#would be so tempting so delicious oh i'm starving
t1erradelfuego · 1 year
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#one thing about me FOR SURE is anything rule 63 and lregnancy will have me honking like a geese in heat#just read what was supposed to be the first fic in a series of women in the nhl pregnancy series#but never got expounded upon :( oh no who will take this great and unecessary burden#i wonder WHO... anyways#thinking about exploring everything under the fucking sun#love me a good meditation on womanhood and relationships and what the nhl could look like in this speculative workd#LOVE ME THINKING ABOUT THE DIFFERENT DYNAMICS THAT ONLY EXIST AT THE TENSION OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS AND ROMANCE#like brooo is professional sports not the most romantic thing ever#you see a thing and you dedicate your whole mind soul body to love it#like. ok now apply that to a sognificant other#now you're in a throuple situation being haunted by the oniprescent prescence of Big Sports#i'm not making any sense but anyways#leon/matthew -> getting knocked up by your FWB while wearing an A#jamie/trevor -> having a baby before we even admit we're in a relationship. also this is like. teen pregnancy help#brady/tim -> starting a family while being away from your own family :(#oh that one would HURT actually#matty/shane -> ooop fwb except you really wanna be a dad but i dont!#at this point i am also wanting to desparately dip my toes into the mo/dylan sandbox#because well. mixed media reaction to dulan's pregnancy and some key voicemails from JOHN#would be so tempting so delicious oh i'm starving#google drive#also i dont go here but boy have i been reading a lot of it#travis/nolan -> no one knows we're fucking and now we have to break the news of pur relationship and baby
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
Oh god, imagine Lee fucking his darling hard enough that they limp before putting a vibrator into them before they have Dexters class, knowing Dexter has a crush on his darling and since Lee couldn’t bear the thought of actually branding his darling and while it is tempting to stitch his name into them, (he knows how they feel about needles) this is the next best thing, to have his darling limp into class and struggle to keep composure while the vibrator is inside them.
Dexter keeping you after class, locking the classroom door and covering the camera as he tells you to show him.
"You heard me. Show me. You've been flinching, biting, and hiding moans all class period. You aren't as sly as you think you are"
You hide a whimper of embarrassment as you shimmy out of your pants, bending over the desk to show how stuffed your panties are, that a toy is working you open and fucking you as the both of you speak.
Dexter growls under his breath, sliding his hand up your ass and pulling it apart to watch as you shiver and feel even more exposed, even as your underwear is still on.
He slowly pulls your underwear down, teasing the toy in you as he presses his chest to your back, whispering in your ear. "Ah. So my nemesis sent me a gift then, hmm? How'd he know i'm so starved! I should thank him".
He slides the toy out, standing up to slide it into his mouth obscenely, tasting you and moaning at the delicious, debauched taste. "What to do with you though? Such a needy, neglected little thing. Have you cum at all? I would hate to send you out without any relief".
You shudder as he presses the bulge of his hard cock against your hole, feeling him slowly grind as he speaks. "I think...I should show that pompous doctor that I can mark you too. Send you to him, full of me, and limping even more. I might even drop you off myself".
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
I'm sorry if it seem very specific.
Romantic yandere bob 26 + 22 prompts
26)Aww, I love it when you struggle, it makes killing them less boring + 22)Are you enjoying your meal? I thought it would be harder to obtain the meat but your little friend didn't put up much of a fight
Prompt set from here https://at.tumblr.com/yanderes-galore/700551429444763648/8kphhwofbh8v
Sure! I should write more for Spooky Month ^^ Also, picking prompts is not being too specific, no worries. The rule is there for over the top Darling descriptions or plots :)
Pre-Demon Bob for plot purposes.
Prompts Found Here!
Yandere! Bob Velseb Prompts 26 + 22
"Aww, I love it when they struggle, it makes killing them less boring."
"Are you enjoying your meal? I thought it would be harder to obtain the meat but your little friend didn't put up much of a fight."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Murder, Sadism, Cannibalism, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Eating/Feeding kink, Drool, Kidnapping, Vomit, Forced relationship.
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To Bob, it's important to keep up a facade. No one needs to suspect the butcher at Boys and Grills of anything disturbing. He's just a friendly face here to serve you the best food around.
That's how Bob wanted you to see him as. Just a kind man who loves to talk to you and be seen as your friend. Hopefully, at some point, something closer than that too.
Bob doesn't want you to see the nastier behavior of his yet. You don't need to see the obsessive crush he has for you... or know the origin of the blood staining his clothes.
It's animal blood, he swears it!
You have no clue about the cult he's part of. You don't suspect his favorite meal being human flesh. You just see him as a normal guy.
Although, he isn't sure how long that will last.
"Aww, I love it when they struggle, it makes killing them less boring."
Jealousy rages within him just as much as his hunger. When you came into his life and tempted the starving beast... it's become uncontrollable when you aren't around. Your delicious little friends don't seem to help.
His knife cuts into their flesh with the intention of making your foul friend something more fitting. To Bob, they are merely meat that needs to know its place. Seeing you mingling with them...
It tempts him.
Like starving dogs, hunger and jealousy drool and growl when he sees you with your friend. They anger him. He wants to be the only one you're so close to.
Call him childish to be jealous over you having friends...
He only sees them as food.
Once the struggling is over, Bob frowns. Now it was back to being boring. It was funny to think they could overpower him.
Certainly not with a knife in their side.
Bob tried not to drool too much on the meat as he prepared it. He couldn't help it when he thought of you eating it.... This meal could only be the best for someone like you.
It's a better use for your friend, too. At least they proved themself useful. Good riddance.
Each cut was made with precision. The sound of meat gliding against his knife was pure music to his ears. Once he puts everything in the grinder, it would be ready tonight.
Bob had pulled you aside earlier today to have dinner with him. Just who would you be to refuse a meal from your friend, who's a chef? Of course you said you'd come!
It took him everything to restrain the urge to scoop you into his arms earlier. Not yet, he needs to wait. You had to at least eat first!
Carefully, Bob cleans up after himself and prepares for dinner. The meat is neatly packaged and ready to be cooked. The rest is discarded while he washes himself of any blood.
All with a professionalism that implies he's done this before.
It's then he closes up shop and heads for your home, a place you luckily gave the address for.
Even if he already knows it.
"Thanks for coming over, Bob! You know it's my house, right? You don't have to cook...."
"Nonsense, dear! I feel I should treat you to something special tonight."
"Oh? What's the special occasion?"
"Nothing, really. Just... felt I should be a good friend, y'know?"
"Aww... you're so sweet!"
Tonight was going well. Bob wanted to have dinner with you and suggested going to your house to do it. According to him, his house was too messy.
Despite using your house, he wanted to cook for you. You found it odd but let him. He brought his own meat and everything.
"Made it fresh for tonight, just for you."
It seemed like such a nice gesture. It's just... his tone seemed strange to you. He looked so eager to cook for you.
You weren't going to question him on it, though. There was no need.
"Just try not to burn yourself, okay?"
You playfully warn him, sitting on the couch to wait. You never saw the stare he gave you before getting to work. You didn't even hear the mischievous chuckle he let out before pulling out the meat.
