#would love to talk about these woods they felt so strange walking through this
aisling-saoirse · 6 months
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Open Montane Oak-Hickory Forest, Hewitt, NJ - March 8th 2024
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elysianightsss · 6 months
Another sweet sweet price thot💋
Okay but let’s talk about Mountain man Price. He retired a few years ago and decided he much prefers the solitude of the beautiful mountains, with the tips of them all covered in snow. He likes the quiet, knowing he won’t run into anyone here. No one from the little town at the bottom of the mountains would be brave enough to hike the mountain trail.
He remembers the day he built his nice log cabin with the help of his trusty lieutenant of course. Simon helped his Captain one last time, before parting ways. Price wanted to be alone, after everything he’d experienced in the military, he wanted it to be just himself and the weather to keep him company.
He’d have the survival skills no doubt about it, but the more time he spent up there the more his social skills began to fade away. He’d have to come down every six months or so to restock his food, he make his trip down the hike trail to the little town at the bottom of the mountains and through the woods.
But the shop workers weren’t his biggest fans. He’d practically clear them out of their stock, the poor little local shop. They didn’t like his attitude either, found him strange and unapproachable. Though that’s exactly what John was going for. The less people that spoke to him, the better.
Until he met you of course.
It was only your second week at your new job, you’d just moved to the little town around a month ago and this was the only job available after some woman called Darlene went of maternity leave.
My gosh the way you’d be so nice to him having no idea the stigma that surrounded him and how suprised he’d be at the kindness you showed him. He’d actually look forward to coming down to the town.
He’d come more often as well, saying he’d ran out of supplies and yet he’d only buy a bag of fruit or some meat. Then he’d start to tidy up his appearance too, trim his over grown beard and moustache back to its former glory. The blush that would spread across your cheeks the first time you see him like that.
Hair trimmed too, you’d be able to see his perfect lips and crooked smile. It provoked a feeling in you that you’d long forgotten. Slowly but surely he’d start trying to flirt. Trying. Though you found it endearing how bad he was at it. Finally though he’d succeeded asking you out on a date and fuck the moment he’d turn up in his dark blue jeans, black shirt and dark brown leather jacket and boots. You swooned.
He had the charm turned on, especially after his phone call with his ex team. They could all hear how nervous their former captain was for this date. It made them very intrigued to meet you one day.
John didn’t miss a beat, almost as if he’d laid this date out like a mission. Going step by step to win your heart. He made you laugh so hard your stomach hurt, made you smile until your cheeks ached. Ordered the food and drinks impressively, no umming or stuttering.
He gave you butterflies when he reached over the table to grab your hand in his larger one. The skin was rough and calloused, but it felt amazing against your hand. He loved how soft your skin felt against his. He traced around the palm of your hand with his thick index finger, those gorgeous ocean eyes gazing into your soul.
After dinner, John took you to a local bar that you were pleasantly surprised with. A few drinks later you tipsily confessed how handsome you thought he was. The longer the evening went on, the more longing looks and teasing touches were shared.
The evening ended with the two of you slow dancing until last call. The way your bodies pressed together, the intimacy and warmth. The way he’d always make eye contact, almost as if he was trying to read you. The way he held you so tender yet tight, his large hands on your body. It all just felt so right.
John walked you home, looking so sad when it was time to part ways. “Please, let’s do this again sweetheart.” When your manager Billy had called you that, it made you feel sick. Had the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, disgust shivering down your body. But when John said it, damn. Your body shivered in delight, the deep mumble entangled with that delicious accent of his made you gulp back a lump in your throat. You swear your underwear was a little wet too.
You nodded leaning forward to kiss his cheek goodnight, John was quick to take your cheeks into his hands and press his wanting lips against yours. He was hungry and almost vicious when he kissed you, it made you wonder what kind of lover he was like as he pressed you against your front door and kissed you like he’d never get the chance again.
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joequiinn · 6 months
The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 2
[chap one] | [all chapters here] | [chap three]
summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…
notes & tropes: fem reader, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers
a/n: Oooh I'm excited for this chapter! Would love to hear what everyone thinks about Eddie's characterization! And, after editing this chapter about half a dozen times, I feel like I'm still just not quite conveying the motivations of the character well, so let me know if her thoughts/feelings could be more clear!
taglist: @daisyridleyss @munsonssweets @marrowfrog00 @lotrefcp @rach5ive
wc: 4.0k
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Chapter Two
Getting away on Sunday afternoon to meet Eddie was easy. You’d celebrated your birthday on Saturday, with your friends dragging you along on plans that they put together weeks in advance before you returned home for a far too formal dinner with your parents. You probably could have - and should have - been more excited considering that you were toasting your legal adulthood, but if anything, it just stirred even more desire for change and rebellion in you. What good was being a legal adult if you were still trapped in high school, if you were still just following the status quo?
You told your parents as you were leaving the house that afternoon that you were going to the ice rink - your dad grunted in acknowledgement, too caught up in his reading to really hear you, and your mom commended you for how dedicated you were to skating. To both responses, you rolled your eyes, leaving without saying goodbye.
You knew exactly which picnic table Eddie referred to in his note, as you weren’t the first person to meet him there for a drug deal, nor would you be the last. It was a well-known spot for students to meet with the metalhead - although it seemed like no one actually talked about it, probably because they themselves didn’t want to admit to any interaction with him, somehow everyone knew exactly where Eddie made his deals.
There were trails running through a lot of the forest that made it easy to find your destination; you left your car on a neighborhood street not far from the school, and trekked your way into the woods. It was still pretty in late September - leaves weren’t falling to the ground quite yet, and the sounds of wildlife could still be heard up in the trees and low on the ground. Not that you were one to appreciate nature much at all. But it was hard not to at least notice it as you walked quietly along the trail, going over exactly how you might propose this crazy idea of yours while trying your best not to trip over rocks or step in mud puddles.
When you arrived at the picnic area, Eddie was nowhere to be found, which was actually a relief to you. It gave you more time to think, to calm down and find the best means of conveying this idea to him. You felt stupid, having this strange and foreign anxiety in your chest, but it couldn’t be helped. Best you could do was relax and put on a cool face whenever the delinquent did finally show up.
You were about to sit at the picnic table, but quickly decided against it once you took a closer look at the rotting wood - it was disgusting and dirty, and you weren’t going to risk ruining one of your favorite skirts or catching some nasty disease. So, instead, you paced, keeping your mind busy as you waited, taking in your surroundings with an air of boredom as the hour hit 4 and you were still here alone. Eddie better show, or you weren’t going to be happy.
Eventually, the sound of footsteps crunching on twigs and brush caused you to look around, not quite sure which direction the sound was coming from at first. But it didn’t take long for you to spot Eddie hiking his way to you, surprised amusement on his face as he approached. He cocked his head, lips tugged back in a grin, as your heart skipped nervously; god, you felt so stupid being edgy like this, it was so unwarranted.
“Well, well…” He drawled, crossing his arms as he walked closer to you, “I’ve seen a lot, but the ice princess wants something from me? Now I really have seen everything.”
The way he said “ice princess” was jarring, almost as if it was both an insult and an inarguable fact. Yes, you’d heard people call you that before, but never with the gusto that Eddie Munson added to it - you briefly wondered if the nickname was more common than you originally thought, and then you wondered who it was that first came up with it. Was it Eddie? No, if anything it was probably someone in your own circle that started that stupid nickname, maybe even Duncan - you didn’t think Eddie cared enough to come up with a nickname for some popular kid who he’d never even spoken to before.
It’s as if his use of the derogatory nickname immediately reminded you that there was no reason to be nervous, because you could feel your usually cool demeanor coming back to you.
“Don’t cream your pants, Munson.” You replied bluntly, crossing your arms as if to mimic Eddie’s posture. His brows went up in surprise - it briefly crossed your mind that he might not have known what your voice sounded like, let alone how you talked. Well, now he knew.
Eddie tilted his head down slightly as if speaking to you conspiratorially, “I wasn’t expecting a chick like you to be so vulgar.”
You rolled your eyes. Okay, maybe this discussion would be more challenging than you had anticipated. Having never actually interacted with Eddie before today, you couldn’t have predicted what your dynamic together would be. From what you could tell after only this one minute of interacting, your personalities were bound to clash, making your impossible plan all the more impossible.
“I guess I’m full of surprises.” You replied plainly, your tone disinterested. Without thinking, you leaned your rear on the picnic table, but quickly jumped away when you remembered how dirty it was, an affronted sound escaping your lips. As you tried to wipe dirt from your ass, Eddie chuckled. To that, you shot him a cold glare.
“Alright, what are you looking for, princess?” Eddie asked while sitting on the filthy bench - that felt intentional, as if he was mocking your disgust at the grime and muck on the table, “Ask and you shall receive.”
You raised a critical brow at his theatrical tone, at the way he said ‘princess,’ at his entire demeanor. Yup, this was going to be impossible. You were certain that your judgmental expression was clear as day, because you could see the cogs turning behind Eddie’s eyes, how he was analyzing you just as much as you were him.
You stared at him with your arms crossed, your hip jutting out to the side as you briefly considered him, considered what you wanted to ask of him. You made a bit of a harsh face as you responded, “That’s a bold claim, considering that you don’t know what I’m going to ask.”
You met Eddie’s dark eyes as if to make a point, his brow furrowing in curious response. His gaze was mocking as he held your stare, “You think anything you ask for will shock me? Snobby rich kids always want the same stuff.”
“‘Snobby?’” You nearly snapped, glaring smally in offense. To that, Eddie pointed his hand at the empty bench across from him, a defiant look on his face.
“Take a seat then.” He challenged, the corner of his mouth curling up. You make another grossed out face, to which he gives a half-hearted shrug, giving him all the confirmation that he needed, “That’s what I thought.”
You scoffed, turning your back while grumbling, “God, I knew this was a stupid idea…”
You started to walk off in annoyance, trying your best not to trip over rocks or sticks in your haste, but only made it a few steps before Eddie called after you, “Wait, wait, come back…”
You spun back around, but remained planted where you stood, raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms as if prompting him to continue, to grovel and earn your trust.
“I’m just joking,” Eddie raised his hands in a lazy surender, his face growing surprisingly sincere after a moment, although that sincerity was also laced with a hint of judgment, “What are you gonna ask for, then?”
He’s patient, watching you as you deliberate what to do. Was it worth it? Did you really need Eddie to make this plan work? Should you call this off while you still had the chance?
No. This plan was stupid as all hell, but you were going to do it. With a determined little stomp of your foot - Eddie smirking in amusement at the mildly childish action - you approached the picnic table, bracing your hands against it as you tried to ignore the feeling of dirt getting under your nails.
“If you laugh at me, I’ll ruin you.” You threatened while meeting his eyes. Again, Eddie grinned, but he otherwise kept his mouth shut, which seemed to be his way of agreeing to your terms, “I don’t need drugs, I need a favor. It’s gonna sound… honestly ridiculous.”
“Okay…” Eddie leaned forward so that your faces were only a foot apart; his expression was one of neutral attentiveness, however, you could see the sparkle of intrigue in his eyes. You don’t pull back from the close proximity he created, studying one another’s faces; it felt strange to be observed by him so closely, as Eddie had a way of scrutinizing you that felt different from those you knew, different from the way people normally looked at you. You tried to find the best way of proposing your dumb idea, but nothing would make your request sound less crazy than it already is.
Finally, you gave up with a sigh and just blurted it out, “I need you to date me.”
Despite your earlier threat, an unexpected bark of a laugh jumped out of Eddie’s mouth. He raised his fist in front of his lips and pretended to cough, as if that would do anything to hide his very clear amusement. Your eyes widened in intense warning. To his credit, Eddie composed himself quickly, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, although you could still see a little twitch at the corner of his mouth.
“Can you repeat that for me?” He prompts, fighting off his laughter and confusion.
Again, you roll your eyes - god, you were going to be doing that a lot with this guy, weren’t you? You were already getting tired of it.
“I don’t want to actually date you,” You said as if it should be the most obvious thing in the world, “Just pretend. You know, like one of your dumb games.”
Eddie’s eyes darkened a little at the insult, but instead of retaliating he simply pulled back, putting a bit of distance between you. He looks you up and down in consideration, his mind racing to understand your unexpected request.
“Care to elaborate?” He questioned, his tone mildly critical.
You purse your lips in annoyance as you consider where to start, eyeing Eddie closely - how the hell did you explain to someone that you wanted them to be your fake boyfriend? You sighed, pulling back from the table, starting to walk in a slow circle around it. The motion was vaguely like skating around a rink, so in an odd way it helped you think.
“I hate literally everything about my life,” You paused, half expecting Eddie to mock your pathetic woes, but he remained silent, “It’s my senior year and I’m only now realizing that nothing in my life is up to me, that I don’t have any control over anything - everything is decided by someone else. And I’m fucking tired of it.”
You could see mild surprise on Eddie’s face, and you wondered if it was because of your foul language - it always seemed to surprise people to hear the way you could talk considering how nice and well-behaved you appeared, although you’d always been anything but.
You continued, “I want to do something stupid, something that’ll piss off my parents, that’ll get everyone to stop treating me like some untouchable, perfect princess.” You chose the word deliberately, looking Eddie dead in the eye, “And what stupider than to date Eddie freaking Munson?”
Now, it was Eddie’s turn to look somewhat offended, “Gee, thanks.”
Maybe it wasn’t the most effective tactic to keep insulting the man you were trying to bribe, but you just couldn’t seem to help yourself. You didn’t exactly know how to be nice to anyone. Eddie’s eyes considered you for a moment before something of a mean look flickered across his face.
“This has something to do with that boyfriend of yours, doesn’t it? What, you break up or something?” And then an almost mirthful realization flashed across his eyes, obviously seeing some change in your demeanor that you didn’t intend for him to notice, “Ooh, I get it. He broke up with you, didn’t he? You trying to win him back?”
You brace yourself against the table again as you glare at him, but otherwise you maintain your composure, your tone condescending and mean as you reply, “I do not want him back. He could drive off a bridge for all I care. I want to get under his skin. I want to get under everyone’s skin.”
You could tell that Eddie didn’t get it - he still didn’t understand why you needed his help in this ridiculous plan of yours, and he didn’t understand why you were feeling the way you did. With a sigh, you try to calm down and unclench your tight jaw.
“Look, Munson,” You caved in and stiffly took a seat on the opposite bench as if to bolster your argument, to make him take you a little more seriously, “I know it sounds crazy, but I just know nothing else will work.”
“And how do you know that?” He urged - you couldn’t tell if he thought you were an idiot or if he was actually interested in hearing you out.
You stared at Eddie for a long moment, trying to find the easiest way to make him understand. He stared back, again showing far more patience than you would have expected from him, especially with the likes of you. As you study his face in thought, you finally sigh, shaking your head as you look away with a vague annoyance set on your features.
“I don’t actually know, okay?” You start, eyeing him out of the corner of your eye for a few moments, “What I want is complete and utter… social suicide. To just stop worrying about my reputation or what people think. I’m sick and tired of expectations and status quos and doing what I’m told or what people expect. I want to piss everyone off. I want to piss Duncan off. I just… it feels like I need to change, you know?”
“Nope, I have no idea what you mean.” Eddie says plainly, and as you glare at him, you realize he’s joking once he finally cracks a smile. His eyes are surprisingly kind as he leans forward on his elbows, parroting your words, “When have I ever subscribed to expectations and status quos and doing what I’m told?”
At that rhetorical response, your face relaxed for the first time this entire conversation. Hell, you even felt a mild excitement wash over you as you consider what his words were implying, “So… you’ll do it?”
Eddie makes a face as if he’s still mulling over the idea, still trying to figure out what exactly your motivations were, “I mean, you’re bratty and rude and this plan is kind of stupid, but I might do it.”
“Might?” You ask, trying not to sound too pushy or annoyed by his casual insults. If this was going to happen, you both had to learn to stop prodding at each other like this, learn to stop picking on each other just because you could. That might prove to be the most challenging part of all of this, though.
Eddie smirks, rising back to his feet as he contemplates, “What do I get out of this? And don’t say money - that’ll make me feel like a prostitute.”
As you pulled a face, Eddie grinned at his own comment, obviously finding that idea amusing in some way. And like a teenage mimicry of a business person, you sat up straighter, looking at him plainly as you presented your offer, “No, but I do have one idea. But if you think of something better…?”
Eddie nods in confirmation, urging you to continue.
“Well, my uncle’s a cop--”
At that, Eddie chuckles abruptly while cutting you off, “Oh, trust me, I know exactly who your uncle is.”
Aside from shooting him a small look, you continue as if he hadn’t said anything, focused on getting this plan hatched, “I think I can help you. You can’t get in trouble with them anymore if I’m the one taking the fall.”
Eddie’s brows rose in surprise at your words, his arms crossing as he studied you, “What, you think your pretty little ass can handle a night in lock up?”
“No, genius,” You roll your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time, “If it falls on me, there will be no jail, no arrest, nothing. The minute I tell someone who my uncle is, they won’t even think about putting a hand on me, that would be stupid. I’m effectively untouchable.”
Eddie nods, rubbing his chin, “But doesn’t that go out the window if you commit… What did you call it? ‘Social suicide?’”
You shrug, “Maybe. Maybe not. But I can probably keep them off your ass for the rest of the school year so long as you don’t do something too stupid.”
“You want to date me until graduation?” Eddie makes a dramatic show of placing his hand to his chest as if he’s flattered.
“Jesus…” You mutter to yourself with a sigh, “We’ll see where it goes.”
Eddie, again, nodded while humming in consideration. You sat quietly, waiting for him to add something to the conversation. You could tell that he was drawing it out, though, milking the moment just for the hell of it, to put you on edge. Suddenly, he slaps his hand down firmly on the table, causing you to jump in your seat.
“We have a deal.” His eyes glint as he smirks at you, “We play happy little couple, we destroy your reputation, piss off all your friends, and you keep me out of trouble. What could possibly go wrong?”
It suddenly felt like he jinxed everything by saying that, ruined it before you could even begin, but you ignored that feeling as you gave him a slight smile, actually pleased with how the conversation had gone. Of course, there was still that strange sense of disbelief at the entire situation - it was the most ridiculous thing you’d ever thought of or done, but that also made it kind of exhilarating in its odd way.
Eddie walked around the table, leisurely sliding onto the bench beside you, intentionally leaning over to bump your shoulder playfully. It was unexpected, causing you to make a slight face at him, but that only seemed to amuse him more.
“Look, princess, you gotta start being nicer to me if you want to convince anyone that we’re a couple.” Although his tone was teasing, you knew what Eddie said was true. Even you, known for your bitchiness, couldn’t be too mean to the man that you were supposedly dating, especially if you wanted to get under Duncan’s skin - the nicer you were to Eddie, the more it would annoy Duncan that you were never that nice to him.
“Fine.” You say plainly, looking him in the eye, “If that’s the case, no more ‘princess.’”
Eddie made a teasing face, “Then what do I call you? It would look strange if your boyfriend didn’t have any pet names for you, right?”
You sighed, but he did make a good point - it made you realize that you needed to lay out some ground rules for this whole fake dating thing, something that you hadn’t accounted for during your planning stage.
“When we’re around other people, just call me something nice. I don’t care what it is.”
Eddie’s playful expression was still in place, “Oh, you’ll regret that…”
You rolled your eyes, and yet this time the corner of your mouth pulled up into an amused grin despite yourself, “Just be nice to me and I’ll be nice to you. Can’t be too hard, right? And don’t touch me unless it’s in front of people.”
You looked him up and down critically with that comment. It's not that you were worried about him being gross or anything like that, you just hated people touching you unnecessarily.
“Any other commands, my liege?”
“What, you want me to write this down for you or something?”
Eddie pretended to consider the idea, “If only I knew how to read, princess.”
You made a face, knowing that Eddie kept calling you that dumb nickname quite intentionally, that he kept testing you with deliberate aim. Trying to resist rising to the tempting bait, you continued explaining the dos and don’ts of fake dating. 
“Okay,” You started, raising your pointer finger. Eddie made a show of paying close attention, surely just to mock you, as you raised another finger with each new rule you stated, “One: we have to try to be nice to each other. Two: no unnecessary touching if no one’s around. Three: we have to spend a lot of time together, like, not just at school - we have to go out sometimes, especially to places where people will see us. Four: we have to be extra obnoxious when Duncan’s around. Five: … I’m in charge.”
At the last instruction, Eddie laughed right in your face, “You’re in charge? I thought this was a relationship, not a dictatorship.”
You had a response ready to leave your lips, but you let it go - practice for the inevitable niceties to come, you supposed. Eddie studied you for a moment while half smiling, seemingly aware that you were doing your best to bite your tongue.
“Alright, alright, you’re in charge…” He rose to his feet, which seemed to signal that the conversation was coming to an end, “So, what, starting tomorrow I’m your boyfriend?”
“I mean… Should we build up to it first?” The question sounded ridiculous, you knew it sounded juvenile and naive in its way, but it had to be asked. And yet again, Eddie chuckled.
“Sure, we’ll ‘build up to it.’” His tone was teasing, but not quite so mean as before. Eddie studied the look on your face, trying to learn how to read you considering the amount of time you were surely about to start spending together, “Don’t worry, princess, I’ve got this in the bag. Relinquish some of that control a little, okay?”
He slowly began to walk backwards towards the trail, waiting for you to join him, so you stood to walk alongside him. You almost neurotically began dusting yourself, trying in vain to get the dirt and the mud and the dead leaves off of your skirt, out from under your nails.
You caught up to Eddie easily enough, continuing to pick at your well manicured nails, “I’m serious, Munson, please don’t fuck this up.”
Eddie threw his arm around your shoulder, once again disregarding one of your rules without a single care. He looked down at you with a teasing look on his face, confirming that he did that on purpose, confirming that he was sure to keep doing it on purpose, “Relax. I’ll flirt with you tomorrow, I’ll flirt some more throughout the week, I’ll start hanging around your locker or talking to you at lunch, and then by the end of the week I’ll ask you on a date. Deal?”
You stared into Eddie’s eyes a moment before lifting his arm off your shoulders, stepping just out of reach with a mild sneer on your lips, “Okay, deal.”
His smile is wide as he walks alongside you back to your cars. This was going to be one hell of a time, and he, frankly, was all too curious to see how it would turn out.
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ann-ann-alan · 7 months
Angel Dust x Satan!M!Reader
Word count: ~1.6K
TW: Talk about what Valentino has done to Angel Dust. Angel and Val's extremely toxic relationship.
Angel's eyes flapped open slowly as the light shined through the curtains of his room at the hotel. For once in his afterlife he felt well rested. He felt so safe and warm cuddling up to his new boyfriend. If only Valentino could be this nice. Valentino. Angel's mind began racing at the thought of his cruel boss, a man that had made him suffer so much, and he would have to go back to him today. Every day until the end of time, or until Angel died. Again.
"Stop thinking about Val." You said as you pat the top of your boyfriend's head. "He's not here. I am. You're safe with me, you know that right?" Angel felt your hands on his face, lightly caressing him, so soft, so caring. "Of course I trust you."
"Good" You kissed him deeply as you swiftly picked him up bridal style. He let out a little squeak at your actions. "Don't worry my little divine being, I won't drop you."
You suddenly turned into a smaller man. A man named Saturn. That's the fake name you had gone for as it was kind of close to your real one. No one could know you were Satan. What would happen if it was revealed that the most powerful of hells beings, second only to Lucifer himself, was staying at a hotel for redemption and was dating a sinner? Hell would be chaos, well, more than it already is anyway.
"I love Saturn and all, but I really wish I could see your real face more often." Angel presses a light kiss to your cheek. "I do too honey, I really wish I could be myself but you know what could happen if people found out about us. It could get real dangerous."
You and Angel walked down the steps of the hotel towards the bar where Husk was cleaning glasses.
You and Angel sat on the stools at the bar. As he was rabbling on you couldn't stop yourself from staring at him. His pretty face, beautiful hair, big eyes, and that cute little chest fluff. He was perfect. If only you could truly be with him.
Your train of thought gets interrupted by Angel's phone going off. "Guess I got to get to work." He stared down at his phone sadly, defeated. "Bye Sweetums." He kisses your forehead and heads for the door.
"You really hate Val don't you?" Husk utters, wiping a shot glass down. "What makes you say that?" "Your claws are out and you're ruining my counter." You look down to see both your hands ripping into the counters wood. "Oh sorry. I just- I hate him." Your eyes glowed red. You wished you could rip the head off that disgusting moth. There's nothing wrong with lust (you are good friends with Asmodeus) as long as it's consensual. And Val was anything but.
"Why do you care so much? Angel's just a fling." Husk said starring at your enraged state. "What no! I- well- I- I love him ok?! And I can't keep seeing Val rip my boyfriend apart over and over again!" You love him. You just said it. Husk stared at you with a knowing smirk. "Look, I get you love him and you want to keep him safe but there ain't nothing you can do about a soul contract. He's stuck with Val. Forever." Husk frowned, of course he knew about deals with souls, he made one.
