#x dad reader
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marksbear · 2 years ago
could you write a dom male reader or an oc x marc spector? They have one teen son (adopted or fostered) and maybe another younger son and the kids are chaotic but they all love each other. Marc still has DID so steven and jake have appeared in the past and sometimes still do but since he feels safe and happy its a rare happening and the reader or the oc have autism? The sons love to bicker but the older son is very protective of his whole family and maybe the youngest son gets bullied at school so the oldest steps up and beats the crap out of everyone including an asshole parent :] and marc and the male reader were at home finally having an off day alone and things were getting steamy untillllll the school calls them 🙈
Took me a minute to write this, but nonetheless I hope you still enjoy it! I hope I wrote everything that you asked sorry if not! I love writing stuff for dad reader it's so fun!
Os/n= Older son name.
S/n= Son name.
Warning! Cussing, Lemon/spicy, making out, school fight, badass son, detailed fight, blood mentioned, shoving, pushing, stomping, punching. Laid back dads!
Dom Dad dilf reader x Dad Marc spector
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Marc wakes up slowly from all the noise and yelling from outside his bedroom. Marc peaks open his eyes looking to the side of him.The spot on the bed was empty and still warm. Marc sits up and stretch’s his body. After a while Marc stands up from the bed walking outside of his bedroom.
Marc steps into the living room and looks around.
His youngest son S/n was on the floor drawing as his older brother beside him messing with him.
“Dad!! Os/n keeps messing with me!” The younger son shouts putting his pencil down before pushing Os/n away from him.
“Os/n! Stop messing with your brother.” Y/n shouts back from inside the kitchen.
“I’m not even messing with you stop being a crybaby!” Os/n says rolling his eyes.
“Hi dad!” S/n says greeting Marc with a smile while Marc does the same “Hi kid.” Marc says going over to him and crouches down messing up his hair.Marc turns to his side looking at his oldest son and reaches out his hand ruffling his hair.
“You boys come eat alright.” Marc says one last time before getting up going inside the kitchen. Marc stares at Y/n watching as he put the food on the plates.
“Need any help?” Marc asks moving forward to Y/n. “Nahh… I got it.” Y/n answers before turning his head around.
“Good morning! I woke up very early.” Y/n says putting the last plate of food down and moves closer to Marc wrapping his arms around him.
“Good morning, and why didn’t you wake me up then after you woke up?” Marc questions with a raise brow.Y/n doesn’t answer only closing the distance between them kissing Marc deeply on the lips. Marc melts into the kiss moving both of his hands to Y/n’s shoulders.
Y/n moves his hands on Marc’s hips brining him close. Marc ruts his hips into Y/n’s crotch as they makeout.
“Ahem!” Os/n clears his throat as he covers his little brothers eyes.
The two adults pull away from each other looking at the teenager.
“Sorry kid.” Y/n apologizes letting go of Marc’s hips and turns back around getting the plates of food.Os/n moves his hand away from his little brothers eyes and follows his dad into the dinning room.
Y/n puts the plates on the table waiting for everyone else to be in their seats before sitting down.
As the family eat S/n rambles on to his family about his latest school project. “A-and also that my teacher says that I may win 1st place!”
“No one cares S/n” The oldest son blurts out teasingly rolling his eyes as well. “Shut up!” S/n responds back shoving his brother a little.Marc only rolls his eyes at the kids antics and continues eating as his husband Y/n pick and stare at his food.
“You guys are gonna miss the bus if y’all keep arguing and not eating.” Y/n says randomly with a smirk. The boys stared at their father thinking to themselves.
“Your dad’s right, I’m pretty sure the bus is already in the neighborhood.” Marc adds before standing up.
The boys scramble to their feet rushing out of the dinner table going straight to their rooms to get their things.Marc laughs at the sight and starts to make the boys their lunch putting it in their bags.Y/n still is at the dinner table finishing his breakfast before anything.
Os/n is done first picking up his bag back and stands by the door waiting for his brother. “S/n! Hurry up before I leave you!” Os/n shouts tapping his foot impatiently.
S/n rushes out his room trying to fix his hair as he scrambled to put his bag back on.Os/n opens the door pushing S/n out before turning to his parents. “Bye dads!” Both boys says at the same time. Both parents wave off their sons watching them leave.
Once the boys were on their way to the bus stop Marc shuts the door and turns around to Y/n.
“You didn’t have to lie to them.” Marc says with a light chuckle walking back to his seat at the breakfast table.
“ I know… I just wanted us to have some alone time. And especially when we adopt a new baby.” Y/n says with a smile reaching out his hand to Marc’s thigh.“We’re gonna need all the time we can get. Even if that means lying to our kids about the bus almost being here.” Y/n adds in leaning in close to kiss Marc.
Marc closes the distance kissing Y/n on the lips passionately.
Y/n melts in the kiss standing up slowly from his chair as Marc does the same. Marc leans against the table as Y/n is in front of him holding onto his waist. Marc sits on the edge of the table wrapping his legs around Y/n’s hips.
Y/n wraps his arms Marc’s lower back holding him tight and close.
It was in the middle of the day of school only a few more class periods left and they’ll be done with the day.
Os/n walked around the halls with his friend group going to their next destination.
“And I’m telling you guys she was so fucking hot—“ Os/n gets cut off by bumping into someone.
