mlwritersguild · 2 years
“Cats know how to obtain food without labour, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties.” — W.L. George
(reportedly. in practice nobody seems to have taken note of where it is he said this, so it might be misattributed. but that's kinda irrelevant to its usefulness as a fic prompt.)
please teach me gently (how to breathe), by @writtenvisionary
AO3 link; rated T for cussing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Gabriel Agreste's A+ Parenting, Good Parents Sabine Cheng & Tom Dupain, Found Family, Chat Noir is Not a Stray, Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir Needs a Hug, Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir Gets a Hug, Tom and Sabine basically adopt adrien, Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir and Food, #FeedAdrien2k22, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
“Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties.” - W.L. George
Or, where Adrien finds home.
Food without labor
He doesn’t need to starve for an ounce of affection when he’s with Marinette.
When he’s hungry, there’s no hard labor in obtaining food—all he has to do is tell her that he’s hungry. Sometimes she hears his stomach grumble and he won’t even have to say a word.
Marinette feeds him right away, with no questions asked; she doesn’t ask him if his modeling gig went off without a hitch, or if his grades have gone down. She doesn’t look at him with disappointment when he walks through the door, making it clear that he’s done something wrong.
Instead, she showers him with love and affection. Her fingers tread through his hair in rhythmic strokes, inciting a purr from the depths of his chest. He lets his eyes close, because he’s safe with her, just like any cat knows a human who feeds them is someone who can love them.
It took him a while to realize that he had the tendencies of a cat, in that way; if he’s shown no love or given no gifts of affection, he has the urge to run away.
It took him a long time to find someone who understands this and knows him like the back of their hand, and he couldn’t be more grateful.
He doesn’t have to stretch himself thin for a nice meal when he’s with Marinette.
When he’s with Marinette, he can eat knowing that he’s loved.
“Mariiii,” her superhero boyfriend whines, perched on her balcony ledge.
Marinette raises her eyebrows.
“Yes, Chaton?”
“I’m hungry.”
“Aren’t you a cat?” She smirks. “Why don’t you go hunt for some yummy mouse to snack on?”
He grimaces. “I don’t like mice. But I do like rice!”
“Sorry kitty, we didn’t have rice for dinner tonight.”
Chat Noir frowns, but only for a moment. He hops off the ledge to sit at his girlfriend’s feet.
Marinette shifts her gaze to him from her current embroidery project.
He smirks. “I also love cookies.”
“Cookies aren’t a meal.”
“Who says I need to eat a meal?”
She responds with a look.
“Kitty, you just said you were hungry. Cookies won’t cure hunger.”
“If I eat enough, they will.”
Marinette rolls her eyes and sets her embroidery project on the coffee table beside her. She stands up, holding a hand out to her kitty.
“Come on, Chaton. Let’s get you some food.”
Chat Noir can’t hold back his grin.
“What’s for dinner?”
Shelter without confinement
“Princess? Could I stay with you tonight?”
His voice shakes, eyes filled with unshed tears.
Marinette immediately nods, opening her arms. He collapses into her arms, stuffing his head into her chest and sighing heavily. She can feel his body fall limp as he melts into her embrace, like she’s the comfiest pillow he’s ever known.
She frowns. He must be exhausted.
Her fingers run through his blonde locks as she thinks of something to say. But what could she say? How could she make things better for him?
She knows her kitty doesn't feel safe at home. He often comes over late at night when it gets too cold and too lonely in his room, and after fights with his father that end in groundings. His groundings aren't ethical, she knows — his father might as well be putting metal bars on the windows because her kitty already feels just as trapped.
He considers her to be his solace; his place of comfort. He comes to her for shelter—a different shelter than the kind he’s used to; a better shelter. He comes to her to be loved and appreciated in his own skin, which is something he very obviously doesn’t receive at home.
Marinette wishes she could do more. She wishes she could steal her prince from his castle and run away, never to look back. But life isn’t a fairytale, she knows. Life isn’t going to grant him mercy, she knows. He holds the miraculous of bad luck; he manifests bad luck—he is bad luck.
But that doesn’t mean it’s fair. That doesn’t mean he deserves it.
