#write whatever the fuck you waaaant
darkwood-hollows · 2 years
Fantasy fans: "but this isn't accurate for the time period!!111!!"
may i introduce you to historical fiction instead then???
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mightymizora · 10 months
i wholeheartedly support you in your 'write whatever the fuck i want' endeavors! it's more fun that way.
YES! We can do whatever we waaaant
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wetalkinboutbooks · 4 years
Reaper of Souls by Rena Barron
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Summary: After so many years yearning for the gift of magic, Arrah has the one thing she’s always wanted—at a terrible price. Now the last surviving witchdoctor, she’s been left to pick up the shattered pieces of a family that betrayed her, a kingdom in shambles, and long-buried secrets about who she is. 
Desperate not to repeat her mother’s mistakes, Arrah must return to the tribal lands to search for help from the remnants of her parents’ people. But the Demon King’s shadow looms closer than she thinks. And as Arrah struggles to unravel her connection to him, defeating him begins to seem more and more impossible—if it’s something she can bring herself to do at all.
Set in a richly imagined world inspired by spine-tingling tales of voodoo and folk magic, Kingdom of Souls was lauded as “masterful” by the School Library Journal in a starred review. This explosively epic sequel will have readers racing to the can’t-miss conclusion. (Taken from Goodreads)
Our Ratings:  
 → Geena:  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌗
 → Kae: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Overall: A messy sequel to an amazing series, we get to see the after effects of the fall out of Arrah vs. Efiya from KOS… and when we tell you it is MESS!!!
~Spoiler-Full Review Below~
The Good: 
→ Arrah and Dimma
Geena: One of my favourite things about Reaper was the sprinkle of Dimma’s POVs throughout the story. We got an insight into Dimma’s life before she was Arrah, and how her relationship with the other Orisha and Daho developed. It also really helped build up the suspense near the end and set up plot twists that clocked us near the end. Dimma aside, let’s talk about Arrah. Rena Barron said brooding boys are out, brooding girls are IN! And you know what, we love to read it. The story starts off with Arrah trying to save Sukkar after she snapped all his bones while trying to save him, and she does save him :) Or so she thinks but that’s besides the point. Over the length of the book we follow Arrah’s inner turmoil of suddenly having the power of 10 tribal chieftains and being insecure about whether or not she even deserves it.
I loved Arrah, even when she was holding herself up to a terribly high bar and beating herself up about everything she did. Arrah helped bring her Auntie back from the dead and was like “Damn I suck :/” and thought shattering a girl’s glass (who was flirting with Rudjek) put her on the same level as her mom and Efiya. I was sitting there like NO GIRL YOU’RE PERFECT, YOU, YOUR MISSING TOOTH AND YOUR PETTY NATURE!! 
Kae: YAAAAAAAAAS! Geena summed Arrah and Dimma up perfectly. 
But I would like to add how much I love Arrah and how selfless she is. She’s always thinking about her friends and their safety, the safety of the tribal people, and of course the kingdom. She’s a worry woman, but for all the right reasons. And she also cares about herself; so much even that like Geena said, she beats herself up for the smallest of things. She’s so worried about being evil like her mother and her sister, that she calculates every single move that she makes, debating if it’s really worth it to use strong magic or not. 
As for Dimma, I loved her POV’S. She is a complex character who has been demonized since book 1. We were taught to believe, through the POV of some of the Gods, that Dimma was a horrible Goddess who wrought nothing but chaos. They erased her name from history, LITERALLY. And Dimma became known as the Unnamed Orisha. While reading her POV, we learn that Dimma was quite selfless, much like Arrah (since they are technically the same person). Dimma was full of love and loved even harder. She went out of her way to give Daho immortality as well as his people, because she loved them so much. She defied the rules of the universe for her love, and it only came to bite her in the ass in the end. Like her siblings told her, “A God’s love is a dangerous thing.” And it was, but not exactly for the reasons one might think.
