#writing brazilian characters can be hard
bia-wayne-west · 8 months
Milk with cookies and bedtime stories [Batmom x Damian Wayne]
Synopsis: It was just a few months ago that Damian was included in the Wayne family. He still didn’t like you, but you tried so hard to make him appreciate you. During a patrol, Damian got hurt and after Alfred took care of the little boy’s wounds, you surprised him with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.
Characters: Damian Wayne and Reader [YOU]
A/N: I wrote this quickly. Hope you like. In this imagine, Batmom has been married to Bruce since he adopted Dick.
I want to apologize if there are any writing errors. I'm a Brazilian girl and I don't speak fluent English, so I may make some writing mistakes. Feel free to correct me.
I hope you read, like and feel how cute Damian is.
Requests are open
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You were sitting on the kitchen stool, reading a fashion magazine while you waited for your husband to return from patrol.
Bruce forbade you to stay in the Batcave, as he was afraid that someone would break in and find you, alone and unprotected.
As soon as you felt the ground shake, it meant that the Batcave had opened and that Batman had arrived with his Robin, Red Robin, Red Hood and Nightwing.
You ran to the clock that gave access to the secret entrance to Batcave. The elevator quickly took you to where your children and husband were.
“Hey, my love. You got back before 5am!” You said, running up to Bruce Wayne. He still wore black clothes and was without a mask. Your husband didn’t respond. He was serious and had a worried expression on his face.
“A man dropped Damian from a three-story building .” Bruce said looking at the boy who was sitting next to Alfred.
You finally noticed Damian, whose face was bruised and his leg was bandaged. You walked over to the boy and knelt in front of him.
“I’m fine, Y/N. I fell on top of a car and didn’t break any bones.”
“Damian, darling, are you hurt?” You asked, looking into Bruce’s son’s green eyes.
You smiled, in a motherly way. Damian didn’t consider you a mother, unlike the other three boys who called you ‘mother’ and ‘mommy’ all the time. Your husband’s son only considered you as a stepmother, but that didn’t stop you from taking care of him as if he were your son.
“I’m going to run you a hot bubble bath. After Alfred takes care of you, I think you’ll want to relax in the warm water.”
“Thank you, Y/N, but I’m not your baby.” He said rolling his eyes and turning his face to look at Alfred.
“Damian!” Bruce warned his son. But you smiled at your husband, showing that everything was okay. You left the Batcave, heading back to the mansion to prepare Dami’s bath.
Damian was already in his room. You were heading to the boy's room, with a tray in your hand.
The clock said 2:32 am, but you were sure the boy hadn't slept yet. The Waynes used to sleep only when the sun came up.
Yout left hand knocked lightly on the wooden door with the boy's initials engraved on it. Ypur ears picked up a “you can come in”, authorizing you to enter Damian’s room.
“I came to see if you were okay, Dami.” You said, entering and closing the door behind your body. Your arms came off the tray on the bed, seeing that the boy was sitting on the mattress. “I brought milk and cookies, this will definitely make you feel better.”
“Why do you do these things, Y/N?” He asked, with a questioning look.
“I didn't understand. Don't you like what I do for you?”
“At first I thought you had a plan to win me over and then you would hate me for being Bruce's biological son.” He said, seeing you take a cookie and offer it to him.
“I would never do that. I love you, Dami, even if you don't like me. These things I do for you are normal motherly actions.”
“My mother didn’t do any of that. She only got cookies when she did something good.” He said, his eyes shining like he was going to cry.
“Oh baby. I know you don't consider me your mother and I don't want to force you into anything, but I want you to know that these things I do are because I love you.” You explained, smiling widely at him and drinking some milk. “Do you know what my mother did for me when I was hurt?”
“No.” He said, while devouring several cookies. “She also gave you cookies and milk?”
“Yes, and she also told me a bedtime story.” You argued, running your hand through the boy's hair. “I'll tell you a story.”
“I’m not four years old, Y/N” He murmured.
“Damian, you’re not old enough to hear a good story before bed.”
“OK. Just don't tell stories about princesses or ponies.”
“Clear. I'm going to tell the story of a boy called Dami. He was so brave and beautiful, he was a strong and fearless boy.” His lips formed a smile as he said the words. Damian's eyes were bright and sweet. “One day, he went to the forest to play with the birds and found a portal to a magical world.”
“Like Narnia?: He asked, completely interested in your story.
“Yes, but without the closet. The magical portal led to a kingdom full of witches, fairies, vampires and any magical creature you can imagine.”
“Even elves?” He questioned you again. Now Damian was lying in bed and you covered him with the blanket.
“Of course, elves can't be missed.” You said. Your heart filled with love and you almost cried when you saw the image of the boy who hated you six months ago totally interested in a bedtime story. “In that kingdom there was a crystal that served as oxygen for all beings there, but a terrible villain broke this crystal and stole its essence, leaving the world without magic.” Damian still had complete fun with your narration. “Then, the queen called Martha went and asked the brave Dami to hunt down the villain and recover the essence of the crystal.”
“And he did this?”
“Yes! Dami took a sword and shield and went out to the magical kingdom in search of the villain. He went to an ancient village in the kingdom called Gothym and met three knights named Grayson, Todd and Drake. They sent Dami to the mountains where he would find the villain.”
“And he found it?”
“He found it, but it was difficult. The villain was hiding in a ruined castle north of Gothym. Dami fought bravely with the villain and defeated him. Dami recovered the essentials of the crystal and in exchange, Queen Martha gave him a personal portal to return to the kingdom as often as he wanted. Dami was a brave hero and defeated the evil villain.” You told the story while running your hand affectionately through the boy's hair. “Did you like the story?”
“Yes, it was the best story anyone told me.”
“I'm glad you liked it, my love. If you want, I can tell you a story every night.”
“Todd would make fun of me if he knew.” He said, looking at you so intently that you knew he was embarrassed for having liked the story.
“I'm gonna tell you a secret. I told Dick, Jason and Tim stories for three years, but they didn't want to.”
“Did you tell Todd bedtime stories?” He asked loudly, as if it were some blasphemy.
“Of course, and he loved them all.”
“So I want to hear stories before bed.”
“I'll love telling you, along with a glass of milk and cookies. Good evening, Dami.” You said getting up from the bed. Your lips found the boy's forehead.
“Good night, mom.” He said, making you look surprised at him. “I can call you mom? Since Dick, Jason, and Tim call you Mom, I thought you might as well.”
“Of course, my dear. You can call me mother and I will call you my son.” Your arms wrapped around the body of the boy, your son. Love seemed to explode in your heart. “Good evening, my dear son.”
“Good nigh, mom.”
You gave Damian one last kiss on his forehead, before picking up the tray and taking it to the kitchen. After washing the dishes, you went to the master suite, the room shared between you and Bruce.
Your husband was lying on the king size bed, waiting for you. After showering and putting on your pajama, you laid down on the bed.
“Damian called me mom.” You said to Bruce, earning a smile from him.
“With bedtime stories, milk and cookies.”
“How did this happen?” He asked, setting aside the iPad he was using to hug you.
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felassan · 3 months
Snippets. 🐺💜
The Game Informer article approximately covered the first 4 hours of the game. [source]
Twitter user: "Please please please let me make a feminine shaped body with no chest, begging for non-binary to be something I can present not just a pronoun slap" Saira: "this will be entirely possible with the body sliders!" [source]
''the characters you don’t romance WILL romance each other which can showcase different straight and queer relationships.'' [source] (So it's not only Harding/Taash, but more companion-companion pairings will be possible, and these will be diverse? ^^)
the game will have Brazilian Portuguese subtitles [source].
the community Council, which had long-term fans of the series on it, also had folks on it who had never played a DA game before [source] (this is good! a good mix)
another detail was that they ranged in age from 20s-40s, unfortunately I can't recall the source for this rn but yea.
"Last names are based on your faction. You can customize your first name, however." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"In-world - Rook is a nickname you're given before the events of the game, and it's what everyone refers to you as. It allows for other characters to refer to you in dialogue without awkwardly having to write around not having a defined title, while still allowing for name customization." Also, in the game, it is explained why we got the nickname Rook in the past. [source: the BioWare Discord]
"There are specific lines and dialogue options for different lineages, as well as different backgrounds, and classes, including at least a handful that are unique to lineage/background combinations. No specifics but we wanted to make sure the game felt reactive to the choices you made in creating your Rook." [source: the BioWare Discord] (lineage as in: human, elf, dwarf, qunari)
A user asked whether elven Rook is Dalish or City. Answer: "It'll depend on your background. As mentioned previously, certain lineages will have variations of that background that go into more detail where appropriate." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"Every faction is, ultimately, made up of people. Some good, some bad, and some trying (and failing) to do their best. So it's fair to say that different people in the world might have a different perspective on how the various factions fit in and what they're trying to do." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"Without getting into spoiler territory - Rook's a hero because they chose to be, not because they were chosen. Your choice of background fills in some of the details - and you get opportunities to define it further - but some things we leave up to you to fill in." [source: the BioWare Discord]
A user asked "In what capacity is the Inquisitor going to return? Can we expect something similar to Hawke’s return in Inquisition?" Answer: "This one you'll just have to wait and see as this is well into serious spoiler territory. But more generally, as I said in the Q&A - the Inquisitor's been part of this story all along, and it would be very strange for them to suddenly fall out of it."
"Much of what would have been abilities or “spells” in the past are now accessed in real-time from the core buttons on the controller! Mana Shield, Mage Beam, Bolts, Magical Blasts, Orb Toss, and Elemental Bomb. Not to mention the elemental types change depending on your weapon. It very much feels like casting spells, but don’t just take my word for it. I’m excited to show more Mage gameplay as we get closer to launch." [source] There will be quick buttons on the keyboard for PC people too. [source]
The Veil Ranger spec can be built around charged ranged attacks, lightning damage, and stagger [source]
Many builds are possible in the game and this is highly variable with gear and companion-set up [source]
At some point this summer, they will be showing more of the skill trees [source]
The music score has variation, flourishes, and great tavern songs [source]
Corinne: "everyone at EA has been incredible in their support for the game and commitment to quality. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to do it [Discord Q&A] again. In the meantime I watch the Discord comments fairly regularly, even if I don’t respond often." [source]
A user asked about cameos of previous characters. "Seeing the surprise appearances for the first time is half the fun! There are some good ones, but I’ll leave the discoveries to you all" [source]
On a post of the table team gathering picture - Corinne: "The moments where you gather the whole team like this are some of my favorites." [source]
When Solas shot Bianca during the prologue during SGF, "Some of the journalists in the live demo audibly gasped!" [source]
In combat there are primers and detonators [source]
Lots of beloved elements from previous DA games inspired the combat of DA:TV [source]
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yelspyder · 1 year
gnt do ceu, fico tao feliz de encontrar outro br 😍😍
poderia pedir miguel x reader, em q a lyla percebe q ele gosta do reader e ela tenta dar um jeitinho p ajudar o miguel
enfim oq só as melhores i.a podem fazer😉
˚‧⁺.-"All you need is to be struck by one of Cupid's arrows"
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↳ summary: Miguel lives in denial about his little crush, so Lyla is forced to help.
↳ characters: Miguel O'Hara
↳ Gn! Spidey Reader
↳ notes: another brazilian? I didn't think I'd find another one, but it's a pleasant surprise. we must stick together 💪Honestly, I don't have much confidence in my writing, but I hope you like it and thanks for asking.
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Miguel was in love and it was obvious. At least for Lyla. He occasionally glared at you, looked like an abandoned puppy when you left, and was absolutely more than willing to do anything you asked.
What irritated Lyla the most was that he never had the nerve to ask you out. Come up to you and ask for a mission report? That was easy for Miguel. Send you on a complicated mission? Pft, he did that almost all the time. But simply asking you out? He had no idea how to do this, not that he planned to do that.
She couldn't take Miguel anymore with the face of a dog that fell off a moving truck when you're not around. It wasn't hard to ask you out. If Miguel didn't do it, she would do it for him herself. Deciding to change that, Lyla started checking Miguel's schedule and your own. Lyla smiled when she found a vague moment in common in the two schedules. Now, it was simple. All Lyla had to do was make a date and everything would be fine.
Miguel was confused when he got a notification from his schedule saying he had an event in two hours. He was pretty sure he didn't have any other meetings that day.
As soon as he checked his calendar and saw that he had an appointment with you, he panicked and called Lyla, demanding an answer.
