#would be nice if there was guidance on the main @staff blog about this. but i reckon theyre trying to fix it quietly first
cheekedupwhiteboy · 1 year
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I asked @zingring (tumblr's chief operating officer) about the recent wave of biased community labeling. She says at least for now to send relevant posts directly to her for priority handling!
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addierose444 · 4 years
Advising at Smith
While I won’t go into the specifics in this blog post, I am definitely a planner. Given that, I initially saw the role of an academic advisor as simply to approve plans I had already set out for myself. Furthermore, I was initially concerned that I would be advised against some of my most ambitious plans. I have instead been surprised to find my academic advisors to be very supportive as well as valuable sources of information and guidance. 
Over the summer, incoming students are paired with a liberal arts advisor (LAA). As an intended engineering major, I was paired with an engineering professor. Outside of engineering, students’ LAAs are not necessarily within their indicated field of interest. It’s also worth noting that STRIDE students are paired with the professor with whom they are conducting research. This latter case trumps the above note about potential engineering majors. 
According to Smith’s information about advising, the role of advisors is to aid students with course registration and generally guide students through Smith’s systems. Students are expected to meet with their advisor at least once a semester to discuss course plans for the upcoming semester. Furthermore, during orientation first-year students have multiple opportunities to talk with faculty representatives from any and all of Smith’s academic departments. Outside of faculty, each house has Student Academic Advisors (SAAs) who help first-years with registration. To read more about first-year registration, click here.
A key aspect of declaring a major is selecting a major advisor. Students who are pursuing a minor also get an additional advisor. In terms of choosing an advisor, there are a few things to consider. First of all, students tend to choose advisors with whom they have already taken a course. That said, this is by no means a requirement. It is also useful to find professors with academic specializations of interest. For some departments (engineering and computer science), while students rank their top choice advisors, an administrative assistant ultimately makes the pairing. This is not something to be worried about since everyone I know in engineering got their first choice advisor and all faculty members know their department. In choosing an engineering advisor, I decided to keep my LAA as my major advisor. This choice made a lot of sense given that I had already built a positive relationship with my LAA both as an advisee and student in EGR 100. Furthermore, as an aspiring computer engineer, my advisor’s specialization in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) seemed appropriate. In terms of the other professors that I ranked highly, I looked for professors specializing in electrical engineering. My reference material included the departmental advising form itself as well as the engineering staff page. For other majors, you can check out the main staff directory. 
A few weeks back during my advising meeting I expressed my interest in double majoring. I was initially afraid to mention this plan because I was worried that I would be told I was crazy. Instead, my advisor jumped into action by first familiarizing herself with the computer science major requirements. My advisor also pointed out a few electives (from both departments) that would nicely align with my interest in computer engineering. I also inquired about what programming languages would be advantageous to learn given my interest in computer engineering. While I had Googled the question before, getting advice from an actual engineer was a lot more helpful. After our Zoom meeting, we continued to correspond about my course plan for Fall 2020 and my plan to double major. While my advisor didn’t know the exact rules for double-counting credits, she had written to the registrar to get me the official information. Redirecting students to the right people to talk to (or in this case, actually seeking out the information) is a part of how advisors are useful outside of their actual advice. 
In our continued email correspondences, my engineering major advisor recommended that I go ahead and declare my computer science major so that I would have a contact person in the computer science department. I did just that, which you can read about here. Since I already had a great engineering advisor and wasn’t worried about getting a “bad” computer science advisor, I didn’t put in as much thought into the selection process. As a prospective student, I had sat in on a CSC 111 class. I ultimately decided to rank the professor of that class as my top choice advisor. Having a computer science advisor has already proved to be quite helpful. Specifically, I have learned that a prerequisite for a core computer science course can actually be taken concurrently. This is not the ideal scenario, but it resolves some issues I was having in planning my double major. It was worth it to have communicated early about my desire to double major, because my plan is now more realistic since I now have two advisors on my side. Overall, I have been surprised at how helpful and supportive my academic advisors have been. 
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You are an incredible writer! I absolutely love the way you write the Dadmight and Izuku dynamic, it’s amaaazing! Do you have any headcanons regarding them (and Inko??) you could elaborate on?
Oh hell yeah!
- Izuku doesn’t go on as many of the hero forums anymore.  After the sports festival, there was a sizable debate as to whether he was a viable hero canidate or not; he’s got a cool, powerful ability, but it breaks him.  A lot of people in the latter camp weren’t nice about it.  Views have softened on him since then.
- Izuku will look at anything All Might recommends, no question.  They have similar tastes, so the like to discuss the books and movies they watch afterward.  Every once in a while, All Might will prank him with a bad movie just to see how long his successor will struggle to pretend to like it until he cracks.
- Has trouble accepting compliments.  After over a decade of kind words coming from sarcasm and pity, it’s hard.  But slowly, he’s getting better.
- Is the kind of person who when passing an animal in the car will say it out loud.  “Horses.” “Look at all the birds.”  “There was a dog in that car.”
- Anxious worker.  Any time he isn’t spending on training or class work is a problem.  Ever since his overtraining episode before recieving One for All, All Might mandated Izuku schedule in some personal time to just relax.  Sometimes, they spend it together.
- He was introduced to heroes via his dad.  Hisashi was a huge fan of All Might himself, so when the news ran a special for the anniversary of All Might’s debut, he watched the whole thing with two-year-old Izuku on his lap.
- He has notifications is his phone set for a week before each of his friends’ birthdays so he remembers to buy a gift.  Not that he needs them.
- Texts his mom good morning and goodnight everyday.  FaceTimes at least once a week.
- Sometimes, he can’t help but wonder how his life would have gone if he remained quirkless.  Would things have been better at another high school?  Which of his current friends would treat him different?  How?  Even his reconciliation with his mom about her lack of support didn’t come until after he got his quirk.  Those days, he sticks close to All Might, the one person he knows for sure wouldn’t think any different of him.
- Huge speculative fiction nerd.  Sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, the whole trifecta.  Has ranted to her family more than once about how frustrating it is that the first two tend to be haphazardly thrown together without much organization in book stores.  Penned a few short stories herself back in the day, but never had the nerve to try and publish them.
- Met Hisashi in a French course in college.  Both of them were only there for the credit and bonded over how much it sucked.
- Since both she and Hisashi were only children, they romanticized the idea of having a big family when they first got married.  They were discussing having another baby around when Izuku was declared quirkless.  Not wanted to make her son feel like he was being replaced, she shut the talk down.  They brought it back up occasionally, but never got very far.
- Though the quirkless make up about 20% of the total population, Izuku’s generation was less than 5%.  Most of the resources Inko found while researching how best to support him were mommy blogs with martyr complexes whining about how hard it was for them to raise “disabled” children.  She avoided everything they said like the plague.
- Still carries a lot of guilt for not being supportive of Izuku in his time of need.  Her showering him in hero merch despite not having a lot of money was a subconscious effort to fill the hole she dug between them.  After Izuku got into U.A., they had a long talk about it.  Another before he went off to the dorms.
- A friend of hers had been hounding Inko to join her catering business, and she agreed after Izuku moved out.  She’s now the lead baker.
- Her occasional discussions with All Might regarding himself lead her to do research on various types of diet restrictions, as well as experimenting to improve the limited dish options.  She and her coworkers regularly cater events that host people with such restrictions.
- Waffles back and forth between being in aw of all the incredible things her son has accomplished in such a short time, and dragging him back home where she knows he’ll be safe.  But that’s parenthood.
- Also a huge nerd, but for Sci-fi specifically.  His grandfather was a professor of American Speculative Fiction at a Japanese university, so he inherited a whole library of books when the man passed away.  Got even more while studying abroad.  He grew up reading them, and revisits often in his retirement.  Also regularly exchanges recommendations with Inko.
- Loves pre-quirk superheroes and comic books.  Superman, Shazam, and Blue Beetle were some of his favorites.  He got into the heroes of fiction before setting his sights on his own world.  A reoccurring theme he latched onto was the idea that regular people had just as much power to change the world as those with superhuman abilities.  
- Wanted to be a comic artist briefly.  He even practiced drawing.  But people really weren’t into fictional heroes anymore and the industry around real heroes at the time wasn’t at the point where people were making and selling comics for them yet.  He still has most of his old drawings, and is trying to pick the hobby back up.  Totally draws his students and coworkers.
- Before the Symbol of Peace was a thing, powerful villains regularly pulled large scale schemes reminiscent of old comics, such as holding entire towns hostage.  This happened more than once to young Toshi’s hometown, and once he started training with Nana he rode them out with her and Gran Torino.  They’d hole-up in Nana’s house with food, movies, and whatever gear they needed to hold off whatever quirk was threatening them for a couple days when the two adults weren’t trying to solve the problem.  As stressful as those times were in the moment, Toshi looks back on them fondly.
- Was initially very self conscious about Izuku’s fanboy worship.  The last thing he wanted to do was pressure the kid into doing something he wasn’t comfortable with.  He assured Izuku that he would think no less of him if the boy needed to cut back or didn’t want a certain subject brought up.  They’ve gotten more comfortable with one another’s boundaries over time, and now Toshinori only wields his influence to trick him into watching bad movies.
- When he was first looking in to being a teacher, before he even met Izuku, he asked around for guidance.  The best pice of advice he got: “be the person you needed when you were their age.”
- He looks at every piece of fan mail he receives.  His agency has a small department dedicated to scanning every letter and fanart into a program Toshinori can access from his phone or computer.  Fanart is displayed all around his agency for a time, then replaced with a new batch and put into storage.  Toshinori went back and found several pieces sent in by Class 1-A when they were young.  He keeps them all in a booklet at home.  Izuku sent several, and on the rare occasions he visits, Toshinori puts one of his on the fridge.
- There is a sizable area of his main agency open to the public.  There’s a museum dedicated to Nana and other heroes that influence his growth.  A small audotorium plays documentaries throughout the day, and sometimes hosts events related to hero issues.  In a small corner, there’s an unassuming desks where people in some sort of crisis, be it running from a bad home life or a villain who wants to change their ways but doesn’t know where to go, can find the help they need.
- After he took on Izuku as a student, he launched an internal investigation into his own agency and affiliated organisations to find anti-quirkless sentiment.  He’s in the process of putting together a transition plan for replacing a fourth of his staff.
- Used to be a huge foodie back before his injury.  Now lives vicariously by treating his friends and family (the Midoriyas) out to nice dinners at obscure places.