Geena:  Kae’s summary of Dimma and Arrah is AMAZING, you know my ability to connect dots when reading is kinda shit so reading Kae’s summary gave me realization…  Arrah tries so hard to separate herself from Dimma, because she refuses to believe that a part of her is in love with Daho because she herself is in love with Rudjek… but it’s like girl… you have travelled to the ends of the earth to fight and bring back the people you love (the tribespeople) just like Dimma searched the ends of the universe for immortality to give to Daho. It’d be much easier to reconcile your feelings if you just accepted that “Okay, I may have been Dimma but now I am Arrah”
Also another thing I love about Arrah is how she had…. For a time… three dudes in love with her… or at least what she thought was three dudes. Real hot girl shit. 
→ Rudjek and Daho
Geena: You know the character archetype that’s like a snarky boy who knows he’s hot shit and acts accordingly, but when it comes to the person he’s in love with he’s just a bowl of mush. That’s Rudjek, and only Rudjek can pull it off. In KOS, he was slated to be the next vizier because of his father, in Reaper he’s known as a prince because his dad snaked his way into becoming the monarch. So, now he’s the snarky prince…. And the only snarky prince with rights! His POVs were actually so fun to read, like following the politics of the Kingdom and him dealing with his new craven powers…. Which also had him being able to smell pheromones when people were doing the dirty around him 😭
I really liked that Rena gave him a POV, because now we get to see how he develops given the fact that him and Arrah are dangerous to one another, because he saps her magic with a single touch and could kill her. The whole time Arrah is stressing like “Damn, what if he doesn’t like me anymore because we can’t touch” meanwhile Rudjek is like “I’ll fight the Gods if I have to, to keep her by my side” and it’s like 🥺Also, who let a teenager be in control of a whole army… I thought the vizier was a sly and smart man but I digress… Another thing I liked about Rudjek in this book was that he didn’t shy away from uncomfortable conversations with Arrah, regarding the fact that he confused Efiya for Arrah when they did the unspeakable in the clearing in KOS. Like, that was very mature of them and I’m glad they could deal with that misunderstanding… But… hands down… my favourite scene… During the climax of the book Rudjek gets a demon soul shoved down his body, and immediately assumes it’s the demon king…. And his only command to his friends is to not let him near Arrah😭😭😭 I was like PEAK ROMANCE, SOFTEST SHIT, SACRIFICIAL LOVER!!!!! 
Kae: SO GEENA SUMMED UP RUDJEK SO DAMN WELL. LIKE DUDE OMG? Correct. He is perfect. I really don’t have much to add but I just genuinely loved him as a character. He is caring for both Arrah and his friends. He is also one of the few male characters I’ve read that actively tries to go against their father. Most dudes in books are like “Fine puhpa, I shall do your evil bidding.” But Rudjek is like “Sike bitch, I’ll let you think that but I’m doing what I WAAAANT!” 
But okay, let’s talk about Daho. So first off, I love him??? Am I a villain sympathizer now? Tbh, I don’t really see him as a villain. Man’s didn’t commit a genocide or try to scheme Arrah out of her pants. AND HE VERY MUCH HAD THE CHANCE TO and he was like “nah.” And I appreciate that. Because there are a few certain villainous men who I shan’t name, that be on that scant shit. And Daho is just like… genuinely trying to avenge his wife’s death (Dimma) and try to get Arrah to remember that she is Dimma. 
YES, I know he got Arti to bring him back. BUUUUUT, he didn’t tell her to kill a bunch of kids and shit to do it. Arti did all that evil shit on her own and Daho was like “look, i don’t condone that shit. But it’s over and I’m sorry it happened but I can’t change it.” And I’m like… okay, mood. I get it. Daho is sweet and caring. He looked out for Arrah in *redacted’s* body because we didn’t know *redacted* was dead the whole time. And even then, Daho was still like “My bad… But he wasn’t using his body??? So I took it???” Why let it go to waste, amiright? 