Time passed and you could tell he was making his specialty, burgers. Your stomach growls at the smell but you stay patient. Can't rush perfection.
You try to be invested in the TV you're watching, flicking by the news channel curiously-
Was that a missing person report-?
"Dinner's served, (Y/N)!"
You shut the TV off and meet Bob at the table. One of his amazing burgers sat on a plate in front of you, an all too eager Bob watching you curiously. It smelled amazing.
"Looks great!"
"Well, go on... taste it. I'm sure it's to your liking?"
You sit down and hold the burger. Hungrily, you take a bite. Bob looks at you in a... strange gaze.
It tastes good... but what is this flavour?
Trying to decipher the taste, you eat more of the burger. It's not quite beef... yet you can't tell. You take some time to enjoy it despite the odd taste.
It isn't all that bad.
Bob watches you with half-lidded eyes. You're so cute.... You're none the wiser to what he's done...
Until now, at least.
"Are you enjoying your meal? I thought it would be harder to obtain the meat... but your little friend didn't put up much of a fight."
You pause at his wording, swallowing thickly. You then give a nervous yet confused smile. Was he okay?
"Sorry, Bob... I didn't quite get the joke?"
"What's there to joke about, sweetheart?"
"... what did you mean by 'little friend'...?"
Bob then gives you the widest and creepiest smile. He looked like a psychopath to you. Something was wrong....
"You have no idea how jealous they made me, dear...."
You drop the food back on the plate, backing your chair up.
"Your friend. They acted like you two were so close. I couldn't have that, could I? Don't worry, I'm sure they were to your... taste."
You look down slowly to the food... soon feeling ill. There's no way.... Bob wouldn't do such a thing, would he?
"Stop it... this isn't-"
"They taste good, don't they? I thought so. Trust me, sweetie, this was a better use for them."
Suddenly, bile shoots up your throat and on the table. You're shaking, even more so when Bob stands up and stalks towards you. You're so much smaller compared to him.
When did he get so intimidating?
"I see. So they were just as foul as they were in life, huh?"
"You're SICK!"
You yell, convulsing due to holding back a gag. Bob only chuckles at the irony of the situation before rubbing your back. He was trying to be comforting after feeding you your own friend.
"Now, now... you had to know at some point. Surprised you believed all my lies for so long. I hide the taste well, don't I?"
Another round of vomit leaves you, incapacitating you to the floor. Bob sighs softly, pulling your back into his chest. You could barely struggle.
"Don't act like I'll hurt you, sweetheart! I'd never... I just prefer not to share, that's all."
"Get away-"
"Nah. I think I prefer you right here...."
"What do you plan to do with me!?"
"Keep you, what else? You're just too sweet to give up!"
Bob laughs at your fear before slinging you over his shoulder. You wiggle in his grip but your stomach still makes you weak. The guilt shaking your body wasn't helping, either.
You ate your friend, are you just supposed to be okay with that?
"I've just been waiting for when I could get you all to myself. You've been making me feel so hungry, dear."
He grins, walking you out the door with you in his arms. His eyes bore into you with a predatory gaze. You couldn't even ignore the drool running down his face.
"I don't mean for food, either..."
He presses you closer, heading for his home in the darkness of the night. He holds you like he's scared to lose you. It's desperate, you notice.
"I have a craving for you, (Y/N). One stronger than anything else. That's why... I think I'll never let you go."
That's the last time you had your freedom and life without Bob.
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littlepuddingsworld · 16 days
Yes!!! Casper is literally so adorable and fuckable he's literally just– hhhhhhshfks so cute so pretty so precious I wanna bite n kiss n bite <<3333 rubbing your finger thru his hair n making him tremble when you brush over his nape, marking him up while you just praise him n overstimulate him aaaaaarhdhsks <<<3333333 I found a tumblr user who writes for him and my hunger keeps getting satisfied but ur making me get more starved /t
I'm glad to hear that!! It sounds like a nice treat :DD ds someone who hates events, that sounds like a nightmare.... but!! As long as you enjoy it and say it's worth it, then that's the best outcome. I hope you had loads of fun!!!!! ( ´∀`)
Don't worry, I actually splurged on myself recently!! I got a new book and finished it. It was so good, and I got a drawing tablet finally, and it should be here any day now, so I'm really hyped!! (I've been eating lots of spicy food too, so that's been delicious) Keep pampering yourself!!! And I hope you have fun with your barefoot trail!! I've never heard of it before,, but I hope you have a blast!!!
The same with you, Dove. You've been working so hard so you deserve to be pampered and spoiled loads darling /gen
They actually died down, I'm waiting for a surprise attack tbh 😒 but I'd never just leave!! I'd never do that >:( ur my beloved spouse and we have our writebabies, how could I ever leave??
-panna cotta
you are so true and based cot-cot it's just uhhhh<333
listen listen listen but virtual petting? when you tease casper while you are chatting on video, and you allow yourself a few steamy things here and there, but casper, although blushes brightly, listening to your teasing and chatter, refuses to leave, - considering that it would be a sign that you have defeated him, - and you just allow yourself something like "lift this shirt higher, pretty boy, don't be shy" - and he does it, very ruddy at the moment when his irritation becomes stronger than his shyness. you just fall silent before you look in shy shock at his beautiful, neat chest, considering the smooth, gentle, soft-looking skin, with hard protruding nipples, bright red and large, looking even very oh your gosh deliciously tempting especially when his chest rises and falls which makes you see the lines of his muscles and how casper is trembling slightly and you can't help but look down from his chest to his stomach, which also looks soft and even "huggable" - if not for the eye-catching fluffy well-groomed teasing path to-
casper is so red when he notices your gaze below, but he doesn't pull his sweater down sharply, as if teasing you for a couple of seconds before he hides from you just when you want to look down,,,, he's so ruddy, and you can see how slightly his nipples are still sticking out through the fabric of his sweatshirt, so thin and almost translucent, but casper just grins impudently, although he breathes no less heavily and superficially as you do, before asking if you enjoyed the view. and which one of you is "pretty" and "shy" now, huh?
what happened?
not so teasing anymore?
or, listen- but casper, who once calls you late at night via video link and you are a little nervous when you see his black screen, but he assures that everything is fine, although his unusually soft voice sounds a little strange, tired and, uh-huh, ashamed?, and he asks you not to ask him what happened, not to pry, but just say some random things, and it takes you about three minutes to understand from his stifled sighs and soft, almost inaudible snuffling, mixed with faint sounds, that he is touches himself listening to your voice, - but when you realize this, you almost give yourself away - but you manage to catch yourself at exactly that moment, feeling so stuffy, continuing to mutter something accidentally while you listen to every sound of his,,,, <333
you deserve being starved uh-uh /ht /hj /:P
it is<333 hwhwhw you make me want to poke my finger in your cheek and gently tease for being an introvert, but I will refrain /t I'm, thank you, dear<3 I recently passed my one of the two most difficult exams for "excellent", so I'm not going to lie, I think I deserve to have a lot of fun~
wow!!! title of the book plz don't be shy cot-cotta /ht /hj /oh oh oh, is someone going to painting & drawing again, uh-huh? will be watching you /t /affectionate
me too, hehe</3 honestly, the reviews are mixed, but it sounds too interesting ngl<3 I usually always stay at home, but sometimes you need to force yourself to leave the house not only to brag about how stunning you look /hj
you too!!! you work so hard with projects and work,,, you deserve to be pampered for how good, sweet and adorable you are<333
hmhmhm... as you say...🙄🙄🙄sus /t /j rrrright rrrrrright<3333 smart cotta, smart~<3 mwah mwah mwah❤︎❤︎❤︎
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Oooohhhh 26 double date, couples of your choice
Julie had to admit, one of the perks of being a rock star was the free stuff. Sure, a lot of brands sent her and the guys stuff hoping they'll promote them, or get caught wearing them, and sometimes Julies does-as long as Flynn thoroughly vets the company first. Swag from places that have values she doesn't agree with go to the trash or donated unopened.
