#wsp katie
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butterboy69420 · 2 months ago
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Was scrolling through my files and I forgot that I had this made. Tried replicating Yoichi Kotabe's colouring style for this Mario AU idea I had. This was an idea I had in my tiny brain and then I forgot about it. Also merry Christmas.
I like to call this AU "Super Katie bros" in honour of my girl Katie and her sister. She's canonically a bit of a Mario fan.
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spaceacesoaps · 29 days ago
I would love some help finding some alternatives! My favorite was your Brittle Hollow soap. Though knowing the fragrance oil would be pretty awesome too, I've been thinking about getting into soap or even perfume making for a few years now
The fragrance oil for Brittle Hollow was Wholesale Supplies Plus's Peppermint Macaron! It's not a dupe so I can't give you a 1:1 recommendation, but I believe that Katie over at Royalty Soaps has used it or similar scents in the past!
I strongly recommend Nurture Handmade (previously Nurture Soaps) and their Melt and Pour starter kit!
That 2lb soap mold is the exact same one that I started out with, and the kit comes with enough variety that you have some chances to mess around! Their site also has a wonderful soap calculator (and so does WSP's) that helps you add enough fragrance oil to have a scent, while keeping you from adding so much that you end up hurting yourself or ruining your soap.
I've never made perfume so I can't give you any tips there, but I'm more than happy to help you get started with soap making!
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youngfcs · 2 years ago
Hey!!! Wsp?
Do you have any fc that could be daughter/sister of Olivia Cooke?
Love you <3
Hello there! hope you're well! of course <3
Philippa Coulthard (20-29)
Sadie Soverall (15-21)
Bailee Madison (16-23)
Daisy Edgar-Jones (17-25)
Ella Purnell (18-26)
Katie Douglas (17-24)
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lindanailsword · 6 years ago
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Muy buenos días!!! Mira las Uñitas de Katy 🙋‍♀️ Recuerda reservar tu horita al wsp de nuestra biografía. Nuestros salones están ubicados en Edificio caracol local 21 y Avda Marcelo Fourcade 224 Valle Volcanes. Nuestra tienda está ubicada en Edificio caracol local 26. Nuestra sala de clases Instituto Clear Manicure, en Studio Linda Nails Valle Volcanes. Te esperamos!!!! . . . . . . . . . #puertomontt #esmaltadopermanente #uñasacrilicas #uñas #manicure #uñasmordidas #regalo #nails #vallevolcanes #edificiocaracol #productosparamanicure #cursodemanicure #clearinstituto #lindanailstore #productosparamanicure #relatorademanicure #chile #puertovaras #producto #herramientas #miasecretnails https://www.instagram.com/p/B1d7BfalL2e/?igshid=17qij9kfgs46o
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twunkhector · 8 years ago
im katie totally knowing wsp between mike and sara and just side smiling them
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filtration-products · 6 years ago
Business News Round Up – September 21
Voltea Moves to Larger U.S. Headquarters; GS&P Launches New Brand Strategy, Company Name and Brandmark
Editor’s Note: Each week, Water & Wastes Digest will post an aggregate of business news briefs and networking news items to keep you informed on facility openings, business mergers and purchases, changes in personnel and award notifications, among others in the water and wastewater treatment industries. If you have business news briefs you would like included in this weekly round up, please email the press release, photo and a link to the post on your website to [email protected] with the subject line “Business News Round Up.” One news item per company per week will be posted.
  Veolia commences major upgrade to the Vartry Water Treatment Plant
Veolia is now working in partnership with Irish Water to develop and operate a new 75 million litres per day water treatment plant at Vartry, Co Wicklow. Designed to meet the growing and future needs of the population of Dublin the new plant will secure the existing supply and forms part of Irish Water’s €200 million investment plan in the Vartry Water Supply Scheme.
The Vartry Water Supply Scheme project will supply safe and sustainable drinking water to around 200,000 people in the Greater Dublin region. Under the contract, Veolia will be responsible for the design, construction, commissioning and testing and interim operation of new water treatment buildings. This includes treatment units, sludge management facilities, wash-water settlement tanks, a standby generator and reservoir upgrades. The work will take around 24 months to complete and will be followed by an interim operation and maintenance contract delivered by the local Veolia teams.
