#wouldn't you also feel left out if people attacked you for bringing it up when you do?
The thing with the "why are you making them look bad" "why are you finding reasons to hate" kinda responses when someone brings up racist remarks and microagressions both from back in the "fetus" era and all the way till WAD etc, it reveals the way too many people view bigotry as something that happens Elsewhere. Something that is done by Other People and not us you me the people around us the people we love the people we idolise. But everyone is capable of harm, and it's quite revealing with defensive attitudes like that that people assume we're calling to boycott or asking you to stop feeling anything positive towards them or whatever else it's built up to me.
Guys. Even we haven't stopped feeling positively about them (at least for the most part, and those who have, fair play to them we all have our own personal threshold for how much we tolerate). Like that's the whole reason we're around, you kidding? Nothing I watch is free from the problematic stuff. I watch comedians who make off-colour jokes but I still feel fondly towards those comedians without feeling the need to erase the fact that they make problematic jokes and need to do better. I watch shows with bigoted themes without feeling the need to scrap them completely but I also don't hold back on my criticisms just because I like the show. And if anyone else who enjoys these things mocks those criticisms or expects me to shut up about them I see it rightfully as the insult that it is.
These social issues are bigger than us, and the thing is they really do change at a snail's pace. But putting another hurdle in front of the snail by saying "this is just spreading hate, you just hate them, go watch something else then" isn't really helping that pace. It's just showing that because an issue isn't personally affecting you, you're seeing it as not worthy of receiving criticism.
I watch youtubers far more "problematic" than DnP actually. And I love them! And I see them grow over time, I see it reflected in how they talk in videos from years ago vs now and it gives me a lot of hope. But people change because they are given a reason to change. And trying to get those affected and hurt to not even express disappointment is not gonna get you anywhere except making it clear to us who is a safe person looking to make the space welcoming in a material sense and who is just keeping up appearances and waiting for us to tire ourselves out and leave.
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picturejasper20 · 8 months
Steven Universe as a character is someone who has been mischaracterized and flanderized over the years, to the point people who aren't into the fandom or haven't watched the show believe that mischaracterization to be a fact rather that a product that comes from memes and jokes
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The truth is that Steven often fights in the series when it is needed, usually by fusing with someone else like Connie or Amethyst since he is still developing his powers in the original series. He doesn't cry when he has to fight back or defend himself, with exception if the person attacking is someone he considers a friend. Because, yes, for a 14-15 old teenager it isn't fun having to do something like that and it can be traumatic.
He also doesn't start to cry the moment someone refuses to change their mind or is being mean. He often isn't afraid to be sarcastic or call that person out. He didn't cry when Aquamarine mocked him in ¨Stuck Together¨ nor when Jasper didn't apologize for poofing Amethyst in ¨Crack the Whip¨
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However, what we see is sometimes him blaming himself for not being able to help people that, more often than not, have been hurt by Rose Quartz, his mother, in some way. After Season 3, Steven fears a lot that he is going to become like Rose and he is going to hurt people the way like she did.
In general Steven deals with an Atlas complex in the show. He feels like he has to fix his mother mistakes and deal with ¨what she left behind¨ even when Rose wanted for him to be his own person as seen in the tape she left for him as it was revealed in the episode ¨Lion 4: The Alternate Ending¨.
Steven also defines his identity a lot for being to help other people and fix their problems. He believes that he has to be ¨useful¨ for others. So when he believes that he failed to help someone, that may lead him to think that he isn't living up to his ¨purpose¨ or that he is a failure as a person.
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In reality, he isn't that much different from other hero protagonists from other animated shows. Those who are kind and emphatic and willing to listen to other people and give them a second chance if the person changes their ways. You probably like an animated show that has a protagonist like this. (Who was probably taken inspiration from Steven if the series came out after SU).
The main difference, i think, is that Steven goes a bit more than those protagonists do when it comes to listening to other people, understand their motivations and give them another chance if they regret their actions. A lot has to do with how he is aware that his enemies (usually gems) act the way the do because of the system they were born into rather ¨they are evil just because¨. He gets that their motivations come from the system that hurt them or lead them to believe that their actions are justified.
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Another common mischaracterization is that Steven becomes super buddies with every person he helps...when this isn't always the case. There are some occasions that Steven shows discomfort around people who he has given a second chance. Just because he gives them a second chance doesn't mean that he immediately considers them close friends, maybe allies at best.
A good example of this is the gif above of Steven's interactions with White Diamond in ¨Homeworld Bound¨. White Diamond touches Steven very close to where his gem is- which makes Steven distressed since in his battle again White, she ripped his gem out to prove that Pink was still ¨alive¨. In most of the episode Steven shows to be very uncomfortable around the Diamonds and Spinel, to some extent. They bring him bad memories, which is the main reason he has been doing everything to avoid going to them to ask for their help until this point in Steven Universe Future. He even almost accidentally hurts White's gem by smashing her head against a pillar when she lets him control her to talk to himself. This being result of a intrusive ¨vengeful¨ thought.
I wouldn't say that Steven hates the Diamonds,but- he doesn't want to be their friend neither and wants to avoid in general because he feels nervous and bad around them. It's something like ¨I'm glad that you are changing but i don't want to be associated with you. Please, i would appreciate if you kept your distance from me.¨ dynamic.
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On last point, Steven is someone who usually pushes his feelings down in certain situations and buries them down, which has led him to have strong emotional outbursts in bad moments. He usually prefers to ignore his own problems and take priority on others. Again, this comes a lot from his desire to be useful and be needed, making him trying to ignore how he feels about certain people and pretend that he is doing fine.
This explains why we don't see him lash out that much to others in the original series, and, why he feels so frustrated and angry in Future, since all that anger and negative feelings can't no longer be ignored as they used to and they are having a negative impact in Steven's mental health. This, of course, isn't meant to be seen is a healthy coping mechanism. It is in fact potrayed as something pretty self-destructive for Steven, as a huge flaw of his, that over time he comes to learn that it isn't the best way for him to deal with his problems.
These are some of the most common misconceptions i have seen about Steven's character online. I could go in more depth with some of them but i think the points should be clear enough. This could be considered a general analysis of how Steven is as a character and how he operates, leaving aside more specific things that can be covered in other posts.
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skyeslittlecorner · 4 months
How about the kings (plus Lucifer and some of your fav nobles if you could 🥺) reactions with an MC who like to bite out of nowhere 😁 and after they bit they ran away while "😛" them
That's so silly! I relate so much, I also tease people a lot when I like them lmao
Satan loves to see you having fun. And he will play along. Are you nibbling at him suddenly? So get ready for him to bite you too. It will be like playing tag, out of nowhere, but with your teeth instead of your hands. After some time, you will start walking around colorful from your biting, of course you more, because Satan will be happy to mark what is his. He was already used to it when one day, instead of biting him, you gave him a kiss on the shoulder. Then you will get a deep 'you're too sweet to exist' kiss in the mouth. He never knows what to expect from you, and that's the best thing.
Mammon… didn't even notice. He didn't feel it. Might as well be bitten by a mosquito, but then he might at least be itchy. He'll sooner see your disappointment and ask if something's wrong. You won't want to tell him because it's silly, so he orders his nobles to find the answer. Maybe it's something serious? But when you see how earnestly they took it, all you can do is laugh and enlighten this dear king. He'll be relieved that nothing happened to you. Next time if you want to bite him, do it in the mouth.
Beel thought it was great fun. He noticed that you sometimes bite him unexpectedly and suggested a bet. If you manage to surprise him, you've won, and if he catches you, he's won. Of course, you knew you had no chance against his reflexes, and you counted on his memory being flawed. You definitely miscalculated. If he is interested in something, he focuses all his attention on it, and you are certainly such an object. But he'll let you win once or twice, just to see how happy you are.
Leviathan finds this stupid and immature. Why are you doing this at all? It does not make sense. Of course, try to get closer than a meter to someone with that sinister glint in your eye, and before you can do anything, poor subordinate will be hanging six meters above you. Oh, no. Now all you have left to bite is Levi, how sorry he is (not at all).
I wonder how much I will revise all the Lucy parts when he comes out lol
Lucifer doesn't think it's a smart idea. Such a cut may become infected. Moreover, such a cut brings you into contact with blood, and what if it infects you with something incurable? So - you mustn't do that… unless it's him. This is the one and only exception. Doctor's recommendation. (Yes, yes, you believe him too, that it's only about your safety.)
Andrealphus may attack when you first do this. He will grab your blouse and rise you up. You will realize that this wasn't the smartest idea in your life. At the same time, he heard your gasp in surprise, so he knew it was only you, not an angel or anybody with bad intentions. He will apologize, but also warn you not to do that again. Learned reflex. He wouldn't hurt you, but rather slowly get him used to your presence and only then try something like this.
Naberius will look at you with eyes as wide as saucers. So this is how you seek attention? Like a puppy that wants to play? That's adorable. Get ready for this funny gesture to open him up surprisingly. You'll end up being scratched under the chin and behind the ears. (And then try doing it to him, he will fall in love with you even more.)
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ppl please. You are making Vaggie stupider than she is in canon
"Why didn't Vaggie know angel weapons could kill angels, when Lute used one to permanently gouge out her eye-"
Because Lute also ripped off her wings, seemingly permanently, WITHOUT using a weapon.
It makes sense that Vaggie would figure only other ANGELS can HURT angels. And that's still not the same as KILLING ONE.
You can say "well if she was scarred then by it then she should've assumed a real attack could have killed her" but why? In hell, Sinners can be TORN APART and pull themselves back together. Why wouldn't Vaggie assume that she can take damage up to a point but still not die? Or that she would just reform again afterwards?
"It was a writing mistake to have Vaggie not confess her past to Charlie before they went to heaven, no believable character would do that-"
It was a character flaw, one many other characters in the show have, and it is very true to life that longer you keep a secret about yourself- especially one you're afraid people will hate you for- the harder it is to admit to it.
We know she feels like her only point in existing is to help Charlie. She said it. And later it ties in perfectly with her backstory of losing everything about herself and being found by Charlie, of rejecting her life killing Sinners and devoting herself to supporting the dream of saving them instead.
We also know the last time she "failed" people in her life she was hurt and abandoned by them. We know her FIRST plan was to NOT go to heaven with Charlie, to try and make some kind of excuse.
But then she couldn't come up with a good excuse. And she couldn't bring herself to say no to her supportive and loving girlfriend. And then they were in heaven, facing a COURT HEARING to decide the fate of SOULS, that her girlfriend would have to argue a case for-
Does that really sound like the best time to drop an emotional relationship truth bomb?
Sound. Not "was". Would it have FELT LIKE a good time to come clean to Charlie about being a former Exorcist.
