#wow there's a lot of you hi! ovo;
suguru-getos · 1 year
could u do denki or hawks head canons?? it can be sfw or nsfw i dont mind! also your rules page is broken😭😭
ikrrr i just fixed the rules page !! thankyou for reminding me nonnie 🤗
୨・┈﹕✦﹕ hawks headcanons (sfw)﹕✦﹕┈・୧
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-> keigo is a safespace, for you, for the civilians of tokyo, for anyone who’s fortunate enough to be with him. some might say it’s because of the stern and detailed training he had been given by the hpsc. how to behave, how to interact with civilians, how to make people essentially trust you. it’s partly that — but mostly keigo’s behavior. he wants people to feel safe around him. he wants to be approachable & he wants to help people. before that; he should be someone approachable enough so people come and ask for help. which is exactly what he does.
-> he can be quite vocal about everything especially if it’s you. don’t get me wrong he takes a lot of time to actually open up. but when he does you’re thankful to have someone like him in your life. he would never ever let you go! random texts of him saying the cringiest pick up lines, i love yous, asking if you’d like the random piece of jewellery he loved. he’s a baby. okay? okay.
-> he praises a lot! okay? imagine it being like an aftercare for everything. you worked out? wow — his baby’s so strong? gasp! you’re such a good girl, you bought something for yourself yay! you deserve to be spoiled. i’d say he’s the best you can have even on his bad days. ;)
-> loves collecting little trinkets, bird instincts you know? you’d get silly random gifts from him which can range from a pretty stone he found while he was patrolling, to a new diamond necklace which just shined better. takami keigo sugar daddy supremacy!
-> he usually tries to be as human as possible but sometimes his wings talk more than he does. they’d inflate, they’d falter, they’d puff up with excitement seeing you in his favorite red lingerie. keigo’s wings are a doorway to his emotions. you could always make out what he likes/not with them.
-> he has a selfcare routine and would force you to have one if you don’t have it already. don’t be surprised if keigo’s standing next to you washing his face and cleansing it, applying serum and whatnot. he has a lot of modelling contracts and has to be in debris, fly in the dust, be exposed to the sun a lot! he needs to take care of his pretty face
-> keigo’s spice tolerance is not much, but if you love eating spicy, you’d find him trying his best to accompany you, panting like a rabid dog. would 101 eat a pint of ice cream to soothe the burn in his mouth. :p
-> keigo works out every day and trains everyday, its a given since he is the number 2 hero of japan. there are days when he uses the gym of your shared apartment. carefully created to suit his needs, and will be flabbergasted and flustered if you decide to show up in your booty shorts. sheesh~ what a distraction ;)
-> he’s very cuddly and touchy and has no concept of personal space. he would live inside your red blood cells if he could. always wrapping you around his wings, always hugging you, kissing you. he just needs to be close to you, okay? he loves you that much ovo
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Leandra and Bhelen Aeducan for the character impressions thing
[ask game]
Ooh inchresting character choices ovo Ty for asking!!
First impression: Omg i have a mom in this game!! :D [....] oh wow this woman is Not Doing So Hot
Impression now: I was right, this woman really is not doing so hot at all. i hate her sometimes but i don't hate her. So mean of the game to give the protag a mom solely for angst reasons
Favorite moment: That little talk with Leandra after finishing the Legacy mission ;; All the talks are p good, but hers was the first one i got and it was very bittersweet but also so nice to have a solemn, positive interaction between her and Hawke like that....
Idea for a story: Anything pre DA2 🙏 I wanna know about her wooing Malcom, i wanna know about them raising the kids.....
Unpopular opinion: Dunno if i have any that are particularly unpopular, but i don't believe that she's malicious or anything of that sort. She's unfortunately flawed in a way that severely impacts her parenting and the entire family dynamic, but i believe that she cares a lot about her family and is simply Very Broken by the time DA2 takes place
Favorite relationship: Oof this one is hard to pick, i think all her relationships with the different members of her family are equally interesting in different ways.. Might have to say Hawke simply bc of protag bias that means we get to Feel her relationship w Hawke the most
Favorite headcanon: That she's the one who taught a non mage Hawke their combat skills, or at least the basics. Can't leave your kids defenseless!
First impression: Ah. Typical "I am the heir how dare you oppose me"
Impression now: Above is not False but it has ~spice~ now xdd
Idea for a story: How he reacted/was involved in the death of his father and brother. Or father/child shenanigans w lil Endrin :)
Unpopular opinion: Tbh i don't have any Strong Opinions of Bhelen in general, so idk if i have any unpolular ones? xD I think he's the more interesting choice in terms of what his rule means for Orzammar. Also i like to think that he genuinely cares for Rica and she is not just there out of convenience/ to produce an heir. For her sake (and also for his sake bc Kala would kill him otherwise)
Favorite relationship: Him and his siblings?? Like yes typical royal family drama n all that, but i wanna know more about them pretty please
Favorite headcanon: That he was not responsible for or involved in Endrin's death. Simply bc i think it's more fun if the culprit isn't The Obvious Choice lol
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considermeharmless · 3 years
The Labyrinth Games - Part 1
First day of insanity, hooray! XD I suggest familiarizing yourselves with the Labyrinth arc of Inky Mystery, otherwise a lot of this won’t make sense. This simulation will be tagged as “The Labyrinth Games” if you want to avoid it in the meantime!
And now, enjoy!
The Bloodbath
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… Ah yes, it’s good to be back to this nonsense. Notice I changed a little bit of some texts to add flavor?  Now, what can I say? I think it’s incredibly fitting that Mayhem would immediately go for the throwing knives XD
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HAHAHAHA!! Meanwhile Mickey is already bloodthirsty X’D What? Is it because the cHiLd more or less maybe perhaps joined their Pack on accident? A bit unnecessary, no? (although, it doesn’t escape me that it specified “with a sword”. It’s so fitting for him.)
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Oh my- *facepalm* Mugs, I do not want a repeat of last year! Please don’t use them! Geez, any weapon in his hands seems like a recipe for disaster. OvO
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Hah! While I’m not surprised that Chaos can act creepy enough to scare someone away, I’m surprised he scared Michael. Nothing seems to faze this man. XD
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Finally some characters with some common sense TvT Also coughBorishasshownheisverygoodatrunningawaycoughcough.
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Canni nooo! QnQ While terribly tragic and morbidly described holy stars above, can we talk about that sentence a little? Cannikin, a literal ghost, getting owned by some poison X’D And how on Earth did the Night Terror shoot that? Why?! It already has enough defensive and offensive mechanisms! This is such overkill. x)
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Bgrnhzougajho well alrighty then. Rude. xD
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Wow. WOW. WOOOWWW. What the heck Oswald?? What did she do to you?! Also how? She’s so powerful! But well, I guess it’s the end for Alice. TvT
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... I’m surprised she didn’t end up with some explosives as well, but to be fair, even a toothpick in her hands would make me worried for my life. That lady is just too good at killing.
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Pfft. Ventis, you go girl. Show him who’s boss. X’D
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Oh? Surprising but fine. :P
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The wording makes me think they decided to truce and get fishing necessities as a duo. The fact that they managed to agree on something with no sass or threats for fishing purposes of all things is highly entertaining. x)
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O... kay? People aren’t going to be happy she didn’t get killed right away but I can only applaud the self-preservation.
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Yessss. Run. Run as far as you can.
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I don’t see a world were she’d need it, but also an unknown sponsor? Do you think that could be the Warners? XD
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Haha! Usually, I’d be concerned for the rabbit and mouse siblings against these chaotic lads but since they both got the first kills alongside the Night Terror so I’m more concerned for Amish and Michael at the moment XD
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Well, for once he can catch a nap at least...
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This is illegal. I refuse this. TvT I love it.
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Boris noooo I thought you had the street smarts on your side QvQ Well, what a shame. One of the two title characters dead for the count.
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Ohohohoh this is one cursed group for sure! How on Earth did they talk this arrangement out without tearing each other to shreds?! Well... The Night Terror specifically XD
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Felix, what did you do?!
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No no, you’re supposed to run away from him not toward him :’D
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Hm. Quite on point with some of her character arc, ey?
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Sarah is being oddly cautious, but you never quite know with her.
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Chaos is ruthless! Look at Donald, even he is judging me for having added the God of Chaos himself in this little game like: “Really? You expected me to last this long with this kind of bigwig?”
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Oh now, that’s scary...
And now...
The Fallen characters
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Overall, an interesting mix of main and secondary characters, powerful and rather standard capacities.
Status of the day
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I’m half-surprised and half-not at who had those early kills... And most of the extremely powerful and deadly characters are still in the race :’D Are you excited for what’s yet to come? I know I am!
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sabbybina4ever · 2 years
WOW! A new dreamtalia game! I'm so excited! Is there anything you can tell us about it? Does Kyo know? How much longer until we get a demo?
Oh wow HI! Never thought I would get an ask on here XD I'm not on tumblr much. But I'm glad ya excited ovo @kyokyo866 does know. Originally I was gonna make this as a surprise for the 10th anniversary but I ended up telling her about it because 1. life got in the way so I couldn't make the deadline (which im still sad about) and 2. With all the questions I've been asking, Kyo would have figured out eventually. (She a smart cookie ovo) As for the game itself, Kyo would like to keep it a surprise so to honor that wish, I'm trying to keep it as vauge as possible. I don't mind spilling the beans but I rather not have the twists be spoiled. (Though I do blabber them myself sometimes out of sheer excitement ^^;;;;)
I do have a discord server to put down all my thoughts and discussions for the game. If you are interested, I wouldn't mind putting the link if anyone wanted to join to get access to beta secrets. As for a demo, I still def say until the end of april to early may. Good news is that I only do have to code like 6 cutscenes until the end of the demo. Doesn't seem like a lot but with work and life getting in the way, its getting difficult to just sit down and get the muse to code. Hopefully I can try to get more things done soon ovo
Thanks for the question anon! Really helps the motivtation ovob
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power106hq · 4 years
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QUEENS COURT is now LIVE! Powered by Power 106 FM in partnership with TS MADISON and KHIA. The podcast will go live at 9 PM (yes we late) every SUNDAY. Starting off with a recap of the week, KHIA will share her opinions on the biggest news stories and rumors of the past seven days. The court will then be accepting callers (anons) to send in their own thoughts about the past week. To close the show, KHIA and TS will issue out presents to the celebrities discussed in the recap. Click below to stream the full episode!
