#wow its been a while whOops i need to post more!! sorry!!
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productivityplant · 6 years ago
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12 / 03 / 18 • Lately I’ve been loving working on art stuff in little cafés, sipping on matcha lattes while watching the snow fall 🍵❄️
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hurricanery · 4 years ago
A/N: Hi! I felt like writing something slightly cute and wanted to get some requests done. This is inspired by this prompt, this prompt, & this prompt and a few others basically requesting Amelink/Scout first night home from the hospital/Amelia being super hormonal. This ended up being still a lil angsty whoops but thank you for sending prompts! And pt. 6 of If You Went Away will most likely be posted next <3
hold me tight and I’ll sink in
i’m absorbed in your thinking
“....I’m sorry, huh?” Amelia’s voice comes out in a stunned question. She glances up at Carina DeLuca from where she’s settled in her increasingly uncomfortable bed on the maternity floor.
“I said you can go home, Dr. Shepherd,” Carina repeats the words she’d spoken just prior, smiling optimistically. “You guys can go home today.”
Link smiles wide from where he stands near Amelia’s bedside. He rubs Amelia’s shoulder encouragingly, looking down at her with an expression of pure excitement. Amelia’s face does not reflect an equal sentiment.
“You’re sure….?” She turns her attention back to Carina, eyebrows pulling together as she tries to process this information.
“Yes, Amelia,” Carina laughs, implementing the first name basis in an attempt to comfort the new mother in front of her. “You’re healthy. The baby is healthy….” She smiles down at Scout, who sleeps soundly in the bassinet in the corner of the room. “It’s time to bring him home.”
Amelia’s frown deepens as she watches Carina leave the room. It had been two full days since Scout came into the world. Two full days of being surrounded by the people she loves. Two full days of constant support and visitors. And now it was back to reality. Her new reality.
She knows. In the back of her mind. That there’s no point in staying here in this hospital room. She’s a doctor. She’s prepared. Or she should be. And there’s nothing else left to do.
She bites the corner of her thumbnail anxiously as she re-visits her mental checklist. She pretty much has a handle on the feeding process. Link has basically mastered swaddling. And they were finally able to settle on a name. Which, as it turns out, was the toughest part. But they got there. And now there was nothing else left to do. The checklist is complete. Scout Derek Shepherd Lincoln is ready to go home.
Link clears his throat, raising his eyebrows at Amelia, who drops her nervous nail-biting to return his gaze. She smiles, despite herself, allowing Link’s calm demeanor to anchor her.
Link is prepared, he thinks. For most things in life. Part of that he credits to not being an over-thinker. His preparedness is never a result of heavy planning, but more so an outlook that allows him to go with the flow. To take things as they come.
He’d only stressed momentarily before Amelia went into labor.
Will Amelia have an easy delivery?
Will we make it to the hospital on time?
Will the baby be scared of me?
That was the extent of his worry. So, what he’d failed to consider, was the aftermath. What to expect in the days and weeks after the birth.
“Ugh, god, stop,” Amelia whines. “Really, I got it.”
Link chuckles, bewildered, as he watches Amelia climb the staircase in Meredith’s house. He drops his hands from where he’d attempted resting them on her shoulders, in an effort to guide her up the stairs.
“You’re sore, Amelia. I was just trying to help.”
Link shrugs to himself defensively before following shortly after her.
“I don’t need help.” She mutters as they cross the threshold back into her bedroom.
They both peek into Scout’s bassinet next to the bed, and momentary relief floods them both at the sight of their newborn still sound asleep.
Link’s gaze remains glued to Scout adoringly, until he hears Amelia’s exasperated sigh from somewhere behind him.
He turns around in time to watch her lower herself onto the bed. She sits halfway up, leaning against the headboard and closes her eyes tightly. The grimace that twists across her face makes Link feel helpless.
“You okay?” He tries, slowly approaching the bed to sit down on the edge, near her feet.
“Ugh,” she groans her response, not even opening her eyes when she feels Link’s weight on the bed.
Link rests a hand on her shin comfortingly. And Amelia groans again, a crease forming between her brows.
“What can I do?”
“Nothing,” she breathes out impatiently.
And Link sighs.
“I can’t believe I forgot this part….” She continues, opening her eyes to look at Link. “There’s not really a handbook for what to expect after, ya know?” She laughs a little bit, apologetically. And Link nods understandingly. “I mean the last time…” Her voice cracks a bit on the sentence. “The last time….I couldn’t really separate the pregnancy from….from what else was going on with me….health-wise….” She trails off again as reluctant tears spring to her eyes. “I just kinda forgot about all this.” She laughs bitterly as she gestures to her own body between them.
“Well, let me help you-”
“What can you do, Link?! My uterus is quite literally shrinking back to its normal size. It’s just cramps.” She cuts him off angrily and Link recoils from her mood swing. She folds her arms across her chest and then immediately gasps at the tenderness there. “And, dammit, my chest is sore. That part….I didn’t have to deal with the last time.”
Link nods slowly. Breastfeeding was a new experience this time around.
“Sorry….��� She mumbles, much quieter than before, glancing at the newborn that sleeps just a couple of feet away. “For lashing out. It’s not me, it’s the hormones.”
“Eh,” Link shrugs. “I’m used to it at this point.”
Amelia scowls. But it quickly softens into a slight smile as she leans back again and closes her eyes.
“You’ve known me as hormonal and pregnant more than you’ve known me as….not hormonal and not pregnant. I promise you, I’m not crazy.” She whispers.
“Sure, Amelia.” Link chuckles.
Her eyes shoot open. “Hey!” She mutters playfully. “I would try to be on my good side right now.”
“You’re right, you’re right.” He shakes his head amusedly, pulling her feet into his lap. He massages her feet and ankles and watches her relax into the sensation, while he thinks of his next plan. “How about a bath? That might feel good….?”
She blinks, thinking about it. She purses her lips, not wanting to admit to Link that he’s come up with something useful.
Link laughs at her expression.
“I’m going to start a bath, then.”
And Amelia pouts at the loss of contact when he shifts her feet away from him, moving towards the bathroom.
“You want me to join you, or just stay in here, or-”
“No,” Amelia says sternly as she relaxes back into the tub, resting her eyes. She’s taken aback by the impatient tone of her own voice, though, and she opens her tired eyes apologetically. “I mean, no thank you. I’m okay.” She smiles. “And thank you for this.”
Link isn’t hurt by her dismissal. He smiles back at her. “That’s okay….I’m just going to go watch Scout sleep.”
Amelia huffs out a laugh at this.
“Okay,” she murmurs. “You do that.”
Link watches as Amelia unwinds completely. She sighs in bliss as she leans her head back and it makes Link’s heart swell. It makes him feel less useless to her. He’s still smiling to himself as he turns on his heels, walking back to the room to do exactly what he’d mentioned. Watch his newborn sleep.
“Hey,” Amelia breathes as she rounds the corner back into the bedroom, wrapped up in a fluffy white towel. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to stay in there so long.”
“That’s okay,” Link responds, shifting his gaze away from the bassinet and turning around to meet Amelia’s eyes. “You earned it.”
Amelia smiles gratefully, moving forward to sit next to Link on the edge of the bed. She looks down warmly at the sleeping newborn in front of them. “You were serious when you said you were just gonna watch him sleep, huh?” She mutters quietly.
“Mhm,” Link’s eyes are glued back to Scout. “He hasn’t even stirred.”
“Don’t say that,” Amelia warns. “Let’s not jinx it. Can you imagine us actually sleeping through the night?” She grins up at Link. And Link shakes his head amusedly.
“But we should probably sleep, while he sleeps….” Link offers.
“Right….” Amelia mumbles. “But, wow. It is really hard to look away from him, isn’t it?”
Link laughs. And suddenly stands. He reaches a hand out for Amelia to take.
“Come on, bedtime.” Link pulls Amelia into a standing position, and they both take one last look at Scout.
“Can you believe we….made him?” Amelia’s voice is full of wonder. “We made that tiny little human.”
“Well, you did most of the work,” Link grins. Then turns to her with a more serious expression. “You still….do most of the work.”
Amelia’s heart swells. And she smiles, biting her lip, trying to shrug off the sentiment of Link’s words.
“And you should sleep in tomorrow,” Link adds, guiding them around to the other side of the bed. “Do you want to pump at all tonight….? So that you can sleep in a little bit when he wakes up hungry?”
Amelia groans, rolling her eyes. “That’s not a bad idea.”
“Here,” Link approaches the dresser, grabbing her sleep shorts and one of his oversized t-shirts. “Put on something comfy first.”
“Mhm,” Amelia nods in agreement, taking the clothes from him. But then she gasps suddenly, a sharp cramp twisting through her pelvis.
“What’s wrong?!”
“Just cramps,” she breathes, eyes shut tight.
“Okay, here. Sooner you get changed, sooner you can get back into bed.” Link takes the t-shirt back from her, encouraging her to drop the towel and lift her arms. And when she does so, Link guides the shirt over her body. He then crouches down, tapping Amelia on each foot in a way that signifies for her to step into her shorts. Link slowly rises as he pulls them up her legs, and the second the forgiving waistband is resting at her hips, Amelia collapses back down into the bed.
Link sighs. Not wanting to disturb her. “I’m….going to go get the breast pump.”
Amelia groans.
“Sorry,” Link whispers apologetically as he leaves the room.
Amelia yawns desperately as she finishes pumping. She lays back against the headboard again, her head rolling to the side to look at Link, smiling lazily.
“This must be so attractive to you, sorry,” she mumbles sarcastically. “But I think I’m done,” she adds as she sits up.
Link frowns as Amelia settles herself from the task.
“Amelia….” He watches as she starts putting everything away. “Don’t say that.”
She just laughs dismissively in response.
“You’re literally providing nutrients to our kid, I mean….” He trails off, shaking his head in disbelief, trying to gather his next words. “I’ve never found you more attractive.”
Amelia rolls her eyes. Suddenly sick of the overly sentimental direction this conversation was heading.
“I was joking,” she replies shortly, her tone impatient once again. “Let’s just go to bed.”
“Alright,” Link agrees as Amelia quickly gets under the covers. He glances across, to the freshly pumped breast milk on her bedside table. He gets up and crosses the room. “I’m going to go put this in the fridge, I’ll be back.”
Her lack of response still doesn’t quite phase him.
When Link returns, a few minutes later, Amelia is seemingly sound asleep. He settles under the covers on his side of the bed and lays flat on his back.
He turns his head toward Amelia, who sleeps on her side, with her back to him. She makes no indication that she’s aware of his presence. Link sighs, turning over to face the opposite way. He shuts his eyes tightly, desperate to get some sleep before the inevitable. Before Scout wakes up and wreaks havoc on their sleep schedules.
Link begins to drift off quickly, only barely interrupted when he feels Amelia shift around in the bed. He successfully ignores the movement, falling easily back into the verge of slumber.
Until 10 minutes later. When he feels movement again.
Amelia shifts around in the bed, and Link can hear her sigh heavily. Her breath sounds closer to him than before. But again, he tries not to let it pull him from sleep. He grasps onto his exhaustion, willing himself to fall asleep.
But then 5 minutes later, he’s shaken from sleep again. Because he can feel the dip in the mattress as Amelia adjusts herself once more. Now impossibly close to him. Her breath against the back of his neck is the biggest indication of the lack of space between them.
Before he can even think about resisting, or think about grappling back towards sleep, he feels cold feet rest against his bare shins under the covers.
He gasps fully awake at the abrupt sensation. And turns over in bed.
“Amelia….” he groans sleepily, blinking as his eyes adjust. He can just make out her face in the dimly lit room. He’s immediately shocked by just how close she is to him.
Her eyes stare back at him widely.
“If you want to cuddle,” he smirks knowingly, “all you have to do is say so.”
“I don’t,” she deflects, brushing off the accusation.
Link’s smirk grows. Like he’s won some battle. And resent reflects all over Amelia’s face.
“Okay, then,” he announces matter-of-factly, beginning to turn away from her again.
But then her face falls. And Link pauses, scanning her eyes. And then he decides.
“Okay,” he mutters again. “Well I’m going to cuddle you anyway. Because it’s what I want.” He reaches for her, wrapping his arms around her until she adjusts so that her back aligns with his front.
Amelia sighs at the contact, relaxing into his embrace completely. Link’s hands move to rest over her lower abdomen and instead of retreating, the comfort actually brings tears to Amelia’s eyes. Link presses gently, applying soothing pressure, and Amelia gasps gratefully.
“Does that feel okay?” He murmurs.
Amelia quickly nods, letting out a quiet “Mhm,” instead of revealing the emotion that would likely be evident in her voice if she went the more verbal route.
But then she sighs again. Because even she can hear the level of desperation in her ‘Mhm.’
“It’s just the hormones,” she defends herself out loud, a revealing tightness to her voice.
“Sure, Amelia.” He chuckles, reaching forward to place a quick kiss to the top of her head. He relaxes back into their now shared position, finally drifting off to sleep.
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tradgicworks · 4 years ago
Heartfelt:P-1 A World of Sorrow
When a student of a private school disappears during stormy night, three strangers come together to look for her and end up discovering the dark secrets of the world around them. WORD COUNT - 3134
The light of the setting sun peered into the old diner. Black clouds dotted the sky. Sophie took a long sip from her milkshake and stared wistfully at the horizon. Her golden bangle bracelet slid down her arm as she did.
“What’s wrong?” Gwyneth asked as she noticed her gaze.
Gwyneth brushed her bangs aside. Her dark brown colored eyes were filled with concern. She had voluminous long black hair that covered her shoulders like a fluffy mane. She wore a uniform which consisted of a long skirt, a simple tucked in blouse, and a blazer- all in different shades of purple.
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just thinking about some stuff,” Sophie said with a meek smile.
"What kinda stuff?" Gwyneth asked.
"Midterms, winter vacation, piano practice. The usual," Sophie replied.
“Wow, not even trying to hide the fact that you weren’t paying attention to my story, huh?" Gwyneth gave an exaggerated sigh.
"I'm sorry," Sophie awkwardly smiled.
 “It's okay, I forgive you. Anyways, remember that girl that went missing a couple months ago, she was a freshman, um, vice president of the chess club or something. Well some of the older students have been talking about how this isn’t the first time that it has happened,” Gwyneth ate one of her few remaining fries. “Near the end of last year’s spring semester a different freshman suddenly moved away. This normally wouldn't have been seen as strange except for the fact that it was right in the middle of finals. Supposedly, one of her friends decided to call her parents to ask about what happened only to be told that the phone number had been out of service for weeks.”
“Spooky,” Sophie commented simply.
“Mhm. So, the older girls started talking and it turned out that a lot of students went missing over the years. They say that it's been about fifteen students in total that have suddenly disappeared. For every single one of them there was a convenient excuse for why, but all of it just seems too coincidental,” Gwyneth leaned in for dramatic effect. “Me thinks there’s a conspiracy afoot.”
“Really? I suppose it is strange, but it could just be that the seniors get overactive imaginations with how much free time they have during finals,” Sophie sighed.
“Aw come on, humor me at least," Gwyneth leaned back. “Don’t you think it’s weird that the academy has a dedicated security team that answers directly to Capital City’s police department? We even have a creepy name for them- Wardens- that’s not normal!”
“Well, given the kind of students that attend it’s not that strange,” Sophie said.
“You really are playing devil's advocate today, huh?” Gwyneth gave a friendly smile.
“Sorry,” Sophie lowered her gaze.
Gwyneth’s smile turned to a face of concern. 
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay-'' Gwyneth started before she was interrupted by the chimes of their phones.
“Curfew,” Sophie swiped at her smartphone. “It’s time to head back.”
“Right...” Gwyneth gazed at her for a few seconds as she packed up her things and got ready to leave before following suit.
The two left a tip for the waiter and headed out into the cold air of the coming winter. The sleepy sky matched the energy of the few students that remained outside, all of them in a quiet hurry to get back to the main campus of Dorothy Elaine Atham's Private Academy for Young Women, or “the academy” as the students plainly referred to it. It was originally constructed in the early 1940s, yet it managed to remain one of the most prestigious high schools in Capital City. This was mostly due to the academy having the support of the Capital City Police Department. They would employ off-duty officers to act as the academy’s security team, or ‘Wardens’ as they were officially referred to. As a result the academy set itself apart as one of the safest private high schools in the entirety of the United States. Strict curfews, no relationships, mandatory dorms, quarterly inspections by the Wardens, uniforms and an arduous curriculum were some of the measures taken to keep the students safe. Wealthy families from all over the country enrolled their children with peace of mind that they would be safe, allowing the school to afford top of the line facilities, staff, and to further its reputation even more. It was said that the academy was so stern with its policies that even the lightest violation could lead to expulsion. Of course that was just a rumor.
Sophie and Gwyneth eventually found themselves back at the main entrance of the academy. Tall walls made of brick and black fencing led to two large half open gates. A flower bed filled with wilting violet roses that matched the student’s outfits sat underneath them. A tall Warden stood at the side of the entrance. Her bright green eyes filled with overwhelming sternness locked with Sophie’s. Sophie averted her gaze and made her way in alongside Gwyneth.
“W-Well, see you tomorrow,” Sophie said to Gwyneth as she took out a pair of wireless earbuds.
“Wait,” Gwyneth gently grabbed her arm before she left. “How about we walk back to your dorm together? I got some more spooky stories I want to tell you about.”
“You won’t make it back to your dorm in time if we do that, you’re on the other side of campus.” Sophie replied.
“I could just stay at your place, y’know like a sleepover,” Gwyneth doubled down as she let go of her arm.
“We both know you can’t do that,” Sophie let out a long breath and held Gwyneth’s shoulders. “I’m fine, really. I know you’re worried about me but I just haven't been getting a lot of sleep. That’s all.”
“Are you sure?” Gwyneth asked.
“I’m sure,” Sophie looked her in the eyes. “I promise that I’m okay.
“Breakfast?” Gwyneth asked dejectedly.
“Of course, breakfast sounds great,” Sophie gave a convincing enough smile. “Now let’s hurry, before the dorm doors lock.” She said as she let go of her.
“Yeah, goodnight,” Gwyneth smiled slightly.
“Goodnight,” Sophie replied before putting in her earbuds and selecting a classical music playlist.
The sun was halfway nestled into the horizon by the time they split. Night was rapidly approaching. The pitch black clouds moved as a mound, thunder rumbled in the distance. The academy resembled a small college more than a high school. Four buildings took up the majority of the campus, each housing their respective grade. A well decorated plaza rested in the middle of the four buildings, where the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors could interact with each other during lunch or after classes. The dorms sat a few hundred feet from their respective buildings. Wilting but mostly green grass took the majority of the empty space in the campus. Trees and flower beds stood beside the lamp posts that lit up the sprawling walkways. The campus barely had enough room for everything that was built on it, but it was efficient nonetheless.
Sophie’s brows furrowed as the freshmen dorm came into view. It was tucked away in the farthest corner of the campus. While the other dorms enjoyed a nice view of the academy, the freshmen dorms were greeted with the old auditorium. It was by far the oldest building on campus and in a desperate need for renovation. Unfortunately, the construction was inexplicably postponed until the end of the semester- leaving the freshmen with the sight of an ugly, half finished, and decaying building.
Sophie glanced at the front doors. A girl leaned against the doors as she chewed gum. Sophie overlapped the ends of her blazer together and averted her eyes. The girl stopped chewing as Sophie walked to the entrance. Sophie quickly took out her ID card and pressed it against the door’s scanner. The girl swatted her ID to the ground as it finished scanning.
“Whoops,” The girl, Eva, leered in a pretentious tone as she put her arm around her shoulder. “Didn’t see you there princess.”
Eva blew a bubble with her gum and popped it with a sharp snap. Her dyed ash blonde hair was tied into a messy bun. Her hazel colored eyes were flecked with dull orange blemishes. She wore a thick black hoodie and a short skirt which barely fell within the academy’s dress code. A faint but irritatingly smug smirk stretched across her face.
“What do you want, Eva?” Sophie said meekly.
“Nothing much, nothing much at all. I just wanted to talk to my dear friend for uh,” Eva glanced at her wrist watch. “Five minutes.”
“We’re not friends,” Sophie kept her gaze glued to the floor.
“It hurts me to hear you say that,” Eva squeezed her shoulder until she winced from the pain. “Listen, I need a little favor. As you know, winter break is in a week and I’m running low on funds, so I was wondering if you can help me. It’ll run you about five thousand dollars, but of course that’s nothing compared to all the allowance money your mommy and daddy are giving you, right?”
“No,” Sophie muttered.
“Excuse me?,” Eva tilted her head until she met her gaze. “You need to speak up, I can’t hear you through your teeth.”
“I’m not giving you anything,” Sophie pushed her off of herself. “Leave me alone or I’ll report you to the Wardens!”
“Oh, really now?” Eva chuckled dryly. “I think you and I both know you can’t follow up on such a threat, not without putting that friend of yours in a whole lot of trouble…Well you do have a point, I can’t take what’s not in my hands after all…” She glanced at her watch and gave a sadistic smirk.
“But neither can you,” Eva said before sweeping Sophie’s legs and causing her to trip backwards.
Sophie yelped in pain as she just managed to catch herself. By the time she got up Eva was already inside of the dorm with her ID in hand. She rushed to the doors only to find that they were already locked. The sound of a grandfather clock chimed through the PA system signaling the start of the curfew. 
“It’s a good thing you managed to scan the door before you dropped your ID, huh? That way it's on record that you got in here before curfew. Your perfect attendance is not in danger, though it was a real shame you lost your ID. Don’t worry though I’ll turn it in to the lost and found in the morning. Have a nice night, princess! I hear it's going to be a dark and stormy one,” Eva laughed while waving Sophie’s ID in the air. 
“Wait!” Sophie pleaded as she desperately tried to open the door, but no matter how much she pushed against them, the doors refused to budge.
She froze as she felt a cold drop of rain fall down her neck. She looked up at the rumbling dark sky. It began to pour. Sophie clung to what little shelter could find at the side of the building. She took out her phone and tried to call Gwyneth, only to find that her screen had shattered completely from when she tripped. She looked around for a Warden but found none. She yanked out her earbuds and angrily threw them into her bag in frustration. Pathetically faint music leaked out of them. She leaned against the wall and sunk until she was sitting with her knees to her chest.
