#wwhat a kind
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The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity
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#last few chaps#are so heartfelt#wwhat a kind#and gentle manga#i donr know how else to describe it#im glad he gave her a kiss here#love to see it#manga#manga recommendation#screencaps#manga panel#romance#fyres hyperfixations#kodansha#school setting#fragrant flower#the fragrant flower blooms with dignity#shonen#shonen romance#shojo#shoujo
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OMG are we anonymously appreciating? Let me jump in real quick! You've put so much time, thought, and love into these muses, that it genuinely makes me feel like you have a great grasp on what you're doing! GTG! 👋 ♥️
#w-wwhat is this#i am too shy for this lfs;kgsdfkgj what#thank you ;_; i am a lil hard on myself for my writing (and my long absences) so um um thank you for saying kind stuff#idk how to take compliments let me hide under a rock ok ok#ooc
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i know that the stranger things experience should absolutely not be taken as canon in any way shape or form and any new ideas posed in it should immediately be thrown out bc it’s just meant to be fun and silly for the attendees. but. i can’t stop thinking abt how one of the groups’ powers was to freeze things in place, and that even included freezing time itself. and i understand that this is likely just a reference to the UD being frozen in time on the night of the 6th but......... making it be someones power............ come on................... will byers freezing time when? you give me now? is that how he managed to get away from the demogorgon in s1? huh? is that it?
#gettin loopy on m advil pm folks. but i havent stopped thinking about it since it happened#LIKE i get that they wanted to have 3 different 'kinds' of powers for each of the 3 groups#but like. why that??? for why?? for wwhat purpose??#just to make me personally go fucking crazy that's why!!!!#i say things#stranger things //
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ERIDAN: for all that trainin you did ERIDAN: i wwouldnt be the incredible holy wwizard i am noww wwithout your help […] KANAYA: I Hope You Use Your Magnificent Powers Of Light And Hope For Goodness And Purity And Lets Not Forget Science
At this point. Kanaya is Human Sarcasming better than most actual humans.
ERIDAN: dont wworry im all ovver that shit you dont evven knoww KANAYA: Uh Oh I Hope That Didnt Come Off As Too Sarcastic […] KANAYA: Please Dont Take Too Much Offense ERIDAN: haha damn kan if thats your idea of offense bein made then i honestly gotta fuckin wworry for you ERIDAN: tell you wwhat ill givve you some lessons in dealin out the dark umbrage to repay you for your tutelage in the wwhite science
I think Dave taught Kanaya more about the art of trolling in a single conversation than Eridan could in an entire lifetime.
That guy can troll better than most actual trolls.
ERIDAN: wwhats that thing there KANAYA: The Matriorb KANAYA: I Was About To Go Hatch It In The Core To Restore Our Race ERIDAN: that sounds ERIDAN: hopeful […] ERIDAN: if theres goin to be any sort a hope for our race as the prince of hope i demand to be invvolvved ERIDAN: so dont go anywwhere wwithout me got it […] KANAYA: Fine
I’m all for the construction of neo-Alternia, but I really don't think Eridan should be on the planning committee, unless we also want a neo-hemospectrum.
Honestly, the only trolls I'd really trust to rebuild their society are the bottom half of the hemospectrum, and possibly Gamzee. The other highbloods can go sit in the corner.
I don’t see how Hope translates to a robot-exploding beam, though.
If it was wizards he was blowing up, I’d understand, because it would be consistent with my theory that he's weaponizing his hatred of FRAUDULENT MAGIC. If anything, his Science Wand should strengthen a robot, since it's a product of the TRUEST SCIENCES.
ERIDAN: i had a harder time than anybody wwith this game ERIDAN: it wwas really fuckin unfair wwhat challenges i got saddled wwith ERIDAN: i wwoulda fuckin MURDERED for a land full of a lot a harmless brains and fire ERIDAN: but no ERIDAN: it wwas so lonely ERIDAN: hey guys anybody wwant to come hang out wwith me in the land a wwrath and angels
That sounds cool, though. Angels, I assume, are how Hope is represented in his Land, and I’m sure Eridan synergized well with its wrath. I wonder what physical form it took?
ERIDAN: anybody at all i knoww it isnt anythin like one of your flippin land picnics ERIDAN: anybody please ill evven settle for the kittycat shipper cavve girl
You can't complain about loneliness and then insult your ‘friend’ in the same breath. That's not how any of this works, and the fact that you're unaware of this should tell you everything you need to know about why you're lonely.
So Karkat does know about Nepeta’s little crush. He is a relationship aficionado, after all.
Poor Nepeta.
I sort of figured Karkat didn't reciprocate her feelings. He's preoccupied with plenty of other redrom prospects, and he basically never mentions her.
Karkat’s honestly a little too nice to Eridan. He’s being such a bro here, but what Eridan actually needs is to be brought down to size a little.
Granted, I think Eridan needs a bigger shock to the system than an angry tirade from Karkat. I feel like Terezi could tear him to pieces - but since it's unfair to expect her to put up with him alone, I'd put both the Scourge Sisters on this assignment. >:)
What Karkat is aptly demonstrating here is that there’s a difference between an Eridan kind of asshole and a Karkat kind of asshole.
Let's be real, here - Karkat's a dick. But he's a dick who holds no true malice, knows when he's crossed a line, and is willing to sincerely apologize for his past actions, and make amends.
Eridan possesses none of these qualities, which is why he sat alone in his house for a month while Karkat befriended the entire cast.
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what do you think is the line between friends and moirails for trolls? I was never sure how to feel about it, it seems so nebulous. also any idea what's with feferi trying to invite kanaya and karkat into the horn pile with her and sollux? like based on the description of moirallegiance that sounds like... infidelity. but it didn't seem like the trolls reacted that way.
What it ultimately comes down to is the fact that Homestuck is a story, and furthermore, one pervaded by things like fate and destiny, which are real and exist within its universe, and therefore, the moirails for each of our trolls has already been decided by destiny (the author).
But also, in a less meta way, the confusion you're feeling likely stems from the fandom misconception that a moirallegiance is just an extra best-friendship, which it is NOT. The stated function of a moirallegiance is to calm each other the fuck down, in order to prevent them from hurting themselves or others. It's this pacifying effect, and not whether or not they hop into piles and talk about feelings, that defines a moirallegiance.
Trolls are a very angry and violent race. Some are more hot-tempered and dangerous than others, to the extent that if left to their own devices, they would present a serious threat to society, or even to themselves. Such trolls will have an instinctive pale attraction to a more even-tempered troll, who may become their MOIRAIL. The moirail is obliged to pacify the other, to function as the better half. The two partners in a strong pale relationship will serve to balance and complement each other's emotional profiles, and thus allow their other relationships to be more successful.
Piles of stuff and feelings jams in them are associated with moirallegiance, but are not "something you only do with your moirail" - like getting coffee or holding hands are associated with dating your matesprit/human romance partner, but not exclusive to them, and, in many cases, not a form of infidelity (although they can be). For what it's worth, Eridan does call Gamzee's horn pile in the middle of the room a "vvulgar display," like Gamzee's chucked porno mags everywhere:
ERIDAN: wwhat a fuckin vvulgar display this is ERIDAN: airin out all his dirty laundry like that puttin a big fuckin pile a horns in the middle of the room ERIDAN: at least i got the upright basic decency to hide my shitty wand pile somewwhere in the lab you wwont find it dont evven bother lookin KARKAT: WHY DO YOU ASSHOLES HAVE PILES OF THINGS, JUST STOP.
So what Feferi's doing with Sollux is less "hey, come cheat with me on Sollux," and more "hey, wanna third wheel our date?"
Moirallegiance is about the "instinctive pull" and the pacification of both partners. Also, moirallegiance is very much romantic. The comic uses the word "platonic," but I think what it means is "chaste" - moirallegiance is not involved in reproduction, so there is no requirement or social expectation for physical intimacy; however, if it weren't a form of romance, it wouldn't exactly be a type of troll romance, would it?
Failed moirallegiances do not have this calming effect: Kanaya doesn't stop (or even really attempt to stop) Vriska from doing her Vriska bullshit at all, and in fact Vriska gets MORE agitated when talking to her:
AG: Ok, so you're spying on me. Kind of creepy! Man, m8y8e you should get a l8fe. AG: Or you know, if you're so h8gh 8nd might8 an8 th8nk you're so gr8at, m8y88 you c8uld oh I d8n't kn8w........ AG: TRY AND ST8P ME FROM DO8NG B8D THINGS????????
