#wow somebody actually cares about these little things about me
13eyond13 · 2 years
I've seen that you sometimes use emojis, what are your favorite emojis?
Haha hi!
I love using the orange heart 🧡 because orange is my fave colour, it reminds me of soft toasty comfy things and warms my cold frostbitten Canadian heart
I think this emoji is a funny reaction emoji 😔 when you're butthurt or disappointed
I use these ones when I think something is funny the most 😅😭😆 for some reason I don't use the cry laughing one at all. Maybe TOO dramatic for me, I'd rather type lol or hahaha
👀 these eyes are fun for when I'm interested in something but don't want to be too intrusive.
Those are my main faves!
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
Show Me*
Summary: The second part to Teach Me*
Class is in session, and this time, Harry needs a little help exploring his favorite kinks. Like...how to get somebody off underneath a table.
And you're more than happy to lend a helping...hand.
Word Count: 6k
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“So…how did she like it?”
Harry laughs as he slips out of his car. “Wow, I think that’s a new record. Waited a whole thirty seconds to ask me.”
“Bite me,” you retort as he makes his way toward where you’re waiting on the sidewalk. “Well?”
He shrugs, hands shoving into his pockets. “Dunno. We never got to it.”
“So, just straight to the fucking, then, huh?” you question. “No foreplay at all? I mean, hey…if that’s what she’s into…great. But, personally, I think the foreplay is the best—”
“All right,” he interjects with a wicked yet amused grin. “That’s not what I meant. She got called into work before we could.”
“Oh.” You offer him a pitiful frown. “Sorry, bud.”
“Bite me,” he mimics as he brushes past you. “S’fine. It’ll happen when it happens.”
“That’s the spirit,” you encourage as you fall in-line beside him. “Gives you more time to find your nerve.”
“Yeah,” he agrees quietly, glancing down at the concrete. “Or more time to practice…other things.”
“Other things?”
“Yeah,” he says again, one brow raising as he looks back over. “You know, like…how to eat ass.”
Finally catching onto his joke, you groan and reach out to shove him away from you, watching as he stumbles with a laugh. “Fucking hilarious.”
“Listen, I was actually looking forward to it,” he continues, hand over his heart as if disappointed. “I bet you really know how to eat some ass.”
“What? You do, don’t you? Cause of…Eric?”
The familiar but dreaded name sends a shiver down your spine as you recoil away and scrunch your nose in horror. “Ew.”
He looks proud. “Well? Am I wrong?”
“Yes,” you huff before sighing. “…no. But he wasn’t that great of a teacher, anyhow.”
“No fucking kidding,” Harry snorts with a smile. “You’re much better.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course,” he beams, reaching out for the door of the restaurant to swing it open. “After you.”
“As it should be,” you tease, winking to hint at the double entendre, and his eyes roll.
You find your large group of friends already gathered around a table near the back of the room, and quickly make your way over.
For the next few minutes, you all exchange pleasantries, catch-up, and tease Harry about his failed attempt at mating.
He’s a good sport about it, flipping everyone off with a smile before changing the subject. 
Because, despite the jokes, all of you know that Harry could have anybody he wanted. Maybe his experience in the bedroom is lacking but that’s only because it was a personal choice that he made. And everybody knows it. As far as charm and seduction go? Harry Styles is a king.
Perhaps even a God.
…no, that’s giving him too much credit.
You shake your head, clearing the thought away as you listen to your friends gossip about the newest celebrity drama and reality TV scandals.
And you try to care. Really, you do.
But your mind keeps…drifting.
To Eric.
God, you could just kill Harry for re-planting that seed in your subconscious and reminding you of the worst mistake you’ve ever made.
Because there was a time when Eric was everything to you. When you were closer to him than you were to Harry. When you trusted him—completely—with your mind, soul, and body.
And of course, he just had to shit all over the self-growth and progress you’d made.
You feel your phone vibrate from its place on your thigh, and you glance down to see Harry’s name flashing across the screen.
Sneaking a curious sideways peek his way, you swipe up to read his text. 
So…Pete Davidson is Kim Kardashian’s stepfather now? Am I hearing that right?
Confused, your brows pull together as you look over at him.
His explanation is to nod at your friends across the table with a smirk, and you laugh.
I don’t know, you type. I wasn’t listening.
Oh? Why not? This is fascinating stuff.
Idk. Just wasn’t.
Harry’s expression seems to fall as he studies you before his fingers are flying across the screen. You were thinking about Eric, weren’t you?
His eyes narrow.
So what if I was?
Bee…you can do better than that. Even in your head.
See, you say that, and yet…here I am.
Because you’re not doing better. You can…you just aren’t.
Yeah? And how exactly would I do better?
You catch the way his lips pull back into a Cheshire-like grin as he begins to type.
Well, you kind of already did do better. With me. The other day.
Swallowing a scoff, you type, That was only because I felt bad for you.
Think you felt a lot of things that day, Bee. But bad wasn’t one of them.
You toss him a playful glare. Are you ever gonna let that go?
Not likely. After all, you did promise me another lesson.
You don’t need another lesson, you just need to stop being so goddamn annoying.
Come on, you can’t deprive me now. Not when I know I have so much to learn.
Google it.
You’ll live.
It’s not living if it’s not with you.
This time, you do groan, and reach over to swat his arm. “Stop,” you hiss. “You really are fucking annoying.”
“Learned from the best,” he retorts, leaning closer to you in an attempt to conceal the conversation. “Learned a lot of things from you, actually.”
“Harry,” you huff again, but you’re smirking. “My god, you don’t really wanna learn how to eat ass do you?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know. I guess I don’t really know what I wanna learn. That’s why I need a teacher. To teach me what I want.”
You know he’s fucking with you. You can see it all over his face and yet, for some reason…your interest is piqued. “Thought that was a one-time deal.”
“It was,” he agrees. “But…the door to knowledge is never closed.”
He follows this up with a devious chuckle to let you know he’s teasing, and you nudge him again. “See? Annoying.”
For a moment, you both put the topic to bed and return to the conversation happening across the table.
But again, your mind wanders.
Wanders all the way back to your bedroom and the image of Harry’s curls wound around your knuckles.
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about that afternoon quite a few times since it happened. After all, you’re only human. And Harry had done a rather excellent job. Sure, you’ve had a tad better. But for his first time…it wasn’t half bad.
And you’d waited to feel weird about it after the fact…but you never did. Which was strange. The two of you returned to your normal routine as if it had never happened.
And you were certainly glad for that. So why is it that now, as the opportunity for a relapse is placed so obviously in your lap, are you not repulsed by it?
Why is it that you haven’t immediately shut the idea down? Laughed it off? Why is it that you’re…considering it?
You almost want to shudder at the very thought, but as you look over to the chair beside you and take in Harry’s relaxed smile as he listens to your friends talk…something seems to shift.
You will admit, since your little…experiment…you’ve begun to equate those kinds of memories and feelings with Harry instead of Eric.
And that’s another thing you wouldn’t dare complain about. You like the idea of being able to associate pleasure with someone that makes you feel safe. Secure instead of unhinged.
And perhaps this is a huge mistake…but suddenly, you can’t seem to see the harm?
He gets to learn how to make a woman feel good and you get to erase Eric from your past permanently.
What could possibly be so wrong with that?
Subtly, you clear your throat as you turn your head to him, calling his attention away as he raises a brow. 
“Okay, so…if I were to agree to another lesson…” you begin hesitantly as his eyes grow wide. “I’d need a little…information.”
He angles his body toward you as well, murmuring, “Yeah? Like what?”
You think for a moment. “I don’t know…what kinds of kinks do you have?”
“I don’t know,” he repeats smugly, nodding his chin at you. “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to help me find out?”
You quickly glance across the table to make sure nobody is listening as you lean in and whisper, “Well…I don’t even know where to start with you. You’re a virgin, it’s hard.”
“I’m not a virgin,” he corrects with a scoff. “I just…haven’t done it a lot since the first time.”
“Mhm,” you snort. “Doesn’t change the fact that if you don’t know what you like, there’s no way I’ll know.”
He studies you for a second, seeming to think. “Well…why don’t you tell me what you like? Maybe I’ll get some ideas.”
You hesitate. What do you like? “Uh…okay. I mean, I like pretty much everything, I guess.”
“Yeah? Like what? Name something.”
Well…shit. “Um…I don’t know. Have you ever heard of…exhibitionism?”
He runs his tongue over his teeth in thought, brows lifting up with intrigue. “I’m 27, I’m not dead.”
“Why? S’that something you’re into?”
You swallow but force a relaxed and nonchalant demeanor. “Kind of, yeah. Fun to play with what’s mine when anybody could see.”
He almost seems impressed, leaning back as he looks at you. Really looks at you. “You don’t fucking say.”
“Okay, don’t make it a whole thing,” you whisper urgently, already swatting at him in warning. “It was just an idea. We can always think of something—”
“Show me.”
You pause. “Show you…what?”
He nods his chin at you. “Show me how you’d play with what’s yours when anybody could see.”
Your expression falls. “Seriously?”
“Seriously.” He nods. “I’m a vessel. Show me. Teach me.”
And maybe it’s the glass of wine offering you an extra ounce of courage, or maybe it’s the fact that you’ve already done this once before, or maybe it’s the fact that it’s Harry…
But whatever it is, you reach out, and smooth your palm along his upper thigh, just to watch his breath catch. “Are you sure?” you ask softly, careful to keep beneath the suspicion of the group across the table. “Because I need to know if you can…handle it.”
You feel him tense, his fingers flexing across the tablecloth as he regards you. “I’ll handle anything you want me to.”
Your hand drifts a little higher. “And you’ll sit here? And be a good student?”
He shoots you a coy smile. “The best.”
A little higher. “And you know your safe word?”
“‘Stop,’” he answers, teeth tugging on his bottom lip. “Don’t think I’ll need it, though.”
“You might.”
“No fucking way.”
You slow to a stop, centimeters away from the rather obvious dip in his pants. “Don’t say that. Just use it. If you need to.”
His expression softens. “I know, Bee. I will. Promise.”
“Good.” So, with that and a deep breath, you take the plunge, ghosting your touch over his covered cock. 
And it’s different this time because it’s you touching him. It’s his body in your hands and this far exceeds your usual high-five.
You aren’t sure what you expected. You kind of already know he’s big from the few times you guys have gone swimming together. And he’s accidently brushed up against you before when scooting past you and worn sweatpants that did absolutely nothing to help him hide an erection (another reason why you’re never watching a Margot Robbie movie with him again). 
But feeling it now…knowing exactly what this man is in possession of…feels forbidden.
You keep your expression stoic, refusing to give him the satisfaction of your awe as you watch the way his lashes flutter.
“Easy,” you warn in a delicate whisper. “Rule number one…make a sound and I stop.”
His teeth grit as he leans back against his seat. “Fine.”
“Good.” You bring your fingers together until you can cup your palm around him, adding just the slightest amount of pressure before glancing back at your friends.
