#wv: member replies
fyboynextdoor · 8 days
240917 | Jaehyun Weverse Reply to Riwoo
둘 다 깨물어 주고 싶네
[TRANS] I want to bite both of you
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zrroz · 5 months
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he went live at the most random time, his live was held in his room and he was on his bed just smiling when the live initially started </3
at the beginning he was just laying down & he didn't say anything for a solid six minutes and carats thought he was muted until he laughed at a few comments.
after the long moments of silence he finally sat up : "hiiiii carats!" so suddenly & loud, literally shouting which left him with several complaints by carats who got startled.
he said he was bored so he felt the sudden urge to go live and spend some time carats
he would go from quiet to loud so quickly?? like one moment he'd be sitting in silence and the very next moment he'd be yelling or shouting.
he mainly spoke in japanese the whole live and was able to talk to a lot of the japanese fans which made him very happy <3 but he also spoke in korean and a little bit of english to make some jokes.
in the middle of the live jeonghan had called him, at first he didn't answer but jeonghan just kept calling him and then ( playfully ) scolded him once he finally answered.
"how dare u not answer ur favorite hyung!" to which he replied "oh, and who said you were my favorite?" followed by a series of laughter from both of them.
he pulled some random snacks out of nowhere which led to him showing carats a little snack station he had in his room.
after the phone call with jeonghan a few other members started to leave comments on his live such as joshua & dokyeom which surprised him for some reason?
"shua and dokyeomie are here???" "i don't see their comments, you guys talk too much.."
he then argued with carats for the next 5 - 10 minutes over various topics for no reason at all
"i'm kinda tired from schedules but i'm very happy recently because i get to see carats often, so it's okay, they balance each other out."
"i wanna have some solo schedules later this year but i don't know yet, maybe a drama or movie? or...possibly music? i don't like doing music by myself it feels weird, we'll see though. what would carats prefer?"
some comments were left asking about his whole stance with the hybe situation and he did point a few of them out but he really said nothing much.
"it's like the 'when the neighbors argument sounds good', that's what it feels like. i'm legally not allowed to give my opinions on it but it is surely something, truly interesting updates!"
"anyways, i hope carats enjoyed the newest album, it's something new and i'm very excited that we got to show another side of us as a group, we're going so strong and it's all thanks to carats."
he finally ended the live much to the protest of carats after about half an hour but he really really dragged on ending it, he kept going "okay, i'll go now." and then would yap even more <3
he was so smiley the whole live, carats were really surprised at how vibrant he had been but he was genuinely just so happy </3
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
I know there's more to life that what we see on social media, but isn't it something that JK got the most sincere public congratulations for his number 1 from Jihope?
RM basically just reposted Jimin's post on his story hours later even though we know he was awake when the charts were announced. Radio silence from Yoongi except for uploading the Samsung event related pics and leaving stupid comments on Jimin's post - maybe he feels the Suchwita content was enough JK pandering. I was surprised that Jin uploaded something after a long time on Weverse - but that ended up being army related and Jin didn't even reply to JK's rare wv comment on his post. Tae just uploaded his own stuff though that's not unusual for him. Even if Tae and JK are all buddy buddy now, Tae has a history of hating it when the attention is on someone else no matter how close he is to that person.
Even Jimin's post was just emojis as if he wanted to congratulate JK but couldn't bring himself to say anything like good job or we're proud of you. Honestly it makes me think he's not as oblivious to what happened with seven as we think he is.
I really wouldn't make much of it except it's such a far cry from the way everyone reacted to Jimin's number 1. Only Tae and JK ignored it though as I said not out of character for V and JK is totally inconsistent on social media (To be fair JK was the only one who congratulated Jimin for MCountdown though that's hardly comparable).
Even if the company downplayed it to hell, everyone and I mean everyone across the industry knew what a huge deal that was.
Yeah I was confused too.
I thought that the members reaction to jk getting#1 would be far more cheerful than them congratulating jimin. But it was the exact opposite. Like hyung line seemed genuinely proud of jimin or at least that's what it looked like from their post.
Ngl I was surprised that they didn't look even half as enthusiastic for jk as they were for jimin.
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ishikawayukis · 1 year
I haven’t been on tumblr in a while, but i’m here to rant to you, my fellow sensible pissed off carat “hag” LOL
I posted on weverse today (hidden from artist), calling out the people who are harassing joshua and the girl, and the people who sent a protest truck (which is an embarrassment, and funnily enough the korean antis also find it embarrassing and unnecessary), telling them to get a life or find a hobby. Not even a minute since i posted and someone replied that I’M “despicable” for calling out fans on weverse. HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Actually i don’t know what to say about that bec i am so dumbfounded.. another person replied that joshua was caught lip syncing at the concert. ?? i find that “issue” SO ANNOYING because 1) most, if not all, artists lip sync to some extent at concerts, unless they don’t do intense choreography. Even band vocalists stop singing for a bit to catch their breath.. 2) this wasn’t an issue prior to the dating rumors. No one cared! But now they hate joshua and will shit on him for everything <3
Also asked korean carats yesterday to explain to me how dating as an idol is considered “deceiving fans”. They replied to me explaining that it’s because joshua was rarely on ig/wv, but all this time he’s been doing lovestagram with a girl. I get it, but also i don’t think it’s valid cmon now ……….. they’re so offended to the point that someone shaved their eyebrows after hearing the rumors, and another commented a 5-page essay on joshua’s instagram about idols deceiving fans
And NOW another person posted on weibo starting a rumor that hoshi and rv y3r1 are dating. I need people to be for real. I NEED THEM TO SHUT UPPPPPPPP 😭😭😭😭
no but i saw the truck as well and my only thought was woah you guys truly are miserable aren't you? you can go on dates, you can meet people, you can be all lovey dovey if you want, but if an idols even dares to have a rumor? for shame!!!! jail for a thousand years!!! how dare he to deceive fans!!!! which also like you said whenever you ask someone what's that even supposed to mean they're like "well uuh you see uuh he spent his private time doing his private things instead of coddling fans and giving us attention 😠😠" ok and. good for him for being able to put such a clear line between fan and artist
and the lip syncing thing let's be for real!!! every single svt member has done it at one point or another because their shows are ridiculously demanding when it comes to choreography, and you're so right if it was that important why didn't they say anything before all of this blew up!! excuses my guys you are all so miserable!!
the person that shaved their eyebrows did make me laugh ngl LMAO i was like ooh totally me when we get youngk dating rumors LMAO but in a serious note i understand that part of the appeal of idols is this closeness they have with fans and what not, but fans need to understand that there's a line they will never cross, they need to understand these are not some puppets for them to play with but actual real human beings with human lives that Will do things that maybe you don't want them to do. i get being upset that your fave is dating would be lying if i never got upset about it especially when i was young. but the point these people are reaching? genuinely asking you all to seek help because it's just ridiculous
also nothing that happens on weverse can ever be good people there are just. Yikes LMAO
dude i saw someone trying to start a rumor that was wonwoo dating seulgi, mingyu sakura and hoshi yooa like if you're gonna be like that at least agree on who you're gonna use to be stupid LMAO
(also if you wanna send the screenshot of the person calling you despicable i would appreaciate it i need a laugh and maybe be a dick and stalk someone on weverse LMAO)
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lunetual · 1 year
txt most to least likely to use wv dms once the novelty has worn off btw:
taehyun (relatively chatty compared to rest of the members. will ask random questions. will send food pics every time he cooks or eats something good.) -> soobin (will talk anime for like two hours randomly then will forget about dms for the rest of the week) -> yeonjun (will be cute in the way he is on weverse generally but would check in like once a week on average) -> hyuka (will periodically spend long stretches of time trying to reply to as many people but then realizes that people can't see what he's replying to most of the time. will send plushie pics occasionally) -> gyu (u will receive his welcome message. and also quarterly photodumps of INCREDIBLE quality)
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ledenews · 2 months
FOIA Request – City of Moundsville WV, RE: OVRTA Bus Levy
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The following content represents the Freedom of Information Request that has been emailed to the City Manager of the City of Moundsville, and also to the City Clerk, concerning access to public information connected to the recent Council vote on the proposed OVRTA busy levy. This communication was delayed by one week out of respect for the summer vacation taken last week by the City Manager. This Request follows the emails I've sent to Moundsville Council members Randy Chamberlian, Judy Hunt, Eugene Saunders, and David Wood on June 23rd. In those notes, I asked each member to explain their reasons for voting against placing the proposed busy levy on the November 2024 ballot. Not a single reply has been received. So, please find below my FOIA Request that represents a continued search for those answers. July 15, 2024 To: Rick Healy, City Manager - City of Moundsville - [email protected] Sondra Hewitt, City Clerk - City of Moundsville - [email protected] Administrators: This is a Request under the Freedom of Information Act, and I respectfully request answers to the following questions as well as the list of information below. I, of course, am willing to pay for any costs associated with answering and compiling the information. I also request a returned email to let me know you have received this correspondence since I have not experienced much recent success with contacting four particular members of City Council. Please note that when I refer to “the council members,” I am referring to members Randy Chamberlian, Judy Hunt, Eugene Saunders, and David Wood. Questions: One Dating back to October 2023, did any of “the council members” request additional information involving the property bus levy for the City of Moundsville, including but not limited to: Property taxes – average increases citywide and for any individual addresses in Moundsville? The costs to the City associated with placing the proposed bus levy on the November ballot in Moundsville? Projected use/ridership numbers of the proposed bus service if approved by 60 percent of Moundsville voters IF a majority of the City’s councilors voted in favor of ballot placement? Clarification on the process per state code for the proposed bus levy and its possible ballot placement? Two Did any of “the council members” communicate to either of you their reasons for opposing the proposed OVRTA bus levy being placed on the November 2024 ballot in Moundsville? If so, what were those reasons? Three Which of “the council members” use their City of Moundsville email accounts, and which do not? Requested Information: Copies of emails between you and “the council members” that contain communication that pertained to the proposed bus levy. Copies of the information mailed or emailed to any of “the council members” that involved information that pertained to the proposed bus levy. Copies of Council Meeting minutes that contain public discussion that pertained to the proposed bus levy. Thank you for your time, and if you have questions or need additional information, please contact me using my email address. Steve Novotney, Journalist LEDE News & “Novotney Now” on River Talk Radio 100.1FM https://ledenews.com/novotney-nothing-but-silence-from-moundsvilles-elected-officials https://ledenews.com/novotney-moundsville-busy-levy-killed-in-moundsville-but-why https://ledenews.com/an-open-letter-to-could-be-bus-levy-voters-in-moundsville Read the full article
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for-yoongi0309 · 2 years
sorry hun, but i dont think yoongi is like that. hes not the azzhole of the grp.
