#wyn odessa
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hyperfixation-train-station · 6 months ago
Chapter 3
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✧ Word Count: 2535 words
✧ Author’s Note: I have some more time off of school then I thought so I should be able to write more ♡
✧ Summary: After being picked up by her previous knight in shining armour from the infirmary, Wyn receives a tour of the Dauntless compound and her new room, to which she realizes Eric is her roommate. As training starts tensions begin to fly between Eric, Wyn, and the other initiates. 
✧ Warnings: foul language
✧ Tag List: @mischief-merlyn
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I wake up met by an unfamiliar face in an unfamiliar surrounding with a pounding headache. I let out a groan as I open my eyes and quickly shut them again due to the lights.
“Oh you’re awake, sorry about that let me turn off the lights for you” an unknown voice says from the corner of the room, I hear the lights switch off and open my eyes to see an older woman with a short grey bob hair cut and a black shirt on that says nurse across it. I pause and think back to how I ended up here in the first place, but all I remember is looking at Eric and then being knocked off the ledge of the roof with Eric falling right behind me… oh wait and I smacked my head off his hard ass head, I assume that is why I am here.
“I’m here because Eric’s hard ass head gave me a concussion didn’t it, that's why there are two of you right?” I ask the nurse, to which she burst out laughing while nodding her head
“You know that isn’t really how I described what happened, but it is not my fault I have dense bones” I hear Eric say, I jump not knowing he was here, I turn to see him standing in the other dark corner parallel from the nurse
“Isn’t it bad to scare people who are injured, what are you doing lurking in the dark scaring the shit out of poor patients who got concussed because of your skull hmm?” I ask him while putting my hands on my hips, I can tell that people don’t usually talk to Eric like this due to the nurse's reaction of finding this the funniest thing she has ever seen in her life. I see Eric shake his head and hide a smile, then he turns to the nurse and asks
“Is she all good to go? I got the medications and rundown of what to do from the other nurse at the front”
“She is all yours Eric” the nurse says, she waves at me and makes her exit. I continue to study Eric, he can’t be much older then me, he has many more tattoos now then when I saw him last, but the thing that stand out the most are his eyes, they are such a light blue and seem to be as cold as ice, they almost remind me of a frozen over lake, very pretty, but also very dangerous.
“Good to know you think my eyes are pretty sweetheart” Eric says with a shit eating grin on his face, 
“Well fuck, I said that out loud didn’t I” I say, seeing Eric nod. I feel my face heat up as I mutter a quick ‘kill me’ under my breath.
“Since you missed the tour of the complex with the other initiates, I’ll show you around the complex now so you don’t get lost on the way to training. Your training will be set up a little differently than the others for the first week due to the concussion you have, but I was told that the seeing multiples of things should be gone by tomorrow.” Eric says. I try to get off of the bed, but somehow my foot got stuck in the sheet to which I started to fall off the bed, Eric managed to catch me before I hit the floor again and sighed “And please try not to fall anymore” He says, to which I send him a salute back, too embarrassed to speak.
Eric leads me out of the infirmary stating that I now already know where this is, he mentioned that we were walking to the Pit, to which he said is the heart of all Dauntless life. On the way towards the pit he points out clothing shops, tattoo parlors and piercing shops. During this he explained that as an initiate I have a certain number of points assigned to me weekly that we use to buy the items in the store, after initiation if I pass he said the number of points you get goes up, but also depends on your job. We stop in to one of the clothing shops and get my free initiation black clothing. I am quite happy with the amount of items they provide us with, Eric sends me off to a change room to change into black clothing. Once I changed he led me down a hallway to an incinerator where I threw in the last thing that connects me to Candour, my old white clothes. I can’t help but grin as I watch them go up in flames.
“You okay?” Eric asks while seemingly trying to stare into my soul
“Never been better, I fucking hated that place” I tell him, which gets an approving nod from him. I can only assume that is a good thing, from what I have seen Eric seems to be someone not to be messed with. We continue our way down to the Pit, once we reach the Pit I see why Eric mentioned that it was the Heart of Dauntless. It is amazing and filled with a sea of black doing whatever activity they come up with. I see some arm-wrestling, racing each other around the Pit, and some doing a chugging contest. The Pit is a vast open cavern in the middle of Dauntless, everything seems to branch off from it. Looking around the Pit fills me with an inner peace I have never experienced before, there are spots for sparring, rock climbing, and also just seating to watch what is happening or chat with your fellow members. As we leave the Pit Eric shows me the Chasm, a sizable subterranean waterfall that empties into an underground river, it is situated just outside the Pit. 
“The chasm is the source of many suicides and though to jump off of the chasm is idiotic and cowardly in some cases, I also sees it as heroic and brave. You see once you reach a certain age at Dauntless, you can no longer do what you used to be able to do for our faction, many choose to leave this word through the chasm rather than leave the faction. I see it as a true Dauntless death.” Eric tells me
“You know that was a little dark to tell me on my first day here, but I understand what you mean, thank you for the heads up regardless” I responded. We continue walking in silence before Eric leads me down the hall of bars and nightclubs.