They’re laughing about something, you don’t really know what, but you smile and nod along as if absolutely enthralled.
And as the seconds pass, you feel Harry grow harder in your hand. Needier. He shifts at least three times a minute, clearly struggling to keep from bucking up into your touch.
You’re being as easy on him as you can. A few squeezes, a bit of palming, and some light brushing just to tease him.
He’s gripping onto the edge of the table so tight, you’re surprised it’s not shaking. But he’s restraining himself, as best he can, and you feel oddly…proud.
You maneuver a little closer, head dipping until your lips are close to his ear. To anyone else, it might look like you're merely trying to be heard over the loud music.
But Harry knows better.
"This...is where the fun is," you tell him. "Knowing it would be so easy to have you coming in your pants. Right here, right now. In front of everybody."
You add a bit more pressure and watch the way the veins in his arms begin to strain against his skin. The way the muscles in his jaw constrict and the way his Adam's apple bobs when he swallows.
“You feel it, don’t you?” you murmur as his fingers begin to scratch down the table, desperate to grab onto something. “Feel what it does to you…to be played with. Just like this…exactly like you wanted.”
He sucks in a quiet gasp for air as his head threatens to drop back, little curls falling across his forehead.
He’s not stopping you. And you know he won’t. He’ll happily let himself go right into his trousers, in front of the whole goddamn resturant. Right here, right now.
But that wasn’t apart of the lesson.
So, just when you can feel his resolve begin to crumble…you stop.
He exhales a long, deep breath, slumping into the chair as if completely drained of all energy, and you almost want to laugh.
“So…what did you learn?” you ask softly as you lean back in.
“That Eric’s a fucking ass,” he replies instantly, shooting you a lazy grin. “And that we’re definitely not kids in a tree house anymore.”
“No kidding,” you agree. “Anything else?”
He mulls this over, eyeing you closely. “That I think I’m more of a…hands-on learner.”
Your brow raises. “What does that mean?”
His answer comes in the form of his touch, hand outstretching for your leg, long fingers brushing across the hem of your dress. “It means…I need to see for myself.”
He pauses down by your knee in order to allow you the time to understand and either accept him or reject him. 
But you simply blink, focus falling from his face down to your lap. “Ah…I suppose that makes sense.”
His lips roll into his mouth. “Mhm…what do you say, Teach?”
Your nose scrunches at the nickname but you smile. “I say practice makes perfect.”
And he wastes no more time in slipping beneath the fabric to travel up your thigh and toward your hips.
Now, you’re the one forced into restraint, a gasp immediately hitching in your throat as he brushes his thumb down the front of your underwear.
It instantly brings you back to the last time, and his touch, while familiar and oddly reassuring, makes your head spin.
You slowly look over at him, taking note of the way he’s so goddamn proud of your reaction, and the way he returns his attention to your friends.
Exactly like you had.
Because this is the lesson after all. The concept of teasing and torture and watching somebody come undone so easily.
The idea of getting caught. 
You could tell from the moment you reached for him that this was something he was into. But even when he was trying not to thrust up into your hand, it was obvious that his interest lied with you and your pleasure.
With the idea of putting you under this sort of duress.
He really is a sadist.
Good to know.
"How's this for practice?" you hear him murmur as you become vaguely aware of the way he's scooted his chair closer to you.
You open your mouth, lips parted and ready to respond, but you can feel the beginning of a whimper threatening its escape.
So you swallow—thickly—and nod your head once.
"Good, then?" he asks, and you have to fight the urge to cross your legs over his hand. "Bee...I need you to speak."
But you can't fucking speak. The pressure of his touch has increased, and it feels so...so fucking good. "It's....yeah. Fine. It's fi—"
Suddenly, you gasp, and thankfully, it's lost beneath the jazz music still loudly playing through the restaurant.
But it's not lost on Harry, and you watch his smug smile expand as his teasing begins to slow. "Uh-uh," he tuts softly. "You know the rules. Make a sound...and I stop."
You exhale the singular word, "Har," and he hums.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. What?"
You have to physically fight the urge to whimper with desperation. Truth be told, he’s hardly even doing anything, but his hands…
You’d fucked up by sneaking a glance down at the tattooed skin disappearing beneath your dress. Because it’s sinful to feel the cold, metal of his rings brush against your warm thighs. Sinful to know he’s pressing his thumb into you just to feel the way you’ve begun to soak the material he’s so effortlessly playing with. 
He…is sinful.
And then suddenly…his touch disappears. Retreats from between your legs as your mouth just about drops open.
And you could cry at the loss of contact because it felt so safe and so exciting. Teasing or not, it was so fucking good, and you hate him for making you go without.
But then…you learn why.
His fingers move to wrap around the edge of your seat, getting a good grip on it…before he yanks.
Your chair is forced closer to his, squeaking against the floor as he begins to smirk victoriously.
“There,” he declares quietly before his hand is returning to your lap. “Much better, don’t you think?”
And it is better because now he’s so much closer, and has so much more room, and you’re so fucking close to just throwing in the towel and hurling yourself at him. Friends be damned.
“Speak, Bee,” he repriminds after a minute of your silence, and instantly, you begin to squirm.
“Har,” you whisper, both begging him for his mercy and for his cruelty.
“What?” he replies evenly. “What do you need, hm?”
You, you think. “Can’t…s’just…”
“Come on,” he tsks. “Think you can do better than that, can’t you?”
But you can’t.
“Please,” you try again, a faint request. 
“Uh-uh. Tell me. What?”
Again, you swallow, willing yourself to stay silent. "Har—”
This time, it's Charlie calling his name, and immediately, you go deathly still as you turn back toward your friends.
However, Harry is calm as he raises a brow. "Yeah?"
For a moment, the three across from you simply stare, rather curiously before Charlie says, "Oh, I was just asking how Tina is?"
You could almost moan with relief.
“She’s good, yeah,” Harry answers cooly, pointer finger hooking around the edge of the material on your thighs to pull it aside. “Yeah, real good. Been working a lot, so I haven’t seen her much.”
“Aw, that’s too bad,” Jackie offers with a pout. “Is she nice? Will we like her?”
Harry laughs, head shaking with amusement as if he’s not dragging his thumb down your clit while you swallow a rather desperate whine. “She’s nice. I don’t know if we’ll ever make it that far, though.”
Caleb’s head tilts. “What do you mean?” 
He shrugs. “I don’t know. We’ve hung out, like…twice. S’not really that serious yet.”
And you almost snort, because to you…he seemed pretty serious about her.
But you suppose eating pussy doesn’t exactly require an engagement ring, and maybe he just wants a fuck buddy.
“Well…she still needs to pass the approval test,” Jackie argues with a wink. “And the fact that she strung you along for two months is not doing her any favors.”
“She was just making him work for it,” Charlie teases. “And he needs to be humbled, so I say good for her.”
“Please. Look at him,” she snorts. “He’s too pretty to be this dumb. Okay, he can do better than Tammy—”
“Tina,” Harry corrects before slowly easing the tip of his finger in, and your entire body goes rigid.
“—yeah, whatever. The point is…you can do better,” Jackie finishes proudly, shooting a pointed look toward Charlie.
Harry begins to smirk, slowly stealing a glance at you. “Yeah. Maybe we can all do better.”
Now curious, Caleb nods at you, and you do your best to control your reactions as he says, “Yeah, speaking of which…have you heard from…him?”
You shake your head quickly, mentally damning Harry to hell as he pushes in a bit further just to make it harder for you to reply. “Uh…no. Nope. Not since that night.”
“I’ll kill him,” Jackie tells you. “No, really. I will. I’ll hit him with my car and drag his dead body out to the woods, and watch the bears eat him.”
You breathe out a laugh, but it’s outrageously forced, and Harry can tell. “It’s…it’s fine. He’s…you know, we all move on. I’m fine.”
“Sure,” Harry says with a wicked gleam in his eye. “Yeah, you seem fine.”
“Oh, I am,” you murmur through a tight-lipped smile. “Fucking fantastic.”
“Good,” he hums before you can feel him curl upward. “Hope it stays that way.”
Your hands drop to the chair beneath you, and you grip onto the sides for dear life in an attempt to keep from reeling. “Thanks for your…concern.”
“Anytime,” he beams as you feel him slip out. “Just want you to…do and feel the best that you can.”
The wet pad of his finger then returns to your clit as he presses into it just to push it in a teasing circle.
Your eyes just about roll back as you quickly turn your face toward your shoulder and fake a cough. “Fuck…sorry,” you apologize hoarsely as your friends look on.
“Are you all right?” Jackie asks softly. “Sorry, we shouldn’t have brought him up. We can change the subject.”
“No, it’s…it’s fine,” you sigh, hoping to sound casual, despite the fact that you’re teetering on the edge of a wail. “Really, he’s just…a guy. Just some…stupid…sadistic…evil fucking…guy.”
And while the group across the table snorts their agreement, you see that Harry knows that jab was aimed directly at him.
He winks.
“I, uh…I need to go to the bathroom,” you suddenly declare, grabbing onto his wrist to forcefully shove it away before standing to your feet. “Be right back.”
“Feeling all right?” Harry asks innocently as he watches you push your chair in. 
“Just delightful,” you reply before brushing your hands down the front of your dress. “Seriously, keep eating. I won’t be long.”
You leave the table before Harry can make another quippy remark, quickly making your way for the extravagant restroom in the back of the restaurant.
Honestly, you thought you had a little more self-control. You thought it wouldn’t be so easy to get you so on edge, and yet here Harry is, making you clench so hard in your chair, you nearly burst a blood vessel.
You lock the door behind you and make a beeline for the sink. You flip on the cool water and gently trail it down your arms and chest to cool yourself down as you will the ache between your legs to subside.
It’ll be easy to take care of once you get home, but you’re rather impressed with Harry’s commitment to…education.
And something about looking your friends in the eye as he played with your cunt like a toy was oddly invigorating.
Far more invigorating than it ever had been with…Eric.
You’ve no sooner smirked at this thought when your phone begins to buzz from its place on the counter.
Glancing down, you aren’t surprised to see a text from Harry, but it does make you laugh.
How’s it going?
Good. Just getting myself off before I come back, you answer.
Yeah? Texting me while you touch yourself? Hot.
Well, it’s not the first time.
A good minute passes before he responds, and you can easily imagine the way his eyes went wide. 
Seriously. Why, is that weird?
Are you fucking kidding? No, it’s…I mean, it’s hot. Very, very hot.
Your brow raises. Yeah?
Kind of rude you never told me, though. Clearly I would have been of great help.
In my defense, I was a little…busy. It’s already hard enough to type with one hand.
And even if you aren’t exactly touching yourself right now…you aren’t lying about having done it before. Not on purpose, of course. He just happened to text you right in the middle of your alone time and needed an answer ASAP.
So…you’d answered.
Yeah? Do you need an extra hand? he replies next, and you chuckle under your breath as you lean against the sink.