HOW would it have FELT like a good time for that to Vaggie? Especially after Adam and Lute got through telling her how being scarred and crippled by them was her fault, being left down in hell by them was her fault, and her girlfriend will ALSO hate her if the truth comes out?
it's not "bad writing" when a WOMAN does it TOO without an essay explaining her every thought leading up to it!
like im sorry her scenes were rushed, im sorry they had worse animation and story boarding and pacing than the guys' moments get, im sorry she didn't get more focus, im sorry she isn't a fav character of the show creators-
but she IS well written. tbh all of the characters in the show are.
they do things that makes sense based on what they've been through, and what they feel, and what they want, and that's. that's good character writing.
i don't LIKE a lot of the characters but they're still WELL WRITTEN
bad writing would have been- her getting angry at Charlie for being upset about the secret! it would've been her CAVING to Adam's blackmail and arguing against Angel Dust to save herself! It would've been her moping on the top of the hotel while Charlie was angry with her instead of actively doing what she could to help, like she did!
i've lived through SO MANY badly written characters DO NOT try telling me VAGGIE is one of them- i remember the horrors. THIS is not THAT
im probably gonna regret posting this aren't i
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arimiaromage · 2 months
thoughts about dgm chapter 251
gonna throw my thoughts about these new revelations here.
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bookman jr or past!allen?
she got us good! I was in shock when I first read it (all my headcanons about pasta, out the window! thrown! chunked!) but now I'm more fine with it.
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I believe what happened was that hoshino drew the bookman jr in those flashbacks with nea on purpose - she wanted us to think that was allen and bookman jr. the flashbacks aren't past!allen with longer hair, this is definitely the bookman jr, as we can tell now.
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it also makes more sense now why "allen" was talking about high concepts like the spiral being the force for life - it really was a bookman!
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I fully think she did this switcharoo on purpose. if we look at her most recent livestream (translated by ponkotsubluuues), someone comments that they were shocked past!allen and bookman jr weren't the same person. her response is basically "yes, I know". she's not surprised people would think that, this was probably deliberately on purpose.
bookman jr & past!allen
okay, now on to some thoughts on who they actually are. I won't stick long here as we'll probably find out in just a few months and we don't have much to go on right now.
personally, I don't really care to ever meet allen's blood relatives. it's never interested me who he's "actually" related to and I always felt it would add even more complicated feelings for him and even more complexity to an already messy as hell family & relationship tree.
that being said, I wouldn't be surprised if bookman jr and allen are some kind of family unit, be it blood related or not. when they begin talking about the two of them as separate people, lucia refers to them as "two young men". so they're probably not father and son, but I could see them as brothers or some sort of brotherhood if they're not blood related.
maybe past!allen is a traveling clown who toured the world with bookman jr LOL.....?
either way, bookman jr was so compelled to protect allen & nea that he gave his life for them. I'm so, so eager to see their bond.
cross marian
who the hell is cross marian in all of this?
we know the cross has been around since almost adam's time, having been with mana and nea since they were children-
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so we know that regardless of who is he, he's known about and visited the campbell manor for decades.
in this chapter, they even bring him up by name.
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not only does allen ask about him, but lucia talks a bit about him as well.
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and note that they're not saying something like "my master left a message for me" and lucia just goes along with it- allen says "my master cross" and lucia continues by saying his full name. she knows exactly who he's talking about.
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(allen specifically says "cross shishou" = "master cross" but lucia called him "cross marian")
to me, this is one of the main reasons I don't believe cross is bookman jr. I believe he's somehow tied to the bookman, but I don't think he's the missing jr. if he was, why does lucia refer to him as cross here but not later? she clearly knows who allen is referring to, so wouldn't the bookman have searched for cross and found him with relative ease, given he was at the order for quite a while with bookman & lavi up until apocryphos attacked him?
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lucia and the master only refer to bookman jr as "junior", not cross marian. if you're desperately looking for cross marian and are fully aware allen knows who that is, then why not call him that? what do you have to lose at this point?
and furthermore, if cross was this bookman jr, how did he forget who HE made the host? how did he lose allen? redarm!allen looks a lot more like this new past!allen and they both have redish brown hair - if you were traveling with this guy, you should be able to recognize him even if he's de-aged like 8 years, ESPECIALLY once mana takes him in and his hair becomes styled the exact same way.
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I know we always have the deus ex machina of apocryphos' memory changing but I really don't want that to be the case for every character, the more you do it the more it becomes a contrivance.
cross definitely has SOME connection to the bookman, I don't feel like his mask and knowledge of bookman things is entirely a red herring. lucia makes it sound like cross reached out to them regarding the campbell manor, but I'll get to that in a bit.
the other leading theory is that cross is cyrus campbell, katerina's brother and head of the family. I feel like this holds a bit more water than him being a bookman, as it'd explain why he was the campbell manor when mana and nea were so young (and presumably before nea became a noah) and why he has worked so tirelessly for both of them.
remember, his innocence maria greatly resembles katerina. it's possible this is katerina's corpse, being infested by innocence. maybe this is from innocence cross was carrying finding its way to her corpse or maybe it was a failed attempt to save her, we don't really know yet.
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(I'm not fully convinced about the cyrus theory either though, as why does nea refer to cross as cross instead of cyrus or uncle? how would the order not know about his family and how obviously tied to the noah he is? how could he not recognize allen, his nephew's most trusted friend?)
there have been some theories that maybe the campbells are a bookman family, which may be the case and would help explain why cross has a connection to both, but the way lucia words this part makes me think otherwise.
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she makes it sound like the campbell manor wasn't always under their jurisdiction, that it came to be that way but wasn't always. but that might be pulling at straws. I just don't think she'd word it this way if cross = bookman jr.
I'm not fully convinced about either theory about cross as I see holes in both of them. just have to wait and see~
personally I'd still like it if cross was just a childhood friend who got way too attached but we'll see 😂 or maybe he was just pining for katerina from afar....
crown clown
I feel pretty confident now that this is past!allen being hugged by bookman jr, possibly for the last time / as bookman jr's way to protect him.
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but I also can't help but feel.... it reminds me of crowned clown, you know? the way it wraps around allen, covering him in an attempt to protect him. even the cut off tips. it really reminds me of that.
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the bookman are no stranger to innocence. we also don't know when allen acquired his innocence- did past!allen have it? or...... did bookman jr give it to him as he was dying? did he think it would protect him and nea (and why would he give a noah innocence)?
I would not be surprised if there was some connection between bookman jr and allen's innocence.
I absolutely loved this part.
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the pure conviction in his face. no regrets. he finally has a chance to clear up his mind, to cast away the fear he's dealt with for so long about who he actually is. so, so good.
but........ WHO IS ALLEN WALKER????? the burning question. who knows at this point.
I'm very excited to see the next parts, even if it apparently isn't the 35 year flashback (her own words, from the aforementioned livestream) - I assume it'll be a flashback to past!allen meeting nea possibly, or them finding out nea isn't a typical noah, or some major event that happened before shit went down.
yeah that's about it, see yall next time ✌️
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ripdragonbeans · 3 months
Through The Worst // modern!Aemond x Reader
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Summary: You're reminded just how much Aemond loves you.
TRIGGER WARNING!!! Self injury, in depth description of panic attack, talk of physically abusive family
CW: p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, oral f and m receiving
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The starry sky has always been your companion, through the good and the bad. You take a deep breath and smile. You think of all the good in your life, your boyfriend, Aemond. Aemond, the light in your life.
Like him, your family wasn't the most stable place in your life. Fights between your parents were frequent and you had to protect your sister from more than one attempt of violence against her. When it came to you, though? You would gladly endure the pain if it meant your sister was safe.
When your mother left you and your sister with your father it was terrible. If he was angry you and your sister would find another place to spend the night. If you two were caught off guard, you did all you could to prepare yourself for a terrible night. Sometimes it was keeping food away from you, sometimes it was a beating. But it was never too much, or somewhere that could be seen by anyone else. All the hits were strategic, easily being covered by a regular t-shirt.
While your body almost never scarred, as bruises were the only injuries that would mark your skin, scars remained nonetheless. Unfortunately, those were your own doing.
It was never intentional, you would tell yourself. And it was true. Some people would see them and automatically assume that you wanted to die but that wasn't the case. If anything you just wanted to feel something.
Growing up in that household on top of not being at the best school was not a good combination. Classmates were cruel to you, whether you knew it or not. With such a kind heart you gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. Even the guys who dated you as a joke or who just wanted to add you to their body count.
Once you were old enough to get out of the house, you did. You tried to bring your sister with you but she refused. She believed that if she stayed with your father she could help him. You tried everything to convince her not to stay but she wouldn't budge. So you left home without her.
You felt someone lay down next to you in the grass. Immediately you could tell it was Aemond. You gave the sky a small smile before turning over to face him.
“Couldn't sleep?” You asked him.
He shrugged. “I was restless. I know you can't sleep sometimes so I figured I'd check in on you. You weren't in your room so I came out here.”
If you were anywhere else you'd be sharing the same bed but since you were spending the summer with Aemond’s siblings you had your own room. While his mother wasn't around you knew it would be a bit much if she heard her son was sharing a bed with someone, even with them being in college, even with his own girlfriend. So, you stayed in a room, not too far away from Aemond's, but still too far in your own opinion.
You cupped his face with your hand and ran your thumb across his cheek. “You know, I miss you at night sometimes. Even if we've spent the whole day together.”
“I miss you too, my love.” He placed his hand on top of your and kissed your palm.
You closed your eyes, content with his presence. For a while you two just lay there in the grass underneath the night sky until Aemond got up and pulled you up.
“I think it's time for bed. We can sleep in my room tonight,” he whispered.
“Oh, getting rebellious, are we?” You joked.
“No, I just want you to fall asleep in my arms tonight. Is that okay?”
“Of course it's okay.”
A gentle kiss graced the top of your head as the two of you went in for the rest of the night.
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That night you slept peacefully wrapped up in Aemond’s arms. When you fell asleep he was there. When you woke up he was there. His soft snoring brought a sweet smile to your face as you brushed his hair back with your hand. His hair was also so neat, you felt somewhat blessed to see it unkept and so…comfortable.
When you saw his eyelids begin to flutter open you peppered his face with kisses.
“Good morning, my love,” you whispered in his ear.
He chuckled. “Don't do that or we may not get out of bed.”
“Do what?” You asked innocently.
He gave you a knowing look. “You know what your whispers do to me.”
“Well maybe I want that, I'm just trying to get you ready.”
“Congratulations, it worked.”
Aemond captured you in a passionate kiss. His hands ran up your body to capture your tits over your shirt. It was a flimsy shirt, but it was still too much. Aemond circled your breasts with his hands, getting closer and closer to your nippes. You whined against him and arched your back to get closer. He took advantage of that and snuck his tongue in your mouth. The feel of him adding more and more. Your hands went to his hair and you pulled him even closer.
