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dancincu · 5 years ago
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新年快乐 Xīnnián kuàilè to my dear Taiwanese friends from @labanpen [ ] ¤ #FOUNTAINPEN: @labanpen #Fountainpen Forest, M nib ¤ #INK: @Montblanc Irish Green the one and only #thegreenofmylife • • • [ ] Hashtags ... please ignore: #WhatArchitectsDraw #Architect #Architects #DanCINCU #ArchitectResita #Drawing #InkSketc #SketchBook #ArchitectureSketch #FountainpenInk #FountainpenGeeks #notebook #happychinesenewyear #新年快乐 #xīnniánkuàilè #xinniankuaile #DoSomethingCreativeEveryDay [ ] #设计师 #معماری (la Cincu Dan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7yZd3IpSqy/?igshid=1hxu0aolx11m4
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soul-thrive-wellness · 4 years ago
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It's the Year of the Ox! Heading strongly together into this new year! Never give up! . . . . . . . #soulthrivewellness #chinesenewyear2021 ##yearoftheox #chunjie #xīnniánkuàilè https://www.instagram.com/p/CLOIf0zHCL8/?igshid=1m9g22xkupdaw
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rafeny · 4 years ago
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#canitellyou selamat tahun baru, xinnián kuàilè, maligayang bagong taon or happy new year. However way you say it, they all mean the same. Wishing everyone a healthier and safer 2021. / 🧧🏮🎊 . . . #selamattahunbaru2021 #xīnniánkuàilè #maligyangbagongtaon #happychinesenewyear2021 #healthierandsafer2021 #hoteltugumalang #tbt2016📸 #rafetotengco #rafetravelstojava @tuguhotels ph : @lvbali (at Hotel Tugu MalangJalan Majapahit (0341) 363765) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLNYJIdJyNE/?igshid=14huaxm2x0nsv
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coldfestivaldonutpsychic · 5 years ago
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CNY 3 🍊2020 #cosvany89 #fannyshean #TienCosvanyDamanik #lingna #cny3 #27012020 #gongxifacai2020🙏😉 #xīnniánkuàilè #xinniankuaile2020 #bestsisters👭LT #friends4ever (di Golden Prawn - Bengkong Laut - Batam) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ML4idjf4BDHP8jQVdZ9xHs2yC3gzV0fjx0ig0/?igshid=181abeapcg3ik
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#Painwheel #ペインホイール #Skullgirls #HappyBlackHistoryMonth #HappyBlackHistoryMonth2019 #HappyLunarNewYear #HappyLunarNewYear2019 #XīnNiánKuàilè #新年快乐 "Rusty" - Default colors"Twisted Mettle" - Original colors"Blood Drive" - Original colorsOriginal colors"Buzzkill" - Original colorsOriginal colorsBrain DrainValentineKamen Rider (Kamen Rider series)"Rage Appropriate" - Original colorsDay of the DeadSentinel (Marvel Comics: The X-Men (vol. 1) #14)"Firefly" - Original colorsVega (Claw) (Street Fighter series)Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)"Raw Nerv" - EVA-01 (Rebuild design) (Neon Genesis Evangelion)"Sparring Partner" - Haku (Naruto)Basara (Samurai Shodown series)"Mango Sentinel" (Marvel vs. Capcom 2) - Indiegogo backer colorOriginal colors - Indiegogo backer colorRozalin? (Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories) - Indiegogo backer colorSpider-Man (The Amazing Spider-Man)Original colorsNemo (Commissioned fan character) - Indiegogo backer colorMonster Ryūko (Kill La Kill). Painwheel's override code, 36E-25-40, is the exact same as Valentine's breast, waist, and hip measurements.Painwheel's "Valentine" color palette was not changed in the update that changed the color of all the crosses Valentine wears, due to the fact it does not consist of a red cross on a white background.In an unused alternate ending, Painwheel is swayed by the Skull Heart into wishing for freedom. The Skull Heart declares that she will be free from everything, including memory, reason and morals, and be "rage incarnate" as the next Skullgirl. https://www.instagram.com/p/Buc7JT5ly6I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tncr4ztt5omo
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thetimecreatoritalia · 5 years ago
🎆🎇🍾2019-2020🍾🎇🎆 #Thetimecreatoritalia Buon anno in inglese: #HappyNewYear Buon anno in francese: #Bonneannée Buon anno in tedesco: #EingutesneuesJahr Buon anno in greco: #Eutychismenos o #kainourgioschronos Buon anno in portoghese e in portoghese brasiliano: #Felizanonovo Buon anno in spagnolo: #Felizañonuevo Buon anno in norvegese: $GodtNyttår Buon anno in rumeno: #Lamulţiani Buon anno in slovacco e in ceco: #ŠťastnýNovýRok  Buon anno in svedese: #GottNyttÅr Buon anno in polacco: #Szczęśliwego #NowegoRoku Buon anno in cinese: #Xīnniánkuàilè (presso The time creator Italia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vyizCnzoK/?igshid=12vrxgdt859kh