Why, do you know someone?
Thank you, I thought so.
Is that a yes, then?
I think I’m managing just fine.
Yeah? So you’re pinching your clit nice and tight for me? 
You feel your breath hitch. This certainly isn’t helping. Obviously.
And you’re clenching around your fingers for me? How many you using? One? Two? Maybe three? Know you like to feel stretched.
“Fucking hell,” you whisper to yourself as you glance off into the bathroom. He’s trying to kill you. 
Can’t really clench around anything when I have to keep answering these texts. Go eat your food and leave me to it.
And what kind of student would I be if I did that?
An obedient one.
And does that sound like me?
“Nope,” you respond aloud, but type, You have been so far.
Think I’d be more obedient if I finished what I started.
I mean…maybe if you knew how.
You wait to watch the bubbles roll across your screen, but when they don’t come, your heart sinks.
And then…there’s a knock.
A rather fervent and determined knock that makes you jump as you look toward the door.
“Bee…let me in.” 
Shit. “I…uh, I’m a little busy.”
“I know,” comes the deep, sultry reply. “So, let me in.”
“Open the goddamn door, Bee, before I break it down.”
Clearing your throat, you put your phone aside and cautiously tiptoe toward the door.
After sliding the lock over, you pull it back just a hair, and peek through the crack. “Uh, hi. Sorry, this bathroom is a little occupied at the moment—”
His large hand comes out to press against the wood as he forces it open and steps inside. “Are you okay?”
You blink at him before scrambling to push it closed and relock it. “Uh…yeah? Why?”
He strides a bit further into the bathroom before turning around to look at you, almost as if suspicious. “Honestly? I kind of thought you came in here to hide from me.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know.” His arms cross over his chest. “I know you didn’t actually come in here to fuck yourself, so I thought…maybe you just felt uncomfortable.”
“Oh, yeah? And how do you know I didn’t come in here to do that?” you retort.
He smirks. “’Cause you always use both hands. And if you were texting me…you weren’t fucking yourself.”
“And how do you know I use both hands?”
He shrugs. “You told me once.”
Oh…right. “Well…maybe I was multi-tasking.”
“You weren’t,” he rejects immediately. “No, I think you either came in here to hide from me…or because you were upset about what they said. You know, about…him.”
An invisible fist snaps closed around your heart as you stare at the man across from you. The devious intentions and teasing from before are long gone as the man you’ve known for years, your best friend…stands before you.
The concern is evident on his face as you take a step closer. “Har…honestly, I’m fine. I wasn’t hiding from you, and I really don’t care about Eric. I came in here to keep myself from coming all over your fucking hand.”
The corner of his mouth twitches with the temptation to smile, but his gaze remains skeptical. “Are you sure?”
“Positive.” You nod, taking another step. “Come on, I think it’s a little late to start questioning me now, don’t you?”
He sucks on his teeth. “Well…I can never tell with you.”
“I feel like I made my enjoyment quite clear.”
“I thought so, too. Until you made me stop.”
Now, only inches away from him, you come to a halt. “Yeah, well, I didn’t exactly feel like explaining why I moaned to our friends, you know?”
His thumb rubs across the skin of his arm as he peers down at you. “Thought that was the whole point of exhibitionism.”
You shrug, eyes falling across his features. “Yeah…or maybe I just wanted to keep you to myself.”
His brow cocks up. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. You know…like a secret.”
Instantly, he grins, exhaling a laugh at the reminder of the pact you two made when you were younger. “We are good at secrets.”
“The best,” you agree giddily before the laughter dies out, and something seems to shift within his expression.
“Then I think it’s only fair we finish the lesson,” he says quietly, leaning a bit closer as you begin to still. “After all…I still need to show my work.”
Your lashes flutter, the smell of his cologne beginning to overwhelm you. God, why does he always smell so good? “Guess…guess that’s only fair,” you agree faintly, and he seems pleased.
His head dips, nose brushing yours as he works to catch you off guard. “Then tell me what to do, Bee. And I’ll do it.”
It comes out before you can stop it. “Kiss me.”
He’s surprised by this request, going momentarily quiet but you don’t miss the way his focus falls to your lips, as if pondering.
“Kiss me,” you repeat, fingers itching to latch onto the back of his neck. “And this time…do it right.”
He seems impressed as he fights an arrogant smirk. “Right, huh?”
“Yeah.” You straighten up, bringing your mouths a tad closer, but still without contact. “Know you can. Know you know how to be gentle, don’t you?”
And almost as if in retaliation, his hands find your hips, squeezing rather harshly as he begins to back you up toward the wall.
When you collide with it, he grins. “Dunno about that.”
“Try,” you whisper, hands dancing up his chest. “Trust me, you’ll get a lot more points that way. The right kiss can do everything, and I promise…she’ll love it.”
He considers this for a moment, studying you closely before you feel his palm delicately cup your cheek. 
He tilts your head back as he moves in, deliberately slow. “Everything, huh?”
You smile, nodding once. “Yeah,” you breathe. “Everything.”
He kisses you.
Soft, and careful, and sadistically tame. He kisses around your mouth, peppers kisses to your bottom lip, to your cheek, to the line of your jaw. 
He keeps his tongue from you, and you almost huff because after everything, you think you at least deserve a taste.
And finally, once you’re moments away from wilting in his hands, he takes that taste for himself.
Your head spins and your mind goes blank and everything makes sense.
Because kissing him is fun, and it makes you want to laugh, and kiss him forever, and never leave this one spot.
And you’re so enchanted by this revelation that you don’t notice his hand traveling between your bodies to return to its home between your thighs.
But he slips underneath your dress without a moment's delay, fingers returning to their work of pulling your panties aside to finish what he started. And when you gasp into the kiss…he swallows the sound with ease.
“Is that right, hm?” he teases as he slides in. “That good?”
Your lashes flutter closed as he presses his forehead to yours, and you don’t offer a response because he already knows.
His precision just about kills you. In, out, in, curl, twist, pinch, pull. You can feel the drip down your thighs, can hear the sounds he’s making, can taste his desperation in each kiss he gives you.
And when you suddenly whine and squirm in his hold, he smiles. “There it is, yeah? Right there…s’what you needed, isn’t it?”
It is. It’s exactly what you’d needed, and he strokes the spot with fervor and just a touch of wonder.
It’s cruel and it’s wonderful and it feels so fucking good, and nothing else makes sense to you except him.
Just him and the way you’re about to come undone by his hand for a second time.
You nuzzle your face into his neck, lazily kissing under his ear, and he seems to sigh with contentment as he braces you both against the wall to continue. 
“Come on, Bee…know it’s gotta hurt, doesn’t it?” he coos, but his voice is thick. “Know it hurts, so give it to me, yeah? Just give it to me. Let me make it better.”
And it overwhelms you, consumes you, controls you. His smell, his touch, his words. The past, the present, him. Just him. Only him. Right now. Everything.
The sound that rips from your throat feels foreign to you. It’s loud and desperate and eager, and he presses his lips to yours to be a part of it.
It goes for what feels like hours, but time doesn’t have a place here. It could have been ten seconds; it could have been ten minutes. You don’t know, you don’t care.
You just…let it.
And you don’t realize the way you’ve slumped into his embrace as he holds you up, keeps you steady.
You don’t realize he’s speaking to you, murmuring words of encouragement with just a hint of teasing. 
You don’t realize he’s refusing to let go.
But once you do, you realize something else, too:
You don’t want him to let go.
"Think we might have a problem," he whispers after a moment, lips following the curve of your shoulder as he offers a few parting kisses.
Your head falls back against the wall and you take a few deep breaths. "Yeah? And what's that?"
"Well...you kind of fucked up," he begins as he moves to the other side of your neck, sucking on the vein just below your ear. "You gave me a taste, showed me what I've been missing."
You can feel yourself smile through the haze as his hands continue to grope at your waist.
"I mean, just knowing..." he continues, nosing under your jaw, "...you've been keeping so much knowledge from me...this whole time."
Your laugh is airy as you reach up to comb through his curls. "Is that right?"
He hums as he nods, the palm of his hand slowly smoothing up your stomach, pushing the hem of your dress along with it. "And now I don't know if I can go without. Feel so fucking insatiable...just thinking about what else you might be hiding from me."
With this, his fingers delicately ghost under the curve of your tit, forcing you to arch into his touch as he smirks.
"And what is it...you want to know?" you manage to reply, voice soft and nearly inaudible.
He pulls back and meets your eye.
"Everything?" you murmur, subtly tugging him closer.
"Everything," he repeats. "Anything. All of it. You. Me. Us. Every fucking second, every fucking way."
You know what he's proposing. Know exactly what this means, but you don't know if a friendship would survive.
And you don't know which is more important.
"So...what do you expect me to do?" you ask breathlessly, still squirming beneath his hold.
He smiles. "I expect you...to show me."
"Show you," you repeat, as if in a trance.
"Show me," he whispers, moving back in to lick at your bottom lip. "Teach me. How to be better. How to be right. How take care of you. Wanna give you everything you need."
"Everything," you breathe.
"Everything." His other hand gently comes up to cradle the back of your neck. "Whatever you want, whatever you need. Tell me and I'll give it to you. Promise."
But what do you need?
"Are you sure?" you ask, softly pushing on his chest to garner his attention. "It's not like teaching you to play pool, Har. Exploring kinks is...delicate. Sacred. It's not a game."
"I know," he replies, sobering ever-so-slightly. "That's why it can't be anybody else. It has to be you."
It has to be you.
"Why?" you challenge.
He simply offers you a knowing look. "Why wouldn't it be?"
You chew on the inside of your cheek, looking for a reason to say no. Looking for the strength to know better.
But maybe you don't know better.
Maybe you just know him.
"Teach me," he says again, thumb stroking your jaw as those familiar eyes bleed right through to your heart. "Make me better."
Nothing else makes sense. Nothing else feels right.
Just him.
"Okay," you agree quietly, and his entire face lights up. "For science."
"For science," he repeats, dipping down to press his lips to your cheek in thanks. "But only if you're sure. I'd never want you to agree just because of me. You know that, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
He leans back. Frowns. He's unconvinced. "I mean it, Bee. I'm not asking just because I can. I’m asking because…it feels like something we both want. But if it's not—"
You kiss him again, stealing the rest of his argument. "I know how to say no to you, Harry. Think you should know that by now."
He smiles against your mouth. "Guess so."
For the next minute or so, you don't speak. He simply takes hold of your face with both hands and paints his gratitude across your tongue.
"So...where do you wanna start?" you ask when he finally allows you a second of reprieve.
"You tell me," he reminds you, and you feel yourself smirk.
"All right," you agree before slipping your fingers through the loops on his pants.
His eyes go wide.
Then, you tug.
"Let's start...with everything."
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You bet your ass there’s gonna be a part 3, because now that they’ve opened the door…there’s no closing it 😗 and Harry’s got a long list of new kinks to discover! And I’m strangely excited about it?? This is concerning?? Pray for me???
