#wouldn’t be surprised if it’s shake mix lmao
howdoyousleep3 · 14 days
since becoming a SAHM i’ve really gotten into iced coffee more because needing to leave the house, even without a plan, is a must and if i’m leaving the house i will be getting a treatsy and let me tell you the new Dunkin Dunkalatte is the tastiest coffee i’ve had in a v long time I highly recommend
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atlabeth · 7 months
Girl for one get that glass of water! andddd this is a loose request but I LOVE knight Luke and we just gotta see them have that cinderella live action ball scene like romantic dancing maybe the secret garden as well but either way we gotta see these gals at a ball! Have a great day you're an amazing writer!
under the moonlight
fic about the ball
pairing: knight!luke castellan x princess!reader
a/n: thank you so much for this request it is so fucking cute lmao. i changed it a bit to make it work with my vision (bc they wouldn’t really be able to dance at a ball) but the core is that they're dancing together!!! and it is much more intimate and personal lol. here is the cinderella scene that the ask mentioned (and that i took inspo from because it's a beautiful scene lol)
wc: 2.5k
warning(s): basically all fluff
as usual, a mix of hcs and traditional fic!
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ALRIGHT LAST TIME WE LEFT OFF princess was dancing with princes during the ball and luke was sulking at his first ever ball accompanying you as a knight 
and thankfully, that all goes okay. 
You don’t get murdered, Luke only goes slightly insane, and you don’t fall head over heels for any royals. 
All in all, a pretty alright night in retrospect. 
But post-ball is rough on both of you. 
You complain about how much your feet hurt from your heels and how uncomfortable your dress is and how your cheeks ache from smiling so much. 
To your surprise, as Luke follows you down the halls, he laughs. 
You stop in your tracks as you whirl around. “And what do you find so funny?”
“Nothing,” he says with a slight smile, almost private. “Just… good to be back with you, princess.”
A small smile of your own starts to creep on your lips. “It was only half the night, Luke.”
“And you have no idea how much I missed you,” he muses. 
You just shake your head and continue walking. “You’re funny.”
(he’s not joking. he’s just going through it now that he’s not training 24/7 and actually has time to feel emotions again) 
You finally get back to your room—thankfully, you got out of any post-ball events with any princes by citing exhaustion, and it’s very rude to demand more of an exhausted lady—and Luke shuts the door behind you as you sink into the edge of your bed. 
“God,” you groan as you immediately peel your heels off, letting out a sigh of relief. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to those.”
“If it’s any help, you looked very regal out there,” Luke says.
“It is my duty,” you say as you smile inwardly. “You looked very knightly out there.”
“And that’s my duty,” he says in kind. He gets a chuckle out of you. 
You begin to take everything off—you undo your hair from whatever elaborate style it was in, you strip your wrists and fingers bare of bracelets, bangles, and rings (though you leave a certain necklace on), you undo parts of your dress. When you take your nightgown from your chest and go behind your folding screen, Luke clears his throat. 
“Princess,” Luke says, “do you want me to—?”
“You can stay,” you say. “I don’t mind.”
And Luke, idiot that he is, gets all in his head. 
(Does she not want me to leave because she doesn’t even see me as someone who could like her like that???) (We’ve been friends for so long, does she just see me as an older brother???) (Does this mean she trusts me or sees me as like. a painting on the wall.) (what the fuck) 
It’s not any of those, poor boy. it’s just that you feel more comfortable around him than anyone because you’ve been around each other for your entire life—he knows you better than anyone. What’s the harm in him being in the room when you’re separated by a folding screen anyway?
but Luke is dramatic and also so fucking insecure when it comes to your feelings for him lmao 
and he has a reason to be i guess?? because at this point while he knows that he has feelings for you (hasn’t fully realized he’s in love) you haven’t realized your own. you just think you have a lingering childhood crush on Luke and it’ll go away as you get older and start being courted 
(spoiler alert: it will not go away.) 
so he gets all weird and silent, giving one word responses as you talk with him, and when you come out in your nightgown you immediately stare him down. 
“Luke,” you said, “what’s wrong?” 
He blinked, as if he wasn’t expecting you to say anything. “Nothing.” 
“Luke,” you repeated. “Come on.” 
“Nothing’s wrong,” he repeated as well. 
You crossed your arms. “Don’t act like I don’t know every single thing about you.” 
“If you do, then you should know that nothing is wrong,” he countered. 
You stared at him for a moment more, then you held out your hand. “Dance with me, then.” 
That actually seemed to throw him off guard as he frowned. “What?” 
“Did you go deaf back there?” you joked. “I want you to dance with me.” 
He managed a smile, though it was slightly awkward. It only made your smile grow. “I don’t dance, princess.” 
“Which is why I’ll teach you,” you said with a nod. “I’ve had plenty of practice.” 
“And I have none.” Luke gestured at his armor. “I’m not exactly suited for it, either.” 
“You can take off your armor,” you said. “It’ll make it all much easier. And a lot quieter.” 
“My job is to protect you, princess.” Luke laid his hand on the hilt of his sword. “I can’t exactly defend you if all the armor’s gone.” 
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. He really did worry too much. “Nothing’s going to happen here, Luke—not now. I’ll even let you keep your sword with you if it matters that much.” 
He still didn’t seem sure. You inclined your head and took another step forward, still holding out your hand. 
“I’ll count you through it all,” you promised. “And if you like, I can hum one of those orchestra tunes they played earlier tonight. And I promise it’ll make you feel better.”
“...Fine,” Luke relented, and he started undoing his armor. “But you don’t tell anyone about this.” 
“Your secret is safe with me,” you remarked. 
It took a fair amount of time for Luke to get his armor off, but it took just as long for you to get every layer of your ball gown off earlier—and besides, you had endless patience reserved especially for him. The toned forearms revealed as he rolled his sleeves up certainly helped. 
“Are you ready?” you asked as you held out your hand again. 
Luke took it uncertainly. “I feel as if I’m the one meant to be asking you that.” 
“You can lead next time we train together,” you said with a smile. “For now, you’re in my domain.” 
You put Luke’s hand on your waist and reached for his other one, adjusting until it was right, then you looked up at him. “Does that feel alright?” 
His eyes were startlingly dark this close, surprisingly intense. He nodded. 
“Good. I’m going to teach you a few basic steps so you can get used to it.” 
Luke nodded again. You wondered why words seemed behind his grasp. 
yeah girlie I wonder why 
Luke is. not a great dancer 
You’re not surprised, and you don’t say a single word about it as you teach him the basics. he spent his childhood swinging a sword around, and you spent yours learning etiquette and ballroom dances lol 
He steps on your foot about ten times and apologizes like a freak every time, you just laugh and smile and tell him you’re fine. Sure, your slippers don’t provide much protection and Luke’s boots aren’t great against them but you honestly don’t even feel it. you’re too busy getting lost in his eyes lol 
And for someone who spent two years training like an insane person, he gets frustrated very easily when things don’t go his way. 
“How do you do this? It’s impossible.” 
“I learned this dance when I was twelve, Luke.” 
as much as you jest while you’re teaching him the basics you’re encouraging him the entire time because he’s your best friend above all else!!! and you honestly believe he can do anything lmao 
And he’s a quick learner! He didn’t become the youngest kingsguard in history by learning slowly. So soon enough, you’re actually dancing together. 
Luke’s hand on your back feels like the most natural thing in the world, and you can tell he’s actually starting to get a little into it. 
You didn’t have to count your steps off anymore, so you’d switched to humming one of your favorite symphonies from the musicians back in Aurelda. 
Luke is still focused on landing every move, but your lead and the music gives him confidence in this that he didn’t really know he had. He spins you, and you get an idea as you twirl your way to the balcony door. You open it and look back at him. 
“Princess—” Luke starts as he takes a few steps towards you, but you just shake your head with a grin and hold out your hand. 
“Trust me.” 
And he does, somehow. 
You didn’t know what part of himself Luke had to get to in order to actually go along with this, but he allowed you to fully take the lead. His eyes never left yours as you guided him through one of your favorite dances—sometimes you called out whatever move that was coming next, and he would do it perfectly. His instincts and reaction time, sharply honed by his training, actually came in handy. 
“And lift!” 
Luke braced his hands on your waist as he raised you into the air without missing a beat, and you found yourself actually laughing with pure glee as you landed. You grinned at Luke who had a smile smaller than yours, but that you knew meant the same. He glowed with exertion and the light of the full moon shone down on him. 
Angelic was the only word you could think of to describe him. 
“Princess,” he said, bringing you back to the real world, “are we done?” 
“I see no reason not to end while we’re ahead,” you said, slightly out of breath from his lift. “You’re a natural. Are you sure you’re not a prince?” 
Luke’s smile didn’t fully reach his eyes for the slightest moment—he covered it up before you could fully analyze it. “Thankfully, I’m not. Otherwise I would have had to do that all my life like you.” 
“Oh, it’s not that bad,” you said offhandedly. “Especially when you’ve got such a great partner.” 
Luke suddenly lowered himself into a bow, his arm held in front of his chest as he bent over. You couldn’t stifle your laugh in time, but he was smiling when he rose. 
“The only proper way to truly end a dance, so I’ve seen,” he said. “I wouldn’t be such a great partner if I forgot that.” 
You grinned as you took the skirt of your nightgown in your hands and bobbed into a curtsy. “Thank you for the reminder, my lord.” 
A shiver ran through you and Luke’s eyebrows creased. “You should get back inside. You’re not dressed at all for this weather.” 
“It’s simply a night chill,” you said, and you walked over to the railing and rested your forearms on it. “And it’s too beautiful a night to ignore.” 
“It truly is.” 
You heard Luke walk up next to you, so you glanced over. His gaze was only set on you. 
You felt your cheeks flush and you bit back your smile as you stared back up at the stars. For a moment, you stood together in comfortable silence. 
“Thank you for tonight,” you finally said. 
You could hear his frown in his words. “What do you mean?” 
“Exactly what I said.” You leaned a bit closer to the railing, shifting your balance. “Your presence always… calms me. And I was a bit nervous for tonight.” 
When Luke finally responded, it was more restrained than usual. “Why?” 
“Well, I was nervous tonight because you put the idea in my head that I was going to get murdered,” you said wryly. “And your presence calms me because it always has.” 
“So… I made you nervous and calmed you down for what I made you nervous about?” Luke shook his head. “I’m sorry, princess.” 
“Why are you apologizing?” You finally turned to look at him, the smallest smile on your lips. “Anytime I got overwhelmed on the floor, or felt as if I was going to keel over from boredom, I just searched around until I found you.” You shrugged. “The sight of you alone was enough to get me through the rest of it.” 
“And of course,” you tipped a shoulder as your gaze drifted back to the stars, “you danced with me for no reason. That gives you all the good will you need from me.” 
“It wasn’t for no reason,” he said. “It made you happy. That’s reason enough for me.” 
The chill in the air was a blessing as you felt heat rise in your cheeks, and your smile grew just so. 
“Besides.” You could feel his eyes on you as he continued. “This was my first ball. Anytime I got overwhelmed, I would find you in the crowd, and your confidence got me through it.” 
You chuckled as your gaze fell to the marble railing. You didn’t know if you’ve ever felt less confident at a ball—but knowing that Luke was looking for you the same way you did him made butterflies arise in your stomach. 
Warmth spurned all through you, and the fingers on your forearms felt bumps rise on your skin. You didn’t exactly know what possessed you as you cleared your throat and started back towards your room. 
“It’s late,” you said, perhaps a bit too hasty. “We— we should turn in. It’s going to be a long ride back to Aurelda.” 
You paused at the door, waiting to hear Luke’s footsteps or his voice, and it took a few seconds for him to do anything. 
“...Yes,” he eventually said. “I apologize for keeping you so long.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself as you opened the door and walked back in. Always so noble—it was no question he had knight’s blood in his veins. 
“It’s not your fault, Luke,” you said. “You were just meant to drop me off—I got you to stay.” 
You sat on the side of your bed as Luke put his armor back on. There was no point in it, but he refused to let the implications of him leaving your room at this hour in his underclothes fester. 
“I chose to stay,” he said. “I know better.” 
“You can give it a rest for a night, Luke,” you said with a slight laugh. “I’m your princess, aren’t I?” 
“And you are my knight.” 
“Then I don’t see how anyone could have a problem with my knight spending time with me.” You smiled as you leaned forward, meeting his eyes. A smile twitched on his lips for just a moment before he continued to get dressed. 
Soon enough, he was ready to go. Luke paused at the door, fingers on the handle, and met your eyes. 
“Thank you again for tonight, princess,” he said. “I…” 
His breath caught for a moment. His eyes flickered down to your neck. A millisecond later, they were back at eye level, and you allowed a knowing smile. 
“I enjoyed it,” he murmured. “Goodnight, princess.” 
“Goodnight, Luke,” you said softly. 
And you got one more smile out of him before he closed the door behind him. 
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mattsfavbigtitties · 3 months
Tiktoks/ Sturniolo Triplets (Reactions)
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Warnings: Maybe slight subjective if u squint, fluff, mostly platonic, a bit of chris!centric, (different universe for each tho), and sweet Lil Matt again🤪
You're parked outside the triplets house waiting fro Nick. You put your phone in the small suction phone holder of your car's window. You start a video on tiktok. "Okay, so i’m picking up Nick to go to this dinner we reserved and when he gets in the car i’m gonna do the ‘kissing my best friend’ trend”
When he gets in the car he says “C’mon girl get going. We needa be there at six,” when you don’t move the car at all. He finally looks up from his phone and notices the phone recording. “Are you making a video right now? Seriously Y/n?” and gave you 'the' look.
“Uh, yeah. I need to tell you something real serious.” You ‘nervously’ place your hands on the center console between you two. Nick draws his face up in confusion and turns off his phone, shoving it in an empty cup holder.
“What is it..? It better not be a joke or something because we really are gonna be late, girl.” He holds up his hands in a defensive pose. You grab onto them and hold them gently in yours. “It’ll be real quick, I promise bae.”
He nods. “Okay, close your eyes.” You demand him. He screws in his lips and closes his eyes after saying “Alrighty.” You turn your face towards the camera with your mouth open in a surprised way then it quickly turns into a sly wide grin. You work quickly, sloshing your lips right on top of him, making him jump in surprise.
He opens his eyes, immediately moving his face away from yours. You lean back into your seat ‘nervously’ looking down and playing with your hands. “Woah, dude.” You can hear in Nick’s voice just how shocked he is.
Once you look up at his face after the thick silence between you two, you burst out laughing. You couldn't take his disgust, visibly uncomfortable face. “OH MY GOD, DUDE.” You cackle loudly and snort a little as you hit both your hands repeatedly against the steering wheel.
Nick just looks concerned for you at this point. “Girl, are you okay like for real?” He talks slowly like he’s speaking to a kid. You finally catch your breath and put a hand on your chest. “Yeah, oh my God that was great.” You reply, shaking your head. “Well, um like, what the fuck was that?” Nick sticks his left hand out in a ‘go on’ way making you get the hint.
“OH. Lmao, bae it’s what the camera was for. It was just a prank, don't worry. I don't like you like that.” You say patting his shoulder comfortingly. He lets out a huge sigh. “Oh my God, that’s great to hear, girl. I wouldn’t know WHAT to say if it was true.” He said with a violent(dramatic) shiver at the end of his sentence.
You grab the phone from the holder and go to end the video, but not without a, “Gosh, your face dude.”
You set your phone on the counter left of the stove where Matt was currently mixing the pasta sauce. You smile sneakily into the camera walking behind Matt.
You had previously told him that you wanted to document this beautiful moment. So Matt thought you were filming a sweet tiktok about you guys cooking pasta together. You hug Matt from behind, giving the camera a wink real quick just so he doesn’t get suspicious.
“So guys, we’re making the best pasta ever tonight, can you believe?” You lean your forehead against his shoulder, sneaking your arms around his waist. “Um-actually, I am making it. All. So I don’t know what you're talking about, crackhead.” Matt sassily said back as he slapped your head playfully.
You just hummed in response and swayed you two side to side. You two stayed like that for a few minutes before he had to add the noodles to the sauce, leaving it to simmer in the pan. He turned around after and hugged you tightly, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
You lifted your head from his body and glanced at the time left on the video. Seeing as it was nearly over with, you decided to make the move before you lost it. You used one of your hands to hold onto Matt’s cheek to bring his face closer.
You notice a small pick up in Matt’s breaths, smiling softly looking into his eyes. You decide to close your eyes so as to not see his facial reaction and just go for it before you back out.
You’ve had a crush on your best friends for about the whole time you’ve been friends for, which would be around five years to this day. Moving your face impossibly closer to his, you go ahead and slowly slot your lips with his plump ones.
After what felt like years you finally feel Matt kissing back and moving to hold a hand to your cheek. He comfortably rubs his thumb back and forth on your cheek while your lips are locked together.
When you guys pull away shortly after, he is so sweet. “What‘s that for?” He furrowed his eyebrows looking away from your eyes, seemingly nervous all of the sudden.
You admired the beauty and gently pushed his head back so your eyes lined up with each other. “Just cause you’re cute.” You replied with a sweet smile on your face.
And the video finally ran out of time cutting the camera off abruptly with Matt’s forming grin.
You guys are just cuddling on his bed having a nice little hang out. It was all well until you came across a tiktok trend called ‘kissing my best friend’. Shocking Chris as you get up quick from the bed pulling his arm with you.
“Let’s do this tiktok trend I saw babe!” you tell him shaking his arm vigorously. Chris gives you freaked out eyes replying, “Well I might if you let go, you crazy!” You pout releasing his arm in your grip and Chris sigh heavily rubbing his arm in dramatics.
“Show me ma.” he gestures to your phone that’s currently resting hazardously on the floor from when you got up. “OH, yes!” you yell, grabbing the phone and begin explaining the plan.
“Okay so it’s this thing where you kiss your best friend and like see where it goes. BUT, I want to use that as an opportunity to tell everyone we’re dating.” you smile big at your idea you thought of in a short span of time.
Chris looks very thoughtful while looking at the ceiling scratching his head. “I guess if you’re ready babe. And only if you really wanna, okay?” he replies, sending you a small and sweet smile checking if you’re sure you’re ready. You show him an even brighter grin in return saying, “Of course baby. I wanna finally tell everyone you’re taken.” with a small giggle.
“Alright then crazy, what I gotta do?” Chris says, chuckling. “Okay! I’m gonna pretend to tell you how to do a dance thingy and then I'll just kiss you randomly and then we tell them.” you say excitingly, setting up your phone with the recording display on screen against his gaming desk.
Chris slaps your ass once you stand back beside him at a reasonable distance from the desk as the video timer counts down from three. “You ready ma?” he makes sure once more before and you hum a yes, excited for the outcome.
“Hey my besties, Chris kindly applied to be my helper today.” You gesture to the boy giving you crazy eyes with your hands. “Excuse me crazy lady, I think you meant ‘forced’ to help.” He sassed, pointing his finger in your face.
You smack his hand away with a stank face giving him a side eye. “Anyways, this hoe needs to get a grip and focus. So all I need you to do is follow the song and after everything I say you say, ‘yeah glo’, alright?” You grab his phone from on the bed and pull up a video of people doing it.
“Yeah, sure whatever.” Chris playfully rolls his eyes and watches the video you show him. “Okay, hoe! Let’s do this thang bae.” you yell, clapping your hands thrice and set up his phone on video with the song starting, while yours continues to record for the set time of ten minutes.
“Yeah glo!” Chris says loudly, bobbing his head back and forth to the beat with his arms crossed over his chest. “Stomp a lil’ pussy ho with some shell toes.” You try your best to not laugh or smile, trying to keep it serious.
“YEAH GLO!” Chris screams this time, shaking his head side to side with vigor like a rockstar while rocking his hips. You let go of holding in your laughs. “Slappin’ rap bitches and makin’ bail, ho!” you turn your body to face your boyfriends as your voice cracks in between words and makes Chris snort a laugh.
“Yeah glo!” You grab his face quickly and slot your lips onto his with a little force. He kisses back of course and grabs your hips to pull you in closer. You both kiss deeply with a bit of tongue for about a minute before pulling away with big smiles plastered on your faces.
You hug him around the shoulders starting in his lips while he keeps his hands resting on your hips giving the camera a dark, lustful gaze from his hooded eyes. He keeps a slight smirk on his face squeezing your hips to get you to hurry this up.
You hurry to face the camera, heading to pick up both phones and posting chris’ video with the caption ‘We’re dating hoes(insert emoji)’. You hold the phone to your face so it only shows your eyes and forehead.
“We’ve been dating for two months, besties. Heheheh!!” you tell the camera and cut the video, posting the outcome with a ‘Kissing my best friend trend’ taking up the top of the video and no caption needed.
You turn back around to run to Chris, but it seems he couldn’t wait any longer as he was right behind you. You giggled as he gripped your waist again, this time rougher than before, and smashed his lips right onto yours.
And soon your giggles became low moans in your boyfriend's room as he picked you up and tossed you on his bed.
TAGLIST: @riowritesitall
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pondslime · 9 months
38 for mister stinky bo……i am not on my hands and knees don’t even worry abt it
38. if you do what you're told, you'll get a reward.
afab!fem!reader x bo sinclair (kinda lmao) word count: 542 You get the upper hand on Mr. Fake Mechanic. Warnings for: suggestive content, non-consensual bondage (Bo receiving for a change), and canon-typical violence. Left open-ended if you're gonna kill him or fuck him. Maybe both! You decide! LMAO
“You’re screwed.” Bo states plainly. “So fuckin’ screwed.”
“I wouldn’t be threatening me if I were you.” You reply. “Don’t you remember what I said? If you do what you’re told, you’ll get a reward.”
Sweat shines on his skin, plastering his hair to his forehead. If the knot at the back of his head isn’t already pulsing with pain, you’re sure it’s only a matter of time until it does. You’d gotten him pretty damn good. God, you could've killed him.
“Can’t get something for nothing, right?” You murmur.
It’s strange. You feel as if you’re running on some unstoppable internal motor. Bo's keys are on the counter, and he should be dead right now, but he isn’t. He’s very much alive, bloodying his wrists as he tugs on the straps of the chair.
“Lord knows where you’ve been keepin’ all this fire, huh?” Jutting his chin forward defiantly, he levels a cold smile at you. “You been holdin’ out on me, girl?”
You remember reading a news story once about a group of tigers that escaped a roadside zoo. They'd gone running free, darting through traffic, clamoring into suburban yards. They'd died clawing against white picket fences, pumped full of lead. That was the answer, when you got too wild. When you were past rehabilitation.
