#wov asks for help
writer-of-various · 1 year
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Would you care to dance, my dear?
Pairing: Jaskier x female reader
Summary: Jaskier has been invited to perform at a ball and has convinced the reader to attend with him, but she is uncomfortable - that is, until she sneaks into the garden for some air and Jaskier notices and joins her.
Words: 2.6K
Warnings: lots of fluff, reader implied to be female, close friends to lovers, lots of hugs and singing from the bard, mutual pining, reader has a lot of thoughts at the start but I promise there is heaps of soft bard fluff after!
A/n: So I was thinking about the lack of Jaskier fics with a demisexual reader, and came up with this. It certainly doesn't have to be read that way, but it was in the back of my mind when I was writing. The song lyrics are from Fair by The Amazing Devil, it's a beautiful song you should all go listen to. As always it's unedited, so apologies for errors. Hope you enjoy!
You hunched slightly in your seat as your surroundings continued to encroach on you. Loud chatter and laughter, the clinking of glasses, expensive shoes tapping against tiles, figures brushing past you on their way to the ballroom floor.
No one had asked you to dance yet, thank the gods. You were sure it had something to do with your miserable expression and the men's pants and doublet you wore, in stark contrast to the elaborate gowns and hairstyles of the other women in the room.
The night was only made more tolerable, of course, by your companion, Jaskier. An excellent bard, and your best friend, he'd asked you to accompany him to the party at which he'd been invited to perform. You were reluctant at first, preferring the quiet comfort of a tavern or a night under the stars, but he'd seemed so disappointed by your initial refusal, staring at you with those sad blue eyes until you finally caved. The clothing was another issue, as you owned nothing formal, hated dresses in fact, but he gladly lent you one of his simpler outfits, insisting you'd look wonderful in anything. You'd scoffed at his words, but were appreciative of his consideration for your comfort.
He danced about the room, strumming a playful tune on his lute, grinning from ear to ear as he winked at various party goers. You rolled your eyes, unable to help a smirk as you watched. Ever the performer, it wasn't only his music, but his whole manner that served to entertain the guests. He always looked beautiful in this setting, radiating happiness, thoroughly in his element. His blue doublet was open, the low cut shirt beneath revealing a smattering of hair on his chest, which heaved as he sung. His boyish fringe was swept across his face, which seemed almost sculpted, the golden glow of the many candles in the room accentuating his delicate features. Then there were his eyes. You loved his eyes, a mesmerising blue, always seeming to convey such an unbelievable level of meaning and emotion, drawing you in the longer you looked.
Noticing you staring his way, he gladly returned the smile you didn't realise you'd given him, his eyes seeming to light up even more upon meeting yours. You gave him an encouraging nod, and he grinned, launching into another song. At least he wouldn't feel guilty for dragging you along if you pretended to be enjoying yourself.
As the night dragged on, you found it harder to maintain your false appearance of positivity. You fiddled with the undoubtedly expensive food on your plate, unsure exactly of what it was and unwilling to find out. You had rejected a couple of young men who'd offered you dances, finding yourself as completely uninterested as usual, instead mumbling apologies and excuses about a sore leg. As the guests became louder, drunker, rowdier, you finally stood abruptly, in dire need of fresh air. You threw a final glance in the direction of the bard, who was currently preoccupied with entertaining a gaggle of young women with what was most likely some dramatic tale of dreamy lovers. He shouldn't notice if you stepped outside for a few minutes. Taking a deep breath, you wove your way towards the large double doors leading to the gardens beyond.
Taking deep breaths of fresh air, you wandered between rows of brightly coloured flowers, running your fingers through the petals as their sweet scents brushed across your nose. You manoeuvred between carefully trimmed hedges until you reached a low marbled bench, placed before an intricately carved fountain with mythical figures intertwined beneath the rippling water. Sitting down with a sigh, you ran your fingers through your messy hair, a nervous habit you'd never quite managed to shake. You didn't know why you were so averse to these kinds of gatherings. The people? The clothes? The food? Maybe it was just the atmosphere, the fake smiles, the superficial laughter, the whispered barbs whenever someone turned their back.
Or maybe you were just paranoid. Maybe all these people really were enjoying themselves. Maybe you should be too - you were, after all, invited as a guest, arriving with your dearest friend, a man for who many here would give a great deal in order to take your place at his side. Many of the women he'd thrown nonchalant winks and smiles at tonight would be jealous of a relationship which doesn't actually exist, like many others who'd assumed the pair of you to be lovers simply by observing your innate closeness. You'd never understand the way all those women could so quickly fall for him, for anyone, really. He'd often encouraged it, of course - less so now, you'd noticed, but certainly when you'd first met. He seemed to fall in love with everyone, and they always seemed immediately infatuated with him in return. While his reputation wasn't as extensive as he'd have people believe, he had a reputation nonetheless. Still, it was something you hadn't even considered when you'd first met, and Jaskier seemed just as glad of your friendship as he would have been had you sought something more.
Of course, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't grown to find him quite attractive, beautiful in spirit and appearance, with a kind, empathetic soul. You found your thoughts drifting, lulled into a daze by the soft trickle of water from the fountain and the distant chirping of night insects. You really loved him, that much you knew. He was your constant companion, your closest friend, your bard. But recently you couldn't help but find yourself wondering if he could be... not something more, that implied your friendship was of far less significance than it was, but... something different. Why now? You'd been friends for years. Why couldn't you have had these feelings and acted on them from the start? Or why couldn't they have just stayed away completely? You groaned, frustrated with your own thoughts, placing your head in your hands.
"Are you alright?"
You turned at the voice, which was deep, melodic, instantly recognisable, and laced with concern.
Jaskier stood uncertainly behind you, absentmindedly fiddling with the strap of his lute, pouting thoughtfully as he awaited your response.
"Oh I'm... I'm fine, Jask. Sorry, I didn't mean to distract you from your performance-"
"You've nothing to be sorry about, my dear," he insisted, moving to take a seat at your side, resting his lute carefully on the bench beside him. You sat in silence for a moment, the soft sounds of the night filling the air, before he spoke again.
"If anyone should be sorry, it's me. I know you hate these sorts of things, I..." He looked down, tugging at the frilly cuffs of his shirt. "It was selfish of me to drag you along."
"Don't be ridiculous, Jask. I agreed to come, didn't I? I liked the idea of spending the night with you," you felt your face redden at the poor choice of words, but chose to stumble forwards over your mistake, "I- it's a nice evening, and..." you reached down beside you, grasping one of his hands in your own. "... And I really am glad to be here with you."
He met your eyes as the corner of his mouth quirked up in a cheeky smile that slowly spread across his entire face. It was infectious, and you quickly found yourself beaming back.
