#ww2 gif
myfandomprompts · 1 year
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"Me? I'm just a bloody nuisance."
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chronicallytirednixon · 3 months
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ducattivaa · 2 months
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This gif is like the meaning of life 🧎🏻‍♀️
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she-wolf09231982 · 4 months
Joe Toye
“The Bunny and The Fox”
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Summary: You thought Joe Toye was too scary to even consider a friend, but he proves to be not only a great friend, but also a lover.
A/N: One shot, Mature audience, JoeToyeX!FemMedic, WW2, Female Pronouns, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Military and Medical Terminology, Inappropriate Nicknames, HBO Band of Brothers References, Mentions/Descriptions of Injuries, Weaponry, Smoking. Angst/Conflict, Smut, *John Wayne/McClintock Movie Quote*, FOREVER FLUFF
@awaterfalls 😁🪖♠️🦅❤️
These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
He always appeared so….serious. His face in a constant state of pissed off and disdain. If looks could kill, Joe Toye (and Johnny Martin) wouldn’t have needed weapons in the war.
You avoided him all through Toccoa. He just seemed like the type to leave the hell alone. But every now and then, you caught a glimpse of him smiling or laughing with the guys.
“Not bad.” You’d think to yourself as you admired his smile.
Since you trained with Easy as a medic, you rarely had an excuse to speak to him unless he was injured. Even then you kept your conversation short and sweet with hardly any eye contact. But with his low raspy voice came a sense of calm while you took care of him. You supposed he seemed friendly enough.
June 1944 Post D-Day
Orders were given to take Carentan where German soldiers were being sheltered. Carentan was the main crossroad between Cotentin and Calvados where the ally force's tanks needed passage to attack the main objective, Cherbourg.
"Listen up!" LT Welsh shouted. "It'll be dark soon. I want light and noise discipline from here on. No talking, no smoking. And no playing grab-fanny with the man in front of you, Luz. We're taking Carentan. It's the only place where armor from Omaha and Utah Beach can link up and head inland. Until we take Carentan, they're stuck on the sand. General Taylor's sending the whole division."
Some of the men began to grumble under their breath. Everyone started to stir to gather their gear to begin the journey to Carentan.
Walking in a file formation on each side of the road to Carentan. You found yourself walking in front of Toye as Perconte proceeded you.
“Hey Toye, why you always in the middle when we convoy anywhere? Ain’t you ever in the front?” Guarnere teased.
“I go wherever the medic goes in case I get hit, Bill.” Joe responded.
You blushed and dared to sneak a glance behind you. As you did, Toye met your gaze shooting you a quick wink. You quickly look back to the front embarrassed he caught you acknowledging him.
“Awe now look what ya did. You scared her.” Guarnere teased.
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You hear some of the guys laugh.
“Maintain your noise discipline.” Winters reminded.
You and Doc on separate ends of the streets trying to keep low to tend to the wounded.
You rush to two soldiers landing on your knees next to them, one on the ground with a trail of blood coming from his helmet, the other crouching over him.
"He's still breathing, help me carry him!" You call out. You each grab an arm of the injured soldier and drag him behind a building.
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While you're working on the nameless soldier's head wound, a drug store gets blasted by German artillery not far from where you were, the force from the explosion sending you sideways into the brick wall next to you.
You shake your head to stop the ringing in your ears. Everything you could hear was distant as your vision became fuzzy and dark. You start to smack your ear trying to make it pop so you can get back to your senses.
“Y/L/N! We gotta move! Get up!” Toye’s muffled voice yelled out.
He grabbed you by the arm pulling you up to your feet. You still couldn’t barely see so you held onto his arms for dear life.
“I-I can’t see nothin’ Joe!” You called out to him.
“Ok, come on…UP we go!” You hear him grunt as he threw you over his shoulder.
You feel him trotting to safety while blast after blast erupted all around you. You feel him lower you as gently as he could to the ground against a wall.
“Hey, look at me.” Toye said as he guided your face towards his, “Can you see me now?”
You shake your head, “No, it’s all dark and blurry.” You reply as tears started to stream down your cheeks.
Were you going blind?? Is this it? You’re not going to be able to see your family’s faces? Never see your own reflection? You feel yourself slipping into shock.
“Hey! Stay with me now, ok doll? Don’t cry. Doc’s on his way.” You hear Toye’s voice break through your thoughts.
Doc ducked behind the wall with you and Toye.
“What’s the matta’ with her?” You hear Gene ask.
“She can’t see. Says everything is blurry.”
“Gene, I think I’m going blind. Am I going blind??” You asked panicked trying to reach out for him.
“What happened before she couldn’t see?”
“A shell dropped right by her and she went flying into a brick wall.”
Gene nodded, “That’ll do it. You got a concussion, Y/L/N, you ain’t goin’ blind.”
You released a sigh of relief.
“Joe, can you get her back to HQ? She ain’t no good out here if she can’t see nothin’.”
“I got her, Doc.”
Toye got you back to an aid station not long after Easy Company claimed victory over Carentan. You remained there until the following day after your vision returned. As you approached a group of the guys from Easy, you were welcomed with whoops and cheers.
“Hey! Look who it is!” Luz called out.
All the guys turned to find you walking towards them.
“Hey look what the cat dragged in!” Malarkey joked.
The chorus of laughter from the men lifted your spirits.
“Yeah, I look rough, I know. Thanks guys.” You greet.
You looked around for Toye.
“He’s over there.” Luz pointed out as he gestured with is thumb over his shoulder.
“Oh, I just, uh, wanted to thank him for-“ you began.
“-yeah, yeah we know. He’s over there.” Malarkey interjected pointing down the street.
You feel yourself get flustered so you scamper off to where they said Joe was. As you walk through the rubble that Carentan has become, you see Toye standing in a circle with a few of the other guys from Easy. He throws his cigarette butt on the ground, stomping it out with his boot before he turns and sees you.
His face lights up when he saw you walking up.
“Hey there she is!” Guarnere hailed.
Bill met you and extended his hand for you to shake, which you obliged.
“Good to see you, Bill.”
“Glad to see you up and about, doll.” He pulled you in closer, “Someone’s been real worried about you since they left you at the aid station, by the way.” He disclosed.
You pull back and met Bill’s face with confusion. He winked and motioned over to Toye with his chin.
“Go on and say hi to him.” Bill added.
You narrow your eyes at him and smile. You slowly approach Toye as he stood there with his hands in his pockets and smirking as he patiently waited for you.
“Hey, Toye.” You squeak.
“Hey, Y/L/N. Good to see you.” He replied with his signature husky voice.
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“Well, if it weren’t for you, I probably wouldn’t be here. Thank you for helping me.” You say as you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.
You hear Guarnere whistle. You turn around and shake your head at him.
Toye cleared his throat, “It was nothin’.”
You both stood there awkwardly until Bill came over.
“Hey, the guys were going to go to the bar that survived the wreck. You wanna join us later for a few night caps, Y/L/N?”