TS MADISON: We are live baby! Welcome viewers and callers to Queens Court starring myself and the legendary Ms.Khia Thug Misses! We are going to get right into the gig tonight and waste no time. Now remember that everything said is alleged unless we say otherwise. We don’t need any of these rich folk trynna get us shut down or give us gag orders. Starting off this episode we are going to be having a segment of DIVORCE COURT. Now Miss.Khia how do we feel about some alleged trouble in paradise for the West family?
KHIA: Yes, allegedly Meat Lofi and Yeezus the Goddess marriage is on the rocks due to Meatys lack of housewife abilities. Allegedly Mr. Yeezus is sick and tired of his wife not being able to be his rock when he needs her to be. The people are saying Yeezus asks his wife multiple times during the day for his meds and a crustless ham and cheese and she reportedly can’t even handle that task. Allegedly he also is criticizing her ability as a mother. Reports are saying that the two’s eldest child has been playing tee-ball for about three months now, and Meaty hasn’t showed up to one game. As a mother and wife, your job is to be there for your kids. Bitch, your baby is out there playing her heart out in the dirt the least you could do is push that van to the park and give some orange peels out to the kids. Meat Lofi, I don’t really know what else to say about these allegations. I hope that they aren’t true and you’re actually out there with the other moms on game day. What else could you possibly be doing? I’m on team Yeezus with this situation, a real woman takes care of her tribe! I’m gon’ sentence this dizzy ass bitch to a year of Home Economics classes. Hopefully carrying around them plastic babies will help you take of your own! NEXT CASE!!!
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TS: Wow, okay. Moving on to CIVIL COURT we have reports of rapper Saint being involved in an altercation with the members of DVSN, who as you all should know are signed to his management label. We were actually able to get some insiders tea on what that was about. Now Miss. Khia how do we feel about what took place earlier this week between the OVO family?
KHIA: Yes, apparently the stars were out for somebody’s event last week and Saint was one the bigger names mentioned, but for a completely different reason. Now, allegedly Paint
TS: Wait Miss.Khia, who’s Paint? 
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KHIA: Oh, that’s what the ‘girls’ call him ‘round there on the Ave. ‘Paint Leave-A-Nigga-Shitty Arazi’ has not been paying his artist at all! Allegedly he’s been in debt for a while now due to him receiving costly services from the girls with ‘no no spots’ down there at the piers. Now the people are saying he’s been taking care of a woman by name of Dashiki but we gon get into that tea on a later date. But apparently this is the reason why his artist aren’t getting paid. This led to an altercation at the event last week where Paint got jumped by the struggling artists. I’m 100% sure this isn’t the first time Paint has been chucked around like this. Allegedly he’s been the host of annual “Arazi Bukkake” parties every first Sunday of Pride Month, so I’m sure this was familiar territory for him at first. But when them niggas started really lettin’ lose on him it became a bit too much. I’m gonna sentence Paint to three years of self defense classes and two years of personal finance classes. NEXT CASEEEE!!!
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KHIA: Speaking of personal finances and leaving niggas shitty, next on the docket is Miss. Xymira Futon in BANKRUPTCY COURT. Now I’m not really gon’ spend much time on this one because I don’t believe this is her fault entirely. We the people allege that Ms. Futon has been getting played her entire career by our previous defendant Mr. Yahweh “Crazy Steve” West. It’s being alleged that Crazy Steve hasn’t been paying Cosmo and this resulted in the parking boot being clamped on her beat up ass G-Wagon. I’m Team Cosmo on this one how you feel about this shit sis?
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TS: Girl, I-.
KHIA: You don’t wanna talk about this? Well I’ma leave it alone but like I been telling y’all hoes: Don’t trust no nigga, don’t trust no Christian, don’t trust no sissy?! Don’t trust Crazy Steve either. I’m sentencing Ms.Futon to remedial reading classes. Bitch ain’t no way in hell you read yo contract the way Crazy Steve swallowing up all yo’ coins. Go learn how to read and find a way to get out the asylum bitch. NEXT CASEEE!!!
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TS: Okay, well. We are moving on to the COURT OF APPEALS. Now Miss. Thugga has been spotted around the beautiful city of Los Angeles for the first time in months since Señora Sabrina went on that lady’s show and told everyone that he was violent towards her. Now, Sabrina did have a lot of women and movements behind her that shamed the man but Miss. Thugga also has his believers who don’t believe the entire truth was told in the interview. Miss.Khia do we think the people should appeal Miss. Thugga’s sentence of cancellation?
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KHIA: Yes, well just to recap apparently Sabrina is alleging that Thugga had been abusing her while and when they were together. She didn’t speak up about it while it was going on and we the people wanna know why? Why now out of all times would you tell us ‘bout how this man been knockin’ you in yo shit for the better half of y’alls relationship? I don’t know bout this one y’all, I’m team Thugga on this. I think Sabrina’s ultimate plan was to trap him with a baby but since she’s not able to really produce children like that, ALLEGEDLY, the plans fell through. Also the people have been saying that Thugga had already moved on to another women around the time she went to cryin’ on that old lady show. Now it all makes sense. Bitch you mean to tell me that this man been kickin’ off in yo ass for that long and you ain’t hit a Tina Turner and dart yo skinny ass across the street where grass is a lil bit greener? I just don’t believe this at all! Now that another bitch gathering up all of Thugga’s coins you wanna go to hollering bout how he been kickin’ off in yo ass? Well I’ll tell you this, for that amount of money a month bitch you should’ve continued to get knocked upside yo muthafuckin’ head! The court will appeal Thugga’s sentence and also sentence this lying ass bitch to a lie detector test so we can really see what’s going on here. Next case, I’m tired of talkin ‘bout this bitch.
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TS: Oh Lord in Heaven, now we gon’ do our last segment before we start taking some callers. JUVENILE COURT also known as YOUNG DUMB AND FULL OF CUM! is now in session. Now allegedly some people spotted Miss. Chloe Love getting frisky with some D-Listers at an event earlier this week. Miss.Khia how do we feel about this?
KHIA: Well apparently Chloe “Slim Thug” Jones was seen at the drive-in party with one leg on the dashboard and the other hooked in the door handle, chile. Witnesses are alleging that Ms. Jones was sitting on the center console with her legs open wide as all outside while two other men were playing tether ball with her bean. We the people are alleging that these two men were rappers Blueface Bleedem and PontiacMadeDDG. I really don’t have a whole lot to say about this freaky ass lil bitch. I just want to ask, bitch how dumb could you possibly be to let these two melon munchers spread you open like that in the middle of a parking lot? The girls of the girls were supposedly out there trying to watch Precious in peace, but yo trifling ass wouldn’t allow them to do that? I’m sentencing yo pussy to the gas chambers bitch. CASE CLOSED!
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TS: Okay that is all the time we have for cases today. The lines are open for callers if the people want to chime in and tell us how they feel about this past week. We’ll be spending the next hour talking to the callers before we get into the gift giving segment of the show. 
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mitamicah · 3 years
Hi babbb!!! Time for some asks! 12, 15, 29 and 56! *HUGSSSS* 💙💙💙💙
Hi Prism :3 
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Time for some asks indeed :D 
12. what is something you want right now? 
I could use some motivation to get the rest of my work done and go grocery shopping x’D hahahah (wow, such an adult answer :’D x’D) 
15. personality describtion 
Oh boy how to explain myself OVO 
I have the feeling that people on the internet will describe me as an overjoyed puppy sharing their happiness with a wagging tail, outgoing and very social - that is only half the picture - really I am an introverted nerd who has trouble talking about basically everything to anyone unless it is some of my special interests or if I know you very well x’D I strive to be kind to everybody and doesn’t understand why to hate or be mean to anybody not like yourself - that said I can become very uncomfortable with some people and tend to go silent if I do not like how a conversation is going or if I feel less comfortable around you - most of the time you can find me with a book, in the middle of drawing or with headphones on since I like reading, drawing and listening to music. I’d much rather be creative than active so not surprisingly because of that I am kind of weak and clumsy x’D I am pretty tall for a afab but has come to forgotten that’s the case since my sister is taller - I tend to babble a lot when in good company, strive to be honest and not hide my quirks if possible (hopefully this is worth something and not just me babbling about unrelated things again x’D) 
29. Favourite films 
That changes a lot :’D 
Rn I really enjoy The Mitchells vs the Machines for all its wackiness but especially the autism headcanons :’D Onward is one that really touched me as well and childhood favourites include Spirit: The Stallion of the Cimmaron I could watch all day every day when I was younger x’D 
56. Favourite foods 
Basically everything that you can throw together from what you have in the fridge and additionally put on or between bread: including pizza, burgers and buritos x’D 
Thank you for the questions, Prism :D <3 
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calypsoff · 3 years
Sixty Two. Part 3
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I laughed out at my mother texting me; she is screaming in my messages that she saw me on the news. Locking my phone still smiling, how life has changed me and fast, I was just a nobody and came out of jail and now I’m front row at the Grammys, sitting next to my pregnant wife that just so happen to be Rihanna, to me that is wild because I am with Rihanna but when I say Robyn I feel better. I am sat on a row with famous people, very famous people but like Jay Z is sat on the row behind us, I would assume that he would have been sat in front but here I am, a normal nigga sat front row “what was you laughing at?” Robyn finally finished gossiping, I thought I would have left her to it and let her finish her little conversation “my mom’s text me screaming about seeing me on TV, saying how proud she is and how beautiful you look. She is doing the most, so I was laughing at that” I’m still in disbelief that I’m sat here “I love Joyce, she is so cute” rolling my eyes as Robyn said that because my mother be doing the most “so when you performing? I am only here for you, team Rihanna?” Robyn poked her lips out and placed her hand in mine “I am performing soon, and then again later in the show, don’t worry it won’t be that boring. You’re here for me” shaking my head “I don’t find it boring; I find it do surreal. Like that I am here with you, I think when I see this and I see the love you get, to see people go crazy over you it comes back to me that you’re not just anyone, to me you’re Robyn you know that but when I am here seeing what I am seeing, you’re so loved. It’s amazing to see the love you get” Robyn cooed out “oh and I saw your ex in the back, look like he got slapped in the face” Robyn would look behind her to check, she is stupid “can’t see being that far back, only losers sit in the back” Robyn is right.