Despite its claims to security, the reality is that the school can’t keep everyone safe. With the majority of students coming from wealthy backgrounds, treating one too harshly could lead to the parents withdrawing their donations. Without those funds, the school would cease to function- something the academy avoided at all costs. As such, there was an unwritten rule that the wealthier the family, the more lenient the punishment. Though many students did not take advantage of this reality, after all attending the academy was a privilege. All except for Eva. Nobody really knows why, but the school would turn a blind eye to her many misdeeds. Some speculated that it was due to her role as one of the academy’s star athletes, others thought that she was secretly related to the headmaster. Regardless of the rumors, the reality was that she was cruel, spiteful, and above all, manipulative. She made a habit of harassing students that had unfortunately drawn her attention. Whether it be through blackmail, harassment, or slander, she would abuse her victim until they were forced to do whatever she wanted. No matter how much students tried to retaliate she always seemed to have the upper hand and the academy would turn the other way. As a result she had gained an infamous reputation amongst the freshmen and sophomores as someone to be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately for Sophie, Eva seemed to be obsessed with making her time at the academy as miserable as possible. Eva’s persistence was so overwhelming that Sophie ended up being isolated from the rest of her class out of fear of Eva alone. The only person brave enough to still talk to her was her closest friend Gwyneth. She did her best to make sure that Sophie was rarely alone and felt safe. However, even that backfired. Eva had somehow managed to take a photo of Gwyneth that would lead to her expulsion if revealed to the public. Ever since then, Eva has hung that threat over Sophie’s head and she couldn’t let anything happen to her best friend. As such, Sophie felt so alone. She felt as if she was left to fend for herself against the clutches of a monster.
Sophie pressed her face against her knees, frustration weighing at her heart, and began to cry. Harsh winds began to pick up and slam waves of rain against her. Sophie took a shaky deep breath and slowly rose to her feet. She looked at her surroundings to try to find better shelter. Her gaze eventually lingered on the auditorium. She choked down a cough before grabbing her bag and heading towards the unfinished building.
. . .
The outside of the auditorium was a mix of moldy wood and peeling paint. Its towering size gave it the imposing essence of a Victorian mansion. Overgrown vines and unkept leaves dressed the entirety it’s walls. Sophie steeled herself as she approached the entrance. She stopped under a small awning that hung over the front doors where no rain seemed to fall. Lightning followed by thunder struck as she gripped her rain soaked skirt and wrung out the excess water. She shivered from the cold as she dried herself the best she could. When she finished, she leaned against the door. 
“The dorms open up at 6 am, I’ll be able to get my ID back then,” She thought to herself as she stared at the hole riddled awning. “Maybe father will buy me a new phone, it was pretty old anyways.”
She grabbed her wrist and felt for her bracelet, her only reminder of warmth. A wave of sadness surged through her.
“Mom, Dad, I want to go back home,” She whispered to herself.
Chills spread out through her entire body as the door she braced herself against suddenly flung open with a sharp clang. She regained her balance and turned around. The door’s handle laid on the floor completely broken. The darkness of the auditorium greeted her with a gust of musty, but warm, air. She took a step back only to have the freezing rain fall on the back of her neck. Sophie looked at the entrance with an uneasy face. After a few moments she hesitantly walked in.
The building was much larger than it appeared. A few work-lights left turned on lit the auditorium with sheets of inconsistent light. Door frames to rooms that were used for the construction’s storage lined the walkways. The long hallways on either side of Sophie curved out of view. In front of her sat two large doors. She pushed the heavy doors open and stepped inside. She found herself in the academy’s theater. Rows of weathered red fabric seats stepped down into the center stage. The stage’s walnut flooring was scuffed from years of use and subsequent neglect. Two large maroon curtains blocked the view to the backstage.  A small podium sat at the front of it, its paint flaking off to the bare wood. She climbed onto the stage, its visage faintly lit by the work-lights that peered through the half opened doors.
Sophie stared at the seats in a silent awe. She imagined what the theater would look like if it were full of people and wondered why the academy refused to finish renovations. As she pondered, her gaze lowered to the podium. Her eyes narrowed. Faint scratches lined the bottom of it. She wiped a layer of dust off with her hand and revealed a string of faintly recognizable letters.
“Save me?” Sophie slowly read out loud.
“Heard.” A breathy and raspy voice that stretched out every syllable echoed through the theater. “You.”
The doors slammed shut, snuffing out the work-lights and leaving her in complete darkness.
“W-Who’s there?” Sophie stammered.
A bittersweet melody of hums snaked through the dark and into Sophie’s ears in reply.
“Show y-yourself,” Fear gripped at her heart, she clutched her school bag ready to swing it whatever was lurking in the darkness.
“Heard,” The voice repeated, this time more strained. “You.”
“T-This isn’t f-funny, please stop!” She said with a slight whimper.
“Save. You. You. Want. Me. To. Save...” The voice called from behind her causing her to jump in fear.
She swung her schoolbag wildly but it collided against nothing.
“Go. Somewhere. Safe. You. Want. To. Go. Somewhere. Safe. Somewhere. Home...” The voice grew louder.
“Stay away…” She said silently.
Her breaths grew frantic. An overwhelming dread welled in her gut. Panic coursed through her entire body.
“I. Can. Help.” The voice whispered.
A raspy strand of flesh wrapped around her feet before she could react. Her horrified scream was cut short as another strand that gagged her mouth shut. More and more threads wrapped around her body until she was stuck in an airtight cage. She shrieked in muffled terror as she was yanked behind the curtains. Lightning flashed illuminating the theater in a pang of white before decaying back into darkness. Silence followed. The night continued as normal as a stormy night could. Though a few freshmen swore that they heard strange noises coming from the old auditorium that night. Screams of struggles, pleads for help, and a blood curdling shriek to name a few. Of course nobody took it too seriously. It was just a rumor after all.
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robron1609 · 4 years ago
Robron Week 2021 - Day 1
Meet-Ugly + "That's not an explanation."
New Beginnings
(ao3 link)
Aaron’s eyelids fluttered like a candle in the wind, the hustle and bustle of the city pecking away at his head with a sledgehammer. The bitter taste of ale, the fruity taste of wine and all the combined spices of every spirit known to man were stagnant on his tongue as he peeled his damp limbs off the leather sofa beneath him.
He let out a dry cough and it felt like someone had shot him in the brain during his sleep. But other than that, he was as right as rain.
It took him longer than he would care to admit to remember that he did, in fact, not own a single item of furniture that had even an inch of leather on it, and he lived in the in the middle of bloody nowhere where the only thing (apart from his mother) that made him shake a leg in the morning was the bellows of Moira’s cows when their troughs were being topped up.
So, there’s that.
His brain caught up and he bolted upright, his whole face moulding into a sculpture of what, where, when, how and why. He took in his brand-spanking-new surroundings; a lavish penthouse overlooking London’s skyline, decked out from head to toe in a fusion of ultra modern and industrial pieces. Not really his style, to put it nicely. It looked like something straight off the front page of one of those overpriced interior design magazines on the top shelf of David’s shop that no one ever bought.
Aaron could only hope that whoever lived here was some bloke he’d pulled in the haze of last night, if it wasn’t then… what the actual fuck was he doing here?
When the room had stopped spinning on all its axis and Aaron was eighty-nine percent sure that he would be able to hold his vomit in if necessary, he braved the hallways in search of other life. He detoured to stand in front of a back-lit mirror that had beckoned him over, and he was introduced to his reflection. It gawked right back at him, dressed in nothing but a pair of neon yellow boxers and a Scottish flag that he was wearing as a cape. The flag was fastened loosely around his neck with a frayed shoelace and there was a big tear down the centre of it.
Jesus fucking shit. Absurd didn’t even begin to cover it.
Sweat dripped down his top lip when he heard a deep voice through the wall. He teetered around the corner until he was close enough to pick up most of the words.
“I won’t be in today.” There was a pause. “Does it fucking matter?” Nice manners, then. “Look, unless you want me hurling all over the new contact, I suggest you grow a pair and attend the meeting without me.”
Aaron gripped the glossed door frame, his clammy hands squeaking on the wood as he snuck a look at who the voice was coming from. The man was stunning. He was all sun-kissed skin, choppy blond hair, and a gorgeous mouth that dipped dramatically in the corner.
“Shit!” With a jolt, the blond dropped his phone and it landed on his face with a mocking smack.
“Why are you in my house?!”
“I’m Aaron.” No shit, Aaron.
“That’s not an explanation!”
Aaron cringed. All of a sudden he was big on apologies, apparently. Blondie was now sitting up, scratching the fluff on the nape of his neck as he shuffled out of bed and adjusted his duvet accordingly whenever it slipped below his waistline. He just glared at Aaron, waiting to hear something that made sense.
“I was kinda hoping you could tell me,” Aaron said, using all of his self-control to stop his eyes from drifting downwards. “My head’s mashed. I remember being on the train with Adam and Vic, and then-”
“Vic as in my sister Vic?”
Aaron just stood there, catching flies. “I- I dunno, I think so. Sugden?”
Ohhhh, Robert Sugden. Aaron finally put a name to the face and felt like giving himself a pat on the back.
“Here you go. Extra strong.”
Aaron warmly accepted the cup of coffee, the steam flying off it and dissolving in his pores. He used the piping hot liquid to swamp down some paracetamol before tightening the strap on the dressing gown that Robert had lent him a little earlier with a side-eye and a grumbled, “Make sure you give it back.”
With the current cycle rumbling the machine into the ground, Aaron glanced at the digital timer displayed on the appliance. Just forty-eight minutes until he could grab his screwed up clothes, slap them on, and leg it to the underground with his tail between his legs. The longest forty-eight minutes of his life, no doubt.
Hoping to make a crack in the ice, Robert led Aaron to the scene of last night’s crime. Through the sliding doors, across the patio and up the spiral stairs, secluded in the corner and illuminated by the steady flicker of the firepit. Robert was surprised that it hadn’t burnt out in the early morning under the April showers.
The rooftop terrace was what sold this place for Robert. It was his haven, complete with everything that made his superficial heart weep. This morning, however, it looked how he felt.
He absorbed the aftershocks of his party (shards of glass littering the outdoor table, remains of finger foods welded to the deck, and a pair of nude stilettos abandoned on the bar) and sagged. Turning thirty was dismal enough without having to clean up after his colleagues. Or, as he liked to call them, a bunch of wound up, hoity-toity pen pushers who didn’t even know his middle name—just a sniff of free booze and they were squeezing into a Ralph Laurent polo that still had the label on, and patting him on back with a bout of boisterous laughter as if they were best mates.
Wow, he was in dire need of some proper friends.
Aaron propped himself up on the bar. “Bet you don’t get tired of this,” he said, looking out at the sparkling city.
“It’s a great hangover cure,” Robert said, nursing his Americano and watching the ripples dance over the surface as he lightly blew it. “It can be lonely, though,” he admitted, unsure as to why. This handsome and hungover stranger was just waiting for his ticket out of here, he didn’t want or need to become Robert’s agony uncle to fill the time, that was for sure.
“Why’s that?”
Oh. Perhaps Aaron, for one reason or another, cared. Or he’s got nowhere else he needs to be and Robert’s left him with no choice but to sit and listen because it's the polite thing to do. Aaron looked at Robert all doe-eyed and Robert wanted to stay here until he’d told Aaron every single intricate detail of his life up until this point. But that seemed a little crass.
“Don’t know, really. I just… don’t like to be alone with my thoughts, I suppose. And being up here, well, it’s a whole lot of that.”
“I know what you mean,” Aaron said. “How long have you lived here?”
"Nearly two years on the whole." Robert calculated, Aaron giving him an amicable nod in response. Robert licked the coffee froth off his lips, clearing his throat. "I've lived in London a while, though. Since I left the village, pretty much."
"And you never thought about going back?"
"I couldn't." That would mean looking back. And after the trail of destruction he'd left in his wake, that was never going to happen. They were better off without him. Or at least his Dad and Andy were. Vic and Dianne never stopped reaching out, however, offering their support through texts and unanswered voicemails.
Aaron changed the topic, sensing that Robert's internal trip down memory lane wasn't a smooth ride. "You heard anything from Vic and Adam?"
"They were both flat out in the spare room last time I checked," Robert answered. He'd been less than pleased to find them entwined together on top of the duvet, dead to the world as Adam slobbered away on the satin pillowcase like an excited dog, and Vic let out a mishmash of unconscious sounds from sniffles to whistles, her makeup crusty and her outfit dishevelled by a night's sleep in it.
"Vic had a whole itinerary planned. Some museum, Leicester Square, and then this ridiculous hipster coffee shop near the station," Aaron said with a dreary eye roll. "Even though our train leaves just after two."
"She's just excited. She doesn't come here often."
"'Suppose not."
"Anyway, I recommended that coffee shop so you better not miss it," Robert said. Aaron snorted because of course he did. "Come on."
Robert rose, perking up a bit as he stretched his arms until they clicked with satisfaction. Aaron followed in his footsteps, literally, but they stopped in their tracks, coming face to face with a rumbled Victoria.
She looked dead and alive all at the same time as she swung her phone about. "There they are, the newly engaged couple."
Robert choked on air and Aaron gave him a splash of side-eye before snatching Vic’s phone. "What are you on about?" And Aaron had to check that the digital date displayed in the top left corner of the screen wasn't April the 1st. Nope, it was indeed the 23rd. And under that was a Facebook post on his profile; a blurry, backlit photo of him and Robert flashing the camera with two rings that didn’t even match, accompanied by a slurred caption.
yayy ENGAAAAAGED! whoop whoop!! hears to many many many many many year <3
Aaron groaned, throwing his head back in sheer embarrassment when Vic grabbed a hold of his and Robert’s left hands. Sure enough, the rings were still there. “Oh my God,” she cackled, her voice like a siren in the middle of the night. “This is brilliant. A few more of those cocktails and you’d be halfway to vegas, ey?”
Robert massaged his temples, kneading roughly at his dry skin. “Whatever’s in them is lethal,” he grumbled, peering over Aaron’s shoulder as he watched him scroll through the comments and squeeze his eyes shut in disbelief at each one.
“It’s your bar, mate. You should know what it’s serving,” Aaron said. He had a point. “Let’s just pray we left it at cheap rings.”
(Aaron couldn’t even begin to fathom at what point during the party he and Robert had fled the penthouse and ended up at a jewellers of all places. Who’d thought a proposal was the perfect end to a not-so-perfect night? Who’d taken that photo? And who in their right mind was selling giant fabric flags in the early hours of the morning? It would be a miracle if he becomes sober enough to answer at least one of those questions.)
Robert pouted. “That’s a shame. I’ll cancel the tickets to Vegas, then,” he teased.
“I dunno, I could do with a holiday just to get over the shame.” Robert grinned at the younger man’s flirty tone.
“Cheers,” Robert scoffed. Aaron handed the phone back to Vic who watched the pair with a knowing glint in her eye, her head bouncing back and forth between them.
“Only joking,” Aaron said. “Could be worse.”
Vic pocketed her mobile with a yawn and tightened her ponytail. “Right, I’m gonna drag my lump of a boyfriend out of bed and start gathering our stuff. I’ll leave you two to plan the wedding of the century, shall I?”
Vic left the rooftop, her flats scuffing all the way down the metal staircase. Robert gulped down the remains of his coffee and turned to Aaron with a smirk.
“So, fiancé,”–Aaron shot Robert a fiery glare which, if Robert didn’t know any better, would leave a bruise on his ego–“I know a great place where we can get some brunch. Why don’t we ditch Vic and Adam and I’ll drop you off at King’s Cross after.”
Aaron pulled a face. “ Brunch? I’m not paying £8.99 for a plain scone.”
“My treat.” Robert offered, hoping that would seal the deal.
“Like a date?”
“If you want it to be.” Aaron paused for a beat, not that there was ever much to contemplate.
“Fine.” Robert didn’t miss the bashful smile taking over Aaron’s face. Robert bit the inside of his cheek when Aaron began to descend the stairs. He crammed his hands in his pockets, his heart going into overdrive as he kicked his feet into gear.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years ago
Essential Avengers: Hawkeye #1-4
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September, 1983
Listen to the Mockingbird
Now for something completely different.
-OR- Further justifying why the posts are titled Essential Avengers when I’m just going to put a colon and then an Avengers to get Essential Avengers: Avengers. Its because sometimes its not Avengers!
Sometimes its Hawkeye.
Since I’m doing four issues in one post, I’m not going to go as in-depth as I usually do.
So, last times on Avengers as related to Hawkeye: Hawkeye was cut from the Avengers due to a limited roster. He eventually got a job as the security chief at Cross Technological Enterprises with the same lack of restraint that got him a job with the Avengers. He’s been doing that for a while, since pre-200. Recently the Avengers needed beef up their roster and Cap and Iron Man convinced him to rejoin, which Hawkeye has done while also keeping his security chief job.
During an Avengers mission TO RESCUE THE PRESIDENT, he broke his leg and was put on medical leave from the team. He got one of the CTE people to build him a rocket-sled that he could putt around in. Judging by the lack of cast, his leg is better but he’s still using the cool rocket-sled.
And that’s where we are. Hawkeye has a cool rocket-sled and is actually holding down an actual job at Cross Technological Enterprises. He’s seems to still be on leave from the team despite his leg being better.
The miniseries starts with Hawkeye congratulating himself on getting a cool rocket-sled, even though it cost all of his money.
Hawkeye: “‘Bad guys beware -- Hawkeye’s in the air!’ Hmmm, not the worst slogan an aerial archer could have... but close.”
At least he’s self-aware. Some days that’s all you can ask of Hawkeye!
He spots three suspicious characters suspiciously sneaking and swoops down on the rocket-sled, taking them out with ease with his totally sweet trick arrows.
Hey, note to comic makers of our modern day. Trick arrows are sweet. I don’t need to see people getting shot in the eyes with arrows when I can see like a net arrow or whatever.
The three suspicious characters are actually CTE employees that Hawkeye asked to come in on their off time to help him get a hang of archering from the rocket-sled. Including the scientist, Jorge, who built it for him!
Wow, Hawkeye!
Jorge at least was happy to do build the thing because he feels like his talents are wasted at CTE and Hawkeye encourages him to go into business for himself.
Which is probably the kind of thing that’s going to get Hawkeye a reprimand but hey, good looking out, Hawkguy.
One of the other CTE employees asks why Hawkeye uses a bow and arrow instead of... a gun. Why not just shoot people with a gun.
Hawkeye: “The bow is quieter, more versatile, and in my hands the deadliest weapon in the state. Or hadn’t you noticed, Howie?”
He doesn’t mention that its also more believably non-lethal than if he were going around with a gun. Because Hawkeye says its the deadliest weapon in the state but he’s also a huge proponent of “superheroes don’t kill!”
But point being, you can buy a comic book guy pinning people to walls with arrows or using trick arrows or shooting weapons out of their hands without killing anyone way more than you could if Hawkeye was just using a magnum.
Also, this:
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I believe he is literally flexing on that dude.
CTE’s new public relations lady Sheila Danning shows up for a date with Hawkeye because I guess there’s no rule about dating co-workers. Or at least if they’re not in the same department?
Having a woman showing positive attention to Hawkeye is his cue to have a little internal monologue that’s a little bit sad.
Hawkeye: Man, this is the life! A ridiculously high-paying job, a fast machine between my legs, and a foxy lady who’s nuts about me. What more could a guy want? Until Sheila came along, I thought I was put on this world for women to dump on. Women... like the Black Widow and Scarlet Witch. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t get them to care for me like I did for them. Sheila’s different. Even though we’ve been seeing each other for only a month, what we have is special, real, like nothing I’ve ever known.
I don’t want to ruin his good times but I will remind the audience that he once rage-quit the Avengers because Scarlet Witch didn’t want to kiss him.
Anyway, Hawkeye is pretty enamored. He’s even thinking maybe it’s time he settles down.
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He takes her back to his place and they start dancing to some Mantovani as he recaps his entire backstory to her.
In fairness. In faiiiirness. She asked.
But you should know the drill. Clint and Barney ran away from the orphanage to join the circus. Swordsman saw potential in Clint and trained him in archery and Clint began seeing Swordsman as a father figure so threw himself into training in hopes that Swordsman would be proud of him.
Which is funny in an odd way because there’s some same-face going on and Swordsman looks just like Tony Stark!
I wonder if Clint ever slipped up and called Tony dad and had to cover it up by continuing into a daddio.
Anyway, he caught Swordsman with stolen money and Swordmaster left him in a broken heap and skipped town when Clint wouldn’t promise to keep quiet.
Later, he saw the adulation that Iron Man got when he flew over the circus and thought wait I can do that. Got a costume and tried to become a hero. Oops, tripped into being a supervillain and enemy of Iron Man. Annd then joined the Avengers.
Hawkeye: “I’ve done many a stint with my Avenging buddies, but I think I’m finally ready to wing it solo for good. Much as I like ‘em, they cramp my style a bit too much.”
Sheila: “Fascinating story, Clint. Looks like I’ve got a real self-made man. How about if I try to unmake you a little?”
And then they’re about to do sexy times when Clint’s emergency beeper goes off. Because somehow the emergency always knows when you’re horny or mid-ablution.
Hawkeye has to suit back up and head out back to work
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But anyway, he catches a lady in a very sleevesy costume prowling around and during some back and forth and further back and forth pinned you no pinned you action, she introduces herself as Mockingbird, an ex-shield agent and freelance crimebuster (I think that means superhero?).
Some underworld contacts of hers led her to investigate Cross Technological Enterprises under suspicion that CTE is manufacturing mass mind control technology right under a certain Avenger slash archer’s nose. I.e., Hawkeye.
She wants him to lead her to warehouse 10 but their conversation is interrupted by a security night shift who rush in and surround Mockingbird despite Hawkeye ordering prior to the action scene to let him handle it.
They cuff Mockingbird and take her away but oddly claim that they thought Hawkeye sent the signal for them to charge in.
Hawkeye is perplexed and vexed wondering if there’s anything to Mockingbird’s story. He doesn’t know the full extent of what CTE manufactures and there was some shady business in Marvel Fanfare #3 where a vice-president was using CTE facilities to manufacture a bomb.
Mockingbird’s story bugs him so much that he returns home to Sheila and tells her that there’s something he has to take care of and sends her home in a cab.
He returns to Cross on his sweet rocket-sled and investigates warehouse 10, finding it empty but with a lot of fresh tracks in the dust, like something was moved in only the past hour or so.
Also, a bunch of security staff show up and point guns at him.
That’s also a red flag.
When reminding them he’s their boss doesn’t settle them down, he rolls to the floor to shoot out the lights like a cool action guy and then starts taking them out in the dark just by shooting whenever he hears one of the idiots make a sound.
But one of the guards has Sheila hostage even though she was supposed to have gone home so Hawkeye has to surrender.
The guards toss him into a pit with Mockingbird. Just an oubliette that CTE has on premise, as ya do.
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Hawkeye demands to speak with Sheila so he knows she’s alright and whoops she’s in on it.
Sheila Danning, heartbreaker: “Barton -- you stupid fool! Why did you have to be so conscientious? It was my job to keep you distracted so you’d have no time to notice the operation Cross had been contracted for -- a very costly, deadly operation.”
Hawkeye, heartbroken: “What are you talking about, Sheila? Are you saying they paid you to -- to --”
Sheila: “Yes, they paid me. I was pretty convincing, wasn’t I? You never had the slightest idea that I could sooner love a dog than a cornball Romeo with delusions of adequacy like you.”
Hawkeye: “You can’t mean that! They must’ve brainwashed you, poisoned your mind against me! Or -- or maybe you’re not Sheila at all, an imposter, or a robot -- !”
Sheila: “Don’t kid yourself, Barton. I’m the one and only. The woman who could barely keep from snickering when you told her your carnival story this evening.”