It also made going places a little easier-well, in a way. Sure all she had to do was drop her name and she'd get a reservation right away, but it was always a guessing game if the restaurant would call the paps or help ushered them out the back.
But for this place? Julie was willing to take the chance.
The Silver Spoon was the hottest place in town, booked up for months, and the reviews were raves. And Julie wanted to go.
"Ooh, see if we can come too would ya?" Willie asks, somewhat jokingly. "We can double date!"
"Leave my aroace ass out of it!" Luke yelled. "That place requires sleeves and probably serves tiny portions at exorbitant prices. I'll enjoy a large pizza in peace!"
Reggie looked tempted at the thought of pizza, but smiled at Julie. "A chance to dress up fancy with my best girl and have a night on the town with two of my best buds? Count me in."
Flynn worked her magic, and somehow got them a fourtop in a week's time. "They will probably call the paps," she warned. "But like, the nicer ones, or even the entertainment rags. Might be good publicity."
"Thanks Flynnie," Julie replied with an air kiss. "Surprised that you didn't try to work in a table with you and Carrie."
"Eh, not really my scene, and Carrie is gone vegan this month, so she'd starve there."
Date night came and the four of them dressed smart, in nice suits, and Julie in a slinky gold coloured dress, her hair in a twisted updo, and flushed when Reggie gave a low whistle, spinning her around.
"Looking good darlin', as always."
Julie came and straightened his lapels, pressing a tender kiss to his mouth, then swiping away her lip stain. "You clean up pretty nice yourself."
"Yeah yeah, we all look hot, let's go," Alex grumbled, but he was smiling, so none of them were offended. Luke told them all to have fun, but he was still staying home with his pizza, his murder mystery movies, and his notebooks.
Julie was fairly certain he'd be happier that way, but she was excited to go out to eat.
Thankfully there was no cameras waiting outside the restaurant, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Even more so when the hostess treated them like regular people, professional, but not simpering.
The free bread was delicious, the water sparkling almost as much as the crystal it was served in, and Reggie looked almost afraid to touch anything. "It's like I'm gonna get charged for smudging the silverware," he whispered.
"It is really fancy," Willie admitted. "But super nice. So let's just eat and enjoy ourselves right?"
"Just start the the outside fork and work inwards," Alex said. The other three looked at him and he shrugged. "My parents made me take etiquette lessons."
"That tracks," Julie admitted.
They looked over the menu, which worryingly did not include prices, but they all found something that sounded appetizing. Willie went with a seafood salad, giggling with delight at the tiny octopi in it, even if he said the texture was a bit weird. Alex stuck with a simple ravioli dish, but admitted the truffles were buttery and delicious.
Julie opted for a dish of sole, in a spicy sauce and some glazed vegetables on the side, all of which almost melted in her mouth. She held a forkful up to Reggie who stifled a moan as he ate it, agreeing that she had made an excellent choice.
"How's your filet?" she asked.
"Deadly," he replied, cutting her off a slice and Julie was surprised by the smoky flavour and the softness of the meat.
"Oh wow, that is delicious," she said. "I see why everyone is raving about this place."
"Thanks for bringing us," Willie said, toasting his glass of rosé. "To good food and friends."
They all clicked glasses, devouring the rest of their food, chatting about their latest album, Willie's latest art piece, a few fellow celebrities they spied also eating there, and debating dessert.
"I'm stuffed," Alex said to Willie. "But if you get something, I'll share it."
"You mean eat half?" Willie joked. "Sounds good. I'm getting the tiramisu."
"There's a separate stomach for dessert, don't you know that Lexie?' Reggie joked. "I think I want the bread pudding."
"Can I have some if I get the cheesecake and share?" Julie asked.
"Of course darlin'," Reggie assured her. "My dessert is yours." He pressed a kiss to her knuckles. "As is my heart."
"You two are cornballs," Alex said.
"We're not much better," Willie admitted, pulling Alex in with a loud smooch to his cheek. "Right hot dog?"
Alex blushed and grumbled, but he looked so pleased and goofy that they all knew how he felt.
If dinner was good, the desserts were to die for, and Julie almost didn't want to share her cheesecake after the first bite, but grudgingly did, and was pleased by the sweet flavour of Reggie's pudding.
Finally it was time to settle the bill, and Julie was sure her eyes went wide at the price, even for just her and Reggie's portion, but they all admitted, the food was pretty darn good, but this wouldn't be a place they frequented, even with the amount of money they all had. Growing up valuing money had made them a bit more thrifty, despite their fame.
Alex and Willie went off in their own direction as they parted, saying something about a moonlight stroll, and Julie wished them a good night. She and Reggie headed back to the house, where Luke was waiting.
"Hey, good night?" he asked.
"The best," Reggie said. "Yours?"
"Not bad. There's pizza left if you want."
"Maybe for breakfast," Reggie replied, grinning as Julie lead him by his tie towards their room. "Night's not over yet."
"Gross." Luke stuck his tongue out at them and dutifully put on his noise cancelling headphones.
Reggie just laughed, and then scooped Julie up, giggling all the way to bed. They were a bit busy when Alex and Willie got in, but the next morning, over cold pizza and hot coffee, all agreed to many more double dates in the future.
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Day 142.10 Insult (Part 10)
Harry was running late. He’d only had to bump his lunch slightly later than usual and they always had plenty of coverage after ten, but just as he’d been getting ready to leave there had been a massive rush and Harry had found himself making drinks for ten minutes longer than he ought to have been.
He rushed out the door three minutes before noon and ran the whole way, glad that he’d worn his trainers that day. His chest was heaving by the time he skidded to a stop in front of Bernard’s desk and looked over to see Draco watching him.
“Sorry,” he gasped, bending over slightly to try to catch his breath. “Sorry, I’m late. We had,” he sucked in another breath, Godric he needed to start working out again, “we had a rush.”
“Potter, it’s 12:03.”
“I know, I’m sorry-”
“No, I mean that being three minutes late hardly constitutes being late,” he replied smoothly. “And you’ve clearly run the entire way here,” he added in amusement, “I can hardly fault you.”
Harry wiped his brow and Draco tilted his head in invitation, he waved to an amused looking Bernard and followed Draco inside. He had a desk with folders, papers, and all manner of organizational tools spread in neat piles across it and then in the corner a small table that a carry out bag was sitting on, waiting for them.
