#would be better if my younger sibling weren’t trapped at home lol
itbemoonchild · 1 year
Storm has made it impossible to get home.
Eating Taco Bell in an Ollie’s parking lot.
Loving life
0 notes
mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Ultimate prom dream; Queen x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well here I have yet another story for you all. In light of this whole quarantine and schools having been cancelled for the rest of the year, most of you out there have been denied some of the senior privileges such as Graduation and Prom. Well even though you guys couldn’t go to prom, I hope that at least this fic makes you feel like you ARE experiencing all the joys and wonders that senior prom has to offer (now personally my senior prom wasn’t all that good. In fact it was really the AFTER prom that was the best. Damn DJ WOULDN’T EVEN TAKE REQUESTS AT MY PROM WTF!!! But anyways that’s just my school prom)
But I hope this fic brings some of you HS seniors out there some comfort and you can imagine the perfect prom dream without all the drama lol. Hopefully soon I’ll come around and do a graduation fic. Enjoy my lovelies :)
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*April 13th, 1974*
Well this is probably the worst day of my life.  My senior year prom is coming up and I already know I can’t go.  In fact no one can go.  Apparently we didn’t reach enough money from our last fundraiser and without any of that money, the school couldn’t afford to get the prom started.
“Hello (y/n), how was school?” my mum asked from the kitchen.
“It sucked!”
“Hey! Don’t use that kinda of language in this house young lady!”
“Whatever.” I muttered angrily as I stormed up the stairs and went straight to my room and slammed my door shut.  I threw myself onto the bed and just gripped my pillow close to my chest trying my best to hold in the tears.
Maybe I might be overreacting but this is the final dance of my entire high school career, and because of a damn fundraiser, I may never get to have that dream.  I’ve always dreamed about being the Princess of the ball, getting to hang out with my friends for one final time before we all graduate and go our separate ways, but it’s ruined!
I knew I couldn’t talk about this to mum and dad, they’d never get it.  And of course my younger sibling’s don’t understand the concept of a senior prom.  Maybe my older sister could help out, she got to have a senior prom after all, yeah I’ll talk to Ronnie.
So sneaking out of my bedroom window, I got onto the tree that stood right by my room and carefully climbed down the trunk before taking off running to the nearest bus stop to head over to my sister’s place.
After about a 15min. bus ride, I finally arrived in the district where my sister was currently living at.  I walked along the streets till I finally came by the apartment and entered inside. I greeted the doorman and the person at the front desk and headed on up to my sister’s floor.
Once I reached it, I walked along the hallway and took out the spare key she had made for me and the rest of the family (but it’s mostly me that usually goes to see her). I unlocked the door and opened it.
“Hey Ronnie, I’m sorry to barge in like this but I really need to t—” that’s when I saw her and her boyfriend of one year John Deacon quickly pop up from behind the couch. They’re hair all messed up and I noticed that John’s collar was bunched up. “Wow okay sorry to bother you two. Guess I really did come at a bad time.”
“It’s okay (y/n). You—you can come on in. After all you did come all this way and I know you never do unless it’s either really important or you just wanna stir up trouble.” Ronnie said as she and John got themselves situated and adjusted themselves from their position.
“You sure? I don’t wanna disrupt anything.” I teased to which my sister glared at me threateningly (or so she thinks) and that’s when John said.
“Just get in here you little twerp.” I playfully stuck my tongue at him and walked on over and ruffled Deacy’s long hair.  He shoved my hand away as I came around the couch to sit on the chair.  Suddenly I felt myself being pulled into his lap and I was trapped in his arms.
“Oi! Let go John.”
“No I don’t think I will.” He pondered. “In fact I think you deserve a little punishment.”
“For what?!”
“You know the rules, no one but your sister can mess with these locks, and you’ve gone and broke that rule.”
“If you want to John, she’s very ticklish on her sides.” Ronnie said as she stood up.
“Ronnie!” I shrieked.
“Thank you my love.” Then before I could even struggle to get out, John proceeded to tickle my sides. I squirmed and tried to free myself from his grip but it was in vain. “Do you wish to surrender?”
“Yes! Yehehehehssss!!” I laughed through his devilish tickly fingers before he finally relented and I was left a panting mess. “How your little sister dealt with you I’ll never know.” He shrugged which made me chuckle.
Seriously, out of the boyfriends my sister’s had throughout the years (which were only just a handful), John Deacon was the one I could really see Ronnie settling down with. H’s sweet, kind, lets me and my younger siblings have a say in what’s what at the home.
He's respectful, and even though he’s currently part of the top rising band Queen, he still managed to get a degree (not to mention graduate with Honors) in electrical engineering, it shows that John has true character.  And yeah he was shy but I guess that’s why I’ve always liked him more than Ronnie’s previous boyfriends.  They weren’t arrogant or didn’t appear intimidating.
“So (n/n). What brings you all the way over here?” John asked me as he tucked some hair out of my face.
“And did you tell mum where you were going?” Ronnie asked me from the kitchen.
“Oh no. (Y/n) please tell me you didn’t sneak out again.” Before I could answer, the phone rang and Ronnie and I knew it had to be mum.  She sighed before racing over to it and answered it.
I turned to John who just looked at me shamefully and did the ‘shame on you’ motion with his index fingers.  I punched his shoulder while he gawked at me before trapping me in his arms once more but this time gave me a playful noogie instead of tickles.  I grumbled like a cat as I freed myself meanwhile Ronnie harshly shushed at us ordering us to be quiet.
John and I complied before looking at each other and quietly snickering to ourselves.