“I wouldn’t recommend spending a lot of time at these during initiation, but they do have special celebrations on days after testing set up to celebrate the initiates that passed. You’re technically always welcome in, but I wouldn’t recommend coming to training hungover” He tells me
“You sound like you learned that from experience” I say, to which he ignores and keeps walking. He leads me down another hallway and stops at a large double door.
“This is the transfer initiates training room, it is essentially a spacious area equipped with a wrestling mat, punching bags, a shooting range, and knife throwing targets. Before stage two of initiation, initiates spend the majority of their time in this training room. The Dauntless born don’t train with you in the first stage of training, but you are all ranked together. In stage one the bottom four ranked initiates will be cut.” Eric tells me while opening the door and showing me around the training room.
“Like cut as in factionless?” I ask, to which he just nodded. I assume this usually scares people, but I know that this will just push me to place higher and work harder.
“Does that scare you?” Eric asks me, I scoff
“Of course not, I didn’t come here thinking that I could just breeze through training and get to be a part of the faction even if I didn’t rank well. I intend to do my best and be the best by the end of this” I tell him, some emotion that I can’t decipher flashes through his eye, but just as fast as it came, it went. Eric nods again and continues on with his tour.
“These rooms here are for stage two of training, so you don’t need to worry about that until then” Eric says “and the room across from it is the initiate dorms, again Dauntless born are in a separate dorm, but other then that you all live together, well expect for you right now” 
“What? Why am I separate” I ask, utterly confused
“Because of your concussion and the new treatment from Erudite they gave you, you need to be monitored 24/7. That means essentially the faction decided that you will be living with me until you are medically cleared because I am a leader and Four is my neighbour so you will have a babysitter with you all the time.” Eric mutters, seeming not thrilled that I will be his roommate
“Huh okay, well roomie where are we living then” I say, clearly the decision has already been made, not much I can do about it. I also secretly want to know more about Eric, so it seems like a win, win to me. Eric looks at me baffled at my response, I simply shrug at him. He leads the way to his apartment. Once he opened the door the first thing that caught my eye was the spacious living room area that had floor-to-ceiling windows that flood the space with natural light. Of course all the accessories are black, I didn’t really care much about what the apartment looked like, but I love the windows. I could just imagine standing and looking out at them while drinking a coffee every morning.
“Do all apartments have windows like this?” I ask Eric, he shakes his head no “What a shame, must be one of your leader perks, I'd love to have windows like this after initiation” I continue on. Lost in thought while looking out the windows. Eric hummed in response before telling me it is time to head down to the canteen to get dinner. Once we enter the canteen Eric disappears from my side to sit with what I assume are his leader buddies, I spot Four at the table, he gives me a little nod as if to say hello. I look around until I spot Rory waving her arms at me, signaling me to come and sit with her, I look over at Eric who nods his head at me and make my way to sit with Rory. Once I sit down Rory grabs me a tray and tells me what each food on the table is and her recommendations. I dish up my plate and thank her.
“So why did you walk in with the most cynical man in Dauntless?’ Rory asks, I raise an eyebrow at her,
“Well you see because that cynical asshole's skull is so hard he gave me a concussion when we landed on the net because of the stupid Erudite boy knocking us both off, so I was unconscious for the tour of the complex. And well apparently the faction decided that Eric is my 24/7 babysitter because I need monitoring all the time until I am medically cleared. So dearest lucky Eric has me as his roomie for a week” I tell her, she stares at me with her mouth open for a solid minute, until I stick my finger in her mouth, to which she swats away
“I’ll keep you in my prayers” she tells me
“He doesn’t seem that bad” I tell her, she makes a ‘girl are you serious’ face at me “I don’t know, maybe I concussed him as well and he's turned nice?” I say, to which the table laughs at.
“Well let us know how it goes, you are now always welcome at our table because we want all the gossip you get from Eric” another Dauntless born says, I roll my eyes
“That's Rider, Zane, Madden, and Malachi,” Rory says, pointing to the four boys on the other side of the table who all nod once they hear their name. Rider has blonde hair, blue eyes, an eyebrow piercing, lip ring, has a super fair complexion and tattoos going up and down his arms. Zane has black hair and grey eyes, tanned complexion, no visible tattoos and piercings. Madden has a black buzz cut, brown eyes, dark-skinned complexion and about a million ear piercings. Malachi has brown hair, green eyes, a light-skinned complexion and tattoos running down his neck to which I assume cover his whole body.
“and this is Indigo.” She points to the girl on my left. She, as expected has dyed her long hair indigo, is very pale, seems to be wearing purple eye contacts, she has her septum pierced and two nose rings on each side of her nose. She seems to have not gotten any tattoos yet.
“and Faith” she points to the girl on the right. She has a dark brown pixie cut, is very tan and seems to not have any tattoos or piercings. Her grey eyes are the same colour as Zane’s, so I assume they must be twins.