Clapping my hands as Frank Ocean won an award, this is very much draining like seeing the people go up and collect their award and so, and so on. I am just waiting for Robyn to get her ass on stage, feeling a kiss to my cheek and then Robyn wiped my cheek. Looking over at Robyn grinning “I am super proud of you; you have really just supported me and just been there for me. Also put up with me” biting on my bottom lip “having to put up with the both of you” placing my hand on her bump “hey, the baby is the innocent one here. Just me, I have been very much emotional and doing the most and I know that I have and you have put up with me” nodding my head slowly, this photographer and camera crew just came right in front of us “just act normal” Robyn said in a whisper looking at the stage, she said act normal but I ended up looking into the camera licking my lips, is it live or something, but I mean the camera would be facing Frank not me. Everyone started clapping and then so did I, I have no idea what they were saying but the camera left, and the photographer remained “quick picture he said” looking at Robyn “sir, you” looking at him “oh” I smiled awkwardly “I will be going now to get ready to perform, just stay here. Rorrey will be out ok? Rich is here” nodding my head “kill it out there” pressing a kiss to her lips as she got up from the seat, watching Robyn walk off. Her booty has definitely come out and I am not even complaining “you’re my sister husband?” looking down the row seeing Kaye speaking to me “erm yeah” I said smiling “yeah, yeah. You treat my sister good” nodding my head agreeing.
Putting up two fingers at the camera as Rorrey took a picture of us “I really find these award shows boring unless my sister is winning something, they drag. Three hours for what, like what the fuck am I doing with myself. Shall I send this to you, or you just repost?” Rorrey asked “I will repost, and I know. I understand now, I am like wen is this ending but Robyn is coming out soon, like now?” I am sure she is; I think LL Cool J is announcing Robyn on the stage “she seemed nervous to you?” all I do is speak through people’ speech but I be bored “erm no, she was excited. I think she said because it’s her last for a while, she is going to enjoy it and have fun. But people in this place are fake bro, you got to know this shit. They aren’t real, they are just full of shit. It’s all a game, Robyn just keeps herself to herself and it’s the best way you know” Rorrey is right, and I do believe him when he says it “oh I think it’s Robyn’ turn” I pointed out “right now one of the biggest popstars on planet earth, and possibly elsewhere. Please welcome Rihanna” LL Cool J said, my smile grew and the screams from around the place was sharp, clapping my hands as the paino played the intro. Squinting my eyes to see what she is wearing because I don’t see her wearing ref “she is wearing black” I pointed, her bump looks so hidden unless you look from the side “she looks so good” I smiled, I know personally she was nervous about this. That is really my wife on that stage “woo!” I shouted clapping; I am about to make all the noise.
“Not really sure how to feel about it, something in the way you move” I sang along with Robyn, I mean of course I would. That is my wife, and I am her biggest fan “she looks so amazing” I am super proud of her, standing up as soon as her last note finished “yes Robyn!” I clapped my hands loudly as I could, the crowd gradually joined in. A standing ovation and Robyn stood there awkwardly as she put her head down, not knowing where to put her face. She is feeling shy, and I do not blame her. She bowed her head and turned off “where does she go now?” I asked, do I go there to meet her or wait here “she will go backstage to get changed or come back here in just the new outfit” sitting back down, I just want to know that she is ok. That is what means the most to me, sitting back down on the seat “Robyn is invited to the afterparty, but she said she is going to decline but I really want her to go, she was already complaining about being tired” that sounds about right with Robyn, to complain about being tired already. So is Robyn coming back out or not, I am not even sure now, but I got Rorrey here with me.
Robyn and Rorrey changed places, she is back finally “took your time” Robyn is still wearing the black dress, she huffed out “I was so nervous actually, so nervous that I was sick backstage” my eyes widened, she didn’t seem it “really? You was that nervous? You didn’t seem it at all, are you ok?” how could I not notice that, but she looked fine “I have perfected the art of looking just fine Chris so don’t worry about it, I got on with it and I did it, what you think, did I do well?” nodding my head “amazing, a little scratchy here and there” she hit my arm as I laughed out “I am joking, stop it” shaking my head, Robyn and I are so deep in conversation that we didn’t realise that Rakim is on stage, for what exactly I am not sure. That nigga is tiny as hell “how you date a man so short?” I had to say it “because I didn’t wear heels when around him” good answer, I guess “here are the nominees for best contemporary album” he said “oh god, really. I hope I don’t win now” Robyn sat back “what do you mean?” she was going to turn to me but there is a camera right there “is this your category?” she nodded her head, this is messy. I feel like this was done on purpose, frowning at the screen trying not to scowl too much but this is fucked up.
The crowd clapped as the videos ended “lot of good contenders in this category” I will knock his little ass out “and the winner is” clenching my jaw hoping my praying she misses out, I rather she misses out then her go up there to that nigga. I am annoyed as hell “the beautiful Rihanna” I sighed out, it would be her. Looking over at Robyn as I got up and clapped my hands, clapped more in anger then anything “congratulations” I said as Robyn hugged me, I guess she got to put a show on now. Robyn walked off to go to the stage but there is steps she needs to go up, going around the cameraman and going up behind Robyn “let me help you up” I said, holding Robyn’ hand as I walked up the steps with her “thank you baby” not going to lie I am sweating knowing everyone is staring, jogging back down the steps and making my way back to the seat. Looking behind me, Robyn gave him a hug, she hugged him. I hate that nigga, sitting down in a huff “wow, another Grammy” she giggled “thank you, I just want to thank my team. They have been tirelessly working day and night for me, to get this album out I had to move the team in the home, and it was a different feel. I want to thank god for blessing me in so many ways” she pointed at her bump, the crowd cheered “and my husband for putting up with my hard working schedule and the moments where I am away and having to deal with a lot. He made me a mother and a wife all in one and I think this is a good maternity leave present” Robyn laughed “thank you” clapping as she walked off.
Pulling a face seeing Rorrey “you back again?” where the hell is Robyn “she is performing again nigga, you got me. Smile” side eyeing him, it’s a break right now “I was about to go and see some of the OVO niggas” Robyn probably couldn’t be bothered to come back out after the award collecting, making my way towards Drake “you walk so slow, like the break is literally over. So are you coming to the afterparty?” Drake asked “erm no, I don’t think I will be. Why, anything good happening” I mean he did ask “just was asking, so what do you think to you coming to Canada, play some basketball and hang out. Kyrie is coming, we can just hang out? Also I have some gear for you too, pick it up” that sounds so good “your house is dope as hell, I am coming. You know that I will, and if Kyrie is there I am there, I don’t want to break your ankles now. I need some real ass basketball platers” Drake pushed me “shut up, it was one mistake but cool. I will text you the date, better sit back down now” they starting again, I kind of get what Rorrey means by this shit being so long because I am tired as hell, this is for Robyn of course.
Squinting my eyes, there is Bruno and some white man on stage, and I refuse to get up because I just like to see Robyn. Bopping my head and Rorrey laughed out “I noticed it, you always start moving when the camera comes around” I chuckled “you notice, I just need to look happy. These shoes are hurting my feet too, I think Robyn is coming out. Getting up seeing my beautiful wife, she has arrived to make the stage even better. I wolf whistled “she looks amazing” bopping my head smiling, I probably look so whipped, but I don’t care “could you be loved” I sang, this is actually amazing that I have forgotten about my feet hurting. Squinting my eyes, Robyn better calm her ass down dancing like that on stage “she ain’t letting no baby get in the way” Rorrey said, he is right, but she needs to not do that, but she is.
It took me forever to get backstage, like so fucking long. They wouldn’t let me or even Rorrey there until weird enough, Jay Z helped us. He was like I know these two, the security guard was racist, I am just saying that. He knew who we was, he tried to make out we can only be in the crowd like I was a damn fan, I was getting annoyed and then Rorrey was too until Jay just came out of nowhere and said one word, now we here “I was calling you, what happed?” she is calling me but there I was trying to get here “little sis, we was trying too. Security was trying to make out we was fans, Jay had to help us” sitting down next to Robyn “aint there no slides here? My feet hurt” leaning down untying my laces “don’t do that, honestly it makes it worse. Just let’s go home, there is no slides here” I guess she has a point “you had to hug your ex?” I had to say it “it was not a hug, it was more like a awkward one, just a side one. I had too, I gave the other guy a hug, it was nothing. I literally gave you a shoutout so don’t” she has a point, but I dislike that nigga “true but I just want to say, how proud I am of Robyn, she killed it out there and then won an awards, now it’s time for you to relax. Enjoy the pregnancy, it’s your time twin” placing my arm around her “awww thank you poppa” besides that shit I am proud of Robyn.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr/ Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud), Fukukado Emi (Ms. Joke)/Kayama Nemuri (Midnight)
Word Count: 1,088 Words
Summary: Todo-siblings, teacher shenanigans, the 1-A twins accidentally freeze out the fifth floor, and Kirishima is best boy.
Warnings: Cursing, Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia, Abuse Mention, Mensuration/Period Mentions, Caps, Food Mention, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Anxiety Mention, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, let me know if I should add anything else.
Note: Natsuo and Fuyumi's chat names are based on quirk headcanons I have for them. Natsuo's is because I headcanon him to have a quirk where he can manipulate and generate water like Shoto can with his ice and Fuyumi's because I headcanon her to have a thermal manipulation quirk. Touya's is 'wine' because white and red wine and his hair is red and white.