“Yes mum, okay yes. I’ll make sure to drop her back at home whenever she gets done with her visit here. Yes mum. I love you too, I’ll see you this weekend. Bye.” She hung up the phone before turning her harsh eyes at me. “You’re lucky I stick up for you all the time.”
“Yes I’m so blessed.” I teasingly praised as I rolled over on the couch hanging upside down to look at her.
“Then this better be an important visit otherwise I’ll tell mum that you snuck out through the tree again. Maybe this time dad will really cut that thing down.”
“No! Okay, fine. Fine.”
“Good. Now stand up straight and get your feet off the top of my couch.” She ordered me.  I sat up right before bringing my legs to my chest so that I could look at her all innocent like. “Don’t give me those kitten eyes of yours.”
“Oh come now Ronnie, you can be so harsh with her. Look at her all sweet and innocent.” John praised me as he cupped the side of my face and wrapped an arm around me.
“Trust me John, when she was younger she was a little trickster. And she still is. No wonder where Derek and Eric got their naughty behavior from.”
“Well believe it or not Ronnie I hadn’t even played a single prank in four months. And neither have the boys.”
“Just tell us why you’ve come all this way over here.” She said as she came back into the living room. At that point, my brain went back to the prom cancellation and I grew somber.
“You okay (n/n)?”
“Not if you don’t count the fact my senior year is officially over.”
“What exactly do you mean?” Ronnie asked me as she came up and sat beside me, while John scooted closer to me on the other side.
“The school’s cancelled the senior prom.”
“What?” she asked after a moment of silence.  I nodded sadly.
“Why did they choose to do that?” asked John.
“Well our school’s not like other schools that freely give out a prom. We have a spring fundraiser to see if we can reach a quota just to see if we can even afford to do a prom. If we do, the prom’s set in stone. If not, then the schoolboard just pulls the plug on the idea and the seniors get no fun finale farewell dance.”
“Well that is messed up.” He said.
“I know right!? How could they do this to us!? I mean we didn’t even make half the quota for the deadline. But they shouldn’t take it out on us that it rained that day!” I sighed heavily.  “Ron, can you tell me again what your senior prom was like?”
“You know you’ve heard my prom story over a hundred times, you would know it better than I would at this point.”
“I know. But—with no chance of me ever having a senior prom ever again, this’ll be the last time I ever get to imagine what my prom might be like.” She looked down at my with sympathy in her eyes before she turned to John and said.
“John, could you—give us a moment alone?”
“I’m out of here. Besides I’m late to meet the lads at rehearsal anyway. Hopefully, Roger hasn’t destroyed the studio just yet.” The three of us laughed.  John stood up and ruffled my hair before leaning down towards Ronnie and giving her a kiss goodbye.  “See you tomorrow night right?” he asked her.
“Hope the boys don’t keep you too late though.” Said Ronnie.  John smiled before walking out of the apartment.  As soon as the door shut, Ronnie wrapped an arm around me and she asked me, “What would you like to hear first?”
“I rarely asked you this, what was your dress like?” she smiled and then for the rest of the afternoon, she told me every single detail of her senior prom.
All the while I imagined my prom to be exactly how Ronnie described hers, now more than ever.
*John’s POV*
The next day in the studio I was with the guys thinking back to what (y/n) had said to Ronnie and I the other day.  Even though my prom wasn’t the best time of my life, to a young woman it’s different. (Y/n) really seemed to want to go to prom and be the ‘Princess of the ball’ as she claimed and now because of what the school said, she’s been robbed of it.
The one night where a girl could feel like a princess in a fairytale.  The final year to spend with her friends and just dance the night away.
“Deacy? Deacy? OI DEACON!!” I felt a drumstick hit my head and I proclaimed in pain.
“Finally he speaks. You looked like you were miles away.” Roger’s voice spoke up.
“And you couldn’t have chosen the pillow to toss at me?”
“Too lazy to get up and get it.” He whined.  I rolled my eyes when I felt Freddie’s arm wrap around my shoulders.
“What’s got you so lost in thought that you stop working Deacy dear?”
“Sorry Freddie. Just—thinking about something that (y/n) said.”
“Ahhh our little mini-Tetzlaff. God it’s been so long since we’ve seen her. You should offer to bring her around more often.”
“So how is Veronica’s sister?” Brian asked.
“Well—not too good in recent events.”
“Uh-oh. What’s happened? Was it some arsehole little boy who needs to be taught some manners?” Freddie threatened.
“No nothing like that.”
“Is it her grades again? Cause I can offer my tutoring skills this time around.” Brian asked.
“Her grades are fine, and she’s fine with me tutoring her. You over-complicate things Brian.”
“Then what is it? C’mon we’re dying here!” Roger stated impatiently.
“Her school’s cancelled her prom.”
“WHAAAAAAAT!!?!?!?” Freddie screamed. “Oh my god this-this-this-this is……this is it. The apocalypse has officially begun! I already cleared my schedule this weekend to go dress shopping with her!? Mary’s planned out the best makeup plan for her!! Those fuckers!!”
“Fred. Freddie!” Roger stopped Fred’s rambling and pacing around the studio. “You’re rambling and hysterical right now.”
“Of course I’m hysterical darling! Our beloved mini-Ronnie has been denied every young girl’s dream to be a Princess at the ball!” Freddie snapped.
“Prom was never really my favorite thing my senior year of high school. Extremely awkward if I’m being honest.” Brian admitted.
“Well my prom was the best night of my life. Got to shag the Prom Queen just shortly after her coronation. Denise Williams, best night of my senior year.” Roger bragged.
“Isn’t that always the typical thing for the prom king to do?” I asked.
