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olliethecat13 · 17 days ago
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stormtide-leviathan · 1 year ago
I'm making the bechdel test for spren, give me a conversation about spren that has nothing to do with their radiants
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
“A Career to establish a Harmony in the Family”
Personal Development - Day 9
Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
          My goal in life is to achieve this because I want only the best for my family. I want them to have a life the is much easier than the life i have now. I want them to experience luxury, and ease. I want my parents to feel the success I achieved from their sacrifices. I want to buy them lands to unwind whenever there are problems, travel the world to experience the wonder God has made for humankind, also I want my uncles and aunts to come back home so that we can be together. I want to create a family business that can suffice their needs and wants, I want to create a job for them so that they won’t work for the government anymore and have free time whenever they want/need it. 
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         I really love my family and I would do anything to secure them. I want us to be together because it’s more fun when you are complete. Sometimes I dream of having an establishment that my family works on, we all work there, including the family in the church. I want to be rich so that I can fund my way to achieving this. 
         My family is already in harmony and the only thing that is missing is the career I needed to unite us all together in one place.
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
PERPLEXED stage: Adolescence!
Personal Development- Day 3 Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
          According to G. Stanley Hall, adolescence is a new birth, for the higher and more complete human traits are now born. For me, this means that adolescence is a stage in life where we’re naïve in our own life, our own self. We’re in the stage where changes happens oftentimes. And sometimes these changes lets us imagine things that are even not possible and also in these stages we are faces with many responsibilities which are comfortable to us. Our parents pushes to different environments which we nothing of. But one things for sure, that we’ll know after this complexity, is that we are face with the challenges brought by “the change” and these challenges will bring us to the better version of ourselves.
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Photo Source:  https://webstockreview.net/explore/teen-clipart-early-adolescence/
          Though adolescence brings challenges to us, but never forget that winners never quit and there’s a reward for those who persevere. So, in this stage one must be adopt the changes and accept it as a task that one has to GO in order to GROW. 
          Adolescence is a preparation to being an adult. In this stages, we meet peers and this ones influence us. They help in many ways. They can be our support time of needs, help us see ourselves better and also molds us of who we to become. Going on with them, there are times when we compare ourselves. As of now, I compare my work to my classmate’s journal and sometimes, I pity myself for my work because it’s not as good as theirs. But this lesson teaches me to be grateful of myself and instead of pitying me, I should take that as an inspiration to better myself in order to achieve new milestones and be great like them. THE BEST TIME THAT I LEARNED IN THE LESSON 3 IS TO COMPETE WITH MYSELF. I NEED TO REACH THE BEST OF WHAT I CAN DO.
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
Hearing Classmate’s Life Story
Personal Development - Day 2 
Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
“ Understanding others does not mean that you have to necessarily agree with their point of view, or feelings. Instead, it means you recognise their point of view and accept that it is different from yours.“ - Thomas Oppong 
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Picture source:  https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/listen-family-how-active-listening-mental-health-b1347188.html
 Communication is a crucial part in life. It enables us to more aware of ourselves and also to the people around us. 
          A year with my classmates, didn’t give me enough information to know them deeper but with the activity “Getting to know Oneself”, it surely shown me of how they feel about themselves. Some of them were like brittle as glass, most of them are hard as rock. And I didn’t know that before because it might be that I was busy doing my stuffs and they were too with theirs. 
          The activity flashes me others plans as to how to treat myself like how they treat themselves positively. I thought of never to be hard to myself again because I only got me and I should be proud of me more because I didn’t experience to tough things they faced.           Also, knowing them tips me on how to react and deal with them whenever I encounter them soon. And I also wish to help them when their struggles do come. 
Lesson Learned: Be gentle because anyone has been facing their hard times and LISTEN AND UNDESTAND FIRST BEFORE YOU SAY SOMETHING TO THEM. 
