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yusha-rizvi12 · 3 months ago
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"I know I can't turn back time but I wish I can turn back myself from the mess I am!"-Yusha Rizvi
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mittaxinindluquotes · 10 months ago
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 “Just like a tree that loses branches and dead leaves in the Autumn, I will rebuild anew. I will rebuild new branches and leaves. I will rebuild and maintain only what bears me fruits.”
― Mitta Xinindlu
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fanthatracks · 1 year ago
There may finally be a light at the end of the tunnel in the stalemate between the WGA and AMPTP as a tentative agreement is reached to bring the strikes to an end and see a return to work. Here's what the Writers Guild sent to their members last night. DEAR MEMBERS, We have reached a tentative agreement on a new 2023 MBA, which is to say an agreement in principle on all deal points, subject to drafting final contract language. What we have won in this contract – most particularly, everything we have gained since May 2nd – is due to the willingness of this membership to exercise its power, to demonstrate its solidarity, to walk side-by-side, to endure the pain and uncertainty of the past 146 days. It is the leverage generated by your strike, in concert with the extraordinary support of our union siblings, that finally brought the companies back to the table to make a deal. We can say, with great pride, that this deal is exceptional – with meaningful gains and protections for writers in every sector of the membership. What remains now is for our staff to make sure everything we have agreed to is codified in final contract language. And though we are eager to share the details of what has been achieved with you, we cannot do that until the last “i” is dotted. To do so would complicate our ability to finish the job. So, as you have been patient with us before, we ask you to be patient again – one last time. Once the Memorandum of Agreement with the AMPTP is complete, the Negotiating Committee will vote on whether to recommend the agreement and send it on to the WGAW Board and WGAE Council for approval. The Board and Council will then vote on whether to authorize a contract ratification vote by the membership. If that authorization is approved, the Board and Council would also vote on whether to lift the restraining order and end the strike at a certain date and time (to be determined) pending ratification. This would allow writers to return to work during the ratification vote, but would not affect the membership’s right to make a final determination on contract approval. Immediately after those leadership votes, which are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday if the language is settled, we will provide a comprehensive summary of the deal points and the Memorandum of Agreement. We will also convene meetings where members will have the opportunity to learn more about and assess the deal before voting on ratification. To be clear, no one is to return to work until specifically authorized to by the Guild. We are still on strike until then. But we are, as of today, suspending WGA picketing. Instead, if you are able, we encourage you to join the SAG-AFTRA picket lines this week. Finally, we appreciated your patience as you waited for news from us — and had to fend off rumors — during the last few days of the negotiation. Please wait for further information from the Guild. We will have more to share with you in the coming days, as we finalize the contract language and go through our unions’ processes. As always, thank you for your support. You will hear from us again very soon. This doesn't mean the stike is over and everyone goes home happy quite yet, but it certainly seems to be a positive step towards film and TV production slowly ramping up production again. [amazon box="0593318609"]
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nicks-lunchbox-service · 2 years ago
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5.12.23 Picket Line Drawing: Perhaps some of the best Brooklyn-inspired written strike signs I have ever seen - Writers Guild of America on strike outside Steiner Studios at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
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d-criss-news · 2 years ago
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Travis Koop: Spent the day picketing Warner Bros. Pictures for SAG-AFTRA and WritersGuild West strike and got to meet Darren Criss and the rest of the cast of Glee
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stanakaticitalianfanpage · 2 years ago
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drstanakatic: At times to protest is to Show Up & Stay Standing... owning your space as an act of defiance against forces that would snuff you out. This one however needed to hit the streets. It has been a disagreement that has been in discussion for over a decade. And it has affected nearly all tradespeople/craftspeople behind the creation of films and tv. (Many other strikes across the film/tv world have narrowly been averted these past few years in order to keep people employed & with the promise of addressing serious concerns in the “near future” and “in good faith”.) “Technological advances” have been used as an excuse for rolling back hard won pay standards & work conditions. It’s an old tactic used by corporations to maximize profit in the face of “the uncertainty of the profitability of new technology”. This one might get tougher before things finally settle. Corporations vs. Craftspeople. If you see colleagues out there, HONK. It sends a message of support, and encourages a swifter resolution. PS. Thanks to the #WritersGuild for these borrowed placards.