“Sure, if I can find a place to get cleaned up.”
“Ok it’s that little place over there. We’ll all be there around 1900, aight?”
You knew Bill was scheming something for you and Toye. You look at him suspiciously.
“Ok, I’ll see you guys there later.”
You breeze through the front door of the pub and begin scanning the room for the familiar faces of Easy.
“Hey! Y/F/N! Over here!” Guarnere called out waving his hand.
You push through the crowd to get to the table where most of your guys were sitting. You catch Toye playing darts with LT Compton, Luz, and Heffron.
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“What can I getchya?” Bill asked.
“Oh, whatever you’re drinking, Bill.” You reply.
“Comin’ right up.” He announced as he walked to the bar.
You look back to Toye and catch his eyes looking at you too. He smiled and raised his glass to you with a wink. You smile back and give him a little wave.
“Here ya go.” Bill returned handing you a pint glass of beer.
You cheers and take a hearty gulp.
“Thanks, Bill.” You say as you squeeze his arm.
The night was filled with laughter, banter, and taunts amongst Easy. And somehow, your glass kept getting magically refilled by each of the guys. You had to refuse Malarkey’s offer to buy your next round because you felt your head starting to spin.
“Ok, we’ll slow down.” Don chuckled, “But when you’re ready, I got the next one!”
“Yessir.” You quipped.
You turn towards the dart boards and see that Toye had moved. You began to search the room for him and suddenly stop at the bar where he was talking to a local woman dressed in a tightly fit dress.
You felt a distinct sense of dread mixed with anger, but you weren’t sure why. The longer you watched Toye leaning closer to whisper in her ear while she giggled, the more your rage boiled over inside.
“What’s the matter, doll? You gotta look on ya like you’re gonna murder someone.” You hear Guarnere chime in.
You avert your eyes to the floor.
“It’s nothing.” You say quickly.
Bill looked where you were just looking.
“Well ain’t that a son of a bitch. After all the trouble I went through to set you’s guys up, he goes and finds another bird to chat up.”
You look at Bill, “What do you mean set us up?”
Bill looked at you alarmed.
“Oh, well, I thought you knew. Toye over there has got it real bad for ya. Has ever since basic but he figured he never had a chance. I told him you were a catch and that you had a thing for him too.”
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“Oh do I now?” You asked astounded by his response.
“Well, don’tchya?”
“I suppose he’s handsome. Good soldier. But looks like he’s not as sweet on me as you think.” You state as you gesture to Toye by the bar getting disgustingly close to the blonde bombshell.
“Ah, he’s an idiot. He’s just trying to get laid.”
You look at him with daggers behind your eyes. Bill’s eyes widen.
“Uh, what I mean is he don’t care about her, ya know? He’s trying to not think about you because he thinks you’re outta his league.” Bill hastily explained.
“Yeah? Well, I’ll get his attention.” You declare as you storm off towards the bar.
“Ah shit.” Bill mumbled to himself rolling his eyes.
You walk up to a soldier from Fox Company standing a few feet away from where Toye was with his new little friend. You approach the bar and slightly bend over to the surface of the bar and rest your elbows on it. The soldier noticed you right away and a devilish grin appeared across his face.
You look over at him and smile.
“Hey, angel, you’re the prettiest face in here.” He said as he scanned you from head to toe.
You see Toye look over the blonde’s shoulder at you. So you inched closer to the stranger.
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“At least someone noticed how hard I worked on my make up tonight.” You say loud enough for Joe to hear.
Toye’s jaw started to tighten. Your plan was working like a charm.
“What are you talkin’ about? You’re a dish!” He returned enthusiastically, “Can I get you a drink?”
“A pint is fine.”
Toye excused himself from the company of his little vixen and approached you with obvious vigor. He stopped so close to you, you can feel his breath on your face.
“You think you should have anymore?” Toye asked in a low gravelly tone.
You were almost a puddle at his feet.
“What’s one more?” You dismiss.
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“Hey, buddy, this one’s mine. Get lost.” The Fox soldier warned.
Toye glared at him, a clear warning with his fierce gaze to back off. “Shut up.”
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He turned back to you. “You hit your head hard yesterday. You got a concussion, remember? Drinking too much isn’t good for you right now.” He cautioned.
The soldier behind Toye huffed outloud. You bring your face closer to his.
“How about you go on back to your little blonde bunny over there and worry about her?” You say softly staring intensely into his eyes.
You snidely smile and gently push him aside to accept the beer the Fox soldier was holding for you. Toye grabbed your wrist before you could get your fingers around the glass.
“Because I’m worried about you.” He sternly replied.
“Hey, pal, I’m not gonna tell ya-“
Before the guy could finish his sentence, Toye swung and punched him across the face sending him to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
“Joe, what the hell is the matter with you?” You bark.
He turned to face you, his teeth clenched and resentment in his eyes.
“Isn’t this what you wanted? You got my attention.” He said raising his arms to the side.
Just then, another Fox Company soldier soared in and tackled Toye. When Guarnere saw Toye get sacked, him and the rest of Easy rushed in, clashing with Fox Company in a battle royalé in the middle of the dance floor.
You grab a bottle of whiskey and force your way into the horde to smash it over the head of one of the opposing soldiers when you suddenly feel your feet swiftly leave the floor, and you find yourself once again thrown over Joe Toye’s shoulder as he rushes out the front door.
You start to push off of his back to look at him.
“What are you doing?? Put me down, NOW! This is completely barbaric! Were you raised by wolves??”
“Shut your mouth.” Toye said sharply.
He wouldn’t cave no matter how hard you struggled. He continued to carry you until he got to the house where you had been staying at with the field nurses. He opened the front door and practically threw you onto the couch in the main corridor.
“You’re an absolute animal, Joe Toye.” You snarled at him.
“Yeah? You haven’t even seen the worst of it yet.” He retorted.
You stood up, only to lose your balance and fell backward on to the couch again.
“Well save it.” You spit back crossing your arms, “You can go now. I’m sure that little dish at the bar is waiting on you.”
Toye furrowed his eyebrows at you, “You’re the only one even thinking about her. I haven’t even given her a second thought since you walked through the door of that place!”
You scoff, “Sure, Joe. Didn’t seem like it when your hands were all over her like a magnet.” You pointed out as you stood up slowly.
“Yeah?” He queried as he closed the gap between the two of you, “You mean like this?”
He roughly grabbed you by the waist and kneaded your hips with his strong calloused hands as he pulled you into him. Your faces so close, you thought he was going to kiss you, but he only hovered over your mouth. You were a deer in the headlights, your words caught in your throat somewhere. You almost forgot to take breath when you started to feel faint, so you took in a deep breath through your nose to recover.
You put your hands on his chest and started to push away.
“What are you doing, Toye?” You manage to say.
He jerked you back into him, slithering his one hand across the small of your back while the other one firmly caressed the swell of your ass. You tried to protest, but your voice betrayed you only allowing a whimper to escape from your throat. This man had you a melting hot mess in his arms and it only made you angrier that he was getting you flustered.