Next Part:
~ Hurt Me* (Pt. 3)
Previous Part:
~ Teach Me* (Pt. 1)
~ Full Teach Me Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
@tiaamberxx @harrystylesfan2686
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for 🦄 behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Like–they didn’t read to you or let you watch movies and stuff, you mean?” Billy asks with a frown. “Just put the whole things in your head at once?” 
That sounds disorienting, and also kinda mean and lazy on Cadmus’s part. But maybe it wasn’t as bad as it– 
Lynn looks down at Tawky; flips his ear back and forth again and rubs the pad of his thumb across the inside of it. 
Billy . . . frowns, again. 
“No,” Lynn says to Tawky’s ear, as opposed to actually either of them. “I mean they didn’t tell me stories at all.” 
. . . wow, yeah. Billy is definitely committing fifty-two floors’ worth of arson. 
“Oh, okay,” he says, making a few mental notes for himself about, again, arson. Like, just the whole process and everything. “Well, they suck, then. We’ll just have to get you some different types to try, I guess. Like with the food and all, you know? It’s a library, anyway, it’s not like it costs money to borrow stuff or anything.” 
“It’s just stories,” Lynn says to Tawky’s ear, not lifting his eyes at all. “They’re not–important. To . . . I don’t need things like that.” 
“Why do you think that?” Billy asks with a frown, though his inner arsonist is already pretty sure it’s Cadmus's fault. Pretty much positive, in fact. 
Pretty definitely positive. 
Lynn shrugs. Rubs the inside of Tawky’s ear. It’s really soft, Billy knows; Tawky’s fur always feels nice to touch. He wonders, actually, how much stuff Lynn even has touched so far. 
He wonders, again, if anybody’s ever hugged him before. 
He really hates the thought that maybe no one has. He really hates . . . 
He just really hates that that’s even a thing that might be a thing at all. 
“Weapons don't need to know stories,” Lynn says. “They just need to do as they're told.” 
. . . in retrospect, arson might be half-assing what Billy should do to Cadmus. 
“This isn't so you can be a weapon,” he reminds Lynn carefully, resisting the urge to clench his fists in his lap. “Remember?” 
“‘This’,” Lynn echoes. He still doesn't look up. 
“I'm taking care of you,” Billy says. 
“Maintaining me,” Lynn says very, very quietly. “Containing me.” 
“I really hate that somebody made you think that's what that means,” Billy says tightly. Lynn ducks his head lower and looks towards the wall. 
He doesn't say anything back. Billy bites his tongue, trying to figure out what he should–do, or say, or . . . 
The truth, obviously, but how to say it's a lot harder. 
“This isn't, like–a containment thing. That's not why I'm taking care of you,” he tries, because it's the best place to start he can think of. The wisdom of Solomon covers a lot of knowledge, but not necessarily always how to apply that knowledge. “Like, we wanna know where you are so we know you're safe, or at least know you've got your phone just in case, and the curfew thing is–like, normal kids get curfews. So people know where they are, and that they're not in trouble or anything. And like–so people know when to get help for them, if they might be in trouble.” 
Lynn doesn't say anything, still. Billy's not sure if that means he's just thinking, or if it means he hasn't said the right thing yet. 
He really hopes it's the thinking thing, but . . . 
“Honestly the other idea was putting you up in Mount Justice,” he admits. “But it doesn't have any windows or anything, and I don't even know if anyone else was gonna be there most of the time, and–”
“Windows?” Lynn . . . frowns, his eyes flicking back to him. 
“Um, yeah,” Billy says. Lynn stares blankly at him for a moment, then slants his eyes towards the apartment windows and–hesitates, a little. 
“. . . you mean there's no sun,” he realizes slowly.
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crownmemes · 6 months
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Fashion & Appearance Sentences, Vol. 1
(Sentences for muses that are concerned about how they look. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I'm a little concerned about the way you dress."
"Why are you wearing perfume?"
"Did you iron your shirt?"
"Why are you dressed like that?"
"I don't really have old man ear hair, do I?"
"You absolutely stink of cheap aftershave."
"Have you looked in the mirror lately? I have two words for you: 'hairline' and 'receding'."
"How good looking am I?"
"Hey, do you think I'd suit a goatee?"
"That jacket is a piece of clothing that's worthy of scrutiny. No one will look past it to what's underneath as long as the jacket makes a good impression."
"I don't need a lecture on style."
"You can wear a suit that tight up to the age of 35, and no further."
"You bought that yourself. You want to look pretty."
"When I go out, everybody sees me."
"Wear the sky blue shirt. It almost makes you look nice."
"If you're going to dress like an Italian hooker, at least let it be this year's Italian hooker."
"I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I?"
"I wouldn't be caught dead in that thing. It looks like somebody's nightmare!"
"You blow-dry your hair?"
"That's a very nice suit. It would be a shame to ruin it."
"It's all very well trying to follow the latest fashions, but one has to know what suits one's shape."
"I think your tie is ugly."
"Beauty does not happen by accident."
"Replacing the quiet elegance of the dark suit and tie with the casual indifference of these muted earth tones is a form of fashion suicide."
"That photo in the paper did you no justice. You're much better looking in person."
"Excuse me for actually caring what I look like!"
"I haven't a thing to wear!"
"What do you think? This outfit, or the previous one?"
"Wow! That looks amazing on you!"
"You sure took a big step down in the wardrobe department."
"I'm really not keen on this season's fashions. It's all a bit too... Well, ugly!"
"Why don't you let me give you a makeover?"
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myrmica · 6 months
mer my dear mutual mer i would like to ask you how do i get into lifesteal
HELLO FARLANDS!! you've come to the right place. Step into my office.
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this is an interesting question with a variety of different answers. a lot of the time people seem to direct you towards videos rather than stream vods, which does makes sense, because they're more accessible and the barrier to entry is definitely less daunting.
but lifesteal videos aren't episodic, they're designed for a viewer to be able to jump in with little to no context at any moment. they throw a lot of information at you fast as hell, and events spanning hours and hours of footage are condensed down in ways where most of the meat gets cut off. i have a hard time absorbing information from or remembering what happens in lifesteal videos because of the editing styles... i don't claim that this isn't in large part a taste thing, but in videos you miss the complicated character moments, and the sense of pacing/chronology, and all of the things that happen that don't translate well to video logic. and you don't get to see (as much of) the dimension of things where the fact that everyone is trying to make videos can be character and story relevant information. all of these things are what make lifesteal season 4 my favorite minecraft roleplay ever in the world. i guess i would say that i do like lifesteal videos, but mostly in relation to the livestreams.
all of which means that while pretty much any lifesteal video ever produced can make for a perfectly serviceable starting point, it doesn't really get you any of the things about lifesteal --i-- care about. and you're asking ME. So.
what is the deal with lifesteal in general?
you probably know at least some of this already, but for the sake of the thing:
lifesteal is a server based around a mechanic where, upon killing someone, you gain one of the hearts off of their health bar up to a maximum of 20. if you lose all of your hearts you're banned, but this is temporary and players can be revived. it's also a server where you're free to steal and destroy builds to your heart's content, and people toy with breaking the rules they do have often. so it naturally follows that lifestealers are generally interested in pvp, and have a social system where the most important relationships are your teammates, who come before basically anything else. lifesteal IS roleplay but it isn't scripted, and what they mean by unscripted is that the outcomes of a conflict can't be predetermined, because that would defeat the point—if something goes wrong, it goes wrong. (and hopefully, it goes right for somebody else.)
why season 4?
short answer, because it's the one that has the guys i care about in the situations i care about. the long answer is at 9k words and not even close to done yet so you're gonna have to wait a bit on that one.
the medium answer: while you could go back and watch through season 3 in detail, or try to just start watching season 5 and keep up with stuff live as it happens, that's not what i did. i have it on good authority that the mer guide to lifesteal season 4 works, because i did that, and also because my friend whose initial reaction to lifesteal was "wow this subz guy is loud..." and then radio silence for months has since sat through 30 hours of princezam building stream of his own free will. see review below:
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lifesteal can be sort of an acquired taste. i think a lot of the time it either clicks for you or it doesn't, or you have to see the right thing and then suddenly the appeal starts making sense.
luckily, the aftermath of zam betraying mapicc & ro in season 4 tends to have this effect on people, and it's a good jumping in point! i didn't actually start watching season 4 chronologically, i started by bouncing around the last couple weeks of the season and quickly discovering that it was bonkers fucking crazy and i needed to know more about this "eclipse federation" thing... so i don't really think knowing how it ends makes it less fun to watch, and if you wanted to just poke around at random and see what's up i wouldn't stop you. i went back and sat through everything between that aforementioned betrayal and the end of season 4 chronologically after i already knew how things ended up and it's thoroughly enjoyable that way. maybe even better than the alternative, because you're less likely to get caught up in how frustrating some of it can be. but if you would rather know as little as possible going in you can definitely give it a shot, and i do think there are parts that are probably even more fun if you don't know what's coming.
how do i do that though?
and here is my gift to you. when i watched through season 4 all i had to go off of was the vod archive spreadsheet, which is great & wonderful & awesome & the best thing ever, but it does kinda just have you clicking links blindfolded if you don't already know what's going on.
so eventually i started keeping track of vods as i watched, in a google doc. it has clips and/or timestamps and summaries for basically every vod in the second half of season 4. it's a little embarrassing because it records a bunch of my initial reactions to stuff but c'est la vie. it's also 85 pages long (it was 105! i edited my notes down!), but again you can jump around to get a lay of the land if you want, and how much stuff you skip is completely at your own discretion. have at it.
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I just have to let this off my chest because it's geuinley so awful, but this is the story of how I stopped being antiship
I was on twitter, browsing as usual, when I came across a proshipper arguing with someone over ships (The anti started it iirc looking at the messages). When it came to discussing 'oh but it affects real victims!' the proshipper mentioned how their childhood r*post had almost strangled and beat them to death while assaulting them. The anti responded with:
"It's a fucking shame they didn't finish the job :/"
I think I just fucking lost my shit right then and there. I had already been on the fence about my shipping stance for a while, but I just, I CAN'T be on the same team as somebody who would say such a thing to a victims' face.....over FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. I know I'm basically venting ig but I guess I realized how genuinley little of a shit antis actually give towards actual sa victims
Just going to start this off by saying please NEVER be afraid of venting in my askbox or anything. I hear you and I am here for you.
That's just. Wow. Holy shit.
Idgaf what stance you take. You never, ever, EVER wish harm on somebody. I would lose my shit, too. Hell, I am losing my shit seeing that. I've got to make tea.
That is on par for a lot of the more prevalent antishippers I've seen, though. Don't get me wrong, I've met antis who've been perfectly kind and civil people, but it does seem like either the vast majority (or loud minority) of them seem to care more about the sanctity of the fictional beings they woobify than the lives of real, living people.
