#wyatt earp and the cowboy war
valleydean · 30 days
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this docuseries is slightly infuriating to me but i thank them for giving me this moment of doc and wyatt in jail when the cowards of every other show/movie did not
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girl4music · 2 months
Well… This should be interesting for all the Earpers.
But it has to be fucking Netflix doesn’t it?
I knew that ‘Wynonna Earp’ was based off a comic book which was heavily based off of a true American Western story about lawman Wyatt Earp and his dealings at the O.K. Corral alongside Doc Holliday. I just never knew what the full story of that was. So I’d be interested in watching this show if it wasn’t Netflix.
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canastadisastrous · 25 days
i'm surprised that they didn't give much context with earp's experiences in dodge city
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mikey-stardust-way · 28 days
Y'all think Wyatt Erup and Doc Holliday ever explored eachothers bodies??
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genuinely kicking my legs and giggling as I watch the fuckin. Wyatt Earp docuseries on Netflix.
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s-awturn · 11 days
Sometimes it's hard to have a fertile mind because I'm watching Wyatt Earp and The Cowboy War and all I can think about is what I can write based on that...
By the way, the guy who plays Morgan Earp is so cute, my goodness.
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myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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1858 Garnett House Hotel
Garnett, Kansas
Garnett House was built in 1858 by D.W. Houston and was opened as a hotel by Hiram Tefft in the fall of that year. The building sits at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Walnut in the town of Garnett, Kansas. The building was the first hotel in town and had several additions built onto the building. It was said that Mrs. Houston refused to move into the original building due to it’s swaying in the breeze. The hotel became known as The Garnett House and also the Lighthouse Hotel due to it’s bright lantern on the top floor which could be seen for miles at that time. It is the only surviving antebellum structure in the town of Garnett, Kansas.
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As a hotel, the building has been a witness and a participant to many events in it’s near 160-year history, including a participant in the Underground Railroad. During the time known as Bleeding Kansa. It is said that the famous Abolitionist John Brown hid escaped slaves in the attic of the home. This is said to have happened around 1859 just prior to the American Civil War.
During the 1870s, the town of Garnett became a crossroads of cowboys, settlers headed West and citizens. It literally became the scene out of the Old West with saloons, brothels, and gunfights in the streets. It was during this time that the hotel hosted some of it’s most famous guests.
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The guest list includes famous lawmen Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and Wild Bill Hickock. It also includes famous scout Buffalo Bill Cody who was traveling with Hickock at the time. Belle Starr the famous female cowboy shooter was also a guest of the hotel. The famous outlaw Jesse James was also rumored to have stayed here under one of his many aliases.
After this time, the hotel eventually became a private residence once larger and more modern hotels began to appear in the town of Garnett. In the early 1950s, the building became the Doctor’s Office of Dr. Robert Stevens and his wife Dr. Julius-Stevens. They treated patients in the old hotel up until the 21st Century.  
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Every mystical place has its tales. There is a story of a woman poisoning her husband with rabbit poison, and how she was imprisoned in the Garnett house before being rescued.
Screams in the night have been heard on EVP recordings have been pulled from digital recordings at the Garnett House. One of the most disturbing elements of these screams is that they appear to come from a child.
The Garnett hotel has been investigated many times. The current owners are very interested in preserving the precious history that this old inn holds beneath its walls.
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friendly-books · 3 months
Dresden files Brief cases and Monster live blog
Dresden files Brief cases and Monster live blog
A fistful of warlock
The American West was not the most miserable land I have ever traveled but it came near it.” pg. 16 Excuse me what nonsense are you talking about Luccio? The Midwest is great.
I like the nacken
“The warlock would hide in the rough part town-his kind could rarely find sanctuary among stolid, sober townsfolk” pg. 18 His kind? Kind? He’s still a person.
Cool spectacles
“The current Captain of the Wardens, a man named McCoy, a man with great deal more powerful and experience than me, had brought down three.” pg. 24 Eb mention
“Not only that, but such an action would brake one of the Council’s unspoken laws: Wizards were expected to minimize the use of  their abilities in the presence of magic-ignorant mortals.” pg. 25 Harry breaking spoken and unspoken laws
“My name is Wyatt Earp” said the deputy “And I think I’m the law” pg. 29 I like Wyatt
“Thule Society” pg. 30 Isn’t that the thing Thomas and Ivy is apart of?
“He will be fairly tried, and then, I expect, beheaded for his crimes.”
Earp examined the fingers nails of his right hand. “A real fair trial?” pg. 34 Yep real fair :|
“Well Bill’s partner” pg. 38 GAY COWBOYS!
“You’re willing to challenge an entire town to a fight? For the sake of your friend’s salon?” pg. 41 Is…is Luccio type people who stand up for the right thing? Like Harry and Earp. No one wonder she and Morgan didn’t get together
“It was then that the drum began beating, a slow, steady cadence in the darkness.” pg. 42 Oh no necromancers
“Rage, pure and undiluted, rage that this man, this creature, would spurn his responsibility to humanity and distort the power that created the universe itself into something so obscene, so foul.” pg. 51 Whoa there Luccio let’s not call people ‘creatures’ that’s how dehumanizing begins at that’s bad
“Kemmler” pg. 55 Oh no him that’s not his last time around
B is for Bigfoot
“Volkswagen beetle” pg. 60 Blue Beetle!
“I’m not a moron, usually.” pg. 60 Ha
“The whole PI gig is mostly about patience.” pg. 60 It’s fun seeing Harry being a pi after several books of him not being one
“My jaw dropped open. I mean it literally dropped open.” pg. 62 Ha
I like Dr. Helena Pounder
“But how did I hookup with a BigFoot?” pg. 67 I mean we were all wondering so…
“People can overreact to things when their kids get involved.” pg. 71 Yep you’ll find out soon enough Harry
“I winced. I knew where this was going. I’d seen it before, when it had been me with the book and the lunch tray.” pg. 73 Poor Harry poor Irwin
I like Irwin
I don’t like Couch Pete
“He is a Whitestone,” he said “They sharpen their instincts upon him. He is good for them.” pg. 84 He’s a child
I like Harry’s speech to Irwin
Go Irwin!
