#writing in the documentary is [viago voice] so. much. fun!
palavapeite · 2 years
@aha-my-villainous-thoughts tagged me in the Last Lines game thingie. Thank youuuuuuu!!!!
Not quite sure how that works, but since I haven't touched any of my WIPs in a month and also have a bad habit of not writing from start to end necessarily, I'm just gonna have to wing it, won't I? For some of these it's gonna be the last sentence of the draft/manuscript and for some the last bit I remember writing. Also, it is highly likely that more than half of these will never actually get written, some of these files are more like thought playgrounds than actual WIPs.
From oldest to newest, here we go:
Blonde & Leggy 3: [Subtitle redacted]
Stede’s mouth keeps talking – thankfully, on the subject of Ed he can keep talking for quite a while without having to think about what to say next – but his thoughts are already elsewhere. 
This won’t do. 
It simply, he decides, won’t do.
[I am afraid this is where the fic's been stuck for months and everything past this is a construction site because eeeeeeh I'm having some problems with flow and figuring out the right order of scenes and events. ]
(Did you expect a love song?)
Seeing Dion and Anton exchange a look, Viago grinned awkwardly in a manner that he hoped conveyed how much of a fucking embarrassment he thought Deacon was (not without affection), just in case there was any doubt.
[I really really want to finish this, I just need to find the voice again and it's not been happening for me...]
What is left for encore
“Power metal, huh. Well… I like the sound of the rest though. Nothing I trust as much as Izzy’s taste.” 
[aka the metal band AU I will never realistically actually write/finish. but i've been nostalgia-watching so many of my fave band documentaries and this is the WIP file where I go to vibe, alright?]
Your smile is like a breath of cringe
Glancing around his cabin, he was relieved to see that Izzy had left unnoticed sometime in the past three to thirteen minutes that Ed guesstimated he had been staring out between the drawn curtains.
Time to get ready for battle, he figured, and looked around for his gun and his knife.
Fine. He was fine.
This was fine.
[@thebeautifulsoup and I were both going to write a Jason-Isaacs-as-Stede's-rebound-boyfriend fic, but she was the only one who actually pulled through with this beautiful fic. Mine got kneecapped by seasonal depression and self-doubts, so it's just been... sitting there.]
Bonnet's Playthings: Brothel, Baths and Bed & Breakfast
This was how Stede Bonnet found out that he had been having breakfast with Blackbeard. 
[This could have been another silly frenzied 10k in two days, but then I got bogged down in, like, scene 3 and I've not yet made up my mind on how to best fix it.]
The not-technically-a-wip-more-of-a-notes-and-snippets-cluster
"Not really. More like…" Stede releases a shuddering breath. "Like I was wrong. I came out as gay thinking it would set something inside me free, make something inside me finally make sense, but then life went on and I still felt trapped, and I thought maybe I’m not gay at all, maybe I’m just broken."
[I don't think this will ever come to anything, but I might harvest some of those 5 pages of dialogue if ever I need something depressing...]
This was fun! Tagging, if they haven't already done it (I've seen this float about recently) and only if they feel like it: @slow-burn-sally , @thebeautifulsoup , @emmyllou , @pudentilla and @greaseonmymouth :-*
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nandorsaccent · 2 years
‧₊˚✩ if this is the end, i want a boyfriend (pt. i) ‧₊˚✩
Tumblr media
pairings: viago x gn!human!reader
rating: sfw, pg if you ignore everything in the warnings, pg-13 if you don’t, it's all fluff babes
warnings: floating around the idea of murder, mentions of vampire food, reader is a walking exclamation mark, lana del rey lyrics for title
word count for this chapter: 1,179
“I try to make it a really nice night for the people since it is their last night alive,” Viago explained into the camera after knocking on your front door. “So, I’m going to take this human out on a date, which was their idea, actually. Usually, I spend some time at the human’s house, maybe play them a song, and just give them a good time in the comfort of their own home before I kill them, but this one wanted to go out.” He gave a nervous smile to the lens as the knob to the front door turned. “I think it’s going to be a really fun night.”
“Viago!” you said happily when you opened the door, greeting him with a hug.
His eyes widened in surprise for a moment before returning the embrace. He couldn’t help but turn his head away from you to surreptitiously bare his teeth. You smelled so good that he wanted to eat you right then, but he was determined to be a gentleman and give you one last lovely night.
When you pulled away, he got to notice your appearance. You were all done up, beaming and undoubtedly proud of the effort that you put into your looks. Though your smile was bright and joyful, there was a little sense of nervousness in your eyes that he understood himself. He must have gotten a little too caught up in your beauty, because he didn’t notice your wide eyes and inquisitive frown until you were directly asking him about the cameras.