- no offense, but since when we started to dissect his actions? if he really wanted to keep this private he would kept this private n closed the subject. even more bout we knowing that hes truly a private person. also, he were the one that said the boys show to us what they want to show, not everything, but what they want to share n then? he keep feeding armys. also, most of us had already forgotten bout it then he went to wv and started it again
- i just came here to have a good time, to see yoonie on my dash but u really looks like a twt army. we cannot have peace even here. the think pieces smelling like one. are the same. sighs. yoonie stans having 0 days of peace. as always.
- keep the privacy about a '7' tattoo that the members were the ones being vocal about it bcoz of them bond&love as brothers? if they wanted privacy why they, themselves, were the ones revealing this to their own fans? they need to prove something now about boundaries? the same ones that started this sht? for a grp always loud about love their fans, funny seeing them now trying to domesticate their fandom. they start something and then need yall to sftu, obeying them without a second thought
- are we talking about the same guy that never failed to keep his promises when it comes to armys? he changed to become something so ?????????? bc of 'privacy'? kkkkkkk okay, then 💀
- are you talking about the same myg that NEVER let armys down? its just a 7 in his body everyone showed them tattoos, so its not so dang deep like you are trying to make it look im always on twt and armys there arent being so dramatic and trust me, army twt are VERY annoying and corny ppl are just excited seeing this as a challenge, please
- yg isnt the rude one of the grp making something normal becomes smnt nonsensicalhe was the one saying he made the tat cus the members wanted (he loves the guys n will never say no for them) and he also said he wont do a tat again cus knowing his personality he'll probably not get so satisfied later bout the place, etcso we are now dissecting his attitudes since when and making it something deep? weird.
- he just said: "I got the tattoo. I got it, but where I got it. I wont say. Try finding it' he was teasing armys O_o so, your point????? also, he keeps teasing armys going with the flow, so?????
- or perhaps u are projecting. yall always trying to make everything so damn deep 🤥🤡
- if he didnt wanted people to keep talking about his tattoo and trying to find it, he wouldnt be on weverse putting more fire on it or feeding his own fandom curiosity even moredoesnt make any sense, sorry.
— I have NO IDEA if these anonymous messages are from the same person, I don't know where they connect or if it's multiple people with multiple messages, I have no idea where any of it is the start.
But you guys took everything out of proportion. I never said yg is rude or anything. You guys are pulling words out of my mouth that I never said. What I SAID in that reply of the post is "his way of not wanting to tell us that he doesn't want to show is telling us nicely by telling us to find it in a teasy fun way. " Because " saying no or not he won't show it can easily come off as mean TO SOME PEOPLE"
I NEVER said he was rude, I said "to some people" because there are still many people who find his ways of joking as rude - there are plenty of idols who get bashed for telling their fans no, that's why I said "to some people"
I have no idea how the fuck to respond to any of this nonsense bullshit since everyone wants to make me out as the bad person for my opinion, attack me for something that was simply on my mind, trying to pull words out of my mouth of said I never said and accuse me of stuff I never did. I am nothing like the "twt army" and I am sorry for making everything deep, and I'm sorry for "dissecting his actions" it wasn't my intention to and I didn't want to come off that way. I'm sorry for opening my mouth about the situation and his tattoo subject.
For now on, I will not make any comments or text posts about anything and focus on posting photos/videos only so I don't offend or bother anyone else.
I'm sorry for causing problems
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taechnological · 2 years
sae where is hobi :(( is he going to fly late than the other members?
yep, his quarantine isn't finished yet. and today he replied to jimin's wv post saying he will meet them there!
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
HS^2 bloggin’ bonus 2020-02-01
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Boy that sure is a new HS^2 bonus I should blogread.  And there was a commentary on the Patreon for the last proper upd8 too.
I’ll… do it sometime this weekend, not right away.  (Had a stomach virus through Monday and Tuesday that’s left me pretty fucked over and still waiting for the aftereffects to flee.)
Alright, taking a crack at both of these now.  (Both light on images and quoting, since it’s all Patreon material.)  So what’s going on here?  Are the bonus chapters splitting into separate stories perhaps, following the lecture in one and the PS^2 crew in another?  Also, from the replies on the previous:
gaaraofsburbia said: It was very good and I was very happy
Good to know.  Time to read, bonus first! *clicks link*
...the title of a book someone’s holding.  Bookmarked (with a red flag?).  Uh huh.  Good start.
> ==>
“A picture book for young parliamentarians.) ...oh wow, it’s Carapacian even.  Did the Mayor have anything to do with this book?
--Wait.  Waitwaitwait.  This isn’t-- the authors wouldn’t go back in time and show us like-- PM and the Mayor trying to start the-- nooo.
> ==>
Oh shit, never mind.  This is a book ABOUT the Mayor.  Starting from him farming on Skaia and continuing from there with a focus on societal structures presumably.  So, sort of like what I just said but not quite as goddamn heartwrenching, most likely.
You know, this WOULD have been a good opportunity for the authors to finally bring some canon awareness to all the rampant Breath and Blood visual-and-textual symbolism around WV and PM’s arcs, giving people some HINT of their potential importance outside some crazy unproven blog post on some crazy wrong person’s blog.  But I’m not really convinced Andrew or his new replacements, er... y’know.  Care.  About letting us know about all that cool shit.  Or even dissuading us if we were somehow wrong.  Just gonna... let us haaaang in the breeeze there forever, more likely.  :T
...this is still what I’m most bitter about regarding the end of Homestuck, as you can obviously tell.  Thinking -- still believing -- that we found something beautiful and deliberate he’d done, but refusing to have canon openly acknowledge any of it so that 99% of readers will never have a clue about it and the few of us who caught on -- if right -- are just regarded as nutters, and if wrong, NEVER have what we need to finally disprove and accept that wrongness thanks to his silence, thus continuing to believe wrongly and be regarded as nutters.
So I just keep reading and... vacillating.  Vacillating on whether to believe any of this will get brought up in HS^2 canon, or whether to cynically fear they’ll take the worst route:  Doing things EXACTLY like Andrew did and dropping only vague hints that keep it an implied-only, unconfirmed mystery forever.  Because that’s what made the comic popular!  And it’s “safe”.  :(
...man, gut issues really bring the pessimist out of you, don’t they.  Let’s keep reading.  Once upon a time there was a simple farmer...
> ==>
Horrible kings kept fighting and didn’t care about the land, destroying it underneath their war.  Right.  (Mostly paraphrasing here and from now, mind you.)
> ==>
WV wanted to stop the kings, but the kings had power.
> ==>
That power had to be destroyed too.  (Shows the rings.)
> ==>
Hm, the journey that ends up in the rings’ destruction to the desert?  Are we going to fill in some context here?
> ==>
--And made friends with curious creatures and powerful people!  (Showing the fake Can Town built with Dave and Karkat along the meteor trip.)
Assumedly internalizing all those practice-town lessons, of course.
> ==>
--Oh, cool!  So one of the first things WV and PM did upon coming to Earth C to start their founding process was destroy the rings, the temptation of that power, throwing it into the Forge.
EDIT: krixwell said: "I don't know exactly how it reads in the bonus update because I'm not a patron, but WV and PM throwing the rings in the Forge happened before they entered Universe C, and was shown in HS proper (8107-8111, 8123-8126 and at the beginning of [S] Act 7). It was required to light the Forge and send the Genesis Tadpole to Skaia." Ah, file that under more things I forgot about, then.
> ==>
Where once nothing,
> ==>
Earth C was founded/born, etc.
> ==>
Ah okay!  So with a backdrop of the Town Hall under construction, we’re getting some context specifically as to how and why the Mayor set up society the way he did on Earth C.  Especially the challenging question of who would govern the world and how.
> ==>
Oh shit, text dump!  :D
The problem was unfortunately compounded by the fact that when the topic of fair and effective governance is broached, most sparing intellects immediately assume a certain posture. Not one of surrender or admiration, but of abject and interminable boredom.