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prodigal-explorer · 1 month
okay i hate it more than anything but i also find it so hilarious when white people try super hard to seem like they’re the most diverse creators of all time but they end up just being super racist/sexist/homophobic because all they know about oppressed groups are the stereotypes about them 😭
like in a “watching a dumpster fire” kind of way.
and the thing is as a disabled queer woc, it’s SO OBVIOUS to me whenever it happens like it’s so clear when somebody only makes inclusive headcanons or characters to get brownie points and not because they actually care about diversity.
“hey guys uhhhh see this black man? surprise! she’s actually a transfemme! i’ll bet you guys never expected that! aren’t i such a good person for acknowledging that transfemmes can be buff? or that woc can be queer? or that black people exist?”
“guys you’re never gonna believe this, that super mean girl bully character is actually a lesbian! she’s only mean because she’s terrified of getting close to a woman because she can’t control her predatory urges! aren’t i so inclusive and thoughtful?”
“omg look! it’s a lesbian couple! queer women deserve more of a spotlight in the media! okay now that that’s out of the way, back to the little gay white men, the lesbians had half a chapter, that’s enough to fill out the quota, right?”
“i have some good angst for this asian character…let’s make him a super academic perfectionist who has a really strict mom who makes him do hours of homework every day! oh oh and let’s give her a thick and exaggerated asian accent! just so i can show that i know that asian people have asian accents sometimes. aren’t i so culturally sensitive?”
“yes! genius! i made my super whitewashed hispanic character call his lover “mi amor” a few times. wow. i’m such a good and racially knowledgeable person. i can’t wait to get lots of attention for this!”
that’s just the energy i get when i read some of these fanfics LMAO and i wish i could call ppl out on it but i also don’t care and i know it’ll get me clowned on.
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ryuichirou · 10 months
I been wondering what would it be like for the cast to be parents? I seen how Idia and Azul will likely be terrible ones and I am curious for the rest. (Except for Lilia for obvious reasons)
Anon! Sorry for the late reply. The day has come for me to share with you my nrc-as-parents headcanons lol I’ve mentioned this theme a little bit in one of the previous replies about Azul and Idia a while ago, and I’ll reiterate: we usually don’t really love the scenarios than involve characters becoming parents, and because of that I probably ended up talking about how bad of a parent all of them are lol But I tried to make it as fair as possible.
Actually, some of them turned out to be not so shitty ones! Which is quite surprising, not gonna lie.
Alright, so…
Riddle – such an anxious parent. One would assume that he would try not to mess his kid up as badly as his mom messed him up, but it’s Riddle we’re talking about; he’s still super dependant on tutorials and rulebooks, and whether he wants to acknowledge and avoid his parents’ mistakes or not, he’ll end up overthinking it and messing up massively. I guess it all depends on his partner, but he’d need a lot of help. He’s going to copy his mother until somebody stops him, although at some times he would think “I was actually very upset when my mother did that, I should stop”, but he wouldn’t be able to catch or even see all these moments, especially on his own.
Trey – “oh he is the perfect dad!” I hear the crowd saying. “NO!!!” I’m yelling back at the crowd. Of course, he is super caring and empathetic and has experience with children. And looking at some of the other…. Uh… contestants… of course, Trey is one of the best. But he is also an enabler that spoils his kids rotten. He’s way too doting. He’s strict about their dental hygiene! But other than that? Nah.
Cater – god I don’t think Cater would ever want a kid. I think he would think that unless he has a perfect and stable life with a house and no need to move anytime soon, it’d be too irresponsible to get a kid. But even then, he would be so focused on not messing up his kid (and he would only have one because siblings sucks) that he would probably make things worse lol He would also probably try to make everything seems perfect and his kid really wouldn’t appreciate it when they get older.
Ace – he’s the dad that doesn’t pay child support and visits them like once or twice every other week. I know I judge him based on his younger self, but I don’t feel like this guy is getting mature or responsible anytime soon. He’s the type of parent that always looks hella confused about what to do with a kid, especially when they’re too young/too old to appreciate his sick magic tricks. He’s not heartless, he just doesn’t get it and gets frustrated because of that and doesn’t want to continue trying.
Deuce – he would try to do his best. He would actually be quite a nice parent, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t make mistakes or get frustrated. He’ll mess up A LOT; he’s just very good at learning from his mistakes and knows how important it is to have a good parent. And his mom would help out a lot.
Leona – distant, lazy, always salty at someone for some reason. The type of dad who could technically brag about his kid to someone, but when the kid is there he just sits on a couch and watches tv in silence. He gets inspired to teach his kid how to throw a ball from time to time, but he’s also the type of a dad to miss the perfect timing for this kind of bonding and end up with a teenager who doesn’t want to hang out with him. Wow that went dark lol
Ruggie – on the one hand, he also has a lot of experience with taking care of children. On the other hand, his kid would know how to pickpocket at the age of 2. Just in case. His kid would love him a lot, but he’s definitely not the most conventional dad one could have. He’d also never have a child without any sort of financial stability because he doesn’t want his child to be raised up in the streets.
Jack – oh come on, he would be such a good father that it’s actually boring, NEXT!!!
Azul – Riddle’s mom 2.0. I’m sorry, this is the hill I’m going to die on. Yes, Azul was loved by his family and surrounded by nothing but support and care, but he’s also a psychotic control-freak that truly believes that he was too spoiled and that his parents should have been MORE STRICT WITH HIM!!! So in his head, the best thing he could do is to make sure that his kid knows magic by the age of 3, knows how to work with contracts by the age of 5, learns how to play an instrument, does sports, knows how to cook, has perfect pronunciation and vocabulary, and oh of course the kid also needs to have a hobby because if they don’t have anything they’re passionate about they’ll never succeed in life! Azul is overbearing lol but he is also probably overly protective of his kid. He’d also yell at his mom for spoiling her grandchildren lol but his mom would make a great counterbalance for his attitude with her being sweet, so it’s not that bad for a child...
Floyd – HE DOESN’T NEED A KID. PLEASE. HE AND JADE BOTH WOULD PIT TWO NEWBORNS AGAISNT EACH OTHER AND GO “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT”. But if we’re being honest, I just think he’s too volatile to be a proper parent. The possibility that he’d get bored and just ditch this whole parenting thing altogether is too high lol
Jade – If we don’t go the “baby wrestling” scenario, he’s… confusing. He might be a wonderful dad who is surprisingly perfect at parenting and smiles at you with his “what, you thought I would be bad at it? too bad” smile. As if he’s doing it to spite everyone. As if he’s plotting something. But I can also picture him leaving his kid in a forest just to see if he would find his way home.
Kalim – Oh he’s the most doting dad ever. His kid would have everything they want, he’ll shower them with love, kisses, songs, tasty food, gifts, snacks, cool outfits. He would photograph everything and have tons of videos on his phone. He would talk about his kids all the time. He would be so obnoxious and insufferable, Jamil would actually ask him to PLEASE consider not spending half of their funds on his child’s birthday gift? You’ll literally go broke please stop PLEASE.
Jamil – he’s also probably the one not to have a kid for a very long time because of having too many irons in the fire. But he’d be an okay parent. His biggest problem would be the fact that he’s busy. His kid would probably be super mature from a very young age though. And learn how to cuss from Jamil. Jamil didn’t mean to teach them that, but oh fuck. But also I think he would somehow end up making some of the same mistakes his parents made with him. He’s way too focused on Kalim to notice that he pushes his kid away a lot hoping that they’ll “understand” because they’re “smart”.
Vil – he would be a solid one! He’s also super focused on his kid learning a bunch of stuff from a very young age, but he is much more mature and empathetic than Azul is about it. Still, he’s quite strict, but he’s also super doting when he has his soft moments. But sometimes he still takes his own perfectionism too far. He’s the one to read a lot of the books about parenting and try to be as prepared for it as possible. But mistakes are unavoidable so let’s hope that the great Vil Schoenheit shows his excellence at everything he does yet again.
Rook – oh the weirdo. He has his strong points, and a lot of them: he’s super supportive, super loving, he helps out a lot, and he would actually provide a good balance if the second parent is Vil for example. At the same time, it’s impossible to have a “normal childhood” when your dad is Rook, because he’ll teach you how to hunt, how to survive in the woods, how to hide your presence from a tiger. His kids will watch him snap a deer’s neck at the age of like 2. So yeah, on the one hand he would be that parent who yells in excitement at his kid’s elementary school play, but he’ll also give the most ruthless critique to them afterwards. He’ll show his kid the beauty of nature, but he’ll also leave them in the woods for a week to survive alone. Don’t worry, he believes in them~ (his kid and Jade’s kid would stumble upon each other in the same woods and become friends lol)
Epel – he’s too much of a baby… I can’t even picture him having a kid. What kind of a teen mom?.. He’s going to be too focused on this whole cute/manly stuff, this never ends well lol
Idia – the awkward and avoiding parent that kind of wants to hang out with the kid but also wants nothing to do with them. He doesn’t know how to act around them and it’s painfully obvious. So he might miss the moment to actually bond with them just like Leona, but on the other hand, if the other parent is Azul, Idia could be “the fun parent”: the type that you can eat ice-cream with and play videogames for hours. But when the videogaming and ice-cream eating hours are over, he’ll just stop communicating with the kid again and hide somewhere. He doesn’t like being a parent much; he’d prefer to be “a cool uncle” of sorts. The one that only comes to visit twice a year…
Ortho – an actual cool uncle lol I also can’t picture Ortho as a dad. He’d be a collection of all the dad tropes from the tv. He would have so much fun! Not sure of the kid would have fun though. But Ortho would!
Lilia – oh we all know how good of a father he is. The best one.
Silver – a very sweet and empathetic one, caring and protective; his main downfall is the fact that his own childhood was so messed up that he doesn’t really know how to care for kids. Of course he wouldn’t just drown a kid in milk like his own dad did, but he also wouldn’t automatically assume that it probably isn’t safe to just let his kid play with a sword on their own. Something among the lines.
Sebek – absolutely obnoxious. Sometimes he’s surprisingly good… because his childhood wasn’t as bad as Silver’s, so he knows better. He’s also the one to read a lot of books and hope that he won’t make any mistakes. But he’ll make mistakes, get frustrated and angry, and make even more mistakes. And then he’ll sing an ode to Malleus instead of a regular lullaby because the young one needs to learn what’s important from the very first days of their life!!!!!!111 Silver and he need each other to balance shit out lol
Malleus – he would try, but I don’t trust him to try hard enough lol he would be invested and loving at first, but he would also get moments when he would just leave a kid and go on a stroll. It would probably take some time for him to learn that he probably shouldn’t do this. Hey he went through the same thing, right? Was it fair then? Why isn’t it fair now? (besides, Silver also turned out alright!) Not everything is about you, Malleus…
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On a totally opposite end of the spectrum from the role swap-
Imagine if after the Promise chapter things flipped. If after that argument The Operator- out of pure animalistic type curiosity- said “ooh lemme stick my fingers in this sauce here” and left Alex alone to latch onto Jay. Its already discovered how it can push and twist and manipulate one person, but what about a completely separate person? Will the results be the same? Different? Will it be easier or harder?