The same can be seen with Feferi and Eridan:
CC: Is t)(ere a lucky lady you are waxing scarlet for? CC: OR LUCKY F-ELLOW??? 38O CA: uh CC: Tell me! CC: Don't pretend you're all -EMBARRASS-ED SUDD-ENLY!!! CA: ok fef CA: this is NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS
And with Karkat and Gamzee:
And what makes Equius and Nepeta so successful is that Nepeta keeps Equius's tendency towards fury in check, while Equius keeps Nepeta out of harmful situations (although he's maybe doing a bit too much of that and could afford to step back):
EQUIUS: D --> As such, he is prone to being more violent and unpredictable than any of us EQUIUS: D --> Not everyone has been as lucky as I in the domain of moirallegiance
And Feferi and Sollux work because Sollux is prone to excessive self-loathing, which, mixed with his mage powers of prophesying/invoking the future, make for a cocktail of potential harm to himself and others. Talking with her keeps his head above the water (heh) and forcibly prevents him from wallowing in self-loathing:
SOLLUX: anyway, yeah, now that aa ii2 gone forever ii feel more depre22ed and u2ele22 than u2ual, and ii wa2 already pretty cod damn u2ele22 two begiin wiith, let'2 face iit. FEFERI: But I )(ave it on good aut)(ority t)(at s)(e is fine! FEFERI: Everyt)(ing is going to go swimmingly, YOU'LL S-E-E. 38) SOLLUX: you are 2o riidiiculou2ly optiimii2tiic iit'2 kiind of 2iickeniing, why do you even put up wiith me? SOLLUX: iif you weren't 2o great ii would thiink you were a fuckiing iidiiot for liikiing me. SOLLUX: 2o, ii gue22 thank2 for liikiing me?
But even though these moirallegiances are ultimately doomed, there is some amount of pacification going on, making it difficult for the trolls to tell in the moment whether or not their pale relationship is true (Karkat does manage to stop Gamzee from murdering people, for example, but fails to address his religious beliefs and underlying trauma, whereas Gamzee can't calm Karkat down at all, so they end up drifting apart after the initial Major Problem has been settled).
The fact that it's a blurry line even for trolls is explicitly stated:
It's often ambiguous especially among young trolls whether a bond formed between an acquaintance is true moirallegence, or the usual variety of platonic involvement. Furthermore, romantic intentions of a more flushed nature can often be mistaken for paler leanings, much to the frustration of the suitor.
So this is kind of by design - part of adolescence, keeping in line with Homestuck's coming-of-age themes, is the messy romance. If it were easy to piece together, it wouldn't be true to life.
HOWEVER, that all being said, special notice does have to be taken of the way moirallegiance - moreso than even the other three quadrants - has an air of DESTINY about it. Trolls believe that every troll has one destined partner for every quadrant:
But if there was one theme to be hammered through his thick skull, it would be the trolls' cultural preoccupation with romantic destiny. Yes, the romantic landscape is rife with false starts and miscues and infidelities, red and black. But every troll believes strongly that each quadrant holds one and only one true pairing for them, and it is just a matter of time before the grid is filled with auspicious matchups through the mysterious channels of TROLL SERENDIPITY. In short, their belief is that for each quadrant there exists a pair or triad of trolls somewhere in the cosmos that were…
So there's already a setup in this comic, which is so rife with prophecy and foreshadowing, that every troll is eventually going to end up with their true love/true hate - but even out of the four quadrants, moirallegiance is given special weight: first of all, it is the only quadrant that is literally translated as "soul mates":
This quadrant presides over MOIRALLEGIENCE, the other conciliatory relationship. A reasonable human translation would be the concept of a soul mate, but in a more platonic sense, and with a more specific social purpose.
And second, it's called "mysterious" or "magical," even in direct comparison to black/red:
You then proceed to have the rest of this conversation we already read, bugging and fussing and meddling through the special and magical union one can only describe as being in moirallegiance with another. At least, you guess that's how you would describe it. Maybe. Troll romance sure is confusing!
And we can't forget:
Such trolls will have an instinctive pale attraction to a more even-tempered troll
Which lends to the idea that there's a biological compulsion towards needing a moirail, same as how there's a biological draw towards finding reproductive partner(s).
But this is why I always tend to use "destined for" when discussing moirail pairs, and also why I focus specifically on which individuals calm other individuals the fuck down - like how Gamzee says he "feel[s] so at chill with" Tavros, or how Karkat goes from completely losing his shit to "yeah, so that's it i guess" after talking to Eridan.
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[cw: exhibitionism, g!p, humiliation, degradation, choking, dubcon, breeding]
to all those that liked the stalker!yujin thought.. this is for ya'll ✊️✊️ we are expanding the universe 😭😭😭 BUT UMMMMM HAPPY BIRTHDAY WONY???? 😍💞💞💞💞 it's a shame i don't have an actual fic for her special day...

hehe.. you've heard of voyeurism yujin now get ready for exhibitionism wonyoung 😏😏
wwhat if wony was like, your uber-rich two-faced friend who always has shit to say about you behind your back because you are, admittedly, a huge fucking whore but you keep her around bcs she's the only person who would be honest with you about everything and bcs she's hot, duh.
she keeps you with her for the same reason too, and bcs she wants to fuck you. again, duh.
wony has always had her eyes on you,, whenever you guys spend time together all she wants to do is drag you inside a bathroom stall and ruin you against the door :(( or maybe you guys are watching a movie,, sometimes she just wants to reach over and play w your pussy until midnight 😩😩 but her pride gets in the way and she settles with just glaring daggers at the back of your head, even though she so badly wants you begging for her cock 💔
so when she hears about this 'hot neighbor' of yours that fucked you in your bedroom in the party that you organized with wonyoung... yeah, she was pissed. like wdym you ditched her for some creepy loser??? her, jang wonyoung, your friend (kind of) who can fuck you so much better???
"i'm bored. i think i'll call her over when you go home. when are you going home, by the way?"
"what, are that much of a slut that you can't go a day without being filled up with dick? ...by her?" you were used to wonyoung doing a sudden 180 and turning into a mean bitch towards you for no reason, but something about this one felt different. bcs you actually felt threatened, and also bcs she was right in front of you. way too close.
"you could say that." you joked with a smile.
wonyoung chuckles mockingly. yeah, she was done hearing about this neighbor.
"allow me, then." and suddenly she was on top of you, one hand holding your wrist in a tight grip above your head and the other palming your pussy through your shorts,,, she's kissing you roughly, tasting her strawberry-flavored chapstick on your tongue and moaning when she softly nibbles on your bottom lip,,
before you knew it, your shorts and panties were off and wony was teasing your entrance with her fingers,,, not even putting her digits inside you, just rubbing them against your folds and drenching it with your slick :((( she was surprisingly strong too,, you couldn't pull yourself out of her grip no matter how hard you tried,, "don't resist me, (y/n). you know you want this." she's saying while kissing your neck :((
dudbfndkf finally seeing your friend's big dick when she pulled her skirt off ,,, as wrong as this was, you couldn't help but be turned on out of your mind,, and wonyoung noticed that look in your face,, a look she knows well bcs she has always watched you, and she knows when you wanna get fucked 😳😳 wony now pinning both of your hands down on the bed so you can't push her off when she climbs on top of you,, "see? this isn't so bad." she was grinning widely, finally getting what she deserved all this time!!
both of your wrists held up by wonyoung while she teased your entrance with her tip 🫣 not finding it in yourself to fight anymore bcs deep down you wanted to see this though :(( nearly screaming when she forces her length inside you, she was so big :((( "i know you've taken bigger than this, slut. don't fucking act out on me." and then she's moving in and out of you slowly, watching your face as you tried your hardest not to show her that you were enjoying this... but she knew,,, you were nothing more than wonyoung's slutty best friend, (y/n), you were always gonna enjoy being fucked, consensual or not :((
wony making you suck on her thumb while she thrusting faster 😵💫 she looked so pretty on top of you,, but then you remember just exactly how she went about this entire thing you get turned off 😭 "think that neighbor of yours is watching? hm?" wonyoung glances at the window across your own. "let's give her a show, yeah?" and you started panicking bcs what the fuck did she mean by that??? luckily, you didn't have to be confused for long... wony simply pulls out of you and dragged you towards your window, where she pushed you against the glass and put your entire naked body on display to whoever may be watching.
(the curtains were drawn in the window across from yours, but you knew she was watching. she always is.)
"i'm gonna fuck you so hard... show that creep the kind of girl you're really into." wony slams her dick inside you, and doesn't waste any more time before pulling out and doing it again. you couldn't believe the pain and pleasure that came with it,, "a-and we're a perfect match, aren't we, (y/n)?? down to the way we—oh, god—the way w-we get off to being seen like this... fuck. i knew your pussy would be fucking sweet." wonyoung brings down her hand to your ass, grinning at the way it made you push into her more. you didn't know it was possible for her to go any faster than she already was, but she did it anyway,,, both of your moans got louder, you even failed to say her name properly... if someone from outside were to listen closely, they would probably hear you... and that just contributed more to wonyoung's sick obsession with showing you off like you were some prized possession, one that belonged to her...
she really was going to show everybody.
"i don't wanna compare... but i will anyway," you feel wony's slender hand secure around your neck, choking you slightly. "you weren't this loud when you were with her... i doubt you felt half as good.. i know you, (y/n). that's why i can fuck you the best. that's why only i can fuck you like no one can." she pulls you back into her by your neck and kisses your cheek, once again glancing across, "don't you agree, baby?" she whispered, tightening her grip on you slowly.
😵💫 ugh, she made you feel so good that you couldn't bring yourself to hate what she was doing,, "i'm gonna come inside you, okay? fill you up more than she ever can..." she finally releases your throat from her grip, moving her hands to your waist and uses your cunt as she pleases,,, her grunting and groaning on your shoulder, so focused on trying to breed you, so lost in the way you clenched around her,, she just knew she had to fuck you stupid soon,,, she was never going to let you fall into the wrong hands just like that!!
her whining too omg :(( she might have a big cock and an even bigger ego but she's still such a baby,, practically hugging you while fucking you,, eyes shut tightly and mumbling whatever,,
"you're so p-perfect, (y/n)... i'm a fucking bitch but.. fuck, you're everything..."