Usernames: We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars, Aizawa: hollywoodlivingdead, Shouji: fryingpan, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Aoyama: phantomtown, Honenuki: visualizedragon, Sako: halfminutetomars, Awase: distressparade, Shinokanri: simplestrategy
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
We Love A Good, Caring Dadzawa In This House-Chapter 3
11:38 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
chaotic goth gay: so anygay we ever gonna talk bout the fact that the twins in 1a plan to take a week home?
kazoo cowboy: no??? it's their personal life????
needalegup?: I say we leave the boys alone.
screeching cockatiel: they don't like being referred to at 'the twins' Nemuri. They're separate beings.
chaotic goth gay: okay, the two canadian flags of Shouta's 25 nearly adopted children.
grumpy scarf cat: you're right but why say it?
bloody hell: I thought his class was 26 students now like mine? who tf you forgetting Nemuri?
chaotic goth gay: no one I be leaving out that little grapist tho. hate him and so does Shouta
screeching cockatiel: OwO oh worm?
grumpy scarf cat: never again Hizashi. never again.
screeching cockatiel: OvO
grumpy scarf cat: i hate you.
screeching cockatiel: love you too babe uwu
grumpy scarf cat: well,
grumpy scarf cat: i'm gonna go yeet myself off the roof for that one.
screeching cockatiel: Nuuuuuuu, how will me Hitoshi and Ayane ever survive without you!?
grumpy scarf cat: tru tru
grumpy scarf cat: I'll take Hitoshi with me.
screeching cockatiel: you wouldn't dare!
grumpy scarf cat: again tru tru
2:24 AM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
grumpy scarf cat: yeet yeet bitch he finally asleep [pic of Hitoshi asleep against Aizawa's side with Ayane asleep between them]
chaotic goth gay: that's perfect.
chaotic goth gay has changed their name to yeet yeet bitch
yeet yeet bitch: thank boi me sleep now
yeet yeet bitch is offline
4:14 AM
We Are Number One™
WHERE?: so anyway I'm ready to yeet our dad into the sun but that's too good for him
chaoticdisastergay: oh worm???? same hat??? could stand to snow his eyes out first tho
immafirinmahlaser: why y'all puttin ur father on blast in the main chat?
WHERE?: wait, where? oh fuck wrong one Touya, wrong one! mayday mayday
SmolMight: I was summoned my the word mayday what happened
SmolMight: oh
SmolMight: well then
lostmymarbles: Dear? Please lay down? I was comfortable?
chaoticdisastergay: well, speaking of tmi, I thought it was just a bathroom run but turns out my monthly came a week early, Atsu. I'm coming back.
WHERE?: that was a long time in the bathroom but okay.
lostmymarbles: Yeah, almost an hour. I'm lonely, the bed feels cold without you, snowdrop!
chaoticdisastergay: I had to shower over in the 1a dorms too, calm down.
lostmymarbles: Kay, come back to bed, I wanna cuddle.
SmolMight: Such precious. Most pure. We have been blessed with witnessing this couple be cute.
WHERE?: so anNYway, Touya, you goin back to the family chat?
chaoticgaydisaster: yee
4:30 AM
Trauma? Yeet. Memes? Yoink.
vulpix: anygay. still wanna yeet our dad into the sun but it'd still be too good for him.
lapis: I??? feel that????? wtf???????
thermostat: oh? a mood? in this good household?
wine: i really just want to go back to sleep but the brain machine broke i'm woke
vulpix: oh worm?
thermostat: anyway gotta actually get outta bed soon, drop off your girls at daycare, get mine to school, and go to work.
lapis: fine, gonna go with ya
thermostat: mhmmmm sure you are, you're gonna fall asleep in 20 minutes Natsuo.
lapis: that may be but i'll at least try
thermostat: doubt
thermostat is offline
8:24 AM
We Are Number One™
cena: so anyway tea apparently shoto and touya are going home all next week
princessbubblegumknockoff: oh? drama?
WHERE?: family visit no drama
chaoticgaydisaster: just visiting our family
SmolMight: so anygay Aizawa told us we have someone special visiting a1 today for class!
Spider-Man: I wonder who it is!
Dadzawa: toshi cmon I gotta get to class and drop you off like a gay goth god of insomniac children
exhausted: hol up im eating still
exhausted is offline
Dadzawa is offline
cena: well, no answers from them i guess
Emergency Exit: Everyone, please get off your phones in class!
9:37 AM
We Are Number One™
itsmeyaboy: so who was it that came to your class?
TheGreatCreator: The Big Three of UA
itsmeyaboy: huh. we had Hawks, Ryukyu, and Mirko
Iron Man: The Three Greats of UA
HopeSummers: We win.
SmolMight: Meh, we both got good people to teach us.
HopeSummers: Valid, carry on.
2:28 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
gotta go fast: so anyway, am i ever gonna get told why there's someone named speechtotext in this chatroom and who all they are?
kazoo cowboy: That's Majima with the support course.
needalegup?: he couldn't figure out how to work his phone with his fingers when we first made this chat and he used speech to text a lot.
goth portals: we used to get a lot of text messages where Hatsume had spoken over him and it became too much of a meme so Nemuri changed his name to speechtotext.
gotta go fast: understandable, have a nice day.
7:24 AM
We Are Number One™
Spider-Man: um guys all of floor five is frozen what happened?
Galvan: the girls' side isn't but it's getting cold over here
GuyFieriIsGod: My door is frozen shut.
Spider-Man: Todoroki or Yukimura must have had a nightmare again
TheGreatCreator: Does this happen often?
Spider-Man: more than you'd believe.
GuyFieriIsGod: Does anyone have an ice pick?
Galvan: i'm going downstairs before it spreads
TheGreatCreator: That's a good idea, Tsu, we don't want you getting too cold and hibernating.
WHAT?: wow
Spider-Man: wow? just wow? dude, help us!
WHAT?: ...
WHAT?: perish.
baby shark: I'm coming!
7:45 AM
We Are Number One™
GuyFieriIsGod: He got us out.
TheGreatCreator: It was easier because Todoroki likely melted it.
GuyFieriIsGod: Anyway, now that we're free, I'm making breakfast if anyone wants any. 1b and Shinsou included
WHAT?: wow
cena: Is Bakugo okay?
SmolMight: Yeah, that's just his morning brain. That happens if he gets less than an hour of sleep. He kinda short circuits for about an hour.
Pichu: excellent. thank you for this knowledge.
princessbubblegumknockoff: sometimes I question if your have a death wish.
Pichu: a death wish to get him to hug me and tell me i'm cute dammit!
Pichu is offline
baby shark: a very pure death wish. we don't deserve you denki!
WHERE?: It's been made apparent to me that I froze the fifth floor and I'm sorry.
chaoticgaydisaster: and I made enough snow it was practically snowmen
princessbubblegumknockoff: THEY RISE!
WHERE?: too early for this i need a pot of coffee
chaoticgaydisaster: mood but also gimme half dammit
Taglist: @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
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malethirsty · 4 years
Feat. (Drake)
Up & Cumming
Summary: A burgeoning music career was on the horizon for you, all that you needed was for the right man to cross your path, or in this case, enter your sound room.
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback (Wrap Before You Tap!)
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It was a lengthy wait as you paced back and forth in your sound room, waiting for Drake to arrive. It was also nerve wracking, as being an up and coming pop act, this could be the song that propels your EP to nationwide attention and by doing so yourself, which is what your label stressed to you many times over, so it was fair to say your anxiety was on the precipice and could tip at any point. What would he be like? Did he have a good verse for you? Was he as hot as many people made him out to be?
Your thoughts were disrupted by a knock at the door ‘It must be him!’ You thought as you crossed over and opened the door. Sure enough in he stepped, the man himself chain, sweatpants and hoodie, the last two having the OVO logo imprinted on them “Mr. Drake it’s nice to see you” you reached out your hand and Drake shook “Hey, you must be Y/N.” You took the time to admire his face as you looked up at him, his pretty brown eyes, his well defined beard, his puffy and defined lips, he seemed so intoxicating that you were lost in your observations before he cleared his throat, indicating he had been talking and you’d missed it “Oh, sorry, what was that?” You asked politely “I said, I’d like to know the progress of this song, how much have you done?” You nodded at him “I’ve completed my section of lyrics, and I’ve heard you wrote your part in privacy, the only thing we need to do is record the lead lyrics.” He nodded at you “I’ve got a nice trick on my verse that I think you’ll like.” Your face turned in wonder towards the rapper “Well head in and we’ll see how it goes.”
You each made your way to your respective stands, with your lyrics sheet already being preplaced on the stand, Drake placing his phone on the stand “I tend to write and read off of the phone if that’s alright?” He looked at you inquisitively, awaiting your response “Sure, anything you want Mr. Drake” you responded back “Drake will be fine man, this ain’t a business meeting relax, here.” He moved behind you, and began to give you a full back massage “Relax under my hands, let me get out some of that stress.” His hands were hot & smooth on your back, like he had done this a billion times before “Damn you’re good at this.” Drake laughed “With a lot of practice, eventually I learned more than most in a parlour.” “Wow, I’d love to see what other skills you have then.” You knew where the words had come from, you’d had a crush on Drake for years, ‘Who wouldn’t?’ you thought, however letting this come out right before recording wasn’t a good idea.
You turned to make sure Drake hadn’t backed off and were relieved to see he hadn’t, he simply shrugged and said “Well maybe I’ll show you later.” Your eyes widened & smiling Drake stepped away, satisfied with his work “You ready now babe?” He asked, and you nodded, surely he was bantering with you, he wouldn’t surely be serious? Either way, you were getting flustered ‘Calm down Y/N’ you thought ‘Put it towards the song, and ask him afterwards’ you nodded swiftly to Drake & grabbing a remote left on the stand, you directed it to the monitor in the other room and hit play.
The trumpets began to fill the studio, with Drake reacting positively, starting to shuffle on the spot to the beat, taking this as a good sign, you waited for your cue and began
You got my adrenaline, pumping when you stand so close, mmm
I can't help imagining all the things we'd do with no clothes
We're touching, we're teasing
We don't need a reason
And I've got a feeling
That soon we'll be leaving
Right from the get-go
You had me at "Hello"
Can't wait, so let's go
'Cause you're the only one that's taking me
Home! Can't wait to get in my zone, who said we gotta go slow?
Turn down the lights and watch my private show
You've got a ticket, front row
To get high, we got to get low
'Cause this is your private show
As you sang, you couldn’t help but direct your attention to Drake, seeing how he was liking the song, it was a need for approval, you’d always had it & it was alit even more when you saw him grinning at you as you belted out the big notes, in some risqué parts even performing pelvic hip thrusts. With his attention piqued, you intended to keep it fixated, and a part of you wanted in on his action, so you refocused and got your head back into the song.
Put your kisses on my lips, we ain't here for playing these games, ahh, no
It's loving with a little twist, get you hooked with just one taste, hey, yeah
This time you made sure that Drake knew that you were responding to his cues, you kept eye contact with him as you sang and saw his eyes gleaming with pride, shooting back a lustful grin. With the gusto that gave you, you went over the Pre-Chorus & Chorus again, eagerly awaiting Drake to hit his verse. You shot him a look of ‘Bring It On’ which he returned with a look that read ‘Oh you’ll get it’ before turning back and beginning his part of the song.
