mblwrites · 4 years
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Running. • • I’ve never been one to talk about my feelings, problems or fears. From time to time, I do enjoy deep conversations and heart to heart’s, as long as they don’t consist of analyzing my feelings and over sharing. • • I don’t feel the need to “talk about my feelings”, and if I ever do get a bit overwhelmed - then I prefer to run or workout, to release the tension. • • I have discovered my love for running a few years back, and it quickly became my psychologist. I like to find a nice route, with interesting and pretty scenery, put my favorite music on, and just let my body move, let go of all the pent up emotions. • • A couple of years ago I started having trouble with my legs and could no longer run (I will elaborate on that in a future blog post). It was almost unbearable and impossible to let go of, and it was almost irreplaceable. • • Recently I have finally been able to run again, and I am still building up to the distances and stamina I used to have, but it is already working it’s magic. I truly believe that running, or any kind of sport that gets our body active and moving, is the best kind of cure for tension, stress and anxiety. • • How about you? Do you enjoy running or any other type of sports? Does it also help you release your stress? • • • • • • • • #personalblog #writingcommunity #bloggerscommunity #runningandwriting #writeaboutrunning #runningphsychology #runningtherapy #tensionrelief #tensionrelease #anxietycure #runningismytherapy #runningislife #runningismyhappyplace #runningismydrug #runningismyphysicaltherapy #writewritewrite #alwayswriting #runningagain #personalblogger #bloggerslifestyle #runandwrite (at Tel Aviv, Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbS18rJxTr/?igshid=2b2jqt33744x
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