“Kitty…I just want you to remember that I’m always here. My door is always open for you to come and to go when you feel too suffocated.”
He sniffles. “You never make me feel suffocated, Mari.”
Her heart swells.
“I’m glad. But I just wanted to make sure you knew that I’m not forcing you to stay here.”
Chat Noir snorts, lifting his head up to look at her dryly. “As opposed to my father who doesn’t let me go anywhere?”
She purses her lips.
He manages a weak smile.
“Thank you,” he whispers.
“Of course,” she responds in the same tone. “I love you.”
Chat puckers his lips, tilting his head upwards. Marinette laughs at his very obvious hint and concedes.
She tilts her head downwards to press her lips against his.
They spend the rest of that night cuddled up on her bed, watching movies on Marinette’s laptop and occasionally sharing comfort kisses, until sleep creeps up on them.
If Marinette’s parents peek into the room in the middle of the night and see a cat boy in a leather super suit being their daughter’s big spoon, neither say a word about it in the morning.
Marinette wakes up with strong arms wrapped around her. She smiles, snuggling into the embrace.
“Are you awake?” He whispers.
She shivers in pleasure at the sound of his voice.
“No,” she says, turning her head and stuffing it into the pillow.
His deep laugh vibrates against her back.
“Okay, okay.”
They fall into a comfortable silence, enjoying the warmth of each others’ bodies and the radiation of love they both emit. Marinette doesn’t want to leave, and she hopes Chat doesn’t want to leave, either.
The silence is rudely interrupted by a loud ringing.
Chat Noir groans as she releases herself from his grip to turn off her phone alarm. She squints at the light, and her eyes widen when she sees what time it is.
“It’s 7:30, kitty.”
“Oh, fuck.”
With that sentiment, he’s throwing the sheets away from his body and scrambling to roll out of bed and make the sheets look somewhat presentable. Marinette doesn’t mean to, but she giggles.
“You don’t need to make the sheets look pretty. I can do that.”
His face flushes, but he doesn’t have enough time to respond. He leans over the bed to press a short kiss to her lips.
“I’m gonna be late.”
“I know.”
He bites his lip. “Is it okay if I go?”
“Of course, Chaton! Go do what you gotta do!”
Chat grins, pecking her lips once more and practically levitating up her hatch door.
“See you tonight?”
She nods.
He vaults away, leaving a blushing Marinette in his wake.
Love without penalties
The first time Chat Noir meets Marinette’s parents, he’s shaking in his faux leather boots.
Marinette can understand why. All he knows of parents are cold glares and disappointment. He feels pressure to make a good first impression or else he thinks they will immediately disown him.
She had made sure she told her parents about his home life because reinforcing her boyfriend’s insecurities is the absolute last thing she wants to do. Her mom had reassured her that any boy she loved, they would love just as much.
Marinette really hopes she was telling the truth.
Chat squeezes her hand tightly as they sit at the dinner table, face to face with Tom and Sabine. He pushes the food around on his plate, which worries Marinette because he’s always hungry .
“Chat Noir,” Tom says, grabbing Chat’s attention. He looks up at Tom with wide eyes, and Marinette can feel him tense under her hand.
“Yes, sir?”
Whatever her father is about to say is tossed out at the sight of Chat’s anxiety. His face softens, and he looks over at his wife helplessly.
Sabine sends him a sweet smile.
“Honey, from what we’ve heard, you have been nothing short of sweet to our girl. She brags about you all the time, you know. About how kind and gentle you are, and the way you always make sure she’s safe.”
Marinette glances at Chat beside her and sees the way his lips curl upward slightly.
“Of course. Marinette is important to me. I always want to make sure that she’s safe and that she feels loved,” he tells Tom and Sabine honestly.
Chat looks over at her with a sparkle in his eyes and she nearly melts.
“Son,” Tom says, making Chat look over to him again, “We approve. Please just make sure to leave the door open from now on—“
“Papa!” Marinette interrupts, her cheeks red. Her boyfriend just chuckles beside her.
“Of course, sir.”
Tom smirks and continues to eat his food.