On my way from the studio so get undressed
Let's do the things that we say on text
I want to get straight to the climax
Have you coming all summer like a season pass
I want to turn you out like pitch black
Want to watch you do work while I sit back
'Cause you talk like you got what I need
You talk like you got the juice and the squeeze
Cause you're the only one that's taking me
You responded back, realising what he had done. He had parlayed his verse as a natural progression for you to enter with the final chorus as if responding to him rather than abruptly dropping the chorus back in. You were surprised, many people had figured Drake was only a rapper who only focused on the quoteableness of his lyrics, but turns out he had a good grasp on the makings of a song as well.
Eventually you finished the final chorus parts, and the track concluded, Drale giving you a massive round of applause “My God Y/N, you put that thing down!” You grinned at the positive critique “Not so bad yourself Drake.” You sent back & he shrugged “All in a day’s work, head back out to the sound room?” You nodded and you both exited the studio to flop down on the lounge. “I can tell with the vocals and production you’re gonna be the next big thing.” You began to get a bit flustered “You think so?” You asked abashedly “Yeah, you have the talent to back it up, you need a bit more confidence outside tho, though with me in the room I can understand why your flustered.” “Not humble at all I see.” “See like that, this banter you’re doing with me now, you need that all the time!” The rapper grinning at your volley back “And I had to find my neche as well, but I worked at it and now look at me” he gestured all over “I’m the most recognisable artist in the game, a streaking sensation, fucking hot as hell, a damn symbol of power & sex in the country.”
You’d gotten incredibly flustered hearing him brag, you cock began to harden and you hoped Drake wouldn’t notice. Several seconds later however and the chuckle that emerged from his mouth told you that he had “I could tell you had the hots for me, I would as well in your position. And man, am I gonna love keeping you there“ Drake removed his tank top, your mouth suddenly going dry. “Drake” your attempt to deflect his attention was lost as he kissed you “Shh Y/N, from what I could see in that studio, I could tell you wanted me & I want you, there is one issue and is not about beinng professional, it’s about getting you off.” His pants went next as you gasped seeing he went commando, his cock very proudly erect, with massive balls underneath. He made to remove his chains but you stopped him “Leave em on, it makes you look tough” “You like when a thug thinks you look cute, so they fuck the hell out of you? I’ll give you that, you’ll want me again and again” Drake reached over and tore off your shirt “Hey! I don’t have a backup!” You said shocked and pissed “I’ll lend you one of my shirts babe.” Drake offered as he pulled down your pants & underwear, your cock standing to attention, several beads of precum coating the tip. “God Y/N, you’re so fucking horny for me.” He removed his hand & brought it up to his mouth tasting your precum “You taste so damn good.” He moves down to you, kissing you deep, slipping his tongue inside your mouth.
He mapped out your mouth with his tongue, whilst his rough callous hands gliding over you, getting to know every part of you. Once he was satisfied he pulled away, yanking your head down to his thick dick “Suck my dick pretty boy.” He growled out and you teasingly kissed the tip, making him moan our before you enveloped his dick, sucking it deep. “That’s right babe, suck that shit, get it deep in your mouth.” With him shoving you face onto it, you intended to make this perfect & applied extra effort to his cock, licking every vein you could find, always remembering to return back to Aubrey’s head to lick over his slit. “Oh yeah, take this dick bitch, I’m fucking leaking precum into your mouth for you to have, only you babe.” Drake groaned, staying a few more moments before regretfully pulling your head off, much to your confusion. “Suck my balls” he moaned, moving your head further down. You did not wait to be asked twice as you took both balls into your mouth “Oh fuck! This is what a man deserves!” Drake’s musk was deep in your nostrils by now, hot and sweet, a smell you wanted more of as you indulged yourself, making the rapper hornier, making him crave you more.
Eventually Drake shoved you down to the lounge, and presented his fingers at your mouth. You didn’t need to wait for an instruction but clamped down on them, coating them in spit. “Yeah, get em good and wet.” Knowing what was about to go down, you made sure to follow his request obediently. Satisfied with you work, he pulled his fingers out & moved down to your ass, pushing in a finger, your hole clenching around it “Relax Y/N, you’ll thank me later.” Drake said, breaking his thug character so you could be soothed, in a way it was nice, someone taking the time to make sure you were alright. Taking short breaths, you tried to relax as Drake worked you open, placing his left hand on your shoulder “Relax, breathe in, concentrate on my hand, and you’ll love it.” He moved his hand over your chest, sending chills all over, which successfully masked the stretchy burn on his second finger, now scissoring you open, preparing you for him. After he deemed you stretched enough, he decided to push you at least once more, and went down to rim you, his tongue delving deep into the heat of your ass.
You writhed from his minstrations, utterly needy “Fuck Drake, I want you, fuck me, give me your big dick!” Drake laughed as he withdrew from you “Get ready for me to fuck the life out of you.” And slowly, he began to shove his dick into your ass, making you moan out at how large he was. “God damn, you’re tight as fuck Y/N so I’ll go slow for you, you tell me if I’m breaking your limits, I want this to be as good for you as it is for me.” Drake broke his thug bed persona again to make sure you were alright. You nodded as Drake moved out before moving back in, opening your hole up gradually. “Fuck, your hole’s, practically egging me on to fuck you with no control.” “Do it.” You moaned softly, connecting with his eyes, him seeing your eagerness and finally gave in, increasing his pace, his moans freely falling from his lips. “Fuck Drake! Take me, fuck me, make me yours.” Aubrey did not wait to be asked twice, groaning as he picked up the pace of his fuck, his dick hammering away at you now “Yeah you love that dick deep inside you, bitch?” You nodded before he grabbed your head “God you’re amazing man, the way you looked at me when I was aroused in that booth, the way your eyes begged me to stop and fuck you hard, give you every inch of this dick, God I knew I had to have you. I’ve gotta get you in my bed, have you look at me dicking you down in the mirror, cause you look fucking tasty right now babe, all sweaty and shit, falling apart from this dick like how a good slut should.”
Moans were reverbriating all around the sound room at this point, thank God the room was soundproof to outsiders, otherwise everyone would have heard you being fucked by the rapper “You’re fucking love the damn mansion I got. I can tell you the type to appreciate where my riches have taken me, especially when I take you on my bed. You gonna be begging for more, after we cum, so I’ll fuck you all over the place!” He peppered kisses over you as his balls slapped against your ass “Those fat balls are full of cum for you, I’m gonna shoot all that in your ass for you.” “Fuck Yes Drake! Cum in me!” Moans from the both of you now reverberating off the walls, you nodded as you gripped onto his back, looping your legs around his, moving yourself up as you rode Drake, him fucking you recklessly, determined to shoot his load. Aubrey lifted up his arms “Get your face in there, lick out my armpit.” Not even stopping to think as you would have done minutes before, you did as he instructed without waiting and you heard Drake moan “You a fucking freak Y/N, I fucking love it!” “Fuck Drake, I’m gonna cum!” You cried out “Do it Y/N, let me see you cum, give me a show.” He smirked as he took your hands and trapped them on the wall. You fucked desperately onto his cock, lust overwhelming you, until finally he cock hit the spot the right kind of way and you yelled as your load was shot all over, some hitting Drake’s chest, the rest landing on you. “Fuck yeah! You look like a damn piece of art, I’ve gonna take a pic of that, stroke my dick to it when I’m on tour.” He said proudly “Such a good slut for me, your ass is so tight round my cock, tighter than any bitch I’ve screwed. Fuck I’m gonna cum for you.” He fucked ferociously into you, and you leaned up to whisper in his ear “Yeah Aubrey, shoot that load in my ass, cum for me babe.” Aubrey growled “God, you know how to work me Y/N. Fuck I’m gonna cum! Oh! Fuck!” Drake’s voice grew shaky, melting into lustful moans as he shot his load deep into your ass, he gripped onto you, making sure you didn’t spill a drop on the floor.
Soon he removed himself, and you both collapsed on the lounge. “God, that was amazing.” Drake finally got out “Now I know how you got all those sex inspiration for your verses.” You mentioned, before Drake turned “Maybe I might write one about you, the best pussy I ever fucked.” You began to get flustered, but not as much as before the fuck, you were sure that was still because you weren’t used to compliments, ‘It should go soon though’ you thought, especially if Drake kept treating you like this. “Now” Drake said “I ripped your shirt and you need a new one, get your clothes on, and I’ll get you in my limo and we’ll go shopping for a new one, you can tell me your size, I’ll head in and get a bunch, that sounds alright to you?” You were stunned at Drake’s casual statement, as if he was talking about something trivial, like discussing what to have for breakfast, you nodded though and began to get your other clothes, Drake seemed to have a life of opulence and given how you hadn’t been thrown to the curb like other people would after a one night stand, it seemed like you were about to be indoctrinated into it.
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stars and stardrops
A/N: new chapter! i think this is the best one so far OvO
this chapter reader’s nimbo-ness almost comes out full force, almost
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chapter 5: cows and slime ( click for chapter 1 )
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Summary: you meet a cow and go to the mines
Ever since Bruno gifted you your fishing pole you've been fishing almost anywhere, any chance you could. It required a lot of patience but you were actually getting the hang of it and had even caught a few things. You also found it very relaxing, spending most of it waiting and staring off into the distance.
Today, your main focus was fishing at a pond you had seen on the map. Who knew what you could catch there, but first you were making a stop to a place nearby.
On your map, not too far from the pond, was a spot labeled Reimi's Farm. One of the multiple buildings in town you still haven’t been to yet.
When you get there you immediately notice a cabin a distance away. That was strange. There's no marking for it on the map. Well, guess you have two places to visit now!
You head up to the ranch and a cow greets you with a ‘moo’ as you walk past the gated area attached to the ranch. It ambles towards you. You didn't know cows were the curious type or maybe this one was just an anomaly?
The cow moos again in response.
I’m a cow whisper.
You whip your head to the side. Why do people keep sneaking up on you?
An older woman with wavy pink hair stood next to you. "Looks like you and Moodonna are getting along well.”