"Lyla, what does that mean? You take care of my schedule and I never set up this meeting." His heart was beating fast now. A date with you? This could only be a joke.
Lyla materialized beside Miguel and glared at him with a mischievous smile before speaking. "That's exactly what you saw, boss. You have this meeting in two hours. You better start getting ready and maybe even buy some gifts. People like presents, you know?"
"But I never scheduled this meeting!" Miguel looked at Lyla with a mixture of anger, despair, and confusion. "Exactly why I, your amazing assistant, did this for you. If it were up to you, you would be stranded for the rest of your life."
"I never gave you permission to do this-" "But now it's done. At this point, the calendar notification has arrived and has probably already been read. There's no way to stop it anymore. And since I'm a very generous assistant, I'll help you get dressed for your first date with your crush."
At this point, he was mortified not knowing how to respond. He would never have expected to go on a date like this. Miguel didn't answer anything and just stood there, not knowing what to do.
"Don't worry boss, you'll thank me later. Oh, and the appointment I made is in earth 57, at that restaurant you like to go to. I made a reservation in your name."
After taking a moment to compose himself, Miguel still wanted to argue with Lyla, but he already knew he couldn't cancel the meeting anymore. He sighed before speaking. "Just....guide me"
Lyla laughed excitedly and began to ramble on about which outfit he should wear.
Hours later, Miguel could be seen wearing a casual outfit and with a bouquet of flowers sitting at the table while waiting for you. As soon as you arrived and greeted him, he quickly got up from the chair he was sitting in and greeted you back, offering you the bouquet of flowers. You can barely thank him before he pulls out a chair for you to sit down.
He was slightly flushed in the face the entire dinner while you carried on a casual conversation. At first, Miguel only gave a few short and brief answers because he was embarrassed. However, after some time of conversation, he opened up more and it really started to have a date atmosphere.
Right after the two finished eating, Miguel insisted on paying the bill. He ended up accompanying you for a short night walk in Central Park and, before you opened a portal and returned to your house, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek thanking you for the pleasant encounter.
Miguel was paralyzed for a while after you left, but he traced his cheek with his hand as a small, dreamy smile formed on his lips.
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Maybe what Lyla had done wasn't all bad.
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asmolfolk · 1 year
Hi! Sooo, theres a tiktok video that is "Ivan, how did you bag that baddie?" and this come to my mind: Tesla, Buddha, Sasaki, Jack and Ares (separate) hcs with a s/o like that? They're like: Idk how, but she picks me up like I'm nothing. Let's just say I can imagine it, lol - Sorry for my English and kisses from Brazil <3
Oh my! A fellow brazilian! I'm also brazilian, so, kisses from the southeast part of Brazil &lt;3 Hope you liked this one, I really loved to make this one, it was very fun!
🥀♥︎.•° Fandom: Shuumatsu no Valkyrie. Characters: Nikola Tesla, Sasaki Kojiro, Jack the Ripper, Buddha and Ares (Separate) Ask: Inspired by the video 'Ivan, how did you bag that baddie?' 🦋♥︎.•°
Nikola Tesla
"Tesla, how did you bag that baddie?" The one who asked him was his friend, Robert... And that got him... Thoughtful. Tesla looked to the side, looking directly at your direction...
He was thinking about the differences between the two of you... And the similarities too. How you react to things, how you smile, how you show affection or interess in something... He is thinking all of those things at the same time. It would be a reason to "Why he stayed", after all, he never showed any interest in love or relationships that were romantical... But seeing that you were just like a Math question... [A lot of outcomes - Needs hard work and understanding to seek the problem...] That was enough to make his mind so... Full of love and interest. Of course, he couldn't not remember how did 'he bag this baddie'... Spoiler, he didn't. He still remember the day you just looked at him and straight up said "Oh, I don't have this color yet" and just picked him up like a cat and walked with him in your arms. He would tell anyone who saw that the exact thing "I accept it for cience!" But the truth was that he just didn't care to be holded... He liked that and the fact that he could still write his notes was a plus one. Since that, both of you started to talk and later on, date... It is still a surprise to most of Tesla's friends... He can still remember the first dates... And now, you are his... Girlfriend, aren't?... He can't be happier. You respect his space and actually, you were the one to start a lot of intimacy stuff with him... You seemed to always knew when he wanted something or when he acknowledges that you want something from him, but was too tired or busy and didn't want to leave you feeling unwanted by his lack of effort... So you - seeming to read his mind - do exactly what he wanted and started to give him some words of affirmation and to be sure that he knows that it's okay to not fit into some category... Or to not want to do something like sex, PDA or others.
It seemed like a he was off for some seconds IRL while in his mind, he just saw yours love story together... When he noticed that, he knew... He knew his answer. He looked to Robert and started his monologue. "Oh, you are surely mistaken, my dear friend. I'm aware of what could give the impression for you to think like that... But!" He stands there, smilling as if he is explaining math to someone "She, indeed, picked me up and straightly putted me into a consensual relationship that I do really, extremely, like." He puts a hand over his heart, as to give emphasys to his next words "This woman has a exceptional mind and strenght... Aren't I a lucky guy? Her mind is as brilliant as mine... Of course, in Differents/Same matters... Do you understand, Robert?" Robert is lost in words, he doesn't know what to say or what to do... After all, he just saw all of his - 'Don't want to date' - friend being so deeply in love with someone... He could only chuckle as his wife carries a surprise and shocked expression. "Oh my! I'm so happy that you found someone that matches you perfectly, Tesla! And her body is so pretty too... She would look awesome in a wedding dress, don't you think so?" "Hm... Wedding? I think it's a strange concept... But if she wants one..." Tesla, even having his disagreements over weddings... He couldn't say no to you. After all... You are his everything.
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"Kojiro Sasaki, how did a loser like you bag that baddie over there?" It was the question of his opponent... He was looking directly at your face, seeing how it changed... After all, you were in fiery! How dare them say call Sasaki a loser... And before you could start approaching to 'ora ora' this person face, Sasaki holded your hand to stop you and smiled brightly. "Well... I may be a loser in battle... But she picked me from the ground and made me her boyfriend, resuming the whole story" He told his opponent as he chuckles as he feels you pinching his cheecks a bit "Ow-Ow! Sorry, sweetheart..." He laughing a bit. "It was nothing like that. I saw him on the ground and thought he was deeply hurt, so I carry him home so I could take care of him." You said, explaining it better than Sasaki resume... Or trying to. "...Okay...? Look, I don't really care..." Sasaki's opponent tried to say that but he wasn't heard, now, Sasaki and you were discussing about this first meeting and he seemed overly in joy after hearing your version of the facts. "So... How were you capeable to hold me?" He finally asked "I mean, I'm pretty heavy-" "I carry boxes that weight more than you, Sasaki."
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Jack the Ripper
"How a serial killer like you got to bag that baddie?!" That was the question of Hlökk, who was actually curious to know more about this whole relationship between the two of you... After all, nobody seemed to know about Jack's partner. "Oh my... Well, it's interesting that you asked me this... Well, may I just tell you..." He said with his british accent and sweet tone appearing, he was at your side, holding your hand while looking directly at Hlökk. "She was the one and only who got me, who actually had me on her arms... When she was carrying me around." As he said it, his other hand started patting your head "Isn't it the most romantical and sweet thing someone could ever do to their partner? Carrying them around like they weight nothing" His explanation was not meant to make you feel that proud of yourself... Or to blush like you did. But in a way or other, you could only feel how much you matter and is loved by him... He is trully a gentleman. "EWWW, YOU CLINGY OLD MAN!" Hlokk seemed to think in a different way.
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"Buddha, my deaaaar friend. How did you manage to bag this baddie?!" Said Zeus... The sluttiest god "Oh my me! You should help me get a baddie like her, I swear to you... I give you candies... Hehe" Zeus - again - couldn't hide his horny. "No." A short and straight answer coming from Buddha, who looked unimpressed by Zeus atticts "I'm not helping you cheat on your wife." as he explained that, Zeus only rolled his eyes - remembering that he is married. "Aw,come on, Buddha, my great friend... It's not like I would steal your... Partner~ I just want to know what did you do...!" "...You have some serious problems, Zeus." With that said, Buddha just moved along his way... But Zeus question was enough to make him think about... That. How did this all happened?
You just looked straight at him and picked him up, saying "This is mine." and just straight up runned away from the gods. That was enough to make him be not only proud but happy - that reunion was a really shitty one.
"Hah... It seems like the puberty made her really strong." Remembering that day, Buddha couldn't hide his smile as he made his way towards you... He WILL use you as his pillow, after all, you can pick him up.
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"Not that I don't respect you, Ares... But how did you... And her got together?" Asked Aphrodite with a rather... Amused expression, she seemed to be making fun of him. "How did you just do that? How did you manage that...? Did you finally follow your daddy ways?~ Because I don't see how you couldn't do that properly... You get no bitches at all~" "She isn't a bitch or anything like what dad do with Hera! She is different, I love her... I want her, she is the only one I truly love." He said, with a confused expression. "Oh love? Now you feel that... How patheti-" She is interrupted when you just walked straight to her, looking to her eyes with a hateful rage. "What did you just say to MY partner? Do you have a fucking problem with him?" As you started to swear at Aphrodite... Ares looked at you with a little smile on the face... Finally... He finally has someone who sides with him and stands up for him...
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laurents-laces · 1 year
It took me 84 years, but here's the notes for Pacat's Instagram live on January 22, 2022! You can find previous summaries here. This time I added a section for things that involve both capri and dark rise because there was a lot of that.
“It’s funny, I tend to write, as I think back on Dark Rise and then before that, Captive Prince, I tend to write these book ones that kind of don't necessarily reveal themselves until the end or cohere until the end or maybe are written for the re-read rather than necessarily for the first read… I kind of have this philosophy that difficult pleasures are the most enjoyable because you have to work to achieve them, and so you know, I like the idea that you get rewarded at the end of Dark Rise for reaching the end.”