  Voltea Moves to Larger U.S. Headquarters
Voltea, global leader in Membrane Capacitive Deionization (CapDI©) water purification technology, have moved into a larger U.S. headquarters location. Voltea’s global orders have increased by a remarkable 300 percent over the last 12 months.
The new office, manufacturing plant and training center reflect the rapid growth of the company, including the release of two groundbreaking new products in the last year.
  GS&P Launches New Brand Strategy, Company Name and Brandmark
Gresham, Smith and Partners is now Gresham Smith. The new, simplified name is being announced as part of the launch of a new brand strategy – which comes with a new visual and verbal identity and website. The brand strategy is encapsulated by Gresham Smith’s brand promise and tagline: Genuine Ingenuity. No matter who the firm works with, clients, employees, partners and community organizations can all expect to collaborate with people who produce functional and creative solutions.
Centrisys has been a manufacturer of decanter centrifuge technology for dewatering and thickening in municipal and industrial applications.
Centrisys/CNP Enhances Lab Services with Advanced Equipment and Talent
In an industrial park in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a group of individuals are working together to continue the advancement of their solids handling technologies. These engineers work for one company, but have different divisions: equipment manufacturing and biosolids treatment. Combining their efforts, the Centrisys/CNP process and R&D teams are ready to tackle difficult sludge handling and optimization challenges.
Since 1987, Centrisys has been a manufacturer of decanter centrifuge technology for dewatering and thickening in municipal and industrial applications. The company recently added to its equipment portfolio with the award winning THK Sludge Thickener and the SP Series Screwpress. The CNP division, acquired in 2014, offers Airprex® and CalPrex, nutrient recovery process technologies, and PONDUS, a Thermo-Chemical Hydrolysis Process (TCHP) for sludge optimization. Working together, Centrisys/CNP can offer customers sludge testing and analysis necessary to problem solve above and beyond the normal capabilities of a typical manufacturer.
  Gannett Fleming Expands Water Services with KEH Acquisition
Global infrastructure firm Gannett Fleming has acquired the assets of KEH & Associates Inc. KEH is a highly respected water and wastewater engineering firm based in Southern California. This acquisition creates a national water team with a depth of knowledge few other firms can match.
“When considering an acquisition, Gannett Fleming leadership first looks at a company’s culture. Are employees valued and encouraged to continually learn? Do they contribute to improving their community? Are they committed to amazing their clients with innovative solutions? KEH checked all of those boxes and more,” said Bob Scaer, PE, Gannett Fleming chairman and CEO. “We will now be able to provide California water clients access to specialized, local expertise backed by the resources of a global infrastructure firm.”
  IBO 2018 Industrial Design Awards Announced
Instrument Business Outlook (IBO) have announced the winners of the annual IBO Industrial Design Awards for excellence in the industrial design of analytical instruments. The winners of the 2018 Awards exemplify the importance of industrial design to an instrument’s functionality, end-user experience and approachability. The winners are:
Gold Award:             Agilent Technologies’ Ultivo Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Silver Award:            Shimadzu’s MALDI-8020 Mass Spectrometer Bronze Award:         ��Dolomite Bio’s Nadia Instrument
  Update to Columbus Water Master Plan Aims to Address Future Growth, Water Demand and Efficiency
Arcadis and the City of Columbus are teaming up to update the city’s Comprehensive Water Master Plan. The plan will provide a roadmap for addressing new infrastructure, redundancy measures and needed enhancements to the city’s water distribution system, while accounting for projected population growth and economic development.
In the next 30-plus years, Central Ohio is expected to see as many as one million new residents. Also, Smart Columbus, the smart city initiative for the City of Columbus and the Columbus Region, has emerged as a primary driver for growth and change. With this growth comes the need to address the region’s water supply.
During the keynote speech, the company announced the next version of its cornerstone software, Ignition 8.
Ignition Community Conference Showcases New Software Version
Inductive Automation hosted its annual Ignition Community Conference in Folsom, Calif., Sept. 17 to 19. During the keynote speech, the company announced the next version of its cornerstone software, Ignition 8, which has improvements to the interface and user experience. The new software also adds functionality for responsiveness so screens can appropriately scale to fit the device viewing the screen, whether it is a phone, tablet or desktop. Additionally, the company awarded its five Firebrand awards, one of which is for a Hot Springs, Ark. water treatment plant.