You giggle a little at the name before you can stop it. "Sorry. I think so? I didn't know cows could be curious."
"It's actually pretty common. They can also be quite friendly too! I'm Reimi by the way and you're ___ . " She smiles and holds a hand out for you to shake. "Nice to meet you."
You grab her warm, calloused hand and return a smile of your own. "I was actually coming over to introduce myself since I was walking to the pond, but I've been beaten again--first Bruno, now you!"
Reimi gives you a curious look.
"Ah, nevermind," you say.
Reimi looks as she’s considering something before she speaks again. "Have you ever wanted a chicken farmer?"
You pause from the sudden question. "What? Like to eat?"
She laughs. “No hun, for eggs!”
"Oh!” You feel your face heating up. “No, sorry, I never really thought about that?"
"Well it would be very profitable for you as a farmer if you did get some. Along with some cows... Maybe some ducks too!"
She did have a point but you'd never taken care of a house pet, let alone a farm animal.
"I don't really know how to though."
"No worries ___, I'll be there to help you out," she states. “Whenever you're ready just visit me.”
"Uh okay, sure!"
After saying bye to Reimi you head to your next stop--the cabin. 
You knock on the door and wait a moment but nothing happens. Maybe whoever lived there was out at the moment? You’d just have to visit another day.
A few days ago you spent some time at Trattoria Trussardi with ‘The Bucci Gang’, as you fondly referred to them--of course they didn’t know that.
“I can't believe Speedwagon is allowing the removal of that boulder,” Abbacchio grumbled.
"The one closing the mines?" Fugo asked.
Narancia perked up at this, “REALLY!?”
Abba, sighed at the boy's tone. "That place is dangerous and you three know it!"
"We never actually go down though! It's fine," Mista waved him off.
"Why would you three even go into the mine cave?" Giorno asks, curious.
Fugo rests his head against his hand. "Narancia liked the echoes of his music there and we just keep him company."
"Oh man I can’t wait to go back there! It’s been too long," Narancia smiled, completely ignoring Abbachio's warning look.
You listened quietly, intrigued. 
After wandering around town, you finally find the mines. Abbacchio could not find out about this ever. 
You walk through the wooden entrance of the mine and into an opened area of dirt, scattered with rocks and boulders. The lanterns perched on the walls light the space in a dim glow. 
What you aren’t expecting to see but aren’t exactly surprised by are Narnicia, Mista, and Fugo sitting among the rocks.
“Guys you shouldn’t be here! Abbacchio is gonna get all huffy if he finds out.”
“Pshh, that's not going to happen cause he’s not going to! And even if he does he most likely won’t do anything….maybe,” Narancia says.
“You should be more worried about yourself. Why are you even here?” Fugo asks.
“Okay calm down there sassy pants.” You cross your arms, “I’m just passing by….”
Mista smirks, “You’re such a shit liar.”
You pout, “....JUST LEAVE!”
All three of them laugh but to your surprise move to leave the mines.
“Wow y’all are actually listening to me?” You hadn’t known them for that long but in the last two weeks you realized pretty quickly that they did whatever they felt like unless Bruno was involved.
“We were about to leave anyway,” Narancia says. 
“He already went through two albums of his annoying music,” Mista adds.
Narancia huffs at him in offense. “It’s not annoying!”
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Fugo warns.
And with that they exit the mines.
You sigh and walk further into the mine. There's a ladder descending into a hole near a pile of rocks. You also notice the elevator at the back.
After waiting for a while, you realize that pressing the up button does nothing.
Part of you wants to go down the ladder and see what's waiting at the end but you don't know how sturdy it is. You're already taking a risk being in a mine that's entrance apparently collapsed at one point.
Reluctantly, you decide to just head back before something bad happens and Abbacchio chews you out for it, but as you walk towards the exit the elevator behind you pings and you turn to see a tall brunette exit it.
"Hey!" You raise your brow when he points a finger at you. "What are you doing?" He squints, “...and who are you?"
You freeze under his skeptical look. "...I’m ___."
"I don't know any ___."
You rush to explain yourself. "The new farmer who moved in!" For some reason you felt nervous, like a child caught eating sugar. 
The man continues to stare you down before realization crosses his face. 
"Oh!" He adjusts his scarf, "It's great that you're here then cause I totally forgot to deliver that letter Lisa Lisa asked me to!" He scratches at the back of his neck.
"...Huh?" This had to be your strangest interaction in town so far.
"I’m Joseph by the way. Joseph Joestar."
"I’m ___."
"You already said that."
"Oh yea."
"I swear not this dense! Usually just a regular level of dense." You fiddle with your overall straps. 
"Oh man, I was worried you’d be a stick in the mud like Caesar but you seem chill! You should totally join our guild."
You blink. "What guild?"
"The adventure guild obviously! You haven't heard of us? Haven't you've been here for over a week?" He continues without waiting for answers. "Anyways, it's a guild where we go into the mines to kick the shit out of monsters and pretty much keep them from over running the mines. It’s been awhile since we’ve actually gotten to do that though..."
You gawk. "Monsters?" This man couldn't be serious. “There're monsters in these mines? T-Those exist?"
“Yep and they're super scary!”
You swallow nervously. Why would you want to be involved with something like that?
"Kidding! They're mainly cute slimes, pesky bugs and bats until you get deeper. Then they start to get really weird."
"You're making me seem super old! I'm only like 26 so just call me Joseph. The mines really aren't that bad though." The way this man switches from one topic to another would take some getting used to. 
He reaches to his side where a sword hangs, unhooks it and holds it out to you. 
You make no move to grab it.
"Why don't you try the first couple of levels? I promise you probably won't die. The elevator will bring you back up whenever you get tired."
He pushes the sword into your hand. "When you're done just visit the building next door. I’ll leave it open for ya!" 
After that he leaves.
Were you supposed to go right now? You stare at the rusty sword in your hand.
Well you wouldn't even be in Pelican Town unless you didn't take risks. (And you actually wanted to go down, you just had an excuse to do so now.)
You ignore the logical side of your brain saying that that wasn't comparable to going down into a monster filled mine and head towards the ladder.
This is really dumb.
The gelatinous mass of a pissed off giant, green slime lunges at you. You barely manage to get into a defensive position and block its hit towards your body.
Your arms shake as you push your weight forward and shove the green blob backwards with the side of your sword. Blood runs from the fresh cut you just gained across your palm due to your careless grip on the sword’s blade. Ignoring the sting, you quickly raise the sword knowing the slime will lunge again.
When it rushes at you, you bring your weapon down as hard as you can. It was slightly late but fortunately, the sword’s blade easily slices through its soft, green body and manages to catch it in the center. The blob’s movement abruptly stops as it struggles to keep its consistency. 
A second passes before green slime rushes past your whole body. You accidentally get some in your mouth.
After the slime starts to settle, you cough and wipe at your face, trying to get it away from your eyes. 
‘Cute slimes’ my ass.
While you grumble about Joseph's lack of warning, you try to get the slime off your hands. This distracts you enough that a small slime manages to jump onto your leg. You swiftly shake it off then realize small slimes are forming from the goo around your boots. 
After you handle them, you high tail it to the elevator door before more crap tries to attack you.
You’ve definitely had enough for today.
You enter the wooden building covered in dirt and drying goop--you were taking a long shower after this.
"OH MY GOD YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!?" Joseph's loud accented voice makes you jump. 
He's sitting near the counter. A lady behind it with long brunette hair and sunglasses looks at you. Why she was wearing sunglasses indoors, you didn’t know but they looked good on her.
"Uhhh yea… Wasn’t that the point?"
"I didn't think you’d actually go down there you mad lad!"
You open your mouth but no words come out in your confusion.
"Jesus Christ Joseph can you shut the hell up!" A voice comes from a room in the back.
A blonde man with a colorful headband comes through the door. "Why are you being so loud for anyway-" His eyes land on your slime covered form.
He immediately turns towards the brunette man. "What did you do?" He says, irritation clear in his voice.
"What! You're already blaming me!?"
"Yes because only you would cause something like this!”
You stare at the two bickering worried that they might actually get physical.
They both quiet down immediately. 
You brows raise in surprise.
The lady stands up from the chair looking directly at you. Her smooth, authoritative voice continues. "Looks like you've got what it takes to fight. Even though I told Joseph to keep watch--"
You see Caesar shoot said man a glare. Joseph only smiles and looks away.
"--you handled it on your own though and right away at that."
She removes her glasses from her face. "Are you ready to start your initiation?"
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gamerpidge · 5 years
Valentine x Zephyr update!
I come to you all bearing adorable news!! As you know, we brought home miss Val on Sunday afternoon. That night, she rested after her stressful car ride. The next morning, she was very restless and I figured she probably wanted to stretch her wings, so I let her out to roam the room we’re staying in. She is the sweetest thing, checking stuff out and chilling in my lap. She eyed Zephyr a few times but left him alone for the most part. She put herself to bed and it was lights out again. Zephyr was sad she didn’t come closer. Late Monday night, Zephyr started cooing and Valentine became very interested. Darting around her cage, fluttering her wings, and clinging to the door. I let her out again and she made a beeline for Zephyr’s cage. This of course got him INCREDIBLY excited! Wow, a pretty hen? outside my cage?? LEMME OUT. I watched her for about a half hour to be sure of what she wanted. It became obvious pretty quick though, as she was pecking at the bars and trying to walk through them to get to where he was. So... I let him out! This way I wouldn’t be putting her straight into his space and they could meet in an open area. I also wanted them to meet during a time that she was definitely interested. He started out a lot more shy than I expected and cautiously moved around her. She was a little more pushy with trying to get acknowledged and eventually he started pursuing her. Cue the driving, cooing, dancing, and awkward flirtation attempts from an inexperienced, super frisky boy to a girl that seemed desperate for him to hurry up and do the right things XD. Valentine would pull in his attention by coming close and then play hard to get, coming to my lap or flying to the back of the couch. Much to my surprise, after about an hour of this, he started following her to the couch! This is amazing, because his poor eyesight usually prevents him from making such bold flights before thoroughly checking out those surroundings. Eventually I needed to put them back up so I just combined the two cages together to make one big bird suite. Aaaand Zephyr didn’t stop cooing for about 13-15 hours. Straight. Ahh, desperate love. He was pretty unsuccessful in properly wooing her that night and she stayed mostly to herself. This morning I walked into their space just in time to see him trying to tread Valentine. Wow, what a development! Of course, I accidentally spooked him and they didn’t complete the kiss. We are actually grateful for that, because I want them to be in a better nesting space before doing that. We can get them a better set up in 2 days. Ever since then, they have been sharing Zephyr’s tiny travel nest and preening, feeding, and laying on top one another. I breathed a huge sigh of relief, I was worried I had made the wrong call in what Valentine was telling me. This has to be the most adorable display of affections I have ever seen with my birds. Honestly, I did not expect her to show interest in him so soon, let alone them doing all these lovey dovey things together.  Sorry for the long post, but I’m just so excited to share this with you guys!! I’ll be making another long post within the next couple days I’m sure to talk about what kind of travel cage improvements we’ll be making. Take care, stay safe, and wash your hands! ovo <3
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toabelovednightmare · 5 years
The plot twist
Characters/Pairings: Luciano, Martin, Catalina. Mention of Manuel, Miguel, Sebastian and Julio. Brarg.