- He genuinely believes that, given the option, Nana would have picked Izuku over him.  And he’s more than okay with that.
Thank you so much for giving me an excuse to ramble.  If you want to see some of these headcanons in action, I have a fanfiction you can read:
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chrysaliseuro2019 · 5 years
Lapping it All Up
It's Sunday morning and time to part company with Sue and Peter. It was a fun 5 days. We are heading to Helsinki and they will drive the car back to Riga where it all commenced. They are stopping the night at Parnau. Rainy day again as we said our farewells and they dropped us at the ferry terminal. Saw an amusing sign at the terminal which pointed to the very short term car park (15 mins). It said " Kiss and Sail" which was very apt. We had laughed our way through Latvia and Estonia with them and had covered a bit of ground in those 5 days. Despite it bucketing down Liz did a quick sortie after they left to take a photo of the sign. This led to one of those amusing moments. Something you very rarely see Liz do - "run". If I said a sort of Donald Duck style of running I might be close to the mark. Possibly even being flattering. There is a lot of action, arms flapping, feet akimbo, head rolling from side to side and forward momentum is not speedy. The ferry ride from Tallin to Helsinki takes about 2.5 hours. We had basic tickets so it was first in best dressed for seats. A number of bars and cafes on board and as soon as boarding started the regulars made for prime positions. We had to stow our luggage and were given a bit of a bum steer, in terms of where to store them, by one of the staff so a lot of seats had gone by the time we were free to look. Anyway we snagged a couple of uninspiring but fine seats in a a cafe and settled back for an uneventful trip. Despite the rain it was petty calm and we had a snack, read and blogged. Interestingly they had a couple of stages with musos performing. I might expect that on a cruise ship in the Bahamas but not somehow on a couple of hours ferry in the Baltics. One stage was on the upper deck where quite a raucous bar was in full swing. The wind and rain were coming down on the uncovered end though plenty of cover. Singer was flat as a tack and slaughtered Ed Sheerin's " A Girl Like You" (a bit of a holiday anthem as you hear it a lot in beach bars etc over here). The audience didn't care. They were all getting tanked. Another singer was close to us in a neighbouring area and he was playing the guitar and performing solo with some electronic instrumental help. Not too bad, middle of the road - Eric Clapton, Jonny Cash etc but more importantly his voice I was better. I strolled around looking at the duty free shop where the Finns on board were fairly determinedly stocking up on booze which is much cheaper in Estonia than Finland. This included people with several slabs of beer. Liz noticed that many of those slabs were being consumed on board. It was certainly a lively ship. Trip was easy and we worked out we could get a tram into the city and quite close to our hotel from the ferry terminal. A bit of a scramble getting off but we were in no rush so took our time. Slight problem though, it was raining quite steadily. We headed for the tram stop which was close by but in a master stroke of planning the ticket machine was exposed to the elements and quite a queue. This included the guy who had no idea what to do, did not appear to have the right money (possibly any money), whose credit card would not work and who consequently held us all up in the hissing rain for 5/6 minutes - could have been longer. This on top of the 7/8 mins we had already been waiting. In the end the couple behind paid for him. Liz was now huddled under the tram shelter while I stood out there in the pak-a-mac. No point in two of us getting wet(ter). By the time I got to the front of the queue the wind had set in and rain was horizontal so jeans and shoes pretty soaked. Guys behind (equally wet) who seemed local provided some guidance on the payment process but even they stuffed it up a bit so another minute or two of soaking. Anyway at last I had two tickets in my hand but the various delays meant we just missed a tram by about a minute so had a 6/7 minute wait for the next one. Still, under some shelter, though I was drenched. We duly trundled off for the 10 minute ride and I couldn't wait to get out of my jeans and shoes. I made the mistake of sitting down which was even more uncomfortable so quickly sprang up. Anyway the Hotel Helka was only about a 10 minute walk from the tram stop. Liz did a good job of getting us off at the closest stop and guiding us home. At last, out of that gear and into the shower. All was well and Hey! We were in Finland. Time to explore and we headed off into town. Basically heading for the main square and market square. First impressions were that it was more modern than Riga or Tallinn and a little less atmospheric. Plenty of shopping malls, cafes etc. and even the older buildings which were often quite attractive, of the the six storey terrace variety, did not seem that old. Made our way to market square where there were a number of stalls selling local "products". Very soft hats, wood carvings, paintings, the usual fridge magnet memorabilia stuff but also fox, wolf and reindeer pelts and extremely sharp hunting type knives in scabbards - not sure exactly what the purpose of them was. The market was starting to close but quite a few stalls selling food were in full flight. Now around 4.00pm and we had only snacked post breakfast so were hungry. The offerings were often local delicacies and we couldn't resist sharing a plate of fried Vendace (very similar to sardines) with garlic sauce. Just on a paper plate, pretty decent serve (30 or so smallish fish) you eat the lot, heads and all, and we wandered around happily chomping on them. Very delicious and sauce not too garlicky at all but tasty and needed. It was sun over the yard arm time and we looked for a decent pub/ venue to have a drink. Plenty of craft beer here though we had heard horror stories about the price of alcohol. We couldn't quite find what we were looking for in terms of character but settled on a cafe/bar and sat outside. Rain had stopped but not exactly balmy. After that we continued to wander through the back streets though being Sunday a lot of places closed. Did find a good looking Pho joint which was a possibility if all else failed. Liz loves her Pho. We headed back for the hotel. The Helka is a little boutique hotel and quite quirky. They had a little Swiss style bird house (no birds) that you could deposit your keys in when you left. The coffee mugs in the room had an inscription inside the rim which read " Stolen from Hotel Helka" Staff very friendly and a range of nice touches. We determined that dinner would be in their relaxed little bar/cafe area downstairs. Some good craft beer on tap and bottled and rose OK too. I had the salmon on bread with salad. Big chunks of salmon served cold - excellent. Liz had the coconut and sweet potato soup which was also very good. A local porter and IPA for me (both good especially the porter) rose for Liz. All very laid back and sat very happily not feeling we had to traipse about town. Not too late a night headed up around 10.30 for the usual blogging, reading and planning next phase. Greece definitely on. Thessaloniki as a kick off point looking the goods. Also need to ensure we have a flight out of there to London about a week after arriving in Greece as flying home from London. All pretty tortuous evaluating alternatives but in the end have to bite the bullet and its Turkish airlines to Thessaloniki and BA from there to London though the poms charging usuriously. Liz doing sterling work with bookins Next morning at 11.00 we were going on a free tour of Helsinki. After a great breakfast at the Helka (we expected nothing else given its form to date) we headed for the meeting point a 20 minute fast walk away, back at market square. Our guide was a young and vivacious lady who had spent time in Canada hence a slight North American accent. Super smart and despite a crowd of around 35-40 with a microphone headpiece and a resonant voice she was easy to hear. We covered a lot of ground both literally and metaphorically. Some aspects were: Lutheran religion is the main one for Finns. Apparently a not unusual fall away in those following a structured religious approach in Finland though you have to attend a religious camp for a week when in your late teens if you want to be married in church. A lot of the design of the buildings in the older parts of Helsinki was under the auspices of the German architect Engels in the 19th century. He had spent time in St Petersburg and hence there are similarities between the cities (though not the flamboyant stuff). Education is subsidised in fact you are paid to attend for your first 5 years at Uni. Food is also subsidised for uni students and is free at kindergarten. Start school at 7 pre that it's kindergarten where formal lessons are minimal. At junior school the first 5 years are pretty hands on - sewing, woodwork etc. no homework in that period. Health care free for all though dental must be paid for unless impacts health more generally. We were starting to understand why prices were so high with all those taxes. The guide (Maria I think) quipped that they all live a good life but it's hard to get rich. They were ruled for hundreds of years by the Swedes and then from early 19th century by the Russians. They gained independence in 1917 and in that period also had a bloody civil war. Fought against the Soviet Union in 1939 and collaborated with the Germans to fight against the Soviet Union 1941-44. They did not persecute minorities however. Then they also had to fight against the Germans to remove them from Finland as the tide turned at the end of the war. They are proud to have maintained their independence throughout despite some land losses to the Soviet Union. In winter the harbour freezes over so all boats must be lifted out and stored in dry dock including some pretty large fishing boats. Ice breakers were also visible in the harbour. It was a wide ranging, interesting tour with plenty of fun thrown in. Amazing coincidence of a couple from Melbourne, Meredith and David, being on the tour more especially because Meredith taught the preps at Camberwell primary around the time our kids went there. She didn't teach them as it turned out. Liz and Meredith swopped school and other local stories ++. David was an interesting character. He had worked for the CSIRO and was a resin expert. He had for the last umpteen years supported businesses making wood paneling and other resin involved products around the world. This included a 5 year stint for the whole family living in Italy while he worked there. He had most recently been working in China and had come straight to Finland from there. Yet again there's a lot of different stuff makes the world go around. Nice guy to chat to. Pommie origins though born in Australia and we had a good time dissecting Brexit. He has the same problem as us may lose his European passport. We were interested in the big issues! We did that nattering over a coffee and tea that stretched for about an hour and a half post the free tour. After that Liz and I headed for the market square again and needed something to eat. Beside the square was a pretty attractive and ornate indoor market building. Really it was a tasteful food hall with a range of tidbits you could buy to eat immediately or take away including exotics like reindeer jerky. We plumped for a couple of open sandwiches which we consumed at a little eating area outside by the docks. One was cured salmon and the other was prawns in a sweet chilli sauce. We shared the first two but so tasty we went again. Me for the prawns and Liz for the salmon. Just very nice sitting there with this scrumptious food. Back to the market square and as opposed to yesterday evening all stalls were in full swing so we had a good look around at the knick knacks but did not purchase. Time to go our own ways. We both went looking through shops though Liz also found a strange square which looked like a lunar landscape. People were skateboarding and sitting around the square and it all seemed a bit unexpected in what seems like quite a conservative city. I stumbled across the City Museum. This was a very quirky place which essentially probed some alternative aspects of Helsinki and Finland. One of the highlights was an exhibition by 5 Finnish artists. It was titled "Objection". Essentially it was about disagreement and the role that it plays in our society (particularly Finnish society). Each artist illustrated a different story. One was about Hjalmar Linder the wealthiest man in Finland who fled to Sweden during the 1918 civil war. On his return he found that members of the losing side were still being persecuted (killed) so he wrote a letter to the newspaper saying "enough of this bloodbath" which broke ranks with his peer group. He was then hounded out of the county and eventually died penniless, slashing his own wrists. Another was about left wing activism in the 1930s and 40s. It was being suppressed and so a password " Have you seen a running dog" was used to identify sympathisers. Essentially how people find a way to "object" Yet another was about a book "the Price of Our Freedom" still found in many Finnish homes. It contained a photograph and short description of each of 26000+ people who were killed in the Winter War 1939-1940. The artist had taken the photographs of key people in the book and turned them into ghost like portraits using hundreds of layers of pictures - "the Price of Freedom". Separately there were also general narratives about what Helsinki was like in the past. Pretty rough and ready in the 1920s apparently. Also a photograph gallery with some fantastic photos of Helsinki in the past including one which captured the docks area including market square. I couldn't see a date but perhaps 100+ years ago. All these photos were available for purchase. I kept wandering post the museum. Just walking lost really. Took in a few shops and generally soaked up the city. Liz did much the same. No acquisitions. Liz grabbed a bit of shuteye and we met up again around 7.00 in the hotel bar/restaurant. We decided not to move. The restaurant which the guy in "Radio" restaurant in Tallin recommended was closed ,being Monday night, and the informal dinner they served at the Helka had been pretty good the night before. We both had the open sandwich salmon. Thick chunks of salmon. Liz not the greatest salmon fan (she prefers her fish to be white) but enjoyed it, and I certainly did including polishing a few remnants of salmon from her plate. Of course a couple of craft beers also supped. Liz took it easy as a bit tired and slightly heady. It was relaxing and we headed up around 10.00. I took a quick stroll to walk off dinner but boy had it got cold. I think you can probably keep the Finnish summer. Here we were 12th August and it might have been about 16 degrees out but with a healthy wind that felt around 12-14. I was wishing I had a scarf. This reaffirmed our decision to head back to some warmth in Greece.