“Who said I was the prom king?” he let on as he brought a cigarette to his lips and took a drag of it. Brian rolled his eyes as Roger grinned and exhaled his previous drag.
“Still it’s a crime! And I will not allow our sweet rock princess to be denied the one night she can truly shine! Deacy dear when are you seeing Veronica next time?”
“We’ve got lunch together on Friday.” I told him.
“Good. Then tell her to have (y/n) clear her schedule for Saturday, we’re going to go on a little shopping trip.”
“What have you got in mind Fred?” Brian asked suspiciously.
“The weekend that (y/n) has long desired for. Prom preparation. Here’s the plan my darlings.” Freddie gathered us in a circle and told us what he called ‘Operation: Prom Rescue’.
*My POV*
Finally the week was over and the weekend finally came.  I was still asleep in Ronnie’s guest room (I had asked my mom if it was okay to spend the night over at her place Friday night).  And I don’t know whether I was dreaming or what but I felt something poke my cheek.
I groaned and at first brushed whatever it was away.  But a second later I felt it again so this time I turned away from it and tried to hide myself under my blanket and pillow.  Slowly my consciousness was starting to stir but I refused to fully wake up, so I tried to relax my mind and hope that it would go back to sleep.
“(Y/n). (Y/n) dear~. Wakey, wakey darling.” Freddie? Since when did he come into my dreams? I groaned and tried to block out his voice cause otherwise it would wake me up again. Suddenly I felt cold air hit my bare feet and all it took was a single finger for me to let out a squeak as I tried to hide my foot back under the blankets.
But unfortunately both my feet were now pinned as the tickling continued.  I squirmed and tossed around as I tried to free my feet from whatever grasp they were in.  And if that wasn’t enough, I then felt two bodies just collapse on top of me.  No matter how many times I tried to wriggle or squirm my way out of the two bodies, they just gripped onto me and refused to let off.
Finally I was forced to open my eyes and when I looked up I had seen that smothering me were none other than Roger and Freddie, and at my feet John was the one holding down my ankles while Brian was the tickle torturer.
“She finally awakes.” Teased Roger as he bopped my nose.
“Why the hell did you guys wake me up? It’s Saturday.” I groaned tiredly.
“Oh come on dear don’t tell me you forgot what your sister told you. Remember our Saturday plans?” Freddie said as he adjusted himself and lay his head on my chest and looked right at me.
“But this early?” I turned to my clock and that’s when Roger said.
“It’s 10:35am lovie.”
“Exactly. And that’s early for a girl my age. Now get off of me you lot!”
“No I don’t think I want to, what do you say Roger dear?”
“Nope. I’m good right here. This is quite comfy.” Roger said as he snuggled up even closer to me. His head lying on top of mine while Freddie followed behind him and his head buried into the space between my shoulder blades.
“Oh my god you guys I swear!”
“Will you wake up then darling and come on the shopping trip? If not then Brian and Deacy are joining in.” Freddie threatened.
“Okay! Okay! Just get off me guys!” finally they released me and I finally sat up on the bed with the guys all sitting around me.
“Hey, your hair’s all sticking up.” Roger teased again as he tried to push my tangled hair down trying to tame it.  “Big (n/n) the human piece of toast.” I gave my best bitch face as he chuckled and ruffled my hair making it even more messed up.
“Alright Roger leave her alone you overgrown golden retriever.” John said.
“At least I love her more than you do you prideful cocker spaniel!”
“Children please, you’re ruining the morning before the biggest shopping trip ever planned.” Freddie said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“Yeah about this shopping trip, what is it about that you had to wake me up this early?” I asked him.
“Well truthfully (y/n) it’s sorta my fault. See, I had told the guys about your school cancelling your senior prom……” John started off before Freddie intervened and proceeded to say dramatically.
“Which is beyond a crime! First I am so sorry they did that to you and your friends. God senior prom was always my fantasy come true, sure I was picked on but look at me now. All those motherfuckers have to deal with a boring 9-5 job while I’m living the dream.”
“Fred.” Brian wheeled him back into the conversation.
“Right Brian sorry. So. That’s when my brain hatched an idea. We are going to give you the ultimate prom preparation ever!”
“Question though; why? I mean not that I’m not grateful that you’re willing to do this but…..prom’s cancelled. When would I ever wear the dress?”
“You see darling, the lads and I were devastated to hear that you were denied your senior prom.” Freddie explained as he took my hand and patted the back of it.
“By ‘we’ he mostly means him.” Brian pointed out bluntly.  Freddie glared at the curly haired guitarist before turning back to me,
“Anyways, we got together and on the day that you would’ve had your prom. We called in a favor of John’s and he agreed to allow us to rent out the Lakeside theater to allow you to have a full on prom experience.”
“What?” I said in awe. They all nodded and I hugged Freddie as tightly as I could. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you thank you!” Freddie chuckled and embraced me back.
“You’re very welcome darling. Now get up and around. Cause our first time; dress shopping!” and with that the guys left my room while I quickly got around.
We drove to the ultimate shopping center for prom attire that London had to offer, Lucio Vanni Bridal and Couture shop.  We entered inside and Freddie quickly dragged me over to the prom dress section of the shop and already thousands upon thousands of options.
“Alright my darling, first thing’s first is do you prefer a long dress or short dress?”
“Well I’ve kinda imagined a long dress, but not like all the way down to my feet long, maybe just—mid calf or something.”
“Alright. Any type of color you had in mind for the perfect prom dress?” I shook my head.
“Surprise me.” At that point I heard Brian and John groan.  I turned to them confused unaware of Roger and Freddie grinning at each other and fist bumping each other. “What? What’d I say?”