This fact makes it hard to treat such a fascinating subject with the proper amount of attention and enthusiasm, BUT WE SHALL DO OUR BEST TO UNDERSTAND REGARDLESS.
Alright, loving this.
Also, this’ll undoubtedly put into context just how MUCH the Mayor had to think about how society would work best to have set up -- and how little comparative thought Jane put into the process when just drafting up something United-States-like and familiar.  Remember how awful it was the childlike way the Condesce essentially kept trying to recreate her familiar surroundings and rule structure on Earth?  It was only natural that her Life-aspected protege would make similar errors, I suppose.
Back to reading this long page... I won’t just quote all the details of this representative system, because that’s up to y’all to pony up for.  But I’ll note if there’s anything interesting in it that makes me think.  Let’s see...
...Hm!  The number of seats each kingdom got in parliament was based on voter turnout... THAT’S a heavy incentive to get out the vote, if your kingdom can literally lose influence if you don’t.
On the happy occasions where the maximum number of seats were allocated in all four quarters, this was known as a "full House".
Oh, fuck you.  :)
...oh dear, that was only the beginning of the card slang.
I’m not going to list all of them here.  They make sense in context, which is even worse.
Without going into too much detail, consorts all tend to have significantly shorter lifespans than the other citizens of Earth C. Because of this, a large number of House Rules were dedicated to describing exactly what to do if a seat was vacated mid-term due to the death of its occupant.
Not the carapacian kingdom, the consort kingdom.  Don’t panic, y’all.
The DELIVERY OF JUSTICE (DoJ) was founded to keep the peace and arbitrate in all legal matters, and its members were the brave soldiers of God in this righteous crusade.
They also took care of the MAIL.
Oooooof course.  :)
Unions get their rep, if only for a pun...
Oh, hm.  The Mayor’s office is much like a ceremonial-only monarch’s office without serious power.  Etc etc...... reading...
So governing Earth C was a complicated affair, and only became more convoluted over time. But the really important thing was that, despite all this complexity, it worked. It really worked. At one point, a whole field of mathematics was developed just to explain why the interim government worked so well, and they ended up proving it categorically. It was theoretically perfect.
--ah.  And then the Mayor has a chill as he looks at the clouds and somehow anticipates something terrible happening to it all.
That’s it for the bonus.  I’m guessing the next chapter of this separate bonus story will go over some sort of threat the system endured, while the Mayor was still alive, possibly?  Or cut forward to the creators’ arrival and how that fucked a bunch of stuff up?  A sort of demonstration on why the gods who create a universe shouldn’t take charge of those living in it or such?  Hm.
Alright, if that’s it for the bonus, let’s see what’s available for Patreon commentary... here we go, just the one for the latest mainline upd8 that I knew had come out.
Sketches and Commentary: Chapter 3, How Are Your Feelings
Before starting into this, I want to note that I do have SOME ray of hope for more Awake Jade involvement to shine against my previous rant -- because that OTHER callie-controlled younger Jade body is coming, which I’d forgotten about.  As soon as the pursuit crew arrives in-system and THAT Jade finally gets there through whatever black-hole-powered teleportation magic she’s using (with Aradia and Robodave), it’ll be completely safe for OUR Jade to be awake and active at will.  Theoretically.
So... y’know, that’s nice.  Whenever that will happen.
So onto the commentary, we’re starting with that stupid ship.
(I think I actually said something along the lines of, "this is stupid, so we're using it." I know my Homestuck history. For those interested, the ship is modelled after a schooner, and continues the Homestuck tradition of spaceships that look like regular sea-faring vessels, only with additional stuff bolted on. - Pip)
...Yeah, can’t blame you there.
This is Jake’s “second best” ship. It makes me really nervous to think about what the third-best looks like.
Flying booty shorts, most likely.
...yeah, I did notice that latest upd8 playing with colors in a way the comic rarely even did, it was pretty nice.  Glad to see they appreciate it too.
...Yep, Karkat getting owned just for the sake of it, there.
First off, Jade’s outfit. It rules. Alt!Callie may have violently forced her consciousness inside of this innocent girl’s brain, but damn these threads are sweet. She’s managed to keep Jade pretty on brand, while throwing in a couple embellishments of her own. That’s what we call “making it work”. 
Yes, you’d better WELL fucking acknowledge what you’re doing by keeping Jade in a miserable isolated state for three years.  A G A I N.
Nice bit about the casual showing of Dave’s eyes as evidence that Dave’s recovering through some of his old mental blocks.
Dave and Karkat are wearing each other’s shirts, which is traditionally a very gay thing to do. Even more notably perhaps is the fact that Karkat is wearing crimson without a hint of complaint. Again, I doubt this was an intentional move on his part. Just, sometimes you’re coming out of the shower, it’s chilly, and your boyfriend’s shirt fits. Busting through mental blocks should typically come across as whispers to me, rather than shouts. 
--Hm, never considered the latter angle.
Karkat is being pretty mean to Possessed Jade. Which sucks, but this situation is incredibly stressful, and Karkat tends to react to stress by being mean. Treating Jade like an irritant allows him to put some distance between himself and the reality that he may have lost another friend. 
Guh.  That one stung  :(
Initially the panel directions here were “everybody pauses to contemplate Dirk fucking Strider” 
Mhmm, and you figured it’d be more unsettling to reverse it and remind us that the Prince is aware of all of this too.
Roxy’s heart-shaped sunglasses have become such a thing in the fandom that I kind of can’t imagine him without them at this point, so we decided to make it settled law. 
Mhmm, I figured that was how they played it.  One of the ways they’re incorporating fandom involvement.
Sometimes I feel like it should be Xam who does these commentaries, since there’s so much incredible shit going on with the art here that I’m really only equipped to comment on with shit like “oh wow, look at these colors. Green and purple huh. Wild. There’s also some light.” 
It’s pretty understandable to have the writers take the lead on most commentary as opposed to the artists... normally.
But then you’d have the weird places where they’d have to work together without necessarily giving away their game.  Like, all that WV/PM Breath/Blood visual representation I mentioned.
I still don’t know if they’re gonna give away the game on that eventually -- or if Andrew even gave them enough to go on to properly REPLICATE that sort of thing in this official continuation, even though my mind keeps telling me it’d make all sense to -- but if they are thinking about it, I doubt they’ll first show their hand in the commentary.
I love Kanaya’s new outfit.
I understand that sure, but will she be sticking with this outfit through the action though?  Looking like a mourning nun?
Kanaya’s nursery story is, of course, The Little Prince, a French fairytale from the 1940’s. It tells the story, rather appropriately, of a young Prince traveling through space looking for something he believes he has lost.
“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
I’m not sure why I keep thinking about this quote. Probably some shit that has to do with “themes” or something.
Hinting that once he’s beaten down and likely dying from this stupid exodus plan, at least some part of Dirk may finally realize that any fulfillment and purpose he was looking for with this megalomaniacal nonsense was left behind in the peaceful life he fucking ruined for everyone to do all this.  The Heart-blind bastard.
God, Dave is just losing family members left and right, isn’t he? Really makes you think. 
Gdi.  :(
“Maybe it was naive to think a bunch of twenty something trauma victims could run a society.”
There it is. That’s the whole Epilogue.
And Andrew just had to let us ruin our naivety.
Wow. There really are just a whole lot of feelings in this chapter, aren’t there? It’s very aptly named. And it’s also actually the first part of HS^2 that got drafted; at least the first part that actually made it into the final draft. I wrote it earlier in 2019 when we were still kicking around ideas of what an Epilogue follow-up would actually look like. 
Huh.  Yeah, I can imagine when writing all this it would make sense to write/use this chapter first, as a knee-jerk reaction.
I do really think Karkat would have been a great president. He would have hated it, but he would have been good at it. 
I’m glad the authors are in agreement with everyone else with a brain on this one.
Did you guys know that Karkat still feels immense survivor’s guilt for murderstuck?
Yes.  Yes we did.
(Some continued remarks about how Karkat’s self-loathing is like a singularity that draws all blame onto himself in his mind etc.)
Apparently there was a metal gear reference in this second-to-last conversation?  Don’t tell me, I don’t care.
Eat the fucking pancakes, dude. 
A good place to end the commentary.  See y’all when there’s more content!
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rosedalemike · 5 years
The Mood: Blog #13 “The Taco Tuesday Theory/updates”
    Very few people know this but Tuesday has been kind of an inside joke (...hence why very few people know this...) amongst the revolving door of Rosedale team members. "Wait until Tuesday, They'll probably reply on Tuesday...Follow up on Tuesday...ask them on Tuesday...hit'em up! For it is Tuesday" etc.
     I don't mean for this to come across as cynical, but Tuesday has kind of become the day where everyone is more likely to get things done. Based on nothing but statisticless experience, people are more likely to say "yes" on Tuesday for whatever reason. Humans are more willing to ignore all distractions and Crush It on Tuesday.
      Come to think of it, this is probably the same reason why there's $1 bowling on Tuesday. And movies are half price on Tuesday. And EVERYONE knows about Taco Tuesday! A little closer to home, In Canada, I remember a bunch of fast food places had "Toony Tuesday" advertised on their windows (a Toony is a $2 coin). These leisure-y businesses probably recognized drastic dips in sales on Tuesdays because everyone was too busy Crushing It to go bowling, watch movies, eat tacos etc. So they made Tuesday specials.
