toutoublessed · 16 days
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toutoublessed · 17 days
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toutoublessed · 17 days
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We honor Mary Beatrice Davidson, the brilliant woman who developed the sanitary napkin.
Mary's invention was initially rejected because of racial discrimination but 30 years later (in 1956) it was accepted.
She received five patents for her household inventions -- one being the bathroom tissue holder, which she co-invented with her sister.
Thank you Mary for looking out for the ladies.
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toutoublessed · 17 days
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toutoublessed · 22 days
How to Beat a Narcissist
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Emotion- Energy in Motion
Mental Illness is a state of psychosis. Disconnection from reality fuels the ailment and intensifies as reality intrudes on our delusion. Our minds are an astral battery; as within, so without. However, without exists beyond within.
Everything contained within is understood subjectively; desire fuels logic. Without is objective and subject to change.
Most people cause harm unintentionally; they are ignorant of themselves and its impact. If we are unclear, the mirror is distorted. Considering this, we can detach and employ our emotional body to truly understand our psyche. Self-mastery requires a stable mental state. Truth's trajectory is skewed if we delve into emotionality or mentality excessively.
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To understand the ‘how’ we must identify the ‘what’. Nothing is understood in the absence of identification. What is narcissism? According to HelpGuide.org, narcissism is “self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects. This induces a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration, and an excessive need for admiration and validation.”
Manipulation, devoid of malice, is composed of distorted, or altered, truths. Every action is a reflection of the inner psyche. We only know how to love as ourselves, reflecting the love we embody and seek onto others. If our psyche is distorted, subsequent outcomes are inevitably affected. Simply put, if you’re f*cked up, everything else will be f#cked up with you.
So how do we defeat mental ailment mentally?
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We talk about what we think and our Emotion reflects the subconscious. In silence, we sense subtleties. This is our most powerful weapon. Energy is naturally codependent; it requires reception. Maintaining the emotional body negates reaction and enables response.
Dimensions are leveled by Truth; the more you know, the more you apply, the higher you ascend. Low vibration energy poisons Truth, rendering it vulnerable to antidote. Abstain from danger by withholding Truth. Prioritize your safety by listening, learning, thinking, and observing.
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toutoublessed · 23 days
By any means necessary✊🏾
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toutoublessed · 23 days
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Black First Always ⚫️ ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
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toutoublessed · 23 days
*It’s in my DNA to succeed*
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By Nichii Nahama
‘Soooo you mean to tell me that someone down your ancestry line survived being chained to other human bodies for several months in the bottom of a disease-infested ship during the Middle Passage, lost their language, customs and traditions, picked up the English language as best they could while working free of charge from sun up to sun down as they watched babies sold from out of their arms and women raped by ruthless slave owners.
Took names with no last names, no birth certificates, no heritage of any kind, braved the Underground Railroad, survived the Civil War to enter into sharecropping... Learned to read and write out of sheer will and determination, faced the burning crosses of the KKK, everted their eyes at the black bodies swinging from ropes hung on trees...
Fought in World Wars as soldiers only to return to America as boys, marched in Birmingham, hosed in Selma, jailed in Wilmington, assassinated in Memphis, segregated in the South, ghettoed in the North, ignored in history books, stereotyped in Hollywood...
and in spite of it all, someone in your family line endured every era to make sure you would get here, but you receive one rejection, face one obstacle, lose one friend, get overlooked, and you want to quit?
How dare you entertain the very thought of quitting. People, you will never know survived from generation to generation so you could succeed. Don’t you dare let them down!
It is NOT in our DNA to quit!’
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toutoublessed · 2 months
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toutoublessed · 2 months
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a broken clock is right twice a day cause he ate
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toutoublessed · 2 months
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toutoublessed · 2 months
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toutoublessed · 7 months
I needed this today 😂
The meme
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The video
I wasn’t expecting that😄
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toutoublessed · 7 months
Imagine walking into heaven & somebody yell “I know you fucking lying“🤣🤣
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toutoublessed · 7 months
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toutoublessed · 7 months
The only person trying to put you down is the one beneath you. Lions do not turn at the sound of Hyenas but stay alert when they hear elephants. Let that sink in
.#krismcdred #krismcdreadacademy #loceducation
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toutoublessed · 7 months
To be affirmed by someone who loves and sees you is ❤️
A mothers love
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