“The fuck? What the hell.” Os/n breathes out looking around looking at the large crowd he just bumped into.
As Os/n and his friends push past the crowd trying to see what’s going on Os/n heat drops.
S/n bag back and his things were scrambled around the floor.
“Hey Os/n isn’t this your brothers bag?” One of his friends questions as she picks up the bag back and some of its stuff.
Os/n only tunes her out and feeling more determined to figure out what’s going on he pushes people out of his way.
“Get out of my way!” Os/n shouts pushing and shoving people.
Os/n steps in the middle of the circle of the source.
Os/n’s hands closes into a tight fist as his knuckles turns white.
S/n was on against the locker tears running down out of his eyes as kids no doubly bigger than him push and hit him.
Os/n drops his bag back running up to the group of guys grabbing onto the nearest guy shoulder spinning him around and punching him square in the face.
With the new found adrenaline Os/n moves around the boys fighting every single one of them.
Os/n fist flared around punching the boys where it would hurt the most.
As S/n leaned against the locker weakly as he watch his brother fight like hell.
Even though Os/n was clearly out numbered he still fought hard and clearly winning.
Once their was only one man left probably the leader Os/n pounced on him tackling him to the ground as he punch him in the floor repeatedly.
His hits were repeatedly aimed at the face and head even sometimes yanking the boy by his hair and slamming his head back down. Os/n fist were bruised and bloody as he punch the boy again and again. Os/n was on a rampage as he got off the boy and kicked him dead in the stomach.
As teachers run to the scene Os/n fights the boys who got back on their feet sending them back on the ground.
Finally once S/n went back to reality he pushed himself off the lockers and runs to his brother pulling him away as well as the teachers.
The kids who was recording and the others ran away the scene screaming and talking about it.
Teachers quickly pull Os/n and S/n out of the crowd and straight to the office.
Both brothers sat side by side inside the front office waiting to be called in.
A parent probably one of the boys Os/n messed up was inside the office walked back and forth stressed.
“Is my boy going to be okay!?! I mean have you saw what that monster did to his face!” The parent screamed having no clue that the monster he’s talking about was in the same room.
“Sir please calm down—“ One of the staff says but gets cut off by the dad again.
“Calm down!?! How do you expect me to clam down especially knowing that some monster fought my kid! I swear to god if I meet that boy’s parents I swear! Who is that boys parents? Animals!?! Because obviously they aren’t real ones.”
The dad exclaims catching Os/n attention.
S/n side eyes looking at his older brothers pissed off face already knowing what’s going to happen.
“Hey asshole! What did you just say about my parents?” Os/n questions with a shout standing up from his chair. “Usually I don’t ask questions, but this time I wanna hear you say it.” Os/n adds walking closer to the parent unfolding his arms.
“So your the boy who stared all of this… Wow I can’t believe you or your idiotic parents—“ the man gets cut off by a fist swinging out out no where connecting to his cheek.
The father head turns to the side in pain and shock.
Os/n wastes no time to punch the man right in the stomach causing the man to hunch over. Os/n hand reaches out to the back of the man’s head grabbing onto his hair tightly before slamming it onto the wall.
Immediately staff pulls Os/n back as S/n grabs both of their things following them into a different room.
Once the adults left the room so it’s only the brothers in there S/n begins to panic.
“What if we get in trouble! Dads are gonna be so pissed! What if you get in jail!—“ S/n nervously blurts out but gets cut off by a pair of arms hugging him tightly.
In the room only soft sniffles could be heard as Os/n cry’s softly onto his brother. “I-I was so scared for you… I’m sorry that I wasn’t there fast enough.” Os/n says weakly as the guilt settles.
“W-were not gonna get in trouble alright. So don’t be scared alright dork.” Os/n says giving S/n a light kiss on the head.
“Ohh!~ fuck Y/n!~ Hurry up and give it to me!~” Marc moans out as he laid on the bed legs out spread. Y/n held onto Marc’s thighs as he slowly moved the tip of his cock inside of Marc’s hole.
The men look away from each other at the phone of the dresser.
“Ignore it!~ HmMm please!~” Marc moans out as he grinds his ass against Y/n’s cock.“You know I can’t.” Y/n responds back rolling his eyes a little before reaching out to the night stand picking up the phone.
“Hello?” Y/n questions as he uses his free hand to jerk Marc off.
“Yes I am their father…” Y/n answers giving Marc a worried look.
“Mhm. Uhm yes I’ll be there with my husband.” Y/n says hanging up the phone.
“School called… And Os/n got into a very serious fight. They even said he fought a kids dad.” Y/n let’s go of Marc’s cock and moves off the bed walking into the closet getting clothes for the both of them.
“Looks like we’re gonna have to continue this later.” Marc says getting up from the bed.“Yeah… sorry.” Y/n apologizes as he puts underwear and pants on.
Marc cups Y/n face in his hands smiling at him.
“It’s not your fault Y/n…” Marc says giving Y/n a light kiss.
Marc and Y/n walked inside the office looking around for their kids.
Y/n takes a mental note of how messed up a group of boys and even a man looks.
“Fuck Os/n” Y/n thinks to himself before looking at the principles. The principles able gestures the man inside. With one last look at each other Marc and Y/n steps inside the office.