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transamorousnetwork · 3 years
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How Bike Flats Can Lead To Great, Happy Results
I love telling positive stories. They feel so good. And they create experiences the prove telling positive stories works.
This morning proves that assertion in abundance. It looks like coincidence to the uninitiated eye. But to people who know stories create reality, what happened happened because that’s what happens when a person finds their grace and worthiness.
In other words, when a person tells positive stories, they also find they stand at the center of the Universe. From there, life’s an adventure.
I love sharing this story. I know it offers inspiration for others. That’s why I started this blog: to inspire others into a new reality. One where they get everything they want, including the relationship they want.
After all, that wonderful relationship can happen exactly like what happened in this story.
A wonderful day awaited
I woke up this morning super positive. Amazing dreams, an amazing “meditation” session, and an eagerness about the day fueled my rising. As usual when I wake these days, my higher knowing, my Broader Perspective, serves me a list of things it knows will inspire me.
That list included going grocery shopping. I planned a Safeway trip today, Friday, followed by a Trader Joe’s trip Saturday. But my my Broader Perspective said “do both today”.
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^^My calendar showing the two appointments for shopping, one Friday, one Saturday. The was prior to receiving my Inner Being guidance.
I follow such guidance more quickly and often these days. Because I know following such guidance always leads to extraordinary experiences. I write about these every week in my other blog, Positively Focused.
I don’t have a car. Instead I get around by foot or my bike. A bike ride in the cool morning air this morning sounded great. By the afternoon, Portlanders expected temperatures in the low hundreds, so I felt eager about getting these trips in early.
Safeway was easy and fun. I enjoyed a nice chat with Tammy, the checkout person who usually rings my groceries. While checking out my groceries, I shared my excitement over how much food I got for so little money, thanks to Safeway’s loyalty program. Tammy agreed laughing. I’m sure she though me crazy.
Then I rode home with my panniers full of wonderful food. When it was all either in the fridge or pantry, I realized, I forgot toilet paper I bought. Rather than disappointment about that, I felt excitement about another ride to Safeway. That’s how much I like riding my bike. 😊
Getting the toilet paper happened quick. After putting it away, I prepared for my TJ run. Little did I know, while I prepared, the day had ready awesome delights prepared.
Good and bad here, now
It was a lovely ride to TJs. Before leaving home, I sat a few moments. In those moments I told stories about how good I felt, how wonderful it is owning the bike I own, how awesome it is living where I live and how much fun the ride to TJs would be.
Then I took an alternative path just to amplify the fun. Nearly everyone I passed greeted me with a smile. Cars stopped on main streets so I could cross. A young woman walking her dog sported a lovely hat and I told her so. She smiled in return. Fellow bike riders greeted me as I passed.
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^^My beautiful transportation.
Everything went in a way indicating I had aligned with all that is good. My Broader Perspective and the Universe showed me all the way to TJs evidence of my really strong positive perspective creating experiences I enjoy.
As Trader Joe’s approached, I saw a homeless person. Now in the past, when I ride by a homeless person on the way to Trader Joe’s, I have, again, in the past, worried about him going into my bike bags while I shop. So I lock my bike bags to my bike. I also leave nothing valuable in them.
This time, when I saw the homeless person, I imagined the homeless person trying to take my bags. Then he did some sort of vandalism because he couldn’t get them off my bike.
Slight insecurity accompanied that imagined scenario. That’s when I caught myself. Emotions tell me something important, I know. What was I doing? Creating a reality I didn’t want through this negative story. That’s what my emotions told me. So I dropped that imagined scenario as quickly as I could. My positive feelings returned and, for a few moments that imagined scenario disappeared.
It would return a bit later. But thankfully, not in as big a manifestation as it could have!
“Good” and “bad” exist in every universal particle, in every scenario, in every moment. I know what stories I tell about each experience shapes how much of “good” or “bad” fills my experiences. That’s why I tell as many positive stories as I can. It maximizes the former and excludes all of the latter.
Let the fun…continue?
Leaving that scenario behind, I locked my bike, went into the store, followed my intuition and got everything I wanted in about 10 minutes. I checked out and while doing so the wonderful checker greeted me with a smile and a nice little conversation.
Then, when I walked out the door I looked towards my bike. My attention went right to my rear tire. It was flat as a pancake!
For a brief second, that scenario I thought before returned. Did some homeless guy slash my tire? Slowly, I approached my bike. Again, I dropped that scenario. After all, no matter how it happened, it happened. My bike had a flat. Brooding about it wouldn’t fix my tire!
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^^Houselessness runs rampant these days. It also triggers many people's negative stories. Including mine. (Photo by Yawer Waani on Unsplash)
After loading the pannier with what I bought, I put them aside, then detached the tire, and opened my accessories bag. That’s when I noticed my repair kit was missing! The patch kit was there, but other tools I needed weren’t. I couldn’t repair the flat!
At that point, I stopped myself, took a breath and assessed my situation. This wasn’t what it looked like. Something brewed here, ready to be enjoyed. I didn’t know what though. Still, I know this flat wasn’t random or an accident.
So instead of jumping into action, I took a moment and reframed the situation.
“Boy, something really great is going to happen because of this,” I thought to myself. “This is going to be fun!” And I meant it!
Just then, another biker passed by riding an electric bike. Two people passed after that. Meanwhile I started putting my bike back together, figuring I would have to push my bike to a repair shop, call a Lyft or an Uber.
Bring on the wonder!
Minutes later, that electric bike rider returned. He asked me if everything was OK. I explained what happened, that I planned a walk to a repair shop. He mentioned The Bike Gallery, a major bike chain here in Portland.
Under his breath he said that if I took my bike there, and knocked on the door, the staff would let me in and fix my bike.
“I actually work there,” he added in an even lower tone.
Right then, I knew something amazing had come together. My Spidey sense told me this was the Universe unfolding a continuous stream of extremely positive outcomes in response to my chronic positive stories. That stream started from my dreams. And with this flat, that stream continued. Here’s what happened next:
The guy left, I got my bike back together, then started walking from 43rd Ave. to the Bike Gallery located on 53rd Ave. All the way I told positive stories. I enjoyed the walk. It was good exercise. I enjoyed the increasing heat on my face and body while walking. A light sweat started on my skin, which evaporated in the light, heating breeze, cooling me in the process. The weight of my panniers full of food pushed down on the flat. That made it easy to push my bike even with no air in the tire.
Two-thirds of the way to the Bike Gallery, I looked up the street and saw a biker who looked like the same guy who helped me at Trader Joe’s. When he saw me he turned my way. It was the guy.
“You walk fast,” He said, then pointed to the pannier latched to his bike. A huge manual air pump extended out of its open top. “I packed some repair tools and was coming back to rescue you,” He added. “I’ll meet you back at the store.”
The joy keeps coming
He greeted me when I arrived, then ushered me to the maintenance department. There he took my bike, disassembled it, took apart the flat tire and showed me what the problem was: the rim tape slipped causing the innertube to dip into one of the spoke dimples. That, combined with the pressure of the air in the tube, cut the tube open.
“You would not have been able to repair that.” He said. “And even if you tried with a new tube, that tube probably would’ve gotten punctured too.”
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^^There's my bike in the rack. The rim and tire rests against tool drawers.
Obviously, my Broader Perspective, the Universe and All That Is orchestrated this uncommon, uncanny flat tire situation. Responding the way I did, my blessed path unfolded, opening doors to a cavalcade of wonderful outcomes.
I could have got angry about the flat, railed at the sucky timing, or felt sorry for myself. Telling those negative stories would have opened different circumstances. Imagine, were I pissed, the guy who helped me may not have felt comfortable approaching me. Or maybe in my frustration I might have said something rude.
But by reframing the situation and seeing it as an adventure, the whole situation unfolded in this wonderful way. I aligned myself with those positive outcomes, which continued even while this guy repaired my tire.
While he repaired it, I noticed another bike repair guy grinning ear-to-ear while fiddling with the cash register. I felt inspired to compliment him, so I did.
“You’re having a great time,” I said. “I can tell by your smile.”
“I love what I do,” he said. “Bikes are the best.”
I agreed while noticing his name, Tim, on his name tag. While my bike got fixed, Tim and I enjoyed a great conversation. He worked at the Bike Gallery for many years and has been working on bikes all his life. This store was short-staffed, so his manager at the store where he usually works dispatched him here to help out. Imagine that! Another synchronicity!
Had that not happened, we wouldn’t have enjoyed what happened next.