AAAA Wizardly
“They all look so darn young.” The close second was “Myers God I’m I getting older” pg. 106 Poor Harry
“The war had simply made the penalty for not learning quite a bit steeper.” pg. 107 Poor kids
I like Harry teaching the young wardens
“Oh God” she said “I think I like you”
“Give it time” pg. 117 Ha
“I’ve never met anyone who was breathing who I thought was too far gone to help.” pg. 122 Aw Harry
“Only kids can sense them” pg. 123 Oh interesting
I’m glad the family got better
I was a teenager Bigfoot
“I’m in the ninety ninth percentile for height, but this guy was tall.” pg. 144 Yep
“You have an unsophisticated sense of humor.” pg. 145 Yes he does
River Shoulders!
“He was a good-looking man” pg. 151 Bi Harry 39
I can’t believe Irwin’s already a teenager
“I can’t think of anything sexier first impression than a man quoting Yakko and Wakko Warner” pg. 154 Ha
“Optio” pg. 159 New spell
“It was beautiful magic, which was rare for me.” pg. 159 Aw
“My record for going without sleep was just under six days” pg. 168 Harry you need sleep
“Wah” I said, Bruce Lee style” pg. 172 Ha
“You used black magic. To grow hair.” pg. 178 Seriously :|
“And I had no intention of turning anyone over to the tender mercies of the Wardens if I could possibly avoid.” pg. 179 Yep
“I mean I didn’t take my feet down off my desk or anything. But I payed attention.” pg. 184 Ha
“Mr. Dovovan” I said “no one does discretion like me.” pg. 189 Ha
More lore yay!
“Weregoats” pg. 202 Ha
I like Jill
“Gwynn ap Nudd” pg. 211 Where have I heard that name before
“ruggedly handsome” pg. 211 Bi Harry 40
Since when did Harry get so many titles?
“I’d like to see them to beat out the Yankees.”
“Who wouldn’t? Bloody Yankees” pg. 213 Ha and yes beat the Yankees
I like Geynn
Yes baseball is very serious business
“I have this weird thing where I take professional ethics seriously.” pg. 219 Yep
“They’re going to fight through it eventually.” pg. 222 Yep and they did in 2016
“Gwynn ap Nupp’s handsome face broke into a smile” pg. 223 Bi Harry 41
Even Hand
I’m so excited for this short story
“A successful murder is like a successful restaurant: Ninety percent of it is about location, location, location” pg. 226 Ha and I probably shouldn’t have laughed at that
“They knelt over a large faded stain the concrete floor, left on the floor by the hypocritical White Council of Wizardly during their last execution.” pg. 226 Is Marcone making a point by having this executive here? How does Marcone know about the execution? And yes the White Council is hypocritical. We now have three canonical warehouses in all of Chicago. They just cycle through them.
“The man was young and good looking.” pg. 226 Is…is Marcone Bi? Gay? Bi Marcone 1
Oh Marcone is doing the execution himself
Why Boston? That’s so far away
Mr. Morell is the mob boss of Chicago
“I run the whores” pg. 227 Marcone that’s rude to say. It’s either sex worker or seamstress
Marcone your putting the one alive guy in a shipping container with his dead colleagues.
“He twitched his chin in the slight motion that he used for a nod when he disproved of my actions but intended to obey be anyway.” pg.227 Marcone knows Hendricks well
“Location, location, location” pg. 228 Ha nice call back
“Obviously, I am not Harry Dresden” pg. 228 First Harry Dresden mention
“My name is something I rarely trouble to remember, but for most of my adult life, I have been called John Marcone.” pg. 228 John Marcone isn’t his actual name!?
“I’m not even possessed of the mystic abilities of a mortal wizard.” pg. 228 Not yet
Yes they broke Marcone rules about kids
“He was hunched over a laptop too small for him, plugging away at his thesis” pg. 230 Hendricks has a thesis?! Cool
“The problem was young and attractive.” pg. 230 Bi Marcone 2
“You are a sometime associate of Harry Dresden” I said “Given his proclivities about those he considers to be under his aegis, it is sensible to identify as many of them as possible.” pg. 232 Of course Marcone keeps track of Harry and his friends. And Marcone you do the same with your employees.
I like that Marcone renovates old buildings instead of tearing them down.
Oh the Formor
“Précis please,” pg. 234 Of course Marcone know French
Hendricks knows how to use a sword!?
“I don’t grant favors” You don’t? What about helping save the thralls in White Knight? Or giving Harry info in Changes?
“He blasted the door into a cloud of flying splinters with what I presumed with magic.” pg. 235 Ha
“For God’s sake
At least the vampires would call for an appointment.” pg. 235 Ha
“After a few visits from Dresden and his ilk I’ve invested in cheap, light doors at dramatic (as opposed to tactical) entry points.” pg. 235 Ha and glad to see Harry left an impression. Has Harry noticed the flimsy doors?
“Sir. Please” pg. 236 If Harry was the one asking and saying please Marcone would cave and agree
“Is it so much to ask for civility?” pg. 236 Ha and you should be used to this with Harry
Ohhh copper circle nice
“you are property. You have no rights in the current situation” pg. 241 Marcone Justine isn’t property she’s a person
“I am not a humanitarian. When I offer charity it is for tax purposes.” pg. 241 Lying to yourself Marcone. Again what about the Raith deeps? What about the info he gave Harry in Changes? No wait this takes place before Changes. What about Amanda? What about saving Harry when Gard said he was to die?
“Hendricks looked at me sharply. He didn’t say anything he didn’t have to. I already knew the tone of whatever he would say. Are there no prisons? perhaps. Or, no man was an island, entire of itself. It tolls for thee. On and on.” pg. 243 Thank you Hendricks for being Marcone’s jimmy cricket/concussion
Yes she is a child
“It is, with the possible exception of Dresden’s home, the most secure location in the city.” pg. 245 Oh interesting that Marcone considers his safe house the second most secure place. He clearly respects Harry given his assessment of his abilities. How does Marcone know that Harry has the best? Could Gard not make the room the best?
“Honestly” pg. 246 Ha he’s so sarcastic
“They make the anti technology effect Dresden puts off looks like mild sunspot activity” pg. 248 Harry mention again that’s the fifth time and Harry isn’t even here
“I first handed in my patriotically delusional youth” pg. 250 Marcone was in the military?!