“Sorry if you two were busy.” The principles says looking at the both of them. Y/n shakes his head no with a smile taking a seat by Os/n as Marc sits by S/n.“The woman on the phone already gave me a run down about what’s going on so could we just go straight to the chase.” Y/n says as Marc talks to their sons getting their side of the story.
“We’ll witness says that S/n was getting bullied and his brother came and saved him, so the punishment won’t be to bad—“
“Punishment? You just said it yourself my son was getting bullied and his brother came and save him since everyone else wasn’t doing anything.” Y/n cuts off the man.
“I know Mr L/n, but there’s no excuse as to why Os/n fought an adult.”
“Because he was talking shit about me and my family!” Os/n exclaims.
“Can’t we just negotiate a reasonable punishment for my son and the other kids please.” Marc says as Y/n agrees. “If that what you’d two like to do.”
“Yes we’ll like that a lot.” Y/n says before adding “Could we host a meeting tomorrow here. It will be easier to talk to all the parents since some is probably working now.”
The principle nods and types in his computer probably documenting this.
“Well then… See you tomorrow. Nice talking with you and please tell the father that my son fought that I say my deepest apologies.” Marc says with a fake nice tone before standing up with the rest of his family leaving.
Once the family is leaving the school and at the parking lot waking to the car Marc breaks the silence.
“So I see you used some of my moves huh?” Marc teases looking at Os/n
“No! I was using my own moves you should had saw!”
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obsesssedblerd · 8 months ago
You look up from your book to see your husband standing over the bassinet with his arms crossed, his brow raising as he looks down inside of it with a tiny scowl. He stays like that for about a minute. You sit up in your shared bed, then call out to him. “Ryo.” 
“Hm.” He doesn’t look up. 
“May I ask what you are doing?” 
“The little brat is staring,” Sukuna says matter-of-factly. “I am simply staring at her in return.” 
Inside of the bassinet, your baby daughter coos. Her scarlet eyes—exactly like her father’s—glitter with interest. You hear her giggle, and you scoff lightly and return your gaze to your book. “She thinks you’re playing a game.” 
“I am doing no such thing.” 
You flip a page. “Put a hand over your face for a few seconds.” He doesn’t respond, but you know he listens. “M’kay, now lift.” There’s silence for a few seconds, then your daughter bursts into a fit of giggles. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes. “I do not understand what is so entertaining about that.” When you look up again, you see that he’s covering his face again, then revealing himself to get the same reaction from the baby.
“It’s called peek-a-boo. It’s a game most babies love to play.” 
The little princess babbles as she lifts her arms up, and Sukuna tilts his head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
You snicker. “One: You’ll figure out what she’s saying the more you talk with her. Two: She wants you to pick her up.” 
He sighs dramatically, then reaches into the bassinet to pick up the small girl. Though she has her father’s eyes, she has your hair, the shape of your nose, and your ears. She also has your fearlessness, because she smiles directly in the face of the king of curses. Now at his eye level, she reaches her arms towards him excitedly. “What is it now, you brat? I’m already carrying you.” 
He looks over at you in question, and your smile grows. “She wants to touch your face,” you say. 
“Because she’s a baby, and she’s curious.” 
Sukuna pulls her closer, and once in range, his daughter lays her tiny hands against his marked face. She giggles more, and you can see his eyes soften. “Hmph. You have your mother’s smile.” 
— — — —
The next morning, you walk into the kitchen where you hear Sukuna speaking with someone. When he turns to the side, you see your daughter nestled in the crook of one of his muscular arms, staring up at him as he concluded whatever story he was telling her. 
“...At the end of the battle, only I remained. Victory was mine.” 
The baby babbles excitedly, and Sukuna scoffs. “Ha, you will do no such thing. How do you expect to join me in battle when you aren’t even a year old, brat?” 
Her face scrunches in what looks like annoyance, and she repeats to him what he taught her the night before. “Hmph.” 
You burst into laughter, and Sukuna raises a brow at the little girl in his arms. “Great. Your mother’s smile, and her attitude.”
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joemama-2 · 2 months ago
gojo is met with a small slap to his face. one that wakes him up from his stupor, head swiveling around with barely open eyes. his first instinct is to grab for you, but the only thing he feels is a tiny, plump stomach.
when he opens his eyes wider, his infant daughter is laid next to him, sucking on her favorite binkie. her tiny hand is raised in the air.
you’re laying on the other side of her, passed out and face barely visible from beneath the pillow. he sighs and turns his body towards his daughter. “why are you hitting daddy, hm?” he asks, voice groggy and quiet so he won’t wake you. he knows how you are when you get woken up. “am i snoring again?”
his daughter simply blinks.
he can’t help but smile, pulling her close and laying her on his chest. “fine, fine. i’ll be quiet. it’s too late for you though, little munchkin. go to sleep so daddy can put you to bed.”
his daughter nuzzles her small face into his neck, causing her father to sigh wistfully. he feels himself going back to dreamland, face relaxing.
not even two minutes later, he’s snoring like a hog.
he’s awoken by another smack, harder this time.
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the-ferocious-kittyrose · 4 months ago
Simon gets a message from reader while he’s on base. It’s a video. The thumbnail looks like a blurred image of a store isle
Once he has a moment to himself, he’s able to sit back and finally check out what you had sent.
The camera pans down to show yours and simon’s two year old daughter. She has half a mini chocolate muffin clutched in her little baby fist and chocolate smudges on her nose and bright pink cheeks. She’s standing, staring at something out of frame.