"I'm happy to hear it, dear heart," he said, before shuffling closer, leaning in to rest his head on your shoulder. His fluffy hair, which shone a golden brown in the moonlight, brushed against your neck and chin, making you laugh as he squirmed about, trying to find a comfortable position.
"Are you going to wriggle around like that all night?" You teased. "Don't you have a performance you need to get back to?"
"Everything I need is right here," he murmured against your neck, voice far more gravelly than you'd expected, his hot breath sending goosebumps across your skin. That was... That was new. You hesitated a second, before leaning back against him, the warmth of his partially exposed chest pressing into your shoulder as you rested your head against his.
"Can we just... Stay like this a while?" He breathed, eyes fluttering shut.
"Of course," you murmured back, closing your own eyes.
You enjoyed each other's silent company and the warmth of your bodies pressed together as the moon crept higher in the sky. Absentmindedly, you fiddled with his fingers, lacing them between your own. Reaching up with your other hand, you ran your fingers through his hair, drawing what sounded almost like a low moan from the bard, which was quickly interrupted by a cough as he stood abruptly.
"What's wrong?" You asked, staring up at him, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. Gods, you didn't know how he could have looked any more beautiful than before, but he did. The night cast shadows across his pale skin, accentuating his delicately sculpted features with a soft blue glow. His eyes seemed to burn with energy as they stared back into your own, and you noticed a deep red glowing through parts of his ruffled hair in the light of the moon. His doublet was crumpled from where he'd leant against you, and the low cut shirt beneath was pulled far to one side, revealing a teasingly large amount of his chest. You forced yourself to tear your eyes away as he responded.
"Oh, it's... It's nothing. I... Do you... That is..." He stopped for a second, composing himself, before his face lit up, seeming to have thought of something. An embarrassed smile broke through his features as he walked up to you, placing one hand behind his back and outstretching the other towards you.
"Would you care to dance, my dear?"
Heart pounding in your chest, you smiled, before reaching up to take his hand.
"I- I would love to, my sweet bard."
He let out a nervous laugh of relief at your response, stepping back as you rose from your seat, eyes locked on each other. His fingers, calloused from years of music, tenderly grasped your own, before his hands slid down your sides to find purchase at your waist, while you placed your arms either side of his head. You held your breath, the contact making you shiver, your heart fluttering in your chest.
What is wrong with me? It's not like this is the first time we've been this close. We've shared a horse, a bed, even danced together a couple of times at village fairs. Why should this be any different?
Too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice your lack of composure, Jaskier confidently led you around the small patch of ground hidden between hedges, your own natural dance floor, with the sighing wind, bubbling water and singing crickets providing the music. He absentmindedly bit his lip as his mind swirled, heart thumping just as fast as yours.
Why am I doing this? Of course we're close, we always have been, but this is different and I know it. I'm an idiot, a hopeful idiot. She's never been interested in me, and, as much as it wounds me, I promised myself to never let my feelings get in the way of our friendship. Promised to never tell her just how deeply in love with her I am.
Jaskier pushed his troubled thoughts aside. He wanted to enjoy this moment, and wanted you to as well. Besides, maybe he could find out, once and for all, how you truly felt about him. Or at least, ease his aching heart by finally revealing his own feelings, regardless of your response.
Taking a deep breath, steadying his trembling body, he slowly leant towards you, until his lips barely brushed your ear. A pleasant warmth shot through your stomach at his unexpected touch, and you closed your eyes with a hum of contentment, welcoming his body as your arms pulled him closer.
Softly, he began to sing as the pair of you continued to sway in the moonlight, words raw and full of pure, unbridled emotion as he murmured them into your ear.
"It's what my heart just yearns to say, in ways that can't be said..."
You tightened your grip, clinging to him in silent awe as he continued the song, each new lyric causing heat to rise to your skin in the cool night air.
"Oh, how, oh, how unreasonably in love I am with everything you do, I'll spend my days so close to you, 'cause if I'm standing here, maybe everyone will think I'm alright."
You'd stopped moving now, not daring to pull away, confused by the tide of emotions flooding your mind. What was this song? You'd never heard it before, but it seemed to come straight from the heart. Was it possible...
"It's not fair, it's not fair how much I love you"
At these words, something clicked. You kicked yourself for not realising sooner. How could you be so blind? Forget your own emotions, you knew you hadn't always been in love with Jaskier. But him? He'd been infatuated with you from the start. Yet he'd kept quiet about his feelings, until he knew they were reciprocated. Your poor, kind, beautiful bard.
You closed what little distance was left between you two, burying your head into his chest. His voice trailed off as he gently slid his hands further around your waist, returning the embrace. He gave a deep sigh, hugging you as though he never wanted to let you go, nestling his head against your neck.
Eventually, you felt his lips brush your jaw as you pulled back just enough to meet his gaze, shining eyes filled with adoration, an expression of deep satisfaction resting on his face.
"That was... That was..." He breathed, fingers gently trailing across your back.
"It was beautiful," you finished, fingers twirling the fluffy brown curls at the back of his neck.
"I'm glad you liked it," he said softly, a half smile pulling at the corner of his mouth, as his eyes flitted across your features, eventually dropping to your lips.
"This feels too good to be true..." He mumbled, closing his eyes as he gently brought his lips forward to brush yours.
"Yet here we are," you whispered against his mouth, before finally pressing your lips into his own with a sigh.
He kissed you carefully, deliberately, the heat of your bodies pressed so close together serving only to fuel the motion. You slid your hands up the back of his shirt and he moaned into your mouth, sending another wave of warmth through your body. You allowed him to deepen the kiss, his tongue lapping and darting into your mouth as he made a series of small, pleasured noises, whimpering and gasping as you continued playing with his hair.
When you finally seperated, you were both breathing heavily, hearts pounding. Jaskier's appearance made you weak, as you examined his lust darkened eyes, the soft blush creeping across his cheeks, and his puffy, crimson lips. He looked so ruffled, like a startled baby animal, that you couldn't help but giggle. You moved to rest your forehead against him, his eyelashes briefly kissing your cheek as he moved to wrap his arms around your waist.
"I love you, Jaskier," you said, running your thumb across his cheek, causing him to hum softly at the touch. You hesitated, grinning, before adding, "thanks for waiting for me."
"Of course, dear heart," he said, cheeky smile once again tugging at the corner of his mouth, before adding more seriously, "You're more important to me than you could ever know."
"I think I have some idea," you smirked, grabbing him by his shirt collar and pulling his lips into your smile.