           And the last, though this is not a part of the topic anymore but still I learned it today is the need to be early and the importance of greeting. I really felt guilty about coming late and not able to greet earlier in the session. I should never do that again anymore.   @krishavanessa​ 
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
“Getting to Know Oneself”
Personal Development - Day 1 Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
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          Yesterday marks the first day for the Personal Development lessons. I kinda auto-like the subject because it was like Philosophy given the topic “Knowing Oneself”.
          As of today, I haven’t fully known myself but I trust me and believe that I can be who I want to be with the help of the Lord and of course with the lesson that I can get from this subject. They can be guide unto truly knowing myself deeper.
          Knowing oneself can help us be aware of our strengths and weaknesses. Being aware of our strengths paves a way for the chance to improve and harness it for our future needs. Knowing also our weaknesses pushes us to find a way on how to counter it and prepare a backup whenever these weaknesses attacks us.  
          When we fully know ourselves, dealing with others can never be difficult because we know our limitations and how to react to our surrounding companions. And also with this achieved we can help them achieve theirs too. 
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
“Helping Hands”
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Personal Development - Day 8  Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
          Day 8, we’re almost done in this subject. Day 8 covers Unit 10 lessons: Building and establishing harmonious relationships with the society/ community. It is a big lessons so I’m gonna summarize it according to what i understand in the main topic of the unit. 
          The society is composed families interacting together, sharing goods, experiences, influences, culture, and more. In this society filled with different families, there are those that govern them to lead them into something good and beneficial for everyone. This is when leaders come into place. 
          My father always tells me that “A good leader is a good follower”. To become a good leader you must FIRST lower yourself, try to benchmark and learn as many good ideas your senior has to offer you. My father is a soldier, their rules in following is different from ours because there concept is “Obey first before complain”. And I think that this have negative impacts specially to those who really want to be heard because in this idea the leader must be heard and followed first before hearing those under them.   
         For me, to build and establish a harmonious society, everyone including the leader, must be the follower of each other. By doing this, no one is above the other, therefore no one must think that he has more authority. Everyone must lay down efforts to achieve the common goal which is success, not only for the family but for the community as a whole. 
          Lessons’ realization with connection to the bible:
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. - Gal 6:2
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. - Phil 2:4
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. -Heb 6:10
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
What is your Love Language? Mine’s Word of Affirmation!
Personal Development - Day 7
Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
          I really wonder before why I hunger for compliment, I mean hearing the words: “Good job! Nice one, Karl!” really spices up my mood. Now I know that my love language is Words of Affirmation and people in this set of love language treasures those sets of words. 
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          The negative thing that I found out in this language is having to hear negative feedbacks. These bad comments penetrates the heart and unto the ribs because words mean the world to us, having to hear bad words towards us breaks us to pieces. I remember something that I was told before that consumes all my happiness, and left me in the grey dark side of my world. 
        But, I always tell myself that no matter what you hear, if it positive keep it and if its not remember that people dragging you down are those people that envy you. They just want to have what you have no matter what, regardless of stepping unto you. So reminder to self: YOU ARE DOING GOOD, AND CONTINUE DOING IT. REMEMBER TO STAY HUMBLE AND SHARE LOVE! 
Image source: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/6BTgA75i8.htm
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”  -Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban and Jullien Lorilli Angcla
As we lived in a modernized world, it’s no question that media has a role to play for the government and vice versa. Both media and the government are known to be influential and dominant as they have the ability to manipulate and deceive individuals, changing the way they think about matters which sometimes make them stay neutral in issues or pick sides. With this, the media and the government appear to be in dispute by the existence of biases and false accusations of whatever published news reports and any information that is being shared all around. Some journalists would be opposed to what the government is doing, and on the other hand, the government would insist, as it is misleading for them. As a result, the government issues claims then would contradict the media, and vice versa. Leading the two being connected together in a love-hate relationship.