“What? Got nothin’ snarky to say now, sweetheart?” He teased.
The fire inside you began to rise, and you weren’t sure if it was because you were turned on, or pissed off.
“I hate you.” You sneered as you slipped out of his grasp and headed for the staircase.
Before you could lift your foot to take the first step, you feel yourself twirled back around and face to face with Toye in his arms.
*“Half of the people in the world are women…Why does it have to be you that stirs me?”* He growled before grabbing the back of your head to bring your mouth to his.
You wanted to fight back and push away again, but your body fought you, leaning into his body and fisting his uniform jacket to pull him as close as possible to you. You part your lips to allow his tongue to pass and explore yours. You playfully nip at his bottom lip eliciting a deep guttural groan from him. His hands scoured your body as his hips instinctively pushed his hard on against you. You dig your nails into his shoulders as you moan into his mouth.
You pull back, “Let’s take this upstairs.”
Toye only replied with a mischievous grin, then picked you up bridal style to carry you up the stairs. When you direct him to your room, he set you down to secure the door. Right at the moment he turned around, you forced him against the door and hungrily kiss him while unraveling his tie.
He grabbed you by the shoulders swinging you around pinning you against the door with a ‘thud’ then placed his hand around your throat. He tightened his grip enough to make a point he was in charge, but not hard enough to alarm you. You instinctively grab his wrist with both hands as you clenched your thighs together, hoping to get some friction against your core and to prevent the wetness from dripping down your leg.
You hissed through your teeth as a smile stretched across your face. Toye pressed himself harder against you, the bulge in his pants grinding into your pelvis. You slide one hand away from his wrist gradually finding your way to his belt buckle. His fingers around your neck increased their grip.
You ran your tongue along your lower lip. He looks from your eyes to your mouth as a smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. He suddenly scooped you up from behind your thighs wrapping your legs around his waist and carried you over to the bed, dropping you on your back onto the mattress.
He removed his tie, then with one hand unbuckled his belt all the while staring at you like a starved wolf about to pounce on his prey. You scoot to the edge of the bed and start to unbutton your uniform top. He situated himself between your spread knees at the edge of the bed.
You look up at him through your lashes and smile as you start to work on removing his pants. Your top partially open with your cleavage peaking through, he fisted the front with both hands and yanked the blouse off your shoulders. You wiggle out of the shirt and drop his pants and briefs as he removed his uniform top.
Now you were both ravenous for eachother just yanking off articles of clothing and throwing them carelessly onto the floor. Finally when he slid your panties off, a devilish grin graced his face when he saw how wet you were for him.
He looked at you roguishly as he glided two of his fingers up and down your drenched slit.
“Is this all from me?” His gruff honeyed voice had you melting in his hand.
You nod without breaking eye contact. He crawled over you, caging you in between his brawny arms. As his hardened dick rested on top of your center, he started to grind into you, coating the tip of his cock with your slick between your folds.
You couldn’t help but arch your back, rhythmically moving your hips with his to feel him rub against your clit. Your needy sighs spurred him on, knowing he was making you feel so good.
“Oh my God, Toye-“
“No. No more ‘Toye.’ I want to hear you say my name.” He commanded.
You stare at him.
“Fucking say it.” He ordered.
“Joe…” you breathed as you playfully nip at his lower lip, greedily locking onto his mouth.
He lifted you by the ass and pushed his length through your dripping entrance with one fleeting thrust forward.
You gasp then wrap your legs around his waist, waiting for the ride to begin. Joe unleashed over a year’s worth of pent up rage and frustration from the war onto you, railing into you in almost a deliciously painful pace. He was rough, and aggressive, yet attentive and sensual.
He sat up resting on his heels and angled you closer into him by hugging your thighs against him and driving into you, hitting that spot that had you edging to your finish.
He feels your walls constricting around his cock, and starts to slow his tempo. You look at him with a pout.
All you could manage was a strained, “Why?”
He pulled out and hastily flipped you onto your hands and knees. He reached around your front under your arms once again grabbing your throat with his perfect hand. He pulls you back until your back was flush with his chest.
He guided the back of your head to rest on his shoulder before he turned to your ear.
“You think that fucking Fox Company chump could’ve done this for you?” He hissed.
You feel his grip constricting your neck. You’re so fucked out you can’t help but laugh.
“Fucking answer me, sweetheart. You think that asshole’s got anything on me?” His voice rumbling in your ear like thunder.
You start to pant, your bare chest and peaked nipples heaving from overstimulation and restriction of oxygen.
“No, Joe. Never.” You huffed.
You feel his lips curl into a smile against your jawline. He nipped at your ear.
“That’s right, baby.” He purred before he thrusted you forward on all fours.
He lined his dick up with your slippery pussy and entered you with a sweet push forward until he bottomed out. He plummeted into you, spanking you occasionally while his hips slammed into you.
“My God, Joe.” You moaned pushing back into him so he can get inside you as deep as possible.
“Yeah, scream my name so all Fox Company can hear.”
He had a vice grip on your waist, guiding you back everytime his hips came forward. The slams of his front against your ass grew steadily louder with groans and grunts between the two of you.
His stride began to stagger, and you could feel him pulsate inside you.
“I’m getting close, sweetheart.” You hear his low rugged voice from behind you.
“Me too, Joe.”
“I know, I can feel you squeezing on me. Let go, baby.” He hummed.
He reached around finding your clit and began rubbing hard circles onto the bud.
You close your eyes and focus on the sensation of where his hands were and the throbbing of his cock inside you then hearing his voice roar,
“Come on, baby, let go for me.”
He chased your orgasm until he felt your walls fluttering around his cock. You throw your head back practically howling as ropes of Joe’s cum released over and over again inside you. A guttural grunt left Joe’s lips as he groped your ass to have something to hold onto to steady himself.
Sweat glistened on his chiseled torso while he caught his breath. He snatched the hand towel by the basin next to the bed to clean you up after he pulled out. He plopped onto the bed next to you, pulling you into him to hold you.
You each sigh, content and relaxed in eachother’s afterglow.
“Your little bunny friend is going to be heart broken.” You joke.
Joe chuckled, “Yeah, I have that effect on people.”
You giggled.
“I got my girl right here.” He added.
Joe looked down adoringly at you with your head on his shoulder, sensing his eyes were on you, you look up at him. He gently kissed your lips, then rubbed his nose on the tip of yours.
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months
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Naval bombardment, Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
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littledesertfox · 1 month
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Some Rommel scenes that I found in a WW2 documentary (WWII in Color: Road to Victory, episode 3). My favourite is probably the one where he's sitting down, him and his assistant look a little clumsy but so adorable there😭
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indigo-graves · 9 months
Warmth | Eugene Roe
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When the curtains were no longer able to block out the sun, there was a shift beside Roe, which caused him to stir. There was a moment where he found himself struggling to orient himself to the room. It had been all too easy to forget he was in a bedroom, under warm linens, and not in the snow-dusted forest of Bastogne. A warmth he never would quite be able to replicate radiated from beside him, something he had an even harder time orienting himself to. Even more recent than their arrival at the Eagle’s Nest, was the bedfellow he had found once they got there. 
