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endlessfearsfancast · 2 months ago
Hello Tumblr!
So, I'm looking for a couple of voice actors in regards to my fancast. I don't exactly... have all the voices thought out, but I at least have a few personality types sorted!
Supplemental, being British is not a requirement, as long as you can do an accent you're fine! I mean, heck, a few people on here are American. Okay, lets go:
David Hallaway: Old, like, around his 40s I'd say with a gruff voice and cockney accent. He always has the "tired dad" sort of sound to him. Looking for a voice in the more... masculine register
Marissa Lindell: I picture like, really fake, high, airy kinda voice. But I'd like some range considering the plans I have for her (rubs hands evilly)
Alora Rothman: Deep, feminine voice (Cis or Transwoman, doesn't matter to me), kind of monotone in a similar light to Elijah, yet looses it upon feeling heavy emotion or under extreme stress.
Cleome Rhodes: Kinda has that Salad Fingers type of vocal tone, would like a transwoman voice her. No offense to anybody who is AFAB but Id like her voice to be truer to the character
"Friend": I will take any voice for this character, my only requirements are slow speech patterns and sounding in pain. Like you're a ghost speaking through a vessel, if that makes sense?
"The Monster That Lies In The Dark": Deep, monstruous, gravelly. Either fem or masc, I don't care. If you can go deep and monstrous, you got a good chance!
Collis Holmes: Would prefer someone masculine for this role, but I am not picky. Half the avatars are ambiguous gender wise. He sounds like he's on the verge of crying or throwing up at every given moment, shaky and hates it.
Montana Reed: Gruff and country, basically Cole Cassidy if he were a cool murder cowboy Vane Sandoval: Geniuenly, I forgot he existed. So if you can make him sound like a crazy bastard you have good chances of getting the part. I only remembered him after I was looking on my doc and DID NOT SEE HIM. He didn't even have a name Vane im SO sorry
Osiris Dernier: Masculine, deep, kinda getting the vibes of Asterian but if he was more of a diva. Kinda need range cus oh my GOD he is DRAMATIC, would also like if the person auditioning can sing, since this man is if theatre kid was terminal. Limos Nineltowski: Another masculine one, folks. I like men. I MEAN WHAT WHO SAID THAT???? Anyways, being serious, this man just sounds tired. Not like "its 1 pm and i just woke up" tired more like "Do I really wanna be here right now? Like, alive?" tired
"Mimi": Anybody can voice this creature, they're just quiet, whispery, and have a cute little "kekekeke" laugh
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Farida Rashid: Slow, airy, kinda like someone constantly disassociating. Feminine, accent can be either Welsh, Arabic or both, it really doesn't matter.
[ Thank you Mel and Odds for providing these descriptions/gen ]
Hey? Wanna Audition?
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sead-sarchivist · 13 days ago
(authors note: so hey I am going to put this RP with my blank for now. This app won’t let me switch to my other account to ask questions. just know that I will be using an rp account for the rest of this thank you)
(Allen enters your vicinity)
hello dear human, may I please ask some questions.
Sage looks up from their desk, a bit alarmed and confused, yet they remain as close as they can be to calm. Through nervous laughter they squeak out a shy;
"S- suuuuure? Hhhhow. Did. You. Get... in here though?"
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imlivinginyourtrashcan · 2 months ago
I am here today to shamelessly promote a piece of media I have made! Gut feeling you all will eat this up <3
Click for further details
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endlessfearsfancast · 5 days ago
SOOOOON YEEEEES SOOOOOOOONNNN!!!! [Rubs hands together in an evil way]
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endlessfearsfancast · 13 days ago
yall the meat and potatoes of this so far is like 11 minutes long give me a minute it should be out by today if dandys world doesnt take me again
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endlessfearsfancast · 1 month ago
The writing for episode three has been officially finished! I am! Certainly feeling!!
By the way, if you'd still like to audition we are ALWAYS looking for spots, as of right now I'm more in demand for male VAs, transgender or cis, either works! If you got a voice, you got a voice, dude!
If you know anyone or want anyone to know me, heres my email:
spread the word, oh tumblrinos. Ah... now im gonna go write audition tapes or play dandys world or something
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sead-sarchivist · 17 days ago
Weither intentionally stern or not, they seem... overall afraid of your ga[y]ze. Quickly, they clear their throat and force a few laughs,
"Ha- haha... uhm..." they clear their throat again, "The uh- the problem with that is uh... the uhm... the- the- next bus to Hastings isn't... going to be here... for another hour..."