If both the media and the government have times of disagreements, let us not forget that without the media, there will be no accountability in the country, as media acts as our watchdog letting us know of what's going on. And without the government, people will not be directed on the right path. It would even be hard for us to think about solving problems and handling downhearted situations without leaders guiding us. Without the two, life would really be more difficult. The government will not be able to guide the people on its own, so they need a helping hand, and the media is supporting the side. On the other way around, the media will not make sense if there is nothing for people to be informed about. As to whatever problems we are facing, it’s the two that are linked together to continuously make us stay aware.
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
“Winter in Adolescence and The Special Me”
Personal Development- Day 5
Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
          Like every December in the North and June in the south, winter has brought stress to them. People need to gather things and goods they need to survive the long-end winter with its cold embrace. Adolescence is like that but the thing is you don’t need things or goods to survive adolescence, you just need someone to be there for you when you needed one the most and your will to cope to the pressure and challenge it has brought up to you. 
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Photo Source: https://focusmidsouth.com/blog/dear-allie-quiet-your-negative-self-talk/
          And just like winter that brought new sights and adventure to be played with, the snowballs, the skiing, the frozen lakes to skate with and more, adolescence also brought positive stress. This stress enables you to be more productive, or shall I say “inspired”! 
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Photo Source: http://innergrowththerapy.com/how-art-therapy-calms-the-brain/    
          Little did we know that we are more than what we think we are. Our brain weighs only 3 pounds but it carry out and processes messages all throughout our body and what’s mind blowing is it sends it with speeds covering 268 mph. Imagine how powerful you are, you are a flash reacting meat machine. This is what separates us from other animals, the capability to reason out and being able to rationalize. Even at a small size our brain has many parts and its parts have certain roles to carry on. These attributes enable us to solve problems and decide on things. 
          So, take care of your brain! Sleep early, be happy, eat healthy foods, keep hydrated and keep on working because when you rest, you rust! 
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual - Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
Technology has long been a part of our lives. Because of its increasing and changing potential, communication has been made simpler by the use of media and internet, information is easily and quickly disseminated and not all of it comes from a genuinely credible sources and can therefore be misleading. So keep reading and learning about the responsibilities of media and information, and how to be literate individuals.  The knowledge of media and technology enables people to understand and make informed decisions as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media. It empowers us to understand the roles of media and other providers of information, to analyse their content and to make informed criticism of information and media content as consumers and producers.
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Nowadays, the importance of becoming a media and information literate person is very important because we are living in the 21st century that is spinning more on technology. It calls for a rational thought. One must always know and take a look if the idea he/she transmits is really informative or educational, instead of being the source of misinformation or misleading media user, let us use the media and the internet in the most suitable and literate manner, such as providing proper inputs, objective ideas on a particular subject, and disseminating new knowledge and information that will support and strengthen a particular idea. Being literate AS A STUDENT gives us a particular advantage in giving, collecting and learning knowledge at its best. Let us be responsible enough so we can call ourselves literate as media and knowledge.
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1. https://charlothea.wordpress.com/2017/07/07/the-significance-of-being-a-media-and-information-literate-individual/
2. https://milhomework.wordpress.com/
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
Bridging Digital Division to Achieve Quality Education - Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
The Digital Divide clearly refers to the difference between those who have strong access to technology and those who do not have access to information and communication technology. It is not only limited to countries that are underdeveloped or emerging. The problem persists, both domestically and globally, in developing nations. In our day, traditional in-person learning is not yet permitted to tackle because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but distance learning has been commonly used in teaching and its form is digital learning. This approach brings division and it is really a big deal because the school has just begun and students have encountered and struggled with unequal sharing of instructions, especially in rural areas or low-income households, because they lack access to a stable internet connection and lack of access to software and equipment or the absence of digital tools at home. Therefore in the run of digital division the gap could even widen further.
