#wow apparently I've used that tag before??
glacier-shrimp · 14 days
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Second part of my Avengers paper cutout fanart series! :) I have a feeling by the end of this I'll be better at Shapes lol
Dedicating this to @fotibrit because of course I am ❤️ don't know what I'd do without your angst and letting me throw so. many. songs. at you lmao.
Avengers paper cutout 2/?
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girlkisser13 · 13 days
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"but you're just so cool" "run your hands through your hair" "absentmindedly making me want you"
pairings: percy jackson x fem!reader
warnings/tags: none, just percy being oblivious.
summary: you have a crush on a certain sea green eyed demigod.
percy jackson, the son of poseidon and the hero of camp half-blood, was renowned for many things: his bravery, his loyalty, and his apparent inability to notice romantic interest directed towards him.
from afar, you admired percy's courage and wit, but whenever you tried to engage him in conversation, your words tangled like vines, leaving you feeling awkward and tongue-tied.
one sunny afternoon, you found yourself at the camp's training arena, stealing glances at percy as he effortlessly wielded his sword, deflecting imaginary foes with practiced ease while running his fingers through his hair to keep it from falling into his face. lost in admiration, you failed to notice a fellow camper, sauntering up to you.
"hey y/n," they greeted with a grin, their confidence evident in every step. "what brings you here?"
startled by their sudden appearance, you stuttered,
"oh, uh, just watching percy train. he's...amazing, isn't he?"
their eyes followed your gaze to percy, "yeah, he's something, all right. but you know, there are other heroes around here too."
percy watched your interaction with the camper unfold, a pang of something unfamiliar tugged at his heartstrings. he frowned, puzzled by the sudden twinge of jealousy that stirred within him. why did he care so much about your interactions with someone else?
percy approached, his expression curious. "hey, y/n, everything okay?"
caught off guard, you blushed furiously, your words faltering once again. but before you could embarrass herself further, the camper interjected smoothly, "just fine, percy. y/n here was just admiring your skills. quite the admirer you've got, eh?"
percy blinked in surprise, then turned to you with a sheepish grin. "is that so? well, thanks, y/n. i appreciate it!"
as percy wandered off to resume his training, you felt a mixture of disappointment and frustration swirling within you. how could he be so oblivious?
later that evening, you sat by the campfire, your thoughts still lingering on percy. lost in reverie, you didn't notice him approaching until he cleared his throat awkwardly.
"hey, y/n," percy said, scratching the back of his neck.
"i, uh, couldn't help but notice earlier...what the camper said. about you admiring me."
your heart fluttered, your cheeks flushing with warmth.
"oh, that? yeah, i guess i do admire you. but it's not just your skills in battle. it's...everything about you."
percy's eyes widened, a hint of realization dawning in his sea-green depths. "wow, i..i had no idea. i guess i've been pretty oblivious, huh?"
you couldn't help but laugh softly. "just a little. but hey, better late than never, right?"
a tentative smile tugged at percy's lips. "yeah, definitely. so, um, y/n... would you maybe want to go for a walk with me tomorrow? just the two of us?"
your heart soared, your smile radiant. "i'd love to, percy."
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Laying Here In Nothing But My Feelings // Luke Hemmings
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This fic is 1000% dedicated to @cal-puddies - I had an inexplicable - and rather explicit - Luke breakdown in our chat over the summer and she not only egged me on but when I was done, she was immediately like "fic please." It was essentially a joke between us until Christmas Day (lmao) when she suggested taking my concept for a spin could be a fun way to spend the holiday. And here we are now! Everyone say thank you, Cass! (And also for giving notes and feedback as always and just generally being the best.)
This is the first Luke fic I've managed to finish on my own (Waiting For It Gets So Boring was co-written with Cass!) so please let me know what you think and if you'd like to see more!
Warnings: Boyfriend!Luke, band responsibility disrupting sexy plans (no angst, just sexual frustration and tension). Dirty talk, use of sex toys (solo and partnered), sexting, masturbation, prolonged teasing, lowkey body worship, very brief oral sex (female receiving), very not brief rimming (male receiving). For real, like 2500 words of this is rimming. So. Also I apparently mention Luke's thighs 12 times. I'm fine.
Word Count: 12,575
Masterlist // Ko-Fi linked above
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
I no longer use a tag list so more than ever, these fics live and die by reblogs! If you enjoy, please consider sharing so it can circulate and be seen by other readers!
“Oh… oh just like that… don’t stop… don’t stop… oh… babe, wait… Ash?”
Luke looks up from between your legs, mouth glistening, breath heavy, eyes shining with hunger and amusement. “Honestly shocking that’s the first time you’ve accidentally called out his name,” he cracks, snorting at his own joke as he dodges the kick you aim at his chest.
“Haha,” you respond dryly, grabbing your phone off the nightstand and holding it out for him to see. “I told you not to send him to voicemail all those times, now he won’t stop calling me.”
“A likely story,” he jokes, reaching for his own phone. He sits on the edge of the bed to text Ashton while you curl up behind him, nipping at his shoulder.
“Tell him you’re busy,” you purr, reaching around to wrap a hand around his cock. You thumb over his slit, spreading the precum around, smiling at the hiss he lets out when you start slowly stroking. “Tell him you’ve had a hard morning and you can’t be bothered until you deal with some pressing matters… like pressing this cock into my ---”
Luke jumps as his phone vibrates in his hand. “Hey, man, what’s going on?” He answers, rushing out his greeting while stilling your hand. You relent and instead peck at the freckles on his neck. “Wha--- I thought that wasn’t due until tomorrow… oh I guess I didn’t see when that email was sent… so like, today tomorrow?”
The sound of this conversation instantly alarms you and you pop your head around to his line of vision to let him know, shaking your head. He grimaces in response, nodding silently as he listens to Ashton’s monologue. 
“Okay… no, of course I’m not too busy, of course I can be there,” he answers, mouthing sorry at the way your jaw drops. “I can be on the freeway in like 10, I’ll text when I’m there.”
He ends the call and frowns at the look of disbelief on your face. “Baby, I’m sorry,” he starts, immediately scurrying around the room, cock still half hard. “We fucked up and that new song’s gotta be mixed, mastered and turned in before midnight tonight, not tomorrow.”
“Oh wow, that’s intense,” you offer with quiet compassion. He disappears into the closet and you chew your lip, trying to swallow down the disappointment you’re feeling. You wonder out loud, “And you guys can’t just send files back and forth like you have before?” 
He emerges, dressed and pulling on his leather jacket. “Ash already called an engineer in so we all should probably be on site,” he explains, sighing as he grabs his jewelry off the dresser. “I’d have loved to hold off, spend a little more time here but the guy’s already on his way, Ash is flipping out, I’m closest to the studio… I just don’t really have a choice.”
“Aww, Lu, that sucks,” you sympathize. He sits on the bed to pull on his shoes and you rest your head on his shoulder, rubbing his back soothingly. “Sucks your day is starting off so chaotic, sucks we gotta spend it apart now. I was really looking forward to spending today in bed with you.”
“Me too, honey. Me too,” he laments, offering you an apologetic kiss. 
The kiss begins sweet but he can’t help deepening it and you eagerly pull him in closer by the lapels of his jacket. “You got ready pretty quick, babe… Think you’ve got a spare few minutes?” You murmur, leaning back on the bed seductively, hoping to woo him back into bed.
Luke’s eyes scan over your form with interest before he shakes his head, as if he’s physically trying to break a spell you’ve cast on him. He lets out a groan of your name that’s part desire, part regret. “Baby, we both know I can’t be trusted to keep it to my ‘spare few minutes’,” he flirts. He pecks your lips again as he eases off the bed. “Promise I’ll make it up to you tonight!”
“You’re assuming I won’t have already worn myself out in your absence,” you tease, fighting a giggle as he stumbles grabbing his backpack, clearly distracted by what you just said.
“Okay, well now that’s all I’m gonna be thinking about all day,” he says with a wink, heading out the door. A beat passes and then his voice calls out from the staircase, “Love you!” 
“Love you,” you respond, slumping against the pillows.
The whirlwind of the past few minutes sinks in as you stare at the ceiling. You tried to react reasonably, obviously you recognize the predicament Luke is in, but you also think you’re allowed to be disappointed. It’s been ages since the two of you spent some quality time together and setting aside today to lay around and just enjoy each other was Luke’s idea in the first place. 
You sprawl out, figuring you might as well appreciate how much more spacious Luke’s bed is than yours; you run your hand longingly across his side of the bed, giving a sad laugh when you knock into the bottle of lube beside his pillow, a lost vestige of a sexy morning abandoned. An idea sparks in your mind and you sit up excitedly, grabbing the bottle and your phone.
*  *  *
Across town, Luke finds a corner table to sit and wait for his order. You were right, he did have a spare few minutes and he decided nothing softens the blow of an unexpected studio day like fresh donuts waiting for everyone. He proudly sends an update text to Ash and is about to polish off the powdered sugar donut he picked up for himself when a notification from you pops up on the screen. 
Glad to see you’re not still upset about his sudden exit, he taps on your name and his smile quickly morphs into a smirk when he sees the photo you’ve sent - a bottle of lube and a box of tissues atop your nightstand, while your hand dips into the middle drawer, “the fun drawer” as it was dubbed when you first started bringing toys over. The accompanying text reads: 
Wonder if something in here can make me feel as good as you would’ve.
He catches his lip between his teeth as he types back: 
Miss your taste so much already, baby… Use the suction vibe, the pink one we took on vacation. I know it’ll make you cum just as hard as my tongue would.
You giggle reading your boyfriend’s message, pleased at having correctly guessed what his selection would be. You laugh again, this time with a bit more of an edge, as you lube up an entirely different vibrator, the thrusting toy he left for you when he was leaving for tour. When the purple silicone looks nice and slick, you hold it out in front of your phone, making sure your hand is wrapped around the widest part of the base, hoping that’ll make him think about it stretching you out.
Luke stares at the box of donuts he just sat on the passenger seat, wondering if he should fasten the seat belt around it to keep it in place. His phone vibrates on the dashboard and a thrill runs through him when he picks it up to see another notification from you. He was hoping he'd hear from you again, maybe get a sexy afterglow pic to thank him for his toy suggestion.
He takes a sip of coffee as he opens your message and immediately sputters it back into the cup, hurrying it back into the cup holder so he can examine the photo. He zooms in, trying to determine if the vibe is covered in lube or you before determining the answer doesn't really matter because now all he's thinking about is how wet you felt against his face this morning, how his beard still vaguely smells like you.
He runs a hand through his hair, flustered, and finally notices you sent a text as well. 
Thanks for the rec but I think I'm more in the mood for this one. Gonna put it on the highest setting and let it absolutely ruin me the way I wanted you to. Would give anything for this to be you. Can’t wait to see you tonight. Miss you, miss your cock too much already.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he mutters to himself as he resumes staring at the picture. He remembers the videos you sent while he was overseas, how relentless the toy’s thrusting motion seemed to be, the way your legs wouldn’t stop shaking by the time you were done with it, how he dreamt of the noises you made for the next three nights. “Coulda been you, dummy,” he chastises himself, deciding that while donuts are great, his time would’ve been better spent making sure you were satisfied before he left. *  *  *
You bite your lip, pressing the tip of the vibe to your entrance, teasing yourself. You briefly entertained the idea of queuing up some porn, maybe lighting a candle or two, but between your interrupted orgasm with Luke and the thrill of sexting him, you’ve accepted you probably won’t need much to get off.
Your phone buzzes nearby and you blindly pat around the bed until you find it. You click the new message, already plotting your saucy response, when suddenly your mind goes completely blank as a picture of Luke’s hand gripping his visibly hard cock through his pants fills your screen. 
Fuck, baby… I should’ve stayed. You should be cumming around my cock instead of that toy… should be babbling to me instead of an empty room… should be making a mess on me instead of my sheets. Fuck. I need you so bad, baby. Don’t know how I’m gonna get through the day.
If you weren’t so horny, you might be embarrassed at the way you’re zooming in to study his picture. God, he looks so hard… if he were here, he’d be acting so desperate already… pressing into you, whispering against your ear how much he wants you, hands roaming your ass, tongue running along your ear, employing all the tricks he knows make you weak. Silently vowing to make him that needy tonight, you sink the vibe into yourself, surprised at how loudly you gasp. No, this isn’t going to take long at all. *  *  *
Luke finally pulls into the studio parking lot, breathing a sigh of relief when he sees that despite his detour and your distraction, he’s still the first to arrive. He reaches into the backseat to grab his Airpods out of his backpack, figuring while he waits he can listen to the most recent mix of the song and make notes on what changes are needed. He’s searching through his files for the right version when he’s startled by the vibration of another message.
He takes a deep breath, cock already stirring in anticipation for what you might say - or show - next. He selects your conversation and is momentarily puzzled when no pictures or texts are added to the thread; he glances up at the top of the screen to make sure he has full service and even closes and reopens the chat before he realizes you’ve sent a voice message. Equal parts curious and confused, he adjusts his earbuds and hits play.
There’s nothing but quiet shuffling at first, enough that Luke begins to wonder if you recorded and sent this message by mistake. He’s about to turn the volume up to make sure he’s not missing anything when he hears an all too familiar sigh and he grips the steering wheel, lightheaded from how fast the sound travels to his cock.
“Luuuuke… babe,” you coo, unmistakably slick noises in the background giving away why you sound so breathy. “That picture you sent… fuck… I can’t stop thinking about you getting so hard just from thinking about me wanting you… are you still that hard, baby? Did you have to drive all the way there with your cock straining against your pants like that? Fuck, Lu, wish I was there, I’d be leaning into your lap so fuckin’ fast… how have I never sucked you off in that car? We’ve gotta do something about that, babe, you’re so fucking sexy when you drive, it always makes me want you.”
By the time you take a breath, Luke’s heart is pounding so loud in his ears, he’s afraid you’re going to get drowned out if he doesn’t pause and take a second to calm down. He exhales loudly and leans back, shell-shocked, head feeling like it might float away if he dares to lift it from the seat’s headrest. 
His mind races to process everything he’s feeling. He’s the dumbest man on the planet, how could he have ever left you this morning, he had no choice but to leave you this morning, but how could he have ever left you this morning? He knows you understand that he’d much rather be there with you, so why are you torturing him like this? He loves you for torturing him like this, he hopes you never stop torturing him like this, he’s ready and willing to die or at the very least cum in his pants from listening to you taunt him like this.
Having accepted his fate, he presses play, closing his eyes so he can properly visualize everything he’s hearing.
“God… want you so bad, babe… was so close when you had to stop… I love when you eat my pussy, I almost came right when you first started… should’ve cum for you while I had the chance, I just didn’t want it to be over so quick,” you ramble. “Didn’t want this to be over too soon either, ‘s why I haven’t turned my toy on yet. Was gonna tease myself more but I had to put it in as soon as I saw that picture… oh, Lu, I wish this was you filling me so bad.”
Luke says a silent prayer of thanks to whatever god blessed him with such a vivid imagination, he can perfectly picture you spread out on the bed, chest heaving as your hand moves between your legs, brow furrowed as you fight yourself to keep yourself from going too fast. He squeezes his eyes shut even harder, almost as if he concentrates enough, he can will himself into the room with you.
“Wanted to be naked with you all day… so many things I wanted to do with you… to you… been thinking about it all week… been wet for it since you woke me up this morning… kissing my neck, pressing your cock against my ass...” 
There’s silence for a beat and then a distinct mechanical whir starts up. You resume speaking but your voice is notably affected - a little more rushed, a little more whiny - and Luke can’t help but press his palm to his crotch, groaning with relief at the brief pressure. 
“...Feels too fuckin’ good, babe, I’m already close… all that’s missing is you telling me how good I feel around your cock… how good I look with your hand squeezing my throat… how good I sound begging you to cum all over -- ”
The sharp sound of someone knocking on the car window startles Luke out of his lustful trance. His eyes shoot open, he sits up so fast he bangs his knee on the steering wheel and for some reason, his panicked mind tells him it’s necessary to yank the Airpods out of his ears and throw them to the side as if they were on fire.
It takes another couple of seconds for him to realize he should see who wanted his attention and he turns to see Ashton doubled over, laughing so hard there’s no sound coming from him. Luke first rolls his eyes and then rolls down the window before commenting plainly, “You scared me.”
“You’re lucky that’s all I did! What are you doing sitting with your eyes closed like that? Napping?” Ash asks, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Anybody could’ve snuck up on you, smashed a window, grabbed your laptop off the backseat. Or that box of donuts you were so excited about.” He peers around Luke, looking for the prized pastries.
“Right, the famed donut snatchers of the San Fernando Valley,” Luke quips, shifting in his seat, hoping the snacks are the only thing Ash is able to ogle from his vantage point. He grabs the pink box, passing it to him through the window. “Here, you go ahead and set up in there, I’ll be just a minute.”
Ashton looks at him suspiciously and Luke impresses himself with how cooly he explains, “You know how many Airpods I’ve lost already, now I’ve gotta stop and find the ones I just threw across the car since you decided to creep up on me like a psycho.”
“Fine,” Ash shrugs, peeking inside the pastry box. He turns to leave, calling over his shoulder, “If you’re not there in five minutes, I’m eating this eclair I know you were saving.”
Luke scowls but moves into action once Ashton disappears around the corner. He scans the car's cabin, giving a satisfied tongue click when he spots the wayward earbuds, one on the passenger seat, one under it.
A sucker for punishment, he fits them in his ears, scrubs to the last 30 seconds of your message and hits play before he can change his mind.
There's ambient noise - a quiet buzz and a steady rhythmic pattern that he eventually determines must be your breath. The buzz becomes louder and louder before stopping entirely; once it dawns on him that the volume increase was due to you pulling the toy from your body to shut it off, his pants are back to feeling as tight as they were before Ashton’s interruption.
“Mmm… well… guess you’ll be coming home to freshly washed sheets tonight,” you laugh breathily, sounding tired but elated. “I needed that. Still need you more, though. Love you so much, Lu, still wish more than anything you were here with me.”
Luke pouts, his heart aching almost as much as his cock. He can picture you, bottom lip swollen from pulling it between your teeth to stifle your moans, hair crazy from the way you run your fingers through it when you’re coming down, eyes slowly closing as you fight through your exhaustion for the sake of pillow talk.
“...We can make up for it tonight. Thinking about that is what’s gonna get me through my day. Maybe now you’ll be thinkin’ about it too,” you continue, satisfied smile evident in your voice. “Hope you have a good day, babe, get some good work done! Hopefully I didn’t make it too hard… well… the work, I mean.” You giggle at your unintended double entendre and with a kissy noise, the message ends.
He shakes his head, wondering if it’s too late to fake an illness so he can get home to you as soon as possible. He hits record on a voice note of his own and debates the topic out loud. 
“...I mean, I guess Ash already knows I’m here - oh yeah, remind me to tell you that story - but also maybe he’d believe it came on suddenly. Had to have looked pretty pale when he saw me since every ounce of blood in my body was in my dick,” he jokes. His voice drops as he continues, “I’m still so hard for you, baby. I can’t stop hearing your noises… your breath… I swear I could feel it on me. Thinking about how good you must have looked cumming like that… how good you must have felt. Jesus… how do you do it? Every day I think it’s the most I’ve ever wanted you but then you do something else and it’s another level of wanting. Want you so fuckin’ bad, baby. I love you and I’ll see you tonight.”
Before he can think better of it, he briskly undoes his zipper, hooks a thumb in the waistband of both his pants and his boxers and takes a quick picture of the stubborn erection you've left him with.