Suddenly an idea comes into your brain. "But what if the contract was broken?" Husk looked at you strangely. "There ain't no way to break a soul contract." "But what is they could be? Would that free him? Would he truly be safe?" You muttered more to yourself then Husk. "Well yeah? But like I said, there ain't no wa-" You put your hand over his mouth. "But what if I could do it? What if I could break the contract?"
"You can't."
"But what if I could?"
"You can't"
"But what if I could?"
"You ca- YOU CAN NOT! Soul contracts don't just break, they just don't. It's better to just give up now."
You could do it. I mean, you're LITERAL SATAN. YOU are the contractor. All soul contracts get run by you. That's your job. You remember when you first came across Angel's contract. You thought nothing of it, just another hopeless sinner who needed a job. Just another hopeless sinner you were now deeply in love with. You could do it. If Valentino willingly showed you Angel's contract, it was over. One touch and the contract would be gone, reduced to ashes and Angel would be free. But everyone would know who you really are. Only one person could break contracts, only one. Satan. Your reputation would be tarnished.
But you would do ANYTHING for the one you love.
Angel was tired, he had already filmed three intense scenes and Val only wanted more, just like always.
"Alright my little Angel, you'll be filming one more scene and then you'll come to my office ok?"
Oh god not his office, never his office. Angel couldn't count the amount of unhappy memories he's had in that office. Angel wanted his boyfriend, his real boyfriend, not Val.
"Is there a problem Angel Dust?" Val sneered. "No, no, not at all Val, everything's fine." "Alright then, why wait? Let's go to my office now."
Panic hit Angel like a truck. "Wait now?! I thought I had another scene to film?!" Angel was almost hyperventilating. He couldn't go in there with Val, he couldn't. Not again.
"You said there was no problem. Let's GO!" Val roughly grabs Angels arm and yanks it towards him. "You better behave Ang, you wouldn't want to hurt my feelings would you?" Val looked at him with a disturbing smile. Angel looked into those bright red bug eyes, he was scared, really scared. Scared just like he was when Val made that deal with him.
"Excuse me." Val and Angel looked to the side and found you standing there. "Sata-Saturn what are you doing here?" Angel says. "You know this guy?" Val released Angels wrist and walked towards you. "I'm Val, well you definitely already know me so... Angel said your name was what, Saturn? That's quite a strange name for a sinner." Val held his hand out for you to shake, you just starred at it with your arms crossed. "Well, um, you must be here for a job right? Angel must of told you about me!" Val said as he retracted his hand. "I actually came here because I wanted to take my boyfriend back home."
"What in the hell are you doing?!" Angel whispered to you as he held your arm, almost trying to hide from Val. Valentino noticed this. "Your HIS boyfriend? MY Angels boyfriend? That's a funny joke." Val said almost as a threat, 'it better be a joke.'
"Oh it's no joke. And Angel isn't yours." You stood protectively in front of him. "Oh! But he is. He is MINE. FOREVER." Val says, starting to get angry.
"Baby, you should go..." Angel said from behind you, clutching the back of your shirt with all his hands.
"Yeah, you should listen to him Saturn." Val smirked down at you.
"Let me see it." You utter, holding your hand out in front of you.
"See what?" Val crosses his arms and sneers at you. Looking at you up and down. Judging.
"Let me see the contract that has Angel tied to you. One look at it and I'll leave you alone, forever. You have my word."
Val looks at you suspiciously. "Sure, whatever." He makes the contract apear right in front of you.
You reach out for it and pretend to read over it, but all you could really stare at was the signature at the bottom.
"Well?! Are you happy know? LEAVE!" Val says. He was getting angry. His little play thing had a boyfriend? Who was interrupting his job? What a little BRAT!
"Actually.... I was thinking something a little.... different." Suddenly the contract set ablaze in blue fire, the paper disintegrating.
"WHAT?!?" Val stepped back. HOW?! How was that possible?! How could you do tha- "You're not REALLY named Saturn are you?"
Val could barely get that sentence out before you pushed him to the ground. "You are a pest Valentino. And I'm not afraid to CRUSH you."
Your eyes turned beep red, you gained back your height, long red horns like a ram came out of your head.
"YOU stay AWAY from MY BOYFRIEND! If I EVER see you near him again, you will see the full strength of wrath, you disgusting bug!"
Val stares at you in fear, laying on his elbows, tying to crawl away from you.
"Whoa, whoa! Don't kill 'im baby!" Angel set his hand on your shoulder. Looking back at him all you could see was the man you loved. The FREE man you loved.
"Lets get out of here."
"You sure that was a good idea? People know who you are now." Angel said, cuddling into your side as you both sat on the hill of the Hazbin Hotel, looking over the rest of hell.
"That's ok with me. You mean more to me than some stupid reputation I barely cared about in the first place." You pressed both your hands to the sides of his face. "No matter what happens I will always be there with you. Through Earth, Hell, Hay! Even heaven if Charlie's plan works out!" You plant a gentle kiss to his lips.
"I love you for eternity my darling."
"I love you too big guy."
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fictionsbaby · 9 months
summary: y/n and seth take a walk in the woods when seth has something to show his girlfriend
warnings: fem reader, cuteness overload
Word count:405
*Kind of a part 2 to My Love, but you don't have to read it first.
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the leaves crunched under their feet as the happy couple made their way through the woods, hand in hand. the two lovebirds had been together for almost 5 months, and hoped to be together for many more.
something had been weighing on seth’s shoulders for a long time now, something he wanted-no, needed- to tell y/n.
“she deserves to know,” he thought.
as these pressing thoughts continued to swirl in the young man’s brain, his girlfriend beside him was rambling about how her day went, and what she planned to do the next day, when she was suddenly interrupted.
“and i was thinking tomorrow that i might-”
“y/n, theres something that i need to show you,” he rushed out.
“okay? what is it seth?” she inquired.
“umm, just stay right here,” he told her, letting go of her warm, soft hand, and backed up a good distance away, so that he wouldn't hurt her.he would never forgive himself if they had to face a similar fate to that of Sam and Emily.
“o-okay. just stay there, and please don't freak out. please,” he pleaded to his love.
“Seth… you're starting to scare me,” she said.
Seth began to strip down to his underwear, after telling her to turn around, not wanting to make her even more uncomfortable.
she heard a strange sound, and a few seconds later, she felt a cold and wet nose touch the back of her arm. she gasped, turning around to come face-to-face with a giant, adorable, wolf.
“OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed. “YOU'RE ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Seth’s big wolf ears went down at the high pitched scream she let out.
“wait! you're a wolf?!?!?!” she questioned. the adorable wolf nodded his big fluffy head. “ why didn't you tell me?” she asked in a sad voice. when there wasn't really a response, she then realized,” oh wait. you can't talk, can you?” a shake of his big fluffy head. “that's ok. you are so cute though seth!!” she then had a sudden gasp, “what if we go cuddle?” she asked, very excited.
another nod of his head, he took his muzzle and began to guide the girl to a nearby tree. he then laid down, and she sat down, leaning against him.
eventually there were soft snores emitted by the girl who had fallen asleep. Seth could not be more thankful for the caring and understanding girl at his side.
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naughtyneganjdm · 10 months
Naughty or Nice - Chapter 5
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Summary: The jealousy that Y/N has about finding out how Negan and Maggie's relationship started fuels her and she has a heart to heart with Negan that leads to a fiery interaction between the two of them.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51464518/chapters/131751610
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, angst, lots of smut, daddy kink, etc.
Notes: This is a long chapter. Thank you for taking the time to read it. I'm sorry it took some time to get out! Things have been really busy over the last few days.
It was strange how certain things could change at different points in your life. When Y/N used to live in her family’s home as a teenager, she always hated having the bedroom that she did. It was on the side where the sun rose and it used to drive her crazy waking up to the sun blinding her every morning. But when her eyes finally fluttered to an open, she actually enjoyed the sight before her. The sun wasn’t completely up yet, but it was a beautiful sight seeing the sun rising slightly over the tree line of the woods in the distance. It’s shine was hidden somewhat by the morning clouds and she found comfort in the sight. This was the first time she had woken up at her family’s home in a very long time. It was both a strange and awkward feeling.
Truthfully? She really didn’t know how to feel about things. The last thing she remembered was Negan sneaking into her room to cuddle with her in bed. Once Negan entered her mind, she felt her heart skip a beat. Pushing up onto her palms, she turned her attention toward the bed where he was last night. A sense of sadness rushed through her veins when she saw that Negan wasn’t there. No one was. With a frown, she stretched her hand out and felt the bed. The sheets were cool beneath her fingertips and she wondered if she dreamt all of that. Everything about yesterday was stressful. The only thing she found comfort in lately was Negan, so maybe that was a way for her brain to relax.
Of course it had to be a dream. Why would Negan show up in the middle of the night to cuddle with her? Why would he want to hold her in his arms? There were so many people that could have walked in and caught them. Especially with Maggie not far from her room. The last thing Negan likely wanted to do was fall asleep in her bedroom. 
After having Maggie talk to her last night, she just assumed Negan was likely fresh on the mind. Talking with everyone made her realize that it was a dumb idea to come back here. A long time ago she knew that she didn’t belong here and in the small amount of time she had been back, it had been proven to her many times that she was right. Part of her still wondered why she came back here after everything her family put her through. Hershel made it clear he didn’t like her and he didn’t want her back. Maggie tried last night, but they were still off with one another. Even though Maggie meant well, there was always going to be tension between Maggie and Y/N. Maggie was Hershel’s favorite and Y/N was the one that Hershel hated. That alone made things tense. Adding Negan into the picture was a whole new world of mess. Learning about Negan and Maggie’s relationship and all the things they did together only made Y/N jealous.
Hearing the ticking of the old alarm clock on her nightstand, Y/N stole a quick look at it to see the time. If her family stuck to their routines, as they often did, she was up early enough to go work on the farm before her father woke up. Maybe if she got to spend some time with the things she actually loved about this place when she was a child, she would actually understand why she came back here in the first place. Feeding the animals might be a calming thing for her and give her time to really think things out.
Seeing that there was a thin layer of snow on the ground, Y/N dressed in warmer clothes that would be comfortable for the morning. After she got dressed and left her room, she stopped at the door to listen. Everything was quiet. That told her that her family was still asleep and it made her happy. It confirmed for her that she would be able to get some alone time. Thank God for their routines. Sneaking out while everyone else was asleep reminded her of her childhood. There were so many times she would just get up early just to get time to herself. There was a chill in the morning air that made her huff. This was so different than what she had grown accustomed to living in big cities for so long.
Heading toward the stables, she noticed that the doors were partially opened as she approached it. A nervous breath fell from her lungs when she wondered who could have beat her in waking up. Stepping in closer, she tipped her head to the side and heard the faint sounds of a deep voice coming from inside, “See. I’m not so fucking bad. I think the two of us could be friends. Don’t you?”
With a smirk, she carefully pulled open the doors further to see that Negan was standing at one of the stables petting the muzzle of the horse that he was in front of. An amused exhale fell from her throat when she saw how he was dressed. He was wearing a dark pair of jeans with a heavy tan jacket that was opened revealing the black long-sleeved shirt that was beneath. A light-colored cowboy hat was on top of his head and he was wearing a pair of boots to go along with it. There was a theme to his whole outfit and he was selling it. Never in her life had she ever pictured Negan getting caught wearing something like that. At this point she could tell that he didn’t notice she was there and she found herself enamored with him.
“What are you doing?” Y/N finally spoke up causing Negan’s eyebrows to bounce up, his eyes lifting to meet her stare. An amused smirk tugged at his handsome features when he saw that it was her and he gave her a simple shrug. Approaching Negan, she noticed that it was Apollo that Negan was petting and it surprised her. Especially since Apollo seemed to enjoy having Negan touching him.
“I’m making friends,” Negan’s deep, raspy voice informed her when she stepped in beside him. Just standing next to him felt nice. There was a warmth radiating off of Negan and it was a nice contrast to the morning air around them. “I woke up early and decided to help your stepbrother. Shawn is around here somewhere. I used to do this kind of stuff when I was a kid at my grandparent’s place. It’s like riding a bike.”
“A bit different,” she acknowledged with a shake of her head. It was hard not to focus on Negan’s apparel now that she was standing beside him. Truth was? She actually liked it. But it did bring one question to her mind. “Where in the world did you get the hat?”
“Your stepbrother gave it to me. I thought I looked good in it,” Negan turned to her, giving her a flirty wink. Just that alone had a rush flooding into her face. God, he was so fucking cute and he knew it. Shaking her head, she tried to focus knowing that her stepbrother was likely near. “I’m a city boy, but I can go back to my old roots if I have to.”
“And you can win over the heart of the biggest asshole on this farm,” she acknowledged, still surprised to see that Negan was managing to get along well with Apollo. That horse was never really friendly and hated most people. So to see them like this? That impressed her. Then again, she thought about the words that she said to Negan. The biggest asshole that she knew on the farm was actually, in her opinion, her father. “Well, the second biggest asshole. My father still likely hates you.”
Snorting out, Negan’s nose wrinkled and there was visible amusement from what she had just said about Hershel. That was one thing he wasn’t going to fight her on. Her father was indeed an asshole. And she more than anyone would know that. Petting Apollo a few more times Negan shrugged his shoulders and drew her attention back to the older horse, “I think it’s because we are both old and grumpy. It only makes sense that me and this guy would be able to get along.”
“That sounds good, but I promise you that no one has ever gotten on this guy’s good side. Maybe Beth? But other than that,” she alerted Negan who seemed pleased to hear that he was one of the only people to get on Apollo’s good side.
“I’m pretty good at winning most people over,” Negan mused, his eyebrow arching when he took a quick gander around the area. Making sure that they were alone, Negan slowly turned to Y/N and reached out to slide his glove covered hands over her sides. Drawing her closer to him had her letting out a shuddering breath.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there in the morning when you woke up. I woke up about an hour ago and figured before your father showed up with a shotgun, I should get out of there,” Negan explained, his voice quiet enough for only her to hear and it made a breath catch in her throat. Noticing the surprise in her features, Negan tipped his head to the side and smiled. “What?”
“Nothing, I just thought…I didn’t think that was real,” she was honest with him hearing his snickering follow. There was that adorable wrinkle of his nose followed by his dimples sinking in. Even with him amused with her he was fucking cute. “I thought I dreamt you crawling into bed with me last night to try to comfort myself to sleep.”
“No, that was me,” Negan corrected her, urging his glove covered finger in underneath her chin to get her to look up at him. There was longing in Negan’s eyes, his long eyelashes fluttered before he lowered down closer to her. “I’m the real deal, not a dream.”
A moment later Negan’s lips were covering hers. The warmth from the kiss was a vast contrast to the cool air that was surrounding them. It sent a chill down her spine but warmed her up at the core when she reached up to slide her hand in over his shoulder to brace herself.
“Negan,” she stopped him, pulling away when she thought about the fact that Negan was actually helping her stepbrother. “If Shawn sees…”
“I know,” Negan frowned remembering what she had asked of him the night before in trying to hide his feelings for her. “I’m sorry. You know how I feel about you with things. I just got caught up in the feeling of everything. Waking up with you in my arms this morning. Your face being the first one I saw. Well, other than your brother.”
“Why do you have to be like this?” she frowned, stroking her hand down from the center of his chest toward the middle of his abdomen. How quickly she fell for Negan was scary. It was too fast. Right?
With Negan pressing his forehead to hers, she was getting caught up in how affectionate the movement was. Closing her eyes, she cherished the warmth of his breath hovering over her lips. Nuzzling his nose in against hers, Negan stroked his fingers in over the sides of her face and breathed in sharply.
“Negan,” she sighed, her eyes fluttered to an open knowing that she didn’t want this to end. “We can’t do this here.”
“I know,” he swallowed loudly, his long eyelashes fluttering, but he wasn’t quick to pull away from her. As they parted, his thumb dragged across her bottom lip and it took her breath away. Just his touch could drive her wild and he knew that. “I promise I will try to relax. It’s just I’m getting caught up in all of this. Having you sleeping in my arms last night was fucking great. It just made me fall for you fucking harder. I’m head over heels for you.”
Parting her lips, she went to say something, but the sound of shuffling in the distance was heard. Stepping away, she pulled herself from Negan and it made her heart race. A disappointed breath escaped Negan’s lungs, but he gathered himself. Shawn made his way around the corner and thankfully by the time he did, they were far enough apart for him not to question things. Once Shawn’s eyes connected with hers, his smile expanded and he actually looked happy to see her. Dropping what he was carrying, Shawn headed over and wrapped Y/N up in his arms giving her a big hug. 
“I didn’t get to talk to you yesterday, but I’m super happy to see you sis,” Shawn released her and stepped back on his heel noticing that Negan was approaching her. “I know that dad has been giving you a hard time, but you just have to ignore him. He’s upset that you left him and he never let it go. When you left, he thought you were going to come crawling back to beg him for help. And you didn’t. So his feelings are hurt. Or maybe his ego is bruised. Either way, don’t let that bring you down. You’re the most successful of all of us. No one can take that away from you.”
That was something she needed to hear. And it surprised her that it came from her stepbrother. Shawn was never really good at picking up on people’s emotions and feelings, so to hear that coming from him didn’t feel like Shawn. It was sweet, but still unusual.
“We might have talked a little bit,” Negan spoke up, his hands resting at his hips while Y/N looked between the two of them. Tension flooded her features and Negan knew that she was overthinking what he said. “About the family I mean. That’s all.”
“What else would we talk about? I wouldn’t know spit from spat when it came to your work or anything like that,” Shawn’s southern drawl made Negan snicker. Bouncing his eyebrows, Negan turned his attention back to Y/N and gave her a small nod. “Just know that myself, my ma and Beth have really missed you. Your energy is something this family is missing. You were always the one pushing for more and I think we all needed that around here. We’re content, but with you…you made a lot of us want more.”
“Thanks Shawn,” she brushed her fingers over the back of her neck before pointing along the horses. “Do you think I can take Dakota and one of the horses on a ride? With the snow, I don’t know which ones handle it the best. I want to show Negan something.”
“You think the city boy here can handle riding a horse?” Shawn teased Negan, elbowing him in the side causing Negan to huff out. 
“I actually grew up on a farm with horses. Well, not all the time, but my grandparents had a farm, so I’m not full fucking city boy,” Negan explained with a snort and a shake of his head. “I think I can handle a horse.”
“You sure?” she made sure that Negan was comfortable which was followed up by a confident nod from Negan. 
“Alright. I reckon I would go with Lucky. He’s the most well behaved and he can handle the snow,” Shawn instructed pointing over toward one of the horses that was brown with white on the muzzle. “I don’t think Lucky would be upset if Negan was uncomfortable at certain points.”
Shawn started preparing Lucky for Negan to ride while Y/N was getting Dakota ready. Heading over in front of Apollo, Negan stroked his hand over the length of the horse’s head and snickered, “Now don’t you go getting jealous of me and Lucky. You and I are still friends, but we have to learn to bond with one another more before I even consider taking a ride on you.”
“I wouldn’t do that if you want to keep your life,” Shawn snorted from the other side of the aisle where he was at. “That boy hasn’t let anyone ride him in years. We can get a few pets in here and there, but he’s feisty.”
“We’ll see,” Negan grumbled under his breath, brushing his fingers through Apollo’s mane. “I think this guy will open up to me at some point.”
“Are you sure you’re comfortable with riding? I figured since you were new around the farm, I would just show you some things that you might like. Maybe you will want to show the kids later,” Y/N spoke up and Negan gave her another confident nod. “Alright then.”
Both Y/N and Shawn waited when Negan climbed up onto Lucky to make sure that he didn’t fall over. At first, he seemed off balance, but when he got his center, he flashed them a bright cocky smile that had Y/N shaking her head. Of course Negan had to be good at most things. Walking over to Dakota, she got up and then directed Negan with what he needed to say to get Lucky to do what he wanted. Once he got the hang of things, they started off through the large, empty field toward the trees.
“Couldn’t wait to get me alone, could you?” Negan joked getting her to look over at him. Flashing her a big, arrogant smile had her rolling her eyes. Shaking her head, she didn’t give him the satisfaction of getting an answer from her and just kept on forward. “I actually don’t mind this whole farm life thing.”
“Oh?” she quipped, her eyebrow arching in curiosity when they reached the tree line and she led them through the woods.
“I mean, I look good in a cowboy hat,” Negan reasoned with her, lifting his left hand to point toward his face. Flashing another arrogant, wolfish smile had her rolling her eyes and continuing. “I’m a sexy cowboy.”
“Does the ego ever quit?” she wondered hearing his raspy laugh follow. Even though she found him adorable and agreed that he made a good-looking cowboy, she knew that it seemed like he was always egotistical.
“I mean, it’s not ego if it’s true,” Negan countered, his head bobbing about when she came to an area in the middle of the woods where she wanted to stop. Watching her hop down, he got Lucky to stop before getting down himself. “I think I just really am that fucking awesome.”
“Of course you do,” she headed over to the large sitting rocks that were set out in a circle. This was a place that Maggie and her friends had set up when they were younger, but Y/N would often come here a lot when she was a kid to get some time to think about things. Taking a seat down on one of the larger rocks that were there, she let out an extended sigh and noticed the tip of Negan’s head. “What?”
“I don’t know, you tell me,” Negan sat across from her, leaning forward on the large rock that was there. Arching his thick eyebrow, he waited for her to say something and tossed his hand up. “I know that look on your face. It’s the, I’m really upset and I have something to say face, but I don’t know if I should. You use it all the time at work when you are trying to be polite, but you hate something. Not that you use it with me, but I’ve seen it with other people.”
“Jesus. You know my faces now?” she retorted and Negan nodded his head shrugging his shoulders when she repositioned on the rock that was before him. It was best to just get everything out now that they were alone and she knew that. “Maggie and I talked last night.”
“And?” Negan slurred as if waiting for something to come from her. There was no panic or worry and that surprised her.
“Negan, I don’t think I can do this with you,” she declared, lowering her head so that way she didn’t have to look at him. Looking at him made things hard because just the sight of his eyes could cause her heart to skip a beat. “Maggie told me about the first time that the two of you met. And she was talking about you. A lot. In extensive details.”
“Okay. And?” Negan put emphasis on his words, still confused as to why she was questioning things with them again. “What is going on here Y/N? We talked about this yesterday and I thought we had a deal between the two of us. You know that you want to be with me and I want to be with you.”
“I know, but it’s…” she felt the lump in her throat growing and the guilt started to eat away at her. “It’s complicated.”
“What isn’t complicated in life? If we let everything that was complicated stop us, none of us would fucking be here,” Negan tossed that out to her and it surprised her how much it made sense. “What did Maggie say that has you uncomfortable?”
“She was talking about the first time that the two of you met. How you brought lunch to her on the steps and then later in the night the two of you had sex in a bar bathroom stall,” Y/N listed off the things that Maggie had told her. Hearing all that made her jealous, but Negan didn’t seem affected by it. “She was going very much in depth about how good at sex you were. How you had a big dick that was really nice.”
“What about that bothered you? I am good at sex. I do have a big dick,” Negan listed off hearing the groan that followed from her. Throwing his hand up in the air, he tried to reason with her about things. “I mean these are things that you know already Y/N. I also have a small ass. I got no back in the booty. I come a lot too.”
“Negan!” she scoffed noticing the dramatic flair he was adding to everything he was saying while bobbing his head back and forth. “It was awkward hearing how the two of you had sex that first night. You have no idea how hard it was for me to sit there and listen to my sister talking about fucking you on the first night. Showing me how big she thought your dick was while deep down I already knew.”
“I still don’t get it. Yes, I had sex with Maggie on the first night, but that’s because your sister grabbed my wrist after she lost to me in a game of pool. She dragged me into the bathroom and it just kind of happened,” Negan recalled his past with Maggie and he licked his lips. “Y/N in this case, I understand that Maggie is your half-sister, but she’s just some person that I had sex with on the first night. But it was safe. I wore a condom. I always wore a condom with Maggie. I get you feel weird about it because she is related to you, but you haven’t even talked to her in years. The people here, they don’t respect you. Shawn, your stepmother and Beth seem to admire you though. I don’t think they would care who you were and you weren’t dating.”
“You say all that like it’s nothing,” Y/N frowned hating that she found herself feeling both jealous and guilty over Maggie. “You’re literally fucking my sister.”
“Correction. I used to be fucking your half-sister. I haven’t had sex with Maggie in a while,” Negan informed her with a grunt, throwing his hands up in the air when she mentioned it. “I’ve been so fucking busy with work and the kids that there was no way that it was going to happen. No nut November would have described the situation going on in my pants because there was no time for anything.”
“Are you ever serious?” she scoffed in frustration hearing Negan’s thick rumble of laughter over his own explanation of things.
“I’ve been nothing, but serious with you,” Negan pronounced his words in such a way that it made her laugh and roll her eyes at him. “I find it hard understanding where the problem falls in here with you and me. I want to date you. I want you to be mine and more than fucking anything I want to be yours. Yes, I was dating your sister. Yes, I’ve had sex with her, but I never will again.”
“You can’t say that,” she dismissed his comment with a grunt. Maggie was a very persuasive person and she knew by the way that Maggie talked about Negan that she honestly liked him. “I can’t expect you to drop every person that you want to have sex with just because you are interested in me and we are having…whatever this is.”