Oh no Hendricks :(
Ouch Marcone broke his arm
“Given a choice between that egocentric drivel and a broken arm, I prefer the latter.” pg. 253 Ha
Interesting armor that Gard has
“Be a dear and burn down the building” I said
 She appeared by my desk looking bruised, exhausted, and functional. She lifted both eyebrows. “Was that a joke?
“Apparently,” I said “Doubtless the result of triumph and adrenaline.”
“My word” she said. She looked startled” pg. 261 Marcone’s funny and why is Gard surprised? Harry and Marcone banter all the time
“Make it look like an accident.” pg. 261 So insurance fraud. What would Harry be under acts of God?
“quarter of a million dollars” pg. 261 Marcone just has that kind of money?
“He seemed fine by the time he left, growling at Gard as she fussed over him.” pg. 262 Aw
“To say nothing of the fact that the bullets themselves are rare.” pg. 262 Interesting
“Dear child,” I said “I am a criminal. One very good way to cover up a crime is to commit an another, more obvious one.” pg. 263 Marcone is so smart
“You might consider speaking to Father Forthill at St. Mary of the Angles. The Church appears to have some sort of program to place those endangered by the supernatural into hiding.” pg. 264 Interesting
“I debated putting a bullet in her head but decided against it.” pg. 265 Marcone no and besides didn’t you just talk about Harry and those under his protection
“If she should speak of today’s events to Dresden…” pg. 265 Sixth Harry mention. Did Justine tell Harry? I do wish Harry and Justine interacted more
“They were there to kill Harry Dresden.” pg. 265 Seventh Harry mention Bit dramatic much. I don’t know if all that would kill Harry. The bombs in his office didn’t do it. The sprinkler system might work. Not sure about Gard and the magic bullets. Besides it’s so dramatic. If you want to kill Harry just do what Kincaid did. Sniper rifle but this time aim for the head. This whole plan involves Harry attacking Marcone on his home turf and using magic instead of a gun.
“I would test myself against Dresden in earnest on day” pg. 265 Eighth Harry mention. Besides if they wanted to kill each other they could have done ages ago. Harry doesn’t even threaten Marcone that badly like he did with Marva. Eight mentions of Harry Dresden in one story.
“Location location location” pg. 266 Ha
Bigfoot on campus
“It’s coffee flavored coffee,”
“No mocha?”
“Fuck mocha”
“Thank god” I said. “Black” pg. 267 Ha
“Am I under arrest?”
“That’s what we’re going to talk about” pg. 268 Ha 
“you could explain why I found you in the middle of an orgy.”
“Well” I said “if you’re going to be in an orgy the middle is the best spot isn’t it?” pg. 268 Ha
“Maybe you could explain why there was a car on the fourth floor of the dorm”
“Classic college prank” I said
“Usually when that happens, it hasn’t made big holes in the exterior wall.”
“Someone was avoiding cliche?” pg. 269 Ha
“What about all the blood?”
“There were no injuries, were there?”
“Then who cares? Some film student watched  Carrie too many times.” pg. 269 Ha
“Six separate calls in the past three hours with a Bigfoot sighting on campus. Bigfoot. What do you know about that?
“Well kids these days with their internets and their video games and their iPods. Who knows what they thought they saw.” pg. 269 Ha
“They almost never get violated, and when they do, it’s a big deal.” pg. 273 Yeah like starting a war
“In the Midwest, if you show up to a college town on a weekend, you risk running into a football game. In my experience, that resulted in universal problems with traffic, availability hotel rooms, and drunken football hooligans.
Or wait: Soccer is the one with hooligans. Drunken American football fans are just…drunks I guess.” pg. 277 Ha
“There was nothing in particular that should have caused my hormones to rage.” pg. 281 White court vampire calling it now
“They were becoming increasingly flecked with motes of molten silver” pg. 284 I knew it!
Wait I don’t think she knows oh no
“I couldn’t answer him for a second, the air felt so close. The last time I’d felt this much latent waiting power, I’d been standing next to my mentor Ebenezar McCoy, when he was gathering his strength for a spell.” pg. 292 Eb mention
“And this organization called the Paranet” pg. 293 Paranet! This is what I’m talking about information sharing yes
“People don’t want to know the truth. That makes it simple to hide. Wow, ten minutes? Really? I guess I’m not an Internetty person.”
“Internetty” Irwin said, seriously “I guess you aren’t” pg. 294 Ha
“So how come Kid Bigfoot wasn’t dead?” pg. 302 Interesting maybe because he’s got do much life energy Irwin didn’t die?
“The girl was in love with Irwin” pg. 302 I wonder how Connie can touch Irwin without getting burn?
“My son has joined himself to a parasite.”
“I felt a flash of milf outrage” pg. 302 RiverShoulders she’s a person
“I’ll give you till midnight to leave the state. After that you’re gone. One way or another”
“Hang on, I’m terrified let me catch my breath.”
“I react poorly to those who threaten my family’s well being, Dresden.”
“Yeah. You’re a regular Ozzie Nelson. John Walton. Ben Cartwright.
“Excuse me?”
“Mr. Drummond? Charlie…in charge? No?”
“What are you blabbing about?”
“Hells bells, man. Don’t any of you White Court bozos ever watch television? I’m giving you pop-reference golf here. Gold.” pg. 309 Ha
Wild Bill!
“Also, my pants had shrunk by several sizes.” pg. 323 What? Why?
Go Riversholders! He threw a car!
“Don’t be a moron Harry,” I said “You came for the kid. He’s safe. That’s all you were obligated to do. Let it g- Oh who am I kidding. There’s a girl.” pg. 334 Ha
“Wait. A…what? Am I going to sparkle or something?”
“God, no” said Irwin and I together” pg. 340
“I miss my boss” pg. 345 Poor Molly :(
“Harry wouldn’t have felt that. Harry would have saved the day. He would have smashed the Formor goons around like bowling pins, picking the kid up like some kind of serial-movie hero, and taken him to safety.” pg. 346 Hero worship
“When you’re in magic, people always assume you do must be connected to it. Harry always thought it was funny. To him, magic was just one more set of tools that the mind could use to solve problems.” pg. 350 Interesting
“I hadn’t wanted to hurt his feelings but that kind of thing really wasn’t necessary.” pg. 354�� Interesting to see how Molly used Harry’s spell and changed it
“The math wasn’t hard. I had two angles measured against the magnetic north.” pg. 355 Interesting how much math is involved in magic
“That bitch deserved to be run over by a car.” pg. 377 Poor Molly :(
“This isn’t going to work.” Justine murmured
“It’s going to work.” I told her keeping my tone confident. We’ll breeze right in. The Rack will be with us.”