“You should’ve gone with any color (y/n).” Brian said as he ran his hand through his hair.
“Cause Rog and Fred have banded together to ransack every dress here just to see which would look best on you.”
“And thank you for doing that! Now you two can just shut up and sit down and leave the geniuses to work.” Roger said as both he and Freddie wrapped their arms underneath my pits in order for them to pick me up and whisk me away.  Maybe I should’ve just picked a random color.
I don’t know just how long it was, but Roger and Freddie continued to grab dress after dress of multiple colors and layers hoping that the perfect dress was there.  However no matter how many dresses we tried, no matter what color it was, it just didn’t seem to go well.
“Guys maybe we should just call it quits.” I said.
“What are you talking about?” Freddie flabbergasted.
“Maybe there is no right dress for me.”
“Now, now hold on. There is a dress for every girl out there and we are not giving up till we find it!” Freddie said as he shook my shoulders determinedly.
“Can we at least go get lunch Fred, it’s already half past noon?” whined John.
“No fucking way!”
“Brian, John, you guys can go and get some food. Cause honestly I’m getting hungry myself.”
“Thank you (y/n).” without hesitation, Bri and Deacy left the bridal shop.
“Non-romantics.” Grumbled Freddie. “Alright, back to business.”
I was now wearing an aquamarine dress that dragged down to the ground and the sleeves reminded me of Freddie’s and Brian’s white angel shirts (where it looks like the sleeves are wings).
“Oh I think that dress is beautiful.” Praised Freddie.
“But it’s too long.” I stated.
“Well nothing a little pinning up can’t do. Oh darling at least give this one a chance.”
“Hold it!” Roger proclaimed from the far end of the bridal shop.  He soon came running in holding up a satin salmon pink dress.  It was a spaghetti strap, it was long but not as long that it dragged on the ground, it looked to be about the ankles, maybe slightly higher.
“Oh my…..quickly darling get out of that dress and put this one on now!” Fred gave me the dress and pushed me back into the changing room.  It took a bit of time to get out of my current dress but when I finally did, I handed the dress back to one of the guys who took it while I put on the new dress.
After getting it on and zipped up, I stepped out of the dressing room and walked back towards the guys.  It was then I had noticed that Brian and John had returned from getting lunch and were handing Fred and Rog their lunches.  When the four bandmates turned to look at me, Freddie dropped his bag and was looked at me with awe.
“Oh my…….(y/n) darling.”
“Does it look good?”
“You are—there are no words to describe you right now.” Freddie gushed as he came up to me and escorted me to the room of mirrors so that I could see myself in the dress. And when I saw myself I couldn’t even believe it.  “And thanks to my lovely Mary who so kindly agreed to work out your hair and makeup for next week, you are gonna look like the bell of the ball. Well my darlings, what do you think of our lovely Mini-Ronnie?”
Roger who had a small grin on his face came up without saying a word before taking my hand and giving me a playful twirl before dipping me softly.
“If I were ten years younger, I’d be fighting tooth and claw at a chance to ask you to the prom.”
“Yeah just so you could cheat on her with the prom Queen?” Brian said smugly.
“As if Brian. I’d never leave this girl’s side.” He set me back up and I playfully slapped his arm as I chuckled shyly.
“Please, she’s got Veronica’s common sense. She’d clearly stay away from some boy like you.” John said.
“Yeah, and go for the shy but wild types like you Deacy dear.” Teased Freddie.
“The point is (y/n), you look beautiful.” Brian said as he took my hand and gave a kiss to the back of it.  I blushed and thanked them.
After buying the dress and finally leaving the bridal shop, Freddie and I alone went into a nearby shoe store to purchase the perfect flats that would go with the dress (cause let’s be honest here, heels are the WORST).  Thankfully, it didn’t take as long to get the shoes as it did for the dress.
Next stop was to meet Mary at BIBA during her break so that she could try out a few hairstyles as well as makeup for my ‘prom’ look.  We met in the back room where she closed off the blinds and as Freddie was ranting on about what he could imagine, Mary was gathering all the makeup supplies together.
“Okay Freddie, I’ll take it into consideration.”
“But Mary darling I’m not finished yet.”
“Well I’ve only got about 10 more minutes of my break left and I don’t think I can do it all in time. Just step on out and let (y/n) and I take it from here.” She said as she gently pushed her boyfriend out from the room before closing the curtains back up. “So sorry about that (y/n).”
“Hey if my sister’s gonna end up marrying Deacy one of these days, might as well get used to it, right?”
“Well he can sometimes go a bit over the top, especially if it’s something like this. I mean I love the man but he can be a bit much at times.”
“I HEARD THAT!!!” Mary and I softly giggled before she came up to me and said.
“Okay let’s see now,” she lifted my chin up and looked over my face.  I could see the gears shifting in her head. “Hmm…..okay, yeah. I think I might know where to start.” She then picked up the main foundation and said, “May I?” I nodded and she opened up the lid and rubbed the sponge against the powder before putting it on my face.
As she worked on my face putting on the main powder before she reached over for the eye liner and she said.
“Okay eyes closed.” I closed my eyes as she put the eye liner on.  “You and Veronica have such innocent features. It makes it so much easier to find the proper foundation. And it really makes your faces bright up even more.”
“I mean sure for my sister. But for me I’m not sure. I hate putting on makeup but my mum says I should.”
“Every girl is different. But it does make you even more beautiful when you do have makeup on.” She said as she did the other eye.  “Okay now for the eye shadow. Thankfully with the color of the dress we can go with a variety of choices, but I’ve got the perfect shade in mind.” I then felt her dab around my eye lids as she put on the eye shadow.
