#wwmittos wukong
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Scene from @rennsdeaddoves jttw AU 'when we make it to the other side' featuring their OC rue and wukong link
Ima make a part 2 sometime but a migraines got me GOOD rn 😭
#my art#art#drawing#jttw#journey to the west#sun wukong#jttw au#wwmittos rue#wwmittos#wwmittos wukong
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Hurt comfort my beloved~ also RuKong my beloved~
now this shit is long af and its also got some gore in it too (and some vomiting) just to warn ya
oh! And tell me if we hating Tripitaka in the comments after you're done reading!!!
Stopping like this was rare. it was the middle of the day and Tripikata had decided to make camp early instead of continuing on but Rue would never complain when he did this because she got to give her feet a more extended break.
there was a rather nice spring a little ways into the woods around them and Rue took full advantage of it, giving her body a full scrubbing and her clothing a good washing. once she was clean, skin clear, hair untangled, and clothing dry she headed back to the camp sight.
bumping into a rather nervous-looking Sandy had her heart leaping into her throat, not much could make the big guy skittish like this, or walk away from Tripitaka.
her voice clearly carried her nerves and Sandy immediately recognized the question.
"Brother Monkey made Master upset... more so than I've ever seen..."
that single sentence made her stomach drop. Rue took off in a dead sprint, going in a straight line and pushing through the low-hanging branches and mud. She didn't realize how far the spring actually was from camp, it really didn't feel that far before but now that she could just begin to make out Wukong's screams of agony did she truly realize how far it was.
ignoring the burning in her legs and her lungs screaming for her to stop, she instead sped up, the growing screams fueling her, pushing her to move that much faster.
when Rue finally managed to break through the tree line her golden eyes immediately found them. The Monk standing perfectly straight with a single hand held up to the middle of his chest, open palm facing to his left as he muttered the sutra under his breath. Pigsy was actually hiding in the woods on the opposite side of the trail, Rue could make out his quivering from behind one of the thicker trees and she didn't blame him in the slightest.
The screaming was petrifying. it made Rue freeze in her spot and all the blood in her body turned to ice. the sound carried through the clearing and beyond, Rue knew that he would scream his throat raw if he didn't stop soon but her legs wouldn't move.
Maybe it was because she had actually never seen him this desperate to get the damn thing off-
his claws were digging into his skull at this point, there was so much fucking blood all around him that it was definitely going to be matted to his fur later, his tail bristled and moves erratically in all directions it could. she could see some craters in the ground where he likely smashed his head into the ground.
Rue watched as Wukong writhed on the ground and when he couldn't get the fucking crown off he brought his claws down and over his face, scratching his eyes out, tearing his skin off, pulling on all the fur around his face and head. Sure she had seen demons die horrid deaths at his hands and the others but to see some of the same scenes that befell their enemies happening to one of her friends... and by his own hands thanks to a set of words... it made her stomach flip, bile came rushing up her throat and burnt her nose and mouth as she folded to vomit.
when his eyes regrew, the layers forming slowly, his sockets going from hollow to whole again Rue was at the low enough level to meet them.
on her hands and knees, her terrified golden eyes met his wild and painfully erratic red ones.
another shrill scream had the hairs on the back of her neck rising, but her ears perked and she strained to listen through the deafening shrieks.
it was her name...
Skin began to cover exposed bone, Fur re-grew, blood clotted, and his hand reached out for her...
something snapped.
her mind in that instant was silenced and her blood flowed freely again. her muscles relaxed and she was on her feet in a moment's notice sprinting at the Monk. a deadly glare set on her face as she rammed her shoulder into his abdomen in a sort of makeshift tackle.
both of them fell to the ground and the air was knocked out of Tripitaka's lungs as he hit the ground hard, Rue heard something crack and possibly snap and she couldn't tell if it was her or him but she didn't care. all that mattered was that he didn't have enough breath left to speak the words. so when she saw his lips beginning to move again her only thought was; 'shut the fuck up'
so that's exactly what she did, Rue angled herself, batting his flailing arms away from his face and she shoved her fingers into his mouth grabbing a hold of his tongue. when she was sure he wouldn't be speaking she shimmied the rest of herself into a straddling position on top of him and he froze.
when the blush on his face grew brighter all Rue could see was red.
she ripped her hands from his mouth, making sure her nails scrapped along his tongue (that made his gage pretty bad) but that wasn't all she was going to do.
he deserved to feel the pain he put Wukong through. but she couldn't inflict that kind of pain without a weapon, so the next best thing was to break his jawbone or nose, whichever one her fist hit really.
she pulled her fist back as far as it would go
"Rue! wait!!"
his desperate screams fell on deaf ears and his hands didn't make it in time to cover his face, her fist collided with his face and she could hear the sickening crush while feeling the bone under her fist give at the pressure. his scream of pain rang out and Rue was quick to take her (possibly broken) hand into her other cradling it as she was pulled up and off of Tripitaka's body, Pisgy and Sandy immediately looking at their master's face and completely ignoring their eldest.