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Flower | 07
Tumblr media
; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, angst
; Word Count: 3.2k
; Warnings: Discussions of death, car accidents, self-destructive behaviour
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: I hope you’re all still enjoying :) This series is incredibly easy for me to write due to the short length of each chapter. I love Hoseok in this too! Please reblog and leave me comments/asks if you enjoy it! i want to hear your thoughts on them!
; Flower Masterpost
You felt sick. You genuinely felt like you were going to throw up what little you’d eaten while at work today and you couldn’t tell if it was nerves from tonight or anxiety over having your routine interrupted. Work nights were for going home to your small apartment and curling up with your cat, not going out.
But Hoseok had asked if you’d come over to his tonight and you’d been so flustered over the invite that you’d said yes before even thinking. 
Going over to his was something that you’d been lowkey excited about and hoping for for the last two weeks. The two of you had gone on another three dates; bowling, the movie theatre to watch 21 Bridges and then to the theatre again to watch Frozen 2. Which he’d obviously been just delighted to watch.
He’d finally decided that it was time to start having cheaper dates, which meant hanging out at each other’s place. You didn’t know if this meant you were officially dating, like boyfriend-girlfriend dating or that weird adult form of dating where neither of you say anything but it just slowly happens. It kind of felt like number two was happening.
So here you were, stood outside his apartment door at 5:47pm. He’d said to come over for 6, but you didn’t want to knock and look like you were being too eager. As much as you like being early to things, you personally hated it when people were early in turn to you. It stressed you out too much.
Chewing on your lip and fidgeting quietly, you look at your phone screen once more and wonder how long it would be okay to wait before finally knocking. And then suddenly the door was opening, the movement causing you to jump slightly as you shuffled backwards with a hot face.
Hoseok was stood there, grinning at you with grey sweatpants on and an oversized white shirt covering his torso while a black snapback was turned backwards on his head. It made him bizarrely look more frat boy than it did metal head, but the colourful tattoos pushed that impression away.
Actually no, it combined fuckboy and metalhead together until you were suddenly faced with a lethal combo. He should not look that good, really. And then you realised that you were staring, that you had been staring for far too long in fact, as he lets out a quiet laugh.
“How long are you gonna stand there for? Or would rather come in?” He points behind him and you peer around his body, taking in the oddly neutral colour scheme of his place. You weren’t entirely sure what you expected it to look like, but the boring beige he had wasn’t it.
Glancing back, he looks back at his own place before sighing and gesturing you inside, closing the door behind you and taking your coat. “It’s not very interesting to look at but I’m one of those people who’d rather spend their money on other things.”
“Can’t relate. It’s not a home unless it’s filled with a million things for me. Even my desk at work looks like Disney and Pokémon had a baby which then threw up Studio Ghibli.” Hoseok looks at you strangely for a moment before grinning and gently pushing you through to the living room. It’s open plan with the kitchen to the left, the space divided by his large corner sofa while a huge television screen took up pride of place on top of a sleek black glass counter. 
You could spy a Playstation 4 beneath and your brow raised momentarily, wondering why he’d never mentioned playing any games. But you didn’t get chance to say anything as he gestured for you to sit on the couch, the plain black pillows looking out of place on the grey fabric.
“What do you want to drink? I got beer...well I got beer and water. So I guess you’ll want water.” He said, more to himself really and you couldn’t help the small smile as he heads back in, a glass of water in his hand and an opened beer for himself. You take a small sip before leaning forward and carefully placing it on his coffee table, looking at the CD coasters in amusement.
“Sorry, I should have something nicer for you to drink.” Hoseok apologises, flopping down onto the couch next to you with a huff and giving you a twisted smile. Shaking your head, you place your bag on the floor before leaning back against the comfortable cushion as well.
“No, it’s okay. I drink water at home too. I know. It’s not interesting.” You shrug at him, biting your lip.
“Doesn’t need to be. If that’s what you like then at least it’s cheap, right?” Snorting, you nod and grin at him shyly, looking down at your hands. Despite getting more comfortable with him over the last two weeks, you were still awkward and didn’t really know how to talk to him properly. It was probably even worse with him than with your friends, because you felt a level of expectation on yourself given the attraction you had to him.
Hoseok doesn't seem to notice though, his attention focused on the remote in his hand as he navigates through his TV to the Netflix app. Glancing to you, he gives a quick smile as he clicks it on.
"Not gonna be too interesting tonight I'm afraid, but I thought we could just...spend some time together and watch some Netflix?" He pauses suddenly, eyes widening as he looks from the screen to you. "I-er-I mean...this is not me trying to like...Netflix and chill or something. It's literally just watching something...call for some takeout, so don't worry."
The horror in his eyes as he evidently realises how his words could be construed makes you giggle lightly, anxiety vanishing for a moment at his blunder. You think it's cute how desperate he is to make you feel comfortable and you find your hand resting on his arm to reassure him.
"I didn't think you were. It's okay. Just...pick something good." He eyes you then, lips pursing before he begins to play with his lip ring. Then he hands you the remote, mentioning to the screen with a gracious smile.
"You can put something on. Though I should make you watch something terrible after you made me watch Frozen last time." You scoff at that, mock outrage as you glare at him before flicking through what's available.
"Riiight, right. Frozen is evidently so terrible that you know all the words to Let It Go apparently. And I didn’t make you do anything! You suggested it because you’d seen everything else" 
"...Elsa is badass okay?" 
The two of you end up watching a Netflix original film, something that started out okay but ended strange. It had been nice and peaceful though, your random comments and observations causing him to chuckle in amusement rather than annoyance thankfully before he ordered a pizza for you both.
There had been some casual conversation too, spurred on from the film itself and you'd both discussed why it was that so many Netflix films had such terrible endings. Not that either of you had come up with an answer, but it had still been fun.
Even if you'd both had mouthfuls of pepperoni pizza at the time which not only made it harder to speak but also just looked gross. But at least he looked equally gross.
Hoseok had chosen the second film, the time ticking later and later, causing you to glance at the clock in slight anxiety before forcing yourself to stay quiet. It wasn't too late really, and you found yourself unwilling to leave him anyway. You enjoyed being around Hoseok.
It had surprised you to discover this, but he had an easy personality that made it simple to talk to him. He was outgoing and pleasant, willing to engage you in whatever you wanted to talk about while making sure that you were comfortable. You were positive that you somehow hit the jackpot which in turn meant that you were positive it would all go to shit with your luck.
He was slouching down now, legs laid out in front of him as he sat on the bit of the couch that connected to the other half. You were next to him, leaning a little closer than you intended because of his weight causing the cushions to dip. 
It gave you a great view of his tattoos though, the arm closest to you bright and vibrant with its colours, eye catching to say the least. You find yourself looking over them more than watching the film curious as to what they were and what they represented.