After that she told me to open my eyes and look up as she now began putting on the mascara.  Oh god I always hated putting on this thing.
“Don’t blink (y/n).” she warned me.
“I’m sorry but I can’t keep my eyes open for that long.”
“Just give me about five seconds and I’ll let you blink for a bit before I do the next eye.” She did about three more flicks with the mascara wand before finally allowing me to blink rapidly.
“God I really hate those things!”
“I know but it’ll be worth it in the end. You ready for the other eye?” after getting a few rapid blinks I nodded and she proceeded to do the other eye.  Once that was done, I felt something tickle my cheeks softly which made me giggle as it tickled.  “That tickle?”
“A little, what is that?”
“A blush brush.” She continued to apply the blush onto my cheeks before finally finishing it off with some lipstick before she told me, “Alright, you can open your eyes now.” I opened them and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t believe what I saw.
I—I was beautiful. The foundation was even, the blush was just enough to give my cheeks a bit of color, the eyeliner made my eyes pop out, the lipstick color that she had chosen was a nice neutral pink color.
It wasn’t too bland that it would blend in with my lips but it also wasn’t as extravagant that it made my lips puff out.  It was a nice happy medium, and the eye shadow blended well together.  I basically looked like a real princess now.
“What do you think?”
“Mary I—I love it. Thank you, thank you thank you thank you.” I praised as I hugged her tightly. She hugged me back and said.
“You’re welcome. Now unfortunately we won’t have time to do a full hairdo but what did you imagine your hair to look like?”
“Well, I always thought waves were beautiful to look at. But I don’t know if I could ever pull them off.”
“I believe you could.”
“Absolutely. In fact why don’t I come over to your sister’s on my day off on Tuesday and we can try it out? As soon as you get done with school?”
“That sounds perfect. Thank you again Mary.”
“It’s no trouble (y/n).”
“Mary darling. I respect the art of makeup more than anyone but may we please see our Prom Queen now?” Freddie’s voice sung out from the other side of the curtain.  Mary and I giggled softly and she said.
“We’ll be right out Freddie.” She guided me out from the curtains and when the guys saw me, they went full on with the compliments just like they did back at the bridal shop.
It was a long day but everything was put into place.  I was basically ready for my ‘makeup prom’ next weekend and as Mary promised, she and my sister Ronnie both worked together on that upcoming Tuesday on the perfect hairstyle for me.
Finally the big day had arrived.  Ronnie helped me get ready at around 3pm and the guys would pick me up at around 4:30. With my sister’s help, I was finally all dressed up just like I had pictured myself at my senior prom.
“Oh baby sister, you look absolutely beautiful.” She praised me as she finished up my hair.
“I can’t thank you and the guys for doing this for me. It—really means a lot to me Ronnie.”
“Well like Freddie’s told you, it’s a crime to let a young girl miss out on her senior prom. Especially a certain someone who’d always want to hear about their older sister’s prom nonstop since they began secondary school.” She teased the last part at me.
“I was wanting to prepare myself for it. Cause literally these past several years of secondary school have really flown by and already I’m close to graduating and going onto University.”
“I know. And we are all so proud of you.” she said as she rubbed my arms lovingly.  It was then we heard a very unique knock at the door. The kind of knock that only a drummer would make on his drums.  We both looked at each other knowingly before she said.
“You can come in Roger, she’s decent.” The door opened and soon coming in was the entire band dressed up in semi-formal attires.  John wearing a black button up shirt with small red dots scattered all over it like stars in the sky, a blue velvet overcoat and black pants.  Freddie wore a black long sleeves shirt with a white scarf draped over his neck, white pants and I noticed that his right hand had black fingernail polish.
Brian wore a white button up shirt with a black overcoat and dark grey pants, white Roger wore a rainbow stripped glittering jacket, black pants, and his brown shades.
“Oh my god (y/n) darling. You look absolutely beautiful!” praised Freddie with a clap.
“All thanks to you guys.” I said.
“See, I knew we’d find the perfect dress for you. Didn’t I tell you your fairy godmother wouldn’t let you down?” I giggled softly when Roger spoke up.
“I picked out the dress in case you forgot.”
“Details Roger.” Brian rolled his eyes before coming up to me and he said holding up a small food container.
“Deacy and I managed to find a corsage at the last minute, hope you like it.”
“Oh Brian I love it, it’s beautiful. Now—isn’t there a tradition that goes along with it?”
“Yes. Well typically the man would put this on his lady friend before heading to the prom.” He said as he opened it up and held it in his hands.
“Wait! Wait! Wait! Let me get my camera!” Ronnie shouted as she quickly ran to grab her camera, meanwhile John got his out and prepped his.
“I call dibs on the first picture with the Prom Queen!” Freddie raised his hand.
“No way Fred I want first pictures!” Roger argued.
“Uhh no Roger dear it’s only fair for Cinderella to be standing by her fairy godmother.” As Roger and Freddie proceeded to argue over each other, I saw John direct Brian and I to stand together in front of loveseat that stood by the window.  
Brian and I stood together before John came up and turned me around so that my back would be up against Brian’s front and he told Brian to wrap his arms around me.  He made any final adjustments that needed to happen whether it was the brush a strand of my hair aside, adjusting the satin pink shawl around me, or how Brian should hold me.  
When it was done, Ronnie came back and John said it was perfect as he backed up to stand by her side and the two of them pressed their cameras up to their eyes.  Soon pictures were being taken and already Freddie and Roger proclaimed as soon as they stopped fighting.