Geena: STOOOOP FOR REAL HE WAS LIKE “It was empty, I didn’t think you’d mind” 
Kae: LMAOOO OKAY BUT DEADASS. And like, idk man. He just seriously isn’t a bad person. He was trapped because after the God’s killed Dimma, he was like “BET IMMA JUST KILL THEM” and they lowkey were shook so they trapped his ass in a box for a millenia or whatever. He wasn’t even out to kill all humanity or anything. The God’s were just being some haters and now he’s suddenly the bad guy. Anyway, we stan Daho in this house. 
Geena: Daho is how you write a sympathetic villain. He owns up to his own mistakes even while his demons run free terrorizing people. Kae said it best that he just wants justice for his wife and unfortunately history is written by the victors so the Orisha painted him out to be a bad guy… My dude was just chugging that respecting my wife juice and they killed her… and he also thinks they killed his son… Guess me and Kae are just villain sympathizers now 
The Bad:   
→ The Ending 
Kae: Okay, let’s get it. And I also just want to clarify that when we say “the bad”, we don’t mean we hate it. This is just something that was like “oh fuck, this is BAAAAD! THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GO DOOOWN.” 
But like, good Lord. The ending? That shit was crazy. First of all, we find out that *redacted* aka, SUKKAR. OUR SWEET, PLAYFUL, SARCASTIC SUKKAR. IS DEAD. HE HAS BEEN DEAD THIS WHOLE TIME!? Excuse me while I *SCREEEEEEEEEEEAM*. Like, what an unforeseen twist. This mf kicked the bucket back in KOS when Arrah tried to save him. Turns out… She maybe… Totally… possibly… Absolutely killed my guy on accident. He dead-dead. And this is how we find out that Daho took over his body, once Sukkar’s spirit ascended. It was a really sad reveal and my heart kind of hurt reading it. I straight up wasn’t expecting that to happen. THEEEEEN. GOTDAMN EFIYA. IS BROUGHT BACK. 
Geena: No joke, the ending of Reaper was just one sucker punch followed by another… At first you think Tyrek (the prince from KOS who joins Arrah and her crew on a journey to save the tribespeople) is the demon king, then you think it’s Rudjek because he’s getting possessed, and then you learn it’s Sukkar… The final punch to the gut was Daho bringing back Efiya because his close general asked for her… because she’s his daughter. We were like, DAHO ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU SAW THE DAMAGE SHE DID TO THE HUMANS!!! Like Efiya may have grown quickly in a few months but her brain isn’t fully developed, like that girl is UNHINGED!!! I thought we were done with the Efiya chapter but here we are, and I’m scared to see what role she’ll play in the final instalment of the series. I guess this is the case of bringing back an old villain that can work out really well…  I trusted Rena with the messy Arrah/Daho/Rudjek love triangle, so I trust her with this too 
The Ugly:  
→ Tyrek 
Geena: Remember how I said Rudjek is the only valid snarky prince… Yea, Tyrek can CHOKE!! In KOS he sides with Efiya and she wreaks havoc in the Kingdom, and in Reaper he’s brought to his knees. Rudjek’s dad wants to execute him for his crimes, but Arrah sympathizes with him because she knows how Efiya’s mind control worked. As you read, you get a sense of “Okay, maybe he isn’t bad, he’s helping Arrah and them” but then you get to the climax and you’re like okay nvm this boy was insane… Imagine travelling to a whole other dimension and making deals with demons, because you’re in a fucked up sort of romance with a half-demon girl. He managed to lie to Arrah that he was being controlled by Efiyah, when he was really with Efiya the whole way…. Even when she told him to murder his whole family… this man was vile!! He’s also one of our first fake outs, when he pretends to be the demon king I was kinda disappointed… I was like no this ruins the messy love triangle I’ve been waiting for! But it was just a fake out, Tyrek was just trying to scare Arrah into freeing Efiya, whose soul was in the demon dagger that Arrah used to kill her in KOS. Overall, 1/10 for this man… the 1 point is for when he figured out “Sukkar” had a crush on Arrah before Arrah even knew.  
Kae: So, I don't have much to add to Tyrek’s snake ass. He really was ugly in the end. I’m glad he’s dead. 