Justine glanced at me with an arched brow “The Rack?”
“The Rack is more than just boobs, Justine” I told her soberly. “It’s an energy field created by all living boobs. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.”
Andi started giggling. “You’re insane.”
“But functionally so,” I said, and adjusted myself to round out a little better. “Just let go of conscious self and act on instinct.
Justine stared blankly at me for a second. Then her face lightened and she let out a little laugh. “The Rack will be with us?”
I couldn’t stop myself from cracking a smile “Always.” pg. 381 Ha
“I spotted Gentleman Jonnie Marcone, the head of Chicago’s outfit, in attendance, with his gorilla, Hendricks, and his personal attack witch, Gard, floating around near him.” pg. 385 Marcone! Again with that spelling. Why is Molly calling Hendricks a gorilla and Gard a attack witch?
“Too easy,” I whispered “This was too easy.” pg. 397 Yep something’s up
“Mortal upstart. Calling himself a baron. He will pay for what he did to my brother.” pg. 403 Marcone! This is the brother of the Formor from Even Hand
“Miss Gard freaked out about two minutes ago and all but carried out Marcone out of here. Security is mobilizing.” pg. 407 Why am I picturing Gard bride carrying or fireman carrying Marcone?
“Dammit,” I growled “What would Harry do?” pg. 409 WWHD Harry would make it up as he goes so you’re doing great at that part Molly
“Harry had once told me that when you had one problem, you had a problem. But when you had several problems, you might have several solutions.” pg. 409 Interesting
“Hey God” I whispered. “I know I haven’t been  around much lately, but if you could do me a solid here, it would be really awesome for a lot of people. Please let me be right.” pg. 419 Ha
“Harry. Alive.” pg. 431 Yay!
Cold Case
“My own clothing, I knew disappointed her gravely, but I was used to doing that to mother-figures.” pg. 435 Ouch poor Molly :(
“Harry Dresden has had a horrible influence on far too many people, and has much to answer for.” pg. 449 Ha
“I’d had recurring nightmares about it, in fact.”  pg. 450 Didn’t Harry also have nightmares about the wardens?
“Psychic interrogation” pg. 460 Oh no
“Warden do a lot of good.” He said quietly “It isn’t always pretty, what we do, but it needs to be done.” pg. 464 Wardens kill children Carlos
“He dealt with them on a continuous basis, after all, and in his studied opinion, if you had one problem, you had a problem. But if you had multiple problems, you might also have an opportunity. pg. 468 Call back to bombshell!
“God, I love hero work.” Carlos said as we stepped back out into the storm. “No murky gray area, no anguished questions, no conflicting mortality. Bad guys took some kids, and we’re gonna get’em out.” pg. 476 That does sound nice and I like how this shows the reader how young Carlos is
“Maybe if someone had offered a hand to the monsters, they wouldn’t have become monsters in the first place.” pg. 477 Yes!
“I was carrying pliers with me, so that I could take vampire teeth as trophies.” pg. 477 Carlos that’s not a good thing. That’s spoils of war or serial killer trophies and that’s bad.
“Mom taught me, She was scoutmaster for my brothers.” pg. 480 Cool
“Outsiders” pg. 481 Oh no
So Outsiders plus fisherman equals Call of Cthulhu
“Harry was a big believer in kicking in the teeth of whoever you planned to fight.” pg. 485 Ha and yes good tactics
“kicked the big double door off their hinges as if they’d been made of balsa and Scotch tape.
At which point I learned the real reason Harry keeps doing that.
It. Is. Awesome.” pg. 486 Ha
“And then I was sitting on the floor of the shower, shuddering, hot water pouring down around me.” pg. 499 What
“I looked down at the water. The drain stopper was down, and it was seven or eight inches deep.
And pink.” pg. 500 What happened?
Poor Carlos :(
Ok so Molly can’t have sex and the mantel will attack anyone who tries to have sex with her.
“You want me to take their children.” pg. 504 Oh no :(
Jury Duty
“Summons,” I said glowering. “It’s a freaking command. They want to see a real summoning is, I could show them.” pg. 513 Ha  and I can’t believe the government got Harry a summons. He died then came back from the dead and was homeless for a bit. There’s no way bureaucracy was this fast. There has to be scheming involved. String pulling from someone. Maybe Lara or Marcone?
“More had been set aside by the new owner of my old address, formerly Mrs. Spunkelcheif’s boardinghouse, and now the Better Future Society. I hadn’t been able to stomach asking the new owner for my mail, but Butters had gotten it for me.” pg. 513 Wait does this mean that Marcone kept Harry’s mail? How long did Marcone keep Harry’s mail? Even when Harry was dead? Was Marcone hoping Harry would come get them? What was the conversation between Butters and Marcone like?
“The government isn’t the mob, Harry.”
“Aren’t they?” I asked “Pay them money every year to protect you, and God help you don’t.” pg. 514 Ha
“Then a guy in a black muumuu showed up and reconnected the plot of My cousin Vinney.
Okay, it was a robe and the guy was the judge, and he gave us a brief outline of the format of the trial system, but it’s not nearly as entertaining to say it that way.” pg. 516 Ha
“The new kid was in his late twenties” pg. 517 Who let this kid be the prosecutor? He can’t be that out of law school.
“So where was his public defender?” pg. 518 He’s got the right to a public defender so where are they? Something’s up I’m suspicious
“Everyone stood up. After a second, so did I.
I guess you could say I’m not really a joiner.” pg. 518 Ha
“He held up a glossy professional headshot of a handsome man in his thirties and showed it to us.” pg. 520 Bi Harry 42
“drag a female child, Latino, around the age of ten, into the alley.” pg. 526 Oh
“Something did not add up here.” pg. 528 Yep
So let’s review the facts
Harry who’s died and come back from the died for less than a month only a gets a jury summons despite bureaucracy being slow.
The prosecutor is a new kid and not the DA.
The defense doesn’t have an attorney.
The victim was a stock broker.
The defendant is a tough guy who’s definitely been in fights before.
There is supposedly a child that the man kidnapped.