The tension that was once at the dinner table is now long gone as they talk about anything and everything, learning more about Chat Noir and his relationship with Marinette. In turn, the younger couple learns more about Tom and Sabine; Chat learns how they met and how long they’ve been together, while Marinette learns that her father is half-Italian.
“How did I never know this?!” Marinette exclaims.
Tom shrugs, taking a sip of his wine. “You haven’t had that inevitable heritage month assignment yet. I figured that I would keep it a surprise.”
Oh, and what a surprise it was.
At the end of dinner, Chat sighs.
“Well, I have to get going before my fath—before anyone notices I’m still not home. I said I would be back about half an hour ago.”
Tom and Sabine exchange worried glances. Sabine bites her bottom lip. 
She steps up to Chat Noir and grabs his gloved hands.
“We just want you to know that you never need to sneak in to see our daughter,” she says. “We know that you’re here and we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
He bites the inside of his cheek and nods. “Okay.”
Then, Tom says something that catches him totally off guard. 
“You’re always welcome here. Remember that.”
Tears prick at his eyes. He swallows the lump in his throat, because he is not going to cry right now in front of his girlfriend’s parents.
“Thank you,” is what he says.
Sabine sends him a reassuring smile.
“No need to thank us. You’re family.”
He swallows again, but it’s too late. His face is surely red, and his nose is stuffy and his mouth is doing that weird thing where it feels like he’s going to yawn but it’s just his lips quivering and—
—And now he’s sobbing into Tom’s shoulder, and Sabine is rubbing his back. They’re whispering things into his ear and he doesn’t understand anything they’re saying, but it’s so soothing and it reminds him of home . He doesn’t know what home is. Is this home? He sure hopes it is because he feels so loved and wanted here, and—
He pulls away from the hug, wiping at his eyes and sniffling. Someone hands him a tissue. He nods gratefully, but doesn’t blow his nose. That would be too rude for a guest. Would it be rude for family, though? He’s not sure. He’s not sure of anything right now.
Regardless, he’s too embarrassed to meet Tom and Sabine’s eyes. Sobbing in front of your girlfriend’s parents maybe isn’t the best way to end the first-impression dinner.
He’s grateful when Marinette pulls him away from her parents and onto the front porch. She engulfs him in a hug of her own. His breathing slows, because he’s in his happy place, with the girl he loves. He eventually calms down to where the pace of his beating heart matches that of Marinette’s.
When he finally looks into her eyes, she’s smiling softly.
“So… how are you feeling?”
He snorts, shaking his head.
“Overwhelmed,” he says weakly.
Her nod is slow as she grabs his hands and squeezes them lightly, trying to ground him. It works slightly, because he takes a deep breath and sniffles, closing his eyes.
“I can see that. You had a bit of a panic attack back there…”
He says, “Oh.”
That’s all he really can say, because he had no idea that a panic attack was what just happened, but he’s happy to be able to put a name to it. He’s never had anyone tell him what it was; he usually just thought it was him being stupid. A sense of relief washes over him, knowing that it has a name.
There’s a pregnant pause before Marinette whispers, “I’m proud of you.”
He looks at her with confusion clouding his eyes.
She shrugs.
“Do I need a reason to be proud of you?”
That hits a soft spot, and suddenly he’s crying again.
But that’s okay, because his princess is right there.
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miraculousfanworks · 2 years
Fanfiction Prompt
Ladybug teaches Adrien how to make brownies. A - “From a box?” L - “No, silly. From scratch!” Adrien’s eyes widen. He is not ready for this.
via @writtenvisionary
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[-1-] - [-All-] - Part 5!!!