But to conclude, this was such an amazing, refreshing read. Reaper of Souls was a wonderful sequel to Kingdom of Souls. Rena writes so beautifully and she didn’t hesitate to have us readers shaking in our boots. Getting more background information on Dimma, the Gods, and their old ass war, was really fun and insightful! IT added to the story in a way I hadn’t even thought about until I was consuming it all! 
Arrah and Rudjek are perfect angels and I can’t wait to see where book three leads them. I also want to give a shout out to Essnai and Majka for being such good friends to Arrah and Rudjek. Same to Kira and the Cravens. This is a really close knit group of friends who will go to the ends of the Earth (and literally new dimensions) for each other. THAT’S LOVE, BITCH. And we LOVE to see it. 
Geena: For real! Rena Barron set up such an amazing cast of characters, and she really emphasizes the power of friendship in her series and it’s one of my favourite things to read. With Reaper, from the very start, she sets up the story in such a way you’re literally screaming by the end… I think it requires a special kind of skill to be able to set up a story so well that while you do make predictions about what’s going to happen, it still shocks you when you realize you’re right. Cannot wait to see the absolute mess that will be the final book, with Rudjek/Arrah vs. Daho… and the drama it will bring now that the Orishas realize that Arrah is Dimma’s reincarnation.  
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 01.08.17 lb
ouff this mummeh is gonna do something for sure to put adchan in shivaay’s attempts to find truth, isn’t she? 😒😒😒
idiotttttttttt boyyyyyy, ab toh samajhhh jaaaa. please tell me you’re taking this tirade as a clue! 😥😥😥
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omg please come backkkkkkkk to this show please!!!!!!! i miss youuuuuuuu. 😚😚😚😚😚😚
awww “shivaaay baby”!!!!!!!!!!! GOD. SHE’S TOO CUTE. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. 💖💖💖
i’m so so so happy that my #1 ship for this show is happy together. dooodho nahao phulo phalo! 💑🏽💑🏽💑🏽
where is their baby tho??? like, tia should be showing by now? maybe even close to delivery? wait... this show is three months in the future, SHE SHOULD HAVE GIVEN BIRTH BY NOW. WHERE’S THE BABYYYYY? 😯😯😯
yessssssss, tia SPILLLLL THAT TRUTH!!!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
lmao tiaaaa and her slavish obsession with social media. 😆😆😆
also, lol, is she a member of rudra’s “shivika” fan page? 😂😂😂
THANK GOD. SEED HAS BEEN PLANTED. THAAAAAAANK GOD. *gets on my damn knees thanking God* 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
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smell the fart acting on realization that EVERYONE knows the truth except him. 
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lmao, in dono ka abhi bhi chal raha hai yahan pe. 🙄🙄🙄
lol poor rudra, he’s trying sooooo hard for his chulbul bhaabi. but she’s got a pretty tall order for him. he’s no advay singh raizada, that he can do ghar pe baithe baithe cloud seeding to make badal and baarish for her. 😕😕😕
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EEEEEE MY (BR)OT3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍
oh god it’s going to be bade bhaiyya’s tharki idea isn’t it, to get her all sexified and ~~~INSPIRE him with her BADAN. 😟😟😟
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yupppppppppp, this face tells me that bade bhaiyya has sex on the mind. 😬😬😬
how nice of shivaay to ensure his brother gets laid, even when he’s in the middle of a personal crisis. khud toh kuch nahi mil raha, chota bhai hi aish karle. matlab, bhai ho toh aisa! #SPABestBhai2018 😌😌😌
anda nonsense. forwarding. ⏩⏩⏩
sahil’s getting blasted for being bad at math. 😂😂😂
don’t worry, uski bhi shaadi kisi calculator type ladki se karwa denge jaise teri karwa di hai. 😊😊😊
whoop. big, angry, calculator singh oberoi alert! 😬😬😬
ohhhhhhhh boy. directtttttt questioning. 🤐🤐🤐
what an idiot. he should have just left at it “tia mili thi mujhe.” and she’d think that tia told him everything and have spit it out. ouff shivaay, tu kitna kachcha khilaadi hai. 