“I don’t want anyone else,” Negan assured her with determination in his voice, reaching up to pull the cowboy hat from his head to set it in his lap. “I’ve been dating your sister for six months. Kind of. And I haven’t even given her a key to my apartment yet. She doesn’t live with me. I came on this trip because I was worried about my children not having a good holiday. I can’t tell you how unserious this relationship actually is with Maggie.”
“Oh,” her lips parted, her eyes shifting when she thought about the information that he just gave her. “I didn’t know that.”
“There are a lot of things you don’t know and I’m an open book that will tell you everything,” Negan threw that out there, throwing his hands up in the air. “Go ahead, have at it. If you are uncomfortable, ask me anything and I will tell you. I’ll be upfront and honest with you. I don’t want to hide anything from you.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you Negan. It’s just Maggie has real feelings for you Negan. I think she believes that she loves you,” Y/N educated Negan on how Maggie appeared to feel about him. “And I’m sure you have some feelings for her there too.”
“I think both Maggie and I love each other,” Negan maintained, his right hand lifting up and circling in the air while he tried to gather his thoughts. “I love Maggie. I do. But the way in which I fucking love Maggie is not me in love with Maggie. I love Maggie the way anyone would love their friends that they are close to.”
“Their friend that they’ve had lots of sex with,” she corrected Negan, allowing that jealousy to flood her features again. Gazing out into the woods around them, she felt like her face was on fire when she let Maggie’s words replay in her mind.
“I’ve had sex with you once and I’m more hooked on you than I have been on Maggie since I met her,” Negan snapped his fingers to get her to look at him. Her face scrunched up and he chuckled, his nose wrinkling at the idea that she was jealous of Maggie. “Boss, I know I probably sound like a fucking creep, but I’ve never felt something more real than I do when I’m with you. I have no doubt in my mind that you are meant to be with me and I am meant to be with you. And maybe having Maggie in my life was the world’s way of putting us closer together like this.”
“I feel like a bad person,” she finally confessed to something that was eating away at her. “I’m engaged to Glenn. And while I should feel guilty about cheating on him with you and for wanting to be with you, I’m actually more upset because I’m jealous of my sister. Jealous that she’s been with you. That she’s gotten to have you for this long. With how I feel about you, I’m a horrible person in terms of both Maggie and Glenn. Both of them are good people Negan. What we’re doing, it’s wrong.”
“So because Maggie and Glenn are good people, we should ignore the things that are happening between us? You should be miserable for the rest of your life because Maggie and Glenn are good people?” Negan inquired frustration flooding his veins and he shook his head. “That’s your abusive family talking, not you. Why can’t you be happy?”
“Because my happiness is going to break the heart of Glenn, my sister and it’s going to tear my family apart again,” she whimpered when Negan stood up from the large stone that he was sitting on, but moved around the area they were in to take a seat next to her. Putting his cowboy hat back on, Negan stared out at her and shook his head. “Negan…”
“If it tears your family apart, you will find your family with me, Beau and Erin,” Negan explained, his hand reaching up so he could sweep his thumb in over the side of her face. “I promise you, it might seem fast, but when you fucking know. You know.”
“But why me Negan? Why me?” she was getting emotional with the way that he was talking to her and the way that he was touching her. “Maggie is so beautiful. She’s perfect. She’s always been better than me.”
“You are beautiful. You are perfect. You are everything I want,” Negan declared, his eyelids growing heavy with his eyes locked on hers. “Yes, I care about your sister, but I want to be with you. I think the two of us could share a beautiful life. And why wait? We both know what we want. Think about it. You can move in with me. If you miss home, we can get ourselves a farm on the side so when you need that break away from the big city, we can disappear together. I mean we can certainly fucking afford it.”
“We’ve had sex once and you’re talking about moving in,” she was shocked, her head shaking but Negan captured her jaw between his thumb and index finger. “How can you make these plans so fucking fast?”
“Because. As crazy as it fucking sounds, sometimes love doesn’t fucking take it’s time. It comes out of nowhere and it punches you in the face and then the gut. I want to be with you every second. I want to walk into work, see you and know that beautiful woman is mine and no one is ever going to change that. I think we’d make cute kids. You can see by Beau and Erin, I make good looking kids. If you are worried about the whole children thing, we don’t have to rush into it. And I’m willing to give you as many children as you want. As long as you would still treat Beau and Erin good because they are my heart. Of course, if we had children they would be too, but I need to have room for all of them. Not just ours.”
“Children?” she chuckled, her eyes tearing over while Negan spoke about things. “In most cases people would think you were insane and I should run.”
“But it appeals to you,” Negan grumbled when she stood up from the oversized rock that she was sitting on. “If you weren’t so worried about other people’s feelings, I would run away with you and the children right now. I would take you home and we could start right there. But you are forcing yourself to worry about everyone else. When in reality, for the first time in your life you may have the first real thing you’ve ever had with me. We’ve gone through all the stages already. Desperation, jealousy, hurt…you name it. As someone who knows what it is like to find a special love and lose it, why would you want to wait when you’ve found something so…so fucking real.”
“God, you have no idea how hard you are making this whole thing,” she shook her head, moving around Negan to head back toward Dakota to hop on the horse. When she took off, Negan swiftly moved back to Lucky. Doing his best to follow her, Negan noticed that she stopped at the old barn on the property. Following her in, Negan saw that she was sitting on a pile of hay, her head buried in her hands visibly upset.
“What has you so upset about us today as opposed to yesterday?” Negan knelt down before her, his hands cautiously reaching out to press in over her knees to caress over them in a tender sweep. “Talk to me Y/N.”
“Maggie brought up something last night. When we were younger, she stole my boyfriend. I was dating someone older than me. Someone that I should have never been with to begin with, but he took my virginity and I thought I was in love with him,” she admitted to Negan, her throat tensing up when the idea of Shane and Maggie re-entered her mind. “What I didn’t realize was that he had eyes for Maggie. I never told Maggie about him, but he used me to get to her. And it worked. Maggie slept with him and I found them together. And even when she found out that he was my boyfriend, she still decided to date him. Maggie stole my boyfriend. If they find out about you and me, they are going to think I’m doing this for revenge Negan. They are going to think that I am holding onto a grudge from all those years ago.”
“Who cares what they think? We both know that’s not the truth. You and I had sex long before I knew you were Maggie’s half-sister and long before you found out that I was dating Maggie,” Negan pointed out, leaning in closer to her, his hand outstretching so he could caress over the side of her tear-stained face. “Your family did a fucking number on you honey. What you need, what you’ve always needed was someone who saw you…all of you and stood up for you. Here I am to tell you, who gives a fuck what they think of us? What they think of you? If Maggie thinks you stole me because of that? Well, good. Because that was fucked up what she did with that fucker.”
“That’s not the point Negan. I don’t even care about that guy anymore, but Maggie will. She will think that I did this in order to get back at her for what she did with him,” she explained hating that it was getting to this, but it was true and she knew it would be brought up. “Yes, I want to be with you…”
“Then stop right there,” Negan interrupted her, leaning forward with his long eyelashes fluttering and his hands grabbing a firm hold of hers. Caressing his thumb over the back of her hand, he got her to look at him and he offered up a big, goofy smile. “Y/N, that’s all that I need to hear. You want to be with me. I want to be with you. It’s not much harder than that. I don’t care what Maggie, Glenn or your family thinks. I don’t care what anyone thinks,” Negan lifted up enough, the warmth of his breath lingering over her lips. “We will make this whole thing work.”
“You’re so confident,” she tremored with Negan’s lips faintly brushing over hers drawing her to calm down and into a sweet surrender all over again. Bracing her hands in over his chest, she slid her palms up to caress in over his shoulders. “How do you know we aren’t making a mistake?”
“Because I know how I feel,” Negan asserted, his words vibrating against her bottom lip with the kisses he was peppering over her flesh. “I’ve felt this way once before and it wasn’t wrong then either. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. And it happened long before we hooked up in your office. I’ve always been enamored by you, but spending that first night with you? I just knew right then and there that it was you. You’re my missing piece.”
“Fuck you Negan,” she palmed up over the side of his face, her fingers hooking into his hair. Confusion flooded his hazel eyes, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Why do you have to make me fall in love with you every time you talk?”
“And here I was afraid of using that word,” Negan slurred, his eyes narrowing when he reached up to brush her hair out of her face. Gasping, she realized exactly what he meant by using that word and he hushed her. “I was afraid of throwing that word around, just in case it freaked you out, but with you saying it first…”
“I don’t know what to say,” she was honest. She was at a loss for words. She wanted to deny things, but she couldn’t. And she could go further in depth but she was afraid to. “You’re the only person that makes me feel that way.”
“That’s because I’ve always got something to say,” Negan hushed her, tracing his thumb over her bottom lip repeatedly. A gust of wind filled the air making Negan lift his head to see that it was starting to snow again. “I’ll talk enough for the two of us.”
“Love is a big word you know,” she pointed out, her eyes narrowing when he leaned her back into the hay crawling in over her.
“It’s actually not,” Negan replied back, his lips hovering over hers. “It’s a four-letter word. It’s a really short word if you think about it.”
“Negan,” she scoffed having his nose wrinkling in amusement and his deep raspy laugh following. “People would say we were crazy if we started throwing that word around.”
“Why? I think the word is a very good word to throw around when you feel something so deeply for someone. Like, I love your smile,” Negan pressed a kiss over her cheek, taking the time to pause, “I love your eyes,” Negan continued pressing a kiss over her forehead. “I love the face you make when you’re deep in your work,” Negan’s mouth moved to her jawline to press another kiss there. “It took one night for me to know I’m in love with you. Obviously. I’m fucking willing to run away with you. Start a whole new life. Kind of at least. Last night when I laid with you, you cuddled into me like I was protecting you. Like in my arms you were safe. But having you in my arms like that? It was the first time I’ve felt whole in a very long time.”
“If you threw on half this charm to Maggie, I see why she feels the way she does about you,” she informed him, tugging him down to her to forcefully kiss him. Over and over again, his lips caressed over hers and she allowed him to have the dominance in this moment. She liked the way he took control and how it made her feel.
“It’s not the charm. It’s how I feel,” Negan stated with a smirk, his eyes fluttering to a close when her fingers tugged at the shirt he was wearing to get it loose from his pants. Pushing her hands up underneath the material made him hiss when her cool fingertips skimmed over his torso. “I’m fucking crazy for you.”
“You know how I mentioned you being submissive?” she wondered, her hands sliding up over his chest and back down again toward his lower abdomen near the top of his pants. “What if I asked you to be incredibly dominant with me right now. Would you do it?”
“What do you have in mind?” Negan’s eyebrow arched when she pulled her hands out from underneath is shirt. Licking his lips, he wasn’t turned off of the idea, but he didn’t know where she was headed with this.
“With how I’ve been feeling, I kind of just want you to have your way with me,” she informed him noticing the way he got more comfortable over her, his eyes searching hers for some kind of direction. “I don’t know Negan, I’m so used to having control and here I feel completely out of control with things. Maybe I’m just looking for you to be dominant so I can actually feel good while you’re doing it.”
“Hmm…” Negan hummed, dragging his tongue across his bottom lip before a small smile tugged at his lips. Exhaling loudly, he adjusted his weight over her so he could sweep his thumb over her jawline. “I think you just need a new daddy in your life. One that gives you exactly what you need in life. Love. Acceptance. Understanding. A daddy that will constantly pamper you and praise you.”
Finally bringing their lips together had her purring out against the kiss. Negan’s right hand caressed down over her side while he braced his weight on his left arm. Curling his arm around her waist had her lifting her hips so he could squeeze at her bottom. Moaning against his lips had him pulling back and smiling down at her.
“Daddy kink?” she slurred, sucking at her lip with an amused sound.
“Is that a turn off?” Negan wondered, lifting his hand to use his teeth to pull the glove from his hand. Tossing it beside them, he lowered his hand to pluck open the button of her jeans.
“In most cases, probably,” she admitted with a tip of her head, sinking her fingers into his hair leading him to lean into her touch. His eyes closed, his jaw flexing showing how much he appreciated just having her touch him like she was. “With you? Surprisingly? It’s the opposite.”
“Good,” Negan snickered, burying his head against the side of her neck to pepper her flesh in wet, heated kisses. “Daddy will make you feel so good. I promise.”
Wincing, she arched her hips when Negan’s fingers tugged down the zipper in her jeans. Tipping his head down, he made sure that he pushed the material apart before sliding his palm beneath her pants to caress over her body through the thin material separating him from her flesh. Clinging tightly to Negan, she panted and felt her heart skip a beat at the touch. Chills flooded her veins with the way his palm teased over her most sensitive parts. The warmth from his palm was a vast contrast from the coolness of the cold air that was surrounding them in the old barn.
“When you mean dominant, do you mean just control things or do you mean fuck you raw?” Negan’s words rumbled and a rush of excitement flooded her veins. With the way her pupils dilated after his question, he knew what direction this was going. “You know, I’ll give you what you want, but at some point, I’d like to have sex with you in a bed so I can make love to you. Make you understand what it is that you fucking deserve.”
“I don’t know if that’s going to be possible in my father’s house,” she gasped when Negan forcefully pushed down her pants to her thighs. Tugging at her panties had her arching her hips to help him before he got her settled back in the hay again. “There are so many people in that house.”
“I’m sure I can keep you quiet,” Negan winked at her, his throat flexing when the warmth of his fingertips traced over the length of her sex. Every touch had her tremoring and by the time her breathing was loud enough for him to hear, he couldn’t help but snicker. Teasingly, he circled his fingers around her sensitive bundle of nerves having her coo out with the touch. “I think your body has not been pampered in the way it should have been through the years.”
“You look at me like I’m an innocent virgin Negan and I’m not,” she reminded him, sucking in a sharp breath of air. “You are far from the first man I’ve been with.”
“Mhmm, but I’m the first real man that you have been with,” Negan arrogantly stammered, his lips hovering in over hers. In that moment, his caress got stronger and more determined. “You’ve never experienced real pleasure until you got with me. All the other men in your life? They had no fucking idea how to pleasure your body and make you experience things that you should have been for so long. What you needed was a real man to show you what you are capable of feeling.”
“Negan,” her eyes closed tightly, her cries growing with how he touched her. Rocking her hips into his caress had him letting out a long exhale. Clinging to his wrist, she found herself desperate for his touch and knew that he was right. No one made her feel the way that he did. She had never longed for someone like she did Negan.
“You are so fucking perfect,” Negan slurred, lowering down enough to kiss over her jawline toward the side of her neck. Tipping her head back, she whined when his fingers left her clitoris to slide further down between her thighs. Taking his time pushing a single digit into her warmth had her moaning out, her head burying against the side of her neck. Adding another, Negan hummed and unhurriedly started thrusting his fingers inside of her. Gradually each movement grew in strength having her whimpering against his flesh. It drove her crazy that Negan knew exactly how to touch her in just the right way to have her trembling beneath him. “Look at you. Glenn has no idea what he is doing with you.”
“He was a virgin when I met him,” she blurt out only realizing almost immediately after how bad that sounded when Negan snorted. Crying out, she dropped her head watching Negan’s quick movements hearing the wet sounds of her body while he fingered her.
“Makes sense then,” Negan growled lowering enough to nibble at her earlobe, giving it a firm tug. Soon her moans grew louder, her body shaking against his touch while he focused on her g-spot. “Almost there…”
“Your fingers are so fucking long,” she panted, tugging on Negan’s hair to bring him to her in order to kiss her. “Goddamn.”
“I do have big hands. But I’m also an artist and a gamer,” Negan informed her with a wicked smirk having her clinging tightly to him when he quickened his movements. “So these hands know exactly what they need to do in order to get things done.”
“Negan…fuck…” she cried out with the fire burning deeply inside of her. Pulling her hips away from his fingers, she heard a wet sound follow and a raspy moan fell from Negan’s throat. Digging her nails into the material of Negan’s jacket, she felt the warmth of his kisses trailing up the side of her neck and she panted. Everything inside of her was tingling and her heart was hammering inside of her chest. There was an ache in her head while her hips shook. “I am so, so sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing? That is the greatest compliment someone could ever get,” Negan questioned, his tone amused when her body finally started to calm down and relax after the orgasm he got her too. “There is nothing wrong with doing that. See, this is the problem. No one has made you feel as good as you should and you feel bad for coming. I hear you, it feels fucking good, right?”
“Yes,” she licked her lips watching Negan give an arrogant nod before lifting up. A worried sound fell from her, but he shook his head and hushed her.
“Don’t worry, we’re not done yet,” Negan assured her, taking the cowboy hat from his head. Setting it aside, he brushed his fingers through his messy hair to slick it back. Honestly? Knowing that she panicked at the idea of him leaving fueled him even more. Pulling off his other glove, he tossed it aside and then lazily pulled his jacket from his body. Crawling in over her, Negan got on his knees and started to pull his belt open. “Why don’t you show daddy how much you appreciate him making you feel the way that he does?”
Pushing up on her hands, she smirked when he started pulling open his pants. Shifting her weight, she reached up to help him push the material apart. Pushing his shirt up toward the center of his abdomen allowed her the gift of seeing his slender abdomen. Stroking her fingertips over the warmth of his flesh had Negan tipping his head back licking over his lips. Sliding her palms down, she hooked her fingers into the waistband of his boxer briefs and smirked, “Just curious. Do you have anything other than black and red?”
“Huh?” Negan snorted lowering his head to watch her pressing wet kisses over the area right beneath his bellybutton. With a firm tug, she pulled down the front of the red colored boxer briefs he was wearing and it made him grunt when his cock sprung free from behind the material. “Yes, I have other colors. I’ve got gray, blue, white…I just happen to think I look good in black and red. Do you not?”
“You look good in anything,” she dragged her tongue along his flesh having a grumble fall from his lips. Hooking her eyes with his, her fingers curled around his girthy length taking her time to caress over his hard cock. Faintly pressing kisses at the shaft had his hips arching forward toward her making her purr out. “I can’t get over how pretty your cock is.”
“Not as pretty as you,” Negan sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her head back slightly. It had her looking up at him. Her lips parted, her pupils dilated with lust. Curling his fingers tighter into her hair, he reached out with his left hand and dragged his thumb across her bottom lip. Wrapping her lips around his thumb, she sucked faintly keeping her eyes locked with his while her tongue dragged against his flesh. “You’re being such a good girl.”
“Yes daddy,” she purred and it made him laugh, his fingers pulling from her to wrap them around the base of his manhood to caress over it. “I have a confession to make.”
“Yeah?” Negan’s eyebrow arched, curiosity flooding his features when he pushed his hips forward to drag the tip of his cock against her wet lips. Grunting out, he adjusted on his legs while she pressed gentle kisses against his flesh.
“When Maggie was talking about how big you were, I told her that I thought you were small,” she informed him, her tongue dragging out across the slit at the tip drawing Negan to groan out. “With your ego, I would have never guessed you genuinely had a reason to have such a big ego. But you do. Your dick is so…so…nice.”
“My dick can also be very naughty,” Negan teased urging her to hold her tongue out. Obeying, she did what he wanted when he tapped the head of his cock against the warmth of her tongue. “I’m glad I was able to prove you wrong. But I’m also sorry to hear you’ve never been with a man capable of really pleasuring you the way you are meant to be. Now be a good girl and wrap your lips around daddy’s cock.”
Doing what he asked, she took Negan into her mouth, bobbing her head forward before pulling back and dragging her tongue across the flesh. It had Negan’s abdomen flexing, his hips arching forward toward her movements while she pleasured him. The strokes of Negan’s fingers over her scalp were an added bonus while he helped her movements over his distended flesh setting a steady pace over his length.
There was so many things appealing about Negan. From his arrogance to his looks and the way he spoke. Even with sex. She liked that he could be both dominant and submissive with her. Shane was her first and he was rough, but not always in a good way. There were other unforgettable men in between and then there was Glenn. Who almost was afraid of sex and shy to do things. Which is why Y/N never really focused on sex much. Being with Glenn was more of her having a relationship with someone and not being alone. It gave her time to focus on work and not have to worry about the whole sex thing because it never really worked out with her. But with Negan? She understood the appeal. Whether he was being naughty or nice, everything worked with her.
“Relax your throat,” Negan growled, pushing his hips forward to sink his length further down her throat. Gagging slightly at first had him pulling his hips back allowing her to take in a big gasp of air. “Too much?”
“I’m fine,” she assured him, licking her wet lips before going back into pleasuring Negan. At first, she took her time on the first few inches of him. This time Negan let her do what she was comfortable with until she started taking more of him further down her throat with every movement.
“Fuck. That’s so good,” Negan dropped his head back, his fingers hooking tighter into her hair while the wet sounds of her pleasuring him filled the cool air around them. Pulling back on her hair had her whining when he pulled her from his length. An amused sound escaped his lips while he used his other hand to pump his hand over his rigid body. “Look at you. So addicted to my cock that you get mad when I take you away from it. I mean, you can keep giving me a blowjob, but you asked me to fuck you raw. If you want to just give me a blowjob, I won’t fight you on it.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, tipping her head further back to look up at him with a frown. “I promise I’ll be a good girl.”
“That’s better,” Negan snorted, grasping her jaw between his thumb and index finger. Smirking, Negan urged her back again, tugging her boots off with a grunt and she laughed when he almost fell. “I’m doing my best here.”
“I like it,” she assured him with a tiny laugh when he reached for her pants to tug them down her legs along with her panties and tossing them aside. Pushing his pants further down his hips, Negan stroked his fingers over his length drawing attention to it. Even though she wanted this, there was still a sense of panic when he lowered in over her, bracing his weight on his left arm. Pressing her hands in over the center of his chest, she caressed up and over his shoulders. “Can you take your shirt off?”
“I will if you will,” Negan’s nose wrinkled and she gave him a nod. Working with Negan, she managed to quickly get her jacket, shirt and bra off before helping Negan to push his shirt up his lengthy torso. Once he laid over her, the hairs from his chest tickled at her flesh, but the sensation of the skin-to-skin contact felt amazing. “You just want the both of us to freeze, huh?”
“I just want to see all of you,” she stroked her fingers through the dark curls of hair over his chest, shuddering when Negan nuzzled his nose in against hers.
What was almost amazing is they sold this whole extreme sex situation, but instead they were more so just cuddling against each other at first. Lifting up, she kissed over his collarbone toward his freckle covered shoulders. Awe for this man filled her and she couldn’t believe how much they actually connected. Adjusting her thighs, Negan lowered himself down and grabbed a firm hold of his erection. Leading it toward her entrance, he made sure she was ready before thrusting forward. Sinking into her unhurriedly, Negan’s raspy moan filled the air and she clung tightly to him. It had only been two days since he was inside of her last, but it felt like a lifetime after all she had been through. Meeting Negan’s lips in another kiss only seemed to enhance the feeling of all of this. It was incredible how full Negan could make her feel as he stayed stagnant inside of her for a moment. Once his hips started moving, their kisses grew in strength, her muted cries falling from her throat with every fluid thrust forward.
Hovering his lips over hers, Negan teased her with the idea of kissing her as the strength of his thrusts grew. Every smack of his hips against hers had her mewling out, her fingers digging into his shoulders while he did it. A sound drew Negan’s attention and he looked back over his shoulder to see that the horses were moving around outside of the barn.
“You don’t think they will draw attention, do you?” Negan inquired, lowering himself to be closer to her, the friction of his groin rubbing up against her clitoris with every roll of his hips he made.
“I don’t care at this point anymore,” she informed him, stroking her fingers through his messy hair. And she meant it. If her family were to come here to find Negan fucking her, oh well. The only people she didn’t want to see them was Negan’s children and that was for obvious reasons. But her family? Their judgement was something she didn’t care for. “Fuck them if they see.”
“Thatta girl,” Negan growled, nipping at her bottom lip hearing her cries getting louder. “Feel good?”
“So good,” she whimpered clinging tightly to him, letting out a moan when she felt his left hand reaching up to wrap his fingers loosely around her throat. When he applied a small amount of pressure, it had her purring out and she leaned her head back. Winces fell from her with every forward thrust he made into her. “You feel so fucking big daddy.”
“That’s because daddy’s cock is big inside of your tight little pussy,” Negan growled, his forehead resting against hers. A chill flooded her with his dirty talk. God, it was so fucking hot. Underneath him, her body tensed up. Her thighs were twitching, her pussy tightening around his length. It had Negan cussing out, his thrusts more prominent when he got her to another orgasm. Clinging to him, she was desperate to still keep him moving while her moans filtered from her throat. “Fucking hell Y/N. You can’t get enough of me, can you?”
Pausing his movements, Negan enjoyed the way her warmth contracted and relaxed around his throbbing length. Watching her lick her lips made him smile. Her pulse was jumping in her throat, her pants loud enough for them both to hear with her eyes closed. Grumbling, Negan pulled himself up to his knees and relaxed. Tugging her closer to him, he urged her to wrap her hands under her knees so she could hold her legs up for him. Getting as close to her as he could, he traced the length of his body over her sensitive folds and watched her hips rock up toward him.