“NO FAIR!!!”
“Sorry guys. Then you shouldn’t have been fighting otherwise you would’ve gotten your shot.” John sassed at them after taking two more shots.
“Well then I call dibs on the next photo shoot!” Freddie huffed.
“Sorry Fred, that right goes to me.”
“Yep, then of course we need one of the two sisters together. Then you and Roger can go.”
“Aww that’s not fair!” Roger whined as he crossed his arms over his chest.
After awhile the photoshoot was finally done and that’s when the guys told me it was time to head out.
“Now you remember, be home by 11 o’clock.” Ronnie told me.
“You know Cinderella got till midnight right?”
“Well Cinderella didn’t come from a Catholic family. Home by 11pm, otherwise mum will have my head.”
“Alright Ronnie.”
“Have fun tonight, and be safe.” She said as she hugged me.
“No worries Veronica dear we’ll take good care of her.” Freddie said as he wrapped his arm around me. We bid my sister goodbye as we left the apartment and headed down the stairs for the parking garage to head onto the Lakeside theater.
We didn’t get there till about sunset (so it was about a hr. and 45min drive thanks traffic!) but we arrived in one piece.
“Now Freddie I’ve been meaning to ask this for a while, is this whole thing just for me or—” he pressed his index finger to my lips as he shushed me gently.
“Spoilers darling.” He said with a wink.  Roger put the car in park and we all piled out of the car.  Already I could see some pink, black and white balloons taped to the front doors.  We entered the theater and there were signs pointing towards the direction of the main stage where the prom was set up.
We soon arrived at a pair of double doors and I could see it was dark with some lights flashing inside and music booming.  John and Roger stood in front of me as Freddie said.
“My dear (Y/n) Tetzlaff. Welcome to your senior prom.” It was then John and Roger opened the doors and inside I was given the surprise of my life.
Not only was the place decorated front head to toe in my all-time dream theme ‘Starry Night’, but it turns out I wasn’t alone.  I could see that my entire senior class were all inside chatting, dancing or getting some snacks or punch.
I was—actually there weren’t any words to describe how I felt.  But one word if I HAD to pick was—happy.  This was exactly like I’d imagine my perfect prom to be.
“(Y/n)! Oi (y/n) over here!” I saw sitting at a nearby table a group of my closest friends that I’ve been friends with since primary school.  I turned to the guys and they wordlessly gestured for me to go join my friends.  I picked up the end of my dress before quickly racing forward to join my friends.
*John’s POV*
We didn’t do so bad. Thanks to Veronica, we had managed to call up some of (y/n)’s closest friends and tell them that a special prom was being made for the senior class of 1974.  Then I guess word just spread fast like wildfire amongst her peers cause soon enough I was told her entire class had shown up.
Watching (y/n) race off to join her friends, I knew we had done a good thing.  She was finally getting the prom of her dreams.
“Not bad.” I said with a soft smile.
“I’d say this was your best planning yet Fred.” Said Brian.
“Good to know, now then my darlings let’s get ready to perform for these kids. They’re gonna need some live entertainment, and who better than her royal majesties themselves?” we all then headed down towards the basement where our tour costumer had put our performing clothes at for this gig.
*My POV*
As the night went on, my friends and I were all talking, getting some food or dancing our hearts out to the hottest rock music out there.  After dancing and singing along to Elton John’s ‘Crocodile rock’ the music suddenly turned off and lights suddenly went black.
Everyone was either complaining or getting scared of what was going on.
“You guys know what’s happening here?” my bestest friend Mikaela asked.
“I don’t know.” Answered Sasha.
“Don’t give me a line.” Said Derek.
“No clue girl.” Said Courtney.
“(Y/n) do you?” asked Dylan.  But before I could answer, a familiar intro to a song began playing through the speakers. That sorta electric keyboard intro before the sounds of a guitar and drums slammed down.  Some of the girls who were in the more popular crowd seemed to recognize the opening that was playing cause next thing I knew they were screaming with joy and praise.
Soon Freddie’s voice soon rang throughout the theater as the lights suddenly came back on and there on the stage stood Queen in the very outfits they wore when they performed at the Rainbow theater just a month ago.
A word in your ear, from father to son Hear the word that I say I fought with you, fought on your side Long before you were born
Kings will be crowned,
The word goes around From father to son, to son
As Queen continued to sing “Father to son” my entire class cheered and applauded as they all now gathered as close to the stage as they could while I couldn’t help but stare up at those miraculous boys.
I mean these guys are just—not only did they give me the prom of my dreams but now here they are performing for a bunch of Secondary catholic seniors.  The biggest smile spread across my face as I tried to hold back my tears of gratitude and happiness while I watched Freddie light up the stage, Brian and Roger playing their instruments as loud and graceful as they could, and John elegantly playing his bass.  After the song ended, Freddie said into the microphone.
“Ahh yes thank you. Thank you, you lovely young darlings. You all having a good prom night?” my class cheered loud and proud. “And truthfully I think I might’ve seen some of you youngins at some of our shows? How many of you have been to a Queen show?” about half of my class raised their hands and cheered. “Well then for those of you that haven’t, buckle the fuck up.”
I chuckled while my class all laughed at Freddie’s cheekiness.
“Oh sorry probably shouldn’t curse. Forgive me father of my sinful tongue.” He said as he made the cross over himself before chuckling almost evilly. “Now then, this next song is a real head banger. If you know the words then sing along, cause now we’re going from the prom to the battle field. This is Ogre Battle.”
The lights went dark again as Freddie disappeared from the spotlight and only the echo of Brian’s red special pierced the theater as my class all cheered.  Green lights soon circled around the stage, before finally the song picked up.