“This is from a little French restaurant down the road,” Draco told him. “They make a scrumptious rotisserie chicken with mashed potatoes and peas; it’s definitely too big for one, though,” he said glancing at Harry.
“I look forward to it, I’m starving,” he replied earnestly.
(Read more below the cut)
The other man gestured to a chair and Harry sat down. “I've got water or lemonade," Draco offered.
"Water would be great," Harry said, giving him a tentative smile.
Draco brought their drinks over and started dipping his food, "Help yourself," he added, nodding to the food in front of them.
Harry did, wondering if he should try to apologize again, wondering if he should just let it drop, wondering if Draco was regretting this already.
"Potter," Draco said, "You need to relax."
"Will you call me Harry?" he blurted because he couldn't help himself. "I know it's asking a lot and I know I don't-"
"Harry," he interrupted.
And Harry froze, his whole body stilling.
"Relax," Draco said, "Merlin. Relax," he said softly. "I'm not going to snap your head off."
"Sorry," Harry said, shaking his head and trying to get his bearings but just feeling like he was spinning out. "Sorry-"
Draco took Harry's hand in his, "You're alright," he said softly, slowly rubbing his thumb over the flesh between Harry's pointer and forefinger. "Everything is okay. Just take a slow breath with me, yes?"
He nodded and took a breath, then another, and another, until he felt like his world had righted itself. "Sorry," he whispered avoiding Draco's gaze.
Giving his hand a little squeeze before releasing it, he said, "Don't be." Then, "How's your day been so far?" he asked as he started cutting up his chicken.
Harry nodded, "Good," he said. "Really busy," he added, "and I had to make another couple of batches of the ginger snaps that I'd made before opening because they were so popular."
"They were rather delicious," Draco said with a little smile.
Something warm and please bloomed inside of Harry chest at the compliment. "How's your day?" Harry asked.
Draco groaned and shook his head, "Don't ask. I was half tempted to cancel because I'm so behind today but Bernard wouldn't help me find the number for your coffee shop so here we are."
"Oh," said Harry, frowning a bit.
"It's not you," Draco assured, "I just am going to be here late tonight."
"How late?" Harry asked.
He shrugged, "7:30 or so."
"And then you have to go home and make dinner," he said.
"If you can call a peanut butter and jelly sandwich 'making' dinner, then yes."
"No," he said, shaking his head, "No way. Stop by the coffee shop after," he insisted, "I'll make enough for two. I was thinking about making some salmon and rice?"
"I couldn't possibly impose," Draco said.
"It's no imposition," he replied quickly. "I'm glad to make dinner-"
"And bring it to the coffee shop for me?"
"Oh," he said, "No, I live upstairs. I was just thinking you might want to come up and have dinner."
"You live in your shop?" he asked incredulously.
He shrugged, "Makes the commute easier."
Draco's phone on his desk started ringing, interrupting their conversation and he groaned. "Let me just check the caller id," he said as he strode across the office to his desk and looked down at the phone. "I've got to take this."
Harry nodded and picked up his plate, "No problem. Stop by for dinner, yeah?"
"Are you sure?" Draco asked.
He nodded again, "Of course," he said. "I'd like nothing more."
"Okay," he said.
"Okay," Harry grinned.
Draco gave him a little smile as he picked up the phone and Harry left his office. Feeling hopeful and like he was walking on a cloud all the way back to the coffee shop as he planned their dinner and evening together.
Part 9 | Part 11
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lastluvbug · 4 years
Dude your little fool me once and twice series just stabbed me I'm the feels like, dude I am legit crying. XD WE NEED SOME FLUFF IN THIS PIECE SO ITS UP TO ME TO REQUEST SOMETHING! (if you are willing to do it you don't have to just saying.) So can you do a request where the MC (Yuu) has had a stressful day after dealing with some bullies that she has been trying not to tell anyone about but Kalim and Jamil end up finding out. What will they do?
Ahh!! Thank you thank you for the ask! Of course I’m willing to do it!
Warnings: Bullying
Desert Flower
Yuu was roughly torn from her ever enigmatic dreaming by a scratchy scream and a distinct flush of heat to her side.
Yelping through her disorientation, she pushed herself away from the source of the burning, rubbing her eyes to clear away the sleep induced fuzziness. “G-Grim! Hey, what’s wrong?!” She cried, hands hovering just above the cat-like creature who was writhing on the bed, blue flame encircling him.
“Grim! Wake up! You’re having a nightmare!” She took the monster into her arms, biting back a wince as her hands were scorched by the heat, fading after a second as Grim’s eyes snapped open.
“Yuu...! Yuu, he was going to eat me!” He sobbed, cuddling into her embrace.
“Who? What was happening in your dream?”
“It was Jamil’s shadow! He looked so hungry, like he was going to...”
Yuu wanted to laugh, but she smiled softly instead, smoothing out Grim’s fur and petting lightly over his ears, quelling his hysteria. “It wasn’t real. I thought you were a great hero! A hero’s not afraid of anything, right?” She tempted, playing with his small paws.
“Absolutely! I-I’m not afraid of some silly monster!” Grim agreed, taking Yuu’s bait. She was going to reply, when a loud rumbling promptly shut her down, making her laugh briskly. “...But I am scared of this appetite! I’m starving, let’s eat!” He cheered, throwing a curled paw up.
“Hmph, so brave...” She sighed, setting Grim down, “go on down. I’ll meet you there.”
Grim leapt off the bed, mumbling something Yuu couldn’t quite catch as he left, kicking the door shut behind him.
Giggling at her friend’s antics, the smile was quickly forgotten as her hands began to sting, sharp as first but easing as she relaxed the muscles. Peering down at the soft skin, she groaned at the cherry red sight, slightly swollen and puffy from the burns they suffered. “Guess I have to be even more careful than before... just until this heals up, that is.”
Yuu was cautious as she stood from the bed and fixed her uniform, brushing out her hair and changing her sleepwear. She hesitated briefly as she glanced herself over in the mirror above the forever unlit fireplace, cringing at her face.
It was apparent she hadn’t gotten enough sleep, as usual, even without Grim’s little interruption. Further still, perhaps unnoticeable by anyone besides her, a dark, defeated darkness twisted her lips in a frown, her bright eyes dimmed with an unnamed melancholy.
She knew the reason why. She knew the reason why she hesitated in every class, why she started eating less and less, why it was becoming difficult to look anyone in the eye.
Pushing the room door open silently, Yuu headed down the hall, flexing her hands slowly in front of her as she sucked in a sharp breath. “That sure looks painful, did the kitty do that to you?” Yuu screamed at the sudden intrusion, jumping back a few feet as she glared at the ghost.
“Do you absolutely need to do that?” She scolded, growling.
“What do you want me to do? Wear a bell and jingle everywhere I go?” The chubby ghost joked, laughing heartily at Yuu’s unimpressed expression. “My concern is real, y’know. I’m not sure you should leave today, especially if you’re going to be hounded by those bullies again.”
Yuu flinched, clenching her fist despite the screaming pain that followed. That one had been her accident.