You only hit him once so you could see him pretty like this. Alive, one last time. You wonder, looking at him, if this was what it felt to look down the barrel of the gun.
“Surprise.” You say dryly, matching his stare with one of your own.
“You think you’re real hot shit, don’tcha?” He grunts. “Won’t be actin’ so fuckin' smug when I get out of this. Trust me."
“That’s if you get out.” You counter briskly. “Don’t really see that happening.”
“Wanna bet on it, girl?” He spits out, his upper lip pulling up into a sneer.
You smooth out the wrinkles in your skirt. It’s one of the prettiest things you’ve managed to amass in your time in Ambrose. That isn’t really saying much—but that's just how it is in this town. It’s the little things that matter here.
You scrape out what you can, and you turn it into something you can use. He’d agree with you on that, you’re sure. Using has always been an important part of this relationship. It’s nice to keep the tradition going, even if you had to mix it up this time. After all, his blood looks better on this dress than yours ever could.
“Sure. Let’s.” Grabbing a roll of duct table off the shelf, you brandish it in front of him. “I bet you’ll make real pretty noises with this over your mouth.”
if u wanna help me shake my EONS-long writer's block........pls feel free to send me a prompt + a character!! it'll probably be p crap bc I'm RUSTY. but I'll write u a lil smthn smthn lol
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penissirius · 2 years
Hello I stumbled across your post needing request so here I am!😭
So for the request, a Jay x Mreader x yeonjun. Mreader is a sassy but still friendly, quiet, humble nerd is is helping Jay with homework. Jay and Yeonjun are obviously the jocks. Yeonjun who is jealous that jay gets to hang out with m/r, so he makes the most outrageous lie ever and jealousy with a mix of fighting start between jay and Yeonjun. For the ending is going to be a twist where when Both of the jocks confess to m/r he says he actually likes Jake. *Insert Jay and Yeonjun looking at each other shocked* lmao and that's all. Hope that wasn't long lol! Have a great wonderful rest of your day!
Jock Fight
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Onesided Jay x male reader, Onesided Yeonjun x male reader, Jake x male reader
AUTHORS NOTE: Thank you so much for requesting! I'm so sorry this took me so long to start. I didn't really expect anyone to actually request and so when they started pouring in one after the other I got scared XD. I was really surprised I could finish this in less than 2 days total- I struggled a little bit but here it is finished and ready for you! I'm sorry if it isn't how you wanted it I tried my best and this is what I came up with- I quite like it but if you'd like me to rewrite it you can always tell me T~T
WARNINGS: Cussing, overuse of the work Jock lol, violence, terribly described fight, Skz members sprinkled in places cause I couldn't stop myself
M/n was standing at his locker talking to a few of his friends unaware that two of the school's most famous basketball players were staring at him from the other lockers. The rest of the team looked at them, “Hey Yeonjun, Jay, wouldn’t it be easier to talk to him instead of standing here staring at him like a weirdo?” Chan, the captain, said. They both perked up and Yeonjun smiled at him, “Your right Cap! I’m talking to him first!” Before Jay could protest Yeonjun was already on his way over to M/n. Jay smirked and shook his head turning to Chan, “Difference between me and him is I get to talk to M/n more. We have most of our classes together.” Chan just stared at him before sighing. “Get to class child I can’t deal with any of your logic today.” Jay looked at him before heading to his class to not make his captain mad.  
Over by M/n’s locker, he was talking with his best friends, Seungmin and Beomgyu, when his conversation was interrupted by Yeonjun sliding next to M/n and putting his arm around the shorter. “Hey M/n~” Yeonjun practically purred ignoring the glares from the two other boys. “Hello Yeonjun, remove your arm” M/n said turning to him. Beomgyu laughed behind his hand when he saw the look on Yeonjun’s face when he removed his arm. “Now how can I help you?” M/n said, turning to his locker and grabbing his bag and phone before closing it. Seungmin handed him his coffee which M/n gladly took smiling. “I was wondering if you’d let me walk you to class?” Yeonjun smirked at him the same way he does the cheerleaders but to no one's surprise but his M/n just looked at him.  
“We’re waiting on Sunoo and then we were all gonna walk together.” Seungmin said, still looking at his phone. “You can walk with us though” M/n said. “Actually, he can’t, Sunoo says he has Jockaphobia and can’t walk with Jocks or he’ll break out into hives.” Beomgyu laughs looking up from his phone where he was texting their group chat. “His dramatic ass! He walks with Niki all the time” M/n said shaking his head. “Yeah, well you can walk with him by yourself! We wouldn’t want to leave the poor jock abandoned and clearly, Sunoo needs his imaginary EpiPen from walking with Niki” Seungmin said looking at M/n amused before grabbing Beomgyu and walking towards Sunoo. Yeonjun turns to M/n, “So I can walk you?” “I guess so, let’s go.” M/n starts walking and Yeonjun tries to slip his arm back over his shoulders, but M/n pinches him.  
M/n waved goodbye to Yeonjun before walking into his classroom and to his seat in the back with his other 3 friends. He sits down putting his bag on the floor and takes a sip of his coffee. “So how was the walk with Princey?” Sunoo giggles, turning around to face him. “Oh, it was just wonderful. Thanks for that by the way. He talked about basketball the whole time telling me I should come to the next game, and he kept trying to put his arm over my shoulder.” M/n rolled his eyes grabbing his textbook. “I don’t see why you don’t just tell them both you aren’t interested.” Seungmin rolls his eyes from beside him also taking his stuff out for this class. “Cause even if I did tell them, they are really only flirting with me to compete with each other.” M/n shakes his head amused.  
“Alright we can talk about boy trouble after this class, but the teacher is walking in, and she looks more pissed than usual.” Beomgyu said pointing to the front. They all turned and started paying attention to the front. At the end of the class when everyone was packing up the teacher called M/n to her desk to talk. “Yes, Miss?” M/n said smiling. “So, as you know you are the best student in my class. You understand all the curriculum and have astounding grades closely followed by your group of friends. I wanted to ask you if you can tutor a student that is struggling greatly and needs some help.” She said smiling at her star student. “Sure, Miss! Which student?” M/n said tilting his head. The teacher motions for someone to come closer before gesturing to them when they were close enough. “I’m sure you know each other. Jay this is M/n, your tutor for the next week.”  Jay smirked at him while M/n’s face was completely void of any emotions. Although there was no emotion on his face, there sure were some not some nice thoughts going around in his head.  
 The two students and the teacher discussed where the tutoring sessions were going to take place. After deciding they would study in the library after school for an hour each day this week, they were dismissed. Jay went to turn around and say something to M/n but before he could M/n was already out the door and walking towards the lunchroom. When he gets to his regular lunch table he sits in between his tallest friends and pulls his hood up to try and hide from the 2 basketball players begging for his attention. “Which one are you running from now?” Seungmin said chuckling. M/n looked around before sitting up properly keeping his hood up, “Jay. The teacher assigned me to be his tutor every day after school for an hour this week. I don’t know if I can keep going the rest of the week with them flirting with me.” M/n faked cried into Beomgyu’s shoulder. “Well then maybe you should take our advice and tell them you’re not interested.” Sunoo says setting a lunch tray in front of M/n. M/n looks up at him smiling brightly, “You got me food? Sunoo, I love you!” “Hey, he only got you food because he lost rock paper scissors!” Beomgyu exclaimed.  
“No, I got him food because I felt bad for making him walk with that nasty jock by himself!” Sunoo said looking over at Beomgyu offended that he threw him under the bus like that. “I don’t care why you did It I just care that you actually got your lazy ass up and bought me food!” M/n said happily reaching over the table and hugging him. Sunoo returned the hug and stuck his tongue out at the other two behind his back. M/n sat back down and started eating while the others talked. “I'm just saying if you just told them you weren’t interested. You'd have a peaceful life, and you could confess to your crush without them hovering.” Seungmin said from where he was eating an apple and scrolling on his phone. “Easy for you to say, ‘Mister I roast everyone without a second thought and already has a boyfriend’ which I still don’t understand” M/n said shoving Seungmin on the shoulder.  
“You’d have a boyfriend too if you stopped being a little bitch” Seungmin laughed looking over at the complaining boy. “Think about it, the only person at this table with an excuse for being single is Beomgyu and that’s because the person he likes, likes you!” Sunoo said laughing. “Oh, shut up” Beomgyu said throwing a fry off his plate at Sunoo. “Okay, as much as I would love to tell them both off. I can't do that because everyone here still sees me as a super sweet person.” There was a moment of silence between the 4 of them before they all started laughing. “The fact that people still believe that is crazy” Sunoo said. “Yeah, they’ll say we’re the sassiest or bitchiest nerds here and then call you an angel as if you aren't the worst of us all!” Beomgyu cackled. “Oh, shut up and eat assholes.” M/n said, turning back to his food.  
 While M/n and his group of friends were having fun during lunch, the basketball team wasn’t having as much. Jay had come in bragging about how much time he and M/n will get to spend together this week after school and Yeonjun wasn’t so happy about it. The 2 were at each other's throats the whole lunch period and there was only so much Chan could do before he just gave up and tuned them out. As long as they didn’t do this during practice or weren't hurting each other they're fine in Chan's book. The rest of the team tried to ignore them but was occasionally brought in between them. Yeonjun had finally had enough of the youngers smug remarks about how he had a better chance because they were in the same grade. So, he did what any sane person would.... he texted the school gossip page anonymously.  
‘The basketball teams Number 7, Jay Park, only talks to M/n L/n to get in his pants and drop him afterward’ 
People's phones started buzzing and ringing all over the halls and classrooms. The girls who ran the page and the newspaper honestly had nothing better to do than update both pages, so it was all over the school very quickly. Yeonjun smirked from his gym locker before heading out to his class. The group of nerds were talking by Seungmin and M/ns lockers when all their phones buzzed. Yes, they all have notifications for the gossip page, what can they say? All 4 of them love to hear the gossip of the school. Sunoo looked at his phone first and gasped. “Holy shit! Look!” He tapped the other's shoulders showing them his phone. “What is it? OH!” Beomgyu said staring at it. “Well looks like there's one less you have to worry about being nice to.” Seungmin said looking at the article before shutting his locker. “Okay as much of a jerk the sports kids may be, I know that’s not true.” M/n said laughing while putting his stuff in his locker, “Now are we going to the café for study hall or not?”  
Before any of them could answer, there was a shout from the other side of the hallway. “They're fighting in the gym!” A boy yelled before running that way. They all looked at each other before running off after him. When they arrived, they finally saw who was fighting and it was none other than Jay and Yeonjun. The 3 boys looked over at M/n who was kind of pissed. M/n and Chan both stormed over to the players. “Fucking stop it!” M/n screamed while Chan and another player pulled them apart. Jay and Yeonjun looked over at him shocked. M/n walked over and smacked them both on the back of their heads, “Fighting, flirting, starting rumors, and making an ass of yourself isn't going to make me like either of you! I don’t like either of you that way. You’re both great friends, but neither of you is my type! And I’m not your type. Listen I confessed to Jake today and he said yes and we’re dating now so both of you will have to accept it.” M/n walked back over to his friend group where Jake had joined them, and they all walked off to the school's café to spend the rest of their study hall. “I hope you’ve both learned your lesson, also you’re probably both getting suspended but know that conditioning will be hell when you get back” Chan said smiling at both before dropping them off at the principal's office.  
I really hope you liked it! I did kinda rush through it so it is short but I tried my best to make it good! I will finally be having a normal-ish posting schedule for the next like 2 weeks because I have about 6 more requests to finish sooo I'd say 1 every 2 days will probably be what I do- I promise I won't disappear for months again T~T anyways I love you guys! and BYEEEEEEEE~
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
can i request redson x reader o like the reader always acts dumb and just tells bad puns but once a demon tries to hurt them they beat the crap out of them how would redson react? have a good day
See now THIS is me lmao
"Made For This!"(642 w.c)
Redson x GN!Play Dumb!Reader
platonic?? Oneshot
Pronouns: any for Redson, you/yours
CW: one(1) swear, light v10lenc3, surprise Huntsman appearance
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“Are we there yet?” You sighed loudly, your sneakers dragging along the steep dirt path. Redson was walking in front of you, holding a map of the hiking trail that apparently would lead to some kind of temple. You wished she would have just brought their fancy dirt bikes.
“No, not yet. Though if you keep complaining then maybe I’ll just go on my own.” He retorted. Their head turned to look at you over their shoulder, and you could see the empty threat he was making. Sure, Redson liked to talk down to you like they didn’t care, but you knew that she did. Especially when you scraped your ankle on a rock earlier and they took care to make sure you were alright.
“You wouldn’t leave me behind! It would be too much for you to bear!” You paused and pointed at a sign on the trail that warned of bears in a certain direction, not the one you two were headed however.
“Ugh. Just for that, I might.” Red groaned. They pinched the bridge of their nose. You laughed at your own joke—someone had to—and continued following them. The hike was coming to an end soon, you could tell. The path was more wide with some stones mixed in the dirt as if it were marked as the right way.
However, before either of you could continue the light conversation that made the walk a little faster, Redson was yanked up by one of her ankles to hang from a tree. They yelped and you quickly tried to find a way to get them down. A spider-like figure appeared, swinging from a rope and snatching the map from her.
“I’ll be taking that!” He laughed. You jumped as high as you could and grabbed onto one of his ankles.
“Give that back!”
He tried to shake you off, but in doing so he was distracted from where he was trying to go, so you both hit a different tree head on. It knocked the wind out of your lungs, but you still managed to grab the paper from him as you scrambled to get back to Redson. She had burnt the rope holding them, so now it was just a matter of losing this guy.
“That’s one of the Spider Queen’s henchmen! We need to get out of here!” They explained, grabbing your wrist and dragging you down a side path, away from the temple. You ran as fast as you could.
“Leaving so soon? Oh well, I do like a challenge!” The hunter hissed from somewhere behind you. Redson tripped a little, but you held them up and turned to face the spider. He was gaining on you. Looking around, you saw a large branch on the ground. Without really thinking about it you grabbed it and swung it at him, even making some stabbing motions. It drove him back but not by much. In a last ditch effort, you discarded the branch and leapt onto him, trying to implement any fighting moves that you’d seen Redson use. It was surprisingly effective, despite you not having fire at your disposal. Redson was still standing in the spot you left her in, but now she was cheering you on.
“Yes! Beat his ass! Go for the throat!!” They yelled. You grinned and kept going until you knew for certain that the spider was knocked out. Then you got off him, wiping your brow with your arm.
“I guess in the end, he was the fly caught in our web!” You threw some finger guns at your companion, however they only sighed and started walking past you to get on the right path again.
“Annnnd the moment is gone.”
“Hey! I won, right? I have the right to make a joke about it!”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, peasant.”
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softlyapocalytpic · 1 year
👀 Working on something that I hope I can work naturally into the narrative and thought it might be fun to use it for a WIP Wednesday to give people a taste
@persephotea I tag YOU this time!!
Now, featuring the lovely Butch Deloria! I'm really undecided on how I want Butch to refer to the Overseer within his own internal monlogue. Does he say Alphonse as a sign of disrespect, or the Overseer to make him distant and make him a title/position rather than a person? In this it's mixed since I couldn't ever decide lmao. Same with members of Security.
Amy had the right idea shooting these security fuckers in the head. Course’ the Overseer didn’t see it that way- he didn’t want to admit how easy it was to take down his precious dogs- but it was pretty clear who’d done it.
“Well, Mr. Deloria? Are you really telling me you know nothing? We know how much time you two spent together.” The Overseer looked down at him with that same look of disdain he’d always had, nose stuck up high in the air, and expression set into constant disappointment. He was flanked by Chief Hannon, who hadn’t stopped glaring daggers into Butch (as if he was responsible for what happened to Paulie, fucker), and Officer O’Brian, whose finger looked a little too itchy for Butch’s liking
These guys were pricks even when the whole system was falling apart around them.
But it didn’t faze Butch anymore. Just fed the fury. Sure, sure, they could shoot him, but then whatever dumb facade they were keeping up wouldn’t stand a chance. Nobody but Paulie gave a shit about Butch, but was Alphonse really willing to test that? Nah, he was calling their bluff.
He relaxed into the cold steel chair and folded his arms behind his head, “Yeah? You get off watching security tapes of teens?”
Alphonse’s eye twitched, and he gestured to O’Brian who was more than willing to smack Butch with the butt of the rifle. Owch. Yeah, that was gonna bruise, but he didn’t flinch. Nah, he stared Alphonse down with the same self-satisfied smirk. 
The Overseer sighed, “I’m aware that a degenerate like you has no investment in upholding the peace and order of this vault, but I ask you this: what do you have to gain from withholding information about the Lockharts? Are you really so loyal to people who left you behind?”
A raw angry nerve got hit with a hammer, “The fuck do you even know? She told me she was lookin’ for her dad! If she knew anything you really think the doc would just up and leave her and Leo behind? And hows I supposed to know that she was a fugitive? Considerin’ the outbreak and everythin’ it seemed pretty normal to me.”
“The duffel bags weren’t a giveaway?”
“My Ma was dyin’ in there and she was the only one who’d stopped to help! You think I gave a shit if she was runnin’ with a duffel?”
The Overseer gestured again to O’Brian who struck harder than before. Still, Butch didn’t give them the satisfaction. He spat the blood at the Overseer’s feet and glared back angrier, ‘I dare you. I fucking dare you to push me harder.’
Alphonse held his gaze, and it pissed Butch off to see the icy blue flecks hidden in the Overseer’s hazel brown eyes. Everyone about this smug bastard’s face pissed him off.
Then, the Overseer relented, “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at your lack of insight and intelligence. You never had the brains your cohorts do. No doubt the alcohol played a part.”
Vicious, snapping loathing welled up in Butch. He knew what the Overseer meant, but this asshole wasn’t getting away with talking about his Ma like that.  He smirked, bloody teeth and all, and gave this overseer a knowing look, “I wonder where I got it from.”
Finally, that impassive annoyance, disdain, and disappointment grew sharp and angry with warning, his mouth twisting into a sneer. It was so satisfying to watch his fist shake, so ready to strike Butch for the insinuation. Hannon and O’Brian were too wrapped up in their own heads too pick up on any of it, but nothing was more precious Alphonse Amalvador than his reputation.
‘I got shit on you too, old man. Watch yourself.’
Alphonse barely concealed the malice in his usually so well-controlled voice, “Get him out of here. There’s nothing more to learn from this degenerate.”
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sukirichi · 3 years
sweet angel
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With a heart of gold, sweet lips, and white lace all over your body — he’s pretty sure you’re his sweet angel.
REQUEST. lingerie under his white button up shirt for gojo + somnophilia + established relationship + oblivious reader
CONTENT/WARNINGS. smut, somnophilia, mentions of insecurity, very slight angst, creampie, cockwarming, body marking, UNEDITED
NOTES. I haven’t written Gojo for a while but I sure do missed it! We’re gonna have more Gojo content this week too! if i finish my wips anyway lmao
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The clock blinks back a painful three am to you, the time way past what Gojo’s promised. You don’t stop the sigh leaving your cherry red lips as you stare at the mirror, jaw clenching at the sight. Today’s supposed to be your second anniversary with Gojo, and instead of spending it on a skyscraper dinner like last year’s, you both insisted on staying at home for a more romantic date instead.
Him being the strongest sorcerer, it’s only a given that he’ll be busy, even to this day. He’s unable to take a day off, but he promised to come home on time.
The dinner’s gone cold, the candles melted and aroma of roses sticking hard to the walls. You’re wearing his favourite black dress paired with ankle boots, wrists clinking from the bangles and makeup done to perfection. Today’s supposed to be simple, quiet, and romantic – especially with your surprise for him – but he’s still not home.
Washing your face in the sink and covering the dishes, you blow out the candles, heading back to your shared room to call it a day. You swipe your dress with Gojo’s white button, wanting to feel that he’s still with you even with just his scent.
A blaring red that reads three forty-five is the last thing you see as you burrow deep into the covers, trying your best to ignore the panging in your heart.
He promised he’d be home soon.
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“Honey! I’m ho—” Gojo blinks at the darkness of your penthouse, hands patting the walls before flicking on the lights. He’s not surprised to see that it’s neat as usual, but then his gaze lands on the dining table, and that’s when he realizes he’s fucked up.
The candles are already melted halfway, one wine glass still and the other already washed in the sink. You must’ve taken a few sips as you waited for him; an image he can imagine already. He’s admired you long before dating you that Gojo’s used to your habits, like how you’d rotate the drink in your glass three times before you drink, tongue darting out to taste the wine mixing in with your lips.
He knows all this, mostly because it always drives him crazy when you do that, and he’s lost count of the times he’s pushed you up against the counter, shoving his tongue between your lips to find out what it is about wine and flavoured lipsticks you liked so much.
It’s a little hellish to him the more he thinks about it, even more so because you’re completely unaware of your effect on him.
But he’s not the only one, since no matter how perceptive Gojo could be, he’s scatterbrained more often than he likes to admit. And of fucking course he forgot tonight was your anniversary. He never set dates on his calendars, waving his hand and confidently stating he had an ultra memory and didn’t need reminders.
Well, now that ultra memory is reminding him of the last time he’s forgot to attend your work event, a time you needed him more than anything else, and you didn’t talk to him for a week straight.
He wishes you would shout at him, push or shove him even, call him names and tell him he’s horrible, but you’ve always been a sweet, little thing – you’re timid even in your frustration. You never glared at him, never scolded him, and it’s even more terrifying because you’re still so sweet to him – preparing him meals, giving him a kiss before he leaves for work – but Gojo isn’t entirely dumb. He notices how you turn away from him in your sleep, your arms that would usually be wrapped around his torso now hugging yourself in an attempt to make yourself small and invisible.
That’s how you felt every time Gojo doesn’t keep to his word.
Unseen. Unloved. Unheard. Unimportant. He’s no mind reader, but it’d be pushing it if he can’t even turn to your thoughts like that.
And even in your slumber, it’s written all over your face, evident in the way tears are staining your cheeks under the sheets. Gojo sighs upon seeing your crumpled form on the bed, your dress hanging neatly from the closet and your heels placed beneath it. He crouches down in front of the shoe, his hands crumpled into fists. This wasn’t just any shoe – it’s the one he made you get during that time you were debating whether you could pull it off, but he encouraged you that you looked gorgeous in anything. Despite having bought it a long time ago, you never wore it, only on this day because you trust your comfort and safety around him; one he’s so effortlessly crushed.
Gojo quickly changes into his pyjamas not long afterwards, sliding himself next to your body in slow, careful movements to not wake you up. Aside from a slight stir, you remain deep asleep, the frown permanent and deep on your face.