“Nothing turns me on more than the faces you make while I’m fucking you,” Negan informed her, sucking at his bottom lip when he caressed the ridges of the tip of his cock against her clitoris. It had her purring out and he reached out to cup her breast with his left hand while his right continued to tease her with his rigid length. “I’m so used to seeing you stressed or focused, it’s nice to see you relaxed and so euphoric over something I’m doing to you.”
“You’re starting to stress me out the longer you aren’t inside of me,” she alerted him and his deep laugh followed. Nodding, he lined the tip of his cock up with her entrance and pushed forward only slightly. Allowing the tip of his cock to enter her, he pulled back and watched her pout before repeating the movement several times. “Please Negan.”
“I know. I know. You just have to understand how amazing the sight is watching my dick going in and out of you. It looks good and it feels good,” Negan growled, leaning back and bracing himself on his left hand. “But you don’t want just the tip. You want me balls deep in your beautiful little pussy. I understand.”
Giving her what she wanted, he led himself back into her hearing the whine she released when he bottomed out. Staying still had her hips arching up against him causing him to growl deeply while his right hand squeezed firmly at her hip, “Good girl. Now keep those legs up.”
Staying put, he slid his right hand down and circled his thumb over her clitoris hearing her coo out upon the contact, “Fuck me…”
Sucking at his bottom lip, Negan started to rock his hips, taking his time thrusting into her at first. Just keeping things steady and sweet. Trying to work up that hot spot inside of her. Once her cries started to escape her lips again, he pulled his right hand back and braced himself on both of his hands. Taking a second to position himself appropriately, he began driving his cock into her at just the right depth to hit her g-spot with upward thrusts. Paying close attention to her reactions to everything, Negan would slow down or speed up at the right times to help aid to the pleasure she was getting. There was something so entirely appealing seeing the way she would lift her head up to watch his cock pounding into her again and again.
Keeping her quiet was not something that was going to happen right now. Not with how he was visibly making her feel. Hearing her breathing hitching, he watched her fingers digging into her flesh and he quickened the roll of his hips, “Don’t hold back this time. Just let this happen.”
“Negan,” she gasped, noticing the strokes of his cock getting harder and faster before she pulled her hips up and away from him when another powerful orgasm hit her. A low guttural growl fell from Negan’s lips. Caressing the tip of his cock against her clitoris had her whimpering out, her hips arching up toward him. Soft tapping sounds were heard before he traced his length between her sensitive folds. “Fuck…I think you’re going to kill me.”
“Only in the best of ways,” Negan grunted with a smile, urging her to turn onto her stomach before he crawled in over her. Resting a knee on each side of her, Negan got comfortable while he stroked his aching erection in his hand. Underneath him she was panting, her hands stretching out to squeeze around the loose hay that was there. With a smirk, he brought his palm down in over her bottom spanking her. A surprised exhale fell from her throat and he didn’t know if she’d be into a light spanking at first. When she wiggled beneath him and purred out, it gave him the okay to do it again. And he did. This time, he squeezed at her fleshy bottom knowing that by the sounds she made that she liked it. “Good girl.”
Readjusting, he grabbed a firm hold of the base of his manhood, leading it back toward her opening. Once he was lined up, he smacked his hips forward drawing a gasp from her throat when he did it. With both hands, he squeezed at her bottom using it to help her bring herself back against him. Their flesh smacked together, the deep plunges of his cock inside of her causing a wet sound to surround them. Pounding into her had her almost sliding forward, but his hands slid up to her hips to grasp them and keep her in place.
“Fucking hell,” Negan tipped his head back, his thrusts hard. His testicles were smacking up against her clitoris and it was already sensitive as hell so the sensation left her wanting more. Reaching around her, she grasped at his hip needing him closer to her.
“Holy shit Negan,” she blurt out, looking over her shoulder to steal a glance at him pounding into her from behind. Gasping out with every thrust he made, she dug her fingers into his flesh and heard him groan. Just watching him, seeing what he was doing to her turned her on all the more. “Fuck…fuck…”
Moving forward, she felt Negan following her, his hands pressing in beside her when he lowered himself, “I know it’s sensitive, but you are gonna want this honey,” Negan assured her, his right hand reaching up to curl around her jaw to get her to turn her head slightly so it could bring their lips together. Brushing his tongue between her parted lips, Negan felt her eager to return the gesture while he had his way with her. Outstretching her left hand, she hooked her fingers with Negan’s and squeezed them tightly. At that moment, she started feeling faint. There was an ache at her temple, a tremoring sensation in her thighs while Negan kept up with his speed.  
“Fucking…Negan…” she cried out, bouncing forward when the power of his thrusts grew stronger. Dropping her head, her eyes slammed shut and she pushed at Negan’s lower abdomen when her body started shaking again. A proud exhale fell from Negan’s throat when he kissed down over her jawline, biting at her chin while she urged him to take a moment. “Goddamn it Negan. I’ve had orgasms, but these…”
“Yeah?” Negan chuckled waiting for her to have some kind of response, but she was still shaking beneath him.
“I’m gonna need a second,” she explained knowing that while she felt incredibly good after the orgasm he just gave her, it felt like her heart was going to pound out of her chest.
“Yes ma’am,” Negan responded with a half-laugh, dropping down beside her in the hay. Rolling onto her side, she laid her head in over the center of Negan’s chest when he wrapped his arm around her and she looked to his rigid cock that was twitching. Reaching down, she wrapped her fingers around his body and took her time stroking over it. “Next time we’re going to do it in a bed. And instead of multiple orgasms, I’m going to draw it out so by the time you finally do come it will blow your mind.”
“I’m so confused,” she breathlessly stammered against his flesh, kissing at Negan’s chest before nipping faintly at the flesh. “Were you always like this?”
“What? Hot?” Negan snorted and she rolled her eyes. A moment later she was shakily pushing up to crawl in over Negan still caressing over his erection with her gentle touch. “Yes, I was always pretty good looking.”
“That’s not what I meant. I meant good at sex because it’s like you know exactly what to do and how to do it in order to get whatever it is you want,” she rambled off how she was feeling making Negan smile from where he was beneath her. A muted moan fell from his throat with the way she was touching him and he shrugged. “I don’t get it. I’ve had sex with other people…I’m not a virgin. But with you it feels like I’ve never really had sex before.”
“A lot of people aren’t me,” Negan reasoned with her, his palms reaching up to caress over her breasts while she took time to gain back her strength. “I just have learned to pay attention to people and what they like. No I wasn’t always good at sex. I’m sure if Lucille was here, she would tell you our first time was trash. I had absolutely zero control and I was just eager to come. Now, with practice, I’ve learned to control things, pay attention to what makes someone feel good and I work on that. Do I still come fast sometimes? Yeah. I do. I get excited too. I’m not always perfect. And if you want to be with me, you can’t always expect me to be perfect a hundred percent, but I’ll always try.”
“I see,” she was impressed that he was being honest with her as she reached for the cowboy hat he had pulled off earlier to put back on him. With an amused rumble of laughter, Negan felt her crawling in over him more confidently. Dragging the tip of his cock through her folds, Negan moaned out and rolled his eyes back. His body was ready to come and it ached like hell, but he wanted to give her time to let her body do what it needed. Once she lowered down over his length, he let out a grunt when she took him inside of her completely. Her nails dug into his chest and his fingers squeezed at her hips while she braced herself over him. “Fuck.”
“Goddamn, you feel so fucking good,” Negan arched up toward her drawing her to whine with the feeling. “For someone not used to a big cock, you sure do take it well. God, I want to come so fucking bad.”
“Then do it,” she gave him the okay hearing him huff when she started to only slightly roll her hips over him. “I want my sexy cowboy to come inside of me.”
“Yeah?” Negan wondered, pressing up on his hands eager to watch her ride him while she started confidently to bounce her hips over him. Allowing her to use his body the way she wanted, Negan lowered his head and kissed over her breasts. The sounds they were making were loud and crude. There was no hiding what they were doing or keeping it hidden that they were enjoying themselves. Feeling his body tensing up, Negan rolled her onto her back again. Her legs wrapped around his waist while he bucked up against her. “Fuck.”
“Fill me up with your cum daddy,” she spoke, urging his lips to hers with his moans vibrating against her flesh.
“I’m going to,” Negan assured her, the vein at the side of his neck bulging when his moans grew louder. Looking down, he stole a look at his cock pounding away inside of her and he felt his testicles tightening up. “Fuck…daddy is going to paint the walls of your pussy with his cum. Would you like that?”
“Please,” she begged of him, her whimpers growing louder with him smacking up against her harder. Winces started to fall from his throat when the throbbing of his body inside of her was felt followed by a warmth. Following through with his thrusts, Negan continued to fuck her and she appreciated that. A lot of guys would stop once they started to come, but not Negan. There was a need to want to draw things out to the very end. His hips started to falter, his breathing uneven when he laid in over her. Once again, he was cuddling up against her after they had sex and she liked it. Stroking her fingers through his hair, she knew that she wouldn’t be okay for the rest of the day but she didn’t care. Negan hadn’t pulled out of her, he was just lying in over her having that bonding moment he seemed to long for.
“I fucking love you,” Negan grunted, his head lifting up to show the redness that had flushed into his face. There was something different in his eyes and he shook his head.
Reaching out, she stroked her fingers over the side of his face and led him to kiss her. Their kiss lingered before she sighed and nuzzled her nose in against his, “I love you too.”
“Fucking good. Because I was starting to wonder if I was insane for the way I was feeling,” Negan turned onto his side, urging her to follow his movements with her leg still draped over his waist while he grew soft inside of her. “I don’t want to keep pretending anymore Y/N.”
“I get it,” she replied, stroking her fingers over the side of his face and into his damp hair that was beneath the cowboy hat. “I really do.”
“Then what are we doing?” Negan panted, his eyes searching hers while she swallowed down hard. “I mean, if you choose to be with me, imagine all the amazing shit you could have. A family. That actually loves you and wants the best for you. Think of how when we’re working together, no one will question it at first and I can go down on you while you are working in your office…”
“You don’t have to keep selling yourself Negan. I want to be with you,” she silenced him with a laugh, stroking her fingers through his hair. Pulling his hips back allowed his cock to pull from her body and she let out a surprised sound when she felt some of his release dripping from her body and sliding down her thighs. “I don’t let people come in me Negan. I trust you. I want what we have here.”
“Then let’s get the fuck out of here,” Negan suggested lifting his head up enough, his wet hair in his eyes after the cowboy hat fell from his head. Sweeping his hair out of his face, she sighed loudly and shrugged her shoulders. Grabbing the hat again, she put it back on his head and heard him snicker. “What is it?”
“I think you’re right that I made a mistake coming here. My family wasn’t worth all of this, but…” she slid her palm down in over the side of Negan’s face, her fingertips tracing through his short beard. “I actually think Beau needs this. I’ve already made plans with Beau last night to try to make this Christmas better for him.”
“Beau?” Negan repeated his son’s name, the emotion in his eyes changing when she brought up his son. “What do you mean?”
“We talked last night while you were watching movies with Erin and my family. He really misses his mom. And he misses the way things were with her when he was younger,” she informed Negan, feeling the warmth of Negan’s breath pressing in over her pulse point when he faintly kissed at her sensitive flesh. “He gave me a list of things that he wants to do while he’s here and I promised him we would do all of them.”
“Wow,” Negan muttered, his hazel eyes gazing over her while he hooked his fingers with hers. “You’re worried about my son?”
“I am,” she nodded her head, being honest with her emotions that had been fueling her yesterday after talking to Negan’s son. “The two of us have a lot in common and he just wants to remember what it felt like to be with his mom for Christmas. I can’t give him that, but I want to bring as much magic that I can into his life as I can. I’ve been without my family for so long and I don’t know…”
“I love you,” Negan breathed out, lowering down just enough to press a loving kiss over her lips that took her breath away when he pulled back. “Hearing you talk about my son like that reconfirms for me everything I was already thinking about with you. And you think staying here will do that for him?”
“I think so,” she informed Negan, sliding her fingers up over the side of Negan’s neck. Stroking her fingers at his flesh, she didn’t know if she was overstepping, but she felt like this needed to be done. “I made a promise to him. A few of the things are silly, but doable. He wants to make sugar cookies with his sister. And be messy with it. He wants to go ice skating and he wants to build a snowman. In a day or two, there is supposed to be a big storm. So we’ll be capable of doing the snowman. He wants to go to the main town and see what they have there. There is this wooded walk they have a little while away from here. I was going to run to the store today. Get a few things for a project I want to do with Beau today if you are okay with it. Maybe we can go to town, walk around a little bit and then do the sugar cookies before bed.”
“I like the sound of that,” Negan crawled back in over her, peppering her with kisses until the point they were both giggling by how silly he was being with his kisses. “How are we going to tell Maggie and Glenn?”
“Carefully,” she replied knowing that in order to have a good few days they would have to still keep things from Maggie and Glenn. “Let’s make it to Christmas. Keep things on the downlow until then so we can make things good for Beau and Erin. Then after Christmas, we can kind of drop the bomb. And if we’re kicked out before New Years? Then so be it. But you’re right. What I feel for you is pure. It’s real. I don’t want to waste this.”
“Okay,” Negan agreed, nuzzling his nose in against hers before letting out a sigh. “Then that’s what we will do. I’ll gradually put the brakes on things with Maggie. Start breaking is slowly, but you have to understand during these events, it’s you that I want to be with.”
“I do understand that,” she noted, lifting up to kiss him again. While she thought that they could have given Beau what he wanted if they left and ran off to New York, she thought maybe having her family around for the two children would be good. Beth was fun. Her dad and her stepmom would likely pamper the hell out of them and that’s what they needed right now. Cuddling in closer to Negan, she nuzzled her nose in against the side of his neck and pressed a faint kiss there. “I have to admit something to you.”
“Yeah?” Negan pulled his head back enough making her laugh when the cowboy hat he was wearing fell over his eyes. Tossing the hat aside, Negan grunted and couldn’t help but smile with her laughter.
“I’m freezing,” she alerted him, lifting her head up to stare out at the door that was partially opened to the barn.
“Noted,” Negan grunted, looking down between them realizing that while they were still pressed up against one another, it was still really cold. “My ass and my testicles are really feeling that cool burst of air coming through. And it’s…well…maybe a different version of blue balls that might happen soon.”
“Dear God,” she groaned out, shoving her hand into the center of his face hearing his snort follow.
“I’m serious,” Negan laughed, nodding down toward his chest. “It’s so fucking cold my nipples are hard right now. Look at them.”
“I see,” she slid her hand up to pinch at his nipple before sitting up enough to circle her tongue around the flesh. Giving it a small nip had him groaning out before she shook her head. “We should stop while we’re ahead.”
Moving in beside her, Negan reached for his boxer briefs and his pants that were down at his ankles to pull them back up over his long legs and over his slender hips. Thinking things over, she cleared her throat when she reached for her panties and her pants. “I’ve got nothing to clean myself up with.”
“And that’s a problem?” Negan growled, his thick eyebrow arching in amusement when he slid in beside her palming up and over her thigh. “I like my cum marking you.”
“I would have never guessed,” she shuddered when Negan’s lips captured hers again drawing her to tip her head back to allow him to kiss her. When his tongue brushed against hers, she gasped when his fingers traced over the length of her sex. “I’m going to have to shower this morning before I do anything.”
Holding his hand up, Negan reached for the jacket that he had pulled off earlier. Digging into the pockets, he pulled out a pack of tissues and tossed them to her, “My allergies suck this time of year so I always carry those on me.”
“Smart,” she commented noticing the way that Negan grabbed her panties and she huffed. “You can’t steal my clothes again Negan.”
“Of course I can,” Negan held the material up watching her attempt to grab them and he shook his head. Pushing her panties in his back pocket had a warmth flooding into her cheeks. “These are mine.”
“You’re a pain in the ass,” she commented, cleaning herself up while Negan continued to get dressed. “You’re not kidding when you say you come a lot.”
“I’m a pretty honest guy,” Negan replied back with a laugh, shrugging his shoulders when he spoke. “I’m a perfect breeder. I have a big dick. I come a lot. My cum is healthy. My sperm makes pretty babies. I’m good looking. I have the cutest fucking dimples…”
“No one strokes your ego better than you Negan,” she continue to get dressed feeling Negan sneak him behind her to snake his arm around her hips. Picking her up, he peppered kisses over the side of her face and heard her laughter filling the air.
“Tell me I’m wrong,” Negan muttered against her flesh, nipping faintly at her earlobe when he cuddled her close.
“I can’t,” she responded with laughter, her hands meeting Negan’s to give them a tight squeeze. Once they were finally fully clothed, Negan dropped back into the hay and got comfortable. Wiggling his fingers out at her, he motioned her to come to him. Lowering down, she sat between his legs with her back pressed against his chest. Wrapping her up in his arms, Negan cuddled his chin in over her shoulder and held her close to him. “Are you typically the kind of guy that steals women’s panties after you’ve slept with them?”
“Not really,” Negan snickered, the warmth of his breath tickling against the side of her neck. “Maybe I’m just proud of my moments with you. But, think of it this way. After you move in with me, these will belong to you again.”
“Oh, that’s a plus,” she rolled her eyes, resting her head back further against his chest. “Did you do that with Maggie?”
“Which part? Steal her underwear?” Negan grumbled causing Y/N to laugh out loud. “I can’t say that I did. Nor have I done a lot of things with Maggie that I’ve done with you. I don’t want to shame your sister because I can’t. I’ve had my wild years too. But your sister I think…is a lot more experienced than you. In terms of she’s obviously been with a lot more people and she’s not as innocent. Which is totally okay, but you, your reactions to everything are so special and you enjoy everything so much.”
“I see,” she tried to hold back on the amusement that she had with Negan’s answer. “I’m glad you enjoy sex with me more than Maggie.”
“I’m glad I do too, but it’s not just about the sex with you,” Negan promised, kissing over her jawline and letting out an amused sound. “You have to understand, the sex is great and it makes me happy to be able to pleasure you like I do, but I just feel this connection with you. There is just something so much more between us than I’ve ever felt with Maggie.”
“We should probably get moving,” she suggested allowing Negan to wrap her up tightly in his arms once more to give her a big hug. Standing up slowly, she reached for Negan’s hand to help him up. Stepping before him, she placed her hand in over the center of his chest and looked up at him with big eyes. “Are you sure about this? Everything you feel is real?”
“Everything,” Negan assured her with a wink. Stroking his finger in underneath her jawline, he urged her to look up at him and he shook his head. “I love you. As crazy as that makes me. When you know, you know. I promise you, after Christmas…when we’re together, I’ll be everything your family wasn’t.”
Lowering down, Negan claimed her lips in a long, drawn-out kiss that had her falling in closer to his chest. When they separated, Negan nuzzled his nose in against hers. Holding her for a moment longer, the sound of the door creaking was heard and before they had time to react, it was being pushed open.
“Hey dad,” Beau’s voiced filled the old barn when he entered it, stopping in his tracks when he saw how close Negan and Y/N were. Almost immediately both of them stepped back from one another, Negan’s hands pushing into the pockets of his jacket and Y/N lowering her head to look down toward the ground. “Maggie is looking for you. They made breakfast for everyone and they were coming to get the two of you.”
“Thanks buddy,” Negan felt his heart hammering inside of his chest when he noticed the way that Beau was gazing back and forth between the two of them. It was an awkward situation for Beau to come in at, but he was thankful it wasn’t during one of their kisses or something even worse. Clearing his throat, Negan stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Beau to give him a big hug. “It’s good to see you this morning. Did you sleep well?”
“I think maybe we should have that discussion at breakfast,” Beau pulled away from Negan’s hug, pointing back toward the horses that were in front of the barn. “I think you two might want to put the horses away before Maggie finds the two of you.”
“Good idea,” Y/N stepped forward rushing out of the barn, going for Dakota while leaving the two of them alone.
“I uh…I can explain,” Negan lifted his hand, pointing out toward Y/N while Beau stood before him with his big hazel eyes. “You see, we were just…talking and…”
“Dad,” Beau interrupted Negan, pointing back toward the horse that Negan needed to help Y/N with. “I’m not asking questions. If you want me to know something, you’ll tell me. Until then, do whatever you have to do.”
“What does that mean?” Negan noticed the expression that Beau was giving him. Simply shrugging his shoulders, Beau turned on his heel and then went to go help Y/N with the horses. In that moment it felt like the world was spinning around Negan and he wondered if his son knew more than he was actually giving off.
Tags: @slutlanna976 @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @de-gabyconamor @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan @redmercysugar @caprithebunny @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted @akumune​ @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx  @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03 @sanctuaryforthelost @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight @ayumi-wolf @hollyismentallyillhelp @promiscuousbarnes​ @tone-stark @lanadelnegan @flippittygibbitts @stickyhuesos
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talesofesther · 1 year
pretty secrets
Wednesday Addams x Reader
This story belongs to the Sweet Calamity universe and is set before chapter 10 (but can also be read as a stand-alone)
Summary: Wednesday thinks you're hiding something from her, and she doesn't like when it starts to rob her of her time with you.
A/N: Hi, yes, here's me procrastinating on other projects just to write this boatload of fluff.
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You've been acting secretive lately.
To anyone less aware, it might go unnoticed. But Wednesday had sharp senses.
And when regarding the subject of her affections, her senses are extra sharp.
The changes started a little over a week ago. You'd say you're busy after classes yet not tell her why; you won't allow her into your dorm anymore or, if you do, you always need a few minutes alone to 'tidy it up'; and she once caught you and Enid gossiping around, big smiles on your faces — especially yours — though when she asked what it was about, you changed the subject before giving her a definitive answer.
It's meaningless to worry about it, childish even, yet it bothers the Addams girl. She feels as if there's a small barrier between you that shouldn't have been there anymore.
She, of course, would never let you know about it.
"We happen to have a common free period after lunch today," Wednesday informed you out of the blue, keeping a steady hold of the Hibiscus flower as you carefully plucked out its petals — for someone who loves nature, Wednesday was strangely surprised when she learned you were willing to 'destroy' it, in order to make tea.
You froze your motions with the tweezers as you glanced up at her, "yeah?"
Wednesday nodded once, shifting her gaze to the flower when she felt a familiar distant warmth on her cheeks, "maybe we could enjoy it together, coffee perhaps?"
Wind came through the open doors of the greenhouse, rustling the many leaves around, along with a few rogue wisps of your hair that Wednesday was itching to brush back. The place inside the glass walls and amidst the plants became as much of a safe haven for Wednesday as it was for you.
You gave her what was half a smile and half a grimace, raising your hand to tuck your hair behind your ear; "I won't be able to, I'm sorry."
There was no denying the sudden melancholy in Wednesday's features. The adorable pout on her lips.
"We could go tomorrow, though." Under the table, you bumped her boots with your sneakers, trying to get her eyes to meet yours again.
Running her thumb over one of the few remaining burgundy petals of the flower, Wednesday sighed, her dark eyes cast down, "of course, mi flor, however you prefer."
Wednesday Addams walking around Nevermore's hallways on nothing but her dark long-sleeve pajama shirt, black and white polka-dot pants and hair up in a bun was a sight to be seen, luckily no one would be out at this hour — and if she did bump into someone, she would just have to kill them.
But she didn't have many options. She couldn't sleep.
Her talk with you from earlier still bugged her, making her glare at her ceiling as if it personally offended her whilst most unkind scenarios popped up in her mind. Didn't you enjoy her company anymore? Were you unhappy with your relationship and slowly pulling away?
She had to know, and there was no way she'd be waiting until morning so she could ask like a normal person.
Wednesday knocked on your door and you answered rather quickly, indicating that you too, were still awake at past one in the morning.
"Hi," your smile was instant when you saw her on the other side of the door, biting back a comment about her rather adorable clothes, choosing instead to stash the sight on your best memories, "is everything okay?"
"May I come in?" Was all Wednesday asked.
You hesitated, "uh- yeah, just a second."
Wednesday saw herself, yet again, having a staring contest with the dark wood of your door while you most likely hid something from her. She tried to ignore the unpleasant twisting of her stomach.
You opened the door again not a minute later, motioning her in and closing it back again after she was inside.
Maybe it was because your soul could read her heartbeats as if they were a favorite book, but Wednesday appreciates that she sometimes doesn't have to say a word for you to know.
You came into her space slowly, giving her all the time to tell you otherwise. Wednesday instead took the tiniest step toward you, her gaze going down and back up to your eyes.
With a gentleness only she witnessed, you raised your hands to both her cheeks, gingerly pushing back the longer strands of her fringe; your fingers tracing her cheeks and raising the hair at the back of her neck. You then leaned up until your lips could leave the faintest of kisses on Wednesday's forehead.
Her eyes fell closed the second your skin touched hers, like the perfect spell.
When you pulled back, your hands traced their path down until you held onto her own. Your fingers intertwining.
"What's bothering you?"
Wednesday's eyes blinked open lazily, her mouth dry because of the tenderness you gifted her with.
"Have you been… unhappy with us?" Wednesday asked, sounding the most hesitant you ever heard her.