I went up closer to my friends who had managed to get all the way up to the stage as Freddie did his thing on stage.  I watched mesmerized by Queen’s sound and their presence.  Having been to Queen’s shows a multitude of times (kinda one of the perks when your sister is dating the bass player), I didn’t need to cheer or scream my head off, because I more interested in just seeing the four of them become really involved with their music.
Sure they may not be as overly popular yet like the Beatles, Elton or Bowie but I knew need down that Queen were going to get there soon.  Maybe by the end of this year, maybe the year after who knows.  But just seeing them literally just having fun on stage in their pre-blossomed state was an honor to see.
After several more songs from both Queen and Queen II, they had just gotten done playing ‘Great King Rat’ which and I quote Freddie.
“Now this song, is dedicated to a certain person you all might be thinking right about now. How many of you love your school board for what they tried to take from you.” I remember hearing the utter disgust and rage from all the seniors as they hissed and booed. “He-eh-eh didn’t think so. This one is called Great. King. Rat!”
Brian had just gotten done with his solo for ‘Son and Daughter’ which gave Freddie a chance to change into the tight skinned black attire and they continued on with the second act.  They performed my favorite song “Liar” before moving onto the final songs they had which were their version of “Big Spender”, then they surprised us with the king of Rock and Roll himself as they performed “Jailhouse rock”.
All my friends and I got together and danced our hearts out.  It was then I felt a tap at my shoulder and there stood my friend since 2nd year and recently secret crush Cameron Boyce.
“Care to dance with me?” he asked me.  My heart sped up even faster but I nodded and took his hand and he led me further out along the dancefloor as the two of us rocked out to the second chorus.  The two of us danced together and he even spun me around and just let the music take control of us.
When Freddie allowed us to take over the show at the end by singing the ‘dancin to the Jailhouse rock’ mantra, my entire class all cried out the words while Freddie praised us and led us in a clap.  After the song was over, Queen did a final rock out bang and when it was all over, we all cheered, clapped and whistled.
“Thank you everyone, you’ve been a lovely young audience for us. Right now, to close this year’s Saint Maria’s Catholic senior prom. We the members of Queen would like to make a special crowning to this years Prom Queen.”
Oh great here we go. I didn’t even think we were doing this, of course I knew who would make Prom Queen.  Mary-Elizabeth Jane has been wanting this moment since Year 3.  She always bragged about how she was always more prettier, richer and most likely to win Prom Queen.
“Now this was a no brainer. Because after all without this one special lady, there wouldn’t be any of this.” Wait what? “She’s dedicated, hardworking, and I know she is going places. So please put your hands together for this year’s Prom Queen, (Y/n) Tetzlaff!”
The spotlight soon shined down on me and everyone began clapping for me.  I could see my friends cheering and whistling at me as Freddie gestured me to come onto the stage.  I smiled shyly and walked towards the stage.  Brian kindly helped me walk up the side stairs till I was up on center stage.
Roger then came out holding the Prom Queen tiara and he placed it on top of my head while John and Freddie came in with the Prom Queen sash and a giant bouquet of red roses. John placed the sash over me before giving me a kiss on the cheek and bopping my nose while Freddie handed me the bouquet and kissed both my cheeks.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the senior class of 1974, give it up for your new Prom Queen!” Brian spoke into his microphone.  My peers continued to cheer for me and I turned to the guys who all nodded or winked at me as they applauded too.
Okay I know I’ve said this a lot, and I know I’m repeating myself but damnit I’ll say it again. This was my prom dream come true.
After the prom was scheduled to be over, either parents or my peers all walked back to their cars to head on home.
“Congrats on becoming Prom Queen (y/n). You really deserved it.” Cameron said to me.
“Thanks Cam, and trust me I didn’t bribe the guys to do it.”
“No worries. Like I said, you deserved it. And it was cool that you got to have Queen perform for our Prom. Never did I think I’d get to have an up and coming band sing at our prom, especially one that is unique as Queen.”
“I have a feeling they’re gonna really hit the big times soon.”
“No question.” The two of us smiled at each other before looking away trying to avoid eye contact. It was then a car honk was heard and Cam looked up. “So……I’ll see you Monday then?”
“Yeah. I’ll see you then.” I nodded.  He then raced off towards the car and got into it before it drove off.  As I walked back towards the guys, they all looked at me with knowing grins as Freddie asked me.
“And just who was that?”
“That was Cameron. He’s a friend.”
“He is?!” he exclaimed. “Is it kissy staged yet?” he blurted out like he wanted to know a dark secret.
“No Freddie, he’s just my long time best friend.”
“Mmm-hmm. That’s exactly what our Deacy said when he first started seeing your sister.” Freddie teased as he poked John’s cheek.  John slapped his hand away as we all piled in the car, all the while each one of them interrogating me on the deats on Cameron and I’s relationship.
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Warm || Newt Scamander x Reader
Genre: ANNNNGST Warnings: Character death. Word Count: 1,934 Prompt: “Ooh what if the reader was Leta's younger sister by maybe a year or two and they liked Newt. And then poof time skip to many years later maybe the reader is Newt's assistant and maybe she gets hurt while fighting a Grindelwald fanatic and that's when he realizes he loves her?” A/N: Thank you to boxofteenageideas for this request! Sorry it took me so long. So, the original request mentioned the reader getting hurt. I took it a bit further because I watched Les Mis recently and well, it inspired me in quite a way lol. Sorry for any tears! Please let me know what you all think, and do not hesitate to give me some more requests! Enjoy (the best you can)!
“Excuse me?”