So it latches onto Jay, and Alex experiences a flat out withdrawal from that thing’s influence, followed by the most gut wrenching clarity. Realizing how crazy he went, how he killed his friends to “save” them when it never would have mattered. So two weeks pass, and all he can think about is Jay- talking to him again and telling him everything, being honest and actually fucking admitting that he cares about him, that he wants to make good on his promise and do things right.
But Jay doesn’t answer. Jay is the one who drops off the planet and goes MIA, and Alex has a horrible, sinking suspicion he knows why. He hopes that Jay just finally got sick of him- he HOPES thats all it is- but deep down there’s this creeping suspicion that its not a coincidence. That he passed his own torment on to Jay like some twisted fucking disease-
He finds out he’s right, later on. When he starts working together with Tim(he’s desperate to find Jay, to fix things, even if that means groveling for Tim’s help-), when they start having run ins with Jay where he won’t see reason, where he argues every point they make and tries to convince Alex that everyone has to die, to help him(and wow, did he sound that crazy too? probably, yikes-)
And in the end Alex makes one last desperate attempt. He meets Jay somewhere alone, tries to convince him to come with him, tells him that he loves him-
But Jay doesn’t believe him. He tells Alex as much(“i love you but i can’t trust you- you said it yourself, why would you ever love somebody like me?”) and Alex wants to cry when Jay throws his own awful words back at him, things he never meant to say-
But what destroys him is when Jay takes the gun that he stole from Alex months ago, puts it to his own head and pulls the trigger with a bang right in front of him.
I’m in a dark mood today LMAO we die like tunnel guy
we die like tunnel guy lmaoooo
fucking THIS tho oh my god the ANGST
i literally have nothing else to add really, my brain saw this and turned into angst mush i fucking love this so much. Jay not believing Alex when he says he loves him fucking OW. This is literally fucking perfect. like, actually.
Everyone come look at this and be fucking destroyed by it because OW. it's especially sad because i'm thinking so much about Alex being the one feeling super hurt and stuff in his uni relationship with Jay, because im writing if it ain't broken at the moment. I am in the perfect mindset for just pouring over Jaylex angst with Alex being the one left feeling worst for it.
Honestly though, Alex finally seeing things fully, truly clearly and realising how terrifying and horrible it must have been for Jay to see him the way he was with the Operator in his head, all angry and not seeing sense and arguing every little thing.
withdrawal from the Operator tho, like, actual withdrawals from it could be so interesting. Like, how would that interact with Tim since he's been dealing with the operator since he was a kid presumably. is he fucked either way? like, if he doesnt take his meds he could get withdrawals from them, and if he doesn't take them for a while then goes back on them does he then get withdrawals from the Operator? Or is it different because the Operator isn't in his head the same way it's in Alex's? is just being near it enough? Like second hand smoke?
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 7 months
3. things.
1. I forgot to tell you Alistair is simple trauma Bait. Sure let's romance a normal person.. I see you! 🥲
2. I hope you are doing well and have a great week ahead. Thanks for always answering my asks. I appreciate you! 😇
3. Okay so ROs reaction to MC being asked out in front of them..? (crushing stage vs. relationship stage) looking to see Mal and T's reactions especially because I like torturing myself 😭😅
Hi hello you, again! I don't know, should we count the same person asking question again? I lost the track a bunch of times, anyways. Number #5? #6? Whatever! Life's too short to worry about numbers on an Excel sheet with data next to it! Here's your carefully crafted answer using the best of our technologies (a keyboard that lights up)
"1. whaaaaat? I have no idea what you could mean by that…
2. Aww, I appreciate this a lot! 3 .This is a fun thought! Alistair, crushing: Oh damn. kay. Guess I didn't put myself out there enough. Suppose that's how it goes sometimes. Alistair: relationship: Uh. This got awkward. Like rando knows there's a thing, right? Kinda weird gonna be real. CG, crushing: What. you cannot be serious. since freaking when has Dime had game. CG, relationship: SEETHING how dare you, rando. You can't possibly understand Dime like I do. Get the fuck out of here. Mal, crushing: is laughing - wow, good on rando for beating me to the punch and shooting their shot. Never thought I'd see the day where I'm too slow. Mal, relationship: I mean, kinda disrespect not to bring me in on this conversation. whatever, it's up to MC what they want to do I guess, I'm not their boss. Teddie, crushing: …whatever. Didn't care anyway. [absolutely cares.] Teddie, relationship: what the fuck do you think you're doing asshole. Kay, crushing: Oh… alright. That's, fine. [it is not fine] Kay, relationship: visibly uncomfortable and caught between trying to assert herself and just pure embarrassment Wil, I'm actually a little stuck on! There are some under the surface things that I can't get into just yet due to spoilers which makes this tricky to answer. However, somebody asking first while they're crushing wil probably falls more on the side of faintly amused than really mad."
Hope you enjoyed this answer that has been made by the finest of our workers!
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frankenfran · 3 months
Hey mom? Do you ever feel like you’re never anyone’s priority? Like, people love when you’re around but you’re never gonna be at the top of their list?
I know my friends love me and that I mean a lot to them, but I always feel secondary to someone else. Like I’m never anyone’s first choice. I’m wondering if this is just a me problem, it’s eating at me.
hmm this is a tricky one so hang in there while i try to figure it out. the truth is i have felt like that before! i think it's a very common insecurity for a lot of people and it's totally understandable. you want to feel appreciated right? you want people to want you. there's nothing wrong with that. everybody wants to feel needed.
i think what's usually happening is a couple things. the first and hardest one to truly believe is that you can't know what everyone else is feeling unless they tell you or you ask. unfortunately a lot of people aren't so very good at communicating and especially not when it comes to their own feelings. doubly so when it relates to somebody else and their feelings! people also can't read your mind so if you never express that you have these feelings then they can't know.
the good news is that this is not an insurmountable gap. to start, you've already said you know your friends love you (twice even!) and that has to count for something. but it sounds like you need a little more validation than that and, perhaps unfortunately for you if it's the kind of thing you struggle with, you just need to communicate that. be your own advocate instead of hoping somebody will just notice and you might be surprised at how willing to help people who care about you are. i don't know the exact circumstances so im being a bit vague but hopefully that much makes sense?
the other thing to consider is that it might also be a case of some deeper need you have not being met. i don't know the exact dynamics of your friend group or anything but you expressed that you feel secondary and that's a tough place to be in! i think trying to figure out what exactly triggers those insecurities in the first place is a good place to start.
what would being the primary pick look like to you? what would make it feel like they love you even when you're not around? is it picking where you go to eat as a group more often or getting more explicit compliments? that kind of thing. maybe it's just something internal that doesn't actually have anything to do with your friends? im not sure!
as i said im operating on a lot of assumptions so this advice might be entirely useless but the last bit ill leave you with is probably the most important: kill the imaginary tier list in your head. if you're constantly imagining some unspoken tier list and where you fall on it then you've already shot yourself in the foot. you'll find most people don't think about things like that with their friends and the mere insinuation might be upsetting to them. they probably don't think about it like that at all. most people genuinely just think "wow i love my friends, that was fun!" and go to sleep happy that they got to see you and everybody else. you're only hurting yourself by thinking about things in terms of primary secondary etc etc.
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alchemist-shizun · 1 month
I was waiting you've been waiting ... MYATB final ep live reaction!
Somehow even later than last night, not only did I work for 6 hours again, I have guests over, but with no further ado let's begin!
first off i am terrified, somehow, even if im sure everything will be fine
STARTING OFF STRONG WITH THE HUAIBAO FANCAM. Does anybody look at first episodes Xiaobao expressions and how much of a genuine happy and warm smile he had, and now it's been SO LONG since we've seen one. Healthy happiness where are you?
Also. If I had a nickel for each time a danmei character falls off a cliff i'd be fucking rich let's BE REAL
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lil meowmeow ...
Su Yin it's your turn for some character development come on I believe in you I know you won't disappoint me COME ON
My main question is why make him suffer so much things can be fixed so easily. so easily. oh my god.
Internally I'm also laughing a bit because Su Yin is just saying THIS MAN RUINED YOUR LIFE AND U WANT HIM BACK JUST HOW GOOD WAS THE DICK TELL ME. TELL ME
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look at him, moisturized, in his lane, i dont know how the rest of the meme goes but you get it
OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. YOU NEED TWO PEOPLE WITH STRONG INTERNAL FORCES. OH MY G O D u mean to tell me both Huai'en and Su Yin need to help him, this makes my ot3 mind go insane. This is beautiful, thank you Que Siming, again, he fixes everything, he is insane
A few words for Xiaobao in this scene because holy shit. My boy is wholly desperate he'd do anything just to let Huai'en live, his feelings have been a mess for so long but he still finds it in himself to care about him so deeply he's better than any of us
This entire drama has been either of them in bed suffering and the other watching over, beautiful
holy fucking shit they FINALLY kissed. I'm going insane. THEIR HANDS!! THEYRE SO SOFT. Huai'en looks so cute after being kissed, they're so I'm so insane. my children.
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i love my sick wife (literally either of them)
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"swear to god if u and i become like this i give you permission to kill me" the most homophobic gay ever
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I think he might really be one of my favourite characters I swear. Give an award to his actor. he is so disgusted by everything I love him
OH WOW OKAY. BATH TIME? Oh my god Su Yin and Huai'en. Here we go. My immediate response is "just kiss about it" but I don't think they will. Their tension would bleed out so easily
huaibao: having a small moment. Su Yin: THIS AINT ABOUT YOU!! i love them all, good god, he is hilarious, his jealousy is visible from three hundred miles
The healing process is so interesting to watch, I could just stare at them work for hours
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Heeeeeeeeere comes the cocklockkkk
MY TRIO OF WONDERS TWT <3 MAN the best dumbass trio ever
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this is so fucking funny those two are lounging and there the others go being dramatic
im going to cry over su yin and xiaobao's bond again? yes. i am.
Thank u for calling that man a freak xiaobao
SHAOYU?? also this is the first time I see some actual help for starving people, that's a nice touch.
That was the stupidest interaction ever thank you shaoyu
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oh he knows. he knows.
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I dont know what it is about danmei novels and NOT SHOWING ME THEIR WEDDINGS!!! I WANT TO SEE THEM!!
Anyway. WE REACHED THE END. WOW. Insane. Incredible work to all who worked hard to give us our first uncensored Chinese bl, may it pave the path to many more! I had fun waiting for episodes each week, hadn't felt this elated in a long time. I'm sad I cannot look forward to more, but I might get inspired and create some art or fics for this series, who knows owo the actors are too pretty to pass on.
I'm extremely glad we got that Su Yin acceptance arc I have been mentioning, Shaoyu hasn't gotten more bearable but ig he has to mature yet. Xiaoyu was an icon all episode, I must admit, Zhaocai has found his new partner in crime. I also dearly missed Jinbao and Siming as soon as they left :( their energies were something stupendous. I also liked that Huai'en did not go back to see his foster father, he didn't give him the fucking satisfaction. As it should be.