Ever since arriving at NRC, Yuu was accutely aware of her misplacement, both because of her gender and because of her lack of magical abilities. As if the self doubt wasn’t enough, it wasn’t long before some of the students made the same realization, and used it against her in the worst ways. Tormenting her, they called her names, ridiculed her, broke her down inch by inch.
It wasn’t until she happened to stumble upon a certain pair of classmates that she found a way to cope. She couldn’t remember exactly how she met Kalim Al-Asim and Jamil Viper, but could vaguely recall bumping into the shorter during lunch, earning a snide remark from the vice and a carefree laugh from the head. From there, she found herself spending more and more time with the duo, eventually earning the trust and friendship from them, though it took a while to break down Jamil’s guard.
That was how she managed to hide her secret for so long. She’d met so many people, made so many friends, but none like Kalim and Jamil. She knew that they had a full plate as it was, but adding her problems to it? No way, she wanted to prove that she could handle herself, that she could stand up and face the problem head on.
So one night after a particularly cruel session of verbal abuse, she tucked Grim into bed, rushed to the rundown lounge, and cried. She was sure to be quiet, covering her mouth with her hands and suppressing her whimpers, but cried nonetheless, completely unaware of the ghosts that watched.
When they emerged from the shadows to comfort her, that was when Yuu spilled her troubles, pleading with them to keep it a secret.
“I’ll be fine! After all, I’ll just do what I always do; works like a charm!” Yuu waved him off, shrugging the memory away.
“...Yuu. It’s not healthy to hide these things. Maybe you should tell someone.” He suggested, brows creased.
“No! I can handle this on my own. Now, thank you for your time, but I should be getting to Grim and class. Bye!”
“Just be safe!” The ghost warned, fading back into the walls as Yuu hopped down the steps.
She didn’t respond as she caught Grim in the kitchen, shoveling tuna into his mouth as she laughed. The almost unbearable heat of hunger flooded her gut, but pressing a hand to her stomach and swallowing thickly, she pushed it away. Not now.
“Come on, Grim! I want to go meet Kalim and Jamil!” Yuu smiled, bending over as she placed her hands delicately on her knees.
“Fgna... go yourself, I’m busy.” Grim refused, licking out the rest of the can.
“U-Uh, alright! See you later!” Yuu stammered, feigning bliss as she headed out, crossing her arms defensively across her torso.
As she trudged down Main Street, she glanced around anxiously, heart skipping a beat as sweat beaded on her temples. It wasn’t often she was this nervous, only the times when she was utterly alone in the open. Her bullies never targetted her when she was with someone else, aware that she had a way of guarding herself with another person.
Yuu was climbing the steps to the school building when she noticed them; the four boys leaning against the doors. “Well, looky looky! Up bright and early for the day, birdie?” One of them crowed, making her cringe at the use of the distasteful nickname.
She could recognize them by the colors of their arm bands. Two were from Savanaclaw, one from Heartslabyul, and one from Pomefiore, each with their own way of ripping her self esteem to shreds. “Please leave me alone.” She clipped, keeping her gaze to the concrete.
“Bowing your head? Please, even Riddle could pull off a better act.” Heartslabyul sneered, kicking off the wall.
“No no, I think it suits her,” one of the Savanaclaw lackeys croned, “prey should know their place.”
“You’ll never be like us. You’re just a little girl, meant to serve and nothing more.” The other added.
“And with that face? She’d be lucky to find a man at all!” Pomefiore finished, drowning the staircase in wicked laughter. “Lose a few pounds and we’ll talk, sweetie!”
Yuu grabbed at the hem of her shirts, absorbing every comment, eyes unfocused and blurry. Bearing through the abuse yet again, she pushed through the boys now crowded around her, entering the building and shutting them out.
“It’s not true, it’s not true, it’s not true,” Yuu whispered to herself, covering her ears with her burnt hands as she followed the scent of breakfast to the cafeteria, pleasantly illuminated with the lantern light.
She hadn’t even taken a step inside when she heard the call, beckoning. “Yuu~! Over here!”
Yuu looked up, dropping her hands as she met the eternally smiling face of Kalim, arm above his head as he waved her over, Jamil pinching the bridge of his nose in embarrassment at the scene. Wiping her upset look off, she redrew a cheeky grin onto her glower, refilling her eyes with joy.
“Hey Kalim, Jamil! What’re you up to this morning?” She prompted, feeling a warmth build in her stomach.
“Eh, the usual. Breakfast.” Kalim responded, gesturing to his plate. “Jamil made it all, so it’s super healthy and delicious!”
“Ha, I’m sure it is!” Yuu nodded, revealing her pearly whites in a grin. It faltered as her gut grumbled, quietly enough to only be felt by her.
“Would you like some, Yuu? There’s plenty to go around.” Jamil offered, setting his silverware aside. “I’ll get a plate if you’d—“
“No thanks! I’m alright!” Yuu all too quickly deflected, digging her nails into her thighs.
“Hm? Are you certain? It wouldn’t be a bother.” Jamil pursued, Yuu feeling yet another hunger-caused groan arising in her torso.
“Yep—you know me! I’ll eat later, I’m not very hungry right now.” She lied.
“...If you insist.” Jamil conceded, resuming his meal.
The only thing ringing within Yuu’s ears was the hurtful smear on her body; she’d always believed she was beautiful, inside and out. It didn’t matter that she had her flaws, everyone did, she loved herself. Until someone took those flaws and paraded around like her feelings didn’t matter.
“So Yuu, what are you doing after school today?” Kalim asked, surfacing Yuu from her abyssal mind.
“Hm? Oh... nothing, I think. Why?” She played with her hands, and the feeling of aching soreness that occurred whenever she wiggled her fingers.
“Kalim and I have a freed schedule. I was curious as to know if you’d like to join us later, maybe for a board game or two?” Jamil smiled mischievously.
“Uh—yes! I’d love an excuse to see you two show off your rivalry!” Yuu joked, repressing her urge to eat.
“It’s settled then. We’ll come get you after class.”
“Yeah, and don’t be late! I’m so ready to kick Jamil’s ass in Mancala!”
“How many times must I defeat you in that game to drill it into your thick skull that I’m better than you?”
Kalim merely broke out into a fit of giggles, the joy rather infectious as Yuu joined in, even earning a small grin from Jamil at the absurd banter.
It was a blink before the bell rung, and as she parted from the oppositional duo, Yuu strongly regretted turning down the meal. Her stomach was knotted, groaning as it ate away at itself, sickeningly warm and unpleasant.
“Yuu! Wait for me! I’m not big enough to walk that fast!” Grim ushered behind her, panting as he ran on his short legs to catch up.
“Ah, Grim! Did you enjoy the rest of your food?”
“Obviously! There’s something just so enticing about fish, don’t you think?”
Yuu gave an awkward smile. “Uh, sure...” She lifted him into her arms, carrying him gingerly as to not disturb her burns, which were still hidden away from her animal-esque companion.
Taking a seat in her normal spot, Yuu felt the unmistakable sense of eyes trained on her, and spun around, looking for the source. When she found it, she recoiled, tilting her head downwards as if to hide her presence behind the curtain of hair that fell around her daintily beautiful face.
Two of her harassers sat a little ways behind her, glaring as they snickered, attentive to Yuu’s semi-vulnerable position. Still, with that fire breathing raccoon, they couldn’t do anything to her directly.