"she can't steal you away... n-no.. not from me...! you're my best friend, she's nothing... right? a-ahh..."
"i'm gonna come...! i'm gonna breed your pussy f-full, (y/n)... (y/n)!!"
and as promised, wony comes hard 😵💫😵💫 feeling her warm seed seep into your womb, as well as hearing her cute moans, made you come too :((( and wony was so proud of herself,,, taking some of your cum that trickled down your thigh and tasting it from her fingers,, "you're delicious, (y/n)." she says while kissing your shoulder :((( she was sweet for a bit until she gets irritated again at the thought of your neighbour,, but at least she has shown you that she was a better fuck than her!
(truth to be told, it was debatable. but you weren't going to tell wonyoung that. not unless you want to get fucked until sunrise. you were going to save that mess for later 😉)
sdkhdsjncjd BUT IMAGINE IF SHE LIKE... GETS A LITTLE COMPETITIVE??? wony having just pulled out of you, sitting on your bed while you were laying down trying to catch your breath from everything that had just happened,,, your heart dropping to your stomach out of both excitement and fear when she suggests a crazy idea...
"you said she was good, right? call her over so we can see who really deserves to fuck you." aaaaackkkk 😩😩🤤
#ive smut#ive x reader#ive imagines#jang wonyoung smut#jang wonyoung x reader#jang wonyoung imagines#wonyoung smut#wonyoung x reader#wonyoung imagines#girl group x reader#girl group imagines#girl group smut
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[two atoms, a proton and an electron, were dropped at the sanctuary, they looked to be in rough shape. The electron covered in burns and the proton missing an arm. ..It was circuit and prot, it seemed.]
[Una looks at the pair, calling out for two other electrons to bring them in and clean them up.]
[After a while, Prot slowly opens her eyes.]
Wwhat happened... where am I..???
You're safe, don't worry. Your name is Prot. You own a sanctuary and a meat shop. You are a kind person, though very skittish. I hope you remember the most of what I've said.
[She nods slowly, looking up at the ceiling, then to Circuit.]
Are... they okay..?
Yes. Their wounds are being treated. You just rest.
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Siren Sukuna
an:just more headcannon on this au,and more in sight of reader. Also maybe edited or not 😭 Part|, Part||, Part|||
TheifReader who has been stealing stuff all her life,and now she’s this Sukuna company for life.(and she did once not come back with food and ended up sleeping in an empty alleyway.And she after that day she learned her lesson about the spell he put on her,her whole half body hurted)
Theifreader Who completely amazes and terrified of Sukuna.And at times she wonder if she will one day his lunch.
It was a good afternoon at the new place,and reader was very pleased with watching the little fishes in the pond.Your smiling at how cute the fishes look. Until A large sea creatures with reddish scales just bite off the fishes body and then killed them with his hands.In which your mouth dropped in sadness and disgust. And then Sukuna coming up to the coming up to the shore where you were.Just to show you how he brutally killed the fish with just his teeth and nails. “W-wwhat ..w-why the Fishes,I-i would’ve got food” You said completey upset at him eating the fishes.As you watch him tear up the fish head so easily and eating it. As you see him look at you with a Uninterested look. “Don’t care about your opinions brat,I was hungry” he replied while he sides another fish in his mouth.As you gulp down saliva in horror. ‘Oh lord,why did you give me to him,he just gonna eat me up’ You mentally said,shaking your head to the horrible thought of it.
TheifReader Who just gets lost in sight of staring at Sukuna body,and at times you wonder how such a beautiful creature would have a scary presence.(Girl is completely oblivious to her little feeling for the damn fish),Whenever she get food in the afternoon and if she has extra time she’ll looks though rich folk house and try not to get caught up in the act of robbing jewelry or jewels that reminds her of the scary siren.And then brings to him as a gift from her. After she done running away from the guards.
After running a while from the guards and making sure that the food wasn’t too shaken up by all the running (she gets her food from a old friend who had known her since she started her life a thief and treated her like a family friend) when you got to the large pond,you walked around the grass and announced your arrival to a particular siren fish.You were more happy to show the jewelry you ahem borrowed from. ”Sukuna!!Im back from My visit” You announced once again,now continue walking towards the water fall,As you wait near where the water fall to see if the red siren would appear. As you watch the sky and sun shine turn it into it most beautiful colors.You put the plates of food onto the ground so you could glance at the jewelry you brought. Dangling it in the sky The red ruby shines with the sunlight making it look so beautiful and divine.It was a Necklace with gold base but the charm was a skeleton case in a ruby gem. ”Brat im here” Sukuna response with a big yawn on his mouth as he swim where your at.His face shows disinterested in what your holding. As you turn to see him at the shore of the pond,you smile at him;you quickly put the jewelry’s in your pocket and grab the plates of food.Now Sitting off in the shore as you give him his plate of food (ever since your first day of giving him food he clearly didn’t like vegetables very much but liked meat). You haven’t look at him or touch your plate yet. He quickly grab the plate and began chomping on the cooked meats.He could see that you had something to say to him,either it was another question or another story time. ”What is it women,You haven’t touched your plate yet or it because you think very highly of me and give it to me” Sukuna says with a tease and a smug smile as he plotted another steak into his mouth. You look at him with an ‘Are you seriously think that’ kind of face.You just mutter ‘as if’ underneath your breath.As you sip out a heavy sigh.And began talking.And as observant Sukuna is when reading your expression,he couldn’t read this one.Which has him curious about what it is. “It nothing,I swear” You said with an awkward smile waving your hands as to dismiss it.Sukuna wasn’t going to have you ditch what bothering you. ”Spilled it already brat” He replied with a glare of irritation at your attempt of dismissing your point. You flinch at his gaze as you started to speak. ”o-ok alright,I’ll just didn’t think you’ll like it,but I got you a small little gift,Well it almost got me stopped by the guards but I couldn’t stop myself from getting these jewelry.It reminded me of you so here it is” You rapidly spoke with a little shy smile scratching the back of your neck. As you go into your pocket and show the necklace and the other jewelry such as rings with red gems on it. You even stole some from the those stands that sell jewelry. As you show the necklace,while holding it with delicacies. If anything hearing you talk about how stuff reminded you of him made him feel something in heart that he had never felt in his entire fish existence. Which get this scary looking fish cheeks and ears red.Who just flick your forehead off,making you groan out in pain. You put the necklace down to rub your forehead But without asking him a simple question. “So Do you like it?Can I put it on you”You asked him with a cheeky smile,As you watch him covered his face his large hand.He doesn’t want to appear weak.He just grumble about how stuipd of a brat you have to be. “Ugrh no now just eat your food before I do it for you”
Siren Sukuna who still allows you to put on the necklace on;on the very next day.With some Grumbling and hissing he allow you.In which he couldn’t admit that he didn’t enjoy seeing how you smiled at him When you were done with puttting the necklace.
Siren Sukuna who at random days Tells you mini stories about his life,either it would be about the spells he could do or how many people he had killed in one day.
“I have family out there in the ocean” He says nonchalantly without a single thought to what he said,floating in the pond watching the clouds move and the sun shining down onto them with it warmth as well it breeze of cool air. As you were doing the same watching the sky with a small smile on your face,as you lay on the bright green grass. ”that cool. .. must be nice to have family there” You breathlessy says without a the need the need to continue on. You pause for a moment before riseing up from your position and turning your head to him with a confused face. ”arent your family just fishes,how can you called them family if you literally eat them?”You answered him with your hands animating how he eat fishes. ”No you fuck tard,How dumb are you,Brat.Never mind what I said.” He replied with irritation creeping up his face. “Nuh Uh!!Your not leaving nor swimming out this conversation”
Siren Sukuna hates whenever you ask him to do your hair,or help you brush the nuts off.Like what is he your maid or somthing.(he still does it,but at times he will tug down on your hair on purpose)
”OWW!!!Please Don’t fucking brushed so hard” You said with a mumbbling of how your head hurted. It was technically your fault for asking a siren to do your hair,and the first thing he bring is a fork (I could never use a little mermaid reference 🙄)He just replied with it your fault that you don’t have a high pain tolerance or not being able to do your hair. “Shut it brat you want your hair down or not”He harshly says. “Urghh fine stupid brunt fish” you replied as soon as you finish speaking another tug was done again.You cried out in pain and curses at Sukuna. And Sukuna smirking devilish.
Siren Sukuna Who randomly blurs out that he can use a spell to give him a human form just to see your reaction.
”WAIT!!Really?!?Then why don’t you use it fish!” You exclaimed loudly as you shakes your hands up in frustration as an angry pout is painted across your face. And a smug expression is painted on his as well. ”I Still dont believe you,Fried fish,how About you show me your big fat lie of a spell!” You announced to Sukuna with a disbelieving eyes staring down at Sukuna red orbs. ”And what make you think you are deserving to see my human form or matter of fact spell,maybe if you don’t talk for a whole day then I’ll be willing to show it to you” He says with confidence and proud,his voice carrying himself as you pout for a bit then put on a fake smile. ”you know how your pretty voice of a siren would do for me when I do my job aka stealing,quick answer FUCKING EASY!” You yelled at him with your hand crossed at him. You felt a sense of pain flatter on your shoulder,making you cry out in pain. You glare at Sukuna.Ofc Sukuna pinches you if you become to loud.