*  *  *
A sly smile crosses your features when you hear the message tone in the distance as you step out of the shower; you hurry through drying off, excited to see your boyfriend’s reaction. You wrap your towel around yourself and shuffle over to the counter where you left your phone.
You feel your eyebrows raise, intrigued by the message preview which reads: “Well, this should be an interesting studio session.” The chat loads and naturally, your eye is immediately drawn to the photo; you chuckle to yourself when you realize you’re instinctively licking your lips at the sight of his neglected cock tenting his pants. He was clearly rushed and at an odd angle so it’s not the best dick pic he’s ever sent, just partial shaft and a lot of his hand trying to hold his underwear out of the way, but simply knowing Luke needed you to see how much your message affected him to the point that he tried to stick his phone down his pants in the studio parking lot has you feeling flushed.
Tearing your eyes away from the picture, you realize he left you a voice message and as soon as you hear the rasp in his voice, how absolutely destroyed he sounds, you place a hand on the counter, steadying yourself. Oh, tonight is gonna be fun.
*  *  *
“You’re not even fuckin’ paying attention, bro,” Calum complains, gesturing at the phone that’s been glued to Luke’s hand since they sat down.
“Am so!” Luke protests, laughing at how juvenile his defense sounded. His eyes scan over the message app just to make sure he hasn’t missed anything and then he sets his phone down. “I’m just waiting on an important message.”
Michael swivels around in his computer chair. “Is it an update on whether or not you’re still the worst? Because I can go ahead and confirm that for you.”
Luke frowns as his friends laugh at his alleged inattention. “We’re gonna double track the pre and take a layer off the first half of the chorus to see if that makes a difference,” he reports, beaming at the surprised faces staring back at him. “It’s almost like I can care about two things at once you asshol-- oh shit…” His bragging is interrupted by the sound of his phone vibrating on the table next to him and he reaches for it, the strings on his guitar plucking atonally as he maneuvers.
“Your important message?” Ashton asks with a knowing smile. Between the delayed response this morning, the curious parking lot exchange and Luke’s generally distracted behavior during this session, Ash feels like he has a basic idea of where his mind is.
“Just a delivery notification,” Luke answers glumly, expression turning sheepish when he sees the look on his bandmate’s face. “The coffee’s on its way though.”
“Oh, sweet!” Ash chirps, holding his hand out for Luke to pass the guitar to him. 
Luke opens his notes app and sits back on the couch, ready to give the latest mix his full scrutiny. It takes half a verse for his mind to wander, remembering how much you loved this song the first time you heard him workshopping it at home. His brain reminds him of the way you curled up in his lap while you waited for him to finish piecing together the vocals and the way he eventually gave up once your mouth attached to his neck. He smiles, thinking about how he had you naked and under him within seconds of carrying you to the couch and how he was able to finish the song while you slept, warmed by a blanket and sated by an orgasm, on his studio sofa. 
It’s a wonderful memory but one that has him switching over to check your chat one more time. He’s not sure if your delayed response is part of your game or if you just got distracted but he’s not too proud to double text, especially when he’s missing you this much.
*  *  *
Petunia barks at your phone chiming on the kitchen counter, the sound interrupting her concentrating on lapping up the water you’d just placed in front of her. You laugh and scratch behind her ears, laughing again when you see Luke’s message.
I can only assume you haven’t responded to my striking dick photography because it sent you into such a horny spiral, you’ve orgasmed yourself into a coma.
You’re grinning from ear to ear as you respond.
Yes, cum coma. Definitely it. Not like I was taking my time, starting my day, letting you possibly get some work done so you could get home to me on time. Definitely the cum coma.
You shake your head as your message goes from “delivered” to “read” instantly and it shows him already typing a response.
Oh I’ll definitely be home on time… there’s literally nothing that could keep me from getting home on time… this song isn’t done in a couple hours, I’ll just leave the band.
You giggle as you flop onto the living room couch.
Bold of you to assume I’m interested in sleeping with an unemployed musician.
We’re called “independent artists,” ya clout chaser.
Petunia was considering climbing up to lay with you but after the howl you let out at that last message, she opts for watching you curiously from her dog bed instead. 
“You can’t let your dad know I think he’s that funny, we’ll never hear the end of it,” you tell her before resuming your conversation.
How are things going? Clearly you’re fully focused and engaged with the project.
Luke snorts quietly, eyes darting around the room to check that the rest of the guys are still preoccupied: Ashton and Michael animatedly debating the volume of a particular synth while Calum stoically listens in, expression indicating he’s either weighing their arguments carefully or not paying attention at all.
Was going great until we listened back and now I can’t stop thinking about you naked on my studio couch.
Luke smiles at how quickly your typing bubbles come up, pleased to know you remember that day as vividly as he does.
Ohhhh… THAT song.
Every time I hear that chorus melody, I think about trying to overlay those vocals while also trying to keep your hands out of my pants.
You were being super sexy with your glasses and your crazy hair and your musical genius… was that not all just a ploy to get me to touch your dick? My bad.
Part of you wants to feel silly for smiling so much your cheeks hurt but it’s never mattered if you’re just trading texts, speaking over the phone or if he’s sitting right next to you - the two of you have always had this easy rapport - loving, teasing, comforting and titillating all at once. It serves you well at home and it’s especially beneficial during times of separation, whether it be for a few hours like today or for weeks when he’s on tour.
Your phone buzzes in your hand and you smirk as you read the screen.
Please, we both know I don’t have to work nearly that hard, you were on me the second you came in and saw I didn’t have a guitar on my lap.
You feel your cheeks heating as you type.
You know what I remember? You working with me in your lap, tracing the tattoo on your thigh… feeling you get harder and harder against my hip… the way your cock would jump whenever I’d graze your skin with my nails…
Luke shifts a throw pillow onto his lap, pants getting tighter for what seems like the millionth time today. He really has no one but himself to blame - not just for leaving but for instigating this latest sexting adventure. He just couldn’t help himself, once he gets to thinking about you like this… he just needs you.
You always love playing with that tatt… I love it too… love it even more when you tease it with your tongue.
Your heart speeds up both from the message and from how surprisingly loud your slow but forceful exhale sounds sitting alone in Luke’s living room. It takes a moment for you to decide how to play things but you let out a self-satisfied hum when you finally start constructing your reply.
Yeah… you love the teasing, don’t you? My tongue teasing your body, my words teasing your mind… I’ll bet you love that you’ve been hard all day and haven’t been able to do a thing about it. Love feeling your cock up against your zipper, love feeling the precum trickle onto your boxers, love wondering if anyone has caught onto what you’re up to.
The studio suddenly feels irredeemably warm as Luke reads your message. He casually presses down onto his lap pillow, strategically alleviating some of the pressure between his legs. He has to admit your read on him was pretty spot on, now he just has to decide how far to take things, especially considering that the guys are just about ready and he’ll be expected to contribute soon.
Can’t help it, baby… want you so bad sometimes I want to make it last… even the buildup is worth getting off on with you.
He leans back, mentally congratulating himself on his response when he feels his eyes widen and his cock throb at your reply. 
I’ll be sure to remind you of that when you’re begging me to let you cum tonight.
*  *  *
Luke goes radio silent for the next several hours until you finally get that long awaited “On my way,” accompanied by a potpourri of excited emojis, just to make sure his enthusiasm comes across.
You’re excited too, grinning to yourself as you fly through the house to make sure you’ve taken care of everything for his impending arrival. You already took Petunia out and refilled her bowl, already charged the toys, and as promised, already washed and changed the sheets. You pull your overnight bag onto the bed, looking over the lingerie you brought, undecided on if you should surprise him with a sexy greeting at the door. You eventually land on “sexy underwear but make him work for it,” grabbing the pink band t-shirt he’s been wearing lately to slip on over the set you chose.
As your final task, you set two cold water bottles on each nightstand, giving a little exasperated huff as you pull out your phone to check the traffic again; it feels like he texted you forever ago but you know you’re probably just impatient. You’re pondering which of his bandmates was most likely to stop him on his way out, when you hear the garage opening and you clap your hands together gleefully, springing up to fix your hair in the vanity mirror.
Luke’s calling your name as soon as he opens the front door; you originally planned on playing it cool, letting him come to you, but you can’t deny how thrilled you are that he’s finally home and you race down to him. 
The two of you meet up at the foot of the stairs, huge smiles decorating your faces. You take advantage of being on the step above him, throwing your arms around his neck and burying your face in the stubble you’ve missed feeling all day. He wraps his arms around you with a chuckle, squeezing you tight, letting you be the one to pull away first. You give him a few quick pecks before you notice the sound of crinkling cellophane coming from him and you pull back curiously to see what the source is.
“These are for you,” Luke sing-songs, presenting you with a brightly colored bouquet of assorted flowers. You pout, touched by the gesture and before he gets a chance to elaborate, you pull him down to your lips to show your appreciation.
He murmurs against you, tangling a hand in your hair, leading you into a slow, sensual kiss. You moan as his tongue greets yours and again when his hand travels down to squeeze your ass under the rising hem of your t-shirt. He groans into your mouth when he feels the high cut lace of your underwear, his mind automatically scrolling through his memories of all the ravishing sets you’ve worn for him, wondering what he’ll be stunned by tonight.
“Been thinking about this all day,” he murmurs, holding you tighter, kissing you harder.
“Me too,” you sigh. “Well we know what I’ve been thinking about… what have you been thinking about?”
“For starters, this,” he replies, lifting you off the step and wrapping your legs around his waist. You giggle as he starts to climb the stairs, briefly resuming the makeout before determining he should focus on getting you both to the bedroom safely.
As you pass the hall bathroom, you tap him with your flowers. “We should probably get these in water before we get too distracted.”
He takes the bouquet from you, laying it on the dresser as he enters the bedroom. “They’ll be alright for a little longer.” He carefully sits you on the bed, looking at you hungrily. “You’re all I care about being wet right now.”
You sit up on your knees to kiss him passionately and rid him of his jacket and shirt. You run your hands over his chest, loving the tiny noises he makes as your nails run through his chest hair, tracing along his nipples. You slip your fingers in his waistband, pulling him closer by his pants.
“Been so patient, even while I had my fun with you today… always so patient with me, Lu… love that about you,” you coo, looking up at him alluringly as you palm over the outline of his hardening cock. You keep eye contact as you unfasten his pants and start pulling them down.
It’s a beautiful sight seeing Luke peer down at you, eyes already glassy, mouth already open in awe; his hair is a mess from your fingers running through it, curls hanging over his eyes as he watches you breathlessly. Your stomach drops in anticipation of the moan you know is coming when you dip your head down to mouth at him over his boxer briefs. He doesn’t disappoint, voice both loud and shaky as your lips apply gentle pressure to his cock; you find the tip and pucker your lips more, softly sucking at his shape through the fabric. 
He groans your name in a bid for you to stop, wanting to pace himself. He grips your face in his hand, rings digging into your skin deliciously as he roughly pulls you back up to his mouth, pressing his body to yours as he kisses you, letting his hardness and his tongue work in tandem to let you know how much effect you have on him.
His hand travels down your throat, lingering just long enough to get your blood pumping, before he leans you back so he can grab the hem of your shirt. You help him tug it over your head and he curses under his breath as he takes in the bubblegum pink underwear you picked out. Before you started dating Luke, you never cared much for brightly colored lingerie but with him it feels right: playful and loud while still erotic and intimate, just like the two of you are in bed together.
Luke loves when you dress up for him and you love watching him appreciate all the little details, his eyes poring over the peekaboo sheerness of the lace lining, his fingers reaching out to trace along the geometric caged cutouts above the bra cups, his guitar-worn fingertips an enticing contrast to the smooth satin of the straps. 
“Beautiful, baby,” he whispers reverently, leaning in to place a kiss on each of the tiny bows decorating the set: one on each strap, just below your collarbones, one in the center of your cleavage and one right under the waistband of your panties. He laughs warmly at the gasp that last location elicits from you and he chastely pecks over the front of your underwear a few times before raising back up to grin at you. “This is new, right?”
Nodding, you play with his necklace, somehow feeling both bold and shy under his attentive gaze. “I picked up a couple new things for today, actually… wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to spend all day in bed.”
“Aww, honey,” he pouts, kissing under your jaw until you giggle. “Well I love it… love you… love that you’d think to do that. Looks so good, I almost don’t want to take it off.”
You tease, “Well good, because you don’t get to yet.”
He laughs, surprised but delighted, and you scoot back on the bed; he follows suit, coming to lay with you, quickly kicking off his pants and shoes. The two of you take a moment to enjoy kissing, teasing and enjoying the feeling of each other’s bodies after a long day of wanting. When you can tell he’s getting restless, making more noise against your mouth, hips grinding against you more urgently, you shift him to lay on his back.
“Missed you, Lu… wanna show you how much,” you murmur, sucking at his neck. You feel the vibrations of the contented hum he lets out as you leave a mark on his throat. You pull back to admire your work, boasting, “Mine,” as you rub over the red spot. 
He strokes over your face, thumb soothing at your skin that’s looking raw from rubbing up against his beard. “Didn’t need a hickey to tell you that, honey,” he replies, looking at you lovestruck. You lean into his touch, kissing his palm before moving on to explore more of his body. 
Luke sweetly fingers through your hair as you kiss over his chest, nibbling at his collarbones, massaging over his pecs, tongue flicking over his nipple. You start to show the other side the same treatment and he gives a quiet whine, hips bucking into the air.
“Patience, my love,” you chide while your hand snakes over his stomach to squeeze his still clothed bulge. “Is this where you want me, babe? Think I’d forget about this cock? Haven’t thought about anything else all day.”
He pants, breath hitching as you drag your nails over the curves and ridges pressing up against his boxers. “I’m just… so… so fucking ready for you, baby.”
“Mmm,” is the only reply you give, tugging his underwear off. A giant sigh of relief escapes him as his cock is freed, dropping onto his stomach, precum immediately dripping onto his skin. You sit between his legs, thinking out loud, “As I remember it, you were also pretty fucking ready before you left this morning, so… I think you can hang on a little longer.”
His stunned silence turns to an interested murmur as you move back up, returning your attention to his nipples. Once you’re satisfied with how puffy and perky they look, you gently push his arms up, indicating you want them above his head. Dazed but trusting, he complies, resting his hands against the headboard. 
He moans loudly as you flash a warm smile at him and lilt, “Good boy,” before pressing a wet kiss to the puzzle piece inked on his left side, now exposed for you. You smooch and nibble at his skin before switching over to trace your tongue along the vertical script running down his right side. You love that his tattoos are almost always covered - sometimes it feels like you’re the only other person who knows that they’re there. And you love knowing you’re the only person who gets the privilege of touching them like this, of teasing them until he’s squirming uncontrollably.
“Babyyyyy,” he hisses as you begin to peck over his stomach, causing you to laugh against his skin. You look up at him innocently, smirking because you’re not sure if his complaint is due to the work your mouth is doing or the friction from your body leaning across his. 
"What do you need, handsome?" 
Luke tries to pout but can't hold back a grin as he playfully whines, "You didn't kiss the bird," looking sadly over at the ink adorning his right bicep. 
"Oh, my mistake," you play along, crawling back up to where his arm is resting behind his head. You press your lips to the tip of the hummingbird's beak, following along the outline of the tattoo before filling the inside of it with smooches. "How could I forget? Such a pretty bird on a pretty guy."
Before you can move back down, he holds his wrists up to you expectantly, watching smugly as you take the hint and kiss the tattoos he has there as well. As you pull away, he silently points to his lips and you giggle with delight.
"What?! I missed you! Thought you missed me too," he defends dramatically, joining your laughter as you lean in closer.
You intend to kiss him softly but you're weak to his advances once he starts adding heat to it, one hand on your ass, the other dipping inside your bra to cup your breast, pinching at your hardened nipple. His hand sneaks from your ass to between your legs and he groans when he feels how wet you are.
"Oh honey, c'mere," he advises, trying to move your body up the bed. "Get on my face, let me take care of you."
Shaking your head adamantly, you wriggle out of his hold and start moving back down his body. "You first," you insist. He begins to protest but you reach back up and press a finger to his lips to quiet him. "Had all day to fantasize about playing with you, want us to both take our time and enjoy it." 
He lights up hearing you mention thinking about him again. "All day, huh? Tell me what you thought about, baby."
He breathes deep as your fingers dance down his chest and stomach, followed by a sharp exhale when your touch skips over where his cock is resting, instead opting to stroke his upper thigh. You watch his face change while he decides whether or not to verbalize his disappointment; he eventually calms and you dip down to lightly peck his hip.
“Thought about how much I love your body… how beautiful it is… how responsive,” you trail off, giving his hip a teasing bite, smiling to yourself when he bucks up against you with a loud yelp. You kiss the small indent and continue down. “Thought about noises like that… you know I fucking love how vocal you are when we’re together, Lu. Makes me feel so good to know I make you feel so good.”
You nip and kiss your way down to his thigh tattoo, making sure to give it the affection it deserves, especially in light of the memory you shared earlier about how sensitive he was that day you visited his studio. He gets louder and you muffle a groan against him, knowing he’s thinking the same things you are; you lift yourself up to his lips, needing to kiss him, needing to be in that moment with him. His cock twitches between your bodies and the two of you moan in erotic harmony.
“No one else has ever made me feel like this, you know,” he tells you, gripping your hair to kiss you one more time. “Can’t remember ever wanting something - someone - this bad before. Never thought feeling you everywhere but my cock could feel so good… get me this hard. God, you’re incredible.”
Beaming, you place your forehead on his. “You’re incredible, babe. You’ve been waiting so long and you’re still letting me love on you like this? Haven’t tried to guide me anywhere, haven’t asked for anything… haven’t even tried touching yourself. You know you could’ve, right? I didn’t tell you not to,” you point out.
He shrugs, as if the option never even crossed his mind. “I know that anything you do is gonna feel a million times better than anything I could do for myself just because it’s you, so.”
“Luuuuuu,” you melt, bringing yourself to his lips again.
He laughs, “That being said…I would like to cum sooner than later.”
You snort, giving him a playful shove as you push yourself up. “Oh is that something you were interested in doing tonight? That what all the moaning and writhing is about?”
He gently knees your side as you settle back between his legs. “Bold talk from a lady who was so horny earlier, I’d barely been gone ten minutes before you had to get yourself off.”
Giggling, you pinch his inner thigh and giggle some more when he’s surprisingly into it, giving a half-moaned, half-yelled reaction. “Whatever, man, I wasn’t the one jerkin’ it in the parking lot of my job.”
“Nooooo, that’s the whole point! I didn’t jerk it, that’s why I need to cum now,” he insists, tone still lighthearted but with a slight edge to it.
He’s getting desperate and you smile, appreciating how fun he is like this. “Aww, baby, you’re so right. This poor, poor cock deserves some attention, doesn’t it?”
Luke nods pitifully and holds his breath as you move in to press a single closed mouth kiss to the tip of his cock.
You look at him with wide eyes, feigning shock that he’s disappointed. “More?” You place another chaste kiss halfway down his length, followed by one right at the base. You feel his cock throb under your lips, excited even from just that small amount of contact, and you almost feel bad when you hear his exasperated sigh as he realizes your game. You look up again, teasing, “Still not enough? Such a needy cock, isn’t it? Don’t know how you survived the day, babe, must’ve been so tough not giving in. Didn’t give it even one little stroke?”
He feels you moving down and when your breath is on his thighs again, he gasps. “N-no… wanted to wait for you,” he sputters, breath uneven as your lips brush across his skin.