     I still haven't totally figured out why a day of the week has such significance as to why we perk up and Get Shit Done. But the most reasonable explanation would probably come from our counter-motivation to the general perception of weekends. Here's what I invision: Friday night is social/party night (ie.Tacos and Movies), Saturday maybe you'll beach/golf/mimosa (.../more tacos) or maybe you’ll get stuff done around the house during the day then more social events (like bowling...and tacos) at night, then Sunday is so chill that Chick-Fil-A is straight up closed (I know about religion, don't worry).
      But then why not Mondays, right? Well Monday becomes most people's time to just get back into the groove; they'll get some stuff done, ie. reply to some of the workaholics who filled their inbox over the weekend. I'd guesstimate that the average normy gets 20% of the amount of work done on Mondays than they do on Tuesdays. Maybe it's also because on Monday we're all simultaneously subconsciously thinking "I can watch that viral thing that Mr.Normy was talking about at the water cooler...I've got the rest of this week to get the thing done".
    Anyway, that's what generalization looks like from the guy who once assumed all dogs are male and all cats are female. So now that you're all in on my Tuesday theory (and know what a Toony is) I guess I'll try to finish out this here blog and give you some updates:
      Rosedale is still in the re-branding stage. I've been tossing ideas around with friends. Some like/hate certain names, other friends are on completely different pages (hating/liking what was liked/hated...if that makes sense.) But overall I'm still just trying to figure out what to do from a branding standpoint in general! Do I assemble a band finally? Keep the one man show going but give it a clever name? Have a couple different projects with different names (one with a band, one solo with video screens, maybe even one more chilled out piano/acoustic??) I feel like the name’s will be narrowed down if I can organize the overall brand plan first.
      I guess I've been more focused on writing songs (and parts for those songs) than anything. I've got about 30ish songs that I'm happy enough to keep working on. Many others have been scrapped but might make their way back somehow. So that has me juggling a lot of computer files and lyrics messaged to myself randomly throughout my days. It has been nice to focus on creating songs and recording demos as opposed to spending hours grinding away as a small time booking agent for a project whose name is nearly unsearchable.
      But yes, it is really time to buckle down and figure out what to do with these songs/project/name/podcast/YouTube ideas. So if anyone has any suggestions feel free to send them my way and I'll put them in the ever-growing vault of ideas. And I promise to start making some moves soon.
      Speaking of moves, I recently moved to San Diego and am currently living out of my trailer and a rehearsal studio in El Cajon. That has been a throbbing idea of mine since around the time I spent Christmas 2015 in Time & Distance's rehearsal room in Charleston, WV and edited the entire video for Written By The Artist. I've always wanted to live in SoCal since I started skateboarding at 12 years old. Now I'm 30 and I still love this scene so I finally just did it in the most cost efficient way possible and I’m glad I did. Big thanks to Vocal Eze for helping me make ends meet with getting down here for NAMM (namm is a big music trade show). It has been really fun working as an artist ambassador for that amazing throat spray and I’ve been learning a lot. Check out some of the #ShareYourVoice vids I make too!
      In the midst of all of that I got very show deprived from going to see the many great bands down here so I picked up some acoustic shows thanks to Nick from Mainsail. We've been accompanying each other's songs along with some covers - half-jokingly calling it "MainDale". I also started filling in on bass for Mainsail. Check them out asap they're great and super good dudes. A lot of big things to come for that band for sure.
     Then I randomly took a gig for Rosedale this Friday April 5th at Himmelberg's in San Diego (cus why not) so if anyone wants to see that it starts at 8pm PST this Friday April 5th. Rosedale is on last at 11pm so please stick around, tell some friends it'll be worth the late night. Here's the flyer:
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     Mainsail has a show at Blonde Bar on April 8th which is also a headlining set. From there I'm driving 38 hours back to Toronto to re-import all my gear back into Canada and renew my work permit (as both my bond and permit expire April 12th). Not gonna be fun, but has to be done. I'm technically not aloud to work or bring my gear into the United States until my new permit starts (May 3rd). But Mainsail has some more SoCal shows in April that I might fly back for... or just help make BassDale tracks for. We're not sure what we're doing about that yet. I really need to figure out dual citizenship though. 
     Most of this + more was already covered in the @Palapalooza podcast I did on my bday. Here's the link for that. 
actually here it is:
     Shout out to Troy from Ready Set Survive for spreading his passion for music/new bands and having me and Mainsail Nick on that.
     One last update; I was working on video edits and mixing for a live hometown Rosedale show that I multi-tracked with Zedpromedia on my last tour and I was working off my 2T hard drive (because the files were so massive) and it crashed the other day while transferring that Palapalooza video onto it. I had so much on that hard drive (old videos, shows, pictures etc) and I've been trying to recover the files but it has not been very successful. I got most of them back with a $90 app but they're all re-organized and renamed or Corrupt and the sessions won't even open. The drive is still sitting about 90% full of files but I worry there's no way of getting any use out of it. Unless I bring it somewhere and pay a bunch of money for someone (that knows something I don't) to do their thing. Which I'm thinking I should probably do.
     I guess that's all the updates for now. What have you all have been up to? I really miss seeing friends at shows and hearing about what they have going on in their lives. So feel free to reply here or message me anytime even if you feel like you have NOTHING going on (we all feel that way sometimes). Any new music/Podcasts you've been listening to? Blogs or vids I should check out? And of course, the perfect band name for me?? Let me know! 
Thanks again to Vocal Eze and Westone and Ernie Ball for helping me out so much over this re-brand transition! I'm extremely lucky to have such great support from these awesome companies.
     I also wanna give one last special shoutout to an awesome fan/friend who has really inspired me to get back to writing these blabbering blogs. Mellyssa Woodward recently started a blog that exposes new bands via very interesting interviews. She was hesitant to do it because she wasn't sure if anyone would care. Then she just decided to do it for herself and I assure you that they are so good because she is right in her element with these! I think we can all relate to that on so many levels with the many ideas floating around in our heads. Just go do it for yourself however you would like it to be done! That's what Mel (@AssyllemNaej on insta and twitter) did and here's a prime example of how it can only do good for yourself and the world...and of course my favorite Georgia band, LIKE MIKE: https://notesonnotes.tumblr.com/post/183814739906/notes-on-like-mike
Thanks for reading! Hope to see you in San Diego this Friday night or sometime soon :) 
Enjoy your Taco Tuesday and GET’R DONE! If you’re not having any luck, TRY AGAIN NEXT TUESDAY ;)
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fyboynextdoor · 26 days
240831 | Jaehyun Weverse Reply
혹시 끝까지 보기 힘든 건 실례인가요?
[TRANS] By chance, is it rude to find (this video) is hard to watch till the end?
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Detox Centers In Wanatah Indiana 46390
Time dairy queen
Addiction treatment centers
Lake property. gym
Directions. typically replies
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Physical Therapy in Highland, Valparaiso, Crown Point, LaPorte, Highland, and …. surgery, you are probably well aware of the need for rehab post-surgery.
Ananda Yoga & Detox Center offers premier yoga and detox services at affordable prices! Our detox program is considered the best in Koh Phangan And the staff is wonderful in preparing and keeping you on schedule for your shakes, juices, and herbs. Recommend this place to anyone interested in…
Midwest Center for Youth and Families and South Shore Academy are licensed by the State of … South Shore located in Valparaiso, IN (Take a virtual tour).
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Nov 15, 2003  · W4MDW i lived in indiana and moved to florida in 1969 KD4WDI had a friend in IN KF4KDK N4WGL … Addr2: WANATAH, IN 46390 Country: USA Effective: 10 Aug 2001 Expires: 10 Aug 2011 … KG4LEG new jammer in tampa bay on 146.640 N9EE wide area repeater:
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Need to know what time dairy queen in WANATAH opens or closes, or whether it's open 24 hours a day? Read below for business times, daylight and evening hours, street address, and more. Dairy Queen holds a place in American culture as one of the first ice cream shops to gain national popularity.
Rehab Services » Inpatient Rehab Centers » IN » Drug Addiction Help in Wanatah 46390 Inpatient Rehab Centers in Wanatah, IN StartMovingForward.org is a free resource with listings of the top-rated addiction treatment centers near Wanatah, IN, along with information about everything from detox symptoms to Christian rehab programs.
Luxury drug rehabs in Wanatah, Indiana will provide the latest treatment with upscale amenities for anyone requiring the very best substance treatment, just as Wanatah alcohol rehab centers will help those battling alcohol addiction to return to sober living.
Classifieds in: Indiana. City: Wanatah. Zip code: 46390.
Cocaine also Wanatah IN 46390 affects the production of dopamine in the brain by stalling it from recycling, thus causing an abnormal build up, amplifying the message to the brain. It is this common effect that is responsible for the sense of euphoria felt while taking it.
Relay For Life of Greater Valparaiso. Saturday, May 4, 2019 … cancer research, patient care programs, and can make a difference in communities like ours.
Inpatient Recovery Centers in Wanatah DC 46390. Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Wanatah IN 46390 … Residential Drug and Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal in Indiana Wanatah Addiction Rehab Rated 4 stars from 16 Reviews. Wanatah Addiction Rehab. Address: Wanatah, IN 46390 USA.
