#writting gifs everything
thaliajoy-blog · 6 months
A special type of character I adore. Godlike. Broken. Human. Losing touch.
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itsbitmxdinhere · 11 days
So After playing HL I went on a rampage and gifted Monty's first scene :'D here are ma fave ones :3
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cjgladback · 1 month
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[ID: Animated gif showing four test renders of a wheeled wooden dragon toy from the same angle; with each render, small adjustments happen to its textures, darkening portions and adding details like nicks in the edges of the wood piece that might be the dragon's eye or brow bone. The final render stays visible while hand-drawn arrows appear, with handwritten labels that point out locations of a knot, wear, dents, glued, cracks, and rings. Some of the cracks are visible but nearly everything else is obscured by the angle of view. End ID]
Getting some unique moments into the wood material, I'm aiming for subtle changes. They're supposed to blend well with the wood grain textures! But on the best of days I want a neon sign pointing to the intentional work I've done and that desire now is exacerbated by how precisely the test render angle I've been using hides the detail areas. Between the dents in the right wing barely visible due to a glancing angle that the glued crack in the left wing would conversely require to be spotted, the obscuring of both chunky end grain edges on the lower piece of the face that needed their ring direction reinforced, and that just-out-of-view hand painted knot near the back right hip...it looks like I'm planning some grand reveal. I am not.
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myladysapphire · 30 days
Two Halves of a whole
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Aemond had always understood you in ways others could not, your bond so deep nothing could severe it. A bond so deep that they would do anything to save the other, even if it meant being trapped with the enemy.
based of this request
word count: 6,208
cw: MDI+, 18+, Smut, Angst, fluff, love conffessions, arranged marraige, cheating. (im so sorry Cregan i love you i swear), not proofread!
Aemond Targaryen x twinsister!reader (or Creaganswife!reader)
dividers by @zaldritzosrose
authors note: so sorry i haven’t updated in two weeks! ive been in such a writting slump but here is finally some work! <3
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Aemond had always understood you in ways now one else had.
Born together, you had never seen the day apart. Your lessons spent together, your rooms shared until you where three and ten.
And even then that did not stop you form spending every moment together.
You were so similar, not only where you twins but it was almost as If you where the same person, two halves of a whole.
You were kind, where he was cruel.
Your were beautiful where he seemed himself ugly, no matter the words you spoke to call him otherwise.
Where he was bold, you where shy.
And where you thrived, he drowned.
But something shifted the day Aemond claimed Vaghar.
You had both been dragon less, teased for it and faced the constant bullying of your older brother and nephews.
you had spent days talking and studying dragons, and where Aemond started to loose hope, and yet you pushed him to believe he could claim a dragon.
And he did, the biggest and most fearsome dragon in the world.
And you were left behind in the process.
That night, no one told you of what had transpired until you were dragged from your bed and greeted with the bleeding face of your twin brother.
Your house divided, and your brother a changed man.
Form that day he became cruel and cunning, hellbent on being the best swordsman. the best dragon rider. Skilled and wise.
And though you where there for it all, helping him and watching. It was all from the sidelines. As if you only mattered when he was involved.
that’s what your family thought anyway.
Until you became of marital age, and your father decided a alliance with the north was necessary.
You had always thought you would marry Aemond, and yet here you where on your way to winterfell about to marry a stranger you had never met.
Your nephew Jace had talked of him often, recounting his days spent in Winterfell. And though he  sounded honourable and kind, you feared what it would be like to be apart fork Aemond, the man who was truly the other half of you.
even after years of drifting apart he was still everything to you.                                                                                                
“are you excited, aunt?” Jace asked, he and the rest of your family where all accompany your north, using the journey as a tour of Westeros.
“As one can be to be marrying a stranger I suppose” you mused, looking out of the window.
Whilst your siblings all rode their dragons around Westeros, you were forced to ride with your nephews and cousins, with dragons too small to withstand the long journeys.
“Cregan stark is a good man, I’m sure you with have a good marriage” Baela spoke, looking up from her book.
You scoffed, “so everyone has met him but me?” you mumbled to yourself, shifting uncomfortably.
“I always thought you would marry Aemond” Rhanea spoke up, she and you had strike a surprising friendship, despite her distaste for Aemond. Your common lack and want for a dragon bonding you both.
“As did I” you spoke longingly, looking up and seeing the shape of Vaghar in the distance.  
The rest of the journey was spent with minimal words spoken, and your eyes never leaving Vaghars form.
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Ever since they announced your betrothal Aemond had been distant, still ever present as he was, but distant.
The day he had found out he had stormed out of his rooms and ignored you for the remainder of the day.
And though the day after he had carried out your old routine, it seemed different, strained.
Though Aemond was never a talker, he was never silent around you. If he didn’t respond with words, he responded with actions. Whether it be brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, caressing your hand, or bringing you flowers.
But since then, the casual touches or small gifts of flowers or your favourite snack or bringing you a book he thought you’d enjoy, stopped.
Conversation was strained, always ending on an awkward note, and when you had wished to confront him on it you had found he had gone to the silk of streets with Aegon.
You felt hurt, betrayed almost and yet it was you who was marrying another, leaving him behind, even if you had no choice in the fact.
And the tour had been even worse.
Your days spent in a carriage alongside people you hardly knew, with Jace and Luke the very boys who had once teased your mercilessly. The very people who had caused Aemond so much pain and even harsher words in the past years.
And yet you were forced to put on a pretty smile and put up with their chatter. Though had no quells with Rhaena, finding many conversation flows easy with her.
You felt all alone, stranded in a marriage yet to happen and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
The journey around Westeros was as long as it weas boring, full of lords trying their hardest to appease you father, spoiling you all with gifts and pretty words.
You were grateful once you started to visit the northern houses, they were honest, less kind, less welcoming and less inclined to spoil you with meaningless gifts.
It took six months, six months of travelling of Aemond being distant and eventually ignoring you altogether before you reached Winterfell. And met Cregan stark.
And though you could tell he was a good man and that there was no way to deny he wasn’t handsome, he wasn’t Aemond.
You got along well, though every smile or laugh was met with Aemond’s glare. His disapproving stare. His harsh words and even harsher steps as he followed you both through the halls.
He hadn’t said a word to you, but made sure you new his anger.
Even as he watched you walk down the aisle in the godswood and take Cregan as your lord husband.
After that day you felt perpetually lost, as if you had lost the other part of you, that you were never whole.
Perhaps it was because Aemond had left without so much as a goodbye, or that now there was no chance of you and Aemond getting what you both wanted.
Two years passed, two years in the north as Cregan’s wife, a babe born and not a single word or letter from Aemond.
You felt stranded in the north, with no dragon nor any dragon rider offering you an escape. Any letters took weeks to arrive, any news arriving long after the fact.
You heard little from anyone frankly, that’s why it was such a surprise to see your nephew Jace once more.
“Jace?” you questioned, as you walked into the great hall. He sat beside Cregan, clearly having spent the night.
You were shocked, no one had told you of his arrival.
“Aunt” he greeted in turn, his voice kind as he greeted you.
“What are you doing here?” you said, as you approached where they sat.
He looked over to Cregan, shocked you didn’t know he was here. “Your father…Viserys is dead”
“oh” you said, not feeling any emotion in particular. He had never been a father too you, always distant, treating you more like a cousin child, than his own. “did he- was it peaceful?”
“I don’t know” he said, as you finally took your seat beside him, “we had left Kings Landing before-“
“Is that why your here? My fathers death?”
Jace looked over to Cregan an awkwardly, “Aegon usurped my mother, I have been sent to remind the north of their oath.”
Aegon being king wasn’t a surprise, your mother and grandsire had been plotting for years to crown him since he was born. If anything, you were shocked that Jace seemed surprised by the betrayal, as if the court hadn’t been treating Aegon as heir for years.
“And as I told the prince, the north remembers” Cregan said looking over to you, his tone serious. “we pledge our loyalty to the queen”
“and if war comes with you plunge your sword into my brothers back, husband?”
“if it comes it it, aye”
You looked down and remained quite through the remainder of Jace’s stay, keeping to yourself, as you always did.
The harsh realisation that your husband would so easily kill your brothers hurt, even if they were traitors and usurpers.
You had never felt whole since Aemond left and you knew a part of you chipped away the longer he was gone, the longer he punished you with his silence.
And then news came, Luke was dead at the hands of Aemond. And you felt apart of you break.
The realisation that Aemond would not survive this war without erasing the entirety of Rhaenrya’s line.
You felt more stuck than ever.
Stuck with a husband plotting a war were the allegiance was split.
You had married Cregan in hope of uniting the north to the greens. But of course the loyal house stark would never wavier form their oath, even if it meant a wife forced to watch as her kin was murdered.
You hated this war, and it had yet to start.
You had been left in charge of Winterfell in your husbands absence, and you felt even more lonely without him. The one person who you had felt some stability from.
Your dreams was filled with blood and death, fear of what was to come. And yet another dream chased you. Flashes of blue flames, ice eyes and cold scales. A song sung through your mind, it had no words or melody, it was as if it were a secret language only your dreams could understand.
A storm raged on, leaving you locked inside and a feeling a dread filling your bones.
You couldn’t escape the nagging feeling, the feeling like something was very wrong.
You could scarcely see outside the window, let alone leave the keep. The snow thick and relentless, and yet you could make out a figure ever so slightly.
A dragon.
Large and far away, your mind hoped it was Aemond, though he would be a fool to travel north, especially in this storm.
And yet it seemed to pale, not nearly as monstrous or large.
It called to you, your eyes following if, unable to tear themselves away from the dragon.
Had it not been the call of your name from your maid, Lyra, you were sure you would have chased after it, its song luring you to were ever its layer sat.
“my lady” she started, her demeanour nervous
“what is it?” you questioned, finally pulling your eyes away from the creature.
“you have a visitor”
“who-“ your words were cut off as your twin strolled in, his yes firm, a hand gripping his sword “Aemond”  you breathed, your hand gripping at your chest.
“sister” he greeted.
You sent a look to lyra, sending her running, though she seemed relived at the dismal.
“my husband is not here”
“he pledged for Rhaenrya”
His gaze hardened, a smile gracing his lips “you betray your own kin”
You scoffed “me betray? You are the one who has not spoken a word to me since the day i was married, no letter no word! Even Aegon wrote me and yet you my own twin, the very man i have loved and been with since the day we were born, betrays me without a word all because I am shipped of in a marriage you very well knew I did not want! If anyone has betrayed the other it is you”
His gaze fell, his smirk falling, “you choose him-“
“by the gods! I had no say”
His eyes dropped their firm, “no…mother said you had chosen him and rejected my bid” “your bid? You bid for my hand?” you scoffed once more, “do you think that if I knew I had a choice I would have come crying, begging for your help?”
He seemed you look at you, look at you for the first time in years, his yes boring into you in a way you did not realise you missed.
Aemond had always been selifish and cruel, a man who only believed his opinion to be the truth and yet with you he was patient and kind, and though you saw a glimpse of the man others did see, you knew he was still the Aemond you had long knew.
Though the fact remained, as it stood you were on opposing sides of this war, and with no dragon and your son the heir to house stark, you were powerless to change sides.
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But as he looked at you, and as you heard to coo of your son as he sat in his crib your mind went back to the day your life changed and Aemond drifted apart.
You knew the day was coming, word had been circling around court, suitors from throughout the realm had come to bid for your hand.
Though you in truth you only wanted one man, your twin Aemond.
It wasn’t wrong for you to assume that you and he would marry, it was within the custom of your house, you had always been close and he had practically been courting you for years.
With gifts an-d days spent walking the gardens, with soft words and caresses.
Though he never made his intentions clear, you were sure he was of the same mind of you.
And yet days spent whining about the men hellbent on following you, with cheesy words of love and gifts you already had too may off. It was all impersonable and endlessly repetitive. And Aemond never uttered a word. Simply nodding his head in what you hoped was silent contempt.
and yet your mother had summoned you to her chambers, a sombre expression on her face.
“daughter” she greeted, a soft smile as she reached for your hand.
The feeling of dread encompassed you, your face pale and stricken as she ushered you to sit.
“an offer has been made, one your father could not refuse” she started, her hand caressing yours, “one with house stark…lord Cregan Stark has made a bid and your father has accepted.”
You swallowed, your head dropping.
“I know your heart bid for another…but this is the way of the realm, and lord Cregan is a good man, your- Rhaenrya’s son knows him well.” She spoke the last part hesitantly.