Siemens to Help Calif. City Save Millions Through Solar Energy
Wasco, Calif. is projected to achieve more than $8.6M in energy savings, 41.7M kWh in reduced energy usage by end of 15-year performance contract.
An energy savings performance contract (ESPC) with Siemens will allow the city to use energy savings to fund a solar project situated on a former burn dump. The renewable energy produced will help offset approximately 60 percent of the city’s current energy usage and costs associated with its municipal buildings as well as the treatment and distribution of water and wastewater.
  Networking News JWC Environmental have announced the appointment of Greg Guard as the president of JWC Environmental business. WSP USA appoints Douglas Oliver mine water services leader. Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Inc. has promoted Jeremy N. Nakashima, P.E., to lead the firm’s wastewater practice. Kemco Systems recently announced the addition of Katie Giroud to their Marketing Team. Dewberry has hired Todd Shafer, PE, as the water service line leader in the firm’s Fairfax, Virginia, office. Buckman announced Larry Shutzberg will be joining its Board of Directors. WSSC Commissioners have announced the selection of Arthur A. Elkins, Jr., as inspector general.
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betsystoryofmylife · 8 years ago
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16 de mayo 2017  tal ves eran las  1 de la madrugada nacimiento  y te volvi a  ver  el muy serio  me saludo  obvio no era el momento de coquetear  pero una miradita no le costaba nada jajaja  yoo  asi ¬¬  sali y volvi en una hora mientras disfrutaba  de conversaciones  con amigos  me fueron adejar y justo tambien estabas  llegando  entramos y se gano al lado mio pero tu muy frio no me mirabas nada  muy indiferente y yo ahi mirando tu cara  y pensando  mmmm el primo de mi amiga es lindo y jamas me habia dado cuenta y lo seguia mirando y el nada  de nada . en ese momento  me di por vencida dije ya filo no lo mirare mas  y en ese momento veo que mi amiga no esta conmigo  y me acerque  a las hermanas de mi amiga  para no estar solita  y me llevaron para afuera y ocurrio el momento el se acerco obvio no a mi jajajaja  pero a sus primas  que eran las hermanas de mi amiga  pero tan solo que estuviera al ladito mio me ponia muy nerviosa  y el frio y los nervios que hacia esa noche  empezara a tiritar y su indiferencia seguia  y todos buscando a mi amiga kati porque me  habia dejado sola y el dijo la llamare en vos alta y dijo quizas debe andar con mi hermana  y lo primera interacion  yo : te contesto  , y el : no no todavia ... jajajja  y fin ... noo bromaa jajaa total que las amigas de mi amiga me dejaron ahi abandonada  y pense que el tambien me dejaria abandonada y no lo hizo  se quedo  y ahi no se que paso  solo que no paramos  de hablar   y el solo sonrio y yo dije ahhh nooo  amooo su sonrisa y cai algo paso en mi  no quiero ser cursi pero son contaditas  las personas que te pasa eso aunque a mi ultimamente me cuesta sentir  cosas por la mala experiencia que tuve  con el anonimo jajaj  ya pero  volviendo  al tema  sii senti  cositas en mi estomago  cada ves que seguia hablando miraba sus labios  y sentia ganas de besarlo  de agarrarlo ahhhh  pero no se podia  tenia que comportarme y asi lo hice  todo una lady  bueno me saco toda la informacion posible de mi vida y yo de la suya pero yo estaba tan imnotizada con su mirada y su sonrisa  que  no me acuerdo de mucho jjajaja   despues me bajaron de mi nuve cuando mi amiga llego con la hermana de el  nos fumamos  su puchito los 4  y sentia que me miraba todo el rato  y yo nerviosaaaaa  a cagar  y dijo: ya me voy ... y  yooo nooo porfa quedate a mi lado dame un besito jajajaj  no  no fue asi  solo le dije  bueno  cuidate  y el dijo nos vemos en conce   y yo :O y amiga se manda su frase  que esta pasando aqui   y ypoo jajajaja  de nervios... y paso lo que no queria que pasara   no deje de pensar en el  en toda la puta nocheee  y en la mañana al otro dia estuve con sus papas  y su mama parece que sospechaba la wea  porque me miraba todo el rato la señora  y  despues el papa me empezo hacer preguntas sobre mi y yo le dije  suegrooo soy la mejor jajajaja no tampoco lo dije eso  :(  jajajaja  solo le conteste todo amablemente .. pero  yo estaba pendiente de otra cosa   veiaa que no me agragaba a face como el dijo  y yo todo el puto