“Good boy,” you purr, licking your lips and giving a wet kiss to his balls. You move over a fraction, kissing again, this time letting your tongue poke through your mouth and his body jerks so hard, you’d have sworn he jumped about five feet off the bed. “You like that, handsome?” 
A choked cry answers your question and you move and kiss again, sloppier, letting your tongue swirl and linger on his skin. His response is still intense, so you continue, using the same technique but traveling lower and kissing longer; his moan is sharper, breathier, and you notice his legs are opening wider for you, his ass scooting closer to your face. 
You contemplate his reaction before moving in again, placing a firm, wet kiss to the space just under his balls. The way he whines your name is unlike anything you’ve ever heard before and judging by the ache you suddenly feel between your legs, you’re confident it will play a starring role in every masturbatory experience you have from now on.
“Luke?” You sit up to get a good look at him, biting your lip to keep from audibly reacting as you take in the sight of his flushed face, his curls frizzed from sweat and his hands resting at his sides, balled up into fists in a clear effort to keep himself from tending to his cock, much redder, much shinier and much angrier than it was when you last looked at it.
“Yeah?” He answers weakly, as desperate as he’s ever been but too dazed to hide it now.
You consider your words before deciding there’s really no delicate way of putting it. “Do you… um… should I eat your ass?” 
“Jesus Christ,” he breathes, screwing his eyes shut in an attempt to focus. “Is that… do you want to?”
“Lu,” you soothe, stroking his thighs. “Babe, you know we always say if there’s something one of us wants to try, we’ll hear each other out. And this seems like something that’s really turning you on and I’m really interested in exploring that if you are.”
He stares at the ceiling for a beat before focusing his gaze on you. “Yeah… yes. Yes, I- I think I’d like that.”
Breathing deep, he runs his hands through his hair, obviously overwhelmed. Your instinct is to rush up to give him a calming kiss but you fight the urge, wanting to give him space and time to process whatever he’s feeling. Instead, you hug his knee, using your fingers to draw soft circles on his leg, watching as his face softens and after a moment, he looks back down at you.
“You good, babe?”
“Yeah… I just got like, nervous for a second,” he laughs.
“Well that’s okay.” You smile softly, resting your chin on his knee while you talk. “Are you sure you wanna? We don’t have to, you know I’d be more than happy to suck your dick.”
With a naughty grin, he insists, “I mean, I’d be more than happy to have my dick sucked but I do think it’d be fun to try this.”
“Promise you’ll tell me if you change your mind?”
“Of course… and same.”
“Of course.”
Satisfied, you peck each of his knees before spreading them wide again. You dip down, pressing your chest to the bed, popping your own ass to give him a good show. You knead his ass cheeks before gently pushing them apart, pausing to take a steadying breath of your own.
“Love you,” the voice above eagerly offers.
Your head drops to the mattress and you laugh with glee. “Love you too, babe… especially love that you thought to tell me that just as I’m about to lick your ass for the first time.”
He wheezes before deadpanning, “Sounds like the best time to make that known, if you ask me.”
Shaking your head, you start nibbling at his inner thigh again; you suck and nip at his skin, moving closer and closer to unknown territory. When he feels your warm breath between his cheeks, his noises go totally quiet in anticipation of what you’ll do next.
Leaning in, you hold him tightly and lick a long stripe over his entrance; his entire body tenses and he makes the sharpest yet quietest noise you’ve ever heard from him. Just as your brain wonders if that was a good reaction or a bad reaction, he answers your question by rocking his hips up, silently asking for more.
You oblige him, flattening your tongue to cover even more territory, licking slow and wide from his hole back up to his balls and down again. This time, he’s not shy about letting you know how he feels, a few breathy “fuck”s and a shaky “oh god, baby, yes” falling from his lips. You repeat the same route, experimenting with a swirling motion on the way down and the groan it’s met with tells you it was the right decision.
“You like that, babe?” You raise up to check in with him, your question more curious than teasing. “Feeling good?”
Luke’s face is buried in his hands, surprised at how instantly he’s beside himself with want. “It feels fucking amazing,” he reports, voice muffled but clearly wrecked already. 
Looking at his neglected cock, leaking profusely and a deep shade of red, you ask, “Do you want me to jerk you off while I’m ---”
He interrupts, “Jesus, fuck, baby, no!” It takes a beat for him to hear his own reaction and then he giggles at how serious it was. He explains, “I swear to fuck, I will immediately cum all over myself if either one of us touches my dick for even a second.”
“I thought you wanted to cum sooner than later,” you tease.
He props his head up to grin at you. “I like the idea of your tongue in my ass more if I’m honest.”
“The most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me,” you quip, getting back into position. “Also… you said in, so…”
“Oh. I mean… is that… would you?”
You lean in and playfully bite a chunk of cheek. “Honestly, Lu, if it’ll get you to keep making noises like you have been, I’ll do literally anything you want to this sexy ass.” 
He laughs, low and raspy enough to give you chills. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You grab his ass, push his thighs a little higher and dive back in, your tongue flicking wetly over his hole. As you work, the increasing volume of his sighs and the frequency with which he’s bucking into the air gives you confidence and your strokes become firmer, your flutters more teasing. You return to the sensitive skin below his balls, your lips providing gentle pressure before beginning a slight suction, and the prolonged moan he gives in response has you squeezing your legs together, hoping for some pressure of your own.
Emboldened by his feedback, you move down to his rim and apply the same method: pressure followed by suction. Luke can’t stop the whimpers spilling from his lips as yours move over him, breath catching as your tongue starts lapping in time, the sloppily wet sounds permanently etching into his brain. 
He wants to tell you what a good job you're doing, how unbelievable you're making him feel, but it's taking all his concentration not to grind himself back against your face, so all he can think to do is moan. He briefly considers reaching down to thread his hands in your hair and show his appreciation that way but that’d put his hands way too close to his cock and he doesn't trust himself enough not to touch it.
He groans as your grip on his thighs tightens up, trying to get a better angle; your nails dig into his skin as you do your best to keep him steady and he whines, feeling a fresh round of precum run onto his stomach. You press yourself closer, the tip of your tongue up against his opening before cautiously dipping inside. A strained shout escapes him and he claws at the sheets, pushing his ass down to meet your mouth, a tiny “sorry” lost in his throat as you work your tongue inside him and thrust. His head is spinning, he swears he’s never heard himself make the sounds he’s making and when your tongue thrusts into him again, he cries out as his cock twitches involuntarily.
All his noises are going straight to your pussy and you pull back, panting, in desperate need of a break. 
“Luke,” you huff, pecking across his thighs as you lift yourself up to address him. “I’m glad you seem to be enjoying this, babe… I apparently can’t get enough either, I’m absolutely soaked.”
He lifts his head to look at you and you sit up enough for him to see the center of your panties is a much darker shade of pink than it was before. “Holy shit, baby… that’s just from working on me?” You nod, lip between your teeth, and he groans. “God, you’re a fucking dream, you know that? Looking like that, making me feel… fuck, I don’t even know how to describe it… but you’re really, really fucking good at this.”
You grin, basking in his rambled praise. “Well, I’d be lost if I didn’t have such good feedback. All your pretty sounds, the way you keep grinding against my face…”
“Sorry about that,” he chuckles, a hint of shyness in his voice.
“No, Lu, I love knowing I’m making you feel so good. It’s so hot seeing you get so…”
You laugh, squeezing his knees affectionately. “I mean, that’s really nothing new, is it?” He giggles, breath slowing as your hands start roaming his legs. Your tone turns teasing, “So slutty… so needy… and yet, still so good for me, huh? Look at that cock! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen it so hard, have you? I’ll bet it’s absolutely aching, isn’t it, baby?”
“Ahhh, uh-huh,” he agrees quietly. He holds his breath as you lean over him, your hands rubbing over his stomach, so close - too close - to where his cock lays.
He gasps as you swirl your finger through some of the precum that’s pooled on his skin, the sensation causing his cock to jump up again.
You moan at the sight, loving that you’ve got him so worked up. Your finger inches closer and he whines helplessly. “You sure you don’t want me to do something about this, babe? Looks like it wouldn’t take much… what do you think? Think I’d be able to get even one stroke in?” You lightly run your nail against his stomach, right next to where his tip is and he lets out what can only be described as a sob. “Think I’d even get my hand around it before you make a mess of us both?” 
You lift your hand as if you’re going to test your theory and he wails your name desperately.
“Good boy,” you coo, backing off, watching the pronounced rise and fall of his chest as he tries to regain composure. You settle back between his legs and check in. “Keep going - yes or no?”
The question has barely left your mouth before he’s rushing out, “Yes, yes, yes, baby.” He slides his hands under his thighs and lifts them up to emphasize his point. “Please.”
Groaning at his eagerness, you feel even more wetness drip onto your lace bottoms. “Let me hear you, baby,” you encourage, softly kissing his cheeks, working your way in. 
You begin a pattern of kitten licks over his entrance that has him instantly moaning. You then teasingly swirl your tongue around - 1, 2, 3, times - and on the final circle you let the tip dart inside him and he lifts his legs even higher, rocking himself towards you, needing more. You duplicate the process but slower, adding in a few extra swirls just to hear his reaction - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - and your taunting is met with a series of increasingly frantic whines and a few strangled pleas of your name. When you finally flit your tongue inside, the relieved “Oh my fucking god, baby, yes, that” feels a hundred times better than the orgasm you gave yourself earlier.
As you continue, Luke feels like he’s lost control - his hips pumping against you seemingly of their own accord, his voice producing a consistent stream of sounds he doesn’t recognize, his cock springing up with interest yet again. And does he always leak this much precum? Fuck. You squeeze his ass, your hair tickling his cheeks as you wiggle, working your tongue in deeper; he notices a distinct sensation spreading through his body but he’s so overwhelmed he can’t quite place it yet. 
He looks down to see your head moving in a familiar bobbing motion and he has to groan as his mind acknowledges that he’s being blessed with one of his favorite visuals not because you’re sucking him off, but eating his ass.
“So good, baby… so fucking good,” he praises dreamily.
You murmur against him in appreciation, giving his ass another squeeze and he whimpers, that confusing sensation running through him again but more insistent. You’re effectively fucking him with your tongue, digging your nails into his skin, trying to hold on as he fucks back against you, and when your own muffled moans start pouring from your throat, that same mystery sensation returns to his body with such intensity, it demands to be recognized.
It takes up until the second that Luke starts cumming for him to realize that’s what’s happening and it’s not until he feels the first rope of cum hit his chest that he actually believes it. He tries to call your name but all that comes out is the first letter followed by a bunch of unintelligible cries, voice unfamiliar as his body shudders. His cock pulses and throbs mindlessly, spraying his release near and far, coating his entire torso all the way from his belly to his chest. 
The high of this orgasm seems to have no limit, building and building even when it seems like it's beyond time to fall back down to earth. He tries to express this thought but his breath comes out in short, wrecked sobs while his arms shake as he struggles to hold his legs in the air. It’s probably the most exhilarating - and bewildering - thing he’s ever felt and when it finally crescendos, he gives an elongated groan of something resembling your name and lets his limbs drop down as he melts into the bed.
As soon as his legs hit the mattress, you’re racing over to his side. “Luke? Baby. Oh my god,” you fuss. He looks absolutely destroyed - hair disheveled, skin flushed, eyes tightly shut. His breath is steadier than it was but still labored, heaving chest covered in sweat and cum. He’s never looked more beautiful. You speak tenderly, stroking his cheek, “You did so good, Lu, oh my god, that was incredible, baby… are you okay?”
His eyes flutter open, still a bit glazed. He takes a moment before he answers. “Yeah… I… just… whoa.”
“Yeah, definitely whoa,” you laugh quietly, pushing the curls off his forehead. “I’ve never… did you know you could -- “
He shakes his head. “Nope. Never happened before, not even close.” He chuckles in disbelief. “I didn’t even know it was happening until it was happening.” 
You giggle with him. “I felt your body like, pulse and before I even had time to think about it, you were moaning and… oh my god, babe…” You move closer to snuggle him but he holds his hands out to stop you.
“Messy,” he laughs sheepishly, gesturing at his sticky skin.
With a comforting squeeze to his arm, you promise, “One sec,” and hop off the bed, hurrying to the en suite. Luke closes his eyes, the sound of the running faucet serving as the perfect white noise as he lays there, content but exhausted. Several moments later, he feels the bed dip, followed by the pleasant sensation of a warm washcloth moving across his chest.
“Thank you, honey,” he says quietly, reaching out to squeeze your hip. He traces the waistband of your panties admiringly. “Couldn’t let these gorgeous pieces get stained… not yet, anyway.”
He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and you snort. “Such a thoughtful lover,” you joke, softly flicking him with the washcloth before tossing it aside.
“Well actually, speaking of which,” he starts, hand moving to rub over the now transparent from arousal patch of your underwear. “What should we do about this?”
“I was actually gonna see if you wanted a snack,” you shrug, patting his now clean skin dry with a new towel. He narrows his eyes skeptically and you explain simply as you pass him his water bottle. “I came this morning.”
“Oh, trust me, I remember,” he smirks, taking the bottle but grabbing your arm to pull you close. He caresses your cheek, continuing, “But you seemed happy - eager even - to have another so I wanna check that you’re not passing it up just because you made me cum my brains out and think now you gotta take care of me.”
You take a thoughtful sip from your water. “I guess I got a little worked up watching you… and talking to you over the course of the day… and looking at the pictures of your dick that you sent me,” you shrug again, a coy smile creeping at the corners of your lips. “I just… that was so intense, babe, are you sure you don’t need anything?”
He opens his arms and you don’t hesitate to accept the invitation, curling up on him, letting him wrap himself around you. “Honestly all I need is to feel my girl laying in my arms… heart racing, hips bucking…” He kisses sweetly over your face, ghosting over your lips before darting down to suck under your jaw instead. He runs his hand over the mark he leaves, tracing his thumb over your mouth. “Little gasps, sweet moans spilling out from these beautiful lips… if that’s something you think you might be interested in.”
Your eyes meet his as you suck his thumb between your lips, biting gently. “Well… if it’ll make you feel better, I guess,” you joke, sighing as you’re pulled into a passionate kiss. 
His fingers toy with the caged straps of your bra and he whispers, “Wanna be naked with me?” You eagerly nod, hissing quietly as he unfastens you; you help him pull the material off and then quickly shimmy out of your bottoms. You shiver under his appreciative gaze as he murmurs, “That’s my good girl,” before capturing your lips again.
The makeout is slow and familiar, a lovely juxtaposition to the frenzied experimentation you’re both still coming down from. His hand makes its way down your body, slipping between your legs and you both groan as he starts stroking through your wet folds. You almost instantly start rocking your hips into his touch - you’ve been waiting to feel his hands on you all day and you’ve been so turned on for so long and your body is so grateful to finally have some relief.
He laughs raspily, “Baby… after all that buildup, don’t you think you deserve more than humping my hand?” You whine as he pulls away and whine again when you see him reaching over into “the fun drawer.” He grabs the first toy he touches and it happens to be the one you used this morning. He clicks the button and it whirs to life, thrusting back and forth enthusiastically, much to his delight. “Look at this bad boy! I’ve always wanted to watch you with this one.”
“Well pay attention because it’s not gonna last long,” you laugh.
After some discussion, he props some pillows up against the headboard and sits back with his legs open for you to lay between. You relax into him, immediately angling your head for a kiss while Luke’s first order of business is getting his hands on your breasts. You tease each other a bit - your teeth tugging his lip, his ringed fingers twirling your nipples - and then he’s nudging you to pick up the vibrator.
“Been thinking about this since I saw that picture,” he admits, watching carefully as you drag the toy down your body.
You run the tip up and down your pussy, getting it nice and wet before lightly circling your clit. “I always wait until the last minute to turn it on… it feels too good,” you explain, teasing your opening and then pulling it away, your hips tilting up in hopes of reconnecting with the toy. “Even just putting it in is too much sometimes because I know how good it’s about to make me feel.” You torment yourself a few more times and then finally let it slip in, sighing loudly as it glides inside you.
“Fuck,” Luke breathes, rubbing your legs soothingly as he stares, slack-jawed.
One hand fits the toy inside you while your other interlaces your fingers with his. “Oh this is gonna be so quick,” you laugh, leaning back to kiss his neck. “You ready?”
"I don't know," he giggles, squeezing your thigh. "Ready to see you come apart, baby."
You keep your gaze trained on his face, your hand using sense memory to locate the power button and turn it on. A deep groan escapes your throat instantly as the shaft of the toy begins vibrating and pumping inside you. You quickly click it down to a low setting and reach to adjust the arm meant to stimulate your clit, your eyes rolling back the moment it lands on the right spot.
"Feels good?" He asks quietly, visibly gulping as you nod and lick your lips. He runs his hands up from your legs, caressing over your hips, your stomach and finally your tits again, where his touch lingers. "As good as this morning?"
Bringing him into a kiss, you sigh, "Better… you're here now." You roll your hips with the slow rhythm of the vibrator, not yet ready to crank it up to your usual setting and have this end. "Don't gotta imagine your hands on my body, your voice in my ear, your breath on me… you're here."
"So glad I'm here, honey," he reassures, kissing your face. You press a button to change the pattern of the vibrations and gasp into his mouth. He groans, wanting to help you along, "Did you pretend it was me fucking you? My cock inside you?"
You confirm breathily, "Oh, Lu, yes… Pretended you were still in bed with me… like the phone never rang… like we just woke up and you were on my neck, telling me how much you wanted me… pretended we were back in that moment and I told you to slip it in like I wished I would’ve… oh god, Lu, c’mere.” You reach for his hand, panting.
The sudden shift of intensity in your tone has Luke breathing as heavy as you, rushing to do as requested. You guide his hand around the bottom of the toy’s shaft, right where it’s peeking out of your body; you watch his jaw drop as you cycle through the settings, landing on the rhythm and speed that always leaves you seeing stars.
He looks at you wide-eyed. “No way,” he laughs, feeling the strong buzz and rapid thrusts. “Baby, this is gonna launch you into space.”
“Counting on it,” you giggle, turning it back down while you move his hand to the base of the toy and adjust his hold so it’s at the angle you need. As soon as he’s in position, you turn the power back up and let out a pronounced moan.
“That’s it, lemme hear those beautiful sounds, honey,” he encourages, his free hand gripping your breast tight, hoping to both get you off and steady you.
The whines only get louder as your back arches into his touch and your hips stutter, your body too stimulated to follow along with the vibe's movements. It drives into you over and over at that delicious angle and you bury your face into Luke's neck, muffling a cry as you feel your climax start to light up every single cell in your body. 
The pleasure rushes through you, the chemicals flood your system and most importantly, your boyfriend’s arms tighten around you. The orgasm is great - fantastic even - but feeling this good while being this close to him is what makes all the waiting, all the teasing, all the frustration of the day worth it.
“Oh, that’s it, baby… what a good girl… look so unbelievable when you cum for me,” he encourages as you huff and shake in his embrace. A few seconds later, your body settles and your breathing quiets but a small whimper remains and he knows that means you’re done with the vibrator. He shuts it off and carefully pulls it out, soothing in a soft voice, “I know, baby, that was so much… it’s alright, I’ve got you.”
He gently eases you onto your pillow, freeing up his arm to grab the tissue box off the nightstand. You pout and make grabby hands at him as he stops to wipe down your toy; he grins, pecking your lips before starting to clean you up as well. Neither of you have much to say, content with simply trading soft smiles and softer touches. 