“we leave in a moons turn”
You nodded your head, standing quickly you nodded your head as your turn to leave, the tears already threatening to fall from your eyes.
You had ran to Aemond’s rooms, his chambers adjacent to yours.
Your eyes were filled with tears, your face red and your breaths short.
He breathed your name, coming up to hold your face in his hands.
“I am to be married” you breathed through shallow breaths.
Aemond held his breath.
“mother…mother has said I shall marry…Lord Cregan Stark” you stuttered out, and Aemond back away from you, his hand dropping as if your face was fire.
“what?” he muttered harshly, “out of all your…suitors, him?”
“I had little say…I alw-“  you cut yourself of as you saw the look on Aemond’s face.
With you Aemond had always had patience, been kind where he was usually curel, his face never harsh or firm but now…now he seemed to hold the anger of the sun as he looked at you, as if he had been betrayed, as if he was the one being made to marry a man thousands of leagues away, a man you had never met.
“please Aemond” you begged, trying to move towards him once more.
You were unsure of what you were begging for.
Whether it was to help you get out of this betrothal or to marry him instead, but Aemond scoffed and sent you a glare that would send anyone else running.
“what do you want? Hmm?” he began, stalking over to you, “to help you out of it? Or what claim a dragon so that you might escape?” he said, his tone mocking.
“what is with you!” you spoke through tears, “why are you being so cruel?”
“cruel?” he scoffed once more, “you are the one being cruel!”
“how?! I had no choice!”
“you had every choice” he seethed, “and yet you continuously turn a blind eye to the right choice!”
“what choice? you think I had any choice in this?” you scoffed, “gods! Heleana had no say, even Rhaenyra had little say in her first husband and yet you think I got to choose?” tears were falling from your eyes but for an entirely different reason, you felt betrayed, the one person you knew or had thought you could trust with all your heart had betrayed you. Had made you lose all trust, and made you feel alone.
A feeling that had followed you for moons, even the following years that were to come. As he grew more and more distant, no more gifts or walks, days spent in each other’s company and now they were spent listening to your nephew trying to sell your future husband. Your mother and planning your wedding.
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You felt like you had lost Aemond In his entirety and yet here he stood before you, claiming you a traitor.
“why are you here?” you breathed, trying to forget the words he had said.
“for you” he spoke, straightening his stance as you walked towards your sons crib.
“for me? What of Rickon? Hmm?” you said, bouncing your six month of son in your arms. “he is the heir to Winterfell and his father fights for your enemies, you expect me to leave with you? To abandon my home?”
“your home?” he huffed, “last we spoke, you hated it here.”
“last we spoke was two years ago, opinions change especially in years apart”
“so what? You will stay in here in the cold, damp, baren land that is the north?”
“in favour of what?” you questioned genuinely, leaving the north would gain you nothing, instead you would lose the comforts of a husband and your son his birthright.
“you know…I always assumed we would wed” Aemond began, a small gasp left your throat, “and so you will wed me, your son will be Aegon’s heir until you and I have a son of our own”
“what…I am already married-“
“to a man I shall kill myself”
“Aemond! Gods you are mad! You speak of a life this war will never offer us!” you shook your head, “I- I cannot leave here, not for a life you cannot guarantee, especially after years of neglect over something I could not control”
“so you are a traitor”
“I pledge to no one, I care not for the throne especially if the fight is between Aegon and Rhaenyra” you spoke “I have no means to fight in this war for either side, and I do not desire to…if that is what you want…for me to leave my home for no reason other than an empty promise for a life we will never live then I must tell you to leave”
“leave?” he said bewildered, unbelieving you would send him away so quickly.
“you can stay the night or until the storm clears up, but I will here no more of this war or of your fantasy you have suddenly conjured up” A fantasy you had long desired yourself, had craved for him to desire it to. And now you were offered it, it seemed unreachable now. A war in its way, a war started by him and only one ending could grant you this fantasy, an ending to messy and deadly.
“I will go now” he spoke harshly, sending you a single glance before he took his leave.
That night the storm raged harsher, and sleep evaded you.
The storm did not stop raging once and for the first time since Driftmark you feared for your brothers life.
You stared out your window once more, trying to find the familiar shape of Vaghar, and yet you saw nothing.
Your eyes closed as you hoped, prayed that he had manged to get out of the storm.
But instead of a prayer you heard the song, the singing of that dragon once more.
Opening your eyes, you instantly found its shape, its wings flying through the sky as if the storm was nothing, its song enticing you to follow it, to find were it sat.
Grabbing your cloak and your boats you were quick to sneak from the castle, with no one questioning the steps of their lady, even less when you made a hopeful glance to where you were told Vaghar had landed. Hoping Aemond had chosen to wait out the storm.
But the typical stubborn man had left, mostly likely gotten himself stranded on some cliff.
As you left the walls of Winterfell, your sight blinded by snow, you were guided by the dragons song, a song that grew louder and louder as you went deeper into the wolfs woods.
You had been hunting here on a few occasions, never alone and always at Cregan’s side.
The trees dwarfed the sky the further you went, and yet there was a clearing amongst the trees, leaving a trail of discarded leaves and twigs, snow parted by what could only be a tail.
The trail lead to a cave, encased with snow and yet here the song stopped and the familiar smell of dragon began.
You had not know of caves in these woods, then again you had long strayed from the trail others took, and perhaps the word of a dragon had made this corner of the woods scarce.
With hesitance you entered the cave, with no sword nor light, simply will.
The cave was empty, bar what seemed to be a cliff, leading below.
Had there not been the unrelenting scent of dragon you would have turned back and yet, you climbed down, down rugged rocks only to turn and be meet with an ice cold bolt shotting from the dragons mouth.
A roar filled the room, alongside ice cold blue flame.
The dragon you had only seen from a distance lay facing you, its stare made to intimidate.
You left out a breath at the sight of her.
She was so different yet similar to the dragons you had grown up seeing.
She tilted her head, assessing you, before she nudged you.
Whether it was playfully or an attempt to get you to leave you did not now.
And yet you continued to step forward.
“lykirī” You spoke softly, walking towards the dragon hand raised, “lykirī” your hand reached forward, touching the dragon’s snout softly. She was warm and yet freezing under your palm, so different from the hot scales you were used to under the touch of your siblings dragons.
“nyke ryptan aōha vāedar” you started, softly stroking her, “īles gevie…iksā gevie”
I heard your song… it was beautiful… you are beautiful.
A soft grumbled left the dragons lips.
“iksin ziry syt nyke? aōha vāedar?” you swore she nodded her head.
Was it for me? Your song?
“gōntan ao brōzagon syt nyke?” you whispered, moving down her snout and towards her back, the place a saddle usual sat.
did you call for me?
“eman dreamt hen ao, ryptan aōha vāedar syt jēdri. se yet mirre bisa jēda īlē paktot gō ñuha pungos”
i have dreamt of you, heard your song for years...and yet all this time you were right under my nose.
The dragon shook her head softly, turning to face you as if to urge you up upon her back.
You swallowed roughly as you climbed upon her wing and then her back. she was larger than your brothers dragon Sunfyer, you would even wager larger than dreamfyer, and yet she was younger, her eyes softer and scales thinner. Her fire, or ice, however was strong, perhaps even stronger than Caraxes.
You settled upon her back, holding onto her scales, and before you could utter a word, she took flight.
“daor” you muttered, “dohaerās” you spoke, your hands gripping tightly as you urged her to serve. “Paez”
The storm still raged, you were blinded as the snow pelted your eyes, and yet your dragon seemed unfazed.
She circled the woods in what seemed to be glee.
Showing of tricks that left you praying to the gods as you gripped onto her horns for dear life.
And then you heard a roar.
An old and ancient roar.
“jikagon ūndegon” you urged.
Go see
She flew through the sky at a rapid place before the sight of Vaghar became clear, she lay stranded on the lonely hills, covered in snow and Aemond lay beside her.
“elēnās” you commanded, urging our dragon to bank.
Jumping of her back you rushed towards Aemond, his body cold and shivering.
“Aemond…gods” you whispered, “I told you to stay the night!” you near screamed, trying to urge him awake, and yet he seemed unresponsive to your words.
“Vaghar jikagon, jurnegon syt shelter” you screamed, as you made moves to drag Aemond towards your dragon.
Vaghar go, search for shelter
The old dragon seemed to rumble at your words her gaze following you as you near threw Aemond body on top of the dragon, a dragon you decided very well needed a name.
You were scared to take flight once more, with nothing but your arms to hold onto the dragon and Aemond.
“gods” you muttered, your eyes blinded once more by snow. “sagon qucik se gīda” you commanded, pulling Aemond to your chest and below the winter coat you wore, your hands gripping your dragon, as you commanded her onwards.
Be quick and calm
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The flight to Winterfell seemed short, though worry racked through you as Aemond’s breaths grew shorter.
You landed rather ungracefully in the godswood, a landing that seemed to awake the whole castle as you were greeted with the entirety of your staff, your maid, Lyra rushing towards you a blanket in hand.
“my lady” she muttered rushing towards you, only to gasp at the sight of Aemond as you struggle to carry him.
“Gunther, Torren” you shouted for your guards, to help you carry Aemond, “send for the maester my brother is in need of aid.
“my lady is that your dragon?” Lyra asked, nervously as your dragon seemed to send menacing glares to your staff.
“yes” you nodded, catching your breath from your seemingly heavy brother.
“what is its name?” she asked stepping behind your form nervously.
“Stormfyer” you decided, and she herself seemed to like it as she eagerly nudged you, pushing you back ever so slightly.
That night the maester cared for Aemond, his body slowly recovering.
Though whispered moved swiftly of your brothers presence, and his lack of dragon.
A week passed before Aemond woke.
His voice scratchy and body weak, his head confused. Even more so when he saw your face.
You stood with broth and bread in your hand, a soft nervous smile on your face as you faced him.
His eyes were angry, but his face seemed to relax ever so slightly at your face.
“am I a prisoner?” he asked, as you placed the tray on his lap.
“if you talk a single word of war then yes” you joked, though the words soured soon after they were spoken.
“how did you find me?”
You smiled at his words, “there is a dragon in the north, she sang to me and I answered her call and in doing so I found you, your body beside Vaghars…. I rescued you, near a week ago”
“a dragon?” he spoke “you have dragon now?”
You nodded, “Stormfyer, I named her…she is near the size of dreamfyer I believe, though closer in age to Vermax” you spoke with a smile.
“I am…happy for you sister”
“I won’t reconsider… before you say anything”
“I know…I realised as such as I lay here dreaming”
“dreaming…of what?”
“of you” he spoke instantly, his hand gripping yours, “I meant what is said, all I have ever wanted was you by my side, as my wife and my queen” “I do not wish to be queen”
“then we shall be farmer and wife…in Essos or I shall shave my head and take the name snow and be your faithful sworn sword here in the north”
“Cregan will kill you second he sees you”
“then we leave”
“what if my son?” you argued, “he is the heir to Winterfell, it is his birthright”
“as is Aegon’s as king” Aemond snapped.
“and yet a war rages for Rhaenyra as queen, a queen the north supports and you lie as the enemy within.”
“then will you kill me sister?”
“never” you whispered, gripping his hand tightly, “you are the other half of me, I found you dying on the hills for a reason, I have felt your pain and joy for years…I will not betray you” “you staying here does…it hurts me, makes me ache for you”
You took a deep breath, moving the tray of Aemond’s lap, and yourself towards him.
You took his face in your heads, your forehead lent against his.
“I ache for you…everyday of my life I have ached for you” you breathed “I waited, I waited for you to feel he same for you to tell me you wished to have me as your wife and yet that day never came until a week past…after I am married and made a mother” your eyes swelled with tears, “if the gods wished us together they would have made it easier for us Aemond…they never would have put us on opposing side of a war…or me with a husband i-“ you were cut off with Aemond’s lips on yours.
His mouth merged with yours, moving in tandem with the others, years of love and desire melting into one as his mouth kissed yours, his hands gripping your sides as he pulled you onto his lap.
Your hands reaching for his hair, tugging him closer to you.
Soft moans left your moth as his tongue danced with yours.
Your dress loosened by his wandering hands.
Your hips moving slowly against this, his length hardening against your thigh as you cunt became sickened with your wet heat.
“Aemond” you moaned breaking away from him. “I am married”
“and I do not care” he smoke, removing his shirt and they your dress. Leaving you both bare.
Your eyes were roaming and quick.
As if nervous to see another man naked, and yet Aemond had long been the only man you ever desired.