meanwhile, murder girlfriends are still hanging out, like a buncha regular girlfriends! i love it! 👯🏽👯🏽👯🏽
not loving the scary tej sightings though. (today’s certainty that this is a tejLana plan: 90%) 
shivaay is channeling his best enrique and being all YOU CAN RUN YOU CAN HIDE BUT YOU CAN’T ESCAPE MY LOVE. 😗😗😗
this is enrique’s best song. fight me. it is!!!!!!!!! what a song! best sung very loudly and very out of tune in the car. especially that high pitched YOU CAN RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! part towards the end. 😅😅😅
excuse me, taking 4 minute break from this episode to go watch the video and feel a little guilty and dirty (used to hide from parents and watch the video when it first came out when i was a baby teen. still have the feeling i’m doing something shaaaady when i watch it as a grownass adult. 😳😳😳😳😳)
ok, i’m back! back to billu getting all up on our girl. 
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ouff, why can’t he just sex it outta her??!???? 😫😫😫😫 he knows he totally can. and they both totally waaaant it. look at his droopy sex eyes and her TAKE ME NOW face: 
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ugh the flashbacks are totally killing the mood. saaaame chaar rando scenes they’re showing since last two episodes. these two have a million other scenes, switch it up a little! 😒😒😒
nope. billu won’t be distracted by her delicious bod pressed up against him. he wants answerssssssssss. 😠😠😠
“tumhe maine pehle bhi kaha tha, shivaay singh oberoi ne haath chodne ke liye nahi pakda hai.” 
aaaaaaaaaand i’m crying. great. 😭😭😭😭😭
“par chod toh diya.” “maine choda nahi, TUMNE chudaaya tha.”
yaaaaaas billu! call her out on her BS! 😪😪😪😫😫😫
ohhhhh boy. billu ka paara chad raha hai at thought of paraya mard. yiiiiiiiikes. 😬😬😬
ooooooooh. she’s trying to hoodwink him to get outta lying but NOPE. BILLU WANTS AN ANSWER. 😶😶😶
she’s reaaallllllly trying to loophole her way outta this, but he’s like a dog with a damn bone. FINALLY. THIS IS THE SHIVAAY I WANTED TO SEE. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
“sab kuch mere hisaab se hua hi kahaan? agar mere hisaab se hota toh hum alag hi...” 
aaaaaand crying again. and i love it. oh the angst.  😭😭😭😭😭
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very ‘a few good men’ vibes from this moment no????  
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coz he can’t. he really can’t handle the truth. 
time to get the truth outta her, with angst and sexual tension. 😏😏😏
oh thank god scene change. to shaant, susheel omki. i needed that. *exhaaaaaaaaale* 😌😌😌
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gooooooood going, billu. what an idea sirjee! only about 87% awkward and tharki af that you gave the idea to your baby devrani, but imma just... side step that, coz your intentions were noble. 😕😕😕
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haaaaaaaaaye, omki’s gentle surprised smile. 😍😍😍
ok this is taking too long. someone make a move, instead of just standing there smiling like lovesick idiots. 😐😐😐
lol like... how supremely confident do you have to be to pull this off though?? like BEHOLD ME I AM HERE TO BE YOUR MUSE AND LIFT YOU OUT OF YOUR CREATIVE BLOCK!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT ME AND BE INSPIREDDDDDDD! LET THERE BE ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😶😶😶
someday, i aspire to be this confident. for now though... *sighs and crawls deeper into the blankets* 
... ok so this hall has just turned into a Room Of Requirement for these sexually repressed third gen Oberois?!?! so multi purpose! it can be a store room! it can be a random khopcha to have a moti sevaiyaan dinner! it can have a fountain and exploding colour bombs for ~INEESPEERATION! it can be anything and everything! 😯😯😯
ok omki’s smile is cute and all but i’m tired. fwding. 😶😶😶
also coz I HATE THIS SONG. I DON’T KNOW WHY, BUT I DO. I HATE THIS SONG SO MUCH. it’s the only one i hate from the otherwise stellar DCH soundtrack. 😣😣😣
ouff painting banana hai toh banao. just make the song stop playing. 😑😑😑
LOL WHAT EVEN? WHY IS HE... THIS SCENE IS JUST SO RANDOMLY SEXY? (and not in a good way. like, there was no build up, he’s just suddenly CARRYING her all sexy like?) 🤔🤔🤔
that pose looks awkward and tiring. 😬😬😬
oh. okay. 3% less awkward now that the other hand is down, but just as tiring. 🙄🙄🙄
oh god a mor pankh. i just know what’s coming. 😬😬😬
yuuuuuuuuuuuup. 😣😣😣 this is awkward af. 