Rue knew she had to get them both outta hear before one of the two healed him enough, so getting to her feet and trying not to trip she feel to her knees at Wukong's shaking form
"we need to go. no far, but we need to leave now!"
her hands went under his arms and she hoisted him up, slinging one of his arms over her shoulders she set the pace fast at first until they were about halfway to the spring neither of their legs were willing to support either of them anymore, so Rue and Wukong fell to their knees for the moment.
as soon as he touched the ground Wukong's hands went to his head and Rue had to grab them before they could do more damage.
"Hey! hey stop! its phantom pains!!"
she held his hands tightly, one of them had a sharp pain in it as she did but she didn't stop to think or care about it, her main priority was Wukong. Rue knew that if he really wanted to he could shove her off easily but he wasn't, he was frozen in spot shaking like a leaf. so Rue took the chance and brought him into her embrace. slotting his head onto her chest and wrapping her arms around his head in a safe embrace, his arms instantly went around her torso and he buried his head further into her.
when Rue heard the first sob rip out of his throat she held tighter, bringing her knees closer which in turn brought him closer. She stroked his fur and gently massaged his scalp, carefully around the area still raw from his clawing or still sensitive to the torment of the crown.
That's how they stayed till his sobbing turned to hiccups. when Wukong pulled away to furiously wipe at his eyes Rue said nothing as she got up and gently moved to be in his view. She didn't try to reach out and comfort him but instead she squatted down and waited, when he looked at her after a few moments with a scowl (trying and failing to his just how afraid he was in the moment) Rue kept her face completely neutral.
"There is a spring just a little ways away, you think your up to walking?"
he scoffed, rolling his eyes but eventually getting up.
"lead the way, girl."
yeouch- he hadn't called her girl for months on end... she had actually forgotten how much it stung when he did. but even then she didn't react till she was facing away and leading him to the spring.
once there Wukong immediately stripped down and jumped into the river. Rue turned her back, feeling her face heat up and went to sit over by some rocks, far from, but not out of eyesight from the spring. after a few silent moments with just the sound of Wukong settling in he spoke up.
"your filthy you know..."
she made a noise of affirmation, she knew she was disgusting again after only just washing herself too.
"get in here Rue."
that had her turning around with a blush painting her cheeks
he didn't look amused or have that teasing smile he usually did when he joked around with her like that. the more she looked into his eyes- she realized he just looked so fucking tired...
her blush faded as soon as the realization hit her and she was walking back over.
"you mean in?"
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't. your disgusting... covered in mud and blood."
she sighed but began to undo her belts and ties, disrobing until she was left in the only pieces of modern clothing left on her; her sports bra and plain black underwear.
she didn't bother to take them off and convinced herself in her brain that it was no different than going swimming in a two-piece before getting into the spring with him.
Wukong watched as Rue scrubbed her body down again, the water washing away both his and his master's blood. when she got to her shoulder he noticed her flinching slightly every time she ran her hand over it. looking a little closer he could see something definitely wrong with it. so he got close enough to her to inspect, when Rue felt his hands on her she tensed up.
"relax, I'm only looking at your shoulder"
she did. and up this close, he could make out that it was dislocated.
"you dislocated it."
"pop it back in then"
she didn't have to tell him twice.
"breath in"
when she did, he lurched her shoulder forward and back into place, a string of cusses leaving her lips as the discolouration began to bloom.
they continued to wash in silence. However, Wukong flinched when he felt hands settle in his fur but relaxed when they began to comb through and remove anything that didn't get washed out, as well as make sure all the blood was truly out of his fur.
him and Rue settled into a comfortable silence as she basically groomed him. she didn't say anything still and he was so fucking gratful for that- even when he had broken down earlier she didn't say anything, just held him closer and comforted him...
"i'm sorry-"
"for what?"
was she playing dumb on purpose?
"for calling you 'girl' i know how much you hate it"
her hands halted for a second but then resumed right where they left off.