Important Updates
There has been some progress on the capri News™, though it was epically delayed by the pandemic. It’s not a fourth book, hardcovers, Laurent’s POV, or a TV series
There were updates about Dark Rise and Fence too but none of it is news anymore because this happened so long ago. The capri fandom is just unlucky like that
Pacat has a new project! It’s very different and is more adult in tone than his previous works. It’s kind of monster-horror-gore, he’s been wanting to do something with a shounen horror vibe like Berserk or Attack on Titan. It’s coming in the distant future, not soon
Captive Prince
Pacat hasn't heard of the capri fandom term Smaurent (small Laurent) but thinks that the idea of him does exist in the books as he was a very different person as a young child. Pacat likes writing characters who explore the idea that one’s past leaves fingerprints on one’s present self and Laurent is the most extreme version of this that she’s written
A fan said that they think of “Damianos V” as being a roman numeral, so that Damen would be the fifth King Damianos. Pacat really liked the idea
Pacat cried for a really long time while writing Nicaise’s death scene. Got a few strange looks as he sat in the Melbourne State Library with tears streaming down his face for a few hours. Nicaise’s death was planned from the beginning, he was always a bittersweet character to write
Laurent is such a private person. Writing more from his POV would risk exploding the mystery of his character and might kill some of the tension in capri
The capri News is like a missive from Rohan- it's on its way and it'll arrive at some point, just when you need it most
A fourth capri book isn’t completely out of the question but there isn’t one planned for now
The Brazilian capri covers are their own thing but they don’t represent the books well. They have a very dark-ages-hard-masc-medieval aesthetic
How tall is Damen? Laurent thinks that he’s a foot taller and that sometimes it feels like more
Orlant: Rough exterior, heart of gold, didn't deserve what happened to him
Pacat pronounces Vere like Veer (veer off course) but that is not the correct pronunciation that Laurent and the Veretians use so feel free to pronounce it how you want
Pacat wasn’t really involved in the art for the Japanese edition but has been a fan of Chinatsu Kurahana for a long time. Usually the author doesn’t get much input for foreign editions. The Japanese publisher was very welcoming and let Pacat have some input, but he was such a fan of the artist that he let her do whatever her vision was. He gave a bit of a description for clothing but didn’t tweak any character concepts once they were drawn because he likes having different versions of the characters in different media. We shouldn’t think of it as an official version of the characters or as Laurent’s canon hair length
Dark Rise
The submission date for the Dark Heir manuscript was June 2022. At the time of this live, Pacat was just past writing the midpoint of the first draft, heading towards the climax. The climax has been planned for a long time
We absolutely get James's POV in Dark Heir. Pacat had just finished writing one of his chapters when this live happened
How would Anharion describe Sarcean in one word? The answer would change depending on whether Anharion was wearing the collar. If he was wearing it he would say whatever Sarcean wanted him to say
James is not named after the gay king james (James I of England)
We will find out about James’s mother at some point, either in book 2 or later
Pacat’s current favourite Dark Rise character to write is a new character from book two
It was important that the stewards were racially diverse. When Pacat was pitching Dark Rise he had little pictures of the characters to show what the aesthetic of the book is, it was art that he found online. Things might have changed since then but this was three or four years ago and it was really hard to find fantasy imagery of non-white characters. If you wanted to find mages or warriors in suits of armor, all the artwork had white characters. So he wanted to include different types of people in the traditional western fantasy aesthetic
Favourite part of Dark Rise #1 is the ending because it was all of the pieces falling into place
Cyprian’s surname is not St. Clair but saying more than that would be a spoiler
Stewards have family in the outside world
Pacat would love to write short stories for Dark Rise like the ones for capri but she’s a slow writer so it would be some time in the future
Dark Rise/Capri
Justice’s appearance wasn’t specifically influenced by danmei, he has long hair because all the Stewards have long hair. The Stewards have long hair because everyone in the Old World had long hair and the Stewards carry on the sacred traditions of the past. This was inspired by the delightful long-haired-Laurent contingent in the capri fandom because they were so underserved by Captive Prince. No one in capri other than Ancel has really long, butt-length hair so Pacat wanted to change that in a new series
Where do you get inspiration for jewelry like Nicaise’s earring or James’s collar? Pacat has been thinking lately about the importance of creating a strong visual aesthetic for a character. The earring was created as a plot device. It’s long because it had to be very gaudy and noticeable because Laurent would use it as a disguise later, and it has blue sapphires because blue is Laurent’s colour. It's one single earring instead of a pair because it felt more poignant as a memento. The earring was more about purpose than aesthetics, but Pacat paid more attention to aesthetics in Dark Rise. When working on Fence, Johanna is so good at creating characters with an iconic visual look, and Pacat was thinking about that when he created James. He started with the idea of red because it's the colour of blood. The collar started off as a necklace that was a drop of blood, but it was changed to be more interesting and to have more of an impact. Pacat often thinks about the scene from the Hunger Games when Katniss is about to prove herself to the sponsors and they're not paying attention to her so she shoots the apple in the boar's mouth. A lesser author would’ve had her nail the bullseye but Suzanne Collins souped it up one more level, to come up with something slightly cooler or more imaginative. So Pacat goes through his finished drafts and thinks, is there anything I can turn up to 11? And the necklace wasn't at 11. So he thought about making it a choker, then a collar. A choker with rubies looks like a slit throat and that’s a very cool image, so that’s what it was changed to
Pacat is an only child so Tom and Auguste as older brothers aren’t based on personal experiences, but the idea of siblings has a strong importance to her. Dark Rise is dedicated to her half-sister Mandy who committed suicide when she was 15, which was the year Pacat was born
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Fence Comic
The process of creating Fence: First Pacat writes the script, then it gets sent to the illustrator Johanna. It goes through a few rounds of notes where the two of them talk about the kinds of things they want to see happen, what would be cute or great in the upcoming storyline, and then Johanna does sketches. Then art edits happen, but usually the art is so incredible that it doesn’t need many edits so the only usual change is to make sure that Nicholas is left handed when he’s fencing. Then Boom (the publisher) looks over it before it goes to inks, then to the colourist Joana Lafuente, then to Jim Campbell for lettering. Jim places the speech bubbles and fits the script onto the page. Where the bubbles are placed and which words are emphasized makes a big impact on the flow of the script. Then everything gets sent back to Pacat for proofreading and editing of the lettering and then it’s done
Pacat worked very closely with Sarah Rees Brennan on the fence novels. They talked a lot about how events would play out, biographical details of the characters, made canon compliance edits, saw the books at every level and loved them. It’s impressive how Sarah can turn on a dime between two sets of opposing feelings when transitioning between emotions. Her books have a lot of wit and charm but also a lot of hard-hitting emotion
There was information about Rise and a preview but I'll skip over that part because it's already out now
When creating characters, Pacat often thinks of them in terms of dynamics they’ll have with other characters, or what they want to achieve, or what kind of archetype they resonate with, or how to build a backstory that gives them layers. Characters are interesting when they have more than one motivation, when they look one way on the surface but then different aspects of them from the past are revealed
Pacat was an Earth sciences major
Pacat chooses all the fanart friday posts himself and then his assistant Hannah sends a request to the artist
Least favourite book trope: band of misfits who save the world through a hail mary pass. Pacat likes a highly confident crew, not a small rabble of people who fluke their way into saving the world. It's not a bad trope, he doesn't know why he doesn't like it. He doesn't like Firefly because of this trope
He often reads fanfic on ao3 for more of a story than was in the original or more of a dynamic that was underserved in the original. But authors can’t read fic of their own works for copyright reasons
Owns multiple copies of the Lymond Chronicles. Book four is her favourite because the ending is so intense and devastating. Pacat often thinks of that ending when deciding what to do with her own works because most authors would’ve chickened out of writing an ending like that. She read book one for the first time in a restaurant at 9:00am and stayed there until she finished the book. She probably looked like a mess because of all the laughing and crying, and at one point one of the waiters came over to bring her a handkerchief and said “are you okay?” and Pacat said “I’m just at a really intense part right now"
Pacat does brainstorming sessions with friends to come up with ideas for books and looks at art books for inspiration
He’s reading the BL manga Twittering Birds Never Fly
Danmei dramas/web novels are really long so he isn’t familiar with most of them, but he ordered MDZS and he’s looking forward to reading it because he’s heard a lot of good things about it
Pacat doesn’t usually like love triangles, whenever he ships something in a love triangle he ends up choosing the unlucky guy. He liked Gale more than Peeta and liked Edgar more than Heathcliffe
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joesalw · 10 months
Old swiftie here. I'm so over Taylor shading Joe. Like, I've always defended her because she, as an artist, is allowed to express herself and sing about her life, but she's literally just been taking cheap, coordinated shots against him for months now and it's just ugly. It's one thing for her to write about her feelings, another to shit talk him to her girlfriends, and a WHOLE OTHER THING to take every opportunity to blast him in front of the whole world. It's even worse to me that he really wanted to be private and now that they're over she's making everything public as a last laugh. He hasn't said anything, he's barely shown his face since the break up. All of this could have gone away by now, if she didn't keep bringing it back up. For someone who talked a whole lot about her accomplishments being diminished by the media in favor of her love life and how unfair that is, right now she's the only one to blame for it. She's really not missing any chances when it comes to talking about Travis and even worse comparing them being public to Joe. And I'm sorry, but some of the stuff she says is just hurtful no matter what unfolded. Wasted time? Really? I just don't get how someone can write such beautiful love songs, be so in love, talk for YEARS about how being private is the right thing and what she needed for their mental health, and then go "wow what a load of wasted time you were, and I gotta tell the whole world about it." She just flipped on him so hard and that's the kind of thing I always defended her from. I'm not finding her at all different from the likes of Kanye. That's not the kind of person I'd like to be around in real life and it definitely isn't the kind of person I want to be supporting. Idk I just really can't with the way she's rewriting history. It's like she forgot she disappeared for a reason and has now fully bought into the idea that he kept her locked in her basement or something. I always thought that if you really wanted to know someone's character you should put them on top of the world and see what they do with all that power and I'm sad to say nothing Taylor has done this year has made me think she's someone I should root for. Working with a rapist, dating a racist/misogynist/zionist then defending him, turning on someone she once implied save her life, the way she handled the Rio shows in Brazil (as a brazilian fan)... It's all just rotten. A real shame bc I've been with her since 06 but better late than never I guess.
A real shame indeed, because she's someone i used to defend a lot as well. But with everything that has happened this year have put such a bad taste in my mouth and also made me realize how her haters have always been so right. I used to think she has improved herself a lot both personally and professionally but to throw away all those character development as a wastage of time just because a relationship didn’t work out is so childish and embarrassing, like how can her fans not see through this?
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months
This PJO AU hello??? It was so good!! When Cellbit mentionned the spider I was like, of COURSE this idiot is a son of Athena... so true. Anyways I'm really interested about your reasoning for Pac's godly parent... why Mars? And why roman? I never watched the brazilians or the english so my understanding of their character is not optimal.
Also, how did they live before going to camp? Did they see many monsters ?
Thank you for writing this AU!
So Cellbit met Felps shortly after his ‘disappearance’, and they ended up sticking together (because Cellbit was a scared 8 year old demigod, and Felps was the eudaemon sent to watch over him.)
Years later, Cellbit ended up in juvie all the way across the country thanks to his cursed-ass knife, which is where he met Pac and Mike. Things Happened, and they all escaped and met up with Felps outside, and they decided to stick together despite a very messy breakup between Pac and Cellbit. (Technically, Guaxi escaped with them, but he went off on his own because, really, fuck these guys)
More time passed, and the four of them were just kinda homeless and traveling the country. None of them wanted to go find their parents, and Cellbit refused to go back to camp, and Pac didn’t want to go back to his camp (he already escaped from there once, he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to do it again.)
And then, maybe a few months before canon, they meet little Richarlyson, and since then they’ve been attacked by a TON of monsters. It’s for Richarlyson’s safety that Cellbit decided to bite the bullet and take him to camp, and so that’s why they went there
Pac, meanwhile, is from the other camp. His godly parent is the god of war, but that just sounds a little too hardcore, you know? Like, sure, Pac is a really good fighter, but that isn’t all he wants to do! He likes helping Mike with his little mechanical… things, and he really likes fixing up the cars the Gang steals. Pac prefers to be saved, anyway. Fighting can be such hard work, you know?
So he left Camp Jupiter after realizing that half of what it does is War Simulator, and then he ended up in Juvie for stealing a motorcycle with Mike, and now he’s planning on staying in the Hephaestus cabin with Mike and just chilling :)
(One day he’ll accept himself and his dad in the name of protecting his family, but not yet.)
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oddlyzephyrous · 9 months
last post i make about this for foreseeable future, it's a lot for my mental health to engage with this kinda stuff long-term but
I think as sad and disappointed as i am about the ccForever situation. I think I'm the most sad for the people who were making content with him, in qsmp and other projects.
Like i feel so bad for quackity and the admin team, that they have to deal with this. I feel bad for all the other streamers, like the other Brazilians and BBH and everyone who had IRL friendships with him as well as having to contend with all the storylines that they had going that involved him and his character that they have to reconsider. Like that must be so awkward and hard and sad for them to work through.
IDK man. however it all turns out it'll be hard. It's hard for us as fans and viewers and I can only imagine how much worse it is for people who were a lot closer to him and for people writing stories and content heavily involving his character. Like there is so much of qsmp that he made, so many storylines he was involved in. Like the Ninho, the presidency, Copacabana, the Happy Pills, the Nether, @v@... all such amazing parts of qsmp. Hoping everyone more closely involved in this situation is ok. It must hurt, seeing this kinda stuff from someone you trusted, and contending with that knowledge in reference to the story you're creating. Idk.
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I'm suspicious to say this because of course I will talk a lot of the brazilians CCs
But the RP that Pac and Forever are doing is AMAZING
Forever is crazy and happy all the time, but he gets SO mad with things when the pills stops making effect on him (and dude, all the cutscenes his doing in the end of the lives? Like yesterday, when he was "dreaming" and showed that he run after Cucurucho with a chainsaw, and Cucurucho runned away scared of him? And Q!Forever exploding his base and making lots and lots of TNT to explode the Island, which btw he definitely did it successfully and they did a rollback and forced Q!Forever on drugs to stopping him to do it again, because the Federation saw that he can and will do it again to get his son and the other eggs back!) And if you don't se his lives, he keeps in character ALL THE TIME, he rarely breaks character, and when he does is just to talk something with chat or explains something, but it's truly amazing what his doing! He's acting crazy and happy, but he has a few moments of lucidity and try to use it to warn the other on the island before taking the pills again!
His fight with Q!Cellbit, and both started screaming with each other and Q!Cellbit desperately tries to put some sense on Q!Forever head and show him that that thing on the bed is not their son! (Honestly that fight reminded me so much of Joui and Arthur fighting that I just started crying) And when Q!Cellbit just left Q!Forever there and he started singing to Rochas I cried much more.