Siren Sukuna who doesn’t know or want to understand what he was feeling when you came back from the city all hurt and bloody.But he hated the most is when you came back to him like your left leg isn’t broken or the fact your shoulder is bleeding out blood because of a arrow.With a reassuring smile to think that he’ll be alright to see you like that.
It was your fault for thinking that you’ll be able to steal something from the royals house.The First thing that was wrong,was that you decided to steal something in daylight.You didn’t even get anywhere near the castle.Because you landed off and broke your left leg. But you push yourself to walk into the house and quickly walked into whatever room and steal anything.But right when you were going to walk out one of the royal guards saw you and yelled at you and yelled for backup.In Which your body was in fight or flight and you started to run as fast as you could even if it meant hurting your left leg. You were able to get on top of houses to jump onto other house so the royal guard couldn’t get you.But even that they were able to land a arrow onto your shoulder. All you thought was going back to the pond. When the guard shot you in the should you were going to jump down the last house,but you slip your landing badly,hitting your head onto the building but your made it,and continue to push the pain and run down onto the grass of the exits. But your head was bleeding and blood dripping from your head onto your face. Full on running,toward the pond and fully escaped the guards.You try to maintain your breathing while trying to keep focus on your movements and not the pain that radiates through your body.As you pass through multiple trees. When you made it to the pond you couldn’t even see clearly,holding your right arm close to at least stop the bleeding.You couldn’t think properly as you called out for a fellow fish. “S-sukuna!!-You cough up a bit of blood walking more closely to the pond before-Sukuna. . . I’m back.”You breathlessly spoke up,as your breathing was becoming more heavy and unsteady. Sukuna lazily got out of the little cave inside the water fall and now swimming up to the surface with a completely disinterested look. That until he saw you in that state,His eyes widened in fear or in shock or in anger he couldn’t tell. ”What the fuck happened!”He exclaimed in a harsh tone but lance with concern.Already in your direction.He could see that your breathing isn’t steady. And the fact you couldn’t even stand properly. “O-oh hi Sukuna… L-look what I got for. . Y-you” You replied barley properly with each other word your breathing get more shaky. You took out two bracelet pieces with a weak small. ”Fucking Brat!! I didn’t ask for that! I’m asking what the fuck happened to your body!!You can’t even walk or breathe properly!!Stop fucking smiling at him like that When your ass is fucking bleeding out so much”He yelled with a stern and cold voice as his eyes were filled with anger,fear,and worry. His heart beating and pounding against his heart.He fucking didn’t even know why he so scared if that what he calls it. “Ha-ha … you should look at . . . Yourself. . it was.. T-the guards”You said so weak and small before you could even get to give his bracelet.your vision turn black and you collapse onto the grassy ground. When Sukuna saw you collapse onto the ground his heart sank into a thousand pieces,He scream your name out as he quickly transformed into his human form and carried you into his large body. He started to perform his healing spells on you,as he curse multiple times underneath his breath,about how dumb you are and that he hates how you brings him things that he doesn’t need like your jewelry’s. He nevers wants to see you like this ever again.You made a deal with him and you will keep it.
Siren Sukuna Who makes sure to visit the city,especially to the royal guards and burn and killed multiple people with the same logo of the arrow that was used to shoot you in the shoulder. And when he was done he cancel his fire spell and Grabs him clothes for him to cover his naked body and some clothes for you too. (He says that he did this not for you,yea right.But for him to remember that he is still the strongest creature alive)
That all I wrote today,I hope you like this one,even though I Think I wrote a little too much 🥲
But if you have any suggestions or ideas or opinions on this please feel free to share them in the comments.
Made by @sukioyakio
also thank you for 180 followers
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Transfem sleepover; a Homestuck Tumblr Fan Fiction
JUNE: Thank you all for coming! Tonight is gonna be great!
ERIDAN: wwhy did you invvite me
ERIDAN: wwe litterly nevver talk
VRISKA: Use your deductive reasoning skill, high8lood! What's the common denominator 8etween us four?
ROXY: what the fuck is a denominator
ERIDAN: wwere all girls?
VRISKA: What type of girls, Eridan?
ROXY: hot onez lmaoooo
ERIDAN: wwait than wwhy the fuck is lalonde here isn't she cis
VRISKA: Not this one!
ERIDAN: I'm leavving noww-
VRISKA: No you aren't! Get your amphi8ious ass in here!
*Later, in June's room*
JUNE: soooo...
VRISKA: What do we do now.
JUNE: I don't know I didn't think this far!
ROXY: well becuz I've been a girl the longest amongst us, I know the most about sleepovers!
VRISKA: I'm going to hurt you.
JUNE: Vriska!
VRISKA: With "tickles" and "pillows" >::::(
JUNE: Vriska....
ERIDAN: has lalonde evven been to a sleepovver?
ROXY: uh, yeah! tons! I'm the frickin sleepover master!
ERIDAN: didn't you groww up on a planet wwith nobody on it?
ROXY: ok mayB I've just seen some movies
ERIDAN; at least I've been to one before!
VRISKA: Crashing on Feferis coon 8ecause your lusus kicked you out doesn't count!
ROXY: what is a coon!
JUNE: don't worry about it Roxy, let's just all calm down! what movies do you girls want to watch?
ERIDAN: ... ok maybe this is kind of a shitty movvie but wwhatevver
VRISKA: Oh gog your not gonna say the whole title out loud are you?
ERIDAN: it's called "a story about a fuchsiablood princess wwith crippled gills wwho wwises to sea the wworld abovve so she makes a deal wwith an evil vvioletblood mutant octopus lusus to sacrifice her vvoice in exchange for better gills so she can go to the land but discovers it fucking sucks and wwants her vvoice back but first she falls in love wwith some ugly purpleblood prince and he accepts her for wwho she is and they kill the octopus or wwhatevver and they livve happily evver after until the Fuchsiablood is culled by her imperious condescension."
ROXY: that just sounds like the little mermaid...
ERIDAN: people nicknamed it "Troll The Little Mermaid"
JUNE: of course they did...
VRISKA: Wow, girl, you like TH8T wriggler movie?
ERIDAN: it's cute and swweet, alright Vris? Feferi introduced it to me...
JUNE: that's kind of sweet...
ROXY: well I'm always down for a bit of Disney Princess action!
VRISKA: W8- Who was Waahlt Disney on your planet?!
JUNE: He made animated movies?
ERIDAN: wwhat?! on our planet he wwas a Rustblood who killed highbloods and fed them to his rat lusus!
ROXY: wait... he had a rat lusus?
VRISKA: Yeah, wh8ts so funny?
JUNE: Nothing! Nothing! Let's just watch Eridans movie...
*vriska turns to eridan*
VRISKA: Humans........
ERIDAN: humans.
*later, Roxy is doing June's nails and Eridan is combing Vriskas hair*
JUNE: Aww, look at us! Getting along!
VRISKA: I guess so...
ERIDAN: hey lalonde can you pass me another pilloww?
ROXY: sure!
*she bashes it on her horns!*
VRISKA: Yeah Roxy what the hell????????
ROXY: do trolls not have pillow fights?
VRISKA: Yeah we do! But those are deadly fights to the death!
ROXY: ofc they are...
JUNE: Well on earth, their something fun you do at sleepovers!
ERIDAN: humans fight to the death wwith pillowws on earth? jegus I thought Alternia wwas vviolent
JUNE: not what I meant! Earth pillows aren't deadly!
VRISKA: Damn humans are fucking l8me-
JUNE: Vriska!
*she throughs a pillow at Vriska"
*Pillow fight ensues, Eridan pulls out a gun, etc etc as hominem*
JUNE: that was fun!
VRISKA: ........Yeah ::::)
ERIDAN: I guess...
ROXY: this is fun! this whole thang
ERIDAN: yeah... I guess so :)
VRISKA: wwoww, did the princess of hope Mrs Eridan Ampora finally crack a smile?
ERIDAN: ha! shut up vvris...
*they all get cozy, Eridan and Vriska bringing recuperacoons in their sylladex and confusing the hell out of Roxy... The movie ends... And Eridan is the first to go to sleep*
JUNE: rox
ROXY: whot
JUNE: eridans asleep
ROXY: yeah?
JUNE: you know what this means
ROXY: oh june. June you devious little trickster.
JUNE: >:]
*the next morning*
VRISKA: Wh8t...
*eridan comes rushing out with her skin dyed white, and her horns and gills gone*
VRISKA: Holy shit
JUNE: hahaha! Look! Your a human now!
ERIDAN: howw did you evven...
*they point to the ectobiology machine*
ROXY: hehe no-
JUNE: uuuugh fine
ROXY: juney...
JUNE: yeah?
ROXY: I may have forgotten how we did that...
JUNE: oh fuck
*they figure it out! Probably!*
ERIDAN: I hate you all so much
VRISKA: That was fun! Wasn't it fun!
JUNE: yeah!
ERIDAN: ... yeah :)
VRISKA: Very euphoric I'll s8y
JUNE: but isn't it fun just to hang out with your girl friend's?