Luke lays his head on your chest, gazing up lovingly at you, and you tangle your fingers in his curls, loving the way his eyelashes flutter as you comb through his hair. You take the moment in until something occurs to you. “Hey, babe, I don’t think I ever actually thanked you for those flowers? They’re gorgeous… that was really sweet of you.”
“Aww, honey, I’m glad you liked them!” He beams proudly. His expression briefly falters but he shakes it off and continues, “I wanted to kind of acknowledge and apologize for this morning… I promised this would be our day and I should’ve taken a minute to find a compromise instead of just taking off like it was nothing.”
“Luuuuuke,” you whine, stroking his cheek softly. “I know I complained at first but you know I understand the band comes first - it’s your job and it’s important. You’ve got a lot of people counting on you.”
He shrugs. “I had you counting on me and you’re someone I don’t ever wanna disappoint. I should’ve asked if you wanted to come have lunch or something. I don’t know where my head was at.”
“Well, babe, I appreciate the apology but I still had a pretty fun day,” you reassure him, smirk curling the edges of your mouth.
“Is that so? I never would’ve guessed,” he jokes, pushing up to kiss you. “Glad to hear you had a good day, though… spent most of mine worrying I’d ruined it.”
You giggle, “Babe, I’m pretty sure the only thing that got well and truly ruined today was you.”
He laughs with you, a faint blush spreading over his skin. “So best case scenario then,” he cracks, pressing another kiss on your lips.
He sits up, sipping his water, passing yours over when you prop yourself up next to him. You suddenly remember to ask, “Hey, how was the studio, by the way? How’d our song turn out?”
Luke grins. “Oh, is it our song?”
With a naughty smile, you explain. “I don’t know about you but I doubt I’ll be able to think about anything besides tonight when I hear it.”
“Well… tonight and the night I wrote it.”
“You’re right, it’s definitely our song,” he giggles, squeezing your knee. “I really like what it’s turning into, I think it’s almost where it needs to be.”
Your brow scrunches, confused. “Almost? Wasn’t it due today?”
“Oh!” He laughs, shaking his head. “The deadline actually got extended.”
“Mmm hmm, some kind of server maintenance - the label apparently can’t handle any incoming files for a day or two. So we all decided we should use that time and really get it right.”
You’re quiet for a moment before offering a simple, “Interesting.”
Luke can tell you’re calculating if this will affect your time together again and he slinks his arm around you, leaning your head on his shoulder. “It doesn’t need nearly as much work as it did today though, so hopefully it won’t take up too much of the day.” 
“Yeah, hopefully.”
With a smile, he adds, “But just in case, I’m thinking my phone’s gonna accidentally die overnight, what about yours?”
——————————————— Thank you for reading!
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sapphicsigh · 8 months
I don't want a 3rd szn without Izzy. I just don't. Call me dramatic or whatever, but I'm so genuinely heartbroken by his death. I feel so betrayed. Izzy was the heart of the show, and now he's gone.
The aftermath of his death felt rushed, he wasn't buried at sea (like what the fuck, a lifelong pirate like Izzy would've wanted to be buried at sea) and the crew was just happy to get back on the revenge and set sail without their unicorn? Everyone just gets a happily ever without Izzy? Izzy died a painful death shot by a pompous asshole and for what? Some metaphor about the end of the golden age of piracy? Piss off. Closure for Ed? That could've been achieved a number of other ways. Izzy couldn't get any assurances that HE was loved? Even on his fucking deathbed? The man who protected the crew with life and limb? It doesn't feel right, and it never will. Izzy deserved so much better, and so did Con.
And worst of all, perhaps, is that Djenkins was planning on killing him all along. The whole time, while we were falling in love with the little angry man, rooting for him and rejoicing when he wore makeup in front of the crew and was vulnerable with them...he was a dead man walking.*
*I've seen ppl make rlly good points about how death was treated throughout the show and I wanted to add that context here. If I can find whose post I'm thinking of, I'll tag them
**Edit: Izzy's death was an incredible shock. EVERYONE ELSE IN THE SHOW survived their near death experiences!!! Stede got choked near to death, stabbed (twice!), and survived all of that unscathed. Ed got his head smashed in by a FUCKING CANNONBALL, pumbled by the crew and made it out with barely a scrape. Even Calico Jack could've (apparently) escaped death after being shot with a goddamn cannonball. The Swede was poisoned but was already immune to it. Wow! We (at least I felt this way), as an audience, believed that there wouldn't be any character deaths due to the overwhelming evidence we'd been given thus far. So after alllll the in show evidence that the laws of medicine or physics don't apply to ANY of the pirates, why suddenly apply it when it comes to Izzy? Hmmm??? It makes no fucking sense. It's cruel and unusual punishment. They really killed off the queer disabled elder??? Jesus christ. Did not a single person in the writer's room have a qualm about it? The optics alone are bad. But more importantly, killing off the queer disabled elder is inherently political, whether djenkins thought of it that way or not (& i dont think he did). The mere existence of queer people is inherently political in a society (the US), which wishes for our eradication. So killing off a beloved queer disabled elder, on a show which seemed to promise us queer joy and a happy ending, IS POLITICAL. it's a slap in the face and a punch through the fucking gut.
It feels doubly awful because we, as an audience, were given something we've never had before, an unapologetically queer show. One that didn't soften or censor itself for straight viewers. It was created with such love, at least it felt like, for us. So to be given that gift, and to feel recognized and seen and appreciated, only to have it snatched away...
I can only speak for myself, of course, but it's genuinely heartbreaking. I'm so utterly disappointed. I wish so badly that Con got more time with Izzy. I think Izzy means a lot to him, and he means a lot to us, too.
❤️‍🩹🦄❤️‍🩹I love you, Izzy, and I always will. Rest in peace, my little meow meow, you were and are so loved.❤️‍🩹🦄❤️‍🩹
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thehollowwriter · 4 months
I've just realised that NRC this, this extremely fancy and prestigious private magic school, is less strict than my school in regards to uniform. Like, at my school, even Riddle will be punished??? We have a uniform like NRC, so no casuals allowed (we have "casual days," but you're charged money for it), and the rules are just:
•No makeup,
•No nail polish,
•No necklaces (one girl had a necklace bc it belonged to her late mother and she was mourning her, she was still forced to take it off and then punished)
•No rings
•Only girls can wear earrings, and those earrings must be studs or hoops and must be certain size
•No hair dye unless you're dying all of your hair a natural colour
•Boys must have short hair and be shaved. Girls must have hair tied up
•No bowties
•You HAVE to buy the school bags, including sports bags, book bags, and drawstring bags, or you'll get in trouble. It "looks unneat," apparently. We frequently joke about how we're gonna have to buy school branded lunch boxes next.
•They were so strict with our blazers that parents actually issued complaints until they changed the rules because it used to be mandatory that we wore our blazers at all times between, before, and after classes and during assemblies. Even during the summer. I'm in South Africa, the summers get extremely hot. Someone nearly passed out during an assembly because of the heat and the staff was still like "sorry you can't take it off, it's the uniform"
Like wow, my school is insane cjfbjggbjg
Tagging my moots so they can see my suffering: @distant-velleity @the-banana-0verlord @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker @whspermy-name @dove-da-birb @azulashengrottospiano @kitwasnothere
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 3 months
Hiiii me again
Related to the post about the ownership of characters and the tags you put-
I just wanted to mention that you’ve given me a lot of confidence. I used to be the type of person who believed “if your oc even breathes in the direction of a canon character, it’s cringe and Mary Sue and you’ll be ripped to shreds for it.” I’d have to tread so lightly with characters I enjoyed and love them from afar because I felt if I made even a joke post someone would bring it up.
I’ve only just gotten into the cod fandom, found your blog a couple months ago, and it’s given me a lot of like. Idk!! Just “fuck it, do what you want” kinda vibes in the best way? It’s really hard to word this lmao. But since finding your blog I’ve made a 141 character, a shadow, literally shipping an oc with ghost now, and I’m having fun that I wouldn’t have if I didn’t find your blog
So thank you <3
Hello! (。・∀・)ノ゙
Well, It's been an apparent issue in this fandom. idk why, but when I visit other fandoms, the sense of ownership and possessiveness to the characters is not that high, like what's up with these people I don't know. Like, the characters in media, especially in games, don't belong to anyone except the studios that made them 😭
We as fandom members can create original characters, alternative universes, and stuff for them. I can't imagine a piece of media without fanarts, fics, and OC's really. Heck, that's what keeps the fandom alive. If there's one thing we can learn from history of media, is that you can't hold back people's creativity. OF COURSE, there are cringe ones and unhinged ones, but it's fandom, of course, it's filled with different types of people from normal to bizarre ones.
Here's the thing, just because one person has already shipped their OC with one character, that doesn't mean that character is LOST forever to that one particular OC like it's a damn popularity competition 😭.
I've also seen some people saying that they're so emotionally attached to this one character, that if they see him with someone else's OC. they get super emotional and super angry?? Okay that's just-- WOW.
If you feel uncomfortable seeing your favorite character being shipped with someone else, then that just means that you're NOT ready and not mature enough to be an OC creator and be in a fandom space. Full stop.
and if I may speak from experience, I've lost a few friendships due to being... quite popular OC shipper with Ghost 🥲 I personally don't feel anything when I see other's OC's with Ghost, or any character I like with other OC's -- I EVEN DRAW OTHER OC'S WITH GHOST FOR COMMISSIONS 😭
But yeah, before I yap too much, thank you so much for the good words in the last paragraph! It's very very lovely, and I'm glad you have your own OC to have fun with! Happy creating and happy drawing💖!
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ckret2 · 1 year
This chapter is a whole lot of Bill and Ford talking and I couldn't think of a good illustration for it, so have a funny comic instead.
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Here's chapter 9 of The Pines Have Captured Human Bill Cipher And Nobody Is Happy About It (Title TBD), recent chapters are in my #my writing tag and on god I'll have a master post before chapter 10.
Ford knocked on the bathroom door. "Time's up. You've had your two hours, Cipher."
There was no reply.
Ford glanced at Stan.
Stan grumbled under his breath and cracked his knuckles. "BILL!" He pounded on the door. "Either you come out of the bathroom, or we're dragging you out by your ankles!"
No reply.
"That's it," Stan snapped. Ford nodded in agreement and took a step back to cover Stan as he opened the door.
The bathroom reeked of chemically-enhanced rotten eggs. From knee-height down, every single surface in the room was plastered with curly blond hair. Behind the bath tub—naked, curled up in a ball, and hiding beneath a towel like a child—was Bill.
Stan and Ford gaped at the scene. And then they cracked up.
"Most—" Stan wheezed, "Most people just use shampoo! But hey, whatever floats your boat!"
Trying to sound stern and failing, Ford said, "You'd better help clean this up."
Bill didn't reply. 
Stan coughed and pounded on his chest. "Gah. Almost choked on my dentures."
"How did you do this? I know we removed the blades from the room." Ford was glad he'd put on his boots. He picked up a bottle of hair removal cream from the bath tub and tested the weight. Almost empty. "You didn't use this on your scalp, did you? It's far too caustic for facial skin."
Stan asked, "How do you know?"
"I've experimented with many shaving techniques, Stanley."
Bill didn't reply.
"Bill?" Ford's smile faded. "Did you burn yourself?" If he was burned badly enough, that was an infection risk—the last thing they needed was to haul their prisoner to a doctor...
Ford took another step toward Bill. Bill tightened his arms around his knees and retreated further into the corner. And still he said nothing.
Stan and Ford agreed that dragging Bill's naked butt out of the bathroom wouldn't do anything to help protect Gravity Falls from the horrible alien triangle menace, and also wouldn't make them feel particularly noble; so they left the door open, told Bill to get dressed and get out, Stan went back to bed, and Ford sat in the attic window seat to wait.
It took almost twenty minutes before Ford heard Bill shuffling around, and another ten before he finally emerged. Bill had dressed, thank goodness, but still had the towel draped over his head, like a Victorian widow in a mourning veil. Ford wondered if it was bad to find the sight of Bill's obvious distress so, so funny, or if the fact that it was Bill made it okay.
Bill got close enough to his window seat nest to spy Ford's boots from beneath his towel, veered off to the side, and curled up in a corner of the attic.
"Well," Ford said, to say something; and then drew a blank. Finally, he said, "The next time you claim you don't know how to bathe correctly, I'll believe you."
Ford could have sworn he heard the towel-covered lump hiss like a leaky tire. Had he gotten a laugh?
The ice broken, Ford went on: "Are you injured? That stuff can burn even when used correctly. And—you did not use it correctly."
No response.
"Just—why did you—why?"
No response.
"Say something so I know I don't have to call an ambulance and tell them you're in shock." Ford did not relish the idea of explaining a mysterious woman with no ID to a hospital.
Apparently, neither did Bill, because he muttered, "I don't need medical assistance." And then, "So I didn't want hair. Baldness isn't a sin. Get off my back."
"That's a heck of a way to get rid of it."
"Yeah, wow, I guess so. I wonder why I didn't just use a razor."
"You could have... You could have asked for a shave."
Bill let out another tire-wheeze laugh. At the thought of asking for help, or at the thought that he'd have received it?
"Go away."
Ford frowned; but he got up, shut the bathroom door so Bill couldn't go back in, and went downstairs.
And a few minutes later, came back with a sandwich made out of the first odds and ends he could find in the fridge, and a six pack of hard apple cider. "Here." He set the plate and six pack on the floor near Bill. "Mrs. Ramirez hasn't touched it, I promise."
Bill didn't move, not even to see what food Ford had brought.
Ford shifted his footing nervously, his common sense insisting that he'd demonstrated all the common decency he was obliged to and that it was time to go; and then he sat down again on the window seat. "Listen," he said. "Bill." (He shouldn't be doing this, he shouldn't be talking to Bill Demon-Triangle Dimension-Destroyer Cipher, eternal nemesis, ruiner of Ford's life, threatener of his family; but right now, it was hard to see Bill Cipher beneath the hurting human.) "I've—been here before. I know what it's like to—to be trapped in an alien dimension, surrounded by hostile locals, with no way home." He tried not to think about the fact that Bill was the main reason Ford had been trapped, or that Ford was now one of the hostile locals, or that the locals (and Ford especially) had a damn good reason to be hostile to Bill, or that they all didn't want Bill to get home. He was kind of curious find out where the heck he was going with this conversation. "I know what that... grief is like."
Ford thought it might be an insult to suggest Bill was capable of grief; but Bill didn't twitch. Ford went on. "I know how tempting it is to—to ignore everything but the fight ahead. Never mind hot food, shelter, showers, fresh clothes, a comfortable bed. Luxuries you can tend to when your work is done. But—a fire can't keep burning without fuel and fresh air. Depriving yourself those 'luxuries' doesn't turn you into some ascetic warrior-monk. It simply... burns you out. It makes it that much harder to achieve anything." Ford shrugged. "I—learned that the hard way."
He tried not to think about the fact that Bill had been the fight Ford had burned himself out for. Or the fact that Bill no doubt saw Ford as his fight. Or the fact that Ford didn't want Bill to achieve anything. He immediately regretted the decision to find out where he was going with this conversation. What was he doing?
Voice muffled, Bill said, "You think you're the only person who's ever had to get used to an alien dimension before?"
And Ford remembered—a moment too late—that Bill had destroyed his home. It was so easy to take that information, the horrific enormity of it, and stop there; but follow the implications one step further, and that meant Ford had never once seen Bill in his own dimension. As long as Ford had known him and billions of times longer, Bill had been a stranger in a strange land. Ford should write off this conversation as a loss and leave.
"This isn't my first rodeo," Bill said. "But hey, thanks for coming back up just to patronize me. It's really what I needed tonight."
To hell with leaving. Ford wasn't letting Bill get the last word in after Ford had tried to do something nice. "This is your first time being a human in an alien dimension," Ford pointed out. "You said it yourself earlier—I bathe hundreds of times a year and you don't. As an energy being, you've never had to make time for daily showers, or sleep, or exercise, or..." He almost said food but paused. He'd seen Bill eat as a triangle. Was that fun or necessity? Never mind. "You probably think those chores are beneath you—but your body needs them whether you like it or not."
Bill laughed harshly. "Wow, this is rich coming from you. 'Eat better and bathe more,' says the guy who locked me out of the fridge and bathroom."
"I—" Well. Ford couldn't really argue with that. And he didn't regret it. "I know it's... not an ideal situation." The opportunity hung in the air for an and I'm sorry, and Ford self-consciously hurried past it. It was the thing one said in these situations, but it wasn't true. He wasn't sorry, he shouldn't be sorry, Bill was here on death row. "But I'm just trying to..." The sentence died. Why, exactly, was he trying to help Bill?
"Why would I want any help from you?" Bill's voice was venomous; and under the circumstances, Ford couldn't fault him for that. "Even if you didn't kill me and capture me! For all your talk of needing shelter and comfort when you're stuck in another dimension—you never accepted any help from me. But you think I can't take care of myself?"
Ford stared at Bill. (Not that there was much to stare at, except the top of a towel.) "I never accep—? You never offeredany help!" Not that he would have accepted it if Bill had, but just the outrageous suggestion that Bill had been—what?—charitably offering interdimensional refugee services that Ford had stubbornly turned down—?
"I never got the chance! You dove into the first wormhole you could find—you didn't even bother to say 'hi'!"
"Why would I say 'hi' after everything you—! Plus, you placed a bounty on my head! Within thirty seconds of my arrival!"
"So I got excited!" Bill uncurled just enough to shrug. "Anyway, the bounty was to bring you to me alive! C'mon, Stanford, I know you steered away from the frats in college, but you know what a little friendly hazing is, right?"
Flabbergasted, Ford echoed, "'Hazing'?" And then, even more disbelieving, "'Friendly'?"
"Wh... Sure!" One eye, almost luminescent in the shadows beneath the towel, peered over Bill's knees. As if Bill was as baffled as Ford and needed to see him for himself. "You built us a portal, you got cast out of your dimension into ours—you were gonna get a hero's welcome! You'd joined the gang! You were one of us!"
"I'd—spent weeks trying to stop you!"
Ford gaped. Bill was a liar, he reminded himself—a liar, a manipulator, and a conman. He'd say anything to portray himself however he thought most useful. Ford remembered arriving in the Nightmare Realm. He'd relived it over and over—in hundreds, if not thousands of nightmares. "That was no welcome party. You were surrounded by an army of monsters."
"Hey, those are my pals you're talking about!" Bill laughed—a sincere, easy sound. It was unnerving, how real that laugh sounded. "Hate to point out the obvious, Sixer, but you've got a handshake that '30s Hollywood woulda designed a whole movie monster around. Who are you to judge appearances!"
Ford's thoughts flashed briefly to the Glass Shard Beach freak show he'd met as a child—the humans who'd called themselves "monsters" and who'd called Ford their "abnormal ally," the frightening friendly freaks who'd welcomed him warmly. He pushed the thought away. Bill wasn't running some kind of weirdo sanctuary; he probably just thought making Ford think he was would win him some sympathy. "You were sitting on a throne. Made out of optical illusions. Like a self-appointed tyrant."
"Oh, you noticed my throne!" Bill's head lifted a little more. "I got that custom made! It's upholstered with the torn fabric of reality! Say, did it look three-dimensional to you? I'm told it looks 3D if you cross your eyes just right, but, well, you need two eyes to cross 'em."
"Wh—" Ford blinked, trying to remember what the throne had looked like. "Was it... not 3D?"