And Pac? Jesus Christ!
His RP yesterday was so good! Because he is crazy and happy taking the pills, BUT, he is not like Q!Forever, when he doesn't take the pills he gets sad and Q!Forever gets mad!
And we as the voices in his head we tried to make him remember what he has to do! Take the pills and try to find and antidote!
But his moments os lucidity are very subtle, when he was lucid he started talking very fast and analyzing what was the medicine the Federation did and how it affected him and Q!Forever and how he could make a antidote. He talked to Q!Fit and Q!Tubbo and said a lot of thing he wasn't supposed to, even showed Q!Fit (and latter to Q!Foolish) the bottle of the medicine, and answered things to them!
But I think the moment that was really amazing and made me really emotional was when he was doubting himself saying that he couldn't make a antidote, and he didn't want to read the book his past self write to him, but he read it. And he remembered why he was doing it, and even if he was afraid of what could happen, he taked one of the pills and leave it to Q!Cellbit on his Castle and leaves.
That was so amazing and I was crying so much! Because even doubting himself (probably because of the pills or something that the Federation said to make him believe that he couldn't find a antidote) and him leaving and saying that it was in the hands of Q!Cellbit? Because he trust his friend very much? (Btw is really good how Pac did his character still be cautious and afraid of Q!Cellbit and making him angry because of their past, he has traumas and even if he knows Q!Cellbit changed for good, he is still afraid (Q!Cellbit knows it too and respects and reassures him he doesn't want to be that person ever again, but he understands that Q!Pac is afraid of that and is always calm and never raises his voice at him, even when Q!Pac accidentally send a private message to Q!Forever instead of Q!Cellbit, he helped Q!Pac and reassures him it was fine!)
And man, Q!Pac character is amazing and many ways, but him knowing he couldn't say anything about the pills and still find ways to show others that something is wrong? Leaving one of the bottles for Q!Cellbit to try to help him to find a antidote?? And in the few moments of lucidity he talking fast and trying to explain to Q!Fit and Q!Tubbo what the pills do to him and Q!Forever?? (Do you know how hard it is to organize in your mind what you want to say in your second language and talks fast all what you're think because you don't have much time?)
Honestly Forever and Pac RPs are absolutely amazing and gave me chills and made me emotional and different ways: Forever makes me kind afraid and scared of how he is and how he is acting to his friends, pointing guns and threatening them because of the clock sound his hearing in his head.
Pac, in another way, makes me worried and sad because his doubting himself so much, even saying to Q!Tubbo and Q!Fit he the weakest of the Favela Five, when this is not true (My man robbed a police guard IN PRISON, he is the one who gives troubles to the Federation without trying, he is the one who tricked the King ot Alcatraz (who is now one of his closest friend... Sure, the guy ate his leg, but this is in the past now!)
Honestly they are amazing, and their RP is really really good!
P.s.: I'm don't know how Q!Cellbit is going to react to the news today, but I just know to be prepared to his RP because knowing this son of a bitch I will cry really hard to the point I will be sobbing (years of Ordem Paranormal prepared me to be aware of this)
Anyways! Love my brazilians CC! I'm very proud of them and very happy that people of other countries are as amazed as me with their RP!!!
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mariamariquinha · 11 months
tear you apart - Dave York x f!reader (one shot)
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Summary: You were his assistant. You had a crush on him. Classic.
Word count: 8.8k
Warnings: Bad words, p in v, unprotected sex, slight mention of abusive coworker (not Dave), possessiveness (from Dave hehe) and alcohol comsuption.
Author’s Note: My mother saw me writing this and she said it was impressive that I was writing in English. That's one of the good sides of being the only one who can speak and understand English in a brazilian household - I can write 8k words of smut about a Pedro Pascal's character.
He isn't even in my list of regulars. But again, since when you guys try to understand me?
Join my taglist! Don’t forget to reblog, comment and like! As always, I would love to know what you’re all thinking! ❤
It wasn’t like he was your boss - in matters of hierarchy, he had more pomp, but he didn't have the power to order you to serve coffee, for example. Unlike the other agents in his ranks, however, Dave York was… likable. He limited himself to almost symbolic instructions or requests - a report, a question about the availability of a meeting room (he didn't like his).
The thing that made him tolerable was simple. Dave York knew how to ask just as much as he knew how to demand.
You mentioned him to your coworkers sometimes and you all would share nothing but a few words about the guy - that he was nice, polite, discreet. With nothing but an old LinkedIn profile, there wasn’t much to see about him. Well, in the meaning of personality.
Dave was attractive. And married.  
That being said, you couldn’t see yourself as the purest of the souls for feeling such a magnetism towards him. You wouldn’t come to some excuse, to say that the looks you sent his way had this uncontrollable intensity because, hey, you would go feral over him. It wasn’t true. If you wanted, if you tried hard enough, Dave would be just someone from work. What gave you some sense of preservation was that you’d never give the first step. What took it away from you was that if he asked, if he suggested, you wouldn’t… be contrary to the idea. But you would say no. 
“Did you hear?” Alessia, a fellow friend, came to your desk with fast steps and a weird eagerness. 
“Hear what?” You raised your head nonchalantly, ready for whatever gossip she had on her because… Well, Alessia never hid her intense interest in whatever off-work situation was happening around the office. 
She eyed your surroundings, surprisingly making sure no one was listening - it seemed so odd that you yourself looked around as well, frowning at the sudden mystery around whatever topic she would bring. 
“You know Dave York, right?” Alessia whispered, body leaning over your desk. 
“... Yes?”
“He’s getting divorced.”
“Shut up!” She shushed you with a scolding, enough to make you tap your mouth shut almost immediately. 
“How do you-Fuck, Alessia, how do you know that?” You asked after composing your discreet tone, not even daring to pretend you weren’t interested in what sounded like a huge lie. 
Dave loved his family, he acted like a girl-dad-family-guy type of man, even if in subtle ways - to not involve any business thing with personal issues. From what you saw, which wasn’t much, he would at least be in a couple therapy. Hell, Dave would fucking try. And given the number of women around the building who gave him intentional glances and flirty lines, you would know by now if he had given up to the ‘temptation’. 
You felt bad for thinking of him like that, like he was a cheater, even if it was common for guys like him. There were other reasons for people to divorce, especially if you’re working on a job that takes so much of your time and-
“... I might’ve been passing by his assistant’s desk and eventually listened to her talking on the phone…”
“Alessia.” You warned. 
“It wasn’t on purpose, I swear! Dave is… Well, he’s nice with us. I wouldn’t snoop through his things, he’s not Dawson or that stupid Mark Russo-”
“Mark Rudolph.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She waved you off. “The point is that she mentioned something about Dave being kinda unstable because of marital crises. Divorce. Her words, not mine.”
All of this sounded so secretive, so intimate; you know Alessia enough to be comforted by the idea of her not spreading the news. She was too curious, but not cruel to prejudice Dave or his assistant. All in all, she would just bring the subject up again in the privacy of your lunch breaks or night outs - nothing more sexy than that. 
“... Oh.”
“That’s all you have? Oh?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know, engage! How could you not be surprised by it?”
“I don’t look surprised?”
“You look lost.”
Because you were. During your lifetime, you had your fair share of big news or surprises - an aunt of yours assuming that she was lesbian in her late 50s, your college grades being enough to have a job in the government, finding out that losing your virginity wasn’t that big a deal. The difference was that they were all expectations, things you imagined in a way and turned out to be something else. Well, you could guess that your aunt could have inclinations. Applying for an office job in Governmental Security, in the CIA, was your first option since high school. You had at least 5 friends telling you that sex wasn’t great. 
You couldn’t guess, in your spare time with the senior agents, that Dave York would be divorced. 
“... We shouldn’t be speculating,” You said in a defensive tone, adjusting yourself in your seat and looking back at the computer screen. 
“Don’t act so innocent, yeah? I know you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, so you think you’re always so subtle about the biggest crush you-”
“Shhhhh! Are you out of your fucking mind?!” Your desperate shout came lower than her clear intention to fuzz with your absence of reaction. A hiss, you could say, with your hand slapping her wrist. 
Alessia grinned like the devil itself. 
“Just sayin’,” She raised her hands in defeat, straightening her stance and looking you over with a smirk. “He’s officially on now, baby.” 
“Get the fuck outta here.”
And if you felt your cheeks and neck burn - if you knew that this was because she was kinda right, you blinked a few times and got back to your work. 
“Hold on!”
You’d heard it before you saw whoever the person was - you just held the elevator’s doors with a small ‘oof’ and dizzy feet. Just when you smelled the perfume, when you heard, again, the same voice but with a soft low tone saying a single thanks, you noticed who it was. 
Seeing Dave standing there, both hands on his pockets with a neutral expression, not even giving you a side glance to notice your surprise. You cleared your throat, turned your heated face to the side and watched the doors closing - him staying on one side of the thing, you almost being swallowed by the wall from the other.
You unconsciously passed your hands over your dress. A new one, in a color you liked. You were so fucking nervous, as if the conversation with Alessia made you a criminal of something you shouldn’t be interested about. And, well, you weren’t, you know? It's just… Ugh.
“Seventh floor?” The sudden question made you turn to him with a frown.
“... What?”
“You’re going to the seventh floor?” 
“Oh. Oh, yeah, we… Our department changed to this floor.” No etiquette towards the topic of just saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’. You needed to embarrass yourself. 
Dave smiled in comprehension, then nodded his head. 
“Has it been recently?”
“Three months.”
And you looked at him, when you dared to give him more of a real glance, you noticed that he was still watching your nervous stance with a small pleased grin on his face. You smiled back - not with the same confidence, of course, but that was something at least.
“I’ll take notes from now on.” Dave said after a long elevator ride in silence, right when you were leaving him there alone. You turned around, saw the same grin staring back at you. “That you’re on the seventh floor now.”
It seemed sweet enough, polite for a colleague; you couldn’t help but smile at the amused tone of his voice and his ease into making small talk. 
And even if it was regular, not odd or invasive, you stood there in the corridor, after the doors were closed and the elevator kept going up, up, up… 
You stared at the thing until Alessia came by your side, asking what took you so long. 
For better or worse, you didn't tell Alessia about the little encounter with Dave, or the others that happened over the next few weeks. It wasn't like there was a point A and a point B - he was kind, polite and subtle in his approaches, as you would see him doing with any other colleague. You were conveniently there and the interactions were never awkward in any way. 
The said magnetism was there. Your attraction as well. For that very reason, you kept everything there, in the professional line of things, where the schedule of occupations and spaces on the seventh floor were always more convenient. And until you could gather reliable information, one that didn’t come with too much excitement from Alessia because damn you loved her but she could be really delusional, you decided to keep it cool, on your quiet side of the things, without big hopes or inventful ideas. Or let your imagination flow to-
“Good afternoon?” 
You gasped at the voice, startled by the sudden noise in the middle of such a quiet room, and when you turned around, pencil in hand, you saw Dave standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face. 
“Hi! Erm-” You cleared your throat, blinking a few times. “Hi. Dave. Sorry for that, I was distracted. Wasn’t expecting anyone here… so… soon.”
“Yeah, a meeting of mine ended early and I thought I'd use the free time to check some emails before we start here. Do you mind?” He pointed at one of the empty chairs, not daring to move before you could nod. “Thanks.”
It was unconscious the way you rubbed your hands on the fabric of your dress before going back to the board and writing the topics Joe had asked for - it was as if your palms were suddenly wet with a taut, unexpected sweat. And to be fair, you never really liked Joe's traditional handwriting method; PowerPoints would cut your time on your feet and certainly save you the trouble of writing or erasing the same things over and over to make your handwriting minimally legible, but it would do you some good to keep yourself busy with something while being alone with York. 
It also seemed like the kind of situation that was pretty depressing for your morale. With Dave there, you'd need to limit your curses and defeated mutters to each erase, which revealed itself to be a stressing quest. You would hate to give him the impression that you hated what you were doing even if you did - Dave could be nice, but he wouldn’t stop himself from giving Joe his opinions about your behavior.
And, well, you kind of needed the job. 
All the silence in the room, interrupted now and then by the pen scratching the whiteboard, was only interrupted after a good few minutes, when he decided to speak. 