Aemond smiled at your eagerness and gave in, running each thumb over a pebbled nub. He had been teasing you so much you felt yourself clench at his touch.
After torturing you like this a few more times, each one causing louder and louder whines, he finally relented and pulled the shirt over your head. Free from the barrier, Aemond dipped his head down to take a bud in his mouth.
“Fuck, Aemond,” you whispered.
You reached down and felt him hard under his briefs. You palmed him as he lifted his hips to meet your hand. He was just as needy as you.
As he switched from one nipple to the other you tugged down his briefs just enough to free him. Hard and red at the tip, you got excited just looking at it.
Aemond released you with a pop before pulling you into another kiss. He was about to slip off your panties when you stopped him.
“I want to taste you first,” you told him.
You skipped his briefs off all while keeping eye contact. His eye never left yours. They widened as you dipped your head down to lick the head. Just that small touch had him buck into you. You gave his head another tiny lick and he groaned.
“Take my cock, my girl. I want to see your face stuffed.”
You gave him a sly smile before taking as much of him as possible all at once. You've done this enough times to be used to the stretch. Of course, you still need to warm up before taking *all* of him.
His precum was salty on your tongue and you loved it. You swirled your tongue over his head while bobbing your own head up and down. Raising your eyes, you could see Aemond gripped the sheets and tried to keep everything in.
You hummed, causing vibrations to go through him as he flung his head back in ecstacy.
“If you don't stop I'm -”
The words spurred you on. Hallowing your cheeks and bobbing faster, you wanted him to spill himself inside you. You wanted to taste him, all of him.
“Fuck!” He spilled into your mouth and you swallowed each drop. You let him go with a pop and crawled over to him.
Aemond brought his hand to your face and wiped away a dribble of his cum that was left on your lip.
“My turn,” he said before flipping the two of you over.
You landed on your back, sprawled over the bed. Aemond gave you a mischievous grin before settling himself between your legs. He hooked an arm over each thigh to keep you from moving away.
“I don't think that's necessary -” you began to say. “Fuck!”
His head was fully between your thighs and he was languidly lapping at your folds. He was slow and deliberate with each flick of his tongue and it drove you mad. He moved his focus to your clit and sucked on it, making you whimper. You pushed your hips up to meet him in a desperate attempt for more. You could feel Aemond smile against you as he sped up his flicks and licks. You were nearing your peak, you could feel yourself tightening but he wasn't going to let you off that easily. He pushed two fingers in, making you groan in surprise and pleasure. He pumped you with his fingers hard and he felt so damn good. Curling his fingers, he found your sweet spot.
“Aemond - Aemond, please, I'm gonna -”
“It's okay, baby. Let go. I want you to soak my hand.”
At his words the building pressure crescendoed into its peak. Blinding white pleasure was all you could see. Pleasure was all you could feel. Aemond didn't stop, he fucked you with his fingers all the way through your orgasm. He didn't stop until your body had stopped shaking. Gently pulling his finger out, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I can't wait to fuck you,” he whispered.
“Then why are you waiting?” You taunted.
Aemond growled then quickly flipped you over on your stomach.
“You want to be fucked? I'll fuck you.”
He teased you, playing with your entrance with the tip of his cock. You whimpered and tried to press back into him.
“So desperate for my cock. Don't worry, you'll get what you want.”
You could hear his smile but you didn't care. He was so close and you needed him inside you. In a quick motion, Aemond sheathed himself inside you. That glorious stretch shot through your body. As many times as he's fucked you, you know you'll never get completely used to the size of him and you welcome it gladly.
Relentlessly he pounded into you, each thrust hitting that perfect spot. You loved it when he fucked you like this. It felt so perfect.
His hands gripped your hips to move you in time with him. There would be bruises from how tight he was holding you but it was something you loved.
Soon, a hand was brought around to play with your clit. You writhed against him but it was no use. You orgasm was building and building and the extra stimulation only made it rush to the surface even more.
Aemond pulled you up so you back was flat against his chest.
“Does this feel good, my love? My cock slamming into your pussy?”
“Yes, yes - fuck!”
“I need you to come for me. Can you do that?”
You mumbled out an answer.
“Aw, my baby has gone dumb,” he teased. “Let go. Come for me.”
He brought his other hand up to a breast and pinched a nipple. With a scream and the arch of you back you came undone on his cock. Aemond fucked you through it, chasing his own peak. Soon, he emptied himself inside you and the two of you collapsed on the bed.
You heard a soft laugh.
“I will never get used to that,” he whispered.
“Neither will I.”
He pressed a kiss to the back of your head before pulling himself out. You complained at the emptiness but he was quick to placate you with a warm towel to clean up.
Once the two of you were clean, Aemond gathered you into his arms and held you close.
“I love you, all of you.”
Those were the last words you heard before falling back asleep.
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Screaming. All you could hear was screaming. It wasn't anyone around you; it was yourself. You hated this. You absolutely despise yourself when it happens. No control. None.
And you couldn't get it back.
It was nothing, it should've been nothing.
When you woke up you knew something was wrong. Your nightmare shook you and soon you were snowballing into a panic. A panic you couldn't stop.
When you saw that Aemond wasn't asleep next to you, you freaked out at the absence of him. Thoughts poured in from everywhere, being about everything. Maybe you were just a joke to him, just like how all the others used you. Maybe your father showed up to take you back.
You shut your eyes and pulled your knees to your chest. Rocking yourself back and forth, you tried to calm down, but to no avail.
“Aemond,” you whispered, “please come back. Please, please.”
Slowly, you began to dig your fingernails into the sides of your knees. You could feel the indents that were forming and almost wished to break skin and draw blood. Drawing blood was the only way you could feel something. Only then was the pain enough to even feel a hint of something.
You took your nails and drew them back and forth. Soon, you created a groove in your skin. You moved faster. You were desperate. You needed to feel something now or you were going to scream. While you continued to scratch you absentmindedly began to hit the back of your head on the headboard.
Two things now.
You could almost feel two things.
Looking down at your leg you saw that you broke skin. You couldn't help but smile at your achievement, sick as it was, horrible as it was; but you didn't care.
Feel. All you need it to feel.
Your snowballing thoughts soon turned into memories.
A group of girls laughing at you in the hallway.
Your first boyfriend telling you it was all a joke.
Finding another boyfriend making out with someone else.
The first time you slept with someone, thinking they cared but later laughed in your face when you asked what happens next.
Your father getting more and more aggressive as he steps closer to you.
The fear in your sister’s eyes as you take the blame.
Your father’s fist flying into your gut.
Your sister. Choosing your father over you.
It was too much. Your fingernails and the headboard were not enough for you to feel. You needed something more. You hated yourself for thinking this way but it was the only comfort you had then and the comfort you go to now.
Aemond still wasn't back. You tried to hold on for him. You knew he was coming back even if your jumbled mind told you otherwise.
“I'm so sorry,” you whispered as tears fell.
There was nothing you could do to make yourself stop. Instead, you got up, wrapped a blanket around yourself, and began looking for something, anything, that was a little sharp.
Keys. Aemond’s keys. Your eyes widened when you found them and you were quick to grab them off the dresser. Taking them in your hand, you began to scratch yourself back and forth. You were beginning to feel more and it was ecstasy. Tears tumbled down your cheeks as you let out a dry laugh. You were so focused on what you were finally feeling that you didn't hear the door open. Or hear him come behind you.
Aemond placed his hand on top of yours to stop the scratching.
“Take a breath, love.”
You stopped scratching but you were now shaking. You could barely get the words out. “Too much, Aemond. I'm so sorry.”
“There's nothing to be sorry for.”
He opened your hand and got you to drop the keys into his own. You stood there, frozen, as he put it away. He came up to you and put your hands in his.
“What happened?” He was concerned and his head was racing but his face remained soft.
“I…I don't know. I woke up, you weren't here, and I just started spiraling.”
“You had a panic attack because I wasn't next to you when you woke up?”
“No! It's not your fault!” Tears began to well up once again. “It's my head, it's my father, it's all those people in my life. They haunt me, Aemond. I've tried to erase them but whenever I get a little scared it all hits me again.”
You began to pull away from him and he let you, giving you the space to think and breathe. You bring yourself back to the bed and curl up.
“I love you, Aemond. I do. And I'm so, so sorry I'm like this. I hate it. I hate my head. I hate my father. I hate my ex’s. Hell, even to an extent I hate my sister for choosing our father over me. Everything hurts me and I hate it!”
“Please say something,” you whisper.
Aemond sat himself down on the bed. “May I hold your hand?”
You nod and let him take your hand in his.
“No one's ever going to hurt you again. I promise you that on everything I believe in.” He brought your knuckles up to his lips and gently kissed them. “As long as I'm with you, I swear.”
You closed your eyes and finally took a deep breath. “It's so much and I wish it wasn't. I've been working so hard it all crashed.”
“And that's okay, love. No matter what, I will be next to you.”
You pushed yourself closer to Aemond, seeking his warmth. Once you were close enough, he wrapped you in his arms and kissed the top of your head.
“We'll stay in here all day if you want. Just us,” he offered.
“Just us,” you echoed. As blissful as that thought was, you shook it off. “No, we should go out. I think I need to go somewhere else.”
“The park then? Or we can watch a movie?”
You cocked your head in thought. “Let's go for a walk, Aemond. I need to see the world again.”
“My love, I'll give you the world if you ask.” He tilted your head up and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. While there was no heat, there was still passion.
Passion, and the promise of undying protection and love.
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roadkillremi · 8 months
Our beginnings.
Billy Loomis X The craft!F!Reader
Kinktober bonus
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(if you haven't seen The Craft (1996) I recommend it. Skeet Ulrich is also in it.)
MasterList. Kinktober
Summary : People didn't like the fact you and Billy Loomis were together. They called it the downfall of Billy Loomis, due to his mom disappearing. People claimed the two of you didn't seem to match.With his sun tan and toned body and your black clothes and eye liner.
Warnings : Minors DNI, language, reader is a witch, hate sex, p in V, billy shows toxic behavior, reader is a witch, language, hatred, Billy mentions wanting to gut reader, characters are 18+
One might say at one point in the past you despised Billy Loomis. He hooked up with girls and left them while cheating on his girlfriend. He was the type of man you wouldn't be caught near. Until he "bumped" into you at Bradley's Video.
"Ah, sorry didn't see you there.." he smirked picking up the movies he dropped. He glanced up trying to see up your black skirt. You scoffed and snatched the movies holding a cigarette in your other hand.
"Smoking's bad for you." He added. You blankly looked at him, "Like you care.". You started walking to the front counter. He scurried in front of you, "You know I really do.". He grabbed the cigarette from you holding it gently. You rolled your eyes continuing to the counter. He smirked watching you walk away.