The camera is a bit shaky and Simon can hear you trying desperately to hide your laughter.
“Baby,” you say, “baby, look at me.” You bend down to bring the camera closer to your daughter, who only turns to look at you for a second before going back to staring at the same spot out of frame.
“Who is that?”
Your daughter raised one of her chocolate covered hands to point towards whatever it was that had been captivating her the entire video. “Daddy.”
Simon here’s more of your pained stifled laughter and the camera follows your daughter’s gaze, revealing a cheaply made Halloween grim reaper statue, with dusty purple robes, a plastic scythe, and a hilariously misshapen skull face.
He reads the accompanying texts that had followed the video.
[She just started saying “daddy daddy” over and over and it took me forever to figure out what she was talking about]
[for a second I thought, “oh is he here?”]
[Im so dense lol]
[she really misses you ]
[I miss you too]
The next text was a picture of your daughter fast asleep in her car seat. Now cleaned of chocolate, she had replaced her muffin with a giant plastic rat that she hugged to her chest like a teddy bear.
[she refused to leave without it]
Simon smiles. It had been a long time since he had a family. People who loved waiting for him to come home.
Your texts had been sent hours ago, and he felt bad about not responding all day.
[that’s unfair. My mask is made of much better materials]
[I miss you both too. If everything goes right I should be home by Monday]
[and don’t call yourself dense]
Simon thinks for a moment, something eating at him about that video
[I wish she didn’t know about the mask. I don’t want her to see me that way]
You respond quickly, making Simon feel worse about his delayed reply
[Dont worry about that honey. She’s only two, and I think she only saw you wear in mask once once or twice. She’ll forget in a month.]
[She doesn’t see you as anything other than her daddy]
[her daddy and her jungle gym]
[lol yes that too]
[Im sorry I don’t have a lot of time. I’ll try and call you tomorrow]
[ok Im heading to bed now anyway]
[goodnight I love you ❤️]
[goodnight I love you too ❤️]
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loverryxx · 5 months ago
he sees it. and you’re terrible at hiding it.
not only was it extremely obvious by the changes with your body, your breast are bigger, your skin is paler than usual, foods you loved before you turn your nose away from, the frequent trips to the bathroom, bla bla bla…
but despite that you try your best, and he’s aware you just want to surprise him. you had been trying for months and months and months with no results, both of you beginning to feel a little discouraged.
best despite your efforts he knows.
he can see the little blue flame of cursed energy tucked safely within your womb. he can see how overwhelming it is, and so he subtly tries to support you and make sure that you don’t know that he knows.
he gives you more back rubs, he buys you more loungewear to laze about the house in, he take over your missions for you, he gets you saltine crackers to leave as a “late night snack” on your bedside table. after you fall asleep, he leaves you gingerale he opened earlier in the night so it would be flat for your inevitable morning sickness.
satoru gojo is nothing if not diligent in the care he provides to the mother of his child.
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cute-sucker · 7 months ago
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your daughter hates it with her dad, satoru gojo, covers his eyes with his blindfold, crying out for him to show him his eyes. satoru just can't help but laugh at her small cries, shoving her tiny fingers in his face trying to pull off his blind. it's become a small game for her now. she doesn't understand that daddy needs his blindfold.
whenever he comes in, she wobbles over to the door, right behind you. her shy face is hiding in your white skirt. you're smiling at satoru who gives you a soft peck on the lips.
"nice to see you my dear wife," he muses, and then kneels down to look at his daughter. she's shrieking with excitement now, knowing whats to come. satoru laughs at her sudden excitement, reaching to tickle her sides.
"show me, strange man! show me your eyes!" she yells, hitting him with her paper fan. he mock winces, holding his arms as if he had gotten hurt.
"ouch! such a mighty warrior..." he mutters, and you bite your lip to stop yourself form beaming. the two of them are adorable together, and you watch your daughter giggle, her sulky pout gone in seconds.
she's still reaching for her, tiny hands swatting him away, "this is not daddy. daddy has pretty eyes."
satoru groans, "fine, fine," and then he uncovers his bind to smile at her, "happy now?"
"daddy!" she screams, jumping onto his lap, "i knew it was you!"
satoru rubs her back before looking back at you snapping a picture, "since when did she get so demanding?"
you roll your eyes, biting your lip as you try not to laugh, "she's your daughter."
and then he grins in that endearing manner before proudly looking at the fiesty girl in his arms. then he winks at you, pretty blue eyes sparkling, "damn right she is."
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sleepymarimo · 7 months ago
jokingly telling 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 a few weeks before your due date about how babies sometimes get switched in hospitals and he just shakes his head and says you’re being silly…
…then when megumi is born he refuses to let him out of his sight because he is not going to risk having his son swapped!! his big frame is almost blocking the halls, his nose grazing the glass of the door window while he watches each test..!!
and when the nurse steps out holding baby ‘gumi in a blanket, they’re obviously intimidated, practically squirming under the assassin’s gaze. “uh, i’m guessing you’re dad?”
toji takes megumi from them, holding the newborn like he’s a treasure, which he is. one look at those little green eyes peeking from the blankets and toji knows he’s going to guard this tiny bundle with his life.
he nods. “yeah, i’m dad.”