ok i’m having michmichi with you two and your weirdly erotic painting scene now. show me my other angry bird babies. have they started hate sexing up against the cupboards yet? 😚😚😚
what even is going on with the andas? is that a clip of her parents that bhavya is watching? 🤔🤔🤔
OM WHY ARE YOU SO.......... *strangles him* 😡😡😡😡
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anyone want breakfast? fried andas coming up in 5 min! 🍳🍳🍳
see? this is why bulbul and bade bhaiyya are brotp. they’re the exact same person. tiny rage-filled monsters who won’t quit hounding ya for answers. 😌😌😌
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas bulbulllllllllllllll, leave his ass! leave his unworthy assssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
ok so the one good thing from all this is that bhavya cannot be anika’s chutki, right? coz wholeeeeeeeeeeee different backstory. RIGHT??? 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
bhavya is honestly the fucking worst. rudra, just get the fuck out, leaving her. at least you’ll be alive for saumya. 😒😒😒
pft fine. take her. whatever. idgaf. 🙄🙄🙄
time to angstilyyyyyy lean against a pillar and rage. you know, as you do. 😆😆
great, evil/emo!Kara is back. 🙄🙄🙄
idhar andas are also boiling in angst. 
you know what, i don’t hate bhavya as a character. or mansi as an actor. she’s really holding her own in this emotional scene. i just really really hate any scene she’s in with another person, because of what the writing does to every other character around her. give me solo scenes, and i’m fine. but put her in a room with rudra, and my blood pressure hits the roof because of how fucking stupid HE is being. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
oh great. anika broke the shivaayBot. 😟😟😟
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skunts-own-truth · 8 years
Eclipse Phase GM Update:
I WAS A FOOL! I WAS SO WRONG! I THOUGHT I’D BE ABLE TO PICK UP THE CORE, AND THE SOURCE BOOKS, AND UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING IN A DAMN WEEK, BUT... IT IS SO MUCH! SO, SO MUCH!  People say things like “I like 40k/Star Wars/or Whatever, because it has such a well developed world” - fuck you. Just... Glance at Eclipse Phase. Most of the core, and I really do mean MOST of the core rule book is just LORE. Densely packed, unforgiving world building. It is all great, mind you, but FUCK there is a lot of it.  I’m so used to settings that let you fill in the blanks, something heavy. 40k for instance can’t bother to show you what civilian life is like, so you can totally make it up for each world you visit. Eclipse Phase spits in the face of lack of information, and gives you everything you need to know. Though, it is nice enough to leave a few gaps when it comes to things that would actually be secrets in the setting! Like, what the hell do the aliens want, or where the hell the super-AI-death-things went after the Earth died. Yeah, you don’t know, so the GM can have fun and do whatever the hell they want with that stuff... but the base lore is so big. So big. 
A friend suggested “why don’t you just use themes and make it up as you go?” Well, that would be fine and dandy for games I didn’t respect... but people put a lot of work into this. So much dang work that I feel if I don’t represent it perfectly to my players (who won’t even bother to read the book) then I would be doing it an injustice. 
I wanna GM this game so dang bad, but I feel like I have so much work to do. A massive mountain of stuff to climb before I can feel even remotely comfortable with writing in the setting.  Also, this game is free to share, so if anyone waaaants it. Just torrent that shit, or ask me, or something. You won’t be breaking the law! Ain’t that nice?  Anyways. I gotta get ready for work. I just wanted to yell about Eclipse Phase for a moment. 
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