During lunch you sat by a tree in the courtyard. You noticed Billy slouching over to you. He shoved his hands in his front pockets.
"Hi." You muttered. You refused to look up at him and continued what you were doing. He looked over to his friend group then back at you.
"Do you wanna sit with us?" He offered.
"Tempting. But no thanks." You roll your eyes. Billy looked down at you before walking away. You glanced up watching him walk away, you had to admit he had a cute ass.
It was like this for weeks, Billy talking to you out the blue. One day you broke during lunch. He walked over again looking down at you.
"What do you want?" You fussed. He smiled, "Just to talk.".
"Listen. You can talk to plenty of girls-"
"But I want to talk to you." He grinned. You raised your eyebrows and shook your head.
"Sure." You muttered. You closed your notebook scooting over to make room for him. He sat down beside you looking at your notebook.
"I uh- heard you were a witch-" he whispered. You looked at him, "Uh-huh.". He studied your face, "Like you worship Satan?".
"No." You grinned. He smiled and nodded, " I'm not.. judging. I was just curious.." He leaned closer. You stiffened, "So that's why you wanted to talk to me.". Billy looked over at you, "No. I wanted to see if the rumors were true.".
"Never said they were." You added. He grinned, "I like you.".
That was the beginning of your weird friendship. Yeah I started sitting with his friend group. Whenever he showed Sydney PDA he'd stare at you. You just glance back at him and then ignore him. But as soon as the killings started he distanced himself. If you tried to talk to him he'd stare at you and walk away. You went back to your habits of not talking to him. And he went back to his habits of sleeping with other girls.
That's also when you started receiving weird calls. The Ghostface attacks also started but no one was killed. You didn't think anything of it, it was probably kids from school pranking each other. You then started getting the feeling of being followed. You glanced over your shoulder, nothing. You went back to walking shrugging it off. Once you got to the woods to carefully stepped inside.
The crunches of the leaves blinded your senses. You took deep breaths finding a spot for you to sit. You opened your bag bringing out your notebook and candles. You unfolded a cloth laying it down. You sat your candles up and lit them. You proceed to put a piece of bread on the cloth.
"So you are a witch?-" a voice interrupted. You jumped looking back, "Don't worry. I won't tell." He added. You glared at him about to blow out your candles.
"I didn't mean to disturb you." He sat down beside you. You sighed, "Well you did.". He grinned, "We have a lot more in common than you think.".
"No. We don't." Your voice was stern. He glanced down at you with a slight smile. He then looked at your stuff, "You can leave." You added. You tried to persway him to go, he just sat there.
"I don't like Sydney." He mumbled. You rolled your eyes, "So that's why you cheat on her.". You acted surprised before glaring at him. He gave you a stern look, "I like you.".
Your stomach dropped, you clenched your pen. You started packing your stuff, "You are impossible.".
"You ignore me for a month because you like me?!? Billy Loomis? Of all people?! I'm not stupid!" You shouted. You stood up trying to walk away. He grabbed your forearm and gave you a stern look.
"Don't you dare abandon me." He whispered. You froze, "Are... are you threatening me?". He blinked, "No.".
"Listen, Billy. I am capable of more than you know." You yanked your arm back and started walking away. Your combat boots stomped over the twigs and crushed leaves. Billy followed close behind you, "will you stop?".
"Uh, no. I will not." You pushed past the tree tunks. He grabbed your forearm pulling you towards him.
"I need your help." He admitted. You pushed him in his chest, "So all that? Cause you want to use me?!". He shook his head, "No just stop!".
"You stop!" You kept walking away. He grabbed your arm pushing you against a tree.
"Just Listen." He demanded. You leaned your head back against the trees bark.
"Fine." You gave in. He backed away, "I need your help and Stu... he's well Stu.". You stared at him not understanding what he wanted.
"I.. I'm Ghostface." He looked down at you. You blinked and huffed, "Okay, sure.". He looked you up and down, "You don't believe me?".
"No." You started walking away, you spotted a street light in the distance. Billy groaned and pulled you into a kiss.
"How is that supposed to help your case?!".
He shrugged looking back behind him then at you. You rolled your eyes, "I'm done with this conversation.".
"I just thought you'd understand."
"You're trying to use me!" You shouted.
"Just shut up!" He yelled. You stared at him, "Please just... give me a chance.. you're the only person worth my time.". You stood in disbelief and smiled softly at him.
"I'll give you a chance. But fuck up... you're life will be ruined." You pointed a finger at him. He smiled and kissed you, "Uh huh..".
That was the origin of Billy's secret affair with Woodsborow high's local witch. Then the secret wasn't so secret, Sydney up and "vanished" out of town. People got scared of you and Billy together. He was already intimidating but with you by his side, he was frightening.
Stu even panicked a little seeing you. He stared at Billy like he was crazy. You tilted your head and looked at him.
"What does she want?-" he looked back at you. Billy glared at Stu, "Calm down. You'd like her... let's say... she makes our problems.. vanish" he grins. Stu looked down at you, "Whoa.. no freaking way..". You rolled your eyes, "I'm not a magician.".
"Yeah .. okay sure." He kept looking at you. Billy wrapped his arm around your shoulder and smiled.
"She knows about.. our friend.".
Stu tilted his head confused, his eyebrows knitted together. Billy huffed punching the bridge of his nose, "Ghost.".
"Oh! Yeah!" He smiled then went into shock.
"You said not to tell a soul!" He shouted. Billy grabbed his shoulders, "Just shut up!". Stu obeyed and looked at you, "Fine. Whatever. She can come over.". You rolled your eyes as he walked away.
"Is he always like that?" You ask. Billy stays silent grabbing your hand. You look up at him, " why did you make him invite me to his house?". He looked down at you, "For privacy." He smiled.
He was right, Stus parents were never home. Stu practically gave you a room, which you gracefully took. Billy would stay in that room a lot with you. He'd watch you do whatever you needed to do. If it was cursing someone or just a shrine. He'd then watch a movie with you as you fell asleep. You couldn't complain, your life was better with Billy. Until he mentioned his plan...
"I'm not doing that." You stomped away. He walked after you, "You made Sydney go away!"
"I made her and her dad move in the middle of the night!" You yelled. You walked into your room waving your hand to slam his door into his face.
"Stop slamming the door!" Stu shouted from his room. Billy stood Infront of the door, "come on!".
"No!" You yelled. You crossed your arms staring at the door.
"I'm not killing anyone." You added. You heard a dark chuckle from the door.
"It's more of justice..."
"Justice?" You opened the door.
"Casey is a slut." He stared her down. You shake your head, "It's over.". Before you could close the door he pushed himself through.
"You're not abandoning me." He threatened. You grabbed your book bag shoving things inside it. He snatched the bag throwing it on the ground.
"Billy stop it or else." You warned. He stepped towards you, "Or else what?!" He laughed.
"You're nothing without me!" He yelled. You winced, "That's not true.". He stared down at you, "Uh huh, sure. You even thought I loved you.". You froze, "You psychotic bitch!". You grabbed the bag off the floor heading towards the door. He grabbed your arm pulling you into a kiss. You pushed him away and stared at him, "What is your problem?!". He just smiled at you, "Maybe I was too nice.. I did love you.. but God your chanting!".
You rolled your eyes at him, "And that! God I fucking hate that! You're such a damn brat! I just hate you!". You raised your eyebrows and stared at him.
"Billy listen to yourself.".
"No! You listen to me!" He pinned you against the bed and parted your legs with his. You gasped and stared up at him, "I just.. I hate you so much... that I love being around you..". You blinked, "That sounds so stupid. This is stupid! I hate being with you!". He glared down at you, "yeah? Me too! It'll just fuck you until you stop being such a damn brat!".
You panicked a bit, "Billy I never ha-"
"I know.. its alright." He smiled flipping your plaid skirt up. You breathed heavily confused if you wanted him or not. He pulled your underwear down before stuffing it into your mouth.
"Just shake your head to answer." He mumbled. You nodded he unzipped his jeans and pulled himself out.
"It's okay, right?" He stared into your eyes. You watched him lightly stroke himself waiting for you. You nodded again, he smiled shoving himself into you.
"So fucking wet.." he groaned. You moaned muffled, he glanced up at you. He smirked, "mm.. that'll shut you up? Should've done this from the beginning.". He thrusted into you, he stared in your eyes.
You felt tears build up, unsure of where they were from. His harsh words or his cock stretching you out. You whines were muffled and ignored by him. His eyes scanned over your body, he only saw you as a toy. His eyes were content by watching your boobs jiggle as he thrust in. He grunted slamming himself into to see them jiggle more. He finally took your underwear out of your mouth and smirked.
"You're a moron." You spat. He leaned down close to your face, "Just when I was about to go easy on you.". You scoffed, you didn't want to show him your enjoyment.
"I never wanted to date you. You're an ignorant piece of shit!" You fussed breathing unevenly. He chuckled, "the more you fuss the more you tighten around me.". You glared up at him, he pushed himself into you with a smile.
"I have to admit.. you're a better girlfriend than Sydney ever was." He groaned. You were taken back by his words. You smirked, "So you do like me?". He quickly wrapped his hand around your throat shutting you up.
"There you go, running that damn mouth of yours." He complained. He squeezed your throat a bit as he bottomed you out. You closed your eyes trying not to give him any satisfaction.
"Shit... As much as I wanna gut you-" he grunts. You open your eyes to the word gut, "I just can't have you leave..". The whiplash of his emotions threw you off.
"Do you wanna date me or not?" You spat. He squeezed your throat, "we'll talk about that later..". A bang on the door echoed in the room.
"Will you two fuck quieter?!" Stu fussed. Billy scoffed, straightening his posture he looked over his shoulder. His toned body was displayed in front of you. His t-shirt clung to his torso, you reached out gripping it. He turned back towards you with a smirk.
"Now you wanna play along?" He raised an eyebrow. You pulled him down by the shirt kissing him. He groaned softly against your lips. He gripped your chin making you look up at him.
"Maybe I should keep you around longer..."
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morlao · 11 months
"You can thank me later"
Being best friends with Anne Sallow
(contains Sebastian x f!reader)
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- The first time you meet Anne the two of you immediately get along very well. She is more than happy that after all the weeks that she spent alone with her uncle Salomon, she finally has someone her age - and on top of that A GIRL - to talk to.
- You both spend the whole afternoon talking about Hogwarts while laughing and giggling about the memories that she shares with you.
"Do you know how horrified Leander gets when he sees a spider? One time during class he jumped on his desk and screamed like a little girl for at least five minutes! Professor Hecat had to promise him three times that it was gone before he agreed to sit down again."