I like to mock Hawkeye because he deserves some light ribbing but ouch, she slipped a knife right between those ribbings.
That poor dolt was thinking about proposing and she was paid to distract him by feigning interest. Oof ouch.
Anyway, since CTE has suddenly become Bond-esque, they start dumping liquid industrial waste into the pit to drown and/or melt Hawkeye and Mockingbird.
The stuff is like acid but Hawkeye is kind of wallowing in being dumped and doesn’t care.
Hawkeye: “I ain’t moving. All my life I’ve been dumped on. I’m beginning to enjoy it.”
Mockingbird tells him that if he lets himself be melted by industrial waste because he feels sorry for himself, his ex wins. But that doesn’t move him so she has to mock him into action. This is what she was named for!
Mockingbird: “So this is what they taught you in the Avengers? What a bunch of jerks! They should see you now. I’ll bet you let them down in a pinch, too. Whenever your feelings get hurt.”
Hawkeye: “SHUT UP! I’m gonna get us out of here, lady. Then I’m going to kill Sheila for what she did to me. Then you’ll get yours, too.”
Mockingbird: “Sure, sure. Get us out first.”
Hah, I like Mockingbird.
And I like Hawkeye too. He makes good use of what he has to escape this Bond-esque trap. He doesn’t have his bow or his arrows but he keeps a fifty foot length of cord in his boot and spare arrowheads in his tunic. He calls his rocket-sled with the remote control, ties the cord to a spare rocket arrow-tip and rockets himself and Mockingbird out of the pit and up to his rocket-sled.
Then Hawkeye says he has to go attend some private business and Mockingbird is like cool, I’ll wait for you and hops onto a roof.
Hawkeye rams the rocket-sled through the window of Sheila Danning’s office and jump kicks the guards she has with her and confronts her.
Hawkeye: “You hurt me, Sheila... More than anything ever hurt in my life.”
Sheila: “Stay back, Hawkeye! I - I --”
Hawkeye: “I could kill you for what you did to me. But I won’t. I... can’t. I just don’t care anymore... about you or about whatever scheme Cross is up to! Give me my bow and quiver back and I’ll go.”
Tangentially, like an anime, his shirt is a lot flimsier than his pants and melted off in the acid while his pants are tattered but intact. If only they made shirts out of pants...
And if only they made any outfit out of lady outfit. Mockingbird’s outfit has a few holes and tatters but her whole top didn’t dissolve like Hawkeye’s did!
Sheila does give Hawkeye his archery stuff but warns him that he Knows Too Much and Cross will come after him.
Kind of a weird flex to pull on AN AVENGER WHO KNOWS THOR but you do you, Cross Technological Enterprises.
Hawkeye just takes off on his sweet rocket-sled without responding, zooming past where he left Mockingbird who has to jump onto the moving rocket-sled because he does not slow down for her.
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Mockingbird: “Got your business taken care of, sport?”
Hawkeye, crying a little: “Shut up, just shut up. If you hadn’t shown up, none of this could have happened.”
That’s the hurt speaking buddy. Ignorance wouldn’t have been bliss here because as soon as Cross didn’t need to distract you any longer, Sheila probably would have found some excuse to dump you.
Also, their scheme was asinine! They don’t have other facilities? Just build the mind control doohickey somewhere else instead of paying someone to distract Hawkeye with horny!
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October, 1983
So after having his heart broken and wallowing in some acid sludge in the last issue, Hawkeye is in a bad place. Emotionally. And also geographically.
He’s standing on some abandoned railroad tracks under the West Side Highway and shooting arrows at a bullseye he crudely drew on a cement block.
And Good Archer Hawkeye has not hit a single bullseye because of all the emotional turmoil. Also, since he’s shooting at concrete, he’s breaking all of his arrows.
He’s also wearing his no-shirt acid-tattered costume.
And he’s been here for 42 hours without sleeping, eating, or managing to hit a bullseye.
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He’s in a bad place.
So he passes out and he’s eventually found by some random street toughs who recognize him as an Avenger (although they think his name is Nighthawk womp womp) and decide ‘hey lets kick his ass and do him a murder maybe.’
Hawkeye comes to, as one might when people are kicking them in the head, and manages to nail three bullseyes on the three toughs he didn’t kick unconscious.
Hawkeye: Three bullseyes. Two kayos. Five sleezos in dreamland. Thanks, creeps. You gave me a reason to go on living. I’m just not sure what it is!
But now Hawkeye is at a loss of what to actually do. He refuses to go to the Avengers for help because blah blah blah muh pride. He can’t go and “mooch” off of them. So he decides to go check out the apartment he had through Cross Technological Enterprises and see whether they’ve cleared him out or not.
They have.
Everything he had to his name except the clothes on his back and bow in his hand gone. Arrow-making tools and spare costumes gone too.
But he also finds Mockingbird waiting for him.
Mockingbird: “Hello, Hawk. Can I buy you some breakfast?”
Hawkeye: “MOCKINGBIRD! Lady, you’re not one of my favorite people, but I know a good offer when I hear one.”
A free breakfast is a free breakfast.
Mockingbird takes Hawkeye back to her apartment and apologizes for blowing up his life but also says that it would have happened eventually anyway even had she never come along.
Which, yeah, you can only pay a person to pretend to love someone they hate for so long before the mask slips.
She also offers to mend his costume. Not sure how she’s thinking. Its not torn. Its half gone.
Hawkeye says yeah sure but hey why don’t you narrate your ENTIRE BACKSTORY.
So Mockingbird introduces herself as Barbara Morse, Bobbi to her friends.
She was a biology whiz at Georgia Tech and went with her favorite professor when she signed on to a government project to recover the super-soldier serum that made Captain America so super.
SHIELD was one of the sponsors of the project so Bobbi got to know several SHIELD agents and realized ‘hey being a spy sounds AMAZING’ and signed up with SHIELD’s spy school.
She graduated top of her class and was sent on a mission to track down Ka-Zar who SHIELD wanted to hire.
Mockingbird: “I found the jungle man all right. Even got involved with him, if you know what I mean. But things never quite worked out between us.”
Oh my god, what a power move to brag about nailing discount-Tarzan while recapping your life story.
Later, she investigated SHIELD itself at the request of a Congressman under the identity as the Huntress. But not the crossbow one. But because of her actions, she gained the reputation as a traitor to SHIELD.
So she changed her name to Mockingbird and took the evidence of corrupt agents to Nick Fury. And got shot a couple times in the attempt.
She had to spend six months recovering and after turned down a SHIELD promotion to go solo.
Mockingbird: “Not that I had anything against S.H.I.E.L.D... I just got used to operating alone. It wasn’t long after I got back into circulation that I came across the lead that took me to Cross Tech and I bumped into you. So that’s my lifestory in a nutshell, Hawk.”
I don’t know why I thought Mockingbird debuted in this series because she has a lot of backstory here. She showed up in Astonishing Tales #6 unnamed, was introduced as Dr. Barbara Morse in Astonishing Tales #12, was introduced in her Huntress (but not that one) identity in Marvel Super Action #1, and even Mockingbird debuted in Marvel Team-Up #95! Geez, Bobbi!
Annnnnd then Mockingbird realizes that Hawkeye fell asleep on her while she was recapping her entire life!
Bobbi doesn’t hold it against him, realizing how exhausted he must have been.
She tucks him in and heads off to go pick up some supplies to fix his costume.
Later, someone picks the locks to the apartment door and silently comes up and puts a gun to the sleeping Hawkeye’s head.
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Perhaps it is instinct -- a survival sense honed in hundreds of life-and-death struggles... But somehow Clint Barton feels the cool gun metal at his temple, instantly recognizes it for what it is -- and reacts.
(We actually see a hint of this dingus at Hawkeye’s apartment when he meets Mockingbird there. Implying that he somehow followed them from there to Bobbi’s apartment. Somehow. Even though Hawkeye and Bobbi took Hawkeye’s sweet rocket-sled. Good tracking, this guy.)
Hawkeye manages to dive away from the guy’s gunfire and hide behind one of those tables that looks like a giant spool. He weirdly realizes that the assassin’s gun isn’t making any sound when he fires and the bullets aren’t making any noise when they hit.
He’s in a tough spot unable to reach his bow in time when Mockingbird comes back to save Hawkeye, flipping the assassin and telling Hawkeye to grab his gun.
The assassin jumps out the window rather than deal with the both of them (Bobbi speculates its because she’s not on his hit list).
Hawkeye tests the gun after and discovers that its not silenced which means that the silencer was all in the guy’s suit, muting all the sounds he makes.
He dubs the guy Silencer and he has a pretty neat gimmick but doesn’t seem to ever appear again after this issue.
Shame. Imagine this guy against Daredevil.
Anyway, Mockingbird also managed to make Hawkeye a new outfit while she was gone.
Mockingbird: “Here -- better put this on. Half-naked men with guns make it hard for me to concentrate.”
Hawkeye: “Sure.”
God. Hawkeye’s non-reaction to that blatant flirt makes me laugh. He may as well have Saitama meme’d.
So the new outfit.
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The blue is a lot darker now. The dangly part of the tunic is a lot less dangly now. And the outfit has some asymmetrical sleeves. Also, its not entirely clear on this shot but the gloves are weird. They don’t cover the sides of his fingers. I don’t know if that’s an archery thing or what and I don’t know if that’s going to be a detail that lasts once other artists start drawing this costume.
All in all, not a bad looking new outfit. Its better than that time he didn’t wear pants.
Later that night, Hawkeye figures that they need to return to Cross and figure out who hired them to build that mind-control thing. But, they’ll need help getting back into Cross.
(Hey, I just realized. Hawkeye was double Cross’d by his employer. Hah.)
They go to visit Jorge Latham, the guy who built a sweet rocket-sled for Hawkeye so probably the guy he trusts the most now.
Jorge: “What happened to you, man? We got a memo two days ago that you were fired for incompetency, and I haven’t seen you since!”
Aw man, insult to injury! They told everyone that Hawkeye was fired because he sucked too hard!
Hawkeye tells Jorge the story, in brief, about how Cross is up to something, gets information on where the special projects are done, and tells Jorge to maybe get his resume in order in case he accidentally shuts the whole company down in the course of blowing this thing wide open.
Jorge is a lot more chill about learning he might be unemployed soon than I think a lot of other people would be. Although he had already expressed he wasn’t really satisfied in his job.
Hawkeye: “The info he gave us is going to save us a lot of hassle. Sure is good to have a few folks you can trust.”
Mockingbird: “You still don’t quite trust me, do you, Hawkeye? Even after I saved your life.”
Hawkeye: “No offense, lady. But it’s going to take me a while before I can fully trust any woman again.”
Geez, really hope that doesn’t last. He already teetered into disrespect of women without becoming a full-on misogynist.
Drink your respect women juice, Hawkeye.
The two return to Cross Technological Enterprises and Hawkeye uses his electronic security neutralizer arrowhead to neutralize the security on a window so they can jimmy it open and get inside.
.... Why do you need an electronic security neutralizer arrow? The way he uses it is tracing the circuit in the window and I don’t think you could shoot an arrow in a way that did that. And if you did shoot an arrow at a security system in a window, I think you’d break the window and set off the alarm?
What a mystery.
Hawkeye has never been in the special projects department but it doesn’t take a genius to find some filing cabinets.
Mockingbird: “Locked, of course. It also doesn’t take an electronic gizmo to open a locked file. Just a hairpin. See?”
Hawkeye: “Showoff.”
This would be banter if Hawkeye didn’t look so somber.
But Hawkeye gets to be useful too when he pulls out his....... penlight arrowhead?
Mockingbird: “I just don’t know how I ever got along without you and your handy tools, Mr. H.”
The Silencer guy sneaks up on the duo as they’re snooping the files and something cues Hawkeye in to swivel around and fire an electro-stun arrow. Couldn’t have been a sound so lets say air flow?
The electro-stun doesn’t stun the Silencer so him and Hawkeye end up grappling right out the window. Because that’s the kind of life Hawkeye leads.
Luckily the rocket-sled (although he’s changed the name to sky-mobile by this point) was hovering right outside so the two wind up grappling on it as it rockets around the CTE compound.
The two wind up falling off the sky-mobile and onto a smokestack... God, its starting to be like one of those giant chicken fights...
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Anyway, the Silencer catches the edge but Hawkeye misses and goes plummeting into a smokestack, hopefully not to find a Spider-Man skeleton.
The Silencer drops his guard to try to figure out how the heck he’s going to get down from here and Hawkeye reemerges, yanking the Silencer down and pulling himself back up.
Not sure if the implication is that Hawkeye killed him. Hawkeye is famously vehemently ‘Avengers don’t kill!’ and the Silencer isn’t confirmed dead but also never shows up again.
Hawkeye summons the sky-sled (the caption changed the name on me again) and rockets back to where he left Mockingbird and in the meantime she’s found all the information they need to find who hired Cross to build the thing.
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Hawkeye: “Run into any trouble?”
Mockingbird: “Not really.”
Hah. Apparently she beat up a room full of guards while he was gone. Good on you, Mockingbird.
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November, 1983
Beating the ODDS
Pretty neat cover.
Also, pretty neat logo. I didn’t mention it earlier but yeah you have a neat logo, Hawkeye.
Mockingbird and Hawkeye return to her apartment after breaking into Cross Technological last issue.
Something that they may have done well to ponder is whether maybe it wasn’t a safe HQ anymore if that Silencer guy was able to track them there.
What I’m getting at is that there are two more assassins - Oddball and Bombshell - watching from an adjacent rooftop as the heroes head inside.
And then the apartment explodes.
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Hawkey and Mockingbird manage to escape the explosion though because Mockingbird never sweeps and noticed footprints in the dust and Hawkeye used a thermite-tipped bomb-sniffing arrow.
... Okay, that gimmick arrow is valid.
Mockingbird watches her apartment burn “in increasingly sullen fascination” for two hours before Hawkeye suggests maybe coming back after everything is cooled down.
Alas, the sky-mobile was destroyed in the explosion. Alas, alas, we barely knew ye and now you’re gone.
Mockingbird has an odd sense of what’s romantic because she decides that her apartment burning down and losing all of her possessions is.
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Wow, she’s been friendly and flirty with Hawkeye but she’s downright into the lug. Right during the one period in his life when he wouldn’t enjoy that. How’s that for bad timing?
Also, someone is clearly shipping these two.
Mockingbird has assorted appearances before this miniseries so I wonder who got the idea to throw her together with Hawkeye. I’ve heard rumors that it was to copy the Green Arrow/Black Canary pairing. I don’t know if that’s true or just an assumption.
Anyway, Hawkeye also finds an 8-ball in the wreckage which is odd and a clue because Mockingbird didn’t have one of those.
The two heroes realize that Cross obviously sent more hitmen after them so they got to figure out this plot before they get got.
Mockingbird withdraws the rest of her money from an ATM (only $97. Freelance superheroing just doesn’t pay...) and Hawkeye insists on spending some of that money on some arrows since he’s down to his last one.
Mockingbird: “I thought you needed specially made arrows.”
Hawkeye: “My new modular arrowheads fit on any target arrow... get ‘em at any sporting-goods store.”
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This issue is a gift.
And since they now don’t have enough money to take a cab to where they’re going, they get on the subway.
Where in one of those amazingly contrived comic coincidences, Steve Rogers Captain America happens to be riding the same car!
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Cap recognizes that Hawkeye is on a mission and offers to drop everything to help him.
You’re a cool guy, Cap.
Hawkeye has concerns.
Hawkeye: Aw, no. Cap is Mr. Avengers himself. I know I’m at the end of my resources, maybe way out of my depth, but if I let Cap in on it, he’ll wind up running the show... and I’ll end up on the sidelines again, just like it was back in the Avengers.
Pride goeth before something, Hawks.
Although, knowing vaguely what I know is soon upcoming, its a very timely time for Hawkeye to worry about running the show.
Hawkeye: “Ah, it’s nothing I can’t handle, old timer. Just the same old bopping the bad guys stuff.”
Cap: “I read you, soldier. Anyway, you know how to reach me if you get in a jam.”
You’re a really cool guy, Cap.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird get off at the next stop and Mockingbird grills Hawkeye about the hunky stranger, recognizing that he was probably in the superhero biz. Adding some context to Hawkeye not wanting Cap involved perhaps. Although its still a lot of dumb pride.
Hawkeye: She meets Cap in his civvies and is bowled over. No wonder I always looked like a piker around him. You know, I never realized how second rate Cap makes me feel. I’ve just go to solve this whole mess on my own. If I don’t, I may never be able to stand on my own two feet.
Anyway, then an 8-ball rolls and bonks into Hawkeye’s feet and he sees one of the assassins lurking around the corner doing him a taunt.
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This issue is a gift for out of context panels. I swear.
Hawkeye realizes Oddball is baiting him but also is the exact kind of impulsive person who takes the bait. So he runs off after Oddball.
Oddball is..... apparently a juggling based assassin. Dunno why that’s such a common thing in comics. But here we are. He’s a juggling based assassin.
Hawkeye runs on ahead after Oddball and Mockingbird gets ambushed by a nun as she follows.
Its that kind of book, I guess.
Also, the nun is the other assassin Bombshell.
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She’s got a Black Widow style wrist launcher for incendiary charges.
Hawkeye and Oddball get into an archery vs juggling based standoff, yes really, and then Oddball jumps onto a subway train, further luring Hawkeye. Who should really know better but ignores the part of his brain that some call common sense.
Oddball, by the by, is somewhat of an oddball. He’s just giggling and joking his way through this mission to kill an Avenger. He’s definitely following the maxim that if you do what you love, you don’t kill for money a day of your life. Or something.
When he jumps on the train he goes with “We’re having fun now, all rightee! Care for another shot, sport? I’ll match my speed to yours anyday and twice on Sunday. Time’s up, gotta go. Ta-ta!”
Hawkeye jumps onto the back of a departing subway train to keep up the pursuit and you know what, he seems like he’s having a good time too?
Hawkeye: Man, there’s nothing like a good chase to make me feel great about myself again. Wonder if Oddball would consent to be my regular sparring partner? Cap’s got the Red Skull, Iron Man has the Mandarin. Me, I never had anybody all my own.
He must be feeling some chemistry with this dude if he wants to make him his archnemesis after only one fight.
Although after this
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Hawkeye decides that Oddball is way too much to be his nemesis. He’s got standards, dammit!
Oddball runs off the train, pursued by archer.
Oddball: “I could pick him off any time I want. I know I can throw faster than he can shoot. But I’m having just plain too much fun to cut it short.”
Sure, guy.
Oddball and Hawkeye wind up having a stand-off in the rafters of the subway station because that’s the kind of guy Oddball is.
Hawkeye manages to pin the guy down with an arrow to his throat but while he’s been chasing an oddball, Mockingbird got her ass kicked by a bombshell.
So a distracted Hawkeye gets knocked out via bomb to the back of the head.
Bombshell catches Hawkeye as he falls from the rafters and Oddball wonders why not just let him die.
Bombshell: “I just got a call from [the boss]. He wants these two birds brought to him to use in some kind of experiment.”
And so the third issue ends with Hawkeye and Mockingbird being carried off to the perpetrators which saves some time but being brought in as prisoners is less than ideal.
Shoulda taken up Steve on his offer, Clint.
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December, 1983
I guess Hawkeye fuckin’ dies.
He sure has a lot of friends but Johnny Storm looks like he’s annoyed that he has to attend. ‘What the heck, I barely knew the guy!’
Anyway, between issues, Oddball and Bombshell have dragged Hawkeye and Mockingbird to a place and strung them up on a thing.
The place is apparently a mortuary.
And they’ve been strung up for hours judging by how their limbs feel.
The man behind it all shows himself and guy knows how to make an impression.
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Not necessarily a good one.
The cross shaped codpiece is killing me.
As is Oddball juggling in the background to remind us that he is a juggler.
Crossfire: “I am Crossfire -- master subversive, brainwasher, and entrepreneur.”
Credit where its due, that’s a funny line.
Crossfire: “In the typical fashion of someone who holds all the cards, I’m going to divulge to you more than you will need to know about me and my business...”
I want to question this but he’s too self-aware about how stupid it is. I have no room to operate here.
Here is something I WILL make fun of.
Crossfire’s real name is William Cross. He is related to the guy that founded Cross Technological Enterprises. So them screwing over Hawkeye was like a family activity.
But he’s using Cross in his codename. Like if Hawkeye was instead Bartonman. It’s a choice.
Anyway, Crossfire was a CIA agent but when he realized that his real interest lie in fomenting disorder for profit, he decided him and the CIA weren’t on the same path.
Which. Guy. Dude. Fella. No.
Crossfire also realized that superheroes would eventually get in his way so he decided that his first goal is to eliminate all costumed superheroes.
Moon Knight and the Thing thwarted a prototype over in Marvel Two-in-One #52 but Crossfire managed to get away to refine his plan.
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(For bigger)
His plan is pretty ingenious actually.
He’s going to kill Hawkeye. So far so good. Then dump his body in Central Park where it will be easily found.
The Avengers will find out about his death and have a funeral for him. And Crossfire made sure they’ll use Restwell Funeral because it has the best name! But more seriously because its the funeral parlor the superheroes used for Whizzer’s funeral and because Crossfire will make sure every other mortuary is booked.
Then at the service, he’ll activate the Undertaker machine which will send a subliminal RAGE signal to all the superheroes and they’ll fight to the death.
Crossfire: “Yes, I fully expect my lovely chapel to be thoroughly demolished. Don’t worry -- insurance will cover it.”
This is such a hilariously mundane concern.
Anyway, probably the whole funeral party won’t kill each other but it’ll thin the numbers, the survivors will forever be traumatized at what they did, and the government will crack down on superheroes.
And as for why he chose Hawkeye?
Crossfire: “I would think it was obvious, Hawkeye. You are the weakest, most vulnerable known costumed crimefighter in town.”
There’s planning to kill a guy as part of a larger scheme to kill all his friends and then there’s just being hurtful.
Further insulting injury? Crossfire is not just going to kill them. He’s going to make Hawkeye and Mockingbird kill each other by testing the Undertaker device on them.
That settles it. This guy is a dick.
The Restwell mortuary has a super sealed room for testing the device. Twelve inch thick concrete and steel walls and a door sealed with electronic lock. It would take even the Hulk some effort and Hawkeye and Mockingbird don’t even have their weapons.
Plus, there’s three cameras watching the room and the Undertaker speakers are hidden and durable.
Alas, Crossfire wouldn’t make a good Bond villain. He’s too not leaving a blatant way out of his death trap out of arrogance.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird get up close with their backs to the camera so they can whisper and make a plan.
Unfortunately, they can’t really think of a plan other than ‘try to resist brainwashing I guess?’
Mockingbird knows some SHIELD techniques and Hawkeye just promises he’ll try really hard to resist.
Hawkeye: “I really don’t want to hurt you. In the last couple days, I’ve actually kind of started, well, liking you.”
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But Crossfire is a dick still and activates THE UNDERTAKER right after they kiss.