Individualized treatment plans, traditional 12-step recovery principles, and alternative … Parkdale Center is located in the heart of Dune Country. It is just minutes from the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan, the Indiana Dunes State Park, and …
Zillow has 12 homes for sale in Wanatah IN. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to 622 Fieldcrest Cir Wanatah IN 46390. For sale by owner. By analyzing information on thousands of single family homes for sale in Wanatah, Indiana and across the United…
Detox Centers In Millville West Virginia 25432 Shenandoah Center, a Genesis HealthCare facility located at Charles Town, WV 25414, specializing in ShortStay care and LongTerm care. Search for Group Practices near you in Ranson, WV. … 304 W 4th AveRanson, WV. Aurora Counseling Center, Ranson, WV has: 1 Affiliated Provider … Find HOTELS in 25432 Millville. Search by zip code for hotels near
Porter Health. Our orthopedic services include prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. … Medical Centers. … Our has you covered with 28 northern Indiana locations in six counties. About Us; Healthy Highlights. Eligibility Services.
Public schools in zipcode 46390 have a diversity score of 0.16, which is lower than the Indiana average of 0.28. The most diverse school in zipcode 46390 is Wanatah School. Read more about public school diversity statistics in Indiana or national school diversity statistics.
Addiction Therapy » Detox Centers » IN » Detoxification Clinics in Wanatah 46390 Detox Centers in Wanatah, IN A substance abuse counselor is a uniquely skilled specialist who takes care of those that are afflicted by a substance abuse issue.
One of only a handful of such facilities in the State of Indiana, Alice's will be … When women leave rehabilitation and treatment, too often they have … Alice's provides residence with tools to enhance their recovery program with AA and NA meetings, family programs, 12 step education and counseling. … Valparaiso, IN 46383 …
Find 6 listings related to Sacred Heart in Wanatah on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Sacred Heart locations in Wanatah, IN. Start your search by …
Cancer Health Treatment Centers. A Medical Group Practice located in Valparaiso, IN.
Life Care Center of Valparaiso focuses on physical, occupational and speech … Alzheimer's care; Amputee rehab; Aphasia therapy; Back injury treatment …
Addiction Recovery Programs » Inpatient Rehab » IN » Inpatient Rehab in Wanatah 46390 Inpatient Rehab in Wanatah, IN Find out about the best drug and alcohol rehab programs in the Wanatah, IN region, including free rehab services, 30-day programs, and more.
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Nov 15, 2003  · W4MDW i lived in indiana and moved to florida in 1969 KD4WDI had a friend in IN KF4KDK N4WGL … Addr2: WANATAH, IN 46390 Country: USA Effective: 10 Aug 2001 Expires: 10 Aug 2011 … KG4LEG new jammer in tampa bay on 146.640 N9EE wide area repeater:
Inpatient Recovery Centers in Wanatah DC 46390. Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Wanatah IN 46390 … Residential Drug and Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal in Indiana Wanatah Addiction Rehab Rated 4 stars from 16 Reviews. Wanatah Addiction Rehab. Address: Wanatah, IN 46390 USA.
And while yes many detox centers do offer services that can help with the withdrawal process from numerous drugs or alcohol, it is important to ensure that the detox center you will be attending has the knowledge to help you overcome your particular addiction.
Oct 22, 2018 … Lice Perspectives provides professional and confidential head lice treatment, removal and education at our treatment center or in the comfort of …
Find homes for sale and real estate in Wanatah, IN at realtor.com®. Search and filter Wanatah homes by price, beds, baths and property type. 10366 S 1150 W Wanatah IN 46390. Brokered by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Executive Group.
Sleep Easy 2018 WPX Champion Pillow Talk x Never Lose Focus Owned with Crossroad Genetics, Indiana. … This daughter of Scorpion x Detox was bred by Lowdermilk Show Pigs.
Wanatah, Indiana facts for kids. Kids Encyclopedia Facts. Wanatah is a town in LaPorte County, Indiana, United States. The population was 1,048 at the 2010 census. The first settlements were made at Wanatah in the 1850s when the railroad was extended to that point. Wanatah was platted in 1865.
12 Homes For Sale in Wanatah, IN 46390. Browse photos, see new properties, get open house info, and research neighborhoods on Trulia. Home prices in ZIP code 46390 didn't see much movement last year with a slight 1.1 percent drop in average listing price, but with a $120,717 average listing…
The most complete information about stores in Wanatah, Indiana: Addresses, phone numbers, reviews and other information. Open now Open 24 Hours. 10011 Lincoln Highway, Wanatah, IN 46390.
Inpatient Recovery Centers in Wanatah DC 46390. Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Wanatah IN 46390 … Residential Drug and Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal in Indiana Wanatah Addiction Rehab Rated 4 stars from 16 Reviews. Wanatah Addiction Rehab. Address: Wanatah, IN 46390 USA.
Average climate in Wanatah, Indiana. Based on data reported by over 4,000 weather stations. Tornado activity Wanatah-area historical earthquake activity is slightly below Indiana state average. It is 85% smaller than the overall U.S. average. On 4/18/2008 at 09:36:59, a magnitude 5.4 (5.1 MB, 4.8 MS…
Detox Centers In Blodgett Mills New York 13738 Maintenance & Electrical Diagnostic, Cortland NY 13045. O'Shea Tire Service Inc, Cortland NY, 13045, Maintenance &. Leave Your …… BLODGETT MILLS, NY ….. Fast , Friendly Service Excellent customer treatment and awareness. Detox Centers In Patterson California 95363 Child or Adolescent Therapists in Patterson, CA … Patterson, California 95363 … "During my career, I have
Religious institutions located in Wanatah, Indiana. You can always find the nearest religious institution in Wanatah IN. on all U.S. churches dot com. Morgan Cemetery Cemetery Wanatah, Wanatah, IN 46390.
When we are in Wanatah for training, we order Jimmy's for lunch. Never disappointed always awesome food. Usually feeding 25+ people. Address: 10550 W US Highway 30, Apt B, Wanatah, IN 46390-9777. Location: United States > Indiana (IN) > Wanatah.
46390 is zip code located in Wanatah, Indiana. The population is 2,541, making 46390 the largest zipcode in Wanatah and the 5th largest in Laporte County. There are 1 public schools in 46390 with an average Homefacts rating of A-. there are 4 registered sex offenders residing in the zip code 46390.
Short-Term Rehab Services tailored to the specific, short-term needs of each … Voted one of America's Best Communities, Valparaiso has much to offer, from the  …
Those in the Wanatah area interested in volunteering can call (219) 874-9117. Bowls of Plenty – Free Soup Supper For more information or to make a donations of time, food and/or money to ensure the success of this ministry, please call 219-733-2319 or email [email protected].
Find HOTELS in 46390 Wanatah. Search by zip code for hotels near Wanatah Indiana. Deals + discounts on lodging and motels in La Porte county 2020 La Porte Ave., Valparaiso, IN 46383 ~10.51 miles west of 46390. Midscale lake property. gym / Fitness Center Available. Walmart very close.
Wanatah School located in Wanatah, Indiana – IN. Find Wanatah School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. This school is rated above average in school quality compared to other schools in Indiana. Students here perform about average on state tests
Wanatah is a town in LaPorte County, Indiana, United States. The population was 1,048 at the 2010 census. The first settlements were made at Wanatah in the 1850s when the railroad was extended to that point. Wanatah was platted in 1865. It was named for Wanata, a Native American leader.
Wanatah Scarecrow Festival, Wanatah, IN. 5K likes. Held each year from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon on the 4th weekend of 207 N Main St (826.13 mi) Wanatah, Indiana 46390. Get directions. typically replies within a few hours. Contact Wanatah Scarecrow Festival on Messenger.
LaPorte County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 111,467. [8] The county seat is the city of La Porte , [9] and the largest city is Michigan City .
Find the best deals on the market in Wanatah In 46390 and buy a property up to 50 percent below market value. Shop around and act fast on a new real estate investment in your area. Search all the latest Rent to Own Homes in Wanatah In 46390.
Rehab Services » Detox Programs » IN » Detox Centers in Wanatah 46390 Detox Programs in Wanatah, IN Get informed about the top-rated drug and alcohol detox clinics near Wanatah, IN along with data about alcoholism detox and hypnosis for addiction therapy.
