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belltein · 27 days ago
Иногда я захожу на Pinterest и благодаря подобным фото (я пыталась найти автора, но, к сожалению, не получилось) возвращаюсь во времена старого Тамблера, беззаботности и уверенности в том, что будущее будет светлым и перспективным. И сразу становится так тепло и спокойно где-то внутри ✨
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cosmicawg · 3 months ago
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞?
Crazy to think I’ve been writing since elementary school—crafting tales about Jack and Jill and how they didn't fall down the hill, or just random stories about how my day went (or how it should have gone).
I’ve never really followed a specific routine to "get in the mood" for writing. A lot of writers prefer solitude in a quiet space, with everything organized on their desk and a little music in the background. I get that, but I don’t have that luxury!
I live in a super loud community, and I usually have to sit outside to write because inside is ALWAYS crowded. So you can imagine the trucks rumbling by, honking horns, and my argumentative neighbors going at it while I’m just trying to focus!
But you know what? I actually got used to it. Now I find it hard to get into the "mood" if it’s too quiet! I also love writing when it rains… I mean, who doesn’t? It’s just a shame because I love sitting in my yard to do it. And yes it's raining right now!
What about you guys?
—courtesy of cosmicawg
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collabowrite · 1 year ago
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#signup collabowrite.org
#followformore #writerscommunity #writethebook #quote #inspiration #writerscorner #writingmood #penmen #wordsmith #autumnvibes
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starsmuserainbow · 2 years ago
I want my enthusiastic, energetic, replies everyday and almost all days not owing anything when I left for tv or sleep, writingmood back!
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thewritingsofevbrowne · 2 years ago
When you realize the number of plot holes your novel has...
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 4 years ago
If you know, you know
Can we just talk about the fact that whenever you’re in a writer’s block, you literally are NEVER busy like you have nothing to do but OHHH when you are like in that writing mood shit comes up like there’s no tomorrow like do your laundry, help me cook dinner and of course you have like twenty tests to revise for? Like wtf whyyyyyy can’t it be when I have writer’s block I’m busy so when I’m in the mood I actually can write!
Is this just me lmao
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wutheringcliffs · 6 years ago
Little did you know that Writer A is actually Writer B's character
There are two types of writers…
Writer A: “I’ve fleshed this character out to the point where they’re more real then I am. I know everything about them, including their blood type, their thirty-first favorite song, what they did for their sixth birthday, and which brand of apples they prefer.”
Writer B: “This character exists as a full person in my head, but I know absolutely nothing about them. Once I forced them to talk about themselves,  and they simultaneous lied about their past and told me accurate trivia facts I don’t remember learning.”
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huntershowl-moving · 3 years ago
persephone | lethe | hellhound
once upon a time, persephone aisa grew callouses on her fingertips. it was from climbing, primarily. she liked to climb without gloves, driving her spikes deep into brick and mortar, pulling half her bodyweight up the sides of buildings with two shitty, calloused, tremoring hands. it was fun and terrible and invigorating, and she was twelve, already a sharpshooter. already grown up. her brother’s protector, forced to find fun where she could carve it out ( flowers found their way through cracks in the stone, didn’t they? )  persephone was twelve, and she had taken six lives. leto had taken none, and seph had vowed that he would never have to, so she took the jobs without telling him. guns were easy. aim, fire, reload: it came as naturally to her as breathing. sometimes she wondered if she’d always been meant to harm. six lives, carried across the river with no coins to take them all the way. twelve years old, six times damned, a life for every two years of her own, how do you wrap your head around that? you just do. you think about your brother, and you thank the void he wasn’t one of them.  persephone grew callouses on her fingertips and pressed them to the rough tiling on her favorite rooftop. its texture was muffled under a layer of dead skin. now, she wonders what it felt like all those years ago. now those fingertips do not tremor. it should feel like a blessing, but it doesn’t.
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writing-mood · 6 years ago
Page Blanche
On déchire une feuille et on recommence. On risque peut-être de regretter mais au moins, on avance. Rien ne m'oblige à jeter cet essai. Je peux le garder dans un coin, enfoui comme d'autres vestiges de mon passé. Il m'inspirera peut-être un jour, qui sait ? Je tourne une page de ma vie pour évoluer, comme ces personnages que je me crée.
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Bonjour ! Je suis Caroline Viphakone, j'anime infinite RPG, une plateforme de jeux de rôle textuels, ainsi que des ateliers d'écriture pour le studio infinite. Je me considère comme designer (je réfléchis à des solutions adaptées et cohérentes en fonction d'un besoin) et entrepreneure (toujours sur des projets !) dans l'âme. En parallèle, j'écris des scénarios d'"escape game" littéraires, une série littéraire sur Wattpad et des textes collectifs.
J'ai décidé de reprendre sérieusement mon projet de blog dédié à l'écriture. J'y partagerai mes récentes expérimentations, les rencontres avec des auteurs et auteures inspirants, et mes dernières trouvailles (lectures, nouveaux mots...). Il ne s'agira pas de donner des conseils d'écriture. Je préfère échanger mes retours d'expérience sur le ton de la discussion ouverte pour que vous puissiez rebondir. :)
Prochains articles de prévu :
Le design narratif, boîte à outils pour écriture interactive
Concevoir une carte mentale pour une description de lieu
Décrire un lieu comme sur un forum de jeu de rôle
Wattpad et les mystères de son algorithme
Odyssian Blaze : une écriture immersive et interactive
La faille : la création de son personnage d'après Samantha Bailly et John Truby
"Pourquoi tu écris ?"