The full monty brought to life
Tim said he’s lived in Portland all his life, repaired bikes all his life and feels he’s living his dream. Thus the smile. He lives in a place called Hillsboro, here in Oregon. His family lives in other local cities called Portland, Forest Grove and Salem.
He and I also talked about bicycle motocross, a passion of his, about my heroes from my bicycle motocross days when I was a child. I loved watching real motocross while growing up in Southern California too. I told Tim that and Tim told me a great story where he met one of my number one heroes of that time. Tim and I both got more excited the more we talked. Did I say it was a great conversation?
Meanwhile the guy who rescued me, whose name was Randall, replaced the original fabric rim tape with an upgraded rubber version, put the bike back together, then rolled it over to me.
“How much do I owe you?” I asked.
“Nothing,” he said. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”
That’s when I really knew this flat tire offered tremendous opportunity, which I stepped into by framing it as a positive adventure instead of a mishap. That opened the door to this awesome experience.
Think about it. The flat itself was uncommon. I couldn’t have repaired it had I tried. The universe didn’t want me too. It and my Broader Perspective wanted me to witness how much they love me by orchestrating all that unfolded. So cool!
By way of explanation, I told Randall about my blogs and how I write about these kinds of wonderful synchronicities that happen in my life all the time. Then I asked if I could take his picture. He said yes.
This is Randall and I:
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^^Me and my guardian angel and bike repair guru, Randall (right).
Randall lives in Woodstock and rides his electric bike to The Bike Gallery every day unless work demands something different.
Something different and delightful always awaits one who tells positive stories. Nothing happens by accident. Everything happens on purpose. Positive stories brings that purpose into focus. The purpose everything means to give us is joyful recognition that the Universe is always on our side.
But if one doesn’t line up with that love, that joyful acknowledgment of this joyful purpose, they get struggle, pain, disappointment and more.
I prefer joy, love and happy results. So I do everything I can to foster and amplify those results. It’s easy, once I got the hang of it. As a result of that, even an unfixable bike flat serves up a great big heaping pile of joyful experience.
A joyful life. There’s nothing better.
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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Social Media Marketing (But Were Afraid to Ask)
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The live visits at the Vocus online class half a month prior were fabulously enthusiastic and enlightening, with members replying just as posing inquiries that were presented to the booked speakers, Deidre Breakenridge, David Meerman Scott, Beth Harte, Lee Odden and Brian Solis. As time was tight, not all the inquiries were replied to, so we thought we'd scoop some up from the logs and attempt to give a few bits of knowledge. 
Q1: How would I increment my Twitter following? 
This was a typical inquiry, yet there's no fast answer (except if you utilize a mass-after instrument, which may help your numbers yet won't really give you an advantageous crowd that incorporates significant influencers) - it tends to be a moderate form, nonetheless, there are approaches to have any kind of effect: 
• Write content that individuals need to peruse! Bit self-evident, however simply spieling out publicizing isn't the most delectable trap. Compose fascinating and valuable articles and blog entries and connections to them; make infographics, recordings, slideshows and share them; mention shrewd and clever objective facts; share content by others that you figure your adherents will discover supportive. Give them motivation to tail you and retweet you. 
• Search for your crowd and tail them - in case you're doing the main point all around ok, they're probably going to tail you back. Utilize any of the various Twitter applications and web indexes to search for pertinent individuals and influencers who might be keen on what you need to state. 
• Get engaged with Twitter visits to associate with your pertinent crowd - this is an extraordinary chance to offer guidance, conclusions and information to key individuals who may become adherents a while later. Robert Swanwick (@swanwick) has gathered a Twitter Chat Master List where you can locate the correct subject for you. 
• Find an approach to interface what you're stating to effective topics and hashtagged subjects - this gives you a more focused crowd when individuals look for those terms and watchwords. 
• Finally, give a motivating force once in a while - run surveys, rivalries, advancements to draw in and reward your steadfast devotees, and urge more individuals to tail you. 
Q2: How would I be able to make my blog progressively powerful? 
It's anything but difficult to feel that your blog is lost in the universe, yet there are approaches to build its perceivability and lift traffic. 
• Just like being referred to 1, content is vital - compose posts that are enlightening, valuable, fascinating and locks in. See this post for a more top to bottom guide on the most proficient method to compose an incredible blog. 
• Optimize - simply like your site, ensure that you are executing catchphrases, joins and other SEO strategies to guarantee that your blog can be found and positioned via web indexes. Register with blog catalogs, for example, Technorati or PostRank to add to the spots you can be looked for, and to watch out for your blog measurements. 
• Network your blog with other social media stages, similar to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn - connect up your RSS channel, or physically connect to presents you need on push out there. 
• Comment on important destinations and web journals - not with silly spam guiding individuals to your webpage, yet with veritable, nice remarks. In the event that individuals acknowledge what you're stating, they'll navigate to your blog to perceive what else you've thought of. 
• Search for different bloggers in your field who you could welcome to visitor blog (or blog trade), making a backlink and an intriguing new inclination for your blog. 
• above all, compose posts that create discussion - your crowd will be constrained to remark, share, and your traffic will develop. 
• Distribute: get your posts bookmarked, transfer them to significant locales, duplicate them to article-sharing destinations and so on - the more places they can be discovered, the more they will be perused. 
Q3: What's the best possible Twitter behavior in common after? 
All things considered, it depends how incredible and persuasive you are - in case you're such a top dog you're trailed by 20K and just tail one in those days bravo, however you won't get much out of the social part of Twitter! 
You don't need to follow each individual who tails you, however disregarding each and every individual who attempts to interface with you invalidates the point of Twitter and can be, well, somewhat impolite. Pick those whose tweets you really need to peruse and discover valuable. On the off chance that somebody's tailed you that you would prefer not to add to your following rundown, at that point in any event send them a "thank you for following" customized message to show your appreciation. It's helpful to take note of that you can likewise add individuals to records without tailing them. 
Q4: How would I use YouTube for marketing? 
YouTube fills in as an independent web search tool that is turning out to be increasingly more remarkable inside social media and SEO. Utilizing it as a marketing instrument truly relies upon your business, your points and your substance, yet there are a few different ways to utilize YouTube as a social media marketing apparatus: 
• Set up your own channel, where you can have your recordings, connection to your site/blog/social media profiles, have conversations and answer questions. 
• Use slideshows or infographic recordings to back up a blog entry or key point. 
• Give out some close to home and neighborhood data - show an off camera of your organization or area, present your staff, give an introduction on something that is imperative to you and your business. 
• Document contextual investigations. 
• Film interviews with key organization individuals, clients, partners and so forth. 
• Have some fun - don't pay attention to yourself as well (and yet, don't make an absolute arse of yourself!) 
• Make instructional and 'How-To' recordings - these make up a great deal of the pursuit content inside YouTube, as it's a lot simpler to gain from viewing an exhibition than from perusing a clarification. 
When you've transferred a video, share it and disseminate it by means of other social media stages - install in your website, your blog, connection to it from Twitter and Facebook, add it to Vimeo - the rundown goes on. Get your substance out there! 
Q5: How would I measure/screen the ROI of social media? 
This is the enormous one, and sadly, the appropriate response isn't especially direct. The principal activity is quite attempting to fit social media into a conventional measured marketing box. The reason and aftereffects of social media marketing are less substantial than a PPC battle, or public statement dispatch - social media influences the range and impact of your organization, which thus will influence its prevalence and your site's traffic, or consciousness of your image, which thusly will influence deals, transformations and benefit. So how would you measure commitment? 
Right off the bat, set up observing devices - there are a huge amount of free apparatuses out there, however you may locate that most just spread explicit zones of the measurements you are after, so you should utilize a few all the while, or various devices for various investigations. 
To utilize these instruments adequately, you have to have a point or objective as a main priority - what are you attempting to quantify or follow? The quantity of supporters or fans isn't the main concern - you have to take a gander at how those devotees are communicating with you, regardless of whether they are spreading your message, whether they are directing people to your site and the sky's the limit from there. Concentrate on a target and measure the fitting measurements. Here are a few instances of viewpoints you should watch: 
• Influence 
• Click-throughs 
• Site hits 
• Re-tweets/makes reference to 
• Followers 
• Fans/Likes 
• Interactions 
• Increased time nearby 
• Sharing of your substance 
• Comments 
• Backlinks 
• RSS endorsers 
• Image/video sees 
• Number of bookmarks 
For instance, you've composed a blog entry on your business' new item - you distribute it, circulate it, connecting to the pertinent page on your website. Presently you have to keep tabs on its development. For this situation, you'd need to take a gander at what number of snap throughs you get to the item point of arrival, how much new site traffic you get, regardless of whether individuals are sharing this data among their companions. Screen these viewpoints through every one of the social stages you distribute the data on - and from that point you will have the option to perceive how social media influences the quantity of changes/deals from every territory. 
Q6: How would I show the estimation of social media to my chief/unsure administrators? 
Another well known inquiry, particularly for organizations simply beginning with social media marketing. Frequently, organizations, or those working above advertisers, don't see the moment consequences of a social media nearness (or, as in the point above, are not accepting focused on investigation to demonstrate its worth). 
In the first place, accumulate data on how contenders and different organizations in your field are using social media - see what works, how they're communicating, and if it's affecting their image. In the event that you have no social media nearness, odds are that somebody who might be listening is discussing you (or your line of business) at any rate - proceed to research and see what inquiries individuals are posing, what issues they're facing and what they need from you. 
Second, discover where your clients are, and where you ought to be - in which social media network would it be a good idea for you to make a nearness for yourself? On the off chance that your crowd are huge Twitter communicators, get conversing with them; on the off chance that they stand around YouTube, transfer a few recordings and get remarks and perspectives. Discover your specialty and get settled in it. 
Third, take a model from question 5 above, and show your executives some hard raw numbers - and clarify the intensity of reverberation associated with social media, how it can reinforce your image, make significant associations with clients and go about as an awesome client support stage. 
Q7: What's the most ideal approach to utilize social media for a Non-Profit association? 
I think beginning speculation is that it's harder for a non-benefit association to advertise themselves, since they are not offering assistance or an item in retail terms. As opposed to this supposition, I accept that non-benefits really can do outstandingly well with social media. The very idea of social media collaboration associates like minded people.
0 notes
kyberled · 7 years
hc + light saber form/combat style
Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it. || ALWAYS ACCEPTING
God bless you and your crops, Zach, because I have a lot of things to say about this.