Detox Centers In Hayti South Dakota 57241 Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Hayti, SD (57241) with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com . Latest news from Hayti, SD collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Snow Reports From April apos s First Snow. Hayti, SD 57241. CLERK OF COURT:
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midnightsleuth-blog · 8 years
hey! do you like problem sleuth, tumblr rp, or problem sleuth tumblr rp?? then buddy pal have i got a deal for you
@pickledidealism and i have been hoping to expand the timeline a little and pick up a few more characters from sleuth and pickle’s universe for more fun shenanigans. this is all very informal so there’s no app or anything, just hit me up by reblogging/replying to this post, or sending an ask or a tumblr im or something (or skype/discord if i know you already) and we’ll talk about it!
all we ask is that you are over 18 and you follow the usual tumblr rp etiquette
specifically we’re looking to fill out the rest of team sleuth and to get some midnight crew in, we’re not looking for felt so much other than characters like snowman or doc scratch, just because if you want to play biscuits or something there ain’t a lot we can do with you, sorry, but if you’re really interested in one of ‘em i’d sure as hell be happy to discuss it!
i’ve thrown some established in-universe details under the cut in case any of it catches your interest:
ace dick is the last main member of team sleuth we need, and i would absolutely love if somebody wanted to play him. he’s a second generation prospitian like sleuth and pickle are, and grew up and went to college at the same time they did. he’s closer friends with pickle and more of a friendly rival to sleuth, even though they work as a team now
hysterical dame is sleuth’s twin sister! they’re very close since they’re the only family that either of them know and dame frequently helps sort out sleuth’s shit. maybe also broad’s girlfriend??
nervous broad is maybe not open for application? you should speak to pickle-mun if you’re really interested, but she’s pickle’s sister, similar to sleuth and dame
the midnight crew are basically the same as they are in canon, all ex-derse agents responsible for building the city and then running it from the shadows, BUT they keep their sinister shadow-based magic from the problem sleuth extras and are well-known for it. also snagged from the problem sleuth extras is how team sleuth and the crew met: sleuth solicited them to help with a case, but accidentally insulted slick and instead wound up fighting them. they haven’t forgotten about it
a note about slick: i’m a huge sucker for ssps and it’s certainly not a prerequisite but if you read that and went “oh boy i love ssps” then hey pal maybe we should talk
authority regulator is an ex-derse agent who went to law school with team sleuth (despite being way older than them, he thought it was unlawful to assume a position without getting the proper city-sanctioned certifications) but went on to the police academy instead of getting a private detective’s license like sleuth did. he and team sleuth cooperate on cases sometimes
wv, pm, and ms. paint definitely all exist in-universe even though i haven’t worked out any specific details about them. snowman is the same as ever and doc scratch might have some connection to sleuth’s chosen arbiter powers....
that’s everything off the top of my head, if you’re interested in a character who i didn’t list who you think would fit in, let me know!! all i want is to have sleuth be a fucking disaster around even more people than he already is
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disruptiveawesome · 7 years
Some HC FAQs from a CRUX HC regular.
I guess First…What is HC? HC is Homoclimbtastic. HC is a group and, more specifically, an ‘event.’ It was founded by blah blah you don’t care about this part. Go to the HC website if you wanna read more directly  
So why are you writing, Matt?  Someone asked me some specific questions about HC as relates to CRUX… and I’m on 10 of literally 22 hours of flights right now… so I figured I’d put them in a doc and share them for everyone. Please bear in mind that all of the non-hard-facts in here are just my opinions. I don’t work for Homoclimbtastic. I am fortunate to count some of the organizers as friends and climbing buddies and I’m trying to do right by the spirit of the event… But I’m just a dude who has been 4 times and likes the event a lot so for you NYers who I love, to provide some context in case you haven’t been and are interested. I figured I’d give you my perspective on some of the Frequently Asked Questions…
Where ‘is’ this area?
This is “more-welcoming-than-makes-a-NYer-feel-comfortable” Fayetteville, WV. It’s situated in the heart of the New River Gorge. Good hiking,  white water rafting, kayaking, boating (on Summerville lake–I’ll get to that), sight seeing, natural beauty, and, of course, climbing.
Where do we stay?
But like, okay. Lemme show you the place we stay at. This is Cantrell Ultimate Rafting, or as we call it “Cantrell’s.” The thing to note is that this isn’t a ‘nice camping’ area like what you’d get staying in a state park, or an AAC campground. It’s the extended lawn/back yard of a white water rafting outfitter. The cool thing is that it’s central, small and pretty much *ours* (the HC campers/climbers). I’ve only seen other campers there a few times and usually they keep pretty to themselves and away from us–and anytime they get near us, they are given a thorough ‘explainer’ by the Cantrell’s staff that this is *our* safe space and weekend (I’ve seen them do it myself). 
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Green is cabins. The office/bar/club/drag stage/and some restrooms are upper right in the red. Blue is anywhere you may wanna park. Yellow is bathrooms. Pink circles are where I’ve seen CRUXers (including me) pitching tents. But you can see there is a lot of space. Now, it should be noted that if there is a ton of rain, some of that open space, like where the ‘parking’ area is above the big cluster of CRUX tents are, its a bit waterlogged. Bring raingear/a rain fly. Oh, and bug spray. 
The whole place is pretty small and you can go everywhere in under 2 minutes’ walk (See the 50′ key)
What’s the address?
Cantrell Ultimate Rafting is located at  49 Cantrell Dr, Fayetteville, WV 25840
What size tent can they accommodate 
As you can see, ANY. The area that Cantrell’s has is pretty huge. :) 
Can you cook on campsite 
Yes, many do. 
Do they have fresh water
Yes. You won’t need to bring your own in. 
Do they have electric onsite or nearby
They do. They even have a camper hookup if I’m not mistaken. Electricity is available inside the bathrooms, and there are some exterior outlets at the bar/office/club/breakfast nook space.
Bathroom facilities? 
The restroom/shower facilities are right there on the campsite. The restrooms and shower facilities are gendered, however Cantrell’s and HC have (I thought stated somewhere, but now I can’t find it) rules that people should use the restroom they feel comfortable in/fits their gender identity/expression. I would refer you to HC on that one to get anything more specific. 
Are CRUX all together?
Not exactly. Some of us stay in cabins some in tents dotting the landscape of Cantrell’s. But we do try to keep everyone going to Cantrell’s so that we can have time with each other. 
How far is parking from the campsite?
Super close, again, as you can see. 
Any fast food places like McDonald’s nearby? 
A few. But also wanna let you know that breakfast is made for us for a decent cost at Cantrell’s which is enough for me. And I personally like Tudor’s Biscuit World for to pick up cheap and easy pre-made crag foods (though I know some people find it gross). But omg I can’t wait to have sandwiches from SSS! AND PIES AND PINTS OMG. 
Any hiking areas if I wanna just go off and do my own thing? 
Yes, omg so many. <- Link from the site of Stav Basis, an adventurer/web genius/sometimes CRUXer, and I think fellow ‘this’ll be 5-years’ HCer who hikes a ton. Hey CBF! Another thing to note is a lot of the approaches at the NRG are longer than at the Gunks or a few other places we go to regularly. If you’ve been there, think maybe not as strenuous as some of the longer approaches at Rumney, but just as long. Up to 30/40 minutes, so if you’re climbing you’re getting a bit of a hike in anyway.
 Are there swimming areas?
Oh god yes. It’s one of the best parts of that area. Typically, on Friday or Saturday, a WHOLE CRAP TON of HC basically spends the whole day at Summersville lake just climbing and swimming and hanging out on pool floaties:
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And usually on Sunday we go to a different part of the lake and Deep Water Solo there:
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I heard that this is really only for hard climbers! 
This touches on a bit factual data and on the history of HC and its evolution. The New River Gorge doesn’t have a ‘ton’ of ‘easy’ crags. the area really opens up if you’re a solid 5.11 outdoor climber–that’s just the truth of the numbers. But like *everywhere* the places shown on the guidebook aren’t climbs that many of us more casual climbers are ready for (yet). Another fact: HC was originally founded by climbers who *could* climb pretty hard. Which is great inspiration for all of us queer climbers! But that doesn’t mean there aren’t *ANY* places for easy/moderate leading. We have found a bunch of great crags over the years with a bunch of ‘easy/moderate’ sport routes and bigger areas to spread out in which can accommodate groups.  And, like, there is so much fun stuff and there isn’t really anything like this anywhere else, so, over time HC has grown from a more strictly ‘hard climber’ thing to a more all-encompassing thing with lots of different levels. Over the last 5 years, the attitude of the organization about ‘non hard’ climbers has changed. 
But know yourself: If at HC, when there are tons of people around, when maybe you drank a bunch last night, and you’re nervous about that one person you think is hot not thinking your butt looks good in your climbing shorts, or whatever… maybe that isn’t the best atmosphere to get on your first 5.11 where the guidebook states that if you blow the crux move you could deck. If you don’t know how to clean/rappel, *AT HC, TAUGHT BY SOMEONE YOU DON’T KNOW, AT THE TOP OF A CLIMB, ABOVE 20 LOUD PEOPLE, IS EXPRESSLY NOT THE PLACE TO LEARN IT*. There are a few more snarkyish things written in several posts/manifestos/etc. by the dictators. The ‘chaperone/guest’ thing is ‘strict’ but I think the best way to think about it is if you’ve not climbed outside, you should partner up with someone who has their skills dialed in. 
And, just like at CRUX events: Leave No Trace is the order of the day. 
So is being good crag citizens and don’t put top rope on all 5 of the moderate routes right next to each other if another group looks like they may want to get on them, too. 
And though we’re well known (HC, not CRUX per se), it’s always good to remember that not everywhere is universally friendly. 
Edit/Addition: It should be noted that the fact that there are a ton of awesome climbs in the 5.10/5.11/5.12 range should be a really great motivating factor, so even if you’re not yet there, once your skills are dialed in, you can star going for those harder grades. Many of us HCers did our first 10s 11s or 12s there, but the key is to have your safety (and belay skills) TOTALLY ready:) But I get that it's something people sort of have to 'be in' to believe, just like climbing in general. How many times have we all replied "come and I'll show you that's not true" to that person who, when presented with "i'm a rock climber" says "OH I COULD NEVER..." that's what an outdoor 10/11/12 can be.  
I also heard that you have to like be a super social justice warrior or else you’re not really welcome. 
Not true. 