Une préférence dans cette to-do list ? Avez-vous des idées de sujets que vous souhaiteriez que j'aborde ? :)
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heavygirlpoetry · 6 years ago
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Love and Resistance- Poems #writersofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #writingmood https://www.instagram.com/p/BtM7gfTB_y3/?igshid=1v9tgt1985u4r
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maham-maqsood99 · 6 years ago
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#mahamwrites #penandpad #writerscommunity #writingmood #columnwriting #firstcolumn #safelife #spreadmymessage #spreadmymessagetoeveryone (at Rawalpindi, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BppNh7mBrTp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=25cpeym6fuxf
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dontdenymeshakespeare · 3 years ago
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There’s something about a gorgeous sunset that speaks to me and puts me in a writing mood #sunset #manhattan #chelsea #chelseapiers #nofilter #writingmood (at Chelsea Piers) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cegrd1NOGAo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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honeyistheknife · 3 years ago
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Everyone starts with a sh*tty first draft. Whether you’re writing a bio, essay, or book. The Sh*tty First Draft was coined by the writer Anne Lamott & refers to our first go at writing. It’s the drafts which still needs work. It’s full of plot holes, two-dimensional characters, vague sentences, clichéd platitudes, sophomoric language. During the Sh*tty First Draft: You’ll write stuff you’ll cringe at. You’ll write stuff that makes you question whether you should keep going. You’ll write stuff that lets you know that you’re not the untouchable genius you believed you were in your head. And this is normal. The sh*tty first (or second or twelfth) draft is required. You know how people say there’s no dress rehearsal for life? Or “no mud, no lotus”? Yeah, it’s like that. There’s no preparation for writing, beyond writing. & Sometimes you have to write absolute sh*t to get to your gold. There’s always room to revise and edit afterwards. This is what coaches & editors like me are for: I help writers evolve from that beautiful, sh*tty first draft into your creative vision. But the first part is on you. Take a slow breath in. Start small. Maybe set a timer. Dare to write sh*t. If you want writing and life advice that blends the magical & the practical, sign up for my weeklyish moonletter newsletter—the link is in my bio or at hannahoeko.com/newsletter • #writingabook #writingpromptsdaily #writingprocess #writingislove #writingskills #writingislife #writinggoals #writingday #writingtip #writingthefuture #writingcontest #writingmystory #writingmood #writingsession #hannaheko #honeyistheknife #developementalediting #bookcoach (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaaU2UZPhaa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aherosfall-blog · 7 years ago
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📓🖊#writing #writersofinstagram #writingmood #poem
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atruebloodwrites · 4 years ago
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Today’s #amwriting mood. 💜 💜 💜 #keepwriting #writingcraft #writingmood #writingcommunity #writinginspiration #writerlife #writinginspiration #yawriter #yawritersofinstagram #findmywritingcommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CG70ij4g8Py/?igshid=168pvf5qpmwya
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its-ml91-universe · 7 years ago
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Никога не съм разбрала начина на мислене на хора, които съдят останалите по външния им вид. Тези дни се замислих за травмите, които хората несъзнателно нанасят на други хора, говорейки за техния външен вид. Най - засегнати се чувстват онези хора, които не са изградили своя начин на себеуважение. Какво представлява себеуважението и защо е толкова важно да го създадем? Това е психологически портрет на нашите вътрешна и външна обвивка,тоест съзнание и тяло. Ако ние определяме себе си като маловажни,недостойни, че другите са нещо повече от нас, то нашето тяло ще възпроизвежда точно такива неща за нас, за да може да скрие тревогите на съзнанието Това не е просто тяло! Мъдреците казват, че тялото е нашия храм, че каквото е мисленето на човек, толкова ще е здрав той. Абсолютно вярно е. Когато бях малка, бях закръглено дете. Виждах себе си в огледалото така, както ме наричаха и определяха другите. "Дебелана, мечка, слон, тюлен" и още много нарицателни, които оставиха най - голямата травма у мен, а именно ниското самочувствие. Тези травми се проявяват в ранна детска възраст и понякога остават за цял живот. Ако не им бъде обърнато внимание са способни да ви/ни превърнат в лабилни хора. Съвет към родителите. Ако детето ви някога ви сподели, подобен проблем. Изслушайте го и го прегърнете, покажете му как трябва да уважава себе си и тялото си, защото това тяло принадлежи на Земята. И е редно да го върнем здраво, такова каквото ни е дадено (винаги). Ти си красив, независимо как другите те определят. Днес осъзнавам последствията от това, да опредрляш другите, като недостойни. Ужасни са и пречиняват много щети. Освен, ако не намерим начин ��а го надрастнем и излекуваме. Ти си красив /а и нищо друго няма значение. #newpost #blogger #reblog #writingmood #writingmode #healthy #body #healthy #mind #hram #you #åre #beauty #selfhelpblog #SelfLove #selfcare #followforfollow #Instagram #facebook #Tumblr
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