“It’s for a documentary,” he answered quickly, biting his lip.
You furrowed your brows before laughing amicably.
“A documentary!” you exclaimed, evidently quite amused. “How neat!"
To everyone’s surprise, you introduced yourself to each cameraperson, boom operator, and lighting technician, shaking hands with all of them. Viago couldn’t help the fondness in his eyes as he watched you with your vibrancy until you placed your arm in his and told him to lead the way to the late-night cafe you had both chosen for the night.
The evening air was cool and perfect for a stroll. You lived a little bit outside of Wellington, where the light pollution wasn’t quite as bad as inside of the city. You pointed out constellations and stars to him as you walked.
Admittedly, he was watching you more than the sky. Your enthusiasm was infectious. He quickly found that he wasn’t at all immune to the way you glowed.
“That’s Venus,” you explained, “but most people confuse it for a star. Oh, and Mars and Mercury!”
Likewise, you were entirely captivated by his idiosyncrasies. His accent was charming, and he was quite possibly the most darling person you had ever met. He told you about his roommates, scowling when he mentioned that Deacon hadn’t done his chores in years.
“No way,” you said. “Five years?”
“I know right?” Viago replied. “Deacon is a really cool dude, but kind of the too-cool-for-rules type.”
“How do you even have the patience for that?” you questioned. “Back in university, I had a flatmate who never did his own dishes. I couldn’t take it. I kicked him out after three months.”
“Yes, well. Deacon seems to enjoy testing my patience,” he admitted.
“Have you tried just getting paper plates?” you suggested.
He stopped and blinked at you, astonished with the revelation. “No, I guess we haven’t.”
“How about your other roommates? What are they like?” you ask.
“Vladislav is…” He hums, looking for the right word. “Intense, and old-fashioned. Petyr has been around longer than dirt.”
“They sound interesting. Maybe I’ll get to meet them one day,” you mused. His eyes widened. You rushed to backtrack. “Oh my– I’m sorry. Was that too much?”
That’s when you found that Viago had this way of giggling that had your nerves disappear and your heart absolutely melt. You could’ve gotten a toothache with how sweet the sight and sound of it was.
“No, you’re not too much,” he said.
By the time you reached your house, your feet hurt and your stamina was a bit drained, but you were beaming wide.
“I don’t want this night to end,” you confessed with a pout, hands still in his. He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off– he was deliriously tempting and you were entirely confident that you wouldn’t be able to reject him if he offered to come inside. “But it has to.”
“I want to see you again,” he admitted.
You stepped into his space, dangling your arms around his neck and running one elegant hand through his dark hair. You stayed there for a moment, appreciating his beauty, using the hand that wasn’t in his hair to run your thumb over his bottom lip. He tilted his head down, his mouth almost touching your neck.
Instead, you tugged at his hair to keep his mouth right where it had been and masked how much it killed you to reject him with a teasing grin. If his lips ended up on your neck, you would absolutely die and your will would be demolished.
“I’m off work Thursday night,” you told him. “Come by around seven?”
He did that thing again– that giddy, crinkled up nose smile. Feeling your patience with yourself run too thin, you kissed him on the cheek and bolted inside.
After Viago left, a camera crew requested an interview with you.
“How do I feel about Viago?” you asked, repeating their question back to them.
You shook your head and hid your blushing face in your hands before deciding that hiding it wasn’t enough. You reached for a pillow on your couch, smushed your face into it, and squealed like a little kid. The question was just too much to answer. Everything was too much– the way he made you feel, the excitement of seeing him Wednesday night, how badly you wished to kiss him, the self-pride you felt for being able to control yourself and respect your own boundaries. Everything.
Especially the way he said You’re not too much. He could’ve said that you wanting to meet his roommates wasn’t too much, but no– he said you weren’t too much. You were so used to people finding you to be too much that his little reassurance (which he probably didn’t even realize that he said) played over and over in your head.
“Why didn’t you invite him in?” the interviewer asked.
Your eyes peeked out from behind the pillow and sighed, ready to give a more thoughtful response.
“I have a pretty atrocious romantic history,” you admitted. “That’s why I need to take things slow and not rush headfirst into this. Viago is…” You shook your head and smiled, eyes looking down at the thread you were toying with poking out of the pillow. “He’s just wonderful. I don’t want to mess things up.”
“The human? Yeah, I’m definitely going to kill them,” he admitted to the camera lens. He smiled bashfully. “Tonight was nice, though. I think they had a good time.”
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