The defendant is more beat up than seems appropriate.
In conclusion I think that the fear eating Raiths are the victim was a stockbroker and not a ghoul got the girl and the defendant killed a White Court vampire. Then either Marcone or Lara stacked the jury to have Harry involved. They made it so the prosecution was a new guy and the defense doesn’t have a lawyer.
“Nobody was going to go bat for him.
Unless I did it.” pg. 529 Yep
“I started with Johnny Cash version of “Hurt” which was pretty simple. I sang along with it. I’m not good, but I can hit the notes and keep the rhythm going” pg. 533 This is nice and I miss Harry’s guitar and I wish he’d played more
“The door was locked.
It was also made of glass.
I smiled.” pg. 537 Ha
“Tania Raith” I knew a Raith was involved
“She wielded enormous influence in Chicago, maybe as much as the head of Chicago outfit, Gentleman Johnnie Marcone, gangster lord of the mean streets.” pg. 539 Marcone mention!
“Because you know what happened the last time some vampires abducted a little girl and I decided to take her back. pg. 539 Yep scary threat
“I believe Baron Marcone has recognized claim on this city. Or am I mistaken?” pg. 540 It’s their city
“Luther was one of Marcone’s soldiers.” pg. 540 Oh
“He pulled some strings to get me on the jury.” pg. 541 I knew strings were pulled
“Dammit Marcone had put me where there’d be a guy getting fast- tracked to an unjust sentence and known damn well how I’d react. He could have asked me for help, but I’d have told him to take a flying…leap. And he’d have known that. So he set it up without me knowing.” pg. 542 Marcone knows him so well
“What does Marcone mean to you? You don’t owe him anything. Why not sit down, have a drink, help me celebrate.” pg. 543 Tania asking the real questions
Riley doesn’t get paid enough
Tania really does need a babysitter.
“Goddamn supernatural assholes” pg. 550 Does she know? Does the Judge know?
Day one
“There were a great many letters in that, and not much that I understood” pg. 558 Ha
“The skull is very dangerous object.” He said “It doesn’t…understand love. It doesn’t understand faith.” pg. 568 Bob!
Fear monster
“Polka will never die” pg. 587 Yes!
“You stand up and kick it in the fucking teeth” he said and there was a quiet certain power in his voice that had nothing to do with magic. “You’ve forgotten the most important thing a Knight needs to remember, Butters.”
“What’s that?” I breathed
“Knights of the Cross aren’t afraid of monsters” he said. “Monster are afraid of you. Act like it. Commit to it, hard. And have faith.” pg. 590 Such a good speech.
“But I had faith in my friends
One friend in particular.” pg. 590 My heart :)
“ Ehyeh ašer ehyeh” pg. 594 A quick google search shows that this means I Am Who I Am
Zoo Day
“The man who mostly shaped me was a sadistic monster, and by the time my grandfather came along, Ebenezar wasn’t parenting so much as enticing psychological damage control.” pg. 599 Aw poor Harry :(
“I really really wanted to get this right.” pg. 599 Aw
Of course Maggie likes Star Wars
“She was the most beautiful child I’d ever seen, but everyone thinks that about their kid.
 Maybe everyone is right.” pg. 601 Yes! and my heart :)
“What if I do it wrong?” pg. 601 My heart
“What if…I don’t know. What if I set something on fire?”
“Maybe we’ll roast some marshmallows” pg. 602 Don’t worry Maggie if anyone is going to set something on fire it’ll be Harry. And this marshmallow comment reminds be of the one in Changes
Oh a warlock
“I stared at the kid for a while.
I had been that kid for a while.” pg. 608 Poor Harry poor kid
“Then I did something I don’t do very often: I turned my back and walked away.” pg. 608 What
“She picked up a French fry and dipped it in a large mound of mustard. Not ketchup.
What?” pg. 610 What
“If someone needs your help, you help them.” Maggie said simply “Even when it’s really hard. Miss Molly told me that about you.” pg. 612 Yep
“If I hadn’t been so exhausted, I’d have been just one more warlock slain while resisting arrest.” pg. 613 Interesting
I like all the dad Harry content I’m getting to see
Ohhh we’re getting two perspectives.
“My dad was a pretty scary-looking guy if you didn’t know him.” pg. 621 Aw and it’s always interesting to see other characters perspective of Harry
“Sort of like how grown ups can’t see the creeps” pg. 624
“If I didn’t have to worry about turning into a complete spaz” pg. 625 Aw poor Maggie :(
“Must be because Dad was here, and he really, really liked dad.” pg. 624 Aw
“What if he thought I was, you know? Broken. What if he didn’t want a daughter who was all funny in the head?” pg. 629 Aw poor Maggie I just want to give Maggie a hug
“And then my dad’s head shot up like Mouse when he smells lighter fluid at the Carpenters house, and his eyes flicked around him like big, hungry bear looking for something to tear  into.” pg. 629 Ha
“He should have had his coat. It would have been all swirly, like Batman. Jeans and an old Battlestar Galactica T-shirt just didn’t make the same impression.” pg. 633 I’m glad Maggie likes the coat.
“I interrupted it by throwing salt into its black, empty eyes.” pg. 634 Go Maggie!
“Because what if Miss Molly had told me the kid-safe version of the truth about my dad? What if he wasn’t as good as she said he was? What if he didn’t want to take care of a daughter who had issues? Who was really hard to be around.” pg. 639 Aw poor Maggie
“Hey you, Space Face” pg. 640 Ha
“Good boy, Mouse” pg. 642 Yes good boy!
Mouse looks really cool
Oh interesting that Maggie knows Spanish
Poor Maggie
Three perspectives!
Mouse yes you’re a good dog!
“My Friend was worried he could not be a good father to a little girl, which is ridiculous-but if he wasn’t worried about it, he wouldn’t be the person he is” pg. 652 Aw
“Is my Friend awesome or what?” pg. 659 Yes he is
“My Shadow, it would seem” pg. 661 Interesting
“Brother” pg. 670 Interesting
“Needs must be done?” I asked. “Who talks like that? Honestly.” pg. 673 Ha
“An acquired habit. I can’t imagine where I learned it” pg. 673 Ha
“You are like the others, after all. His slave. I don’t deal with trivial matters. I care nothing for your broken wizard.” pg. 674 No Mouse and Harry are friends and what do you mean broken wizard?