Gene turned, inhaling her scent. The soap had found in that bathroom was lovely, of course, but he found himself dizzy with desire when he leaned closer, his head tilted to inhale the spot where her hair lingered on her neck. He took a deep breath in, taking in the soft, sweet natural scent, the depth of the warmth that grew in his belly was new. Would he ever get used to being this close? The smokey bite from the fireplace that lingered in her hair felt familiar. He had recalled it from close, accidental brushes when he worked beside her on the battlefield. 
She stirred again, humming as she readjusted herself into the pillow, the mattress, into him. He felt a hum of appreciation rumble deep in his chest. He pressed his lips gently to the back of her shoulder, taking his time to feel the warmth of her skin. Wordlessly, she reached over, taking his hand in hers. He grinned against her skin when she held his hand in hers, lining the length of her fingers up with his. Their two hands became one shadow, blocking the direct light of the sun shining in on the pair. She tipped her fingers between his and pulled it down across her body. His fingers still flexed, hers gripping at his hand, she brought each of the tips of his fingers to her mouth. A kiss was placed on the pad of each finger slowly. Taking her time to recall memories of watching them work tirelessly to keep the Company alive. 
Roe chuckled, the muscles in his cheeks ached from smiling. She felt it against her skin, thanking God for the smile. Few and far between had he shared it with her as they navigated their way across Europe, attempting to keep the Easy Company in one piece. Since finding a place away from mortar rounds and gunfire, both seemed to share those far more freely. And they were not the only two that noticed. 
“Do you think they’ll notice if we both come down to get something to eat at the same time?” She whispered against the back of his hand as she kissed it. He chuckled and moved closer. 
“I don’t think so,” He responded, kissing the back of her neck in kind. “But again, mon cher, it’s not me who is worried about getting caught.” 
She rolled her eyes. She was certainly not going to have this argument on an empty stomach. It had nothing to do with him, of course. Any woman would have tripped over themselves to have a chance to be so adored by a man like Eugene Roe. But it was not something she wanted to be decided until they knew whether or not they would be sent to the Pacific. 
“Gene,” she sighed, turning to face him. He had spent 28 days across from her in Bastogne. They had locked eyes hundreds, if not thousands of times. But each time she focused those large blue eyes on his, he felt a tension in his stomach that no woman had ever caused before. 
“I know,” he nodded. He felt goosebumps raise on his skin as her hand rested on his chest. A soft smile played at his lips in contrast to the pout that had pulled at hers. He kissed her forehead softly, inhaling deeply at the crown of her head. “You stay here. I’ll go get you something to eat.” 
She pressed her lips together and shook her head, “you go down first. Get yourself something. I’ve got to wash up first anyhow.” 
Eugene nodded. He brushed his lips over hers in a whisper of a movement. He swallowed his words. She smiled, pressed a more forceful kiss to his mouth, and rolled out of bed. Again, he thought, he would never be able to replicate that warmth anywhere else in the world. 
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hydravns · 2 months
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TOM WLASCHIHA as HAGEN FORSTER in DAS BOOT (2018 - 2024) Dir. Tony Saint & Johannes W. Betz
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wcters · 3 months
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pairing: joe liebgott x fem!reader
word count: 2.7k+
summary: four times you question what you two are and the one time you finally figure it out
warnings/notes: established relationships, angst (were dealing with war), kissing, pda, some drug use (cigarettes), alcohol, swearing, weapons, violence | no disrespect to the actual veterans or any of the situations described and written here, this is based on the series and the character of joe liebgott. somewhat ib @softguarnere (if you would like me to change it/take it down i will. it’s not really similar but still). if anyone has any tips for writing for band of brothers, please let me know! longest imagine written so far, and a dedication to my boys skip and penkala
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You never knew home could be a person . . . until you joined the army and were surrounded by it, by many different people, and the one person you trusted most ━━ Joseph Liebgott. It was unexpected. To outsiders, they wouldn’t even think you two would speak ━━ let alone be friends. Yes, both of you are different in many ways, but you’re also the same in many ways. Skip Muck, one of your other close friends in Easy Company, joked that part of your souls were intertwined and you two would eventually fall in love. In the beginning, you would laugh it off. But you soon realized how true that was.
The army was ruthless. You knew that it would be when you joined Easy Company a couple months earlier, but you didn’t expect it to be this bad . . . only because of a certain officer named Sobel. You swear he had it out for all of you, and lots of the men hadn’t done anything bad ━━ that you knew of. Most of the time your weekend passes were revoked for little things such as some dirt on your gun and a stray string (that wasn’t actually there, you checked multiple times), but this weeked you and Joe were lucky to still have yours. You don’t even know how you both managed that, let alone him.
You two were walking hand in hand down the dimly lit street. You were quietly humming a song as you looked at the various stores as you made your way to one of the bars your group frequented. A few other army guys could be seen walking with each other or a local girl hanging on their arm. On any other night you would’ve looked like any other soldier in the soft lights, but you had switched out your uniform for a dress you had hidden in your barracks. You had thought ‘why not? It’ll probably be the last time I get a chance to wear it’ and threw it on with some heels you borrowed from a girl you knew in town with a promise to return them.
The quietness of the street got smaller and smaller as you made you got closer to the bar. “Crowded tonight, huh?” The man beside spoke out loud, swinging your clasped hands. “I think to us it does, but to them it doesn’t.” You joked while letting out a chuckle. Joe did too before grabbing the door of the bar and opening it for you. You mumbled a “thank you” while music filled your ears. “I’ll find us a seat, you get us drinks.” You told Joe as he nodded and you went to search for a booth.
It wasn’t as hard as you thought it would be, and soon enough you and Joe were chatting and laughing while couples danced around you. Joe looked around as you sipped your beer before he got up out of the booth and lent out a hand to you. “Would you like to dance?” He smiled. You laughed before looking around. “Why not?” You agreed and got up, making your way to the dance floor as a slow song began to play.
While leaned your head on his chest as you danced with couples around you, you couldn’t help but wonder what you two were.
The heat of the boat taking you to England was suffocating with all of the soldiers packed in it, but Joe managed to have an arm around you waist while you two were playing cards with Muck and Bill. You were just an observer, butting out after the third game and got lost every one.
“Jesus Bill! You must be cheating!” Joe yelled as the brunette man placed another card down, Muck agreeing sourly. You laughed at that while stealing the cigarette out of Joe’s mouth and taking a hit. “You’re just sorry losers.” Bill laughed at their faces. “You don’t get to laugh y/n, you quit because you kept losing.” Skip pointed at you as he saw your face. “At least I accepted defeat, asshole.” You could feel the small laugh that came out of Joe’s chest and imagined the smirk that was on his face. “She got you there, Skip.”