"You can touch them you know, I'm not gonna freak." Hoseok's voice makes you jerk in surprise, looking up with wide eyes to find him watching you with a carefully neutral expression. You make no movement towards him and he reaches out, resting his hand on your thigh before giving you a small smile.
"I'm serious, I don't mind."
You hesitate for a moment before taking him up on his offer, letting your fingers travel along the intricate art of his arm. It's his right arm, the one with the seeming mish-mash of images and you look each one over in interest.
There's a ghost pirate ship sailing among a sea of ruby red roses with a single gold rose floating amongst them all. The night sky surrounding the ragged grey sails is black, pin pricked with spots of white to signify an array of stars while a full moon turns into a clock, the hands frozen at what looks to be 3:30. 
The sea of roses soon shift into a detailed skull, only half of it present while it morphs into a woman's face on the other side, crystal tears dripping down her face that shifts into blood on her chin. Long black hair swooping down past her face forms a lean panther, snarling in a jungle of trees. There's far more detail woven into it all than you’d realised and you admire them with a smile you don't even realise you have.
"These are beautiful. I didn't look too close before, but they're all linked right?" Hoseok is quiet for a moment before nodding, turning his arms to let you see those on his inner wrist. "How long did this take to get all this? I'm guessing you have one on your chest from what I can see and your other arm is gorgeous too."
"I got my first when I was fifteen. Wasn't legal obviously, but I didn't care back then. Didn't care about much to be honest." You frown up at him, noticing the way his face has gone carefully blank and how he stares away from you. 
"That's young, right? Isn't the legal age like...eighteen?" He nods in response and you bite your lip carefully. "What do they mean? If you're willing to tell me. You don’t have to, I’d just...like to know?"
You add the last question on quickly, getting the feeling that these tattoos are more personal to Hoseok than you realised. 
Sure enough, he stays quiet for a moment before pointing at the half-skull, half-woman. "This represents my sister, Hyeri. The pirate ship is because she was obsessed with pirates back then and the roses because she used to really love them. She thought red roses were romantic but secretly she preferred gold, hence the gold one."
His fingers shifts to the moon-clock. "This...shows the time she died. 3:33pm, September 26th. She was only eleven. I was eight."
You're shocked into silence, one hand moving to your mouth as you feel a wave of sympathy for him that surprises you. He sees your look and gives a half smile shaking his head before he takes your hand and winds your fingers together.
Even with the shock of his words, your stomach flips with nervy excitement at the way he held your hand so easily. It was the first time he'd ever done that, the first time hed extended physical contact beyond the cheek kisses he’d become fond of giving you.
"I got a really shitty tattoo when I was fifteen because I thought it would piss my parents off. I was angry at the world, but it was really because I felt guilty and I was angry that the world wasn't angry at me. You see...I was convinced that I was the reason Hyeri died." You don't have any words to give him then, staring at him in disbelief. He takes your silence as a cue to continue.
"My parents were driving us home from the mall. I was angry because Hyeri had won some stupid toy in an arcade machine and I didn't have anything, you know how it is back then. Kids are stupid over tiny stuff. So I started a fight with her. Mom was leaning back to stop us and dad was shouting...then we get hit by a car. I blamed myself for her dying. Thought it was my fault, because I'd started fighting and distracted my parents." He sighs deeply, squeezing your hand gently.
"I couldn't handle it. I was only a kid you know? I loved Hyeri a lot, looked up to her. And then I had this guilt I'd put on myself. It was a drunk driver who ran a red, it wasn't me but...you can't accept that. Not when you’re that young. My parents weren’t angry with me, kept telling me they didn't blame me and I hated them for that. I didn’t understand why they weren’t angry and that pissed me off even more. So I acted out. I was pretty nasty in school, joined the bad crowd, smoked, drank, did drugs, fucked around. Anything to just...get my parents angry,"
"But they never did. Because they knew that I blamed myself. I refused therapy ‘cos I thought it was lame. Got into college somehow and I started dating this girl freshman year. Older than me, liked bad boys. She was a psych major. I think she liked trying to analyse them or something. But she must have seen I had real issues that could be resolved so she got my friends to encourage me to go to counselling. I did...and I finally came to terms with Hyeri's death. Accepted it wasn't my fault, it was the drunk driver. She would've died even if I hadn’t started the fight. Cleaned up my act after that...apologised to my parents, stopped smoking and doing drugs. Stopped fucking around, discovered computers and metal. Got these tattoos to memorialise her, because I still love her."
A quiet sniff leaves you and he looks up in surprise, face breaking into a gentle smile as he sees the tears falling down your face. You hadn't been able to stop them, the pain in his voice at his sister's death pulling at your heartstrings and then his agony at coming to terms with it all.
"I'm sorry Hoseok, that sounds awful." You get out, lips quivering and he chuckles softly, reaching up and wiping away at your tears.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm at peace with it all now and all that jazz. Now I get tattoos ‘cos I like them. And I have a great relationship with my parents now, I swear." Using your free hand, you trace over the woman's face, his sisters face you presume with a quiet reverence.
"They're beautiful. Really. I'm glad...that you made something nice out of it all." Hoseok snorts softly, letting his thumb stroke the back of your hand while his other hand cups your cheek gently.
The film is completely forgotten in the background, but neither of you seem to care as he stares deeply into your eyes.
"Thank you. I'm glad you like them. My other sleeve is just cos I thought space dragons would be cool." That makes you break out into a series of giggles, bending closer to him slightly from the force of your laughter. Hoseok keeps you there when you try to move back, deep brown eyes staring directly into yours while you feel his warm breath ghosting over your lips.
"You're very beautiful. Have I told you that?" You can feel your body heating, unsure whether to be embarrassed or run away from his sudden compliment. The only response you can do is to glance down, away from his charged gaze.
"You are, really," He whispers and you make a noise, unsure what it was but not wanting this moment to end either. "...this might seem a little weird given the topic we've just discussed...but can I kiss you? I've been wanting to…"
Oh god, oh god. He wants to kiss you. This disgustingly attractive man who could command the attention of any woman if he tried hard enough wanted to kiss you. Was he mad? Had he thought this through? Surely he was going to regret this, there were far better women out there than you.
And yet your head nods of its own accord, movement foreign to you suddenly and it's like you're not in your body. Not aware of the bubbling nausea from the swirling emotions in your stomach and veins, not aware of the tension in your body or the sudden way you feel hot and flustered.
Hoseok doesn't say anything though, just smiles before leaning forward. The space between you both is even shorter than you'd realised and he's kissing you. His lips, so soft and warm, are pressed against your own and you're frozen in shock, desire and indecision.
The feeling of his solid lip ring against your mouth is foreign, and yet it's what brings you back to life. Suddenly you feel everything in your body, too much. Like your mind is being overloaded with sensation and emotions, all focused on the fact that Jung Hoseok is kissing you.