dia mirando el face   y nadaaaa pucha la wea dije  lo buscare yo  y lo encontre  espere 24 horas jajaja y el dia 17 de mayo le mande la solicitud  y el se hizo rrogar  y me acepto  y cuando lo hizo no lo psicopatie porque ya lo habia hecho por el face del alvaro  solo dije ya por lo menos lo tengo en el face  podre ver sus fotitos  y  bueno no me aguante y le hable  me hablo  el wacheto rico y le pedi su numero para wsp  y ahi me entregee a el en cuerpo y alma jajajaj  puro coqueteo del puro para alla y los abrasos y los besos y que ahhhh  en resumen  fue quiero  purooo comerte  y  lo mas bonito que fue algo mutuo jajaja super bonito yaa todavia no tiene nada de bonito  pero me pone feliz  la idea que el igual quiere besarmeeee  y estar conmigo  y aqui estamos a 18 de mayo me dijo que pronto venia a conce  y yo lo espero con ancias  la verdad  no le dire nada a mi amiga  porque   mmm  no nono ni a nadie  algo piola  pero me encanta  <3
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butterboy69420 · 8 months ago
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I stuck these silly girls on the back of my phone since I got a new one. Decided to chibi-ify them. They came out really tiny.
Oh, apparently I've never posted Hayana or Lyric on my Tumblr before? Oh well, here they are. Hayana (red one) WAS gonna the protagonist for part 2.5... Until I demoted her from MC status.
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butterboy69420 · 11 months ago
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Them. Again. Because the funny art style change. They have new fullbody PNGs. I LOVE MY BRAINROT BABIES GRRGRGRGRGGRGRGR *bites them and shakes head violently like a rabid dog*
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butterboy69420 · 11 months ago
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This is how it feels to be a fan of Bleach for one month. My brain has been completely rewired by this manga series and now I've absorbed the art style............. Oopsies...............
Anyways, I drew my three brainrot babies.
Also part 2.5 had a complete overhaul (AKA MC change) so it doesn't have a name as of right now. So... Can't tag it.
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butterboy69420 · 1 year ago
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These three goobers have a chokehold on me.
Kai is the stoic, tsundere yet very protective older brother. He has more story relevance than his sisters LOL. He likes hard rock music from the 80s, spends most of his time trying to get stronger to cope with his past, and has difficulties making friends due to how cold and rude he can be. He also aspires to play the guitar, which he hasn't been able to do since the passing of his mother. He is also a bit of a hopeless romantic although he is terrified of getting close to anyone ever again.
Katie is the independent middle child of the family. They are very sleepy and they don't care as much about honing their abilities in comparison to their siblings. She often has witty remarks to conversations, has a sarcastic, dry sense of humour, and a laid-back demeanour. In her spare time, they enjoy playing games on their SNES system and having surprisingly deep conversations.
Kallie is the youngest child of the family. She's easily the sweetest, nicest of the three of them. Although she's quite energetic and active at home, she's rather reclusive around others. After her mother's passing, she took the initiative to help out with her father around the house, and thus, much to the chagrin of her siblings, inherited the most of his obnoxious personality. She made a cloud friend whose name is Cirry, who provides her with emotional suppor.
Yeah so the sisters aren't as developed as I hope they would be. HOWEVER, I like them all. They have been rotting my brain for the past couple of weeks. They are all I can think about. If I remember to post on here, they will probably be all you see.
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butterboy69420 · 1 year ago
Audio taken from Bleach: Memories of Nobody.
Thought this audio in particular was very reminiscent of my silly characters. Obviously some dialogue changes here and there, but yeah. Kai does have his two younger sisters and himbo goofy dad. This is totally something that would happen in their household if Kai brought a boy over.
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