I'm not smart enough to make much more introspection so I think this is where I'll leave it! Come talk to me if you too have nobody to discuss this series with lmao, askbox is always open. Time for a deepdive into the tag now. I hope I see more of this soon!
A big pat on the back to all those of us who suffered to this day. WORTH IT WORTH IT.
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x22
Can't say I feel sorry for Genevieve bc that woman was nasty but Lana just got another thing added to the huge pile of trauma she already had😬
oh hey Lex, so what happened here was-
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"I had this one last week, really scary. This... guy wearing a red cape." "Wow, that sounds horrible Lois."
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I can't do this they're so?????
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I'mskSJkslKSL Jonathan's face kills me
Mr. and Mrs. Kent, I just wanted to say thanks for everything. You guys are like the Mom and Dad I've always wanted to have.
Lois bby🥺😭😭
"Lois, we want you to know that you are welcome back here any time."
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"Actually-" "We'll all miss you, Lois."
SHUSH Clark, we're having a moment here😭
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blushing kicking my feet
"Oh, come on Clark, your future is laid out right in front of you. You're gonna go to community college, major in agriculture, probably minor in law enforcement. And then you and Lana are gonna have a nice little church wedding."
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I can't😭
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He's such a menace around her it's EVERYTHING
"Even if I could spell, the last thing I'd wanna do is spend my time in a newsroom. With my luck, I'd probably end up across the desk from the most bumbling reporter on the masthead."
so much eye contact I'm going insane
If you hear faint screaming in the distance, that's me I'm losing it
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i already know I'm going to hit the media upload limit and have to delete stuff, ugh😭
this episode is feeding me so well
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my beautiful family😭😭😭 they raised me actually, true story
"Because you have a way of getting things in half the time a normal person gets things done." "And I'm not normal?"
Chloe really didn't do this one on purpose but OUCH😬
Lois with her "the general said/ taught me..."🥹
now tell me why this interaction fills me with so much joy😭
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I love them so much it makes me look stupid
✨and then I paused the episode and didn't continue until over a month later, my brain is wired like that I fear✨
Jor El is so unserious I'm sorry, if he wasn't so vague and cryptic all the time a lot of messes could've been avoided🤡
I just imagine the actual Jor El watching this go down in the afterlife and facepalming so hard
Clark is sad = I'm sad, it's the law
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Lana giving Clark the stone without even removing the blood first lol
I feel so bad for her😭 I swear whoever made the plot decisions on this show got off on Lana being in pain and I'm getting more and more angry on her behalf.
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and that's on good instincts
(I've seen people say that Lana going to Lex instead of Clark after killing Genevieve is further proof that she doesn't trust Clark at all and it's like... how tf was Clark going to help her in this situation???😭 I agree that Lana and Clark have trust issues ad infinitum but in this case she just did the logical thing, come on now)
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I have to respect this man for the level of unhinged he's reached, truly
Lois is so cool😩 Once again I am free on Saturday-
"Before you leave this earth I want you to know... you did create the son you always wanted."
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Lionel when I get my hands on you
I need Lex to chill and stop manhandling Lana & Chloe please and thank you💀 He's joining the unhinged club
Martha & Jonathan against Jason?? Yes please I love fights between people without powers or martial arts training
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🎶somebody save meeeeeee🎶
the way Chloe pushed Lex against the cave wall was hilarious I'm sorry
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Fortress bestie we're almost hereee🥳
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Lois is sad = I'm sad, again, those are the rules
seeing the only place she ever considered a permanent home getting completely destroyed, IT'S A LOT. This whole episode was a lot.
And let's not even get started on Lana JESUS CHRIST. Smallville writers I think we need to sit down and have a conversation about her because WTF?
I don't even care that the witch plot was wacky and Jason's character arc was really badly executed, this season was so much fun.
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Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Laito [04]
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ー The scene starts outside of the manor
Laito: Thank god the weather’s so nice today. Absolutely perfect for going out on a walk. Look, you can get a pretty view of the stars as well. 
Yui: Yeah...
Laito: Too bad the moon is barely visible. If only we had a full moon. 
Yui: Yeah...
Laito: Ah, but I always get terribly worked up during a full moon, so I might have just sucked you dry.
Yui: I see...
Laito: Oiー Bitch-chaaanー?
Yui: Haah...
Laito: ...Phewー
Yui: ...Hyaah!?
( H-He blew air into my ear...!? )
Laito: Nfu~ What a lovely reaction. You have very sensitive ears as well, don’t you?
Yui: W-Why did you do that!?
Laito: I mean, because you’ve been ignoring me this whole time, obviously? On top of that you’ve got that big frown stuck on your face.
Yui: Well...It’s because you suddenly took me out of the manor.
( He grabbed my hand and said we’re going out for a walk, then before I knew it... )
( The manor may be closeby, but if somebody spots us... )
Even though Carla-san said you shouldn’t let me set foot outside the manor under any circumstances. If he finds out...
Laito: I’m sure an incredibly severe punishment would be waiting for us. Carla can be incredibly stubborn after all. 
I can imagine him hitting us with a whip countless times...not showing any signs of mercy no matter how hard we cry or beg.
Yui: N-No way...! Why did you bring me here when you know that!?
Laito: Good question. Why do you think?
Yui: ( Knowing Laito-kun, I’m sure... )
→ Because it seemed fun (♡)
Yui: Because it seemed fun...Right?
Laito: I expected no less from you, Bitch-chan! You know me very well!
That’s also because the two of us are...in・love, right?
What if Carla were to find out about this...The thrill of this whole situation really gets one’s adrenaline pumping, don’t you think?
Yui: We won’t get away with just an adrenaline kick if he does...
→ To take my mind off things (🖤)
Yui: To help me take my mind off things? 
Laito: Wow, you’re pretty shameless to assume I’m doing this for you.
Do you truly believe I brought you out here for that purpose?
Yui: I guess not...
( I sort of knew already, but I wanted to believe that it was out of kindness... )
Laito: I did it just because it seemed fun. 
The more you’re told not to do something, the more you actually want to do it, no?
Yui: I can’t say I relate...
( Especially when someone like Carla-san is involved. )
Laito: Oh well, who cares about the future consequences. We’re already outside, aren’t we?
Now you have to enjoy our stroll to the fullest. ...That being said, I did plan out a route around the manor just in case.
Yui: That’s easier said than done...
Laito: Geez, Bitch-chan. There you go looking upset again.
Then how about I do this? 
Yui: Ah...
Laito: You’ll get a little more excited if you think of it as a date, no? 
Yui: ( It’s been so long since we’ve held hands...For some reason it’s really taking me back. )
( Even though this used to be daily fare not too long ago... )
Laito: You look so happy, Bitch-chan. You must really like holding hands.
Yui: It’s not the action itself but...The fact that it’s with you, I guess?
Laito: Heeh, you must truly love me, huh?
Hmー We’re a couple inside your imagination, aren’t we...?
Yui: ( It’s the truth though, not just my imagination... )
( He doesn’t remember any of the moments we spent together right now. Even though I know, it still makes me sad... )
Laito: Say, which point has our relationship reached inside your head?
Yui: Eh? What do you mean?
Laito: Oh come on, don’t dodge the question. What kind of outrageous things have we done inside your fantasies? 
I have actually sucked your blood, so I’m pretty sure we’re well experienced in that regard...In which case, I’m sureーー
Yui: Stop, stop! You don’t need to say it out loud!
( I’m sure he’ll say something vile! I know that much by now! )
Laito: Geez, someone’s getting all flustered~ If it’s too embarrassing to say out loud, I wouldn’t mind returning to the manor and reenacting it insteaーー 
ー Ayato and Kanato suddenly show up
Ayato: Hm? 
Yui: ...Eh?
A-Ayato-kun and...Kanato-kun!?
Ayato: Haah!? Why is Eve here!?
Kanato: I heard that she was being carefully hidden inside the manor. What is going on?
Laito: ...Likewise, what are the two of you doing here?
Ayato: To investigate your place, duh! Ruki has been on our case ‘bout it the whole damn time.
Yui: ( Investigate...I guess Ruki-kun and the others are getting everything ready for the war as well... )
Kanato: If he’s that concerned about what Carla and you lot are doing, he should just go himself. He always acts so high and mighty just because he’s older than us.
...Aah,  just thinking back to it is making me upset.
Can someone please explain to me why I have to bother with any of this?
Laito: Uwaah...He’s really mad.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( The two of them haven’t changed at all in that regard. )
( But their memories have been altered. That’s why right now ーー They’re our enemy. )
Ayato, do something about this annoying situation at once.
Ayato: Don’t order me ‘round! I was gonna do that anyway. Eve is right in front of us after all.
Yui: ( ...A sword...Could it be made out of silver? )
( A silver weapon which could kill even a Vampire...They’re both serious about this... )
Laito: Hmー This is bad. I can’t let them take Bitch-chan from us.
That being said, I don’t think I can take on both of you at the same time either.
Yui: Laito-kun! Now’s not the time to be calmly weighing your optioーー
Laito: ...Aah! I just had a great idea~
Hey, you two. Could you perhaps let me off the hook this once if I give you permission to suck Eve’s blood?
Yui: Eh!?
Ayato: Hah? The fuck are you on about?
Kanato: Do you really think that’ll fix the issue?
Yui: E-Exactly, Laito-kun! Giving them permission to my blood won’t...
Laito: But I’m obviously at a disadvantage, no? 
So I have no other choice but to get them to have mercy on me by playing my cards right~
All I care about is that they don’t take you away.
Yui: No way! Even so...
Laito: Of course, you don’t get to have a say in any of this.
ー Laito pulls her close
Yui: Kyaah!
Laito: Hey, you guys. If I do this, you’ll be able to tell just how sweet she smells, right? Nn...Nnh...
ー He bites Yui
Yui: Nn...No...
( I can’t believe...He’s sucking my blood in such a way...where he’s obviously trying to show off to them... )
( On top of that, he’s using me to negotiate with them...promising my blood in return for letting us get away... )
( Right now, I’m not worth more than that to him. That’s just so... )
Laito: ...Haah...Geez, Bitch-chan. You’re tearing up?
However, I feel like your sweet scent isn’t as strong as usual? Should I have made it hurt even more?
Yui: No...That’s not it...
Laito: It’s okay. I’ll thrust them in real deepーー ...Phew...Nnh...Nn...
Yui: Nn...Aah...
( I’m being swept away by the pain...My consciousness...is growing faint... )
Ayato: ...The fuck’s this scent...?
Kanato: I’ve never smelt something quite as sweet and rich...
Laito: Say, I bet the two of you are dying to suck her blood as well now, aren’t you?
What do you say? If you promise that you’ll let us go, I’ll let you have a taste.