*Roxy pulls them all into a hug*
ROXY: we're doing this again.
*they all nod before leaving one by one, leaving June to go back upstairs*
JUNE: dorks...
*she comically slips on a banana peel*
JUNE: I've... Been pranked... I'm so proud of them!
*and end scene*
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wwhat is project synechiae why is it so beautiful ogmygosh
I am so happy you are interested in it!
project synechiae is an original story idea that I eventually want to actually release into something real, though thats a pretty far-off dream for now and I am still pretty early in figuring out the logistics of it and developing it as a story. it takes some conceptual inspiration from shin megami tensei games, specifically nocturne, and others like resident evil 4.
the basic premise involve these sort of interdimensional parasite creatures. I actually drew a little conceptual doodle of them but its still so early and thats prone to changing
they are mindless parasites; unlike other media there is no mind control or really any manipulation of personhood whatsoever, because instead they rely on natural human behavior and socialization and community to proliferate and advance their life stages and species goal
if anything, they actually help their hosts by making them stronger and giving them powers (extremely vague at this stage) to defend themselves with. These sorts of "powers" are actually possible because the parasite amplifies the host's "self" into something tangible and usable, I guess you can see it kind of similar to "spiritual" power but its not exactly that. A shallow argument can be made that they are actually more mutualistic symbiotes than parasites. but they re not thought of that way by the characters for several reasons, one being that their existence is felt as inherently violating, especially for those more affected by these changes. a second reason is because, while they aren't typical mind controlling parasites, they do influence and nudge their hosts behavior based on the kinds of things they give or do to a person. a third and very big reason is because they are probably responsible for the world "ending" and becoming a sort of strange in-between surreal space that operates on different rules but I can't get too into that yet.
as for the second point there, these parasites are vaguely eusocial in a way, they just again rely on human behavior instead of doing any of that stuff themselves. there are these "queen" versions of these parasites, choosing their hosts pretty arbitrarily, and rely on airborne proliferation. people that naturally start gathering together for protection and support will naturally become parasitized, especially as other parasitized people start getting stronger and more capable of protecting people
about those people with those "queen" parasites though: they have more access to power than other people, and their bodies are also in a constant state of mutating, with the parasites increased amplification overwhelming their bodies. these people are stuck in a strange position where people are incentivized to gather around them for support and protection and possibly pedestalize them, or alienate them (part of the parasite species's goal really, the point is to let people themselves weed out anyone unfit), and the story I want to make focuses on these particular characters and everything they never asked for and how the world is shaped because of it.
whew thats a lot of me explaining the premise. lets talk about the characters, starting with sinclaire, who has had the monopoly on my mind
I haven't actually gotten around to posting these drawings of her yet but it bothers me to use the older stuff because she's not drawn fat enough.... oh well
anyway, there is a lot lot LOT I could say about her because I think about her most of the time but I will try to keep it brief. sinclaire (she/her) is actually more an antagonist in the role of the story, though will probably be the deuteragonist to isaac and their story who I will talk about later. I am talking about her first since frankly a lot of the premise and structure as well as the aesthetic of all I am going for comes from her
she is a 38 year old american-born vietnamese woman, who got parasitized and had the mutation center around her spine. she is actually not very far along in that mutation though since she has found a way to repress it... at the cost of some side effects. she is actively resentful of what has been put on her and wants no part in it beyond destroying the conclusion its hurtling towards, but that doesn't mean she isn't exempt from influencing others though it or can really fully resist the things it gives her. disdainful even before everything went down, and highly neurotic in a way that spurs a lot of her meddling.
one little but maybe important personal fact about her is that she is left-handed, but she wasn't naturally so from the beginning.
other than her, we have the second most focused on character in my mind, isaac, who is an actual protagonist
I have also never posted this because I have never gotten around to drawing a lot of them on their own but so it goes
Isaac (they/she, you see me use "they" a lot because I talk about them too much wrt sinclaire though). 33 years old or so, egyptian, born in america as well, and raised jewish. Isaac is rather nihilistic, secretive, laid back, and is shown to be a notorious shit-stirrer and enabler as things go down. they are not content just sitting around and trying to survive, and at the end of the world as people know it, isaac would much rather get involved in the things they want to stick their nose in and find out the things they want to know, even at the cost of backstabbing or abandoning those that have helped them they aren't a particularly moralistic person
in particular, they end up quite fixated on sinclaire and everything she starts messing with and a lot of their story focuses on that and how that develops.
to isaac, relationships are often like a game to them, and social conventions as well as people with power are meant to be maneuvered around for their own personal gain. in a way, thats meant to foil sinclaire's own disdain, taken on a different form. the way these two characters react to their alienation and diaspora as well as their views on power and who has it is an important part to their relationship.
those two are who I have most developed both as characters and visually. I do have one other character with a conceptual design so far, but mostly because I was throwing things together in a collage style to get a feel for where I want to go with her. so her actual design is far from concrete but, here's joaquina
50-60+ year old mexican-american woman (she/her). a widow who is strict and demands respect. the ability to repress the parasite was actually developed mostly for her sake, though she uses a lot less of that than sinclaire in the end as she comes to terms with making use of how things are now being a necessity
because of where the mutation is for her (her head and everything there), I am particularly excited in her story's focus in what its exploring in what it means to stay human, as well as breaking down the identity of a person who is older and more established in what they were, and what the world was. I don't have too much else to say about her yet.
other than these, there is another pretty important doctor character named gemma, who is connected to joaquina and sinclaire. and there are some other concepts for other characters but they are pretty vague for where I am at so thats most of what I can say for now.
the last thing I can talk about though is my dream presentation format for project synechiae. if I somehow manage to wrangle a coherent plot out of all of this and manage to put it on paper, I would love it to be as a visual novel similar to the silver case, which is also a huge inspiration to me




maybe not the same detached surrealism in the writing, but the presentation for sure.
thats all very very far off thinking for an idea only in its infancy. but anyway thanks for reading this far if you have! I hope any of this makes sense and thank you again for anyone that has any interest in it all
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Every page Eridan Ampora is in.
for your march Eridan editing needs.
+ all his (side of) pesterlogs (for fun)
From page 2066
From page 2087
Pesterlog from page 2343
CA: kan make her talk to me do somethin
CA: your no good connivvin fuckin backstabbin girl crush thats wwho
CA: pshhhhhh that is a fuckin laugh and you knoww it evveryone does
CA: so help me out tell her to talk to me i think she blocked me you got to CA: wwhatEVVER you are so the vvillage twwo wwheel devvice wwhen it comes to auspisticing
CA: you cant let a grudge go by you wwont stick your busy stem betwwixt so get wwith the program fussyfangs
CA: wwho givves a shit wwhy she blocked me or about my fuckin manners come on youvve got a wway wwith her
CA: i figure if youre going to auspisticize any twwo brinesuckers wwho sneer at each other a funny wway you might as wwell make it official and be ours right
CA: she made me somethin per a prior arrangement
CA: she wwill delivver it wwhen wwe meet in this game but i dont knoww wwhat the logistics are yet
CA: im tryin to connoiter wwith her here but shes blowwin me off again fickle dirtscrapin landhag
CA: kan stupid wwhat do you think its a fuckin gizmo to bloww up the wworld or somethin
CA: ok wwell not that obvviously
CA: but somethin thatll kill all land dwwellers wwhat else wwould i be after
CA: wwell
CA: im not goin to vvery wwell kill you am i that wwould be fuckin unconscionable
CA: wwhat kind of friend wwould i be
CA: yeah go ahead and kiss us off but therell be blood on your hands
CA: you could either play along as our auspistice and do a little mediating like you wwere fuckin hatched to
CA: or wwatch she and me devvolvve into fuckin full fledged kismesisses the kind like you dont get once in ten thousand swweeps
CA: you knoww thats wwhat it wwould be there wwould be rainboww rivvers runnin through star systems and all nebulizin like liquid firewworks
CA: it wwill be beautiful and heartbreaking all at once
CA: you should read up on your history instead of poring through that godawwfull sunny rubbish