“Hi I’m Wyn” I wave at them all. We sit and chat for a bit while eating. We hear a cup bang against the table multiple times and look up at the balcony overlooking the canteen. Max is standing there with his cup in the air 
“Initiates, stand” He says waiting for us to all stand, “You have chosen to join the warrior faction tasked with the defence of this city and all its inhabitants. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery and the courage that raises one person to stand up for another” He pauses looking around the crowd before continuing. “Respect that, do us proud” He finished. The loud cheers from the rest of Dauntless ring out before they start picking us initiates up and passing us around, making us crowd surf around the canteen. I am a little concerned that someone will drop me, when I am grabbed from one of the members and put on the floor by Eric.
“Thank you” I mutter while yawning, still exhausted from everything that has happened today.
“I don’t need you face planting on my watch” Eric says, then he pauses “Alright let's go get you to sleep before I end up having to carry you sleeping again, the amounts of looks I got last time was enough, don’t need that happening again” he mutter, I nod and wave goodbye to Rory and the others as we leave the canteen and head back to Eric’s apartment. Once inside Eric shows me my room, it is small and cozy, but I am too tired to really look around at it. I see the bed and face plant onto it. I hear Eric chuckle quietly before I fall into a dreamless sleep, excited for the first day of training tomorrow.
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vaultsixtynine · 7 years ago
i’ve been watching a lot of miss fisher’s murder mysteries, and though this is a rare show that has actually engaged me in its characters (it has always been difficult for me to get attached to tv characters), i am Contractually Obligated by god and man to au the fuck out of it.
so i give to you: miss scharfer’s murder mysteries (probably set in a 1920s california coastal city rather than melbourne)
wyn: phyrne (with differences, but still essentially the irreverent sleuth we uhhh Love)
lucy: dot (who becomes less catholic, deals with paternal death, and reads an enormous stack of engineering books. also, she will admit she’s not a very good cook, but her coffee is fantastic)
odessa: janey (quiet, mischevious, clever, trying to learn to be a child again)
delilah: janey’s mother (but absent for an entirely different set of reasons than janey’s mother in the show and isn’t explained away after an episode; ties back into the plot later)
avery: collins (but hear me out - not a green, young constable, but a demoted former detective who Doesn’t Want To Talk About It, Thanks. and yes, he is eternally beleaguered by both his job and the lady detective whom he Does Not want anything to do with)
garrett/finley/god he needs a real name: jack (but no subtext with wyn’s phryne, since wyn’s phryne has an eternal date with avery’s collins for the bickering hour. nor does he know that odessa is his daughter) 
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hyperfixation-train-station · 6 months ago
Chapter 2
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✧ Word Count: 2545 words
✧ Author’s Note: Just finished this chapter today, I will me writing a lot more tomorrow so chapter should be coming out a bit quicker in the future.
✧ Summary: This is Eric's POV of what happened in Chapter one, plus the aftermath of what is to come after Wyn sees thew doctors at the infirmary, lets just say that Max has a plan that Eric isn't too thrilled about and Four thinks is hilarious.
✧ Warnings: foul language
✧ Tag List: @mischief-merlyn
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Being in leadership at such a young age should be an honour, and it is, but right now more than anything I would rather jump into the chasm than being the leader that has to deal with more initiates. I swear they get worse every single year, we get people that think all Dauntless do is jump off shit and get tattoos, which I mean we do, but there is a lot more to it than that.
I look down at my watch and sigh, the train should be here soon. I wonder how many people will not jump off the train and need to be rounded up later this year. I mean honestly I don’t know what they expect us to do when they don’t jump off the train, every faction knows that the trains don’t stop, not that we would ever stop the trains for cowards that are too scared to jump off anyway. I guess it just makes the initiation process easier as it gets rid of the weak cowards early on. I start to feel the rumble of the train and I look up to see the first train car reach the roof. I watch a sea of black jump out of the first car, ah yes the Dauntless borns, and… wait is that white I see jumping out of the first car as well? Well i’ll be damned, a new initiate from Candour made it into the first car with the Dauntless borns
“That’s a rare sight, a Candour made it to the front of the train with the Dauntless born” Max, the leader of leaders in Dauntless, says
“Don’t get too impressed Max, initiates always have a way to let us down after doing something mildly Dauntless like” I mutter, Max just chuckles and rolls his eyes at me.
“You’re no fun, have at least a little faith in them” he says, I scoff, to which he just laughs at again.