Kanato: While I hate the thought of letting this guy talk me into something...
Ayato: Yeah, you can’t expect us to hold off on such a delicious treat.
Come on, give her to us!
Yui: Kyah!
Yui: Stop!
Ayato: Hehe, nobody’s goin’ to actually listen to that. Nn...
Yui: Ah...
( He’s sucking from my nape... )
Kanato: These fingertips look scrumptious. Nn...Nnh...
Yui: Nn...Aah...
( Their fangs are sinking into me simultaneously...It’s incredibly painful... )
Ayato: Haah...Holy shit, it’s hella delicious...
Kanato: And very sweet on top as well. Seems like your blood is right up my alley at the very least. I can’t stop...
Yui: ( ...They’re biting me left and right...I don’t even know anymoreーー )
Laito: Oh wow, Bitch-chan. You’re making such a lovely expression.
It must really be that good, huh? Hey, tell me how it feels.
Yui: That’s...Aah...
Laito: I guess it’s just so good, you can’t even put it into words?
Yui: Nn...Kuh...
( Their fangs...are sinking in even deeper... )
Laito: Haah...You’re the best while being messed up like that. 
Ayato: Why are you over there enjoying the show? You freak!
Kanato: The fact we’re both Vampires disgusts me.
Laito: Gosh, you’re making me blush with all those compliments!
Kanato: They’re compliments! Honestly, I could not be any more grateful that we’re not brothers at least.
I don’t think I could stand having to live underneath the same roof as someone like you. 
Yui: ( ...Brothers... )
( Even though the three of them have been together...ever since the moment they were born...Yet they don’t even remember that... )
Laito: Well then, I say it’s about time we wrap things up. You’ve had your fill, haven’t you?
Ayato: Ah? I haven’t had enough yet! Actually, I wouldn’t mind taking her home with us and sucking her dry.
Laito: You can’t do that. She’d die.
Besides, you promised to let us off the hook if you got to drink her blood, remember?
Ayato: Hah! She’ll be ours eventually either way. So we can do with her as we please, no? 
I’ll be the next Supreme Overlord and become number one after all!
Laito: Hm? ...Number one...?
Yui: ( ...? Laito-kun...? )
Ayato: Ah? What’s wrong?
Laito: No...It’s nothing. What you said just now sounded a little familiar, that’s all...
Ayato: Haah? I don’t get you. ...Uwah...
Kanato: What’s the matter? ...Uu!
Yui: ( The two of them as well...? What on earth is going on...? )
Ayato: The fuck’s happening...? My head’s spinnin’...
Kanato: I feel...sick...I’m sure I’m exhausted...after being forced to investigate...
I don’t care about Eve anymore. I’m going back home...
ー Kanato leaves
Ayato: Damnit, you better believe she’ll be mine eventually...
ー Ayato leaves as well
Yui: ( They both left... )
Laito: Ugh...It finally stopped...
Haah, I always get dizzy after sucking your blood. I guess it’s because it’s just so rich?
Well, we got lucky that the two of them left.
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: Hm? What’s wrong?
Yui: Why did you...do this...?
Laito: Why, you ask...? Aren’t you glad that they let us go?
Besides, I got to enjoy watching you get all flustered and squirm around. It was amazing.
Yui: So you don’t care at all...who sucks my blood...?
Laito: Of course! As long as I get a kick out of it, that’s all what matters. 
Yui: ...!
( I knew that already but...It hurts to hear those words directly from his mouth. )
( I mean, I clearly recall him treasuring me. )
( Memories of us laughing together. Yet those have all been lost...? )
Laito: You look hurt. I don’t really understand why, to be honest.
I mean, it’s the truth, isn’t it? We’re in the middle of a war over the position of Supreme Overlord, so I don’t even know if I’ll live to see tomorrow.
So just enjoy every day as it comes. Don’t you agree?
Yui: Is that...how you think...?
Laito: Yup.
Yui: ( ...No way... )
Laito: Well then, we should probably head back now. You don’t want Carla to spot us, do you?
Yui: Ah...
( Right. Rather than getting depressed, we gotta go back to the manor...If Carla-san were to find out about thiーー )
ー Carla approaches them
Carla: ...What are you two doing?
Yui: ...!
Laito: Whoopsie. ...Mission failed.
Yui: ( Carla-san...! )
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas, Dave Strider, Roxy Lalonde
Page 99-105
JADE: the prince’s power grows.
JADE: i feel him resonate through the void.
DAVE: dude can you chill for like even a single fucking second
DAVE: also are you ok
JADE: i am uninterested in that scenario.
DAVE: yeah i may be totally misunderstanding the intricacies of "next gen technology" designed by an idiot in microshorts
DAVE: but im pretty sure i locked that door
JADE: i unlocked it with my mind.
DAVE: fuck
JADE: the prince’s powers are growing, but so are mine.
JADE: ...
DAVE: karkat its fine
DAVE: who cares
DAVE: no dude im up fuck it
DAVE: i want coffee
DAVE: oh me too
ROXY: oh what up
ROXY: its a whole ass pajama party up in here
ROXY: couldnt sleep??
ROXY: oh
ROXY: jade why did u do that
ROXY: sometimes a girls just got to get her drift on i guess
ROXY: it be like that
DAVE: yall want coffee
ROXY: sure
DAVE: hate to give it up to venture capitalism but this coffee is EONS better than the garbage we had on the meteor
DAVE: this ship is maybe the dumbest thing ive ever looked at but its a give and take right
ROXY: maybe u just developed a taste for it
ROXY: i used to think coffee tasted like ass but drinkin it was another thing i felt like my mom woulda done
ROXY: turns out rose drinks tea and i stockholmed my own dumb butt into liking this addictive bean juice
ROXY: well i mean who knows what she drinks now
ROXY: dirk probs tossed the coffee machine out the space window right away
ROXY: dude doesnt "believe" in "substances"
ROXY: well i wasnt but then somebody screamed like a rooster boned a teapot and had a noisy lovechild
DAVE: yeah thats basically accurate
DAVE: maybe if youre lucky
ROXY: lmao
ROXY: in the fridge
DAVE: wheres kanaya
ROXY: idk
ROXY: sleepin i hope
ROXY: last time i saw her she was on the second floor
ROXY: no
ROXY: the third floor observation deck
ROXY: this place is huge
DAVE: yeah dude but that was basically a city
DAVE: this is more like a castle
DAVE: a castle of idk
DAVE: twenty something ennui
ROXY: anybody hungry
ROXY: i was thinkin about alchemizing some pancakes
ROXY: or maybe eggs
ROXY: they all basically taste the same at the end of the day i think alchemized food is like eighty percent imagination
ROXY: but both of you barely eat and its making me anxious
DAVE: damn thanks mom
DAVE: i mean
DAVE: shit
DAVE: dad
DAVE: roxy
DAVE: fuck sorry im tired
ROXY: haha its ok
ROXY: dont worry about it
DAVE: okay but just because our relatives turned evil doesnt mean we have to act like total animals
DAVE: we can still try to respect each others identities and shit
DAVE: anyway im gonna go check on kanaya
DAVE: possessed jade dont follow me
JADE: i am fine where i am.
DAVE: cool
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karusenka · 5 months
Matchup for @merbear25
Thank you for chatting with me! You are such a fun person to talk to! Sorry for the long long long wait but here you go, I hope you will like it!
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- I know you want your beloved Caesar but Im still going to include this emo boy because I think you both would fit well, just please let me explain little bit and then we can go to your beloved wife
- I think you both would have a lot of interesting conversations about death, biology and disease! You would see a smile on his face while you both talk, he found somebody smart and interesting to have a good talk about those topics 
- He needs someone who is caring and supportive so you would be pretty good for him, Law needs some comfort so he would love to lay his head on your lap while you both watch some horror movie, you both would watch and laugh at how stupid they are
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Okay okay I will go to your wife and husband and whatever because you both are meant to each other!! Just wanted to add a bit of Law cuz I think you both match but with the goat…You guys are perfect
(I had to use this gif)
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- I see your obsession with him (that's so amazing of you) and honestly… He is obsessed with you too! Oh boy the first time he saw you, let say for this sake that you were with strawhats and just wow! He wanted to take you away from those filthy people! And well, he actually did take you away from them!
- You weren't even that surprised that he wanted you...Like, just look at yourself! Who wouldn't want you? 🤭 When he got you at first you were just a guinea pig for him, he didn't want to get attached to you...but surprise! He actually got attached <3 He hated it so much but after some time he accepted it
- I think he would get touchy a lot, he wants your attention 24/7, like I said before he is OBSESSED with you so uh, good luck with that! Oh and he needs to be praised for every single thing he does. If you don’t, he will complain and be grumpy, he is so dependent on you that it hurts, he is like your puppy… Big puppy
- You both are fucking crazy together and I love it, please encourage him to do fucked up experiments on people (or on yourself, whatever floats your boat ;3) Maybe he will corrupt you even more? Or maybe you will be the one who will corrupt him? Or maybe both! 
- Like we know, he used to buy girls to have fun but when you came into his life he finally stopped buying them because you were truly the one who satisfies him the most! Those girls are nothing compared to you ;)) You both have similar kinks and likings and you both can experiment a lot with things 
- I know you have a thing for blood so I bet you both would have sex after doing some fucked up experiments on a person and you both would be covered in blood <3 Fun! Overall you both would have a lot different ideas how to make your sex better, injecting yourselves with weird stuff, forcing people to watch you both fuck, fucking in different places, maybe even some roleplay? He would be into mommy dom for sure, he likes to be step on 100% 
- I bet you both would have a lot of sex, I know you both are obsessed with each other so you want to be as close to him as possible. You both fuck like rabbits LMAO
- He would give you a lot of gifts but not normal ones ofc, gives you a lot of weird drinks that he made himself, maybe a new victim to experiment on! Or maybe a collar that he thought you would look sexy in it (he is the one wearing a collar during sex tho) oh but then he would go broke 
- At first he would want to be a dominant one, but when you both got to know each other he finds out that he wants to be dominated by you- he is the puppy in the relationship, the pathetic dog who will beg you for more and lick your shoes, Caesar will do anything for you, like I said before, please praise him and he will get obsessed with you even more (I dont think its possible to get even more obsessive but you get my idea) 
- I see him quietly hugging you behind you, he would say nothing and put his chin on your head. He is a loud guy, but sometimes he just wants to be close to you… Without talking, I know it's hard to believe but I see him like this with you. Caesar seems like a person who doesn’t care about anyone at all… Well that’s true, but when he finds a right person he actually starts to care a little bit. He says he doesn’t care if something bad will happen to you but he is lying, Caesar doesn’t want you to die, doesn’t want anything that could actually kill you or something close to happen, he doesn’t want to be alone anymore. He finds his feelings about you annoying, he wants to focus on experiments, not on a person, but as you can see, he fell in love and doesn’t want you to go… And maybe if you die somehow, he will bring you back to life no matter what, even if he has to kill thousands of people, he will do it.
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