CA: yeah it does its important sorry but the fate of the race and purity of the bloodline is important excuse me for being concerned
CA: huh
CA: wwell ok
CA: ordinarily id call bullshit on terrible stinkin bs like that but i knoww you dont really lie about stuff
CA: unless its to yourself
CA: but thats wwhy i bother evven talking to you i wwouldnt evven be here SAYIN any of this otherwwise
CA: so did your clouds tell you that
CA: i got clouds and they dont tell me SHIT they hide nothin but misfortune and monstrosities
CA: fuckin pain in the ass fuckin clouds
CA: so howw do you knoww then
CA: ok wwell you are jacked tight the fuck into this thing in so many wways i dont knoww wwhat to say anymore
CA: wwhatevver wwe wwill just play and find out i guess
CA: so can you tell her to talk to me anywway
CA: god dammit
CA: she and me are teammates wwevve got to havve a powwwwoww or SOMETHING
CA: fuck
CA: fine i get it ill step off
CA: you dont wwant to be our auspistice cause you dont wwant to get locked into that sort of relation wwith her i can respect that
CA: yeah it is your real feelins run pretty awwful RUDDY methinks evverybody knowws it
CA: especially that assblood karkat he and me havve you so pegged about that its upright silly
CA: but its cool its totally fine dont wworry ill leavve you alone and givve you a shot
CA: wwhat
CA: wwhoa wwait wwho
CA: ok wwait did she talk to you today
CA: wwhat did she say
CA: or glub or wwhatevver
CA: wwait
CA: did she actually say that
CA: in confidence
CA: can you copy exactly wwhat she said
CA: this is bullshit youre bee essing me in some wway awwful
CA: you dont lie but you do tease and ill tranfuse my kickass royal blood out wwith incontinent musclebeast discharge if i wwont knoww wwhen im gettin hooked
CA: awwww fuck
CA: see im tellin you
CA: you got to play your cards right CA: if youre not savvvvy about howw you define yourself to peopleCA: you can just splash into the moirail zone before you knoww wwhich wways upwwardCA: kan its hard
CA: being a kid and growwing up
CA: its hard and nobody understands
From page 2401
From page 2402
From page 2406
From page 2407
From page 2408
From page 2409
From page 2410
From page 2411
From page 2412
From page 2413
From page 2414
From page 2415
From page 2416
From page 2418
From page 2418
From page 2436
From page 2437
From page 2438
From page 2441
From page 2443
From page 2445
From page 2446
From page 2446
Pesterlog from page 2446
CA: fef
CA: hey
CA: glub
CA: yeah
CA: hm
CA: wwhat
CA: nothins on my mind wwhy cant i just fuckin talk and glub at you for a reason i dont havve
CA: wwell fine but you dont wwant to hear it CA: uhuh wwhatevverCA: yeah wwell ok since wwe are the PALEST OF PALS A GUY COULD EVVER ASK FOR
CA: i wwill tell you
CA: evven though you wwill only humor me as usual since you dont agree wwith my agenda
CA: any of my agendas really
CA: none of the agendas
CA: none of them
CA: see
CA: more condescension
CA: you are goin to make a hell of an empress
CA: so
CA: i got to keep tryin thats howw all the great military masterminds became great through upright persevverance
CA: it isnt wwrong
CA: im not going to explain it to you again
CA: at this point all you need to knoww is its important to me
CA: and im doing it for us
CA: i mean our kind
CA: nobody understands not evven you
CA: pshh
CA: hemospectrum begs to differ
CA: wwhatevver
CA: i havve to keep an eye on em up here
CA: its all about tactics
CA: history is full of cases wwhere conquerers consort wwith members of the enemy in a mannerly wway before wwipin them out CA: evven goin as far as growwin fond a some
CA: its only civvilized
CA: all your feelins are fishy
CA: ill glub in wwhatevver dumbass bubbly soundin fishnoise i wwant to glub
CA: ok please lets just not get into the wwhole fuckin fish pun thing again ok
CA: like wwe get it wwe are nautically themed
CA: but yeah i dunno
CA: i dont knoww wwhy she ignores me i guess shes just bored wwith me
CA: wwe had it all set up for her to givve me this thing tonight that probably doesnt evven wwork but yeah maybe that wwasnt the point
CA: i mean you think wwe havve a pretty good rivvalry goin right
CA: or at least had
CA: it wwas pretty fuckin bitter and contentious for a wwhile there and there wwas some good chemistry i dont knoww wwhat happened
CA: it doesnt matter like i said shes bored shitless
CA: i guess im not as good a advversary as i thought
CA: ehhh
CA: wwell ok thanks for sayin so
CA: shrug
CA: maybe
CA: seems kinda
CA: odd though
CA: wwell those are my stupid feelins wwhat about yours
CA: seems to me like you get along too wwell wwith evverybody to be harborin any black sentiments
CA: yeah
CA: oh god
CA: uh
CA: ok fef
CA: i gotta go
CA: be back later wwhen its time to play
From page 2448
From page 2449
From page 2450
From page 2455
From page 2456
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Can you draw life bigger than a butterfly? say, another human?
wwweeeellll.. i'd be lying if i said i haven't attempted to,, it was.. ehhgg..... it's bit blurry.
but i remember. i was... yeah i was 13.
(long ass post lol)
i was experimenting, mostly,, after i first drew a butterfly and IT WAS ALIVE,, i attempted to draw other animals..!
i eventually noticed, that predator or prey wouldn't really,, do anything to eachother.
no hunting, no running, no fear, nothing..! i really thought i created... like. the first animals to "live by peace and harmony"..
so, soon enough, i attempted to draw a human..!
EGH- okay this is- very embarassing.. but my first attempt at drawing a human was me drawing my oc... DON'T JUDGE ME!!
it took a couple attempts but we got there! and there she was but.. well she kind of... didn't.- like. seem.. well-
she could walk around i guess, show atleast a single sign she was alive... but wouldn't really do much either.. she wouldn't talk, she wouldn't blink. it felt like.. it wasn't natural.... it was.... empty.
i,in fact, ALL of them! mice, cats, bunnies, whatever the fuck other thing i drew. ..it was.... fake.
and it terrified me. i created empty shells in purpose to mimic a living being. they were alive but.. w,..wouldn't live.
no- no, it's not that they wouldn't, they COULDN'T.
t,they can't talk if they don't have needs, they can't have needs if they don't feel-! tthey COULDN'T FEEL! THEY DIDN'T BLINK BECAUSE THEY COULDN'T FEEL PAIN!!?
empty, EMPTY. EMPTY??!! EMPTY!!!??!?!
.wWHAT... what kind of artist c,can't.... hffgh... sh,sshut up, shut up,, you'll feel worse.
#anonvoid#a-narcissists-warren ask tag#...giggles BDJBFJFJG#pretend this was before talking to Nea I've been working on this for 2 days bro
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points at u. how do u play eridan so well!!! hes such a tricky bastard to write for 4 some reason
It's because he's got so many problems and playing him is basically Mental Illness Simulator :') Whipped up a small (that's a lie, it's large and extensive) guide under the cut
First most important thing about playing Eridan: THIS BOY DOES NOT DO JOKES. He does NOT DO BITS. He does NOT HAVE FUN. If you check out his logs, pretty much every time he talks to somebody, he has a very clear purpose in mind (usually flirting or grandstanding). One of the few times he does strike up a conversation without a clear goal in mind, it's absolutely disastrous:
CA: fef CA: hey CC: ? CA: glub CC: Glub glub! CC: 38) CA: yeah CA: hm CC: W)(at is it!!! CA: wwhat
He's sooooooo so so so bad at conversation. He doesn't tell jokes. He doesn't know how to lighten the mood. He has no chill. He has no sense of humor. When playing him, if you are making jokes, you are doing it wrong!
The reason for this is because, psychologically, you have to imagine that he is constantly teetering on the edge of a murderous freakout. If he is not, at all times, Being Useful (AKA murderous, sea dweller-y), then Something Bad Will Happen. His entire life is about duty, pressure, responsibility, and, accordingly, at ALL TIMES, he feels an extreme, anxious weight on his shoulders, which makes him incapable of indulging in "frivolous" behavior, like making smalltalk or doing things for fun. In fact, sarcasm and facetiousness are literally considered childish by Alternians, and Equius associates it with lower blood colors:
CT: D --> Humorous insincerity is for pedantic wigglers AG: Pshhhhhhhh, I know! I know you never make jokes. I was the one 8eing sarcastic, you stooge! AG: I was 8eing sarcastic a8out you 8eing sarcastic. Duh. CT: D --> That's because you're a little worse than me
That's why it's also kind of important to make him not really have hobbies. Eridan DOES have interests: he loves wizards and magic, and he's a hipster. HOWEVER, he only ever talks about magic in pursuit of some other goal, like finding a date or winning at a rivalry, AND he's constantly denying his own interest in these things, because they're frivolous, stupid, ridiculous, and deviations from what he "should" be like. He actively distances himself from things that make him happy. In fact, we only know he's a hipster because it's part of his design and Karkat mentions it once - Eridan himself has never talked about it. That's how far he's buried anything that actually brings him joy.
If your Eridan is smiling for ANY REASON, you are DOING IT WRONG!
While we're on the topic, things Eridan is NOT ACTUALLY INTERESTED IN:
History (he only ever talks about history in the vaguest possible terms; I think he is book smart and genuinely knows a lot ABOUT history, but his actual interest in it is middling. He's just expected to be really obsessed with history, especially military history, as a member of the aristocracy, and he reads it in the same way as one doomscrolls on twitter - it's a way for him to self-reinforce his own mental illness and soothe his cognitive dissonance)
Marine life/marine anything (he's TERRIFIED of the ocean, and has spent a few days underwater TOTAL. He knows nothing of the sea.)
Weaponry (he HAS a lot of guns, so he definitely knows how to use and maintain them, but there's a reason he outsources the building of all his doomsday devices. Also, he got a "god weapon" early on in his life, and has kind of just been... using that. He neither has a need to know much about weaponry, nor has ever displayed any particular interest or knowledge. He leaves fully loaded harpoons just lying around on the floor of his house. It's knowledge of necessity, not interest.)