"No way! Do you have any idea what it'd cost to upholster a whole extra dimension in the fabric of reality? I'm not about to drop that kind of gold on a feature I wouldn't even use!" Bill grinned up at Ford. All Ford could see was the one eye and his teeth. "But hey, if you couldn't even tell the difference—I guess the autostereogram detailing was worth it!"
And Ford thought, he means it. Bill, mad thing he was, never thought that being Ford's friend and destroying Ford's universe were mutually incompatible. When Ford had arrived in the Nightmare Realm, Bill hadn't been hunting him, he'd been welcoming him. Lounging on his stupid tacky throne, hanging out with his terrible friends, feigning a punch at the new guy to make him flinch before laughing and inviting him to the party. And Ford—sleep-deprived, terrified, paranoid—hadn't seen it.
And then Ford thought, he's lying. It was thirty years ago—almost thirty-one years (time ticks ever on)—and Bill could say anything he wanted about what he would have done if he'd caught Ford, because he hadn't caught him. Today, Bill probably thought his comfort, if not his very survival, was dependent upon convincing his captors that he was so much less a threat than they thought he was. It's all a harmless misunderstanding! It was no misunderstanding and Bill wasn't harmless.
Ford got to his feet. "We remember that day very differently."
Bill's smile faded into the dark. "Yeah. Guess so." And then his eye disappeared as well, as Bill curled in on himself and vanished under the towel. That wasn't like him. Ford had expected at least a little gaslighting.
Strange body in a strange land. And a recent death (metaphorical or literal, Ford still wasn't sure). Of course Bill was more subdued than usual.
Ford told himself not to worry about Bill. (He was unnerved that he had to tell himself.)
"Well." Ford gestured vaguely at the sandwich, decided against doing something nice like reminding Bill he needed to eat, and said, "Don't waste food."
Ford mentally chided himself as he walked downstairs. He'd been careless; he'd almost let his guard down in front of a friend who'd betrayed him. He'd been nice to Bill. He'd tried to encourage Bill to take better care of himself—when Ford was plotting to kill him, for crying out loud! Why? Because the human body made him forget this was Bill? No. Because Bill had tricked Ford into seeing him as a friend again, for just a moment, talking about parties and pals and—of all things—his stupid upholstery? No; that had come after Ford had offered compassion. It would have been nice if Ford could have blamed Bill. He'd like to think that he was being manipulated; it would free him from any personal culpability. But Bill hadn't done anything—except look miserable.
And that didn't line up with how Ford remembered Bill. Maybe that was what had thrown him off? But—he wasn't sure. Ford had spent thirty years with his thoughts spiraling around Bill, and now it was hard to think about Bill at all without second-guessing every thought that passed through his head. He'd have to talk this out with Stan.
Another question gnawed at him as he kicked off his boots and climbed back into bed. When he'd been cast from his dimension, the portal was still functional, just uncharged. There was nothing Ford could do from within the Nightmare Realm to either reactivate or destroy the portal. Bill had seemed in too good a humor to have punishment on his mind; and since Ford had been both useless and unthreatening, Bill probably hadn't wanted to recruit him for his help or eliminate him for Bill's safety.
So what had Bill wanted him for?
What had Bill wanted him for?
Probably just to kill him. For no particular reason. For fun. Bill didn't need any other reason, Bill was insane.
Ford tried to convince himself that was true.
Bill had gotten careless. He almost let his guard down around a friend who'd betrayed him.
He couldn't really blame himself. He was a consummate extrovert with nobody to talk to. Captivity in and of itself was bad enough; but without his friends, he was... bored. That was the word. Bored.
Bill's stomach ached. He peered at the food Ford had brought.
After a moment, he dragged over the six pack and popped out a can of cider.
That bathroom could be useful. He'd never be trusted in there for two hours unsupervised again, but if he mastered the art of the ten-minute shower and claimed he still needed an hour, that would give him some uninterrupted privacy. He could work a little magic in that time, even if he was limited to human capabilities. Most local female humans wore makeup, Melody probably kept hers in the bathroom; and in a pinch, there was toothpaste and shampoo; he could write with those. You could get a lot done with two mirrors, running water, a writing tool, and a human body full of blood.
Maybe he could call for help. Acquiring the supplies to get a call through to Hectorgon or Amorphous Shape would be difficult, much less calling any of his outerplanar pals; but Kryptos kept a psychic line open in dimension 46'\, if Bill got his hands on some candles he could reach him. At least, assuming Kryptos bothered to pick up the call. Bill hated the thought that his fate rested on whether or not the most annoying person in the multiverse felt like taking a call from an unknown number, but what could he do about it? If he could just reach the mindscape, this would be so much easier—
No, that wasn't quite accurate. He could reach the mindscape. He dreamed. He just... couldn't control it.
This body clamped onto his soul like an iron maiden. He couldn't just shed it like an old coat, the way he'd always effortlessly moved in and out of physical bodies before. He'd tried, curled up in the window for hours at a time, meditating silently, reaching for that point where he quietly detached from his borrowed form—but never grasping it. A couple of times the effort had exhausted him into falling asleep. He didn't know whether the Axolotl had done something to lock him inside this body, or if the difficulty in leaving it was a natural part of living in a human body rather than merely visiting one.
He'd probably have to figure out humans' techniques for controlling their dreams and shedding their bodies. He was sure Ford had done some reading on astral projection at Bill's suggestion, maybe he still had those books somewhere. Bill couldn't just ask for them. Ford wouldn't trust Bill with those books.
Not yet, anyway. But with time...?
Ford's little visit this evening had been... unexpectedly encouraging. Maybe the whole woe-is-me routine was working after all. Even if Ford had probably only pitied him because...
Under the towel, Bill's scalp burned. He could feel the alien contours of his head.
Never mind, never mind, never mind. This was all part of his strategy. This was his plan.
The point was—he thought, for just a moment, he'd gotten a glimpse again of the Ford that was his friend.
Bill could use that.
He'd keep working on Ford, softening him up. He'd already brought food. Rookie mistake. So few humans realized that once they'd done one favor for someone, they'd set themselves up to make every favor after that a little bit easier. He'd have Stanford Pines wrapped around his finger again in no time.
And until he'd worked his way back up to big favors, it might be nice to have someone to play chess with again. He was bored. He missed his friends.
He missed home.
He missed himself.
A lump formed in his throat. 
To drown it, he popped open the first can of cider, chugged it in several large gulps, and reached for the second.
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snek-panini · 10 months
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It is Monday, and Monday is for books. Look at these beautiful things! They took me five months to make. I tried so many new things in the process and I am extremely proud of them. This is a binding of @racketghost's amazing Good Omens fic Strange Moons (Hi. I hope it's ok I tagged you in this. Your fic has been one of my favorites since I found it in 2019.) The story is a series of short fics (and one long one) that really need no introduction from me. They're set throughout the 20th century, and they are beautiful and sensual and moody and you should definitely read them if you haven't already. This is the longest work I've bound so far, but I was fortunate that the word count on the shorter fics added up to almost exactly the length of the final, longest one, making them the perfect choice for a two-volume set. I tried very hard to get them to be an exact match, and they turned out even better than I pictured.
More pics under the cut! Two books means twice the pics, and all the stuff I tried here means it's a very long post, so be warned.
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Individual images of the covers. The titles are done in silver htv over brown faux leather, edged in charcoal bookcloth. The graphics are the same on both, except for the title text, and they have the same image of the reaching hands on the back. All the art assets are from rawpixel, I just flipped and rotated some of them to make the back image.
The cover materials were an interesting challenge. I'd worked with both before and wanted to incorporate them both in the design, but after measuring and checking grain direction I found I didn't have enough of either of them to do a full book, or even a half bind. So they're actually made by affixing the faux leather to the book board, then layering strips of book cloth over the top. The corners are actually mitered at a 45-degree angle. Here's a close-up:
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It's two long strips of cloth (spine and fore edge, not mitered) with two short strips (top and bottom, mitered) glued over the top. There was so much measuring, omg. I bought a new tool to make sure I got it right. Hilariously, I still didn't have enough leather and had to order another roll anyway. Also hilariously, I got the idea to do this after seeing an image of a leather-bound book made by a professional that appeared to have the same feature, i.e. multiple materials with an inset and mitered corners. Wow, I said, looking at a video thumbnail, I'm going to do that! So I did, even though I didn't watch the video. Much later, after I watched his tutorial, it was clear that the design was from leather dye and tooling, not the thing that I did at all. But I do like the effect, and now I know it's possible I think it'll be great for using up weird offcuts from making other covers.
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Look, spines! With TITLES on them! And LITTLE RIDGES! Both firsts for me. I'm a little obsessed with them. The cricut has opened up entirely new worlds, though I suspect the little silver lines might have been easier to do with a foil pen (which I don't have) than they were with a heat press. I did them by making the cricut cut out several "=" symbols that were the same width as the spine. The raised bands are false bands; I made them by layering little pieces of chipboard on the spine stiffener, then molding the book cloth around them when I covered them. I was worried it wouldn't work, since this is usually done with leather and book cloth is apparently way less stretchy, but it worked fine. Probably because it's a small straight design, no curves or fancy bits. I'd layer the chipboard thicker next time so they stand up higher (this is 2 layers, I'd do 3 in future) but I'm delighted by how this turned out. They look so professional.
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The endpapers on both books are a constellation print. I had a really hard time trying to find something to go with the typeset, and the only ones I liked were from an etsy seller who kept selling out of them. I got lucky eventually but it was one of many hassles that befell this project. I also made my own end bands using a tutorial from the Renegade Bindery discord. I had some issues and I didn't quite nail them but I think they're pretty good for a first time (ok, second time, the first one was on a practice text block, but my point stands). I had originally intended this to be a split boards binding, my first time trying that, but when I got the boards glued on I found that they were crooked. Really crooked. Completely misaligned. Much swearing followed this discovery. I ended up having to cut the boards free, cutting the mull and tapes in the process. The mull was easily replaced, but the parts of the tapes that are usually glued to the boards were a lost cause. I reused the boards, but flipped them so the edge with the cut tapes inside is at the fore edge so I could have a cleaner hinge. You can see in the last photo that the cover board is a little wider at the fore edge. On the plus side, there are no tapes to wrinkle my pretty endpapers and it combated the small bit of spine swell I had. On the downside, the hinge has less support and the only thing I learned was How Not To Make A Sewn Boards Binding.
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I may have gone a little nuts with the images in this typeset. In my defense they look very pretty. In order, that's the title page, table of contents, section break image (same as the back cover, just tiny), chapter header and ender (each chapter has one on its first and last pages, they just look particularly cool when you can get a full page spread like this), and the image on the last page of the book (same as the cover image, almost). The cover image was also supposed to have little rays coming off its moon like this one does, but the lines proved too thin for the cricut and it ate them. I still like how it looks though. The prose in this story is really rich and I was in the mood for opulence when I did it. I have absolutely no regrets.
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Here's a feature that's unique to this typeset. One of the chapters in the second volume has three alternating, interwoven timelines. I read them fine on Ao3 but had trouble following them when I formatted it for printing. Usually I'd use the section break image to denote when there's a scene skip but there are literally dozens in this chapter, like 40-60 breaks over the course of 10 or so pages, and it looked very busy with images in it. So I left them out, made the line skips single instead of double like they are elsewhere in the book, and I color-coded the text instead. One timeline is printed in black, one is dark gray, and one is dark blue. And it's a very surreal chapter, with the characters having some very confusing and conflicting emotions, so I feel like reading multicolored text when you're not expecting it (the rest of the book is all normal black and this bit is near the middle) sort of reflects that unbalanced feeling? I hope so anyway, because I love the way it looks so much.
I learned so many things in the course of making these. I'm absolutely doing all of them again. Part of the reason it took so long was that I wanted it to be perfect, or as near as I could get, and I had to take the time to solve all the puzzles it threw at me. But it stretched my creativity and ingenuity and I could not be more in love with the finished product.
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toriwritesstories · 2 months
No one tagged me in one of these but I saw the questions and wanted to participate hehe
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
53 total, technically 1 of those is under a different pseud because it's the only fic I ported from FF.net onto Ao3 and I used my FF username as the pseud for that reason.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
Just checked and apparently it is 2,416,967 .... sooo that's totally normal right?!?!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I struggle to write for more than 1 fandom at a time so right now I'm pretty much only writing Shadowzel from BG3.
BUT the others I've written for are, in order of recency:
Hosie from Legacies
Deanoru from The Runaways
Choni from Riverdale
Clexa from The 100
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
Pretty sure that they're all going to be Clexa but lemme go pull the list...
1) Pristine (Clexa)
2) Come With Me (Clexa)
3) Lift Me, Catch Me (Clexa)
4) Still Made of Gold (Clexa)
5) Online Lifeline (Clexa)
Yep, no surprises there. But actually my 6th is Choni: She Didn't Know It Then but seems like my older fics from the fandom that was probably the biggest I've been in have the most kudos, makes sense to me hehe!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to as many comments as I can while I'm posting. Unless I feel the urgent need to respond to a comment, I only respond when I'm at my desk about to update. So I don't usually respond once a fic is finished unless the comment really compels me to. This is simply a time and effort kinda situation, I read them in my email and they always make my day, and I'm always happy to respond on social media if anyone ever wants to chat about any of my fics!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The angstiest ending?! Uhhh I'm a happy ending girlie. I guess technically it's probably one of my Hosie oneshots in my A World Where I Was Yours series, just because it's my version of post canon of Legacies!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There are too many happy endings in my fics for me to decide aaahhhh. Ummmm. Maybe it's hard to breathe (when you're in the air) which is one of my favorite Hosie fics that I wrote?? but idk seriously they're all happy endings in terms of the pairing so it comes down to which characters in which fics had the happiest overall life situation and there are too many to think about it lol!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten negative comments for sure but I dunno if I'd call it hate exactly. The negative comment that I remember the most was on a Choni fic and they complained that the characters were too OOC, and it was nooooot done constructively at all and someone else (possibly same person different guest user) piled on even more rudely... so that wasn't fun (and also yeah all my characters are kinda OOC because that's what happens when you write AU?)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, yes I do. I feel like it's fairly vanilla. I used to mark everything rated M before I was informed that perhaps I've been writing E smut without realizing it lmao. So now I rate new fics with smut as E.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't ever posted any crossovers, but I did start one that was a Legacies/The Runaways crossover because of an idea that seriously amused me, but once I wrote the premise I got bored and stopped lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not a whole fic but back in my FF days someone took a Halloween Party chapter (wow I write those a lot actually, I'm not even a Halloween party girlie) and used it as a flashback on their Wattpad fic and someone kindly let me know and I had to message them to take it down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Yes! I had a few fics back on FF.net that were translated into French :) but the deal was that I wanted to post them because I wasn't comfy with someone else doing the posting of my ideas. And now I typically turn down offers of translation just because I'm less comfy with it now then I was when I was younger.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
I haven't, but I'd be open to doing so if it was for an idea I felt like me and the other author(s) were really vibing with!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 
Impossible question. Whichever ship I'm currently obsessing over is my all-time favorite. Which would be Shadowzel rn. But probably in a few years I'll feel differently lol. I strongly feel that all the ships I've ever shipped are the best ever and I cannot choose a favorite.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sooo many. I have a ton of Choni WIPs that I never finished, including one that got to like 20-30k words but just sits all dusty in its word folder. I once started a Part 3 to my Clexa travel fic (Come With Me linked earlier) that I couldn't get into but the vision was soooo cute. I also started a Part 3 to my Choni travel fic which also had a great vision but I'm just not as into Choni anymore so it feels hard to go back to now.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm good at dialogue and characterization, those are my favorite parts of my own writing at least!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
Dude. I apparently cannot get enough of adverbs. I have to prune so many when I'm editing fics. Ugh. And I have some repetitive phrases that I also end up having to prune out.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I've done it before with google translate and made modifications when people who spoke those languages corrected me haha. But it's not something I do often just because it hasn't really been super relevant to most of what I write.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Glee. It was Glee. I was 13. We don't need to talk about it.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
My favorite?!!? It's always my latest fic, I pretty much always feel like the latest thing I'm working on is the best and so it's my favorite right now for sure. And that would be Reignited (Shadowzel).
Anyone who sees this and wants to participate, feel free to copy the questions, I know this is a tagging game but I don't do that kind of thing, I just saw these questions in another post and felt like talking about my fanfic lmfao.
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mikkomacko · 1 year
Happy Tyson Tuesday and Josty birthday! (and pie day too I guess) Sorry I've been MIA just been busy. Anyway here's something cute and simple to celebrate our favorite guy
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Liked by your.instagram and others
Josty17: Chilling with my chilled Coors light 😎
#ad #21+
📸: your.instagram
Coors light: We love to see it
Landeskog.92: Influencer era
JTCompher: making the big bucks now I see
Your.instagram: sorry y'all he's a transplant and hasn't learned that banquet is better
-> Newhook18: tell him teach
->your.instagram: school's not really his thing unfortunately
->Josty17: Hey! I went to college
LOConnor: DU would've taught you better bud #SkoPios
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Liked by ColoradoAvalanche and others
Your.instagram: 2 minutes and he still didn't realize I was sitting here
Tagged: Josty17
ColoradoAvalanche: Mr.Influencer has learned to ignore the camera
Josty17: Didn't realize it was visiting hours at the jailhouse
-> your.instagram: 🎶 mama I'm in love with a criminal🎶
6ErikJohnson6: Josty give her the attention she deserves before I do
-> your.instagram: wearing your sweater next game 🫶
->Josty17: Oh dear...
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Liked by your.instagram and others
Josty17: A screenshot from today's daily FaceTime with mom. If anyone's looking for a photographer hit up momma Jost
Tagged: your.instagram
Your.instagram: Don’t be shy Tys post the birds nest of bed head you cropped out
->Josty17: I’d have to reveal your cute squishy face and that’s a hard no
->Josty17: squishy face is for me and me only
AndreBurakovsky: you make out with your girl while your mom is on FaceTime??
->JTCompher: confirmed mommy issues Josty
->Josty17: we were not making out I was pinching her face together to make her mad
->your.instagram: then we made out
->Josty17: babe stop we did not make out in front of my mother
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Liked by Josty17 and others
Your.instagram: Uber driver was really hot but only played SoundCloud recordings of his ukelele 7/10
Tagged: Josty17
JTCompher: he's working hard for that tip
Cradnec: Wow cutie. How do I request this driver?
->Your.instagram: offer to buy his dinner and he'll respond within 2 seconds
Josty17: I play Justin Bieber upon request
-> Your.instagram: no one requests Justin Bieber
->Josty17: I'm a Pisces... please don't spite me...please no fighting :(
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Liked by ColoradoAvalanche and others
Josty17: My girl dressed me for this one. Apparently pinstripes are in
Landeskog92: Hope you play as good as you dress
6ErikJohnson6: Did she pack your lunch for you to?
->Josty16: extra juice box and everything
-> your.instagram: I also wrapped his booboo finger for him 🥰
Your.instagram: wow you're almost as hot as this winning streak #GoAvsGo
->Josty17: Gonna keep turning up the heat 🔥
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Liked by 6ErikJohnson6 and others
Your.instagram: He clearly wasn't pleased to see my Condor jersey tonight
Tagged: Josty17, 6ErikJohnson6
MelLandeskog: you travelled to see your man and still didn't wear his sweater?! Brutal
->your.instagram: Toasty needed to be humbled after he ignored me in the box and didn't throw me a puck last game
6ErikJohnson6: I love my fans (you) but more importantly I love my haters (Josty)
->Landeskog92: Fan behavior from both of them
Josty17: The lord giveth (my girl at my game) and the Lord taketh (her in my mortal enemy's jersey)
-> Your.instagram: The lord giveth (a hot hockey bf) and the Lord taketh (him giving my warmup puck to the 5 year old with a sign)
-> Josty17: Babe he was a child and it's a rubber disk
->Your.instagram: *my rubber disk
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Liked by your.instagram and others
Josty17: Snow days >>
Tagged: your.instagram
Makar8: That's a Canadian welcome if I've ever seen one
->Josty17: warm greetings for our adopted Canadian y/n Josty
->Landeskog92: y/n Josty?!