“Do you-”
Your quickness to turn with visible stress and discomfort had him frowning, then looking down at the way your fingers tightened around the pen. Maybe it just wasn't a good day or the situation itself was always this stressful, but your shoulders were tight and your posture tense. No, that wasn't it. It wasn't Dave or the writing on the board. Meetings involving Joe would always put you on edge - days of prep, practically doing all the work for charts and data, and even information you barely had access to, all to receive other types of demands that left you stuck with too much work.
Dave noticed that. 
“... Do you have news from Eleanor?” Being decent enough for that, he decided to ask this instead, which made you blink a few times, as if waiting for a blow that never came. “I end up getting few updates on how she is doing. I've been pretty busy lately and I couldn't congratulate her. It's a boy, isn't it?”
Oh. Oh, yeah. Eleanor. His assistant, who became a mother recently and was out on maternity leave. That Eleanor. 
“Yes. I think his name is Bryan. Or John. Or Bryan John or John Bryan… I’m not sure.”
“Seems like something she would choose,” He said with an amused smile. “And as much as I want her to take her time, I admit that I miss her around here.”
“Yeah, well, not everyone can replace an assistant.”
“You’re right. Joe is the lucky one to have you, always ready to provide and organized. If he didn't waste your time with such nonsense-”
“I could-Yes, nonsense-I could use some help. Or just take you for me already.” 
The joking tone made you scoff a giggle, hiding your mouth with your hand and averting his gaze. Dave was giggling as well, but with a huge confidence - not tearing his eyes away, measuring your reaction. When you raised your eyes again, he still had that attentive face. 
“I’m sure there’s other great assistants willing to help you.” 
“Well, I haven't found these ones yet. If you ever know where to find them, don’t hesitate to tell me.”
“Of course,” You smiled, not being able to help but feel a little shy at the attention. 
When Joe appeared shortly afterwards, along with the few who would also be present at the meeting, the topic died down, but you got the impression that Dave kept a focused look in your direction for a while longer before getting distracted with work. 
If you're being completely honest, you knew you were the kind of person that other people took time to feel the kind of sexual appreciation for. It took a while, without love at first sight or passionate looks - it was like unveiling a beauty that perhaps wasn't clear at first. Alessia said that you were very modest and inattentive, that people looked at you or that you didn't really notice flirting because people did; you'd rather think that you just occupied yourself with different things and, you know, that's okay. It was a normal enough life within the work you did.
You didn't have a car, despite knowing how to drive a little (with a short list of incidents in your history), so you always took the bus or train or, on difficult days, a taxi or Uber. This, of course, when there were no extraordinary conditions, such as extended working hours because Joe made you stay. That day, you were busy with a lot of documentation that had come to you late. Alessia even offered to give you a ride, but she had a date that night and you knew it would get in the way. 'That’s okay,' you said, and then saw the entire floor empty completely as the hours passed.
When you took an elevator with a defeated sigh, around eight, you thought you would be able to get the difficult day's transport; it was dangerous to walk at that time of night, of course. But then you ended up on the sidewalk of the building, no battery on your phone and not even a sight of a taxi nearby. Fine. Fine. Yeah, totally fine. That was the epitome of your career, of  working with Joe, of… being a fucking ‘good employee’ just so that motherfucker could-
You turned around at the sound of the voice, startled to see Dave parking his car in front of you and leaning over the passenger seat to grab your attention from the desperate swipes you made on your phone. He was smiling politely at you, waiting for a reaction you didn’t give for a few seconds. 
“Hey,” You said with a small smile. “I didn’t know you were working late.”
“Yeah, had some stuff to do,” He shrugged. “Are you waiting for someone?”
“No, I’m just trying to find a ride home. My phone’s off, I can’t call an Uber and there’s no taxis around.”
Dave raised his eyebrows, looking around and nodding a little. 
“You live nearby?” 
“I wouldn’t say nearby, but…”
“I can give you a ride.”
The offer made you blink dumbly at him for a moment, phone in one hand and purse in the other. 
“No, no, I don’t want to bother.” You waved him off with a smile. 
“It's late and it's getting cold. I would hate to leave you here when I can leave you at home,” He argued, still without losing his friendly smile and soft tone. “I'll drop you off.”
You could say 'no', you could insist that a taxi would show up soon or that you could just use his phone to order an Uber, but you knew it would be in vain because Dave was insistent and might get upset if you refused to accept the ride from him. Besides, who were you kidding? It was a ride from Dave York, the guy you were really interested in. What other opportunity would you have to learn more about him, even just a little, outside of work?
“... Okay then,” You conceded with a nod, hearing his ‘attagirl’ while he let you enter his car. Once inside, you put the seatbelt on and kept your purse firmly on your lap to keep your hands busy. “Thank you.”
“It’s okay. What are co-workers if not to help in these difficult times?” And he said it so nonchalantly, using one of his hands to simply touch your knee in a friendly manner before putting it back on the steering wheel, that when you finally noticed the action, you also noticed that you left him hanging on a question about why you were there so late. 
“Joe gave me some paperwork at the end of the day and the deadline was tomorrow,” You said, seeing the way he frowned. 
“Does he always do this? Make you stay alone here until late?”
Well, you didn’t want to complain, it would be unprofessional. But you were so tired, so done with Joe’s shit, that you couldn’t help but say something about it. 
“He’s always saying it’s work.” 
Dave scoffed. 
“This is ridiculous.”
You nodded, eyeing the streets silently. That was the beginning and the end of the conversation, with you just giving basic instructions of where you live. During this time, you noticed a few things inside the car; small things, like the childlike ornament on the inside rearview mirror or the pleasant scent of bergamot or the soft music from the radio station that played almost like a discreet soundtrack. He looked as organized there as he was in the office, without a crumb of food on the inside or a stain on the dashboard. Everything was impeccable.
“You know, that job to be my assistant is still open.” The sudden comment made you turn to him with surprise. Dave was already on the street where you lived and you thought he wouldn’t say anything else, but that made you frown. 
“There’s a big chance that Eleanor will not be back. I’m gonna need someone to help me.” 
“But…” You considered. “I'm sure the agency has a list of more experienced people for you.”
He smiled at that, parking right in front of your building and turning his body to you, one arm hanging on the steering wheel and the other brushing his chin. 
“I think you have enough experience for what I need. And believe me, I’m meticulous when it comes to choosing who I want to work with, and I’ve been watching you for some time.”
“Mm-hm. I always envied Joe for having someone so valuable on his team, I already told you that. And let's face it, as a senior agent, I can give you more benefits and I certainly don't intend to keep you working late into the night.” 
That made you smile a little, shaking your head and eyeing the street ahead with uncertainty. 
“... I need to think about it.” 
“Hey,” He brushed his fingers on your jaw, making you turn your eyes at him again. Get your shit together, woman, for the love of God… “No pressure, yeah? You take your time to consider. And if you’re afraid of how Joe might react, I’ll deal with him.”
“Tell me your decision when you feel like it,” Dave leaned in, disconnecting your seatbelt and brushing his hand on your shoulder, then opened your door. “I would be happy to work with you anyhow.” 
“Okay,” You repeated yourself, nodding and getting out of the car. “Thanks for the ride, Dave. And for the opportunity.”
“Anything, honey. Good night.”
He sped down the street and you stood for a long time on the sidewalk outside your building thinking about a few things: you should take your charger to work, Joe was an asshole, Dave York gave you a ride (his car smelled really good, like him), he had been paying attention to you and… God, he called you 'honey'?
Yeah, definitely get your shit together. 
It was like having one foot outside. In the morning, all it took was for Joe to send you an email saying that you should pick up his suits from the dry cleaners and, as soon as you arrived at work (without the suits), you went to the ninth floor and, effectively, to Dave's office.
He had the same charming smile he always had when you said you accepted the job.
It was a curiously peaceful transfer, most likely due to the bureaucratic situation between Dave, a higher caliber agent, and Joe. Dave's room was much larger, with large windows and good lighting, and everything seemed much more comfortable. You felt impressed and wanted to impress.
Eleanor told you everything, but curiously she didn't know how Dave liked his coffee or his favorite restaurant for lunch. She mentioned that he never asked her that kind of thing, and when you mentioned it to Alessia, she said that maybe that was why people liked him there (apart from, as she herself mentioned, 'his nice, toned ass in stockings age').
As soon as you started, he had a two-week trip to Brussels. This gave you time to get used to his routine, with calendars and schedules, even with who he preferred to talk to or who should leave messages on your desk. All the effort (that you convinced yourself that came from a place of pure professionalism) had some return when he arrived that morning, after the trip, with a smile on his face and his casual blue suit, Dave had two cups of coffee on his hand, accompanied by a small paper bag from Starbucks. 
“I unfortunately didn't have time to bring the champagne,” He teased, handing you a cup and the bag. “Latte and cinnamon roll, right?” 
“How did you-”
Hah. Of course. That would explain why she sent you a million morning texts telling you she would be the one bringing you coffee. 
“That's very kind of you,” You said with a smile. “But it's a shame I don't know yet which coffee you like.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Dave reassured, walking in the direction of his office and observing you from head to toe. “That's not the first thing I value in an assistant like you.” 
Like you. Of course you didn’t know what it meant, but you tried not to read into it. Either way, you smiled a little while sipping on your coffee and eating the cinnamon roll, touched by the considerate act. 
It would always be a cliché for the boss and the secretary to have such a passionate and fiery affair. At the CIA, there were very strict rules about this type of behavior, but they didn't have the same weight as not being able to tell government secrets or being one of those retired guys who went on TV documentaries to talk about how aliens existed. The break rooms were full of true stories of similar cases, just like an everyday convenience, so it was normal when, over time, people started to speculate or make jokes about your relationship with Dave.
At first, you just denied it with a smile. Little by little, everyone started to believe, because ethically speaking, Dave never showed any signs of giving you some kind of special treatment compared to anyone there. The curious thing was that, as people let the speculation cool, you noticed some kind of tension between the two of you.
After the first month, he started to have subtle touches on some part of your body: fingers that brushed your back when you two took the elevator together and he told you to go first, or touches of his fingertips as he asked about the color of your nails. Sometimes, unconsciously, he would stay close enough while showing something on your computer and then, before leaving, he would give your shoulder a brief squeeze before leaving.
Between the second and fourth, more or less, the stares began. At first you thought he was just staring into space in contemplation or reasoning, with you conveniently there in his eyesight, but then it seemed more like a deliberate action. You felt him watching and the next thing you knew, Dave was smiling like nothing had happened before going back to work.
From the fifth to the sixth, he started bringing you small gifts from trips he took. From Canada, a pair of winter socks; from Malta, a ceramic set of espresso cups; from Spain, a Manila shawl. They progressed from small considerations for your services to finally 'I remembered you when I saw this' and 'I thought it would go with your kitchen'. He gave you rides, paid for your lunch, complimented your hair or your nails or your skirt or your shoes and sometimes he just kept staring, as if paying attention to something.
Dave, that same man who you labored a regular interest in, wore the same tailored clothes, the ones that accentuated his body, revealing potentially strong thighs and a perfect physical structure for someone his age. At that point, though, being so close, you knew he bit pen caps when he was focused, ran his hands through his hair when he was tense, and always left two buttons on his shirt open after the last meeting of the day was over. His hands were an interesting counterpoint, steady and reflective of manual labor, even though he was always impeccable.
That all meant you were noticing each other. 
Deep down, in fact, you just had the impression that he was naturally inclined to know everything from a person who would be so close to his routine, his professional environment and his life as a whole, and therefore, he would always know everything about you unconsciously while you would only know what he wanted you to know. 
“Oh, what’s the special occasion?” 
The question caught you by surprise, enough to make you gasp. Dave was entering his office nonchalantly, looking at you with an amused frown. You were just putting some paperwork on his desk when he came back from a meeting. 
“... What?”
“Your dress. I’ve never seen you wear this one before,” He pointed out. “And it’s way too cool for the environment.” 
Oh yeah, the dress. The dress you were almost dying for him to notice, but you didn’t get so lucky because of how busy his morning was - enough for not being able to see him until that exact moment, after lunch time. The dress you chose carefully at a shopping trip with Alessia, one she approved, one that was new. It was an earthy shade of brown, kind of satiny and fitted to your body almost like a glove. It wasn't really a dress, it was a discrete set - the tighter shirt had a few buttons and the skirt complemented it, as it was the same color, in a harmonious way. Well, those were things Alessia had told you. In a way, you agreed. You felt good in the morning when you wore it and you were feeling good (in a different way) about the fact that Dave paid attention; finally paid attention. 