And you like it. In fact, you love it.
Before he can move away, you shyly reach and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him a bit closer. He grins into the kiss, breaking the contact slightly and letting you both breath before he's shifting, tugging you closer till you're laid out on the couch, body pressed to his side.
A gasp leaves you at the feel of his solid, warm body against your own and he takes full advantage of it, slipping his tongue into your mouth with the practised ease of someone who has done this many times. You like that too.
And for the first time in a long time, you let yourself ignore the stresses, anxieties and worries that plague your mind so often. There on Hoseok's couch, you do no more than kiss like loved up teenagers and yet it's the first time you've had any kind of romantic interaction with someone without the looming dark clouds of negativity in your head.
You purposefully push it away, too desperate to simply enjoy this moment with an attractive man who genuinely seems to like you. And so you do. 
For the first time, you simply let someone in.
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aot-brainrot · 3 years
hasan give amazing shoulder and neck rubs and whenever he sees you getting tense he comes up and asks to help you relax and just massages them until you relax enough to start explaining what’s going on and he just keeps listening until you’re done and then gives support and a nice big hug
Sof Hasan sof Hasan sof Hasan sof Hasan-- I wov him
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meg91596 · 4 years
Growing Up Chapter 10: Scout’s baby brothers
It was a Monday morning, Link was getting Scout and Anna ready for the day while Amelia was still in bed. Raising a 2 year old and 17 month old was hard for them but they loved being parents to the most amazing children in the world. Amelia and Link didn’t mind the idea of welcoming another baby because they were already used to caring for 2 young children already. As Amelia woke up for bed she had some back pains, but nothing she couldn’t handle she knew that it was probably braxton hicks contractions. She’s been through it before with both Scout and Anna. Amelia could never forget the moment she had braxton hicks with Scout and thought that she was in labor. It felt like yesterday that she was pregnant with Scout when in fact it's been 2 years. 
“Momma goo gaga boo I wov you witd dadda.” Anna said. “We love you too Anna.” Amelia said. “Did you notice that Anna babbles more than Scout ever did?” Link asked. “Yes I did but she’s fine honey i’m a neurologist and trust me she is fine but I can get her seen by Tom but I’m telling you she is just a typical baby.” Amelia said. “Momma when baby come?” Scout asked. “Soon Scout maybe in a few weeks or so.” Amelia said. “Aww I want baby now Momma I know baby coming you had same face with Anna.” Scout said. “Amelia are you in labor?” Link asked. “Don’t be silly we still have like 4 weeks till the baby comes.” Amelia said. “Well you said that about Annabel and look where that got you.” Link said. “Okay Link to make you happy I will go see Carina to see what is going on.” Amelia said. 
Amelia went to see Carina while Link put the kids in the daycare. Amelia didn’t think it was the baby because her water hadn’t broken yet. It was true though the baby was coming. Amelia paged Link and he came as fast as he could. He loved his wife very much and wanted to be with her. Amelia didn’t want this one to come so soon but he or she was determined to come. They didn’t even have any names picked out, well Amelia liked to compare this pregnancy to Scout so she had a feeling that it was a boy. After 10 hours of labor Amelia welcomed their second son a perfect and beautiful little boy who looked just like his older brother. But there was more than one baby. They welcomed another son. They were surprised by the arrival of the boys as they were only expecting one of the babies. 
“Can we come in?” Meredith asked. “Sure come in come see the baby.” Amelia said. “Amelia he’s beautiful wait you have twins.” Meredith said. “Yes we do it was a surprise to say the least.” Amelia and Link said. “Wow do they have names?” Meredith and Maggie asked. “Not really we only have on name picked out for one of the twins and that is Jacob Abraham Lincoln.” Link said. “Well that’s an interesting name.” Meredith said. “Link what do you think about Michael Alexander Lincoln?” Amelia asked Link. “That’s perfect as he get to honor his uncle Alex we might not see him all the time but we still get to see him much but I think he would be honored.” Link said. 
After a few hours of enjoying Jacob and Michael, Scout and Anna met their brothers. Scout was excited to see his brothers but Anna was not a fan. Anna just screamed when she saw the babies. She loves Scout but was not happy about having two more brothers. Amelia and Link knew that it was a hard adjustment but she would eventually come around. Link and Amelia were happy with their 4 kids and wouldn’t trade the world for them. After spending 2 days in the hospital Link and Amelia brought Jacob and Mike home. They were welcomed home by Meredith, Zola, Bailey, Ellis, Maggie, Miranda, Jo, Teddy, Allison, Leo, and Owen. they all helped out with getting extra supplies for the extra baby. When Amelia went to sit down with Mike and Jacob, Scout joined her and was still excited about having baby brothers. 
“Momma can I hold baby broder.” Scout asked. “Link can you hold Scout so he can hold a brother.” Amelia asked. “Sure okay Scout sit in daddy’s lap and you can hold a baby.” Link said. “Okay Dadda.” Scout said. “DADDY I MAD.” Anna said screaming. “Did she just say a whole sentence without babbling?” Link asked. “Yes Anna did talk in a whole sentence.” Amelia said. “Wow she is growing up I guess she is going to be fine all it took was a baby.” Link said. “Don’t suggest it for Mike and Jacob anytime soon because I am done with the babies because we have 4 now and I think a 5th in the next year or so will be too much.” Amelia said. “Yes I agree lets just enjoy Scout, Annabel, Jacob, and Michael before we worry about anymore children in our family.” Link said. 
They both agreed that the 4 kids would leave them occupied and full of joy that they wouldn’t need any other babies. Later that night they put the children to bed. Scout was upset that his brothers weren’t going to be in the same room as him. Amelia told him that they may be in his room when they are older. Scout seemed happy about that and shortly afterwards Mike began to cry. Link was busy putting Anna to bed as she was refusing to calm down. It wasn’t until he put the mobile on that she calmed down. Amelia put the twins to bed and then crawled into her bed before Link joined her. They both went to bed because they knew that the boys would be up in a few hours wanting food and to be changed.
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angels17324 · 5 years
The Violet Paladin Ch. 9 (Keith x Reader)
Word Count: 1322 Update Schedule: Every Monday [Masterlist] [Prev]
We stared at it, without knowing what was it in making its presences all the more menacing. Zarkon had sent yet another monster to fight us. At least that's what we assumed it was... expect Hunk, who was very optimistic about what could possibly be in there.
"If it's the same monster from Arus we already know how to beat it," Keith spoke.
"I highly doubt they'd send the same monster if we beat it once already it just doesn't seem like something they'd do," I chimed in. We formed the sword and the shield and watched as the chamber depressurized to release its monster, It was quite different, I didn't have time to think as it began firing on us and attacking.