- Of course Sebastian starts to feel left out pretty soon. He left you two for only a few couple of minutes and when he steps back in the room you are so busy talking that you don't even notice him. He jumps around, making a scene and acting like a total drama queen, which makes you and Anne cry out in laughter. He dramatically points his finger at Anne: "Stop stealing my best friend!"
- He is not really angry, though, more relived that Anne finally seems happy again. It's been a very long time since he heard her laugh like this. He even feels like she's finally able to forget about the curse - at least for a few minutes.
- After your first meeting you visit Anne on a regular basis. Almost every weekend you spend some time with her, often bringing some snacks from Honeydukes or something from Zonko's to cheer her up.
- Sebastian really appreciates what you do for her and - if that's even possible - he falls even harder for you. Of course Anne doesn't miss the hidden glances and the way he smiles when he looks at you. Not to mention the blush on his face and the fact that he often acts like an idiot in front of you to get your attention. Maybe it's also because of twin intuition that his feelings for you are like an open book to her.
"Merlin, I can't believe how nobody sees that!"
- She loves to tease him about it, which almost every single time gives him nearly a heart attack and causes him to panic as he fears that she might tell you, since you two grew really close. And girls tell their best friends everything, don't they?
"Awww does my twin brother have a crush?"
"Shut up, Anne! That's not true!"
"Of course not, there are a million other reasons why you look at her like that!"
She starts imitating Sebastian's glances and gestures, which causes his face to blush a deeper shade of red than the Gryffindors' flag.
- Even though she likes to tease her brother about his crush on you (by threatening him to tell you if he didn't confess soon) she will not say a single word to you about it. Once in a while she might drop a hint or ask you a question in order to find out whether or not you like Sebastian too. She might say things like:
"Don't you think that he's acting weird lately?"
"He let you have some of his Bertie Bott's Beans? Wow, normally he never shares with anyone! You must be really special to him!"
- Even though Sebastian constantly flirts with you he won't make a proper move for a very long time as he is afraid that you don't like him as more than a friend. While Anne was really amused about that at first, she starts to get pretty annoyed after a few months.
"For Merlin's sake, Sebastian! When will you finally confess to her? If you wait any longer, other boys may take their chance! You know she's amazing, a lot of people fancy her!"
Anne's words haunt Sebastian in his dreams so he decides that the next time you accompany him to Feldcroft he will tell you about his feelings. But again he is too nervous. He just doesn't find the right moment and the right words to tell you (even though he forced Ominis to act out this scene with him various times).
- In the meantime Anne has made a plan herself. She knew exactly that her brother wouldn't find the courage to tell you so she decided that it was finally time for her to take action. As soon as you knock on the door she jumps up, runs outside and takes both your hands while giggling excitedly.
"Y/N, finally! How was your date with Garreth? You have to tell me everything!"
She leads you inside without giving you the chance to stare at her in confusion and ask her what the hell she was talking about. Obviously you weren't on a date with Garreth. Garreth was just a good friend. Your heart belonged to someone else. That special someone who now stood frozen outside the door, absolutely horrified at what he just heard. Garreth FUCKING Weasley!
- He screams out in frustration before clenching his hands into fists and storming inside where you and Anne are standing. Anne is still giggling and asking questions about your "date", barely leaving you time to answer. Sebastian can't believe how happy she is. She knows exactly that he loves you and she still seems to be so excited about the idea of you and Weasley! In his hurtred and anger he doesn't even notice how confused you are and that you try to interrupt Anne various times by asking her, what she was talking about.
- "Anne, what the hell?" He shouts while grabbing her arm. "You knew Y/N was going on a date with Weasley and you didn't bother telling me?!"
Anne smiles innocently. "Of course I knew. She's my best friend. Actually it was my idea. She told me that Garreth passed her a note in potions, asking her if she wanted to go to Hogsmeade with him. I told her to say yes. Garreth is a nice guy, so why not?"
- Sebastian is so furious, he can't believe what she says. "I told you months ago, that I love her and you set her up with GARRETH? WHAT THE HELL, ANNE?"
- Anne's smile gets even bigger as she watches you stare at him in disbelief. "You love me?" Sebastian freezes as he realises that he just confessed to you (if that's what you could call that screaming and shouting). His face turns bright red and he gets all flustered, nervously rubbing the back of his head. "Yes, I do." He finally manages to say.
- Now it's your turn to blush a deep shade of red. Sebastian Sallow loved you? You couldn't help but smile. You never expected him to have a crush on you. While you try real hard not to turn into a blushing and giggling mess he still stares at you. Of course, you're such an idiot! He obviously wanted an answer, a reaction, any sign that you're still alive.
- "Sebastian...", you stutter while slowly stepping closer and taking his hand. "Did you really think that I would go on a date with Garreth? I thought it was quite obvious that I like someone else." You pull him closer and he holds his breath. "Do you really think I would drop everything and go into the forbidden forest to fight some spiders with you if I don't have a crush on you? Wow, I guess even the Hogwarts ghosts know I like you!"
- A huge smile appears on Sebastian's face and before you could say something else he cups your face with his hands and kisses you. Your heart skips a beat when you kiss him back. You couldn't believe it was finally happening!
- When the two of you let go of each other, you see Anne standing there with a huge smile, looking completely satisfied with herself. "You can thank me later!" You laugh and pull her into a hug while Sebastian stares at her with a grin, shacking his head. She really was a true Slytherin.
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itsohh · 1 year
Mi Calvario
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A/N: Female reader, didn't want to write a full series so here's just a bunch of snippets of events that took place. Anything in box brackets is spoken in Spanish. (Because like who wants to try scroll for a key during a fic, not me and my Spanish is horrible. (I cheated in Spanish class in highschool))
Summary: With Las Almas in ruin, Rudy makes sures to check up on the only other Vaqueros who isn't in prison. Wife of Alejandro, you insist on joining Rudy in the fight. Despite the constantly underlying illness that keeps you out of the field, your determined to fight for your home.
Word count: 1981
Warnings: None
AO3 Masterlist
Ever one with the shadows, Ghost paused with his reunion with Rudy. "Who's your friend?" His eyes glanced to the darkest corner of the room, Soaps soon followed his lead. Soap really had to squint and then the smallest movement came.
"[Stand down.]" Rudy didn't need to turn his head for you to know he was speaking to you.
"[Look at you Rudy, still making friends even at this age huh?]" Out from the shadows you stepped, rifle now slung over your shoulder.
"[More of Alejandro's friends but eh.]"
"[Always was the one to work well with others.]" You fiddled with the strap of your glove around your rist, tightening it slightly.
In full view of the moon light the two SAS operatives were able to see your full form.
"Forgive me, this Ghost and Soap."
"Pleasure." Soap smiled and Ghost nodded to you.
"This is Major-"
"Ah not any more. That's you now." You tutted. Rudy paused and glanced towards the men.
"She's ex Vaqueros."
"Ex?" Soap raised a brow.
"Retired if you believe it. Well, at least I was until the entire fucking city went up in smoke."
"Bit young to be retired?" Soaps question had you light slightly under your breath.
"Ah, a charmer. My retirement wasn't one of my own will. Medical reasons. Active duty kept it making it worse." A sigh left your mouth. "I would have kept working until I dropped but ah Alejandro wouldn't have it. Caring bastard. Don't worry, it won't affect my performance." You gave him a wink.
"Alejandro's going to kill me for getting you involved."
"Think the whole citys involved at this point. Think the question is, what is this? What shit have we stepped into?"
Ghost glanced at Soap, a small nod before he opened his mouth.
"So, your close with Alejandro?" Soap asked as the four of you approached the prison.
"What made you join the Vaqueros?"
"Alejandro of course. There's not many people out there who are as passionate about their home like he is. I was I suppose when it comes down to it, a drifter. Just went and did what my military told me to. It wasn't until I met Alejandro that I realized why we fight. His passion is contagious." There was a gleen to your eyes as you spoke.
"You sound like you idolized him."
"I do, in a way. If there's anyone worth dying for it would be him."
"[Yeah but he's also your husba-]" Rudy started to speak before you interupted him with a harsh but non serious tone.
"[Shut up.]" A deep breath left your lips. "[I'll have you know, I've believe that long since anything happened between us. Besides you feel the same way, I don't see how that would relate at all.]"
"[I wasn't trying to make an attack I was just bringing it up.]" The pair of you started to bicker, still rather teasing. Your words so fast, Soap wasn't unable to keep up. Ghost could.
"I'll take point." You nodded to Ghost as he braced against Alejandro's cell door. At your signal, he opened the door and you took a step in. To an empty room? Your thought and slight confusion was cut off when your back slammed against the wall of the cell. Alejandro's arm pressed against your throat and anger consumed his face. Despite the pain, you couldn't help but stare at him in glee. You loved to see him like this and it felt far too long since you had seen him at all. The sweet sound of Alejandro's demanding voice filled your ears and Rudy quickly jumped to your defense.
Alejandro's eyes blinked and he glanced from Rudy to you. "[If you wanted to get rough darling I won't complain but perhaps let's keep that to our bedroom hmm?]" You groaned slightly and Alejandro immediately stepped forward even closer. There was no gap between the two of you. Both hands on the side of your face, his lips roughly pressed against yours. A thousand words all put in one kiss.
"Oh!" Soaps' surprised voice broke the pair of you from your little world.
Just as quickly as it started, he stopped.
The group of you had a job to do.
"[What are you doing here, you should be safe at home?]" His voice was one of concern but still adoration. It seems it was a mutual agreement that the pair of you hadn't seen each other recently enough.
"[And leave you to rot in this old prison? Never.]" He flashed you a smile as he was given a weapon.
"[That's my girl. My Calvary eh?]"
"[Make no mistake darling, I'm still very much retired. I'm not Calvary anymore."]
"[Nonsense, your always my Calvary, once Vaqueros always Vaqueros.]"
Gloves off, Alejandro subtly rubbed your hand while Price made his speech. When you went to reach for the mask, Alejandro grip tightened.
"[This isn't your fight.]" His voice hush, low enough for only you to hear.
"[Did all those years mean nothing? Los Vaqueros is my family, Alejandro. That place is my home too. I'm not letting some fucking entitled little American take it. He needs to pay for burning our city.]" Alejandro glanced away for a moment but let go of your hand.
"[I missed seeing that fire of yours.]" He grinned, eventually turning back to face you, he wouldn't fight you on this. Alejandro gave you a nod as you took the mask into your personal. There was still a lot of prep to do.
Adjusting the scope on your gun, you didn't look up as Soap approached you. Ghost hovered near by the man, an eye on the pair of you. "You alright?" He placed your gloves on the crate near to you. They had been on the planning table.
"No complaints here Sergeant."