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There are ways of bridging the gap in this digital divide, and understanding this now is really necessary, so continue reading the text and study it. First is to add offices for telecommunications infrastructure because they are the one who can really support us with these issues and can provide incentives for operations on what and how to respond to the problem. They may also be the primary source of assistance for organizations interested with information and communication technology. The next thing is to ensure sufficient technological support for teachers. Because they also can be a victim of digital divide particularly if they didn’t grew up the digital world and how can they educate us properly if they don’t even know how to exploit things themselves. And the last is to upgrade education. When we already have the devices we need, we can have a wide variety of things to learn: online social context, how to use it and digital literacy. With these ways, gapping the digital divide would be very easy to accomplish and so learning using the new methods would be as quality at it should be.
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Sources: https://www.crpe.org/thelens/digital-divide-among-students-during-covid-19-who-has-access-who-doesnt
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
At the brink of saying, goodbye to Print and Broadcast media. -Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
It is important to note that new media brought by the development of technology played a crucial role in linking the individuals of the world more rapidly than the media that came before with its pace. It has the potential to reach large audiences that enable people to take part in activities and connect with societies over a long distance with powerful and meaningful messages that affect society. New media such as Internet networks have created new possibilities and changes in broadcasting to Internet platforms with this twenty-first - century development that disrupted older forms: print and broadcast media. Television, radio and printed files have had an impact on the everyday lives and routines of people, influencing the material and hours listeners are viewing and listening. These distinctive features of traditional media were challenged by new media, since it often required considerable time and expertise to create those outputs, making books and manuscripts too costly for almost everyone in society except for the most privileged and/or influential to possess.
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 But now that new media have made online newspapers and blogs in service, easy to enter and not much money is required or needed, and convenient to read, many people decide to get the news from apps on their devices. Since a person can now read a book, listen to the radio, and watch many cable TV shows on the Internet instead of paper being the medium for books or radio waves being the medium for sound transmission, and cables being the medium for cable television, this shows that new media has overpowered the uses of the former forms of media so in the long run it could possibly bring extinction to print and broadcast media. Because why still pursue these old media when you can have both of them in one form. Though these old media has still many subscribers but sooner or maybe 5 years from now these old subscribers will be gone and all that’s left are the users of new media already. In this time, print and broadcast media will not be used, would probably die and be part of history.
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karldecorpse · 4 years ago
Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era - Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
Information is an essential component of education, technical and scientific change, and mass media has become a medium of information for citizens who are able to deploy a range of messages, ranging from global, political, economic, social and cultural information to defence and security. But it poses some challenges to individuals from all walks of life: students, workers, and all types of citizens since, in today's digital age, information distribution platforms are increasing, along with easy access to all kinds of information, and it needs to be checked and verified by people to assess the reliability of the information, and this skill is called "information literacy". Is this important in social era? Yes, since not all information are created equal. For example, Internet content is constantly growing, but it's not all coming from reputable sources. So this means there's plenty of poor and void information lurking around.
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Both students and community face many difficulties in finding, analyzing, using and communicating information because of the information explosion and data smog. Information literacy helps us to tackle the smog of data by equipping us with the requisite skills: asking questions and seeking answers, finding information, analyzing sources and making decisions to understand whether the information is effective and reliable. It will also help us in making decisions and in making efficiency that is beneficial to society. In order to achieve the academic objectives of each body, information literacy skills are of utmost importance. Information literate individuals enhance the quality of life of society in general and academically. An information-literate society is a society that is capable of accessing, analyzing, using and communicating information in an accurate and efficient way. So note always that people who understand information literacy can solve almost any problem with accuracy and precision.
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karldecorpse · 5 years ago
Confusions, sadness and love are the things that embody the Dead Stars story. At first, I never believed I'd complete reading the story because it's pretty long and time-consuming, but the flowery phrases pushed me to read it further because the exchange of heart-warming phrases and the story's flow provides me questions about what's going to happen next.
The story is basically a compilation of the complex conditions that must be experienced in life by every man. The account not only focuses on the concept of love, but also shows how you conquer yourself by knowing your real emotions.