->Josty17: Figured I'd give her time to get used to it before it becomes her name
Your.instagram: Tys at home days >>
->Josty17: clingy gf days >>
->Your.instagram: clingy for you 25/8
->Josty17: <3 :-)
AndreBurakovsky: please tell me your mom didn't take this pic
->Josty17: this is the work of an overbearing and imposing sister
->Your.instagram: an overbearing and imposing sister that we love with all our hearts
->Josty17: my girls 🫡
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Liked by matbarzal13 and others
Your.instagram: Josty fan girls rise up
Tagged: Josty17
6ErikJohnson6: you're telling me he's naked in the middle of a Canadian winter??
->Your.instagram: #FreeTheNipple is year round baby
JTCompher: Josty fan girl here. Thanks for my new lockscreen pic
->Your.instagram: Strength in numbers
Landeskog92: Hot
Josty17: Didn't even give me a heads-up so I could flex for ya
-> your.instagram: your abs are the star of this show please stop complaining
->Josty17: Would've hiked my shorts up higher if ya asked ;-)
->Your.instagram: Thighs are for my eyes only babes
102 notes · View notes
runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter ten
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 4.4k
my masterlist
series masterlist
When I wake up, I have a rather foggy recollection of the night before, which is pretty standard after I get home from a party. I quickly realize though, when I try and open my eyes, that I'm not back at the chateau at all. I blink a few times as I process my surroundings. The Fast posters, trophies, the body under the covers next to me. Rafe, right. He's sitting up against the headboard, looking at his phone in his lap. He's not wearing a shirt, and my cheeks burn red. I don't think we slept together, but I don't put it past the girl I was last night.
I rub my eyes a little and pull the covers up over my shoulder, looking under the covers to make sure I'm dressed. I have a shirt on, so check, and some boxers that obviously aren't mine. I'll take that as a win.
"Hey, are you awake?" He whispers, his voice still raspy from sleep.
I hum a little in response, still mostly trying to wake up, but I don't think I've ever slept in a bed this comfortable. I never want to leave.
"Not yet?" Rafe laughs slightly, and I hear his phone click off as he places it on top of the blanket.
"How are you alive?" I grumble, pulling the blanket tight under my chin.
"I could ask you the same thing." I can hear the smile on his voice. I open my eyes slightly, squinting from the sunlight coming into his room from the big window. He's reaching out towards me, and hesitates for a second before he settles his hand in my hair, pushing a few strands out of my face.
"Please, please don't tell me I puked in your bathtub." I say, feeling a smile pull at my cheeks and he shakes his head, laughing slightly.
"No, no you're good. You can handle your liquor better than any other girl I've brought back here."
"Wow, thank you." I laugh softly. I can already feel my hangover kicking in. "I'm also probably the only one who only asked to have a bath."
Rafe nods a little, his hand still in my hair. "Yeah, it's refreshing, honestly. Did, uh, did you at least have fun? Like at the party, I mean." He asks, nervousness evident in his tone.
"Mhm." I hum, nodding slightly. "Pretty sure Kie is gonna kick my ass but it was worth it."
"So like.. you remember everything, right?"
"Yep." I reply, closing my eyes again. I don't want look at him, I just know he's about to bring up how we kissed. Not because I regret it, I truly don't, I'm just more embarrassed because he's probably about to kick me out and now that's just another person I have a weird history with.
"So like.. maybe, would you still want to go out sometime?" That question catches me off guard. Apparently I did forget something, but now the conversation we had while I was in the bath comes rushing back to me.
"If you still want to, then of course." I reply, opening my eyes again and smiling up at him.
"Of course I still want to, why wouldn't I?" Rafe looks confused as he slightly laughs. He seemed so nervous a minute ago, but every ounce of that seems to be gone now.
"Guilt, embarrassment, regret, maybe, I don't know." I shrug.
"No, no way. Oh my god, I meant all that stuff I said." He shakes his head. "I'd love to hangout more. At least until your friends rip my head off, anyways. But like, I thought we just got along so well so like, why not, right?"
I smile at that, and I know my face is so red but he doesn't comment on it. "I meant it too." I reply.
"Sweet." He grins, then it's quiet for a second. "Uh, I'm gonna hop in the shower, just shout if you need anything." Rafe says, getting up from the bed and making sure I'm still covered by the blanket.
"Sounds good." I say, giving him a thumbs up as he walks into the bathroom and closes the door. I sit up and grab my head as the hangover headache instantly begins. I groan and throw the blanket off, pulling my legs up and crossing them as I look at his bedside table. I'm so thirsty I feel like I'll faint at any second, but luckily he has painkillers and a water bottle already there.
I lay back down after taking a few, and I think I fall back asleep because I don't hear him turning off the shower or coming back into the room.
"Hey, Snowy?" His arm is on my shoulder and when I open my eyes, he's got sweats on and his hair is still damp.
"I'm up." I respond groggily, sitting up again.
"Nice hair." Rafe chuckles and I reach up to try and smooth it down.
"Thank you, you should see it when I brush it." I say, climbing out of bed carefully so I don't fall. "Give me like five and I'll be ready to go."
"Are you hungry? What do you want for breakfast?" Rafe asks. "I'll go make something if you're hungry."
I didn't realize I was starving until he said that, but now that I'm thinking of it I realize I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday.
"Oh my god, I am starving. Can I have like, some toast maybe?" I ask and he nods. "Can I be picky and ask for cream cheese and jam on it?"
"Cream cheese and jam?" He asks, looking at me confused and a little grossed out.
"Okay- don't knock it until you try it. It's so good." I laugh.
"No way- I'm knocking it now. But of course, I'll make it. Just come down when you're ready." He smiles, pulling on a shirt off the floor and closing the door behind him as he leaves.
I stand there in a state of shock for a moment. He's so nice. I really wouldn't have expected this from him, but I guess I just didn't know him before.
I go into the bathroom and quickly change back into my shorts from yesterday, deciding to leave the t-shirt he leant me on. I brush my teeth with the brush he grabbed for me the night before, and find a hairbrush in the drawer. As usual, my hair is so big after I brush it through that I look like an eighties yearbook photo, I can't ever unsee that after I saw my mothers grad photos a few years ago. I look just like her.
After washing my face, I grab my backpack and force myself to leave his room. I quietly close the door, and tiptoe down the hall towards the stairs. It's almost ten, but I don't know if anyone is still sleeping.
Just my luck, right then a door opens in the hall in front of me and I freeze.
"Snowy?" Sarah yawns, still in her pyjamas. "What are you- oh." She says as she looks at me and realizes where I came from.
"Hi Sarah." I say, trying not to sound awkward about it.
"Have a good night?" She chuckles.
"Yeah. Not in the way you think, though." I quickly clarify and she nods, but looks at me skeptically.
"Rafe is just making breakfast, if you want to join us?" I suggest, not sure what to say.
"Ugh, pass." She laughs. "Enjoy though, I'll see you when I see you." Sarah says, going back into her room and closing the door.
I cringe a little internally as I walk past her closed door and down two sets of stairs, then find my way to the kitchen.
"Woah, shit you were not kidding." Rafe laughs, sitting at the kitchen island.
"Oh, this?" I giggle, gesturing to my hair. "Yeah it's pretty bad."
"Nah, it looks fine." He grins as I put my backpack on the floor. "Come sit." He pats the stool next to him.
"Thanks for making breakfast." I say as I sit down, instantly grabbing a piece of the toast he made and taking a bite.
"Of course." He nods, resuming eating his as well.
"So, what do you want to do?" I ask after we sit in silence for a few moments.
"Like, today?"
"No, no. I mean like, later this week. Should we do lunch or coffee or maybe go for a walk or something?" I suggest, smiling at him.
"Oh, yeah. Uh, up to you. I don't mind." He shrugs.
I think for a second. "Okay, well I'll think on it and send a postcard once I decide." I joke.
He looks at me confused. "Oh shit, right. You don't have a phone." He laughs once he gets it.
"I'll give you one of mine." Rafe says casually.
"You have more than one phone?" I raise my eyebrow at him.
"Well, yeah, I just got a new one in the fall so you can take my old one." He says, covering his mouth while he talks since he's still chewing.
"You don't have to do that." I shake my head. "I'll borrow JJ's or something."
"That's stupid, I've got one sitting in a drawer that I don't use. I want you to take it." He insists.
"Kook life goes crazy." I tease and he laughs, shrugging a little.
About an hour later, I find myself still incredibly hungover, wearing Rafe's t-shirt, and with a new(ish) phone in my pocket as I walk back into the chateau after Rafe drops me off.
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"Wow, morning sunshine." John B greets me as I enter, and I throw my bag on the ground and instantly flip face down the couch as he's in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Morning," I mumble, feeling the pounding in my head subside a little as I have my eyes covered.
"Hangover smoothie?" He asks and I give him a thumbs up without removing my head from the cushion.
I hear John B laugh and pull the blender out of a cupboard. "So, Snowy, we made a group chat without you since the twins have your phone."
"Rafe gave me a new one, I can add the new number," I reply, assuming that would be relevant.
"He got you a new phone?" He asks, shocked. "Wow. Anyways," he continues. "We got an interesting update from Kie last night.." He says, pausing to give me time to plead my case.
I sit up with a groan, holding my head. "Listen, John B, don't even worry about it. It's... yeah, don't worry." I don't really want to unload the whole story on him, especially about how we have a date set for a few days from now when I recover from this hangover.
John B laughs. "I'm not worried, I just want to know what happened." He asks. "And by the way, JJ wasn't in it. She just texted me and Pope."
"I, yeah. We, uhm.. don't worry about it." I say again, with a slight chuckle. Laughing makes my head hurt more.
"You didn't, Snowy-" John B asks, sounding more shocked than he was about the phone.
"No! no, no we didn't. Not, yeah, not that." I'm quick to clarify this time. "We just made out, and then I crashed at his place. That's all."
"That's not nothing." John B says, "Blender warning-" He adds, giving me a chance to cover my ears before he turns it on.
Once my hangover smoothie is done, he brings it to the couch for me and sits beside me. "Was it like, just a hookup situation? Or are their feelings involved?" He asks and I take the glass from him, taking a sip. It's so gross, but it almost instantly helps.
"Uh.. feelings," I mumble. "We have a date this week." I blush, hiding it in another drink from my smoothie.
"Shit, man.." John B says, leaning back and putting his arms across the back of the couch.
"Yep.." I nod. Neither of us says anything for a minute.
"Well, once JJ gets out of bed, we have an idea what Redfield is." John B tells me and I turn to look at him, surprised.
"No way!" I smile. "I'll get some painkillers in me and we'll do this."
"So, where are we off to?" I ask John B, as we all climb into the Twinkie. JJ hasn't said a word to me today- not directly, anyway.
"Redfield Lighthouse. My dad's favorite place." He answers, a smile pulling at his lips as he starts the Twinkie.
We pull up near the lighthouse, and all pile out of the vehicle. "Right, JJ, you're gonna post up and keep an eye out for Bogeys, alright?"
"What? Why me?" JJ responds.
"Because you're not coming," Pope says.
"Because there are independent and dependant variables," He explains. "You, are an independent variable, we don't know what you'll do."
"You're a tad unpredictable, JJ," I respond, sitting half inside and half outside the Twinkie.
"You both shut up!" JJ says, and I roll my eyes.
"Listen. Pope, Snowy, you stay here with JJ. See? You've got company." John B suggests and I nod a little. This will be interesting. "If we get split up, we meet back at JJ's house."
"Sounds good." I agree, giving them a thumbs up, and John B and Kie say their goodbyes, starting to head toward the entrance of the lighthouse.
I stay in my spot, grabbing my vape from my pocket as JJ starts playing hacky sack with a rock. I can tell he starts to get frustrated, and then he kicks it up into the air, hard.
"You know what, Snowy? I can't take this. Let's talk, alright?" He turns to me. I raise my hands in surrender and nod.
"Yeah, I'll be, uh, over here if you guys need me.." Pope says, wandering off. He doesn't want to get involved and I wouldn't either.
"JJ, come sit," I say, exhaling the smoke from my lungs and patting the spot next to me as I move over a little.
He sighs and sits next to me.
"I really, really don't want to fight.." I tell him quietly, looking at the ground in front of us.
"Let's just talk then."
"Okay." I smile a little and decide to look up at him.
"JJ, I feel like you don't care about me sometimes when you do things like hold a gun to my brother's head." I giggle a little, trying to set this up like we're in couples therapy or something.
JJ nods. "Yeah, okay, that's fair. However, that had nothing to do with you. I would have done the same thing if it was anybody else." He explains
"I would expect nothing less. But you didn't let me finish," I smile, poking his chest. "Then you immediately went and slept with some random girl, while I was throwing up on the side of the road, walking home alone. After witnessing my brother, and best friend almost die. I was alone." I started with a sort of laugh, but by the time I finished talking, I was almost in tears. I look back up at JJ and he nods, running his hand through his hair.
"Yeah, Snowy, I'm sorry." He apologizes, rubbing my back. "I was drunk, I was reckless, I was an independent variable, or whatever Pope said. "But, you can't be mad at me for sleeping with 'some random girl' when you went to mack on Rafe Cameron last night."
I bite my lip. "I wasn't mad about that," I lie. "I felt like you didn't care that I was hurting, and that made me sad."
"You told me you weren't mackin' on him," JJ said, smiling a little and nudging me with his elbow. The smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
I roll my eyes playfully. "Okay well, when I told you that, it wasn't the plan. Ask Kie, she'd never seen me that drunk. Maybe she has a couple times, actually. But it's going in the highlights reel for sure." I laugh.
JJ nods. "Regardless, I do care about you. And that's why I was mad about you hanging out with that Kook. He's bad news. And that's coming from me."
"I see that now." I agree. "Just... don't take it out on him. I had a great time. He was so... kind, to me..." I trail off. Something doesn't feel right about raving to JJ the way I did to Kie.
"That's great, and all, but for how long, you know, Snowy? How long is he nice to you before he sees that we will always hold you back and he ditches you?"
"Don't say that. You guys don't hold me back from shit. Also, he won't do that. But, if he does, I know I have my crew." I smile, nudging him back.
JJ goes to respond just as we hear Pope's feet hitting the ground coming towards us.
"Cops- guys, cops!" He says, jumping in the driver's seat and turning on the engine.
"Are we just gonna leave them?" I ask as Pope peels us out and I close the sliding door. "I can't see them."
"They'll be fine- we planned for this," Pope says as JJ climbs into the passenger seat.
We make it back to JJ's house, and I decide to lie down on the dock while JJ and Pope work on a bike in the garage just behind the house.
I take off my shirt and lay it down as a cushion, so my back doesn't hit the warm and broken wood. I pull out my new phone and decide now is a good time to reach out to the twins. I text them, tell them I've got a hold of a new phone, and they are happy to hear from me. Then, I open my text from Rafe.
R: hey, new phone treating you alright?
S: yeah, i love it! thanks again :)
He texts back almost immediately.
R: what are you up to?
S: i'm at jj's with him and pope. what about you? golfing with kegs?
R: pretty much, yeah
S: sounds like fun. kegs took me once, i blacked out and did donuts in the golf cart. they banned me :(
R: lol
R: i'm sure they'll make an exception when i take you, my dad practically owns the club
S: what doesn't he own? lol
R: true
It's been so long since I laid down, that I fall asleep, phone in hand, and don't notice I did until I am woken up. "Hey, Snowy." It's Pope. "Snowy, hey, we got John B. They got pulled to the sheriff's office, we've got to go get Kie."
I open my eyes and sit up, stretching as I stand up. I put my phone and my vape back in my pocket and pull my shirt, which is actually rafe's shirt back on, getting up and following Pope up to where the Twinkie was parked in front of the house. I climb in the back, and JJ is in the passenger seat with John B behind the wheel.
"What happened" I ask him? leaning up between the two seats.
"I kinda broke the guys arm and he said we were tweaked, called the cops."
"Ah, yes. Of course." I chuckle, sitting back down. "So what's the move now?"
"I have another idea."
We get Kie, and head into the old graveyard. It's pitch black by the time we get there, so we break out the flashlights as we trudge into the woods. "Does anyone know how to use the flashlight on an iphone?" I ask, following closely behind Pope.
"Here." Kie laughs and I hand her my phone. I watch her as she turns it on, then hands it back.
"Ah, I got it. Thanks." I laugh with her, lifting it up so I can see where I'm going.
"Olivia Redfield. My great, great, great grandmother." John B says, stopping in front of a enclosed grave.
"Woah.." I say, stealing closer and wiping off the front where the inscription is.
"Let's get this door open." JJ says, and I step out of the way so the boys can try and get it open. I know I wouldn't be much help, especially since JJ and I smoked up a bit on the drive there.
Kie and are are watching them push, when suddenly we hear a hissing sound, looking at each other, and then around on the ground. "Whoa!" Pope says when he spots it, a snake on the ground. I let out a small scream and step back.
"A snake?!" JJ says, "That's a moccasin alright- ye olde Dr. Cottonmouth. Death in the tall grass."
"Oh my god-" I say, grabbing Kie's arm as JJ promptly starts to bark at it, taking all seriousness out of the situation and I giggle.
"JJ, shut up! Shut up!" Kie shouts.
"You're gonna wake the dead, man." Pope says, tapping his shoulder and giving him a light shove.
"Dude, everyone knows they're afraid of dogs." He says, continuing to bark at it.
"Look, John B, listen, we're not gonna get in there. It's not budging. Let's just get out of here." Pope says, keeping an eye on the snake.
"What if someone goes through?" Kie asks. I think Snowy and I could fit." She explains.
"What?" JJ turns to face us. "Snowy, no, no way. Y'all are not going in there."
"You think you'll fit in there?" John B asks.
"Look, this is about your dad." Kie says.
"You deserve to know the truth, John B." I say, looking at Kie and nodding.
We walk over to the spot where we see a hole up where we can climb in, and JJ holds he hands together so he can boost us up.
We both climb in, and begin looking around.
"Y'all okay?" One of the boys calls into us.
"Yeah, still alive." Kie replies. "Woah, Snowy, look at this." She picks up a dusty orange envelope.
"Guys, we got something!" I say, picking up the envelope that clearly was thrown in the same way we entered, some months ago.
My phone starts ringing, right as I hear the boys asking what it is. I hand the envelope off to Kie, and picking it up.
"Hello?" I ask, hearing a distinct "Is she on the phone right now?" On the outside of the tomb.
"Hey, Snowy."
"Oh, hi Rafe."
"There it is." I hear from outside.
"Guys, here." Kie throws it out the hole we climbed in as I cover my other ear so I can hear over my friends talking.
"Where are you right now?" He asks.
"Uh, the graveyard?" I answer and hear him laugh.
"Yeah, just for funzies." I shrug.
"Uh, alright, I always wondered what you pogues did with your free time."
"Now you know." I giggle, shaking my head as I pace inside the tomb.
"I just wanted to check up on you, also see if you maybe wanted to do lunch or coffee tomorrow?" Rafe asks and I smile, looking at Kie, who's busy talking to the boys through the hole in the wall.