"Arthritis?" He glanced down towards your hands. "You keep stretching your hands."
"Carpal tunnel." You looked up and placed the gun down before you hopped up on the grate. "The vibrations from gunfire make it flare up."
"Alejandro seemed worried. He keeps staring at your hands."
"Mmm." You eyes flashed over to Alejandro you true to Soaps words, was staring at you. When you eyes caught his, he gave you a smile and looked back towards Rudy who was well used to his behavior. "He's protective like that. When this is over, ugh I'm not going to be able to do anything around the house." Despite the annoyance in your voice, there was a warm smile on your face.
"How long have the pair of you been together? I don't think I've seen anyone look at another person like Alejandro looks at you."
"Ah, officially about four years give or take. [What about Ghost?]" Your eyes flashed over to the man who stood, watching and no doubtly listening to your conversation. Soap gave you a slightly confused look while Ghost silently glared into your soul. He certainly heard you. A laugh bubbled from your chest and you lightly hit the side of his arm. "Ah perhaps you will understand when your older Sergeant."
"Heard that one before. Why'd they call you Calverio?"
"Calvary. Ah you show up one time on horseback and you don't hear the end of it."
"What happened?"
"Ask Alejandro that one when you're not busy. It's his favourite story to exaggerate. His entire face lights up. Only other story that makes his face light up I think is our wedding day."
"A good day I presume."
"One of the best, a little bit daunting on my side though."
"How so?"
"Ah, lots of people, lots of traditions. It's was a massive, massive festival. Then there was always that unlying threat. What if someone took this opportunity to kill us."
"Someone would do that?"
"People will do anything when they're desperate. When their hate rules their honor."
"Ain't that the truth."
"But." Your face lit up with a smile. "Everything went according to plan. I remember him complaining about his checks hurting a few days later from smiling too much." Your smile turned into a laugh. "I actually have a photo in my wallet if you would like to see."
"Of course, bit surprised you have it on you."
"I came in my normal clothing. I use these shoes to do shopping." You hummed and brought out your wallet. Soap watched as you pulled back a small compartment and pulled out a picture. It had creases on the folds and could see how you had taped it up to prevent it from deterioration. He leaned forward and moved next to you to look at the picture.
There in the middle of a massive group of people, the pair of you stood. Both dressed in white surrounded by friends and family. He could see the walls of brightly coloured flowers in the background only outshone by the smiles on your face. At first, Soap could only recognise the pair of you and Rudy who stood next to Alejandro.
"Wow, you look beautiful."
"I'm just glad you can't notice that I was still crying."
"You were crying?"
"Yeah, Alejandro was crying too. That happened at the reception though. I think that's when it was sinking in." Soap squinted at the picture for a moment.
"Is that Laswell?" He pointed to the back of the picture. It was almost impossible to see her with the woman next to her.
"It is. Yeah, Kate and her wife showed for the ceremony. Didn't stay too long at reception. They didn't really know too many other people. Regardless, it was good to see them. Mmm, if we ever end up renewing our vows you should come. It would be fun to have you all there."
"And see Alejandro, a blubbering mess? Wouldn't miss it for the world."
"Of course that's if we get around to it. Maybe one day in the future. Alejandro's a very busy man and this whole thing is going to make him a lot busier. Perhaps he would let me come back to work." You hummed, your eyes trailing off the picture to find Alejandro but failing your mission.
"Not going to happen." A hand on your shoulder practically made you jump. So used to Alejandro's movements, you had almost become immune to it. His steps, his presence didn't set off a single red flag in your head so often he would get the element of surprise on you. "Showing Soap pictures of our wedding are you?" You head turned to see that light expression on his face.
"Just the one. I could do some desk work-"
"[No. I recall the doctor saying that desk work would perhaps make your hands even worse.]"
"Ah there's no arguing with you about this is there. Can't blame a girl for trying no?"
"[Perfect time to renovate.]" The pair of you stared at the base.
"[Will have to.]" He agreed. "[How's the house?]"
"[Unaffected. The Shadows didn't come that far out.]" He turned to face you, suspicion on his face. "[Rudy originally only came to check up on me.]"
"[Let me guess, you insisted on join him?]"
"[He could get all the help he could and you know he was never really good at saying no to me.]"
"[That's only because you don't listen when people tell you no.]"
"[Your one to talk Colonel.]" You drape your wrists around his neck, his eyes on yours. "[I felt like I've just woken up from a nightmare in a way. All this destruction doesn't seem real.]"
"[Mmm woken from a nightmare into a dream perhaps.]" His eyes flickered from yours down to your lips for a moment, you knew exactly what he wanted. A request you were happy to make. With a roll of your eyes you granted his silent request, his upon his as the sun set behind you.
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d-dixonimagines · 5 months
I really believe that Daryl struggles with anxiety and is just real good at covering it up. They’d be so incredibly rare but I bet he’d sometimes go through panic attacks.
I was wondering if you could do one of those headcanon things about assisting Daryl through one of his rare panic attacks??
I love your work btw ❤️
YES! You definitely get a glimpse of one when the sanctuary was attacked and him and Rick were searching for the guns and he found that tiny closet with remnants of someone being kept there and he like detaches from reality! I also think this would be a great idea as a full fic that I really want to do! So there will be two versions of this request! And I do also have a version of this where Daryl is calming Reader down from an anxiety attack! Trigger Warnings: Descriptions of anxiety, anxiety attacks, triggers in general
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Anxiety can be shown through many different ways. Some people show more obvious signs; hyperventilating, pacing, fast breathing. Others show signs that are less obvious and more internalized; being tense, shaking, feelings of detachment. They might appear fine at first but then once they're alone or out of the stressful situation, their anxiety will show more prominent.
Daryl was the silent type in almost every sense. When he was stressed or anxious, angry, in deep thought, you noticed his habit of chewing on the inside of his bottom lip. He didn't always address things right away, sometimes he'd keep it all to himself until it built up, or when it was just the two of you.
Gradually you learned how to pick up on his different emotions; when to ask if he wanted to talk, when to wait until he calmed down, or even just waiting for him to bring it up first when he was ready. It all worked like a system.
After he had returned from being held captive by Negan and his men, he didn't talk about any of it, and you didn't pry. That was something he'd have to open up about in his own time. It was a difficult time for the both of you; him working through the night terrors, closing himself off for a bit, and you trying to figure out how to help him.
No one knew when to expect a visit from the saviors. They did things by their own rules and everyone else was expected to go along with it no matter what. So when they showed up that day unexpectedly, it was more inconvenient than surprising. What was actually surprising was the fact that Negan was there too. Normally he left his men to do everything for him.
As the saviors taunted and ranted about nothing, you kept your gaze on Daryl, who held a hard gaze locked on Negan, noticing him biting at the inside of his lip. His hands were balled up in fists and his breathing quickened as he kept his guard up.
One of Negan's men made comments towards Daryl and his fists tightened. You placed your hand on his arm, a quiet attempt to try and keep him grounded. Once they left, he turned to leave, making his way back to the house you shared. When you were alone, you hesitated before seeing how he was doing.
He didn't respond, but he honestly didn't need to for you to know that he wasn't alright. His silence was loud. You could see that he was working himself up, by the way he was pacing the room, as if everything that was going through his mind would burst out of him if he stopped.
You understood his anxiety but you didn't know the extent that it went to in regards to Negan and his men. Seeing him like this cut deep because all you wanted to do was take away his pain and you knew you couldn't. You just were able to be there in any way that he needed.
Finally you approached him, placing your hands on his face to try and get him to focus on you. He tried to pull away but you wouldn't let him, telling him to look at you and only focus on you.
What he needed was a distraction, anything to get his mind off the current situation. He was safe and everything was going to be OK. You told him to look at you and instructed him to take a deep breath in. When you first started doing that with him he would look at you like you were crazy, but it worked. It was normal to forget to do the things that worked when your mind was too fixated on the negative.
He took a deep breath in and let it out, then you instructed him to do it again and again until his breathing became more regulated and he looked like he was fully focused on you. You told him again that he was safe, reminding him that he was home.
After a few moments of making sure that he was ok, you wrapped your arms around him and embraced him in a tight hug, syncing your breathing with his. He wrapped his arms around you, and after a few more minutes of silence, he felt like he was ready to open up about his nightmare in the cell.
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yelshin · 1 year
Tw: 3.3 SCARAMOUCHE LORE SPOILERS, used pronouns in 3rd POV: they/them/you, cursing , another day another ginger slander/J DONT ATTACK ME PLS一
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"ma'am are you sure you want a room this large-" "Did i stutter?" You send a threatening glare to the man while he nervously gulp "I-it cost 5,4000 (i def did not guess frfr) along with the items" You look over ur bank acc; feeling hesitant but still its for you best kitten right?
"fine, I'll take it." Just like that they start working on Kuni's new room which is pretty large for his size.. buy its okay atleast he got WAY TOO MUCH space to explore
"[Name] can you be fr right now?" Yoimiya sweatdrop while you're at the couch being proud parent that Kuni learned how to stand in 3 second "Yes Yoimiya I am being for real" you smiled before showering Kuni with your affection
"A LARGE ROOM JUST FOR A 3 SECOND STAND?? sigh this cat is very special yeah?" She also sat down beside you before noticing the amount of changes in your house
Before your house dont have toys around, a bowl at the floor, a sack of cat foods etc. 'thats a different breed there..'
Yoimiya looks over you who was busy pampering your kitten before asking the same question again "Are you sure you wanna pay that high just for...yk Kuni"
"He deserve everything in the world. If he got hurt i wont hesitate to hunt them^^"
"oh my fucking god."
"Kuni! Where are you, its time for bath!" You called out playing as if you dont see him at the very corner of your house; sulking
"there you are!" You pick him up before heading towards the bathroom and give him the most relaxing bath that no kitten could ever have(/j). Making a bubble bath you scoop some before putting it to his forehead as a hat... (ITS CUTE. FIGHT IF DISAGREE 👿)
You giggled before taking a picture of him having a bubble hat and grumpy looks and finish his bath and drying him up.
"Can i PLEASE bring him? I'll make sure he won't hurt anyone" You plead at your(girlfriends) friends to let them bring your kitten to your hangout "Cmon [Name]! We only hangout for like 3 times a week and we rarely spend time with each other!" Hu tao frowned but even you guys hangout yesterday it felt like a month to them
You frowned before looking at Kuni who's sleeping peacefully at his cat tree wiping small tears in the corner of your eyes "but look at him! He look so lonely if i left him alone yk.."
"Why not hire someone to babysit him?" You grinned at Ayaka's idea before contacting someone to take care of your little (demon) angel Kuni while you we're gone
"WHY ME?! OUT OF ALL PEOPLE WHY." Childe sobbed at the fact his life is gonna be in danger for the next 20 hrs of his life "Don't worry this is your chance to befriend with him! Im sure he wouldn't hurt you unlike last time^^" and just like that you left with your girlfriends while Childe look at Kuni who's now awake and preparing his evil plans to make Childe living in hell.