Notes: This is for Day 3: High School.
I had a pretty busy day today, but I am still trying to complete this week ovo. I hope you enjoy this one. Again, sorry if there are any typos hiding around. I’ll fix them eventually.
Warnings: none.
Luciano already had plans for that evening. He only had two classes left before the school day was over. He forgot to do the homework for the first period and got back an exam with a huge freaking "D" on it. But it was okay. It was one bad day, and it was almost over.
Catalina had sent him a text, which he saw once he was out of the last class. She was asking for help with some student council related activity. He figured he'd stop by the room where the student council's president usually hung out, and see what she needed.
It was probably one small thing; Catalina was known for being highly independent. He would be in and out her office in a minute at most.
"I need you to take pictures of the soccer match this evening." Catalina handed him the school camera with a smile, before turning back to her pile of folders and paperwork.
"What?! No!" Luciano almost dropped the camera. He knew what that meant. Catalina gave him a tired look. "Can't you send someone else to do it? Can't Sebby or Julio do it? Why do we need more pictures of the soccer team, anyway? Every other picture we take is of the soccer team."
Catalina rolled her eyes.
"Is this about Martin?" She squinted at him. She put her hands on her hips, which meant--Luciano knew this from previous experience--that she wasn't going to change her mind. "Because, you know, no one talks about that anymore. Like, everybody went on with their lives. You guys should too."
She patted his back. It didn’t help. Catalina sighed.
“Besides, Sebastian is busy with math club, and Julio broke an arm. Come on, I need your help here."
Clearly she didn't care about how this was going to impact the rest of Luciano's day. All he wanted to do was go home, get the homework out of the way, and play PlayStation until he passed out on his bed.
Instead, he ended up dragging his feet towards the soccer field.
It was still early, so the team had just started warming up. The rival team would get there at anytime, so they had to take advantage of the little time left to prep for the match. The team had had a rough season; they'd won the last game by one point, and barely survived the previous matches.
Martin wasn't having that again. He was screaming at his teammates to do this, and that, and--ah, now he was fighting with Manuel. Nice. A good reminder of why he had never tried for the soccer team.
He should actually be really thankful that he hadn't. After what had happened at the beginning of the year, he could say he was damn lucky for avoiding the soccer team. Because, if he had followed his pride, he would now be trapped in that field with Martin.
Martin, the captain, now stood by the opposite bleachers, cussing. And staring at him. Luciano could feel his stare, even when he was over twenty meters away. He took the camera, turned it on and started checking the settings to distract himself from Martin's gaze.
(All he had done was get drunk one time. One time in his short life. It wasn't his fault that Martin had felt the need to keep him company in the bathroom of that house, nor was his fault that things had spun out of control. He hadn't thought about fucking plot twists when he started drinking that night. How the hell was Luciano supposed to know that the very straight looking soccer team captain fancied him? That he fancied him back? He had only wanted to know what vodka tastes like.)
Luciano checked the camera's gallery of images. They seriously did have lots of pictures of sports' activities. And lots of pictures of Martin, to add to the offense. It was a good thing that he wasn't the only one taking pictures for the school's yearbook. God knows what kind of ideas people could get. Luciano didn't need any gossips about Martin and him arising again. He had had enough of that the first half of the year.
Why the hell was Martin staring at him, now? Manuel was still kind of arguing with him, but the Argentinian wasn't replying anymore. Miguel was also trying to get back his friend's attention, but Martin looked...out of it. Was he mad that Luciano was there?
Miguel was saying something. Manuel had finally shut up. Luciano was now taking some shoots of the empty soccer field to make sure that the light and contrast settings were all calibrated. Despite all the cold drama, he was going to take some damn good pictures that day.
The rival team had arrived. But now they had to warm up too. The whole ordeal was going to take a lot longer than what Luciano had hoped. He took a couple of pictures of the rival team, just for the sake of it. Maybe to make fun of them later, who knows.
Someone cleared his throat beside him and, for the second time that day, Luciano held the camera like it was his life. He must have looked bemused or something, because any trace of a smile on Martin's face immediately disappeared.
"Um. Hello?" Martin had his hands buried in his pockets. For someone so tall and fit to look so awkward and taken aback...it was quite an apparition. "You came to see us destroy the European dicks' team?"
Luciano shrugged.
"I came to take pictures for the yearbook. No one else was available."
He was aware of how dry those words had sounded. He had intended it to sound like that. His goal was to discourage Martin from trying to engage in any kind of longer interaction; the blonde had already made clear that he didn't want that.  
"Wow. Okay. I thought that we could chat a bit, but I now see that you are perfectly fine avoiding me like you have been doing for the whole year."
Martin took a step down. Luciano’s frown was as intense as his desire to push Martin off those bleachers. He really had no shame whatsoever. 
"Excuse me? Avoiding you?"
"I haven't seen you at all this year."
How did he dare pretend that he didn't know what had happened? This. This was the reason why he didn't want to be near Martin. Luciano knew that the blond would find a way to blame it all on him, and make him look like a fool twice now.
Martin didn't move. He was still staring at Luciano.
(They had been drinking. They were both drunk and somehow locked themselves in the bathroom. Luciano couldn't recall what they had been talking about. At some point Martin had leaned in and kissed him. And it felt good. It felt fantastic.)
"You know, it's very rude to kiss someone and disappear from their lives without giving any explanation."
Luciano clicked his teeth, he turned around to glare at Martin.
"Without any explanation? Oh, so you wanted me to walk around school, blow you kisses and hold your hand like I didn't know that you and your friends were making fun of me behind my back? Thanks for starting all those gossips, by the way. I was totally prepared to spend half a year tolerating that shit."
Martin's face had turned bright red. His green eyes were wide open. Luciano could hear Manuel calling him from afar.
"Who the fuck was making fun of you? I never said anything behind your back!" He pointed at the field, where his team was standing. Like they couldn't all see him doing that. Martin really knew how to make people start talking. "Was it one of them? Why the hell didn't  you say something?"
Luciano huffed. He turned around and started fooling with the camera again.
"No. It's not whatever. Why didn't you tell me?"
Luciano ignored that last question. The air between them was too tense. He felt like even the rival team was staring at them. And he felt like a fool. Again. It was like having a painful pit in his stomach.
Manuel was still calling Martin, and Miguel was now desperately waving for him to return to the field. Martin finally sighed, and started making his way down the bleachers.
Luciano felt his shoulders relax. The tension was really heavy on his shoulders. He knew that Martin would find a way to mess with his head.... He still had to stay and take pictures. Fuck.
He grabbed the camera. Through the lens, he could see the anger on the rival team's captain's face. Martin walked to the middle of the field like he had all the time of the day. Miguel was asking all sorts of questions, obviously. The rest of the school's team was sitting on the grass like they were now having a picnic.
And just like that, Martin turned around, waved at him, and shouted.
"FYI: You are going to prom with me!" It was like a nightmare. Luciano's face might had actually burst into flames. "BTW it was not a question!"
How wrong he had been to think that Martin was done with him.
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drew-winchester · 5 years
Hi. First of all, and I know you heard this a lot, but your art is so amazing, so endearing! I love your Perry and Khadgar comics the most. Do you have a sequence of comics or they are "one shots"? Also, do you have a specific tag for them? I kind need to read them all...
Thank you very much! 💗 My comics are one shots, yes. Most of them are tagged [comic] so you can read them here~ They’re all together but you can easily read just the Khadgrin ones ^^ There is a [Khadgrin] tag too ^^
(I hope Khadgar comes back in WoW soon so I have new ideas and more inspiration ovo !!!)
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ca-3 · 5 years
From the send me a character: Mahiru
wow two asks for Mahiru OvO;;) well okay then!
Tumblr media
First impression: Somehow seems both like your typical average shounen main character… but also a lot different for other anime mc’s that I have seen before??? Not sure if he’s really brave or just kinda insane…. 😅 Oh well, at least he’s cute. 😂💕
Impression now: Oh my gosh, I can’t even begin to explain how proud I am of Mahiru’s character development!!! I don’t even know where to begin, but the only issue I have now is that I feel like the more we learn about Mahiru’s character the more tragic his character seems… he’s gone through a lot in recent chapters…(with being injured, us learning about his real father… and then the untold story about his mom) and while he seems to be handling most things well so far, there’s still a lot Mahiru is unaware about… and I feel like everything is going to hit him at once at some point,,, and that makes me real sad for him. ;;; I’m sure he’ll stay strong, but Strike has been full of surprises lately so I’m extremely skeptic to say that fksafkajdlsj 
Favorite moment: Huh. I just suddenly realized I have never thought about my most favorite Mahiru moment… I have several tbh but Mahiru  vs. Touma was all pretty awesome!! Well expect for one certain part if you know what I mean…it made my arm hurt too…. 