For me, I've discovered that love is truly unpredictable, if it's intended for you, then it's intended for you. If it isn't, then it isn't. I really feel sad and sorry for Alfredo because he's been in a very hard position. It's really difficult to get involved with someone thinking she's the one, but all of a sudden, here comes a girl who stole your heart. But since he realized in the end that Julia was really not for her, I felt satisfaction.
After reading the story, I realized that it is hard to fall in love between two people because you are forced to sacrifice everything you’ve got. Dead stars symbolize stuff that are present but are left unspoken. The love between Alfredo and Julia seemed real, but if you look closer, you can say that it was hardly mutual and that it was impossible to last.
Therefore, love is truly unpredictable. We can't say what's going to happen. But it implies only one thing, if it's not for us, it's not. All this moment, Alfredo saw "the light of dead stars, long extinguished, yet seemingly still in their appointed places in heaven". Although the magic is no longer there, the memory still stays-maybe it's no longer love, but it's still noticeable after they're gone like dead stars.
-Engr. Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban
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karldecorpse · 5 years ago
Feminist Critism Approach
Paz Marquez Benitez's "Dead Stars" is a cheating story. It highlights how men fall into temptation and give up years of engagement to their important others for the enjoyment and lust of another lady they just met. It's truly sad. Because of this, so many relationships, weddings and years of love are being lost and shattered. Some men are simply unable to get enough. They discover another lady or mistress, meaning, another world, another adventure, a fresh kind of experience. The legal female has to discover ways to make her husband remain and be a fool. Isn't it sad and frustrating? For decades, this has been an issue, and this story of the 20th century demonstrates that cheating is widespread in every age, location, and culture.
The story serves as a literary time machine for readers as it allows them to realize how courtship, marriage and fidelity were regarded through the norms of the early 1900s.
Women have been meek in the tale and males have been superior. They are loyal and simple to love while men are rational and unsure. The story broke the patriarchal system concept as society considers males as a rational type or in line with logic while females are the emotional sort.
Although comparison and contrast provide a strong critical basis, the primary character, Alfredo Salazar, is involved in another extremely important element of this short story. His confusion, weakness, and unreasonability are inherent human defects. Maybe one of the many reasons this work is timeless is that readers never fail to see a portion of it in the personality of Alfredo Salazar, making the short story a wealthy source of severe ruminations about culture, love and mankind.
The story is familiar to many of us: A man falls in love with a woman who is vacationing with the family next door. Unable or unwilling to break a nearly four-year engagement with another woman, he enters into a loveless yet "not unhappy" marriage. However, through the eight years of the marriage, he is unable to forget the other woman. When his work necessitates a visit to the lake town where the woman now lives with her parents, he drops in on her unexpectedly. He finds her not much changed but senses that something-he doesn't know what-had gone from their relationship. By the end of the brief visit, he realizes ruefully that all those years, he had been seeing the light of dead stars.
Alfredo symbolizes the greed and indecisiveness of men when it comes to dealing with the matters of the emotion. He had entertained the pull of an anonymous feeling. Anonymous since he never really ventured to understand it but he clung to it anyway. And in the process he lost a part of himself and deprived that part to Esperanza as well.
At this point we may concede that the story does dramatize a reversal of the stereotyped sexual roles. In other words, the characterization of Alfredo raises a question of his masculinity. He was torn between doing what is right and what is in his heart.
The story is basically a compilation of the complicated circumstances that every man has to go through in life. Alfredo was once in love with Esperanza, no doubt, but there comes a time when love fades, and the only thing holding you together is the vow you gave your fiancée, that which you cannot take back. Why can't you take it back? It’s because you are afraid of what will be the reaction of the people around you, especially during the time of the story. What's visibly wrong about this is that most often than not, men refuse to listen to their own yearnings and simply submit to further dehumanization.
Therefore, once you are already committed; never fixate your eyes on someone other than your significant other. Your girl or man trusts you wholeheartedly and sincerely, and he or she deserves the same treatment.
 - Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban 
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