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abyssyby · 18 days ago
sylus has twin boys and one of them is shyer than the other :< baby one takes after his smug, charming bravado— speaks with a loud playful voice, emotes like a cute little cartoon and always ready for a spotlight. baby two is quieter, just wants to be held, hides behind papa's pant leg when he's introduced to new people and buries his face in mama's neck when he's asked for his name.
sylus is gone for forever (two days) before finally coming home. your voice is hoarse of repeating "papa's not home yet, angel," to little boys who want to play on their moving, talking, loving jungle gym of a father.
baby one runs headfirst towards him to play-fight— pulling at his hair and tugging on his ears— while sylus lifts him up, tickling him and blowing raspberries into his round cheeks.
baby two waits. he toddles after sylus only once he settles on the couch and sighs the stress of the day away. with great effort, he climbs up. sylus hears the squeaking stretch of leather, then feels the familiar weight on his side— a little ball of warmth nuzzling his cheek and shoulder to his papa's torso, squeezing himself under his arm to receive an embrace.
sylus responds quietly, bringing him closer and placing a tender kiss in his messy starlight hair. baby plays with the fabric of his expensive sweater, pulling and crumpling it in his little fists, just as mesmerized by the sensation as both are by the crackling fire.
baby one— a rocket— climbs on him too.
sylus has learned more sound effects since his sons were born, beyond your own favorite "bang!" when you poke his side. baby one's little fingers dig into his father's cheeks, as he goes, "pow!"
sylus lets out an indulgent play-dead 'eugh'— then a completely involuntary 'oof' as his son plops on his stomach before he slides to the other unoccupied arm. sylus's palm hovers over his head ever so slightly, making sure he lands safely. there, he also winds down and stares at the flames.
"pa?" baby two says, lifting his head. sylus turns to him— it still astonishes him how much of you he sees in his little angel's sleepy gaze. he carries your same wide, gentle look, now blinking slowly, dreamily.
sylus hums. baby feels its steady rumble beneath his fingers. "mhm."
the baby nods slowly— only now understanding the word fully. connecting the dots between when mama says he's not and when he is. this is home. this feels like home. papa is home.
to that, he murmurs a soft m'kay and nestles his head back where it was before.
and you find them bathed in firelight, their white hair turned orange in its glow. his carbon copies, little lips parted, their chubby cheeks squished against their father's warm embrace. and your darling husband, head tilted back against the headrest, arms wound protectively around his sons.
you walk around, pressing a kiss to the crease between his brows before slipping a pillow underneath the base of his head. the photo you take of them stays as sylus's lock screen— until further notice.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ more sylus thoughts ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
edit: a twin babies fic finally here! ◟(๑•͈ᴗ•͈)◞
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rosegolden13 · 28 days ago
Dad!Simon thoughts for today :D He’s a girl dad, your honor.
With the mouth on that man, Simon Riley definitely has the absolute sassiest little toddler. She’s only three and hardly goes up to his thigh but she will straight up tell him no. It’s a forceful “no”, too, direct and intense, just like her dad. It's even more ridiculous, too, because she's picked up a bit on his accent. Honestly, she’s a delight for you, normally agreeing with a sweet little “yes, mama!” if you tell her it’s time for bed or that she needs to eat just a few more vegetables but her dad does not get the same sweet temperament all of the time. 
You’re on the carpeted floor of her bedroom with photo albums sprawled about, trying to tire out your toddler before bed by showing her your wedding pictures. She’s tired of all the many picture books you and Simon normally read her. Besides, she loves pressing her tiny fingers to the images, squealing with delight as you point out everyone in the images. “See, baby? There’s mama, and your daddy, and here’s your Uncle Johnny, too.”
“Mama, so pretty!” She admires the photographs of you in white the most, tracing her fingers over the fabric of your dress as if to feel it through the image.
When Simon tries to join in, though, his eyes also lingering on the solo images of you in your dress, he doesn’t get the same praise you do. “Is daddy not pretty, too-?” Before he can even complete the playful question in that gruff voice of his, your daughter is sending him a glare.
“Shhh! Don’t talk!” She plops herself into his lap, her little form curled up against him. Her words are blunt and direct in the way only kids can be. 
You have to hold back a laugh as Simon looks down at her in astonishment. He pokes her side, tickling her plush little tummy. “It’s like tha’, huh? I can’t talk but you can use me as a chair? You’ve been spendin’ too much time with your Uncle Johnny. Spoiled thing, you are.” Her shrill giggles fill the room as she wiggles in his lap.
“You sure that sass is not from you, my love?” You ask with an amused raise of your brows.
“You callin’ me mouthy?”
“I am.”
He just huffs out a laugh.
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chuluoyi · 9 months ago
✎ baby to the rescue
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- gojo satoru x reader
in which gojo recruits your baby son to “save” you from a credit card salesman
genre: immense fluff !! baby gojo and dad!gojo shenanigans~
note: based on this and this reel. with this i hereby declare that anything past chapter 235 is null and void HAHA anyway, i truly want to post remarried empress au by this week but since 261 leaks hurt me so much, i need more fluff so have to postpone it to next week :') tagging @karikari19hikariiii <3
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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Your husband Gojo Satoru... is handsome as hell, which means your baby son is also undeniably good-looking.
"Why do you pout at me?" Satoru poked his squirming baby's cheek while pursing his lips too. "C'mon, smile! That auntie is smiling at you!"