They try to resist but yeah that plan wasn’t a plan and wasn’t even a concept. They start fighting to the death. Ironically, Bobbi “I know SHIELD techniques” Morse throws the first kick while Hawkeye is still trying to resist.
And Mockingbird is a lot better at martial arts than Hawkeye whose muscle memory keeps tripping him up into using a bow that he doesn’t actually have.
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This issue is a gift.
But yeah, Mockingbird beats the crap out of Hawkeye. Not that he doesn’t get some hits in. He even manages to surprise Crossfire who was heavily betting on Mockingbird to easily trounce his ass.
Also, during the fighting, Mockingbird manages to kick one of the cameras, jarring it so it points at the ceiling.
And then double kicks Hawkeye in the dick.
Watching two people fight to the death, Oddball has a question. How long does the brainwashing sound effect last after being turned off?
Crossfire decides hey actually that’s an interesting thought and turns off the machine to see. Plus, for dick reasons, giving them a brief respite will “make their plight all the more poignant.”
What a dick.
The brainwashing ends almost as soon as the sound does and the two heroes stop beating the crap out of each other to be disgusted by what they were doing.
In desperation, Hawkeye finally comes up with a plan.
It’s not a good plan but he had only a couple seconds and its impressive that he has a plan at all in that brief period of lucidity.
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Hawkeye huddles into the corner that the jarred camera no longer covers and goes through his spare (mispelled as space for some reason, shrug) arrowheads and finds a hypersonic arrowhead.
And if he puts the arrowhead in his mouth and activates it, it will be really loud and drown out the ultrasound! Also, shooting hypersonic frequencies INSIDE HIS SKULL will probably be bad for his hearing but what can ya do.
Crossfire reactivates THE UNDERTAKER and Hawkeye activates the mouth arrowhead with his tongue. Which feels like a “dull knife lacerating [his] brain” but at least he doesn’t want to murder all the time.
That’s something!
(Also, it’s a neat touch but the EEEEEE of the hypersonic arrowhead covers the NNNN of the ultrasonic signal. Good SFXing.)
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With his wits about him, he can actually beat Mockingbird by using his strength advantage, closing in, and not letting her use her fancier jumpy techniques.
After beating the shit out of Mockingbird and feeling like shit for having to do it, Hawkeye tosses her to misalign another camera, and then feigns that he collapses from exhaustion.
Crossfire thinks that there’s no way that Hawkeye could play dead under the effect of the RAGE NOISE so he’s really down. He sends Oddball and Bombshell to retrieve the two heroes to examine.
While being carried like a potato sack, Hawkeye grabs one of Oddball’s odd balls and knocks out the juggler and then bonks Bombshell unconscious as well before she has a chance to react.
Then, he runs to get Crossfire before the guy has a chance to figure out what’s going on.
Except, Crossfire has cameras all over the dang place and knows what happened and decides that Hawkeye is such a resourceful, worthy foe that he deserves to die by irony.
(Hawkeye has no idea what the guy is saying because he can’t hear a thing after sticking a hypersonic arrowhead in his mouth)
Crossfire tries to kill Hawkeye with his own bow but whoops, remember when Hawkeye was flexing on that guy earlier about his bowstring having an absurd draw weight?
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The dingus got irony’d by his own ploy at irony.
Hawkeye ties up Crossfire, grabs his bow and arrows because they make him happy, and runs back to check on Mockingbird.
Hawkeye: “Mockingbird -- ? You with me, sweetheart? We won. I beat them. Every last bloody oen of them. Mock -- ?” She’s not breathing. I - I killed her...!
Mockingbird: “Those tears for me, sport? Aw, shucks.”
Even beaten to hell, Mockingbird gonna sass.
And then they kiss. Which strikes me as... not a good time for it? Her face is all bruised up and she’s got a little blood going on. Ah, whatever.
An hour later, the police show up to arrest Crossfire, Oddball, and Bombshell. Presumably Mockingbird called them as Clint still cannot hear a single thing.
Which is unfortunate because Mockingbird comes over to talk and Hawkeye is like ‘geez what is she saying right now? I hope it’s not important’ and decides to get out of the conversation ASAP before she finds out he’s gone deaf and gasp pities him!
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Mockingbird: “Look, I’m not much of a joiner or anything. But I must admit that the two of us made one heckuva team. I was thinking... maybe we ought to become an item, you know what I mean? After all, you are one of the cutest --”
Hawkeye: “Yeah, well, see you around then.”
Hawkeye, you absolute fool.
Thankfully, Mockingbird isn’t the type to just go ‘wow what a jerk’ without going and ripping a person a new asshole, verbally.
So she did do that. She ran after Hawkeye and ripped him a new asshole, verbally, forced him to explain himself, probably rolled her eyes, and then dragged him to get a hearing aid.
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And one week later, they’re married and relaxing in a heart-shaped tub!
Wow, they operate fast!
I mean, in fairness, we knew Hawkeye was like that. He’d known Sheila Danning for like a month before he was contemplating marriage. And we can assume Mockingbird was like that too considering she knew Hawkeye like a minute before waggling her eyebrows and insinuating sex at him.
Mockingbird: “You owe me, pal. Sure, you saved my life. But what I’m going to do to your life is more than just a one-shot deal. I’m not just talking about helping you get a hearing aid. Or the blood test, or the license, or even arranging for a quaint little cottage in the woods. I’m talking about the rest of your life, and the difference having me around is going to make in it. Maybe eloping was my idea, but I’m going to see to it that for the rest of your life, you believe that it was the best idea you didn’t quite hear.”
Hawkeye: “I hear you, Mrs. Hawkeye. I hear you.”
Awwww. They’re a cute couple. And I do like their chemistry.
So that was the Hawkeye limited series. And it was pretty good!
It introduces some lasting changes like ‘being deaf’ and ‘being married’ to the character. Of course, because comics, both of those things will come and go. And in some cases come back. Lets enjoy them while they last.
Next time on liveblogging: something a little different.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I just covered a miniseries. And then I had to redo the fourth issue in just an hour because tumblr didn’t save it. Please reward me. Also, like and reblog if you’d like to reblog.
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yami-writes · 5 years ago
yk those tik toks were parents rate famous tik tokers? y/n is doing this with bakugo, kirishima, todoroki and they show them pics and let them rate & say their first impression but like when y/n show them a pic of charli or dixie the boys start crushing hardly, secretly hoping they make their s/o jealous but it turns out the completle opposite & y/n also crushes on the sisters, bc the reader is a closet bisexual & they basically come out then. fluff & crack pls i hope it's not too messy lmao
I LOVE THISSS GHJHLGUKL and i love writing crack its so fun!!!  these turned out longer than i though whoops
rating Tiktokers w/ Kirishima, Bakugo, and Todoroki
(🏷️) paring(s): Kirishima x reader, Bakugo x reader, Todoroki x reader (⚠️) warning(s): just crack and fluff here (💌) note from Yami:: I don't think I added enough fluff but I hope this is good (just know they accepted your bisexual ass with open arms 😌👏)
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Ok, I know for a fact Kiri knows what tiktok is
But he’s never on there 
Nor does he have an account
So making him rate tiktokers without him knowing who most of them are sounds like a good idea
But anywayssss
You saw the video a while ago and decided now would be fun to do it
The two of you are in his room after training for a few hours 
Yall were just chilling ✨v i b i n g✨
“Hey, Eiji”
“Come! I have something for us to do”
He came and sat beside you on his bed
“Rate these tiktokers from 1 to 10”
“Wait why?”
“Why not?”
“...fair enough! Let's go!”
His enthusiasm is exactly what you wanted
You started with some pretty famous tiktokers 
He surprisingly knew who most of them were 
and gave them pretty high ratings
“What's his name?”
“Oh, that's Chase Hudson”
“I give him a 10”
“That name sounds manly!”
Then you finally get to the big one
Charli & Dixie D'amelio
“What? You gonna call them manly too?”
You watched as YOUR boyfriend’s cheeks became the same color as his hair
“their uh- pretty”
Not what you expected
You just thought you would brush over this one
Like all the other tiktokers
“I rate them a 10”
“Wow! Really? I would rate them a 100.”
He’s so confused
“I love them so much! their tiktoks are so nice! Plus…. there pretty..”
“Oh, I've never told you?”
Stawp ur gonna break him!!!!
“I'm Bi- I guess I never told you… I hope you don't see me-”
“What? No!!! I love you no matter what y/n! You really amazing, and strong, oh, and manly-”
“Ok ok! that's enough! Thanks Eiji”
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Ok you convinced him to get a tiktok acc
Not for any particular reason because you know he’s not gonna post
And the only person he follows is you
But it's not like he uses it regardless
So he doesn't know any tiktokers
Now he’s a victim hehe
You just felt like doing something with him
And this was the first idea that came to mind so-
“Hey, suki!”
“Come rate tiktokers!”
“You know what tiktok is! Just come do it! I'm bored”
“Find something else to do.”  
You just have to bring out the big guns-
“Fine then. I'll go have mido rate them with me.”
“Hah?? What could that shitty nerd do that I can't?? C’mere!”
Before you knew it you were sitting right beside your boyfriend
“So you wanna do it?”
“Let's just get this over with.” he scoffed
You went through a surprising amount of tiktokers
All of which getting low ratings
As in from -100 to 3
As the two of you went on the tiktokers got more famous
Until you reach them
“You rate them a 10???”
You hate how he’s just staring at the photo of them
Not even bothering to glance at you
“Why do you rate them a 10, suki?”
“They're better than the rest of those other extras”
“How are they better?”
“they’re better.”
“Bakugo Katsuki.”
“I love them too! They're so good at dancing! I just wanna- ahhhh”
“You love them?”
“Well, not as much as you, suki haha! But if I didn't love you I would love them…”
Katsuki_bakugo.exe stopped responding
“W-what's that supposed to mean??”
“Yes, I'm Bi.”
That's the only thing that comes out of his mouth for a while, which worries you
“I- I hope you don't think it's-”
“Hah?? No! I don't care! As long as you love me more than those shitty women.”
“It's not like I'm wrong.”
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You introduced him to tiktok
But never told him to get an acc
He actually made it himself
Baby thinks it's interesting
So he’s fairly aware of the tiktokers on the platform
But anywayssss
The two of you were in your room
He was studying 
smart boi 
While you were, of course, scrolling through TikTok
“Hey shou! I have something for us to do!”
“Im studying”
“But you're already top in class! No need to study so much”
“Just a few more minut-”
“ you have been studying for 3 whole hours, shouto.”
“Hm….. 2 more minutes?”
You didn't bother to try and reason with him
Instead, you took advantage of the fact that he's weak to your touch
You dragged him on your bed
And you swear you him go
“Oh, ok”
You didn't hesitate to start showing him the tiktokers and expecting him to answer
“Sorry love, but what are we doing?”
“Rate the tiktokers from 1-10”
“oh, Okay”
He didn't rate anyone too high
But then again his ratings weren't low
“Okay, how about this one?”
As you pointed to a picture of Charli and Dixie
Which you debated putting as you lock screen
“Oh, I like them, I give them a 10”
“a 10?”
He honestly didn't know if something was wrong with his rating
Like~ poor boy was doing what you told him to do
“Wait I'm sorry, did I do something wrong-”
“I'm disappointed, shou”
“I thought you knew better than this.”
He’s so confused 
He just rated them like he did with every other tiktoker
“They deserve 100, not 10.”
“Look at them, shou! You've seen their tiktoks!”
“Uh.. yea I have. Is there a point, y/n??”
“I'm just saying they deserve more than a 10. Their content is so good! Plus they're so pretty!”
a long period of silence
yet you could practically hear cogs turning in his head
“...is this what they call being bi?”
“I see you've been watching a lot of tiktok... But yes, i hope you don't mind”
“Why would I?? Am I supposed to? Is that bad? You know I'd love you regardless.”
Not where you thought that was heading but that's fine
“I- nevermind, let's just keep rating, yeah?”
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qrovidcore · 4 years ago
hey what’s up tumblr i’ve now seen hbo’s watchmen all the way through Three Fucking Times and i very well may go for a fourth if given an excuse whoops and apparently i can’t stop thinking about Laurie’s joke in She Was Killed By Space Junk, no i’m not the first person to analyze this and i’m sure i won’t be the last but i sure do have some Thoughts^TM,  so here’s some meta let’s go.
major spoilers ahead for the entire series:
Hey, it’s me again. I’ve got a joke. Stop me if you’ve heard this one. There’s this guy, he’s a bricklayer. He’s really good at it. He’s a real master of his craft. Because he’s precise. Every brick has its place. Anyway this guy has a daughter and he’s gonna teach her to be a bricklayer because after all, all a man has is his legacy. So dad decides to build a barbecue in the backyard. He does the math. He figures out exactly what he needs and he shows the daughter how to do everything. Step by step. And when he finishes, it’s a beauty. It’s a perfect barbecue. Just the way he drew it in blueprints. Only one problem. There’s a brick left over. One single brick. The guy freaks out. He must have done something wrong. He’s gonna have to start all over again. So he picks up his sledgehammer to knock the thing to pieces and his daughter suddenly says ‘daddy wait! I have an idea.’ She picks up the orphan brick and throws it up into the air as high as she can. And then…shit. Messed it up.
Okay forget that joke. Can I tell you another one?
As I said, I’m not the first to break down that Laurie is referring to specific people who have an influence on the story, there’s plenty of meta posts online that’ll say the same thing. I just think this is a Really Clever way to introduce us to her, to the major players in this story, and to the events from the comic that are going to end up being referenced. Anyhow, the bricklayer here is The Comedian. Laurie’s father. I’ll get back to this and how it connects later, but given that one of Watchmen’s major themes is the concept of legacy - who carries it and how, and what happens when that legacy is painful - this is a neat little hook into that idea. Laurie’s dad’s legacy. What she’s done with it, what she’s going to do with it, how she feels about it. Again, coming back to that.
Okay. Forget the brick. New joke. Three heroes die and they all show up at the pearly gates. God’s there and he’s going to decide what their eternal fate shall be: heaven or hell. Our first hero is dressed up like a big owl. God says to him “I gifted you the ability to make fantastic inventions. What did you do with this amazing talent?” Owl guy says “I made this really awesome flying ship and lots of cool outfits and weapons so I could bring peace to the city.” God asks, “So how many people did you kill?” Owl guy seems offended. He says “Zero. I didn’t take a single life.” God frowns. “Sorry owl guy, your heart’s in the right place but you’re just too soft.” God snaps his fingers and the hero goes to hell.
I'm not super into the comic so it took me a while to get that she's referencing Nite Owl. I think this is strange since he doesn't appear in the show himself, whereas everyone else she talks about does, but I suppose it gives a more rounded-out view of the different approaches to heroism, and what exactly constitutes it, and also ties in another one of the original Minutemen. They did cut this over her arrest of Mr. Shadow in the bank, which makes me wonder about his role and why he appeared, and I still find it strange that this part of the joke wasn't about someone who had more of a presence in the show. (Though that being said, DC making fun of Batman, their own big-ticket character? 10/10 thank you for this).
Where was I? The pearly gates await our next hero in line for Almighty judgment. Our hero number two is confident he can game this out because that’s his God-given talent: smarts. Some might even say he’s the smartest man in the world. “So what did you do with that big brain I gave you?” asks God. “As a matter of fact, I saved humanity, ”says Smarty Pants. “Well how’d you do that,” asks God.” “Well I dropped a giant alien squid on New York and everybody was so afraid of it they stopped being afraid of each other.” “OK,” says God. “How many people did you kill?” Smarty Pants smiles. “Three million, give or take. But you can’t make an omelet without breaking a couple of eggs. “Christ,” God says. “You’re a fucking monster.”  “Am not,” says Smarty Pants. God snaps his fingers and our hero goes to hell.
GOD YES PLEASE DRAG OZYMANDIAS. GET THIS FUCKER’S ASS. Though the line that’s sticking out to me here is “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a couple of eggs.” Watchmen’s got an egg motif - and that’s an entire post on its own - and wow this is a place to drop it. I find it interesting that it’s given to Adrien here. Especially since it comes back later, when Will tells Angela that that’s what Jon said in justification of giving his life to stop the 7th K/Cyclops and Trieu. Eggs are used for a lot of things, but this line ties the motif solidly to a value of life here - how Adrien is the way he is because he refuses to value other peoples’, and maybe how Jon is the way he is because, when you can see the future laid out before you and live knowing how you’re going to die, how do you learn to value your own?
Okay. We’re down to the nitty gritty now. One hero left. God cracks his knuckles ready to administer the final reckoning. Now Hero Number 3 is pretty much a god himself. So for the sake of telling them apart, he’s blue and he likes to stroll around with his dick hanging out. He can teleport, he can see into the future, he blows shit up. He’s got actual superpowers. Regular God asks Blue God what have you done with these gifts?” Blue God says “I fell in love with a woman, I walked across the sun, and then I fell in love with another woman. I won the Vietnam War. But mostly I just stopped giving a shit about humanity.” God sighs. “Do I even need to ask how many people you’ve killed?” Blue guy shrugs. “A live body and a dead body have the same number of particles so it doesn’t matter. And it doesn’t matter how I answer your question because I know you’re sending me to hell.” “How do you know that?” asks God. Blue God sounds very sad when he softly says “Because I’m already there.” And so, a mere piston in the inevitable of time and space God does what he did and will do. He snaps his fingers and the hero goes to hell.
And now, we’ve got Jon. Dr. Manhattan. It's a neat moment of insight into his actions, motives, and how those are perceived by others (namely Laurie), and it's a nice thread of introduction to his previous actions to drop for audiences who haven't read the comics (actually, I can make this point about Adrien’s part of the joke too). Especially because most of what we get of Jon in-show is his relationship with Angela, his entire character arc really revolves around her and we don't see him portrayed as the contentious, unfeeling figure the world sees him as. So this sort of contrast between him as a figure and him as a person is very telling, doubly so coming from someone who it's clear knew him. And I really appreciate that there’s just as much stiffness as there is warmth to the Jon we the audience see - he’s kind, he’s loving, but he’s also very matter-of-fact and deterministic, and that bit of characterization really spans the gap between these two versions of him.
And so it’s been a long day at the pearly gates. All the heroes have gone to hell. His work done, God’s packing up to go home and then he notices someone waiting. But it’s not a hero, it’s just a woman. “Where did you come from?” asks God. “Oh I was just standing behind those other guys the whole time, you just didn’t see me.” “Did I give you a talent,” God asks. “No, none to speak of,” says the woman.  God gives her a good long look. “I’m so sorry. I’m embarrassed. Seriously, this almost never happens but I don’t know who you are.” And the woman looks at God and she quietly says “I’m the little girl who threw the brick in the air.” And a sound from above, something falling: the brick. God looks up but it’s too late. He never saw it coming. It hits him so hard, his brains shoot out his nose. Game over. He’s dead. And where does God go when he dies? He goes to hell. 
Into some Thoughts^TM that I haven’t seen anyone theorize yet(?): I think God is meant to be Lady Trieu, and even if Laurie wouldn’t know this yet that’s some brilliant fucking foreshadowing. It's not as exact, but enough parallels are there that I think they're purposeful. It makes Trieu out as the ultimate judge of everyone - and in a way, she is. She sees herself as the most deserving of power of everyone, and it's her who kills Dr. Manhattan - sends him to hell, you could say, and he knows she's going to do it. It also hints at how she's going to die too, crushed by her machine falling from the sky like the brick, because she didn't expect anyone would be capable of stopping her. And where does God go when he dies? He goes to hell. Trieu isn't ultimately above the others, and she's subject to their justice as they are to hers. 
Fitting too that Laurie is involved with the plan to stop Trieu, since, as I said I’d come back to, the girl who threw the brick is Laurie herself. Her depiction of herself in this way is representative, perhaps, of Laure's own feelings on vigilantism and what justice is, and that she's the force that's going to bring down these overblown personalities and their many incorrect uses of their abilities. Given this, it's interesting to think how the "failed" joke at the beginning connects, given that Laurie's dad is the bricklayer, and he's definitely... not a good person, or at least not in this continuity. But I wonder if it's indicative of what Laurie mentions about her parents training her up to do vigilante stuff (especially since she’s based in part(?) on a member of the Minutemen from the comic), and how she feels about her father and his work. If the brick is symbolic of his work as a vigilante, is Laurie throwing the brick in the air, and ultimately taking down the threat at the top, meant to indicate how she sees herself using what she learned from him, or - maybe and - a disrespect for his work based on her justified hatred of him?
Roll on snare drum. Curtains. Good joke. 
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juli3113 · 4 years ago
How are you so cute ??!
Here’s a Saida fanfic I posted on ao3 (my @ is dawsydawsy). I hope anyone that sees this enjoys :)))
Dahyun is in desperate need of coffee and noise-cancelling headphones. The local coffee shop might have a little more in store.
I'm so sorry I suck at summaries but basically, cute girl meets cute girl and cute ish ensues :)
(This is my first fanfiction so constructive criticism is very much welcome)
Dahyun had never had such a terrible morning.
It was honestly impressive how everything went as badly as it could've.
Class started at 10:45. Dahyun's alarm goes off at 9:00. Under normal circumstances she would've heard it, gotten out of bed, had breakfast, get dressed and leave, no problem. Only issue was that Dahyun had been working on a late assignment till 4:00 am and her sleep-deprived brain decided to interpret the alarm sound as a beautiful melody to accompany her dreams. And so, it's 10:10 am, Campus is 30 minutes away and Dahyun hasn't even brushed her teeth.
Shit shit shit shit shiiiiiit !!! I'm so fuckeddddd !
In a record-breaking 7 minutes, she's out the door in an oversized hoodie and tracksuit bottoms, with too many art supplies to carry. Could've been worse... right ? Nope. Running is not Dahyun's strong suit, especially not with what felt like 4 golden retrievers in her arms, so she gets to the station absolutely dead, breathing like someone just punched her in the guts, only to see that there's been a delay, the next train is arriving in 15 minutes which will get her to class 10 minutes late. Could be worse ? Fuck. Today starts with Mr Lee. Dahyun really wasn't in the mood to be chewed out in front of her class for a good part of the lecture.
I could just... not go.
Tzuyu's in that class with her, she could just... ask for her notes. She wouldn't be too mad...
Nice one Kim Dahyun, avoiding your problems one day at a time.
Not this time. "I'll go and get my ass kicked, but at least I showed up."
And with this brave, newfound confidence she sat down and patiently awaited her almost certain ass whooping.
She was right, and what an ass-whooping it was.
After a long gruelling 2 hours of pain and intense disapproving stares from a pissed Mr Lee, it was over. The hard part was done.
It wasn't the best start to the day but Dahyun's an optimist, things could get better... Boy did they.
Dahyun didn't have any more classes that day so she figured she could just grab a coffee and sketch for a while. She didn't go to the campus coffee place much but it was close and convenient so why not ? Dahyun opened the door to the small brick building protruding out of the Science block's side. She was instantly hit with the smell of beans, soil, citrus and something sweet. It had a calmer atmosphere than she had expected and looked reasonably comfortable.