"it doesn't matter."
he was going to argue back but one of her hands went down to the base of his skull and scratched, Wukong groaned, leaning into the touch. it was so fucking pleasant-
"don't argue with me. not when you don't have the mental strength too. Just take my word for it and know that I wouldn't hold it against you because you were hurting... and I know what it's like to say and do things that you don't mean when you're hurting."
he stared ahead, thinking about her words. but his eyes widened when he really put the pieces together-
"you're friends?"
he looked back at her as her face scrunched up in shame. Wukong decided to turn fully towards her, standing and bringing his hands up to cup her cheeks, forcing her to meet his gaze.
"they would have forgiven you."
she sighed, deflated in his hands and brought her own over his. neither of them had the strength to argue with the other... not at a time like this.
Rue moved her hands, bringing them up to his neck where she tugged slightly. Wukong moved with her pulls and she wrapped her arms around him again, bringing him into a hug which he gratefully returned without hesitation.
"thank you for stopping him...."
he spoke, burring his head further into her shoulder thinking it would hide him from the rising shame he felt. her chest rose shakily.
"I- I didn't even know i could get that mad- and when i saw his blush i fucking lost it"
his head shot up from her shoulder
"his fucking what?"
her expression grew angry and he was sure his matched.
"when I was on top of him, fingers holding his tongue to stop him from talking he was blushing!!"
both of them made a face of disgust but then broke out into laughter at the expressions. the air grower lighter with their laughter.
both knew that they would eventually have to go back and face the consequences of their actions, especially Rue, but neither cared at the moment. the only thing that mattered was each other and their safety.
"did you hurt and break anything else?"
Wukong asked as the a=laughter died down, he was expecting her to laugh a little more, but instead, she winced and brought her hand up to her, more specifically the one she punched Tripitaka with.
"I think I broke some of the bones in the hand. i was so angry i forgot to punch correctly-"
Wukong hummed taking her hand into his and gently inspecting it. she had certainly did a number on her hand, but she also did a number on Tripitaka.
well, at least you're not the only one with a broke bone then, cause that punch was fucking brutal. I clearly saw his nose snap under it."
both chuckled.
when they heard the bushed rustling close by it finally hit them how close they were and in what kind of position too. Wukong and Rue Jumped back from each other, the monkey king diving down into the deeper part of the spring and Rue climbing out entirely as Sandy and Pigsy pushed past the tree line with an injured Tripitaka looking utterly furious.
Rue instantly matched his glare with one of her own that immediately made him back down some.
"well? you clearly have something to say so spit it the fuck out already!"
Wukong resurfaced to hearing the end of that and just stared wide eyed at the girl. she had some massive fucking balls to be talking to him like that right now...
"you dare speak to me like that?"
"I'll speak to you however the fuck I want and you know it! and you should know before you open your mouth again who exactly YOUR talking to! I'm the one who got us through the last THREE kingdoms without trouble, I've levelled kings with just my WORDS for you! so you better have some god damn respect!"
all three demons from their positions either in the spring or behind Tripitaka could only look at her with shock. but then Tripitaka began to speak another sutra, and all three jumped at once yelling
but it was too late, pain bloomed in her throat and Rue fell to her knees scratching at her throat like Wukong had with his head sometime before. Wukong was at her side in an instant, draping his own zhiduo over her shoulders to give her some form of modesty while he created a small clone to go and retrieve his pants for him because he was not leaving Rue's side.
"Mater stop, please!! don't punish her!! punish me instead!!!"
Wukong pleaded, but Tripitaka didn't budge, his browns seemed to furrow more in concentration as Rue's mouth opened in a silent scream and she folded over herself entirely.
"I will stop when she apologizes"
he told them all before picking back up right where he left off in the sutra. the three demons looked at one another in bewilderment before Sandy spoke up;
"master she won't be able to apologize-"
he banged his staff to the ground, all three demons were pushed back, their holy artifacts binding them to him activating and sending a jolt of pain through them all. they all knew that that was a warning to not interfere, not speak up anymore, stay silent and obey.
but Wukong wasn't about to do that with his human in so much pain. He marched up to his master and grabbed his hand squeezing so that if hurt but not enough to break or injure.
Tripitaka froze, tensing at the tone of his voice.