Rating Legend: 💚General - 💛Teen+ - 🧡Mature - 💖Explicit - 🤍No Rating
💛 Memories of Midnight by LiquifiedStars - words:4120 - Chapters:1/1
💛 Nap buddies by @perditaalottachocolate-blog​ - words:1612 - Chapters:1/1
💛 Bugs and Drugs by @mintacia​ -  Words:1612 - Chapters:1/1
💚 Kitten Therapy - the cutest way to destress by JamieAvenBell -  Words:21,564 - Chapters:9/9
💛 LadyNoir July 2021 by LaxSwagg77 -  Words:27,127 - Chapters:31/31
💛 when my stitches come loose (hold me tight) by @miabrown007​ -  Words:14,331 - Works:6 - Complete:No
💛 Chat Blanc Against the World by @gale-gentlepenguin​ -  Words:13301 - Chapters:1/1
💛 please don't hurt me. by @writtenvisionary​​ -  Words:2,130 - Chapters:1/1
💚 The silver lining of a possible set up by @mermaidyarn​​ -  Words:1091 - Chapters:1/1
💚 This Moment by @coffeebanana​​ -  Words:2908 - Chapters:1/1
For any fic submission, or to shout out a writer (or yourself), please contact me - @clawsout83
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
Hypothetically by SomberFilledWithSullen
In a hypothetical situation, a creative director and photographer are left alone in a studio. What do you think would happen?
written for #AdrienAugust (prompt “photograph”) eek tumblr @writtenvisionary
Words: 1406, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of #AdrienAugust 2k21
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Miraculous, Alternate Universe - Photographer, Aged-Up Character(s), Like 22 ish, new college grads, Cute, Fluff
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33407362
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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Another Winter Wonderland, by @writtenvisionary
Based on a prompt submitted by @strangerahne: As the holidays approach, our heroes find themselves transported to an other worldly Wonderland as a holiday akuma strikes.
AO3; Found Family, Light Angst, Happy Ending
As the holidays approach, our heroes find themselves transported to an other worldly Wonderland as a holiday akuma strikes.
When one thinks of a winter wonderland, they might think of the North Pole, with Santa and elves and reindeer and candy cane railings. Or they may think of a snowy forest land, with lights twinkling along the lane. Maybe there are snowmen and ice rinks and chestnuts roasting at an open fire.
But this wasn’t that kind of wonderland. This was ice pellets aggressively plunging to the ground, hitting dozens and dozens of civilians on the way down. This was blizzard after blizzard, hail storm after hail storm — and it was never ending.
All signs of a cozy, winter dreamland were gone with the wind as Frostbite ran the length of Paris, using his large fingertip to turn everything he touches into something cold, whether it’s frost, ice, sleet, hail — you name it. This akuma was the most unpredictable that Ladybug and Chat Noir had ever encountered, so they have to make sure they were on the same page before they fought.
“Okay, Chat. Since this akuma can turn anything into ice or a blizzard just by touching it, we cannot be touched. We need protection.”
Chat Noir raises an eyebrow. “Carapace?”
Ladybug nods once, hand readying her yoyo.
“Go ahead, m’lady. I’ll distract.”
A cold breeze hits Chat Noir’s face as the red and black polka-dotted hero takes off. He shudders in the freezing air, but pulls himself together quickly.
Frostbite is across the city. He can see the large, abominable snowman-looking figure from meters away. Chat narrows his eyes, formulating a plan in his mind. He isn’t exactly good with plans, but distraction is his specialty, and doing it often enough makes for great muscle memory.
 He leaps over to the akuma, puns ready to spew out of him at any moment. When he reaches Frostbite, he grins.
“Hey Frosty! I know you miss your snowman friends, but they’re not gonna be here!”
The akuma turns to him, a murderous look in his eyes.
“My name is Frostbite!”
Chat Noir tilts his head, leaning on his baton casually.
“Who’s got your heart so cold?”
“None of your BUSINESS!!” Frostbite swipes at him, but Chat expertly dodges his attack. “Give me your Miraculous or ALL of Paris will live in an eternal winter!”
“Jokes on you, I like the cold!” It’s a lie, because he has picked up pretty much every cat trait and cats do not like the cold, but it’s none of an akuma’s business to know that. “What do you have against it?!”
Frostbite growls, swiping for him again. “The cold only KILLS!”
“How so?!”
Chat Noir expects Frostbite to make another attack at him, but he instead turns to a random civilian, running away on the street. He reaches down and touches them lightly, and all of a sudden they are encapsulated in ice, frozen in place.
“None of your BUSINESS!”
So that’s his catch phrase. Well, two can play at that game.
“Where is Ladybug?!” Frostbite growls. 