You should be filled with guilt, with the thought of your husband and yet, no guilt chased you as you removed the covers and revealed Aemond’s cock.
You swallowed at he sight of him.
You moved forward placing a quick kiss to his lips, hovering over his cock, before lunging down.
The feeling of your walls wrapping around his cock made you both moan, your breaths heavy as you adjusted to the size of him.
Your head reasted on his shoulder, his hands gripping your waists as you began to lift your self of his cock, only to push them down once more.
You set a slow pace as you rode him, moving your hips in slow circular motions.
Aemond placed soft kisses to your neck, urging you to look at him.
He moaned your name, his hands caressing your sides, before settling once more on your hips.
Gripping your waist, he began to move you up and down on his cock, his pace fast and full of pleasure.
Your peak came fast, your moans covered by your hands as you rode his cock.
Your walls clenching around his cock, causing Aemond’s own peak to wash over him, his seed filling you as you lay breathless above him.
“Aemond” you breathed, kissing his chest lightly as he held you to him.
“I have wanted to do that forever” he whispered, kissing your head.
You wanted to say so may things and yet you couldn’t.
You felt joy at having Aemond finally, at your emotions being laid bare before him.
And yet a sadness watched over you as if this was a goodbye.
And seeing as shouts were heard, the sound of hooves and a rapid knock upon the door, you realised it was.
He gripped your hand, “stay” he urged.
“it is my husband” you whispered, gathering your clothes in a rush., “he can never know…you must leave!”
“leave? How when our husband and his men circle the courtyard”
“i- i- don’t..” you mumbled in a panic as your redressed, “this never happened Aemond, you must bend plea for something…I don’t know say you pledge for Rhaenyra”
“he will never believe it…and why would I come here if I did”
The knocking sounded once more…look asleep and sickly… I will come back” your promised rushing out the doors and to greet your husband.
“Husband” you greeted, a breathless smile on your face, “you are back?”
“only for a time, I’m afraid” he said, sad smile on his face as he gave you a kiss in greeting.
He turned serious as he faced you, his voice a whisper as he spoke, “your brother…Aemond” he began, “he is here?”
You swallowed, “yes…but please I beg don’t kill him” you said tears filling your eyes, “he can be our prisoner…I sent his dragon away he has no means of leaving” you begged.
He looked at you hesitantly, before urging you to talk inside.
“he is a kin slayer” he spoke outright, “he should be killed…executed”
“I know…but he is a valuable prisoner.” He looked at you the, with the same look he gave you the first few months of your marriage. When you felt alone and needed Aemond like you need air to breath.
“do you still love him?” he spoke after a moment, “and do not deny that you ever did…I know of the whispers and I know you saved his life days ago”
“you are my husband…the father of my son…I have cared for you and even started to love you-“
“but do you love him?”
You stared at him your eyes begging for what, you did not know “what does it matter” you sighed in mock defeat.
Cregan kissed his teeth, “queen Rhaenyra has taken Kingslanding, Aegon is missing, and Aemond now a hostage of the north and you...” he stopped himself unsure of what to make of you, “you are my wife and the lady of the north, a kingdom pledged to the queen”
“so what? Am I too a prisoner until you can test my loyalty?”
“do I need to test your loyalty?”
You had no reply as you stormed out of his solar, and to your own rooms.
You realised you had no choice in what was to come, Aemond would die and no prayers would save him from what his fate was set to be.
Sighing you faced the room you had made a home, now it seemed empty.
The crib lay empty, your son in the nursery.
Your bed made and fire well kept.
Your thing scattered, with clothes left tidy in their dresser, blanket slung over chairs, books left stacked.  
You sighed, your head falling in your hands as you began to pace your room.
Then the realisation hit, the need to flea and run
Grabbing a bag you packed everything you could, clothes and books, hairbrushes and toys for your son.
A cloak slung over your shoulder, the bag well hidden as you made way to the nursery.
Smiling as you greeted him, his smiles lighting the room as you took him into your arms and made way to where Aemond was kept.
He lay in his bed, the food you had brought now eaten, a book lay in his hand.
“Aemond” you breathed, closing the door behind you. “we must leave” you said as you chucked some of the clothes Cregan kept in your chamber towards him.
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Fleeing proved easier than you had thought. With feasts and revelry at your husbands return it was easy to sneak through the keep and towards the godswood.
Vhagar had made her way there only days ago, and though Aemond was still weak from the cold, he seemed to lighten up at the sight of her.
“where are we going?” he breathed as you tossed Aemond the bag you had packed.
“to lys” you began, “we cannot stay in Westeros and with the triarchy as your ally I am sure we would be safer there than here.”
After that day no one knows what happened to the Targaryen twins, many assumed Aemond had kidnapped you in act of revenge for your supposed loyalty to Rhaenrya and your betrayal against him. When in truth the escape had been your plan, and whilst you had lived in lys, myr and Tyrosh, moving from place to place for the first five years in fear of assassins, you later found a home where you thrive away from the war Aemond had began.
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folkvangr-seidr · 8 months
You're a bad idea.
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Pairing: Cairo Sweet x Dom!Fem!Reader
Summary: Cairo is mesmerized by the new, mysterious student sharing a class with her.
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: cursing, steamy scene (no smut however) I think that's all?
a/n: i'm sorry if it feels a little rushed? i changed the ending almost four times. hope you enjoy!
You hated how everything was changing but still, you felt numb.
You moved to another state, you decided to focus on your writting and suddenly you became a mystery.
Or at least that's how Cairo saw you. And she loved a good mystery more than anything.
More so if the mystery was the new and gorgeous student sharing a class with her.
Yeah, maybe she was getting a little obsessed over someone she had only exchanged a few words with.
She knew very little about you. Your name. The amazing writer you were. The body she only saw once, when you crossed paths in the locker room, you having finished your training with the soccer team, she getting ready for her swimming lessons.
The way you seemed to try to blend in so no one would be able to notice you. But she did. How could she not?
So she found herself, once again, writting about you. The possibilities were endless.
Who were you? Why did you get here halfway through the course?
God, she needed some sleep.
You were late to your first class but you couldn't care less. The creative writting lecturer was really annoying.
You didn't bother knocking on the door and just walked in, getting a few stares from other students AND, obviously, your professor.
"So you decided to finally show up? What an honor" he said.
You chose to ignore him, it was really early in the morning and you didn't have time for coffee before you left home so yes, you felt like shit.
You scanned the room looking for an empty seat somewhere you could just lay low until your eyes landed on Cairo Sweet.
Well, on the spot near her. You walked there and without another word you sat next to her and opened your laptop on your desk, ready to start writting while blocking out your teacher's voice.
You opened your most recent work, knowing full well you didn't have the energy nor the time to finish it right then but you thought you might as well give it a try.
You could feel the burning stare on the side of your head but you decided to ignore it and started typing instead, focusing on your work.
The minutes passed excruciatingly slow and you could feel yourself getting more and more annoyed at the fact that you were unable to focus on the poem you were writing.
"Trouble in paradise?" Cairo asked with a smirk, leaning closer so only you could hear.
You stared at her with no sign of emotion on your face and she felt like you could see clearly every thought she ever had.
"Mind your own bussiness" you retorted.
You saw dissapointment flash across her features before she returned her attention to the stupid lecture and for some reason all you could think about was her smirk, the small dimples on her cheeks and all those freckles.
Fuck, her face was like a sky full of stars.
You tried to focus on your work with little success when Cairo's face haunted your mind.
Class ended and you were the first one to leave, almost as if you were in a rush so when Cairo saw you smoking against a wall near the parking lot she was pleasantly surprised and without thinking it twice, she approached you and snatched the cigarrete from your hand, allowing herself a long drag before looking up at you with that same smirk from before.
You looked at her. Really looked at her. She was gorgeous. Her tiny frame held herself with shameless wonder. You felt like some force was pulling you to her.
"What do you want from me?" you asked.
She laughed and you swear your heart skipped a few beats in that moment.
"That's a great question" she said mischievously "I'm still figuring that out"
Then she stepped closer to you and she placed the cigarrete back in your lips.
"Then find me when you do, Cairo" you said smirking back before turning around and leaving.
She felt confused, she thought she was getting somewhere but she felt like you were always running.
Cairo watched as you started your bike and drove away from the building.
You really needed that coffee now if you wanted to make it to practice later that day.
You were distracted, which earned you a talk from the coach. You scoffed and left the field to sit on the bleachers, as he instructed you.
"Sit back there and cool down, don't want that temper on my team, kid" were his exact words.
You couldn't help it. You either felt numb or mad, there was no in-between.
You watched as the rest of the team finished some drifts and exercises and you joined them, the only answer to your move being a slightly nod from the coach.
Practice finished without further inconvinience but you always decided to run around the field while everybody went home.
You liked the solitude of it.
So you found yourself entering the locker room really late that day. You took off your shirt first thing and then looked around to find no other than Cairo Sweet, her wet hair falling around her shoulders. And she was definitely checking you out.
"Enjoying the view?" you asked raising one eyebrow at her.
"Mhmm" she muttered not looking away from your abs.
You stepped closer to her and that seemed to put her out of her trance and look straight to your face. She was blushing and biting her lower lip.
"I will ask again, Cairo. What do you want?" you took another step closer.
Her eyes darted back and forth between your eyes and you lips as she licked hers.
"I want you, Y/N" she said breathless.
And she sounded so sure of it.
Your eyes darkened as she leaned closer to you so she could trace her hand against your jaw.
"So pretty…" she said.
Something inside of you switched and in a swift movement you grabbed her hand above her head and guided her backwards until her back made contact with the locker behind her.
"Fuck" she whimpered.
You leaned so close that she could feel your breath against her mouth.
"That's what you want, Cairo? You want me to fuck you?" you demanded.
"Y-yes" she was breathing hard and you were enjoying every bit.
You released her hand and she placed it on your shoulder, tugging for you to get even closer, while your hand made its way to her collarbone, you traced it slowly and then you placed it on her throat, with just enough force to keep her head in place as you finally closed the gap and smashed your lips agains hers, kissing her hard.
You shivered when you felt her hand tracing down your torso, taking her time around your top to finally rest on your abs.
She moaned when your tongue traced her lower lip, asking for permission which she happily complied.
The sound of a door closing took you both out of your steamy make out session and you felt your body tense when you pulled apart.
"I have to go" you said "Didn't mean to start a fire" you added smirking at her.
And with that you grabbed your things and left her there, speechless and aching for you.
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himezoro · 7 months
roronoa zoro's guide to relationship (smut)
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tysm everyone for your love and support on the previous post ! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ i'm so sorry for how long this other post was to come, but work has been pretty exhausting and as you may know, i'm a lawyer so when it comes to having free time it gets hard lmao this one was requested by @jinjen, i hope they'll like it ! <3
i'm also working on a "one shot" smut for roronoa zoro that i've had in mind for so long, i hope you'll like it!!
minors dni !! 18+ only.
here's a headcanon of what a relationship with roronoa zoro would include sexually. i had a female partner in mind when writting which is why it's pretty gender based !
wc : 860
even before being in a relationship with roronoa zoro, the sexual tension between his s/o and himself was beyond compare ; his hair would bristle when he heard their voice, when their hands would touch at dinner, when they just entered the room. the tension between them is so high it gets hard to breathe. his eyes would linger on their figure like those of a ruthless predator ready to pounce onto their prey. the sway of their hips, the flips of their hair, the bites of their lips, the look of their doe eyes. everything sets him on.
it became a game for the two of them to play with that said tension before getting official. he's a tease after all. but afterwards? hell, there's just no rules. everything's allowed. from their s/o sensually touching his thigh under the table and tracing the shape of his growing erection when everyone's eating to him whispering the dirtiest things into his s/o's ear when they're just sitting reading in the middle of the kitchen with sanji close by. "how 'bout we give that shitty cook a show of how exquisite ya' juices taste ?" "i bet i can make ya squirt before ya reach the bottom of that stupid page baby.". it's all competition, and it's about who's going to resist the urge to cut the tension.
zoro would easily cut it before they do. hell, he's got three swords ffs.
he's always horny for his partner.
aside from this game, zoro can go from being a slow and passionate lover to a ruthless beast. going from "i wanna make love to you" to "i'm gonna fuck you until your brain goes dumb".
when he's in the mood for passionate sex, zoro would take his time to kiss his s/o endlessly. having them onto their lap, grinding slowly but surely, his hand at the back of their neck in a loving yet firm way. he would whisper sweet nothings he won't say in any other circumstances "you're so goddamn pretty", "i want this body on me forever", "i wanna make ya feel good", "let me please you", "i love you".