Idea for a story: jlkjkas I have so many random aus including Mahiru already. 😂 I think my favorite is age au? and married au heheehehe~
Unpopular opinion: Most of these are very rare now, but at one point this was pretty prominent? But I don’t like when Mahiru is treated like he’s super dainty or weak. :/ and he’s always “the uke uwu” and then people use that to treat Mahiru like he’s some kind of damsel in distress? Like… I’m sorry but what part of Mahiru is weak? He’s literally braver and mentallystronger than a lot of other characters. I know Mahiru makes very reckless decisions and can be overly trusting sometimes and has to be saved from that,-oh when will he learn? Mahiru may be a human character and isn’t as strong as a vampire, but come on he’s not that pathetic or dumb. Another thing I’m not really a fan of is Mahiru being gender bended so much….? I don’t usually care that much when people do Rule 63 stuff or whatever we call it these days. It’s just when it’s only Mahiru being a girl?? and no one else usuallyfor some reason?? But mainly for only two reasons:
I’ve just personally never been into that kind of thing. Many fandoms I’ve been into over the years do the whole “take a ship that’s originally two boys or two girls and make one of them a girl or guy so the ship is straight now” I couldn’t ever really get into it,,, I always found it really odd no matter what the context was. Not like context is usually ever given tho…? It’s just weird to me. 
 There’s another personal reason…It was only super early in the fandom I knew a small group of people who liked Fem!Mahiru and I thought the ideas and stuff were cute when I listened to them at first, but… then I learned that they preferred Mahiru ONLY as a female? and they hated ALL “yaoi” ships?? So the only time they would make anything KuroMahi was only when they gender bended Mahiru… they did that for many other ships I learned too, While it might not really bother me in other circumstances people should be allowed to enjoy their fiction the way they want to and we should all be respectful of that, But that was the only case when it started to really rub me the wrong way. What’s even worse was when they explained why they liked Mahiru better as a girl… “He’s basically a mom already xD, and does super girly things like cooking and housework anyways!! He’s the perfect housewife!! It’s just so easy to gender bend him!!!” I’m sorry but that’s all kinds of fucked up to me because a man doing housework shouldn’t be considered overly feminine or weird. Because knowing how to do those things are important for anyone to know, especially when you live alone. So it should be considered normal that a guy knows how to cook and care for his home, but noooo. To them it’s only a women’s job I guess. So therefore Mahiru is better off as a girl. Stop. It’s sexist.  Like… why ship a ship that’s two guys in the first place when you only like the ship when only one of them is a girl? Just ship an actual straight ship instead lol I’m glad that’s NOT the case for everyone, but only that specific time it really bothered me, so it was hard for me to get back into it ever. Also cause op admitted to being homophobic anyways. So yikes. wow this section got long….  ksdsjlfakjf ;;;
Favorite relationship: Sakuya and Mahiru or Kuro and Mahiru (or better yet KuroMahiSaku lol)  I’ve always liked both individual ships in their own different way. Both have always fluctuated being either romantic or platonic to me, it’s always just depends on certain things. I only like when they are portrayed just right. 👌 I’ve seen both ships portrayed in weird ways lol But for both I’m fine with either being portrayed as a romantic relationship or even just a really good friendship. 💙❤💚 The reason I started liking both relationships in those ways is because just how important Mahiru is to both Kuro and Sakuya. Mahiru cares about them both like how he cares about all his friends. ;w;) Honestly, I like all of Mahiru’s other friendships too. I wish we could see Mahiru interactions with his other friendships too ;v;) I would love to see more eve and eve friendship moments. Like with Misono, Tetsu or even Licht. Also Ryusei and Koyuki… where are they? 
Favorite headcanon: It’s too hard for me to pick just one– but all the hcs recently about what Mahiru really is have been super interesting!
okay it’s 12 a.m and I ramble aaaaAAA
Send Me a Character
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iturbide · 6 years
We all know who your favourite Awakening character is, but who's your least favourite? Mine's Tharja, 'cause she's a creepy stalker and child abuser, 'but it's okay because she's hot and mostly naked'
Wait we know my favorite Awakening character who is it tell me tell me because I didn’t think I’d made any decision wow ovo; i love too many characters in this game okay 
But I’m guessing that we’re talking playable characters and not villains (because Validar takes the cake there).  
I’ll admit I’m not Tharja’s biggest fan, but I also feel like the fandom has hyper-amplified her most negative character traits and either romanticized it or excused it due to her appearances: in-game, her portraits are significantly more modest (she’s constantly hugging a book to her chest rather than acting overtly sexual, for instance).  Her supports generally show her as awkward and generally anti-social, but with altruistic leanings (such as her conversations with Donnel, where she routs an illness that had affected the camp).  She’s by no means perfect, but there’s a lot more to her than the stalking and the child abuse – neither of which is by any means forgivable (and they are, in fact, the reasons she’s low on my list, just not rock bottom). 
At the risk of going off on a tangent, I’ve always seen Tharja’s stalking as intricately linked to her religion.  I headcanon that she is Grimleal, and on meeting Robin immediately recognizes them as Grima’s vessel (she likely catches a glimpse of their Brand), and in her own zeal pretty much flings herself at Robin in the hopes of winning Grima’s favor.  Her relationship with Noire, meanwhile, is something that I tend to do a lot of work around when it comes to fanfiction, because I really hate what the game handed us. 
But as for my least favorite characters, it’s kind of a three-way split between Frederick, Cordelia, and Severa.  I’ve talked before about my dislike for Frederick, but Cordelia in some ways fits a similar bill to Tharja – only where Tharja’s obsession with Robin only features in a handful of her supports (like her support with Henry), with Cordelia, her obsession with Chrom is basically the core of her character.  The rest of her supports are focused on her staunch perfectionism, which has ended up making her an extremely closed-minded individual, to the point where she will criticize others for every minute flaw (as she does in her supports with Donnel, returning his kindness of listing good things about her with a monumental list of his inadequacies that he needs to improve on) or dismissing outright the worth of anything she personally feels is frivolous (as she does in her supports with Sumia, banning her from doing flower fortunes because she thinks they’re pointless).  I understand that Cordelia has been through trauma, but the character built from her supports is narrow-minded and even callous, so self-absorbed due to her lauded perfection that she believes that her way must be the right way. 
Severa, meanwhile, presents as an abusive manipulator.  Her supports with her father (or at least with Gregor as her father which I still feel so bad for from my first game I’m so sorry Gregor you deserved better) show her as a shrewd manipulator, purposefully playing up her past as a sob story so that he’ll buy everything she wants – and when he cuts her off, she throws a fit.  She does this in a number of her supports, showing a violent temper when someone criticizes her, points out her failings, or otherwise calls into question her actions or decisions (such as her supports with Robin, where she throws a fit when the tactician points out that a strategy she developed – while sound – isn’t applicable in the situation at hand due to a factor Severa had failed to account for, at which point she accuses them of changing the rules).  Yes, she has had a difficult time in her life owing to the loss of her parents and constantly being measured against her ‘perfect’ mother, and she may have an inferiority complex because of it – but that by no means excuses her toxic, intolerable behavior. 
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mdisnxx-blog · 5 years
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I officially think it is safe to say that Drake stole the weekend, its now drake’s weekend. He had so much going on this past week, it is hard to fathom it all. From the OVO bounce games, OVO summit, opening of the eaton centre OVO store, and ending it off with OVO fest. 
Im literally blessed to say I was able to attend all these events and can’t begin to explain the way I felt in all these moments. 
So a breakdown of the past few days for me. 
Friday was the OVO summit, I would like to say thank you to Michael, for literally creating this opportunity for me and for making sure we were all good and knew what was going on all day. And I want to thank Shyla and T for being by my side the whole time, we all went through this for the first time, together. 
The summit taught me so much, even about things I wouldn’t have asked questions about. We heard from guest speakers like Jessie Reyez, Oliver El-Khatib, Noah Shebib and Nineteen85 of dvsn. It was cool to hear about all the aspects of working in a creative industry, from so many different aspects, wether it be writing, producing or the business side of things. I was able to speak with artists and performers about what it feels like to be in the crowd, and they were able to tell me about the logistics back stage and I was able to teach them what an audience member loves and hates.
Saturday morning was the opening of the OVO eaton centre location. They were releasing exclusive shirts at that location only and on that day only, and after seeing how fast his raptors shirts sold out, I was not missing out on these ones. I woke up at 4:30am and was out of the house on my way down there by 6. We waited in line from like 7 until it opened at 9:30, got in and got our shirts, did some other shopping to because there’s no way to leave the ovo store with one shirt. And let me tell you, I went home and took the longest nap ever. 
Sunday was day one of OVO fest. This is so hard for me to explain. Being as young as I am, the artists I grew up listening to with my mom, were all broken up groups or done touring by the time I was old enough to start gong to concerts. So the fact that I was able to see artists that I had fully accepted that I wouldn’t see live, is a lot to take in. Day one I saw Pretty Ricky, Lloyd, Mario, Ying Yang twins and b2k. This was something that I probably won’t be able to do again so there was no way I was missing this. A few hours in line, crowds running to get a spot on the lawn, and so many different types of people there, vibing all to the same music. Unlike any show I’ve been to before. 
MON.FREAKIN.DAY. WAS DAY TWO. OF THE NINTH ANNUAL OVO FEST. wow. I have been to ovo fest before, I have seen drake bring artists out before, but nothing. NOTHING. Was like this year’s ovo fest. I must say the merch was a little underwhelming, and the heat.. wow. But I swear to you, every minute waiting in line, every second it took me to commute, every dollar spent, worth it. I went there expecting to see drake, a couple ovo artists and maybe one or two special guests. AND YET AGAIN, I WAS ABLE TO SEE ARTISTS THAT I AD FULLY ACCEPTED I WOULD NEVER SEE. I don’t know how he did it, but I have learned not to question my blessing but to count them. Gucci mane, YG, dababy, lil baby, Cardi b, offset, meg the stallion, rick ross, smiley, baka, booggz, popcaan, meek mill, Tyga and Chris brown. wow. Such an amazing night, so many surprises, unreal energy, hearing an entire crowd of people sing the words to the same songs. CELEBRATING THE CHAMPIONSHIP WIN. All together, same place, same energy. insane.
I see fights at concerts all the time, I didn’t see one at any ovo event. Not to mention the drake finished his show, and ovo fest, and the weekend, with a firework show, longer than any I have seen before it was like 12 minutes. 
it is safe to say that he owns the city, and the hearts of everyone in it. 
the gratitude I have after this weekend, is unreal. 
thank you to all those who made all these moments possible. 
thank you to paige for coming out w me this weekend! (shoot your friendship shot guys, it get you into some pretty cool shit, like ovo fest) 
and special shout out to my mom a second time for getting the tickets while I was in portugal. love u gang.
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