"Yeah, I'd love that. Making Waves?" I ask.
"Would you really want to go to your place of work on a day off?" I put the phone between my ear and tilt my head to hold it on my shoulder while I climb out behind Kie.
"It'll be a nice change of scenery, being there as a customer." I say, hopping down.
"Shit, square groupers!" JJ says suddenly, and I look back as I grab the phone before being pulled behind the tomb to hide.
"Turn off the flashlights!" Kie whispers.
"Okay, I've got to go." I whisper into the phone. "Coffee sounds great. Bye."
"Wait, wait, Snowy what's happening?" I can hear him ask, just before I hang up and a shot rings out.
"Shit!" I say, hanging up the phone just before we take off running towards the fence out of the graveyard. I can feel my phone buzzing in my hand as we sprint to the fence, and JJ helps push me up as the gunshots continue.
We hop over and keep running for our lives towards the Twinkie, stopping when we hear Pope calling for help. I turn and see his shorts are caught on the fence. "Shit.." John B says, and we all start running back.
JJ stops and pushes me back towards the van. "Go to the Twinkie. Snowy- run!" He says, pushing me again gently. I turn back and keep running, grabbing Kie's hand and pulling her with me. We get to the Twinkie and hide inside, peeking out the window and opening the door when we see the boys running towards us, Pope now missing his shorts. Kie and I can't help but laugh, despite having just been shot at.
"Don't you say a fucking word." He says, covering his crotch and adjusting his boxers as he sits down and John B starts the car and we take off.
We're all talking over each other as we drive, trying to comprehend what just happened. I glance out the window as we see an approaching light, and then as a red dirt bike flies past us heading towards the cemetery.
"Guys, guys! John B, stop! Stop the car!" I shout over everyone, and John be slams on the breaks.
"Guys that was Rafe, hold on-" I say, jumping out of the van before it's fully stopped and running back towards the way that Rafe went, waving my arms in the air hoping he sees me in his rear view mirror.
I keep waving until I see him slow to a stop and turn around. When he gets closer, I wave for him to follow us and I jump in the van.
"Drive." I tell John B, as everyone is asking me what I'm doing. "Just drive!" I shout. "The groupers are probably following us we have to get out of here."
"Where am I supposed to go?" John B says as he starts driving.
"Anywhere, hide us! Something!" I say frantically.
I watch Rafe following behind us, hoping the groupers don'r catch up to us, until we turn off on a side street and into some bushes, turning off the lights.
I jump out of the car as soon as we stop, and run up to the road where Rafe is getting off his bike.
"Snowy, what the fuck is going on? I heard gunshots are the phone are you okay?" Rafe asks, rushing over to me.
"I'm fine- we're fine." I explain and he nods, running his hand through his hair and turning around, pacing before turning back to me and giving me a hug, placing his hand on the back of my head.
"You scared the shit out of me. Who was shooting at you?" He asked, moving his head back and holding the sides of my head to look at me.
"They- uhm... it's complicated." I sigh. "Don't worry. We're fine."
He sighs and pulls me closer, hugging me again and stroking my hair.
"Thank you.. for coming to help." I say quietly. I feel him nod, and then rest his chin on my head.
"Any time."
A/N; Long ass chapter today- sorry lol -R
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imgoingtocrash · 8 months
Hello there! It's your Rebelcaptain Secret Santa :) Hope you had a wonderfull week and that you have something great planned for the weekend. I'm probably around 1/3 into writing your gift, and I was just wondering: is there anything you absolutely DON'T want to see, any tropes that give you the ick, any characters you avoid? Also, on a completely different note: if you were to choose your top 3 favourite rebelcaptain fics, what would those be?
Oh hello!!! It's been a busy work week but that means money sooo we're going with it lol.
As for anything I don't want to see, I don't think there's anything?? I feel like my prompts were pretty vanilla so I can't imagine anything particularly shocking or appalling that you could do that would make me not want to read something. (And I love angst, so anything darker there is always encouraged rather than discouraged lmaooo)
Now asking me for my favorite fics on the other hand...I'm notorious for making detailed fic rec lists. That's dangerous.
For now, I'll do 3 all time favorites of MANY more, and 3 more recent reads (though some of them are older, because I'm back in the tag rn)
Top 3 All Time Favorites:
cassian andor nonsense + assorted nonsense timestamps by theputterer
I love this series. It's Cassian centric at first, and then it's about their relationship in the context of their pasts and I am just!!! Overflowed with love for it all of the time. I binged it when I first read it, and there are some oneshots in the verse that I come back to and re-read when I'm in a mood. (Blood Brothers, where Jyn gets to meet Cassian's Imperial brother, is a weird favorite, but I think I've re-read it like 4 times. I love that sort of 3rd person POV on a ship I just DO.)
only fools rush in by andromeda3116
I re-read this fic almost every holiday season, that's how much I love it. Fake dating trope, holiday vibes, bickering but well-meaning family that learns to come together. It's catnip to me.
Color My Cheeks by Copper_Nails (Her_Madjesty)
Another older but beloved favorite that I've re-read multiple times. One of the first fics I ever read in the fandom, and I think one of the first sex pollen fics I'd ever read. It's not just trope-y sexy fun, but the fact that it goes into the AFTER of a sex pollen event and what that means for them emotionally feels so unique and interesting. Now I'm thinking about re-reading it again. Sigh.
Definitely could give you more all-time favorite recs, but here are some more recent fics I've read:
Lost and Found by mosylu
As of today, just completed, and WOW what a journey! I left rambling, crazy comments on this fic almost every week for good reason. It was sweet, it was angsty, it was just!!!! Amazing. I'm probably going to come back to this one again down the road for sure.
Delivery Week by SleepyKalena
I've read quite a few Film/Production based fanfics over the years, but this one is for us post girlies!!! An edit bay meet-cute, bitching about color correcting/matching--truly this fic has it all and feels tailor-made to me as an editor, even if it's at an animation studio rather than live action.
spy games by skitzofreak
I'm basically reading through all of their star wars fics right now, so highly highly recommend this author as a whole. (The fact that I've apparently left kudos on some of them before and don't remember it at all is...funny.) This one is just a great, cute starter where Cassian and Jyn have an entire silent conversation in front of a bunch of recruits. So good.
Your asks remind me to send asks to MY giftee, so I'm so happy to hear from you each week! Have a wonderful week and good vibes to your writing progress! 💖
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andrebearakovsky · 9 months
(cont. ask) first of all NOOO don't apologize i was looking for a long post, this is why i came here! i've been lurking way back! i remembered your blog name! 2. wow??? this is such a comprehensive answer!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍🤗😳 thank you so much! 3. any content you want to post i am here for! 4. i can't believe there are so many new guys, like yes of course, but i can't believe it! 5. Oh yeah the details of the Holtby thing are coming back to me, i seem to have repressed it.🙈
Aw that's so sweet of you! A longtime viewer! (Viewer? What am I, a YouTuber? Calm down.) It's sweet of you to remember me and I'm delighted that I am apparently famous and evidently famous for making long/extensive posts lol. Which I'm about to do again.
I talked about Strome, Milano, Sandin, and alllll those young guys on my last post, as well as Darcy and TvR. [And Dowd but you already knew him.] The rest of the guys currently on the team I haven't really touched on yet that joined post-Holtby era are Nicolas Aube-Kubel, Anthony Mantha, and Charlie Lindgren. I'll get into them in a bit, but I gotta get into some other things first.
You said you haven't really watched since the Holtby era, so I'm going to assume you know everything that happened/all the people we had up til that final season, and that you know little/nothing of what has happened since then. So I'm gonna give a quick recap of some of the big things that have happened in that time:
You missed the ENTIRETY of the Sammy and Vitek goaltending era, which was kinda turbulent. Sammy was gonna be the starter with Henrik Lundqvist as the backup, but then it turned out Lundqvist had a heart condition and had to retire and never played a game for the Caps. This forced Vitek into action, and we had 2 years of the Sammy and Vitek goaltending duo. I, personally, loved it. Some people did not. I still hold that they were BOTH GOOD!! They split time, neither one ever TRULY grasped the starting reigns. There was also when Vitek got taken by the Kraken in the expansion draft and then immediately traded him back to us. Also they were besties, which started when they were a duo down in Hershey. It's also why my blog is titled "goalie best friend tandem," though it also currently applies to Darcy and Chuck who are besties. You can search the "goalie best friends" tag on my blog for cute Sammy and Vitek content. Neither of them are here anymore, but they're still friends - I remember seeing a quote Vitek gave to some Devils people talking about him and about still being friends and such.
Players you knew back from the Holtby era who are no longer with us: Lars Eller, Richard Panik (useless), Jonas Siegenthaler, Travis Boyd, Christian Djoos, Michal Kempny, Radko Gudas, Garnet Hathaway, Dmitry Orlov [don't talk to me about these last two I'm sad]
Players that played with us for multiple seasons after the Holtby era who are no longer with us this year: Justin Schultz, Conor Sheary, Daniel Sprong, Matt Irwin
COVID robbed us of our time with Brenden Dillon and I'm sad about it
We had Zdeno Chara for 1 year, and he straightup fixed Nick Jensen. Jensen was abysmal before that, then Chara was his defense partner for the whole year, and Jensen is good now. I no longer dread every time he touches the puck, I trust him. Also he has a personality now! Idk what kind of dark magic Chara used, but I will be forever thankful to him for it. 1 year of Chara absolutely 1000% worth it just for fixing Nick Jensen
We got Marcus Johansson back! :) And then we traded him again
We traded Jakub Vrana for Anthony Mantha, who is useless and unfortunately still here. He never fit in with the team vibe of "sexy idiots," he's not loud enough or slutty enough.
In March 2022 Carl Hagelin suffered a really bad eye injury during practice. I think the butt end of someone's stick got into his eye? (We were never told whose stick it was, I'm sure they have to feel absolutely terrible about it.) He's lucky he didn't lose his eye. He tried to come back, but he never played a game again after that. He was technically on the roster all of last season, but he never got into any games, and he just announced his retirement this summer. A really sad end, tbh. And RIP to the 4th line of dreams.
We were GONNA have Connor Brown for the 2022-23 season, and he was gonna play with Dylan Strome whom he's friends with and played in juniors with. But he played for like 2 games and then got hurt and was out for the season and never played for us again. I think he's in Edmonton now.
You know about goal songs, right?? I think the last year of Holtby was the first year of goal songs. I have a Spotify playlist of goal songs if you wanna check it out
There have been SO many injuries the last 3 years. 2021-22 was what I like to call the year of babies. I don't even remember who exactly was injured but there were so many injuries it necessitated the callup of SO many rookies. TWELVE rookies played that season: Martin Fehervary, Connor McMichael, Beck Malenstyn, Garrett Pilon, Hendrix Lapierre, Brett Leason, Aliaksei Protas, Axel Jonsson-Fjallby, Zach Fucale, Joe Snively, Alex Alexeyev, and Lucas Johansen. All of whom made their NHL debuts that season except for Fehervary, McMichael, Malenstyn, and Pilon. Of those rookies, Fehervary and McMichael were the only ones who were really supposed to make the team that season; they stuck around the whole season, while Leason and Protas played 30+ games, AJF played 20+, Snively and Malenstyn played more than 10 each, and the rest had 6 or less. It was truly the year of babies. Some of those guys aren't in the organization anymore, but I think this is the year the rest of them finally make the leap and are true full-timers. [Except for Fehervary, who already is]
More injury news: Nicky and Tom were injured for like the first half of last season. And in December, John Carlson broke his fucking face. He got hit in the face with a puck and it broke his entire face, like it was really bad, and he hardly played again. I think he came back for like the last few weeks, but tbh his injury was when the season went downhill. [I say "broke his face" but the official reports are he had a fractured skull and severed temporal artery. Yikes! He's fine now though]
Ovi just keeps breaking goal records. He got 800 goals and then passed Gordie Howe last season!!! He is now number 2 all-time in goals!! He currently has 822. Watch out, Gretzky, he's comin' for ya
Oh yeah the Hershey Bears won the Calder Cup this year!! It was absolutely epic. They played the Coachella Valley Firebirds (Kraken AHL team) in the finals, and it was an awesome finals. It went to Game 7 overtime. GAME SEVEN OVERTIME!!!!! Do you know how rare that is? It's only the 2nd time the Calder Cup Finals has gone to overtime in Game 7, with the first time being in 1953. In the NHL, it has only ever happened in the Stanley Cup Finals TWICE. EVER! By the Wings in 1950 and 1954. So the Bears won the Calder Cup in Game 7 overtime and it was exciting as FUCK. And a lot of guys who might make the Caps roster this year were on that Cup-winning team: Snively, Protas, McMichael, Malenstyn, Johansen, as well as top prospects Lapierre and Iorio. They're the oldest franchise in the AHL, and that was their 12th Calder Cup, which is the most in AHL history.
And you said to feel free to post some content so I am going to POST some CONTENT. Starting with:
✨Darcy Kuemper✨
I fucking love Darcy, so much. I've already said that I've liked him for a long time, and I'm absolutely elated to have him on the team. He won the Cup with the Avs in 2022. He is also very tall, he's 6'5", one time he hugged TJ and it made TJ look like a child. He's so sweet, and he's so dumb. He's like a giant labrador. Some of my favorite assorted Darcy things and moments include:
In one of his first interviews after signing he said he was gonna visit every museum in DC, and I'm like no you're not, Darcy, that's not possible. Our first sign that he was a big dummy
One time suplexed Matthew Tkachuk into the ice
Got a shot on goal during a game last year
The time he tried to "interview" Nick Jensen at the outdoor game practice while giggling incessantly
Here's him at NHL media day last year, featuring him kicking a soccer ball like you see in my profile pic :)
Says one of his life goals is to bring back the dinosaurs. Please see this post for the full story on that one
Is absolute BESTIES with Charlie Lindgren, the backup goalie. Like, so much so that they and their wives constantly take their dogs on walks together, the dogs are reportedly besties as well, and the Kuempers dog-sat Chuck's dog over Christmas. They also kind of have matching dogs, I'll include a picture below. Chuck also called himself and Darcy two of the "more normal goalies in the league" which is an absolute lie after the dinosaurs thing, so clearly Chuck doesn't have that many brain cells rolling around up there either. They also did THIS at media day this year. Their friendship is just so pure. You can read more about it in this article. And like, they didn't know each other before signing here. According to the article, evidently after they signed, they texted each other and then literally the scene from stepbrothers happened
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And then TvR 🥰 Mine own love TvR. I adore Trevor van Riemsdyk so much. He's just got incredibly good vibes. I also have a bit more of a personal attachment to him, because he and I have the same birthday (July 24). He's a bit soft-spoken, especially compared to some of the other freaks on this team. Possibly one of the only ones with any semblance of a brain cell. He's not flashy; he's a steady-eddy defenseman, almost always on the third pair barring injuries. He's not gonna score a bunch of points, but he plays hard defensively every game (one of the reasons goalies love him), he's reliable, and he blocks SO many shots. He's also one of THE guys on the penalty kill. The penalty kill is TvR, Jensen, Fehervary, and Dowd, those are the main guys. We also officially claimed him as our own. As of this year, he will have played more years with the Caps than with anyone else, he currently has more goals, assists, and points with us than with anyone else, and after about 40 more games he will have played more games with us than with anyone else.
Also the ENTIRE team is absolutely fucking OBSESSED with him. There aren't like that many big specific things I can point to, it's just how I've noticed them treating him over the years, and how they talk about/to him and the general energy. They all love to shout "REEEEEEEEEEEEMERRRRRRRR" at any and every opportunity. And like you can just tell that every single one of them is deeply in love with him. They are all constantly tripping over themselves to give him the player of the game award in the locker room, even when other guys have a bunch of points in the game and it feels like they're the obvious choice but no they all want to give a love letter to their collective crush. The goalies especially love him. (Here's Chuck giving him the POTG, Nicky giving him the POTG, and a recounting of Sammy's love affair with him two seasons ago). The coaches also love him, sometimes too much for their own good - there have been times in the last few years when they've put TvR on the power play and in the shootout (??) when he had no business being there lol. And like I don't blame them lmao. He's grown to become a leader on the team (and occasionally gets As on his chest during preseason games and when a bunch of dudes are injured - another thing that confirms to me they're all in love with him, he got real high up on the chain of command real quick), he's super consistent (there was one game last year when there were so many injuries on D that the defense was quite literally just TvR plus a bunch of rookies - I said that day that the defense was "TvR and a dream"), and he will absolutely never put his mouthguard in his mouth. So as the year goes on, and as you watch games and social media content, just keep your eyes peeled, watch TvR, and you'll see that the entire team is so fucking horny for TvR specifically. I made this meme awhile back, which is exactly how the Caps feel about TvR:
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Other miscellaneous fun facts about the team and players that I think you should know:
Our backup goalie is Charlie Lindgren, but we all call him Chuck. It suits him better, especially with his mustache. He also catches right-handed, which is different than practically every other goalie in the league. So like if you look, he and Darcy wear their catching gloves on different hands.
There are a LOT of NHL brothers on this team. Dylan Strome's older brother Ryan plays for the Ducks, and his younger brother Matt actually plays for the Hershey Bears. Trevor van Riemsdyk is also the middle child of three hockey-playing brothers: his older brother James plays for the Bruins, and younger brother Brendan doesn't play in the NHL but played college hockey. And Charlie Lindgren is the oldest of 3 hockey brothers: Andrew played college hockey but never made the NHL, and youngest brother Ryan plays for the Rangers.
Kuzy has been doing some wacky shit in the shootout the last few years, just go look it up on YouTube
Here's a video of the mentors trip this year so you can see Sonny Milano's father who is simply exactly who I envisioned him to be in my head
Nicolas Aube-Kubel (NAK), a French-Canadian fourth line winger that the Caps picked up on waivers in November last year, is Sergei Ovechkin's (Ovi's son) favorite player. We learn this in a video feature with Ovi's wife and kids (I'm including the link to this gifset from the lovely @thornescratch which is where I first saw this). The producer asks who Sergei's favorite player is, and Sergei immediately answers "Aube-Kubel." Not only is Aube-Kubel his "guy" according to Nastya, but then we also see that a selfie of Sergei and Aube-Kubel is the lock screen of Sergei's iPad. And Sergei calls Aube-Kubel his "best friend." Learning this information is such a curveball, because it's like the last person you'd expect Sergei's favorite to be. It's not somebody Russian or even European, it's not somebody old or someone who's been on the team a long time, it's not one of his dad's closer friends, and it's not even one of the stars of the team, it's a young Canadian dude who plays fourth line if he's in. Aube-Kubel must be REALLY friendly, otherwise why else would he be Sergei's favorite? You know it has to be absolutely devastating to Tom Wilson to not be Sergei's favorite lol. [I'm also convinced this is why they re-signed NAK so quick in the offseason, you HAVE to bring back Sergei's favorite player!!]
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Speaking of NAK: remember how I said Beck Malenstyn was Nic Dowd's chosen winger? NAK is his OTHER chosen winger. Those two are twin shitstarters and Dowd loves them and I know he absolutely wants both of them on his line this season. They're gonna be a great 4th line. I could talk all day about Dowd and his 4th line duties, and you can ask me to do that if you want but I'm not gonna do it here
I also know everyone's zodiac sign because I'm a freak. I can also get more into that in a separate post if you want
There's probably more stuff, but this is all I can think of for now. Please feel free to ask me more stuff, I love diving into things. Stuff about the team, players, my favorites, whatever. I hope this is both informative and entertaining!