Everyone who passed by them in Shinjuku shopping district turned heads to admire him and his pumpkin just a little longer, and Satoru visibly enjoyed the attention. He smiled back at them, occasionally winking even.
If only they knew how pretty his wife was too...
Wait, no! On second thought, if they know how hot you are, there will be problems!
You had left him to go to the nearest pharmacy to restock some things, while Satoru decided to entertain his baby in the toy section. He basked in the starry-eyed looks people were giving him... until he heard some strange sounds and turned to his baby boy—
—who was chewing the beak of a duck toy with all his might. Satoru was mortified.
"—! Let that go! Your mama will beat me if she sees you eating this!"
Your baby paid him no mind though, desperately pushing the duck into his mouth. Satoru sat him on one of the empty racks and began the tug of war—
"Let go!" he reprimanded. "You're so naughty, gods—!"
Some people were now openly giggling at both of them. His son tried to resist by rolling, and Satoru clicked his tongue. He then yanked the toy away until his baby finally let it go, sniffling sadly that his papa wouldn't let him have the duck.
"Oh, you..." he picked him up again and consoled the pumpkin. "You can't do that, you hear? First, it's not clean. Second, mama will grow two heads to chew you and me both, understand?"
No, your son totally didn't understand a thing. Satoru sighed, seeing his little blue eyes welling up with tears. He ruffled his head and pulled him close. "There, there... I'll get you ice cream, okay? Now let's go."
Satoru was determined to turn his son back into a smiling, happy baby. But just as he was about to head towards the ice cream parlor, he encountered the most unbelievable sight—
"Miss! I guarantee you'll love this credit card features!"
You. That was clearly you, and a salesman (or a bozo, in Satoru's eyes) was trying to bother you.
You raised an eyebrow. "Uh, no— thank you—"
Yet the bozo was still persistent, like the pesky fly he was. "You can use it to pay for your monthly beauty treatments! Someone as pretty as you..." He eyed you from head to toe, blinking suggestively. "Oh my! Your skin is flawless! You have to maintain it this way! I can also give you recommendations for—"
You were wearing a flare dress that made you look so young and petite, and obviously, Satoru too was lusting after you. And true, your skin was smooth like a soft serve of mochi, but still!
You are meant for him and his eyes only! Oho, this bozo would get heavenly punishment.
He had to get to you somehow, but this was public space and if he cooked up some sort of shenanigan, you would put him in sex ban. I can't have that! so Satoru wracked his brain to think of another way...
Once again, his gaze fell on his now calm baby, who was also looking at his mama over there with utter curiosity. And an idea immediately popped up in his mind.
"Hey, kiddo, look at that, a bad man is trying to take your mama," Satoru nudged him as if trying to egg him on. "We can't let that happen. Will you help me to save her, hmm?"
"Mama..." your baby looked back at him so innocently before smiling. "Mamaaa!"
"Good boy." Gods, his baby was so adorable, he almost felt bad for doing this but...
Swallowing his guilt, thinking he would make it up later, he pinched his son's butt a little too firmly—
"WAAAA!" and suddenly, the little boy burst into tears, and even Satoru was surprised by the sheer volume of his wail.
The sudden inconsolable sound of your baby sent you scrambling in panic, your eyes wildly searching for him, completely disregarding the credit card man. "My baby!"
"Eh?" the credit card man was visibly surprised. "Oh... so, you're married...?"
You immediately made your way towards Satoru and snatched your baby from him, hugging him tightly. "Oh, there, there... What happened to you?" you shot your husband a distaste look as your son kept wailing. "Satoru, why is he crying?"
He nonchalantly shrugged. "Maybe missing his mama? Dunno~"
By now, you had completely forgotten the credit card bozo, but he still looked at the three of you in mild surprise. Satoru took this chance to approach him and whisper in his ear:
"You see, my wife doesn't need your credit card," he whistled. "My cards or lumpsum money will do more than enough."
After seeing how pale the bozo looked, Satoru chuckled darkly... before leading you and your son away from the crowd, with one arm possessively around your waist.
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"I'm sorry— I'm sorry, okay!?"
Satoru looked down at his son in utter hopelessness, as the little boy refused to be held by him, looking at him with teary, resentful eyes, and backing away from him in his playpen.
Can babies hold a grudge? Satoru didn't know, but his son definitely was not happy with him, and he couldn't think of any other explanation other than his sin against him back this afternoon.
"I've bought you mochi ice cream!" he opened his palm to reveal the treat. "Don't you want some? Papa will give you some, yeah?"
Baby looked skeptical now, and at that moment, he resembled you so much—accusing eyes, pursed lips, exactly like the expression you would pull when you were unsure of what Satoru might do next. He almost chuckled at the resemblance, feeling giddy.
"C'mon, forgive me, yeah?" he patted his son's little beanie and offered his hand for him to take, eyes crinkling in fondness. "Now, here comes your treat, come closer?"
Your baby crawled closer, seemingly accepting him, and Satoru was all smiles, until—
It happened in a flash. He could have avoided it, but he was too taken aback. The pain exploded in his jaw, so intense that he grunted loudly.
"What the—?! You... you—! You kicked me— in the face!"
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lemonlover1110 · 2 months ago
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Summary: Is Toji jealous of a helpless baby? Oh, he absolute is!