Hunting/Violence/Murder (he's really good at it, he knows a lot about it, he will teach you on request, he will mention it constantly, but he doesn't actually derive any particular joy out of it, especially since we know his thought process after each kill is "that's going to make an orphaned troll very sad. they will be culled soon :/")
Fashion (he has more of an interest than the average Alternian, but it's still not a lot. He dresses up to emulate Dualscar, and his actual clothing choices beyond that are pretty disastrous. Canon Eridan has never shown an interest in fashion. Even if you do want to play him with an interest in fashion, which I think is fine, you have to remember that he deliberately distances himself from anything that brings him joy, so even if he likes fashion, he'll keep that a secret and insist he only does it for utility purposes.)
Pale Romance (just throwing this in there, it's the one quadrant he is *never* shown to pursue. He's tried Feferi and Nepeta in flushed, Sollux, Terezi, and Kanaya in ashen, and Rose and Vriska in pitch. if anything, he goes out of his way to AVOID pale romances, both because he just had a painful pale breakup, and because he freaks out at the implication that he's weak in any way, which pursuing a pale romance would all but be admitting)
The thing that makes playing Eridan so hard, I think, is that he's abjectly fucking miserable, BY CHOICE, and for most RPers, playing a character who's abjectly fucking miserable kind of goes against the appeal of RPing in the first place (that is, having fun). All of the things he says he's really into are things that he either has no interest in, or that actively make his life less enjoyable. All the things he spends all his time thinking about are things that make him feel anxious and hopeless. All the things he actually likes and would have fun with are the things he actively, deliberately, and loudly decries and suppresses.
So that's point 1: Eridan does NOT have fun.
The next most thing I see that trips people up is that they make Eridan too friendly, usually as an extension of accidentally giving him too much chill. There are two main factors here at play: the first is that he's desperately trying to be a violent, casteist, oppressive, dangerous sea dweller, and outright pushes that image, and the second is that he's really fucking anxious ALL THE TIME, and most peoples' sociability goes down when they feel the cold breath of the reaper on the backs of their necks 24/7.
When looking at the 4 responses to danger - fight, flight, freeze, and fawn - Eridan will overwhelmingly choose "fight," with "fawn" as his secondary option. This makes absolute sense in context: all his trauma comes from its inescapable nature - if he tries to run from his duties, everybody dies; if he freezes up and fails to complete them, everybody dies. Therefore, his only two options are to Fight, and to channel that violent response into completing his duties, and to Fawn, to capitulate to the things that are hurting him - much moreso the former than the latter. Unfortunately, that bleeds over into everything else. Great!
We can see this illustrated really well in his conversations with Kanaya: Eridan does not ask for favors or help, he makes demands:
CA: kan make her talk to me do somethin ... CA: so help me out tell her to talk to me i think she blocked me you got to
ERIDAN: you should of told me about this ERIDAN: if theres goin to be any sort a hope for our race as the prince of hope i demand to be invvolvved ERIDAN: so dont go anywwhere wwithout me got it
The only time he ever really backs off is in confessions, where he's willing to be like "hey, I think we really got something here, don't you think so?", or when talking to Karkat (Karkat is really the only person that Eridan doesn't feel the need to put on airs around, and we can only speculate as to why. It's because they're destined moirails for each other.)
He will also do this for statements that he isn't 100% sure about. If he's going to say something, he is going to ASSERT IT as if it is IMMUTABLE FACT, even if he's immediately disproven. In which case he will admit fault, but then his NEXT wild assumption is the IMMUTABLE FACT.
CA: wwell fine you dont havve to behavve vvillainous if youre bent up on actin against the grain a your nobility or somesuch CA: i can play that role its not like i evver didnt get my gills dirty before TT: Nobility? What are you talking about? CA: wwell arent you TT: No. What gave you that idea? CA: the wway you CA: ok CA: i had a misconclusion about that so my fault CA: obvviously you got rich blood so maybe when you crash landed you wwerent recognized for it by wwhatevver vvehicle upholds the class structure in human society
I feel like he's the type who, if he's genuinely unsure about something, he just won't say it at all. Basically, Eridan is always operating at either 0% or 100%, with almost no in-between. NO CHILL. Given that he only strikes up conversations when he's trying to achieve something from it - whether that's actively getting someone to do something for him, or just trying to assert that magic is fake - he treats every conversation like it' i's a battle, where the prize is whatever it is he's attempting to do, and his conversation partner is an enemy that he has to beat into submission. (Karkat is the only exception. He actually just likes talking to Karkat, and will do more traditional "hey man you wanna talk about your feelings" kind of dialogue with him.)
If your Eridan has chill, you are doing it wrong!
This really needs to be qualified: he does HAVE empathy. He DOES care about his friends. But his brain is really cooked, and he has an extremely difficult time actually working up the emotional energy to express or experience it.
He's kind of downright sociopathic, lol:
ERISOLSPRITE: iim of the miind2et that wwhen you havve a rock 2oliid piiece of a22 tiied twwo the dock, you dont bloody wwell tug the knot loo2e and 2hovve the fucker off wwiith the heel a your boot. ERISOLSPRITE: but then another part of me ju2t wwonder2 wwhat the FUCK ii ju2t 2aiid there? liike that wwa2 ju2t 2uch a wweiird 2ociiopathiic thought ii had, ii hone2tly had no iidea howw bad ii could po22iibly feel about my2elf untiil ii BECAME my2elf, iif THAT make2 2en2e.
Like, okay, how do I explain this. His body count is 2000+. He has an EXTREMELY difficult time caring about life or death. He's had to watch kids cry over their dead parents. He has had to kill kids trying to protect their parents, whom he has then had to kill. And he has done this over, and over, and over again, as long as he can remember, to the point where he calls it "all i evver done practically."
Just for the sake of preserving what's left of his sanity, he's had to learn how to not care about that. If he sees someone crying in front of him, it's unlikely to even emotionally register to him as anything beyond "factually, this person is sad." Shit happens, people die. Violence, tragedy, murder, injury, and death are literally daily occurrences to him. For you, the day I killed your lusus was the most important day of your now tragically short life. For me, it was Tuesday.
Vriska is in the same boat, BTW. I think a combination of just being a less sensitive person to start with, the existence of a support network (Equius and Kanaya and Terezi as friends + she was friends with Team Charge before the... incident), and the lack of all the Duty(tm) and Responsibility(tm), helped her cope a bit better, and be better about opening up to people and relying on them for emotional support.
What this means, in terms of playing/writing him, is that his priorities are extremely skewed, and he is genuinely not going to understand things like "maybe I shouldn't tell this land dweller I'm trying to kill all land dwellers," or "maybe this person is sad and I should comfort them," or "maybe my constant talk about murder and death is offputting to other people." Here he is, literally not understanding why insulting and belittling Kanaya has led to her not wanting to help him, as well as not understanding why Vriska might've blocked him:
CA: wwhatEVVER you are so the vvillage twwo wwheel devvice wwhen it comes to auspisticing CA: you cant let a grudge go by you wwont stick your busy stem betwwixt so get wwith the program fussyfangs GA: If Your Slander Werent So Predictable Id Block You Too For Saying That GA: Has It Occurred To You She May Have Blocked You Because You Are Vvery Ovverbearing GA: I Just Said That Aloud Now In Your Silly Accent And Had A Private Moment Of Enjoyment CA: wwho givves a shit wwhy she blocked me or about my fuckin manners come on youvve got a wway wwith her
His brain is constantly running at a fevered 100% full-tilt run; he doesn't have the space, leisure, or energy to spend considering things from the perspective of other people. It leads to weird paradoxes, where he IS considerate of other peoples' feelings, but doesn't actually consider their feelings. After spending almost the ENTIRE conversation with Kanaya belittling her and demanding she be his and Vriska's auspice, he abruptly switches gears:
CA: fine i get it ill step off CA: you dont wwant to be our auspistice cause you dont wwant to get locked into that sort of relation wwith her i can respect that GA: No Thats Not It CA: yeah it is your real feelins run pretty awwful RUDDY methinks evverybody knowws it CA: especially that assblood karkat he and me havve you so pegged about that its upright silly CA: but its cool its totally fine dont wworry ill leavve you alone and givve you a shot
Because he LIKES Kanaya, he REALLY CARES ABOUT Kanaya, he WANTS GOOD THINGS for Kanaya... and yet is entirely, wholly, not taking her feelings into account at all.
BUT! This also applies in reverse! You can make all the death threats and casteist insults and demands towards Eridan as you want, and he won't give a shit aside from his usual grandstanding protests. The only time we ever truly see him offended is when he's genuinely trying to do Jade a favor by giving her the code to his gun, and she calls it a piece of shit and tosses it out with the trash - and even then, he doesn't take THAT much offense. Judge for yourself:
GG: so ill just dump it outside the house with the trash GG: and if it is fated to find my penpal one day then so be it! CA: god damn it CA: its like you people go out of your wway to think a howw to disrespect me GG: maybe you should have been nicer to me! GG: in any case i dont appreciate the spirit in which the gift was given so this is what i will do! CA: fine fuck it wwhat do i care CA: this has been a completely flippin useless exchange as havve they all been wwith your species
After all, he's accustomed to much, much, much worse. His emotional response here is indignation, not even really HURT. Karkat also makes a bunch of genuine death threats towards Eridan, which get entirely written off as "wwitty repartee." He's just really bad at processing hostility! Hostility is very normal to him!