We weren't able to counter attack at all, so Shiro decided it was time to split up... this didn't help either apparently, it's many lasers were able to follow all of us. The attacks weren't letting up until Allura fired at it with the castle but was quickly attacked as well.
"Keith, draw its fire, I'm coming in from above," Shiro ordered as we all flew around, I was mostly trying not to get hit while also keeping it aiming away from the Balmera.
"Roger that!" Keith announced. Keith fired at it successfully drawing it's fire, however as Shiro went for the attack the beast fired at him. "We need to find its blind spot,"
"I don't think this thing has a blind spot," Pidge said as she flew.
"We've gotta take out the laser eyes," I said.
"We will cover you from up here," Allura shot at the beast before drawing all its fire.
"Princess pull back to get out of its range now," Shiro ordered.
"We will not abandon you," Allura told him.
"You're not, we're about to pull back too," Shiro reassured her. "Lion's to the mine shafts, it's the only place it can get us," Shiro ordered, I flew into the same tunnel as Lance and Pidge, while the others went into the other tunnel and Allura returned into orbit.
We got out of our lions, and I ran towards Lance and Pidge. I glared at the taller male.
"What?" he feigned innocence.
"You know exactly what and when this is all over we're having a talk," I jabbed at his chest. Pidge looked quite confused at the conversation but chose to ignore it as we opened up communications with the others. Allura sent us a diagram of the Balmera dying. It was painful to watch. Coran told us what would happen to the Balmera.
"We need to get all the Balmeran's to the castle of lions before the planet implodes," Allura told us. We quickly came up with our plan of action to provoke and evade, while Allura convinces the Balmerans to come to the castle of lions.
The six of us returned to the surface and got the beast to start attacking us again, this was both a little fun with all the maneuvering we're getting to practice but terrifying not knowing what's happening on Allura's side of it. After a short while, we saw the castle land meaning Allura had successfully convinced the Balmerans to come to the castle. However, the small bit of happiness from that was soon cut short as the Balmeran's got trapped. We needed a new plan and quick.
"Hey guys, something's happening over here," Hunk told us.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Remember how Keith's Bayard formed the sword well I think there's a way to take down those eyes."
"Well, whatever it is, we need to try."
"Form thingy!" Hunk shouted... "It didn't work,"
"We haven't formed Voltron yet Hunk!" I told him. The beast turned its sight on the castle where Allura and the others were performing what they had called a rejuvenation ceremony
"Everyone follow me! Form Voltron!" Shiro shouted, as we flew together and formed the giant robot. Keith fired his laser as we stood in front of the castle. Hunk was able to form a laser cannon which we used to blast the beast. The beast fired another blast at us, which we met with our own trying to hold strong from the powerful waves coming from the two blasts meeting, We redirected the blast away from the castle.
The beast got ready for yet another blast, this beast just doesn't give up. We flew away from the castle its blast following us. Suddenly a screen appeared showing all the spots we needed to hit.
"Are you guys seeing this?" Hunk asked.
"Let's see what this can do," Shiro said as the shoulder cannon was reformed and set out several blasts hitting each of the beasts then right before our eyes the entire Balmera radiated with a beautiful blue glow, before disappearing.
The beast stood up and began to fire at us yet again, this time we flew head-on Keith getting a direct hit to the beast's chest sending it flying back. Which seemed to have finally defeated it hopefully as it has yet to get up. We disbanded Voltron and landed running towards Allura and Shay. When the ground started shaking, we looked up to see the beast was getting back up yet again.
"Oh no..." I silently whispered. It charged but another blast, but crystals began to form around it sealing the beast.
"No way," Hunk breathed. We all stared in shock and amazement as the Balmera had just saved us. We looked around as small crystals formed on the ground. "Oh, who's a good Balmera," Hunk scratched the surface of the Balmera treating it like a dog.
"What are you doing?" Keith asked.
"What? It's alive, and wovs my scwatches," Hunk cooed and scratched the surface some more, Keith facepalmed at this. I couldn't help but laugh at this, because of how adorable yet normal this seemed to be for all of us now. Allura decided we were staying for at least the night to recharge the castle.
From the corner of my eye, I saw a certain teen I needed to have a talk with attempting to sneak away.
"Oh no you don't Lance," I glared at the boy who stopped right in his tracks.
"Yes, (Y/n)?" He asked I dragged him away from the group.
"You heard my conversation with Allura didn't you," I said.
"What makes you say that?" He asked.
"Because Allura was the only person I told and if she would have told anybody it most likely would have been the mice,"
"Fine, I did hear a small bit of your conversation but might I also add as a younger brother to two sisters I know what they act like," He said.
"Is it that obvious?" I buried my face in my hands.
"To a trained eye," Lance proudly smiled. "Don't worry big brother Lance will help you out!" He cheered.
"Yeah one problem with that, I'm older than you Lance." I stared at him.
"Do you want my help or not?"
"Considering your track record, I'm good." I laughed and walked away remembering just the other day with Nyma and before that with Allura and honestly who knows who else.
"Hey!" He called after. I ran away towards the castle laughing more. I'm really starting to love hanging out with everyone and becoming a team. If only I had known what would happen in the following days.