Yuu could barely focus on the class, with the combined forces of physical pain and mental distress working to keep her very preoccupied. Even reminders from Mr. Trein didn’t snap her from her internal stupor, though she knew her bullies were cruelly ridiculing her every time she received a clip from the teacher.
The worst part was, there was no escaping it. In every period, it seemed like the problem was chasing her. She couldn’t avoid those judgemental glowers, or the hushed lampooning that always managed to hit so close to home.
Like most other days, Yuu skipped lunch, her stomach now having gone quiet thanks to the use of her continued starvation. She sat with Grim, joking lightly as she watched him eat, wishing she could do the same without the guilty thought of ruining her body.
And, through hour after hour, the school day ended with a piercing ring, all students being dismissed with an armful of homework and an array of deadlines, Yuu included. “I’m beat! I just want to go home!” Grim cried, stretching. He started to walk away, but stopped when Yuu didn’t follow. “Coming?”
“Uh, n-not today! Kalim and Jamil are going to walk me over to their dorm.” Yuu explained, leaning against the doorframe. “You could come with us, if you wanted.”
“And sit around, watching you do God-knows-what? No thanks. I’m heading back to the safety of my kitchen.” He refused, uninterested.
“Oh wait! Then... could you take these with you?” She held out her homework, significantly less than the average student thanks to her lack of magical prowess, but still enough to take up a good chunk of her free time.
“Eh? Why can’t you do it yourself?”
“Because I want to be here when Kalim and Jamil show up! And besides, the Great Grim can handle such a little job, right?”
“Man, I hate when you use that as you excuse...” Grim sighed, taking the papers, “but of course I can! Now I’ll be off. See ya later, Yuu!” He hopped off, leaving Yuu in the dead silence.
The feeling from earlier that day returned, hands becoming clammy, heart rate accelerating, and limbs becoming stiff as Yuu stood. She despised being alone, especially because she knew the situation she was in, but her stubbornness turned away any thought of asking for help. She couldn’t do that, and let her friends believe she was too weak to face her own problems!
She wasn’t sure how long she’d been standing outside that classroom, but as soon as those brawny figures emerged from thr shadows, she wished for nothing more than to dart into it. Fear kept her paralyzed, even as they trapped her in a circle, back preser to the wall. “All alone? Do you never learn from your mistakes? How dense can you be?”
“Please, stop. Haven’t you done enough?!” Yuu fought, never once making eye contact.
“Done enough? You’re lucky we’ve been this kind to you!” One of them laughed, earning grunts from the rest.
“Kind? You think calling me names and criticizing me is kind?” She didn’t know where this confidence came from, but she felt her adrenaline spike because of it.
She was finally going to stand up for herself.
“Ahh! I hope Yuu’s okay! I sure got an earful from Mr. Crewel...” Kalim worried, rubbing the back of his head.
“Only because your such a dunce,” Jamil rolled his eyes, “I’m sure she’s fine. She’s been a little... off as of late, but we’ll sort that out when we’re back at the dorms.”
“I know, I know... ugh, I’m going to go on ahead! I need to apologize!” Kalim decided, jogging to meet up with Yuu.
He’d screwed up a potion in class, earning a huge mess to clean and a lecture from Mr. Crewel as a reward, Jamil staying behind to help despite Kalim’s protests against it.
Rounding the corner, Kalim froze midstep, darting behind the wall once again to listen in on the event he stumbled upon.
Yuu stood with her back to the wall, face hidden in her hands as a group of four surrounded her, laughing. “No more spunk? I thought you wanted to fight back, birdie!”
Yuu didn’t respond as she sobbed, a pitiful sound that cracked the dorm leader’s heart into pieces.
Kalim quickly assessed the situation, identifying the four boys. He was more than aware of the fact that if he charged straight in, a fight would occur, and he was outmatched. The best thing he could do was get help.
Spinning on his heel with guilt encumbering his steps, he silently darted away, racing back to Jamil. “J-Jamil! Yuu needs help!” Kalim panted, pointing to down the hall.
The usually stoic vice flinched, eyes widening as he stumbled back a step. “What do you mean?” He asked hurriedly.
“Yuu, she’s—just get down there and keep them busy! I’m going to get Headmaster Crowley!��
“Got it! Be quick!” Jamil nodded, rushing down the corridor, silently forming a plan. He didn’t know who “they” were, or how many he was facing, but he knew he had a not so secret weapon he could use if worse comes to worse.
Darting out from the end of the hall, Jamil was almost half convinced that he was going to see nothing, but was proven sorely wrong when he realized the position Yuu was in.
“Just leave me alone!” She screamed, trying to swat away the enclosing boys around her.
“Oh, the gusto! Think you can hit back now?” A Savanaclaw flunkey grabbed Yuu’s hand roughly, making her cry out.
Like a lightning bolt, Jamil lurched forward, moving with an unmatched agility as he grabbed the unsuspecting student’s shirt, yanking him away as he protectively held Yuu, her face buried in his chest as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” He growled lowly, eyes clouded with a dark rage.
Yuu wasn’t sure where it went wrong.
One minute she had the confidence to face her foes, the next, tears were streaming down her rosy cheeks as she hid behind her hands.
Just after the bully roughly seized her hand, her burns sending stabbing agony down her arms, she was suddenly pressed close to someone’s chest, their grip tight enough to show their anger.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” She recognized that voice, and the animosity it was thick with.
“So the birdie really did get help! Took long enough.”
“You’ll do well to refrain from speaking like that,” Jamil warned, a hand snaking into Yuu’s hair, “lest you wish for your own defeat.”
“Big talk. What’s someone so scrawny like you going to do anyways? Hiss at me, Viper?”
“Yuu, get behind me and cover your eyes,” Jamil whispered, releasing his grip on her. She did as she was told, though trembling slightly.
“You four worms will fall to your knees and bow to me, your master. Snake Whisper.” Yuu listened to the sultry tone of Jamil’s voice, cognizant of the sheer power his unique magic carried.
The sound of grunts and bodies hitting the floor echoed in the tall corridors, and Jamil turned around, practically crushing Yuu in a warm embrace. “Are you alright? Did they hurt you?”
“J-Jamil... I—“ Yuu silenced herself with a hiccup, wrapping her arms around Jamil’s bigger frame, who responded by running a hand through her hair gently, shushing her cries.
“Yuu, Jamil!” She looked over Jamil’s shoulder, seeing Kalim rushing towards her, Crowley following close behind. “Hey, are you okay?!” He demanded, placing a hand on her shoulder as she broke away from Jamil.
“N-Not really...” She was finally truthful, wiping away a new wave of tears.
“Excuse me. What happened here?” Crowley snapped, arms crossed as he glared through his mask.
“I believe I may know. Kalim, please take Yuu back to Scarabia, I’ll meet you there when I’m finished taking care of this.” Yuu cringed at the end, imgination running wild at the implications.
“Roger that. See you.” Kalim too seriously answered. He extended his hand to Yuu, who hesitantly shook her hear. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Kalim asked, red eyes brimmed with unnatural worry as they walked farther and farther from the four boys.
