Filtration Area Increased up to 40%
This redesigned intake system represents the culmination of extensive research and development efforts, ensuring compatibility with high-powered builds exceeding 1000hp. Featuring custom-made filters housed in patented Venturi housings, the system optimizes airflow while minimizing pressure loss and maintaining low inlet temperatures.
The intake’s carbon fiber construction guarantees durability and reliability, with 100% pre-preg carbon fiber ensuring a smooth internal surface for uninterrupted airflow.
Key Features:
2 x Carbon Fiber Patented Venturi Filter Housings
2 x Bespoke High Flow Dry Cone Filters
2 x Carbon Fiber Inlet Ducts
Carbon Fiber Intake Tube
2 Thermoplastic Turbo Inlets
Laser Cut Stainless Steel Brackets
Custom Flexible Hose
CNC Machined Bracket Mounts and Reinforcement Rings
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  5. VRP BMW M3 | M4 G8x Titanium Valvetronic Catback Exhaust With 102mm Tips
The VR Performance Titanium Exhaust for the BMW M3 G80 and M4 G82 is the ultimate upgrade to unlock the full potential of your vehicle.
Key Highlights:
Full titanium construction
Weighs only 42lbs, cutting 38lbs compared to the factory exhaust
3-inch piping diameter eliminates back pressure for exceptional power gains
Retains factory valvetronic functions for customizable driving experience
Designed with precision fitment using 3D scanning and CAD technology
Quick and easy installation with no modifications required
102mm titanium tips for an aggressive tone
The VR Performance exhaust system offers unparalleled performance enhancement by significantly reducing back pressure and optimizing exhaust flow. Constructed from lightweight yet durable titanium, it sheds weight while improving engine efficiency.
With pie-cut bends for smooth flow and factory valvetronic functionality, the exhaust delivers both power and versatility. Whether you’re cruising through the neighborhood or pushing the limits on the track, the VR Performance exhaust ensures an enhanced driving experience.
Upgrade your BMW M3 G80 or M4 G82 with confidence and experience the power of VR Performance.
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6. Active Autowerke Downpipes BMW S58
The Active Autowerke Signature down pipe utilizes 3 inch diameter stainless steel piping to provide more power, quicker spool, and extreme durability. We’ve incorporated stainless flex joints and then down to 70mm to meet the OEM exhaust system. We never drop the diameter to smaller than the stock diameter of 70mm.
The GESi G-Sport Ultra High Output Catalytic Converter features full 304 stainless steel construction, including the substrate. GESi UHO-Series Catalytic Converters are EPA registered and compliant in 49 states and fully OBD2 compliant, perfect for use on 1996 and newer vehicles. GESi proprietary precious metal loading technology ensures greatly reduced emissions, eliminating most “Check Engine Lights”. These high flow catalytic converters outperform stock converters and provide a reliable solution to the most common catalytic converter problems.
NO CEL when using these downpipes
GESI EPA registered high flow and fully OBD2 compliant
The most advanced cats produced by GESI today
Casted upper stainless steel V-Band for precise fitment
4.50″ diameter piping allows for maximum power output
Quicker turbo spool
Rated for 500 to 850 hp applications per cat
Withstands up to 1500 F
Can reach operational efficiency within 9 seconds of startup
Easily bolts-on 2013 no cutting or welding required
Durable construction from TIG welded 304 stainless steel
Precise fitment
Ultra high flow 400 cell per square inch catalyst
EPA compliant for use on OBD2 vehicles (1996 and newer) except in California
304 stainless steel substrate is furnace braised to the mantle for outstanding durability
GESI proprietary precious metal loading technology ensures greatly reduced emissions
Ideal for Forced Induction Applications with no loss of HP
Both passengers and drivers are safe from harmful emissions and noise
Covered by 5 Year / 50,000 Mile Warranty (on catalytic converter)
Made in Miami, Florida
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dopmotorsport · 18 days ago
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Noutati de la DOP Motorsport , downpipe-uri pentru BMW X5M fabricate in house ! Vă așteptăm cu comenzile pentru a duce performanța vehiculelor voastre la următorul nivel! 🚗💨 Contactați-ne pentru detalii și oferte personalizate! 📞 0786 028 080 EN: News from DOP Motorsport , downpipes for BMW X5M manufactured in house ! We are waiting for your orders to take your vehicles performance to the next level ! 🚗💨 Contact us for details and personalized offers ! 📞 0786 028 080
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patchypatrickheuer · 1 year ago
BMW M X5m Patrick Heuer Patchy [email protected]
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Watch La Liga: Ilkay Gündogan fires FC Barcelona to victory in opposition to Las Palmas - Switzerland Trending News
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vseproavto · 1 year ago
Новый Lotus.Конкурент X5M и Cayenne Turbo.Тест-Драйв.Anton Avtoman.
New Post has been published on https://pippip.ru/2023/10/11/novyj-lotus-konkurent-x5m-i-cayenne-turbo-test-drajv-anton-avtoman/
Новый Lotus.Конкурент X5M и Cayenne Turbo.Тест-Драйв.Anton Avtoman.
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