You frowned as if she spoke in a foreign language you had no idea on how to begin understanding; "of course not, why would you say that?"
Setting her jaw tightly in place, Wednesday chooses to focus on your dirty sneakers haphazardly resting near the door instead of your eyes. "You don't seem to want to spend time together anymore, and I feel you're not telling me something."
You couldn't help but grin, because how foolish of you to think she wouldn't notice.
"If you're unhappy, you must tell me," she pressed, taking another step closer to you as her hands gripped yours tighter, "I know I'm not the… perfect partner but-"
"You are," you interrupted her in the same heartbeat, bringing one of her hands up to your lips so you could kiss her knuckles, "and there's no one that could make me happier," you promised against her skin before letting go, walking around her and to your wardrobe.
Wednesday watched with a deep frown as you shuffled through your stuff, her skin still tingling.
"I was going to wait to give you this on a more… special occasion," you told her, biting onto your lip as you looked at your creation in your hands, your heart beating loudly in your chest. With a deep breath in, you turned to face Wednesday again, "but since you're so impatient," you teased, "I guess now is as good a time as any."
The moonlight coming through your window illuminated it perfectly. Vines and tiny branches formed the perfect shape of a crow, little bits of it still adorning moss and small leaves but it added character; on its beak, it held a tiny basket made of the same material — undoubtedly by your skilled hands — inside it, rested a little potted cactus.
You extended the gift for Wednesday, holding onto your breath as you watched her wide eyes move from your face to your hands and back. "I made it for you," you encouraged shyly.
With careful hands, Wednesday took her gift. Her fingers traced over the shape of the bird as she still strived to come up with words.
"I will admit that I got a little excited about finishing it," you chuckled timidly, "I'm sorry it got a bit in the way of our time together."
Few people have gifted Wednesday with something so 'simple' yet so meaningful, this was the result of probably hours of work for you, and you did it for her.
"Now you'll always have a piece of me in your room too," you told her with a fond gaze.
Wednesday glanced back up at you with the beginnings of a smile threatening to show on her lips.
You scrunched your nose, "cheesy, I know."
Whatever unkind thoughts Wednesday had in her mind were vanquished right away, replaced instead by a nauseating emotion she couldn't get enough of.
Carefully placing the gift on your nightstand, Wednesday took meaningful steps toward you until she could take hold of your waist and her lips were just a breath away from yours. "I'll treasure it forever," she said quietly, like a secret against your lips.
She had no intentions of going back to her room for the night.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @jjsmaybank20 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova @marveloussimp @rainbow-hedgehog @left-and-right-up-and-down @get-the-fuck-outta-here @awolfcsworld @elduster @alexkolax @georgi-salva @imdumbhi @youralphawolf72 @reginassweetheart @justyourwritter69 @yangsroboarmm @8e-h-e8 @irish-piece-of-trash @femalehomosexual666 @wol-fica @wednesdays-woes @vorsdany @v1ci0us @the-nightshades-library @tundra1029 @aahdiieb @greyscxle-is-taken
713 notes · View notes
unreliablesnake · 11 months
Lover (John MacTavish x reader)
Summary: After everything that happened, Ghost tries to help you through the worst of it, and you can’t help but remember what things used to be like before.
Warnings: mw3 spoilers, afab!reader
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Johnny was sitting on the middle of the bed cross-legged, watching as you packed your clothes from the suitcase into the closet where he made you as much room as he could. You knew he didn’t have as many clothes as you did, but it still seemed to be a little too much space. “But seriously, where are your clothes?” you asked him after you hung up a white dress.
“I have like three pairs of jeans, one pair of shorts, a few tees and shirts, one suit, and maybe one or two formal jackets. My gym clothes are usually the duffel bag. I don’t need that much stuff,” he replied with a shrug.
Laughing, you nodded and continued to empty the suitcase. It was strange that now you were about to call Johnny’s apartment your home, and not just his place as you had done since you two started dating. Moving in was a big step, but it was one that was due to happen after all the happy memories you collected along the way.
He was the one who had brought it up when neither of you could sleep on a mission. “Maybe you shouldn’t go home the next time you come over. You should stay for good,” he said casually, as if it wasn’t a big deal.
But when you looked over at him, you saw that confident smile he usually had on his face when you knew he would win something. This time apparently this something was having you bound to him. It felt nice. Good to know he wanted more from this relationship than just having fun every so often. You said yes almost immediately, and the way he kissed you instantly became a new core memory for you.
“I’ll make something for dinner while you pack out. Any wishes? I can make excellent frozen pizza. I’m the master of tossing it into the oven,” he said with a laugh as he climbed off the bed and walked over to you. “No, but seriously, I’m a great cook. What would you like to eat?”
He kissed the tip of your nose, causing you to chuckle a little. “I don’t know. Surprise me.”
With a satisfied hum, he bowed theatrically and left the bedroom. You couldn’t help but laugh silently, a stupidly wide smile creeping on your face. This man would be your downfall one day. This loyal, loving, caring, and brave guy was everything you could ask for. None of your previous boyfriends had been this good to you, and you highly doubted there would be anyone else after him.
He would be the last love of your life, even if it didn’t work out. If it came down to this by some unfortunate event, you would move into the woods in the middle of nowhere and spend the rest of your life alone. But it would work, you had this gut feeling that told you things would be alright.
Gaz offered to stay with you for a few days, but you said no. You knew he meant well, but you just knew he didn't fully understand how you felt at the moment. Ghost knew; he knew perfectly well how badly losing him affected you, but he was battling his own grief. Price had a lot of paperwork to do, but he told you to call him if you ever needed someone to talk to, no matter how late it was.
Before you left the base, Ghost pulled you aside to have a chat with you away from the others. His amber eyes were glossy from the tears he tried to fight back, and the sight broke your heart. “He was the one who rented the apartment you live in from that grumpy guy, right?” You nodded, already having your idea where he was going with it. “Want me to talk to the landlord about you staying there?”
“No, I already called him, it's okay. We'll sign a new contract. But thank you,” you said before you wrapped your arms around his giant frame and buried your face into his chest. “You know you can call or visit whenever you need it, right?”
Ghost hugged you back with a sigh, resting his chin on top of your head. “Yeah, I know. Same goes to you.”
“If you want to stick around after the funeral, the couch is available,” you told him.
“Careful, I might take that offer.”
“We could talk over a drink. Just remembering him might help with the grieving process.”
“Maybe,” Ghost said with a sigh. “I’ll give you a call.”
“Okay. Take care, Simon,” you whispered to him after a gulp.
You wanted to cry, you wanted to let your emotions out, but this wasn't the time and place for that. You could tell the lieutenant was battling his feelings the same way you were, but he didn't let himself lose his composure either. Knowing he would give you a visit sent a wave of relief through your body, because the idea of having someone like him around sounded nice. You could certainly use his company after the funeral.
Going home was hell. The whole place was full of his things, constant reminders of what you had lost–the love of your life. Because you could tell he was the one after three years together, and despite all his faults, you simply couldn't not love him. This man had been blessed with a heart of gold, a great sense of humor, and the kind of loyalty to you and his friends that you couldn't find in everyone.
His parents didn't call, but you couldn't blame them. Price was the one to break the news to them, knowing you weren't ready to do it yourself. They were devastated, even sadder that despite them embracing you as part of the family, you weren't there with the captain. His sister was the only one who called you every now and then.
“What will you do with his things?” she asked the day before the official funeral as she sat on the couch with a mug of tea in her hand.
“I don't know. I'll see what your parents want,” you replied with a sigh. “Can you ask them?”
She nodded. She thought her parents being a little mad at you was stupid and pointless in this situation, but she knew losing Johnny was too much for them to handle. The two of you chatted a little more, she then asked if she could take one of his precious vinyl albums with her, hoping she could have something that reminded her of her late brother.
After she left, the apartment became too quiet again. Ghost was expected to arrive a few hours later, so until then you lay down on your bed and went through some old photos of you and Johnny. The tears began to fall again, you didn't even keep track of how many times you'd cried that day alone. And when you looked over at the wall and saw the colorful lights that you had hung up the year before, a sad smile crept on your lips.
“Don't listen to her, we can have the decorations up as long as you want,” Johnny said before he pulled you against his chest and kissed your forehead. “I like the lights, they can stay up the whole year,” he added with a smile while he took your hand and twirled you around.
You laughed when he theatrically bowed with a wide grin on his face, a movement he often did to make you laugh. Your parents had jumped in earlier that day, and your mother made a few comments about the Christmas decorations still being on the walls three days after the holidays. It made you wonder if you were childish for being so happy to have them around the apartment, but Johnny was there to comfort you and tell you it was okay.
Every day he proved to you it was a good idea to agree to move in with him. He made you feel safe, and loved, and generally happier than you had ever been. You flashed a smile at him before leaning in to give him a soft kiss on the lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too, bonnie,” he replied before raising your hand to place a soft kiss on it.
Ghost gave you a bear hug the moment he dropped his duffel bag on the floor and you closed the door after him. It only took two seconds for you to start crying, your tears leaving wet spots on his black sweatshirt. He rubbed circles into your back to soothe you, telling you that it was okay, that he was there and you didn’t have to handle it alone.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t figured out how to not cry from everything,” you apologized as you went to the living room and you wiped the tears away with the sleeve of your sweater.
“It’s okay,” he repeated himself. “Thanks again for inviting me to the official funeral.”
He sat down on the couch and patted the empty side. You took a seat and pulled up your leg to turn towards him. “You were his friend, of course I invited you. Luckily his sister helped me by convincing her parents to let you come.”
“Why didn’t you ask them yourself?”
“I think they’re blaming me partially. You know, because we worked together. And they might be pissed that I wasn’t there with Price when he told them what happened.”
With a sigh, Simon reached out to squeeze your hand supportively. The two of them had been close, and you weren’t sure Johnny hadn’t asked him to look out for you if anything happened to him. But you were grateful that he was here, at least you could support each other.
Because this massive guy needed support too. You wouldn’t be surprised if he told you Johnny had been his best friend, so he was probably just as devastated as you were. “He wanted to invite you to celebrate the New Year with us, you know,” you told him quietly, earning a grunt in response. “Just the three of us. Well, four, because he wanted to invite a mutual friend of ours. Cute girl. Clever. You would probably like her. She’s gonna attend the funeral.”
“I’m not in the mood for that at a fucking funeral,” he replied, but upon seeing the look on your face, he let out a sigh. “Well, if this didn’t happen, if we didn’t lose Johnny, then… probably I would have given her a chance,” he admitted.
You flashed a smile at Ghost. “I know you wouldn’t pick up women at funerals,” you said casually. “But it would have been nice to celebrate together. Johnny was really looking forward to it. But that’s not gonna happen.”
Ghost took a deep breath. “If you ever feel lonely, you can always call me. I’ll come over and keep you company. Even if it happens to be on New Year’s Eve.
You stood up and went to the kitchen to make some tea, all while thinking about the last New Year’s Eve you spent with Johnny. A sad smile crept on your lips at the thought of your friends coming over for a few hours to celebrate. They left shortly after midnight, but your boyfriend didn’t feel like switching from the warm apartment to the cold streets, so you ended up staying behind.
You waved your hand after Johnny put the two bottles of wine in front of your friends then pointed at the empty chair next to you. He came over to where you were sitting, and occupied the chair with a big grin on his face. He motioned you to lean closer, and when your faces were mere inches apart, he started talking instead of kissing you.
“What’s the difference between kinky and perverted?” he asked, but didn’t wait for you to answer. “Kinky is when you tickle your girlfriend with a feather, perverted is when you use the whole bird.”
You couldn’t hold back the laugh that wanted to erupt upon hearing one of his stupid dirty jokes. It was a new one, he probably just heard it from someone, and you knew how excited he got every time he could tell you a joke like this. This was his way of entertaining you; telling jokes, especially these ones.
“There’s another one. If you were born in September, it’s pretty safe to assume that your parents started their new year with a bang.” This time your only response was a roll of your eyes. “Hey, we’re gonna start our new year with a bang too, right?” he asked quietly with a smile, his blue eyes shining brightly with hope.
“And the next thing we know, we’re the parents from your little joke,” you pointed out playfully with a laugh.
Johnny put his hands on your cheeks and leaned closer to give you a soft kiss. “I wouldn’t mind having a mini me running around. Or a mini you. I’m not picky.” You tilted your head to the side, surprised to hear him talk about having a child of your own. “What? Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about this.”
With a smile, you pressed your nose to his. “I didn’t think you were ready for one.”
“Or two,” he corrected you with a grin. “Maybe three. But I don’t wanna push my luck, so I’ll settle with two for now.
After the funeral, you and Ghost were standing in front of Johnny’s parents, ready to take his ashes so you could say goodbye the way he wanted. They were skeptical, not really feeling like letting go of their son’s remains, and you honestly couldn’t blame them. But Johnny’s sister convinced them to at least talk to you about it.
“How would you know what he wanted?” his father asked you.
“In our line of work dying is in the cards for us. I once told him what I want in case I end up being kept alive by machines, or what I want to happen to my remains. I even wrote it in my will,” you explained calmly. “He told me too, and I know he went into details in his will. If he died when he wasn’t on deployment, he would have wanted you to do this. But if he died on the field, he would want us to go there.”
His mother wiped away the tears that returned, and nodded to your surprise. “I talked to his lawyer, I know that’s what he wanted,” she said, even surprising her husband.
“When did you do that? And why didn’t you tell me?”
You glanced over at Ghost who was watching the couple with an impatient look in his eyes. You could tell he didn’t feel like being here, that he hated the goddamn cemetery as much as you did. It was Johnny’s sister who broke the moderate fight between her parents.
“Mom, Dad, if that’s what he wanted, we should respect his decision. Let them take the ashes,” she said.
In the end they agreed, and you and Ghost returned to your place where you started a conference call with Price and Gaz. You talked about when and where to meet the next day, you even told them about how the funeral went.
Ghost ordered something for dinner, not really feeling like going out after that day, while you ordered something entirely different. When your package arrived sooner, Ghost gave you an equally questioning and disappointed look.
“Where’s the food?” You shrugged. “All right, what do you have there?” he asked, pointing at the smaller paper bag in your hand.
“Pregnancy tests,” you replied bluntly.
“What do you think?” Ghost massaged the bridge of his nose upon hearing your reply. “It’s a week late. Probably the stress caused by Makarov and Johnny’s death, but I want to be sure. We’ve been working on the baby project for about a year now, but we had no luck. Okay, we stopped trying hard around July, hoping I can get pregnant if we don’t pressure ourselves. Maybe now… I don’t know.”
To your surprise, Ghost pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. “Want me to help?”
“With peeing on these things? I think I can manage on my own,” you told him with a roll of your eyes as you stepped back.
“Okay, smartass. I was talking about providing emotional support.”
With a smile, you went into the bathroom and used all five tests, then put them in a line by the sink. Just a few minutes and you would find out if you had succeeded before your time together ran out.
You knew that Johnny sometimes wondered if he was the problem. But he probably knew that you felt the same way every so often. It was a difficult conversation to have, and despite your relationship being stronger than it had ever been, you never knew how to bring it up. You were afraid he would give up, that he would say it was a stupid idea, but then you always reminded himself that he wasn’t a quitter.
“What’s wrong?” you heard Johnny’s soft voice as he put a hand on your stomach over the blanket.
At first you didn’t know what to say. How do you bring this up? But when you saw the worried look on his face, you couldn’t hold back anymore. “I’m just wondering if we’ll ever have a child. At this rate–”
“Hey,” he interrupted you, moving a little closer to you in bed. “We’ll have a child, it just might take a little more time than expected. Also… I have an appointment to see if I’m the reason why you’re not pregnant yet.”
Letting out a long sigh, you wrapped an arm around his body and rested your head on his arm that was stretched across the pillows. “I should do the same. We should get to the bottom of this,” you told him.
Johnny gave you a kiss. “You’re right. But… I don’t know, maybe we should just slow down and not try this hard. Let’s just put this baby project aside for a few months,” he suggested kindly.
“You think that could help?”
“Mm-hm. I did some research and found a lot of stories where they had a child when they weren’t actively trying. Even doctors say stress might make it hard to conceive, and we are clearly stressed about it.”
He kissed you again, this time having no intention to keep up the conversation. Instead he became laser-focused on you, on pinning your body under his in an attempt to devour you like a delicious meal. You giggled quietly between his sloppy kisses, eventually apologizing for not being serious enough.
“So much for putting the baby project aside,” you told him while you placed kisses along his jawline.
Johnny’s blue eyes watched you curiously, as if what you just said was the stupidest thing he had ever heard. “I’m doing this for fun, doll,” he informed you with a mischievous smile.
You put your hand on his cheek before raising your head to give him a quick kiss. “Let’s leave the military. Or at least the field. Let’s live a normal life,” you told him, having absolutely no idea where this thought was coming from.
“Way to ruin the mood,” he noted sourly. “I don’t wanna do that. I love you more than anything, but you can’t ask me that. Yes, it’s dangerous, yes, I know our work schedule is hectic, but that’s the only thing I know. I’ve been working my ass off to be where I am,” he explained as he lied next to you.
Shaking your head, you reached for his hand. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that,” you apologized.
“I think I do. It would be less stressful to know people aren’t actively trying to kill us all the time, and maybe this way we could finally have the family we’ve been dreaming of.”
“Let’s forget I ever suggested it, okay?” When he gave you a surprised look, you flashed a small smile at him then turned on your side to look him in the eye. “If we finally end up expecting a baby, what would you prefer them to be? A boy or a girl?”
“I don’t care as long as they’re ours,” he replied before reaching out to take your hand. “Name ideas?” You shook your head, but before you could say anything, he went on. “Allison would be a good one for a girl.”
You thought about it for a moment, getting familiar with the sound of Allison MacTavish in your mind. It didn’t sound bad at all. “And for a boy?”
A smirk appeared on his lips, one that you usually saw if he did something you wouldn’t necessarily agree with. “Simon. I know it probably sounds stupid, but the Lt. might be my best friend. And he saved my life before, he’s a good man in general, and I just feel like it would be a great way to show my respect for him,” he explained.
“If you say he’s also gonna be asked to be the godfather–”
“Of course I will ask him,” he interrupts you immediately, giving you a why-are-you-even-asking look. “But if you have someone better in mind, I’m listening.”
You shook your head and gave him a soft kiss. “I love that you have already thought these things through. Very sexy of you, just saying,” you told him as you climbed on top of him, continuing what you had begun before your stupid comment.
Following the private little funeral, the team decided to have a drink on the way home. Ghost remained by your side like a guard dog, even in the bar taking the seat next to you without a question. He was staring, which became quite annoying after a while.
“What?” you asked him after you’ve had enough.
Ghost took a deep breath that he exhaled slowly. “I’m just not sure I want to leave you alone after what happened yesterday. You’re sure you’re gonna be okay?” he asked you as he toyed with his drink.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m gonna be fine, don’t worry.”
“Guys, a toast?” Price asked when he showed up behind the two of you with Gaz. You both nodded, and watched as the other two raised their glasses before you did the same. “To Soap. He will be truly missed by all of us,” he said.
You couldn’t help it, you started crying again, and this time it was Gaz who pulled you into a hug. He rubbed your back to calm you, but this wasn’t enough. You lost Johnny, and there was nothing that could bring him back. You were alone, and right now you couldn’t even imagine how you could ever find joy in your life again. Not without him.
“What will I do without him?” you mumbled against the sergeant’s shoulder.
“You’ll learn to live without him eventually, believe me. It’s gonna be hell, but we’re here for you, okay?” he asked with a weak smile.
Price put a hand on your shoulder after Gaz let you go. “He’s right. We’re like a family, we stick together, no matter what. You’re not alone in this, all right? We’re here when you need us.”
Nodding, you gulped loudly and thought about what to say. But there was nothing, your mind was blank, and instead you just took a sip of your drink after you sat back on your chair. The others took their seats again, and Ghost turned to you with a worried look in his eyes. You knew what he wanted to say, but you weren’t in the mood to have the same conversations again and again.
“I know,” was all you said, these two words serving as a mixture of I know you’re gonna be there for me, thank you, and you can count on me too.
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Angry Sephiroth + nsfw + "On your kness. I want you to beg for forgiveness." + prideful darling.
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Something about Sephy domming the darling gets me swooning. Enjoy a Crisis Cutie Collection fic starring AC Sephy. Also, a HoS episode.
Pairing: AFAB Darling/AC Sephiroth (HoS AU)
Word Count: 2.3k
Content Warning: NSFW, Dubcon/Noncon, Fighting, Blood, Sadomachism. Mind Control. Mind Break.
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You and Sephiroth were surrounded by silence, broken only by the evening wind. The Sephiroth you were with was usually intense towards you and had been unpredictable in the past. However, recently he had been showering you with love. He had been there for you during your sudden and mysterious illness, giving you reassurance with every touch. He listened intently to your worries and aspirations for the future, without ever saying a word. Even now, he was spoiling you by taking you on a stroll. You were so far away from the house, it filled your adventurous heart with joy. You wondered if this newfound tranquility was because he was finally at ease with the other Sephiroths, and with the reality of sharing you. Suddenly, you felt a slight pressure from his grip on you. His gloved hand was firm and secure as he placed it just underneath your right breast. He began massaging the flesh slowly and methodically, as if he had a purpose in doing it.
This wasn't his sole oddity; this particular Sephiroth had been quiet during your time together. While you were busy studying the trees and taking in the natural beauty around you, he was silently observing you. It was strange how he had been so quiet. But, there was no point in worrying about it at the moment. Instead, you allowed yourself to be enveloped by the dreariness of the gloomy woods. It was such a liberating feeling to be away from that confining ethereal house. Through, you knew that you would eventually have to return.
As you walked alongside the river ravine, you felt mesmerized by the cool air that blasted up from its depths. However, as you continued further, you noticed that the water was becoming shallow and the river's depths were dwindling. Suddenly, Sephiroth came to a halt, his fingers digging into your delicate flesh as a signal for you to stop as well. You studied him, sensing the prickling energy around you two as you waited for his response.
“This could be our future together,” he murmured, pushing your petite body closer to his chest. As he looked up, his words continued to flow, you couldn't help but be captivated by his beauty. In the gloomy light from the clouds, his sinister nature was almost overshadowed by his angelic appearance.
"And what of the other Sephiroths?" You innocently asked, anxiety bubbled within you. He chuckled, his strong hands kneading into your soft flesh. It's starting to hurt a little bit. Why is he so insistent on gently stroking that area of your body!?
"They will join this planet's Lifestream. Girdle the planet — choking it; corroding it." His cool, deep voice echoed in the air. You muffled a sob, your gaze growing more frightened as he looked at you. Those words. It's as if you heard them before. And the other Sephiroths, you don't want them to go... You treasure them as much as you cherish this one. Why can't they just get along!? Sephiroth grasped your jaw firmly, digging his thumb and index finger into your soft cheeks.
"When you and Mother become one, our dream will be realized," his eyes narrowed and his lips twisted into a sinister and sadistic grin after his last words. When his slit eyes met your own, a chill ran down your spine. "It seems I won't have to do much after all... You already have her eyes..." He spoke in a low, sultry whisper. When you heard his last sentence, you were filled with dread. You had no more interest in talking to him, so you quickly turned your head away. But with his punishing grip on your jaw, he made you stare back into his piercing eyes.
"No, not yet! I need to know who I am..." You spoke, your voice becoming choked with sorrow and fear, but with a tinge of resolve. Sure, your hands were trembling, but the strength of your words was unmistakable. Your resolve will eclipse your dread.
"And for what? To learn of your past betrayals and your broken promise to join her? Your mission is fruitless. Make new memories. With me." His free hand rested it on your lower belly, where your womb was at.
Part of you felt drawn to his offer. The loving and familiar tone beneath his mockingly affectionate words was almost too tempting to resist. Yet a bigger part of you was consumed with an intense rage. No one will force you into this decision, not even him. You don't care, even if his lie about your consent to join Jenova is somehow true. That's a decision you won't be making for a long time, if ever. You may not be able to choose your fate of being confined in the house, or how the Sephiroths and Jenova view you, but you can always choose your identity.
This next move of yours is certainly foolish. But with every ounce of strength you had, you wrenched yourself out of his grasp and gave him a swift kick as a parting gift. You only saw his face for a moment, but you could tell your sudden show of resistance surprised him. He quickly regained his balance as his Masamune manifested from the air, and a twisted, wide grin crept across his face.
You won't last long, but at least you're defending your honor. You luck out as you narrowly miss a swipe of his blade, feeling the chill of the metal as it rushes past you. That swipe would've wiped your head clean off. Your adrenaline firing up as you watched some of your hair cut away from that. He then lunges his blade towards you again, forcing you to employ the evasive technique another Sephiroth taught you, the one who rarely visits the ethereal house.
"On your knees. I want you to beg for forgiveness," His voice was low and sultry, but the underlying anger was unmistakable. You shook your head, feeling the heat of your rage and the intensity of your arousal. You could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you faced the danger. This is a nice change of pace, but why are you so energized? Perhaps it's the thrill of flirting with danger? Or asserting your identity?