“My hands...” Yuu trailed off, revealing her burns for the first time that day. Kalim stopped, taking her wrists as opposed to her hands to avoid agitating the sensitive area. His skin felt smooth and cool, somewhat calming her heartbeat.
“Did they do this to you?”
“No, I did. It was an accident this morning.” Yuu explained quietly, keeping her head low.
“Hey,” Kalim said softly. He let go of her wrists, hooking a finger under her chin to tilt her head up. “You’re safe now. Come on, let’s get those burns healed.”
Snuggling into the plush pillows at her back, Yuu sipped from her tea in the Scarabia lounge, lit by a few unscented candles, courtesy of Kalim.
It was a sweet, minty flavor that warmed her core, tears dried for the time being as she drank, wincing every so often at the enhanced sting in her palms.
“Can I see your hands, Yuu?” Kalim asked, sitting on his knees before her, a small container of something placed gingerly on the floor.
“Sure,” she nodded, setting her cup down as she exposed them to him. She sucked in a breath, they looked so much worse than that morning. Candy red and splotchy, it was inevitable that they’d crack and blister eventually.
Twisting open the cap, Yuu eyed the cloudy cream within, watching intently as Kalim dipped his fingers in, scooping out a little and smearing it on her palms, to which she smiled as the pain was relieved to some of extent. “Aloe vera. Jamil would always put it on my skin whenever I got burned.” Kalim revealed, grinning as he capped the container.
Yuu hummed, flexing her hands as Kalim watched, silently debating. “Yuu... how long have they been hurting you?” He said at last, fisting the floor.
“T-They... since before I met you.”
Kalim gasped. “What? Why didn’t you talk to me—or Jamil?! We would’ve helped you! We could’ve—“
“I didn’t want to seem weak!” Yuu shouted, silencing Kalim. “I wanted to show you I could handle myself... that I can be strong, like you guys! That I... that I...” She sniffled, using the back of her hands to block the tears that now threatened to fall.
“Oh, Yuu...” Kalim softened, scooting so close that their knees touched. He pried her arms away all too easily, threading his larger hands in the softness of her hair as his palms laid over her cheeks, wet with water. “I promise, I promise, I’d never see you like that. Never. It doesn’t matter if it’s daytime, noon, or night, always rely on me. I’m here, Jamil is here, and we care about you so, so much.”
At that, Yuu openly cried, grabbing onto his sleeves despite the fresh cream painted over her flesh. Kalim pressed his forehead to hers, using his thumbs to wipe away the glistening beads, hushing her sobs tenderly.
Kalim’s ears perked up as he heard approaching footsteps, looking over his shoulders to see Jamil, knuckles reddened as his glare morphed into a look of pity. Extending an arm, Kalim invited him over silently, to which he accepted.
Yuu’s eyes opened as she sensed someone kneel beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders like before. “They told me everything. I gave them what they deserved, and rest assured, each of thise imbeciles will be facing due punishment.” Jamil said, bruised knuckles a testimony.
“What if... What if they were right?” Yuu asked, voice cracking terribly.
“What?” The two asked in unison.
“All those things they called me... what if they were right? I really am just an incompetent waste, I should just go back to where I came from!” She wailed, Kalim and Jamil sharing beyond surprised gapes.
Kalim hesitated, opening and closing his mouth, unable to form coherent words. So Jamil did it for him. “Yuu, Yuu no. No, I can’t explain how wrong you are. Do you know how much you are loved in this school?” He asked, barely whispering.
“I... am?”
“Yes, of course you are! I’d miss you so much, everyone would!” Kalim admitted, looking to Jamil.
“But why? What do you see in... me?” Yuu continued doubtfully.
“Hm, well how about this for starters,” Jamil looked to Kalim, both of them sharing the same idea, “maybe because you’re funny, and can make me smile even when I’m frustrated.”
“Or because you’re kind, and always willing to lend a hand to someone that needs help,” Kalim followed, sliding a hand into Yuu’s.
“You’re gorgeous, like the sun, radiant and breathtaking.” Jamil ran a hand through a stray lock of hair, tucking it behind her ear.
“And you’re happy, just a bundle of laughter and smiles! You go along with all my crazy ideas, and I have so much fun with you!” Kalim finished, booping Yuu’s nose and making her giggle.
“You’re perfect, Yuu. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says.” Jamil smiled so genuinely, eyes squeezing shut.
“You’re a perfect desert flower, impeccable and extraordinary.”
Yuu covered her mouth as a new kind of tear streamed down her face, ones that spoke her gratitude rather than her sorrow. She laughed, twinkly and unfiltered, throwing her arms around Jamil and Kalim, pulling them into a bone crushing hug.
She didn’t say anything, just locked them in her embrace as she laughed and laughed, mixing with the sounds of Kalim and Jamil’s.
Swathed in the mingling warmth of her two best friends, Yuu’s chest was feather light for the first time in a long while, every insult and wound forgotten thanks to the sincerity poured into the boys’ speech.
She believed things could get better. She had faith, and now had her friends to anchor that faith.
Yuu beamed, as beautiful as a desert flower.
Oh boy, I may have gone a little overboard with this.
This was a wonderful prompt, I had so much fun with it! Thanks to @sanata101 for my first request! I hope you enjoyed!!
Stay lovely!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years
Fever Dream
November was a cold month in Northern California, and one of Stiles' favorites. The Halloween sugar rush was wearing off and the holidays weren't yet in full swing, but the Christmas spirit was just starting to color the air. Pine cones and spices scented the air everywhere he went. And Mitch's cabin had a fireplace, perfect for curling up in front of to snuggle and listen to the rain. It was bliss.
"Breakfast is ready," Mitch called from the kitchen. Stiles joined him and was met with a mouthwatering stack of cinnamon blueberry pancakes.
"Yum." His favorite.
"Glad you approve." Mitch slid the last pancake onto a plate to cool off and turned off the burner. Beside the stove the crockpot was bubbling away, a truly obscene amount of meat cooking down to be made into stew for dinner. Mitch may still be a wild mountain man at heart, but Stiles did manage to break him of his tendency towards raw meat.
Stiles sidled up to Mitch and teased, "You're trying to fatten me up, aren't you?" Not that he wasn't fond of all the tasty, rich meals Mitch had been cooking this week, but even Stiles could see there was a change in his mate. He just couldn't quite figure out what it was, yet; he was probably nesting. Mitch just rolled his eyes.
"Well…." He pulled Stiles close, sliding his hands under his shirt to rest them on Stiles' narrow waist. He'd not yet fully recovered from his time in the woods, but he wasn't as starved and frail as he was when the park rangers found him. "You are kinda skinny, still."
"I'm lean, you beast!" Stiles laughed, batting at Mitch's chest. "And you know you still wanna take a bite out of this."
"Mhmm, always," Mitch agreed. Stiles swallowed thickly, his heart beating faster at the raw honesty in Mitch's voice, the desire in his dark eyes. Mitch smirked because he could hear every fluttering pulse. "Eat your breakfast."
Stiles slipped away to pour himself a glass of milk—and cool himself off before he jumped Mitch right at the dining table and those delicious pancakes go to waste, a guy had to have some standards—and didn't miss the way Mitch slyly added another pancake onto Stiles' plate.