So basically, before letting Eridan engage in any act of empathy or compassion, you have to ask whether or not he's going to recognize that the situation would call for that in the first place, which he is REALLY BAD at identifying. He only asks Karkat if Karkat wants to talk about his feelings after Karkat explicitly says that he's freaking out in every possible way, and without that explicit indication, I don't think Eridan would've even noticed.
If your Eridan has social skills, you are Doing It Wrong!
This also means that, even if Eridan has realized that he needs to act compassionate, he's still going to be really fucking trash at actually providing emotional support. He can't even emotionally support himself, you think he can figure it out for other people?
The most he can do is call it like he sees it - "this is a stupid thing to get worked up over," for example. Or he can jump straight to solutions, like "so what, are you gonna kill that guy?" Being as charitable as humanly possible, he might be able to fire off a "that's rough, buddy" at ABSOLUTE maximum.
And, let's face it, on Alternia, they kind of are. Kanaya doesn't even bother to call him out for calling Karkat an assblood, Terezi and Feferi and Sollux don't bother taking offense to calling Sollux a mustard blood, and Karkat calls himself a gutter blood at one point. Like, even if you're playing/writing an Eridan who's rejected Alternian society, he'll still probably be out here calling people slurs? Things that would be considered hostile from other characters are very much just neutral coming from Eridan. There is no emotional difference to him, calling someone a rustblood or a burgundy, but he's expected to say rustblood because of his sea dweller status, so that's what he goes with.
Also, make some grounded but wild assertions about people and things. This boy loves to Assume. Writing Eridan is a lot of going "ERIDAN DON'T SAY THAT!!!" it's great. Really painful. Highly unrecommended.
He's obviously quite book smart and uses a lot of big vocabulary words. You guys need to have Eridan go on these insane purple-prose rants more often. They're so fun to write and so cringe to post.
CA: yeah go ahead and kiss us off but therell be blood on your hands CA: you could either play along as our auspistice and do a little mediating like you wwere fuckin hatched to CA: or wwatch she and me devvolvve into fuckin full fledged kismesisses the kind like you dont get once in ten thousand swweeps CA: you knoww thats wwhat it wwould be there wwould be rainboww rivvers runnin through star systems and all nebulizin like liquid firewworks CA: it wwill be beautiful and heartbreaking all at once
CA: but the thing is i need a rivval wwho can pose me a challenge CA: and frankly shes not evven fit for holdin my cape anymore CA: at this point i find all her adorable black pixie dabblins to be prime kiddie playtime shit CA: all of her FRAUDULENT MAGICS cannot come close to posin threat to my mastery ovver the TRUEST SCIENCES CA: an wwith my empiricists wwand i servve as the righteous hope that wwill incinerate delusion and the deluded alike CA: my holy fire is the wwhite fury bled from the wwrath-wweary eyes of fifty thousand nonfictional angels CA: and wwhen theyre finished wweepin they wwill boww before their prince GG: wow what are you talking about
For no reason at all. I'm going to post a little Karkat for comparison.
Also, notes about his typing quirk:
First, the ww and vv stuff is actively a fake accent he puts on for the #Aesthetic, and his natural way of speaking doesn't include those at all, so it's entirely likely that if you're writing him after he's rejected Alternian society, or if he's trying to be really really emotionally sincere, he wouldn't be bothering with that part of the quirk specifically.
He doesn't ALWAYS drop the G at the end of words ending in -ing. It's frequent and common, but don't feel bad about letting a word end in a g, especially if it would sound or look better (for example, "being a kid and growwing up" doesn't bother to drop the g's at all).
Similarly, he doesn't ALWAYS change "of" to "a," especially preceding a vowel sound. You gotta be careful with when you change this up, because he pretty much only does it when it would make sense spoken aloud.
In phrases like "must have" or "could have," he will often (but not always) change "have" to "of" (so "must of" or "could of").
Dropping the D from the word "and" happens only one time in the entire comic, so it's probably a typo, and if it isn't, it's REALLY REALLY infrequent.
He will sometimes use shorthanded words, like "em" instead of "them" or "ya" instead of "you." I'd say it's occassional, a bit rarer than the G-dropping. He does tend to use "got to" instead of "gotta," however. Again, try saying his lines out loud, to figure out when best to use what.
Given his loquaciousness and clear command of the language, it's likely that this is for Style, but he also doesn't always bother with proper grammar. Places where "[person] and I" would be used are often switched out for "[person] and me," and he might forgo a contraction like "I've" or "we've" and just post the pronoun (for example, "you got to" instead of "you've got to."
He references ocean shit, and ocean anatomy, like his own fins and gills, pretty often! He just doesn't do the puns. Try using "flippin" instead of "fuckin" every now and then, or "glubbin" instead of "talkin," or nautical analogies.
Also throw in some British "bloody"s every so often.
Cusses like a sailor, though, has one of the highest "fuck" counts relative to wordcount out of all the characters (cough like Karkat cough).
HE DOES NOT USE PUNCTUATION. EVER. (Ok, he does use a period once while talking to Terezi in Alterniabound, but I think that that's a mistake because it's literally the only time). This is actually in STARK contrast to other characters that don't generally use punctuation, like Aradia or Nepeta, who will still use ellipses, exclamation points, and question marks. Eridan actively, consciously forgoes using ANY punctuation, EVER, even for questions (which you shouldn't be asking too many of, because Eridan makes DEMANDS).
This is another thing that I see a lot. Yes, Eridan thinks that he's worse than everybody. Yes, he deliberately keeps fun things at bay and focuses on things that make him miserable. Yes, he's sad, anxious, emotionally neglected, etc. etc. But I often see this self-loathing played for dramatics - Eridan being withdrawn, quiet, moody, and sad. Or being consumed with guilt and regret, and wishing he didn't have to be a murderer or wasn't forced into the position he was. And that's just not the vibe.
Because Eridan has a lot of pride. He refuses to appear weak, and he has genuinely lost the emotional capacity to feel too guilty about all the killing. Moreover, here's something I often see get overlooked:
He would think of the murders he committed, and the fact that he's so good at murdering, as good things.
It's not only useful, but oftentimes NECESSARY, for somebody on the team to be willing to make those kinds of sacrifices, to be willing to pull the trigger. Very literally, murder kept him and his friends alive long enough to play the game.
There's no universe in which Eridan would denounce killing and violence, because to do so would be to say that he shouldn't have kept his friends alive. Even in a hypothetical golden ending, where everybody survives to the end, Eridan would be the guy on the team who posits murder as a potential solution to problems, reminds people that society is built on sacrifices and suffering, and offers to do the dirty work himself if nobody else has the stomach for it. As much as being the orphaner was DISASTROUS for his mental and emotional well-being, he wouldn't regret the things he did.
And this is reflected in the comic - the rare times he does break down and show that he kind of hates himself, the focus is never on guilt or regret, it's on his perceived shortcomings - calling himself an idiot or pathetic. Because that's what his real insecurity is - he doesn't hate himself because he sees himself as this awful piece of shit, the way Sollux does, he hates himself because he thinks of himself as not good enough, because if he's Not Good Enough, then Something Bad Will Happen.
Remember, his danger response is FIGHT. It's a different paradigm than what most of us are used to, which is why I see his inner turmoil so often represented by him being moody and broody, which he's never really done in the comic. Eridan doesn't get sad, even though he is sad; he gets mad, aggressive, combative. He doesn't wallow; he just keeps swimming.
CA: i got to keep tryin thats howw all the great military masterminds became great through upright persevverance
Again, his response to being insulted is indignation, not hurt. He doesn't sit in his room feeling sorry for himself, he obsesses over genocide and murdering all the land dwellers. His response to seeing the love of his life turn on him with killing intent is to flip out and start killing right back. After being broken up with, his response is to go and pester his friends (and yell at Gamzee a bit) until he can get some emotional support. He doesn't angst, he tries to solve the problem, and, if he can't solve the problem, he starts shooting.
He's awfully violent! If your Eridan is not awfully violent, you're probably doing it wrong!
At his core, however, as tangled up in all of the above as he may be, Eridan loves:
His friends
Probably hipster shit
Happy endings
He is still, after all, a HOPE player. He struggles as hard as he does because he can't give up on the idea that things will get better, eventually. Even if he's struggling in the wrong direction, toward the wrong ideals, and even if emotionally, he's feeling more and more hopeless and closed in, he can't stop himself from trying, and trying, and trying again.
He loves magic. As much as he tries to push it away and calls it stupid and fake and lame at every turn, he still brought his shitty wands onto the meteor. Why does he love magic? It's an extension of his inability to give up. No matter how hopeless the situation, no matter how awful he feels, no matter how unrealistic salvation might seem, if only magic is real, then there's a solution. He wants to be a wizard so badly because wizards can do magic, and magic can overturn reality, and reality is this awful, inescapable nightmare. He is constantly being caught between nihilism and pessimism and hope and belief. In the comic, the nihilism won, but that's the great conflict at the core of his being.
So ummmmm yeah, I hope any of that helps with writing the fish boy at all. Basically, if you aren't constantly cringing while writing the bullshit that comes out of his mouth, you're probably doing it wrong...
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wwhat kind of filetype is that. i jyst wanted to click on an image
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augh wwhat kind of horrible creation have you fashioned... those poor animals...
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wwhat kind of flowwers should I get someone if i wwant them to be my kismesis?

dead roses are an awvesome choice! or just bite their ears off either vworks
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