Chat Noir smirks. “None of your business, Frosty.”
The crack of a yoyo catches Frostbite’s attention. He turns to find Ladybug and frowns when he can’t see her anywhere. His giant body makes moving a little slow, so by the time he turns all the way around he’s subject to a green turtle superhero’s “Shellter!” and the subsequent enclosure in a magical bubble.
Not even Chat can see his partner, but he knows she’s there when he hears her yell, “Lucky Charm!”
Carapace walks over to him and grins widely.
“Hey, dude! How’s the battle going so far?”
Chat wants to snort. Carapace makes his identity so obvious.
“Easy,” he says. “Hey, where’d Ladybug go?”
“Right here,” said superhero says, jumping to land right in front of them. She smiles, holding up a blow dryer.
“You guys ready?”
The rest of the battle goes smoothly. Once the Shellter around Frostbite is gone, Carapace and Chat Noir hold him back while Ladybug uses the heat from the blow dryer to thaw the akumatized object from Frostbite’s body. She breaks it and the fight is over.
“Miraculous Ladybug!” She yells, throwing the blow dryer into the air. Little red ladybugs swirl around the city, re-warming the city and returning Frostbite back into a human.
Laying on the ground now was a man with brunette hair and tear streaks on his cheeks. He looks up to the heroes with guilt, shaking his head.
“I am so sorry.”
Ladybug smiles, “It’s alright, sir. None of this was your fault. It was Monarch’s.”
He shakes his head again and sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“It’s not alright. I lost my own son to Hypothermia last night. How could I wish that upon anyone else?”
Chat Noir could feel his heart constrict. He crouches down to the man’s height and smiles sadly, resting a hand on his shoulder.
“I know how it feels to lose someone close to you.” He swallows, knowing that neither Ladybug nor Carapace know this about him: “I lost my mom a few years ago to a prolonged illness. It might have not been as sudden as Hypothermia, but it was still…” he shakes his head, “I’m still grieving to this day. It’s hard, but it’s been slowly getting easier with time. I promise it will for you, too.”
The man sniffles, tears spilling down his cheeks. He nods.
“Thank you, Chat Noir. I wish the best for you.”
“You too, sir. Do you need help getting home?”
He shakes his head, getting to his feet. “No, I’ll be alright. Have a great day and be safe. You too Ladybug, Carapace.”
With a nod to them all, he walks away, wiping the tears from his face.
Chat Noir stays crouched down, staring at the space where the man once sat.
Ladybug crouches down next to him. She rests a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Are you alright, Chat Noir?”
Is he? Because just one moment ago, he was in another worldly winter wonderland, a world with only ice, snow, and blizzards. Now, he’s remembering the warmth of a family that no longer exists, cuddled up on the couch in front of a fire and watching a Christmas movie. Now, he’s in his mother’s arms, leaning into her chest and sighing in her sweet perfume. Now, he’s in a world that no longer exists for him.
“Chat, Chat!” Ladybug yells. 
He snaps out of it, blinking rapidly against tears he didn’t know were there. He looks over to his partner, seeing the concerned pout on her lips and the worried furrow of her eyebrows. She grabs ahold of his hands and pulls him up so that they're standing. He can't look at her.
“Where’d you go, Chat?”
Tears roll down his cheeks, and all he can do is shake his head. She wraps her arms around him, and he melts into her touch, desperate for that warmth he was remembering.
“I had no idea about your mom. I am so sorry, kitty,” Ladybug whispers. He cries into her shoulder and tries to focus on the sound of her voice. Carapace joins in at some point, and the gesture makes Chat cry even harder.
This is what it feels like to have a family. This is what it feels like to be loved.
When they eventually pull away, they share an awkward laugh. Chat wipes his tears and sniffles, mustering up a smile.
“Thanks guys. Pound it?” He offers his fist shakily.
The two in front of him share a look. Then Ladybug smiles.
“What are your plans for tonight, kitty?”
His smile falls with his hand. Confused, he rubs the back of his neck.
“Um. Nothing much. My father will probably want me home for dinner, but…”
“What about after dinner, dude?” Carapace asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m free after dinner.”