"your acting like a child so I'll treat you like one. Rue does not deserve to be punished just because you didn't like what she did. Unlike you, she saw how much pain I was in while you continued to keep your eyes closed. just like you have this entire time! you think you're so righteous but when it comes down to it you're more of a coward than even Pisgy!"
releasing his hand, Wukong turned his back on the Monk. going to Rue and making sure she was doing a little better. Sandy moved to go and help but Tripitaka put his arm up to stop him. the massive fish demon only lowered his arm gently while shaking his head, continuing on his path to the two.
"does she need some water?"
Pigsy also made his way over to Rue, leaving Tripitaka's side, grabbing her clothes from the grass and bringing it to them. regret filled the monk as he watched his disciples care for there female companion, he attempted to move forward too, but the glares shot his way made him freeze in his place. he turned and left.
Rue was glad when his figure left back through the trees, though knowing his track recorded this was where he'd be taken by demons.... oh well, they'd save him later.
idk how to end this properly so i'll just leave it like this.
how we feeling about wukong unconsciously calling Rue his human? *wiggles eyebrows* rukong developing lmao
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Rue nsfw Alphabet
time for round two with our girl rue, we now get her stuff and go ahead and compare to her lover (you'll find some interesting shit i tell you) anyway enjoy!
A- aftercare (what their like after sex)
Honestly, she's tired as shit. But she still makes time to cuddle and give words of affirmation and comfort if they are needed. usually, she lets Wukong handle her after their done, he likes to take care of her and what not and shes not against it whatsoever. on the occasion that shes not absolutely wiped out from their activities, she will take care of him right back. B - body part (their favourite body part of themselves and significant other)
Her hands. Rue is pretty insecure about herself, so she can only bring herself to like her hands, they do the most for her and allow her to bring pleasure to her partner. (don't worry Wukong's working on her insecurities)
now for Wukong, she has to admit that she absolutely loves his chest, arms and hands. the way that he's built well enough to be solid but not too much so he's still got some plushness to him, and his chest is perfect for bracing herself on when she rides him. His arms are amazing as well, they are strong and can hold her in almost any position that he wants her in. And as for his hands that's pretty self-explanatory. C - cum (anything to do with it)
she loves being filled. when she was in her own time she couldn't imagine it but as soon as Wukong did it, it drove her up a wall and to new heights of pleasure. while she sometimes doesn't like the feeling of it inside of her afterwards she knows that Wukong will do a good job cleaning her up.
D - Dirty secret
she wants Wukong to use his clones with her. She wants to be filled having the real him enjoying her pussy while there is a clone fucking her throat and she's pleasing two others with her hands
E - experience (how experienced are they?)
Surprisingly she's not that experienced. sure she's lost her virginity but thats about it. Sex in her own time didn't really do it for her and why go through the hassle of seeking out a man when you could order a silicon dildo and a trusty vibrator that would make you cum every time?
F - favourite position
missionary - call her basic but she thinks this position is so nice, being caged by his body and being able to see and feel him everywhere. having her hands tangled in his fur at the back of his head and both of them breathing the same air. everything about it hits her the right way
Spooning - hands down one of her fav positions for lazy late-night sex. the fact that his arms wrap around her middle, his head fits perfectly in the crock of her neck and he can whisper things to her as he thrusts up slowly. MMMMMM drives her crazy in the best way. and the best part is that they could just spend the whole night like that, with him in her, no thrusting needed, just her warming is cock for him.
Lotus - honestly she likes this position for basically the same reasons Wukong does. the feeling of their bodies pressed together, how they can take their time and how both of them can have equal control.
standing - this one scratches something primal in the back of her own brain. Wukong holding her up like she weighs nothing and thrusting into her deeper than he can in other positions, Rue's legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. its practically heaven. G - goofy? (How serious are they in bed) like with Wukong, depends on the mood. but she agrees with him on the silence thing, silent sex is uncomfortable, so some words and noises have gotta be exchanged during the act no matter what. H - hair (how well groomed are they? Do the carpets match the drapes?) she's not as well groomed as she could be, (there is no razor she can take with her that she trusts herself with in this day and age) until she figures out how to make sugar wax from scratch shes a bit wild down there (not that it matters to her Monkey he'll eat her out all the same) I - intimacy (how are they during the moment? Romantic aspect) gods she loves Intimacy. her favourite positions are actually some of the most intimate, being intimate and receiving intimacy in return is something she craves. its like a drink she can never get enough of. (Wukong is constantly making fun of her for being sappy but she knows he would actually die if she just straight up stopped) J - Jack off (masturbation headcanon) in the modern age; all the time in the past, hardly ever, she doesn't have the privacy she likes to have when doing it and Wukong may or may not have set a rule against doing it without his instruction which she will break because his punishments mean she won't be walking for a little bit. K - kink (one or more of their kinks) Breeding kink, praise kink, size kink, cock warming, some light BDSM, biting/scratching kink, pain kink, bondage, clothed sex, oral (giving and receiving) L - location (favourite places to do it) someplace covered. anywhere where it can just be her and Wukong. M - motivation (what turns them on, gets them going?) When Wukong does a specific light figured caresses down her hips and breaths on her neck before whispering in her ear. shes got a lot of little things that usually wouldn't do anything for her but Wukong knows how to work her almost better than she can work herself N - no (something they won’t do/turn offs) getting caught, is one of her biggest fears and something that even the thought of will embarrass her. so if they are in a really public place she won't even entertain the idea of anything happening.
O - oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) she introduced Wukong to oral (kinda surprised that he didn't know about it but also kinda expected it. she didn't have much skill but she had confidence (and a friend who had a massive body count and gave her tips) when Wukong began to eat her out and showed that he was super eager to learn how to she knew that oral would almost always be a part of her sex life after. she enjoys giving and receiving P - pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?
Depends on her mood, oftentimes she'll like a mix of the two or just plainly the pace being in the middle, but when she needs a change Wukong is more than willing to go with it. Q - quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc) shes heard her friends say to never underestimate a Quickie but she doesn't see the appeal half the time. she prefers taking her time and being intimate rather than getting it on and over with fast. R - Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) As long as Wukong is game so is she. shes got a whole bunch of stuff that they could try from the modern age. S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) she doesn't have much-considering shes human, but by god, shes gonna push herself if she must. Rue is ever the type to push past her limits and that includes sex too. T - Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) YES. She had a little collection back in the modern age, she knows how useful toys can really be. though she knows Wukong is against her using them (there is also nothing that's really like silicon in the past so she can't really get any like she had and she's not about to use vegetables.) though if she can figure out how to make a cock ring and get Wukong's consent to use it she will be satisfied U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) shes not much of a tease when shes not on top, but if she is Rue makes Wukong regret being an absolute menace to her during the day. she will have this man begging underneath her. V - Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) shes not loud, but she does make a lot of noise. often she will try to muffle herself but Wukong will usually take her hand away and say something about how he wants to hear her and how her moans are so pretty. W - Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) Rue really wants to have pregnant sex and she wants to be a mom real bad. she doesn't want a lot of kids but she really does wanna experience it. X - X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) Rue cup size is a high B (though she looks smaller cause of her sports bra or chest bindings.) and her nipples are a pink colour. as for her pussy; larger outer labia, asymmetrical inner lips, smaller clitoral hood. Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) she doesn't yearn for it, her mind is often consumed with other things but her sex drive is pretty massive. Z - Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) almost immediately, shes gets so tired afterwards, especially if Wukong has pulled quiet a few orgasms from her
#wwmittos wukong x rue#wwmittos#sun wukong#wwmittos wukong#wwmittos rue#jttw wukong x oc#jttw#jttw fanfic
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@rennsdeaddoves version of wukong and their oc rue ❤ from their fic 'when we make it to the other side'
Wanted to draw them chillin with some drinks and rue in a dress
#art#my art#journey to the west#jttw#sun wukong#wwmittos rue#wwmittos wukong#wwmittos#when we make it to the other side#jttw au#jttw oc#journey to the west au#journey to the west oc
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scene from @rennsdeaddoves jttw au 'when we make it to the other side' Part 2
renns fic Link
#my art#art#drawing#jttw#journey to the west#wwmittos#wwmittos wukong#wwmittos rue#jttw comic#sunwukong#jttw sun wukong#jttw au
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Unnamed fan children for @rennsdeaddoves jttw au 'when we make it to the other side'
#my art#art#jttw#sun wukong#jttw wukong#jttw rue#wwmittos rue#wwmittos wukong#wwmittos#wukong x rue#fan children#journey to the west au#when we make it to the other side
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XDDDDD YES!!!!! i love love LOVE it!!
Weird shirts featuring @rennsdeaddoves OC rue and their version of wukong
Based on these

I think I'm making this a series
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Rukong art
As promised a few months ago lol! Sorry it took so long guys.

#wwmittos#jttw#jttw fanfic#journey to the west#sun wukong#wwmittos rue#rue x wukong#my art#rukongart#fanfic
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For some reason I can’t get the idea of Rue singing tightrope from the greatest showman outta my head.