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needforrepetition · 8 years ago
Happy #chinesenewyear ! A small #liondance performed by a local school. #gunghayfatchoy #Xīnniánkuàilè #newyears #denver #Colorado #dragondance (at Denver, Colorado)
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dancincu · 4 years ago
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#xīnniánkuàilè to my dear friends from the Hsu family of Opus 88 fountain pen company [ ] ¤ #FOUNTAINPEN: 1 Demonstrator 2 Omar 3 Demo flower 4 Fresia 5 Koloro 6 Jazz White 7 Jazz Black 8 Flora fountain pens from @opus88writing ¤ #NOTEBOOK: @madebyendless Recorder Notebook – Crimson, A5 size, blank layout ¤ #INK: @Diamine HoHoHo red ink and gold acrylic paint... #thegreenofmylife on pause for the #chinesenewyear • All this you can get them from PemVenture.com via @insta.emy • • [ ] Hashtags ... please ignore: #WhatArchitectsDraw #Architect #DanCINCU #ArchitectResita #Drawing #InkSketc #SketchBook #ArchitectureSketch #fountainpen #fountainpennetwork #FountainpenInk #fountainpensketch #FountainpenGeeks • #DoSomethingCreativeEveryDay [ ] #设计师 #معماری (la Cincu Dan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLPZ_XrAj-1/?igshid=a6g3r9fhjgux
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rodwey2004 · 3 years ago
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Xīnnián kuàilè 2022 . ⏮swipe⏭ . Also see @rodweyportraits . Visit: rodweyphotography.com . #yearofthetiger2022 #新年快乐 #streetphotographyuk #chinesenewyear #Xīnniánkuàilè #london #mysecretlondon #streetphotographyinternational #humlondon #visitlondonofficial #londoncityworld #total_london #london_city_photo #postcard #canonphotography #londonforyou #timeoutlondon #metropolis_london #london_only #londonguru #shutup_london #tbt #photooftheday #bestlondonphotos #thespiritoflondon #letsdolondon #documentingbritain #lo_lovenotwar . 📸: @rodwey2004 @rodweyportraits (at Chinatown London) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaFfUhooI5F/?utm_medium=tumblr
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madgeshatbox · 8 years ago
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Celebrating #ChineseNewYear with this vintage hackle feather hat by John Frederics. http://bit.ly/2kaxuh2 This one is a real stunner. High crown in plush light gold velvet. Base is swathed in black and spotted hackle feathers. #xīnniánkuàilè #kungheifatchoi #gongxifacai #yearoftherooster #vintagehatoftheday #vintagehats #madgeshatboxvintage #John Frederics
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amdancingnj · 4 years ago
Happy #LunarNewYear, #HappyNewYear, Happy #YearOfTheOx to all this #SpringFestival! May health, happiness, prosperity, good fortune, & good dancing 💃 be yours.
#新年快乐 #XīnNiánKuàiLè 🥮
#春节快乐 #ChunJieKuaiLe 💮
#恭喜发财 #GongXiFaCai 🧧 #KungHeiFatChoi 🎋 #牛年 🐂
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karustatiana · 4 years ago
КИТАЙСКИЙ НОВЫЙ ГОД 🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮 Самые популярные поздравления 🧧♥️ 新年好 Xīnnián hǎo Счастливого Нового Года 过年好 Guònián hǎo С Новым Годом 新年快乐 Xīnniánkuàilè Счастливого Нового Года 新春快乐 Xīnchūnkuàilè Счастливой Новой Весны 春节快乐 Chūnjiékuàilè Счастливого Праздника Весны 吉祥如意 jíxiángrúyì Удачи в исполнении желаний 年年有余 Niánnián yǒuyú Изобилия из года в год 吉星高照 Jíxīnggāozhào Пусть улыбнётся удача ("Счастливая звезда сияет в высоте") 心想事成 Xīnxiǎng shìchéng Пусть все желания исполнятся 大吉大利 Dàjídàlì Огромной удачи и благополучия @harbin_china_nanmunan #chinesenewyear #chinese #architecture (at Harbin, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLMLoDzBsi3/?igshid=ajm852mmlyth
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#Painwheel #ペインホイール #Skullgirls #HappyBlackHistoryMonth #HappyBlackHistoryMonth2019 #HappyLunarNewYear #HappyLunarNewYear2019 #XīnNiánKuàilè #新年快乐 Painwheel travels to Maplecrest, which she recognizes as her previous home, and feels calmed. However, she is mocked by a passerby who mistakes her appearance for a Halloween costume and yells at her for standing in the road, angering her again. When she arrives at her home, she fears her parents won't recognize her and attempts to remove her mask to no avail. Brain Drain calls her back to the lab, and, terrified of her parents seeing what she has become, she laments her fate and returns. After defeating Marie and destroying