#wow shut up tasvir
lauradonnelly · 1 year
can’t believe i was sent to the shadow realm smfh also my queue is still not working…
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lauradonnelly · 2 years
getting new heartstopper content on the tenth anniversary of my heart getting ripped out of my chest by merlin is so
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lauradonnelly · 3 years
do all writers write better romances than the ones they’ve experienced irl or is that just me
me being emo under the cut 🖤
my fiancé broke up with me 3 weeks after our 3 year anniversary. for the second time in 6 months. except this time he couldn’t even do it in person—he did it over the phone, like a fucking coward. and i should’ve seen the red flags and all that, because there were many, but i guess i was too naive. and now i feel fucking stupid lol. and i was being emotionally toyed with the entire time. the amount of cynicism and bitterness i have rn is extraordinary (not sadness, that’s long gone—all i feel is anger now).
and although it’s not influencing my writing (thank god), it’s making me look back on the fics i’ve written and realize that i write glorified versions of the kind of romance i want to have. and it’s not a bad thing i don’t think. but it’s got me feeling some kind of way. i’m nostalgic for something i never had. idk. this is dumb i’m sorry
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lauradonnelly · 4 years
did i really just buy 12 of the official merlin novelizations afejkajwfleawewa
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lauradonnelly · 6 years
my boss getting fired restored my faith in god
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lauradonnelly · 7 years
to the facilitator that invaded my space and graded my student’s midterm:
1. don’t
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lauradonnelly · 7 years
me looking at that new pic of colin like he was a sk8r boi, she said see you later boi
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lauradonnelly · 7 years
i can't believe colin posed for a stock photo
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lauradonnelly · 7 years
colin's socks and shoeless feet tho
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lauradonnelly · 6 years
watched three people die today despite our best efforts to save them, then i come home and colin decides to kill me cool
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lauradonnelly · 8 years
3 season finales in 3 days, oi
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lauradonnelly · 8 years
wow can you believe humans s2 was only 7 episodes long
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lauradonnelly · 8 years
wow is it possible to erase like an entire episode from your mind
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lauradonnelly · 8 years
a rain delay during extra innings of game 7 of the world series between the cubs and the indians where the game was tied on a 2-run HR at the bottom of the 8th inning 
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lauradonnelly · 8 years
mucocele removal surgery was a success but i look like someone beat me up
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lauradonnelly · 8 years
humans s2 premiering a day after my birthday nICE
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