And now I really wanna do a little animatic to it…. Cause I can just see her one night looking back on her adventures with Wukong as she slowly realizes she’s fallen in love with him. It would be so much fun to do but dammit I haven’t even finished the Rukong art I promised and my brain needs to slow down!
But still it’s a pretty great idea no?
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#wwmittos#jttw#the sweetness of rot#lmgtwty#lmk#dragon ball super#sun wukong x reader#Lord beerus x reader#father daughter art#oc ship art#help me pick#pick one
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Look I just really wanted an excuse to fully render him. I also thought to add some wear and tear to his crown, cause like, he did struggle to get the thing off when it was fist put on his head.
#wwmittos#wwmittos wukong#sun wukong#journey to the west#jttw sun wukong#fanfic#digital art#monkey king#rennsart
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How would wukong react if he found rue crying over something small like her last hair tie broke? I imagine he might laugh at her a bit but would he comfort her??
ight i love this! cause i would absolutely cry over my last hair tie breaking.
but it depends on the time frame of their relationship!
if its the beginning when shes joined them only a little while ago, yes he is absolutely mocking her for crying over something so small. honestly he may actually be a little annoyed with her crying over it.
"Gods above not another winy mortal, Get over yourself."
if it's in the middle where they are friends, he's laughing at her (still) but this time he's not mean about it. he may be mean in a way that friends are mean to each other and Rue is definitely calling him a bitch light-heartedly but after, Wukong is probably telling her she can wish for one when she sees buddha, or make her own.
"you're smart like that. whats stopping you from making your own?"
if it's when they are together, he would comfort her, stop her crying now make fun of her later when it is actually funny. he would also be trying his hardest to find a way to make her a new one, or he would steal a hair ribbon and tell her it will work just as well as her hair tie.
"here, i got this for you back at the village, it will laster longer than that flimsy tie that broke, let me tie it into your hair"
(its absolutely an excuse to play with her hair)
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@skittlescripts LOOK LOOK AT OUR BOYYYYYYYYS!!!!!!!

jayyyyyyy why didn't you @ meeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love himmmmmmmmmmmmmm (both of them) gods you are so talented!!!
Trying to figure out how to draw the monkie

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The girls are fighting
@skittlescripts come and get your whore the girls are fighting and it may not be good

Art is mine (the fist image was inspired by osp jttw summarization ep 10), the blonder Wukong design belongs to the lovely skittlescript who inspired me to continue my own jttw story! So y’all have them to thank for wwmittos
Bonus two panel comic that I will allow skittle to decide wtf is happening

#sun wukong#journey to the west#fanfic#wwmittos#ittw#jttw#oc#reader#art#shitposting#wukong x reader#wukong x oc#the girls are fighting#their both whores change my mind#my art
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After the demon trio’s latest disaster and being saved from the monster of the week, Tripitaka is basically fed up. He needs a break… no. He needs another human on this team. Someone who doesn’t have the ability to fly, or shapeshift, or wield a ridiculously heavy staff.
So the monk prays to the universe in general, for someone, ANYONE, it doesn’t matter at this point. The only condition is that they are mortal.
Well the universe is petty and honestly can be best described as a rat bastard because now a 21 century political science major who is tired as shit and running off of five red bulls has fallen into ANCIENT FUCKING CHINA.
But here’s the best part, she doesn’t get insta transported to the group. Nonononono. It plops her right in the middle of BUTT FUCK NO WHERE!
So she stumbles around for a bit before running into the pilgrim group. The three demons protecting Tripitaka think she’s suspicious but tripitaka is thanking everything for sending him another mortal to join their group.
NOW if you think that this sounds like it would be a good fic YOU ARE CORRECT! And I’m writing it! It will be slow going (I’ve already got a design for the Mc and Wukong underway) also it will be a Wukong x oc fic.
So it you feel like coming on a journey to the west with a sassy, takes no shit 21 century girl too tired to deal with any of this shit feel free to! (If y’all have any questions ask box it open)
#journey to the west#jttw#jttw monkey king#jttw tripitaka#jttw wukong#jttw sha wujing#jttw fanfic#sun wukong x oc#sun wukong x reader#wwmittos
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Just some dudes
I think i got the circlets right this time
@skittlescripts @rennsdeaddoves (should i post the tiddies out version?👀 jkjk..... Unless?)
#my art#art#drawing#jttw#ittw#wwmittos#monkey king#isekai'd to the west fanart#isekai'd to the west#lmk#sunwukong#jttw sun wukong#journey to the west
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