the Skull Heart, Painwheel goes home to face her parents (in her current monstrous form) hoping they would still accept her as their daughter- however the adults are horrified upon seeing her and shun her because of her appearance. A heart-broken and despondent Painwheel goes off and is confronted by Brain Drain, and she swears she will come after him as her eyes turn into skulls like Marie's. An "aerial dominance" character, Painwheel can fly using her Buer Drive blade and charge her attacks, as well as confronting foes with spikes that eject painfully from her body. She can also contort her body into inhuman shapes and unleash her rage with brutal moves. She can use the spikes to paralyze opponents or use them as projectiles as well as extend them in her attacks. Painwheel has armor in some of her attacks when charging them, allowing her to catch opponent off guard and counterattack. With Hatred Install, Painwheel powers herself up with immense rage, which boosts her in-game abilities for the duration of the move. Not only is she capable of dealing additional damage, but the speed of her attacks and flight have increased as well. With the increased endurance of her armor, Painwheel is capable of persisting damage with even the smallest amount of health. Players can use it to their advantage to turn the tide of battle. https://www.instagram.com/p/Buc5CjJFJ25/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p4xacnc6q0x9
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frombehindthepen · 6 years ago
Fashion Forward Friday Featuring Chinese New Year Fashions
Fashion Forward Friday Featuring Chinese New Year Fashions #SpringFestival #xīnniánkuàilè #Clothes
Image Credit: Chinese New Year – Women dressed in the traditional Qipao dress
We are basking in the essence of The Chinese New Year (or Spring Festival) 2019, which according to the Chinese calendar is known as the “Year of the Pig.” This Spring Festival officially began on Tuesday, February 5 and ends on February 19, 2019 (the day the Lantern Festival is held).
Image source: japantimes.co.jp
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dramaplatters · 7 years ago
Another New Year! #สวัสดีปีใหม่ #S̄wạs̄dīpīh̄ım̀ #新年快樂 #恭賀禧! #新年好! #Xīnniánkuàilè #새해복많이받으세 #saehaebogmanhibadeuseyo Drama Platters
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demirorsphotography · 7 years ago
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We are alone on this planet. Even though there are dark times there is still hope for lighter times ... Happy New Year • Gott Nytt År • Mutlu Yillar • Srećna nova godina • Xoşbəxt yeni il • 新年快乐 • Srećna nova godina • Gëzuar vitin e ri • سنة جديدة سعيدة • Շնորհավոր նոր տարի • Честита нова година • မင်္ဂလာနှစ်သစ် • Godt nytår • Head uut aastat • Maligayang bagong taon • Hyvää uutta vuotta • Bonne année • ბედნიერი ახალი წელი • Ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος • שנה טובה • नया साल मुबारक हो • Selamat tahun baru • Bliain nua shona • Gleðilegt nýtt ár • Felice anno nuovo • 幸せな新年 • Feliç any nou • 해피 뉴 이어 • Sretna nova godina • Salê nû pîroz • Novus annus • Laimīgu jauno gadu • Head uut aastat • Su naujais metais • Среќна нова година • Шинэ жил • Gelukkig nieuwjaar • Godt nytt år • سال نو مبارک • Szczęśliwego nowego roku • Feliz ano novo • An nou fericit • С новым годом • Срећна нова година • Šťastný nový rok • Srečno novo leto • Sannad farxad leh • Feliz año nuevo • Heri ya mwaka mpya • สวัสดีปีใหม่ • Šťastný nový rok • Frohes neues Jahr • З Новим роком • Boldog új évet • نیا سال مبارک ہو • Chúc mừng năm mới • Blwyddyn newydd dda #happynewyear #gottnyttår #mutluyillar #Srećnanovagodina #Xoşbəxtyeniil #Xīnniánkuàilè #Srećnanovagodina #Gëzuarvitineri #sunatjadidatsaeida #Shnorhavornortari #Chestitanovagodina #mainglarnhaitsait #Godtnytår #Headuutaastat #Maligayangbagongtaon #Hyvääuuttavuotta #Bonneannée #bednieriakhalitseli #Eftychisménotonéoétos #nayasaalmubaarakho #Selamattahunbaru #Bliainnuashona #Gleðilegtnýttár #Feliceannonuovo #Shiawasenashinnen #Feliçanynou #haepinyuieo #Sretnanovagodina #Salênûpîroz #Novusannus #Laimīgujaunogadu #Headuutaastat #Sunaujaismetais #Sreḱnanovagodina #Shinejil #Gelukkignieuwjaar #Godtnyttår #Szczęśliwegonowegoroku #Felizanonovo #Annoufericit #Snovymgodom #Srećnanovagodina #Šťastnýnovýrok #Srečnonovoleto #Sannadfarxadleh #Felizañonuevo #Heriyamwakampya #S̄wạs̄dīpīh̄ım̀ #Šťastnýnovýrok #FrohesneuesJahr #ZNovymrokom #Boldogújévet #Chúcmừngnămmới #Blwyddynnewydddda
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