Tag List~ @somebodytouchedmysaeran @ittie-bittie-tittie @izabellah816
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daily-klingon · 6 years
wotmey vagh
Sab decline, deteriorate v Sach expand v Sagh be serious v SaH be present (not absent) v SaH care (about), be concerned (about) v Sal ascend v Sam locate, seek and find v Sang obliterate v Sap volunteer v SaQ cry v Saq land v Sar be varied, various v SaS be horizontal v Saw marry (husband does this) v Saw' have a depth of v Say' be clean v Say'moH clean, cleanse v Say'qu'moH sterilize v SeH control v Seng cause trouble v Sep breed v SeQ be formal, be ritualistic, be ceremonial v Sev contain (an enemy) v Sey be excited v SeymoH excite v SIch reach v SIgh influence v SIH bend v SIj slit v SIm calculate v SIQ endure, bear v SIS rain v SIv wonder v SoD flood v SoH you pro So' encrypt v So' hide, cloak v So'Ha' decrypt v So'Ha' decloak, emerge from concealment v Sol quarrel v Son relieve v Sop eat v SoQ be closed, shut v SoQmoH close, shut v Sor speak literally v SorHa' speak metaphorically v Sorgh sabotage v Sot be distressed, be in distress v Sov know v Soy' be clumsy v Sub be solid v Such visit v SuD be green, blue, yellow v SuD gamble, take a chance, take a risk v Sugh install (in office) v Suj disturb v Sum be near, be nearby v Sup jump v Suq acquire, obtain, get v SuQ be toxic v Suq gain v Surgh skin v SuS blow (into musical instrument) to produce sound v Sutlh negotiate v Suv fight v taD be frozen v taDmoH freeze v tagh begin a process, initiate v taH be at a negative angle v taH continue, go on, endure, survive v tam be quiet v tammoH silence v tam exchange, substitute v tap mash, squash v taq be scarred v taQ be weird, bizarre, unnatural (maybe creepy) v taqmoH scar v tatlh return (something) v tav shake v tay be civilized v taymoH civilize v tay' be together v ta' accomplish v teb fill v teH be true v tem deny, contradict, disavow, claim as false v ten embark v tenHa' disembark v teq remove, take off v tet melt v tey scrape v tey be uncomfortable, be close v teybe' be comfortable, be easy v tey' confide v tIch insult v tIj board, go aboard v tIl salivate v tIn be big v tIq be long, lengthy (of an object) v tIQ be ancient v tIS be light (weight) v tIv enjoy v tIw react emotionally, behave emotionally v tI' fix, repair v tob test conclusively, prove v toD save, rescue v togh count v toj bluff, deceive, trick v toq be inhabited v tor kneel v toS climb v toy' serve (a master) v tuch forbid v tuD thunder v tuH be ashamed v tuHmoH shame v tuj be hot v tul hope v tun be soft v tung discourage v tungHa' encourage v tuQ wear (clothes) v tuQHa'moH undress v tuQmoH put on (clothes) v tur carry out, conduct (a mission), perform (duties) v tuS cough v tutlh be tattooed, have a tattoo v tutlhmoH tattoo v tuv be patient v tuy' spit v tu' discover, find, observe, notice v tu'lu' there is ... v tlhab be free, independent v tlhap take v tlhaQ be funny v tlhaS fight, battle (relatively minor fight) v tlhaw' hit (percussion instrument) with fist v tlhay' be tame, domesticated v tlha' chase, follow v tlheD depart v tlhej accompany v tlher be lumpy v tlhetlh progress v tlhe' turn v tlhIb be incompetent v tlhIH you (plural) pro tlhIj apologize v tlhIl mine v tlhIn be particular, individual v tlhIS spit out v tlhIv be insubordinate v tlhob ask v tlhob request, ask, plead v tlhoch contradict v tlhoD be somewhat obscured, filtered, smudged, fuzzy v tlhogh get married to, marry v tlhoj realize v tlhol be raw, unprocessed v tlhong barter, bargain v tlhorgh be pungent (referring to food) v tlhorghHa' be bland (referring to food) v tlhot land on water (like a bird) v tlhov wheeze v tlho' thank v tlhuch exhaust v tlhuD emit (energy, radiation etc) v tlhuH breathe v tlhup whisper v tlhutlh drink v tlhu' be tempted v tlhu'moH tempt v vaD be flexible v val be clever, smart, intelligent v van salute v vang act, take action v vaQ be aggressive, be effective, be vigorous v vaq mock v vay fight, battle (mid level ferocity) v veb be next (in a series, sequence) v vegh go through (an open door, a tunnel, etc.) v vel cover, coat, mask v vem wake up, cease sleeping v vemmoH wake (someone) up v ven be nerdy v ver be dizzy v ver be spiral v vergh dock v vev insert, put in v vev pin, attach or fasten with a pin v vey' be comfortable, be plentiful v vey'Ha' be uncomfortable, be meager v ve' travel with a purpose, for a specific reason, travel on a mission v vIb move through time toward the future, propagate v vIbHa' move through time toward the past v vID be belligerent v vIH move, be in motion v vIl be ridgy v vIng whine v vIt tell the truth v vItlh be high, great (in quantity, size, intensity) v vI' accumulate v von trap, entrap v vong hypnotize v voq trust, have faith in v voqHa' distrust v voQ choke v vor cure v vorgh be previous v vo' propel v vuj expel, eject v vul be unconscious v vum work, toil v vun order (in a restaurant, from a catalog, etc.) v vung cyclone, hurricane v vup pity v vuQ fascinate v vur be modern, up-to-date, state-of-the-art v vuS limit v vut cook v vuv respect v vuy be helpful, supportive v vu' manage v wagh be expensive v waH taste, try out (food) v waH try out, test, use experimentally v wal vibrate, be in a state of vibration v wam hunt v wan be straight v wanHa' be crooked, bent v waQ obstruct v waS be wrong, awry v watlh be pure v wav divide v way be striped v way' parry, deflect a lunge v web be disgraced v wech serve fermented food at its peak v wegh confine v weH raid v wel owe (someone) v wem violate v weq hit (percussion instrument) with palm v wer be creased, be wrinkled v wermoH crease, wrinkle v weS lose, no longer have, suffer a reduction of v wew glow v wIb be sour, be bitter, be tart v wID massacre (connotes indiscriminate killing) v wIH be ruthless v wIj farm v wItlh break something off v wIv choose, select v wob hurl a spear by means of a chetvI' v woch be tall v woD throw away v wogh transgress, do more than is acceptable v woH pick up v woj sterilise v wol be creased, be folded v wolmoH crease, fold v wom peck v woq confirm, substantiate, corroborate v wov be light, bright v wuD snore v wun be unprotected, vulnerable v wup burst into song v wuq decide, decide upon v wuQ have a headache v wuv depend on, rely on v yach pet, stroke v yach strum (a stringed instrument) v yaH be taken away v yaj understand v yajHa' misinterpret v yan use or manipulate a sword v yap be enough, sufficient v yatlh be pregnant v yay' be shocked, dumbfounded v yegh be spotted v yem sin v yep be careful v yepHa' be careless v yeq cooperate v yev pause v yIn live v yIQ be wet v yIr gather (items) v yIt walk v yIv annoy, bother, irk, irritate v yIv chew v yI' speak in an honorable or respectful fashion v yob harvest v yoD shield v yoH be brave v yon be satisfied v yong get in v yonmoH satisfy v yot invade v yov charge (military term) v yoy be upside down v yuD be dishonest v yuDHa' be honest v yugh include, consist of, be composed of (in chemistry) v yughmoH filter v yuq outwit, outsmart v yut distract, create a diversion v yuv push v yu' question, interrogate v 'ab have a length/height of (object is length) v 'aD have a length of, measure v 'agh show, demonstrate, display v 'al float (in/on air) v 'ang show, reveal v 'ap be dented v 'apmoH dent v 'argh worsen v 'av guard v 'aw' sting v 'el enter, go in v 'ep consume soup v 'eq be early v 'eS be low v 'ey be good, be delicious, be tasty, be harmonious v 'IH be beautiful, handsome v 'Ij listen v 'Il be sincere v 'Im render, boil fat v 'Ip vow, swear v 'IQ be sad v 'Iq be too much, be too many v 'Irgh bully, intimidate, pick on, harass v 'It be depressed v 'Itlh be advanced, highly developed v 'oD arbitrate, mediate v 'ogh invent, devise v 'oj be thirsty v 'ol verify v 'ol verify, check if (something) is true, make sure that (something) is true v 'om resist, fend off v 'ong be cunning, sly v 'or pilot, operate (an aircraft) v 'oS represent v 'ot withhold (information) v 'otHa' disclose, divulge v 'ov compete v 'oy' ache, hurt, be sore v 'uch grasp v 'uch hold, grasp v 'ugh be heavy v 'uH have a hangover, be hung over v 'um be qualified v 'umHa' be unqualified v 'up be unsavoury, be disgusting, be repugnant v 'ut be essential, necessary v 'uy press down v
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meg91596 · 4 years
Expect the Unexpected Chapter 7:
It was a early Friday night, Link had just come home to his pregnant wife, son, and triplet daughters. What Link enjoyed the most was seeing his wife playing with the kids. Scout loves it when Amelia plays monsters, ducks, Spongebob, Star Wars or race cars. Scout thinks it’s funny when Amelia is playing with him. He has the cutes laugh that gives both Amelia and Link a big smile when they see their little boy smiling.