It breaks his heart to see you like this, especially because he knows he’s the one who caused it.
Gojo runs his hand across the apple of your cheeks, caressing your precious face on his palm before leaning forward to kiss your head. You smell amazing too, and yet, you’re uncomfortable with whatever’s playing in your head. He could take a good guess and assume it’s him.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs into your skin, sliding his arm over your body to pull you close to him. “I didn’t mean to forget, I’m so sorry. I’ll make it up to you somehow.”
He knows he should apologize when you’re awake, but he wants to say it now before his guilt eats up at him. Gojo’s eyes flutter close when his hands come into contact with something...lacey, and he pauses, lifting the sheets to inspect the material. He doesn’t really know what he’s expecting, but his breath stutters anyway, his aquamarine eyes zeroed in on his shirt draped over your form, the top three buttons left open and you’re not wearing shorts.
Gojo curses under his breath. His reaction is immediate; blood rushing to his groin and legs nudging yours apart. He doesn’t bother hiding under the sheets not anymore as he runs his hand over your body, his touch suddenly so cold in contrast to your warmth.
He’s fucked you a lot of times in different places and angles, so he shouldn’t be so nervous, yet he is, and his hands are fucking shaking.
His head snaps to your one more time, revelling in the way you open your legs just as he pries them apart. Even in your sleep, you’re still so trusting, so wanting – so perfect for him. Gojo situates himself between your thighs as he unbuttons your shirt one by one, his teeth clenched so hard it wouldn’t be anything surprising if he actually cracked his jaw.
You’re nothing short of looking like an angel; the thigh straps squeezing the flesh of your thighs and exuding such heavenly beauty he’s stunned.
You let out a sigh at his erection rubbing you through his boxers, completely unaware that Gojo’s fallen back on his thighs, eyes wide at the white lingerie set clad in your body. He licks at his lips, debating which land he should trudge on first.
The thigh straps he wants to rip with his fingers, the white lace panty that’s already nearly transparent with your arousal, or the frilly cups holding your breasts in place?
This is the first time Gojo’s gotten close to losing his mind, and lose his mind he did. Thoughts of making it up to you flies out the window, his emotions running turbulent with anger and regret in place. If he’d just gotten home, if he’d just killed the curses faster, he could’ve kissed you and heard you beg for him in your awakened state; he’d have the pleasure of seeing you squirm under him while he rips this pretty set apart.
His dick throbs harder at the fact you wore this for him, but you must’ve been so tired and sad to wear proper pyjamas. Should he be thankful? Angry at himself for making you feel this way?
He doesn’t fucking now, his mind is nothing but a mess as he sucks a wet spot into the juncture of your neck, large hands groping your breast. You mewl a little at the contact, neck arching to the side while you sigh, that slight dip in your brow a telltale you must be still in a sleepy daze.
“Fuck, baby,” he mutters through pants as he cups your mound, only to be met with such astounding wetness. You look so innocent right now in comparison to your soft moans that it ruins him. You’re a good girl, such a sweet lover for him that you’re always letting him take in charge under the trust he’ll make you feel good. This trust is extended even in your wildest dreams, but you don’t need to worry about that. He’ll soon make it a reality.
Gojo is too needy that he doesn’t bother pulling your thong off anymore, pulling it to the side with two fingers before his thumb flicks at your clit. He’s rewarded with a sharp inhale, cheeks planted to the pillows and you look so pretty, so hauntingly oblivious that the only thing able to pull the strongest sorcerer limb by limb apart is through your needy wet cunt.
He aligns himself with your entrance, groaning when his tip is coated with your slick, the warmth of your pussy radiating off of him. It’s fucking stupid that Gojo shivers, and he knows it’s pathetic because he chuckles, lifting both your legs up before he hugs them to his chest.
You’re so wet that Gojo no longer finds the need to prepare you, his eyes falling down to where your bodies connect, breath taken away at how your lips eagerly spread apart to take him in. He’s a little too big for your tiny, sweet pussy that your lips pinch into a flat line, chest rasping up and down.
He wants to apologize, wants to caress your face and look you in the eyes as usual to tell you that you’re doing good, just breathe and the pain will be gone soon.
The situation deprives him of that privilege, so he’s left with no choice but to kiss your ankles affectionately before thrusting all the way in. A loud moan echoes around the room the moment he’s seated in, dick throbbing inside your heated pussy that’s so tight it’s nearly suffocating.
“Oh, my baby,” he thrusts in slowly, not wanting to completely wake you up despite the fact you’re unconsciously grabbing the sheets already. “My sweet, pretty angel – I’m so sorry daddy couldn’t fuck you tonight but look at you, you’re so wet,” he bites your calf at the last word to muffle his groans, the tight sucking in of your pussy to his length making his cock throb. “Did you touch yourself when I was gone, hm? You must be so unsatisfied, but I’m here now, I’ll take care of you.”
Gojo’s unable to keep his promise to you before, but he’ll definitely keep this promise now. He leaves little love marks at your skin, reaching forward to tug the cups of your bra down. He’s rewarded with the intoxicating luxury of watching your breasts bounce at his pace, your nipples the only thing stopping the material from completely falling.
You mewl at the pleasure he’s giving you, the constant friction of your hardened buds against the cups must be so heavenly by now, and you’re tightening around him, walls clamped down over his dick that Gojo never wants to let go.
He thrusts harder this time in response to your greedy sucking, his tip kissing your cervix. You throw your head back deeper into the pillows, hands patting every spot beside you. He knows that look all too well – mouth falling open, eyes shut tight, brows pinched together and that angelic little pant – it’s the face you always wear when you’re about to cum and Gojo wants to make it up to you, pushing your legs to the side before heaving his weight forward.
“Aw, baby,” he coos, “Coming already?”
The sudden stretch in your body only has your walls sucking him harder, his hips stuttering in its pace. Gojo kisses you flat on the lips as his hands thread to yours, squeezing it momentarily just as pleasure washes over him too. You come first, the spasms of your cunt similar to that one time you’ve accidentally gripped him too hard in your hand that Gojo’s cum suddenly landed on your eye. It’s tight, too fucking tight, that Gojo actually loses the ability to breathe.
His hips snap harder, dick driving deeper into your hole that’s already leaking out with cum. Your precious lingerie set is ruined, guaranteed to get him another pout that Gojo shakes his head, gripping hard at your hips while he chases his own high.
“I’ll get you another one, angel, I’ll buy you – fuck! – all the sets you need if it means dressing pretty for me like this,” he stutters in one breath, mouth latching around your nipple. He tugs at it in his need to reach his breaking point, no longer caring that you’ll wake up anytime soon, not when he’s so close and the squelching of your pussy sounds like heavenly music to his ears. Gojo thrusts in one last time hard enough that his balls make a loud slapping sound against your ass, but he doesn’t slide out, keeping himself right deep into your cunt in his orgasm.
Breathing heavily, Gojo falls on top of you, thankfully still strong enough to not crush you with his weight. He’s leaving fluttering kisses all over your face, your sweat slicking his skin.
He wants to pull out from the sensitivity, but you feel so warm and comfortable that Gojo plops down to the side, hugging your back and kissing your shoulder with panted breaths. You’re still recovering from the tremors of your orgasm that’s most likely still a dream to you, body trembling in his arms. Gojo does you a favour by throwing your bra to the side, his hands acting as a replacement for the missing piece.
He sighs onto your neck, barely managing to properly cover the both of your bodies in his exhaustion after a long day. He holds you close and tight in his arms, an I love you merely audible from his lips, followed by a regretful I’m sorry.
Gojo dreads tomorrow morning, in all honesty. There’s no easy way to explain that he “simply forgot” after all your efforts, his heart already darkening with the fear of seeing you pull away like you did the last time. His eyes droop down as he makes a mental note to just do whatever he can, but you’re stirring in his arms, lips puckered at the edge of his jaw.
“Satoru,” you whisper, hands tracing patterns on his chest. “You’re home. I’m glad.”
Soft snores follow after that, but Satoru is wide awake just as you’ve fallen asleep once more. He’s left speechless, and he doesn’t hold back in hugging you closer to his chest as a silent promise of never leaving you alone again. Even now, you’re still such a sweet angel, and how lucky is he to find someone like that?
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rina-writes · 3 years
this would be rly funny actually but imagine jack having a hypersexual girlfriend like one day he just looks over at reader and her eyes are hooded over and he’s like fuck bc he doesn’t know if he has the stamina to keep up LMAO
This is a really fun idea LOL. Tbh I don’t think this is my best work.  This was sitting in my drafts for a hot minute as I kept re-working it. But idk, there is something missing. I’m going to post it anyway though since the idea itself is nice. I think some other Jack writers are going to have fun with this too :D
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Warnings: Fem!reader, hypersexual!reader, suggestive, past sexual experiences referenced, mild fluff, not smutty but kinda 18+
Somehow, this conversation was more awkward than the time Jack told his friends he didn’t like deep throat.  There were eight of them in the restaurant in total, everyone except for Druski was an official member of Jack’s collective, Private Garden. These were people Jack considered his brothers, including, his actual younger brother.  They knew almost everything about him and yet conversations like these still seemed to render them silent.  Druski opened his mouth to speak, blinking a few times, and then closed his mouth.  He tried one more time before laughing to himself, shaking his head.  “Damn, Jack got me speechless...”
They were all chilling in Sarpino’s Pizza in Atlanta, opting to eat inside to get a change of pace instead of ordering to the studio. The restaurant was typically a carry-out spot, but they had a high table that extended along the length of the back window. As frequent customers, they were allowed to pull the stools to create more of a curved shape so they could see each other and chat.  As a result, there were two half-circles composed of the members of Private Garden and friends.  One group was talking about a recent basketball game.  The other had been halted to silence as Jack awkwardly ignored his girlfriend’s phone call.   
If a guy was avoiding calls from his girlfriend, it was usually because he was cheating or ready to break up. While his friends would be disappointed in him, especially since they knew how well you two got along, they wouldn’t push into his business.  However, Jack’s explanation blew their mind. Jack was probably the only man in the world who felt a surge of panic when his girlfriend called because he knew she wanted to have sex. So much so, he refused to even answer her.
“Can you explain what the actual problem is?” Shloob asked, sipping on his drink. “Because I think I lost it.”
Jack was now the one at a loss for words.  A girl with a high sex drive seemed like a myth created and perpetuated by male fantasy.  But here you were, his own little nymphomaniac and he was too focused on the “maniac” portion. It wasn’t that the sex was bad, it was some of the best he had in his life.  It was the frequency. Three times a day minimum with several rounds during a single hookup was intense. You never needed a break either.  He was pretty sure that you ran on water, iced coffee, and big dick energy.
“Look, y’all know how I’m rocking.” Jack sighed. “I like to get my dick wet probably a little more than the next guy.  But damn. I am pretty sure I’m shooting blanks at this point. I’m surprised it’s even still getting up.”
That comment opened the flood gates of sarcastic responses. Jack could feel fury and envy radiating off of his friends who were a mix of newly single men and long term boyfriends.  In other words, all guys who were currently having the opposite problem. 
“Must be nice--”
“I’m soooo happy for you.”
Jack rolled his eyes, putting up his hands in defense.  “No, you don’t understand.  She’s like a succubus or something.”
“I’m sorry...” Druski put up his hands to stop Jack right there. “...she’s a what?”
“A succubus.  They’re like sex demons.” Jack explained.
“Why do you know the word for that?” Druski asked. “That’s not a normal word to know.”
“These are the things I look up at 2am at night when the demon is asleep.  Do you understand me, brother?” Jack look genuinely distressed as he pressed a hand to his chest. “Don’t get me wrong.  Y/n has a grip on my heart, but if I have to choose between her and my dick falling off...”
Jack’s phone started buzzing.  This time it was a FaceTime call.  He groaned inwardly. The contact photo he had for you was a picture from your first date.  Jack had taken you on a picnic so you were wearing a floral sundress that covered your knees when you sat down.  He stared at the photo and finally realized why it looked so strange.  You had clothes on.
“Are you going to take that?” Urban asked after the group of men all stared at the phone in silence for a beat.
“Definitely not here...” Jack muttered.  
He motioned for them to move so he could scoot out of his chair, the legs squeaking on the tile. He slid his phone of the table begrudgingly and walked to the back of the pizza parlor where there was a bathroom for “customers only.” He slipped inside and shut the door.  He leaned against it, his body feeling heavy as he finally accepted the call.
“Are you avoiding me?” You asked, your face so close to the camera that he could only see your eyes and the top of your nose bridge.
“Yes...” Jack said in a deadpan voice.  He had to resist smiling.  You were so cute.
“Whyyyy?” Your voice was high pitched and sing-songy with a tinge of sadness.
He hated when you pulled that voice on him.  He was basically putty in your hands at that point.  He sighed and slipped his free hand in hair, running it through.
“Babe, you’re killing me here. I know you just want to f-ck. Can we just not do this back and forth tonight? I’m tapped out.”
You frowned, pulling your face away from the phone.  You were standing in a location that was familiar to Jack, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He could see you were wearing a black jacket with the collar turned up.
“W-Well, I don’t!” You argued.  “Want to have sex, that is. I just wanted to see what you were doing. Be a good girlfriend. That’s why I came to the studio. See?”
You extended your arm to allow your phone to pan around the background.  You raised it high to show you in the studio room with no one else around, the belongings of Private Garden scattered across the room. Jack started to feel bad for ignoring you, thinking about how you were probably outside when he had been avoiding your calls. He was grateful for which ever security guard took pity on you and let you in. He would be sure to thank them later.
“I’m sorry, baby, I shouldn’t have assu--” Jack paused mid-sentence. “Y/n, what are you wearing?”
Your eyes widened slightly and you cleared your throat. You pulled the phone back to eye level quickly, realizing that you messed up.  It was too late. Jack noticed the light pink ruffle that was peeking through your jacket.  It was a piece of lingerie that you had bought recently.  You had modeled the item for him and even Jack had to admit it didn’t take much for him to indulge in the action of taking it off of you. For that reason, it was seared into his brain. He easily recognized it from a single glance.
“Uhm...I really just came to say hi.” You doubled down. “So, once you come and give me a hug, I’ll just head back to the apartment. No funny business.”
Jack paused, smiling a bit.  It was cute the way you avoided looking at the camera.  In fact, this whole thing was kind of cute.  Showing up to his workplace practically naked for a quickie?  There were worst things a girl could do.
“You lying?” Jack asked, a grin spreading on his lips.
“Yeah...” You responded finally meeting his eyes through the phone.
Jack recognized that hooded, lustful expression.  You were going to get what you wanted tonight.  Judging from the tent developing in his pants, he was going to be capable of giving it to you too.  
“Alright, Y/n.  I’m at Sarpino’s. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.  Do you want anything to eat--” You opened your mouth to say something but he cut you off. “And do not say my cock.” Jack warned, his dark blue eyes looking tired.
You gave a sheepish smile. “Then I’m good...”
He let out a loud sigh trying to hold back his smile. “Are you going to be a good girl until I get there? Or are you gonna keep blowing up my phone?”  
“I’ll be good.” You reassured him, nodding quickly.  “Just tell me how you want me, J, and I’ll do it.” 
Jack smirked at you.  For the first time that night, his eyes mirrored the lust in yours. “Come on, baby you know what I like. If you do well, I’ll reward you.”
You smiled, placing the phone down on a table.  He could see you balancing it on some items so he could see you on the couch.  You practically skipped over to it.  You climbed on, resting your knees on the cushions. You were on all fours and put your butt up in the air.
“Like this?” You asked.
Before Jack could respond, you turned on your back.  You extended your legs, revealing them to be bare, but your coat still covered most of you.  You held your calves, pulling them toward your body to put yourself in a self-induced mating press.
“Or this?” You asked again, your breath heavy from moving around.
“Or maybe...”
Jack laughed, “Baby!” His voice was rich and happy.  It made your heart swell, stopping you mid-motion. “I’m hanging up. Surprise me.  And try not to scare anybody who maybe passing by.  We do want to rent from there again, don’t we?”
“Yes, sir.” You nodded, obediently.
Jack ended the call on that note, knowing how much longer you could keep going once you pulled out the “sir.” He took a deep breath, did a once over of himself in the mirror and braced himself for the commentary as he walked out of the bathroom.
Jack would have loved to walk past all his friends without saying a word.  However, he could feel their eyes glued to him.  Even the second group who hadn’t be in on the conversation seemed to have been clued in now. He focused on the window the table was pressed against as he spoke, “So, uh, Y/n’s at the studio.  I’m going to make sure she gets home okay.”
The barrage of comments came once again.  It felt like the words barely lingered in the air before they were coming at him.
“Come on, man!”
“I left my hoodie on the couch, can you at least fold it?”
Jack leaned his head back, opening his arms wide and signaling for them to keep it coming, a sh-t eating grin on his face. Of course, this action caused them to all start booing him This was his punishment.  In about ten minutes, he was going to receive his reward.  He wasn’t kidding before.  He was burnt out.  Some days he just wanted to cuddle or watch a movie without getting pounced on.  He would definitely have to sit down and talk to you about cooling down on the sexy time.  But, he guessed that conversation could wait until after he railed you on that couch.
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amphxtrite · 3 years
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aaron hotchner x fem!reader
warnings: smut, oral (fem receiving), face riding, wet dream, degrading, sir kink, fingering, masturbation, food.
do not read if you are uncomfortable.
summary: a wet dream leads to a steamy morning after Hotch finds out.
word count: 2.3k
a/n: I’m so in love with Hotch, do expect more of him lmao.
hope you enjoy :)
“Fuck you taste so good, darling.” Hotch groans.
You nod bashfully as you move your hips faster in a circle as Aaron’s tongue swirls around your clit and up your slit.
“Such a dirty slut grinding against my face like that.” Hotch chuckles, pulling his tongue away from your aching core. You whine in objection.
“Use your words darling, let me hear how much you want it.” He growls, licking a long stripe up your cunt as latching onto your clit, chuckling as you squirm around in desperation, sending delicious vibrations up your core.
“Oh fuck Sir, please eat me out, make me cum! I need it so fucking bad.” You cry desperately, circling your hips faster as Hotch obliges, tightening his grip on your hips to pull you further onto his face and dragging his tongue in and out of your tight slit, moaning loudly to send shockwaves up your belly.
Sunlight pours into your room in a soft beam as your eyes flutter open. You slowly sit up and yawn, glancing over at your boyfriend fondly as he snores softly under the covers, when suddenly, your dream comes crashing back down on you. 
You bite your lip to hold back a soft moan as you recall the way Aaron’s tongue felt against your aching clit. You could feel your heartbeat travel to your core at the mere thought.
Another soft snore pulls you out of your thoughts and you avert your gaze down to the sleeping man beside you. His short black hair had grown out giving him an almost boyish look, his warm brown eyes lay hidden as he dozed and his lips lay slightly parted. The usual look of determination on his face was replaced with peace as his face relaxed, and with the sun pouring down onto his face and bare chest just barely peeking out past your comforter. 
You swallow as almost tauntingly his tongue darts out to wet his top lip before retreating back behind his teeth, he was just starting to stir, but you couldn’t stand this anymore.
You nibble on your bottom lip as you debate waking Aaron up, but he slept so peacefully and you couldn’t bring yourself to do that, especially after a case.
You sigh, feeling tired just thinking about your last assignment.
Oh, but the heat between your legs was getting too much to bear!
Begrudgingly  you decide to just get off by yourself. Waving your hand over Arron’s eyes you come to the conclusion he was out cold, you should be alright.
As quietly as possible you swing your feet off the bed and pad down to the guest bedroom, just to be safe. You exhale gently and remove your pajamas until you’re only left in a pair of panties and climb onto the bed.
You kneel so you’re facing the wall behind you and allow one hand to leave your breast and travel down your body until it’s down the front of your panties.
Hotch’s low voice rings in your head.
“You taste so good, darling.”
Your fingers begin moving around your clit in circles and figure eights, moving closer towards your slit as you whimper gently and begin delving deeper.
“Good morning, love.” 
You squeak in surprise, pulling your hand from your panties and staring in shock-horror at a groggy Aaron standing in the doorway.
“What are you doing in the guest room?” He questions tiredly, stretching one arm out as he rubs the sleep from his eyes.
“D’you want—” He begins, voice faltering as his eyes finally focus on you, finally noticing your topless frame and your flushed cheeks.
You smile nonchalantly and avert your gaze to the wall beside you, suddenly finding the cream wallpaper to be far more interesting.
“Well I wouldn’t mind waking up to a sight like that every day.” Hotch smirks as you roll your eyes gently.
“What’s got you all hot and bothered this morning love?” He teases, walking closer and gathering you into his arms.
“N-No reason.” You sigh, burying your face into the crook of his neck to hide the growing flush on your face.
“No, tell me darling, I’m rather curious.”
A shudder runs down your spine at the pet name and you feel your heartbeat travel to your core again.
“I-It’s fine really.” You exclaim, trying to laugh the situation off and squirm your way out of your boyfriend’s grip.
“No, you’re not getting off that easy.” Aaron chuckles, running his hands up and down your bare back, licking his lips as he imagines what wet fantasies had you so flustered.
“I— had a dream.” You confess, glancing up into Hotch’s, now dark, brown eyes
“Oh? Why don’t you tell me about it, lovet?” He chides, sitting you back down on the bed and standing above you.
“Was it my fingers?” He starts, sliding his hand up your thighs slowly. You shake your head ‘no.’
“My cock perhaps?” He questions. You shake your head again.
“My tongue, then?” Aaron asks, licking his lips.
You pause and finally, nod gently.
Hotch takes your chin in between his fingers and tilts your head to come eye to eye with him before whispering.
“Dreaming about me eating you out, love? How exciting.” He chuckles, hooking his fingers on your panties and pulling them down your thighs.
“I— I was riding your face.” You admit, feeling your confidence grow.
“I see. Tell me more.” 
“You called me a dirty slut and made me beg for your tongue.” You stammer, gasping as Aaron leans closer and nibbles down your neck.
“You do love it when I call you a little slut don’t you?” 
“Yes, Sir— fuck I do.” You whimper desperately, squeezing your thighs together as you feel your arousal grow.
Hotch smirks at your words. You always loved teasing him by calling him sir, even before you started fucking.
“Then sit on my face poppet, let’s make that dream come true.” Aaron smirks darkly, laying down on the mattress before guiding you into a sitting position on his hips and waiting. Your face must have resembled a tomato because Hotch cocks an eyebrow at you and beckons you forwards. “Don’t be shy darling, you want me to eat that little pussy of yours don’t you?”