A searing pain erupted when he dragged his long blade across your left abdomen, making you yelp in agony. His slit eyes constricted as he inhaled the strong, metallic smell of your blood in the air. You could tell by the intensity of his gaze that he was tiring of this mock battle.
You kept up your facade of resistance, evading his strikes with good effort, but each one made it harder and harder to stay standing. You attempted to charge forward, but his blade piercing your body forced you to come to an abrupt halt. His facial expression suddenly softened to a loving one, yet you could still feel his dark pleasure as he languidly lifted you up with his long blade. You forget that despite his lean appearance, he's as muscular and strong as the other Sephiroths underneath his trench coat.
"You've never looked so beautiful..."He uttered in his trance, as if this moment of cruelty wasn't really happening. You grimaced, but still managed to give him a triumphant beam. He may have wounded your body, but he hasn't wounded your spirit yet. After his loving expression wavered, his furious snarl came back, flinging you from his long blade. You plummeted into the shallow ravine with a loud thud, the hard ground sending shockwaves through your body, but your adrenaline rush made it easier to stomach.
You sat up on your knees and peered into the water's reflection, but you couldn't bring yourself to look into your own eyes. Your exhilaration quickly disappeared when a sudden, searing pain in your head took over. You saw a vision of yourself and Sephiroth. In it, you could almost feel the warmth of his breath on your cheek and see the curl of his lips as he smirked.
"You're just a broken doll, existing to be filled with whatever I choose," His voice was like a spell, calm and sadistic, it lingered in your mind. An unbearable sensation began in your right abdomen, even though he hadn't hurt you in that spot. You whimpered, the pebbles in the shallow water clattered against each other in your fists. You then ripped your dress open, observing the flesh of your skin underneath your right breast.
After it was gone for some time, you couldn't believe it. Your mysterious illness made its unwelcome return known, the symptoms making you weak in the knees. Could this Sephiroth be the cause of this overwhelming force? You reached to touch the flesh, but your hands recoiled. It's a thick, oozy blackness on your skin. Is that why he was kneading, probing, and squeezing this exact spot? You let out an agonized moan as another vision invaded your throbbing head. It was one of him tenderly holding your naked form, his gloved fingers stroking your enlarged clit as he murmured sweet nothings in your ear.
A gloved hand cupped your jaw, forcing you to gaze upon your own reflection in the glassy surface of the river. There was a faint glow radiating from your vivid pinkish-red slit eyes, just like hers.
"You were never in control... All you are is a broken doll," He said, now directly behind you. Those last two words bounced around in your head like a pinball. He gracefully lowered himself to your level, mounting your petite body. His lips were like velvet against your earlobe, while his other hand caressed the blackened, gooey flesh beneath your right breast. He used his thumb to tease your nipple.
You moaned, feeling both pain and pleasure, the goosebumps rose up on your skin. You should not be taking any pleasure in the suffering he's causing you... But maybe he's right. Maybe you're really just a broken doll, waiting for someone or something to breathe life back into you with a few strokes of a paintbrush. With the past behind you, why not create a brighter future with him? But these thoughts... AREN'T YOURS! ...right? His arousal pressed against you, igniting your body with desire as he filled your mind with increasingly sensual visions. The sky shifted from its once light and gloomy hue to a deep, inky darkness, leaving the two of you enveloped in shadows. Your hand instinctively finds his gloved one, clasping it beneath your right breast.
"W-what is this on my body? Why hasn't her cells cured me?!" you shouted, struggling to get the words out before the overwhelming sensations consumed you.
"Who knows? I'm delighted that my test run was successful. I wonder how far she will let me go this time..." He said it in a stoic yet joyous tone. His cock rested at your wet entrance for a moment. You waited with bated breath for him to just plunge into your depths. Instead, he goes for your ass, eliciting a surprised gasp from you. He filled your tight hole with his entire length, taking no mercy. The set pace was languid, but every slow thrust had the force behind it, like a hammer hitting a nail. It's a good thing that the water from the ravine eased his entrance, but no matter, you're still clutching onto the pebbles in the water for dear life. He still traced circles on your oozing, dark flesh, the sensation filled you with pain.
You almost want to reach for your neglected cunt, but his menacing gaze bore into the back of your head, daring you to defy him by pleasuring yourself. You then let go of all resistance, allowing your beloved Sephiroth to claim you. His pleasure is paramount, not yours. How can you be so selfish and forget your bond with him and the others? You will always have a special bond with the Sephiroths, as you are their beloved darling.
With his powerful thrusts, you can feel and hear your tight hole squelching, the sound of smacking flesh resonating. His languid pace is driving you insane. Like the other Sephiroth, he had already located your sweet spot that made your body quiver with delight, but he maintained a slow and steady rhythm. You know you've been a bad girl for him, but your body is aching for more of his touch, begging for him to increase his speed and attend to your cunt. He leaned down, his warm breath tickling your ear.
"Don't you see? Even Mother knows you belong to me," His composed tone was louder and more forceful. His thrusts increased in intensity as more of his passionate words filled your mind and his voice vibrated in your ears. You feel your knees shake, but his forceful presence behind you presses onward, refusing to give you a moment of rest. You are to sit there and take him, like the ungrateful traitor you are. His fingers dug into your jaw with increasing force while he slammed his hips into you.
After some time, your body shook with intense tremors as his corrupted seed infiltrated your guts. The overwhelming ache in your knees caused them to give way, and you fell face first into the water's icy embrace. He pulled out of your ass slowly, his seed still dripping down his member. When a few moments passed, you weakly lifted your head from his commanding voice in your head. Your clit was still erect and your needy cunt was still unfilled. You won't be able to reach your climax this time.
You gazed back into the flowing water and saw your reflection ripple back. You looked the same, but your eyes had an even more intense glow this time. A terrified whimper came from your lips when you spotted Sephiroth's reflection alongside yours, his sinister smirk on his face as he nuzzled against your warm cheek. Why is this your fate? Your eyes stung as a single tear fell while a strange, different voice reverberated in your head.
"Because...you are a doll."
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doll. Alternate title: AC Sephy Manhandles His Precious Doll. This is a pretty important entry in HoS, so I figured to make this into a fic. Also, I thought this would be a good opportunity to expand on the "doll analogy" for the darling. I love it so much... Thank you to the wonderful anon who first brought it to my attention. And thanks to the anon who requested this prompt!
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jo-harrington · 2 months
Charitas. (An As Above, So Below Story)
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Gratia. Charitas. Solamen. Grace. Charity. Peace. The oath of the Knights of the Holy Order.
Summary: You and Eddie--separated by time and endless suffering--don't realize how many strings keep you connected on the web of fate. What players are there trying to cut those strings? And when will you both find out that they are unbreakable?
Word Count: 3.7k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!OC (The Knight - Written in 2nd Person POV - You/Your - No Use of Names of Physical Descriptors)
Warnings/Themes: Soulmates, Kas!Eddie, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Grief, Minor Character Deaths, Manipulation, Transformation, Corruption, Supernatural Encounters, Religious Elements, Discussion/Criticism of Religion, Biblical and Other Literary and Pop Culture References
Note: Sorry this one has taken forever. The next part is already written, just gotta clean it up. Shouting out @powderblueblood and @rosewaterandivy for being my fellow media vacuums and not only enabling me to do this/what's next but also Powder specifically for her love of the Archie-verse because CAoS is one of my favorites and why would I not let the Knight get a chance to face Faustus Blackwood one on one while also maybe alluding to The VVitch and criticizing religion even more?
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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“But the rage passes and leaves no trace behind.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus
November 12, 1986
You'd developed a dislike for small towns.
Hawkins might still be home in some ways, but it was more because of the people who had lived there--the memories--than the town itself. But it, too, fell into the category of small towns that you'd grown to hate:
Small, unassuming places that held some kind of dark, terrible, dangerous secret. Atrocities in the making.
You'd walked into Hawkins fully oblivious to the monsters that lurked there, though.
Here and now, with Greendale, you were almost too aware.
Jinette had entirely too much to say about it and that unsettled you.
Strange energies and missing children and sudden turns of fortune for seemingly innocent townspeople. Rituals performed in the woods and a possible portal straight to hell.
"I'll knock on the door," you joked as you read through a report he'd provided about the Greendale Mines. "Maybe I'll get some kind of time off for good behavior if I hand Satan my soul in person, instead of waiting to die for him to take it."
Jinette ignored you; jokes were lost on the clergy.
Instead of a lecture though, he simply gave you a warning: to be on the lookout for witches.
"Thought the Order vowed not to discriminate against religions," you'd scoffed at him. He ignored you again and just sent you on your way.
The Order against discrimination? Sure. The Catholic Church? Definitely not. And Jinette? The most judgmental bastard of all.
Still, his warning was front and center as you felt an unnatural, chilling frequency of magic in the air upon your arrival in Greendale.
"Let's get this over with," you slammed the door shut and shouldered your backpack so you could start investigating.
Greendale was nice enough--it had that hazy, natural beauty of the late fall that was synonymous with upstate New York--and if you weren't in such a sour mood, you probably would've enjoyed it. This stage of your work was always somewhat fun. Talking to people and learning local histories, seeing different buildings as you walked around, eating a little lunch at some hole-in-the-wall off-the-beaten-path type of place.
But you were surrounded by ghosts. Both literal and figurative.
Someone died on that street corner, heart stopped cold as though someone had stuck a pin in it.
There was a bakery that had apricot kołaczkis; not Italian but still one of Nonna's favorites.
The dentists office used to belong to a serial killer who'd never been caught; the spirits of his victims rapped on the little window at street-level, begging to be let out even decades later.
Cerberus Books was a beacon for classic horror with neon lights and mannequins dressed as monsters in the windows...and Eddie would have loved it.
You fought the urge to flinch as you felt the phantom feeling of his hand in yours, his voice in your ear urging you to go inside and look around.
You closed your eyes and took several calming breaths to clear your mind. Little by little those ghosts were banished and you'd regained your cool, your focus.
If the Order wanted you to be a weapon, you would be one. You'd break whatever darkness lurked in Greendale and then onto the next job, and the next one, and the next one. Until you could go home. Your real home.
Then you wouldn't need to rely on ghosts anymore.
Or fear them.
Your world was knocked off its axis as someone exited Cerberus Books and crashed into you. Even moreso as a surge of unearthly, dark power clashed with your heavenly one, and you fought the urge to tap into that power to repel the intruding force away from you.
The man that crashed into you grabbed your shoulders to steady you before you fell, and you breathed in the smoke-and-brimstone tinged air that surrounded him. It was suffocating and further tapped into that instinct towards defensiveness.
But as you regained your bearing, all you could see was how unassuming he looked.
Truly, his visage belied that imposing aura--a kind older man in a suit and fedora, with neatly-trimmed facial hair, and a gentle smile--but you could sense that he was a witch, just as he sensed you were...
What were you?
He held you there for a moment and you watched as his brow quirked. He read you, just as you read him. A mutual discovery. Tenuous, so as not to alarm one another, but curious.
Although naturally adverse, you could sense no danger to each other.
"I'm so sorry," he apologized softly. "I wasn't looking where I was going."
"N-No, no," you insisted. "I was caught up in my head, it's my fault."
"You're...new to Greendale." he stated.
"Just driving through," you answered, an excuse that was well-used in the past few years. This time you had a feeling you meant it. "Maybe sticking around for a few days."
"The diner has a great cherry pie."
"Cherry's my boyfriend's favorite."
"Is he traveling with you?"
It was on the tip of your tongue. Because yes, actually he was just here with you. The memory of him, the ghost of him. You wished he was, and maybe that was enough to make him real.
Maybe that was enough so this witch felt him.
"No," you said instead. "It's just me."
His gaze softened as you continued to study each other. You held out your hand to him.
"Anyway, I should get going," you told him and you held out your hand to shake. "Thank you for the recommendation, and sorry again Mr..."
"Spellman," he replied, hands letting go of your shoulders so he could shake yours, but his words were like a shot to your heart. "Edward Spellman."
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November 6, 1983
Henry was an observer, a thinker, a visionary.
He took care of them, offered mercy when he wasn't required to. He simply demanded obedience in return for all that he provided for his children in the Upside Down.
But for some reason beyond understanding, chaos had broken out.
And he was livid.
Eddie stood tall and received the images that his master filtered through his mind; strange growths, riotous creatures, and the partial reformation of the beast that Henry himself gave life to: the Mindflayer.
All with a will of their own.
"You must fix this," Henry demanded of his right hand, his general. "You must restore order."
The efforts of the physical communication winded him, as he was still fragile and healing from the attack by Eleven's friends, so he continued to relay unspoken demands through the collective consciousness. He strained to spread his authority as far through the dimension as he could.
Destroy the malcontents or you shall be destroyed.
A warning not just for Eddie, but for any of the creatures that resided under his rule to reconsider their rebellion before they met their demise.
Then came a jarring mental image of a wasteland of bodies, torn apart but still writhing and alive. The pain that would come in the wake of any betrayal would be immense, and he would keep all of them alive for as long as he saw fit to extend their suffering.
No Gods or devils could enact the devastation he could, if only they tested him.
"Does that mean you too?" you sowed doubt inside of him. "The destruction? What would happen if you didn't listen?"
Eddie stiffened as he felt the tug of your presence at the corner of his mind, hidden in that deep, dark pit. A spark amidst the void. He growled, both in acceptance of Henry's orders and to silence you.
"Do you know what this reminds me of?" He fought the urge to twitch under Henry's all-knowing gaze as you continued. "The Emperor. And Vader. Do you remember Return of the Jedi?"
His mind was a flurry of images again, these vague and distant though, twining with the ones that Henry had just relayed to him: spaceships and planets and furry little creatures, and Vader towering over Luke--
"Do you question me?" Henry snapped at him, gnarled body shaking with the effort. Eddie's eyes focused on his master once more. "Beast?"
He ducked his head and growled again. Grumbled. Repentant in his errors.
"Question him," you hissed, emboldened to no longer stay buried and hidden in the pit but slithering along his skin. Unseen, but acutely felt. "Do it. What's happening? Why are they rebelling? Ask him."
He let the growl turn into a roar, a battle cry and a warning to keep you silent. He then took to the air, determined to succeed in snuffing out this insurgent blight that had taken root in the Upside Down.
His master needed him, relied on him.
He wouldn't fail.
No matter how much you tempted him to.
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November 14, 1986
To find witches, one often had to think like a witch.
Though the term witch when it came to those who practiced magic was just as broad as the term Abrahamic when it came to some of the so-called “major” religions of the world. One of your fellow Knights considered themselves a witch, more of a polytheist with an affinity for Hecate, but they derived their abilities from nature.
Technically you did too, your powers rooted as deep within the earth as they were tied to the Heavens.
Maybe it was all the same? Or maybe it was all bullshit.
The type of witch that you were looking for though, the type that Edward Spellman was, was something else. Dark rituals, blood curses, deals with demons, names signed in books, machinations with The Devil himself.
“Arthur Miller was popping a boner somewhere right now,” you muttered.
You supposed it felt a little unsettling, but less in a way that made you fearful, and more in the way that oil floated on water. Similar, both liquids, just...not meant to mix.
Which is why you kept yourself calm and open minded.
"I'm not here to kill them," you reminded yourself. "Find out why innocents are disappearing...stop them, maybe...but they'll carry on unharmed."
Truly, you could have just followed Edward Spellman as he went about his business in town, but you figured that that would have probably been as suspicious and rude as you could get.
That's why you enacted your own sort of a tracking spell.
Witches didn't always move in the world like mortals did; they transmuted, teleported, moved along the shadows cast by clouds and trees and blades of grass.
But if you reached out…asked the clouds and trees and grass to show you what they’d seen? Well, then it would be impossible for them to stay hidden.
So you walked.
Left your car at the motel and set foot into the lush forests surrounding Greendale, letting instinct guide you.
The further away from town you got, the more unruly your surroundings became, until you ended up following an old, overgrown set of railroad tracks deeper into the wilderness. Bats or birds--you couldn't quite tell--flew overhead; omens of some sort urging you to give up and go back to safety.
"How bad could it be?" you asked aloud, only to skid to a halt as something larger and shadowy crossed your path ahead.
Once again, you couldn't make out what it was, but the energy it left behind felt dangerous and smokey, an ephemeral stain of dark magic.
You took a calming breath and clenched your fists, ready for whatever you might find, and soldiered on.
Eventually, the treeline thinned, and power lines sprung up along the track, and then a structure. Large, looming, and made of stone and glass; it was overgrown with dead ivy and surrounded by tall, dry grasses.
Gehenna Station.
You scoffed at the name, at the implication, but the longer you observed the structure, the more you felt the underlying darkness that churned within. In fact, the longer you stared, the less sure you seemed to feel of the building's existence itself. Your eyes started to lose focus of the structure; your perception wavered, almost like it didn't want you to know that it was there.
Maybe it wasn't even there at all?
"Good afternoon Miss."
You whirled on your heel, ready to defend yourself, only to find a young boy standing there. His eyes were large, cheeks round and soft, and there was a small smile on his lips; kindness and innocence emanated from him, but also a deep sadness.
It didn't take long for you to realize that he was dead.
"You don't belong here," he stated matter-of-factly. "You should go."
"I'm here to help," you told him instead. There was no duplicity when it came to ghosts; they could see through you, no pun intended. "Kids are dying. Kids like you. Can you tell me what happened? I can try to stop it and find you some peace."
His brow furrowed, and he pouted.
Then he held his hand out to you, palm upwards for you to lay your own hand in his small grasp. You hesitated for a moment, but gave in.
He was solid and your hand didn't sink through his form like you expected. But as your palms touched, you saw.
A dank cell illuminated by the moonlight with sights that would drive one insane.
A desolate forest full of dead trees and a clawed beast that slunk unseen.
And a looming tree laden with thirteen rotten apples and a swinging noose.
The Harrowing. And it truly was as it's name described, as you watched one child after another succumb to the trials.
You blinked and the images were gone, but the sound of screaming still rang in your ears.
"It's always been this way, Miss," the boy said sadly as he pulled his hand away again. "You can't help us. No one can."
Something burned in your chest at his words, the finality of it, the acceptance of this fate. How many times had you heard that from your father or Jinette or the other Knights? This is the way it always would be. Cycles. Downward spirals.
You'd already decided that that would end with you.
This would too.
"The hell I can't."
You let go of the boy's hand, turned back towards Gehenna Station, and started walking.
Every step felt heavier and heavier, but you proceeded onwards until the doors of the building opened of their own volition and then slammed shut behind you once you were inside.
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November 6, 1983
Eddie soared over the vast landscape of the Upside Down alone.
He had gotten used to flying with legions of bats at his sides, wings beating in tandem. It was a euphoric experience to be with them. Be one with them. To dip and roll, swarm, and even play.
He tried calling out to them through the bond—
Help me, the master demands your cooperation, your obedience.
—but there was no response. Not even a reluctant one.
It was irritating. He was leader after Henry, for all intents and purposes. Even their friend in some cases, their own flesh and blood.
Why wouldn't they come at his call?
He could feel them. Some waiting in the trees, cowering. Some were tempted to fly with him, soar with him, safe with him in the lead.
But there was something in the air that stopped them from answering the call.
A strange sense of foreboding, a shift in the presence of the dimension itself. A change in frequency, in the fragile balance of control that Henry had over everything.
Even the particles floating around him didn’t seem right.
“Are you sure he’s in control?” you whispered deep within him. “Are you sure Vecna is telling you the truth?”
Of course, you were still there clinging to the edges of the pit inside of him, snatching at his thoughts like the parasite you were.
He curled his lip and growled at you again, willing you to be silent. But you simply refused. Whispering worries and warnings.
It was curious how your tone had changed. You seemed weaker here. Unsure. In contrast to how you’d been earlier in his master’s presence. There was a tenuous quality to you now.
He had considered, more than once, that you were some machination of Henry’s. To weed out the disloyalty in him. A little remnant of his humanity to taunt him and tempt him. A test.
But even with unhindered access to Eddie’s mind, there were simply things Henry couldn’t be bothered with. Memory, emotion, humanity. Those were all things he sought to destroy when he created the perfect weapon.
All of the things that you tried to bring out of him.
“Be careful,” were the final words slithering from you before you went silent once again.
He scoffed despite the pang in the hollow space where his heart should be.
That was another indicator that you couldn’t possibly be of Henry’s design.
Careful wasn’t in his nature anymore.
Had it ever been, though? Even when he was alive, even when he was truly Eddie Munson, had he ever been cautious or careful? If he had been, he wouldn’t have brought Chrissy Cunningham to his trailer that fateful night.
Then he wouldn’t have shed that fragile body and become something greater.
This was fate.
He could feel you scoff at the thought now, and he grinned ferally, hoping his great and dark destiny would keep you quiet.
His wings beat harder, propelled him faster, motivated by the thought of some peace and quiet from you. At the prospect of being his master’s great weapon and champion.
He preened so hard, he didn’t realize how human the action actually was.
Until he crossed some seemingly invisible threshold, some metaphorical membrane made up of static electricity, that made everything go quiet.
The constant buzz of the hive mind was suddenly gone, thousands of consciousnesses silent, and his body seized momentarily as he reacted to the tangible loss.
Everything felt harder to do--breathing, thinking, feeling--and he went into freefall.
Down he went. Falling and flailing, air whipping about him. If he thought flying had been a freeing feeling, falling was another kind of freedom; something deep down and dark inside of him welcomed it, the prospect of a hard and fast demise.
But as his eyes drooped closed, the phantom feeling of your hands grasped at him, encircled his torso and willed him to take flight once more. Your phantasmic voice sounded underwater to his uncooperative ears, to his non-existent soul, as you screamed for him.
“Eddie!” His name brought him back into focus as hands grasped his face. Your invisible touch was electric and abruptly brought the world back into focus. “Eddie, wake up!”
He gasped a breath as your spark kickstarted his reflexes, but it was simply too late. He crashed heavily into the ground, barreling through the earth, until he came to a halt.
His body, unbreakable, seemingly bent with the impact. His ears rang, he couldn’t move, couldn’t think.
There was a distinct absence of being.
An absence of everything.
But he swore, before he lost himself, he saw the impossible.
He saw your face.
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November 14, 1986
The inside of Gehenna Station was exactly what you expected.
That is to say, it was nothing that you expected; you had expected the unexpected.
If you reached out with your consciousness, you felt...a vast infinity. Halls that led everywhere, rooms of an unimaginable quantity. No wonder the outside of the building felt as if it wasn't there, because it really wasn't. This pocket reality was folded inside of it.
And what this pocket reality was, was a school.
A suspiciously empty school.
There were empty classrooms and hallways, an auditorium with a slide projector showing a list of incantations on a screen at the front, a cafeteria with trays of abandoned lunches.
You explored and searched--looking for someone, anyone--until you found yourself back in the main atrium, before a statue of a man with a goat's head and lower body, winged, with two fingers pointed up and two pointing down, surrounded by statues of children.
"Interesting," you muttered as you encircled it.
You'd think a place like this, a place of satanic witches, would have some kind of idolatry towards Satan himself. Traditional depictions of devils and demons, maybe even some kind of artistic imagery of the archangel Lucifer?
Not this.
Your thoughts raced.
Hadn't you just contemplated your fellow Knights and their differences of beliefs outside? Yes. And that was where the mystery of this school and these witches remained. Everything had meaning; imagery like this had meaning, words had meaning.
Gehenna had ties to Hell and eternal suffering, places of divine punishment, and yet this was a school. A place for children to learn and grow. And Baphomet? People often mistook it for something sinister but Baphomet symbolized balance, the equilibrium of opposites; as above, so below and all that. Equal light and darkness inside everyone and everything. Peace at finding a balance with it. Equality in all and for all.
How could a statue that depicted children, trusting and reverent, stand for an institution that killed kids?
You supposed that the contradictions found here were akin to those in your own beliefs; how the church was supposed to be merciful, but you only found wickedness--like Jinette...like yourself--tied to it. That's how you were in this mess in the first place; someone using God as a justification to kill and steal.
"Guess all religions are shit," you snorted.
That's why you needed to find out what was actually happening here and stop it.
Unfortunately, in your rumination, you'd let your guard down.
You felt it before you saw it, the slide of your sneaker on the uneven floor. When you looked down to investigate, the tiles--made to look like a thousand eyes--began to fall away right under you.
The last thing you did before the floor beneath you disappeared and you fell into some dark oblivion wasn't an attempt to save yourself or find something to hang onto.
Instead you snorted and thought:
Guess the whole thing about being delivered right to Satan wasn't such a joke after all.
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"I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil." — Marilyn Monroe
37 notes · View notes
imtrashraccoon · 9 months
It's here! I don't have a name for these series of connected prompts just yet but I'm sure I'll think of one! I was originally going to write the characters doing more in this chapter but it didn't work out. Still, I'm happy with this narrative I'm creating. By the way, I am planning on posting this to AO3 like all my other works if you want to check it out!
@owl-bones Please let me know if you don't want me to tag you for each prompt. Thanks for making the list!
Next Day.