“I assume you’ve never seen The Dark Knight.” pg. 674 Ha and of course Mouse has seen it :)
“I was raised by a wizard. When it comes to fighting, I tend to cheat whenever possible.” pg. 675 Ha
“I told you, everyone says I am a Good Boy and that means treats. But perhaps I would make more time to exercise when this was settled.” pg. 676 Ha
“There was nothing more I could do to help him. I would have to trust to fortune and the Almighty and Queen Mab and Odin and whatever other friendly Powers that might be watching that My Friend would, please, please, please be all right.” pg. 681 Ha
“But what he meant was Good Dog.” pg. 686 Yes!
Dresden files live blog
“Plus, I’m never sure when she’ll try to kill me again.
It’s complicated” I’m sorry what
“No Valkerye girl Friday?” Ha
Oh someone broke Marcone’s rule they’re gonna die
“There’s another person I could go to.
But even if he believed me and agreed to the job, he would complicate it unbearably. We’d be at war with Canada within the week. Somehow.” Ha and I assume they’re talking about Harry
“There was angels standing guard around another house not unlike this one not three blocks away.” Michael’s house!
“Oh. Yes. People.”
“I keep forgetting them” Viti what do you mean you ‘keep forgetting them’?
“Viti had been a survivor of a training program  whose members had, as the culmination of their training, been assigned to murder one another” Is Viti a red widow?
Poor kids :(
“Viti turned the gun on the kids, who flinched.” VITI NO
“Hey, you know how a nine-hundred-pound Bengal tiger gets into a locked room?
Any damned way it wants.” Ha
“The next day, Marcone, with his big dumb Einherjaren bodyguard.” Who is this bodyguard? Where’s Hendricks? Where’s Gard?
“But grapefruit juice?” Grapefruit? Really? Who willingly drinks grapefruit juice?
“Monster LLC calling for Harry Dresden,” she said “Please tell that there are children who need his help.” Of course they call Harry. This is right up his alley! 
Final thoughts
I liked these stories especially Even Hand and Zoo Days. I loved all the Marcone mentions and his story. I liked the fights and thought the stories were funny. I liked the different perspectives. I want to give Maggie and Harry hugs. I loved all the Dad Harry content I got in Zoo Days. There were so many Bi Harry moments in these. We’re up to 42 moments. Molly’s stories were sad :( Cool that beings exist that only kids can see. Not a fan of some of the things Luccio and Carlos say. I loved Butters first mission. I liked the monster story. I love what Marcone says about Harry. I love that Gary calls Harry. Overall I liked it.
Even Hand
My favorite story. I love the look into Marcone. I do wonder how John Marcone not being John’s Name will play out. Could this name be used against him or used in oaths? Does ‘John Marcone’ hold more weight than his given name now? Who knows his given name? Why did he change it? This does bring interesting ideas with his alliance with Mab and Vadderung. Him being a marine is interesting. Did Marcone serve a full time in the marine? Did he get honorably discharged? Dishonored? What was his rank? I liked how sarcastic Marcone is. He really is a good foil to Harry. I like the 2 Bi Marcone moments. I love that Harry has left such an impression on Marcone with the flimsy doors and the elaborate death trap. I like how Marcone saved both Justine and the kid. I love the Hendricks and Gard moment.
Onto Peace Talk
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valleydean · 28 days
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credit where credit's due to the way these two actors delivered these lines though. they came on set that day and said "we are ABSOLUTELY telling a love story"
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bensdesignerhut · 2 years
Western Beauty
Western wear is a category of men's and women's clothing which derives its unique style from the clothes worn in the 19th century Wild West. It ranges from accurate historical reproductions of American frontier clothing, to the stylized garments popularized by Western film and television or singing cowboys such as Gene Autry and Roy Rogers in the 1940s and 1950s. It continues to be a fashion choice in the West and Southwestern United States, as well as people associated with country music or Western lifestyles, for example the various Western or Regional Mexican music styles. Western wear typically incorporates one or more of the following, Western shirts with pearl snap fasteners and vaquero design accents, blue jeans, cowboy hat, a leather belt, and cowboy boots.
Lawman Bat Masterson wearing a bowler hat. In the early days of the Old West, it was the bowler hat rather than the slouch hat, centercrease (derived from the army regulation Hardee hat), or sombrero that was the most popular among cowboys as it was less likely to blow out off in the wind.The hats worn by Mexican rancheros and vaqueros inspired the modern day cowboy hats.By the 1870s, however, the Stetson had become the most popular cowboy hat due to its use by the Union Cavalry as an alternative to the regulation blue kepi.
Stampede strings were installed to prevent the hat from being blown off when riding at speed. These long strings were usually made from leather or horsehair. Typically, the string was run half-way around the crown of a cowboy hat, and then through a hole on each side with its ends knotted and then secured under the chin or around the back of the head keeping the hat in place in windy conditions or when riding a horse.
The tall white ten gallon hats traditionally worn by movie cowboys were of little use for the historical gunslinger as they made him an easy target, hence the preference of lawmen like Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson for low-crowned black hats.
Originally part of the traditional Plains Indian clothing, coonskin caps were frequently worn by mountain men like Davy Crockett for their warmth and durability. These were revived in the 1950s following the release of a popular Disney movie starring Fess Parker.
1950s style Western shirt with snap fastenings of the type popularized by singing cowboys A Western shirt is a traditional item of Western wear characterized by a stylized yoke on the front and on the back. It is generally constructed of chambray, denim or tartan fabric with long sleeves, and in modern form is sometimes seen with snap pockets, patches made from bandana fabric, and fringe. The "Wild West" era was during the late Victorian era, hence the direct similarity of fashion.
A Western dress shirt is often elaborately decorated with piping, embroidered roses and a contrasting yoke. In the 1950s these were frequently worn by movie cowboys like Roy Rogers or Clayton Moore's Lone Ranger. Derived from the elaborate Mexican vaquero costumes like the guayabera, these were worn at rodeos so the cowboy could be easily identifiable. Buffalo Bill was known to wear them with a buckskin fringe jacket during his Wild West shows and they were fashionable for teenagers in the 1970s and late 2000s.