To start off with, Braig is capable of using one saber, but he vastly prefers his two, for Jar’Kai. When he was a little tot, he and the other initiates trained with one training saber, so that’s what his initial instruction was in; and, I imagine, he’s been made to learn to fight with just one, in case of injury or loss of weapon. But, his main style is absolutely Jar’Kai. He feels significantly more comfortable with a pair, and it reflects in his movements and fighting style. Since we’ve seen Obidad dual-wielding a few times, most notably in the fight with Vos against Bane, it’s 100% possible that Obi taught Braiggo how to use two, and that’s the canon for this blog. Now, if I remember right, Obi originally practised Form III, but, following Qui’s death, added some Form V into his personal style to develop a bit more of a defence. So, that would mean that the core/base foundation of Braig’s fighting style would likely be a similar mix, only adapted for Jar’Kai. (It’s also worth noting that Braig is Obi’s padawan after Anakin gets knighted, so I imagine Obidad’s got his mixed style well-established, by then.) 
A while ago - I think a few months - Liz told me that her Mace considered Braig an eligible candidate for learning Vapaad, and would teach him, if Obi-Wan said it was okay (and since Dad has a very hard time saying no to his kiddo, I can’t imagine him veto’ing this, but I’d have to run it by Rodi for hard-and-fast confirmation) [Update: Rodi says ‘Obi is of the mind that Braig choosing to learn from other Masters can only make him that much more well informed and learned. He supports it 100%.’]. According to Liz, Mace would start teaching Braig Vapaad when Braig was about twelve or thirteen (incidentally, about the same time Braig was padawan’d), which means when Braig left the basic training initiates get, he got some pretty mixed education irt: his saber training. But, he wouldn’t have it any other way. When Mace offered to teach this bean, Braig would have been literally vibrating - he was so excited, but also trying to appear like a ‘proper’ Jedi who was worthy of the offer, so he’d literally be minutely shaking because he’s so excited and hyped up and also honoured? I mean, for one, Mace is offering, of his own free will, to train Braig, and having this be so soon after the emotional disaster that was Braig’s attempts to find a master, feeling that- wanted, for lack of a better word, was a pretty big deal for him. On top of that, he’s learning a form from the person who created it. That’s gotta be a huge honour. Not to mention, People Who Know Vapaad is a pretty exclusive club to be in. You could probably count them all on one hand, and still have fingers left over. I know in the Jedi Path, Anakin complains about how Mace won’t teach him Vapaad, and Ahsoka adds that, quote, ‘Nobody learns Vapaad’. So, the fact that Mace chose him, chose Braig– I’m serious when I say, if Braig hadn’t been taught to keep his emotions in check, and wasn’t worried about Mace changing his mind, Braig probably would’ve started crying. Like, the kid was just completely overwhelmed. But, yes; Braig does, in fact, know Vapaad, in the blog’s ‘main canon’ (as in, it applies to 99% of threads, but, if I were to write with another Mace who didn’t share this headcanon, then Braig’d only know Forms III and V in any real, extensive detail). He would spend the bulk of his Vapaad training (or, at least, the early days) learning Vapaad with one saber, as the form was originally made, and then working on adapting it to work with two lightsabers both on his own time and with Mace’s guidance, and then, once Braig was more comfortable with the form’s movements and applications and all, I imagine lessons would be a mix of training with one and two sabers. 
But, that ramble is just there to let you know that Braig’s fighting style would be pretty weird. A nice mix between Soresu (Form III), Shien / Djem So (Form V), and, of course, Vapaad (Form VII). Which shows through most while he’s fighting depends on the day, the situation, who he was working with most recently, and so on and so forth (Though I will also note, that since Vapaad requires a lot of mental focus and Force-use, he’s less likely to employ it if he’s tired or worn-down, especially when he’s younger). When he trains, he usually takes the time (when he can) to practise sets specific to each individual form, and then when he’s doing more free-flow exercises, or just sparring with his friends, he lets himself slide back into his little blend/adapting style, where all three blend together. (I would also like to say that he is quite glad that he practised the individual forms after Order 66, and especially after he takes on an apprentice/apprentices of his own. Being able to switch his fighting style up makes him harder to find when he doesn’t want to be, sure, the came as changing up any MO would, but it’s more than that. He considers the forms, Vapaad especially, an important part of the history of the Jedi, and he’s glad to be able to preserve it and pass it on - though he, like Mace, would be very selective with who would get to learn Vapaad).
As a final note, it’s important for me to add that Braig’s sabers are made to be joined together at one end, making them into a saber-staff (If I remember right, we see a similar mechanism in Asaaj Ventress’ lightsabers, but I could be wrong). The Book of Sith claims that saber-staves are a Sith-exclusive weapon, but Vos writes that he knows at least one Jedi (can’t remember the name) who has a staff, and we know Krell has two - though Braig is loathe to be compared to him for any reason. So, I’m taking all of this to mean that it’s uncommon for a Jedi to use a saber-staff, but it’s not entirely unheard of. So Braig probably had to scrounge around for a saber-staff instructor. It’s not something he uses as often as he does his dual sabers separately, but he is proficient enough to use it in combat. Now, the thing is, you can’t use a saber-staff the way you would use a regular staff. You just can’t. (Also, minor pet peeve, it’s not a ‘bo staff’. ‘Bo’ means ‘staff’. ‘Bo staff’ = ‘staff staff’. Just. Don’t. On behalf of the entire dojo.) But this realisation came to me when I was swinging a guandao around with Sifu Sam and my younger brother. Why the idea of lightsabers and staves came to me during practise with a guandao, which is neither a sword, nor a staff (though it is staff-like), I’ll never know, but it did. See, the thing is, in our kobudo at least, there are a number of forms, including the bo-lengthening exercise and a number of kata, where your hands slide to the bottom-third of the bo, rather than the middle, where your hands would normally be. The bottom third of a saber-staff is the blade. … I don’t need to tell you why that’s a problem. There are also moves where the ends of the staff are braced against your bicep, or come very close to your neck/head/shoulder when you set up for some strikes. I can imagine that’s somewhat disconcerting when the ends of the staff are made of superheated Force-powered plasma. Similarly, in our style of kung fu, when you use a spear, you typically hold it by the bottom-third too; you do the same with a guandao for a few moves (though a bit less frequently), and there are parts where you kick up the ends, or you use your elbow to push the handles into some parts, and basically what I’m saying is if you used a saber-staff like you would a normal polearm you’d probably get sliced up. The weighting would be so weird, too - from my understanding, it’d be focused in the middle, with the metal handles, and the blades might not weigh anything at all? @Lucasfilm give me lightsaber physics please. Aside from that, on the end of this OOC tangent, I’d add that I write Braig’s footwork/movements as mostly what we’ve seen in The Clone Wars, since there’s no way I’d be able to learn how to move like a Jedi (esp. in regards to Vapaad, which, to me, seems to have some of the most distinct movements of any form we see thus far), but there are notes of the martial arts I do in there, too. Namely the kung fu, since that fits him best, in my opinion. But this is long enough, and I could rant about that for long enough to put myself to sleep. 
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Executive Recruitment Services-The Finest 10 Recruiting Mistakes
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iced-blood · 8 years
Hi, I wish you a happy new year! I just wanted to say that I really like your Yugioh fanfics and headcanons about the Kaiba brothers. I just read "Life shall go for life" and I found your take on adult Mokuba and Kaiba and their relationship very interesting. You said that it was out of your comfort zone but I'm really interested in why you think their relationship would be "bittersweet at best". Do you think you will write some more about that sometime? Some headcanons here or as a fanfic?
To be honest with you, I don’t exactly recall my mental state when I wrote “Life Shall Go for Life.” But I will say that, given that it was 5 years ago that I wrote it, I’m sure that I didn’t have the same theories and insights about Seto or Mokuba then, as I do now.
If I were to hazard a guess as to why I pegged Seto’s and Mokuba’s adult relationship as bittersweet, and I surely did at the time, it was probably based on a … bunch of weird ideas I had on what it meant to be an adult.
Let me back up.
See, as I was growing up, I had the “leave your parents’ house at 18 and never look back” idea hammered into my head. Here in the United States, after all, it’s expected that Real Adults™ go out and forge their own path in the world, and never rely on anyone else, ever.
Well. I’m 30 now. I’m wiser now. And that hyper-romanticized, lone wolf garbage can take a flying leap off a cliff.
No success story is built on one person. Everyone relies on somebody or something. And the Kaibas rely on each other.
When I used to think about the Kaibas as “all grown up,” I’d typically picture Mokuba packing up and leaving his brother’s estate, to go off and conquer the world all on his lonesome. And I would think of Seto, back at home, with empty nest syndrome wreaking havoc on his already horrible self-esteem.
It made me … quite sad, actually.
I no longer hold with this interpretation.
The Kaiba Estate, I am more than sure, is huge. There’s more than enough room for a second house to be built on those grounds, when and if Mokuba decides he needs more privacy.
The Kaibas are not normal siblings. They’ve been through too much. They’ve weathered too much together. There’s no way they’re cutting ties. And since that was the main thing that always bothered me about the idea of Mokuba growing up (and Seto with him), I just … had to get rid of it.
Rethink my position.
As for current headcanons I have on what the Kaibas are going to be like when they’re older … well? Let’s see.
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Seto spends about 15 years setting up Kaiba-Corp as a legacy he’s proud of. Once he’s filled his company with people he can trust with his vision, he retires early to focus on his life, and his projects.
This is when we see things like Duel Academia, the school from GX, come into the picture. I also think Seto would set up, and advocate for, various children’s charities. He would renovate children’s services throughout Domino City, and eventually he would expand this work to other regions. 
This is also when Kaiba-Land really takes off. Making theme parks for his fellow orphans has always been Seto’s dream, and once he’s freed from the obligations of a multi-national business empire, he’ll be able to focus on making that dream the best reality it can be.
Assuming you think Seto is one to get into the dating scene, this is probably when he’s going to do it. I’m partial to Rivalshipping, as a great many of you know.
Somewhat related to this: if Seto’s going to have (more) children, this is the golden opportunity. So if you want to see the Kaiba Mansion filled with little ones, here’s when he’s going to adopt them.
Yes. Seto’s going to adopt. This isn’t a discussion.