during those intimate and slow times, his giant figure would be afraid to break you. his cock would pound into their s/o painfully slowly, missionary style, so he can watch them take him so gracefully. he would leave trails of hickeys all over their chest while firmly holding their hands, moving his hips to the rhythm of their racing heartbeats.
he knows their body like his three swords.
would lick and finger your pussy like there's no tomorrow, until your legs shake while praising you so bad. he would lick all of your fluid and even lick his lips before kissing you to "give ya a taste".
he loves it when his s/o praises him, saying how good he's making them feel, or simply hearing his name in between their moans. he feels like he's the strongest in the world.
but the second zoro feels jealous or "dominant" (which would be more appropriate since he feels pretty confident in his ability to please you), oh boy. be ready for a ride.
he would pin their s/o to the nearest surface. anything remotely close : the floor ? check. the dinner table ? check. the desk in your room ? double check. the wall to the shower ? triple check that one. he would grab their face with his right hand, kissing them hard, watching the trails of saliva connecting them with complete lust before diving back into a sloppy yet quite nice kiss, while playing with his s/o's clothed pussy under their dress with his left hand.
if this makeout session came after a meaningless fight (angry sex), he would spin them hard so their ass was pinned to his clothed erection and smack it hard. "gonna be a good girl now or shall i smack some senses outta ya ?" he can be mean during those sessions, but when he would make up for it later.
he would make them suck his giant cock until he hears them gag, saying "ya can take it. look at me while you swallow it all." he loves receiving a blowjob from their partner, seeing his cock disappear into the depth of their throat.
he's so ridiculously strong. he'll have their s/o fucked in every position. makes them cum so many times his s/o loses count, but not him. he's competitive and keeps his record in check. his stamina is pretty solid too.
even in these times, he cannot help but praise their s/o. "your pussy's squeezing me whole", "you're taking my cock so well, looks like it's made for it".
loves shower/bath sex where he can have fun with his partner at the same time.
sleepy morning sex as well <3
in the end, sex remains a matter of trust and intimacy, so no matter how, be sure to know that afterwards, this boy would not let go of you and ask for a back rub just to keep the intimacy going.
would hate it if someone dared interrupting his peace during aftercare (which can happen since luffy and usopp are always going crazy).
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flwernyrvie · 1 month
𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿!𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘀 𝗩𝗲𝗹𝗮𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗻
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ!: smut, mentions of pregnancy, possessive!Jacaerys, incest, Reader has long silver hair but dark brown eyes, a year younger than Jace, reader likes snakes, both characters are 18+!!
Pairings: Jacaerys Velaryon x sister!reader, mentions of betrothal to Daeron.
Author’s note!: This is also my first time writting here but I am currently writing on wattpad, its a Benjicot Blackwood x Velaryon!reader so check it out (@flwernyrvie).
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Younger Jace!
Is definitely protective of you seeing how you’re the only daughter and only sister of theirs.
Would listen to you talk about your dreams and explanation of snakes and why they are so wonderful.
You two (including Luke) would always ride your dragons together.
Definitely would shield you away from the rumors about your parentage like how he do the same to Luke and Joffrey.
Would read to you about your favorite stories every night.
Spoils you in anyway he can. Like get you snakes from kingswood, or get your favorite flowers from the garden, etc.
Older Jace!
WOULD absolutely not let any men go near you, except of it’s luke or any of your brothers.
If someone did try and talk to you, he would pull you away from them making a excuse then would probably scold you for talking to another man and after the lectures he gave you, he would not leave your side.
He’ll probably glare at any men that would try to have an conversation with you and would tell them to fuck off in a nice way, (like the way he silenced Aegon in s1 ep 8?)
Of course Rhaenyra wouldn’t be too fond of knowing your brother is not letting you talk to other people and only to him and your siblings and would be rude to others when trying to have a nice conversation with you.
Of course this limitation of having the freedom to talk to people would affect you for finding a future husband but Jace doesn’t care about that because if your mother didn’t find any men to betrothed you to she’ll have to go to the obvious one, which is him.
Until your Grandsire announcement that you are to wed his youngest son, Daeron.
This made Jace angry that, that night after your grandsire made that announcement he marched his way to your chambers and fucked the living shit out of you. While whispering filthy things in your ear.
“How dare he betrothed you to him?” “Does he not know you belong to me?” “I’ll make him know.. we’ll make him know won’t we? Dōna mandia.” “Fuck we better stay quiet Issa jorrāelagon..” “You’ll give me my heirs, won’t you? Issa dōna mandia.” “Daeron will never make you feel this way, only I can.”
He didn’t stopped until the sun came up making sure his strong seed was planted on your womb, creating a life.
Jacaerys didn’t want to do that of course but he was desperate, desperate to have you, desperate to spend his entire life with you, desperate to have you be his wife and be your husband, desperate to make you happy knowing damn well their uncle cannot make you happy as he can.
One moons after that fateful night, your mother noticed how you’ve yet not bleed and is showing the signs of pregnancy. She brushed this off knowing you wouldn’t do such a thing but after another month went by she called you into your chambers to confront you.
You confessed and told your mother everything and Rhaenyra was not happy.
First of all, Jacaerys ruined you and he impregnated you nonetheless, second you are already betrothed to Daeron and was expected to marry him next year.
Daemon however found this amusing and even laughed at his step-sons boldness. He requested that you and Jacaerys should be married or else whispers might happen if not.
So that’s what happened, in less than a month you and Jace are married. You two of course had a secret wedding but when your grandsire found out Rhaenyra married you to Jacaerys he got mad but he cannot undo it now as you both already consummated the marriage.
Jacaerys however was more than happy at this. He gets to have you and you get to have him, a happy ending for all.
Seven moons later, you gave birth to your son Laenor. Two moons early to everyone’s shock.
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dfortrafalgar · 5 months
Hiii! I'm so happy you are taking requests! I love the way you write, everything feels so real! I'm loving ILY and it's a bittersweet feeling now that it is ending (I'm the anon that commented early on saying that it was so relatable because I also had a miscarriage at 6 weeks). Thank you for that fic 🥰🤗
Now, my requests, if you choose to take it! I would love a jealous/protective Law X fem reader. I was thinking, no established relationship but some flirting going on, perhaps. Could be SFW or NSFW, it's up to you! I would just really loooooove some protective Law! I'm also obsessed with his hands so you can do whatever with that 😂
Did I mention that I love your writting? I did? I'll do it again. Thank you for sharing your gift! ❤️
I'm in annon but you can call me R.J. 😋😎
AAA HELLO R.J im so happy to hear from you again!!!!! no lie ive been thinking about you every day, your first message during my story was so amazingly sweet and touching and i havent been able to stop thinking about it, im so happy that you loved the end of the fic and to hear that you're doing well!!! <333
i ended up projecting a bit in this fic... and it ended up being a bit more Protective Law rather than Jealous Law, but i hope you like it all the same! i also juggled on nsfw, but decided that sfw worked better for this specific plot, so i hope that's alright!!!
thank you so much for requesting!!!! 💗❤️💓💕
Decontaminate the Heart
Law x Fem Reader
Your feelings toward Law had gone from a reasonable level of respect to a deep infatuation that you were readily keeping hidden. An unfortunate encounter with a predatory shopkeep might be what unravels your feelings... and the feelings of your captain.
Warnings: some descriptions of gross behavior from a stranger, light fluff, pre-relationship vibes, protective law but also struggling-to-accept-his-feelings awkward law
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Law wasn’t fond of the word ‘jealous.’  After all, he was a seasoned veteran in the long game of Keeping All Human Emotions Bottled Up Inside So That You Don’t Show Weakness To Those Who Might Be Out To Hurt You.  He had become a pro at it, too.  After all, putting a word to an undefined emotion only validated that feeling, which was exactly the opposite of what Law needed.  Mouth constantly downturned in a pensive frown, steely, cold eyes shutting down all encounters with those he deemed unfamiliar or even the slightest bit threatening, holding even his closest friends at arm’s length on good days.  If he wasn’t the strong-willed, feared captain of the Heart Pirates, a man with a three billion beri bounty on his head, then who was he?
The answer is: a loser.  He was a loser.  Especially after he brought you on board his crew as a boatswain.  That day, he unwillingly began the downward spiral that would transform into his emotional demise.  A psychic catastrophe.  An inner turmoil of the highest degree.
Ikkaku called it infatuation.  Bepo called it love.  The rest of his raunchy, stifled male crew called it being horny.
Whatever it was, it had Law in a steel trap, never letting go.
And on a particularly warm, sunny day, docked cliffside on an island with idyllic spring weather, his steel trap was donned in a flowy sundress that complimented her entire outward appearance in a way he didn’t think was humanly possible.  When she first greeted Law before they departed the Polar Tang, she had bent down slightly, holding her hands together in front of her and pushing her biceps together just enough that her cleavage was on center stage for just a brief moment.  She had giggled at the way Law’s face flushed with a crimson hue.  Unprovoked… but not necessarily unappreciated.
Days for leisure were hard to come by as a pirate, so the crew was sure to take full advantage of the opportunities that crossed your path.  The pirates were given the freedom to roam to their heart’s content, so long as they didn’t cause trouble.  “Stress-free activities are crucial to maintaining good cardiac health,” Law would say.  But everyone knew he enjoyed some sparring days off just as much as any average bloke.
Especially when those days off were spent in your company.
“Thank you for coming with me, Captain!” you quipped, your voice cheerful as you walked beside him, a small paper bag clutched in your hand, containing a small product you had just purchased from one of the local shops.  The entire crew had shed their usual boiler suits for the day in exchange for more casual attire, you taking the opportunity to don the sundress that you had purchased a few months ago with Ikkaku.�� “I’m always happy when you take days off to get out of that stuffy office of your’s.”
Law fought tooth and nail to keep the pleased smirk that twitched his lips from showing on his face.  He already needed to duel with his wandering eyes which kept itching to gaze at the way your breasts fit into the bodice of your light, flowy gown.  “Of course, it’s nice to get out sometimes.”  ‘With you,’ he added in his head before quickly balling up the thought into a crumpled mess and chucking it into a garbage pail.  The worst part about all of this, unrelated to walking side-by-side with you (which was the complete opposite of a bad thing), was the fact that he was pressured to leave Kikoku behind on the Polar Tang.  He felt naked without his sword perched on his right shoulder.
Your eyes were eagerly glancing between the storefronts that surrounded you on both sides, happy townspeople window shopping with their families and loved ones, partaking in the outdoor food markets, and spending quality time in the sun.  The domestic bliss of days like this always made your soul feel lighter, your footsteps almost floating off the ground.  A few couples passed by, their hands intertwined and souls combining with bliss, a sight that made Law’s own fingers twitch with the deep-seeded need to grasp your hand.  Every once in a while, your own fingers would tingle with the desire to reach out for him as well.
He wouldn’t hold your hand because of affection, Law told himself.  It was just to make sure other people knew you were off limits.
Was that because of affection?  Was he even entitled to such a thought?  
He stifled a frustrated groan.  “Are you looking for something?” he asked curiously, picking up on the way your gleaming eyes darted to and fro.
“There was a shop I read about in the latest paper that I could have sworn was on this island…” you muttered, bringing your free hand up to nervously stroke the skin of your cheek.  After a few more moments, your face lit up as your eyes landed on a shop tucked away between two larger markets, almost completely hidden from public view.  “Found it!”
Law’s heart almost leapt out of his throat when you subconsciously snatched his hand, yanking him out of the flow of people on the street and towards the storefront.  His stern golden eyes flashed up towards the sign above the front door.
“You read about this somewhere?” he asked, his voice revealing a level of skepticism as you stopped in front of the front door.  A dingy, beat-up ‘OPEN’ sign carved into a plank of birch wood and hanging from a rusty chain was flipped outward toward the street, beckoning townsfolk inside to peruse whatever wares were contained within the unassuming wooden shack.
You excitedly nodded.  “Yup, I was looking for places that might sell rare coins.”
Law’s breath caught in his throat.  “But you don’t collect coins.”
“I was looking for you!” you called out, flashing him a smile that could have easily put him in an early grave.  So much for being conscious of his heart health.  With the way his organ was hammering behind his sternum, he had half a mind to be worried about spontaneous cardiac arrest.
Instead of responding, all he could muster was a quiet, pensive, “Hmm.”