Another common type of Western shirt is the shield-front shirt worn by many US Cavalry troopers during the American Civil War but originally derived from a red shirt issued to prewar firefighters. The cavalry shirt was made of blue wool with yellow piping and brass buttons and was invented by the flamboyant George Armstrong Custer. In recent times this shield-front shirt was popularised by John Wayne in Fort Apache and was also worn by rockabilly musicians like the Stray Cats.
In 1946, Papa Jack Wilde put snap buttons on the front, and pocket flaps on the Western shirt, and established Rockmount Ranch Wear.
Coat When a jacket is required there is a wide choice available for both linedancers and historical re-enactors. Cowboy coats originated from charro suits and were passed down to the vaqueros who later introduced it to the american cowboys. These include frock coats, ponchos popularised by Clint Eastwood's Spaghetti Westerns, short Mexican jackets with silver embroidery, fringe jackets popular among outlaw country, southern rock and 1980s heavy metal bands, and duster coats derived from originals worn in the Wild West. More modern interpretations include leather waistcoats inspired by the biker subculture and jackets with a design imitating the piebald color of a cow. Women may wear bolero jackets derived from the Civil War era zouave uniforms, shawls, denim jackets in a color matching their skirt or dress, or a fringe jacket like Annie Oakley.
For more formal occasions inhabitants of the West might opt for a suit with "smile" pockets, piping and a yoke similar to that on the Western shirts. This can take the form of an Ike jacket, leisure suit or three-button sportcoat. Country and Western singer Johnny Cash was known to wear an all-black Western suit, in contrast to the elaborate Nudie suits worn by stars like Elvis Presley and Porter Wagoner.The most elaborate western wear is the custom work created by rodeo tailors such as Nudie Cohn and Manuel, which is characterized by elaborate embroidery and rhinestone decoration. This type of western wear, popularized by country music performers, is the origin of the phrase rhinestone cowboy.
Cowboy wearing leather chaps at a rodeo
A Texas tuxedo comprising a denim jacket, boots and jeans. In the early days of the Wild West trousers were made out of wool. In summer canvas was sometimes used. This changed during the Gold Rush of the 1840s when denim overalls became popular among miners for their cheapness and breathability. Levi Strauss improved the design by adding copper rivets and by the 1870s this design was adopted by ranchers and cowboys. The original Levi's jeans were soon followed by other makers including Wrangler jeans and Lee Cooper. These were frequently accessorised with kippy belts featuring metal conchos and large belt buckles.
Leather chaps were often worn to protect the cowboy's legs from cactus spines and prevent the fabric from wearing out.Two common types include the skintight shotgun chaps and wide batwing chaps. The latter were sometimes made from hides retaining their hair (known as "woolies") rather than tanned leather. They appeared on the Great Plains somewhere around 1887.
Women wore knee-length prairie skirts,red or blue gingham dresses or suede fringed skirts derived from Native American dress. Saloon girls wore short red dresses with corsets, garter belts and stockings.After World War II, many women, returning to the home after working in the fields or factories while the men were overseas, began to wear jeans like the men.
Working cowboy wearing a bandana or "wild rag," 1880s During the Victorian era, gentlemen would wear silk cravats or neckties to add color to their otherwise sober black or grey attire. These continued to be worn by respectable Westerners until the early 20th century. Following the Civil War it became common practice among working class veterans to loosely tie a bandana around their necks to absorb sweat and keep the dust out of their faces. This practise originated in the Mexican War era regular army when troops threw away the hated leather stocks (a type of collar issued to soldiers) and replaced them with cheap paisley kerchiefs.
Another well-known Western accessory, the bolo tie, was a pioneer invention reputedly made from an expensive hatband. This was a favorite for gamblers and was quickly adopted by Mexican charros, together with the slim "Kentucky" style bowtie commonly seen on stereotypical Southern gentlemen like Colonel Sandersor Boss Hogg. In modern times it serves as formal wear in many western states, notably Montana, New Mexico
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theblackguywhotips · 23 days
Rod, Justin and Karen discuss YMCA basketball, A funny viral video, Steve Harvey vs Katt Williams, Justin’s nephew playing football, Karen’s work meeting, Pacific Time 2 EP – Foreign Exchange, Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War, For My Man Sweet Pies / Max B, listener feedback and some reality TV news.  
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tvrundownusa · 1 month
tvrundown USA 2024.08.21
Wednesday, August 21st:
(exclusive): The Absent Voice (hulu, Spanish mystery, all 7 eps), Double Crossed: "Sooner or Later, You'll Pay the Price" (hulu, crime drama, all 4 eps), High School Return of a Gangster (hulu, Korean paranormal drama, season 1A available, first 4 eps), The Accident (netflix, Mexican drama, all 10 eps), Back to 15 (netflix, season 3 available, all 6 eps), "Nice Girls" (netflix, French detective comedy movie, ~90mins), "Pop Star Academy: KATSEYE" (netflix, K-pop docuseries, all 8 eps), "Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War" (netflix, docu-drama, all 6 eps)
(streaming weekly): Bad Monkey (apple+), Women in Blue (apple+), Sunny (apple+), Time Bandits (apple+, next 2 eps, season 1 finale), "The Zone: Survival Mission" (hulu), No Way Out: The Roulette (hulu, next 2 eps), "In the Arena: Serena Williams" (ESPN+, part 7 of 8), Love Is Blind: UK (netflix, next 2 eps, season 1 finale)
(also new): Democratic National Convention (various, day 3 of 4, live coverage), "Couples Retreat Murder" (LMN original movie, 2hrs)
(hour 1): Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (ABC), Big Brother (CBS), America's Got Talent (NBC), MasterChef (FOX, 2hrs), The Challenge (MTV, 90mins)
(hour 2): MasterChef (FOX, contd), The Challenge (MTV, contd)
(hour 3): The Ark (SyFy), Ms. Pat Settles It (BET)
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laresearchette · 1 month
Wednesday, August 21, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
2024 LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL WORLD SERIES (TSN/TSN3) 1:00pm (TSN/TSN3) 3:00pm (TSN/TSN3) 5:00pm (TSN/TSN3) 7:00pm
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 2:00pm: Red Sox vs. Astros (SN) 6:30pm: Reds vs. Jays (SN1) 7:00pm: Guardians vs. Yankees (SN Now) 7:00pm: Phillies vs. Atlanta (TSN4/TSN5) 7:30pm: Brewers vs. Cardinals (SN1) 10:00pm: Mariners vs. Dodgers
WNBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN3) 9:30pm: Lynx vs. Aces
HOMES THAT MAKE YOU GO WOW (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm: From everyday houses stripped down to the studs turned showstoppers to mansions and grand one-of-a-kind spaces, David Bromstad puts on his diamonds and tours big and interesting homes.