You nod shyly and Hotch leans up to place a tender kiss on your lips for a second before lying back down.
Your eyes trail up Aaron’s bare chest, admiring each muscle and scar along his chest and abdomen. You roll your hips teasingly and nibble on your bottom lip when Hotch grabs your hips firmly and narrows his eyes.
“Nice try y/n, but I’m in charge today.” Hotch smirks, watching as you swallow sheepishly and nod. 
You inch upwards slowly, letting your pussy graze Aaron’s chest, watching his eyes drink in your figure.
Once you maneuver yourself over his arms, he catches you off-guard, wrapping his arms around your thighs and jolting you forward onto his mouth.
Your breath hitches and you move your hands to the top of the headboard so you wouldn’t fall. 
Turns out you would need it because once Hotch got his grip he pries your legs apart, he immediately takes your clit into his mouth and flicks the sensitive numb around with his tongue.
“O-Oh fuck.” You moan, moving one of your hands down into Hotch’s soft black hair and pulling gently.
Hotch hums in response sending waves of euphoria up your abdomen and clouding your vision, causing your grip to tighten and your hips to sway.
“S-Sir, please go faster.” You whine, grinding your hips down on Hotch’s tongue only for him to pull you back.
“So impatient, grinding on my tongue like the dirty little slut you are.” He chuckles, licking a soft stripe up your slit.
You whimper needily.
“Please sir-” You pause, your mouth forming into a soft ‘o’ as Aaron’s tongue delves a little deeper.
“Please sir what, love? What do you want?” He taunts, attaching his lips to your clit and sucking on it slowly.
“Oh please sir, f-fuck me with your tongue, you make me feel so so good-” Your breath hitches again as Aaron nibbles on your clit and laughs.
“Now was that so hard, whore?” Hotch snarls, pulling you fully back onto his face again and burying his tongue as deep as he could into your pussy.
You gasp as shivers go down your spine. Hotch’s tongue darts in and out, swirling around your tight hole as his calloused hands rub down your thighs as you grind.
“Oh my god- right there sir, fuck-” You cry, grinding, rolling and bucking your hips, all in an effort to get closer, to feel more.
Your hand leaves Hotch’s hair and travels up your body, you take your breasts into your hands and knead  forcefully sending your pleasure over the top as you feel Hotch’s tongue and moans send shockwaves of ecstasy through every inch of your being.
Your heartbeat pounds in your clit and with every thrust of Hotch’s tongue another moan of pleasure leaves your mouth, mixed perfectly with the sound of his.
The familiar feeling of a burning knot in your stomach begins to poke at you and your hand grasps onto Aaron’s hair.
“Mh- Sir. Oh fuck, Sir I’m close.” You whine, bouncing your hips up and down.
Hotch chuckles and moves one of his hands from your thigh to under your body and positions it under your core.
In one fluid movement he moves his tongue back to your clit and slides two digits up your wet hole, easily pushing them all the way in and starting to curl them, hitting your g-spot over and over again.
“Oh f-fuck. Just like that.” You whimper.
Aaron’s lips release your clit slowly as his fingers continue to pump and curl inside you.
His smirk grows as he watches your desperate form cling onto his hair and roll your hips trying to get more.
“You should see yourself, love. Absolutely pathetic begging for me.” Hotch growls, sliding a third finger into your core.
You whine in response, unable to form a coherent sentence with Aaron’s fingers thrusting in and out of you.
Hotch chuckles darkly and suddenly slams three digits inside you hitting deeper, grazing your cervix and causing you to throw your head back in pure euphoria.
“O-Oh please Sir- I-I’m so close. Please, more.” You beg, bouncing on Hotch’s fingers as the burning tight coil in your stomach edges you closer to release.
“Fuck- were you begging like this in your dream darling? Tell me how much you want it, you dirty slut.” Aaron demands, swirling his tongue around your clit again.
“I need it sir- please, I-I need it so bad, please let me cum.” You whimper, feeling tears prick at the corner of your eyes as you inch closer and closer to your release. You were so close, but you needed more.
Hotch smirks into your pussy and begins sucking forcefully on your clit.
He swirls his tongue around, nibbles, sucks, and sends the full force of his moans up your core. 
The waves of ecstacy crash like waves on you, making it difficult to say anything. 
With long digits still pumping and burying themselves deep inside you, curling to hit your g-spot, you throw your head back and curl your toes as you finally whine.
“P-Please, may I cum, sir?”
Hotch picks up the pace in your core and with one final flick of his tongue he commands.
“Cum for me.” 
The coil in your stomach suddenly bursts and white flashes in your vision as a string of incoherent moans leave your mouth. You throw your head back, tighten your grip in Hotch’s hair as your breath comes out in heavy pants.
When your sight returns your legs are shaking, but your hips still sway in a circular motion to ride out your high. Hotch drags his tongue up your slit repeatedly, while his fingers move at a slower pace.
Your clit pulsed each time Aaron ran his tongue over it, and you could tell he was enjoying the small squeak that left your mouth each time.
Once he was cleaning you up and having his fun, he shifts his attention to your thigh where he places a sloppy kiss against it and uses teeth to help him leave a mark.
Feeling all your strength leave your body, you feel yourself fall backwards onto Aaron’s legs, you did your best to slow your fall, but your land with a thud in between Hotch’s outstretched legs.
“Are you alright, love?” He asks, sitting upwards and pulling you back upwards into his arms.
“Mhm, never better.” You sigh, snuggling into his warm chest.
“Was it anything like your dream?” Hotch teases, tenderly caressing his hand down your neck.
“Aaron, it was even better.” You giggle dreamily, wrapping your arms around Hotch’s neck.
“Even better, huh?” He grins smugly, evidently proud of himself.
“Even better.” You sigh, letting him have his moment.
Hotch gives you one of his famous smiles, one you almost never get to see on the job, but one you always see when you’re together. The one that showed a little teeth and spread to his eyes.
“I love you.” He murmurs, leaning into you to rest his forehead against yours.
“I love you more.” You smile, rubbing your nose against his.
“Impossible.” He chuckles, scooting to the edge of the bed before standing and shifting you into a bridal style carry.
“Let’s get you back in bed.” Hotch murmurs, carrying you back to your shared room and tucking you in under the covers.
“I’ll go make some breakfast, rest okay?” Aaron smiles, pressing a slow kiss to your lips.
He pauses as he pulls back, meaning to pull back and leave, but he can’t help but connect your lips for a little longer and feel your fingers run through his hair and down his neck before he breaks the kiss, presses a soft peck to your cheek and walk out the door leaving you flustered, warm and with butterflies in your stomach. 
You would never get tired of that.
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
“Mr. Coffee-Shop-Hotshot”
Pairing: Hikaru Hitachiin x f!reader Genre: fluff, angst, smut Warnings: jealous and possessive Hikaru, unprotected sex (wrap it up), a dash of degradation, choking, and I think that’s it lmao Summary: You’ve been dating Hikaru since high school but that doesn’t stop him from getting jealous of your coworker at the coffee shop Word Count: 4.1k words  A/N: characters are aged up!! Prompt #72 from my 1k Followers Event: “You’re Mine.”
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You and Hikaru have been sweethearts since high school. The thing is, when you two first started dating, no one thought it was going to last, seeing as how you two were literally enemies until Hikaru kissed you to shut you up. After that kiss, you two avoided each other until Kaoru tried talking to you while pretending to be Hikaru. You weren’t blind though. You could tell it was Kaoru instead of his twin. You played along until the end though, only revealing you knew it was really him until he got his point across. His point was “I’m sorry for treating you so poorly. I’m just not very good with feelings and I didn’t know how to face you after the kiss without arguing with you.” You figured that Kaoru wouldn’t say something like that unless Hikaru felt that way himself. So, you grew a pair and talked to Hikaru after he was done with the Host Club. 
“It appears I’m going to be the man in this relationship.” was the first thing you said to him, to which he scoffed at because A. if anyone is going to be the man, it’s him and B. who says you two are in a relationship? 
You just kissed him and that easily proved your point. From then on, you two started dating, to everyone’s surprise. Just because you two were dating though doesn’t mean you two stopped fighting. While everyone else has their honeymoon phase, you two went right to the old married couple stage. They weren’t ever serious fights though. One time you two argued about who had better eyes. Hikaru couldn’t admit to you that it was definitely you and you couldn’t admit to him that it was actually him, so you both claimed that it was yourselves. 
After that phase ended though, you two went into the honeymoon phase, which just confused everyone, including you and Hikaru. Suddenly, him leaving his used cup on your bedside table didn’t bother you anymore. You’ll just bring it down with you when you go downstairs. Hikaru realized that he didn’t mind you having your clothes thrown out in every other direction in his room anymore. His maid will just clean it up anyway. No harm done. 
The honeymoon ‘phase’ was more annoying to everyone than the old married couple phase. Now, instead of you two arguing who wants the last piece of candy, you two are ‘arguing’ about who gets to kiss who last. It makes everyone gag. Honey senpai seems to think it’s really sweet though. 
That was four years ago and now, you two are just as bad now as you were back then. Everyone, luckily and unluckily, decided to go to the same university. It is way out of your price range but that wasn’t going to stop your boyfriend of four years from getting you to go there. “I’ll pay off all your bills, babe. Don’t worry,” he’ll always reassure you despite your worries and nagging. You refuse to let him pay for it all though, so you got a job. 
It was actually pretty easy to nail the job, seeing as how it’s at the coffee shop where you and the gang always went for energy boosters and to study. You were already friends with the manager from going in there so much, so when you asked if they were hiring, they practically hired you on the spot. 
Hikaru didn’t like you having a job though. 
“Why do you even work here? I can pay for everything, babe. You don’t have to worry about it. So why don’t you just quit? I miss hanging out with you,” he complains every time you leave for work, when he shows up to your work, and when you come back to your shared apartment. His argument, in your royal opinion, is stupid. If anything, you see him too much as it is. I mean, you already live with the guy and have half of your classes with him. What more does he want from you?
It took him a month to finally accept the fact that yes, you will pay for things yourself, and no, you are not quitting just because he wants you to. Once he realizes that you can secretly give him free coffee though, not that price ever mattered to him, he was happy. “Okay, but I also want a free muffin,” he finally agreed. 
It was like that for maybe half a year before new problems started to arise. Your boss hired a new guy who you don’t even know the name of yet but, oh, Hikaru hates him already. “I don’t like him. He smells like too much Axe body spray and he has a weird, purple piercing in his eyebrow. And! And, he has a tattoo. A tattoo! Who does he think he is,” Hikaru complains to you while you try to do homework. He had gotten your schedule mixed up and when he went to go see you on your day off, he ran into the new guy. You weren’t surprised that he could tell he’s new since Hikaru is practically there as much as you are. He knows everyone and, of course, everyone loves him. 
Not this guy though, apparently. 
“When he gave me my coffee, it tasted off! Then, I realized, he didn’t add sugar! I didn’t say anything about sugar!” he continues to rant, making you sigh and set your pencil down. You turn to face him now, placing your hand over his and soothingly rubbing your thumb over his smooth skin. 
“Baby, I’m sure it was an accident. He’s new, remember? I’m sure he just forgot to add it,” you reassure, giving his cheek a kiss once he takes a deep breath and lets it all go in one breath. 
“Fine. I guess you’re right. But if he messes up again, I won’t hesitate to say something next time!” You giggle at this and nod your head, giving him a proper kiss this time to relax him even more. 
“Okay, baby. You do that,” you tease before going back to your homework. This, of course, was just not okay. 
“Babe, we’ve been studying for hours. Let’s take a break,” he coos, moving closer to you and starting to place kisses along your neck. You try to ignore him and focus but your boyfriend knows you too well. Knows your body too well. 
“You mean I’ve been studying for hours. You’ve just been talking and playing on your phone,” you tease, a gasp ripping from you when he sucks and nibbles on your sweet spot. You feel him smirk against your skin, his hands coming to squeeze your thighs. 
“Fair point. Makeout with me a little and then, and only then, will I study,” he bargains, making you roll your eyes. 
“Fat chance,” you decline him as you playfully push him away, making him whine loudly. 
“But baby—”
“No. Study and then, and only then, will I makeout with you,” you bargain right back, a smirk of your own coming to your face. 
“You’re wicked,” he says with a dramatic gasp and a hand across his heart. When you don’t reply or even react, he groans before finally picking up his pencil. “Fine! You better take your shirt off too then,” he snaps before focusing on his work. Most of your study sessions go like this. 
The next day at work, the new guy, Ritsu, came in in the middle of your shift. Your boss introduced the two of you once he put his stuff away in his locker, the guy seeming nervous for his next shift today. You smile at him and shake his hand, reassuring him that you’ll help him out today. He seems to relax at this, thanking you before starting to get to work. Whenever he had a question or messed up, you were right there to help him. The day, overall, went pretty smoothly you think. 
At the end of your shifts, he grabs his things from his locker before walking to the front with you. “Do you need a ride home?” he asks as he walks over to his motorcycle. You smile at him but shake your head, taking your phone out of your pocket to check your messages. 
“No, that’s okay. My boyfriend is picking me up and taking me out to dinner. Thank you though!” you reply with a sweet smile, Ritsu flashing you a smile back as he climbs onto his motorcycle. 
“Okay, good. I didn’t want you walking home alone at night. I heard there was a robbery a couple of roads away from here,” he explains as he pulls his helmet on. 
“Oh yeah. It was at the corner gas station. That’s so sweet of you to think of me though. I’ll be sure to let you know if I ever need a ride!” you thank once more. He nods as he turns the vehicle on, bidding you farewell with a salute before pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road. 
You check the time and see that you have a few minutes until your boyfriend gets there. Luckily, he seemed to have left early because, within the next minute, he’s stopping right in front of you. “Well, hello there, good lookin’. Do you need a ride?” he playfully flirts. You hum and pretend to think about it as you walk over to his window. 
“Well, I don’t know. Are you going to show me a good time?” you playfully flirt right back. He hums as he happily lets his eyes trail over your body despite your hideous work clothes. He didn’t seem to mind them though. 
“Oh, you have no idea, baby. Don’t tell my girlfriend though.” You scoff as you burst into a fit of giggles, lightly hitting his arm before going to the passenger side. 
“Well, that depends. Am I prettier than her?” you reply, batting your eyelashes at him as you slide into the car and pull your seatbelt over your body. He hums and nods his head, putting the car in reverse as he replies. 
“Oh, most definitely. She’s like a fat cow,” he jokes, making you scoff and hit him again. 
“I don’t think your girlfriend would appreciate you saying such things about her. What if I decide to tell her what you said about her?” you argue, crossing your arms over your chest as if you’re mad at him. You know for a fact that he’d never cheat on you. You always tease him that he’s too obsessed with you. ‘I love you! I’m not obsessed with you! There’s a difference!’ he’d always argue to your joking jab. 
Before he can leave the parking spot, he stops the car to look at you with this new glint in his eyes. “What if I eat you out so good that you can’t even remember your own name, let alone mine?” he whispers right into your ear, his tongue licking around the shell of your ear. You let out a shaky breath, not expecting his sudden change in this little game you two were playing. 
“I doubt you’re any good,” you sass, it lacking the power that you want it to have. He pulls away from the side of your head to make eye contact with you again, his eyes shining with a newfound lust. 
“Well, I’ve only ever been with my girlfriend, so it’s possible. You should hear the way she screams my name though. She’ll cum three times from my mouth and fingers alone before I even give what she really wants inside of her,” he says lowly, your eyes moving to watch his lips as he talks. You press your legs together, already starting to feel arousal bubbling low in your gut. 
“Is she any good in bed?” you decide to ask, bringing the attention off of him. You wait for him to say something along the lines of ‘no, she’s horrible’ but it seems he decides to stop playing your little game all of a sudden. 
“She’s better than good. She sucks me off like I’m a popsicle and she just got out of the desert. She’s always so desperate to unravel me but I never do only because I know it works her up even more. She then starts acting like a brat, trying to get her way. We both know that’s just her way of annoying me to the point that I punish her. Mmhm, her screams sound so good when her face is shoved into our mattress,” he replies, his voice dropping an octave or two. You gulp at this, feeling your panties dampen with your slick. 
“No wonder she’s your girlfriend,” you whisper, your throat suddenly too dry for your liking. He only hums before continuing with his driving, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it once you two get on the road. 
“What do you want to eat? I’m kind of in the mood for Mexican,” he says to you as if he didn’t just make you so horny that the only thing you can think about is having him inside of your mouth instead of food. 
“That sounds fine,” you say softly, trying to think of anything but that. He smirks at the way you sound, which is slightly wrecked, and starts to head in the direction of a Mexican restaurant that you two like. That night ended, of course, with him deep inside of you and grunting out all sorts of deliciously dark things into your ear. 
Things continued on like normal for a while. You went to work but didn’t get to work with Ritsu again for a week, so Hikaru never ran into him again. The day you did work with him though, he seemed to be struggling more than usual. So, when there was a break in customers, you decide to ask him what was up. 
“Sorry. I got into this fight with my girlfriend, Mei, this morning,” he explains, a frown hanging heavy on his face. You nod your head, only too familiar with that feeling. You and Hikaru don’t have serious fights a lot but you, obviously, have them just like every other couple. 
“It’s okay. I understand. Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can give you my opinion or some advice?” you offer, wanting to help him feel better. He thinks about your offer for a moment before sighing and giving in, starting to tell you everything that had happened that morning. You two occasionally pause to help a customer but always end up focusing back on his situation. As a woman yourself, you look at his story from her point of view and figure out what might be the cause of her frustrations. 
“Okay,” you say once he finishes his story, “I think I see what the problem is.” You then tell him what you think and what he should do to mend their relationship. After hearing your advice, he realized what he did wrong and gets so excited that he hugs you. 
“Thank you so much! It all makes sense now! No wonder she was so upset! You’re seriously a lifesaver! I owe you one!” He hugs you tightly, making you giggle and return the hug. 
“It’s no problem at all,” you reassure. You two pull away when you hear the bell ring, automatic smiles coming to your face to greet your new customer. Your eyes widened when you saw your boyfriend instead though. A very angry and brooding boyfriend at that. “Babe? What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t going to be here for another hour?” you ask confusedly, walking around the counter to give him your usual hug and kiss. 
His eyes are on Ritsu though. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you not want me here? Am I interrupting something?” he snaps, his eyes squinting at Ritsu as he says this. Your brows furrow at his words, stopping in front of him and dropping your arms since it’s obvious that he’s not going to give you a hug. 
“What? Well, I’m working but—”
“Oh, sorry to bother you then. I’ll let you get right back to it,” he snaps, turning his glare to you before leaving without another word. He doesn’t stop or turn around when you call after him either, making you sigh as a frown comes to your face. 
“What’s up with him?” you mumble, trying to think as to why he would be mad. That’s when it hit you. You hugging Ritsu? Did that upset him? But why? You hug guys all of the time. Well, not all of the time. And then again, they’re his friends too or your family. You snap out of your daze when the bell jingles again, signaling a new customer. You sigh and go back behind the counter, smiling and greeting the customer happily. Guess you’ll just have to talk to him about it later then. 
When you get off work and you get back home, you find that Hikaru isn’t home. You think back to what he was telling you yesterday, remembering him telling you his plans for today. You check the time on the microwave before looking at your fridge for any notes. He doesn't have any plans right now that you are aware of and he didn’t leave a note telling you where he was going or when he’ll be back. Maybe there was an emergency? That just makes you worry more though.
You let it go with a heavy exhale, trying not to read too much into it. You don’t have to know where he is every second of every day. 
You go to your bathroom to take a shower and get the smell of coffee off of you. You end up accidentally using his body wash though, the smell of cinnamon and ginger filling your nostrils. It’s not your favorite but it’s what he’s been using for years. He pulls off the smell really well though. 
You step out of the shower and wrap yourself up in a baby blue towel, leaning against the sink to look at your skin in the mirror. After applying some lotion to your body to make you feel extra nice, you leave the bathroom. You stop at the door though when you find Hikaru sitting on the bed, his feet still on the floor and his hands hanging between his knees. Now you’re even more concerned. Normally, he would’ve jumped at the opportunity to take a shower with you but now he won’t even look at you. 
“Hikaru,” you call out softly to him, seeming to bring him out of his daze. You walk over to him and come to stand in between his legs, making him sit up straighter. His eyes glaze over your bare collarbones and neck, something spurring to life in his eyes as water droplets cascade down your soft skin. 
“You’re mine,” he says suddenly, his eyes snapping to yours. Your eyes widen a bit at this random declaration, your brow raising curiously at him. 
“What?” is your brilliant reply to him. You gasp when he stands and switches your positions in a flash, the back of your knees hitting the bed before you fall back onto it. You gape up at him, your hands clinging to the front of your towel. 
“You heard me. You’re mine!” he growls, his hands snagging your towel away from you before you can even attempt to stop him. His eyes wander your body, a dark look in his eyes as he takes his sweet time admiring your naked body. 
“Hikaru,” you breathe his name, goosebumps crawling over your flesh. He hums in response, one of his knees coming to the bed so he can lean over you, his fingers starting to trace random lines and patterns into your skin. 
“That’s right. Say my name, baby,” he coos, his fingers coming to tweak your nipples. You moan his name in response, back arching up into his hands. He watches you with attentive eyes, not daring to look away from your lewd expressions or wet hole for even a second. He loves how quickly you react to his touch, your body always craving his as much as his craves yours. “Who do you belong to?” he asks as he crawls completely over you, staring into your eyes as he lets his hands crawl down your body. 
“You,” you whisper breathlessly. 
“Who?” he growls, suddenly shoving two of his fingers into your drooling heat. 
“You, Hikaru!” you cry, back arching when he slips a third finger in. He hums lowly as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, scraping the pads of his fingers against your g-spot to get you really moaning for him. 
“That’s right, baby. You’re all mine, now and forever,” he whispers before pulling his fingers out, making you whimper. He brings his dry hand up to your throat, squeezing it lightly as he stares into your eyes. “Shut up! Dirty whores like you don’t get to cum until I say so,” he hisses, not letting your neck go as he uses his other hand to remove his pants and boxers. “‘M gonna fill you up, remind you that you only belong to me,” he mumbles, his hand frantically trying to pull his member free. 
Your brows furrow at this as you bring your hands up to his chest. Before you can question him though, he starts to push into you. You both groan in sync as he slips inside, your eyes rolling back into your head for a moment. You forget about his words for now, your brain only thinking about the way he feels inside of you. 
He just barely bottoms out before he’s already pulling back to thrust back in, starting a frantic pace. You moan his name loudly, your nails lightly scratching his chest, causing him to hiss. He keeps up the frenzied pace, your breasts bouncing with each thrust. 