Bad Sansuary: Horror - Hot Drinks
Word Count: 2,914
It was a dreary day today, yet despite the overcast sky and brisk breeze that often whipped snow into your face, it was the nicest it had been in days. You'd practically gone stir crazy after a freak snow storm had blown in several days ago and so now you were getting some much needed fresh air.
It had been an incredibly spontaneous decision to come out to this barely traveled trail. You'd been meaning to check out the area for ages but had been too busy in the fall. While your winter gear was generally enough to keep you warm on most days, it seemed like you should've worn an extra layer or two with how chilly it was out here in the woods in comparison to the city.
Regardless, you were moving at a steady enough pace to keep your blood pumping. So long as you weren't out here for longer than a few hours and got home before it got dark, you should be alright.
The walk had been every bit as beautiful as you'd expected it to be. While the forest was mostly made up of deciduous trees, you were now walking through a large grove of mature cedar trees, which just so happened to be your favorite type of conifers. The dense shrubbery served to insulate this part of the trail from both the wind and the sounds of the wild, not to mention that they smelled lovely as well.
The path made a sharp turn to the left up ahead, although right in front of you was a natural gap in the treeline, possibly made by animals as they passed through this grove. Feeling a tad curious, you ducked under the branches and emerged in a small clearing on the other side.
The clearing seemed to be natural as you couldn't see any signs of tree cutting, even with all the snow. It was framed on all sides by cedar trees whose boughs were blanketed in a thick layer of the white powder. It was strange though. You couldn't see anything that looked special about this little clearing and yet it was so peaceful here.
You'd only walked a few paces into the open space when you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
Something was very wrong.
Some sort of primal instinct deep inside your soul screamed for you to duck and your body responded without even thinking about it.
You heard the unmistakable sound of an object whizzing through the air where you'd been standing moments prior.
You barely had time to register what happened before someone roughly grasped your shoulder and flung you into the snow.
You landed hard on your right side. The cold snow stung your face. There was pressure on your abdomen.
It took a moment for you to catch your breath. When you did though, you shifted slightly to see what had just attacked you, but as soon as you did so, the pressure on your side increased sharply.
A low rumbling growl was the only warning you got to stay put.
Now your mind was racing. This wasn't a random animal and no human could possibly sound like that. So could it be a monster? They'd been on the surface for a couple years now and were pretty commonplace in the city. In fact, you didn't know of any that would willingly choose to live out in the middle of nowhere after being trapped underground for centuries.
"Uh... H-hey, can...can we talk about this...?" Your voice came out much hoarser than you'd expected it to but you didn't know what else you could do right now.
Nothing happened for what felt like ages. You continued to stay as still as you possibly could, save for the pounding of your heart and how badly you were trembling. The snow was cold and your clothes were rapidly becoming soaked, but you barely registered it.
Your attacker suddenly shifted their body and the pressure on your abdomen eased, although it didn't go away entirely.
You chanced turning your head in their direction this time, rather than trying to move your entire body.
Your gaze immediately locked onto a singular glowing red eyelight. It belonged to a hulking figure of a skeleton monster who was currently pinning you to the ground. The eyelight itself took up almost the entirety of his socket and there was a thin line through the center, likely acting as a pupil. The only other details you could make out from this angle was that he was breathing rather heavily and he had a large hole on the top of the left side of his skull.
You didn't dare break eye contact for fear the monster would lash out suddenly if you did so. Whether it was how blown out his single pinprick looked or the tight smile that seemed much too wide for the current situation, but you could tell something was very wrong him right now.
Taking a shaky breath, you tried to speak to the skeleton again. "H-hey... Big guy... Are you...? Is something wrong?" you asked. Although to your frustration, your tongue betrayed how nervous you really were right now.
He said nothing and just continued to stare down at you, or maybe through you was more accurate. If looks could kill, you'd be dead at least a hundred times over.
For whatever reason, he wasn't actively restraining your arms, just preventing you from getting up. So against your better judgement, you slowly raised your left hand and reached for his face. Although you quickly discovered he was at least several inches out of range and you couldn't actually touch him.
His eyelight tracked your movements and seemed to focus on your outstretched fingers. He still said nothing though and just sat in silence.
"It's okay... Did I startle you earlier?" Your voice was becoming stronger the more you spoke and while you were still rather nervous, you were feeling a bit more confident than before.
He seemed to be acting pretty distant. The lights were on, pun unintended, but nobody was home. So what had stopped him from actually hurting you earlier? The only thing you could think of was when you tried to talk to him and since it seemed to be having a positive effect, you decided to keep doing that.
"Hey... Um, you scared me pretty bad, you know...?" No response. "But it's okay! I'm... I'm not mad or anything..."
People said you tended to ramble when nervous but you'd never believed them until now. Not that you'd been in many life or death situations before now to know, or at least none where talking your way out had been an option.
"Okay... I'm not going to hurt you, but... I'm going to try doing something." With a nervous chuckle, you added, "Just...don't take my hand off, okay...?"
You waited a moment to see if he'd try to respond but shocker, he still didn't react. So against your better judgement, you attempted to sit up so you could reach him. You moved slowly while keeping a close eye on him, but thankfully, he didn't show any signs of further aggression.
He startled when your mittened hand met the right side of his face. His red eyelight wobbled and flicked between your outstretched hand and your face. The corners of his painfully wide smile fell a fraction as he seemed to properly take in the current situation.
"Ah, that's better," you murmured. "You seemed far away so I was wondering if you could actually hear me. Are you...? Are you okay?"
He said nothing and continued to stare at you. Then his gaze flicked back to your hand and his bonebrows furrowed slightly. Before you could protest, he grasped your wrist and with some hesitation, jerked it away.
Crap... His hand is like twice the size of mine.
He let go of you and managed to stand up, staggering away from you. Complete shock was practically written across his skull and you could see how desperately his mind was scrambling to make sense of this awkward situation.
Although your muscles were a bit numb from the cold, you slowly crawled to your feet and attempted to dust yourself off. Although the snow had completely soaked through your pants and coat so your efforts were futile.
The mysterious skeleton muttered something that was so quiet, you almost didn't realize he'd said anything in the first place.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that..."
He blinked, somehow, and actually made eye contact with you this time before trying again. "...sorry..."
His tone was about as deep as you'd expected a guy of his size to sound, although it was also rather subdued. You couldn't be sure if that was just how he spoke or if he was feeling ashamed about what had just happened.
Speaking of his height though, this monster was much taller than you'd initially thought. He was easily more than a foot taller than you were, even with the way he was purposely hunching his shoulders. Was he trying to make himself look smaller?
"It's alright, you didn't actually hurt me," you responded.
He gave you a strange look but didn't say anything else, instead he started looking around in the snow.
Feeling rather awkward, you chewed your lower lip and kicked a small clump of snow. He didn't seem like much of a conversationalist and you didn't blame him right now.
After a moment of searching, he seemed to find what he'd been looking for a couple paces ahead and to the left of where you were currently standing - a large axe with a rather sharp blade. The way it was stuck in the snow suggested he'd actually hurled it at you and the thought of how close your brush with death had really been, sent chills down your spine.
But, if he had intended to kill you from the beginning, how come he'd hesitated to follow through?
You watched as he hefted the axe onto his shoulder with minimal effort. There was one more question on your mind now though.
Who was he?
Taking a step forward, you cleared your throat to get his attention. "Do you need me to call someone?"
He straightened up a bit more but remained facing away from you. "...no."
You frowned and pressed again, "Then...do you live nearby? Do you need help getting home?"
"...no," he responded in that same quiet tone. He turned to look at you again but this time his expression seemed more perplexed than anything.
You didn't know what to say next. You wanted to do something, anything, to help him, but he'd denied each of your attempts to do so. You couldn't just walk away now, not when he was so clearly struggling with something.
"what's with you?"
His question was a bit surprising and it took a second for you to come up with an answer. "You're hurting... I just want to make sure you'll be okay..."
He threw his skull back and laughed. It was a slow, bitter sounding laugh that nearly broke your heart to hear. After what felt like several long minutes, his laughter finally calmed down and he fixed you with a scrutinizing look once again.
"i just about killed ya."
You nodded solemnly, "But you didn't..."
He cut you off with a harsh glare. "and you're incredibly lucky right now..." he growled. "...i'm a dangerous person and you're pretty foolish for stickin' around this long."
You crossed your arms in annoyance. "Yeah, I guess I am foolish..." you huffed. "I don't know how to leave people be, I'm too nice for my own good, and I can't say no to people even if I really don't want to do what they ask me to. So yeah, I know I'm foolish!"
He raised a bonebrow as your voice got louder and louder but let you keep ranting until you'd gotten everything out. Running his free hand over his skull, he chuckled quietly. "wow...sounds like you've had a lot of experience, huh?"
"No kidding..." you muttered.
His footsteps crunched through the snow as he moved closer and you looked up at him again when he stopped about a foot away. He seemed to size you up for a moment before his permanent grin widened slightly.
"you're a funny human..."
You balked and took a step back. "Wha...? What's that supposed to mean?" you stammered.
He chuckled again and placed his free hand on your left shoulder. His touch was much gentler this time, even with the tips of his phalanges being rather sharp like claws.
"just that. ya got spunk to look at a guy like me an' think 'i can help him'." He hummed thoughtfully and then asked, "so how'd ya do it?"
"Do what?"
"shake me out of it..." He trailed off and a confused frown flickered across his face for a moment. "you were talkin' but i don't remember what you said until you touched me..."
"I don't understand. I didn't do anything more than that though. I just... You seemed...like you were somewhere else and not fully aware of what was happening? I guess I thought that maybe physical contact might help?"
"huh, interestin'..." he murmured thoughtfully. "so you've never heard of intent?"
You frowned slightly. The way he'd specifically put emphasis on that word made you think it meant something different than what you'd initially thought. "I can't say I have," you said with a shrug.
He started to respond when a sudden gust of wind blew through the small clearing and caused you to shudder as the cold air went right through your soaked clothing. You clutched your coat closer and stamped your feet in an effort to warm up.
Changing the subject, he made a quiet tisk sound and commented, "you'll catch your death if ya stay out here much longer, human."
A little voice in the back of your head wanted to retort that you wouldn't be this cold if it weren't for him, but that would be cruel, so you didn't. Instead, you gave a little laugh and tried to smile, but it wasn't exactly easy with how badly your teeth were chattering.
"Um, my car's not that far from here and before I left the house this morning I made a thermos of hot coffee... If you'd like some...?"
He laughed, much more genuinely this time by the way, and shook his skull. "crazy human... do ya have no self-preservation instincts or somethin' ?" he asked in a tone that practically screamed "ya can't be serious?".
You nodded, "Compared to some men I've met, you've been downright pleasant to make conversation with." Turning to head back to the trail, you added, "It's probably a good thing you took me by surprise though, because I definitely would've tried to fight you if I'd seen you coming."
"you'd definitely be dead then," he muttered bitterly.
You chose not to continue this morbid train of thought and walked on in silence. It was a bit surprising that he'd decided to actually take you up on your offer, considering he'd rejected every other one, but you didn't mind in the slightest.
After a few minutes of travel, you asked, "Do you have a name?"
He made a low humming sound before answering. "axe..." He grinned when you shot him a confused look and nodded his skull towards the weapon he had slung over his shoulder.
"I see... It's kind of...fitting? If I can say that?"
"mhm. what about you?"
"Oh! How rude of me... It's..." you gave him your name, "Sorry, I guess I completely forgot my manners in the heat of the moment..." You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly.
Axe repeated your name out loud a few times like he was trying to commit it to memory. You paid him no mind as you knew all too well how annoying it was to forget someone's name. You didn't think you'd ever forget his though, not with how crazy today had been.
You caught him typing something into his phone out of the corner of your eye before he slipped it back into the pocket of his shorts again. He really hadn't needed to borrow your phone afterall it seemed.
"i am sorry for scarin' ya that badly...and for nearly killin' ya too," Axe muttered. He looked rather sheepish all of the sudden, like his previous apology wasn't nearly good enough now that you'd talked a little.
You waved him off and smiled warmly. "Hey, it's fine now. I'm not mad at you for something you couldn't help."
"i'm surprised you're not askin' more questions about me or why that happened in the first place..."
"Do you want to tell me?"
He shook his skull silently and glanced away.
"That's fine then... If you're gonna be okay now, then that's all I care about."
You hummed happily as your little car came into view at the side of the road where you'd parked it earlier. That coffee sounded absolutely divine right about now and you were so glad you'd decided to make it. Thank your lucky stars you'd thought ahead today.
Your companion had grown rather silent all of the sudden and when you glanced at him, you saw his bonebrows seemed to be knit together in deep thought. While you definitely were curious about him and where he came from, you didn't want to pry into something that wasn't your business.
Besides, the less you knew, the better...
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unholywriters · 3 months
Innocent Face, Dark Fantasy - Teaser
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Summary: Everyone has seem to forgotten about the tale of a Forgotten prince, he was seen and praised as a gentle soul, a voice smooth as water gently falling from a leaf. But deep within his luxury palace that was built for him as a gift from a kingdom who wanted nothing more then his praises and help with their own affairs. But under this innocent face, eyes that sparkle like the jewels in his rooms, was a dark trance he would use to lure people in power into his hands where he would play out his dark fantasy’s. And sadly, y/n was his next target.
Warnings: Corruption kink, slight blackmailing, male receiving, some bl00d and knife play, pet names such as prince, darling, dove, with some chains
Authors Note: Minors do not interact, I’m trying to get back into writing after what felt like a long writers block and feeling like there’s nothing truly there to write about but I’m trying with this one and the Yunho fanfic that’s coming up soon, along with many other songs the list of those I have planned for. I hope the fairies enjoy this little scrip of our little fox with a dark side, like I said I’m always opened for ask and request and if I can get to them then I definitely will and include you. Please grab your cups and sweets and pick a flower to sit on and enjoy.
Feeling the soft rays of the sun was something the prince was used to. From waking up to the sun to simply walking in it, earning the name of the sun prince. The male kissed by the sun or even blessed by the goddess of beauty herself. His servants never looked him in the eyes. Their heads were always looking down and their eyes were covered when the sun rose. Some thought it was strange, but the prince managed to come up with an explanation that he didn’t want them to fall in love with his looks or be distracted by him, tempted to do something evil to only have his attention. So he made sure they could never see his face, and he wanted to make sure that nothing could happen or anything could get through to him. With the way he was walking, most people would think he’s guiding on air just by how he walks. He seemed to have almost everyone in a trance simply by the way he stood up and walked, or even how he would talk to people, making sure they were heard and not just speaking into a void.
The Prince had gotten dressed for his day and walked out of his room, greeting the maids as he always did as he walked through the sun lit halls down to his table, where he would eat with some of his close friends, who also had positions in the palace just so they could stay closer to him. It was something he liked to do with each other in order to keep them close and not feel lonely when he would sit at he large grand table just eating by himself with someone standing over his shoulder and trying to make sure everything was to his liking. This was hte best way to start off hte morning, since he was by himself when it came t family. After all he was hte last remaining heir to the throne. And people were starting to worry about him and his family legacy. But these matters always till he was gone from the diner table. Since he didn’t want anything like that trying to ruin the mood before he could even start his day with his morning walk through teh village and close to the woods. After all, the woods was one of the places where he could just be himself and not worry about anything and just get off his worries from the start before going on to face his duties. Which is why he always woke up early in the morning just for this.
He didn’t have his crown on, or any of his official clothing, just a loose white buttoned shirt with some black pants that would be underneath his official ones. He would bow after eating and talking with his friends before making his way to one of the many doors and began his walk. Waving to the townsfolk as they greeted him. “Good morning my prince!” “Good morning Mrs.Lee, your biscuits were amazing by the way!” He would cheer as he skipped a little, watching her start a new batch if sweets to sell and maybe even some to give to him once he returned from his walk around and was left to only waving from the window of his home, or even a balcony if he managed to have the time to do so. But it was nothing he wasn’t already used to, after all he has a job to do. Protect his kingdom and give them an heir when the time is right and he can continue to watch from afar. Along with meeting new people just to see if he can help them, and if they can help him just to make things truly a fair trade for each other. Which was something he was relatively good at making trades where he could and who with, making sure nothing he gave was going to waste and if he was, he had his own way of punishing the people and helping those who needed it.
Continuing down his own little makeshift path, he would wave over to teh children who were running around and playing, often sometimes joining them if he had the chance to since he loved watching them run around and learn about the things around them. Last time he was there he got to help them catch butterflies. Today they were running around looking as happy as could be trying to catch more of them. He smiled as he watched them, not wanting to ruin it for them and distraction them from their fun, smiling brightly as he got to the tree line where he would get lost in just admiring the nature around him. Softly humming to himself as he let his feet crunch along the ground. Looking around the place, softly touching the trees around him as he listened to the sound of the nature around him. Looking at the kingdom’s national animal, a beautiful orange fox that was sneaking around just trying to get around and find some food to eat or just to run and jump around. Something he was happy to see and often would come out and try to pet them when he could. But he would stay hidden, because he wasn’t just here to watch a fox run around, no. He stayed behind a tree with one eye looking different, something no one would see, and he would watch as the fox ran off into a direction he was looking at.
When the fox had gotten to the destination, where he would see a gem so perfect he couldn’t think about hurting them. After all, every gold prince needs their gem to hold, to keep to himself and devour them in such a way that no one else could touch them. After all, who could say no to a face covered in gold like his own?
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nightmares - xavier thorpe
requested: yes! Hii! I love your fics and I saw that your requests for Wednesday are open so I’d like to request something. Could I please ask for one with Xavier x f!reader in which reader comforts him after one of his nightmares about the monster? Maybe she goes to look for him and finds him in his art studio after he accidentally hurt himself with his paintings, so she patches him up, hugs him and reassures him that everything will be alright? I really felt bad for him and I believe his nightmares were overlooked, also I love reverse comfort sm. Take your time and have a good day! 💕
AN: hi! of course <3 i feel like that as well. i think it is pretty similar as to how wednesday has visions, except that his revolve more around the hyde itself and the fact that it is during the night/when he has to rest. thank you for your requesy and i hope you have an amazing day as well! <3
wordcount: 1,708 warnings: she/her pronouns for reader, nightmares, the hyde, scars/injuries, not platonic, but reader and xavier are not in an official relationship just yet, sad xavier
Xavier has been changing lately, and not for the better. Your worries are confirmed once you find him in his art studio, exhausted, wounded, and needing some attention.
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The second the bell rings, Xavier jumps up, shoving everything in his backpack before hurrying away. You let out a sigh, slowly packing your stuff before following the rest of your class out of the way. Xavier has been acting strange lately. He would send you every single excuse to not come over, insisting that he is tired or that he has to study. You do not blame him for this though; you noticed. You noticed how the bags under his eyes got darker, how it seemed like his energy got lower each day, and how he stopped talking to everyone around him. Not even Ajax could get a word out of him.
But just because you understood, it doesn't mean that you aren't worried. It has been weeks since you had your weekly hang-out with Xavier. You miss him, you miss how he used to be. You have been meaning to find him to ask him how he really is doing, yet he always seems to disappear the second you get close.
Your walk through Ophelia Hall was quiet. It seems like everyone else went to chill in the Quad or maybe even went to Jericho. Your mind is too full to go out and have fun, no matter how much you would want to. No one knows what Xavier is going through, yet everyone agrees that he needs help.
Time goes by as you sit in the Quad again, eating dinner with others. You see the faces of most of your friends, but one is missing. Has Xavier not shown up for dinner either? You grab an extra few containers of food, stuffing it in your tote bag before heading off to his dorm.
You knew that it has been rough for him to suddenly not have a roommate anymore. Rowan had been expelled for some weird reason, leaving Xavier alone in his room. You knock on the wooden door, the bag heavy on your shoulders.
No shuffling, no voices, nothing.
After going to his dorm, you check the Quad again, maybe you missed him. But, he still isn't there. You checked if he was at the Archery training field, but there is no sign of Xavier everywhere. You even entered the Nightshade library to see if he was hiding in there, but you were only met with an empty room.
Wait, what if he is in his art studio?
You sling the tote bag back over your shoulder, gripping your jacket tight as you exit through the Nevermore gates and into the woods.
Not a lot of people enter the woods that lie next to the school, but it just so happens to be Xavier his favorite place. He had turned an old shack into his own personal art studio, filled with paint, canvasses, easels, and sketches. It was his place, one that he didn't need to share with anyone. But lucky for you, he does share it with you.
The path slowly gets more narrow the closer you get to the shed. It is hidden in the middle of the woods. People that enter it, would not go nearly as far as where the shed is located. After pushing the bushes to the side, you see it. He has to be here.
You get closer and closer to the small, wooden building and you notice that the chains around the door have been unlocked. A-ha.
"Xavier?" You knock on the door. "I brought you food? I didn't see you at dinner, so-"
The door abruptly opens, revealing your friend. He quickly takes your hand, pulling you inside before closing the door behind you, locking it with yet another lock.
"Why are you here?"
"You weren't at dinner," you repeat. "I don't want my best friend to starve."
You hold up your white bag with a small smile. This has been the most that Xavier has talked to you in a while. You take some of the containers out of your bag.
"Thank you, but I'm not hungry."
You stop in your tracks, looking up at the tall boy as you furrow your eyebrows. Xavier, not hungry? That did not happen often. Especially considering he didn't eat at all today. You place the small container that you were holding on his table before letting out a sigh.
"Okay, but I also came here for something else. What happened?"
It is his turn to be confused now.
"You look like you haven't been sleeping, I have not seen you eat at breakfast, lunch or dinner, you don't talk to anyone as you always disappear."
He stays quiet, staring at a splotch of paint on the floor. He can't openly talk about his feelings. For as long as he can remember, he has hidden whatever problem he had, making sure that it wouldn't reach the masses of people that looked up to his father. What would he say if he knew that Xavier had problems?
You notice his silence as you step closer to him, yet still, make sure there is enough distance. You know about his struggles, even though he doesn't talk a lot about his father. His eyes are still fixated on the ground.
"All I want to say is that you don't have to tell me anything specific. All I would like to hear is if there is something going on, a simple yes or no. No specifics, no names, nothing. I'm just worried about you and I want you to know that it's okay to feel bad-"
That is all he needed to hear.
Those words are all it took for him to crumble, throwing himself in your arms as he pulls you close, his grip tight around your frame. You are fast to respond, wrapping your own arms around him as you run your hands up and down his back. His head is resting on your head as the rest of his body is shaking. You can even feel his chin trembling.
You slowly guide him to the big chair that rests in the corner of his studio, still holding him close. Once he sits, you slowly untangle yourself from him, though still holding on to his hands.
"Hey, you're fine. I'm here, okay?"
He doesn't dare look up, his eyes filled with tears and his hands still shaking. It hurts to see him like this. So sad and helpless, and you have no idea what you can do for him. On his neck are also scratches, looking red and irritated.
"You do not have to tell me anything, just... Just know that you can."
You hand him the containers of food. Xavier takes it, muttering a soft 'thank you' before slowly taking a bite of the pasta. You made sure to take everything that you know he loves.
"I can clean up those wounds for you," you offer, your hands already in your bag to grab your water bottle and napkin.
He only nods as he sits still, slowly taking bites of the food as you wipe away some of the blood from the scratches.
"I'm sorry."
You look at him, stopping your movements. He's sorry?
"I should have talked to you," he whispers. "I have been an asshole, and I should have just been normal and-"
"Hey, hey, hey! Don't blame yourself," you smile at him. "I have just been worried, that's all."
A tear rolls down his cheeks before he angrily wipes it away.
"The nightmares came back," he mumbles. "I haven't slept normally in days. It has been horrible and there is nothing I can do about it. And- and Kinbott told me to paint what my dreams were. Paint them to get them out of my head."
You nod understandingly, your hand resting on his knee.
"And I did. I drew that horrible thing-" he points to a canvas hidden in the back of the studio. "Over and over again. Some monster. And then, the second I wasn't looking, it came out of the painting. Scratched me good."
So not only has he been stuck in a literal nightmare, but he also has gotten attacked by whatever it was.
"You know what," you stand up, your hand reaching out to him. "Let's take the food, go to one of our dorms, and watch a movie. If you want."
It is the least you can do to try and cheer him up. He looks up at you, slightly confused. You are not yelling at him, blaming him for being upset, for ignoring you for days in a row. You... understand.
He closes the container, taking your hand with a smile before pushing himself up as well.
Luckily, no one had seen you as you sneaked behind Xavier. You were not supposed to be in their dorms, especially not at this time. But you didn't care. Xavier needs you.
You sit him down on the bed before placing the laptop down on his nightstand.
"You pick something, okay?"
Xavier smiles before nodding, quickly picking a movie as you open up some of the food containers, handing them to your friend. He had barely eaten today.
You sit down next to him, taking off your sweater before scooting closer to him. Xavier his mood has been improving rapidly already. He is not alone in this big, dark room anymore. He has you.
After half the movie, he finished his food, placing the empty containers on the floor before slowly wrapping his arm around you. You let out a giggle, moving a bit closer to him. You have been dancing around each other for a while now. It was pretty well known that you liked each other.