Walking up to the counter Dahyun is greeted by one of the most beautiful smiles she had ever seen. The girls in front of her seemed to be a little taller than her, bright orange hair in a low ponytail. Her eyes seemed to gleam a gentle shade of brown that made Dahyun want to melt on the spot. How was this girl so pretty and why had she never seen her before ??
"Hi, what can I get you ?" She sounded like Dahyun had been the person she was waiting to see all day, and it made her want to scream into a pillow or something.
"Uhm... Can I get a matcha green tea please ?"
"Yep no problem, anything else ?"
"Nope that's okay." Dahyun gave her a small smile she was praying came out alright.
"Okay great, name please ?"
Alright ! Go ahead and take a seat I'll bring it over in a sec."
Dahyun nodded and smiled, as she turned away she could feel the violent thumping of her heart. How in the hell did that small interaction make her gay panic to this extent ? Get it together man.
She found a table that was decently secluded and sat down after what felt like years, she opened one of her bags, pulled out her biggest sketchbook and got to work, earphones at full volume. She had been working on a portrait of her friend Jihyo, whom she truly believed to be one of the most beautiful people alive.
After a few minutes, she saw the pretty barista walking towards her with her matcha in hand. Mentally preparing herself to say thank you without stuttering she took our an earphone from her ear but got surprised at how loud the music coming from it was. Before she could lower the volume she was there, in front of her.
"Oh my god is that dreamcatcher ?" Dahyun looked at her with surprise.
"Yeah, I'm a big fan."
Ah that's so great ! No one I know listens to them its so frustrating."
"Haha I get your pain, I managed to get my roommate to listen to them tho. She's almost more of a fan than me now." Hearing her laugh at that made Dahyun feel like she was made of static.
"Nice !! I'm Sana by the way."
"I'm Dahyun."
"I know, I got you your drink" she said with a light airy laugh.
"Oh yeah..." Dahyun chuckled and looked down at the cup, when she looked back at Sana she was beaming at her, she looked as bright as the sun to the point where Dahyun felt a little warmer.
Was this real ? Was this really happening to her right now ? A beautiful stranger starting a conversation with her ? Thank god for dreamcatcher.
"My morning shift is almost over, is it okay if I come sit with you after ?"
"Yeah of course ! I've got coursework to finish, you're welcome to join."
"Great, see you later" she added with a wink.
If Dahyun looked as red as she felt she must have looked ridiculous, but it didn't matter. Whatever dream this was, she didn't want it to end.
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edwardslostalchemy · 5 years ago
the thing that kills me about bakugou is when the plf go "having a powerful quirk means i'm better than you"and basically advocate for eugenics, it's horrible and corrupt, but when bakugou does it, it's lol funny and 'oh that gremlin.' in a recent chapter he made fun of the past OFA holders for having 'weak' quirks and dying and he said these things in front of Toshi, who has himself given so much. just...what was the point of him knowing about OFA if he was just going to be a disrespectful ass?
I have no idea why it was necessary for him to know, tbh. I think it was a waste of an opportunity to give him growth by NOT telling him. And honestly, I agree that k*tsuki and the plf have similar ideals because they’re elitists. :/ They think they’re better than others. Unironically, the lov wanting k*tsuki on their side would have been like, them all sharing this same thought. Idk, I just don’t like him. The things he says and does are played off as comedic relief now and it’s honestly so annoying. He needs to be brought down from his pedestal. 
(I have multiple messages so I am putting them all in one post under a read more, I hope it works, but if somehow it doesn’t, I’m really sorry. My computer says it works, but mobile doesn’t show it. This will be a long post.)
Anonymous said:
You know... I wouldn’t mind Bakugou winning vs Ochako so much if his blast had simply redirected enough rubble for him to make it though the pelting, and the fight had ended with an actual visible inflicted injury on his part, like a cut on his face, that stuck around for the rest of the tournament. Make the close call have more concrete, visible consequences for him then his arms aching a bit.
I agree with this completely. That thing about his arms aching doesn’t show much of the consequences at all. And he gets over it rather quickly. I hate that he has so much plot armor.
Anonymous said:
Ngl i dont ship Todo/deku (dont really ship Izuku with anyone lol) but its such a nice ship like?? People can ship what they want but why ship Baku/deku when Tododeku is RIGHT THERE. I would rather have todo/deku be the twin stars like.. Todoroki having to overcome his fathers legacy and be a better hero then his father ever could be while Izuku perpetuates all mights legacy and carries the legacy of One For All?? Poetic cinema
+ I SENT AN ASK ABOUT PREFERRING TODO/DEKU TO BAKU/DEKU AND I WANTED TO ADD SOMETHING SKSKS. we could totally have an "its your power" moment. Izuku getting Todo to accept his left side and Todo getting Izuku to remember that OFA is his power now.
Todo/deku is really the poetic cinema we need and deserve. Idk why people like b*kud*ku, that’s what they prefer, but the ship itself is not healthy in the slightest and I find it pretty disturbing. I agree with you, nony. Everything you said is correct.
Anonymous said:
If I'm gonna be honest the whole "he was raised in a household of screaming and abuse" isn't a good enough reason as to why Bakugo has no chill. Like we've seen people like Todoroki raised in a household much worst but he didn't come out as a jerk or bully. I'd like to see more of Bakugo's interactions with his parents but for the most part the dad seems like a pushover and his mom is just loud at times. But no where close to Endeavor. So yeah Bakugo shut up challenge
Yeah, idk how their dynamic works, it’s just mitsuki screaming at k*tsuki while his dad tries to intervene, but doesn’t do a good job about it. I don’t like that she smacked his head. But I think people really stretch it to give him a tragic backstory when in reality, he doesn’t have one. He is a spoiled brat. Shouto has proven how to be a better person. He’s just a better character in general.
Anonymous said:
This might be long but I want to get something off my chest and I love your blog so I used to like bk//dk. If you asked me why. It's because I was enamored by the fanon ver of this pair with a better bkg and the whole appeal of childhood 'friends'/reconciliation trope it had going on and some fans have convinced me that their relationship wasn't as bad as it's portrayed before UA and that bkg was only like that because of society and thinking Izuku was "looking down" at him. 1/3
Thinking about it. it's really stupid and the verge of victim blaming but anyways. What stopped me from liking it and instead hating the pair is that after dk vs kc 2 I was expecting the improvement in their relationship, for a moment I thought we got it. But in reality it's just bc we haven't seen them interact much after the overhaul arc and before the joint training arc.Then the joint arc came and the 2nd internship arc came and whoo boy, I feel like I was cheated on. 2/3
Rather than making bkg's behavior improve towards Izuku, He's still as much of an asshole who belittles him, mocks him ,acts like he can't stand him but less threats of killing him combined with Izuku who just takes it because he's a nice person. But the narrative acts like their good friends now and I have been feeling so frustrated with this, I wanted a mutual relationship with mutual respect on both sides and bk//dk hasn't reached that part and it shouldn't take this long for it to be. 3/3
Thank you for sharing this with me, nony!! I appreciate it. It’s really sad that their relationship hasn’t improved at all. It’s so long overdue and now things are played as comedic relief like him hurting Izuku with his spike and also being extremely disrespectful during the ofa meetings. Their relationship isn’t healthy and it isn’t friendly, no matter how canon wants to paint it that way.
Anonymous said:
the only reason bkg gets to know OFA is because he guilted Izu into telling him a half truth in S1 then guilted AM and Izu with his tantrum in S3 He also had the privilege to know Izu since childhood and saw AFO so he had the advantage Izuku would have never told him otherwise. Same time Izuku's friends don't "deserve" to know about OFA, rather, Izuku deciding to tell them himself will make the revelation to them more special since its Izu deciding to tell a piece of himself than being forced to
@havocsss said:
i just wanted to say i appreciate your opinion on bnha about bakugo (bc someone finally said it 👀) and you put into words for me how i feel abt that character - and that's partly why i just can't watch it. he's the bully that everyone idolises and gets let away with murder and naaaah mate that's not how it works
Thank you, I’m glad to hear it. I don’t like that he, a literal bully who has suicide baited Izuku and has hurt him with his explosion quirk, is the fandom’s favorite and the most popular character. Literally any other character would have been better to stan than him. He’s everywhere and I can’t enjoy part of the series because of him always being there. It’s so annoying. I will continue to yell about why he is not a good character until horikoshi gives us the development he desperately needs AND an apology to Izuku for being so abusive to him. And yes, bullying is abuse.
Anonymous said:
I know that feeling. I also greatly dislike Bakugou. He almost ruins the manga for me at times. I can't even think of a plot with Izuku where Hori won't try to include him in some way. I tried reading metas abt him, tried to look at him in a different light but I realised that I really hate his personality, combined with his overhyped popularity just makes me can't stand him. I wish I could even just be neutral for him but that's being a challenge.
Yeah, he’s not a good character. Very infuriating and annoying. We do not stan him in this house.
Anonymous said:
I feel like if Aizawa actually knew that Bakugou used to bully Izuku he'd probably whoop Bakugou's ass
OOF I’d like to see him expel him.
Anonymous said:
I like how it's framed like I'm supposed to feel sorry for Bakugou because he feels manpain for not being the strongest in the class. Like the dude went from a regular school to the best of the best and he still expected to be the strongest person there is with no challenge?
Awww, is the spoiled brat sad? Good. He can die mad about it.
Anonymous said:
If Aizawa did the combat training instead of All Might he would've stopped Bakugou the first time he used his gauntlets and automatically failed him and I really wish that would've been the outcome
Tbh he should have been expelled for trying to kill a classmate.
Anonymous said:
Oh yeah I remember that character entrance when he just basically I insults his partner for training. Look I love the kid but if I was a teacher I would've flamed him so hard like there could've been a hostage, that weapon could have went off, his partner could've been captured. That's how you ended up failing the license exam
OOF. When will he learn.
Anonymous said:
Um excuse the ever living fuck out of me but I just saw a fic that was bakugou/consequences where Izuku attempted suicide and you know what the ship was?? My pure green son who deserves the world and his literal bully/abuser are you SHITTING ME???? I try very hard not to hate ships I do really try but I just CAN'T with this ship it disgusts me
It's not a healthy ship. I am disturbed by this fic and I don’t even know what it’s called and I don’t want to know. Eww.
Anonymous said:
I see myself as Izuku cause I relate to him a lot and I just read something where Bakugou does what my abuser did to me to Izuku and now I'm having a very hard time stomaching the thought of him and like I really loved kiri/baku too but now I can't even think about it cause someone who shipped my notp thought it would be a good idea to make Bakugou an abuser and give Izuku Stockholm syndrome ☹
Oh nony…I’m so sorry to hear about that. That really sounds rough and I hope you’re feeling better. That sounds awful. I’m just…I’m appalled. Also giving Izuku Stockholm syndrome with this ship is just. Wow.
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chaotic-noceur · 5 years ago
regarding pragma.
read it here
Dear @softpedropascal
wow this took so much longer than I thought it would whoops.
So, first off- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have the bestest day ever cuz you deserve it!
I’m incapable of forming coherent thoughts so um...here’s a cumulative post of my running commentary because my binge reading plans got disrupted so this seemed... neater? Idk. anyways, here you go. 
Part 1
No matter how many meetings and mediations you two went through, he still found a reason to keep dragging this out.
I read this as ‘meetings and meditations’ and was very confused for a sec 😂
That hat. You got him that hat. He still wore it?
omg u gave the hat a backstory. adkgadflhg 😍
He was tempted. God, was he tempted, but he shook his head and stood up straight. 
This just. Yes. We love a respectful man. 
I love all the little hints that you’re dropping about the reader and Frankie’s backstory. 
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 2
He told himself long ago that be would never forgive her for what she did,
“Can’t you, I dunno, sign for him?” he asked.
😂😂Frankie. Sweetheart. Who do you take me for? I can’t forge someone’s signature. I don’t have the skills for that. 
There was a reason he didn’t say goodbye. He was afraid to. He was afraid that if he said them again, he would have to go another five years without seeing her. Or has it been longer?
mY hEaRt
Pope and and Frankie’s ENTIRE interaction. 😍 I love that he can see right through Frankie’s bs, loves him anyways but will give it to him straight. 
He was too busy thinking about how if he had gotten his shit together, he could be living here with her, taking walks to his favorite lake every day.
asdfgadfkglhdf!!! Boo it ain’t all your fault 😢 (or is it 😏)
It’s funny how the simplest touch can cause the most complex feelings—feelings that he had sworn he buried deep inside of him somewhere. It was a complicated thing trying to be angry at her because in that moment all was forgotten and forgiven.
the DEPTH. in these sentences. oml. I’m so ready to learn about this complicated backstory.  
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 3
“I can make him sign ‘em,” he offered.
YES. I love a low key threatening boi.
“Yeah, until you decided I wasn’t good enough,” 
“Did you want to show me what I could have had with you if I wasn’t such a fuck up.” He sighed and put his hands on his hips.
“I’m trailing water and mud all over the place but just remember that I saved your life before getting mad, okay?” 
“Nothing. Just like saying your name.”
ahhhh these are precious!!  
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 4
“Yeah. People do that right? Day dates?” He honestly wasn’t sure. Dates weren’t his forte.
🥺 someone help him. He’s so cute omg. 
“We might’ve made out a little too,” he mumbled.
aksfhksdfg look at him turning into a flustered boy!!!
“No. I just…stopped looking up,”
Babes. Idk if the double meaning was intentional but like. Wow. That hit hard. 
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 5
and has a name like ‘Bill’ or ‘Tom’.”
oop. We love a subtle Redfly dig 😂
I’m sorry there’s probably some more amazing stuff after that but t’was not a good ace day so i skipped the smut
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 6
You hid your body from him at first and when he moved your hands, you covered your face. Then he told you to never hide from him—he would always think you were beautiful
🥺🥺 this is so soft omg
sorry skipped the smut but im sure it was beautiful
“I’m not going anywhere.” You moved his arms so you could kneel in front of him. “I’m staying.”
*incoherent screaming*
“You can ask me for anything. I would give up everything I for you.”
The whole ending scene was AMAZING okay but this. This line right here. Big hurt omg. He knows the weight of what he’s saying. He knows how hard the road to recovery is and how many things are gonna try push him off that path. But he says it anyways. And it really really shows just how much she means to him. Brava! 
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 7
lmao I really need to start reading the warnings 😂
She was never going to be sad longer than necessary if he had anything to do about it.
“That no matter where we were, when we look up, we’re looking at the same moon.” He looked at her though she was still looking up. “That always kept me going, you know?”
The moonlight seemed to shine directly on her and make her glow like some ethereal being. She was an angel. She had to be. The stars twinkled above them but he had his own right here right now.
eXcUsE mE. wHo gAvE yOu tHe rIgHt tO wRiTe sOmEtHIng tHiS bEAuTiFul
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 8
“Stop ruining my romantic moment, please.
I can’t even- Omg. This whole chapter. I have no words
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 9
“I can’t,” he said, voice broken. “Please just let me…let me hold you. Let me…”
IDK THE FULL CONTEXT TO THIS (really hating my ace-ness rn cuz this last line is so heartfelt) BUT OMG BROKEN FRANKIE I JUST. ARGHHH
you realized that you were embracing your entire world right then and there. Letting it go would be the hardest thing you’d ever do.
take my heart and crush it why don’t you omg. 😭😍
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 10
She was hurt again. And it was his fault again.
I can’t do it. I can’t be alone anymore.
His world spun and he felt like he was falling. He fell and fell into the abyss with no one there to save him as the bag felt like it was burning a hole in his hand. Is it hot? He felt hot. Burning up. Had he finally died and gone to hell? God knows that’s where he belonged.
No. It’s just an overwhelming darkness. Nothing. And that’s what he wanted, right? To feel nothing.
*VERY INCOHERENT SCREAMING* This is beautiful writing omg. The raw emotion in this. Holy hell. 
oml. That transition from pure pain and angst into love just *chefs kiss*. Frankie deserves so much 😭
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 11
“It wasn’t supposed to make you cry,”
wHat eLsE wAs iT sUpPoSeD tO dO omg. 
This whole chapter was SO CUTE!!! The way that Frankie just knows things about her. UGH. 
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 12
“What if it’s big and pulls me in?!”
“I don’t wanna die,” he whispered.
His life felt as though it was falling apart all over again and he realized it was because she was the one that held him together and now that he was leaving, everything was one big mess again.
*inaudible screaming*
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 13
That ending tho! I love that you gave them their own little thing with the moon. Its so sweet 🥰and the Pope-Frankie friendship moments. *melts*
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 14
okay i was gonna blockquote but there was too much to quote This whole chapter felt so raw omg. If you’re pulling from real experience then I’m so sorry you ever had to go through that *pulls you into the biggest hug ever* (assuming you like hugs, if you don’t... i send you an affectionate ‘rubbing my forehead into your shoulder’)
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 15
“You could’ve walked in here with your head shaved and I’d still love it…but…please don’t.”
😂 yessss give me the humour in this sad
still haven’t learnt to read the warnings oml 🤦🏻‍♀️
ahhhh the soft reassuring Frankie content!!!!
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 16
“Probably because it’s Wednesday,” he said.
“It is?” you asked.
“Yeah. What day did you think it was?”
I FEEL SO ATTACKED OMG. What even is time anymore.
asfadsdfgdhk Its so SOFFTTT. Is this what it’s like to fall in love??😭
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 17
hallelujah i’ve finally learnt to read the warnings
ngaww Frankie being all excited and soft 🥺🥺 are they going camping?? are we gonna get Frankie in his element??
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 18
I’m as flat as a board back there.
I feel attacked and this wasn’t even directed at me oml 😂😂
tHeY aRe sO iN lOvE oMg 😍
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 19
I get it, it’s embarrassing, but I’m not judging you for it.
YES. In this house, we don’t judge people who are struggling to find jobs!
“I wouldn’t say them if you didn’t deserve them. You deserve good things, Frankie. You may not feel like you do but you do. Always.”
He sighed and rubbed your back. “If you say it then it must be true.”
*incoherent screaming* we all deserve good things okay 😭
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 20
thank you for the warnings that i’ve finally learnt to read before reading the fic
What if I’m a lost cause? Just some pathetic druggie who can’t get his shit together…mooching off his girl.
NOOO You’re not just some pathetic druggie Frankie😭😭
“Sleepovers? Do I get to paint your nails? Do your hair?”
Our love has aged gracefully kinda like us.
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 21
“With all due respect, sir, I’m not and have never been an addict. Yeah, I did drugs. Yes, I hurt your daughter and she had to leave, but you know what, we’re together now and nothing’s gonna change that. She’s forgiven me and she loves me and that’s all that matters.”
YAS. I love this change from nervous wreck to confidence! 
This is so happy and soft and sweet oml. My angsty soul doesn’t know how to deal. 😭
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 22
Sweet baby jesus. It was soft. And then it was not. And then it was soft again and I just. *incoherent screaming* GURL. 
I’m gonna have a house right on the other side of the lake.
asdfgI I Have Feelings.
GURLLL. This was so innocent!! They’re both so young and cute and asgalsfjghsd. 
“Are you running away from something?” she asked, and he bristled. “From me because you love me and don’t know how to say it?”
*incoherent screaming* well shit. you go gurl! you call him on his crap!
I skimmed the smut but like Frankie being a nervous wreck is 🥺
If you wanna see someone else while I’m gone, you can.
*more screaming because OMG if only he knew what that would lead to*
O damn. I kinda loved his slow descend into darkness... The fact that the reader still clings on to hope and love and just, damn. I’m lost for words. 
that’s all my brain feels right now. that was dark, but like. a good dark. It was heart wrenching but beautiful and- “I won’t be able to find you if I’m lost myself,” THIS. I just. *chefs kiss* but also, *ugly sobbing*. 
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shhhhyoursister · 5 years ago
Hey what are you favourite davenzi scenes/moments and what are your favourite Matteo scenes/moments? Hope you’re well!
okay okay okay this has been in my inbox for a lil while and i feel like ive been building up to it but im going to watch some clips and gather some thoughts.....i asked @theyellowcurtains to give me a number limit for each and he said 3 so im gonna do 3 of each otherwise id just write a frame by frame analysis of all of season 3 (im so sorry for how long this post is i have so many thoughts all the time)
im gonna start with matteo moments and im gonna list the season/episode/clip just for clarity okay?? okay (im doing matteo moments that dont include david because i have to go off about that later on)
1. s3ep10cl2- okay okay so the morning after clip is perfect in every single way and i could go off about it for years but beyond all of the davenzi stuff there is the moment when matteo leaves davids room and hes wearing the gray sweater, when laura is dancing??? which is also iconic all on its own but im talking specifically about matteo here, so you know he sits down on that stool thing and hes smiling SO big and hes blushin really hard and then laura sees him and they LAUGH??? and then he claps for her???? if i had to pick id absolutely say that that whole sequence is my fave matteo moment and also kind of interesting and makes me think about the fact that matteo is definitely very shy and quiet but he also has that like,, brat confidence?? i could make an entire post about that but ANYWAY yeah that is the fucking best matteo moment hes so cute and nervous but also totally fine being obvious about the fact that him and david fucked which i think is hilarious but i digress and i MUST move on
2. s3ep8cl2- i do have to say that while im not a HUGE fan of the explanation the video he watched gave of like,, what being trans is, im really glad they included this clip?? like its so obvious that matteo wants to talk to david but doesnt really know what to say, and i love that his first instinct was to start looking stuff up?? like if i was into a cis guy and he told me that he didnt really know about trans stuff but he did RESEARCH?? like thats just really sweet and shows that he really fucking loves david already and just wants to be more informed about what hes,, not to say signing up for but i cant think of a better phrase but yall know what i mean ya know??? its just very very sweet of him!!!!!