You both cum almost at the same time, Hikaru finally giving you permission to cum after denying you your orgasm over and over again. He keeps true to his word, pushing deep inside of you and coating your walls white. He stays inside of you for a while, his chest heaving as he tries to get air back. He slowly releases your throat, and instead brushes his fingers against your cheek. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, his eyes shining with regret. You’re confused for a moment, thinking that that’s some of the best sex you’ve ever had. Then you remember his words from before, how he kept saying you’re his and that no one is going to take you from him. 
“What’s going on, my love?” you whisper, still a little breathless. He looks away from you, starting to worry his lip between his teeth. 
“Don’t leave me for him,” he whispers, and if you weren’t just a couple of inches away from him, you wouldn’t have heard it. He pulls out of you then and moves to lay beside you, putting his back to you. 
“What? Hey. Hey, look at me,” you say worriedly, pushing yourself up onto your elbow as you use your free hand to gently trace random shapes into his back. It takes him a minute but he eventually turns onto his back, staring at the ceiling instead of you. “What’s all this ‘leaving me’ talk about? We’ve been dating for years, Hikaru. Why would I want to leave you for someone else?” you ask with furrowed brows, starting to run your hand through his hair to help soothe him. He leans into your touch, his eyes finally meeting yours. Despite your reassuring words, he looks scared, worried. 
“What about Mr. Coffee-Shop-Hotshot? You seemed to like him a lot,” he grumbles, his mouth turning into a scowl just at the thought of the man. You can’t help but smile at how jealous he is, your heart swelling with the amount of love you hold for the man before you. 
“You dope, he was asking me for advice about his girlfriend. That hug happened because he was thanking me for basically saving his relationship,” you inform, a smirk on your face as you watch the realization come over his face. 
“Oh,” he squeaks out, his face turning sheepish and red. You snort and move to lay your head down on his chest. 
“You’re such an idiot. You should know by now that you’re the one for me, idiot and all,” you tease, gently rubbing his chest and abdomen. He huffs and wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly to him. 
“Whatever. As if you wouldn’t get upset if I was hugging another girl,” he accuses. 
“You act as if another girl would even come near someone as ugly as you,” you tease, obviously joking. 
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shigarakislittlepet · 3 years
im so happy to find a blog with good nsfw content for literally all my faves lol we share the same braincell it seems! how about fluffy nsfw headcanons for Dabi, Shigi, Aizawa and Shinsou and well, Baku but I don't want to overwhelm you even if you don't have a character limit hhh, with a s/o that was completely inexperienced in sex before they got together? They grew more comfortable with the idea of sex over time as they used to be really shy about it but they're scared they'll mess up and disappoint their loves? If possible could you mention what kind of approach each boy would have for the first time with their virgin s/o? I'm just feeling some fluffy dick tonite ya know lol stay safe out there <3
Ohhhh my gosh, this whole thing gave me brain rot lmao, thank you for giving me this power <3<3<3
This also took me literal months to finish because life got crazy, so I’m sorry about that. Hope you enjoy it anyway!
TW: loss of virginity, gentelness, fluffy smut, unprotected sex bc I’m a whore (Y/N is on birth control), and as always all characters are adults especially Y/N
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> You are surprised by how patient he is with you. You were sure he’d have gotten tired of waiting, but he didn’t push. He didn’t make you feel badly about it, and the last thing he would ever want to do to sweet little innocent angel is coerce them into something they weren’t ready for. So, he waits.
> It happened so gradually. Over time, light kissing became making out. After a few months, you got more comfortable and it didn’t feel at all odd to fall into bed with him, cuddling and “swapping spit” as he called it, which always made you giggle like a schoolgirl at his crudeness. His hands would test the waters, but he was always feeling for nervous tremors and flinching, never wanting to go further than you were comfortable. At first, he only rested a hand on you lower back, drawing lazy circles into your waist, his other cradling your face gently, reassuringly. Eventually he could get his hand beneath your shirt, still just at your lower back, but he was content with his progress. Your skin was soft and you said he felt warm, and that was the first time he ever thought of his quirk as “sweet, comforting”, as you described the warmth from his hands.
> After a few months went by, he had progressed to the point of being able to freely roam your body with his hands, the warmth helping you stay calm and anchored to him.
> What continued to surprise you is how easy it felt, once you were ready. You didn’t even see it coming. He asked you, so gently, if he could take your shirt off. You told him he could as long as he promised to keep you warm. He went along slowly, constantly reassuring you, “God Angel, you’re so beautiful. I gotta see more of you, can I? Please?”, “You’re so soft, I need to feel more of your skin, angel, please?” You didn’t even hesitate, you didn’t need to. You felt safer with him than you ever had in your life.
> You realized, once you were both naked together, just how comfortable you were with him. And suddenly you felt like you needed to give him everything he ever wanted, and you knew he would do the same for you.
> It happens so slowly, or at least, it feels like it does. His hand slowly grazes down between your bodies until he reaches your core. You gasp, no one but you had ever touched you there, and it feels so foreign and wonderful. And warm. Once you begin bucking onto his fingers, an insatiable grin stretches across his face. He retracts his fingers, bringing them to his lips, and you watch as he sucks them clean. He calls you delicious and rolls on top of you, asks you if you’re ready for him. For the first time, you look down between your bodies and see just how huge and hard he is for you. When he sees your concern he kisses your forehead, then your lips. “I won’t hurt you Angel, I promise.” You nod and smile, and he starts easing into you, stopping every so often when he can tell the stretch is too much. He kisses your cheeks, your shoulders, your lips, whatever he can get his mouth on as he pants and mumbles little praises. “I love you”, “You’re doin’ so well”, “You’re takin’ me sooo well”, “God, you’re so beautiful, you know how beautiful you are Angel?”, “Ahh, you’re so fuckin’ tight and wet for me Angel, you want me that badly?”. The praises and teases help you considerably to keep you relaxed, and fuck, you DO want him. So fucking badly, you need him. When he’s finally seated inside you fully, he waits, clearly using every last bit of his restraint and self control to give you time to adjust. When you finally whine and buck your hips up on him, he loses it. “I hope you’re fuckin’ ready, Angel.”
>You find rather quickly that Dabi’s style is a beautiful mix of “fucking” and “making love”. He fucks you, hard and deep, so much so that it makes you see stars, but while he does it he’s caging you in-between his arms, holding you close while he pistons in and out of you. He looks you in the eyes, watching your reactions, quickly finding what angle makes you convulse and let out those beautiful moans and coos that he’s now desperate to hear.
>When he nears his end, he reaches down between you again to rub sweet circles against your clit, because no way is Dabi cumming first. It’s just not his style.
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> Shigaraki is definitely happy that you’re inexperienced, he’d kill anyone who had ever laid a hand on you before him. You belonged to him.
> It also means that you’re a virgin, which really gets him going because hes a pervert. ((He’s also secretly glad that he’s not the only virgin))
> He is touch starvvveeeeddddddd. We all know this. But at first, he’s so hesitant to touch you, for fear of destroying you.
> You are patient with each other, and together you find out what works and what doesn’t. He got some artist gloves so he could hold your fucking hand without hyperventilating about dusting you. He’s still afraid of you disappearing beneath his fingertips.
> You were never, not even for a second, worried that he would hurt you. You knew that he could, that he had the ability, but you knew that he wouldn’t.
> He wasn’t so sure, he was afraid of rolling over in the night and finding a pile of dust where you used to be. He wakes up from nightmares about it and has to wake you up to hold you while he shakes uncontrollably. He just has to know you’re alive.
> You both get more and more comfortable with physical proximity and contact together, because you both wanted it, you were both just so worried about fucking everything up.
> When the time came where both of you decided you were ready to have sex, you admitted to him that you were afraid of not measuring up to his expectations. All these “what if’s” kept popping up in your mind: “what if he doesn’t find my body attractive enough”, “what if I don’t know how to move right”, “what if I cant please him”, etc. etc. etc.
> He just looks at you kind of taken aback and confused. He was worried about you not being able to see him as sexually attractive because of how he looked, he was just as self-conscious as you. “Darling, you’re the most perfect person in existence, how can you not see that? Look at me! I’m... I... Look like this! How could I ever hope that someone as beautiful as you could ever see me that way?”
>You didn’t immediately know how to respond. You were... heartbroken that he saw himself that way. You couldn’t image him being self-conscious about anything because in your eyes, he was a god. He was perfect and angelic and you told him as much. You looked at him with such adorably big eyes and your voice was full of so much honesty and adoration, he had to have you immediately. He’d never felt desired, he had never felt lovable. He always thought it would be a miracle if anyone would ever be able to even stomach looking at him without cringing away in disgust. But you were so perfect and you loved him so immediately and so much that it knocked him out. He launches himself at you and just kisses you for a while.
> You both fumbled around a bit at first, trying to find what felt best. You both quickly came to the conclusion that you were going to have to practice together. A lot. As much as possible actually, because even in your inexperience, you both felt more amazing than you ever had in your lives. When you were connected like this, panting, kissing, licking, trying your damndest to become one being, it felt like bliss. You never wanted it to stop.
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> Aizawa has an innocence kink. There I fucking said it.
> When it comes to the person he’s with, he’s a shameless flirt, and while he would NEVER cross a line or pressure you, he definitely does his best to get you in the mood whenever he can, much to your naïve frustration.
> At first you genuinely don’t even realize he’s doing it on purpose. The heated looks he gave you that made your knees weak? You didn’t think he was doing that on purpose, it’s just because he’s... tired? And he always looks so gorgeous, so that’s why. He ALWAYS makes your knees weak. Yeah that’s all it is, obviously.
> And when he comes up behind you, hands on your hips gently, and lowly rumbling in your ear. Sometimes it’s just comments about whatever you’re doing, which was bad enough. But sometimes it was mumbled compliments. About your outfit, how good it made your ass look. About how soft your hair was, how good you smelled, the softness of your skin while he gently rubbed his stubble against your neck.
> He was so soft most of the time, cuddling you while watching movies, cooking together, dancing in the kitchen with you at 3 in the morning after he finished grading papers. The shift that happened when he would get flirtatious was dizzying.
> You were nervous though, Aizawa was a bit older than you, and obviously way more experienced that you. One night while you were curled up in bed together, you told him you were nervous about disappointing him when the time finally came. He sat up and turned a light on immediately and pulled you into his lap. He held you and stroked your hair and told you how much you meant to him, how you could never disappoint him, how much he wanted you, and how he was willing to wait however long you needed. He held you until he was sure you felt better about it, and then he held you until he was sure you were asleep. You were the most important person in the world to him, and he wasn’t gonna let you think anything was ever gonna change that.
> When you finally got tired of his teasing and felt like you were ready, you decided to get him back. Before he got home, you put on one of his long shirts as a dress and started getting dinner ready.
> When he walked through the door and saw that you were wearing nothing but one of his black button ups, he had to maintain every ounce of his self control to contain the rush of feral need that suddenly consumed him. Now it was HIS turn to assume you were being innocent. And man did you play it up. “What’s wrong Shota? Are you feeling okay?” And you bat your big beautiful eyes at him. He was going to have a stroke.
> It wasn’t until you bent over and he noticed you weren’t wearing anything under his shirt that he realized it was an invitation. He came up behind you, caging you in against the counter, and growled lowly in your ear, “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” He gently pushed his growing erection against your ass, making you gasp. Score.
> “W-what do you mean?” you looked up at him as innocently as you could. He took your hand and pressed it to the front of his pants. He groaned low in his chest, thankful for any friction. “Don’t play dumb with me, kitten. You know exactly what you’re doing. I think you should take responsibility.” You grinned.
> “Yes Sir,” he jolts at that, and you sink your knees and get to work undoing the fastenings on his hero costume. When his cock springs free, you eagerly give it kitten licks until he’s had enough. He grips you by your hair and gently guides your mouth down onto his cock. He’s big, bigger than you can take, but that doesn’t stop Aizawa from purposefully making you gag on him every so often. He really does get off on how innocent you are, the tears that hang in your eyes from gagging on his cock. He’s gonna cum soon if he’s not careful.
> After he’s had his fun making you suck him off, he pulls you up and carries you off to bed. No way he’s taking your virginity on the floor, he’s too much of a gentleman. And dinner, what dinner? Thank god nothing happened to be on the stove or in the oven.
> He sets you down in bed and kisses you, takes his shirt off of you and finishes ridding himself of his hero costume. He takes pride in getting you ready for him, relishing in your sweet noises and how wet you are for him. A fact that he teases you about. “S-Shotaaa~” you moan and clench down on his fingers. He smirks, “What happened to ‘Sir’, hmm? I liked that, you know...” All you can do is whine up at him in response.
> When you feel like you’re close to cumming, you whine louder and clench down harder and before you can reach your peak, he stops. You whine in frustration before he leans down and rumbles, “Oh no, kitten, the only way you’re cumming is if you cum on my cock.” You gasp and nearly convulse at his filthy words, but you’ve never felt like you needed him more.
> He fucks you gently, at first anyway. For as long as he can. He rolls his hips into you and angles his thrusts expertly, aiming for that spot inside you that’ll make your head spin. And he hits it. Every time. And your head DOES spin. And soon you can feel the pressure build again and you start whining again, “Sh-Shouta, please! I’m s-oh! So close!” He smiles, and decides to take pity on you. He pistons harder, faster, brings a hand to your core to rub circles against your clit and when you cum, you scream his name and he can’t take it anymore. He slams into you, chasing his own high and simultaneously extends yours. You’re seeing stars by the time he cums deep into you. He rolls over, bringing you with him. You lie on top of him and he strokes your hair, and you just hold each other for a while.
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> I wanna say this now, Shinso is Aizawa Jr. I’m so sorry, but its true. They’re both tired, overworked, cat lovers that just wanna come home and cuddle and pass out.
> He knows he’s your first boyfriend. You met at UA and pretty much bonded immediately. Now that you’re both pro-heros working for the same agency? It was only a matter of time before he made a move. And thank whatever higher power exists that you have the same schedule. More time for cuddles.
> HOWEVER! Don’t let the fact that he’s a cuddle-bug fool you. He frequently has to remember that you’re a virgin and you’ve never been in a relationship before, so you have no idea how much he’s affected by you answering your door on a Saturday morning you both had off wearing one of his hoodies that absolutely swallows you. Looking up at him smiling and yawning sleepily, rubbing one of your eyes and groggily asking, “What are you doing here so early? I thought we weren’t going out till tonight?”. He has to breathe deeply to stop himself from jumping you.
> Because much like Aizawa, seeing you so sleepy and soft and small and knowing how innocent and naive you are to all of the things you do that make him need you... is going to make him lose his mind. Quickly.
> Instead of an innocence kink though, this motherfucker has a corruption and a mind break kink. He wants to make it impossible for you to feel pleasure without him, he wants to make you need him desperately, forever. And he wants to do it without the help of his quirk. But that would all come in time, at the moment he has to stop himself from cumming in his pants because you’re bending over on your way to your room so you can change, stooping to pet your cat and his hoodie rode up your ass and he can see your lacy black panties and you were GOING to drive him insane long before he ever got the chance to make you his, he was sure.
> He had brought you coffee and suggested you just stay in all day since you both had such a late night. Watching movies and stuff. You know, normal stuff. He told himself he wasn’t going to try and make a move. Right? Right.
> But when you emerged from your room 45 minutes later, showered and changed, your hair still damp and a droplet of water drifting down your neck and landing in the dip of your collar bones, all he could think of was licking it up. How good your hair must smell, how your skin was still probably warm form the water... He was staring, and you pretended not to notice.
> You were nervous about not measuring up to his expectations. You’d seen the women he usually went out with, and how comfortable they were with their bodies and their sexuality. How beautiful they were. As far as you were concerned, you were nothing like them.
> He could see the gears turning in your head and the downturn of your mouth, and he asked you what was wrong. He motioned for you to come sit with him, and it wasn’t five seconds before he pulled you into his lap. After some coaxing, you let him know what you were worried about. He assured you that the reason he was so happy with you is because you weren’t anything like the women he had dated before. Because, not only were you far more beautiful than they were, they had also been conceited and cold, only dating him because he was an up and coming pro-hero that could get them into events so they could dump him for the first bigger hero they’d meet. He liked that you were soft and warm and he could trust you, that you had always trusted him, even despite his quirk.
> You talked for awhile, and as the morning sun drifted higher into the sky, you decided it was time to door dash some food. While he ordered it, you excused yourself the restroom. You needed to think. The heaviness of the conversation still weighed on you, and you’d never felt closer to him than you did now. It was time, you were sure. You wanted to give him everything he’d been waiting so patiently for, he deserved it. And so did you damnit, no more of this scaredy-cat bullshit! You gave yourself your best war face in the mirror before you exited the bathroom and going back to the living room where Shinsou was reclined on your couch. Head tilted back, resting on the pillow behind him.
> He was so beautiful. Lavender hair a wild mess, eyes closed and lashes fluttering softly. You wanted to kiss his neck suddenly, and unlike when urges like this usually happened, you didn’t shove the thought away. You quickly straddled him and, before he had the chance to question you, you began kissing up and down his neck softly. “K-kitty...” he groaned beneath you, gripping your waist, his hips jerking up against yours.
> After a while of your explorative kissing, he growled impatiently and flipped you over easily, pressing you into the couch. He kissed you like he might die if he didn’t, deep and slow and desperate. When he finally broke for air and looked at you, he felt his heart and his dick jump. Your flushed face and your eyes that were looking up at him through your eyelashes heavily, your mouth hanging open gasping and your kiss bitten lips, your brows softly cinched at the effort it took for you to remember you needed to breathe.
> He asks you if you’re sure you were ready, and when you nod dazedly up at him he doesn’t need any more convincing.
> He takes his time, he’s slow and methodical. He wants your first time to be an enjoyable experience. Something you can look back on fondly and remember how much he loved you, how good it felt, how comfortable you were. He wanted it to be better than his first time, drunk after a hero convention, with some woman who didn’t remember his name in the morning and never called him back. He pushed the thought away. He focused on you, on how perfect you were.
> When he finally thrusts into you, you think you want to feel like this forever. You tell him so, and beams with pride, pushing your pleasure further. Kissing your neck and praising you. Telling you how perfect you are, telling you all the things you do that drive him crazy, telling you that he’s never going to let you go, that you’re his forever and he’s yours.
> You cum together, and you think that everything in the world must have always been this beautiful. You spend the rest of the day cuddling, eating, and making love.
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> No thoughts in this mans head. None. At least when it comes to romance. When you first start dating, you had to make the first move cause his oblivious ass just thought you were challenging him. You had to explain to him that what you were actually doing was called “flirting”.
> So when it comes to your first time, you know you’re gonna have to make the first move there too. He fears rejection, so he avoids the things he really wants the most. Which in this case is you whining on his dick.
> But he also knows you’re a virgin and he doesn’t wanna scare you, so he leaves it be. Trusting his fist to get the job done when he really needs to let off some steam. Either by punching shit or jerking off.
> One day, you do catch him jerking off, and you immediately start to (stupidly) think that you’re not enough for him, that he might leave you for someone who can give him what he needs. You don’t think he notices you having a mini panic attack in the hallway so you sneak back to the kitchen to catch your breath and think. Why HAD you waited this long? What were you waiting FOR? You guessed you had just been worried about not knowing what to do, about him getting impatient and annoyed with you for your lack of experience.
> Making your final decision, you square your shoulders and march yourself back to your shared room. You confidently open the door to find him ... waiting for you?
> “Tch, took you long enough. You done freakin’ out now?” He grumbles from his spot on the bed. You nod meekly and he opens his arms for you, an invitation you gratefully accept. He pets your head and continues grumbling, “ just as bad as shitty-hair, nobody ever knocks anymore. You shouldn’t be surprised when you just try to walk in like that...”
> He keeps petting your head until eventually you hit him with it. “‘Tsuki, I wanna... uhm...” you look up at him with pleading eyes hoping his quirk somehow suddenly allows him to read your mind.
> It doesn’t. “ You wanna what? C’mon, spit it out.” No thoughts, remember?
> You huff and blush and finally squeak out, “Wanna make you feel good, ‘Tsuki...”
> His brain stops working momentarily. When he catches back up, he smirks. “Seriously? It just took you gettin’ jealous over my left hand for you to be ready?”, he teased. You stick out your tongue and he grabs your jaw, looks you dead in the eyes when he says, “I have something much more important for that cute little mouth to do.”
> Your eyes go wide at his suggestion, even though it really doesn’t surprise you. When Katsuki wants something he wants to go all out, no half-assing it. You nod nervously and he laughs at your apprehension, allowing you to shift down his body until you were face to face with his fly. You undid the button and zipper with shaky hands, and gently guide his dick out of his jeans.
> Beautiful is the first word to come to your mind. Beautiful and massive, just like the rest of him. He was easily over six feet tall, and built too so it really shouldn’t have surprised you, but it did. For a moment all you can do is look up at him from your place below him, your big strong hero. You melt a little and you notice him smirking down at you again, “What ‘ya lookin’ at, princess?”. He gently strokes your cheek while you admire him, “You.” you reply dazedly. His smirk widens to a bear malicious grin, “Me? How come?”. A feeling you’re not totally familiar with, but you’re pretty sure is called submission, fills you suddenly and you feel warm and content. “You’re perfect,” you bat your eyelashes and bite your lip as you gently start to stroke your hand up and down his length.
>He controls his breathing, because he really can’t handle you looking so cute with his cock that close to your pretty little face. “‘Tch, and? What’s got you so worked up about it?” You giggle and nuzzle your face into the base of his cock and look up at him innocently. “I’m just glad I’m yours,” you smile and lick him from base to tip before gently taking him into your mouth. You’d read enough smut online to at least have some idea how to do this.
> He almost cums when you say that you’re glad to be his. His, he grins. He doesn’t get to think about that for too long though because your warm, wet tongue is sliding up his shaft and then your pretty little mouth engulfs him and he thinks he might hyperventilate if you keep looking up at him like that. He’d almost say it wasn’t fair, but then you start moving and he thinks that he could actually die happily from the warm bliss that fills him while he watches you try to take more and more of him down your throat.
> This is much more fun than you thought it would be, especially because Katsuki keeps letting out those little sighs and groans, you’re pretty sure he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. You hollow out your cheeks and suck a bit harder before taking a deep breath and relaxing your throat as much as possible. You lower yourself down as far as you can, pushing past the ring of muscle in the back of your throat before moving down further. You feel him lay his hand gently, encouragingly, on the back of your head. You’re surprised when you find your nose nestled in the light blonde fuzz at the base of him and you stick your tongue out to lap at the underside.