They continued playing for a little while, you and Joe taking turns smoking until Bill won again and Skip slammed his cards down onto the cot. “Calm down.” You told him, soft smile on your face. “I am calm, it’s just Bill keeps winning and it’s fucking hot in here,” the man gestured to the people around you,” I don’t know how you two are that close. I swear I’m going to die of overheating and you two are practically cuddling.” You made a face to your friend while Joe laughed and made a comment that you couldn’t hear.
You and Joe were really close, you basically almost on his lap at this point, but you had a reason. The boat was packed, not being much room to move around. You didn’t want to climb up all the way onto your cot, and you wanted to keep talking with your friends. Plus, you and him had to be close ━━ you were sharing a cigarette. “We’re sharing a cigarette.” You shrugged, grabbing the object out of his mouth as he yelled a “hey” as you took it. Skip gave you a look as if to say “that’s bullshit” and got up, going to find Penkala. You looked over to Bill and he looked down at his cards, smirk on his face.
You had a reason to be that close . . . right? Or was it something different?
The gravel crunched underneath your boots. You had just landed somewhere in Normandy ━━ you weren’t sure, you had missed your DZ ━━ and were now on the lookout to hopefully find Easy Company and not some German looking to end your life. That’s why you had you gun aimed into the distance. Every little breeze that shook the branches had yoy freezing up and darting you eyes, only to figure out it was the wind or some rabbit that looked as scared as you. It made you feel a little less alone.
When another bush shook, this time a little longer than usual, you crouched instead of just freezing up, gun still trained to where the sound was coming from. You waited before slowly moving forward, trying to minimize the sound of the road beneath you. You saw the bottom of a pair of boots and it seemed you were both waiting for the other to speak first. That decision was chosen for you.
“Flash.” “Thunder.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when you heard that and then saw the multiple pairs of boots. “Y/n?” Someone called out within the group. You squinted trying to see who it was. “Bill!” You exclaimed in surprise before recognizing the few other people with him: Marlarkey, Wynn, Toye, Lipton, some people from the 82nd Airborne, and Hall, a man not from your company but you recognized him from Able Company. You quietly said your greetings before continuing on your way to try and find your rallying point.
After finding and following a set a train tracks, a situation happened where Bill shot before Winter’s Command, you reprimanding him again and jokingly pushing his head as he called you a “stupid mick” which you laughed at. Now the group was on the road to the rallying point. The whole time you had been thinking about Joe. God, you wished he was still alive. You didn’t know what you were going to do if he wasn’t. When you eventually got to the farm, you heard a familiar voice. You stopped as you saw each other before you began to run and give him a hug.
You could hear the mumblings of the other soldiers, but at that moment, you didn’t care. When you pulled away you grabbed his face. “Joeseph Liebgott, I would’ve killed you if you died.” You laughed with tears in your eyes as you checked him for and scratches and scars. “I wouldn’t dream of it doll.” He laughed too before pulling you back in.
You decided at that moment in time that it didn’t care what you two were, as long as you had him, you didn’t care. As long as you knew he was okay.
All you could see was white: the sky, the ground, even the trees that surrounded you, that partly acted as a wall. You were sick of it. You think you would feel this way for the rest of your life ━━ the look and feel of the freezing chill of the snow and forest. Maybe you would move to somewhere warmer, somewhere where it doesn’t snow and the lowest it would get would be 59 degrees Fahrenheit.
Imagining what you would do in the future always helped you get somewhat through the hard times, though a person was the one thing that was a blanket to you. He had told you he left to talk to Lipton, but he hadn’t been back for awhile.
As if the world hated you having a small moment of what little peace you could have, a light broke through the white sky. A yell of “incoming!” from someone near you, either Skip or Penkala, caused you to sink further into your foxhole, well what you could, and cover your ears as the bombing started. When you heard yelling with words like “c’mon!” and “hurry!” you looked up to see Skip and Penkala yelling out to Luz who was out in the open. “Luz!” You yelled to him, “get over here! It’s closer!” He followed your voice and jumped in, but as soon as you both turned around you saw Skip and Penkala get hit with a shell. You knew they didn’t make it.
It was over as soon as it happened, but you were so distracted with what had happened that you didn’t feel the burning on your side until George had asked you if you were okay. You groaned when you first felt the searing pain and lifted up your coat to see the blood soaking it. “Oh, shit. Medic!” You had been with a piece of flying shrapnel from the shell that hit the two. You didn’t have time to register how one of your best friends were killed before Doc Roe was at your side with Luz holding you so you wouldn’t move too much. “Christ, y/n.” Gene mumbled as he got a look at it before grabbing a bandage and wrapping it the best he could.
You were frozen now ━━ not from the cold, or the wound on your side that would cause you to get taken off, you were frozen with the realization of what just happened. You wanted to cry, scream, do anything, but you just . . . couldn’t. Everything around you was fuzzy and you didn’t register that the shelling stopped and you were being taken out until you saw Joe. Then, tears managed to fall and you started to sob. He was mumbling about how you were going to be okay and everything was fine as he followed you to the Jeep.
When you felt the rumble of the Jeep engine, you grabbed Joe’s hand as tight as you could. “I love you, you shithead.” You laughed as you told him. You didn’t know whether you would see him again, and you wanted him to know how you truly felt about him, and how much he ment to you. He froze for a second before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I love you too. I’ll kill you if you die.”
You laughed one more time as the image of him started to get smaller and smaller as he let go of your hand, slapped the Jeep, and it started to move. You tried to memorize what you could see: his shadow, the way he stands . . . him. You closed your eyes and felt a tear make its way down your face, settling in with the other dry ones.
The almost-healed wound on your side was a reminder of what you’ve been through, and what you’d missed. You’d been stuck in the hospital since mid December. You attempted to go AWOL multiple times, but you had failed every time.
Your shrapnel scar had ended being worse than Doc Roe thought and you had to be transported to surgery. When you woke up and heard what happened, you immediately wanted to go back and find your company . . . and Joe. You knew you left on a weird note, and wanted to figure it out. That was looming on your mind, along with the grief you finally had time to face. Not really face, more like confront. It was one of the only things you thought about while in there. You hadn’t fully come to terms with it, but you had made some progress.
You had thought about how George was doing, and especially Malarkey. He was Skip and Penkala’s best friend ━━ you were a close second. Bastogne was a horrible place in itself, but having to deal with that while there, to you, was a death wish. You were worried for everyone, the people you left behind.
You had just gotten to Bavaria when you saw Colonel Sink, and he saw you. As one of the very few women in the army, you could say he had a soft spot for you (though you would never say it to his face). You had been told a very uninformative idea of where the airborne was located, but you had been wandering since you got dropped off.