“I hope I'm not straying from dress protocol,” You said, trying to sound funny or collected about his comment. He smiled, walking closer. 
“Wouldn’t say you did it,” Dave stood two steps away, both hands inside his pockets while, without any shame, looking at the extent of your body. “You are quite distracting, but I don’t think you can help it. Wearing this or not, you’re a pretty woman who happens to wear pretty clothes.” 
You blinked at him a few times, taking notes on the way he said it so casually, without a single tone of flirting, then turned around his desk to go through his day. 
“So? Any special occasion?” He pressed calmly, focusing on the papers in front of him. 
“... No! No, I mean… I’ll go for a few drinks with some friends from work. Alessia, some other assistants… Happy hour.” 
“Oh,” Unimpressed. “Seems like you’ll have a lotta fun tonight then.”
“Joe will be there too.”
With your time working together with Dave, you began to expose small aggressions and positions that Joe used to have. It wasn't anything serious, it was even 'normal', like comments that came very close to inappropriate and absurd during working hours. In the beginning, you mentioned things he did to others, things that Dave had often witnessed. When you told him about yourself, about what Joe directed at you, about the calls for drinks and rides that you always politely declined, Dave even apologized if he was being invasive. You said no. After that, he got weird when he heard about the guy. 
Mentioning this to him made you watch that same reaction. He raised his eyes at you with a big scowl, papers forgotten and a stern expression on his face. 
“Will he.” Dave said in an emotionless tone, as if making sure you said it right. 
“Yeah, some agents will, in fact,” You nodded. “You could come by too if you want to. I know it’s not your kind of thing, but maybe, I don’t know, you could decompress a little?”
The offer was left hanging in the air for quite some time, with him staring at you without a reaction. You waited for a decline, really, because Dave wasn’t one of going out with coworkers just because. But then, all of the sudden, his face relaxed, he smiled and became a whole different person in a matter of seconds. 
“‘Would love to, honey. Just don’t want to interrupt your complainings about the bosses ‘round here,” He teased, going back to the papers once again, being all playful. 
“We’ll be careful to keep it away from your ears,” The answer made him giggle. 
“Just tell me when and where, yeah?”
“I will.”
You left his room satisfied, even if not so hopeful that he would really appear at that get-together. Perhaps, and that could be a fair statement, obnoxious of how Dave’s face fell into that same ugly scowl with the reminder of Joe’s presence still surrounding your social life - or your life, in general. 
“What are you looking at?” Alessia asked, pushing a drink in your hand and following your eyesight at the door. You just averted your gaze, sipping in a way too strong cup of gin and vodka. 
“It must be something. Should we be waiting for someone else?”
Dammit, why did this woman know you so well?
“... I just…” You looked around, making sure none of your coworkers would hear you two. “I invited Dave.”
“Shut up!” Preventing the storm of words coming out of her mouth, you shushed her off, giving another wary look around the bar. “I offered. Nothing more than that.”
“And I assume he said yes?!”
“He did.”
“Oh,” She raised her eyebrows. “Bold of you.”
“Yeah, I can see it.”
“No, seriously. That’s the most brave thing you did since that dude from IT.” 
“Really?” You made a face at her. 
“Just sayin’, baby, sorry. But let’s hope he comes by, give us some good talk instead of this… whatever this is with Joe and his guys.” 
Over her shoulder, exactly where she pointed out, you saw Joe sharing some of those suspicious laughs with some other fellow agents, obviously saying something that your colleagues couldn’t find funny in the slightest. You sipped on your drink again, raising an eyebrow at her and shrugging. 
“Let’s hope.”
It was a long night, even if it was fun despite the company. You moderated your alcohol intake, laughed with your friends, knew how to dismiss Joe's mean or typically provocative comments. He behaved, somehow, at least for what anyone could expect from him, and the problem was just that his whole personality was just annoying. By the end of the encounter, later on, with people disappearing and any sign that Dave might appear had already vanished, you decided to call it a night, phone in hand, ordering an Uber for you and Alessia. 
Chilly night, peaceful street - not a lot of cars available, which didn’t bother your friend, who leaned against the brick wall on the sidewalk, lighting a cigarette and staring at the sky during what seemed like a really good drunk state. You kept an eye on her from time to time, splitting your attention between her and the phone screen, sometimes seeing those drunk eyes looking at people passing by or just wandering around. 
You turned your back for a second, anxious at the possibility of finally getting a car and-
It wasn’t aggressive, nor harsh, but you jumped at the possibility of drunk-Alessia interacting with anyone by any means. When you snapped your head in her direction again, ready to start a fight or anything that she could throw your way, you saw that it wasn’t the case - that she was smiling at the sight of the person approaching. 
“You’re, like, really late” She said to Dave, narrowing her eyes to see the time on her wrist watch and then waving it in front of his face. 
“Got stuck with work, sorry,” He smiled apologetically, turning to you. “Last minute problem.”
“Is everything okay?” You asked, mind already working on what you could’ve forgotten to do before leaving to the bar. 
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry,” Dave waved you off. “I take it the night went well?”
“Except for that stupid Joe talking a lot of shit, it was good,” Alessia intervened, voice full of venom while blowing the smoke of her cigarette in the night air. “That bitch can’t shut the fuck up…”
“I think we’ve got the point, Alessia, thank you,” You scolded her, taking a few steps closer to make sure she was listening to you properly. She tsked, face turning to the side while she started to get distracted again. 
That just made you huff, shaking your head while going back to your phone to find the damn Uber. 
“No luck?” Dave asked. 
“No, this just-” You raised your eyes in time to see him really closer, looking curiously at you and the phone screen. That made you stop in your tracks, clearing your throat before speaking again. “I’m not really lucky with this stuff, maybe.”
“Huh,” He grinned, looking around for a second. “I was hoping I could come by, but since your night ended early, I can give you two a ride.”
“That’s not really necess-”
“It is!” Alessia cheerfully said from behind Dave, raising both hands in the air. “My feet are killing me, baby…”
That made you roll your eyes.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” You said. “Really, Dave, you can have your drink, enjoy the night. We’ll find a ride to go back home.”
“I insist,” He pressed, one of his hands carefully placed on your right arm. “And anyway, I was planning on enjoying the night with good company. The only difference is that you’ll be in my car.” 
Hah. How charming… You couldn’t help but smile at his statement, seeing from your peripheral that Alessia was smirking and making pouty kissy lips in your direction. 
“... If you say so.”
“Yeah, he said so, can we go now?” The way your friend throwed the comment at you two made Dave grin grow wider. 
“C’mon, ladies.”
He helped Alessia to sit properly on his back seat, even opened the door for you to sit at the passenger side. Took Alessia ten or fifteen seconds to pass out, sleeping soundly in a very embarrassing way. All the while, you sat there quiet, talking now and again to give directions to where your friend lived; Dave drove peacefully, right hand on the steering wheel while his left elbow was propped up on his open window, head tilted to the side. 
You couldn’t help but pay attention, like any other moment you two were in the same room. He seemed tired, stern - work clothes still on, mind probably going somewhere else. 
“You should start charging me, you know?” You decided to make small talk right after you two left Alessia at her place. 
“Mm?” Dave hummed absently, not taking his eyes off the street. 
“For these rides.”
He raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement, smiling a little. 
“Should I?”
“Any other person with common sense would.”
For a moment, all he did was huff, but when you two stopped at a red light, Dave leaned comfortably on his seat and looked at you. 
“You should know by now that I don’t play by common sense.” 
“... No?” You frowned. 
“Nn-nn. There’s a lot I prevent myself from doing that could have something to do with common sense.” 
“I don’t believe you.”
“Why not?” The traffic light changed and he started driving again, but now more attentive to what you were saying, almost amused by the way his face was softer. 
“You’re the perfect example of someone who plays by common sense. Polite, well dressed, family man…” The last word made you hiss internally. 
“Mm.” He didn’t seem affected by your words, by the slight mention of his family, because that was one of the things you two never talked about. Still, you could punch yourself in the face for that. 
“I mean, the usual.”
“Makes sense.”
“But everyone has things that don't have to do with socially acceptable stuff,” It carried an intensity, the way he said it, one that made you shift in your seat and burn your cheeks. 
You brushed your fingers on the fabric of your skirt, averted your gaze from him to watch the street. Deciding against your better judgment, or just being a coward, you didn’t elaborate. 
“Joe behaved?” He asked after a beat of silence, changing the subject. 
“On his own terms, yes.”
“‘Would hate to have another talk about his approach with my assistant.” 
My assistant. Why did that sound slightly… No, no. Get your fucking shit together.
“You two… talked?” You asked with curiosity, clearly a little confused by such information. He clearly didn’t need to do that. 
“Did I do it wrong?”
“I just don’t want to bring you any problems.”
“You’re not,” Dave reassured you, shaking his head. “You’re my friend, aren’t you? I like to be sure my friend has anything they need if I can help.” 
Yeah, friend would be… Yeah. Friend. Huh. Friend. 
“Fair point.”
“I know,” He smiled. 
The rest of the ride went on in silence, but you couldn't tell for sure if you were comfortable or anxious or confused. Or all at the same time. It was like you felt bad for even trying to read beyond kindness, like an obsessed teenager interpreting signs that weren't there. Maybe he just thought that Joe's presence still hovering around him could interfere with the quality of his work and, therefore, he just made sure he stayed away. It made sense.
When you arrived at your house, it took you a while to get out of the car, with a strange delay. It was clear that you wanted to enjoy that almost intimate and private time with Dave, to be close, to talk about what the two of you could have talked about at the bar if he hadn't been busy with work. You wanted to continue feeling the electricity of being close, of attraction, of hearing his voice for longer, his laugh, his mannerisms. 
“I have beer,” You said bluntly. “If you want to, you know.”
He stared at you for a moment, measuring your face and lightly licking his bottom lip, then using his thumb to brush his chin - that regular tick he had. 
“It’s late.” He said.
“... I know, sorry, I-”
“But beer sounds good.” 
At the same time as you felt relieved, you felt a feeling in the pit of your stomach of anticipation. You smiled, got out of the car and clenched your fists when you heard him do the same behind you, followed by his footsteps on the asphalt until you realized that you should start walking to your door. Dave followed silently, keeping a respectful distance but curiously watching you the entire time you invited him in. 
He didn't look around your living room when you turned on the light, nor at the place where you left your bag and keys - Dave looked at you, at what you were doing, in a look that seemed to penetrate your insides. You made a comment about him not noticing the mess and he just shook his head. You started walking to the kitchen, asked him to follow you and he did, stopping next to the counter and, again, burning your back as he stared at you, taking the beers from the fridge. 
It was safer to sit at the kitchen table, so you did. Only then, when you started making comments about what was talked about in the bar hours before, about how fun it was, did Dave re-engage in the conversation, losing all his silent and observant posture for a more conversational one. You managed to relax more, but your body felt the way his eyes went from your eyes to your mouth as you spoke, or to your throat as you took a sip of beer. And you could certainly never catch him making any of these observations, because they were quick, subtle, almost hallucinogenic, as if you were imagining it. 
At some point during that conversation, when it was actually much later in the night, you were wearing no heels, he was wearing just one more button undone on his shirt and the two of you became more comfortable on the couch, extending what seemed like the first conversation you were having in months. It could be the buzz of the beer or the tiredness, but you started to notice more closely the same things he might have been noticing about you: the little skin that showed at the opening of his shirt, the fabric of his pants pressing against his half-open thighs, the mouth touching the bottle spout. 
You didn't even pay attention to whether you were being discreet about it or not.
“It surprises me,” He said casually, pulling you out of your trance. 
“What?” You asked. 
“No boyfriend or girlfriend on the line for you?”
“No… I think I’m always busy enough for that.”
“I can give you some days off if you need,” He joked, which made you two giggle a little. “But really, I’m impressed there isn’t no one in the game for you.”
The words were out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“There actually is someone.”
Dave raised his eyebrows.
“But it’s more like a platonic thing.”
“So a friend from work?”
Don’t answer that. Lie.
“Do I know him?”
He nodded his head, contemplating your answer carefully without taking his eyes off you. There was a pregnant pause, with you both just looking at each other without saying anything. 
He was the one who approached first. 
It wasn't something blatant, like grabbing a person out of nowhere, but it felt more like a probe, as if he was testing the waters before moving forward. You let him, because you knew it was incredibly sensual to see him take such small, subtle steps towards the end of all your doubts. He just adjusted his position and sat a little closer, placing one arm stretched across the back of the couch, his fingers almost touching your shoulder but not enough. 