> He jolts when you begin your descent. You’re not really gonna try to deep-throat him, are you? He watches you, mesmerized. No ones ever even tried, always saying he was way too big. It felt way too good. He laid a hand on the back of your head to ground himself, quickly realizing he had to control himself so that he didn’t clench his fist in your hair or shove you down all the way and hold you there. When you reached your goal, he sighed. Your throat felt perfect wrapped around him, just like he knew it would. When he felt your tongue sneak out of your mouth and lick, he thanked whatever creator there was that your tongue was long enough to reach his anchor. when you start to move your head up and down, he can only take it for so long before he’s thrusting up into your mouth. When you gag on him, that’s it, he has to pull you off him before he grips your head and suffocates you on his cock.
> He’s nearly at the point of begging, but thankfully, mercifully, you seem to get the idea. You wipe your mouth and lie back on the bed, giggling at his abruptness and he growls in response. He kisses you, and praises you, telling you how good you are, how much he needs to be inside you as he undresses you. You’re surprised at how automatically your legs open for him, and you tell him how much you need him inside of you as well. You feel so empty all of a sudden. Until one of his thick fingers finds your molten core and gathers some of your slick before sinking into you and you gasp.
> He continues to kiss and praise you as he works you with his fingers. You whine and moan and beg, it’s like music to his ears. When he thinks you’re ready, he lines himself up with your entrance, sliding up and down, grinding against your clit briefly before continuing. “I wanna hear you beg for it, princess.” and fuck, did you beg. A beautiful litany of filthy fucking words fell from your mouth, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He sinks into you fully in one thrust, gripping your open legs for stability.
> At first you can’t speak, you can’t make any noise at all. You feel so unbelievably full, and you look up at him and his eyes are clenched shut and his jaw is set. He’s holding himself back. He’s trying to be gentle with you because it’s your first time. He really is very sweet when he wants to be. You raise a shaky hand to his face and he leans into it. He met your eyes and you watch as his control falters when he sees you bent in half like this. You smile, “Katsuki, please”, is all you can say. It seems to open the flood gates. For all his self control, he pounds into you mercilessly and it fills you with the most intense feeling of ecstasy. “F-fuck ‘Tsuki, you feel s-so fucking good,” you moan and gasp brokenly.
> He cums hard. Grunting, growling, and near snarling the whole way through. You’re seeing stars, even though you haven’t cum. It had felt so fucking amazing, and you’re more than content with that. Katsuki is definitely not however, and is intent on eating you out until you beg for mercy. He always takes such good care of you.
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
In the Stars
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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Request: hi! i was wondering if you could do a billy russo x reader in which the reader is the opposite of him because she’s carefree and dyes her crazy colors and is into astrology and basically just different but hes still really intrigued by her. thank you!
A/N: okay so this one was fun because you basically described me lmao I don't know what Billy's DOB is, but I made him a Scorpio because I mean… how could I not? Looool
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Also this is kinda AU cause in my head Billy doesn't betray Frank and they all live happily ever after. Don't come at me 😂
Warnings: cursing, kinda fluff. I don't know, it's kinda playful or whatever. Just a short cute thingymabob. I already have an idea for a part two if anyone wants it. 🤔
You were late for work but it wasn't really your fault. You'd been distracted by the bookstore on the way and found a couple of astrology books that were calling to you. Not your fault. Not one bit. But now you were practically running down the street, books in your arms as you tried to get to work. 
You wouldn't really be in trouble. Your best friend was your boss. Gemma owned a flower shop and you'd worked there since she opened. She was the face of the shop, always in the front greeting the customers and putting together beautiful flower arrangements, whereas you lurked in the back where the 'garden' was. The back was like a giant greenhouse and you'd often water the plants and talk to them about your day. Talking to them was supposed to help them grow better. You wanted them to be happy. 
You jingled as you ran, the many bracelets and necklaces you wore clinking together as you weaved through the sea of people on the streets. You weren't panicking about getting in trouble or Gemma being mad. The plants needed watering and you didn't want them to miss out on your tale of the weird dream you'd had. 
You barely noticed the looks people gave you. You knew you probably looked a little crazy as you barrelled down the street and your hair often attracted some attention. It was currently lavender but you changed it every few weeks. You got bored with it easily and you loved switching it up. Gemma often compared you to a mood ring. 
You weren't really paying attention to where you were going and as you ran past the coffee shop, you collided with someone just as they left. You felt the splash of hot coffee all over your chest as firm arms grabbed you to keep you steady. Your books fell to the floor as you cursed at the burning and crouched to scoop them back up 
"Shit, I'm sorry," a silky voice met your ears. You glanced up at the man, the very fancy and attractive man in a suit, and smiled.
"It's fine. It was my fault," you said softly, gripping the books as you stood back up. He took out his pocket square and you couldn't help but snort as you took it and dabbed at your chest. 
"You sure you're okay? I just spilled hot coffee on you," he frowned. It was stinging but you'd be fine. You handed him the pocket square back but you were still a little damp. 
"Seriously, don't worry about it. Mercury's in retrograde right now so I'm not surprised," you snorted softly. He quirked a brow looking curious and his dark eyes flit to the books in your arms. Both his brows raised then.
"Astrology?" He asked, sounding amused. 
"Don't give me that look. Be skeptical all you want but this shit is real," you huffed playfully. He grinned and you almost swooned. How was it legal to be that attractive? He needed to be arrested. 
"I guess I'll take your word for it," he murmured. 
You didn't miss how his gaze kept wandering and it made you feel like a tiny person was inside of you lighting a fire. You gave him a good once over yourself and when your eyes landed back on his, he looked like the cat that ate the canary as he caught your wandering eyes.
"Let me guess… you're a Scorpio?" You asked with a smirk. His brows rose again and he chuckled, tilting his head a little. 
"Alright… that's just weird," he snorted. 
You stood there for a moment, both watching each other. You were so intent on basking in his presence that you almost forgot you were late for work.
"Well, as much as I'd love to stay here and chat with the beautiful stranger that gave me third degree burns, I'm late for work," you grinned cheekily at him.
He looked caught off guard for less than a second before he laughed and the sound made you tingle all over.
"Do I at least get to know your name?" He smirked softly. Your grin widened and you shook your head.
"Where's the mystery in that?" You asked playfully, making him chuckle. You shot him another smile as you moved around him, picking up your pace but not running anymore. You were smiling like an idiot and when you glanced over your shoulder, he was watching you with a weird look on his face. It was a mix of amusement and curiosity.
"I'm an Aries by the way!" You called to him with a cheeky wink. He chuckled, shaking his head incredulously before you turned back around. 
Wow. He seriously shouldn't be allowed to just walk around looking like that. It was a health risk for everyone. You were practically giddy by the time you came into the shop.
"What's with you?" Gemma snorted. She was behind the counter arranging some flowers.
"I just met the most handsome guy on the planet and now I'm all sticky," you grinned, making a startled laugh leave Gemma's lips.
"Wow, I don't even want to ask," she smirked. 
You beamed at her, setting the books on the counter as you leaned on it on the opposite side. 
"I ran into him and he spilled his hot coffee on me," you gestured to your red tinged chest and Gemma rolled her eyes goodnaturedly. 
"Of course you did," she smiled softly. You had a reputation of being kind of clumsy. Well, it was more like your head was in the clouds so you didn't pay enough attention. You were constantly almost being hit by cars. It might be a problem. 
"Oh man…. He was just… ugh. And he's a Scorpio," you wiggled your brows with a mischievous smile and Gemma laughed.
"Well shit, did you get his number?" She asked curiously.
"Nope. He asked for my name and I didn't give it. I don't know… I just have this feeling I'll see him again sometime," you shrugged. 
People thought you were weird but your intuition was never wrong. After Gemma shook her head again with a smile you slipped into the garden with a bright grin. 
"Hello, little ones. Let me tell you about Mr Coffee," you grinned, filling up the watering can before you started watering the plants as you regalled them with your encounter with the handsome stranger. You really hoped you were right and that you'd see him again. Honestly, you kind of hoped he'd get you sticky in another way. 
Billy was almost dazed as he sat at his desk around noon.  He couldn't get the girl with the purple hair out of his head. Kept thinking of her smile, her eyes, her fucking everything. He was a goner as soon as she flashed him that cheeky grin and his thoughts kept drifting to her. 
Frank walked in the office with some sandwiches as he always did as they shared their lunch break together. He quirked a brow at Billy being so distracted as he plonked down in the chair on the other side of the desk.
"What's with you?" He asked gruffly, slightly amused. Billy blinked a little, shaking his head as he reached for his sandwich.
"It's nothin'," he huffed, unwrapping the food. 
Frank squinted slightly before a sly grin crept onto his face.
"Who is she?" He asked knowingly. Billy snorted, shaking his head again. 
"I don't know. Didn't get her name but apparently she's an Aries," he smirked. Frank barked a laugh before Billy told him about what happened.
"Oh man. She sounds like a handful. You must be losing your charm, man. Billy the Beaut couldn't even get her name," Frank chortled. Billy squinted, thoroughly offended as he balled up the sandwich wrapper and tossed it at his best friend. 
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I gotta feelin' I'll see her again. I'll get her name and number then," he smirked confidently. 
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vibraniumwing · 4 years
breaking point.
a neville longbottom x reader wherein neville finally reaches his breaking point when it comes to you
WARNING: nsfw, 18+ (really, don’t read if you’re not.),dirty talk, light choking, oral (female receiving), semi-public, slight praise kink, unprotected sex and just plain nasty nasty lmao
A/N: look, okay, i have discussed this headcanon with @minty-malfoy​ and @slytherinsunrise​ about how neville is actually a dom underneath his soft and fluffy exterior and i just really wanted to write this akdjaksjf i love vanilla neville but honestly this hc is the death of me.
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There are certain moments in time wherein people make promises to themselves about keeping things hidden from the eyes of the public, that no matter what would happen, they would carry this burden ‘til they’re in the grave.
However, with you acting like this, Neville is finding it hard to keep himself in place.
Neville swore himself into secrecy about keeping this alter-ego of his a secret due to the fact that it doesn’t fit the image that the public has set upon him. He knew he was this soft, little angel in the eyes of his friends and those who knew him; little did they know there was a beast underneath that façade of his.
His eyes watched you like a hawk as you travelled to-and-fro, grabbing items to put in your grocery cart as you dragged him all the way to a muggle one since you’ve running low on supplies back at home. 
He studied the way your face would contort into one of seriousness when deciding what brand to buy for pasta sauce, how your shirt would lift up just a bit and expose the soft skin underneath while grabbing things from a certain height and how innocent you looked in that shirt of his you decided to wear on your trip.
It was driving the lad absolutely mad at how gorgeous you looked without even trying and all he wanted to do was to pin you up against one of those shelves and show you how badly he wanted you. But he was stuck in his own restraints—physically and figuratively speaking— so there was no way he could do that.
Also, he just loved you too much to even do so suddenly.
You were currently working on dinner, mindlessly stirring as your head moved to the soft music that was playing through the kitchen. It was a rather cold day so you opted to wear or steal one of Neville’s sweaters that was a size too large for you. Your hands quickly moved to tie your hair in a messy bun and continue on with your task.
What you didn’t know, however, was the fact that the owner of the sweater you were wearing was watching you work silently. His jaw clenched shut as he fought with every patience he had to bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck you senseless.
Oh how he wished to do that, but he just can’t, not yet to say the least.
Of course, there are secrets that no matter how hard one tries to hide, it’ll uncover itself eventually. Unfortunately, one of those was Neville’s.
You had always thought of the idea that maybe your boyfriend isn’t as vanilla as he always was. You’ve always adored how gentle and caring he was when it comes to your intimate moments with him, how he was always aware of what keeps you over the edge and leaves you wanting for more. 
Yet you had always yearned for something that you don’t have the heart to bring up to the man, until you discovered what lies beneath his innocent little mask.
Coming home from a tiring day at work was never fun, but when you have a loving boyfriend waiting with warm cuddles and kisses, you wouldn’t mind the exhaustion at all; probably even looking forward to come home to that everyday.
However, instead of being greeted by your lovers warm smile, you met with silence the moment you walked into the door. Your eyebrows were furrowed in confusion since he was nowhere to be seen. Lightly making your way up, you heard soft pants come from your room. 
Your mind immediately went to a difference place, getting ready to be greeted by something very heart shattering but instead what you saw was something rather surprising as you peeked through the small opening of the door
It was Neville with his back against the headboard of the bed you both shared, low groans rumbling from his chest as he relieved himself from his stress, accompanied with strings of rather colorful words on how he wanted to make you know who’s in charge inside the bedroom.
Safe to say that scene left you hot and bothered for the rest of the night— and that you might have cooked up a plan on how to make your adorable boyfriend reach his limit.
Then you commenced your plan, wearing more of his shirts and sweaters around the house knowing how much he loves you to see you in them (which sometimes leads to them being scattered on the floor) and by tying your hair in-front of him, grinning at him cheekily when he goes silent by watching you do that.
You’d get a certain reaction from him whenever he catches you doing that, adoring how he’d have this entranced look while watching you and how he’d immediately be flustered after because you caught him. 
But to no avail- he knew how to control his urges and you weren’t having any of it anymore. As much as you love Neville for his patience and respect, you’ve reached your breaking point.
Neville was seated beside you with a certain flare in his eyes as you continued to palm him through the fabric of his slacks, his cheeks were flushed as he watched you casually conversed with Hermione from across the table, acting as if nothing was happening from under the table.
The woman had invited the two of you over for a rather fancy dinner and he was already losing his mind upon seeing the white body hugging dress you wore and you were really drawing the line with your discreet actions under the table. 
“Say Neville, are you really planning on teaching back at Hogwarts?” Ron asked, looking at your boyfriend expectantly with a curious grin. You looked over at your boyfriend who adjusted in his seat, “Oh yeah, I do actually. Professor Sprout’s about to retire so I’m planning to take over for her.” He managed to splutter out, adjusting his tie as you slowly quickened your pace against his pants.
As the table moved on to another topic, your boyfriend was quick to lean in and whisper, “Not here, (Y/N)” with a gentle tone, holding on to the last ounce of patience he had. 
You batted your eyelashes at him, a devilish grin plastered on your lips as you shrugged him off, “I have no idea as to what you are even implying, Nev.” you simply replied, retreating your hand from its position as you felt him starting to twitch under the fabric. 
The male threw his head back in annoyance at the sudden interruption of his pleasure before giving you a stern look, voice low enough so that only you can hear, “You know exactly what you’re doing and I swear if you don’t stop that attitude right now you’ll see what you’re in for.” He said, jaw clenched as you laughed at him softly, igniting his frustrations even more.
“Make me, Longbottom.”
And that was enough for the beast inside Neville to let loose, absolutely enraged at the bratiness you were showing him. He cleared off his throat and stood up, “As much as I love this party, me and (Y/N) have to cut the night short. I still have a few things to pack before leaving for Hogwarts.” giving his friends a rather sad smile and glanced at you.
The sudden change in his demeanor has left you wet in-between your legs, your heart racing as you gathered your purse and waved off to your friends. His larger hand instantly found its way to yours as he led you outside the restaurant and into a rather isolated alley and instantly apparated to your shared bedroom. 
He was quick to pin you against the wall, one hand holding both of your wrists above your head as the other was cupping your cheek, thumb swiping on your lower lip as he spoke, “Princess, I know you love me gentle but do you really think you deserve that? After what you’ve done to me?” his hips grinding against yours, feeling how hard he was underneath his pants.
Your breath hitched at the friction, shaking your head as your brattiness faltered all too quickly by the way he was acting, “No Nev, I don’t.” which led to him wrapping his hand around your neck as he lightly pressed down on it. “Don’t talk to me like that.” 
His usual gentle voice was coated with arousal making you moan, “No, sir. I’m sorry for acting like a brat” which made him groan in satisfaction at the way those words rolled out of your mouth. He then captured your lips in a heated kiss, feeling himself let loose as his hand slowly trailed down to the underneath of your dress, his fingers now ghosting over your heat. 
You felt his lips curl up into the kiss, “Aren’t you a dirty little one, you’ve gone the whole night without underwear on?” He teased, middle and ring fingers dipping into your pussy as he left open mouth kisses against your neck, sucking on the skin rather harshly. 
“So wet for me, aren’t you darling?” he whispered, ravelling in the lewd sounds that left your mouth mixed with desperate pants. You bucked your hips into his hands, begging for more friction as you felt your knees slowly start to give out from underneath. 
Neville slowly pulled his fingers out upon feeling your walls tighten around it, making you whine as he licked your essence off his fingers, letting out hum of satisfaction as he locked lips with you again; hand reaching over the back to unzip your dress, letting it pool to your feet, nimble fingers quickly undoing your bra and letting it join the clothes on the floor. 
“So beautiful” He mumbled, stepping away from you as he loosened his tie, “Be a good girl and lay down on the bed, princess.” His tone sends chills down your spine as you lay on the bed, watching him get rid of own clothes, mouth watering as you watch him stroke his length to soothe it from its aching need.. 
He then approached you, licking his lips as he lowered himself, eyeing how your heat glistened against the dim lit room, “So fucking wet for me.” He growled before diving  right into you, tongue dancing around your clit gently he curled two fingers inside of you, causing your hips to buck up in the process, moans escaping your lips which made the male groan. “Keep still, darling.” He said, his other hand gripping on your thigh tightly as he continued.
You tried your best to keep still, panting heavily as Neville continued to fuck you with his tongue and fingers, back arching as your hand was now gripping on his hair, the sensation too overwhelming for you as a familiar knot form once again. 
“N-Nev, I’m close” You said, only making him pump his fingers in and out of you more quickly, humming in approval which sent you into this state of pure bliss as you reached your high, coating his slender fingers with your juice. 
Neville was quick to lap whatever mess you had made, tongue darting out to clean his own digits as crawled up to your eye level, “You were such an angel for me now, weren’t you, princess?” he questioned, thumb brushing against your bottom lip again as you nodded, taking his thumb in-between your lips to suck on in gently as you locked your gaze with him.
His usual soft brown eyes were filled with lust as he positioned himself, expression faltering slightly as he waited for your approval, making your heart flutter at the fact that he still wanted your answer. With a single nod, he thrusted into you, groaning at how tight you were around him. “So.. fucking tight for me, isn’t that right?”
“Y-yes, Nev, all for you.” You answered, hips jolting up at the way he slowly started to move, teasing you lightly as he trudged on with this pace, making you whine, “Faster, Nev, please!”
Neville happily obliged in your request, pace picking up as his lips attacked all the soft spots of your neck, making you a moaning mess underneath him as he soon became relentless with his speed; your lewd sounds making him go wild, his free hand finding its way back to your clit, the pad of his thumb toying on it as he continued to go in and out of you.
Still sensitive from your first high, you quickly felt your second one forming as he kept his pace. “Go on, baby.” With those simple words, you felt your orgasm crash through once again, sending you a wave of euphoria as he rode out your high, eventually coming down from his own high too.
He gently pulled out of you and smiled, kissing your forehead, “Stay right there, alright?” He said, snatching his boxers off the floor and headed off to the bathroom before coming back with a towel in hand, waving it sheepishly. 
“Let me do the work, my love.” He said gently, cleaning you up before taking you into his arms, carrying you into the bathroom where the bathtub was full and ready to use. 
He gently placed you down and helped you hop in, the warmth of the water instantly relaxing your muscles, before situating himself behind you, a shy grin on his lips, a light pink dusting over his cheeks, “I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
You laughed at him softly, shaking your head gently as you sensed his fingers massage your scalp gently, cleaning you off. “No, Nev. You were great.” You answered, leaning into him gently as you teased, “Who knew you had that kind of side, my love?”
Neville chuckled at your words, carefully rinsing you off as he shrugged lightly, lathering his hands with soap as he ran his hands against your soft skin, fingers tracing the marks he’s left, “I’ve always had that side of me, I know that you know that, but I just kept on holding myself back because I didn’t want to hurt you like that.” He answered truthfully, voice laced with gentleness.
You turned to face him with a smile, leaning in to press your lips against his, heart jumping everywhere at how pure his answer was, “You don’t have to hide anything from me anymore since I’d accept you either way, Nev.”
And with that the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s company as you both got ready for bed once again, Neville doing all the work of changing the sheets and what not before letting you back on the bed and into his arms, peppering your face with a ton of kisses soon afterwards.
“Are you sure that I wasn’t too hard on you, love?” He asked once more, looking at you with a rather guilty look, to which you shook your head, giving him a comforting smile as you placed a gentle kiss on his lips, “You were perfect, my love, trust me.”
You felt him relax against you, holding you closer to his chest as he kissed your lips once more, smiling against them.
“I love you, (Y/N).)” “I love you too, Nev.”
TAGS: @theweasleyslut​ @violetravens​ @eunoia-kth​ @starlightweasley​ @minty-malfoy​ @glimmering-darling-dolly​ @slytherinsunrise​
701 notes · View notes
aereres · 3 years
Stuck On You - Cale Makar
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Summary: What started as a friendship between you and Cale takes a turn during one of the best summer vacations of your life - a week in a campsite with your new friends from Colorado.
A/N: A self-indulgent Cale fic, who would have thought lmao. Definitely not my best work but I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: a couple swear words, mentions of break-up
Summer. Summer held something you couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was the road trips with music blasting from your car’s speakers, or the endless nights spent drinking cheap beers with strangers while sitting on docks. Maybe it was the seasonal loves, the ones you’d talk about with your friends after coming home, or maybe it was the memories.
Summer had always been something you had never missed, no matter how hard school got, or how good your job paid people to stay during the hottest months of the year; and, in Colorado, it wasn’t any different.
You were gasping for breath when you finally reached the perfect spot for camping, your backpack heavy on your shoulders as your friends walked past you. The excited giggles that left their lips joined the sound of birds chirping as they pushed their own belongings on the ground.
“Oh my God,” Johanna laughed, Andre’s arm wrapped around her shoulders as she looked around the empty side of the forest your getaway was going to take place in. “This place is beautiful,”
“It is,” Sydney said from beside her, eyes cast on her bag as she started to take some stuff out.
You were still taking the beautiful view in, a smile on your lips as you realized that summer was finally starting. A new summer, you thought, with new friends and a new spot.
“Y/N, just come here already!” Andre yelled from the distance, pushing you out of your trance. “Your tent is not gonna build itself,”
“I’m coming,” you giggled, jokingly rolling your eyes your friend’s way as you pushed your backpack down your shoulders, looking around for an empty space for yourself.
“I’m here-”
The breathless words were mumbled behind you, making you turn around quickly to find a flushed face. Cale’s cheeks were their usual dark shade of red, sweat lining his forehead as he tried to gain back his breathing.