“Sergeant y/n, is that you?” Sink had called out to you as the car stopped. You saluted before you replied with a “yes sir.” “You lookin’ for Easy soldier?” You answered with a yes and conversed for a little bit ━━ mostly about your time in the hospital and what you missed ━━ before he invited you into the Jeep to get a ride up the mountain that looked over you.
That’s where you were know as you made your way up the hill, the familiar rumble of the Jeep underneath you. You couldn’t deny the feeling of excitement and happiness in your stomach as you got closer. You soon heard voices over the engine and on the horizon silhouettes appeared. When the car stopped, you gave a quick thank you, saluted, and made your way to where some of Easy was sitting.
“Having fun without me?” You asked out loud as people turned to you. There were calls of excitement as they saw you and people made their way to greet you, but one of the faces you were looking for was Joe. You eventually saw him getting up from sitting in front of a wheel and you both made eye contact before people split and let there be a clear path to him. You didn’t have to say anything to let him know you were running towards him before jumping on him and giving him a hug. He held you right, as if you were going to leave again, and spinned you around as you both laughed.
He was still holding you, arms around your waist, but had let your feet touch the floor. “Hi.” You smiled. “Hey doll.” Those were the only things said before you lips crashed together and there were cheers from your friends around you. When you parted, your foreheads fell against each other. “I was so worried, I was afraid you weren’t going to come back.” He admitted. “You can’t get rid of me that easy Joe.” You joked before kissing him quickly again and then went on a mission to find Malarkey.
He was leaning against the side of a car, cigarette in his hand. You gave him a tight hug, saying everything you needed to but couldn’t, before parting. You sat and talked while Joe kept a close eye on you.
“Skip was right, y’know.” Malarkey said as he let out some smoke. “What do you mean?” You asked, looking at everyone and the view. “About you and Joe. How your souls are intertwined. I always laughed at it but seeing you two now, he was right.” You blushed and looked down before your eyes met Joe’s and he winked at you.
“I guess so. But hey, never doubt Skip. He always said that. Guess this is a nice payback.” “Guess so.”
You never thought a person could be home, but as you walk in front of the fireplace, your baby girl in your arms, you realize that it could be ━━ that it is. And you are ever so thankful you figured out what you two were.
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dontirrigateme · 6 months
The Filthy 13
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We were a filthy bunch of people since we were only permitted one bath a week because of the water shortage…and that was set up for Saturday. Come Saturday I wanted to [be] right in the middle of that Red Light District in Piccadilly Circus in London. I did not want to be standing in line waiting for a bath. As soon as me and my boys got passes, each of us would just grab one set of those ODs and put them in a sack and away we went. We would go in our junk clothes into one of those Red Cross buildings over there in Regents Square in London. We would go in and get us a shower, shave, and shine, change clothes and boy, we had one or two women before any of the others even got into town. We would then raise Cain until Monday morning. So they were getting to call us the "Filthy 13." Thirteen men was the number of men in a demolition section.
-Jake McNiece
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vigilanteshit · 8 months
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Masters of the Air. (2024)
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whiteskullofroses · 5 months
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A/n: YALLL ITS HERE. Sorry for the long wait, but I'm telling y'all it was worth it. Once again it is 1 am, and Dieter is looking rather scrumptious. This one is one hell of a smut, so be prepared. (Yall better be proud of me for finally having the balls to write smut:)) Enjoy!
Tag list: @kateris-world
Meanwhile, he took a deep breath and slowly let it out. His left hand was in his pocket the whole time, swiftly he pulled his hand out of his pocket and grabbed your face, to your surprise he didn't press a gun to your lips, he pressed his lips against yours. He kissed you.
You were taken back by his sudden actions, as you were sure this was going to be your end, when in reality, it was just a new start.
You knew this wasn't right, you knew that he was your political enemy but oh god how attractive he was. Besides, you left politics behind a bottle of scotch ago.
Dieter leaned into you and used his free hand to grab your waist. Pulling you closer to him, you could taste the alcohol on his tongue.
His hand moved lower to your hips, squeezing them hard. So hard it almost made you whine out. You let your arms fall around his neck and travel up to his hair. Your loss of sence made you make the hat fall off his head onto the ground.
Dieter broke free from the kiss, breathing deeply. He panted and smikred, then pat his lap : "Come sit, mein Schatz."
Spreading his legs, making room for you to sit on one of his thighs, he sighed. As soon as you sat down, you felt something hard: "Have a gun in your pocket?"
He simply looked at you and grabbed your face: "Shhh..." He lifted one of his eyebrows and placed one of his hands on your lower stomach, dangerously close to your pussy: "Be good and keep quiet." He tilted his head towards the other walk-in room, where the meeting was supposed to be held before everyone got drunk. You could hear the other Germans laughing and playing cards, but once Dieter spoke, all your attention landed on his voice: "We don't want them to hear us now, do we," speaking softly in your ear, making you even more lustful for him: "mein Schatz?."
You shook your tipsy head, all you wanted was him inside of you, him touching you and him covering you in love bites all over, the whole rest of the night.
Looking up at him and into his eyes, sitting in his lap with his already hard cock beneath you, feeling his hot breath on your neck as he kissed and bit it. You were in heaven.
"Good girl." His hand went underneath your fake Nazi uniform dress and right into your panties.
Once his fingers were playing with your clit, you moaned out, totally forgetting about the people a thin wall away from you. Dieter was quick to shut you up with his hand now holding your mouth shut.
He finally started fingering you, drawing circles on your clit and stars in your eyes, you felt yourself getting even wetter and even more hotter. For a man, he was incredibly skilled on how to please a woman, quite frankly, you were impressed, but deep down not really surprised.
His hand was holding your mouth so tight that all that was heard for you were soft muffles and moans of pure pleasure.
You moved your ass on his cock, making him whine out in the sudden feeling of friction. Although Dieter felt like he was going to cross the finish line already, you could feel him trying his best to hold back.
All of this became almost too much. Him quietly moaning and gasping in your ear as you rubbed your ass on his cock, you being drawn to literal tears by how good he made you feel. On top of that, you both were drunk to death.
Just as you were about to come, he pulled out of you and quickly picked you up, bridal style, and put you on the table. You cringed at the feeling of spilled scotch soaking your uniform, but didn't really care, cuz after this night, you were planning on burning it anyway.
Dieter put you infront of him, with your back on the table. Spreading your legs, you couldn't believe such a beautiful sight right on-top of you.
Dieter was now standing in between your legs, his hard cock bulging out of his black pants, his hair a mess and his hungry eyes staring at you.
"Please." Was all you had to utter for him to rip your underwear from under the skirt off. As he threw the panties on a chair close by, you lifted yourself up in a sitting position and unzipped his pants.
Dieter was quick to push you back down. With a devilish smirk on his face he breathed out: "So eager for me, huh?"
All you did in response was moan out his name.
That sent him into overdrive. Just hearing you so desperate for him made him even more motivated to make you unable to walk for days.
Dieter finally pulled out his cock, it was so swollen, you almost felt bad for not making him come already.