3. s3ep8cl4- i think people know about my deep love for hans so of course this clip is going to be one of my favorites?? im going to narrow it down a bit though because the part of this clip that hit me the fucking hardest was when hans asks “what do you like about him?” because the way matteo reacts is just?? so sweet?? at first he looks a little unsure but then when hans repeats himself matteo licks his lips and goes “well, i love his smile” like????? is that not the cutest fucking shit?? he literally swoons and collapses back into the chair cause hes probably imagining it and then he goes off about it being “beautiful” with david and im sure hans is trying not to cry?? and hans ending it with “thats the only thing that really matters, everything else is secondary” and matteo going “thats true” and then laughing a little bit?? i feel like that whole thing was a bit of a turning point for matteo and wow i am,,, so emotional about it
oh my god im so sorry im going off but im about to go off more cause,,, im gonna talk about davenzi moments now
1. s3ep10cl1- okay im just gonna start strong even though i feel like everyone talks about this clip i REALLY wanna talk about it because??? the fact that they showed a fucking sex scene between a trans boy and a gay cis boy is still so fucking iconic and legendary?? while this whole season really changed my life, this scene in particular is so.......it just feels so good to see. like its so nice watching that and seeing someone who looks like me ya know?? not that i look like david god i wish i was that lucky but like,, someone wearing a binder?? someone whos body looks more like mine than any other trans rep ive seen?? and seeing that body being portrayed as DESIRABLE??? i think thats one of the things that gets me the most is just how like,, just how much matteo is into david lol it just feels good feels organic but im gonna stop myself here before i talk for 1000 years about a less than 4min long clip lmao
2. s3ep10cl4- okay so this clip really just highlights the cute beginning flirting stages of their relationship?? like matteo doesnt want to host the party but then he sees david and smiles and then hes smiling like a fool when he hands david the beanie back and theyre both just so awkward but obviously crushing?? and he wants to keep talking so of course hes gonna bring up the time they hung out, and he looks a lil shocked after david says “it was cool with you” and then he like,, stutters through inviting him to the party cause hes probably so nervous!!! theyre both just such big losers with such BIG crushes on each other its really just the cutest fucking clip and also kinda shows that david isnt necessarily just this,, cool dude?? hes also a stuttery blushy dork with a crush?? wow wow its just such a good underrated clip WOW
3. s3ep9cl7- okay okay okay okay okay im sure there are like lenghty analyses about this clip already but i dont care because holy FUCK??? something i didnt really notice about it before was once matteo finally goes up to david hes like “are you fucking serious” but then he sees that david is fuckin spiraling so his voice gets softer and he asks him like “hey whats wrong” and its just a really good set up to the conversation?? and its nice to see that despite matteo probably being kinda angry hes mostly just worried about david?? and then matteo just lets david go OFF at him and only talks when hes trying to tell him that it isnt going to be the same as it was last time but then once he sees that david is getting angrier and louder hes like okay how am i going to get him to listen so of course matteo, the quietest boy in the world, yells back!!!! and yeah thats the thing that finally stops david from working himself up!! and matteo realizes that hes gonna need to be a lil loud and pushy to make david listen to him and then he goes back to being soft once david is paying attention to him!!! and then he talks and he says so much, like much more than he usually does at one time, and god GOD the way they did that was jsut so GOOD!!!!! and the fact that matteo, who appears to be either depressed or apathetic like 90% of the season, is the one that says i love you first??? and during such an emotional and important moment like?? like after going off about how david isnt alone and that hes really great and jsut needs to stop hiding himself away LIKE???? guys its jsut so so good its just so good i could talk for years but im gonna cut myself off here
honorable mentions cause i cant shut the fuck UP:
1. when theyre looking at davids sketchbook and david is like “these are private actually all of them are private” and matteo is like “well you already showed them to me it doesnt matter” and then he giggles like damn no question why david had such a huge crush on him immediately hes such a cutie
2. “its not a girl”
3. ill just say the whole cuddle clip?? the tender/feral dichotomy?? absolutely *chefs kiss* just fucking perfect
4. THE FIRST KISS??? also gotta say i noticed something for the first time the other night but matteo SMILES and i hadnt seen it before its right after david says “i bet i can hold my breath longer than you” and then the angle changes and he smiles before holding his breath and it killed me when i saw it whoops
5. final shout out along the same lines as ^^ that one but just?? anytime matteo smiles?? fills me with serotonin. the smile in the final clip right before david runs over to kiss him?? the smiles when hes fuckin around with the boys?? every single lil nervous crushy smile with david??? i could go on but im going to stop this now before i say any more this is already too long
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inkedmyths · 6 years ago
Monstrous roars and mistakes
Wow, another update within only a couple days? Wow Myth, you crazy.
Almost as crazy as this update.
Also, special thanks to @thehufflepuffleboi and @spacemalarkey for inspiring some of the events in this chapter
Also @theonlytrashpanda you said you wanted a ping when I posted it
"What are we hiding from?"
They were crouching down behind a crumbling stone wall, one of the few pieces of cover in the nearby area. Most of the surroundings at this point were hills and grasses, the trees having dwindled behind them. They'd ducked suddenly at Wild's insistence, though Twilight was still unsure as to why.
"Shut up, Frog Foot!"
"Excuse me?" Twilight blinked incredulously at Feral, who grinned while he put a finger to his lips.
"You heard me. Now be quiet!"
Twilight had to bite down to keep from snapping back. Just like Feral to give him a ridiculous nickname over that incident.
Wild gestured at them both. Be quiet, he signed. Then he paused, glancing at Twilight as though a thought occurred to him.
You're good, go on, Twilight signed back.
Relief flickered in Wild's eyes. Didn't think to ask if you knew sign. Sorry.
Twilight waved him off. It's fine. What are we doing?
Plotting, Feral replied.
What for?
You never approach a - Twilight wasn't sure what that sign was, he'd never seen it before - unprepared.
A what? I didn't catch that.
L - Y - N - E - L. Wild signed each individual letter, then repeated the sign Feral had used. Must be a sign specific to their Hyrule, he guessed.
What's that?
Wild paused before moving quietly to the edge of the rock. Peeking around the corner, he waited a moment before gesturing to Twilight to come over. He followed the example set and was careful to steady himself silently as he peered over the top of the younger hero's head. What he saw made him suddenly understand the need for stealth.
It was definitely a monster, no question about it, but it was no monster he'd ever seen. Even from far away he could tell it was huge, likely more than twice his height. It had the lower body of a powerful horse, but where the head would normally be was the meaty torso of a humanoid. Thick arms no doubt capable of delivering a blow like a rock slide held some sorts of objects (weapons, he guessed by the sunlight glinting now and again). A mane that blazed like fire burst from the head of the beast, that turned this way and that as it plodded slowly through the grasses.
He slipped back behind the rock. Yikes, he signed, grimacing. Looks nasty.
It is, Wild signed back.
I was wondering why we ducked out of the way so suddenly.
Sorry. There isn't one here, usually. Wild frowned as he signed this.
Since the fall of the Calamity, they no longer seem to be bound to one place, Feral commented.
Yeah, true. But I'm fairly sure there were none even close to this area!
Maybe it's on vacation.
Okay, Twilight signed, gesturing to get their attention before they got to preoccupied with monster vacations. Regardless of why, it's here for now. What's the plan?
I'm surprised you're not making one, Feral signed, raising an eyebrow in what Twilight was quickly associating as his signature expression.
Your Hyrule, your monster. You two have experience with this kind of monster. I don't.
Wild tapped his chin thoughtfully. Well, in theory we could just go around it. The issue there is the possibility it will notice us as we try and sneak by.
I say we do operation Y - A - H - A - H - A.
Yahaha? Twilight was lost. Operation what now?
Wild, on the other hand, was grinning. Sure, why not? Sounds like fun.
Fun? Uh oh. Considering the appearance of the 'lynel', as they called it, fun was the last thing he thought of. That could only mean bad things. Hang on-
But Feral had already disappeared. Literally. He dissolved into the shadow of the wall, and within seconds it was as if he was never there. Vaguely, Twilight registered this ability was important information, but he was a bit preoccupied by his other thoughts. Namely the ones that said this was probably going to go very badly in a moment.
Wild had scooted out from behind the wall, and was slowly making his way around the lynel, inching closer with each step. Twilight saw that he'd pulled out a bow and some arrows.
The beast paused. It's great head sniffed the air, searching. It slowly turned, ears pricked as it's path changed to a direct course for Wild. The closer it got, the more tense it seemed, the more positive it seemed of a presence. Twilight wanted to yell at Wild to move, to retreat, but he knew that wouldn't help anything. He saw the hero draw back his bow, arrow readied. The beast grew closer, pulling its weapons up in ready position-
Feral leaped out of the shadows near the beast's feet, startling it to its hind legs. At the same moment, Wild fired off the arrow, which exploded on impact on the creature. Bomb arrows? Feral launched himself up and grabbed on the creature's mane, whooping in a decidedly too excited manner. Twilight thought he could hear him say "You found me!" over the lynel's enraged roars.
Dear Hylia help him. Twilight sighed, gathered his thoughts, and drew his sword. Unknown monster or no, he was a hero. He'd improvised plenty of times, and lived to tell the tale. Better that he learn how to deal with this monster first hand then just watch. Dashing out from behind the rock, he joined Wild as the lynel rampaged, trying to shake the shadowy nuisance off.
"A bomb arrow? That was your plan?!"
Wild shrugged. "Does a lot of damage from the get go. These things can take awhile to take down." He traded out the bow for the Master Sword and ran forward. Pivoting to avoid a hoof as it kicked out, he slashed at the lynel's side as it raged by.
Feral, meanwhile was cackling madly on top of the furious monster. He'd drawn his own sword and was slashing repeatedly at its arms and head. This only seemed to make the beast angrier, and it increased its vehement bucking. One arm reached back to grab the shadow, but he dodged, using the mane as a hold to swing himself out of the way. With one last slash across the lynel's chest, he dropped and rolled out of the way.
Incensed, the beast roared it's fury, brandishing its weapons in preparation to counter the pesky lifeforms that dared challenge it. Wild was once again next to Twilight.
"The trick is to not get hit by it."
"That's the trick with every monster!" Twilight hissed.
He stared up at the fearsome beast, sizing it up. It was truly a sight to behold, and not one he relished in. Muscles rippled under thick, red skin. A sword and shield that looked able to tear and break in unison were brandished by unyielding arms. Eyes a sickly, brilliant yellow glared them down, malice emanating from its gaze. He also noted a bow and a quiver of arrows on its back, making it capable of still attacking at long range.
Twilight had never seen a lynel in his life. Never even heard of one until now. Yet, looking at the looming beast, he couldn't help but feel something was off with it. He couldn't be sure what, but his instincts were blaring alarm bells all over the place. Was it just the beast being unfamiliar with his experiences? He glanced at Wild, who was brandishing the Master Sword in preparation for another go, which dripped with the lynel's blood from his attack-
His veins turned to ice.
Twilight put his hand out to try and tell him to stop, to hold on, wait a moment, but it was too late. Wild charged forward, swinging the blade upwards to knock the beast's swing off its course. He slashed at it's feet as he ran by. A roar of rage answered. The huge blade of the monster followed Wild, but he rolled to the side as it carved out a divet in the soil where his feet had been. Feral took advantage of the switch in focus, slashing at one of the front legs of the beast before flipping away.
They had to stop. This was really bad. "Feral, Wild! Hold on a minute!"
But his yells fell on deaf ears. Possibly literally, he thought, as the enraged monster gave another earsplitting roar. The two of them slashed and hacked at the lynel, neither seeming to notice what Twilight had. It was clear they wouldn't listen to him. He had to do something...
Then the beast stopped, inhaled. And when it exhaled, a blast of fire seared past him, singeing the edges of his cloak. At that point, instinct took over.
He sprinted forward to where Wild was. Without pause, he picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. Wild yelped in confusion. "No time to explain." Twilight could feel something hot and slick drip on his arm, and knew the younger hero had gotten injured. Worry about that later. Keep running.
He streaked past Feral, who protested as he scooped him up in his free arm. No time to talk, no time to deal with this. Keep running.
The lynel's thunderous roars boomed behind them as it realized they were getting away. Twilight recalled the bow and quiver on its back, and resolved to run faster. Then, he heard a distant snap. Keep running.
"Shock arrows!" Wild yelled. Twilight changed course immediately, and he felt the electricity crackle at his heels as the arrows barely missed.
He ended up dodging three volleys of shock arrows before finally the roars faded behind them. After a moment he slowed his pace, but only a little. He didn't want to take any risks.
"What's the big idea? We were doing fine!" Feral grumbled. He kicked out, but Twilight ignored it.
"I'm sure he had a good reason, Feral."
"Really? Well I'd sure like to hear it."
"Just wait a second!"
"I want to know now- are you bleeding?"
"You're bleeding."
"Only a little! That last swing nicked my arm."
"'Nicked'? Dude, you're bleeding all over Twi's arm."
" 's not that bad."
"I bet that's why he grabbed us."
Twilight spotted the ruins of a building up ahead. It wasn't completely destroyed, and he knew they needed to stop at some point. The sun was getting low in the sky. He slowed, and walked onto the ruined threshold.
"Finally! I'm tired of being carried like a sack of potatoes." Feral complained. "Put me down!"
Twilight dropped him.
While Feral complained about that being rude and that the ground was cold, he was more careful in setting Wild down. He held out his hand expectantly. Wild, somewhat reluctantly, held out his arm. Twilight examined the injury. While it was definitely more than a minor scratch, it wasn't as bad as he'd initially thought. The cut was several centimeters long, but seemed to be relatively shallow. The important thing would be making sure it didn't get infected. Rummaging through his bag produced several first aid supplies, and he immediately set about tending the wound. A little health potion and a bandage later, the wound was wrapped and taken care of. "There, that should do it."
Wild examined the bandage. "Thanks."
"Alright, now that Wild is no longer getting blood everywhere, I want answers!" Feral crossed his arms, making a face somewhere between a scowl and a pout. "Other than Wild's arm, everything was fine! We've taken down plenty of those things in the past."
Twilight sighed. "I'm sure you have, but there was something wrong with that one."
"How do you know? You didn't even know what it was until today!"
"Feral, don't be rude!" Wild looked somewhat nervously between his shadow and the older hero.
Twilight shook his head. "No, it's a valid point. However, I say that because I've seen it in other monsters."
"What do you mean? Seen what?" Feral still looked skeptical, but that was becoming overpowering by curiosity.
"Wild, the sword."
Wild looked confused, but pulled out the Master Sword onto his lap. Twilight looked it over, humming and nodding.
"Unless I am mistaken, that's not a normal thing for blood to do, even a monster's."
Wild and Feral looked at the sword, and for the first time noticed something was happening. The blood from the Lynel was hissing. Faint tendrils of darkness streamed away like smoke in the wind. Much of it was gone by this point, evaporated into nothingness. What was left was dark, too dark.
"What the-" Feral started, then paused, squinting at the vanishing stains.
Wild was wide-eyed. "No, it doesn't - it shouldn't - I, I haven't..." He swallowed, then, quieter: "This isn't normal, no."
Twilight nodded. "That's what I thought. The lynel was unnaturally empowered. It was too risky to stick around and try and fight it off when it wasn't really necessary."
Wild nodded slowly. "Okay that makes sense. See, I told you there was a reason Feral." A moment's silence, and Wild looked up. "Feral?"
The shadow was fixated on the remnants of the blood as it spiraled away on the wind. Twilight hadn't seen Feral so quiet and still. It was unnerving. Slowly, he reached out a hand to the sword, waving it through the wisps trailing off of it. His gaze was unreadable.
"Feral?" Wild asked again, looking worried. "Is everything alright?"
"I didn't notice."
"I didn't notice. How didn't I notice? It should have been obvious- !" His brow furrowed in frustration, and he clenched his outstretched hand.
Wild reached out a hand in an attempt to calm him. "Hey, Feral it's okay! We were too busy fighting to notice-"
"No!" Feral jumped to his feet, too fast for a normal person. "I should have noticed! I should have sensed it!" Twilight had to resist the urge to reach for a weapon. He knew by now Feral wasn't a threat to him or Wild, but it was hard to fight instinct. Especially given the fact that Feral seemed to be upset enough that his hold on his form was slipping. Edges of his clothes blurred, darkness curling around his hands and hair as he paced.
"Feral..." Wild seemed at a loss, but stood up. "Hey." He crossed the broken stone floor to his shadow, gently placing his hand on his shoulder. "It's alright. Everything is okay. We're okay."
Feral stiffened, but after a moment seemed to calm down slightly. His form re-solidified, and the shadows dissipated. "Right. Okay."
"Yeah. It's okay." Wild patted his shoulder. "Why are you so upset about not sensing that there was something wrong?"
Feral looked as though he might get agitated again, but bit his lip. "I just... I should have noticed the darkness before. I can't believe I didn't notice until Twilight pointed it out. It should have been glaringly obvious."
"Why's that?"
Feral was silent for a moment. "You remember how we've talked about how light and dark each come in many different forms?"
"Right. Like how the type of light manifested in the Sword is related but different from the light in the Bow?" Twilight didn't quite follow the comparison, but Feral seemed to.
"So you're saying the darkness in the lynel should have been more-" Wild paused. "That you think you should have noticed it sooner?"
Feral stared at the sword. "For one thing, it's very different from the Malice of monsters. It's only as related as far as all darkness is related. For another, it's... unique."
"Unique? Have you seen it before?"
"I have, plenty, but... I've only seen it come from one source, and this definitely didn't come from that."
Suddenly, Feral's reaction made sense to Twilight. Of course. No wonder he was so agitated about it. He was a fool for not considering the possibility of him reacting to it earlier.
Wild furrowed his brow. "How do you know it isn't from that source?"
"Because that source is me."
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Gotta make a 5x08 post because if I don’t gather all of my thoughts in a single place, it’s absolutely gonna devolve into a series of ‘AND ANOTHER THING!’ posts. XD
I really do think that they’ve made great strides in balancing all of the stuff that goes into a single episode of Supergirl. But! There are still pacing problems--this episode is pretty darned rushed and nowhere is that more apparent than Alex and Brainy just. Hopping into the Fortress and Kara shaking off hours of Kryptonite exposure like...’business as usual, lads!’
(And I mean...I get it, they had to wrap a lot of stuff up because Crisis but. It’s not like they didn’t know that the first chunk of the season would need to be handled by episode 8. So on the one hand, okay....but on the other hand, ehhhhhh?)
(Also SG did not tie its season in with Crisis the same way Flash and Arrow did, so it’s not as though anything was taking time away from their series regulars/season-long plot.)
Right, so. Kara speeds off to Lena’s secret lair and....
Here’s the part where I admit a couple of things: 1.) I have never liked Lena Luthor. Ever. At all. But, 2.) I’ve disagreed with a lot of the more... intense Lena hate this season. For instance, I actually think it makes sense that for seasons 2-4, Lena doesn’t show a lot of self-awareness, and refuses to change, because you can’t have Lena being like, ‘Whoops, I’m wrong, my bad, sorry,’ and then proceed with a ‘Dark Lena’ plot. So I was like, ‘okay, this season is payoff to something they’ve clearly been building for several seasons...and said payoff is about Lena learning a lesson, and being taken to task for her shady business.’
And perhaps that’s where we’re still headed. BUUUUUUUUUUT:
In the meantime, it’s getting all muddied.
For instance: we get really frustrating moments, like Lena shooting ion canons at Kara, but stopping short of killing her with Kryptonite ones, and Kara being like, ‘I won’t give up on you!’ because WOW, Lena didn’t kill her.
Much friendship. Such love.
(Admission number 3! I rolled my eyes at Lena every time words came out of her mouth because they were all terrible.)
Speaking of eye-rolling! The Malefic interrogation scene!
Lena kept that man AS HER PRISONER but because she didn’t resort to physical violence, and kept him from being physically violent via mind control, we’re meant to believe that she’s still basically Good.
‘Well Malefic was a terrorist.’ Except Lena didn’t kidnap him with the intent of saving J’onn, or Kara, or anyone that Malefic was attacking--she kidnapped him with the intent of using his brain for--and I cannot stress this enough--MiND CoNtROL!!!!!
And yes, yes, it’s very in character for Kara to believe in people and hope for the best and think she can save everyone, but at what point does the narrative say, enough is enough? She’s got everything from murder to mind control under her belt and Kara’s over here like, ‘She’s not physically hurting anyone, and she probably got a good reason for it!’
Kara, I love you, but. No.
(Not to mention all of the very uncomfortable stuff happening re: Kara blaming herself and thinking that SHE has to fix someone who has intended to cause and has actually caused her physical harm. Multiple times.) 
*takes a deep breath*
*because I’m gonna need air to yell in just a second here*
The hologram scene!
Which is a repeat of Kara apologizing for one past mistake and Lena treating it like it was a pattern, and Kara just. Taking it.
‘You just exposed me to the ugliness of humanity.’
Again I get that it’s extremely in-character for Lena to have zero self-awareness but this kind of stuff doesn’t do her any favors in the sympathy department, because we KNOW that Kara has bent over backwards to support and defend Lena, and Lena’s out here like, ‘You’re the WORST’!
I just wanna laugh in her face, which I don’t think is the response that the show wants.   
Up next, the first DEO balcony scene, AKA, my favorite part of the episode.
I’m gonna quote the whole thing, because it’s wonderful:
“Your choice to conceal your identity wasn’t born out of a place of maliciousness. It was born out of love and compassion. And you were just trying to protect your family. And you were trying to protect Lena from people who could use that information to hurt us.”
And then there’s the whole list of all the shady nonsense Lena has pulled and honestly, *chef’s kiss*
And see, here we are, thinking, GOOD, YES, GOOD, at last, a voice of REASON. Now, Kara will learn that while it’s okay to believe that people can change and have hope, she can recognize that it has to be them that wants to change. She can’t do it for them!
Buuuuut then the show is like, ‘well Alex wants to use lethal force and that’s BAD’. Which it is.
So if you’re trying to position Alex as the voice of reason and in the Right, you can’t turn around and say, ‘look at how unreasonable Alex is being right now! Look at how wrong she was!’
It’s incredibly frustrating that the episode lands on the note of: Alex was wrong to think that people can’t change, and Kara was right, so we just have to deal with Lena’s sh*t a bit longer’. Like, Alex lays out all of the very real, very valid reasons for Kara to MAYBE BE UPSET WITH LENA and see that Lena’s just as much in the wrong--if not MORE SO--and the episode doesn’t use that to teach KARA anything new...somehow this turns into ‘teach Alex to BELIEVE IN PEOPLE’S ABILITY TO CHANGE.’
Which would be a fine lesson at any other point but maybe not after repeated attempts to get Lena to surrender and stop her MIND CONTROL PLOT.
Speaking of repeated attempts to reach Lena: I appreciate that J’onn reminds Kara that she already talked to Lena (and tearfully apologized for the...third time? now?) and Lena was just as petty and melodramatic and UNWILLING TO ADMIT TO ANY KIND OF WRONGDOING OR SHOW ANY DESIRE TO CHANGE but again, all of this information is buried in another ‘Kara believes in Lena in spite of all evidence to the contrary and the narrative justifies her blind devotion’ plot.
WE’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE. Specifically, when Lena was like. Framed or whatever but NOW she is, in fact, just as shady as all the evidence suggests AND YET.
‘She’s just hurting, I can still fix this!’
*so many alarm bells ringing, all the red flags flying*
I made this a few weeks ago, and never posted it, because at the time, I didn’t feel like there was enough evidence to support my concerns but:
Tumblr media
Dude as bad as season 2 got, they at least were like, ‘hey, Kara has abandonment issues, let’s unpack that a little’.
All of this? Is simply All About Lena. 
(I wanna believe that there’s a little bit of forward movement re: Kara, given that she knows Lena framed Hope/Eve at the end but it’s STILL right there next to, ‘we gotta hope for the best! And save Lena’s soul!’)
Like. How can you go through the entirety of season 2, as well as Kara telling Mon-El off in season 3, only to repeat Kara taking responsibility for other people’s crappy choices? HOW ARE WE REGRESSING LIKE THIS. >:C
As for other stuff in this episode: Rama Khan was...there.
I’m glad Mrs. Wheeler is in charge now; I still think the Leviathan stuff is kinda weak overall, but Rama Khan in particular felt very ‘meh.’
(...I think maybe I just don’t like his costume.)