“Oh- hi, Cale,” you smiled, heart fluttering when your eyes met his face. “You doing okay?”
“I was a little late,” he mumbled, waving JT’s way before his eyes gently settled on you. It seemed like he had realized you were there in front of him just then, his body tensing as a small smile formed on his lips. “Hi, Y/N,”
“Oh my God,” Nate huffed. “I’ll literally let the two of you sleep with the bears if you don’t start with the tents,”
“Fine, fine. You guys are annoying as hell,” you mumbled, brushing past him to reach one of the last two empty spots, throwing the bag that held your tent on the ground. The paper that slipped out of the opened zipper was filled with instructions, the words so small you almost struggled to read through them. If it wasn’t already difficult enough, the drawings explaining how to set up the tent weren’t helping, either.
You were just starting to understand something when your friends’ loud laughter filled your ears, along with the sound of bottles of beer being opened. You laughed to yourself, taking one of the many thin poles in your hands as you tried to figure out where it was supposed to go, one of your palms burying itself in your hair.
You had never been the greatest at building things, and you weren’t surprised when you grew close to calling one of the guys and ask for their help. Their tents had been built in less than half an hour, helping you prop up yours wasn’t going to be too difficult. Right?
“Here, give it to me. I’ll help you,” the familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, as deep as you remembered it to be. Cale was standing beside you, arms folded over his chest as he gave your work a quick look, a teasing smirk on his lips. “Never been camping?”
“Not really,” you giggled awkwardly, handing him the item in your hand as he figured the mess out. His feet carried him to the left side of the tent, sliding the first part of the tube in its place.
“Alright, go on the other side,”
With Cale’s help, building a tent had never been easier. He knew what to do and where to start, he honestly made it look easy. Your shelter was ready after just a couple of minutes, and you found yourself smiling Cale’s way as soon as he mumbled a quick ‘we’re done’.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, taking his place by your side again as the two of you gave the results one last look. “Looks better than mine down there,”
You giggled, turning around to wrap an arm around him, pulling him in a quick hug. “Thank you so much,” you said, pushing a stray hair out of your eyesight. “Wouldn’t have made it, without you,”
“You’re welcome,” Cale said rather rushedly, his cheeks blushing slightly. You weren’t able to see the way he flushed, though, turning around way too quickly to unpack your bag and getting the last few things for your shelter out.
As you pushed your phone out of your pocket, you realized just then how messily the butterflies in your stomach were dancing. And it was all because of Cale.
The sounds of the fireplace were comforting you as everyone enjoyed the first night of the summer together with a beer in hand. Loud laughter was coming from the Avalanche players, and you could hear a few laughs and giggles coming from your own friends, too.
“I can’t believe they gave you a penalty, man,” Tyson admitted, referring to Nathan’s last call on the ice that cost the team a power-play goal. “It was a clean hit and we all saw that,”
“Yeah, man,” EJ agreed, tipping his head back as he finished his beer.
“Call was ridiculous,” Nate agreed, shrugging slightly to signal the end of the conversation before letting an arm wrap around his girlfriend. “What have you been up to, Y/N? You’re the only one we don’t see too often,”
You chuckled at his words, shaking your head as you swallowed the last piece of s’more in your mouth. “Just been working, trying to get a promotion,”
“You go, girl,” Johanna cheered, making you laugh. “And Christian?”
The laughter left your body as soon as your ex was mentioned, the last words of your final argument repeating themselves in your mind. “Christian?��� Was all you were able to mumble, eyes cast on the fire as you buried your hands in the pockets of your hoodie.
“Your boyfriend,” Susanna stated, making you chuckle out bitterly.
“Well, ex-boyfriend,” you sighed, shrugging when you looked up to see a few shocked faces. “Broke up a few months ago, now,”
“And you didn’t tell us?!” Mikko yelled, his voice loud over the mixed words of shock from your friends.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, casting your eyes to your lap as everyone kept talking, slowly starting to express the way they all almost despised your ex. Nathan - and his girlfriend agreed with him - said something about Christian hitting on his girl, Tyson complained about the fact that he had never seemed to treat you good, and all the girls agreed with him.
Thinking about your break-up on the first day of your summer vacation wasn’t something you had planned, so you silently kept to yourself, hoping the conversation would drop quickly. Your eyes lifted up from the orange flames of the fire, finding the stars illuminating the dark sky, so subtle yet so beautiful. All the voices of your friends were silenced as you admired the beauty of the night, a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in finally leaving your lips.
A gentle hand nudged your elbow, your attention snapping towards the person to your right in a quick second. Staring back at you was Cale, a soft smile on his lips as he held a stick with a roasted marshmallow between the two of you. “For you,”
“For me?”
“I know you love roasted marshmallows,” he mumbled, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. “Just thought of making one for you, I guess,”
A small smile formed on your lips at his kindness, cheeks burning as you accepted the stick. “You’re too sweet, Cale,” you mumbled, your shoulder leaning against his as you grabbed the candy from the top of the branch, pushing it in your mouth.
He grabbed his own marshmallow and slid it in his mouth, your eyes meeting as you silently looked at each other. His cheeks grew bigger from the size of the candy, a small piece of it coloring the side of his mouth.
You giggled, his own laughter following yours as you swallowed. “Hang on, Cale,” you mumbled, coming closer to him as you tried to ignore your heartbeat picking up its pace. “You’ve got something-”
Your palm cupped his scarlet cheek, warm against your skin as your thumb smoothed the sticky substance away, your eyes barely leaving his as the two of you sat back in place. Both of your heartbeats were loud, cheeks burning as you acted as if the closeness hadn’t affected you in any kind of way.
You silently hoped nobody had paid attention to the two of you, knowing the guys wouldn’t hold down the chirping; but when you looked back at the team and wags, they all seemed to be too focused on their conversation to even notice Cale’s burning cheeks, or your fingers slightly touching.
You were the first one to wish everyone a good night, that day, to retrieve in your tent and listen to your heart beat loudly. You felt like a teenager again, feeling just so jittery after the interaction with the man you had always spent too much time looking at, and had always looked for whenever you’d join the group at any kind of event.
You had always repressed whatever you had been feeling for Cale, pushed it to the side to avoid any kind of rejection. But the way Cale smiled your way, the way he helped you out whenever he could, the way he tried to find subtle ways to gently touch you.
Something in you, that night, was guessing that your feelings might have been mutual.
“Does this happen every time you guys go camping?” You asked Sydney breathlessly as you took a look at the hiking path in front of you. You were already two hours into the hike, the guys all walking ahead of you as if the uphill path wasn’t tiring them, at all. “Like, do you ever get a break when hiking with the boys?”
“Nope,” Sydney giggled from beside you, stopping in her tracks to take a sip of her water. “You’re a newbie to our camping trips, you’ll get used to it,”
You laughed along with her, looping your arm around hers as you followed the rest of the group through the sunrays-lit forest, sweat threatening to line your forehead. Walking in front of everyone was Cale, laughing along with Nate as you watched him, a smile of your own forming on your lips.
The moments of the previous night kept repeating in your mind as you silently walked, hoping the man living in your mind wouldn’t notice the fondness in your eyes whenever he looked your way.
“So, you and Cale?”
The words leaving Sydney’s mouth had your cheeks burning, the smile on your face quickly turning sheepish as you kept walking. “What about me and Cale?”
“C’mon,” she laughed, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. “Last night?”
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle, shaking your head slowly as you looked at the path in front of you. “That was nothing,”
“Nothing?!” She cried exasperatedly, pushing your shoulder as she kept walking. “You looked like you were going to make-out on the spot,”
“That’s not true,”
“That’s more than true, Y/N,” she laughed, silence settling between the two of you after her teasing words. Maybe you and Cale hadn’t been that smooth, you thought. Her elbow was quick to hit your ribcage after a few minutes, her eyes finding yours again as a small smirk formed on her lips. “He’s single, you’re finally single. You should give it a thought,”
“It’s just a stupid, small crush,” you admitted. “Nothing more,”
“Then why not try and see where things would lead?” She stated, knowing she was right. “I’ve never seen Cale act like that,”
“Like what?”
“Like a smitten teenager,” her honesty had you laughing, your head shaking as you were the one to push her shoulder, that time. When your laughter died down, her voice made its way inside your ears. “But really, you should try,”
She didn’t give you time to give her a response, slipping away from you to reach her boyfriend’s side, who had called her name. You were left on your own once again, staring ahead of you, your eyes focused on the back of Cale’s head as you struggled to keep up with the group.
Was it so easy to notice? The way your cheeks would heat up, or the way your smile would turn giddy as soon as he’d be close enough to have your fingers brushing against his. Was it that easy?
“C’mon, Y/N! We’re almost there!” EJ yelled from the front, his toothless smile shining from the distance as he walked backward. You laughed, throwing your head back for a quick second before meeting eyes with a smiley Cale standing by his side.
His cheeks were their usual scarlet color, hair slightly tousled from being pushed back too many times, but he still looked like the kind of person who would steal your heart in no time.
“Good night, Y/N,” Tyson was the last person to leave the fireplace, a smile on his face as he walked towards his tent, the silence of the night engulfing you in a warm embrace.
Your eyes drifted up towards the sky - as they always did - and found the patterns of stars painting it. The moon was shining brightly that night, its rays illuminating your face as you silently thought about your day. And Cale.
The hike had gone surprisingly well: the various hours under the hot sun had been worth it, the view from the top of the mountains so beautiful you could never forget it. But you couldn’t just forget Cale, his lingering touches, and the way his eyes would be staring deeply at you whenever they could.
When he had helped you down a particularly high, rocky step, your breath had hitched, the feeling of his rough yet gentle hands on your waist pushing the butterflies in your stomach back to life. You were sure you had never felt so deeply connected to someone, the way Cale was making you feel just so unknown to you. You didn’t want things to end.
“You sure you’ll be okay out here on your own?”
Your head snapped towards the source of sound, the nest of tousled blond hair you knew too well finding your eyes in less than a second. “Yeah, don’t worry, Cale,”
Your gaze fell back on the stars, ignoring the sound of his footsteps until the shuffling of his body next to yours snapped you out of your thoughts again. “The stars are beautiful, tonight,” was all Cale mumbled as your shoulders touched.
“City pollution doesn’t do them much justice,” you chuckled, wrapping your arms around your folded legs as you sent him a quick glance. “I should probably come here more often,”
“It’s such a nice place,” Cale stated, a layer of comfortable silence settling between the two of you. Your body leaned against his on its own command, your head almost resting on his shoulder as the sounds of the crickets surrounding you pushed you into a state of calmness.
His body seemed to tense for a second, but his arm wrapped around your middle when he realized there was nothing you wanted more than to feel him close to you. He was silent for a few minutes - just enjoying your closeness and the warmth your body held - before letting his eyes close.
You didn’t recall walking back to your tent, the next morning when you woke up, but his hoodie still covering your body was a tell-tale sign Cale had brought you back after a while. You buried your flushed face in your pillow, that morning, the sun warming up your tent as you still felt Cale close to you.
Did he feel the same way?
“Oh. My. God. Y/N!” Johanna yelled, trembling as the chilly water of the lake hit her back, all thanks to your splashing. You giggled at her exaggerated reaction, dipping underwater to escape any of her splashes as she tried to look for revenge.
The sun was setting after another long hike, its reflection painting the lake an orange shade as you cooled down, enjoying the last day of the vacation with the team. It was a summer you were going to remember, but you felt stressed, in some kind of way.
Your heart was beating for someone, and that someone was Cale. You had never felt as close to him as you did on the trip, and you felt like something was going to happen. Eventually.
But the trip was coming to its end: you’d have to go home and get back to your schedule, the guys would go back in full swing to their own jobs, and you weren’t ready to give up on the progress you and Cale had made, not yet. It felt as if the universe wanted you to be happy, giving you Cale and feelings you just couldn’t hold back, and just a small time to find your happiness.
The water had stopped moving around you, and you realized just then that Johanna had left, and you were - yet again - on your own. The water had started to cool down even more due to the dark clouds already painting the sky, pushing you to sit on the dock with a towel wrapped around your shoulders to warm up.
The world seemed to grow quiet as you watched the clouds move, reminding you of the sleepless night you were going to spend in your lonely tent due to the upcoming rainstorm. You smiled, though, taking a deep breath as the sound of laughter from the distance slowly put your world back into motion.
“You’re going to get a cold,”
“Would be worth it,” you giggled, watching Cale move until he was sitting next to you on the dock. “What are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you, dinner’s almost ready,” he mumbled, his own eyes falling on the sky. You hummed, wrapping the towel tighter around your shoulders as you scooted closer to him.
“I’m going to miss this,” you whispered truthfully, your cold fingers busy on the strings of your bikini. “Camping, nights in front of the fireplace, you guys,”
“Same,” Cale admitted. “I don’t want it to end, you know? I’m going to miss you,”
Your heart fluttered at his words, sending the butterflies in your stomach in a spiral for a quick second as he kept talking. “And it’s stupid to say, because I see you just so often,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “But I’m going to miss you, and what happened between us here,”
You took a second to let his words sink in, just how quickly they made your body feel warm and how they made you feel like a teenager in love all over again. “It doesn’t have to end, Cale,” was all you whispered, your eyes meeting his as you let your heart beat loudly, not caring if anyone heard it.
“I didn’t think you’d feel the same way,” he said, honesty slipping from his lips as he let a hand cup your cheek tenderly.
“And I didn’t think you’d feel the same way, either,” you giggled, your chest warming up unexpectedly when his lips brushed up in a smile. You admired him, letting your eyes rake across his eyes, then his nose, his rosy cheeks, and - soon after - his lips. “Promise me we won’t let this go to waste,”
“We won’t,” he whispered back, his free hand lacing with yours as your lips finally met. Your world felt complete, at least, it seemed like it. With his hands on you and his gentle kisses, you felt alive, you felt like you were finally home.
One of his kisses turned into two, and two turned into three. As warm as he made you feel, your body heat was lowering and you had to pull away with clattering teeth before you bit his lip a little too hard. Your foreheads met for a moment, your eyes closing as you spent one last moment with him, the closeness having you weak.
“You’re freezing,” he stated, eyes carefully taking notice of your purple lips and shaking limbs. “Let’s go, you need to get changed before you die on me,”
“I’m fine, Cale,” you giggled, taking his hand to stand up with him before you started to head towards your camping spot, where the rest of the team was making dinner. His hand stayed in yours as he led you towards your tent, not caring - or worrying - if your friends saw.
Dinner was quite uneventful after that. You ate in silence as you missed Cale’s touch, a smile on your lips as you caught him staring your way from the distance. You didn’t set up the fireplace, that night. Rain started to hit your skin by ten, and everyone pretty much understood your last night had come to an end.
You had wished Cale goodnight with a subtle squeeze of his hand before heading towards your tent, sliding under your covers as you thought about the events of the day. Your mind went back to the man that stole your heart, thinking about the way your heart would stutter every time he’d look your way, or just how quickly your mood could change when his skin touched yours.
Saying you were stuck on him was an understatement.
The tiredness from the activities started to kick in - your eyes feeling quite heavy as you pushed your phone away from you - but the sounds the rain made, the fear of a storm and just what it could cause, they were keeping you up.
The raindrops were hitting the fabric of the tent harshly, and as much as you tried to relax, you just couldn’t. It was well past midnight when an idea popped in your mind, but you just couldn’t. It was too much, and too early.
You rolled to your side, your air mattress making a squeaking noise as you did so. It was too early. Your phone vibrated, pushing you out of your thoughts as the screen lit up, a new message waiting to be read.
I’m outside your tent.
Your brows furrowed at Cale’s text, looking up to see that, in fact, someone was standing outside your tent. You crawled towards the entrance, pushing the zipper down until the cold hair of the night hit your face, and your eyes met Cale’s frame.
“What the hell are you doing here? You’re going to catch a cold!”
“Would be worth it,” he repeated the words you had used earlier that day. “Can I come in?”
“Of course,” you whisper-yelled, almost dragging him inside before you closed the tent back up. “What are you doing here, Cale?”
“I noticed you couldn’t sleep,” he mumbled, sitting on the edge of your mattress as his eyes stayed on your features even in the darkness of the night. “And I couldn’t sleep either,”
You giggled, shaking your head when you had realized you had had the same idea at the same time. You had been so close to joining Cale in his tent to relax and let all your worries leave your body, but he had beaten you at your own game.
With your last ounce of courage, you pressed a quick kiss to his blushing cheek, pulling him along with you to lay on the mattress. “Just come here,”
You were facing each other after you slipped under the covers again, his eyes staring into yours as you felt your body snuggle closer to his at its own command. One of his arms wrapped itself around your body, pulling you even closer as you felt a tender kiss being pressed to the crown of your head.
“Get some rest,” he whispered in your hair, your face buried in the crook of his neck as he talked. “I’ll be here in the morning,”
“Good night, Cale,”
“Good night, Y/N,”
Morning came quickly, too quickly for your liking. The sun was weakly lighting up your tent, its rays shining against Cale’s skin just right. He was still with you - as he had promised - and you were sure there was no better way to wake up than to open your eyes and see Cale, before anyone else.
He was breathing shallowly, eyes still closed as his arms kept tight around your waist, no sign of him waking up just yet. Your heart was a fluttering mess: you’d gone from complete strangers, to friends, to what seemed like lovers. And, God- you didn’t want it to end.
One single digit of yours ghosted over his soft cheek, starting to trace his features as lightly as it could as you admired him with all you had, hoping he wouldn’t wake up from your motions. A long sigh left his lips at your touch, eyelids squeezing for a quick second before he let them open.
“Good morning,” he grumbled, voice gravelly as he closed his eyes for another moment.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you,” you whispered, retrieving your hand as he pulled you closer. “Slept well?”
“Yes,” he dragged the last letter, the smile on his lips making you giggle. “You?”
“Like a baby,”
“That’s good,”
Silence settled between you as you enjoyed his warmth, brain running way too quickly at just eight in the morning while you traced shapes on his clothed chest. “They’re gonna chirp the hell out of us,” you giggled.
“Oh, God,” Cale chuckled, his palm landing on his face as he remembered about his restless teammates. “Might as well just die in here,”
You giggled, tugging the tent’s zipper open and grabbing his hand to get him out of your bed. “Just let them talk,” you whispered in his ear before stepping outside, stretching your limbs. His quite taller frame struggled to exit the tent, but when he did, a chorus of gasps surrounded you.
“I knew it!” Johanna yelled, receiving a slap from a sleepy Sydney when her loud voice scared her. “I fucking knew it!”
“Cale is getting it, guys!” Tyson said loudly, making Cale’s cheeks heat up.
“Shut the fuck up, Josty,” you spat out jokingly, pushing his shoulder as you found an empty spot to sit on. “Don’t chirp my boyfriend,”
The weight of Cale’s body sitting next to you was enough to distract you for a second, but his thick voice in your ear really took your breath away. “Boyfriend?”
You bit your lip, looking up at him innocently before sending him a quick smile. “Only if you want to,”
He hummed, jokingly leaning down to press a kiss on your cheek, your heart beating loudly against your ribcage. “I’ll think about it,”
Breakfast was over in a rush, and you found yourself packing your belongings with sad sighs leaving your lips every now and then. Even though summer had barely just reached its peak, you weren’t ready to leave the memories of the camping trip behind just yet.
On the hike back to the parking lot, your hand stayed in Cale’s. It fit in his palm so easily you couldn’t help but think you were never going to stop holding his hand, as pathetic as it sounded. The air was chilly, and it held sadness as you two and the rest of the group walked back to your cars.
“I don’t want this to end,” Susanna said, hugging you tightly as you all said goodbye. “I’m going to miss you girls,”
“We’ll find a way to see each other, babe,” Sydney reassured her as they embraced each other.
“Y/N,” Nate greeted you with a smile, a smirk on his lips as he hugged you. “I’m hoping to see you at our next game with an eight on your back,”
You punched his shoulder jokingly when you parted ways, laughing along with him. “I’ll miss you too, Nate,”
Your last goodbyes were sad, numerous people piling in cars as you waved their way, your back resting against your car as you sighed softly.
“So,” Cale mumbled from behind you, stepping closer to your frame as he looked down at you. “Would be interested in our next game’s ticket and my personal jersey, as Nate suggested?”
You giggled, shaking your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I mean, maybe,” you joked, biting on your lip as you let your eyes meet.
“As my girlfriend, you should probably say yes,” he said, looking down at you with a smirk as he gave you no time to respond, his lips meeting yours in a kiss.
He matched the smile on your face, leaning down to press another kiss before mocking your words from that morning. His voice was smooth, making your heart beat faster than usual, the butterflies in your stomach so crazy you were worried he could feel them.
“Only if you want to,”
Taglist: @thirstyybitch @bellaguarneri @boqvistsbabe @trashforbarzal @captaindaddies @keithseabrook27 @heatherawoowoo @sidscrosbyy @laurenairay @nathan-baelieu​
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
VALERIE - Part IX. (Harry Styles)
yall are gonna hate me for this but it needed to be done IM SORRY! also, i can’t believe valerie is ending this week, just one more part to go! can’twait to read your reactions and thoughts on this part, even though i know yall gonna be upset lmao
word count: 5.6k
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Some days it truly feels like the universe has plotted against you to make every possible thing go wrong. As if it wants to see just how much you can take before breaking, experiment how long it can dance on your nerves before you end up one of those crazy people who shout at random strangers on the bus for no actual reason.
Starting the day you overslept awfully leaving you only ten minutes before you had to leave. In your hurry you ended up putting on socks that do not match and you were forced to buy a sandwich on your way as breakfast, but you promised you wouldn’t buy packed sandwiches for a reason, this one tasted like it’s been sitting on the shelf for weeks. Maybe it really has been. 
You made it to work successfully, but then you realized that you’ve left your notebook at home, the one that had quite a lot of important information you need for your work, so you spent your first hour at work emailing different people for things you should now, explaining that you just left your notebook at home. Some didn’t really give a fuck and just answered you normally, but others didn’t shy away from commenting that you should be more responsible and careful.
This alone gave just the perfect foundation for the day. It was all downhill from then. Your boss loaded twice as much work on you than usually, everything with close deadlines, throwing even more anxiety into the mix as if you didn’t have enough already. 
You met up with Marcus at lunch, but that didn’t go as planned either. It’s been getting more and more frustrating with him, the two of you have already had at least five fights this week and it’s only wednesday. It seems like even the smallest things push you over the edge these days and you easily pick a fight over anything. It didn’t happen differently this time either and by the time you got back to the office you were fuming. Worst part is that you always have a hard time ending a fight and tend to continue it through texts, the same thing happened today as well.