You finally released his hand (his palm felt so cold now), and pushed open the thin wooden door to enter the shop.  An obnoxious, ear-piercing bell chimed above the hinges, alerting any other shoppers or employees of your entrance.  Law always hated gimmicks like that, they were a pirate’s worst nightmare.  Instantly, the smell of centuries old dust and mildew flooded Law’s nose, making him suppress a sneeze into the collar of his shirt.  He was about to make a snide remark about being susceptible to allergens, but kept his lips sealed when an amused giggle emitted from your lips at the way his face contorted with mild disgust.
He blindly followed you to the back of the store, past dusty shelves containing books from all walks of life, old technology that Law had never even seen before, and antiques from across the globe.  Your expression remained one of wonder as you passed by each new item, gazing fondly at some of the more sentimental goods- boxes of old postcards, old newspapers from decades prior, wanted posters for pirates long deceased.  For such a ratty-looking establishment, the variety of wares this ‘Wild Bill’ had on hand was quite impressive.  In the very back of the store, a long glass case spanning almost the entire length of the wall was situated, separating a back room from the rest of the establishment.  There was a small space to walk around behind the case in between the wall, where small sliding doors were built in to allow someone to remove the wares kept safe inside.
Law’s eyes finally lit up in wonder.
A plethora of fine metalwork was kept in the special enclosure, jewelry with the finest minerals and perfectly sculpted details in precious velvet boxes, metal treasures surely passed down through generations of wealth, and in the nearest corner, an assortment of collectable, commemorative coins from across the world.  You smiled to yourself as Law drifted toward the coins, crouching down on his calves to more closely inspect what the shop had to offer.
He was so adorable.
“Can I help you folks with anything?” a voice from behind you asked, startling you from your affectionate daze.
A larger, older man emerged from behind one of the tall bookshelves, his hands in his pockets.  He was dressed surprisingly gaudy, a bright purple overcoat that traveled past his rump covering a sky-blue button-up shirt and a polka dot bowtie.  His belly was quite large, a curled handlebar mustache perched atop his upper lip.  He looked wildly out of place in such a modest, dusty shop.  Must be Wild Bill.
You flashed a cordial smile.  “Just looking around!”
The sound of your talking alerted Law, who stayed crouched in front of the coin collection but tossed accusatory glares over his shoulder, assessing the man’s interactions with you under an analytical gaze.  Out of instinct, as a pirate.  As a captain.  Nothing more… probably.
“Well, let me know if you need help finding anything!” the man hollered, his receding hairline making the dim light of the nearby lamps reflect off his oily skin.  He stepped behind the glass containers with a small huff and disappeared into the back room, a curtain swooping closed behind him.
With the outrageous stranger gone, Law resumed looking over the fine details of each coin housed within their own individual boxes, while you approached the other end of the glass case and examined the jewelry.
Your eyes darted excitedly between pieces.  Delicate rings with rare gemstones sat perfectly in their boxes, some dated as old as centuries ago.  A bracelet that was assembled with the finest minerals, gleaming brightly through the dim atmosphere of the shop.  As your eyes continued to dart from one object to the next, you finally found yourself entranced by one thing in particular.  It was a necklace, more of a choker than a longer-hanging piece, with a small purple amethyst mounted elegantly in the center of a silver pendant.  The complimentary silver chain seemed to be fairly heavy duty just as it was delicate enough to still be an elegant accessory.  You felt a smile pull at your lips.  You doubted you had enough beri to afford it, but you’d be damned if you couldn’t at least try it on.
Wild Bill once again appeared from behind the curtain after a few moments, placing a few items on top of the counter to be placed inside the glass enclosure.  Law watched as the old man’s gaze turned to you as you bent over, tucking your dress behind your knees to crouch down and get a closer look at the amethyst necklace.
“Anything caught your eye, missy?” Bill asked, his voice far too loud for such a small shop as he leaned over the top of the counter and gazed through the transparent surface at the pieces you were admiring.  A seemingly friendly smile adorned his pudgy face.
You enthusiastically nodded.  “Yes, actually, can I try on this necklace?”  Your finger pointed through the protective barrier toward your interest.  “The one with the small amethyst pendant.”
Law kept watching your interaction out of the corner of his eye.
“Of course, of course!” boomed Bill, bending over and sliding the door of the case open to remove the necklace, holding it by the chain in his large, burly hand.  
Without being asked, he stepped out from behind the counter and approached you from behind, unclasping the chain and looping it around your neck.  Law watched, his leg muscles tensing as you visibly stiffened at the proximity of the man as he clasped the chain together around your neck.  He pulled over a small standing mirror to have you admire the piece that sat elegantly between your collarbones.  Your fingers ghosted over the gemstone embedded in the fine silver, a small smile ghosting over your lips.
“It looks absolutely beautiful,” you whispered.
Bill stepped closer, almost pinning you from behind against the counter.  His large hands rested against the glass case, caging you in.  “It does… fitting for a beautiful woman such as yourself.”
The air went ice cold as Law watched the man’s hand wander upward, trailing across your forearm and up toward your bicep, across your shoulder and to your neck.  Your face had quickly contorted into an expression of terror, having been caged against the counter all of a sudden against your will, being caressed by this stranger.  Law felt frozen.  His brain was screaming at him to move, to do something, to get you out of this shop as soon as possible.  But he couldn’t move.  Why couldn’t he move?
“I’m sorry, I think I’m going to pass, actually,” you uttered, trying to push yourself away from him.  Your voice had quickly grown shaky, apprehensive.
“No, no, it really does suit you!” Bill murmured, his head angling downward, predatory eyes gazing over the soft skin of your neck.  The way he kept you pinned against the counter prevented you from moving away from him.  His belly was almost pushed flush against your back, making your hands tremble in fear.
A flash of blue light engulfed the surrounding area.  You immediately breathed a sigh of mild relief.  A static sensation permeated the space around you, making goosebumps rise across your skin and the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.  Just as soon as the bubble surrounded you, the predatory man was replaced with your captain standing protectively behind you, his lean hand on your shoulder to keep you steady.
Now he’d done it.
“You’re…” Bill stammered, his own hands shaking with realization.  “I’ve seen that ability, you’re… you’re…!”
Law didn’t give him time to fully realize who’s identity he was dealing with before his hand was in yours, forcefully dragging you out of the shop, harshly pushing between narrow shelves of delicate antiques until the two of you burst back out into the sunlight.  Law didn’t let up his pace, your feet barely keeping you steady as you ran.  Onlookers stepped back, shocked gasps and wide eyes following the two of you in your mad scramble back to the cliff where the submarine was kept concealed.  He just needed to get you some place secure.  Somewhere where you could wash away the phantom grime of the hands that had just touched you.
What a bad day to leave his sword behind.
The two of you had just barely made it past the outskirts of the port town when you tripped, slamming into Law’s backside and falling to your knees with a pained grunt.  The shoes you were wearing definitely weren’t built for mad sprints through a town.
“Shit…” Law grumbled, crouching down in front of you.  “Are you alright?”
Your hands were still shaking, anxiously palming the dirt and grass beneath your fingers as your lungs heaved, desperate to catch up on the oxygen you lost in your frantic sprint.  Small tears brimmed in the corners of your eyes, but you were quick to blink them away.  Your heart was pounding madly in your chest, your brain a fuzzy mess of scrambled, panicked thoughts that couldn’t make sense in any order.  Law was so close to you, so close you could almost smell the mild soap he used in the shower.  Something woody.  Mellow.  So very him.  You wanted to hug him.  The stress of the sudden incident was rapidly catching up to you.
Instead, the only thing you managed to do was blurt out an awkward, weary, “Thank you.”
Law wordlessly helped you to your feet, walking you back to the Polar Tang.  His mouth was drawn in that pensive line once more.
It took a few hours for you to register the fact that you had sprinted out of the pawn shop with the necklace still clasped around your neck.  When you took it off, you held it gently in your hands, gazing at the way the brilliant purple gem was nestled perfectly in the metal sculpted around it.  But the fingerprints around the chain from the predatory man who groped you left a phantom burning pain on your skin.  You still loved the piece, you truly did, and you wished you could wear it, but you felt violated.  There was no denying it.
You needed to scrub it clean.  You needed to scrub your own body clean, it seemed.
Law was in the medical bay when you carefully knocked on the door, hoping that no one was in there with him.  The tired sounding, ‘Come in,’ granted you permission to gently push the heavy hatch door open, stepping into the dim lighting and closing the entrance behind you.
Your captain was in the midst of re-organizing the entire medicine cabinet, floor to ceiling.  He did it when he was stressed.
“Yeah?” was all he asked when you entered, barely looking away from his obsessive work while you stood awkwardly in the doorway, holding your necklace in your cupped hands like it was a suspicious specimen to be brought to a lab.
“I know this is a weird request, but can you disinfect this?” you asked.
You held up the necklace by the very end of the chain, dangling it in the air away from you.  Law finally turned his attention toward you, an eyebrow raised.
“Why?”  He sounded genuinely oblivious to why you would ask for such a favor.
You rocked back and forth on your heels.  “It still feels like it has the fingerprints of that guy.  From the shop,” you clarified.  When you said it out loud, you grimaced at how childish you sounded, but at the same time, you felt your concerns, your insecurities over what had transpired, were justified.
You were violated.  Case closed.
It seemed Law picked up on that as well.  As much as he struggled to put himself in other peoples’ shoes, he could see the anxious look in your eyes that told him everything he needed to know- you wanted to wash away all traces of the man who burst your personal bubble in one of the worst ways imaginable.
Law felt a searing jealousy in his chest, the sudden reminder of the way your face contorted in utter horror as you were touched.
Your captain wordlessly stepped forward and gently took the chain from your fingers.  You watched him silently as he stepped back toward the counter, rummaging through the supplies he had laid out mid-organizing before procuring an opaque bottle of rubbing alcohol and filling a small container about halfway with the solution before submerging your necklace inside.  He capped the bottle and placed it back where he found it, amongst his other disinfectant chemicals.
“We’ll let that sit for a few minutes,” he suggested.  “In the meantime, I have these wet napkins you can use to clean your neck, if you want.”
He took the words right out of your head, as if he could read your mind.  You gratefully accepted the small container of alcohol wipes, starting with your neck and rubbing the cold solution down your collarbones, chest, and arms.  You didn’t care if it would dry out your skin later, the feeling of wiping away that man’s fingerprints in some capacity was more freeing than anything else in the world.
Law simply watched, glancing away from you every once in a while when you turned at an angle that would let you see him staring wanton daggers in your direction.  He shouldn’t be watching you scrub yourself down while fully clothed, if anything that could also be a violation of your unspoken privacy.
After what felt like hours, you finally disposed of the wipes in the nearby waste receptacle while Law fished out your necklace with a gloved hand, placing it on a dry cloth and carefully removing all the liquid from the surface of the metal.
He started speaking without thinking.  “Silver and amethyst are sturdy materials that can be placed in rubbing alcohol for disinfecting,” he stated.  “If this was some other weaker gem, like an emerald, it wouldn’t be so easy.”
You grinned, stepping closer as he polished the chain.  His hand that wasn’t gloved carefully moved along the cloth, outlining the shape of the necklace folded under it in precise, delicate motions.
Goodness, you loved his hands.
“So you’re as good with rocks and minerals as you are with health science?” you asked, a small, playful smirk on your lips.
Law’s own mouth twitched upward.  “I suppose so.”  He gently unfolded the cloth and removed the necklace.  “There, all clean.”
You grinned appreciatively, turning around and brushing away any obstacles in the way of your neck.
He stared at you from behind your back.  “... What are you doing?” he asked dumbly.
You tossed a glance over your shoulder.  “Waiting for you to put it on.”
Law chewed on the inside of his cheek.  “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” you confirmed.  “I trust you.”
What you didn’t say was just how much you trusted him.  You would willingly lay down your life for your captain, the love for him, both as a person and as a pirate, greatly surpassing that of a captain and his subordinate.  Sometimes, well, most of the time, you desperately hoped that he felt the same way.
After understanding your request, Law stepped toward you slightly, one hand still gloved as he looped the necklace around the front of your neck, bringing both ends of the chain around the back to clasp at the base of your spine.  His deft, inked fingers left scorching hot trails in their wake, your skin craving his touch.  The complete opposite of your counter in the pawn shop.
Once secured, you turned around to face him, a pleased smile on your face as your fingers once again ghosted over the delicate, purple mineral embedded into the pendant.  “How does it look?”
Law prayed that the blush on his cheeks wasn’t noticeable through the dim lighting on the medical bay.  He would put necklaces on your soft skin every day if you’d let him.