Another part of the movie passes as Xavier his eyes slowly start drooping. His tiredness is catching up to him, and being in a warm and comfortable bed surely helps in making him more tired. Awake one moment, asleep the next.
A smile is on your face once you see him sleeping. He deserves it. It has been a while. You press a kiss on his temple, snuggling closer to him as you pull the blanket over you both.
Hopefully, it helped him. Even if just a bit.
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poraphia · 1 year
"A High School Reunion."
Chapter 02 of "If You Look At Me, I'll Listen To You."
➵ PAIRING! clinic!civillian!wilbur x hero!reader
➵ CREATING! 10.1.23 | 3191 words
➵ CONTAINING! lovers to strangers, hero society (dream team + karl), tommy being a teasing prick
➵ SAYING! thank you for the support on the first chapter! i loved everyone's responses and input and seriously i would love to see more! if youd like to be a part of a taglist message my inbox! :DD
my masterlist and chapter 01
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey, Quacks, how’s the work been treating you?”
I spun around my office chair before kicking up my boots on my desk. It was another slow day the Hero’s Tower. Well, at least for me.
“It’s been going fine. It gets a little hard running a whole casino though, I’ll tell you that much.” He lightly chuckled through the phone.
I’ve known Quackity for a few years now. We attended university together after I moved out of my old neighborhood and into a small town just South of L’manburg city. Quackity was my dorm neighbor. We started talking to each other after I was fed up with all the ruckus I heard through the wall. When I learned that him and some strangers were doing a bit of Poker, I figured why not join. I didn’t stay in contact with those other people, but Quackity, we clicked too easily to let each other go.
“Sounds fun. Hope you’re not stressing too much. Maybe the next time I see you, you’ll be all wrinkly and tired all the time.” I joked, a sly smile on my face.
“Oh, that won’t be happening anytime soon!” He laughed. “Seriously, I got this.”
“—Hey, (y/n).” I looked up from my desk only to be met by Sapnap’s firey gaze. “You got a moment?” He quickly glanced at my phone before returning his eye on me. “We’re having a mini meeting, and we need you in on this one.”
That’s… Strange. I’m usually not called to Hero meetings.
“Oh, uh—” I sat up properly. “—Sure. Just let me wrap up this call.” I said. Sapnap nodded before walking out of my office.
“Need to go?” Quackity asked through the phone.
“Uh, yeah, I guess,” I said reluctantly. My mind raced with a thousand thoughts. Was I in trouble? Did I do something wrong with the last interrogation? “I’ll talk to you, alright, Q?”
“Of course, just let me know whenever you’re free. I’ll catch you later, (y/n).”
“Yeah, see ya!”
I clicked off my phone, sliding it down my pocket.
Oh God.
What’s going on?
I was able to locate the meeting room pretty swiftly. Through the window I saw George, Karl, Sapnap, and Clay. Karl, with his usual bubbly energy, waved at me through the glass. I smiled in return before hiding myself behind the wood door. Through my nostrils I took one deep and steady inhale before slowly letting it go through my nose. Once I felt ready enough, I placed my hand on the cold silver handle, twisting it open to be greeted by the chilly room.
The room wasn’t too extravagent. The walls were painted a navy blue with a long wood table. The ends of the table had one chair while the side parts had two on each side. I decided to take my seat next to Karl with George in front of me and Clay at the end.
“So, you’re probably wondering why you’re here.” Clay started.
“Yeah,” I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “This isn’t my usual setting, y’know.” Since my power is feared to be too dangerous, I’m usually working in the interrogation and detainment center. It was kind of pitiful thinking about how I’m more used to isolated rooms and gray colors with a criminal in front of me, rather than a nice cozy meeting room with my friends.
“Well… George, Clay, and I came up with a new fighting strat, and I think with your powers, we may finally put the supervillains out of business.” Sapnap grinned. I tilted my head a little.
“What do you mean?” I asked. Clay then stood up and walked behind George and Sapnap where a dry-erase board was located. The two of them turned around, attentive to what Clay had to say.
“Alright look, we already know the Syndicate is our supervillains.” Clay explained, drawing on the board. “Siren, Blade, and Zephyrus being the most threatening of them all. Especially when the three of them are together.” He wrote down their names before circling them all into one group. “I believe with our data now and enough studying, we can analyze their behavioral patterns, what their priorities are, etc.”
I nodded my head, a bit confused on where this was going. I looked over to Karl, who seemed just as confused as I was.
“So, what does this have to do with me?” I asked. Clay smiled, pointing at me with his marker.
“I was just getting to that.” He wrote my name on the board before turning back to face us. “If you could watch these main three—” he pointed at the board. “then you'll have enough information to make convincing enough hallucinations. Enough hallucinations, means more distraction as they fight, which means more wins for us!” he cheered.
I sat there, hands folded in my lap. All four of them had their eyes on me, expecting some sort of comment or response. “…So,” I broke the silence. “I'm basically like.. The secret weapon?”
Karl eagerly nodded as he pulled me closer with an arm. “Yeah! We're finally going to have you fighting with the big guys! Isn't that super cool?”
“Mhm,” George hummed. “You won't be stuck doing interrogations at the detainment center anymore. You’ll be on the battlefield!” He exlcaimed, a small smile on his lips.
This was a lot to take in at once. Frist, I had to stalk the three most dangerous members of The Syndicate for some time, then with enough information, I’ll finally be on the field going on missions?
“So, what do you think, (y/n)?” Sapnap asked, his hands folded on the table.
I looked at all the faces around me. It was barely clicking to me that I finally have the chance to be out there, with my friends, fighting against the villains. It was something I dreamed of doing ever since I moved back to L’Manburg.
“I’m in.” I said proudly.
What could go wrong?
After laying out some planning, I left the HQ and decided to take a bus to Eastside. Besides the Hero District and South Bay, I haven’t been around the other parts of the city, as least in civillian form. Mainly because I was looking to avoid a certain… Family. I haven’t seen the Soot family since I broke up with Wilbur that night. I felt too guilty of our actions, and frankly I swore I would never see Wilbur again after I moved away. Avoiding him in the neighborhood and in school was a hassle by itself.
Once I made it to Eastside, I hopped out of the bus and began walking to a familiar cafe. I figured if I was going to go out exploring, I should go to an area where it was least likely running into the Soots. I turned on my headphones, and began my walk. In my backpack I had my laptop and sketchbook where I was going to plan out my missions.
Once I looked up, realizing I was greeted by the huge sign that read “Puffy’s Cloudy Cafe.”
Alright, here we go.
I pushed open the door and immediately I was hit with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked pasteries. I heard a loud gasp in front of me, and I was met by the familiar face of Foolish.
“(Y/N)!” He exclaimed, as he nearly hopping over the counter, I ran up to him and we engulfed in each other in a warm hug.
“Hey, Foolish! How have you been?” I smiled, pulling away.
“I’ve been doing okay! Still working at the cafe, as you can see!” He chuckled. “Where have you been all these years?! I haven’t seen you since graduation!” He asked, placing his hands on his shoulders.
“I left the city to go to University. I only moved back a few months ago but now I live in South Bay!” I smiled. He nodded, taking in my words before pulling away.
“Have you talked to…?” He trailed off, but I knew what he was talking about.
“I haven’t.” I lightly chuckled. “Not since he walked across that stage, but even then, I wasn’t even talking to him like that.”
Foolish tilted his head, a curious smile on his face. “Y’know, I still remember during graduation, you were literally screaming and cheering him on so loudly! But then you tried to shape up as if no one heard you!”
I laughed, punching him the shoulder. “Hey, shut up! Maybe I just got a bit carried away…”
“Mhmm,” He hummed. “Well, I’m about to clock out now and head to Eret’s place—”
As if on cue, two figures walked through the cafe doors.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
You’ve genuinely got to be fucking with me.
Two guys stood in front of us, but I only paid attention to one of their faces.
Those chocolate brown eyes stared back at me. Those eyes I fell in love with the moment I saw them for the first time. They were wide, and they didn’t stray away from mine. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but he stopped himself.
“Hey Toms, hey Wil!” Foolish excitedly introduced. “Wilbur, you remember (y/n), right? She’s finally back in town—!” Before he continued, I kicked him in the foot, earning a loud yelp. He got the hint and backed away from the conversation.
“I— I got work to do.” I quickly mumbled. From the corner of my eye I saw Wil raise his hand out of protest, but I ignored it to hastily find a seat.
I found a duo seat next to the window. I placed my bag in one of the seats to take out my laptop and then sat in the other seat. I jolted my laptop open, somewhat smacking the keyboard impatiently to wake it up.
Ugh, stupid, stupid!
I put my head down, covering face with my arms. My leg shook rapidly from under the table. I shouldn’t have came here. I shouldn’t have came here at all. Who was I to think it would be safe to travel in this area anyway?! This was a stupid idea!
“You must’ve gotten ugly if she was going to run away that fast, man.” I heard a gruff voice snort followed by a sound of someone being shoved.
“T-That’s not true! I… Ugh… Just get to work, asshole.”
That familiar voice.
My heart fluttered at the sound of his deep voice. That deep voice that used to tell me how pretty I looked everyday and asked if I needed help with homework.
But it was the same voice that killed all those men, and maybe even more after that night.
I shook my head. Maybe a coffee would fix my racing thoughts.
I got up from my table and went up to the counter. There I met that boy that was standing next to Wil earlier. He had a red and white shirt under his barista apron. He and blue eyes and a mess of blonde flopped on the top of his head, but what was most distinguishing about his hair was that streak of white.
His eyes widened briefly before a sly grin formed on his face. “Welcome to Puffy’s Cloudy Cafe, what can I get you?” He asked.
“I’ll just have an iced caramel coffee.” I forced a smile on my face. He clicked on some things on the cash register before looking at me again.
“And what’s the name?” He asked.
“(y/n).” I said plainly.
“Alright, I’ll have your order done in a minute.” He said. I nodded, handing him my card. As he swiped in my order, I placed a decent amount of cash in his tip jar. He looked up a bit, a smile quirking up when he realized how much money I put in. “Jeez, dude, what job are you working?” He asked rather jokingly.
“Uhh,” I bit my tongue a bit to hold back my actual answer. “—criminal justice.” I exclaimed, which wasn’t technically a lie. The barista handed me back my card. “Thanks,” I glanced down to look at his nametag. “Tommy.” He nodded, and I headed back to my seat to begin my work.
My laptop had started up, welcoming me with my sunset background. I opened up my web browser and created a word document to jot down all my notes and plans on how I could start stalking the Syndicate. Should I be saying “stalking?” It sounds pretty vulgar. My main focuses had to be Siren, Blade, and Zephyrus. So I figured that maybe I should start with Siren, though that was sort of risky to get into. What was his superpower again..?
“Order for Wilbur and (y/n)!”
Oh, wow.
This kid had to be some kind of fucking troll.
I sighed, reluctantly standing up from my seat. I noticed that Wil was approaching as well, slow with his footsteps. I looked over to Tommy who had this devious grin on his face. Once I walked up to the counter, I noticed that only Wil’s order was on the counter. It had to be either a flat white or a hot coffee with four shots of espresso.
“Here you go, (y/n). Iced caramel coffee.” Tom said, personally handing the beverage to me.
“Knew it…” I heard a soft voice whisper to himself.
He… Remembered my order?
“Thank you, Tom,” I smiled. He nodded, and I headed back to my seat. I took a sip of my coffee to cool down the heat that was rising to my cheeks before continuing my work. With careful listening, I could hear a bit of Tom and Wil’s bickering from the counter.
“Why the fuck would you do that?!” Wil whisper shouted.
“Look, man, they seemed interested! They were staring at your coffee order and mumbling something. Probably knows your order too.” Tom chuckled.
“Shut the fuck up! Don’t do that again, I’m serious!” Wil was practically begging at this point. I resisted the urge to turn around to look at the two. Instead kept my eyes on my screen.
“Okay, okay,” Tom reassured. “I’ll stop. But seriously man, you need to tell me about this when we get home.”
The argument ended there, and though I continued on with my work, the conversation sat in my mind like a brick. My fingers tapped against my laptop, creating rows of writing then sectioning them off into tables. I even enforced this new routine into my daily planner, blocking specifically when I would be working at the station to when I would be learning information about the Syndicate. I stayed in the cafe for another hour until I was finally content with my planning for the next couple of weeks.
With a content sigh, I finally closed my laptop. I looked around, realizing that the cafe was barely occupied. Wil was in another corner with a book whereas Tom was cleaning the espresso machine. I got up, stretching my legs and arms before taking my laptop and sliding it into my backpack. As I was zipping up my backpack, I felt a pair of eyes behind me, but I chose to ignore them. I slid my arms into the straps and fixed my hair behind me. When I turned around, I realized that it was Wilbur who was staring at me. His nose immediately buried into his book once we made eye contact. A small scoff escaped my lips, and I approached Tom at the counter for the final time.
“Hey, Tommy. Just a strawberry cheesecake to go please.” I said, sliding over a $10 bill. “Keep the change as a tip.”
“Coming right up, (y/n).” He placed the bill inside then counted the money before placing it into his tip jar. He then went to the back to grab a plastic container that had a piece of cheesecake drizzled in strawberry syrup with slices of strawberry on the side. “Here you are. You leaving for the day?” He asked, quickly glancing away before returning his eyes on me. I took the container of dessert before smiling.
“Yeah, it’s getting late. Don’t want to be out especially during criminal hour.” I lightly chuckled. Tom nodded, as if understanding.
“Alright, stay safe out there.” He waved. I said my goodbyes before heading toward the door. As I took another step, I heard footsteps approaching me.
“W-Wait.” I turned around, only to be met with a white button up shirt with light blue-gray stripes.
I looked up, and there he was.
His jaw was more defined than it was when we were kids. His hair was more poofy and grew curlier over the years. It was obvious he had grown out of his rounded features. Even his eyes were more narrow. But I knew those freckles scattered all over his face and how his pink lips formed a symmetrical cupid’s bow.
We both stared at each other in silence. One hand gripped at my backpack strap tight while the other clutched at my plastic container.
“Yes?” I asked. It was blank and straight forward, not letting any form of emotion seep through my words.
“I-I just… Well, it’s good to see you in town again.” He said, his hands slightly fidgeting. I noticed that his button up was rolled up to his elbows. His arms were a little bigger than what I remember and his chest looked more built with a curve to his torso. He was also taller. He used to be only a few inches taller than me due to malnourishment. He looked healthier and stronger— Much better than when he did when we first became friends. It made my heart skip a little.
“Oh— Uh. It’s nice to see you too. Sorry, I’ve just been super busy since I moved back into town.” I briefly explained, but even then, I felt like such an idiot for explaining in the first place.
“Oh.” He muttered.
We stared at each other again, not talking. The air felt thick and full of pressure. My heart searched for that familiar comfort in his prescence but it was no use.
“I… I should get going now.” I said, slightly gesturing to the door.
“Right— Uh… I’ll see you around?” He asked, a little glimmer in his eyes as if hopeful. A bit of me ached seeing him so desperate.
“Uh, yeah.” I quickly said without thinking. What? “Yeah, I’ll see around.”
I turned around and pushed open the glass door. The cold breeze slapping me in the face.
Holy shit.
Did I just talk to Wilbur Soot?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
a / n ~ this was mainlyyy about lore for the reader. but dw the next chapter is going to be alll about siren dont even worry about it. notes of all kind are super appreciated especially reblogs!!
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iheartchv · 7 months
Hiiiiii 💙💙💙 I love your COD match ups and I was wondering if I could have one too??
I’m 5’1”/155cm, very curvy but also surprisingly strong for a woman. Natural blonde with blue eyes but my hair is a different color like every few months (it’s blue right now! 🤭). I pretty much only wear makeup when I go out; the rest of the time it’s only mascara and brows. I like to wear superhero or witchy t shirts, leggings or jeans and combat boots, or in the winter I love my silly cozy sweaters.
I’m an INFJ, Ennegram Type 9. I am very definitely an introvert that prefers to spend time alone at home or in the woods with my dogs. I devour books, mostly fantasy/romance/mystery, I love playing cozy games or adventure games, and I write like a fiend. I’m a practicing witch.
I take a long time to bond and trust people, but when I am close with people I’m very hyper, affectionate, bubbly, sweet and loving. I still do best one on one or in very small groups. I’m AuDHD with high anxiety so I definitely feel way more comfortable with people who either are similar or understand how to help me through meltdowns.
I’m a professional dog trainer and have several Border collies who I spend most of my time and energy on; they are my heart and soul. We do EVERYTHING together 💙 my favorite part of my day is being outside with them.
My hyperfixations currently are Nightwing & Red Hood, COD, dogs and witchy things 🥰
Thank you so much in advance, you are such a cool person and I love your writing!!
🤔 I'll pair you with...
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish 🧼
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I think Soap would be your match
Total opposites yet can't stand to be apart for long periods of time
//I'm running out of scenarios, bear with me >3>
You're out shopping in town
Ofc your fur babies have to go with you
They were pretty well behaved and everyone loved seeing your dogs
"You've got some loyal body guards" they'd say
Some of the older ladies gossip about you needing to find yourself a man
But you thought you had all you needed: just you and your dogs
Little did you know that running into Soap would lead you down a path you never thought you'd take
Soap was sitting on a bench, watching people pass by, just sitting alone with his thoughts
You passed by and a piece of paper fell out of your back pocket
He saw the paper and figured it was yours
Could've been important
"Hey, miss"
You turned around to see if there was someone talking to you
"You dropped this"
You were met with the most beautiful blue eyes you've seen
"Oh, uhm, thanks. It was just my grocery list"
A small smile crossed yoir lips
"Oh... do you want it anyway? I can throw it away for you, if you want. I just thought maybe there was something important on it"
"Sure, that'd be fine if you threw it away"
"Yes, ma'am"
He crumbled the paper in his hand and threw it in a nearby trash bin
Soap noticed you had your hands full, your dog's leashes and bags of groceries in hand
"You've got a handful. I could help you with that"
You didn't want to feel like a burden to this stranger, who made your heart feel strangely warm and fuzzy
"Are you sure, you don't mind?"
"Nah, not fir a beautiful lady like yourself"
You felt your heart start to pound
Your cheeks started to turn pink at his flirty compliment
He took the bags from your arms and then smiled at you
"Lead the way, I'll follow"
As you both walked to your house Soap and you introduced yourselves
He commented on your dogs, how they seemed so well trained
When you told him you were a trained dog trainer he smirked
"Ah, that's why"
He liked dogs
He was a dog person
When you made it to your front step, you opened the door to let your dogs inside, and then turned to collect your bags from Soap
He handed them to you
"You got them?" He asked, making sure you could close your dog with your arms full
"Yeah, I got them. Thanks"
"You're welcome."
A ring coming from his cell phone signaled him to go
"I've gotta go. Will I see you around?"
"Yeah, most likely"
"Alright. You take care of yourself."
You gave a nod with a soft smile
"You too."
You two became friends, close friends
So close, anyone would've thought you both were a couple
Soap would joke and tease saying they were, which made you blush and get flustered
He would only laugh and reply "I'm just joshin' with ya"
Any time he had, Soap would drop by to visit you
(Before meeting you again, he went back to the trash bin and got the crumbled piece of paper before going home that afternoon... to keep it because it had your handwriting on it)
Months went by, and everytime you went into town your eyes scanned the stores, streets, and faces of people to find Soap
Yeah, he told you he was in the military
You kinda figured he was most likely to be far away somewhere in some country or countries
You just hoped that he make it back safe
In the short amount of time, you had come to enjoy being around him
Plus your collies loved him
And he loved them, as well, as if they were his own
It warmed your heart to see him playing with your dogs outside, petting them, giving them scratches
Right now, you felt your heart tighten and your eyes water a bit
You missed him so much
You hoped every day and night that Soap would be always protected and return
One day, you saw him and you never felt more happy to see anyone
Your dogs reflected your happiness, their tails wagging
He saw you running to him, your dogs running faster then you and leading you, it seemed like
He let out a 'oof!' and a soft chuckle as you wrapped your arms around him in a hug
He hugged you back, loving the feel of you in his arms
His heart felt so warm and fuzzy holding you like this
"I'm glad you're safe and sound"
"Me, too, bonnie. Me, too...."
After a while, Soap asked you out on a date
It went pretty well
He stole a kiss from you
He thought you looked cute blushing and flustered
After many more dates, he wanted to be official with you
"I want you to be my girlfriend... I understand if you say no, but... I just want you to know that I love you, I care about you. I want you, you're all I want, sweetheart"
You accept after thinking your feelings over and through
You've made him the happiest man on earth right now
Soap will do whatever it takes to make you happy, as happy as you've made him
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banjopolishh · 6 days
“It’s hard to be a man, when there’s a gun in your hand”
Paranoia. That’s the first thing Stanford Pines felt after his last sighting of a strange figure outside his home. For weeks now, a mysterious hooded figure has been lurking in the woods around Stanford’s home. Everytime it had been spotted however; it would quickly retreat and vanish into the night.
Who, or what, was this being? Could it be another one of Bill’s mind tricks? A stalker? Stanford rattled his brain endlessly, who was it.. who..
a loud crash was heard outside of the wooden home, causing Stanford to rush outside with his crossbow, “What the hell..-“ he surveyed the area, but nobody was around. “I’m going insane aren’t I?” he muttered to himself.
As he was about to forget this ever happened and go inside, the hooded figure stopped him in his tracks, pointing a gun like device at him.
“Stanford Pines,” the figure spoke; it’s voice sounded.. shaky, almost sorrowful. The six fingered man quickly realized just who this person was; Fiddleford Hadron McGucket.
Fiddleford was Ford’s old…”buddy”. They worked tirelessly together on the portal Ford so desperately needed built. Fiddleford had given his life and soul to Stanford, doing everything he had asked. He eventually went insane when he fell into the portal, seeing horrors beyond human comprehension on the other side.
McGucket invented a machine that could erase memories, and he was addicted to it. He felt as though he needed to save Ford of the horrible monster they had both created, save him from the demon holding his mind captive.
“Fiddleford.. What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in mon-“ He was quickly cut off by Fiddleford, who was still holding the memory gun steady, “‘m here to save ya, Ford.. I.. I can’t sleep knowin’ you’re still sufferin’. I have to free you, i have to..” his voice became more and more unstable as he spoke, causing great unease in Stanford.
“Hey, hey.. let’s put the gun down, hm? Let’s talk, I know how hard it’s been for you, i know.. lets go inside! I can make you a cup of coffee, we can go over this!” Ford tried walking closer, but Fiddleford tensed, “Please don’t come any closer. Please, I don’t want.. I can’t.. I don’t know if he’s you right now!” Fidd’s wailed, his mind completely scrambled and in shambles. He wanted to save his old lover, he wanted to protect him from the evil that lurked on the other side of the portal.
“I’ve seen the devil himself, Stanford.. that portal is goin’ to be the end of us. I tried warnin’ you, I tried tellin’ you! You didn’t listen, why didn’t you listen!” Fiddleford fell to his knees, his grip on the gun never slipping. Tears were streaming down his face, his heart ached so deeply, he just wanted Stanford back.
Ford began tearing up himself, how could he do such a thing to the only one who sincerely loved him? How could he bare to watch as Fiddleford slipped deeper and deeper into madness? He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.
He walked slowly over to the crying man, his heart breaking as the sobs grew louder. “My dearest heart,” he spoke softly, sitting down next to Fidd’s, his arms wrapping around him. “I am so sorry I didn’t choose you, I am so deeply sorry..” Ford said through sobs, he didn’t realize the pain the other man had felt.. how could he be so selfish?
“I just wanted you to see me, to see how dangerous this all is!” Fidds looked at Ford, his eyes puffy and red. He truly just wanted to erase their memories, and run away together. “Please, please let me erase the memories of the portal, of every horrible thing we’ve endured. We can move on after, we can be like how we used to..”
Ford could see pure desperation all over the hillbilly’s face, and oh, how it killed him. He didn’t even need to think it over, seeing Fiddleford like this was enough to accept his fate.
“Go ahead, Fiddleford, darling. You are correct, if we don’t remember the portal, we don’t have to suffer.. I want to leave this place, I want to start anew with you. Let us forget together, please.” Ford caressed the brunettes face gently, he knew this was insane..his work was so, so, important..But, so was Fiddleford.
“Really?.. You’re not bluffin’? You’ll.. you’ll really run away with me? Leave this all behind and forget?”
“I have never been more certain in all my years, Fidd’s. Lets do this.”
Fiddleford looked down at the nodule on the gun, entering the word “PORTAL” into it. He paused, and looked back and Ford once more, concern in his eyes. “You’re.. certain?”, he softly asked, Ford nodded in response, smiling sincerely at him.
The two snuggled closely together, Fidd’s positioned the gun at their heads, Ford kissing Fiddleford with pure love.
Then, the gun went off.
The two never spoke of the portal again, they didn’t know where they were, or how they ended up together in this strange place. Faded memories of their college days were all they now had.
Starting again, starting anew.
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hi guys!!! sorry this one was so.. long . I feel like there’s a plethora of mistakes in there such as spacing/grammar! i will fix when i am not so sleepy and I hope you like it!
am sorry… in advance 💔
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