My eyes begin to drift over the crowd, I don’t really know what I am looking for, my eyes seem to have a mind of their own and who am I to stop them from finding whatever they are looking for. Then I see her and immediately know that she was what I was looking for, the same brown doe eyes that I saw a little over a year ago now, those eyes were seared in my memory that night I found her. I never thought I would see the little Candour girl I saved from her own faction again. It was all luck that I even stumbled upon her and the group of Candour boys attacking her in the first place. It was one of my first patrols after initiation, I had turned down the wrong alley and gotten lost when I saw her. She had made eye contact with me before the boys even knew I was there. Although she never said anything I could see her eyes begging me to save her and well apparently I can’t say no to brown doe eyes. I mean sure I would’ve done something either way because those boys were disgusting, taking pleasure in attacking someone so much smaller than them, but I had never felt such a primal rage in my life before seeing her eyes plead for help. For a second I wonder if she recognizes me, but all the confirmation I need to know that she does is looking into her pretty brown eyes. I can almost see the anxiety building up inside her when she looks away and wraps her arms around herself for comfort, but instead of letting it take over, I watch as she forces her arms to hang by her side and keep eye contact with me. The sight makes me fill with pride, it seems the little deer has found her confidence. I suppress a grin, well maybe this initiation class just got a lot more interesting
“I’ll leave the introduction to you” Max says, breaking my train of thought. I sigh and mutter ‘lazy fuck’ under my breath to which Max simply grins at.
"All right, listen up!" I yell, instantly silencing the crowd,
"I'm Eric. I'm one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in." I motion off the ledge I am standing on. I feel a wave of unease and confusion run through the initiates and it makes me grin, this is one of my favourite parts, scaring the shit out of the initiates. I find myself looking to see the reaction of what I said on the little deers face, but she has a look of indifference, almost like she is thinking about how inefficient this entrance would be to use everyday. The thought is amusing to me, I look at the rest of the crowd and continue. 
"And if you don't have the guts to jump..." I pause, looking around the crowd once again "then you don't belong in Dauntless."
"Is there water at the bottom, or something?" a loud mouth Candour boy asks. I scoff, but I also catch a slight scoff from the little deer… I’ve got to stop calling her that and figure out her name. She must also hate the fact that her birth faction does not have the ability to shut up for longer than 30 minutes. 
"I guess you'll find out." I say while I give the boy a once over "Or not." I shrug. I hear a small chuckle and my eyes dart to the noise, of course it is her, the little deer.  
“Well who wants to go first” I say crossing my arms, I am starting to get bored of this process already. I think that is a new record. I wait for someone to volunteer.
“Me” Little deer says and she starts to walk over to the edge where I am standing. She steps up onto the ledge, I have to stop myself from offering her my hand to help her up, what is wrong with me? I never have feelings like this, let alone about an initiate. She makes eye contact with me now that she is beside me on the ledge, then she looks down at the hole in the roof. I see her about to step off the ledge when I am hit by a streak of blue, which sends me into my little deer and now we are both falling off the ledge.  All I hear as the two of us fall is an unfamiliar voice yell
“Wait no I want to go first” and Max yell,
“What the fuck”
My brain is working on overdrive as I realise there is a real chance that I could land on my little deer… wait mine?... Shut up inner monologue, now is not the time. Seems all I needed to do to get my mind working again was look to my left and see her falling with me.
“Oh fuck” I mutter and reach out to grab her arm, at least she isnt flailing around. I pull her towards me and make sure that she is above me so I take the impact when we hit the net. I pull her against my chest and then we hit the net. We bounce once, twice, smack, her head bounces off of mine. When we are finally flat on the net I hear a groan as her head pops up from against my chest to look at me.
“Why the fuck is your head so goddamn hard” She mutters at me with an angry expression on her face, she looks about as dangerous as a kitten and I can’t help but chuckle. 
“Um Eric? And a new person? Why did you guys jump together?” I hear Four ask from the side of the net. I look over at him and make a ‘bitch are you dumb’ face.
“Obviously we didn’t do this on purpose Four, some idiot Erudite boy ran at her so he could be the first jumper instead, but knocked me off and well I accidentally hit her and took her down with me” I grumble, as I lift her off of me and hand her over to Four. After she is off of me I climb off the net myself.  
“Are you hurt?” Four askes her, she looks up and starts laughing at him. Four gives me a confused look and I just shrug. 
“Ha ha there are four of you spinning around just like the number and your name” she tells him while laughing, Four and I make eye contact and cringe a little, she probably has a concussion. 
“I think she is concussed” He said
“Yeah she smacked her forehead against mine when we landed, I’ll take her to the infirmary while you and Lauren deal with the rest of them” I say, I turn to her and my brain decides this is the perfect time to find out her name. 
“What’s your name?” I ask her while holding onto her shoulder so she focuses on me instead of giggling at whatever she is seeing float in the air.
“Wyn” she says, “But like spelt W-Y-N… I’m pretty sure” she continues while rubbing her head. Well I hope she was right, or that will be the name she is stuck here with anyway.
“Okay, First jumper Wyn” Four yells to the others.
“Alright ready to go” I ask, I contemplate letting her try to walk beside me to the infirmary, but seeing as she saw four of Four earlier, with my luck she’d walk off another ledge somewhere. I decide it will just be easier to carry her, so I pick her up bridal style. It wasn't until I picked her up that I realised how small she is. I'm glad to see she isn’t skin and bone, that would now end well for her here if she was. But she sure as hell is short. 
“I could walk” She said
“You could, but this is easier, I don’t need you getting lost on the way and I have to come back and find you anyway” I tell her. I watch her huff and cross her arm in a pout. I can’t help but smile down at her, I could get used to having her in my arms more. I shake my head to get rid of the thought, now is not the time for that.