“So I am your will outside of common sense?” Dave asked in a low voice, head tilted to the side while he brought the same fingers close to the collar of your shirt, brushing the fabric calmly without losing eye contact. You swallowed hard, feeling a heat between your legs and the most irregular beating of your heart.
“... Mm-hm.” 
“I see…” He hummed, moving his hand closer to your face, the tip of his fingers now grazing the skin of your neck, up to your jaw, cheek, the bridge of your nose and then the cupid bow of your lips.  
That wandering tip of his finger booped the tip of your nose lightly, almost playfully, with a smile growing on his face at your lack of answer. 
“I've always admired your facility with words, dear. Why are you suddenly so quiet with me?” 
You blinked a few times at the call out. 
“What do you want me to say?” 
“That you want me, for starters. At least just as much as I want you.” 
“How can I say that if I don’t know how much you want me?” It was your turn to be the smartass, but he liked it, biting his bottom lip. 
“There we go, there’s my good girl back…” Dave leaned in even more, breath touching the corner of your mouth. “You’ll have to earn this info, baby. That’s how it works. Wanna know how to do it?”
You nodded. 
“Words.” He used a stern tone, eye to eye. 
“Yes,” Was your answer, one that came out breathly from the proximity. 
“You’ll take your clothes off, then you’ll bounce on my cock like I know you dreamed of doing. I’m sure you’re already wet, I can fucking feel it. And you’re always so efficient, I know you can do it effortlessly.” 
Dave had a commanding presence, a calm but stern way of ordering. He walked away, smiling like a rascal when he saw you try to follow the heat of his mouth with a pathetic movement of your head, and sat comfortably on the sofa, legs open and both hands resting on his thighs. You would find it ridiculous if it were anyone else, but it was Dave, so you unconsciously started to go for the buttons of your shirt.
“Get up,” He interrupted your movements. “‘Want you to put on a show for me.” 
And damn, you did it. You got up, wobbling a little from arousal, standing in front of his spread legs and getting even more hot with his lustful gaze. Tentatively, you unzipped your skirt and moved your hips so it fell to your feet. As soon as you opened each button on your shirt, he lifted your hips a little off the couch, taking one of his hands to adjust his hard on. It was a scene you certainly wouldn't forget.
“Nah,” Dave raised a single finger before you could open your bra. “Changed my mind. Sit here.”
Again, you obliged, both hands on his shoulders for support while you straddled his waist. He seemed distracted by your lingerie, looking and analyzing you, running his hand over the straps, then over the transparent fabric that barely covered your nipples, attentive to the care he was directing towards them. When you sighed at the contact, he leaned his head and gave one of them a small kiss through the fabric, making you whimper. 
He was so hard against your covered core, you almost moved your hips for some friction, but before you had the chance, Dave grabbed the sides of your panties, pulling them up and pressing the fabric against your throbbing clit. The motherfucker was playing with you, observing each change in your expression at the teasing. 
“Such a pretty pussy…” There was an amused tone there too when he pulled the panties to the side and brushed his knuckles on that sensitive area. “What’s taking you so long to fuck yourself on me, hon? Go on. Take it off.”
Gaining some ‘decency’, you went to his belt, easily opening his pants and taking in the sight of a big and really hard cock that was melting with pre cum. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight, of being able to hold it against your palm and pump him a few times. He groaned at the stimulation, as if warning you to go faster, to fucking sit on it, so you obliged again, stretching yourself with his length and moaning at the sensation of being so full. 
“Thaaaat’s it,” Dave gripped your hips firmly, growling. “Get used to it, baby. Stretch that pussy, get used to my cock so you can have it anytime you want.”
“Yeah?” You panted. 
“Mm-hm,” That was all the encouragement you needed to start moving, rolling your hips and going up and down slowly, savoring the moment with him. “Since the first time I saw you looking at me, begging me to fuck you good, I wanted to bend you over that desk and give exactly what you’re asking. Because that’s what you wanted, eh? Wanted me to fuck this pussy?”
“Yes… Fuck, yes…” You closed your eyes at his words, aroused by the discovery that your desire didn’t go unnoticed by him. 
“So do it. Prove to me that this lingerie is for me, not for Joe.”
Dave was frowning in concentration when you blinked at him. The admission seemed coherent, like all the reactions he had about you mentioning Joe started to make sense. Fuck, he was jealous and that was so hot. 
“Jealous?” You smirked, speeding up the movements of your hips against his. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fucking jealous,” He slapped one of your ass cheeks, bringing your face closer with a hand wrapped possessively on the nape of your neck. “Jealous that he got to get you, to talk to me about how hot you were and that you’re not mine. Almost taught him a lesson, almost fucking killed him…”
It could be a reaction of the intensity of the moment, but you thought it was so hot that all you could do was moan. Suddenly, then, you were on your back on the couch, with him sealing your lips in a harsh and wet kiss, pounding inside of you restlessly. 
“All mine, you hear me? You’re mine,” Dave bit your bottom lip harshly, making you taste blood on your tongue, then touched your forehead with his. “Say it.”
“I…” You were close, so close, faster than with any other partner you ever had in your bed before. “I’m yours, Dave… Yours…”
“That’s it, you’re mine. Fucking mine,” He got on his knees, putting your legs up around his hips, going even more deeper while watching him disappearing inside you. “Joe doesn’t get to fuck you like this, I do.”
Taken by the same lust as you, he groaned when he noticed you getting your orgasm with a high moan, wrapping his fingers around your neck for stability while not stopping the movement of his hips. The slap sound of skin on skin made you go crazy, gripping his arms with the sensation of your second orgasm coming in full force. 
He came a lot. Taking deep breaths, you just felt all of his seed inside, but also dripping around your thighs and probably wetting the cushions below you two. All of this, all of the intensity, and Dave was fully dressed. 
“Are you okay?” His voice was soft again, nothing like the savage he’d been minutes before. With the weight of him on top of you, his breath on your neck and his come on your legs, all you could do was nod. “Words.”
The second order made you put your arms around his torso, holding him close. 
“I am, Dave. I am.”
He groaned a little to support himself on his hands, eyeing you from above and taking in your cock drunk expression. 
“You look even more gorgeous like that,” The comment made you smile shyly at him. “Been jerking off for quite some time imagining your face after I fucked you, not I’ll need to do more times so I can’t forget.”
“I’m willing to help.”
“Good,” He smiled, leaning down to kiss you slowly and sensually, probably tasting a little blood from your injured lip. “Because I’ll fucking tear you apart.” 
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lusi-raul · 1 year
Why do I feel like the eggs’ admins know or at least have a hunch that they are going away? With Tallulah and Dapper having books to give to their parents/grandparents acting like their last will and testament even saying they are not allowed to read it unless something happens to them. You usually don’t write that stuff unless you know you are close to meeting death himself.
Man, it’ll be such a sad sight to see if Wilbur finally logs on to see that Talullah can only talk to him through a book.
I hope somehow even after the eggs event, the character can survive somehow. Maybe Forever’s theory is correct and when the time comes the eggs hatch into more members joining. A good way to add members that’s not a new nationality. Maybe Pomme will be another french streamer and Richas a brazilian. Imagine Tommy becomes Ramon or Dapper and that’s why he doesn’t speak spanish anymore because his spanish dad is nonexistent AHAHAHA Idk. Or maybe they become a presence like cucurucho idk just anything where we can still interact with them. They are just such a vital part of qsmp that making them completely go away would break the community just too hard.
Anyway, I’m a firm believer that the “dead” eggs aren’t really dead at all. They are just hidden whithin the depths of the federation. The only complete supernatural force whithin the smp is Rubius and I saw a theory somewhere where they say that no matter how powerful the federation is, they can’t possibly have access to the afterlife. Otherwise how would you explain the last 5/10 mins with the parents. Unless those eggs are just reanimated bodies/clones/holograms they can’t possibly be brought back to life for 5 or ten mins just to be killed off again for good.
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midsummerdolls · 9 months
Doll profiles for my modern dolls! Since my collection has changed much over the past few months. Under the cut because this will be long!
Most of my modern dolls aren't canon character dolls, and any who are (namely Corinne) are still a little bit divorced from their canon counterparts, because I have fun with extrapolating storylines for my own dolls, and trying to make them fit in alongside their new friends. On to the bios!
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Lena Grzegorczyk (she/her)
Lena is the oldest doll in my collection, and therefore I think it's apt that she is my oldest character. She's 14, and enjoys learning new things. She loves to read and draw, and she just got a guitar for Christmas! She is also obsessed with vintage fashion. Her dream job is to work with textiles someday, in any capacity. Lena's favorite color is red!
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Tsukiko Matsubara (she/her)
Tsukiko is happy, confident 13 year old! She loves experimenting and trying new things, and her favorite thing she owns is her little science kit. She's fascinated by chemistry, and would love to do something with that someday! For now, she spends her time messing with her camera, and doing fun (safe) experiments in her kitchen. Tsukiko has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which often has her using hand-crutches. Her favorite color is turquoise!
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Divya Patel (she/her)
Divya is a sweet, caring 12 year old. She is on the local youth's swim team, and she enjoys painting and sewing, and her favorite class at school is art class! She had a blast with the pottery unit. She's not quite sure what she wants to do someday, but she has plenty of time to decide! Divya is half Gujarati, and half Afro-Brazilian. She's good friends with both Tsukiko, her classmate, and Lena, who she met at an after-school art club last year. Her favorite color is light pink!
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Andrés Fuentes (he/him)
Andrés is really excited that he made it onto the boy's soccer team. He just came out as trans, and was worried that he wouldn't be allowed to participate. Andrés just turned 13, and in his spare time he loves to play the drums, which annoys his family to no end. He does brilliantly in maths, which makes him think he might be suited to something like accounting, but he hasn't thought too much on the subject. His family is Puerto-Rican, and he speaks Spanish at home. He was also born hard-of-hearing in his right ear, and he's working towards becoming fluent in ASL. His favorite color is green.
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Nihkko Lehtinen (he/him)
Nihkko just transferred to this school district this year, and he has found a good friend in Andrés on the soccer team. He's 12 years old, and outside of playing soccer, he's looking forward to this year's school production, which he wants to audition for. He loves to sing and dance, and wants to put those skills to use! His family is Saami and Tatar, which makes him really proud! His favorite color is yellow!
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Esme Adrianov (she/they)
Esme is a quiet, stubborn 12 year old. She doesn't move outside of her social circle much, but she deeply values the friends that she does have. Despite being rather shy, she isn't afraid to stand up for her and her friends when needed. They enjoy running on the track team, and they love baking and experimenting with fun, new recipes! Her family is Unangan, and her parents raised her to be really, really proud of that fact. She is good friends with Nihkko, Andrés, and Nanea. Their favorite color is blue!
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Nanea Jeon (she/her)
Nanea is a sweet, confident 12 year old! She loves biking around town with Esme, and working in the gardens with her parents on the weekend. She loves to write as well, and she's written a few short stories that she is extremely proud of! Nanea is half Hawaiian and half Korean, and she greatly looks forward to when she can see her cousins, who all live so far away! Her favorite color is light orange!
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Amarah Adeyemi (she/her)
Amarah is a friendly, confident 12 year old! She draws a lot in her spare time, and enjoys creating new clothing designs in her sketchbook- it's her dream someday to have her own clothing line! Otherwise, she enjoys maths and history, and she loves hanging out with her friends after school at the park. She's Nigerian, and her family moved to the US when she was young. She grew up speaking Yoruba, along with English, at home. She's close with Corinne, who she met in 3rd grade. Her favorite color is purple!
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Corinne Ziyì (子义) Tan (she/her)
Corinne is a kind and resilient 12 year old. In her free time she enjoys winter sports such as skiing and ice skating. After school she enjoys helping around her mother's restaurant or going to the park with Amarah. Her favorite subject is history- she finds it interesting and engaging. She thinks she'd like to go on someday to further her studies in the humanities- her name, Ziyì, means someone who will stand with righteousness, and she feels that it fits her and her goals very well! But all that is a long way off. For now she's happy to spend her time as she does. Her favorite color is mint!