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Childe was chilling at the living room watching some movies on the TV until he heard a glass getting shattered on the floor. He look at the counter to see Kuni glaring at him before signaling him to put food at his container. Childe only rolls his eyes as he continues watching..which made your cat wanna scratch him again
"why should i give you food when you scratch me last time 😒"
It didn't take that long for Kuni to jump high and landed on Childe's stomach and Childe felt like his organs are getting destroyed.
"YOU LITTLE一" Kuni showed him his sharp nails meaning if Childe continue his words he wont hesitate to scratch him; damaging his face.
Childe gulp before going to the kitchen and put some cat food at Kuni's container "I wanna go home..." The ginger walked to the door and tried to open it but...
It was locked.
Childe felt the whole world is against him. He wanna get out of the house and leave Kuni alone! "What did i do to deserve this.."
"You not giving me food."
Childe flinch at the voice and look around to see a small person; with indigo hair and eyes. Childe was completely confused.
First Kuni is a little demon cat(for him) AND NOW HE'S HUMAN??
"the demon under your bed." Kuni answered grinning at the poor ginger "I KNEW IT! YOU LITTLE DEMON MAKING MY LIFE GO HELL!"
Kuni rolled his eyes and walk to the kitchen grabbing some sweets at the shelf ignoring Childe's presence. Childe grab his phone and instantly contacting you to tell that your kitten is officially now a human!
You felt your phone ring so you picked it up
"hello childe?"
"Can you PLEASE speak slower?"
and after that the call ended, you just shrugged before continuing to eat your food
It took 30 mins to Childe to calm down before talking to Kuni who introduced himself as Scaramouche. "So like you can be a cat around [Name]...?" "Dumbhead i can turn into cat whenever i want, but for now ill stay hidden because I don't wanna be ended up on the streets again" Scaramouche frowned while Childe look at him with pure confusion
"You're lucky [Name] loves you so much that they bought you your OWN room" he sigh for the 69th time while Scaramouche sat back "i told you they're secretly Kylie Jenner"
"if your previous owners are kylie jenner then why did you ended up on a box?💀"
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Taglist: @thetwinkims @sunsethw4 @etherisy @kunikuzushicandegrademefr @Heiijoxz @eliciana @naritecs @kkazuyass @itztaki @makilovescofi
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meowmeowraven · 6 months
Hello I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I've been wanting to send this idea in for a while. the reader is a quiet, humble and kind person and is engaged to Dan Heng but the readers evil stepmother and half sister along with their neglectful father decided to kidnap them and try to force them to leave Dan Heng but they refused because Dan Heng made them feel like they actually belonged somewhere and they also knew that Dan Heng would save them. This all occurred not long after Dan Heng went to the readers family home with March and Caelus after he officially became engaged to the reader, The reason the three of them were there was because Dan Heng wanted them to sincerely apologize for all the pain and suffering they put his fiance through. (I was inspired by the Netflix anime My Happy Marriage specifically episode 6 and if you don't wish too write this that's completely understandable and I wish you a good morning/afternoon or goodnight and I hope you are in good health and spirits)
My knight in shinning armor!
Dan Heng x reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, the reader gets hit once, mentions of death
Notes: i haven't watched my happy marriage so i'm sorry if it isn't the way you wanted it to be!
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Your whole life, you thought you were unimportant, eversince you biological mother passed away. That was until you met him, until you met Dan Heng, he made you feel important, you didn't feel useless anymore. Even so, it didn't stop the mistreatment at home. When you were hanging out with Dan Heng and the rest of the Astral Express crew, you felt appreciated.
Being engaged with Dan Heng was one of the few best things that ever happened to you. But, you made one of your worst decisions ever, introducing him to your family.
"Mother, father! I want you to meet a special someone and a few of my friends!" It was rare for you to bring home friends, let alone a "special someone", what could it have meant? Your father and step mother turned their attention towards you, and the people behind you. "Oh? Who did my special little sweet meet?" You parents were two faced liars, acting so nice around your friends and fiance. "This is my fiance, Dan Heng. And the other ones are my friends, March 7th and Caelus." You introduced them all. Your half sister could never stand seeing you happy, she wanted everything you had nice, your friends, your fiance, everything. "Mom, i-" before she could finish speaking, you step mother shushed her, so she wouldn't throw another tantrum, especially not infront of your future husband. The rest of the day went well, your half sister glaring at you like a snake who was ready to attack, the whole day.
After Dan Heng left for a mission with the others, you were left alone, with no one to protect you from what was coming up... Your family hired two men to kidnap you while you were running some errands.
The sun was starting to set, as you were almost done with you errands and were on your way home, you saw a white van drive slowly at the same speed as you were walking, it was very suspicious. Everything went black. When you woke up, you didn't know what happened, all you remembered was walking on the street, and then it snapped, you were kidnapped. You had no idea where you were, you were tied to a chair, in a shed. The door creaked open. "Finally, you're awake." The woman who was your step mother scoffed. "Listen up you brat, you're not going to make a sound. You don't deserve to speak, let alone be loved, i already texted you 'fiance'." She laughs like a witch, as she takes out your phone, and shows you the message she sent Dan Heng. 'I don't love you anymore, we're over. Goodbye loser!' Dan Heng was smarter than to belive something like that, he knew you had a good heart, and even if you didn't love him anymore, you wouldn't call him a loser.
Little did your step mother know, you had your location turned on. So Dan Heng was very well capable of tracking your phone and your location. "Here have your junk back." Your step mother scoffs as she throws the phone at you, making it hit your forehead and land on your lap. She laughed as she was walking towards the door of the shed, but before she could open it, someone opened it before her, it was Dan Heng, your eyes lit up. "DAN HENG! I'M HERE!" You yelled with hope in your voice. "I knew something was wrong, [Name] would never say such things." You fiance spoke as he took as step forward, making your step mother step backwards. "Leave. And never speak to them ever again." He dismissed your step mother while giving her a death glare.
"Dan Heng-" He cuts you off, while untying you. "Don't worry my dear, you're safe with me." He kisses your forehead, before picking you up and carrying you in a bridal style. And the two of you, lived happily ever after. <3
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journen · 9 months
Okay!! Because I'm not a huge fan of the format of long twitter threads, and this whole thing got kinda long 😅 I figured it could be best to post these story idea ramblings to Tumblr! So lol, prepare for some ramblings sabout my Ghost and Soap AU that's post MW2 campaign where Simon leaves the army to raise his nephew after his fam are killed.
This is all based off the au from this fic I wrote 🙈 if you want more context, you can find some here!
I just have a lot of ideas for this au and wanted to share some that I'll probably never be able to write, but yeah. Lmk if you guys have any thoughts! 😊
I guess TW too for: mentioned child injury, mentioned murder, references to Ghost's past from the comics. There's nothing graphic tho!
Price swears to Simon, in that hospital room a few days after the attack on Simon's fam, where Jo is lying injured and unconscious, but stable, that he will track down Roba and his men to get justice. He makes it a vow.
Theres not much development on the case for years tho. Maybe, after it initially happened, there was a brief investigation into it, but they ran into a lot of issues getting jurisdiction to operate in Mexico so the case went dry.
So, Simon has to learn to live with the fact that the people who did this to his family, and who tortured him, are still alive out there somewhere. But his nephew is his first priority, and he's accepted that too. He's not going to carelessly risk his life so he can't be there to raise his orphaned nephew in the name of revenge.
I don't think Simon, at this stage of his life, would be a violent revenge seeker? Perhaps if he is pushed too far, but let's not go there yet hahhaha.
Also, he's with Soap too, who helps ground him and keep him level headed.
Anyways, years later, Price calls Simon up, telling him of their update on the case. Maybe Roba has been located, and they only have a few day window to act. 
Price shows him the layout of the compound. Simon recognizes it. It's where he was kept captive for months all those years ago. Price offers that, if he wants, there's a spot on the squad for him. His Intel could be valuable. And he's cleared it with a lot of the other high ups to bring Simon along, or just didn't give them a choice, lol. (I have no idea if this would actually be possible irl, to have an SAS soldier who left the ranks, rejoin for a covert mission, but bare with me. Price can make it happen in this AU 🤣)
Simon has been out of active service for 5/6 years at this point though. And Price is asking him if he wants back in for one final op. Joseph is now around 10 years old maybe. He and Soap have been in a steady relationship for 5, Soap still serving in the military.
Anyways, cue big moment of Ghost picking up his old skull mask again. One he hasn't worn in 6 years. Holding the fabric brings back a lot of old memories for him. It feels heavy in his hands. He had changed so much since when he was the man who wore this mask...
but he still had it in him. He knew he did, deep down.
But did he want to *go* there, was he ready? Was it appropriate?
Would he be letting down Joseph though, if he agreed to this op?
What would Soap's feelings on the matter be?
But ultimately, Ghost agrees to it. I think he would need to take some time to consider it though. Maybe talk it through with the bf, Soap. But I think Simon would come to the conclusion that the team would be safest with him on the squad because of his existing knowledge of the compound. And he'd maybe feel safer being there himself, there to try to help the others if they run into trouble fighting his demons.
He does tell Price he has one condition about the op though, is that nobody dies. And he doesn't plan on dying either. He has to live for Joseph, and for Soap, too.
Jo is maybe 9 or 10 at this point. When Simon and Soap go away, I don't think Simon would tell Jo the real nature of his mission. He wouldn't lie to him, but the truth is a lot for a 10 year old to take in right? Maybe he says the mission is going to be scary, but that he's going to do his best to make sure they all make it back okay.
Maybe Joseph stays with one of Soap's sisters.
Ghost feels terrible to do this to Jo but he has to stop Roba from doing this again.
And blabkabla stuff happens and Simon makes it back okay tho yayyyyy 🤣
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wifey-ohara · 11 months
Hobie Brown & Younger Sibling!Reader
Thought of these while washing the dishes
Gen: some angst/fluff
A/n: idk if he he ran away or got kicked out, so i did both, and i made the spider bite hurtful asf (i did sreach for both but i didnt get clear answers)
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💙You two have the same mother, just different father.
🩵you're 2-3 years younger than him.
💙calls you, kid/lil'one/trouble that sort of thing.
🩵both cried over math homework together, now he just burns them over the stove.
💙bad family, so you two both kinda teamed up to protect one another.
🩵School was a game for both of you, if you had one big school from elementry/primary to high school, he would definitely flunk off, come to your class, stand at the door and calls for you saying stuff like "this is useless, n' y'know it get ova'ere" till the teacher closes the door.