“Whatever you’re lucky i’m tired anyway” Wyn muttered while leaning on my shoulder and closing her eyes
“Wait no don’t sleep… shit” I say, shaking her a little to try and keep her awake but it is of no use, she is sound asleep. I sigh and continue to walk towards the infirmary. I pay no mind to the shocked and confused looks my other Dauntless members give me. Must be a shock for them to see the big bad Eric carrying a sleeping girl around the compound. 
Once I make it to the infirmary, nurses come up and rush me to put Wyn down on the bed. I do so and get out of their way so they can do whatever they need to do. I answer their questions on what happened. After about 15 minutes they tell me that she is fine, just concussed and that they will call me when she wakes up. They guess it will take 3-5 days for her to be fully healed thanks to the new treatment Erudite made for concussions. But that someone will need to monitor her the whole time. I thank them for their help, as the last people you want to hate you here at Dauntless are the nurses so I make sure to stay on their good side. They shoo me away to leave Wyn to rest. 
I make my way to Max’s office to discuss what we should do and what our next steps are seeing as she will need a permanent babysitter for the next week. I knocked on Max’s office door and entered after he confirmed he was there. 
“Well just got back from the infirmary, our first jumper Wyn will need to be monitored for a minimum of 3 days according to the nurses.” I tell Max
“So essentially she can’t live in the dorms right now and needs to live with a Dauntless member until she’s deemed healed by the doctor” Max says 
“Pretty much, any idea who would have space for that and actually make sure she doesn’t die?” I ask him 
“I feel like it is pretty obvious Eric” Mac says to me with a grin on his face that makes me feel uneasy
“I don’t like that grin… who do you have in mind… wait, nope I refuse, I like my space and I don’t share” I tell Max, crossing my arms, in reality I wouldn’t mind having to look after Wyn, but at the same time having her in my personal space could be dangerous. 
“Oh come on Eric, it’s not like i’m saying she is permanently moving in with you, you make the most sense, you’re a leader that is overseeing initiation and Four is your neighbour. So he could watch her when you can” Max says 
“You want Four and I to split custody of her?” I ask, Max gives me a pointed look, I know that look, it means his decision is final and I have no choice, I sigh, “Fine, i’ll go make the spare bed for her” I mutter walking out of Max’s office, not before seeing his smirk. He is doing thing in purpose to torture me.
I run into Four and the other initiates while walking back to the training room. Four looks at me and shakes his head, great even he doesn’t have faith in this initiation class and he actually is nice to people. I sigh and walk beside him. 
“I’m getting a roommate that we are supposed share custody of according to Max for a week” I mutter, Four raises his eyebrows in confusion, “Wyn, the first jumper, she has a concussion and with the new treatment from Erudite she has to be monitored the whole time until she is fully healed and apparently Max decided I was the best person for that” I continue, Four bursts out a laugh and I see the initiates give us a confused look,
 “What the fuck are you looking at” I bark out at them well elbowing Four hinting ag him to get his manical laughing under control, the initiates immediately apologize and look away,
“Sorry, sorry” Four says as I glare at him, “He thought you would be the best? That’s hilarious” he continues, before I can punch the stupid grin off his face my phone buzzes, I see it’s a message from the infirmary that Wyn is awake and she is ready to be discharged.
“Oh shut up” I mutter, “Finish up the tour and make sure the initiates are on time for dinner, I don’t need another scolding about not feeding the initiates” I tell him 
“Yes sir” Four says while saluting at me, I roll my eyes and head back to the infirmary to pick up Wyn.
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hyperfixation-train-station · 7 months ago
Chapter One
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✧ Word Count: 1908 words
✧ Author’s Note: This starts at the choosing ceremony after the test has already been done. Four and Eric are also actually friends in this because I think that is a funnier dynamic then them hating each other.
✧ Summary: After making her decision to join Dauntless, Wyn runs into a familiar face on the rooftop of the Dauntless building, she was not expecting to see him so soon, will he remember her? Will he hinder her chances at succeeding at Dauntless?
✧ Warnings: foul language
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Everything before this moment will be forgotten, I declare. Anything before the sound of my blood burning on the dauntless coals at the choosing ceremony will no longer exist. I escaped them, they won’t be able to use me anymore. This is my new life and I intend to leave every part of my past in Candour behind, for good. 
I don’t turn back to see the looks on my faction's face, I won’t give them the satisfaction. Instead I turn and walk to my new cheering faction with my head held high, for the first time in years I smile and let excitement overtake me.
The rest of the ceremony is a blur, filled with loud sobbing from parents and cheers from the faction chosen. I didn’t pay all that much attention after my turn at the bowls. When the ceremony finally comes to an end I rise with my new faction… no, that's wrong, it is just my faction now, I have always belonged here despite not being born in Dauntless, I was born a Dauntless.