He placed the tip of his cock at your entrance and slowly pushed in. You took a deep breathe in, ready to take him.
It didn't take you long to get comfortable with his size and become a moaning mess underneath him.
The people in the other room were no longer an issue, as most of them were already asleep, and those who weren't under such strong influence already left the basement and headed home.
"You feel..." Dieter was barely able to form sentences at this point: "so good..."
Slowly, as he felt himself getting closer to orgasm, he started getting sloppier with his thrusts and much more intense with his voice. He was getting quite loud, and so were you.
Leaning down to kiss you, you could smell his cologne. The fragrance gave off a spicy, earthy and almost citrusy like whiff. Definitely Hugo Boss.
"Dieter!" You screamed out, breathless as he made you cross the finish line and come all over his cock.
"Scheisse..." Moaned out the man before he came inside of you. He let his head fall down to your chest, breathing deeply.
Your tangled your fingers in his hair and started to calm down from your high. It felt so intimate to you, and you loved it.
Dieter slowly lifted his head and kissed your forehead. He picked you up from the table and made you sit in his lap once again.
"Mein Schatz..." He caressed your face, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear: "you did such a good job."
You kissed his cheek and looked Into his eyes: "I would have never, in a million years, guessed how this night would play out."
He simply smiled, looked at the cigarette box on the table and asked: "Noch einer?"
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chronicallytirednixon · 3 months
Doc Roe <333
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yourspeirs · 11 months
Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.
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she-wolf09231982 · 9 months
Chapter 1- The Age of Chivalry
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Summary: You're reassigned to Easy Company when one of their medics was injured pre D-Day. You expect some sass from the Company since you'll be the only female soldier in 100 miles but never expected for any of them to befriend you.
Author Note: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFemMedic, WW2, Character introduction, Pre D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/N, L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Military Terminology, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Smoking, Story takes place Episode 1- Currahee
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
October 1943
It was never a good idea to mix a single female with a Company of deprived men in the Army...but here you are. You found out you were assigned to Easy Company 2nd Battalion 101st Airborne Division in Fall 1943 when they lost one of their medics to an injury. Although you trained separately from the males at Toccoa in the Divisional medical unit and were one of very few females allowed to work alongside men, you got along quite well with most of the guys. You held your own never asking for special treatment or never played the ‘damsel in distress’ card, so Easy Company learned rather quickly that you can keep up.  
You remember the day you arrived at Aldbourne, England to make contact with the boys of Easy Company. With your reassignment order in hand, you approach a group of soldiers sitting at a picnic bench outside a building. All of them looking a bit rough, but nonetheless smoking and joking with eachother. They take a pause as they notice you approaching them. Some of them sizing you up and down as you carry your duffel full of medical supplies and wearing fatigues that have yet to see the battlefields like theirs have.  
“Hey, you lost there, lady?” Private Roy Cobb called out to you, sizing you up again as you continued to walk towards them without faltering. 
You shoot the mouthy Private a look of disdain before responding. 
“I’m looking for Corporal Roe. I was told to make contact with him as soon I arrived.” You speak to the group as a whole. 
They all exchanged looks and a few whispers. 
Corporal George Luz stood up. 
“Why, I’m Eugene Roe. But around here they call me, ‘Doc.’” He declared confidently with a cocky grin. 
The others started to snicker. One laid a heavy pat on his shoulder showing his appreciation of the joke. 
You rolled your eyes, releasing an exasperated sigh. 
Sergeant Denver Randleman stood from the bench, then walked towards you pushing Luz aside shaking his head as he passed him. He was a larger man. Like a bear. Never removing the cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth as he spoke to you.  
“He’s across the way this way, I’ll take ya to him.” He said, motioning you along in the opposite direction. 
“Thank you, Sergeant.” You reply. 
“No problem. And it’s just ‘Bull,’ ma’am.” He said politely in his thick Southern accent as he passed you leading the way.  
You turn on your heel and proceed to follow Bull, ignoring the distant whistles you heard from some of the men you just met behind you. 
“I hope the guys haven’t given you too much trouble so far?” stated the actual Eugene ‘Doc’ Roe when you crossed into the designated aid station. 
“Nothing I haven’t dealt with before, Doc.” You say with conviction.  
Bull chuckled, finding your response amusing. 
“Yeah, I bet.” Doc replied before continuing. 
“Well, let’s get you in processed here, and squared away. Thanks for bringing her here, Bull. I’m sure those other idiots would’ve just sent her to their barracks.” he said with a roll of his eyes. 
Bull nodded with a small wave.  
“See you at chow, L/N.” Bull called back to you before he left. 
When Bull returned to where the others were still gathered, they bombarded him with questions. 
“Did you catch her name??” Sergeant (Sgt) Don Malarkey prodded. 
“-is she coming to Easy Company??” Sgt Bill Guarnere interrupted before Bull could answer. 
“-did she say anything about me?” Luz questioned. 
As the interrogation got heavier, he threw his hands up and removed the cigar from his mouth. 
“GUYS!! Take it easy, will ya? You’ll see her later at chow, just don’t attack her with all of these questions right away, k? We don’t want to scare her off now, do we?” He explained as he replaced his cigar and walked away.  
They all swapped looks of excitement.  
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to have me a shower before dinner this evening.” Corporal Joe Liebgott stated while flicking his cigarette butt, rising from the picnic bench, shouldering his rifle. 
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“Ok, Liebgott, like you have a shot.” Malarkey teased. 
Liebgott turned to him. 
“Oh contrare, I feel you underestimate me, Don.” He shot back at Malarkey while walking backwards, then turning back around. 
The group scoffed at him collectively. 
You got to chow early before any of the other men started to show up. You tucked yourself way in the back at a long table in the corner. You made sure to keep your head down, hanging over a tray trying to swallow some of the Army’s finest slop.  
“Should’ve just stuck to a dinner roll with margarine.” You whispered to yourself as you grimaced from the last mouthful of mystery meat from your plate. 
“Not exactly a high-end dish from The Ritz, now, is it?” Sgt Carwood Lipton joked as he sat down across from you with his own serving of slop. 
“Yeah, not quite.” You respond while poking at a hard, clay-like mound on your plate that was supposed to be mashed potatoes. 
“You’ll get used to it.” Bull stated as he sat next to you with his tray. 
You ‘psh-ed’ at Bull’s statement. 
“I highly doubt that. But I’ll make do.” You convinced yourself. “Surprisingly not the worst food I’ve had.” You added. 
“Really, there’s something out there worse than this?” Lipton asked astonished as he stirred his cold soup that looked like ketchup and water. 
“Oh yeah! Pixley and Ehler’s Diner on Clark Street in Chicago has some questionable selections.” You explained. 
“Is that where you’re from?” Corporal Frank Perconte queried as he sat next to Lipton. 
“I am.” You replied with pride. 
“You Italian then?” Guarnere asked, inviting himself to the conversation, sitting next to Perconte. 