Oh, how he wished you’d let him.
“It looks great…” he mumbled, his voice soft and apprehensive.  “It suits you.”
His voice, the anxious tilt of his eyebrows, spoke volumes to you as your smile grew wider.  “Hey, Law?”
He turned his attention back to you, his lips pressed firmly together.
“Thank you for protecting me back there,” you sighed.  Your voice had gone quiet, but the look on your face was indebted.
“Of course,” he whispered back.  His mouth opened, then closed, then opened again, his brain clearly struggling to say the words he so desperately wanted to say.
The sight had you suppressing a giggle as you stepped forward, fighting back your reservations as you wrapped your arms around his torso in a hug, dropping your head into the crook of his shoulder and inhaling that scent that was oh-so familiar to you.  Disinfectant and oil, so clearly from living life on the Polar Tang, but also so distinctly him.
You loved it.
You were starting to come to the conclusion that you really loved him.
And with the way Law’s arms slowly wrapped around your own body, the hands you loved so much resting between your shoulder blades and the lowest point of your back, you started to wonder if he secretly, deep down in that weary heart of his, felt the same way about you.
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ughdontbeboring · 3 months
Wasted Days
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Feyd Rautha x WoC Reader (can be read by anyone)
Feyd’s mood is easily soured by what he calls “wasted days”.
warnings: Feyd-let’s be honest the man is a menace. Smut and murder 🫠
note: I really wanna thank all y'all babes on the love my first Feyd story got. It reached over 500 notes in just a couple weeks and thats HUGE for me. So y’all are the best! Hopefully y’all enjoy this just as much. It’s not the 2 Feyd stories I said I’d put out but the one y’all voted on will be done before the weekend is over! I don’t own dune or any characters. I couldn’t give a fuck less about typos or misspelling sorry not sorry y’all lol
If yall like it, love it or fucks with it please share and comment! I love talking to y’all about our mans.
I give no permission for my work to be used anywhere.
You watch the table of the formal dinning room shake beneath both your palms. The rare jewels that adorned your hands and writs glistened under the artificial light, gifts of your adoring husband. All the expensive glasses and dinnerware shake and rattle with each thrust into your wet cunt. 
The baron had just abruptly left the table to talk with Rabban who had busted in on the dinner the three of you were having with urgency, some business with Arrakis. 
You couldn’t care less about Rabban’s sudden appearance on his home planet, your husband had seemed to be in a mood all day. Frustrated with something he had yet to reveal to you, though you had a sneaking suspicion the whole day what had soured his mood so noticeably. He’d been so busy lately with everything while the Baron’s focus was on Arrakis and cleaning up behind Rabban. 
He didn’t have to stare at you the way he did during dinner for you to know he was in a mood, he had fled your room early after kissing you while you slept. 5 servants dead simply because of your husbands mood. You’d talk to him later about it and surely scold him when you were thinking clearly. 
Right now your only focus was your current situation and how your screams of pleasure would surly rival any whore house.
The large doors to the dinning hall were hardly closed when he had you trapped within his warm embrace. Your back to his chest as he nosed at your neck, licking and biting. Groaning how displeased he was that he hardly had time with you today. He had no time at all today to sink his hard cock into his wife’s tight little cunt.
He declared how any day he didn’t fuck his wife full of his cum at least once was a day wasted. 
A yell was ripped from your throat as he stepped closer, his knees slightly bent as he thrusted up into you harder, a tight hold on the root of your hair that had been braided. The table shook violently. The loud clatter starting to drown out the sound of your slick cunt and slapping skin. 
“Oh fuck!” You yelled out, no longer concerned the Baron or Rabban may possibly come back with how good your husband was making you feel. He was so deep, you were sure you’d start to see the stars of your old home planet if he kept fucking you like this bent over the table that you’ve hosted the emperor and nobility at. 
Hell the whole of Giedi Prime could watch and you’d bask in the power and ecstasy of being taking apart by none other then thee Feyd Rautha. 
You heard him grunt deep from within his chest from behind you. 
His hands are bruising on your round ass as he grips the flesh and spreads you wide open for him. You don’t have to look back to know where his lustful gaze is, you feel it burning into you. He groans from the view of your wet cunt sucking all of him in to the hilt. You clench involuntarily from the weight of his gaze and moans when you feel it. You’re still spread open when you feel the wetness on your puckered hole before it slowly drips down to where you both connect.
Your eyes roll back from the sensation as he keeps fucking into you watching himself completely disappear into your swollen cunt.
“Good fucking girl” his rasps as you take all of him. 
“Oh, nggh fuck!” You yelled trying to catch your breath, each thrust of his large cock punching the air from your lungs at this angle. Your heeled feet hardly touching the cold marble floors from the force of him behind you. “Feyd, gonna fu-fucking c-cum all over you! M’ ma-make a mess!”.
Your husband didn’t need to be told, even with your short time together he knew you inside and out like no one else. Literally. Much to his surprise and everyone else it had only took a brief moment of your eyes locking at a ball held by the emperor -which Feyd was forced to attend by his uncle for appearances sake- for Feyd to fall completely for you. The night wasn’t over before you had fallen in return for the ruthless na-Baron. 
This seemed to please your husband if the groans he was making were any indication.
“Fuck this is the sweetest cunt in the whole fucking galaxy and it is mine” he grunted in his raspy voice above you, you had falling forward at some point from the force of his thrusts, your palms flat and elbows on the table. 
“P-please don’t stop!” 
You felt Feyd’s strong hands grip your shoulders and pull you back forcefully. The sudden moment causing a gasp to leave you. There you both stood, your back to his chest, his hand in your hair as he fucked you deep. The drag of his cock was driving you insane. You felt so full of him this way. You felt his blacken teeth nip your ear. 
“You said you’d make a mess, go ahead little wife. Make a mess all over me” His rough voice encouraged as his full lips sucked the skin just below your ear. “Cum for me” He whispered. 
“Fuck!” You yelled out as your body jerked and the tidal wave of your orgasm came crashing down on you. Drowning you completely in the pleasure only he was able to take your body through. 
“Do not spill me wife” you heard his low begging against your neck.
You felt him continue to pump into you as you slowly started to come down from your high as you felt him swell within you. The feel of him, the sounds he was making had your body quickly chasing him again. 
Your eyes meet his as you started to rock into him again. He smirked he already knew. Knew what you need from the way those big beautiful eyes stared at him. He was quick to wrap his hand around your throat, the same hand that killed others daily but would never dream of hurting you in a way that wasn’t pleasurable. 
“Please kiss me” You choked out, hardly getting your words out as you watched him watch you. 
His lips were on yours dominating you completely before you finished begging him. His tongue licking into your mouth. You felt the slight movement of his rhythm being off and knew he was close. 
Your hand slips down to your cunt, working your wet clit softly to compliment the rough fucking when you felt the first bit of his warmth. You moaned loudly in his mouth before pulling away so you were able to watch his face of pleasure as he took you, fill you with his seed. 
Feeling full of him and filling with his seed pushed you over the edge again as your mouth fell open with a scream. Your eyes never left his as he stared down at you with that look you’ll never get over. Here you were fucked stupid and yet he looked at you like you hung the moon.
Your body shook and you almost fell forward with the strength of your second orgasm when his strong battle ready arm wrapped around you keeping you in place, slightly off the floor so he could keep his cock in at this angle. His other hand tightened around your throat as you both stared at each other, you breathing uncontrollable while your infuriating handsome husband looked like he had only exerted a little effort. Years of training did him well.
He kept his hand at your neck, tighten and relaxing his grip as his other hand sank down to your swollen cunt. His eyes showed amusement as he smirked down at you. Sometimes you’d give anything to know what he was thinking and other times he let you see, those big beautiful blue eyes either an ocean storm or a clam one would openly say what his words sometimes failed to. 
He tsked at you when you felt him work you clit a little before his long fingers brushed softly where you both were still very much connected. 
“Such a greedy girl” His rough voice teased you for chasing a second orgasm before you both could make it back to your shared bedchambers. 
You whimpered at the loss of him when he pulled out but you noticed he didn’t pull away. Before you could comment you felt his long thick fingers ease themselves into your wetness. 
You moaned as you sunk into back into his chest.
“Since my wife is such a needy one why don’t you give me one more hm? One for good luck?”
You knew you sounded ridiculous as you laughed but quickly moaned at his words you. You could tell he was curious about the laugh that has escaped you. 
“Good luck for who husband?” You asked genuinely and breathlessly as you stared at him. His fingers never stopped working you.
He looked as though the answer was obviously.
You could feel the pressure building in you. You arched an eyebrow in question but could not speak words as your orgasm quickly approached. 
“Your husband is less likely to kill when his wife is well pleased” He said his forehead against yours as he pushed you both into the heavy table trapping you between literally a rock and hard place. You felt yourself clench as your pleasure flooded you “Less likely to kill when I have already fill you with my seed for the day”.
You were sure he was making you see those stars.
His grip on your neck tighten while your body shook as much as it could being trapped. You were so worked up you couldn’t even talk as you both stared at eachother. Him watching you reach another wave of ecstasy by his hand. Chest full of pride. 
Your breathing once again slowed as you kissed his lips, pecking them over and over as your hand ran up his neck and around trying to embrace him from the position you were in. 
He pulled you both back from the table before pulling out and letting your dress fall back down. His fingers were in your mouth before you could notice as you both now stood face to face. You did your wifely duty and sucked them clean while keeping eye contact with him. 
His look of approval was all you needed in your day to day life. The shame taught to you of doing such things as a noble woman long abandoned with him by your side. 
His eyes left yours to glance down at his soften cock, wet with you before his blue eyes moved to the floor where you two were standing moments before to see the mess of you both. 
You watched him tuck himself away before taking a napkin and quickly cleaning the floor. He had this thing with anyone coming close to your…release. The thought of anyone else touching or even smelling it drove him into a rage. 
He smirked as he stuffed it in his pocket. Hie eyes finally landing back on yours.
“Well wife looks like you’ll just have to take me again and this time I won’t let you leave the bed until you listen like a good wife and do not spill me”
You felt the familiar tingles of pleasure at your core from his threats. 
353 notes · View notes
INSIDE EVERYTHING. | ingrid engen
ingrid engen x reader
genre: smut, minor disastrous.
warnings: +18 writting, semi-public sex, touching, fingering, r sub, maybe a bit realistic, did not reach the limit, half sex, almost caught.
notes: i'm not a big fan of writing smut but i tried to use all my neurons 🤷‍♀️ also i wrote this when i was sleepy so maybe there are some things that don't make much sense
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: It's shopping day, however you are very doubtful on which denim shorts you are going to acquire.
How to solve? Ask a certain norwegian woman for her impression.
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“ You're on my mind, been there all the night. I've been missing my midnight queen. ”
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❝ No. ❞ You heard Ingrid disagree before you even got fully dressed.
Arms crossed with some shorts folded, back leaning against the cabin wall and beautiful grassy eyes staring at you.
Engen looked more like a fashion critic than your girlfriend. That was the bad side of being her girlfriend: always having an opinion in what you would wear.
❝ Why not?! ❞ You would need good justifications to ditch those shorts. You walked around completely to make sure it was comfortable. ❝ It's perfect. ❞
❝ Too short. ❞ Worse than having a critical girlfriend? Having a jealous and critical girlfriend.
You and Ingrid have been dating for a year. It are flowers, there is nothing to complain about apart from the midfielder's very few inconvenient attitudes.
After all, you were also a bit inconvenient with her.
Your optical orbs landed on the norwegian, indignant and not convinced that these would be the perfect shorts for your summer vacation.
❝ But isn't that the point of shorts? ❞ You argued, extending a hand to Engen, waiting for her to give you the next shorts you would try on.
❝ Yes, but this one is shorter than the normal ones. ❞ Ingrid claimed as she watched you from top to bottom, mainly focusing on the beginning of the curve of your buttock. ❝ And your ass shows. ❞
You rolled your eyes, unzipping your shorts inside the cabin; Just the two of you, there was nothing to worry about.
You wouldn't even need to face the norwegian in person to find out her reaction, as the mirror that almost completed the wall gave it away.
❝ And what’s the problem? ❞ At that point you were mocking with her, but it was these types of comments that touched the player's heart the most. Your eyes landed on your girlfriend's reflection.
Engen was not happy about this at all. ❝ Are you kidding me? ❞ Her perplexed tone was so noticeable that it brought a silly smile off your face.