Once out of the building we all start running, I follow along making sure to keep up with the Dauntless born, I am already starting at a disadvantage to them, so I want to stick close and observe them the best I can. I already know we are heading to the train tracks. I started observing the Dauntless years ago to prepare for this day, I didn’t need the test to tell me where I belonged, that was set in stone since birth. I follow behind one of the Dauntless born, watching her black ponytail swing back and forth as I follow her up the bridges column to the train tracks. She has quite a few tattoos already that I admire. Once at the tracks we wait for the tell tale sign of the rumbling of the train to know it is coming.
“Get ready” the Dauntless girl I followed yelled to the others, I turned and saw the train approaching and started running behind the girl again. I feel the rush of wind from the train as it speeds beside me, she jumps, grabs the handle on the outside of the train car and hits the button to open the train car door before disappearing inside the train car. I copy her movements and make it into the train with the same amount of efficiency as the girl. That was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I look around the train car and only see the black clothing of the Dauntless born around me. I seem to be the only transfer that made it into the first train car. 
“Hey Candour” the girl with the black ponytail says “what’s your name?” 
“Wyn” I reply, rolling my eyes at the use of my old Factions name, but I don’t fault her, as I would call her Dauntless in the same context “and yours? 
“Rory” she says “it’s pretty impressive that you kept up with us and made it into this car, I have high hopes that I will see you around the compound for… well the rest of our lives I guess”
“Is that your way of saying you think I will pass initiation, which I know I will, and that you want to be friends?” I say with a smirk, enjoying her shocked expression at my blatant statement.
“You know what yeah, I like you” she says and turns to the rest of the Dauntless born “I call dibs on this transfer being my adoptive Dauntless” I hear many groans and comments about that being unfair from the other Dauntless borns and can’t help but laugh at their antics
“Alright Wyn get ready” Rory states
“Ready for?” I say, but I get my answer when they start jumping onto the building roof our car is currently in front of.  I don’t have time to think before I leap out of the car myself to make sure I am not left behind. I manage to land on my feet and scowl at Rory
 “couldn’t have given me a bit more of a warning asshole” she just laughs and shrugs with a massive grin on her face 
“Where is the fun in that” she says, I huff and turn to watch the others jump out onto the roof, I notice some who refuse to jump and stay in the train cars. I nudge Rory with my elbow and ask 
“What happens to the ones who didn’t jump? The trains don’t stop, how are they expecting to get off?” 
“Well they become factionless, but I think a patrol is sent out and they essentially throw them off the train” I raise my eyebrow at her response “Like throw them off onto a roof like this” she clarifies and I nod. 
I continue to look around at my surroundings when my eyes halt on a familiar set of eyes. I feel like it was a lifetime ago when I first saw the dauntless boy's—well, man's now—face in front of me. He's grown a lot since that fateful day a little over a year ago, gaining more muscle and tattoos, but those piercing eyes will always be seared in my memory. Nobody could ever forget eyes that reach as deeply into the soul as his do. My knight, clad in his faction's colour black instead of armour, looming ominously at the edge of the rooftop, his arms crossed, casting his gaze on my fellow initiates, taking in every detail he can, as he always seems to do. His demeanour makes it quite evident that he is a valued and significant member of Dauntless. Will his memory of me help or hinder my time as an initiate? I never imagined I'd see him in such a short time. The memories of that day flow through my mind again, and I can feel anxiety rising in my throat. I felt his eyes linger on me as he scanned the crowd. I inhaled slowly and met his gaze yet again. I only needed to glance into his eyes to know that he remembers me precisely as I remember him. I attempted to shrink into myself to escape from those eyes, wrapping my arms around myself - feeling vulnerable in his gaze. Then it all clicks into place. This is why I'm here: to put an end to hiding and living in fear. I force myself to keep my arms by my sides and maintain eye contact with him while the realisation races through my head. A part of me wants to look down and submit like I've always been instructed to, but another part of me tells me that this time, I won't be the scared girl he had to save; instead, I'm dauntless and I'll prove to him and everyone else that fear can no longer control me and that fear should be afraid of me. 
We break eye contact as he begins to speak,
"All right, listen up!" his voice filled with authority that instantly silences the crowd 
"I'm Eric. I'm one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in." He motions off the side of the building we are on. I feel a wave of unease and confusion run through the group of us. Does he mean we have to jump off the side of a building just to enter Dauntless every time? Seems a little inefficient to me.
"And if you don't have the guts to jump..." he pauses, looking around the crowd once again "then you don't belong in Dauntless."
"Is there water at the bottom, or something?" a loud mouth Candour boy asks. I scoff, of course leave it to Candour to not be able to shut up for longer than 30 minutes. 
"I guess you'll find out." Eric responds, giving the boy a once over "Or not." he shrugs. I quietly chuckle, finding it amusing how easily Eric put the boy in his place. I see Eric’s eyes dart to me for a second before looking away. 