Ladybug and Carapace exchange another glance, They nod, and Carapace swings an arm around his shoulders.
“How do you feel about some cookies, hot chocolate, and a Christmas movie tonight?”
Chat’s eyes start to water again. He swallows. “Really?”
“Of course!” Exclaims Ladybug. She’s grinning. “We love you, Chat, and we want to make some good memories this Christmas.”
She steps closer and takes his hands into hers.
“What do you say?”
That night, he curls up under the stars with his two best friends, laughing at a man who calls himself Buddy and eating his weight in sweets. He doesn’t think about his father, the lack of a christmas tree in his house, or the loneliness of his room.
He lives in the moment, spending time with those who love him; with his family.
He’s found his winter wonderland. And now he never wants to leave.
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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Big Enough Umbrella, by @writtenvisionary
Based on The Police's Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, submitted by @maggies-scribblings
AO3 link; Pining, Enemies, Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir Has a Crush on Ladybug, Evil!Ladybug AU, but not really, Light Angst
Chat Noir is in love with his enemy, Ladybug. He knows she doesn't love him back, but... he's kind of okay with that. As long as it means he gets to love her.
“It's a big enough umbrella
But it's always me that ends up getting wet”
She looks up at him with those wide, menacing blue eyes and he can feel his knees nearly buckle under the pressure of her stare.
“I told you not to call me that. What do you want?”
He swallows.
“I just wanted to say that, um, you look very beautiful today.”
Her eyes narrow. “What’s the catch?”
Chat holds his hands up in surrender, his tail lashing back and forth.
“There is none, I promise! Honest. I just wanted you to know that I think you look very pretty.”
Ladybug softens. Her lips quirk slightly upwards. He considers it her attempt at a smile.
“Of course.”
Then her eyes harden and she’s back to playing the villain he never thought she would turn into.
But he’ll keep trying to get her back, no matter how much it hurts him in the process.
Whenever they’re together, whether they’re against each other or not, he protects her.
She may be working with his enemy, but he can tell that she has a good heart. So why not protect it while he can?
His mother always said he was too kind. She always told him that he can be taken advantage of very easily.
If Ladybug is the one who takes advantage of his kindness, though, he’s alright with it.
She can glare daggers and taunt him and trick him all she wants, but he will never stop being amazed by her.
Every little thing she does is magic, and that’s something he can’t deny.
He remembers one day when it was raining. They were in the midst of a battle and she huffs in annoyance when she feels a water droplet on her forehead.
“What?” He had asked, because he hadn’t noticed the impending rain shower.
She didn’t respond. Instead, she called for her Lucky Charm.
Down comes an umbrella. Unsurprised, as if that’s what she had expected, she opened it and held it above her head.
Then it started downpouring.
It was a well known fact that cats don’t like water, and he was getting drenched. He looked over to his enemy and saw the smug look on her face.
“What’s wrong, kitty? You’re getting wet?” She had said, mockingly.
He remembers letting his cat tendencies take over as he hissed.
“Can I step under?” He asked, sheepishly.
Ladybug looked contemplative, but she eventually conceded. He ducked under the umbrella, standing awfully close to Ladybug. He remembers feeling his cheeks heat up at the close proximity.
They stood there under the umbrella for only a few minutes before Ladybug groaned.
“Okay, Chat Noir. The rain has lightened up,” she had said. Then she nudged him away with her elbow so that he was half under the umbrella rather than fully under it.
He had sighed as water began to engulf his body once more, but he had already accepted his fate.
She would never fall for him, as long as they were rivals.
Chat Noir just had to be okay with that.
He wasn’t okay with it. He doesn’t think that he ever truly was.
There’s nothing more he can really do, though, to break down her walls and gain her trust. They were enemies, that’s how it had been for years—changing that would most likely cause a bigger rift in their dynamic than he would like.
Maybe that’s why he was scared; maybe that’s why fear gripped him before he could ever bring it up. He doesn’t want to be let down, even if that’s something he expects. He knows it will hurt when she says no and that’s why he holds back.
She’ll never love him and that’s just how it’s going to be. He’s come to that realization, as much as he doesn’t like it.
Not even that can change the way he feels, though. 