“Mia I’m home what do you say about going out for dinner?” Link asked. “Out for dinner tonight? Honey I’d like to but I’m not feeling well tonight.” Amelia said. “You okay honey because you haven’t been feeling well in several of weeks.” Link said. “It’s what I get for getting pregnant again I’m just really weak.” Amelia said before passing out and collapsing. “DADDA CALL 911.” Scout said yelling “Amelia honey are you okay?” Link tried asking. “911 what’s your emergency?” The 911 operator asked. “Momma fell Dadda trying to help but momma fell down and sleeping.” Scout said. “Okay can you tell me again?” The 911 operator asked. “Hello sorry my 3 year old son called 911 my wife is 34 weeks pregnant and passed out I need an ambulance.” Link said. “Link this is Ben I will be there in 2 minutes.” Ben said.
Link allowed Ben in the house while the girls were crying for their mother, being 16 months old and seeing this is scary. He picked up the girls, put them in their car seats, and Scout into his car seat and rushed to the hospital so that he could be with Amelia. “Jo took Scout, Adelynn, Annabel, and Addison up to daycare while they figured out what was wrong with Amelia. Amelia had woken up in the Ambulance but couldn’t understand what was going on. Link went into her room where she was still be examined by Carina who said that her blood pressure was high and how she is worried about happening to deliver this baby early because Amelia has preeclampsia.
“Link everything is going to be okay.” Carina said. “Okay so what is the plan if we have to deliver this baby?” Link asked. “Alex will do what ever he can to help you guys with the baby.” Carina said. “Link is everything going to be okay with our baby?” Amelia asked. “Yes Carina is going to do what ever she can to keep it alive.” Link said. “To keep him alive.” Amelia said. “It’s a boy?” Link asked. “Yes so in case he has to come early what should we name him?” Amelia asked. “I like Kevin, or Jacob.” Link said. “I like Patrick, or John.” Amelia said. “How about Patrick Jacob, or Kevin John.” Link suggested. “Patrick Jacob is perfect for our little boy.” Amelia said with a smile on her face before she felt a contraction. “Carina Amelia is having a contraction what are we going to do?” Link asked.
Carina came in and saw that Amelia was going into labor and that she needed an emergency C-section to get the baby boy out safely. Link needed the comfort of Jo so she was there until it was time to go in to be with Amelia in the OR. Link really didn’t know if he was even ready for their son. Meredith came by with Scout because Scout was upset because he couldn’t see his mommy and was crying. Link gave his 3 1/2 year old a hug telling him that everything was going to be fine. Not long after Link went into the OR with Amelia where they welcomed their 4 pound 15 ounce baby boy Patrick Jacob. Link was scared to hold him but he was screaming. Amelia was smiling as she heard her little boy screaming as he sounded just like Scout did at birth.
“Welcome Patrick you are one lucky little boy here.” Link said holding the tiny yet stable premie in his arms. “He’s beautiful and perfect.” Amelia said shortly after the released Patrick for a few hours to see his parents. “Yes he is tiny but he’s perfect.” Link said. “I know this was scary but He’s here and I’m feeling better Mr. Patrick was just making me so sick actually why I was sick throughout my pregnancy with him.” Amelia said. “Yes he was but he’s adorable.” Link said. “Momma You better.” Scout asked in Meredith’s arms holding a card. “Yes momma is feeling a little better would you like to meet your baby brother?” Amelia said. “I have Broder now?” asked Scout. “Yes a little brother named Patrick.” Link said. “Pat he beautiful momma and dadda.” Scout said. “Patrick is beautiful you too he’s a lucky boy, and good thing Uncle Alex can monitor him for a few days while you get some rest Amelia. I will take the kids to my house and watch them for you guys.” Meredith said. “No there fine Meredith Patrick should be able to go home in a few days if he passes the infant car seat test.” Alex said.
After a few days in the hospital both Amelia and Patrick were released from the hospital. She held on to that little boy as much as she does with Scout who keeps her on her toes. Scout was so excited he wanted to show Patrick his room. Scout got upset when Amelia and Link told Scout that he wouldn’t be in his room till Patrick was older. Anna was curious about her little brother, and crawled up on the couch next to Amelia and Patrick. Adelynn crawled on the other side of Amelia while Addie just sat on the floor playing with her dolls.
“Baba.” Anna and Adelynn said. “Yes this is your baby brother.” Amelia and Link said. “I wov baby.” Anna said. “I wov Pat.” Adelynn said. “I love him too. What do you think about Patrick Addison?” Scout asked. “I no like baby.” Addison said. “Link why don’t you get Addison so we can show her the baby.” Amelia said. “Aww baby.” Addison said. “Is he cute baby girl?” Amelia asked. “Yep I wike baby.” Addison said.
Amelia and Link knew that they were in for an adventure with all 5 kids but they were ready for it. They were excited that Anna, Adelynn, and Addie excepted the baby, and they already knew that Scout was excited to have a little brother. Link and Amelia knew that their family was complete with 5 kids and decided that after Patrick they wouldn’t plan to even have other child and that Link and Amelia would be really careful so that they don’t have another baby, as they already had 5 kids, 2 cats Fluffy, and Tiny and a dog Buddy an American Eskimo dog. Their lives were chaotic but they wouldn’t trade their crazy lives for anything as they love their pets and kids.
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