“Well who wants to go first” Eric says crossing his arms
“Me” I say without thinking, I take a breath and walk towards the edge of the roof beside Eric, I stand up on the ledge and look at Eric, we make eye contact for a second before I break it and look down and see there is a hole in the roof of the building about 30 ft below us, but through the hole it is just black, so I have no idea what is down there, but there has to be something. They can’t kill us all on the first day, that wouldn’t make sense. I am about to step off the ledge when I see a streak of blue that crashes into Eric, sending Erich crashing into me. All I hear as the two of us fall off the edge is an unfamiliar voice yell
“Wait no I want to go first” 
I feel the air flowing around me, I’m falling, it is honestly quiet peaceful, I start to let my mind drift, enjoying the air flowing through my fingers, it felt like I was falling for hours before I hear Eric mutter ���oh fuck” I feel him grab my arm and pull me into his chest so that he is under me, then we hit a net, bounce once, twice, smack, my head bounces off of his. Ow that hurt like a bitch, when we are finally flat on the net I groan and look up at Eric
“Why the fuck is your head so goddamn hard” I ask already feeling kind of dizzy, I hear Eric chuckle and then a new voice say
“Um Eric? And a new person? Why did you guys jump together?”
“Obviously we didn’t do this on purpose Four, some idiot Erudite boy ran at her so he could be the first jumper instead, but knocked me off and well I accidentally hit her and took her down with me” Eric grumbles, handing me to Four who lifted me off the net while Eric climbed off the net himself
“Are you hurt?” Four askes, I look up at him and giggle seeing four of him spinning around, how ironic,
“Ha ha there are four of you spinning around just like the number and your name” I tell him with laughing, Four just gives Eric a look 
“I think she is concussed” He said
“Yeah she smacked her forehead against mine when we landed, I’ll take her to the infirmary while you and Lauren deal with the rest of them” Eric says, then turning to me “What’s your name?” Eric asks me
“Wyn” I say, “But like spelt W-Y-N… I’m pretty sure” I say rubbing my head
“Okay, First jumper Wyn” Four yells to the others.
“Alright ready to go” Eric asks, before I answer he picks me up bridal style to carry me to the infirmary
“I could walk” I say
“You could, but this is easier, I don’t need you getting lost on the way and I have to come back and find you anyway” He says, I huff and cross my arms
“Whatever you’re lucky i’m tired anyway” I say while leaning on his shoulder and closing my eyes
“Wait no don’t sleep… shit” is all I hear Eric say before I fall asleep.
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hyperfixation-train-station · 7 months ago
character aesthetics
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eric coulter x oc (wyn odessa) there will be other divergent characters in this story from divergent and others i made up. in the stories setting wyn is in the initiation class before tris' so she and that initiate group will not be included during wyn's initiation. i only wanted to do wyn's, eric's, and their relationship's aesthetic.
wyn odessa:
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eric coulter:
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eric and wyn relationship aesthetic:
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this post and this post are also very eric and wyn coded....
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vaultsixtynine · 8 years ago
OCs - 18, 22, 39
18 - oc crackships?
i haven’t heard the word crackship in like four years, but i mean. i have very few oc/oc ships bc that would cross dimensions for many of them, but i do occasionally think abt sakine/indmira and wyn/lucy, but a lot of my oc ‘crackships’ end up being ‘what ifs’ with other game npcs than the ones i Usually imagine them with - ina/josephine, saf/hiravias, del/nick, sakine/miraak (dont kinkshame me), wyn/veronica or wyn/dean domino, etc. i wouldn’t necessarily call these 'crackships’, but i also don’t consider them realistic.
22 - oc of yours that people tend to mischaracterize?
i don’t think so? to be very frank i haven’t really gotten into group oc discussions since cf because nothing fills me with anxiety more, so i’m not quite sure where someone would get the opportunity to mischaracterize any of them. i guess wyn’s easy to mischaracterize at base level of understanding of her motivations, but like. again, nobody’s been out here writing fic abt her so! also i feel like the entire rm crew (as in, in-game characters) misunderstand & thus mischaracterize arkwright in their heads, but that’s in-game party friction and not out-of-game)
39 - introduce any charscter you want
uhhhh not quite sure what this means. i’ve introduced quite a few of my characters and yall who follow me know i Never shut the Fuck Up. i haven’t talked abt delilah (my f4 survivor) in awhile though, so let me re-introduce her:
delilah xie (formerly just min) - product of genetic experimentation and one of china’s many pre-great-war schemes to get ahead, min was raised in isolated middle america the same way a knife is sharpened: ground down to a razor-sharp point, weaknesses forced out. after graduating her 'training’ (where success or death were her only two options), she had a decade+ long career as a spy and operations agent on american soil, hiding herself in plain sight and often going dormant / sleeper for months or even a year or more at a time.