“Italian and Irish.” You clarified. 
“Ssshh, a goddam Mick-Deigo.” Guarnere sneered crinkling his nose in disgust. 
“Leave’er alone, Gonorrhea.” Liebgott interjected sitting next to Bull. 
“I’m guessing you're Italian?” You directed at Guarnere. 
“Sicilian, actually.” He retorted. 
“Hm, you know that Sicilians aren’t real Italians, right? Sicily is just like Australia. All the criminals of Britain were shipped there to be ostracized from the mainland. Sicily is just an island of Italy’s delinquents.” You taunted. 
The others “ooooo-ed” in unison. Even Perconte who was the other Italian of Easy company. 
“She got you there, Guarnere.” Bull teased. 
Everyone laughed. Except Guarnere. 
“You think you’re funny?” Guarnere challenged. 
You sighed and looked at him deadpan in the face without an ounce of fear to show. 
“Come on, Guarnere, she was only dishing out what you gave her.” Perconte defended. 
“Shut your trap, Perconte, you should be on my side!” he said slamming a fist onto the surface of the table then pointing at him.  
The rest of the table filled up with remaining members of Easy Company that could fit that wanted to see the fight unfold. 
You folded your arms in front of you on top of the table and leaned forward, making sure you got Guarnere’s attention, then spoke with distinct fire in your voice. 
“You think I’m some dame just showing up here straight out of basic training not knowing how to handle myself with soldiers? I’ve been whistled at, barked at, howled at, catcalled, pinched, ass slapped, and manhandled by the worst of them, pal. You labeling me because of my heritage ain’t gonna do shit to me. But I’ll be damned you disrespect me like I haven’t earned the right to be respected. Just remember, I’m the one that’s going to be tending to you if you get shot in the field, sergeant.”  
You glare at him, then rise harshly from your seat, leaving the rest of the table in a state of awe and shock. 
“Good job, Gonorrhea. You pissed her off now.” Liebgott pointed out with an audible tsk. 
“Fuck her.” Guarnere spit back. 
As soon as you left the chow hall, you found a spot out of sight to catch your breath and slow your heart rate. You leaned against a post looking up towards the night sky taking deep controlled breaths. 
“Corporal L/N?” You’re startled by the voice of Lieutenant (LT) Richard Winters. You snap to attention ready to render a salute, but he waves you down. 
“As you were. Are you alright?” He asked as you relaxed your stance. 
“Yessir, just getting some fresh air.” You reassured. 
He looked at you with skepticism, not believing you were telling him the entire truth.  
You continued. 
“A room full of men who haven’t showered in a few days can make a gal lightheaded.” You joked. 
The corner of LT Winters’ mouth started to curl into a slight grin, trying his best not to laugh outloud at your quick wit. 
“I see, L/N. Well rest up, we’ll need you to be ready when we move out for the next mission.” He explained. 
“Yes, sir. Have a good night.” You replied. 
Winters gave a nod and entered the chow hall. 
LT Winters bee lined for his company’s table. His men all greeted him cheerfully as he approached the table. 
“Lieutenant, got a seat open right here.” Bull called out, gesturing to your vacant spot. 
“No thanks, Bull, I’ve eaten already.” Winters responded. He paused before he continued. 
“Just ran into Corporal L/N on the way in-” He paused again to assess the men’s reaction. 
Some continued eating, pretending like they hadn’t really heard. Lipton, Bull and Liebgott looked up at Winters waiting for him to continue. 
“She seemed somewhat troubled.” Winters finished. He waited for anyone to speak up, looking at the group expectantly. 
“Maybe her panties got all up in a twist, sir.” Guarnere offered up sarcastically. 
Some of the men chortled in response. 
Winters, Bull, Lipton, and Liebgott weren’t amused. 
“Well, she only said a room full of foul-smelling males made her dizzy and she needed fresh air.” Winters relayed, while looking at Guarnere suspiciously. 
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The men all started to smell their armpits self-consciously. 
“Corporal Liebgott.” Winters called out. 
“Get out there and escort L/N to her tent.” Winters instructed. 
“Yes, sir.” Liebgott acknowledged. 
“L/N will not walk around alone at night, gentlemen. I don’t care who goes with her, but make sure she always has a battle buddy in the hours of darkness. Tracking?” Winters asked, raising his voice authoritatively. 
The table responded “yes, sir” simultaneously. 
Liebgott rushed out excitedly and hustled down the street to catch you before you got too far. 
You were aways a bit ahead before Liebgott found you. 
“Hey, L/N! Wait up!” He called after you. 
You turned around looking for the voice calling your name. 
You stopped walking, waiting for Liebgott trotting over to catch up to you. 
“Can I help you?” You asked with a little more harshness in your voice than you intended. 
“As a matter of fact, I’m here to help you. I have the honor of accompanying you to your barracks.” He responded with enthusiasm and a smile. 
You were taken aback. You raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Oh?” You questioned before continuing. “That’s quite unexpectedly chivalrous of you.” 
“Well, you have Winters to thank for that, it was his idea.” He responded quite bluntly. 
You rolled your eyes.  
“Hm, I see.” You reply briskly.  
Liebgott realized he sounded like an asshole right then. 
“Of course, if you approve, I’ll appoint myself your permanent battle buddy from now on.” He extended with his signature smirk as you resumed walking together. 
You felt your face heat up. You averted your eyes to the ground so he wouldn’t see you blush. But Joseph Liebgott doesn’t miss a thing. He grinned wider. 
“If those are the LT’s orders, then have at it, Liebgott.” You replied coldly. 
“Nah, that last part was my idea.” He stated proudly. 
You shot him a confused expression, then he winked at you. 
You laughed nervously, looking away quickly to break the awkwardness you felt in the pit of your stomach. 
He smiled at you affectionately.
“And call me Joe.” He added.
“Y/N.” You reply looking up at him through your lashes.
“Look, sorry if I’m making it weird. And don’t listen to Gonorrhea. He’s just a jackass with a height deficiency. The kid always has some stupid shit to say.” He explained. 
You nod trying to suppress a giggle. 
“This is me.” You announce as you approach the entrance to your sleeping quarters. You turn to face Joe. “Thank you for the chat, and the company, Liebgott…I mean Joe.” You say dotingly. 
“Forget it. So?” He asked. 
You were genuinely confused. 
“Sooo?” You reply. 
“Am I your permanent evening escort?” he asked with a grin and a wink. 
This time you laugh outwardly at his attempt at a flirty sexual inuendo. 
“If by ‘evening escort’ you mean my nightly walk to and from one location to another, I’d have to say....I’ll think about it.” You respond flirtatiously with a wink in return. 
His face lit up. 
“Well alright then. We’ll take another test run tomorrow night.” He proposed. 
You shook your head smiling, astounded by the level of confidence this man had. 
“Good night, Joe.” You finalized as you disappear beyond the threshold of the tent entrance. 
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aviationgeek71 · 1 year
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Avro Lancaster
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