The laughter on your face was there for a long time, and so was the silence. Not so much, in reality, the only thing that passed through your ears was the scattered sounds of the store's environment.
❝ Give me the next one, miss possessive. ❞ You whispered without receiving a response. Your brow furrowed in doubt, until you noticed Ingrid's sudden approach to you.
So, you turned your body towards the woman, who suddenly handed you one of the next shorts you were going to try on. ❝ We had agreed that you wouldn't call me that anymore. ❞
❝ How can I not call you that if you live up to your name? ❞ You played again, pulling down the shorts you were wearing while you felt her greenish eyes penetrate you.
Basically, it was completely fun to irritate and pay attention to the norwegian, mainly because she gave in very easily to this type of emotion.
It just wasn't expected that this time would be different. Really very different.
You threw the previous shorts on the armchair inside the dressing room and immediately put on the other one. Sincerely? That was the best.
❝ How about that? ❞ You questioned without looking back at Engen. It was comfortable, probably wouldn't be too short in your girlfriend's opinion, and it wasn't long either.
You gave the norwegian some time to formulate an impression about the shorts. And given how long it took, something positive would probably come out of those lips.
Or maybe because Engen's eyes were too busy staring at your thighs and part of your groin.
❝ Not short. And it's more practical. ❞ Gotcha. Ingrid murmured, immediately placing her index finger inside one of yours side waistbands.
Your eyes finally met the midfielder's, who had a very tempting look on her face. And you knew very well what that meant, but not for that moment.
❝ Practical? ❞ You slowly dissipated the word from your lips, confused by what was said.
❝ To take away. ❞
And gradually you discovered it. Your eyes widened, eyebrows rose in surprise and your head began to shake slowly in denial.
❝ No. ❞ You inhaled, shaking your head faster. ❝ No way. ❞ Your cheeks began to burn with tension.
❝ I didn't say anything. ❞ Ingrid smiled the stupid smile of someone who had the best idea in mind. Suddenly, you weren't the one playing with her anymore.
And yes, she is playing with you.
The finger on the waistband previously pulled you closer to Engen's body, who saw the opportunity to seal your lips quickly.
At first you forced yourself to give in, after all, who would deny a kiss from the woman of your life? Presupposedly, you moved your face inches away, before the norwegian started advancing.
❝ Shit, Ingrid. We are not doing it. ❞ You whispered, placing the palm of your hand on the woman's lips and gently pushing them. ❝ We are in public. ❞
❝ No, we are not. ❞ Engen played with the situation once again, moving your hand away. ❝ Please, it will be quick. ❞
Your optical orbs stared at the stupid malicious expression that the midfielder carried on her beautiful and angelic face.
The long silence without responding to the norwegian was the key for Ingrid to carefully seal her lips again. Slowly, your body was pushed against the mirror on the wall. ❝ The chances of them seeing us are low, Kjære. ❞ (darling.)
Your body was already warm from the closed and small place that was the cabin, and now with your girlfriend touching you? It was like adding gasoline in aflame.
Ingrid controlled her lips so well, being nice and slow until you got used to the situation. The taller girl's long, cold, left-handed fingers slid down your torso, looking for some treasure while the other hand delicately grabbed her jaw.
You grunted between the kiss, perhaps due to the tension, to the lack of breath that was present or owing to the fear of someone opening that door.
Your eyes closed, giving up on the situation you found yourself in. Your mind focused on the sweet flavor of Ingrid's lip flesh and creating scenarios of an employee opening that door.
The only thing that sounded inside that semi-dark room were the sticky lips mixing and the sound of the environment.
❝ Ingrid— ❞ You murmured between the kiss, which slowly broke from the moment Engen led them south.
The norwegian's lips found themselves on the skin of the curve of your neck. And that was the final step for you to finally give yourself to the woman.
Your fingers slipped between the black strands, combing and pressing them each time Ingrid gently nibbled or sucked your skin.
If you were looking at her correctly, you could easily see how the midfielder had a short and emphatic smile.
Lips half-open, echoing muffled sounds and your skin getting chills more and more. It was magnificent, incredible and crazy how a certain norwegian woman could make you ecstasy.
❝ That's a bad idea. ❞ The words slowly came out in a murmur between muffled grunts. Ingrid increasingly enhanced her lips on your skin.
The midfielder had the talent of always studying your body with tenor and affection, it was a gift to have Engen's delicate lips glued to your figure.
But despite this, your concern for the environment was the counter to affectionate touches. Even though every cabin had a door, they didn't lock.
And being inside for more than six minutes was also a danger, at some point someone would enter there.
❝ Trust me. ❞ Engen finally released her lips from your body, but it screamed, begged to have her back.
You hated Ingrid for always leaving you at ease in situations like this, always halfway. At this point, your legs were almost begging to open and let the Norwegian do whatever she wants with you.
It was a fight. You wanted to, but you also didn't.
But in reality, there was no turning back from this; Your needy and passionate side won.
Screw it. You're in public, people should see how much you love each other. People should watch how you loved being touched like that.
Ingrid finally reached her fingers at the beginning of your genitals through your shorts, gradually touching them with just her index finger.
Your body was sensitive, any touch was enough to make you grunt or arch. The norwegian's fingerprint did not rub, but slid, circularly.
Even though the fabric of the shorts is thick enough to not feel the outside touch, Engen had the capacity to do so.
It was the wet lips touching your skin and marking it, it was the slightest touch of the long finger in the region of your genitals; Ingrid wasn't even inside you and your breathing was so heavy.
Your lungs inflated and deflated as quickly as a marathon runner's, a strong struggle between containing the slightest groans and finding breath for the situation.
❝ Do you want me to stop? ❞ Engen murmured between her lips glued to your skin, slowly pulling away and resting her eyes on your face. ❝ We can do this at home. ❞
Despite all this attitude, Ingrid was a person with a strong personality, always putting your well-being first.
The norwegian's fingers, too. They stopped, but without leaving their place.
You took a second breath before confirming your answer. You shook your head negative, finally giving your answer.
❝ Please, no. ❞ Your lips wet with your own drool, hardly satiated because you were busier moaning.
Your body began to release drops of sweat, your sly eyes looked at Engen; carrying the stupid horny smile.
Her left hand slid down to the south of your thighs, pressing your fingers against the norwegian's wrist. You slowly guided her delicate hand into your shorts, unzipped.
Therefore, the midfielder's fingers were a tissue away from her clitoris. Your gaze stared into the greenish optical orbs, somewhat perplexed by his sudden attitude.
❝ Finish what you started. ❞ You brought your lips close to your girlfriend's ear area, enough to whisper.
You freed her wrist, intending to give Engen full consent to touch your body however she wanted. Your arms rose and wrapped around the player's neck.
Slowly, Ingrid wet her own fingers with her lips, lubricating them. The ring finger started the touching, even over the panties.
It was slow, but well done. The midfielder had a lot of experience when it came to creating elation in you.
The circular movements were enough to make you grunt and muffle the sounds on Engen's skin, indirectly begging her to do more and more.
Within seconds, the only thing you could feel was Ingrid's finger invade your clitoris, especially when you noticed your panties being dragged to the side.
Exposed to her and everything, your eyes refused to look at anything other than the cabin door. You had many missions: not to moan so loud, not to grunt and not to make any rough movements.
After all, you were one step away from being in public.
Ingrid's ring and middle fingers did not penetrate, but rubbed against your warm vaginal skin. From side to side, top to bottom.
And that was enough to make you act like she had two fingers inside you. It wasn't a lie when it was said that your skin is sensitive.
With each second it increased in intensity like a sports car starting up, Ingrid moved her fingers so well that you even wondered if that was the woman you knew.
Your face was buried in the midfielder's collarbone, muffling short, sly moans that left your lips.
❝ Damn, Ingrid. ❞ Even though you were busy blocking out the sounds coming out of you, there was still space to murmur your loved one's name.
Engen acted concentrated, rubbing her fingers on you, which inch by inch entered you. But also, the woman's cold lips touched your skin.
Body arched towards your girlfriend, fingers leading towards the long black strands of her. You bit your own lips with each long finger you received, stopping the moans from coming out.
Slowly, you could feel the sweat dripping down your entire body, especially on the inside of your thighs. A sweat so powerful that it was enough to slide.
The heat inside the dressing room was so intense that the mirror fogged up every minute, perhaps due to the control over your bodies.
❝ Relax. ❞ Engen murmured so low that it was difficult to decipher, even close to your ear.
You didn't know what to say and didn't even know what to think: you didn't know whether to moan the norwegian's name, order her to stop due to the tension or beg for more.
And down there, it was impossible to describe what was happening. Ingrid wrapped her fingers around it, took it out and put it back in several times and always increased the intensity as if she knew exactly what she was playing with.
Engen played with your body as if she knew every detail and secret of yours.
❝ Fuck. ❞ You repeated this once, twice, three times, almost increasing your intonation. Your mind surrendered to Engen, surrendering so much that you even forgot you were in public.
Your very long arms pressed more and more around the taller woman's neck, mainly as a bridge to sink your face even further into her neck.
The norwegian brought her lips back to your neck, carefully kissing your skin, but also biting it.
On your private part and now on your neck? This was the perfect combo, but at the same time crazy. It was at that moment that you were sure you were crazy about Ingrid Engen.
But you were so focused on praising her and moaning the norwegian's name that you completely forgot you were in public.
Especially on a Saturday night, where people go out to buy clothes and try them on. Which meant your time was limited.
At that moment, even though you were mentally occupied with Engen's face and fingers, it was very noticeable steps meters away heading towards you.
Your eyebrows arched, immediately pulling the player's hand away; even though she had noticed it too, since she had stopped moving her fingers.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
❝ Men hva i helvete. ❞ (what the fuck.) Ingrid murmured so swiftly that it didn't even sound norwegian. The woman's body reacted so quickly by moving towards the armchair, that Engen seemed experienced in being caught in act.
And you were no different. The only problem is that you only had the opportunity to stare at the door, praying that whoever opened it wouldn't notice anything.
The footsteps approached and stopped, knocking twice on the door and asking permission to open it just a crack.
❝ Yes? ❞ You responded to the touches with a fragile intonation, as you were trying to catch your breath.
❝ Sorry to interrupt, but I noticed that you've been in there for almost twenty-five minutes. ❞ A female voice came from outside. ❝ Is everything ok? ❞
You took a while to respond, as you were more concentrated and having difficulty taking off your shorts due to the sweat caused.
❝ Yes, everything fine. I am leaving soon! I just need... ❞ Your eyes fell on Engen, who carried a stupid smile of someone who was clearly holding back a laugh. ❝ ...Fold the clothes I wore. ❞
❝ No need, just leave the ones you won't use on the counter after you leave. ❞ The door gap has closed. ❝ Once again, sorry for the inconvenience. ❞
An uncomfortable silence remained inside the cabin, you wiped off the little sweat that remained on your own neck.
❝ I knew this would happen! ❞ You finally said something, looking at Ingrid.
❝ If you had known it was going to happen, you wouldn't have accepted it, miss moans loudly. ❞ Engen got back at you, expressing short laughs that were definitely meant to stress you out.
❝ But I— ❞
She got up and walked towards the door, carrying the other shorts you had already worn. ❝ Can we finish at home? ❞ At this point, Ingrid was making fun of you.
❝ ...Fuck you. ❞ That was the only thing you said before pushing the Norwegian; which barely moved. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment.
You put on your own pants, soon carrying the shorts you were previously wearing between your fingers. Now, you were forced to buy it.
❝ We will never do this again, you idiot. ❞
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the-silverdew · 2 months
A/N: I've been a fan of the POTA trilogy for years and now i decided to start writting after a long time of thinking about doing it :)
This is the first writting piece that i have shared, so any positive feedback is welcomed!
Also, english is not my first language, forgive me if i make any mistake.
(I feel so weird for writing this 😂, i'll probably delete later)
What do the ape men like the most about their human?
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notes and warnings: Pota (small) Headcanons, sfw
pairing: pota Characters x human! Reader
Everything. For the Ape King, every part of his mate is perfect and can't really choose something.
For him, at first you were like any other human, an ugly creature that annoyed him to no end. But as your relationship with him develops and you become closer, is when Koba starts paying more attention to all the details about you.
He decides, even if it embarrasses him to do so, that your smile is what he likes the most, even more when it's directed at him.
Blue Eyes
Hair. Long or short, just fascinating to him, the way you can put it in many different styles or seeing the wind ruffling it.
He likes to brush his fingers through you hair and feel how soft it is.