(Also I know they said Mrs. Wheeler’s actual name in this episode but I can’t remember it.)
I liked all of the Andrea stuff! 
Like that was genuinely Sad, at the end, when she used the contacts to revisit memories of Russell.
Russell, who appears to be very dead, which I find. Disappointing. 
(Side note: Crisis better look stunning because ‘chained to a pile of dirt’ and ‘trapped under a single slab of concrete’ was about the same level of Earthbending FX we saw in the live action Avatar: The Last Airbender movie.)
(So. Not great, Bob.) 
Poor Malefic has been sent to Mars, so. Guess we won’t be seeing him any more.
Ahhhh, but then, we have the CRISIS TIE-IN.
Which was pretty chill, actually. All things considered.
‘Good job on reconciling with your brother. Wanna save the multiverse?’
Okay I think I’m done yelling about this one! Can’t wait for the Crisis to come, and maybe erase this tedious arc from all of existence! 
Oh crap I just remembered that J’onn and Alex apparently need Lena’s help to save Earth-38...ugh.
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binary-colour · 5 years ago
Falsettos UK time
So I just went to see the UK production of Falsettos last night and kind of wanted to word vomit all my thoughts and key parts of it onto a post so that I can preserve the amazingness in my mind for as long as possible.
Basically, I’ve been obsessed with this show for a while now and it lived up to every expectation possible. The cast were incredible, the singing was outstanding and my mum sobbed solidly through the second act.
FYI - we had the male cover Matthew McKenna as Whizzer (I was a bit worried at first but he was incredible)
This is v v long so read at own risk ig. Also, spoilers!
Four Jews was portraying Jason’s birth (like, the ‘slavery’ was Trina going into labour). It worked really well actually, especially for people who had no idea what the show was about (ie 90% of the audience lmao) It was also Trina in it more than Jason, but there was this hilarious bit when they did the ‘I’m Mendel!’ etc. section and Trina went ‘I’m-‘ and got cut off Also Whizzer piggybacked Jason, my heart
Tight Knit Family - as you’d expect I guess, Daniel’s voice was 👌 Also Marvin did ‘friend’ in airquotes and Whizzer did this mega eye roll lmao
Love is Blind - I guess there wasn’t much else different, just that they all stood in the photo frames when Trina sung about them which was a v nice touch ¯\_(ツ)_/
Thrill of First Love - Whizzer was,, a lot more argumentative than I expected I guess? Like, almost a bit aggressive? But overall it was great, they were so snarky and less sexual than the revival (which my asexual ass didn’t mind) apart from one reaaaach. They also had v good chemistry to say it wasn’t Oliver performing.
Marvin At The Psychiatrist - the staging was pretty similar to revival. Whizzer was watching from the top and he made all these offended faces when Marvin and Mendel were talking about him (when they said he was ‘smarmy’ he did this Offended Gay expression it was great). Then Trina started unbuttoning her shirt in Pt. 2 and Mendel got really flustered, it was wild. Everyone was dying from laughter. Also, ‘it’s queer Mr Marvin… sorry, it’s strange Mr Marvin’ deserves its own shoutout
My Father’s A Homo/Everyone Tells Jason to See A Psychiatrist - Elliot is a star, what more can I say. His voice is soo good as well. When Whizzer arrived Trina and him did this 😒 face at each other.
I’m Breaking Down - I thought no-one could come close to Stephanie’s iconic performance in the revival, but Laura rocked it. She was setting the table for Mendel coming, and it had this mega chaotic energy where she threw the bananas around and screamed ‘shIT’ when they fell onto the floor. For the ‘fulfill his needs’ bit she really aggressively ripped the top of the banana off and peeled it lmao. Also, she was drinking from the wine bottle for one of the choruses and humming, it was amazing. 
Jason’s Therapy - Jason was definitely the most mature one in this scene haha. After Mendel did his first dance sequence, Jason just put a hand on his shoulder to stop him and sighed before he said the ‘is this therapy?’ bit.  Marvin and Trina sat drinking at the side of the stage the whole time lmao. When it was the second ‘is this therapy?’ line, they both held up their glasses for the ‘yES!’. Also, for the final bit Marvin, Trina and Whizzer all came on singing into glasses and slapping their legs with plates lmao.
Marriage proposal - I saw a few people saying that this was a bit ~creepy~ rather than cute, and I guess I see what they mean? But they didn’t do the weird vampire wrist grab like the revival, so I guess that’s a plus. Trina was very confused the whole time, bless her, and for the ‘start to cry’ she was like ‘I’m not??’ and then Mendel starting blubbering. Plus, Jason sang the ‘biblical times?’ first one rather than Trina, and Marvin did this Super Sassy ‘bIbLiCaL tImEs’ that was hilarious.
Trina’s Song/March of the Falsettos - This was staged as a nightmare sequence, which brought some sense to the madness of MoTF. Like, when she woke up she continued with the song, it worked really well. I also really liked that they reenacted the wedding scene from 4 Jews as part of it, it really showed Trina’s fear that something bad would happen again.
The Chess Game - Wow, this was... intense. Whizzer was super snarky, so Marvin got mad at him pretty quickly. It was so funny though, especially when it was Whizzer saying the ‘move a pawn’ bit and he sat in his chair like Marvin and acted all stern. Marvin was drinking solidly, so when Whizzer ‘won’ and knocked over a ton of pieces he lobbed the board off stage and hit a few things. Whizzer backed off pretty quick looking scared and Marvin was apologetic until the ‘Whizzer’s supposed to make the dinner’ bit, when he got Whizzer’s suitcase and packed it for him on stage before throwing it at him.  Also, the ‘this had better come to a stop’ was targeted at the liquor bottle.
Making a home – Mendel came on with only a house plant and it got kicked out of the house anyway lmao I relate. The dog bit Jason’s chessboard rip.
The Games I Play – this was performed so well my mum almost cried. It was much softer than any other version I’ve heard and more… spoken? But the notes at the end were belted and spot on, but he still had the slight tremor like he was tearing up. Your heart really went out for Whizzer, especially as the Motel projected on the screens on his side were mirrored by the homely ones on the other.
Marvin Hits Trina – Marvin didn’t tear up the invitation but he did hit a lot of stuff. Mendel also seemed a lot less angry at him when Marvin first came in then the revival – I guess Marvin was somewhat drunk in this. He also looked MAD at Whizzer whenever he sang his bits, apart from when Whizzer chokes up a bit when he says he doesn’t love him, and you see Marvin falter a bit then before he shouts at everyone. The lights went red when he hit Trina, which really added to the effect (although they were a bit late whoops)
I Never Wanted to Love You – Jason was crying and hugging Trina after Marvin hit her, and Mendel came and surrounded them in this big ~protective dad~ way. Marvin looked genuinely sorry as well, which was nice I guess.
Father to Son – The staging of this was really simple – they were just sat on the floor centre stage face-to-face. But it was so heartfelt, and Marvin looked like he was going to cry for most of it. And at first, Jason was a bit hesitant to hug him after what happened before, but you could see how relieved Marvin was when he did.
Falsettoland – Mendel pointed at the audience for the ‘homosexuals’ and ‘mother with children’ lmao. The tiny band was the wedding ring too. Whizzer was introduced back on with ‘homosexual’ and he did this offended ‘really’ gesture it was great. No Nancy Reagan punchbag unfortunately, but the lesbians came on holding signs saying Love Is Love <3. Marvin and Trina seemed a lot more friendly in this too, which was a nice touch!
Year of the Child – Mendel was Too Scared to really disrupt the arguments haha. Trina was fierce, Marvin suggested the caterers really sheepishly and she basically bit his head off it was hilarious. And when the lesbians arrived with the food, she literally said off-mic ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ to Marvin. At the end, Jason ran off because they were all too ~excited~ and the last part of the song was spent looking for him lmao.
Miracle of Judaism – ‘Jo… what’s the name of that bitch?’ im dead
Baseball Game – Jason had a pretty good swing before Whizzer even arrived to be honest. The lesbians fully got up and yelled at the umpire it was great. Mendel got up to sing his bit, and Marvin and Trina just sort of led him to sit back down and apologised offstage. Whizzer kept teasing Marvin back about the hairline comments, and Marvin just mournfully rubbed his head like ‘I know.’ It was hilarious.
A Day in Falsettoland – Charlotte and Cordelia were the patients and they were both amazing. Mendel wasn’t even sorry about the name. Charlotte literally spat the food back onto Cordelia’s plate, she didn’t even hide it lmao. ‘Maybe in a mile I’ll be okay.’ ‘a mILE?’ Same Mendel. Also, Trina runs with weights? Raquetball worked really well to say there was such little space on stage. It was nice to see the softer side to Marvin and Whizzer’s relationship, the occasional kisses throughout the game.
Everyone Hates His Parents – it was pretty similar to the revival, except Mendel and Jason both did a mega cartwheel?! I was shocked, it was perfect. Also, Trina cried ‘you’re killing me!’ to Jason after he said he didn’t want the bar mitzvah, which made the ‘kill you mother’ verse a bit more understandable lmao. Also, Trina kept giving Marvin these ‘seriously?’ looks during that whole song.
What More Can I Say - this was so sweet, so Domestic. Marvin was like this happy puppy. Whizzer basically fell asleep reading, and Marvin was taking his glasses off and putting the book aside, it was v sweet
Something Bad is Happening - lovely singing from the lesbians, extra runs! They were So Good together. When Whizzer collapsed (it was a proper keel over too), Marvin lifted his head and shoulders into lap and sang it straight to him. It was v sweet and sad, Whizzer was crying and apologising to him :’(
Holding to the Ground - this is such a beautiful song, and Laura sounded incredible. They were setting up the set behind her, but there were sirens and a heart monitor came on when they helped Whizzer into the hospital bed.
Days like this - Marvin brought this awful cheesy card, and Whizzer just held it up to the audience like ‘what’. But he kept reading the on Trina and Mendel brought and showing it to Marvin. The Whizzer/Trina solidarity was v sweet, he kissed her cheek and things when they arrived.
Cancelling the Bar Mitzvah - Jason started properly crying into Trina who cried as well. It was so raw and emotional, you really felt their fear for what is happening. My only qualm was that they cut part out?? It’s one of my favourite lines, when Mendel sings the ‘becoming a man’ bit :s
Four Unlikely Lovers - now this was heartbreaking. Marvin went and cried at the end of the hospital bed at the beginning, and he sobbed at Whizzer’s ‘our bed’. They were really sweet though, always kissing foreheads or holding hands and things - I don’t think they let go all song. Cordelia and Charlotte also came in holding hands <3
Side note! Whizzer seemed in a lot more pain in this!! Which made me really sad 
Something Bad (reprise) - Jason was watching Charlotte sing it instead of Marvin, I guess it was almost like her preparing him for what was going to happen to his Dad too?!
You Gotta Die Sometime - this was sooo well sung, it was pretty soft and then he started breaking down at end instead of belting the note :’’( Until Jason came in and he was like ‘um where’s your parents??’
Jason’s Bar Mitzvah - it had such a nice tight-knit ( ;) ) feeling to it which was really bittersweet. Mendel came in hiding balloons v unsuccessfully behind his back. The took the photo again, which was great (although not bitter they didn’t use the camera effect in that for the line in Everyone Tells Jason to See A Psychiatrist or anything). When Jason sung the prayer, he waved away the book and stood on table v proud. Then Jason sort of beckoned Whizzer over, which made him collapse onto the floor and Jason was taken off screaming for him. It was heartbreaking.
What Would I Do - the one that finally broke me. It was so so sad, Whizzer was still alive collapsed in bed so they sung it to each other and held held hands until he flatlined at end. On stage. My God.
At the end, the rest of the family all crowded around the bed and surrounded Marvin (who was properly sobbing). Mendel blew the candle that had been lit for the Bar Mitzvah out, and the photo they took came up on screen.
So, conclusion, see this show NOW before it ends its ridiculously short run. Honestly. You won’t regret a penny.
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zuwritesstuff · 5 years ago
When You Try to Write A Hurt/Comfort Candlenights Story
(Wow, posting? Crazy- Find this story on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22228207)
TW: Blood, injury, gun mention, weapon mention, some slightly suggestive jokes, cussing, its a hurt/comfort story if you can’t tell
Word Count: 3k
A/N- so i got really into TAZ and wrote this for my friend so, uh, enjoy ( @hiding-in-a-corner-reading i forgot to post this here whoops )
Kravtiz Ajal limped down a rusted, creaky fire escape, stumbling his way down the steps. His two compatriots, Barry and Lup Bluejeans-Enno looked at him with worry. Lup was holding him up with one arm, while Kravtiz stemmed the flow of his blood with his other hand, having just been stabbed. Barry, looking out and leading the way, holding his gun at the ready, knocked on the frosted-over window that stood before him as Lup leaned Kravtiz onto the nearby railing, exhausted. 
Kravtiz saw as Takoda Enno, his boyfriend, looked out the window, paused, and rushed over with a concerned look that never passed his features.
“What the fuck did you do-” he asked, opening the window and pulling Kravtiz by hooking his arms under his and pulling with all his might. Kravtiz, having been stabbed, winced at the movement but said nothing of it.
“Hey, Taako, good to see you too my love, light of my life,” Kravtiz said, words slurring. “I might have gotten stabbed a little bit, but just a little, no need to panic or whatever, just gotta rest a bit.” 
“What the actual, complete fuck.”
“We’re real sorry, Taako,” Barry said, taking one of Kravtiz’s arms and leading him to the bathroom in the hallway. “Mission went wrong, really wrong, and you were closer than the safe house, I didn’t know if he could make it further.” Barry helped Kravtiz into the bathroom, putting him down softly into the bathtub. Lup put a hand on Taako’s shoulder as he watched the scene unfold before him.
“He took the knife for me, bastard.” Lup said, shaking her head. “He didn’t have to do that.”
“If he didn’t, you’d be dead, babe,” Barry added, in the process of removing Kravtiz’s shirt to look at the wound better, covering it with Kravtiz’s balled up shirt. “I’m grateful, but this is bad. I’m no doctor, but…” He shrugged, looking at the two of them. “I think we should call Merle, like, now.”
“I got it.” Taako said, turning away quickly from the two of them. He went to his living room, taking a second to collect himself before calling their friend, Dr. Merle Highchurch. 
“Yello, this is Dr. Merle Highchurch, how may I help you?” A cheery voice rang from the other side of the call.
“Cut the shit, Merle, I know you have me in your contacts as, ‘Taako or Lup’, I need some help.”
“Well, is this Taako or Lup?”
“Taako, but I know you don’t know how to change my contact name- whatever, come to my apartment, like now.”
“At this hour?”
“Yeah, uh,” Taako swallowed, biting his lip before taking a deep breath and saying, “Uh, you know that mission the Reapers went on tonight?” Merle hummed in assent. “It went wrong. Kravtiz is...uh, he’s hurt bad Merle.”
Taako waited for a beat before he heard Merle’s more serious voice say, “Of course. Lucretia and Magnus can run the ship for a while, give me ten minutes, alright kiddo?”
“Yeah, thanks, Merle.”
“Talk to you soon, keep pressure on the wound in the meantime, don’t let him lose too much blood.”
Taako clicked off the phone and walked back to the bathroom where Barry and Lup looked at him expectantly. He relayed the information and sighed, leaning on the wall. They, including Merle, Lucretia Austen, Magnus Burnsides, Dave N. Port, Angus McDonald, and several others served B.O.B., aka The Bureau of Benevolence, a secret organization dedicated to taking down organizations that harmed the public but that the federal government couldn’t take down legally. They had been organized into elite groups of three depending on their individual skills. There was Kravtiz, Lup and Barry, affectionately and formally known as the Reaper Squad for their terrifying efficiency and elite jobs, Merle, Magnus, and Taako, affectionately known as Tres Horny Boys, (it was Lup’s idea, after having walked in on literally every single one of them doing unsavory things at very different times), and Lucretia, Dave, and Angus known as the Nerds, (Merle came up with it and he was too excited for anyone to turn it down).
At the moment, however, the Reaper squad and ⅓ of Tres Horny Boys were crammed into Taako’s tiny apartment bathroom, unsure of what to say. Lup had taken over keeping pressure on the wound and Kravtiz was still in the bathtub, eyes locked onto the ceiling, breathing raggedly. 
At last, Taako broke the silence. “W-what happened?”
“The mission was to get in, take out the boss, and get out. That was it.” Lup said, unable to look Taako in the eyes. “But we had bad information- someone told us something wrong and when we got in there were so many more guards, different security measures, doomed from the fucking start.” She scoffed and shook her head. “When I get my hands on that murderous traitor…” She rolled her shoulders and gritted her teeth, a nervous habit. “We just managed to get him out.”
“You guys should go get some sleep.” Taako said, seething quietly. “You can shower in my bedroom and sleep there, I can stay up for Merle.” Taako kneeled next to his sister, taking the balled up, stained cloth from her. Lup looked at Taako, a little nervous.
“T, I really am sorry.”
“Lulu, it wasn’t your fault.” Taako looked at his sister, a ghost of his usual smile reassuring her, kind of. “It’s part of the job, we all know that, and Merle’s on his way.” She sighed and nodded, standing up and walking out of the room with Barry, but not before casting one last, sad look at her friend, bleeding out in the bathtub.
Merle had come and gone, stitching up and bandaging the wound.
“Now, listen- he’s out cold right now, which is probably the best scenario since he lost a lot of blood.” He said as he washed his hands. “I can’t imagine him being 100% up to speed after he wakes up, but maybe move him from the bathtub as soon as possible.”
Taako nodded and looked over towards the bathroom. “I’ll wait until he gets up. Lup and Barry are also out cold right now, in a good way. Did they tell you about what happened?” 
“Mhm- ran into Barry on his way out of the shower. And, apparently, Lup isn’t taking it very well. Don’t mean to dump that on you too, you’ve got enough to deal with but…” Merle looked away and shrugged. “When she wakes up, I can get Cretia and Barry to try to talk to some sense into her.” Taako looked at him quizzically and Merle sighed, looking up at him. “She’s going back in the morning to finish off the traitor and the boss, supposedly.”
“She can get in line,” Taako muttered, scowling at the floor. “Great minds think alike, I suppose.”
“Taako, kiddo, you can’t.”
“Why not?” Taako fired back. “They almost killed Kravtiz, Merle. Almost killed Lup. You think I can stand by while my boyfriend is bleeding out in my tub and my sister thinks it’s her fault? No, I won’t. I can’t just, ” He waved his hands around helplessly. “Can’t just sit around, you know?”
“I think you can sit long enough for your boyfriend to get better because if he isn’t getting the care he needs, he’s gonna get worse. You know that- I sure as hell know you do. I don’t need to get the finger puppets to explain this, do I?”
“Fuck off, that was one time.”
Merle chuckled and put a hand on Taako’s shoulder, stretching a bit. “I know you get it, son. Cool off a little, I know Barry’ll help. I’ll come back in the morning with the rest of the crew to visit. Kravtiz will be awake by then, promise.” 
“Fine. I trust you Merle, but if we don’t have a plan to take those guys out in 48 hours, I’m doing it myself.” Taako said, smiling down at him a little, his expression not matching his words.
Merle nodded solemnly. “Better get on it then, huh? Maybe I’ll wake everyone up a little earlier than intended...”
Taako sat on his counter, fidgeting quietly. He sat with his head leaned back onto his mirror, kicking his legs, waiting for Kravtiz to wake. He was peacefully sleeping in Taako’s tub, still, but now with a pillow behind him and blanket wrapping him up. Taako blew a puff of air out, trying to move a stray piece of hair, escaped from his ponytail through all the ruckus. It didn’t move, and he sat there, trying to move this piece of hair for a while as Kravtiz, freshly awake, watched in amusement. 
“Having a good time there, T?” Kravtiz asked, voice raspy from disuse. 
“Having a wonderful time Kravtiz.” Taako said instinctively, then looking up in amazement, he said, “Wait- what the fuck?” He leaped from the counter, rushing over, kneeling to inspect him. Kravtiz struggled to get up, wincing at the wound.
“Morning- night? Afternoon?” He shook his head, closing his eyes. “Hiya, though.” Taako laughed gleefully, leaning over the tub to kiss Kravtiz, cupping his face. Kravtiz, however weak he was, kissed back, one hand in Taako’s hair, the other supporting him. 
“H-how are you feeling? Let me look at the wound, I gotta rewrap the bandages I think?” Taako said, breaking away, looking around. Kravtiz nodded, sinking back into the tub.
“Maybe I can get out of the tub first?”
“After, if any blood gets on my couch I’ll stab you myself.”
“Topical.” Kravtiz said, smiling as he leaned his head back. Taako grabbed the blanket covering him, pulled it away gently, apologizing softly as Kravtiz swore because of the cold. Kravtiz inspected the wound, wincing again as Taako pulled the bandages away.
“Yuck.” Kravtiz said, biting his lip and looking away. 
“Merle did his best at 2 am, with you bleeding out in my one good tub.” Kravtiz hummed in assent, keeping his eyes on the ceiling until Taako was done. He looked down again, before reaching for his shirt, then realizing it was on the floor, covered in his own blood. 
“Super yuck. Was it really that bad?” 
“Yeah…” Taako said, handing him one of his own oversized shirts. “It was pretty bad. Merle said something about,” he hunched over, lowering his voice, “‘narrowly missed a vital organ, could have been super duper bad, whatever will I do with you punks’” he straightened out, “So the usual.” 
“Ah, obviously…” Kravtiz trailed off, arms poised to hoist himself out of the tub, looking at Taako. “A little help please, dear.”
Taako bit his lip, chewing nervously. “You sure? I can get more blankets so you don’t have to move, I don’t, uh…” He looked down, unable to meet Kravtiz’s eyes. “I don’t want you to get more hurt.” 
“Oh, darling, come here- I’m gonna be okay, promise.” He added as Taako trudged over, still not meeting his eyes, sitting cross-legged near the tub. Kravtiz relaxed back into the tub, reaching a hand out towards Taako, who took it silently. They sat in silence a bit, Kravtiz squeezing Taako’s hand comfortingly. 
“Krav, darling, I love you, but when I saw you bleeding out, I-I didn’t know if you were gonna...you know?” Taako said, breaking the silence of the bathroom. Kravtiz looked up at him, eyes soft.
“I just- I needed to protect Lup, you know? It would have killed her, I knew I was gonna be okay.”
“That’s the thing though, love, you didn’t. You didn’t know and if it had killed you, what-what could I have done?” Taako let the question linger in the air before saying, “I’m so, so grateful but god, Kravtiz, what would I have done?”
“You would have been okay, but,” he sighed, looking back up to the ceiling. “I know I would have been a bit disgruntled, that’s for sure.” Taako laughed, scratching the back of his neck and shrugging in assent. “I promise you, Taako, whenever I go on missions, my top priority? You. Coming back to you, that’s all I want, all I need. Someone I can come home to, someone who can be my home.”