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Eloise Gruenberg (she/her)
Eloise is an introverted and studious 12 year old. She loves school- she loves learning new things, and challenging herself. Outside of school, she loves to dance. She finds the movements therapeutic, and it helps her recenter herself. Eloise is half black, and half Ashkenazi Jewish, and her faith is something that is really important to her. She was born with albinism, which affects her ability to see clearly, so she wears glasses and uses a cane when she's out. She finds that brightly colored clothes are her favorite- and she enjoys putting together fun outfits in the mornings. Her favorite color is red!
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mcclainwilla · 11 months
Writing Fight Scenes Part 7 - Basic Ground-fighting Terminology
So a lot of what you see in movies is (bedazzled, unrealistic) stand-up fighting/sparring that involves things like punches and kicks. But the reality is, most fights don't remain 'on their feet.' In this post, I'm going to talk about why most realistic fights go to the ground, the goals of ground-fighting, and some basic terminology
Before that, I should mention that I am going to be speaking from a grappling perspective. Grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are very similar martial arts, the main difference being the fact that bjj is usually performed while wearing a gi. I've always found this impractical, as many of the submissions (I'll explain this term in a minute) that rely on clothing are difficult to execute if a character's opponent is wearing civilian clothing
Importance of grappling
Above all else, a character who is good at fighting will know how to grapple because it is far easier to fall than it is to stand back up. A character loses their footing? Gets tackled/tripped? Catches a fist to the face? They're going to the ground. On the other hand, once a character is on the ground, their opponent might not be so kind as to allow them back to their feet. So, what do they do?
Goals of grappling
Returning to standing position
Like I just said, it's quite hard for a character to come back to their feet after they've hit the ground, but it can be done. A character would want to 1. Create space from their opponent, 2. Move quickly (to avoid giving their opponent the chance to stop them) and 3. Protect their head, especially if their opponent is still on their feet
TKO, by the way, stands for 'technical knockout,' and describes an instance where an opponent is deemed unable to fight back even while conscious, usually due to an incessant beating. If two characters are grappling, one can maneuver into a favorable position (like sitting on the chest) and just beat the shit out of the other. This is great if you have a more brutish character because the most technical part is getting into a good position
These are a little trickier to describe, because there's a lot of them. The goal of a submission is to either force an opponent to submit (no shit, right?) or to forcibly stop a fight by knocking them unconscious/breaking something. The two main categories are chokes and breaks
Blood chokes - these aren't as scary as they sound. They target the veins/arteries on either side of the throat to stop the flow of blood to the brain. They take hold pretty quickly but typically don't hurt at all, unless you pass out I guess
Air chokes - these are illegal in the ufc, because you can easily do damage to the throat structures. As you might guess, your character is just squeezing the hell out of the actual column of an opponent's throat. Also, they take longer to set in. Only let your character perform an air choke if they're a massive cunt/out for blood
This is actually another umbrella term. In reality, there are actual breaks, and then dislocations, hyperextensions, cranks/bars, and some that fall into multiple categories
Breaks - you guessed it, your character breaks bone. The most common ones are wrist, arm, elbow and knee (these two also fall into the hyperextension category), leg and ankle breaks. I've broken too many of my own bones to enjoy writing OR reading these, so
Dislocations - again, pretty self-explanatory. Shoulder and knee dislocations take precedence. Gross
Hyperextensions - mostly elbows and knees. Disgusting
Cranks/bars - this is the one I think I need to explain the most. Cranks aim to fuck up muscles, tendons and ligaments by wrenching joints beyond their normal mobilities. I see the most shoulder and knee cranks. Whump writers, you'll love these because you can go slow, drag it out. That being said, if you make me read that, I will show up in your backyard
Basic Terminology
So I already got some terms out of the way, but grappling is a whole different world than stand-up fighting. Have y'all ever heard 'jiu jitsu is gay' jokes? They're right actually
Rolling - the actual act of grappling with someone, usually for practice. It is NOT out of the ordinary for a character who does martial arts to say to their buddy, 'hey, you wanna roll?'
Clinch - 'the clinch' is kind of an intermediary stage between stand-up fighting and grappling wherein a character and their opponent are still on their feet, but they're holding onto each other. It kinda looks like a dynamic hug tbh, but really, they're fighting for a more advantageous position, so that a given character can knock their opponent to the ground
Mount - one character is flat on their back while the other straddles their chest. Ideally, the character on top (dominant position) would either sit high on their opponent's chest/collarbones, or they would sit directly on the diaphragm and squeeze with their knees
Guard - one character is flat on their back with their legs crossed around the other character's torso, who has their knees slightly spread for balance. The character on the bottom has the advantage if they can trap and pull their opponent's face to their chest, and cross their ankles high on their opponent's back. Conversely, the character on top has the advantage if they can sit up as straight as possible
Half-guard - think scissoring, almost. One character on their back/side and one sitting/kneeling upright, each with one of the other's legs crossed between their own. Same rules for advantage as guard. I don't really like this position because I don't like having my legs tangled up, it's too easy for my opponent to try a knee bar
Side control - one character flat on their back (preferably with their knees bent upwards) and the other laying on them perpendicularly, face-down. The idea here is to be as heavy as possible, to stop the character on the bottom from moving. Female characters want to press using the weight of their hips, male characters want to press using the weight of their chest; to trap a female character, lay closer to the hips, and to trap a male character, lay on the chest.
Rear mount - actually not as terrible as it sounds! Both characters on their asses, one behind the other with their arms wrapped around the torso/the ankles hooked behind the knees. DO NOT let your character cross their ankles when they are the one behind, holding their opponent. It is an EXCELLENT way to end up with broken legs (don't worry abt why)
North-south - ...69. I hate this one too, it's way too easy to get my knee fucked with
I hope this was helpful, and if not helpful, at least amusing. I guess the idea of this post was to give you some key words to google, in case you want to do more in-depth research (i.e you want your character to perform a cool submission but have no idea where to start looking)
Unimportant but funny aside, my old instructors accidentally came up with a blood choke where you literally use your face to choke someone tf out. They call it The Hickey
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marislittleworld · 7 months
My Hot Wheels Highway 35 and Acceleracers OC biography (summary):
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I’m writing her fanfic, here is the link 🔗 if you want more details 😉
Maria da Silva Oliveira, or you can just call her Mari, is a youngest sister of a famous brazilian driver as know as "Logan da Silva Oliveira". They moved to California when she was just 13 and Luan was 18 (because his driving career just started and he was getting attention).
When she did 17 years, she already knew how to drive, but she never raced in her life. Her brother never allowed her and he was afraid of something bad might happen like the corrupted racing companies or the cheating drivers.
Logan knew all the famous drivers during his career, and he always invited Mari to watch his races. And then one day, Logan suffered an accident during a race in Grand Prix and Maria got the responsibility to take care of him until he gets better.
Maria received a call from Dan Dresden, he said that he noticed how much Maria admires her brother's racing job, so he decided to invite her to be part of the Street Breed (detail: she is on Toño's place in my fanfic, but he appears after Kurt was banished of the team)
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Most of her teammates weren't kind as she thought, like her own leader, Kurt Wylde, he is always competitive, but two teammates like San Jay Khan and Dan Dresden weren't rude, they are nice people.
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In the World Race, she befriended with Lani Tam, Esmeralda and Toni Berry. Their friendship lasted 1 year after the Highway 35. Maria still have contact with Toni and Esmeralda, but Lani stopped messaging her.
Another year later, she joined the Teku to give her some time for her racing career that she got after the World Race. She noticed that the Grand Prix races didn't have the same adrenaline as the races in another dimension 2 years ago and it was hard being a female driver there.
AGE: 17 (Highway 35, World Race), 19 (Acceleracers)
PERSONALITY: Honest, likes nature, lovely person to hang out with, curious, loves to make art, silly. (my biggest inspiration: Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter)
CAR: Mercy Breaker (HW35 e AR), Drift Tech (AR)
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PLAYLIST: here is her playlist
curiosity: the car behind Mari on her second art was painted by her, it looks that way because she likes doing messy things as art. She took the blue and black painting and started to randomly paint all over the car.
"Everything is art, even messy things can be a work of art!"
(also she is one my oc's that are shipped with canon characters... Vert x Mari 😅)
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@acceleracers-baby I'm loving your headcanons, so I wanted to post a summary of my OC's info
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yuugen-benni · 1 year
Brazilian song lyrics + Drabble + After you Break Up with them
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Type: Angst - Drabble - Reader represented by ''you'' -Inspired by songs - BSD
Characters: Ango, Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi
Note: I wanted to write for one more character but my mind is overloaded...sorry for not posting regularly
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''At that table, he's missing and missing him is hurting me'' - Nelson Gonçalves
"Stupid ability…" Ango muttered. He knew this was something he couldn't avoid. Everything he touched in his own home made him see the memories he shared with you. Longing made him feel a sudden pressure in his chest and he couldn't help but close his eyes to not succumb to that feeling. In the end, the usual cold and hard man never existed… Ango just buried all the hurt and continued to work incessantly
''When you meet me, don't talk with me, don't look at me, I might cry'' - Jards Macalé
Chuuya staggers into the room, his eyes wide in shock as he notices the blurry figure of you in front of him, looking deep into his eyes. He is speechless, his mind flooded with a million words and thoughts, flooded with rage and angrily Chuuya screams as loud as he can trying to get you out of his mind. "Why…why are you doing this to me?!" he lowers his head and his tears mix with the drink spilled on the floor…
''Everything was a joke and then it started to grow, grow and absorb me…suddenly I saw myself all yours'' - Caetano Veloso
For Dazai, everything was a joke of the universe to make him create a little hope. And time went by and Dazai was enjoying pretending that love, but the day he witnessed you turn your back on him… and say you wouldn't come back…. Dazai felt lost in the reality of his own feelings. He was sure he wouldn't get attached and now… he saw his strength tied to you
"Suddenly, the pain of waiting ended, and love finally came to me. I, who always dreamed but didn't believe in myself [...] It's how I dreamed, I'm happy now...So no, don't go! No…" - Tim Maia
Atsushi was just a new innocent victim of Passion and that innocence was surprised by the sensations of happiness and warmth that he so dreamed of knowing. More and more he sank into that Love without measuring the consequences, and now he's begging you not to leave ….but who could blame him for that ?
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Reblogs, likes and feedbacks are greatly appreciated
𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱 © 2023 yuugen-benni. 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁, 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗳𝘆 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺.
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pupstim · 11 months
NGL I kinda wanna explore the thought of BBH dying and coming back different.
I don't want him to do it in canon because although it'd be interesting I feel like it might mess with his Grim Reaper lore, but it depends on how he wants to play it out.
But what I want to explore is him coming back, basically reset. It's Badboy from the beginning of the QSMP but that means no more Dapper or Pomme or anyone. He doesn't remember anyone, not the French, not the Brazilians, not any of the eggs. No one but maybe Foolish and of course Skeppy.
It completely disregards their history on the island but I wanna explore that. I am the biggest fan of coming back wrong. Except this really isn't him coming back wrong but just... the badboyhalo they knew is not coming back, he is dead and this new badboyhalo is him but also not because he doesn't have and of the history their Bad did. This Badboyhalo is starting back at day 1 while everyone else is on day 210 but he's wearing the face of their dead friend. He both simultaneously their friend but not.
Sometimes they'll look at him and see the Badboy and then they'll say or do something and for a split second they forget, because he's physically right there but then he doesn't respond how they expect and it's the grief all over again. They can't look at him. How many of them would get upset with Bad? How would they respond? Grief makes you behave different so I can see a lot of different characters acting differently. Maybe most of them just brush it off, thinking Bad just needs to remember, that their Badboy is in there somewhere and they just need to keep spending time with him and pushing him to remember.
And then how would Bad take it? He's a part time grim reaper, he's intimately familiar with death, with moving on and how this is suppose to go. I think he somehow knows that the Bad they knew is gone gone. He's not coming back but what does that mean for him? Is he a real badboyhalo? Was that other Badboy real? Does he get close to them? Or does he try to distance himself from them because technically these are not his friends or family. Does he try to pretend that he knows them? Does he try and pretend that he is the Badboyhalo they knew?
Just coming back wrong but not, instead just coming back different, coming back new when everyone else around you is worn down, when you yourself were worn down but now that's been erased. Erased and gone, not a trace to be found and how unfair that would be. All of that wear gone from you not a single evidence of it having happened, but everyone around you wear the marks and connection. How unfair would that be, how hard it would be to deal with Badboy. HRGH I really wanna write a story like this just because the concept is so interesting. He's coming back wrong and different but not. He's just not coming back as their badboyhalo but maybe thats worse than not coming back at all.
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