They force a smile, but their eyes are glistening with the aura of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
[ @sead-sarchivist ]
"Oh! Erm- s- sorry, I thought my boss contacted yours about the- heh- the new building up in Hastings? For uhm... the amount of statements the Archives had... A few people thought it best to make another building."
They whipe their hands on their trousers a couple times, raising one, asking for it to be shaken. Its sweaty again, "S- Sage. Newbert. Uhm... Head Archivist in the Hastings building... pleasure to meet you! E- even if the uhm... timings... unfortunate..."
I... I see. No, nobody told me about the new building.
He reluctantly shook your hand, keeping a stern look. Not like he could really control it.
Well, it was nice to meet you. I assume you'd like to be going now. You're probably very late.
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endlessfearsfancast · 1 month ago
Sweet Shop
Hello everyone! This one sure was a lot to get done, but hey! We did it!!! THINGS HAVE BEEN DONE!!!
Regardless, I hope you all enjoy, and super mega big thanks to @melsopiah for providing the voice of Sasha Lemmings :)
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endlessfearsfancast · 2 months ago
I'd like to publicly thank all the people who have been emailing me and wanted to ACTIVELY participate in this little passion project of mine and then go the extra mile and PUT the work/annoucements out there!! You guys are literally the best!! Oh MY GOD??? HELLO???
Me gushing out of the way, we almost have the archivists fully casted! Elijah has been in the running, but Kara, Sasha, and our new friend Task have been officially casted! (Thank you to @spiraling-p0et , @melsopiah and @oddball-artz... and @noah-floating, I cant forget about you. but you voice someone secret to the public.) HOWEVER I am ALWAYS looking for new voices! If you don't get a main part, don't beat yourself up! Theres still the live statements, you know! :3
If you need better references, let me know in email. But what I'm looking for in both David and Elijah so far has not changed, I can't be flexible with David sadly (AMAB and Cockney) but to all my lovely genderfucks, go ham with Eli! I'll have to change a few things on his vocal bio because, you know, characters change in production haha. BUTBUTBUT go crazy, go stupid (If you need my email reposted its [email protected], okay, thank you and byebye!)
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sead-sarchivist · 17 days ago
I got off at the wrong bus station. My life is over. First bronchitis and now this
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endlessfearsfancast · 2 months ago
Hello friends! I'd like to start off by saying I've already posted this on my main, but reposting it hear for more information! Aka, the description of the video, because I totally forgot that you couldn't click onto it for more details.... whoopsie!
We here at Endless fears have no ties or affiliations to TMA or Rusty Quill's productions. Everything here was me using soundtrap, vocaroo, picsart and capcut to bring this beautiful piece of pie together
Episode was written, preformed and edited by Noah (he/him)
Featuring: Noah (He/Him) as Sage Newbert (They/Them)
Unfortunately, we don't have a theme so for now all we have is the actuall Magnus intro, if anyone has a theme for our lovely little podcast feel free to contact me via email.
Apolosneezes for sounding real awkward in the beginning AND end, those parts were unscripted because this was simply ment to be a fanfic. But, several hours and glasses of tea later, here I am.
Also also! Any voice actors interested in joining the group, feel free to contact me at [email protected] because that is the most concrete form of contact. I may be a slow turtle responding though 😭 Hope you enjoy and see you next time!~
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sead-sarchivist · 24 days ago
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Ah!!! Okay!! Okay!! I will!! One problem with THAT, however... what exactly... is the Mechanisms? Is that a band? I'm... not really a music person, I honestly prefer a good podcast and a cup of tea :)
...Either that or a bug documentary. My personal favorites are the ones about Mantis' or Scarab Beetles
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endlessfearsfancast · 5 days ago
Woopsie, forgor!
Float (@noah-floating) posted the episode already but uhhh something more offical before I record ep 4
(Thanks Float for posting this for me oh my god its a weight off my shoulders)
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endlessfearsfancast · 21 hours ago
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endlessfearsfancast · 22 days ago
apologies for the 3rd episode taking a while, ive been busy and im still waiting for some lines but itll (hopefully) be out soonsies
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endlessfearsfancast · 2 days ago
The only two we really need at the moment are David and Hazel!! LIFE IS GOOD TODAY!!!! Hi erm hi waves e waves hint hint nudge nudge nudge waves points loudly
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