Warnings: Fluff
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“Isn’t he the cutest?” You gush as Megumi yawns. Toji clicks his tongue. He’s cuter– Plus, he has teeth. The stupid baby doesn’t even have a way to chew food. “You look just like your daddy, oh my…”
“You got that right!” Toji agrees, making a chuckle leave your lips. You were afraid that once the baby came along Toji would act weird, but no. He’s still an overgrown child when it comes to you; Toji isn’t willing to share you with anyone, not even his own son.
Megumi begins to cry, getting fussy as his drowsiness gets the best of him. Would he really be a baby if he didn’t cry for everything? His eyes are getting heavy, and he doesn’t know what happens when they close, of course he’s scared.
“He didn’t get the crybaby part from me though.” Toji quickly defends himself, making you click your tongue. It’s odd to watch your husband compete with a baby, but did you expect less?
“Toji he’s a baby!” You remind him, but that doesn’t impress him. You end up sighing, handing the crying baby to your husband. Megumi isn’t only your son, but his as well. Toji can bear some of the responsibilities. “Put him to sleep, I’m going to take a shower.”
“But–” Toji begins, but he can’t finish protesting before he’s carrying a chunky baby. Megumi was born so small, but at four months, the baby is nearly 17 pounds. His little cheeks are so round and kissable now, something that the man would never admit outloud.
Toji sneaks one of those kisses on the cheek before telling Megumi, “I can pretend to stop hating you now that we’re alone.”
Toji puts the baby on his chest, hand caressing his small back. Something that works charms with the baby. Toji smells the small amount of hair on his head, kissing him again. “You know I just do that because I want your mommy’s attention.”
The crying dies down, sleep getting the best of the baby. He can fight it and fight it, but that’s the one thing that will always win: sleep. He’s just like Toji in that sense too. 
“I love you, Megumi.” Toji says, eyes glimmering at the small baby. He lightly chuckles as he mutters, “You’re still not cuter than me though.”
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obsesssedblerd · 7 months ago
“I don’t care, she was mine first!!!” 
“Satoru Gojo,” you snap and glare at your husband, who’s burying his face in the pillow to muffle his laughter. Your seven month-old son also begins laughing. It’s so cute that you almost forget that the two were screaming at each other just seconds ago. 
Satoru lifts his head up to grin handsomely at you, feigning innocence. “Yes, wifey?” 
“Why on earth are you screaming with your son at eight o’clock in the morning?” You ask. 
“Because,” he whines, pointing an accusing finger at your baby boy, who had begun cooing adorably for your attention. “He won’t let me kiss you! Watch what happens.” To demonstrate, Satoru gently leans in, only to be stopped when the baby uses his tiny hands to push against his face with a loud whine. You stifle a laugh when he pouts, squinting his eyes at your son. “Listen, just because you’re laying here, doesn’t mean that you can just keep me from giving my wife a little smooch.” 
Your son doesn’t budge. “Bwah!” 
“Okay, and?!” Satoru exclaims with a tilt of his head.
You roll your eyes. “I cannot believe you’re actually arguing with him.” 
“Kid’s got a mouth on him.” 
“How do you even know what he said– You know what? Don’t answer that. Anyway, he’s your kid. I’d be surprised if he wasn’t sassy.” 
Satoru gasps dramatically. “I am not sassy.” Next to him, your son matches his pout with a hmph, and since he was born with Satoru’s hair and eye color, he basically looked like a tiny version of him. “See?” He asks, gesturing to his mini. “Even he agrees with me!” 
“Sure he does,” you say, then turn your attention back to your phone, scrolling through a grocery delivery app so you can start ordering things for the week 
“And back to you,” you hear Satoru continue with your son, “I just want to kiss her cheek, and you’re just– hey, no sticking out your tongue at me.” The baby babbles, and Satoru scoffs. “No, I’m not cryin’. What’re you talking about?” 
You laugh quietly. If this was how it was now, you couldn’t wait to see what it’s going to be like in the future.
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sukunas-wife · 10 months ago
Yuji stood there with teary eyes, sniffling and ready to scream
His father was sat there with a smug smile staring down at him
You could barely see over your husband’s shoulder who was leaning on his side over your lap. Yuji’s hands coming up reaching for you only to lightly be swatted away by Ryomen
“No, mine.”
Yuji let out a silent cry, Sukuna’s grin widened as you sighed
“Moommmyyy” he tried to push past his dad hands reaching out for you again
“No,” Sukuna swatted his little hands away again, “Mine.”
Yuji let out a small scream and started crying falling back and down onto his little butt, “MooMMMYyyyy”
You had watched this happen for five minutes and you shook your head with a smile, “Come here baby.” Sukuna moved out the way and you lightly shouldered him with a smile, he still had a grin on his face as he picked up Yuji dropping him on your lap
Yuji’s hands clinging to your shirt as he sniffled into your chest, only for Sukuna to lean down to his ear, “still mine.”
Yuji wailed looking up at you before you placed a hand on his head kissing his forehead, his smile was wobbly with teary eyes as he buried his face into your chest again and Sukuna chuckled placing his hand over yours on Yuji’s head. “Heh, brat.”
@sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @dolliira @princessluvz @furiousblacktiger @anyaswlrd @shytastemakerthing @alialucille
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lilly-townshend · 2 months ago
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miniimight · 10 months ago
3AM sukuna underestimated just how much sleep he'd lose after having a kid (dad!sukuna x fem!reader)
the soft pitter patter of your baby's feet was enough to alert his senses. he didn't move—didn't even open his eyes—but his ears were tuned to the sound of your daughter's heavy breathing and the occasional babble.
he could hear her fiddle with the drawer handles, a soft rumble causing her to hum as she pulled the drawer out. a thud meant she bumped into it as she drew closer, messing around with the paper and cords inside.
he peeked one eye open. you were fast asleep beside him, and he was inclined to keep it that way. he didn't like to see his woman exhausted and seconds away from falling flat on her face because his little girl was, apparently, nocturnal.
"mama." she huffed as she finally turned her attention to the bed, fussing as she attempted to climb up.
he sighed. that was his cue.
he groaned as he rolled over, peering over your resting body at his daughter. she paused for a second, staring up at him with those shiny eyes that reminded him so much of you.
he raised an eyebrow.
she ignored his judgement and bounced in place, stretching her arms out to be picked up. "mama."
"mama's sleeping." he grumbled.
oh. oh, no. she didn't like that. she pouted, eyebrows furrowing in what seemed to be anger. her fingers curled into tiny fists and sukuna's lips twitched upwards in amusement. how adorable.
"mama." she said more adamantly.
he glared right back. "if you're coming back up here, you're gonna go to sleep."
whether she understood or not, she kept fussing to be picked up. he rolled his eyes and scooped her into his arms, rolling onto his back. baby was on his chest, leaning up so that she was sitting upright.
sukuna held onto her back, in case she toppled over and fell over like the bobblehead she was. "lie down."
"no." she chirped, looking out the window at the moon against the midnight blue.
he scrunched up his face. his life was much easier before she learned that word.
growing bored of the night sky, your baby rolled off sukuna's chest, scooting her way through the mess of sheets over to you. she glanced back at him as if to see if he was watching.
he gave her a look, observing her carefully. "don't you wake her up," he warned, propping his head up by his elbow.
her round eyes showed no trace of acknowledgment before she turned back to face you. there was a pause before her hand lifted in the air.
"okay." he sighed, catching the tiny hand in his before she slapped you awake. "come on."
she whined, writhing in his grip as he pulled her off the bed by the leg, dangling her in front of his face. "you really are little menace, aren't you?" he scoffed, flipping her over and holding her just like you taught him to.
she just babbled as her finger pulled at her mouth, the other hand resting on his shoulder.
he dragged his feet out the bedroom, into the kitchen. "what is it that you want, hm?" he rifled through the cupboards and pantry tiredly. "want a cookie?"
she squealed happily and pat his shoulder, a good enough answer for him to pull the package out. he dropped onto the couch, handing her one.
she nibbled on it, the chocolate staining her hands and mouth. he watched her fondly. to think he'd have a child of his own still confused him to this day. for all his wrongs, he must have done something right.
"wan' one?" she slurred, holding up the half-spit cookie to him.
"...no." he said plainly, though he did pick up a new cookie and took a bite out of it. might as well, he thought.
his eyes drooped until he felt his cookie being snatched out of his hand, replaced by the spitty cookie with most of its icing dug off.
"daddy take that one." she giggled, feasting upon her new cookie.
sukuna... what could he do? he ate that thing.
when you woke up the morning after, you just shook your head at the sight—your daughter resting on your husband's chest, cookie crumbs and chocolate smears all over the both of them. fast asleep. sugar coma.
you saved that picture for later <3
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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annievrse · 10 months ago
—ᡣ𐭩 blurb a/n: based on this tiktok that gave me insane baby fever
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the birds chirping outside in the dawn light makes your daughter giggle from where she stands in your bedroom doorway.
"baby," you whisper to her, beckoning her over to your side of the bed. "c'mere."
your 3-year-old wobbles around the bed, having gotten out of bed by herself. she stands before you with her hands out and grabs your arms.
"layla," you whisper, glancing over your shoulder at your husband, whose hair pokes out wildly from under the duvet. "tell daddy mommy wants a coffee."
your daughter's wide eyes round, and she tilts her head. "cowe?"
you suppress a giggle. "coffee."
"yeah, good enough," you mumble, nodding. and then you lift her onto the bed. layla clambers over your body and falls face-first into the space between you and sukuna, her pink hair splayed everywhere.
you slap your mouth with your palm to stop the laughs from escaping. your husband stirs, groaning deeply under the white blankets. she looks over at you with a smile on her face, and you give her a single thumbs up.
"dada," layla says, climbing on top of him. "wake up!"
"hi, babygirl," sukuna slurs, eyes half open.
"i want coppee."
"hm? what?"
"coffee...?" sukuna takes a moment to process the word and then looks at you over his shoulder, eyes puffy. "really, bro?"
you giggle, hiding your face in the blankets.
"you want coffee..." sukuna says, pointing at your daughter. "you go get it."
"no, mummy wants coppee! you get it!" she giggles, chubby finger aimed at him, too.
“noooo,” he whines, though it’s barely one. he shoves his face back into his pillow. “you.”
“daddy!” your daughter yells. “coppee!!”
sukuna scoffs a laugh and rubs his eye with his knuckle while your daughter dances around the room singing, "coppee, coppee!"
"you're lucky you're cute," sukuna grumbles, swinging his bare legs out of the bed, looking over at you as he does so. "you too."
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