Now it’s a few minutes past five and you’re getting ready to go home, get changed and head to family dinner since today is Valerie’s first birthday, but even on the bus you’re still furiously typing away on your phone, sending a reply to Marcus, wanting nothing more than to throw the device right ot the window.
At one point you decide you’ve had enough. Turning your phone off you sink it into the depth of your bag and just try to focus on breathing, because even the smallest things seem to be hard tasks in such an upsetting state of mind. 
These past few weeks things have taken an absurdly wrong turn between you and Marcus and you don’t know what to do about the whole situation. Every night you go to bed thinking that you should just let go of him, would do a favor for the both of you, but then that stupid little voice in the back of your mind tells you that if you break up with Marcus it’s game over for you, you’ll spend the rest of your life alone. It all ends up with you violently holding onto the pieces of what’s left from your relationship and you’ve been trying to figure out where it went wrong, but you have absolutely no idea. 
After you changed into a pair of light washed jeans, a bright orange sweater and your black leather jacket it’s time for you to leave, though you already know you’ll be late. With a sigh deep you decided to turn your phone back on when you were sitting in the Uber, immediately deleting the notifications about the messages Marcus left you and going straight for the few ones from Rosa, your mom and Harry. They all arrived not too long ago asking when you’d be arriving, so you quickly typed your sorry and told them you’re on your way, you just got caught up at work. For Harry, you add something else too:
“Save me a seat and order me a tequila.”
His response came quickly.
“Done. Both.”
You let out a chuckle seeing his message. He knows you too well.
Walking into the small restaurant you don’t have a hard time spotting your family, three tables have been pushed together to make enough room in the back, taking up the small, kind of separated area of the place. Rosa smiles widely when she spots you, Valerie standing on her thighs, hands on the table as she is trying to snatch one of the glasses away, but her dad is pushing it further from her grasp.
“Sorry for being late,” you huff out and take the seat right next to Harry who watches you with a smile. “Well hello there, birthday girl! You’re so big now!” you babble at Valerie who giggles at you before her attention is averted once again.
You feel Harry’s elbow poking your side and turning to him you see him nod at the two shots on the table.
“Oh, fantastic. You’re drinking too?”
“No, I’m driving. Both for you.”
“If I didn’t have such a shitty day I would question what kind of alcoholic you think I am, but I kinda need both,” you sigh, taking the first one and downing it faster than ever. From the corner of your eyes you see your mother’s disapproving look, but you decide to ignore it for now.
“Wanna talk about it?” Harry asks, eyebrows furrowed in worry, but you shake your head, the alcohol still burning your throat.
“Not now. Can you give me a lift home tho?”
“Sure,” he nods, turning back to the conversation at the table. 
You somehow succeed in putting everything that happened today behind and just focus on the time spent with your family. It helps that seemingly Harry works hard all evening to tell you about random things, just occupying your thoughts as much as he can. It’s nice to relax a little and forget everything that’s been weighing down on your shoulders recently. 
“It’s so crazy she is one already,” you sigh when you and Harry are walking to his car.
“Right? It makes me feel incredibly old,” Harry huffs as he fishes his car keys out of his pocket.
“How old are you even?” you ask laughing, realizing you don’t even know how old he exactly is. There are quite a few things, small details you’ve just never gotten around to find out about Harry.
“I’m turning 27 in February. Wild, isn’t it?” he chuckles.
“Yeah, you’re basically a grandpa,” you tease him and he narrows his eyes at you, but you can’t miss the little smile hiding in the corners of his mouth. 
“That makes you a grandma, because you’re turning 25 in April, don’t you?”
“You know when my birthday is?” It takes you by surprise, you don’t remember ever telling him when your birthday is.
The two of you reach his car and he clears his throat unlocking it. Seems like he doesn’t really want to answer, but your burning gaze on him kind of forces him into it.
“Uh, I do. I wanted to meet up with Steven last year the day you had your birthday party, but he said he had plans already. Tried to lure him into cancelling, but he didn’t even want to share where he was going. Then he admitted that it was your birthday party, but you told him and Rosa not to even mention it to me so I don’t show up.”
Your stomach drops hearing his version of a story you’ve only known from your own point of view. You remember that you indeed told them not to tell Harry about it, but now it seems like such a hate crime, when in real life, it was still when the two of you hated each other with passion. 
“I’m… Harry I’m sorry. That was--”
“Don’t worry about it,” he smiles at you, starting the car. “We left it all behind, didn’t we?”
His smile seems genuine, but you still feel guilty for being such a bitch. It reminded you how much time and energy the two of you wasted for years hating each other when you could have been just like you are now. If only things happened in a different way…
Arriving at your building Harry parks the car and stops it. As the engine stops, the silence that’s been thickening the air just becomes even more obvious. He is waiting for you to say something about what’s gotten you so upset today, you know that, but you don’t feel like sitting around in his car.
“Want to come up for a little bit?” you ask and it’s a hidden message that you want to talk in the comfort of your own home. Luckily, Harry understands it right away and nodding he tells you to lead the way. 
You make some tea and the two of you sit on your couch, Harry is sitting sideways so he can see you while you bring your knees up to your chest, staring down at the mug in your hands.
“I had a fight with Marcus,” you quietly start.
“And… it wasn’t the first time. We’ve been constantly fighting lately and I’m just… so tired of it.”
Saying it out loud for the first time, having someone listen to you brings you an odd sense of relief, and it doesn’t feel weird that you’re talking to Harry about all of it. He has proven himself to be a great listener.
“We’ve been fighting constantly, over the smallest things and my… my patience is running short, at this point.”
You’re talking slowly, carefully putting your thoughts into words, trying your best to interpret them for Harry after boiling them only in your own head for so long.
“I just… I have no idea what I should do.”
“It seems like the relationship is not making you happy anymore,” Harry softly speaks up and you have nothing to bring up against what he just said. “So why are you trying to continue it?”
You were expecting the question, you just knew he would ask it, but it still brings a painful, stinging sensation into your chest as you try to find the words to answer him. 
“Because…” you breath out and slowly turning your head, your eyes meet his gaze. “If I can’t make it work with him… then… who is it gonna be? There’s this voice in my head that keeps telling me, that he is literally my last choice, that if I mess this up it’s gonna be over for me.”
“Y/N, you know that’s not true,” Harry tells you tilting his head.
“Do I?” you chuckle bitterly, turning your gaze to the ceiling before you look back at him. “Because I don’t think I do. I’ve been literally feeling so miserable for weeks, yet I still can’t get me to move on, because I think I’m gonna die alone.”
“That’s not gonna happen, don’t say that. You’ll find the right person for you, you just… have to be patient.”
“But that’s the thing. I have lost my patience. I’m done, over it.” The tears form in your eyes in just a few seconds and the next thing you know is that you’re crying. “I’ve been trying so hard in my whole life, but somehow I always ended up… not being enough, or thrown away, stepped over, left behind. No matter what I did, I always ended up alone and I can’t help but notice a pattern in it. It has to be me, what else?”
“It’s not you, okay? You just had a few bad experiences.”
“Not a few,” you huff closing your eyes. “All of them are bad. I was… I was never enough for anyone and now that I found a guy that seemed to be just perfect… I’m ruining it.”
“I don’t think you’re ruining anything.”
“Then explain to me what’s happening, Harry!” you snap in despair and Harry stares back at you at a loss of words at first.
“Do you have feelings for him?” he then asks. You can’t answer right away and it tells him a lot.
“I… I’m not sure.”
“That sounded more like a no.”
“Okay, alright. No, I don’t. But… I could develop feelings eventually, couldn’t I?”
“That’s not how it works, Y/N. You can’t just torture yourself hoping that one day you wake up and you’ll be in love with him. It’s not gonna happen and you’re just wasting your time.”
“How do you know it’s not gonna happen? What makes you so sure of that I will not end up alone?”
Harry stays quiet, her green eyes are staring right into your soul and for a moment you forget about your misery. This man alone holds such a power over you, it’s starting to scare you.
“I know it, because… I know you. And I see you. You’re literally the funniest girl I know, so easy to talk with, you always know when to crack a joke and when you have to be serious. You have so much love for others, you care about your loved ones and you’re always there for your friends and family. You make it so easy for others to get comfortable around you and you make everyone feel safe around you.”
You listen to him intently, drinking up every word that leaves his lips. Harry looks down at his hands as he continues.
“And you’re beautiful. So fucking beautiful, it always baffles me when I see you.”
“What?” you breathe out.
“It’s the truth,” Harry chuckles lightly, he brushes his knuckles together nervously. “Every time you walk in, you just… make everyone turn their head at you, and I always wonder if you even notice that. The way you walk, your smile, your laugh, Y/N, you make every man go crazy about you.”
“You’re just saying that because you are trying to cheer me up,” you sniff, wiping a few more tears away from your eyes.
“I’m definitely not,” he chuckles and his eyes finally find yours. “I remember when we first met.”
“When you walked in on me changing,” you sigh, the memories living vividly in your mind.
“Yeah. I remember how… breathless I felt when I saw you standing there, your dress handing a little on your frame because of the zipper. I forgot my name for a moment. I offered to help with the zipper because I just… wanted to touch you in any kind of way. So I knew that you were real.”
“I know this sounds made up, but I’m telling you, this is the truth. And I know I didn’t act like that for a long time, but I always thought that you were an amazing person and I know that any guy would be so lucky and incredibly happy to be with you. I hate the thought of you thinking otherwise of yourself, when you are literally such a delight and… just a gift to all of us. I don’t know what’s really been going on between you and Marcus, but if he can’t see your worth and can’t make you feel like you deserve… he is not worthy of your time.”
You feel your throat closing up, but you’re not sure Harry knows the reason behind it when the tears start rolling down your cheeks again. 
Because it might look like his words touched you and made you tear up, but in reality, a bittersweet feeling has taken completely over you. If this is how he thinks about you, why did he act like that when he had the chance to be with you? Why didn’t he want you to stay? What did you do that made him want to throw you out?
It’s a spiral straight down and you can’t stop yourself from falling. Harry has always been the biggest mystery of your life, and now you’re just even more sure it was something you did or said that made him want to run. 
He reaches out and easily scoops you into his arms and you let him hold you tight, face buried into his chest. You hold onto his shirt as the silent cries escape your lips. You want him to want you. You want him to mean all those things he just told you, but you just can’t seem to move on from the past even though you’ve agreed to forget about it. It keeps bugging you in the back of your mind that no matter what he says, you weren’t good enough to make him want to stay with you when he had the chance. 
It doesn’t get better after that night. Harry stayed until after midnight, made sure you got into bed and told you he’ll check in on you the next day. And so he did. 
You felt guilty for loading all of it on Harry, so you decided it was the last time you ever talked about Marcus or your love life in general with him. You easily made yourself believe that he didn’t really care about it and he just listened to you because he was trying to be nice. It seemed the best to just try and forget about it all. 
For a while you were contemplating breaking up with Marcus, but you didn’t have the strength to do it, telling yourself you have to give it another chance and some more patience. However it’s ending up to be quite draining, you gotta admit, but you are starting to get used to feeling numb every day.
Rosa invites you over, because she went through her closet and found some stuff she thought you’d like, so you head over not long after you get home from work. She mentioned that Harry would be over watching some kind of football game with Steven, so you are not surprised to see his car parking on their driveway.
“Hi guys!” you greet them when Rosa lets you in, the game is already on so they just wave in your way, intently watching the TV.
“Come on, I have everything in the bedroom,” Rosa nods in your way and you follow her upstairs. Valerie greets you with a loud shriek as you walk in, she is sitting in her crib, surrounded with a bunch of toys, seemingly having a great time.
“Hi there, Princess!” you coo at her, caressing her cheek before you sit on the edge of the bed that’s filled with piles of clothes. “What’s the big sorting?” you ask, grabbing a cardigan and taking a look at it.
“I just have way too much stuff, can’t fit new stuff into my wardrobe, so I needed to sort it all out.”
The two of you go through everything and just catch up while you try on what you like. At the end, you are just sitting on the bed playing with Valerie. You can tell there’s something Rosa wants to share, but she seems reserved about saying it out loud.
“So, the other day we were talking with Steven about how crazy it is that Val is over one year old,” she starts, eyes glued to the little girl, handing her another building block as Valerie works on… whatever it’s going to be when it's finished.
“Yeah, that’s what we talked about with Harry after her birthday dinner. Makes us feel old,” you chuckle.
“Exactly,” she sighs chuckling. “So then we talked about, maybe… having another kid sometime soon.”
You perk up and looking at Rosa you see the shy smile on her lips and you gasp, but she shakes her head.
“I’m not pregnant,” she assures you, but then adds: “Not yet.”
“Oh my God, so you’re trying for another baby?” you whisper, even though there’s no chance of the guys hearing the two of you. You can hear the sound of the TV up here, they have no clue what you’re talking about.
“I mean, it can take some time, so we thought we could… start now.”
“That’s fantastic!” you breathe out, truly happy for your sister. You just know Valerie will be such a good big sister. “Val, you want a baby sister or baby brother?” you ask her and she looks at you with a serious expression, holding out one of the blocks.
“Baba!” she exclaims.
“Yes, baba!” you chuckle. She’s been learning kind of real words lately and it won’t take too long before she’ll be bossing around everyone in the house.
When it’s getting late you pack the clothes you choose and head down to leave. The guys are still on the couch, but Harry’s head perks up when he hears your footsteps.
“You want me to give you a ride?”
“Um, I’m fine, don’t want to bother you while the game is on.”
“It’s ending in five. If you can wait a little it’s alright.”
“Okay,” you nod smiling so instead of going to the front door you stop in the kitchen to wait for Harry.
Rosa puts Valerie into her high chair and gets a banana for her while you check your phone just when Marcus calls you. Hesitantly, but you answer it.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Hi, just wanted to check in if the weekend is still on.”
“Uh, sure. It is.”
“Great. I’ll have to check again with my boss, but I think I’ll be able to pick you up.”
“Great. Talk to you later.”
“Bye, babe.”
The call ends and you find yourself facing a curious looking Rosa on the other side of the kitchen island.
“Marcus?” she asks and you nod. “How are things going?” You’ve only mentioned it to her that it’s been hard between the two of you, but you definitely didn’t go into details. Harry was the first and last person to hear the whole story.
“Um… neutral, I guess?”
“That doesn’t sound promising.”
“I know, but I’m just trying to figure it out. We are spending the weekend together, I hope it’ll help us to get a little more… settled? I guess, I don’t know,” you stammer, nervously fidgeting with your phone in your hands. 
“That’s nice, was it his idea?”
“It’s good to know that Marcus is making the right attempts to smooth things out.”
“Attempts?” Harry’s voice makes both of you look in his way as he stands at the door, seemingly confused about what he just heard. “You’re still with Marcus?”
“Harry, I…”
“No, don’t try to explain it. I thought I talked sense into you last time.” He is clearly pissed, not holding back how upset he is to get the news that you are still dating Marcus. But on the other hand you can also feel yourself getting angry how he tries to control your life.
“You did, but I never said I’ll break things off with him.”
“Well, it surely sounded like you made up your mind,” he huffs.
“Well, I didn’t,” you scoff, crossing your arms on your chest.
“What the fuck, Y/N! You can’t keep doing this to yourself!” he snaps gesturing in your way. “I thought we were over this!”
“We? What do you mean we?” you grimace and now you are raising your voice as well. “Harry, there’s no we! This is my relationship and it’s nice that you care, but you can’t tell me what to do!”
Harry is vivid. He needs everything in him not to burst right then and there and for a moment you think he’s gonna just explode. But when he speaks up again his voice is quiet, however you can feel all the anger and frustration behind it.
“Get in the car, we’re leaving.”
“Get in the fucking car, Y/N!” he barks making you jump. Rosa and Steven, who arrived to the kitchen in the middle of this madness, are just watching the scene unfold, completely unable to even say a word.
Slowly, you slide off the stool and grabbing the bag filled with clothes you turn to Rosa.
“Thanks for… these,” you mumble before walking out, Harry following you right behind. 
Nothing is said as the two of you get into the car, Harry is clearly on the verge of anger outburst, but you’re pretty upset yourself. The drive back to your place is painfully quiet, but you can’t stop staring at his hands gripping the wheel. HIs fingers and knuckles are turning white from the way he is basically crushing the wheel in his hold. You wouldn’t be surprised if it had his grip’s imprint on it by the time you arrive to your building. 
“What the fuck, Y/N?” he snaps once the car is parked.
“Would you stop pretending like you have a saying in what I do?”
“I do have a saying in it! Because when you break again I’ll be the one picking you up from the ground!”
“Well, sorry it’s such an inconvenience to be my friend. But don’t worry, I won’t come to you again,” you snap back with a grimace and try to open the door, but it’s locked. “Let me out, Harry!”
“Fuck no, not until we talk about this,” he scoffs and it’s the last straw for you.
“There’s nothing to talk about! It’s none of your business, Harry! Stop pretending like you care!”
“I do care!” he shouts back so forcefully you are taken aback, sinking into your seat. “Of course I fucking care! How would I not?! I care about you so fucking much, how do you not see it?!”
At this point, you’re certain Harry has lost all self control and he is about to load he has been holding back out on you, while you’re just sitting there, staring at him completely speechless over how his whole being is filled with anger and fury.
“Stop fucking telling me that I don’t care when all I think about is you! Every damn day! I can’t fucking stop thinking about you, because every time my mind snaps right back to you when I’m trying to think about something else! Do you know how fucking painful it is?! See you fucking waste your time with that dickhead when I want to be with you?!”
Eyes widened you forget to even breathe as the words leave his lips and soon enough realization hits him hard about what he just said. His chest is violently waving, eyes staring straight ahead. Next time he speaks up the shouting is over, he is clearly shocked at his own behavior.
“Y/N, I-- what you told me last time, about ending up alone, that wasn’t the first time you told me all of that.”
“What?” you gasp.
“You broke down the same way at the wedding. Told me all about how you think you are just simply unlovable and will probably die alone.” His eyes snap down at his hands on his lap as he continues. “I was shocked how you’d ever think that way about yourself, because I was… I was already falling in love with you and I barely just met you that night. I couldn’t imagine what happened to you that made you believe that nonsense. I never felt like that with anyone else before and it was so fucking scary. Every time you looked at me or touched me, I could feel… the sparks. The fucking sparks, Y/N,” he lets out a bitter chuckle. “I never believed in that, but you made me feel that way. Then… one thing happened after the other and we were up in my room. I saw the way you looked at me, like I was your fucking everything and I have never experienced that. You fell asleep in my arms and I told myself that this is exactly how I want to spend the rest of my life.”
Tears roll down your cheeks as you listen in complete shock as Harry is still avoiding to look at you.
“I wanted to be the person who shows you how lovable and amazing you are, how worthy you are to be loved. Like I found my mission all of a sudden.”
“Then what the fuck happened in the morning?” you ask choking out the words. Harry finally turns to face you and you see his watery eyes. He was crying.
“You fell asleep and I was just watching you… and I realized that… sooner or later I would do something to hurt you. Because that’s what I always do and I didn’t want that. You didn’t deserve that, but I just knew I won’t be able to give you what you wanted and needed. And you told me all about how you just want to be loved and… I didn’t want to disappoint you in any way.”
He rubs his eyes turning back to look straight ahead and you see his lips tremble before he speaks up again. 
“I said all those stuff so you’d have a reason to hate me and you wouldn’t try to stay with me.”
“This is literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” you chuckle bitterly as the tears keep rolling down your cheeks. “Do you have any idea how fucking horrible I felt after that? I felt so ashamed for fucking weeks, Harry!”
“I-I know. I mean, I figured.”
“You made me feel unwanted and dirty, it took me so long to build my confidence back and be able to think of myself as more than just some used rug that was thrown out!”
Harry sits there in complete silence and just lets you load everything out on him, because he knows that’s what he deserves. He has tried to punish himself in so many different ways for what he did to you, but he knew he had to face you someday. Now the time has come and he is done trying to run away from the consequences of his actions in the past.
“I was blaming myself all this time, thinking that I must have done something wrong, when in reality it was you! It was fucking you!”
“I know, I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean it to end like this.”
“You didn’t mean it to end like this?” you snap. “You literally continued to treat me like shit for years! If it wasn’t for Valerie, you’d still be a complete dick to me! And what was your intention with this now, huh? Why did you tell me all of this now?!”
“Because I couldn’t stop… seeing you be so unhappy with someone who clearly doesn’t deserve you in any way. I’m selfish and I realized that I made a mistake, but I now know what I should have done, because…” He finally turns to face you again, you see a tear roll down his cheek as he takes a deep breath before continuing. “I love you. I love you, Y/N, and I’m fucking done pretending like I don’t.”
You stare back at him, breath caught in your throat and it’s the breaking point. You reach over to his side and unlock the doors so you can open yours and you jump out of the car wanting to get as far away from him as possible. He can’t just throw all of this on you after everything the two of you went through, that’s not how it works. Does he even mean it? How are you supposed to believe him after years of hatred?
You try to get inside the building, but he is quick to catch up with you, he grabs your upper arm and pulls back, but you yank his hold away. 
“Where are you going?!” he snaps towering above you.
“Home. And don’t fucking touch me!”
“But I literally just told you I love you, you’re not gonna say anything about that?”
At first you plan on not even answering, you make your way towards the door, but then you change your mind. Turning around you unload on him once again.
“You don’t have the right to tell me you love me! Not after all the shit I took from you! How am I supposed to believe it when you literally made me feel like shit for all these years, saying the meanest stuff to me every damn time we met! I was avoiding you like the plague because I can’t even count how many times you made me cry calling me names and treating me so fucking horrible! No, you are not just gonna waltz in here, tell me that I have to break up with my boyfriend because you’ve been in love with me all along. I don’t fucking believe you, Harry. So stay the fuck away from me,” you tell him and push your way inside. This time he doesn’t follow.
By the time you reach your front you’re sobbing, barely seeing from your own tears. With shaking hands you unlock the door and get inside shutting the door behind you before you collapse on the floor. 
Harry lives in delusion if he thinks he can just unload all of this on you and make everything right magically. Not after more than three years of the shit you took from him. How are you supposed to believe that he is telling the truth? If he loved you all along, how could he treat you like that? That’s not what love should feel like. All those countless times when you came home after seeing him and you couldn’t help but cry after some of his meanest comments… and now he is trying to make you believe he did it all to protect you from him? Bullshit.
It doesn’t work like that and now he is gonna have to face the consequences of his actions. 
let me know if you’d like to be added or taken off!
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