Hands. It's because compared to him, they are just so small, so delicate, he likes to compare sizes between his hands and yours, hold them, feel them stroking his fur.
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darylbae · 3 months
hiii, could you write something fluff with vamp daryl and a fem reader that really likes to stay in the sun? and even tho daryl cant stay for long in the sun he likes watching her enjoy herself for afar💕😭 sorry for the bad writting english is not my firt language
my girl and her garden — daryl dixon🩰
in which vamp!daryl just loves to watch you in the sun
note: i dont have a specific kind of vampire in mind when i write this, so none of my vamp!daryl stuff is really the same.
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It never took long for you to understand what Daryl was. You'd grown suspicious long before he'd admitted it to you, noticing he'd never eat around you and would always go out to find his own food. He'd find reasons to stay inside if he could, not that sunlight burned him alive, but too much of it was harmful. It terrified him when he finally told you, worrying he'd be go back to being alone again. He didn't want to, but he enjoyed your company, he enjoyed waking up and working around you, surviving with you. So now the pair of you were stuck together. Of course, you had a lot of questions. "Will you outlive me?" "Will you stay the same forever?" "Will you get sick of me and eat me?" And he answered them all however he could. Daryl loved how different you were to him. He found comfort in staying inside, keeping to himself, and that had all changed when he'd met you. You loved being outside. You loved the sun kissing your skin, you loved gardening and doing everything you could outside. The cabin the two of you shared was fenced in and kept safe, thanks to Daryl. And had a lovely open area of grass, you'd even built flowerbeds, to plant and watch over your food. Even as it had been raining a lot, you enjoyed at least being on your porch, watching your crops flourish in the rain, listening to the heavy thrum of the rain against the leaves and trees surrounding you. It had finally starting to shine again outside and you almost leaped out of bed to get some UV on your skin. Skipping coffee and breakfast, you'd put on a summer dress you'd kept over the years, and off you went. The sun was beaming down onto your skin, onto your plants, fruits, and vegetables. You couldn't be happier as you bent down to admire the growing strawberries. Daryl had only just rolled out of bed, feeling the vacant space beside him and worrying. Only to see the door to your cabin open, and could hear your sweet voice humming quietly in the distance. He'd poured himself a coffee, standing at the door frame and fishing into his pocket for a smoke. He could do this for hours, he could make a profession out of this. Watching you, studying you, the way you smile at every bit of progress your garden was making. If he were to eventually die, this is what his Heaven would be. You looked up, to see the moody shadow at the door frame and smiled sweetly at him, lifting a hand to wave. He'd returned the gesture, flapping his fingers at you and inhaling deeply on his cigarette. You'd leaped up from your squatting position, running excitedly up to Daryl to show him your work. "Dar! Look!" He stubbed his cigarette against the wall of the cabin, not wanting to blow smoke around you. "What is it, honey?" You lifted the strawberry, a large, deep red, juicy looking one, and held it up to his face. "I know it's not to your taste, but try it! Look how amazing it's grown!" You held it to his lips and he'd taken a bite, holding your gaze almost seductively. You wanted to drag him to bed and show him a good morning. But there were more exciting matters at hand, like your marvelous strawberry. "That's amazing. Well done, my girl." He cooed, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you into him. Your stomach tightened quickly at the praise, and you'd accepting the affection from him. Daryl always knew how to make you feel special. "Better get back out there!" You hurried back outside, after handing him the rest of the strawberry, and got back to work. Daryl stayed where he was, comfortably inside and had the perfect view of you. The sun lighting up your skin, making you glow as if an Angel had come and roamed the Earth. A small part of Daryl resented what he was, it limited what he could do, especially with you. If he could, he'd eat, sleep, bathe, and make love under the sun with you. He wanted to enjoy it as you did, but he was content with watching you for now.
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cjgladback · 1 year
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My mom requested fridge art from her daughters. And I'd already sketched one siren a bit after first seeing that one post, but that composition definitely will require the layers afforded by digital painting. So behold! A fire engine and its siren. Not too shabby for both my yellow and red markers giving up the ghost while I wasn't paying attention the last few years.
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(This is the first time I've really seen how Tumblr size compression can murder a gif, but it wasn't at all helpful at the 540px width so click for quality.)
I did color in the wipers I'd forgotten and make the emblem on the door slightly more legible while editing my phone pic.
Image descriptions under the cut:
[ID: First image is a colorful drawing of a fire engine seen in three-quarters profile, driving toward camera left. On the roof of the truck's cab is a rough rock formation with a large mermaid lying on it, her tail draped down between the cab and trailer of the truck, her left arm pressing against the rocks, and her head held high while she speaks into a megaphone in her right hand. Her hair streams behind her toward a spiky word bubble with a zigzagged electronic tail that reads, "Get out th'way!" in all-caps. The headlights and amber light bar above the truck windshield are all on and the pavement and traffic lines below are represented with horizontal slashes of marker. The drawing is inked with even, thin black lines (a micron pen size 02) and colored with varied hatching with non-blending markers. On close inspection, the emblem on the fire engine's door reads "escucha las sirenas" in all-caps, Spanish for both "listen to the sirens" and "listen to the mermaids."
Second image is a gif of phone camera pictures showing six stages of the fire engine siren process and the final digital edit. First pencil sketch; second all but the lettering inked; third all but the lettering pencil marks erased; fourth inked word bubble with more emphatic italicized lettering; fifth the beginning layers of marker where the artist took a break with some yellow-orange, light red-orange, light blue, and periwinkle mostly over the truck cab; sixth the fully colored phone picture; and finally the edited shot with the white of the page and vibrancy of the colors restored as well as a coloring in the space around the door emblem with a brighter red for readable contrast. End ID]
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thegreatestsandwich · 2 years
"Words cannot describe the pure rage that your presence instills in me," Wednesday said with a dangerous air of calm surrounding their voice, their gaze trained right onto you.
The reader gave her a confused look. "Is this a confession?"
I think this is something she would totally say to the reader
I’m cursing your name (Wednesday Addams x reader)
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
Word count: 568 words
Summary: You were just so clueless that the others began wondering how in the hell you managed to stay alive for so long
Warning: FLUFF and the reader being a completly sweetheart that must be protected and loved by all of us because they're just so clueless that if they left you unsupervised you might fall into a pit and die
A/N: I love writting for her
Coments, Reblogs and Asks are happily received! I love to read your lovely coments :)
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The first thing the other students think of you is that how in the hell you managed to stay alive and completely unharmed all your life. You were a magnet for disasters, it didn’t matter how big or small they were, you were a magnet.
You set fired to your literature project. Don’t ask how.
You accidently burned the tools miss Thornhill had lend you for your class. Don’t ask how.
You managed to lose all of your shoes in a Friday night. Don’t ask how.
Jesus, you managed to get lost on the Poe Cup Race…And you weren’t even competing! You just got lost.
You would think your special hability was fire…well, it was not, the curious part was that it was far beyond that. And the students began taking pity against your unlucky life. Some of them even going as far as to baby you into safety. You didn’t care to be honest, you were so oblivious to everything that most of the things that happened you just took it with a confuse smile.
Well, there was one student that was getting frustrated and annoyed with you. Wednesday Addams had the unlucky luck to be partnered with you for a project and she couldn’t stand the fact that you were a version of Enid…just with the unlucky level maximized to 200%
She walked into the cafeteria, completely annoyed and angry at how the progress she had made with you was now gone, puffed into existence and you only wanted to see it! She was going to kill you and no one could prevented.
She found you eating a plate of ramen, completely unaware of her deadly stare or the knife on her hand. “You.” She whispered and everybody stopped, watching her with fear but not you, you were still eating.
Wednesday pushed your food out of your way, you frowned in sadness. “Hey, I was eating that.” You pouted.
"You are the worst human being on this planet, I have no idea how you manage to survive, you ar pathetic, worthless and idiotic.” She paused, putting her knife harshly on the table, everyone winced but you, you stared at her with a smile. “Words cannot describe the pure rage that your presence instills in me," Wednesday said with a dangerous air of calm surrounding their voice, their gaze trained right onto you.
“Uh…Wednesday, you might want to tone it down.” Enid tried to calm her but Wednesday threw a murderous look at her. “Yeah…continue, ignore I said anything.”
The reader gave her a confused look at the knife and then on Wednesday. "Is this a confession?" You asked, your head tilting to the side.
Wednesday stared at you, were you that dumb?
“Because it kinda sounded like one.” You touched the knife, wincing when you cut your finger with the blade. “Wow, sharpy, but yeah, sure.” You stood up, putting your hands on her shoulders. Wednesday was confused, what was happening? She was threatening you, wasn’t she? “There’s this movie I want to see on Friday! We should totally go! Don’t worry I’ll get the passes! This is going to be so awesome!”
You grabbed your backpack and left the cafeteria with a huge smile.
Wednesday stayed there, glued on the spot, her face frowning in confusion.
“Wednesday, I think,” Enid began, watching the door where you disappeared. “I think you just got yourself a date?”
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k-wame · 9 months
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BARRY KEOGHAN as OLIVER QUICK ↳ It was the end of everything. ↳ Saltburn (2023) writ. Emerald Fennell
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irmise · 7 months
I dreamed about you
After so many years of waiting, here is finally the epilogue of this love story... And of course, Michonne occupies all his thoughts, she is his strength in trying to escape, the letters he writes to her, the drawings of her allow him to keep a little hope even when everything seems desperate. He is ready to cut off his hand to escape because whatever happens, his wife, his daughter will always remain his only  choice.
From their first interaction in TOWL, we see a parallel with their last: both moments come straight from Rick's imagination and they both highlight the importance that Michonne has in his life.
Rick was left hallucinating on that bridge telling Michonne that she was his family and that he had found her. Michonne telling him why she fell in love with him, because he never gave up. Even in agony, he remembers that she believes in him. It's seeing her that gives him the strength to get up and try to fight one last time.
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And now, torn from his family, it's her he dreams about, in a world without apocalypse, he dreams of what could have been their first meeting. Michonne appears to show him the road to take when he is lost, she believes in him to find his way.
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Isn’t that what she’s always done? The one who believed in him when everyone else doubted, when HE doubted himself. She didn't have to be on the same page to know that he would always do what was right in the end. She always showed him the right direction. I remember writting on an old post: "Rick guides Alexandria, Michonne guides Rick" : She always believed in his leadership and she was his compass to guide him and she still is in his dream.
That’s the most beautiful here, in a single dream we find their dynamic, the one we have seen since the start of their journey.
Are you where you want to be ? That's the whole question. Where he wants to be is close to her, it's where he feels safe, it's near her that he feels stronger. So much so that this place he is looking for in this dream no longer matters because he found her.
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She became his family, his reason to be happy and to believe in the future even after the darkest times, even after Carl. She once asked him “Don’t you want one more day with a chance?” and he agreed to follow her and hold on to a little hope. And today, even far from her, it’s dreaming of her that keeps him going.
The second dream bears so many parallels too, Michonne with her white dress, like the dream of what a happy ending would have been for Rick in an ideal world.
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It made me think about Glenn's death when Rick imagined this moment with all the family he had created in this apocalyptic world. I thought of this scene because of the white dress Michonne was wearing. I remember that at that time, I said to myself that there must be something symbolic in him imagining her in a white dress.
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And there we are, her wearing a white dress again and him asking her to marry him. Michonne, his wife, that's his purpose...
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The two of them can get through anything and even in his dreams it's a certainty. Together they are invicible by the strength that each gives to the other: "We can make this whole damn world ours if we want to". Like an echo of what he had said to her one day, when nothing seemed impossible with her by his side... “The world’s ours, and we know how to take it”.
He needs her to get there even if it's only in a dream because as she tells him before he wakes up, she believes in him as always...
And that's the problem… All his dreams, his letters, these drawings on these phones, are so many hopes that he must erase if he really wants to be able to become the "savior" that Okafor asks him to be. Agree to forget the love of his life to try to save as many people as possible, sacrificing the little hope he had left. Because even if he found a way to escape, he would put her and their family in danger if only because Okafor found his letter... Rick finally understands that he must give up. And that's also what this episode was about, Rick who gradually loses hope of finding his family, to the point of wanting to kill himself, to the point of no longer dreaming of Michonne, to the point of destroying everything which allowed him to fight.
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So desperate that when Michonne takes off his helmet in the last scene he has his eyes closed ready to accept his fate until he opens his eyes and faces hope.
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And that's their story isn't it ? She always appears when he's lost, to guide him.
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