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Mokuba keeps up work at Kaiba-Corp throughout his teenage years, taking on more and more responsibilities as he gets older. He juggles school and work rather expertly, actually. It quickly becomes apparent to people that, while Seto might be the Real Genius™ of the family, Mokuba is no slouch himself.
Mokuba works with people the way Seto works with technology; which is to say, really freaking well.
Assuming you think Mokuba is one to get into the dating scene, he’s likely to start in high school. I haven’t really talked about romantic prospects for the kid, on this blog or anywhere, but I’m personally partial to Fairyshipping.
Rebecca Hawkins takes on an internship at Kaiba-Corp at some point early on in her teenage years, and quickly establishes herself as Mokuba’s partner-in-crime personal assistant. She quickly picks up a salaried position, and rises through the ranks just as quickly.
This will prove important, as eventually neither of the Kaiba brothers will end up working at the Kaiba Corporation. It goes against protocol, putting someone outside the family in charge.
But Rebecca Hawkins is a honey badger, and she don’t give a f —
Anyway. Yeah. Rebecca Goddamn™ Hawkins. CEO of Kaiba-Corp. Read it ‘n weep, y’all. So. Where was I? Oh. Right.
When time comes for college, Mokuba decides to leave Domino City. He wants to see more of the world, to branch out on his own for a while. He calls his brother every night … or he tries to, anyway. Sometimes he misses a day or two.
Particularly when exams are coming up.
Mokuba very specifically does not tell his brother what his major / field of study is, and Seto doesn’t pry. If his brother wants to maintain a certain level of privacy, that’s his right.
Also it’s not like Seto’s paying for this. Mokuba has saved every sliver of his salary as a Kaiba-Corp executive from the moment he set foot in that building.
This all comes full circle when Duel Academia kicks off. As Seto and Pegasus do their best to work out the sort of people they want to staff their private educational behemoth with, Mokuba is just graduating from University™.
One Saturday, Seto gets a phone call.
“Hey, Niisama.”
“What’s up, kid?”
“I’ve been looking over these notes you sent me. Looks like you’re still holding out for a guidance counselor?”
“… Crawford says my standards are ‘positively barbaric.’ But I’m not going to entrust these students’ mental and emotional health with a hack. No matter how nice that hack’s suit or C.V. might be.”
There’s a pause.
“Hey, um … what would you say, if I told you I knew a guy? Fresh graduate, magna cum laude, dual PhD. Clinical and Educational Psychology, to be specific. Would you, um … be interested in meeting someone like that?”
Another pause.
“… Mokuba. Are you … telling me … what I think you’re telling me?”
“Call me Dr. Kaiba. I’ll see you on Monday.”
I think that about sums it up.
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Prison Pt 2
continued from previous blog.....<3
Soooo now you've all got over the whole prison ‘thing’ lets discuss what 5 weeks inside a prison did for me. 
I Slept that first night . I have no doubt that was pure exhaustion. I heard an alarm going off at around 5am and was aware something was ‘kicking off’ further down the corridor. That morning having not really been told what to do the night before and only having tv shows for guidance , up to this point, I was aware that I should prob be up and dressed by time breakfast was called .....whatever time that may be ?! I literally had no idea. Needless to say I didn't need to worry at 7am a prison guard walked around the wing , unlocking the doors and saying good morning to each prisoner. it was all rather dignified and polite to be fair. I asked him what I had to do and he said don't worry we would get called for breakfast and then we would be on lock down till 11am. I learnt from another prisoner that lockdown was locked in our cells.
It was a good wing to start off on to be honest as that morning a couple of other first timers arrived and some regulars too. It was scary but also a type of community began to form. We all talked and formed bonds that, well, for me defiantly, took. me through my time in jail. All ages, all offences and each wing had one long timer on who helped us all learn the basics, the what to do’s and what not to do’s. There was an element of “who not to talk too going on “ which I took with a pinch of salt.... I wasn't niece enough to know politics/grudges were not rife in prison. 
That first day I cried in my cell. I made lifelong friends, I ate the worst food imaginable and I laughed. Yep I actually laughed .... a group of 6 of us were sat around the eating area and something was said and we all laughed then looked at each other as though no-one was quite sure if that was allowed or right (new timers ) ....even the officer on duty shouted across the room. “This is prison you shouldn't be laughing” it was only when he started laughing that we realised he was laughing with us. 
In the 5 weeks I remained in jail for breaking my bail, so until I had my next court hearing, I moved wings 3 times. Due to being on a mental health ACCT I was in single cells each time. I personally preferred that as I needed to hide at times from the noise and “life in jail” atmosphere. Others much preferred to have cellmates and each to their own. 
When people ask me how was jail I normally answer with “Well it was ok , it wasn't shocking bad”. and this is generally correct. I wasn't attacked or bullied, I wasn't treated like shit by staff. We ate well if we choose too eat full on stooge everyday lol. The other parts that I don't talk so much about..... well that I think until this point ive shared with a handful of people , is the overwhelming loneliness, the lack of suitable medication available (due to concerns regarding trading meds, so some meds were completely banned) just so happened these were two of my main meds so I suffered.My daughters birthday happened whilst I was in jail and this was incredibly hard to deal with as her father refused to let them visit, me being in jail was the ultimate control he could have ever wanted. The first 10 days I had to wait for my calling numbers to be approved and this meant I couldn't call people although my mental health team did arrange that I got my best friends number approved and £2 credit put on my Canteen -  (the jail credit system) as my money hadn't arrived from the outside.  Ninety nine percent of staff were friendly, approachable and non judgemental but like anywhere the other one percent let staffing down. I was on lockdown for 72 hrs twice. first time was because I had a sickness bug so rightly so your put on cell lockdown so its not passed around prison.2nd time I was wrongly put on lockdown and despite telling the guard who did it I shouldn't be as I hadn't been unwell in 2 weeks it was only till my mental health team paid me a unannounced visit that staff realised they had put the wrong person on lockdown. This may not seem like much but when your in jail and the highlight of any day is the unlocked door ....30 plus hrs on wrongly assigned lockdown turned me slightly unstable and it was during this point they also moved me from the “welcome wing” and into a new wing. This wing I can only describe as a submarine in disrepair. I was in a tiny single cell with no shower or closed off toilet. Inmates who were assigned this cell had to use a communal shower which was inhabitable, and yes I went days without a shower. My toilet was behind a small two foot wall and I was clearly in line sight of anyone walking past the door, closed or not, as my eye hole (as I called in) wouldn't close. THIS was most defiantly an old, un updated part of the prison. It was exactly how a innocent me believed prison would be like! My mental health went dramatically downhill and it was in this cell that I first tried to take my life. I made and used a ligature and despite being on 8 min watch, I managed to ligature myself against the desk chair. A member of staff was called by another prisoner who had walked past and seen me through the eye hole. I heard alarms and felt the ligature being cut off . That evening I was on 3 min watch and as such they might as well have just not moved all night. My mental health care coordinator visited and declared me at risk of myself. No change then. I discussed how depressed I had been feeling since the change of cell and that things like my lack of a shower or a working phone meant I could self soothe by calling my best friend or children. This was seemingly took into consideration and the next day I was moved to my final cell. This was more like the welcome wing although twice the size (the wing not my cell). 
Sadly the last couple of weeks got harder for me in many ways, I seemed to have rubbed up a repeat visitor who took offence to my ‘posh voice’ and this became a very touchy issue. I can only describe it in the manner that she took an instant dislike to me and let me know about it. I was lucky that I had made ‘close’ friends from the start and a few of those followed me onto my final wing and during unlocked points I stayed close to them and didn't feel scared, more trepidatious as to why me. Lock up she went through a few days of screaming about killing the posh bitch which not gunner lie made me kinda glad the guards locked the bloody doors!! During this time I also couldn't contact my children as unbeknown to me their dad had told the prison system to ban my children phone numbers from my calling list. This broke me. I can't come close to being able to explain how this made me feel. What was the point ? what did I have to live for now ? I had made sure my chilren had been aware that I was in jail because id done something wrong but they were also of an age where they knew why I had done what I had done. They had been brought up to believe people in jail were there because they were nasty or dangerous and I then had to explain how its not always that simple.... it was hard to maintain those values and morals that id brought my children up with too explaining why I was in the situation I was in. 
That night I waited till I had been checked on and I ligatured myself and placed a carrier bag over my head which I tied tight with the 2nd ligature. I blacked out. I came round to a room full of prison officers and medics and vomited on a medics shoes. I was told by a guard they had called code blue, which means prisoner suspected not to be breathing. 
I was put on constant watch from that point for the next 48 hrs. I could feel myself giving up on everything. I needed to call my best friend at least twice a day and he became my lifeline. I realised that out of everyone in my life he actually cared. He even arranged a visit. he was the only person who did. He was down as my next of kin and presumed he had been informed regarding the incident but it was only upon leaving jail that I realised he hadn't been informed at all. Jail life was just that ... jail life. it wasn't nice. it was scary, it was lonely and it was demoralising. I was in jail for breaking my bail NOT for my actual sentence so I had to worry about what I was going to get in court for my actual sentence. I had to prepare myself that it could have been up to 7 years for the offence I was charged. I had to hear from other offenders who had been sent down for similar and In jail everyone is a professional when it comes to ‘what you might get’ sentence wise !! I started to prepare myself that if I got up to 2 yrs , possibly 3 id cope somehow. If I got more id end my life in jail. 
Cut to court. I received a community sentence of a tag and curfew and probation and victim surcharge for my crime. I remember driving to court on my sentencing date in the prison van doing all these weird obsessive things which meant good luck to me. so for example , if I looked at the sun rising once I had to do it 4 times then not again, if I caught sight of it again...the pattern repeated itself. If I itched my nose once I had to do it 4 times, when I arrived at court and was in the holding cell I had to have an even amount of cups of coffee and visits to the toilet otherwise it was bad luck.  It was emotionally and physically draining. My solicitor came to see me in the holding cell and with my barrister told me I was facing a higher charge than before, of intent , instead of reckless behaviour. My barrister at this point told me I was looking at 7 years. As it turned out the judge wanted to know more about the offence that had preceded mine and the background reasons for my offence and postponed sentencing. my solicitor asked for bail not believing for one min I would get it but the judge awarded it with a curfew and tagging system. I was allowed to leave the court. This was absolutely not what anyone was expecting and I don't think it hit me until my friend was driving me back to his after court. The thing is you don't just leave jail and that's it.... your head stays in jail for a long time even once home. I thought id sleep like an angel but alas this was not the case. I still have occasional nightmares of doors slamming and being locked up even 6 months down the line from leaving jail. 