Anyway, this is a ‘national’ event. There are various levels of ‘wokeness’, or whatever you’d like to call it, present within the ethos of the various groups and people who attend. But as an organization the people involved are from my perspective, *deeply* interested in making sure that HC expands its attendees’ horizons and isn’t simply a gay, white cismale experience and event and they are rigorously pushing for a higher degree of inclusivity, and representation (including in their leadership) to make sure that happens. 
What does that mean, really? I think that in spirit, it means ‘don’t be an asshole’. In practice, I think it means: don’t talk about/make jokes about people whose groups you’re not part of. Be how you are within CRUX and you should generally be fine. If there is an issue, someone will say something, but I don’t think of that as a thing CRUX members have typically had issues with on the whole–everyone is capable of having issues, but we’re a good group of good people.
And we’re all adults. So, assume positive intent, and if you get called out just listen and don’t be defensive. Even if you think you’re right/it was just a joke/but, but: It won’t hurt you to listen to someone without having to respond/defend yourself. It’s an exercise each of us should probably do more often.  Anyway. This has gone on long enough. See you there. Climb On. 
0 notes
pabluesman · 7 years
The latest rant:
Look familiar?
So the Comey hearing came and went and, much like that trip to Disneyworld you took when you were a kid in 1974, it didn't quite live up to all the hype. The left has been crowing that it is an indictment of trump and proof that he is a dastardly villain, missing only the black cape and handlebar mustache. The right has been shrieking about how trump has been completely vindicated, the Russia story is completely made up, and Democrats are nothing more than a bunch of crybabies. Both of these groups are wrong, and both of them are indicative of the fundamental problem with our government these days. In addition to casting some much-needed sunlight on the shadowy dealings of the trump administration (fewer than liberals want, more than conservatives care to admit), it highlighted the basic dysfunction of our government: that every action, hearing, press conference, photo opportunity, floor speech, legislative debate, and so on is less about running the country than it is about scoring partisan points. I realize at this point there are probably a bunch of you out there saying "Well, DUH," like I have taken complete leave of my senses and lost all capacity for critical thinking. To which I say, this is my blog, dammit, and I can say what I want. Moving right along ... Of course, I can't expect you take my word for it, can I? Therefore, I am going to go through the hearing (I read the transcript. Twice. And took notes.) and present my thoughts on each observation. But first, the cast of characters. There is James Comey, of course, and donald trump, and Loretta Lynch and Bill and Hillary Clinton make guest appearances. Then there's the Senate Committee on Intelligence, in alphabetical order: Roy Blunt, R-MO, present Richard Burr, R-NC, Chairman, present Susan Collins, R-ME, present John Cornyn, R-TX, present Tom Cotton, R-AR, present Dianne Feinstein, D-CA, Former Chairman, present Kamala Harris, D-CA, present Martin Heinrich, D-NM, present Angus King, I-ME, present James Lankford, R-OK, present Joe Manchin, D-WV, present John McCain, R-AZ (Ex officio), present Mitch McConnell, R-KY (Ex officio), absent Jack Reed, D-RI (Ex officio), present Jim Risch, R-ID, present Marco Rubio, R-FL, present Chuck Schumer, D-NY (Ex officio), absent Mark Warner, D-VA, Vice-Chairman, present Ron Wyden, D-OR, present So now the stage is set, and we can dive right in. First observation: every single one of the Senators, with the exception of Marco Rubio, Martin Heinrich, Angus King, Tom Cotton, and John McCain took a moment to thank Comey for appearing, and most of those took an extra moment to acknowledge his service to country (some, like Jack Reed, were fine with a simple "Thank you for appearing," while others were more effusive). However, Rubio, Hienrich, King, Cotton, and McCain simply dispensed with all niceties and jumped right in to the questioning. Whether this is a good or bad I will leave up to the reader to decide. What follows is a member-by-member accounting of what happened. I will attempt to remain as factual as possible; where I veer off into the realm of opinion I will very clearly identify it as such. So, in order of appearance ... Richard Burr, R-NC (Chairman) Senator Burr took several minutes to a) thank Director Comey for appearing to testify, b) provide an overview of the Senate Intelligence Committee's mission in general and in terms of this hearing in particular, and c) to provide the basic framework under which the other members would be operating (seven minutes for each member, and so on). He then turned things over to Senator Mark Warner. Mark Warner, D-VA (Vice-Chairman) Senator Warner took the opportunity to go into a little more detail as to the nature of the hearing: what it was about, what the committee hoped to accomplish by holding the hearing, and a brief summation of the relevant events up to that date. Richard Burr again Burr swore in Comey and advised him that he is now under oath. He recognized Comey and granted him the floor "for as long as you might need." James Comey, Former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Comey gave a brief history of events and expressed his confusion and concern over the multiple stories coming from the White House concerning the reason for his firing, after which the questioning began. Richard Burr some more Burr pretty much kept to hard facts. He asked if Comey's written testimony had been reviewed and/or edited by the Office of the Special Counsel (it hadn't). He asked if Comey had any doubt that Russia was behind the intrusion into the DCCC's and DNC's computer systems (he didn't). He asked if he had any doubt that Russia was behind cyber intrusion into state voter files (he didn't). He asked if he was confident that no votes in the 2016 were altered, either electronically or otherwise (he was). Comey also testified that, while trump was not directly under investigation, Comey was not able to get unanimous consent from his leadership in the FBI to publicly state this. The reasoning here is that the investigation was ongoing and one could never tell where it would lead (a la the Starr investigation into Whitewater which lead to the whole Lewinsky thing). In Comey's words, "when you start turning over rocks, sometimes you find things that are unrelated to the primary investigation that are criminal in nature." In short, Burr confined himself to things that could objectively be verified. Unfortunately, this would be one of the only times we saw this even-handed approach, as several of the other Senators appeared to have axes to grind and viewed Comey as the perfect sharpening stone. But more on that as we come across it. My opinion: non-partisan. Mark Warner again Senator Warner took a more partisan approach, albeit in the cloak of objectivity. His questions were respectful and factually based, but his overall tone suggested that he was trying to convict trump in this hearing and get it over with. My opinion: Somewhat partisan James Risch, R-ID Senator Risch was the first to really dive into the weeds. The first part of his seven minutes was spent trying to discredit a February 14th article from the New York Times in which the Times alleged connections between Russian operatives and trump associates. He asked why Director Comey did not issue a statement to correct the article. Comey replied that it is considered common practice to not do so when the investigation involves sensitive material as it might compromise security. Risch spent the rest of his time parsing the word "hope" in the context of trump asking Comey "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go." Comey maintained throughout that, given the fact that it was the President of the United States saying this in the Oval Office, even though it was not a direct order it would reasonably be taken as such, given the context. Risch replied "You don't know of anyone ever being charged for hoping something, is that a fair statement?" My opinion? Blatantly partisan, trying to get trump off the hook in much the same way Warner was trying to hang him on it, but the partisanship was much more naked here. Dianne Feinstein, D-CA Feinstein started by asking Comey why he thought he had been fired from his position as Director of the FBI. Comey responded that he didn't know for sure but that, based on what trump has said, he was fired as a result of the Russia investigation. Feinstein continued by acknowledging and paraphrasing what Comey had said to Risch: that the Oval Office could be an intimidating place, especially when the President is making a direct request. She then asked "But why didn't you stop and say, Mr. President, this is wrong. I cannot discuss this with you." Comey replied "I was so stunned by the conversation that I just took in. The only thing I could think to say, because I was playing in my mind -- because I could remember every word he said -- I was playing in my mind, what should my response be? That's why I carefully chose the words." My opinion: Feinstein's focus seemed to be mainly centered around wrongdoing on the part of the trump administration. I rate her as being mildly partisan. Marco Rubio, D-FL Rubio seemed to be focusing on the asks from trump of Comey:
Asking for Comey's loyalty.
Saying that he "hoped" the Flynn investigation would go away. Not a formal ask, but when the President says he hopes something happens, and he says this in the Oval Office, it's not a stretch of logic to interpret this as a strong request, if not a direct order.
Publicly state that trump personally is not being investigated.
To his credit, Comey did not comply with any of these. My opinion: Rubio was trying for a partisan advantage, but his line of questioning turned out to be a dead end in that area and it didn't pan out for him. I rate this as non-partisan, but not for a lack of trying. Martin Heinrich, D-NM Senator Heinrich was the slickest of the bunch in that he was able to score partisan points without appearing to be partisan at all. To start, he gave Comey the opportunity to make the following statement: "The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government. There is no fuzz on that. It is a high confidence judgment of the entire intelligence community and the members of this committee have seen the intelligence. It's not a close call. That happened. That's about as unfake as you can possibly get." Heinrich then shifted focus to the trump team attempting to "set up a sort of backdoor communication channel with the Russian government using their infrastructure, their devices, their facilities." Comey testified to this point that, in a hypothetical sense (he refused to comment in an open setting as to specifics), it was easier for the Russians because "[y]ou spare the Russians the cost and effort to break into our communications channels by using theirs. You make it a whole lot easier for them to capture all of your conversations."
My opinion: Heinrich created a partisan result from a non-partisan line of questioning. Kudos for skill on this one, but it still misses the "trying to be objective about this whole thing" point. I rate his performance as partisan.