He still isn’t okay with it, but regardless… his love for her will go on.
And on and on and on, until he no longer has the ability to love.
…That is something he’s okay with, because it’s her, and every little thing she does is magic.
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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Our January event, as usual, was to recommend and review our favorite fics that we read in 2022! To make things a little bit more interesting and fun, we treated it a bit like an awards ceremony or spotify wrapped. If you know the tumblr accounts of any authors on AO3 that were mentioned but not tagged, please tag them! Continuing with our rec lists, here's part two!
Without further ado, here are the MWG nominations for best (completed) multi-chapter fics!
a bouquet of second chances by @mikauzoran
lukadrinette // season 4 // identity reveal // hurt/comfort // time travel
after this is over. by @writtenvisionary
lovesquare // angst // mental health issues
blood will tell by @sunfoxfic
féligami // alternate universe // aged-up // hurt/comfort // unplanned pregnancy
blue crayons by @talkstoself
lovesquare // mental health issues // aged-up // canon divergence // single parent marinette
home base by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights
lovesquare // djwifi // humor // hurt/comfort // identity reveal
tell me something i don't know by @carpisuns
lovesquare // chat fic // alternate universe // soulmates // angst with a happy ending
les illuminations en douche et d'autres miracles pubères by noirshitsuji
lovesquare // chloe/alya/nino // humor // fluff
many ways to rise by Zetared
lovesquare // disabled adrien // identity reveal // hurt/comfort
metamorphosis by @peachcitt
lovesquare // aged-up // alternate universe // slow burn // hurt/comfort // angst with a happy ending
passengers by @valiantlyjollynightmare
lovesquare // aged-up // pr/pr // hurt/comfort // fluff
second chances by @thenovelartist
lovesquare // djwifi // gabenath // single parent adrien // friends to lovers // fluff
sewing sentiments by @frostedpuffs
lovesquare // alternate universe // friends to lovers // aged-up // fluff // hurt/comfort
strangely familiar by @sunfoxfic
djwifi // alternate universe // aged-up // friends to lovers // slow burn // identity reveal
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle
core four friendship // lovesquare // humor // identity reveal
the love of a cat by @thenovelartist
lovesquare // alternate universe // royalty/medieval // fluff // angst // slow burn
the sidekick conspiracy by @bring-the-storm
lovesquare // djwifi // humor // fluff // sleepovers
when bunnyx brings a baby by @funnydoesntlookdruish
lovesquare // fluff // humor // aged-up // babysitting
Thanks if you made it this far! See you soon for Part 3: Ongoing Multi-Chapter fics!
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mlwritersguild · 3 years
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Miraculous Writer’s Guild December Event 2021 - White Elephant Prompt Exchange
snow if fallin’ and i am too (for you) by @writtenvisionary
Prompt: Ladynoir decorating their patrol rooftop for Christmas and planning a gift exchange/secret santa dinner (can also involve other Miraculous holders!) - submitted by @2manyfandoms2count
“I think that sounds like a lot of fun. I’ve never decorated for Christmas before.” 
 A frown appears on Ladybug’s face for a moment, before her grin promptly returns. She turns to him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
 “Give me ten minutes and I’ll change that.” 
And she’s off into the night, using her yoyo to fly across Paris, and the cool wind as leverage. Chat Noir stands still, processing her disappearance for at least one minute before finally moving away from the ledge and onto the empty rooftop.
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mlwritersguild · 3 years
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TUMBLR: @writtenvisionary​
AO3: SomberFilledWithSullen
What I write: Angsty Adrien, love square romance, one shots, prompts, songfics, metaphor-based stuff, AUs, mostly I like to create hypotheticals and see where things go :)
Favorite Thing about Miraculous Ladybug: Currently it’s the realistically changing relationship dynamic between Ladybug & Chat Noir - so far the writers have really outdone themselves showing the difference. But it’s always been Adrien’s home life and how complex (and depressing) it is. It’s intriguing and it gives me a good base to write about.
Fun fact about me: I’ve performed in over 30 musicals and plays at my local community theatre; been there for 8 years (aka, I’m a certified theatre kid)
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