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ginalover · 2 years ago
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ginagershon STRIKE!!!! #writersguild #nyc #strike #payup
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pauliecstuff · 1 year ago
@disneyanimation @warnerbrosentertainment @cartoonnetwork @amazon @netflix @writersguild #animationguild #screenactorsguild #producersguild @animationresources
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authorajalexander · 2 months ago
A.J.'s Writing Adventure - https://mailchi.mp/cdf3653b9ee2/ajs-writing-adventure A. J. Alexander puts you to work. Help with your vote! The PRG Reviewer's Choice Awards are on! Books, Writer's Guilds and more. And please subscribe! https://tinyurl.com/3pbs9eww #Newsletter #AJAlexander #Author #WritersGuild #Voting #Help #January2025
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attorney-anon · 2 years ago
I was almost willing to buy that kicking the two audience members out over the strike pins was a miscommunication. But she had time to fix it, and didn’t.
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yusha-rizvi12 · 3 months ago
It's going to end someday-Yusha Rizvi
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nicholasandriani · 2 years ago
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(🎬 Opinion: Will the End of Hollywood Signal the Demise of the American Dream? 🇺🇸 & Part Two: 100-Days Into the The Writer’s Strike, SAG, WGA, and Storytelling. https://nicholasandriani.org/2023/08/09/hollywood-end-american-dream-analysis/ #WritersStrike #sag #wga #screenwriting #writerscommunity #writersguild #strike via 🎬 Opinion: Will the End of Hollywood Signal the Demise of the American Dream? 🇺🇸 & Part Two: 100-Days Into the The Writer’s Strike, SAG, WGA, and Storytelling.)
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fanthatracks · 2 years ago
141 days and counting of the Writers strike, and talks resume to attempt to bring negotiations to an equitable conclusion for all sides. The big dogs from Netflix, Disney, Universal and Warner Brothers were at the AMPTP’s Sherman Oaks offices yesterday to discuss the situation, keeping their counsel on the results of those talks until the time is right. More than 140 days into the WGA strike, the latest resumption of talks today between the scribes and studios and steamers are leaving nothing to chance. Netflix’s Ted Sarandos, Disney’s Bob Iger, Universal’s Donna Langley and Warner Bros Discovery’s David Zaslav are joining negotiating teams for both sides sitting down at the AMPTP’s Sherman Oaks offices right now. It is unclear how personally involved, if at all, the CEO Gang of Four will be in further talks anticipated later this week. With film and TV productions only recently finding their feet after the disruption of the global pandemic, the coming months and years will see a slowdown of releases and shifting of schedules. For lovers of their favourite franchises, the sooner this and the 69 day long actors strike are resolved, the better. [amazon box="0744087341"]
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jasonstuart · 2 years ago
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Today on the Picket line for my #Union SAG-AFTRA at 20th Century Fox Studio Classics meeting all my fellow Actors and siblings at WritersGuild West supporting once again to get a fair wage. with actors Sean Astin and Michelle Bernard "9-1-1 " on ABC #UnionStrong #workingactor remembering when I shot Murder One and hoping to get back to work with a living wage for this journey man actor.
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theyoungturks · 2 years ago
Writers Guild Strike Proves Why Workers Need Union Power #Shorts #TYT #News #Government #Politics #CenkUyger #AnaKasparian #WGA #WritersGuildOfAmerica #WritersGuild #Film #Television #Strike #Workers #Pay #Wages #Money #Profit #CorporateGreed #Regulations #Technology #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Unions #UnionPower by The Young Turks
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kati-mcrae · 3 years ago
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Ah, yes. The endless cycle of being a writer. 
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