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safyresky · 1 month
Frostmas Year 5: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
[To Read Frostmas: From the TOP on ao3 | ff dot net]
We are writing this one FRESH from the second to last edit of the 2024 version! A shorter one for sure, as this is very much the calm before the storm chapter, but a fun one anyway >:)
Let's fucking GOOOO
Jacqueline's Intro: SO MUCH LORE
So much lore I'm gonna have to tag this as CS Lore and CS FACTS
I think this was the first time, when originally writing, that I properly opened with Jacqueline's Intro and recognized it as part of the structure of a Frostmas Year
It was a HUGE lore dump! I toned it down a notch this time around, streamlined it and such, and updated the lore as I've got the frozen heart thing tightened UP
It's a sprite thing, so it's like this:
Personified Natural Elements
Two types:
Season (has domain over entire season's worth of elements)
Elemental (has domain over one element, i.e., fire, air, water, earth, flora, fauna, winds, etc.)
Elementals typically classify themselves by their element, but will align with a season as a catch all
The season they align with dictates how their hardened hear manifests
(Also, I wrote this in Word so lets see if the bulleted list stays >:3)
(OMG IT DID. Well, in the editor. We'll see how it looks post posting...)
Fun fact: I did a DnD campaign with my pals where sprites were playable characters, and I made them a race sheet and EVERYTHING. They are DEFFS OP but it's a homebrew--we work on it, lol
And also we only played like, 3 or 4 sessions and then fell out bc we all moved or what have you lol
BUT the dnd-ing DID help me refine sprite lore!
Elemental sprites are WAY more common that seasonal sprites. There are only NINE seasonal sprites in existence these days. WAY more elemental sprites around
The Call NERFED sprites
You can thank Snowy and Heat for that one (as Jacqueline mentions in her intro!)
The Snow Queen and the Winter Warlock are Winter's bio parents, and this was the very first time I dropped their names. They make a proper appearance in The Call!
The Snow Queen stealing children references the original fairy tale in the most Jacqueline way possible
And the Winter Warlock is HEAVILY based on the man of the same name from Rankin Bass's Santa Claus is Comin' to Town. Those movies SHAPED ME. CS Lore originally had RB lore, too! And RB movies did influence CS in general!
So many fun facts and I'm not even through the intro yet! WOW!
I did cleverly link CS when Jacqueline drops the Pyros lore 🤭🤭 I LOVE AO3'S CAPABILITIES, YOU GUYS
"It used to be a point of pride for me."
This line almost went "It used to be a point of pride for me. But it's hard to take pride in a lie"
Which is a BANGER of a line, but I am trying to keep the Y10 Reveal under wraps and that's as obvious as Pyros's lament to Blaise in Chapter 15 of CS.
You can see the 2020s influences now, which is very funny given this was all originally written almost a decade ago. I love seeing growth! But that's why Jacqueline is like THE HORRORS and also like NEWSFLASH, JACQUELINE! Which is a reference to one of my favourite It's Always Sunny reaction images:
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It's so VERSATILE. Deffs top 10 things Dani quotes (and apparently Jacqueline. Which checks out as we are CONNECTED, muses and such. Oldest OC. Has the most dani-isms. Blah blah blah)
Then there's the "be the change you wish to see in the world" with her being like "YOU can be the change you want to see in this horrible terrible timeline!"
Which is a string of words I see on hellsite a LOT :)
Describing her fit was FUN! You can see it accurately (more or less) in this scrimbly Jacqueline, and also this Jacquie as a meme doodle!
And of course, off she goes to terrorize B-Man :)
Scene 1: Every Day Bernard WAKES UP
Their friendship is so fun to me and me alone 🥰🥰
She's such a sweetie. She's like "I will make things HELL for my brother BUT only if it's okay with Bernard first bc I don't wanna make things harder than they are for him 👉🏻👈🏻"
Him being B-Man, of course
Have you guys ever read Just An Elf by Locrain-Mode? If you haven't, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT (hence the link!) It's a group of oneshots based on Bernard and things he is NOT, and each one SLAPS. They write SUCH a good Bernard and B-Man's office just being a mess of paper was low key inspired by their work, lol (Chapter 5: One of Roemer's Singing Elves. I LOVED the idea of B's office just being like a vault/hidey hole. LOVED it)
FAVE B-Man characterization, hands DOWN. I strive to write him that good (and I hope I do! :)
"You should know first hand how frozen sprites get!” followed by "What's THAT supposed to mean?!" Is 100% Jacqueline getting a wee bit defensive on her Mom's behalf (and maybe a bit of Jack's but she's just going to ignore THAT feeling)
But B-Man is very, very right--usually post-hardening a heart, sprites rely on one emotion to get them through things so. Y'know. What'll it be for Jacqueline? ;)
And of COURSE he can see right through the illusion after he's done lamenting lol. He's an ELF. I bet they can see through all sorts of illusions!
“Yeah, I’ll say! I think I may be having a heart attack.” “Do you smell burnt toast?” “No, just betrayal.” “There’s no need to be so dramatic.”
^This interaction is my favourite in this scene, 100%. Bernard deserves to be a lil overdramatic! As a TREAT!
VESUVIUS/POMPEII! This is a fun bit of CS lore. Originally it was that Blaise and Jack were responsible for Vesuvius erupting and destroying Pompeii and Herculaneum, but that has since changed! They don’t talk about it much, only Winter really knows what happened, but take a tl;dr:
FT tells Blaise to go see Jack in Pompeii bc something bad is about to happen, doesn't specify what. Blaise, of course, assumes the worst, as you are wont to do when it's Jack. Takes the day, gets fitted by the tailors, off to Pompeii where he finds Jack who has built a nice little life for himself. He's got lots of friends and is getting involved with local politics, and Blaise is like "is this why FT told me to get over here? Does a bad thing happen if Jack wins? Everything seems fine here" and then BOOM. TREMORS. Jack informs him the mountain may be a volcano but nobody's bothered to check and he sure as shit won't. Blaise checks. Jack follows. Volcano day happens. Blaise saves Jack's life. But they can't save anyone else :(
It's ANGSTY! Can't wait to write it one day! I've already done research for it and everything!
So YEAH that's Pompeii in CS context. And yes, Jack did keep a bust!
"This doesn't feel right" says Bernard. "I should've listened" narrates Jacqueline. "my GOD I love foreshadowing" says safyresky as she types this up…
I think I'll need to make the line " I got up, standing tall and proud in my fluffy socks" a scrimbly. I just doodled it while writing this out and the sketch SENT ME. My god.
Scene 2: Bernard Hams it UP
Aka, the scene in which Dani realizes how ding dang crafty she has made Jack. WHOOPS
Exploring his POV has been fun, especially with the edits I've been making while crossposting, where it's his perspective being told to us by Jacqueline as he recounts to her in the present? If that makes sense
ANYWAY, making the distinctions and adding the little Jacqueline interruptions (see: the line about dwarfs) has been a LOT of fun
As much fun as Bernard had HAMMING IT UP in this scene when he delivered the frozen Jacqueline news to Jack >:3
Love me a Jack moment of clarity! Love having him look through the villain fog for a second like "wait is this…wrong? Fucked up?' only for the fog to be like SHUSH! NO! IT'S FINE! And regularly scheduled villainy is back in play!
Bernard asking why was interesting, because I was also wondering why Jack wanted more deets. And it's a combo of two things: 1) the obvious is she frozen? Ou. Maybe…new ally, perhaps? To get my little theme park business off the ground? And 2) oh shit I froze my bb sister :(
"And something about that terrified him" man, these blorbos are getting the shadowed fore'd out of them and it is just not hitting, CRAZY!
Scene 3: Jack's a crafty one
That's it that's the BTS for this bit. He's CRAFTY
And YES, knew that it was fake originally but needs want, as we see in the next scene--he needs Jacqueline close by to make sure she doesn't SNITCH (as well as access to her repertoire), and she needs to keep tabs on him, for the GREATER GOOD (as well as for purposes of trying to find a way to prove to everyone that she's right and fix the timeline)
Frostmas is exhausting
Scene 4: Cold Front Face Off at the Dome
Jacqueline channels Winter bc that's all she knows for a frozen sprite that isn't Jack, and felt it'd give best results
She's not wrong but also is not right--frozen hearts are personalized, after all. She wouldn't be sad nor filled with avarice; she'd simply be FULL OF RAGE (spoiler alert, I GUESS)
Fun fact about the Frozen reference: it came out around the time I was working on Crystal Springs for the very first time! It informed a lot of the scenes. In fact, Cold Front reunion had Jacqueline literally quoting Elsa's mantra! Not anymore--I fixed that this year--but thought the throwback here would be funny. DON’T EXPLODE. DON'T EXPLODE. RARGH. DON'T EXPLODE. DON'T EXPLODE--and so on
(The Summer Sprite blood is STRONG in this one)
Look, we all know Santa Jack was certainly…a look. A choice, if you will. Jacqueline's just SAYING what we're all THINKING
Not Jack trying to catch up Jacqueline by egging her on. And then going GOTCHYA. It's so OBVIOUS he's not buying it, it's so CUTE how Jacqueline thinks it works
(maybe it does work a little TOO well given the events of Year 10)
Translator's note: coconut frosts is magical censoring for coconut fucks.
Y'know. These fuckers:
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Scene 5: Well played to well played
Was well played on MY PART! One of my FAVOURITE transitions, I LOVE showing similarities between Jack and Jacqueline, ESPECIALLY in an angsty context like this! Something, something, BECOMING WHAT YOU FEAR MOST/DOING WHAT YOU FEAR MOST TO THOSE YOU LOVE~!
This had major editing done. Like, once I knew Jack saw through the farce, I couldn't have any of the old 'he bought it' drivel. Jacqueline, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry you think you got away with this and that he actually knew the entire time 😬
He just needs to make sure he knows why she did it, which is really Jack for 'making sure she's not on to me re: resort thing yet'
I thought Y4 would be the last one, but Y5 surprised me
This one was fun. Thanks to the people who voted in the poll so I could figure out where they were, lmao
Hit you with the COLD FRONT feels and then a banger of a Jack line RIGHT AFTER
Seriously, I am really loving these little retelling segues. I just hope they don't make the blast to the present in Y9 less jarring!
Scene 7: cookies and cocoa
Crystal Springs has a time zone! I believe it's -8:30 hours? I'll have to double check, I know I wrote it down somewhere and I'm pretty sure it's a crystal springs fact post too 🤔
I checked! It's -8:30 GMT :)
"I'm not doing a sport!" She actually IS doing a sport. Bother-your-brother-on-purpose-athon, specifically
"It was for the greater good, I told myself. I was a big, frosty liar" FACT! More foreshadowing at play here, huehuehue >:3
Scene 7.5: B-Man's…house?
So, sometimes, when I write, I do say the thing I want to write out loud and that's how we get organic moments like "He was all ‘what’s all this then’ and I was like ‘this is who I am now!’ and he was all ‘oh cool let’s make a deal’ and ‘bleh all is forgiven’"
Jacqueline is just having a TIME
I think I have seen in most fics Bernard always being in the Workshop, but I picture him having a nice lil tidy house just outside of the main hub of the shop! For some odd reason, despite thinking it is a bungalow, in my head I picture TWO sets of stairs up. What the fuck is up with THAT
But anyway, that's why I have Jacquie tease B about his house--when does he ever use it? 🤭🤭
Translators note: "snow queen PLEASE" is magic censoring for bitch PLEASE
Frostmas only gets swears when Jacqueline is thinking, not when she is speaking--UNLESS she is out and about in the world, so if she says a swear she is NOT in Crystal Springs! Fun fact for you all tonight :)
Scene 8: Jacqueline's discovery
I originally wrote it so short and jumpy because I thought the chapter was getting too long at 7k words
I added a whole 5k words. And that was AFTER getting rid of some lore drop! AH!
I think though that I like it like this now! I don’t have the patience to go month by month to see how Jacqueline has been irritating Jack, and the quick, punchy summaries make the conclusion one HELL OF A PUNCH
Okay this is the last scene and I'm OVER this and said the funny things I wanted to say so I am CALLING IT HERE. ENJOY Y5 BTS AND ENJOY THE 2024 EDITION OF YEAR 5, WHICH WILL BE FORTHCOMING 💖💖
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Sayaka is transported to the world of Pokemon and ends up meeting Sabrina the Kanto Psychic Gym Leader by chance and befriending her. Especially since both were psychics! Though as time goes by Sabrina uses her powers to be more 'aware' of Sayaka's needs and goes to remedy it~
Warning: lewd content below
“Wow, I can't believe battles are so fun!” Sayaka cheered as she got into another fight.
“I still can't believe that battles weren't popular where you're from.” Sabrina commented while watching the fight. Apparently, Sayaka was a visitor from “out of town”, and needed a job. Lucky for the both of them, Sayaka was a natural born psychic, so she bonded quickly with the psychic type pokemon in Sabrina's gym. One thing lent to another and Sayaka ended up becoming a gym trainer for Sabrina. Not that she was complaining, the extra hands were helpful, even if they had no experience with battles.
‘She’s probably a nervous mess.’ Sabrina thought to herself. ‘I should read her mind to check up on her. It’s her first battle against a stranger, so her thoughts are probably-’
‘Arceus please let me lose this battle so the trainer can rail me.’
‘Oh, you're in my thoughts Sabrina?’ Sayaka asked, not entirely confused considering the psychic trainer's background. ‘In that case could you help a girl out? Make me lose with your mind powers so I can get some cock please?’
‘...I’m seriously worried for you and I've only known you for three days.’ Despite her complaints, Sabrina used ‘psyshock’ to faint Sayaka's pokemon, resulting in the idol losing the fight. The bluenette shot Sabrina one last wink before being dragged away by the challenger since she “ran out of money” (in reality she had her wallet on her, but just wanted to get dicked down in the back of the gym).
‘So could you tell me how to get cool psychic powers like you?’ Sayaka telepathically asked Sabrina.
‘We can communicate with each other using just our minds. Isn't that cool enough?’
‘Yeah but that's like kid psychic stuff, I wanna do the cool stuff like…’ Sayaka ran into the middle of the street. ‘Flip up my skirt using the wind!’
‘Do all your psychic power ideas come from pervy manga? I'm not doing that.’
‘Please? For a friend's sake?’
Sabrina rolled her eyes, before finally using “attract” on Sayaka, causing Sayaka to shake her ass in the middle of the street, attracting the attention of several young men, all eager to steal a glimpse of the sluts white panties. Sayaka bounced her ass faster, rubbing it against some select crowd members, inviting them to cop a feel or even go for a bold spank. Sabrina sighed. What does twerking for an audience have to do with being a psychic trainer?
“I really can't thank you guys enough for this.” The lucky student responded as tea was poured for him.
“Don't mention it, any friend of Sayaka's is a friend of mine.” Sabrina smiled. Apparently, Sayaka wasn't the only one to visit from ‘out of town’. Her childhood friend also tagged alone for the ride, but instead of ending up with a gym leader, he joined forces with a strong yet silent gym challenger named Red.
‘This is great.’ Sabrina thought. ‘Sayaka finally reunited with her long lost childhood friend. And he's not even a pervert like her. There's no way she could corrupt this innocent sou-.’
‘Both cocks, my mouth, let's do this thing!’
‘Oh son of a bitch!’
Sayaka smiled innocently as she telepathically asked for the lewdest request yet. Already giving up the urge to resist the idol's commands, Sabrina used “hypnosis” on the two boys, controlling their minds and dropping their pants.
“Thank you so much Sabrina!” Sayaka exclaimed out loud, since both boys were stuck in a trance. “This is a dream come true. Even though he's my childhood crush, I've always loved him since I first- Damn! Did this Red guy use “growth” on himself or something?”
“How romantic.” Sabrina remarked with an eye roll as she watched Sayaka put 100% of her focus into sucking off Red’s massive dick. Sabrina ignored the slut to make herself a cup of coffee. Never in a million years would she think someone would ask her to use her psychic powers like this. Especially not so…pervertedly.
As Sabrina watched Red fuck Sayaka doggy style while she made out with Makoto, she shook her head smiling. Say what you want, Sabrina is glad she made a new friend
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Word Find Tag
Catch up p4, completing May's backlog 😅 Thanks for the tag, @dogmomwrites! <3
Special rules for this one: If you can't find a word, leave a fun fact about your WIP, OCs, or writing process!
My words: harbinger, reserve, viscera, lunge, and note
Your words: denial, death, deserve, distance, and distress
Gently tagging: @k--havok, @poetinprose, @experi-sketches
Wow,, these words were hard! Had to skip back to Shattered Soul to get four out of the five, instead of three lol.
CW for blood, and extremely crude language in viscera, im so sorry 😅
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Yeah, didn't think I'd have this one (in any of my wips, apparently lol). Fun fact time!
I enjoy this book so much that I've considered making Shattered Dreams a prequel and starting with this one.
Reserve Alaia
"Who—what are you?" she whispered. He cocked his head. "I'm Darian Arrio-alvaro Devante, a Guardian class mage. What has happened to you, little fae? Where is your clan?" Her eyes widened as golden scrollwork appeared on his temples, framing his eyes for a moment before fading out again. She bit her lip, unsure how to answer that. Why did they think she was fae? Was that the only reason they weren't slicing her head from her body at this moment, or ripping into her with those fangs? Pain cascaded through her again, even worse this time. Tears pricked her eyes as she leaned forward, a whimper escaping as her shadow pulsed with waves of urgent warning. She felt whatever reserves of magic the Veil had given her gutter and recognized her borrowed time was running out.
Viscera Serin
"She was easy enough to manipulate the first time," Marcus said with a laugh. "She's nothing but a lying whore, but at least she's an enthusiastic whore. I can see why you risked being sent to Menai for a chance to fuck her. I hope her cunt was worth it." Serin shook with rage and a visceral terror as Marcus approached him as well. Serin's body remembered what Marcus had done to it, what he was capable of. The goddess licked her lips. Delicious. He has such fear of you, Marcus. He feels such despair at the thought of you fucking his lover.
Lunge Alaia
Kiral crumpled beneath her, and she fell with him, twisting to avoid falling on his sword. Scrambling up, she lunged across the sand to Darian. Jesam held him in his lap, tears tracking down his dirty face as he held a hand over the wound, trying to staunch the blood that was gushing out. "Get the leathers off!" Alaia shouted as she kneeled beside them, taking Darian's pale ash-streaked face in between her hands. "You will stay with me. I will never forgive you if you told me I'm your mate only to run away from me to die." He tried to speak, his amber eyes pained as they locked onto hers, but nothing emerged from his mouth except blood, and he coughed.
Note Aleix
Aleix scrubbed a hand over his face, thinking he had never been so bored in his entire century of existence. Alaia was incredibly wary of all of them. As a result, she spent most of her time outside in the gardens behind the Hall of Healing. After Aleix had persuaded her to come to the beach with him, no one had been able to keep her out of them. So, he had spent the last four weeks watching as she weeded, pruned, and watered the plants. She resisted any attempts to draw her into conversation and continued to refuse offers to see the city or visit a grove. Which left him with nothing to do but stand there. Kiala said the gardening was good exercise to rebuild her endurance after her ordeal. Alaia had accepted the herbal and the little journal Kiala had offered her, taking the book outside with her and making notes about the various plants when her body made her rest. That had been fairly often to start, but he could tell she was gaining strength. The sun had given her pallid skin a healthy glow, and she was starting to put on some weight. All good signs of physical recovery. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, stifling a sigh. He was not used to being inactive.
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