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bignaz8 · 3 years
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October 26, 1881 — Possibly the most famous shootout in the history of America's Wild West took place on this day – the Gunfight at the OK Corral in Tombstone, Arizona.
Historical synopsis and Filmography (for those interested in such historical events):
On the one side stood the so-called forces of law and order: Wyatt Earp, his brothers Virgil and Morgan, and Doc Holliday. By reputation these were power-hungry and ruthless men.
Opposing them were the outlaws Billy and Ike Clanton, Tom and Frank McLaury, and Billy Claiborne.
The Clantons and their ranch hands and associates were known as the "Cowboys", a gang numbering up to 300 members. They were rustlers and outlaws and the Clantons repeatedly threatened the Earps because they interfered with the Cowboys' illegal activities.
The Earp brothers held various law enforcement offices in and around Tombstone but were accused by their detractors of being just as guilty of rustling and stage robbery as the Clantons.
(John Henry) "Doc" Holliday, a dentist by trade, was a close friend of Wyatt Earp. A gambler and a gunfighter, Holliday had escaped a charge of murder in Dallas, Texas.
Wyatt (Berry Stapp) Earp was also a professional gambler, the owner of several saloons and a brothel-keeper. Once jailed for stealing a horse, he was one of five brothers, including Virgil who was a deputy US marshal and Tombstone's town marshal (police chief).
Virgil had spent three years fighting in the American Civil War and as a lawman in various towns, so he knew how to fight. By contrast, Wyatt had been involved in only one shootout and Morgan had never been in any gun battles.
So it was fitting that on the day of the OK Corral showdown, Wyatt and Morgan were simply temporary assistants to Virgil.
On the morning of October 25, Ike Clanton and Tom McLaury came into Tombstone for supplies. Over the next 24 hours, the two men had several violent run-ins with the Earps and Doc Holliday. The next day Ike’s brother Billy rode into town to join them, along with Frank McLaury and Billy Claiborne.
Around 3pm, the Earps and Holliday spotted the five members of the Clanton-McLaury gang near the OK Corral and closed in for a confrontation.
The famous gunfight that ensued lasted for just 30 seconds or so, when around 30 shots were fired. Most reports say that it began when Virgil Earp pulled out his revolver and shot Billy Clanton point-blank in the chest, while Doc Holliday fired a shotgun blast at Tom McLaury.
When the dust cleared, Billy Clanton and the McLaury brothers were dead, and Virgil and Morgan Earp and Doc Holliday were wounded. Ike Clanton and Claiborne had run away.
According to the Earps, the fight was in self-defence because the Cowboys, armed in violation of local ordinance, aggressively threatened the lawmen and defied a lawful order to hand over their weapons. The Cowboys maintained that they raised their hands, offering no resistance, and were shot in cold blood by the Earps.
Sorting out who was telling the truth was difficult and remains so to this day.
One thing is certain: Wyatt Earp emerged from the battle with legendary status, enhanced over the years by flattering newspaper reports, books and – later – movies.
These included John Ford's highly fictionalised version of events in the 1946 film, My Darling Clementine, starring Henry Fonda as Wyatt Earp.
Then in 1957 director John Sturges took dramatic licence with the confrontation in Gunfight at The OK Corral, having his stars Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas shoot it out for nearly six minutes. The action included spectacular footage of Lancaster firing his rifle as he leapt through the air.
Contemporary newspaper reports state that during the (actual) 30-second shootout, some members of the two opposing parties were initially only about six feet (1.8m) apart.
More recent movie depictions of the shootout include Tombstone in 1993 starring Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp and Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday.
The following year Kevin Kostner took the title role in the film, Wyatt Earp.
What Virgil would have thought about his brother receiving all this kudos can only be imagined.
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valleydean · 30 days
Before anyone asks me, if you'd like to follow my Thoughts™️ on the new docuseries Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War, I'm live tweeting them on this thread.
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myhauntedsalem · 2 years
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1858 Garnett House Hotel
Garnett, Kansas
Garnett House was built in 1858 by D.W. Houston and was opened as a hotel by Hiram Tefft in the fall of that year. The building sits at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Walnut in the town of Garnett, Kansas. The building was the first hotel in town and had several additions built onto the building. It was said that Mrs. Houston refused to move into the original building due to it’s swaying in the breeze. The hotel became known as The Garnett House and also the Lighthouse Hotel due to it’s bright lantern on the top floor which could be seen for miles at that time. It is the only surviving antebellum structure in the town of Garnett, Kansas.
As a hotel, the building has been a witness and a participant to many events in it’s near 160-year history, including a participant in the Underground Railroad. During the time known as Bleeding Kansa. It is said that the famous Abolitionist John Brown hid escaped slaves in the attic of the home. This is said to have happened around 1859 just prior to the American Civil War.
During the 1870s, the town of Garnett became a crossroads of cowboys, settlers headed West and citizens. It literally became the scene out of the Old West with saloons, brothels, and gunfights in the streets. It was during this time that the hotel hosted some of it’s most famous guests.
The guest list includes famous lawmen Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and Wild Bill Hickock. It also includes famous scout Buffalo Bill Cody who was traveling with Hickock at the time. Belle Starr the famous female cowboy shooter was also a guest of the hotel. The famous outlaw Jesse James was also rumored to have stayed here under one of his many aliases.
After this time, the hotel eventually became a private residence once larger and more modern hotels began to appear in the town of Garnett. In the early 1950s, the building became the Doctor’s Office of Dr. Robert Stevens and his wife Dr. Julius-Stevens. They treated patients in the old hotel up until the 21st Century.  
Every mystical place has its tales. There is a story of a woman poisoning her husband with rabbit poison, and how she was imprisoned in the Garnett house before being rescued.
Screams in the night have been heard on EVP recordings have been pulled from digital recordings at the Garnett House. One of the most disturbing elements of these screams is that they appear to come from a child.
The Garnett hotel has been investigated many times. The current owners are very interested in preserving the precious history that this old inn holds beneath its walls.
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