Court date passed and as I stated I received probation. 
Then the almost harder part started. Coming to terms with what id gone through. rebuilding bridges, admitting where I had been as I just disappeared and only wrote to a handful of people when inside, I refused to hide it, I shared it along with the mental health issues id always been open and honest about. This blog is only the 2nd time ive voiced everything that happened in jail. once to my best friend , now partner, and on this blog. 
I will take this experience like I did the mental health struggles , and share and use in a productive manner. I will take this knowledge and I will share with others to help and support individuals who may need it. 
Im not proud of my conviction.
But there were reasons that led up to my breakdown and subsequent offence.
The hardest part....undoubtably the earthquake that shattered a perfect relationship with my children which I'm still rebuilding and repairing and will be for a while. 
Am I glad I didn't die in jail. Yes now. Ill use it to educate and support others.
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Hello Lovelies!
Happy Monday! I hope you are all having a fabulous start to the week! If you don’t follow me on here or on my Twitter and my Instagram, then you probably won’t be aware that my boyfriend and I celebrated our three-year anniversary last Tuesday. Today I just wanted to talk about the evening and share how we celebrated our anniversary together. Mainly though I wanted to make this post for myself.  Tuesday was such an important moment for me in my life and one that will always be special, and I really wanted to write this post as a way of documenting this moment so in years to come I will always have something to look back on.
The reason why these anniversaries are so important to me, is because this is the first serious relationship I have been in. I got with my boyfriend when I was 16 and so it has been a huge part of my life. During our relationship I have grown and matured so much as a person. I know I am not the same person I was at the beginning. We have had so many great times together. We have some of the happiest and funniest moments together and we have been lucky enough to have experienced so many amazing things together and for that I know we are both so thankful. We have been on so many great holidays and trips together and I have been places and tried things which I never thought I would have. Not only have we been through all these amazing moments together, but we have been through our fair share of adversities and challenges. Although to other people, we appear to have the perfect relationship and never argue, I can assure you that that certainly isn’t the case haha! We both just choose to keep that personal and portray the best moments of our relationship.  For me, this relationship is very special because we have been there for each other through some difficult times. Honestly, I can’t thank my boyfriend enough for all the support he gave me when things went wrong with university and when my grandma died etc. they are just a few examples. I have never had someone care for me the way he does and look after me. It’s special. We have been on such a long and complicated journey but that just makes things so much more special between us.
I am so glad that I have gotten to share so much of my life with someone so amazing. My boyfriend has been a huge part of my life now and I am always going to remember all our memories together (the good and the bad) and know that I am lucky.  I feel like I could probably talk about this forever because relationships are something that I have learnt so much about and something that have helped me change and develop and so maybe that might be something I will write about in the future. Today though, I just want to celebrate the three years of us being together. Before I get into the celebrations, if he is reading this, which I mean he tells me he reads my blog haha, then I just want to tell him thank you. I will forever be so grateful for everything that you have done for me and for all the support and guidance you have given me. I love how caring and loving you have been over the years and how you have helped me through the difficult times. You make me smile when I don’t want to and laugh when I want to cry. You always encourage me and believe in me, especially when I don’t believe in myself and I am honestly so thankful that I have got to share the last three years with you. Thank you!
To be honest, as a couple we don’t make a huge thing about our anniversary. We don’t buy each other gifts or cards or anything like that because for us at least, those things aren’t important, and it is more just about celebrating our life together and celebrating our memories and experiences as a couple.  Our tradition for our anniversary is that we will normally go out for a nice meal somewhere where can chat and spend quality time together.
This year we went to a traditional Italian restaurant, which actually felt like you were eating in a restaurant in Italy, called San Carlo in Leicester. Over the past couple of months, I had pointed this restaurant out so many times to my boyfriend saying that I wanted to go there, and he surprised me by taking me there, which obviously I was very pleased about. Who doesn’t love Italian cuisine???
The restaurant was so unique and really nice inside. My only criticism is that it was so warm in there! The variety on the menu was amazing as there were so many different options you could pick from. The restaurant itself wasn’t too expensive at all and I personally think it so well priced for the quality of the food you get and the portion size. It is definitely one of my top restaurants when it comes to value for money. The overall service in the restaurant was lovely and the staff were all super pleasant and polite, which obviously helps you have a great experience.
Now for the exciting bit…FOOD AND DRINK!! I ordered a glass of Rose and my Boyfriend ordered a glass of Peroni (I believe anyway!). For our Starter we ordered bread which is traditional if you are eating a meal in Italy and it tasted so good. The bread we got was absolutely huge and was a pizza-base style with garlic flavouring and it honestly just tasted SO good! I LOVED it!!
For our main course we actually chose the surprise option. On the menu for £9.50 each you can order a pasta special. When you order a pasta special you don’t know what dishes you are ordering until they come. The chef cooks you 3 different pasta dishes which he chooses and then they are served to you on this massive platter which you then help yourself to and enjoy. For this option you do need a minimum of two people to order the dish because of how big it is! When our dishes arrived, we never actually got told what they were called but one of them was your traditional Bolognese sauce and pasta. The Bolognese sauce was AMAZING!! It tasted so good. I don’t know what it was about it, but it just had that little extra flavour and tasted SO GOOD! Would highly recommend if you go! The next pasta was a really creamy cheese, chicken and mushroom tagliatelle. Personally, this one was my favourite because the sauce was just so creamy and tasted so good. I absolutely loved this one. The last pasta dish was a prawn based pasta dish which also had a really creamy sauce. Again, I loved this one and the balance was just right as the fish didn’t overpower all of the other flavours. To be honest I would recommend all of them they were all so good!  The portion size of this main course was huge and, so we actually were too full to order desserts, so we just spent the rest of the time at the restaurant having a drink and chatting which was really nice.
I honestly had such a lovely evening and it was so nice to go out for a meal and celebrate a special occasion. It was such a fabulous night and the food tasted amazing and I highly recommend trying this place out if you can. I know there are a few on them in other cities across the UK. Thank you again for my boyfriend for a lovely evening and I thoroughly enjoyed reminiscing about adventures and experiences. It was so nice to talk about all the great things and we laughed so much at all the funny time. It really was a very special evening for me!
*Sorry that the photos aren’t the best quality, the lighting in there was soooooo bad. Also I will be doing an outfit and makeup post from the night very soon so I didn’t want to put any spoilers in this post although there are some up on my Instagram if you really can’t wait for the posts haha!!*
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post. I know this post is slightly different to usual, but it was an important post for me because it was a special moment in my life. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful person in my life helping me every step of the way and the past three years have been amazing! Until next time. Much love,
Lizzie X
Follow me on my social medias (I am getting so close to some big milestones 😊):
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Instagram: @libwalton_9
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3 Year Anniversary Celebrations Hello Lovelies! Happy Monday! I hope you are all having a fabulous start to the week! If you don’t follow me on here or on my Twitter and my Instagram, then you probably won’t be aware that my boyfriend and I celebrated our three-year anniversary last Tuesday.
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broderickbohr-blog · 7 years
A Conversation Along with Former Estonian President, Toomas Hendrik Ilves.
The 5 Techniques Concerning gel Just A Handful From People Know.
Regarding the Institute for Pan-African Thought and feelings as well as Discussion. This is clear off the on-going discussions that psychology in Ghana and also the majority of aspect of Africa will definitely come to be qualitatively different coming from Western psychological science over following couple of years. Irma Coulson People School has started their Morning meal Course in 2016 along with wonderful success by involving pupils in each elements from the program. Our team are actually extremely satisfied to be accepting the terrific musician Katie Skelly, producer from Nurse practitioner Nurse, Procedure Marg., Broker 8, and her brand new title My Pretty Vampire, to 2017's Thought and feelings Blister, and welcome you all to join our team as she covers her team up with witties editor of Females Blog about Comics, Claire Napier.
15 Different Ways To perform gel.
This is mentioned that the first undergraduate psychology level was actually awarded in 1967 and the initial Master's level in 1975 whereas the Doctoral in 1982 (Eze, 1991 ). The very first research laboratory from speculative psychological science in Sub-Saharan Africa was actually additionally created in Zambia in 1965 (Nsamenang, 2007; Oppong Asante & Oppong, 2012 ). There excels main reason, therefore, for one to start a conversation from background of psychological science from old Dark Egypt ideology in Africa instead of coming from historical Greek ideology. Rob functions as a liaison between the university as well as HFFT, assists along with fundraising projects, strategies food selections, stores, learns various other volunteers, and preparations as well as delivers morning meals for the 450+ trainees 3 times each week. If you consider the medicine society in numerous countries all over the world- it is steered through this very same profile page from person. Dave and also his crew have purchased a wide array of technology start-ups all over the globe, presently over 1,400 firms due to the fact that the fund's creation in 2010. Aysegul Aydin is actually Partner Instructor in the Team of Political Science at the University from Colorado-Boulder.
Using this I have actually carried entrepreneurship as well as durability to gifting. Unique mention is actually likewise produced concerning the payments by Department from Psychology at the University of Ghana (developed in Might 1967) in postcolonial Ghana as being one of the initial departments of psychological science in Anglophone West Africa. Having said that even in the lack of debts, the VC's money need to be actually viewed as Price of Capital (despite the fact that VC do certainly not anticipate quick benefit on their capital deployed) which makes up Danger Free Fee (RFR) + Market Risk Fee (MRP) and also additional factoring from the Measurements Risk for small SU's (COE for significant specified business in the United States is presently around 5.8%). Feel free to keep in mind, these tips are actually guidance just, and any kind of specific issues on the time we'll attend to on a case-by-case basis - keep in mind, our volunteers are consistently there certainly to help, so satisfy do look out for a member of our red-shirted staff, and also talk to if there is actually anything you require, or even if you possess any type of concerns.
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In the exact same year, he established the Tony Elumelu Foundation, an African-funded and also africa-based gifting, devoted to militarizing entrepreneurship all over Africa. Is an unrivaled course that operates to kindle the spark from innovation belonging to all children," mentions Carey. Notion Blister Comic Fine art Competition Entries 2016// Exhibit// Times Vary. One of the celebration's favourite celebrations, the Planet Computer animation Honor is actually regularly loaded with small marvels. The means the ice crystals were, or even the snow ... or the building of the tower ... the gown of the girl - and exactly how practical every thing was actually. As a supporter for entrepreneurs and also free enterprises, Tim is on a regular basis included as a keynote audio speaker in entrepreneurial conferences throughout the globe, has been actually realized as a forerunner in his area through several awards and honors, as well as possesses frequent TV, radio, as well as headline looks.