Taako, clearly holding back a smile, looked off to the side. “You’re a huge fucking sap, you know that, right?” Kravtiz laughed loudly, wincing slightly as it disturbed his newly stitched skin. Taako was at his side in an instant, worried, hands hovering over the wound. Kravtiz held up a hand, closing his eyes and breathing deeply before nodding to Taako, who very, very carefully helped him up, draping his arm under Kravtiz’s, helping him out into the hallway where they bumped into Barry. Barry locked eyes with Kravtiz, shocked at his appearance so soon. A look of understanding and gratefulness passed between them, before Barry took his other side, helping Kravtiz to the couch, where he, and Taako, slept for the rest of the night.
“Kravtiz, you absolute dumbass,” Magnus announced after barging into Taako’s apartment, Lucretia, Merle, Angus, and Dave closely behind, who were all clearly trying to keep him from doing so. “I can’t believe you got yourself stabbed- your whole thing is stabbing other people.”
Kravtiz scrunched up his face, sitting up. The four staying at the apartment had all changed and cleaned up, and Taako and Lup were in the kitchen cooking a feast for everyone, Barry sitting with Kravtiz and entertaining him with card games, chess, and whatever else they could get their hands on. At the moment though, he pushed his hair back and rolled his eyes at Magnus.
“Haha, what is it you do again?” Kravtiz smirked up at Magnus who laughed.
“I’m a tank, clearly,” he said, flexing and winking at Kravtiz, who chuckled. Lucretia rolled her eyes and patted Magnus’s shoulder. 
“Sure thing- how’re you feeling Krav?”
“Like I got stabbed, Cretia, how are you?”
‘Get stabbed once and become a comedian, huh?’ Dave signed, sitting next to Barry, looking over the chessboard where Kravtiz was getting thoroughly beaten. 
“Hey! I was a comedian before I got stabbed, thank you very much.” He said to Dave, who was mute- he had been at the B.O.B. pretty much longer than almost everyone there, so they all had to pick up ASL pretty quickly to understand what he was saying. Dave raised an eyebrow pointedly at him.
 “No love, you never were.” Taako said, emerging from the kitchen with an apron that said, “Kiss the Cook” in curly red letters. He greeted all the visitors, fist-bumping Magnus, an elaborate handshake for Angus, (who was very excited for it), a wave for Dave, (which he said out loud), and a hug for Lucretia and Merle, (who was surprised, but seeing as Taako’s hugs towards him were somewhat limited, he hugged back, no questions asked). “Can’t believe it took my boyfriend getting stabbed for everyone to actually come to my apartment.”
“Hey, sir, wait-” Angus started. He came over to the apartment once or twice a week since he was Taako’s apprentice in all the weaponry and sneakery. He was a new recruit at the B.O.B., and when he was first assigned there after trying to go after once of their assignments before they had even figured out who it was, everyone was a little apprehensive at having a literal child, (ish), on the team, but he had grown on them, especially Taako. While Lucretia taught him the more...subtle ways of being a spy and Magnus taught him hand-to-hand combat, Taako taught him how to handle weapons, and then invited him over for dinner, and now he was more like a father to Angus, though he’d never admit it.
“Not you Angus,” Taako said, waving away any thoughts to the contrary, “You’re an angel and I’m thrilled to have you here.”
“Why thank you.”
As this happened, Merle had walked over to Kravtiz, lifting his shirt up and examining the bandages. “Hmm…” he said, rubbing his chin. “Looks good, but I don’t want you moving around too much.” He glanced over at Taako. “Bed rest, alright?”
“Yes, sir,” Taako said, mock saluting. “I will keep him in my bed, thanks.” 
Merle rolled his eyes, pulling down Kravtiz’s shirt. “Have you had anything to eat yet?”
“Some bread and water- I’m waiting for the famous Enno breakfast, hopefully, I can keep that down.”
“‘Scuse me, but I’m an Enno-Bluejeans, thank you very much,” Lup said, brushing her hands on her short black skirt, (it was actually Taako’s, borrowed this morning, so Taako looked very offended), untying another “Kiss the Cook” apron, this time with light blue cursive letters, as Barry beamed with pride at her words, straightening slightly and smiling widely. She blew him a kiss as Taako gagged at their PDA behind her back. She, without looking behind her, flipped him off over her shoulder and said, “Anyway, breakfast is ready, everyone help me bring it out here. Except you, Krav, Jesus-” she added, as Kravtiz made to get up. 
“Damn, I wanted to get away from this game.” He muttered, looking over the board. Barry laughed and patted him on the shoulder. 
“I’m telling you, bud, I was president of the chess club back in high school.”
“Now I know this doesn’t mean much coming from me,” Lucretia said, putting a platter of cut fruit on the table in front of them, which was quickly getting filled with other food, “But you, Barold, are a nerd.” 
“Lu, I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever told me.”
‘You know, I don’t think that’s true’ Dave signed after bringing the last of the food over as Magnus held literally enough chairs for everyone, thinking. ‘Lucretia is a very nice person.’
Lucretia signed thank you to him and sat with the rest of them, digging into the feast the twins prepared. They talked about everything and anything- except last night’s mission of course. There was plenty of other things to talk about, like Angus’s training, gossip from the office, (Carey and Killian finally started dating, how Magnus’s wife, Julia, and her team was doing, the other department’s drama, etc.) and other stuff until there was a comfortable lull in the conversation, filled with the scraping of forks, and content sighs. 
“Uh, sirs? And ma’ams?” Angus said timidly, putting his fork and knife down. Everyone looks up expectantly at him. He took a deep breath and said. “I’ve been thinking about what happened last night, and it has led me to believe that, um, something is up. In the Bureau itself.” They all looked shocked as he continued. “We know you got the information from an informer, who probably works for the Bureau- but what if it wasn’t the informer? What if someone in the Bureau wanted this to go wrong?” 
“Listen, kiddo, I know mysterying it out is your thing but, uh, how do you know?” Merle asked, waving around a piece of waffle.
“Because this is the second time an agent has gotten hurt on an informers tip- but there’s no way the informers were related.” Everyone swiveled to look at Magnus who put his fork down with a clatter. They knew Angus was talking about a recent incident that had left his wife and her father in the hospital. Julia had managed to pull through, though with serious injuries, but her father hadn’t. Magnus looked down at his plate, processing. Then he looked up, jaw clenched, at Angus.
“You think it was the same person?”
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry I didn’t detect foul play before.” He said, looking at Magnus and then Kravtiz, slightly guilty. Lucretia put her hand on Angus’s shoulder, reassuring him.
“Alright, kid,” Taako said, putting his fork down too. “Let’s get to work.”
                                        To be continued
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kai-zers · 6 years ago
Drarry, Auror au and a multitude of miscommunication issues.
 so this is @treacletvrts ‘s fault, as is many of the myriad of au’s we had in multiple fandoms and istg she’s to blame because tbh with y’all this has no cohesive thought at all so yup, I have no words other than these. 
PS: I have no idea how tumblr works because I am a noob that has no idea how this godforsaken site works despite the years I spent lurking here so expect crappy posts like these. 
This was also a race against my overheating laptop jesus christ tHIS WAS A STRUGGLE
Yup, let’s set the scene, but the rest is in read under because this would probably get long.
Harry and Draco are trainee aurors, or aurors already timelines be damned
 pining, a lot of it.
everyone and their ancestor portraits knew, okay.
Draco and subtlety didn’t exactly come in one package
but oh my god, circe’s tits, and whomever else they use in place of jesus christ, Harry doesn’t know.
Obviously, Harry wasn’t a Ravenclaw for nothing.
Draco thought Harry knew, but plot twist, your favourite boy who lived doesn’t. 
Draco assumes that Harry knew and actually thought that since Harry hasn’t distanced himself or changed the way he treated Draco at this point, Draco legitimately thought he had a chance at Saint Potty himself.
This is a usual topic between his, Blaise’s, Pansy’s and Theo’s get togethers.
‘you’d think five years post hogwarts we’d never hear Draco say Potter again, but I guess not.’ probably Theo tbh
Pansy is close to pulling at her own hair in frustration 
‘I shouldn’t have left Milan for this weekend.’ Blaise, shaking his head
Potter and Malfoy in the same mission? and they’re both alive? and the perp is caught in record time? Impeccable paperwork?
Call the Prophet
anyways, their first mission and a handful succeeding that were a success. 
They are both star Aurors, and work as an amazing team
One mission they were both assigned to had a bit of a scuffle, they had to hide in a tiny closet, their faces really close
Oh Merlin, is this Draco’s chance?
Nope, since Harry had tried to distance himself as far away from Draco as far as he physically could in that situation
Draco knows how to read a room, and that definitely was an indication of ‘sTAY AWAY FROM ME’ from Harry
Harry, on the other hand, is having issues with himself
He’s scared of coming into terms that he ‘might actually possibly have a bit of attraction towards guys’ and he is panicking
Well, if I had spent my years in puberty being chased by a madman, tbvfh with you, that’d be the last thing on my mind too
so fast forward to them celebrating a major case being solved
Harry has a preference for muggle alcohol because have you had a shit of Cuervo, that stuff makes MY alter ego come out.
Draco doesn’t drink often, he prefers to savour his wine, thank you very much.
he’s just a lightweight hahaha
so Harry is pissed.
like majorly pissed to the point where he’s seated on someone’s lap already, yelling at the top of his lungs about something to someone
A lot of jeering and what not happens, Harry’s insecurities get the better of him and he tries to hook up with a girl that night
much to Draco’s chagrin. 
He is watching this happen sober, poor thing.
but Harry isn’t getting any action tonight, turning the girl down instead, murmuring something about it not feeling right
Draco takes the initiative to tell Harry that he’s had too much, and he’ll side along him to Grimmauld if he wanted to
Harry agrees, and it takes a lot of rearranging for Draco to make sure that Harry doesn’t get splinched in the whole shebang back home
They get to Grimmauld place, and its actually clean
Draco shaking Harry awake so he could take him to his room to rest
they make their way up the stairs, and Harry is giggling because he keeps slipping and would’ve probably died an untimely death due to refusing to take his socks off a flight of laquered hard wood stairs
and once they reach the door of Harry’s room, Harry tries to make a move on Draco
He’s cupping Draco’s pale cheek in one hand, staring at his lips despite the haze of the alcohol
but Draco pulls away.
Draco is hurt, because Harry would only dare touch him while he’s pissed off his arse like this
“Oh Merlin, Harry, don’t do this to me.” he hisses, as he drags Harry into the room.
“Wha?” and then Harry is dropped onto his bed with Draco removing his robes so he could sleep better
“Stay with me.” Harry slurred out, but Draco could only shake his head.
“For fuck’s sake, what was I thinking when I thought you were actually different? You’re just as cruel as everyone else is.” 
fuck me that legitimately hurt me when I typed that one out
harry turns over, staring at Draco as best he could without his glasses
Draco’s just murmuring to himself, wiping at his face hurriedly because oh no, here come the waterworks.
“I’m giving up on you, and that is final.” 
Draco says it more to himself than to Harry, but Harry hears it, and he’s not sure if its real or nah
He takes the liberty of flooing back to his estate, just to see Blaise and Pansy already lounging in his couch.
bold of you to assume the Malfoys didn’t invest in real estate, jk tho.
its been years since anyone has been back at the Manor, with Narcissa being in France and Draco in this smaller estate
Pansy takes one good look at Draco’s face and pats the space between her and Blaise and takes a pillow on her lap
Theo takes in the entire scene and just goes back into the kitchen, wine seems to be a better choice than tea at the moment
Draco plops down on the couch, burying his face into the throw pillow on Pansy’s lap
“There, there, pet.” She offers, though her perpetually ruby lips are already in a frown.
Blaise just takes Draco’s legs to lay them over his thighs, hands lingering on Draco’s knee
“Is this a bad time to say I told you so?”
Theo just sits wordlessly on the floor, leaning his head on Draco’s belly
“Draco, Darling, what’s wrong? What’d Potty do?”
“I thought he was different, Pans. I thought I had a chance. I thought he may love me someday.”
shet, ma. I’m sorry.
Harry still doesn’t know if Draco was real or not, but the following weekend, he finds out that Ron has been assigned as his partner.
Draco requested for a partner change, and has been actively avoiding Harry in the office.
of course, like with any romcom gone wrong, it is only now that Saint Potter realises that ‘hmm, something is up.’
He also realises how much of a better team he and Draco made, compared to him and Ron, because nobody got the paperwork done between them 
Harry realises that he misses Draco as a partner
but Draco somehow had the luck of being assigned solo cases that needed to be stationed really far away
the months following the partner reassignment, he manages to see Draco merely three times, and in those three times, Draco had only nodded at him.
This is where Harry realises: i have fucked up
Of course Harry attempts to talk or confront Draco about the thing happening between them
“Potter, I need space, and if you are supposedly as concerned as you are showing, you will keep your nose out of my business.”
whoop, obviously Draco is mad, but Harry doesn’t know why and he’s confused because he really misses the older male, but there are issues
ron is just as helpless as he is, hermione is just mum because wow harry this is a major screw up
luna is the one who actually gets to the point, telling Harry, ‘yup you’re in love with him and you’ve done fucked up’
but she’s optimistic, saying, you two just need to talk
‘Draco’s a little hard to understand, but if you don’t talk to him, you’ll never get to do so.’
Draco ends with a case involving a new drug that was supposedly being manufactured at this abandoned ship at some port
((i think its obvious I am not from the British Isles at this point okay plus this was done in an hour, liberties were taken and I am not sorry))
He gets ambushed and ends up getting chained to something he can’t get out of himself because he’s drugged and wandless, so no wandless magic
Harry gets suspicious that Draco’s partner gets back unscathed, but Draco is nowhere to be found
He grills the other auror for info and apparates to the ship, where whoop, it is on fire.
oh no.
cue on Harry’s gryffindor lack of self-preservation, where hE STILL GOES INTO THE SHIP TO FIND DRACO
he does find Draco, but idk the ship breaks, structural integrity is getting weak so he doesnt reach Draco in time 
and sees Draco struggling to breathe and get out of his bounds
He spells off the cuffs, and drags Draco to the surface, and proceeds to send a patronus to Hermione
Hermione’s a healer in this au, okay
Draco is turning blue, and to say that Harry was panicking was an understatement 
He’s not breathing either, even with Harry’s attempts at CPR
Hermione arrives and does the wizarding equivalent of using a defibrillator 
yup I guess we’ll go with that for now and she also does a bunch of other stuff
Draco’s finally coughing all the water out his lungs, he’s breathing, albeit a little shallow and shaky at best
Hermione calls for back up because she can’t apparate them both, and Harry’s trembling--from the cold, or the adrenaline subsiding in his blood, but he wasn’t letting go of Draco’s hand
even when he was getting wheeled into the ER at St. Mungo’s, Hermione had to physically pry his hands off
‘he’s safe now, Harry. Let me have a look at you, now.’
Harry wants to say that he’s fine but he did jump into the sea in the middle of fucking winter, and the look Hermione is giving him is absolutely terrifying so he relents, murmuring that they should be tending to Draco instead
‘They are, and I need to tend to you now because I know you’ll scare off any other healer I ask to check up on you.’
Harry’s changed into warmer clothes, and he’s got a cup of tea in his hands to warm them
they’re still shaking, he doesn’t understand why the fuck he can’t calm down and puts it down
He just starts crying. 
The build-up of months of stress and the day’s events was too much for him to handle
‘Fuck, ‘Mione, I saw him turn blue. He wasn’t breathing, I couldn’t get him to breathe.’
‘He’s alive Harry, Draco’ll be okay.’
‘You don’t understand, I felt him die, ‘Mione.’
Of course, out of all people, Harry would understand how it feels to tap dance with death
Hermione just comforts him, willing away the tears in her eyes because it feels like this is the one time she can’t help Harry at all.
Ron just skids into the hall, and sees Hermione and Harry, and hugs them both without a word
back to draco, who has been under observation for a good two days and has finally woken up 
he sees Harry tucked into himself in the frankly ugly leather sofa by the window, head lolling forwards and back enough
Draco pulls himself up and groans, remembering how he got is ass handed to him in that ship and staring at the yellowing bruises on his arms 
Harry suddenly lets out a snore, which makes Draco snort but oh no what is in his nose
‘Circe’s tits, that fucking hurt.’ and he’s coughing up a storm enough to wake Harry up, who stares at him for a few seconds before he’s on his feet and pouring him a glass of water
‘What else do you need? the loo? food?’
‘A healer.’
‘oh. yes. yes, need to tell them you’re awake.’ 
‘Potter.--Potter!’ Draco manages to call after him before he got too far off
‘what happened.’
Harry explains what happened, the ship, traces of a drug in his system, almost drowning and what not
‘I’ll get someone, yup.’
Draco just shakes his head because he knew Harry was keeping something from him, but lets it go
he gets an extensive check up procedure, which is peculiar because this has been the first time they have been this attentive to his vitals 
he needed to stay for a few more days for monitoring, which is weird to Draco because I just fell into the ocean what is the big deal
A nurse comments offhandedly that he’s lucky that he survived drowning and near hypothermia
‘excuse me what’
‘From what I’ve heard, and judging from your vitals, you were minutes away from death’
‘enlighten me.’
‘Healer granger had to revive you using a spell she developed based off of Muggle Tech, she had to shock your heart.’
‘I was dead?’
‘you should’ve seen auror potter, he wouldn’t leave until your vitals stabilised. Healer Granger couldn’t even heal him properly so she had to administer a sleeping draught so he could finally rest.’
hermione walks in, ‘oh, indeed.’
"I sent him home, if you were wondering.” Hermione says.
Hermione seemed to be able to read his expression, as she had just provided him with what he needed.
"He'd been sleeping here three days and that isn't doing anything for his injuries. Refused to get checked, so I just healed him so he'd actually go to sleep in a proper bed."
"So how are you feeling?" Hermione asked, already waving her wand as a quill hovered behind her, the quiet scratching against parchment, the only sound in Draco's room aside from his steadily better breathing. 
"Oh that's good. We managed to drain all the water from your lungs, no tingling in any of your limbs?" 
Draco shook his head. 
"No symptoms of hypothermia either." Hermione murmured a lumos under her breath, asking him to follow it and observing his eye movement.
Draco is just overwhelmed at this point, because this is the second day he had to endure these tests and Granger was terribly much detailed than the other healers
"You're almost well enough to be discharged, but I'll check you again tomorrow." She replied curtly, tucking her wand into her sleeve and the clipboard into her arm.
"Granger." Draco called, just as Hermione was about to leave the room. "Thank you, for saving my life. You have my thanks."
Hermione nodded, almost smiling at him. 
"Quite frankly, Malfoy, if Harry hadn't found your body, there wouldnt have been anyone to save, but you're still welcome."
draco is just dumbfounded in his bed, again.
The following day he gets the go signal to be discharged as soon as hermione finished her check up spells, and blaise and pansy were to pick him up
But harry manages to catch him just as he got dressed, immediately flushing as Draco's silent gaze fell onto him.
"H-hullo Malfoy, how are you doing?" 
brace yourselves dace and i just ran thru this, dialogue is subpar at best, but wow they are finally communicating.
"Uhm, that's it. I'll uh--i'll find hermione."
Draco rolled his eyes, calling out to him. "Potter."
"Uhm, ye...yes Malfoy?"
"Thank you. For finding me. If it weren't for you," draco breathed out, thankfully smoothly this time. "And granger, i'd be as good as fully dead."
Harry instantaneously lit up and frowned at the same time."Of course, Malfoy." 
Harry nodded. "Anything for you." He murmured under his breath, before turning away.
As soon as Draco was left to his own devices--tightening the laces on his boots, basically anything to just pass the time as Blaise and Pansy were just perpetually late--he heard Harry's god awful sneakers skid in the hallway and enter his room again.
"What is it, Potter, already come back for me to repay my debts?" He asked boredly, leaning back onto the hospital bed.
oh lord. Harry looked terrible.
Harry looked like he was about to throw up--green eyes erratic, lower lip between his teeth as he gnawed on to, hands shaky as he stuffed back into his pocket jacket, and out again.
"Please don't give up on me." He whispered, catching Draco by surprise.
"The night you helped me get back home. I thought I was just too pissed on Tequila that I didn't even think you were real--"
draco's clamming up on himself, his arms are crossed, face guarded as Harry stood before him as his complete opposite, his vivid green eyes almost desperate as his lip wobbled.
"But I've died twice, Draco. I can tell apart what’s real and the pigment of my pissed brain."
"I'm sorry if you think I was cruel--if I hurt you without realising it, I'm sorry, please, please just don't give up on me just yet."
Draco is for a lack of a better word--Gobsmacked.
the boy who lived--no, that applies to them both now--is in his hospital room, in the verge of tears and looked like he was a sentence away from passing out.
"I'm sorry Draco," Harry trailed off, his voice breaking as he said Draco's name and using his hoodie sleeves to wipe at his cheeks as the tears rolled down.
"I was scared, and I didn't know it was okay to like blokes, I didn't know it was okay to like you, but I've ruined it, haven't I?"
Draco's heart is in pieces at this point tbh 
The first time he hears his name from Harry's lips, Harry's crying.
Draco sees Blaise at the corner at the corner, but luckily the other male was able to read the room and quickly dragged Pansy away, her retort lowering in volume as they went farther down the hall
"I'm sorry--fuck, i'm sorry for wasting your time." Harry said, sniffing as he wiped his face on his sleeve, running a hand thru the wild tangle of curls on his head. 
"Just ignore whatever I said. Get well, Malfoy."
i am: weak for curly haired Harry okay, humour me.
Circe, Draco thought, this is just getting painful to watch.
Because it seemed like he was being the wanker, making Harry cry even when the oblivious jackass was the one that started this whole fiasco
And Draco couldnt find it in himself to cut into Harry's blubbering at all. 
"Circe's tits, stop with the blubbering, Potter."
Oops. Not the best choice of words.
Draco just stood up, and met Harry halfway and cupped his cheeks to press their lips together, mostly just to shut him up.
oh, wow. 
Draco could get used to this, and Harry let out a choked sound that was akin to a gasp and a whimper before he kissed back.
[[long, winded make out scene i am sorry i am terrible at those, I’ll leave it to your imaginations]]
Draco just says, "bring me home, harry."
And just shoos blaise and pansy off.
Which gets him the finger from pansy and a judgmental eyebrow from blaise
‘I make arrangements for a portkey at the last minute and this is what we get?’
‘at least it will make the cease of Draco’s whining.’
Pansy and blaise respectively
Both Harry and Draco spend their days in Draco’s estate just cuddling, and okay fine making out.
They finally talk and clear things out.
and Harry finally feels a moment of peace after nearly 25 years of being chased by a murderous madman and multiple criminals 
no hanky panky yet jesus draco died ffs
The following week, someone just yells from Draco’s floo.
and it’s loud enough to hear in the second floor in Draco’s bedroom.
"I know you died Malfoy, but you have to come to work."
its robards. 
he’s two aurors short, and they’re his best aurors.
"Please bring Potter too, just because you two have died doesnt mean you can escape the paperwork. "
Harry groans, while Draco merely laughs though its muffled against Harry's shirt, where his face is currenly buried into.
and they lived.
i guess
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