Mitch always ran hot, but tonight his blood was molten. He barely heard half the things Stiles said to him, too caught up watching his lips move and imagining the things he wanted to do to his pretty mouth. At least try to be decent, Mitch told himself, fully aware that they weren't alone. He reluctantly tore his eyes away when Stiles said something to his father, going to get himself a glass of water and pushing open the kitchen window for fresh air. The small cabin was getting to be suffocating, stifling.
Stiles followed after a few minutes later when he didn't return, sliding up behind him and wrapping his arms around Mitch's waist.
"What are you thinking about?"
"You." Mitch turned in Stiles' arms and pulled the omega flush against his chest, ducking down to give him a burning kiss. A small taste of what he really wanted. "I love you," he sighed, nuzzling Stiles' check affectionately.
"I love you, too." Stiles tipped his head back with a soft moan when Mitch started mouthing at his neck, worrying a tender spot with his teeth. Stiles tangled his hands in Mitch's wild hair. "Whats gotten into you tonight?"
Mitch didn't now. He just wanted Stiles. "You should ask your dad to leave. Right now."
"Y-yeah-ahhh." Stiles bit his lip, thinking that oh god, Mitch was actually going to have him right here, right now, on the damn kitchen table if Stiles let him. The thought was more tempting that it had any right to be, especially with Mitch kissing at his neck like that… "Okay! Okay, that's enough, snap out of it."
Mitch growled a little when Stiles pushed him away—when had Mitch gotten him pinned against the counter?—stopping Mitch from unbuttoning his shirt any further. Stiles hastily redid the buttons, not caring of they were done up correctly or not. One of them needed to be levelheaded here. Or at least pretend to.
"I'm… going to be right back." Stiles hesitated, taking a second to just look at Mitch. He was more beast than man, reminding Stiles of that feral creature that fucked him through his heat in a filthy cave all those months ago, rutting with him amongst the furs and leaves. Seeing the wolf so close to the surface again did things to him. The way Mitch watched him made him feel like prey, made Stiles hesitant to turn his back on him. "Uh, don't go anywhere." It pained him to leave, but the sooner he could get rid of his dad, the sooner mitch could ravish him anywhere and anyway he pleased.
John was not impressed when Stiles skated into the living room on socked feet, his shirt buttons askew and a red mark already blooming on his neck."
"I am so sorry, but you need to go, dad," Stiles rushed, his eyes bright and cheeks flushed. "We've, uh, got a thing. An urgent thing. Really needs to be taken care of like right now."
"Uh-huh." John gave Stiles a serious side eye, which Stiles returned with his own lethal puppy eyes.
"Please don't cockblock me," he said bluntly. "I'll come over tomorrow, we'll do lunch," Stiles had the feeling he would need to take the morning to recover once Mitch was done with him, "I promise. But you have to leave now, or you're gonna see some things that neither of is want you to see."
"Okay, fine, I'm going. Jesus."
"Thanks dad, by, love you!" Stiles ushered his father out the door and didn't even wait for him to get to his far before rushing back to the kitchen. Mitch had his hands clenched tight around the edge of the counter like it was the only thing holding him back.
Now that Stiles was back that restraint was unnecessary, and Mitch didn't waste any time before he was on Stiles, picking him up by his thighs and laying him out on the table.
"Oh my god, we're actually doing this," Stiles gasped. Fuck, he's always wanted to try this. He could never have his dad over for a meal ever again; he would never be able to think of anything but this.
Stiles was getting distracted and Mitch could tell. Soon enough he made sure Stiles wouldn't be able to think at all.
Stiles woke up in the early morning achy and sore, on a pile of soft blankets in front of the fireplace. The fire was out but Mitch was curled up behind him, keeping him warm. Stiles grinned remembering last night; Mitch could go for hours at the best of time, but it had never been quite like that in the months they've been together.
His stomach growled plaintively, reminding him why he'd woken up in the first place. Stiles carefully untangled himself from his lover and picked up a blanket to wrap around himself in lieu of clothes, padding quietly into the kitchen. The stew was still simmering on the counter, no one remembering to turn off the crockpot last night; Mitch did a good job making sure Stiles couldn't have a single coherent thought. He didn't bother with a bowl, just grabbing a spoon and taking off the lid to eat it straight out of the pot.
Soon Mitch joined him, missing Stiles' weight in his arms. He didn't have the decency to cover himself first.
"Hey," he said, his voice a low rumble against the back of Stiles' neck. It made him shiver.
"Hey yourself. How are you feeling?"
"Really good." Mitch lent down to nibble Stiles' shoulder, tugging on the blanket until it pooled at their feet. Without that barrier, Stiles could feel that Mitch was hard against his ass, and he huffed a soft laugh. If he didn't know better he would think Mitch was in rut to already want him again, but that was months away.
Stiles instead chalked it up to his own wily charms when Mitch coached him away from the counter and bent him over the table. It was sinfully easy for Mitch to slide inside him again, Stiles still wet and open from last night. He pillowed his head in his arms and curled his toes in pleasure as Mitch languidly thrust into him.
(Stiles does end up calling Talia, and finds out that werewolves go into rut later in the year.)
The rut wasn't a haze of mindless fucking. Mitch was still cognizant, in control. He just wanted, with a fierceness he'd never felt before, his desire demanding all of his attention. It was decadent.
Stiles was sleeping beside him, exhausted after days of thorough love making. Mitch was content to let him sleep, knew his mate dearly needed the rest. He entertained himself just petting his lover, sliding his hand under the blankets and running his fingers over Stiles' smooth skin.
Mitch shifted over until he was spooned up behind Stiles, nuzzling the soft tufts of his short hair. Stiles smelled like sex and sweat and them. He couldn't get enough of the intoxicating scent.
When Stiles started to stir awake Mitch smiled a bit, kissing that sensitive crook below Stiles' ear that always made him sigh in pleasure. This time was no different.
Stiles bared his neck for more, and mumbled, "Hey," his voice muffled by the pillow. Mitch hummed his response. "What time is it?"
"Early. You can go back to sleep if you want."
"Kinda hard to do with you doing that?"
"Doing what?" Mitch asked with faux innocence. Like his hand wasn't creeping up between Stiles' thighs. Mitch pulled his hand away and Stiles made a sound of displeasure, but Mitch was only adjusting to push Stiles' thighs open so he could nestle his cock inside. Stiles' eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks and he sighed a soft moan. Behind him Mitch growled quietly, a low rumble in his chest as he pulled Stiles' ass flush to his hips.
Every thrust was a slow, filthy grind that lulled Stiles until he was half-asleep. Mitch loosely curled his fingers around Stiles' cock, stroking him to a languid orgasm.
"That's it," he praised when Stiles spilled over his hand. He hummed in satisfaction, his knot swelling to lock them together, Stiles making soft little thrusts against him. "Get some sleep, darling."
"M'kay," Stiles incoherently mumbled. Mitch carelessly wiped his hand off on the sheet—they were going to need to do so many loads of laundry once this was over—and pulled the blankets over them both. He wrapped his arm around Stiles, blanketing him in a cocoon of warmth.
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