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Before I move on with the timeline, I realize there’s still some adventures to share September’s trip to Prague. After all, if this blog’s purpose is to document my experiences in adulthood, our trips factor in pretty heavily.
Have you ever had a meal that was so wonderful, you remember it months later? You’d be in the middle of a conversation and you find yourself craving that dish? You can still remember what every bite tastes like, the sheer enjoyment you got out of every little morsel?
Because that’s what often happens to me, especially when I think about Prague.
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We never truly expected the Czech capital to stand out in terms of cuisine- after all Czech food doesn’t really resonate the way French and Italian do. But go with an open mind and you’ll find that both your tastebuds and wallet are in for a delight.
But what made it all the more memorable isn’t that the food was wonderful, it’s the experience that came to be associated with each place and dish.
The Brie Burger at CakeCafe
On our first day in Prague, the last thing either one of us wanted to do was walk some more, especially since we still had an opera to attend. We had been familiarizing ourselves with the city since sunrise, doing Sandeman’s excellent walking tour as we waited for our hotel to check us in, and later exploring Wenceslas Square.
Using Zomato, we found a restaurant that served Czech food and grill. It was highly rated and nearby, two reasons for us to rejoice. However, since we weren’t too familiar with the directions yet, we decided to ask the receptionist for a little guidance.
Big mistake.
Her lack of identifying left from right led us in one never-ending loop, somehow never passing the one street where the eatery we wanted was located. We began to get frustrated at one another, especially that I’m usually our navigator. Show time was getting closer and closer and we’d still not had a single bite.
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Finally we settled on this quaint looking cafe with a nice terrace on the way to the opera house- the menu unassuming and the cost inexpensive. We both selected the same Brie burger, one with a side salad and the other with fries.
Once I had that first try of the meat, all was forgotten and that receptionist was relegated to a joke the husband and I make when someone gets lost.
Anniversary Dinner at Bellevue
Ahmad knows that half the fun I have while travelling is from planning, so he lets me do my research without much interference. The one task he takes upon himself is finding us a high-end restaurant worthy of an occasion- and for our one year anniversary, he pulled out all the stops, by booking a table at one of the city’s top notch restaurants with a breathtaking view of the castle and Charles Bridge to boot.
The amuse bouche: soup
My appetizer; truffle risotto
Ahmad chose the octopus ravioli
My main course: veal
And Ahmad’s: Rabbit
The restaurant was so kind and presented us with this
And this heavenly dessert to end the evening
We relied on the staff’s recommendations and ended up enamored by the offerings, while the service was impeccable and attentive. In celebration, they even presented us with an additional dessert, which won all the points for presentation. We lingered for as long as we could, discussing how the past year had gone and how we wanted to move forward.
It was at Bellevue that I realized I needed to take control of my own happiness.
Goulash at The Homely Restaurant Facing Petrin Hill Whose Name I Can No Longer Remember (Hotel U Krize Restaurant) 
By our third day, we wanted Czech food and we wanted it badly. We’d heard so much about their goulash and dumplings and we were not willing to go back to Beirut without a taste.
So after we had finished exploring/chilling atop of Petrin Hill, we hiked all the way down to the base (the  stupid ticket machine for the funicular would not take my stupid coins) and came across a street lined with eateries. I worried that they might be too touristy at first, but when I heard Czech being spoken as the most predominant language, I figured it can’t be that bad.
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The restaurant looked very homely and the dishes reflected that, as though someone’s grandma was in the kitchen preparing all the food with love. The meat was incredibly tender and the goulash came with plenty of dumplings-exactly what I needed to wipe the dish clean from all the delicious sauce.
The Homemade Fanta and the Apple Strudel at Mincovna
If Ahmad wants something, Ahmad is going to work hard to make that happen- especially if an apple strudel is involved.
On our last day in Prague, we’d already checked out of our room and were looking to fill up as much time as we could before we departed for the airport. We’d been lingering around Old Town Square for a while when hunger struck and we made the decision to find a place to eat. Unfortunately, we were in the exact place that tourists are not advised to eat at as it can often be a trap.
Fortunately for us though, our tour guide on the first day pointed out Mincovna as the only place worth trying on the square- and one look at the restaurant was enough to affirm that. As we walked by, trying to decide if we wanted to sit there, Ahmad glanced dessert landing on one of the tables and it was love at first sight.
Their savory options were equally satisfying: I opted for the juiciest chicken breast I have ever had while Ahmad indulged in their duck offering. We washed the down with some homemade Fanta that was so good, I decided to replicate a few weeks later at home. And of course, the apple strudel, the main reason we visited the place to begin with.
Later that night, we returned to Beirut with big smiles, full stomachs, and memories that began to feel like we had dreamed  them up.
Prague: Making Memories Over Good Food Before I move on with the timeline, I realize there's still some adventures to share September's trip to Prague.
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filipinawives · 7 years
Traps with Philippines charity
  The Philippines is a land of contrasts. It’s still the third-world, despite what is considered a rapidly growing economy. Plenty who drive Ferraris and Porches, but there remain those who live on the street or scrounge through garbage looking for something to sell, so plenty of opportunity for Philippines charity. Decent Australian men in Australian Filipina relationships naturally want to do something to make it better, but is there a right way and a wrong way to go about this?     I’ve long been a follower of the man from Galilee, and despite being also a believer in working hard and taking responsibility for your lot in life, there are many who had an unfairly rough start in life and it’s our duty to help out where we can. Loving our neighbor means not turning our backs when we have the opportunity to be kind and to make up inequities. Our own blessings should be shared, and if all of those of us who do OK in life and have a bit left over could share that with those who are not so fortunate, there would be no poverty in the world. And hence one of the problems. With kids, you need to accept that they did nothing to create their situation through laziness and/or poor decisions. They were born into their current situation, and if you can help them then you most certainly should. We have a house full of kids we didn’t make ourselves, and I think we always will. And we have other kids that don’t live here but we help with education expenses.  
Helping those less fortunate in Philippines – Problems?
It all really stems around who you should help. From being here as long as we have, this has been the lesson. Whenever someone is here and willing to help, there is always someone there willing to take advantage. And as per usual, the problem starts when the Australian man, who is just an ordinary man in Australia, forgets that here he isn’t see as that ordinary man anymore. Here he will always be the rich man, and those in need will be very aware of this. And as I said above, kids by themselves won’t take advantage of you. They also did nothing to create the situation they found themselves born into. And not all, but many adults have made their own bed and really need to either lie in it or make some changes themselves. But many of them are only willing to take handouts and you may be only encouraging and supporting laziness and bad choices.  
Charities in Philippines
When we first moved here we found a charity funded by a UK-based international charity, and managed by an English fellow who wasn’t lacking in means himself. They took in homeless kids from the local dump site. These were scavengers who made their living scouring the garbage mountains and collecting what they could sell. Great bunch of kids, and we enjoyed visiting. And we were more than willing to make life better for them. Organised a medical and dental mission there, with a very kind doctor and equally kind dentist. And we had plans of getting them all new mattresses and bedding. In both cases, the staff were quick to come back to us with costings for both medical/dental treatment and for bedding. But what they didn’t like was that we were prepared to bring THINGS (ie. doctors, medicine, bedding, and we would arrive laden with fresh fruit, etc). They wanted us to bring CASH and not ask any questions. The last time we visited, the kids all stayed upstairs and my poor wife was left ignored downstairs. So yes, we parted company after that. And had a similar one with a charity that would go out and provide food for the hungry. They had purchased land, and were building a pretty nice centre, complete with their own residence included. Seemed like nice people. And I’m fairly sure the American gentlemen who was the public front was sincere, however it was obvious that donations didn’t necessarily end up where they were meant to go, and the feeding program was as cheap and un-nutritious as it could possibly be. Feed 100 people on probably less than P1,000.00. Everyone has a snack and that gives them a reason to smile for the cameras, and 100 people getting fed always sounds impressive. But one suspects the profits are going elsewhere, and this is the problem. There are some good charitable institutions here, such as Don Bosco and of course Fr Shay Cullen and his PREDA organization in Olongapo. Fr Shay is one of my very few heros. My advice is to not give up on the idea, but to be careful and make sure your money goes where you want it to go. Watch out for charity scams and scammers.  
Private charity in Philippines
If you know the situation and if you can manage it yourself, then you can be certain that your spending goes where it’s supposed to go. And as much as possible, try to help kids and young people rather than those who are less deserving and may have created their own problems themselves. We have kids here. Six of them. We take care of them, feed them, send them to school and most importantly give them lots of love and guidance. If you are willing to do this, you will no doubt have relatives who are struggling and are willing to let their kids live with you to give them a better start in life than their parents could. This is as challenging as any child-rearing will ever be, of course. The kids may be difficult and unruly, and you have the issue of them possibly wanting to run back to their parents if you have a family dispute. So don’t expect the Brady Bunch. But we’ve never regretted it. The other way is to support kids in their education. Could be relatives. Or in our case we have a handful of scholars in the province who can’t afford to continue their education. The cost to the average Australian is minimal, but it can make a massive difference. I think the main issues are not only to avoid anyone pocketing your generosity by either paying for things yourself or relying on a relative you can absolutely trust. The other issue is making sure you’re not seen as a soft touch, and ensuring a positive result. Because you can easily get burned-out and sick of the whole thing if you feel you’re being taken advantage of. With something like education support? You need to insist on minimal grade averages, and on seeing school reports. Need to make sure that the kid isn’t skipping school and pocketing the money! We’ve had that happen years ago. Never again. And if you have kids living with you? Make sure you don’t spoil them and make them think they’ve become fairy princesses in a castle. Watch their attitudes. If they arrived humble and kind, make sure they remain that way. Don’t be a soft touch, and ensure they never forget where they came from. Once you have a kid who’s showing off at school that they’re being dropped off in an expensive car and going on about the flash house they live in, and then talking down to your household helpers, you will know what I’m talking about here. Build bodies and minds, but ensure you build decent character too.    
The following blog post Traps with Philippines charity wasis available on Filipina Wives Marriage Advice Blog
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