💙If each school level is separate, he'd also flunk off comes to your school under your class's window and either have boards in which he writes the most random thing as you try not to laugh, or he'll yell the same sentences from above.
🩵if he ran away, he would come to you and tell you his plan, how much he loves you, and he'll try to keep on touch with you and meet you from time to time.
💙you refused to let him go, he was your brother, your best friend, your everything, so you decided to go with him.
🩵he tried to get you to stay, but then again he didn't have room to argue about it seeing that he's running as well.
💙if he got kicked out, you'd cause hectic in the house and leave.
🩵when you find him, he's shocked, also tries to get to return back home, he's more persistent this time, but you tell him it's home without you in it, to which he tears up, try to hide it bc obviously, and give you a tight hug, which you return.
💙he has his guitar, you have your beautiful voice.
🩵you often feature in his concerts.
💙once you sang "brother" by to him in a concert, and he almost cried right then and there (i wanna write a fic/drabble about it).
🩵you droped out of high school and started doing jobs, same for him.
💙and then the spider bit him.
🩵you weren't there when it happened, but you arrived shortly after.
💙you just held him to your chest as he screamed, cried and kicked from the pain of the bite, arms tight around himself (brabble-able).
🩵you sang him to sleep that night and a few nights after.
💙he was so scared that he'd hurt you and tried to push you away and even go back home, so lots of comfort.
🩵And then when he started fighting crime, he used the custom you drew him.
💙you help sometimes, he'll let you climb his back as he swings around, beating up bitches left and right.
🩵He bought you a double blade backpack.
💙so now he has his axe and you have your blades.
🩵he cusses and swears alot, you don't, and you actually lecture and scold him about it.
💙when the spider society tried to get him to join them, he refused to go anywhere without you, and threatened and attacked many spider people whenever they mentioned leaving you behind.
🩵miguel deemed you useful as you two usually work together and accepted hobie's condition of bringing you along.
💙turned out you were tech-smart and you helped alot around miguel's lab.
🩵you made adjustments to make you more useful to hobie on missions, to for hobie too.
💙you're now the tech-hero.
🩵tech-hero and spider-punk? Un-beatable!
💙you two are very, very close.
🩵your rooms are a wall apart, and contacted by the bathroom.
💙in-home concerts are almost a daily thing now.
🩵you two communicate your feelings alot by music.
💙once he wrote a song for you and one of lines were "i swear I'd die for you, little one" and you ignored him the whole day.
🩵when asked what's up, you broke down crying saying that you wouldn't want him to die, especially for you.
💙it became "i swore I'd live for you and i will".
🩵that became your reassuring phase.
💙as in physical reassuring, an arm over the other's shoulder + two squeezes means "I'm here for you", putting your hand over his + a squeeze means "back at you".
🩵then miles showed up..
💙you of course were on your brother's side, using your tech to help miles.
🩵you learnt, healing amd medical stuff just in case your brother got hurt.
💙after all of that, and rejoining the spider society, your lives returned to a normal rhythm,, somewhat, as normal as to hero siblings could get it to normal.
🩵you and hobie became friends with the other teens.
💙you'd have sleepovers with them, where you and hobie sing for them.
🩵you two annoy miguel to no end by pulling pranks.
💙hobie scares anyone that tries flirting or get with you, it pisses you off.
💙but if it's unwanted, he will hurt them.
🩵if anyone touches you, he'd cut their arm off.
💙you tease him about his love life, but if you sense the tiniest bit of a red flag from them, you'd take him to the side and tell him.
🩵he'll leave that person the moment he returns.
💙If your hair is long enough braids/locs/dreads all the time.
🩵if not then he'll play with your hair till you sleep, in return you'd sing him to sleep.
💙show binge nights all the time.
🩵happy life all around now:)).
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A/N2: this turned out longer than expected! But i love it<33,Imma start writing either miguel&teen!Reader Angst hcs or ben&child!Reader angst fluff hcs
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chaosfairy18 · 3 months
I felt the absolute need to ramble about the problems my boys have so yeah this is certainly a deep dive into how I think of these characters, in a way, so... buckle up. I will try not to go completely crazy here (also it is kinda Pirate AU specifically but also applies to most versions of these characters for me)
First Spot. He obviously feels the need to be strong, to protect his people, he spreads rumors, makes himself larger than life, there is no room for mistakes, he needs to be perfect to keep everyone safe, no matter the cost for himself. It is suffocating him, but if anyone sees the cracks Brooklyn (either the borough or the ship in my AU) could be attacked, they wouldn't fear him anymore, they would dare to go against him. Specifically in pirates where we meet him in "Toss a Coin to your Pirate" he is worn thin by this, he has had to be perfect, not mess up, not do anything wrong ever for years at that point and it worked, he's respected, he's feared. But also lonely. He has Hotshot and his crew, but he is always just a bit detached, thinks he isn't allowed to get closer, even if no one would mind. And then he meets Race and it just gets a bit better.
Speaking of which: Race feels the need to be perfect too. Or felt, rather. In this AU I thought of him being the son of a rich Sicilian merchant who came to what is in the AU kinda where America is but... mostly Islands (I have played a lot of Anno as a kid okay). His father's only goal is to bring the family upwards, go from having almost nothing to basically royalty, meaning there can be no screw ups, no mistakes, no tardiness, only perfection in everything. Always smiling at social gatherings, charming people, bringing your skills to perfection however you can. He found it suffocating and got out, naturally, but while he would say he's stopped being like this he hasn't in a way. He still feels like when he doesn't do enough, makes too many mistakes, he'll get left behind by the others, he knows he needs to do more jobs then them - and why shouldn't he, he's good at them, might as well do it - working himself to the ground. It gets better, he has about a decade on Jack's ship to realize he doesn't have to do things perfectly to have people like him, enjoy being around him. But any reminder of his family could bring that crashing down. Make him fall back to previous habits.
That's why they also in some ways fit together. They have smiliar issues but not and they know what to do, what to say, when not to say something.
Buuuut they aren't the only ones with this issue of everything needing to be perfect. Which is why I thought of doing this post in the first place.
Bumlets wants control over what is happening to him and the people he loves, he knows if he doesn't have it he'll worry all the time. He does his best to help everyone, to do anything for them, to plan ahead, to take control where he couldn't before because his life belonged to someone else. But this also means the moment something goes wrong, there is an argument he takes it as a mistake he did. He knows he isn't doing enough, not enough for the people he loves, they're suffering because he didn't think of everything, because the choices he made weren't the right ones. Most days no one would know, but sometimes he just has days where he curls up, asking himself how he could do this, how he can't keep everything together, how he didn't do enough and give everyone a perfect life, murmuring apologies to everyone who is there.
Going away from being perfect but keeping close to Bumlets we get to Swifty. His problems are with his own image in a way, he knows he enjoys sewing and crafting and embroidery and before he hadn't really thought anything about it, he can also fight, but eventually he also thinks about what it means that he likes to wear skirts. They're easy to make and he can design them as he wants, but what does it mean? He doesn't feel like a girl or a woman, but maybe he should as he likes wearing these types of clothes too. And then he thinks about all of his hobbies taken together, are his boyfriends maybe only with him because he is more societally feminine in some ways? Not even his looks, but how he acts. If they don't even want him for who he actually is, if they're with him because it was convenient too. It ends in a loud argument and accusations, but at least after he learns it wasn't as he thought.
Last but not least Skittery who in every cannon has problems with schizophrenia-esque symptoms in the way he always feels watched, feels like nothing could ever go truly right in his life, people are whispering behind his back, only taking him in because of pity. That they would get tired of caring for him - especially in episodes (which aren't frequent but they happen) - and leave him behind. That no one could really love him at all, not like he is, that he isn't good enough for that. And later, that he is also different in more ways (I am generously taking Blood Drips lore for this one) meaning he almost can't get injured or is somehow just different and he doesn't know why. That he'll get taken away or go off the rails and not be able to be there for his brother, for the people he loves.
Honestly this is a depressing note to end this at but that's just mostly my rambles that I had to get out and they are all so sad. Similar but different problems and while Spot and Race were kind of Pirate specific Bumlets, Swifty and Skittery are too but also more broadly in a way. Hope someone read this to the end :) Imagine them all talking about their issues and resolving them <;3 Or arguing and causing lots of Angst
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lokisasylum · 11 months
This is your wake up call to delete all those BTS games & rate them 1 star.
I'm an avid gamer, maybe not like I used to before the pandemic, but I do love video games and when they first brought up SuperStarBTS I was HOOKED and could not put it down. I would play it everywhere; at work, at home, waiting for food at a restaurant, at the cafe, before bed---ect.
When the BT21 games started I also got into them but after awhile deleted it (it was that or left my phone blow up 8D )
But as the games started changing and we transitioned to BTS World & BTS Universe Story where you could either play the BU storyline or create or bring your own fanfics to life... that's when I got tired of them and just didn't bother.
And then we began seeing the sketchy things they would slip into these games, thinking that we wouldn't notice:
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The first time we raised a RED FLAG 🚩🚨 to this we were called childish, overreacting, hysterical, "stupid solos", victimizers, and all that ignorant bullshit the fandom has been brainwashed into saying & attacking anyone who goes against these narratives and microaggressions towards Jimin. (Meanwhile the fandom moved quickly to trend dumb #s because they didn't like that the gender of the player wasn't neutral LOL!!!)
And now we got this issue with In The Seom (and its not the first time by the way). Putting up MORE narratives to make Jimin seem like he's useless and weak without the group. Like he doesn't feel good enough as an artist, that he's "better off leaving the group". And then you got the company stans trying to AGAIN gaslight everyone into being okay with this because "Remember? They went through this period before debut"
I'm glad you remember that, Karen, but what you forget is that BTS In The Seom has NOTHING to do with with their lives pre or post debut. Its a different FANTASY storyline, because that's what BTS World was for. So what is the need to continuously trying to capitalized on past trauma while constantly shoving these narratives that are no longer relevant on to new players or fans?
Why don't they ever mention THE TRUTH? That Jimin never received vocal lessons unlike the other 3 members of VL by the company so he had to observe and learn BY HIMSELF? That he joined last and received the bare minimum of time to prepare before debuting with the group? Or that they MADE him expose his body despite being a minor while the others got "saved" from baring this responsibility to constantly work out, diet to maintain a certain image (also imposed by the company, since all of them were pushed into roles in the beginning).
You wanna know why? Because its better to make the member look like a failure than to admit the company is simply SHIT and all they cared about from the start is finding ways to make money off of them. And that includes their insecurities &/or past traumatic experiences going through the phases of being an idol in a highly judgemental society.
Because you expect people to believe that Jimin is still this NOW?
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And not THIS ↓?
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This wasn't even his concert and he still ATE ↓
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