Roy Blunt, R-MO
In one of the most blatantly partisan approaches of the entire hearing, Senator Blunt attempting to cast doubt on Comey's credibility by asking why he continued to take calls from trump even after he told Attorney General sessions that all communications should go through the AG. Apparently Blunt has never heard of the notion that when the President calls, you pick up.
He then sought clarification as to whether Comey's notes were official documents or personal ones. Comey said they were personal, and nobody else seemed to have an issue with this.
My opinion: Blatantly partisan, and in a particularly clumsy and inartful fashion.
Angus King, I-ME (he caucuses with the Democrats, though)
Senator King jumped right of the gate with a question as whether, in Comey's opinion, the Russian interference in the election was a one-and-done thing, or would we see future attempts. Comey testified that "it is a long-term practice of theirs. It's stepped up a notch in a significant way in '16. They'll be back."
King then sought clarification as to whether or not the dinner with trump was trump's idea or Comey's. Comey said that it was initiated by a phone call from trump, and manages to get in a shout-out to his wife when he said that he had been forced to break a date with his wife to have dinner with trump (again, when the President calls, you pick up), saying "I love spending time with my wife and I wish I would have been there that night."
King's approach seemed to be to cast doubt on trump's veracity (not that this would take much), by asking Comey whether it was true that Comey had called trump, as trump had claimed. Comey said "I never initiated a communication with the president."
My opinion: King, being an independent, is by definition non-partisan. However, because he caucuses with the Democrats, we have to view him in that light. That being said, I would rate his performance as slightly partisan in questioning, moderately partisan in results.
James Lankford, R-OK
Senator Lankford, apparently, was the Designated Republican Shill for this hearing. He started his questioning by asking Comey why he thought trump's "I hope we can drop the Flynn thing" statement was such a big deal when it was never mentioned again by trump, the White House staff, the Director of National Intelligence, the Attorney General, the Department of Justice, or the head of the National Security Administration. He followed this line of reasoning to a (flawed, obviously) implied conclusion that a) either trump never said this, at which point Comey is lying (forget that he's under oath and all that), or 2) it was never a big deal in the first place and Comey is overreacting.
Lankford is also trying to paint trump in positive light by pointing out that, even though he has the authority to stop the investigation, he has not done so. Granted, there is a very real possibility that trump is not aware of this ...
My opinion: Lankford was noting more than the token Wild-Eyed Republican whose main goal of the hearing was to vindicate trump of any and all accusations of everything and show everybody that he's really an awesome guy and if everyone would just let him do his thing the country would be great again and everybody wold have money, and fame, and more money, and fancy cars, and the world would be a wonderful place.
Of course, this only applies to rich white male Republicans. Everybody else can go screw themselves, because they don't matter.
I rate Lankford's performance as ludicrously partisan.
Joe Manchin, D-WV
Senator Manchin was lobbing softballs. He asked Comey about trump's interest in the Russia investigation (almost identical to the question asked by Senator Angus King), giving Comey the opportunity to wax poetic about how this was not a Democrat or Republican thing but an American thing, that "this great experiment of ours is a threat to them," and that "as difficult as we can be with each other, we remain that shining city on the hill."
He then asked about Robert Mueller, and whether or not he would be "thorough and complete" in his investigation as Special Counsel. Comey replied by saying that he would indeed, and that Mueller is "one of the finest people and public servants this country has ever produced."
My opinion: Manchin is, to some people, a DINO (Democrat In Name Only) in that he has pretty strong conservative creds and there have been rumors that he may defect to the GOP. Given that, I don't know if we can tag him as being partisan; if anything, he was anti-partisan, slightly boosting the Republican case that trump is NOT a serial liar, philanderer, and cheat. Therefore I will rate this performance as non-partisan.
Tom Cotton, R-AR
Tom Cotton is one of the most partisan members of the Senate, but without the intellectual power of someone like Mitch McConnell (who isn't really the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but who is very canny and shrewd). Cotton's questioning began with trying to get Comey to state that there was no connection between Russia and the trump team. Comey didn't fall for it, and that line of questioning fell flat.
Cotton's next gambit was to focus on a New York Times article form February 14th, headlined "Trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence," by asking "Would it be fair to characterize that story as almost entirely wrong?" Comey replied in the affirmative.
My opinion: First, the tactic of trying to exonerate trump failed, and failed big. Second, the focus on the NYT article is irrelevant ... it's not the first time a major paper got a story wrong (remember "Dewey Defeats Truman?"). I would rate this performance as not only wildly partisan, but also flat-out stupid. Not that I would expect anything else from Tom Cotton.
Kamala Harris, D-CA
Senator Harris asked many questions of Comey, all of which got the same reply: "I cannot answer that in an open setting." It seemed like she was going for the spear that would slay the trumpian dragon, but fell short. Of course, once the closed session began, she may have gotten something ... we won't know for sure unless the hearing transcript is declassified.
My opinion: Harris was going for the jugular, partisanship-wise. The fact that she failed had everything to do with her asking about sensitive material. I rate her performance as highly partisan.
John Cornyn, R-TX
Cornyn started his questioning with a legit question: if an FBI agent becomes aware of criminal activity, is he or she under a legal obligation to report it? Comey replied that he did not know about a legal obligation, but there is certainly an ethical one.
Cornyn then focused the rest of his time on the Clinton email thing,  hammering the point that a special counsel was not named despite repeated requests from Congress to AG Loretta Lynch to do so (including from Cornyn). Comey said that he decided a special counsel would have been "unfair" because "I knew there was no case there."
He finished up his questioning by asking "Do you think it's unreasonable for anyone, any president, who has been assured on multiple occasions that he's not the subject of an FBI investigation, do you think it's unreasonable for them to want the FBI director to publicly announce that, so that this cloud over his administration would be removed?" To which Comey replied that it was a reasonable point of view, but that it was inadvisable because of the possibility of "a duty to correct."
My opinion: John Cornyn has always had a naked hatred of the Clintons, and saw this as an opportunity to beat that dead horse one more time. I rate his performance as off-the-charts partisan, and also a bit ridiculous.
Jack Reed, D-RI
Senator Reed asked Comey if the direction in which the Russian investigation was headed could include the president. Comey said in theory, yes, but was not willing to make a definitive yea/nay statement.
My opinion: Reed appeared to be trying to convict trump right off the bat, but was derailed by Comey sticking to the facts as he knew them. I rate is performance as highly partisan.
John McCain, R-AZ
Senator McCain's questioning was not quite as unhinged as everybody is making it out to be. Yes, he asked why the investigation into Clinton's email server was closed while the trump investigation was not, but seemed unable (or unwilling) to grasp the concept of the Clinton investigation being completed while the trump investigation is still ongoing. Comey explained that the Clinton investigation had run its course and did not turn up any prosecutable offense, but the trump investigation is still in the early stages and it is too soon to draw conclusions.
McCain then asked about Clinton's involvement with Russian interference in the election by saying "you made the announcement there would be no charges brought against then-Secretary Clinton for any activities involved in the Russia involvement and our engagement in our election." Apparently, the fact that Clinton had no involvement with Russian interference -- except, of course, as the primary target and intended victim -- didn't register with him.
My opinion: Yes, he came off as a little nutty, as that crazy old uncle that keeps getting invited to Thanksgiving even though nobody really likes him and all he does is rant about irrelevant topics, but he was also using blunt-force partisanship to try to cast doubt on Comey's testimony. I rate his performance as highly partisan, and possibly as an indication of impending dementia.
So there you have it. The entire hearing, wrapped up in a nice little package. Now, I would like to make some observations here.
First, I find these public hearings to be more than a little ridiculous. Let's face it, with subject matter like this, nothing of substance is going to come out of a public hearing because so much of the relevant information is classified and forbidden from public consumption. These hearings are nothing more than political theater, a chance for some Senators to get some face time on camera and burnish their partisan reputations. Out of the two and a half hours of testimony, all we heard was what Comey had written in his seven page initial testimony, released a few days ago ... it was just massaged and tilted this way and that to show different faces.
Second, this hearing points to a larger issue: both parties are concerned more with the balance of power within Washington than they are concerned with the lives of those outside the Beltway. This is actually nothing new; it's only the prevalence of social media and the 24/7 news cycle that has given it more visibility. However, the fact remains that, in any given situation, Congress is going to act according to what is best for the next election cycle, or what will bring in the most campaign donations, or what will make the other side look as ineffectual and ridiculous as possible, and everybody who is not a member of Congress of a big donor to their campaign coffers ... well, if it works out in their favor, it is sheerly by accident.
Third, the fundamental thing that everybody seems to be overlooking here is that trump is not a legitimate president. Yes, he won the Electoral College, but only because a foreign power put their finger on the scales. He lost the popular vote. He has alienated virtually every world leader, so much so that the leaders of European countries are going to bypass the President and the White House and go directly to the states when it comes to the Paris Climate Accord. He has approval ratings that would make Nixon gulp.
donald trump is turning the United States into a second-rate Third World nation, and the Republicans are doing nobody any favors by going along with it in the name of bolstering their short-term agenda. The Democrats aren't helping, either, by painting all trump supporters with the same broad "they're all a bunch of idiot yokels" brush.
The partisanship has to come to an end. Republicans and Democrats need to put party aside for a bit and focus on country, and the people therein. Otherwise we are all doomed to an endless display of petty bickering and constant games of one-upmanship, and the people of the United States -- you know, the ones for whom these clowns are supposed to be working -- are going to bear the brunt.
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