(warning!!! the under-cut text is pretty long)
approximately a year and change before the great war, she defected for many reasons, and after hiding herself in the idyllic american suburbia of sanctuary hills (the last place she’d be looked for) with her newborn daughter (odessa), her entire world exploded. as a post-war vaultie, she’s uh… broken, really. her identity is fractured and a vacuum left behind, and all she has instead is the wordless frustration of a broken tool, seeking an idea (a son named shaun, probably dead but still her only immediate purpose) in an alien ghost world.
her plot takes a sharp diverge from 'canon’ fallout 4, because f4’s plotline is very forced onto the player, and delilah is - in-game and then again from a meta sense - about never being used as a tool again and making her own choices, her own way. she runs with the rxr for awhile, because synths & their servitude are a strange extension of her own problems, and then she finds out in the institute that 'shaun’ is not her son and the rxr was 80% sure that that was the case - her memories of her child have been altered by the same tech they use to take memories from Real People and make synths; her actual daughter has been kept in captivity in a secret sub-lab for a decade and been used as genetic material to create father’s ideal 'genetically perfect synth’ - ignorant of the fact that odessa’s dna - like her mother’s - is abnormal.
del loses her entire shit and all of her cool besides; the flat, stoic facade she had up this entire time shatters and the writhing rage underneath it becomes evident - she divorces herself from the rxr, which was using her, and divorces herself from her semi-covert positions she had in the bos and in the institute - when she goes into the institute to kill father and get odessa, she goes alone.
father dies, of course, after a lengthy villain explanation and subsequent ???! when del explains her fuckt up dna and that’s why none of his ~perfect genetic synth~ plans were working; some coursers try to kill her, etc, but she does not blow up the institute - nor does she take leadership of it like father was apparently planning. the pre-war world was garbage and only focused on ways to kill one another and steal resources, and the institute clearly inherited that legacy. no, not death for you, not war for the commonwealth - del will never broker war for anyone else ever again.
(stop reading here if you don"t care about nitty gritty and some finer details of this fucking recipe for disaster del created. her plans were rage-fueled and ambitious and had consequences)
the institute will face the world they’ve been terrorizing for 200 years, and instead of sabotaging the chance at peace, they will send delegates and participate in said peace. for the other factions - she either convinced or strong-armed them into doing the same; she has well over a decade’s experience in manipulating situations and even nations, and knows where to hit to keep weapons out of reach and force organizations to do something other than what they want to do (though usually she was inciting conflict, it feels strange to be on the other end)
once she ensures that this war that everyone was on the brink of doesn’t happen, she takes odessa and steps out - general garvey and the strengthened minutemen can handle the peace talks. she wants no spotlight, but while odessa is acclimating to life in fresh air, she still goes from time to time to sort out Issues with this new and very fragile balance of forces. the institute, rxr, and minutemen strike a careful accord with one another and delegates from larger settlements - forcing all to change in some way, but still maintaining this fresh new commonwealth order.
the bos is another matter, one that isn’t entirely in del’s hands. del disabled their airship - did NOT blow it up, but did force it to land - earlier, which forced them to come to the talks while they were still vulnerable. they also didn’t have libprime, and so maxson showed up, saw that the institute and rxr was there talking about synths, and immediately flipped his lid - he left, and a secondary war (institute/rxr/minutemen vs bos) began to brew, even though the rxr and institute forces Hate working together
i have separate, concurrent plotlines for when lucy and wyn get there - both for different reasons, but they both gum up the works for the bos. wyn steals something important, and lucy makes sure madison li never helps the bos with libprime - and then, one day, lucy finds out about sarah lyons, and goes on a feverish hunt to find out what really happened - sarah was her friend, and lucy isn’t naive enough any longer to suspect anything besides foul play. wyn and her go digging (wyn’s good at that), and find that the 'outcasts’ that still remain in the capitol wasteland are now lyons supporters, those who fell out from the bos when maxson was shunted into leadership and began moving the bos to a fascist military force once more.
and like. i don’t like the brotherhood of steel. i never have. and lucy has an equally complicated history with them - but lyons was a good woman, and a good leader. and one day, while looking for concrete details besides the vague claims of murder from lyons outcasts, they find the woman herself. scarred, reliant on her power suit, but alive - and pissed. she’s been biding her time this entire time, and seeing lucy again and hearing what’s happening in the commonwealth makes her realize tha It’s Time.
the lyons outcasts show up in time to convince the bulk of the mm/inst/rxr forces to let them deal with maxson’s bos - as they have friends and family amongst its ranks and have a better chance of convincing them all to stand down.
del - not expecting the lyons outcasts bc lucy/wyn never Warned Her - was already inside the patched prydwen with maxson’s skeleton crew guard (the rest of the bos were on the ground preparing to fight)
del killed maxson (her last assassination, she promised herself), which split the bos forces into 'those who saw the lyons outcasts and sarah and knew that they had been decieved and used’ and 'those who are now out for blood vendetta for their murdered leader’
the latter was easily (but bloodily) put down, and after a rocky explanations period, sarah took control of the bos, ordered them all back onto the prydwen, and set course for the citadel back in dc. which left everyone else slightly reeling and non-believing, like? did that just happen? what the fuck?
but that’s about as far as i’ve headcanoned for del so far - i don’t know what she and odessa do after f4, but they might head back west with wyn and lucy - del wants to see alaska, settle an old score, find an answer to an old question - and she wants odessa to have the structure of the ncr around her (wyn making a >:0 face in the bg) - her daughter has suffered so much, she deserves something Normal and del isn’t Normal by any stretch of the imagination.
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