He turned around with a swish of his hair and not much eye contact. Good ol’ Newt Scamander, third year recluse and animal lover extraordinaire, never had been too observant of others. His beasts he took impeccable care of, but when it came to humans, he did not notice their worries or needs. It simply did not come to him. It was not worthy of note.
It has cost him multiple potential friendships in the past from those too shy to accept his quirks or too popular to associate with his awkward-natured self. But Newt did not mind. They were not worth his time if they did not understand him. That was why he kept so close to Leta Lestrange, the Slytherin in his year with soft chocolate skin and big eyes that sparkled like diamonds when they gazed at his creatures. She was the only one who did not laugh or mock him when he put his beloved creatures first. She accepted him for everything. As far as he was concerned, he was indebted to her for life.
Because of his deep appreciation of her, Newt often kept her company. He knew everything about her and her interests. She came to him for everything – comfort, help, fun. She also came to him when her home life became rough. That was why, when he looked down and briefly saw you standing before him, he knew exactly who you were. You were his best friend’s little sibling. Just having entered Hogwarts, you were wearing your full robes and wide-eyed. You were, quite frankly, adorable to him. In a little kid kind of way, at least. Newt awkwardly smiled.
“M-My sister told me I should say hi to you.” It was a lie, but he did not know any better. “I’m {Y/N} Lestrange.”
Briefly meeting your eyes, Newt nodded. “Nice to meet you. Call me Newt.”
“Newt.” His name sounded funny coming from your much younger, tinier voice. Where Leta sounded more older and mature, you sounded quite small and innocent. He rather fancied it, though he would never share that fact with you. “I was wondering if you could show me the creatures you show her.”
“Y-You want to see them? Are you sure?”
You smiled. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Now, that was a question young Newt Scamander had never heard before. It was a good one – a great one, even. Why shouldn’t people be sure to meet his creatures? They were harmless, after all. They were quite majestic, too. Everyone should want to see them. Face brightening, Newt beckoned you to follow him and got up to go.
You followed him down a few of the halls, not quite sure where you were heading but trusting nevertheless. Newt weaved through a few doors and staircases until stopping at a little staircase leading to a nook. He reached his hand out to you, and you took it with confidence. All nerves swam away when Newt felt that.
“I suppose you should meet my newest creature first,” he said, guiding you into the nook. You noticed quite quickly a large jar with some murky creature lurking in it. You would be lying if it did not scare you, but you did not mention it to Newt. Instead, you watched as a small, twig-like creature crawled out toward you from his arm. With glee, you joined Newt in taking a seat on the ground and held your arm out for it. It chirped and made its way onto you, making Newt smile.
“I believe I’m going to call him Pickett.” His eyes watched the creature crawl further up your arm, making you laugh. “He’s quite agile, isn’t he?”
“He tickles,” you giggled. “Where did you find him?”
“There’s a special tree. Your sister and I visited it last term. We’ve grown to become good friends. M-Me and Pickett, that is,” he stumbled, face growing red. Too engrossed with Pickett, you remained ignorant. That was how the rest of your time with Newt went. You would fall for his creatures, and him quite frankly, while he showed you his world and trailed after Leta. It was a constant pattern, one that involved both of you remaining blissfully unaware of each other’s emotions.
It was not until years later, somewhere in Paris, that either of you figured one’s emotions out. You were the unfortunate one to find out first. There was something almost cruel about the way you realized Newt’s love for Leta. Being his assistant, you believed there was no one closer in Newt’s world. You dealt with his creatures daily – who else could say they did that? You came into work every day and earned at least one smile from Newt. That was a constant. What was not constant, however, was your heartbeat as you walked into one of the creature’s case enclosures and found Newt in a loving embrace, lips pressed to lips, with Leta.
You began to flee just as Newt caught sight of you. He chased you, but you escaped in tears. Where you ran, you hardly knew. You got out of the case and simply sprinted. When it seemed as if Newt would catch you, you disapparated and went as far away as you could think of on such short a notice. His emotions did not mean anything in that moment to you. All you cared about was the panic coursing through your body, and the feeling of unwantedness that drummed through your mind. When you wandered into an abandoned cemetery, you hardly thought anything of it.
You thought of everything, however, all at once when a sudden array of green sparks hurdled your way from your right. Tears quickly forgotten, you squealed and hid behind a tombstone with a pounding heart. It thumped in your mind feverishly as the sparks continued to bombard the stone, slowly breaking it. You had no idea who was doing this or why, or why they were so combative at a cemetery of all places. Though you detested him at the moment, you wished Newt, shy, sweet Newt, would show up and rescue you. For a bit, no one did.
Then, you saw white sparks fly through the air, ceasing the green.
“Back away from her. Now.”
Jumping up, you noticed the scene before you with utter shock. It was him. He stood strong, piercing, ready to take on the world. Leta was behind him, wand cast forward at whatever person stood ready to attack you. She looked trapped in a heap of emotions, but you could not really decipher them all from your vantage point. What you could see was Newt in attack mode, showing more furious than you ever had seen him to this mysterious figure. They laughed and yelled something about Grindelwald to him, about how he needed to watch his tongue and let what was to happen happen if he did not wish for Grindelwald’s fury.
Of course, Newt hardly cared for the likes of the sly, mostly evil wizard, so he moved forward anyway. He shot a spell their way and it hit them good, knocking them off their feet – not before they shot a spell right at you.
The sensation was sharp, searing like flame into your skin. Not much else went through your mind as you collapsed to the cold, grassy floor beneath you. You heard Leta yell, and you heard the cracks of spells, and then you felt Newt’s arms cradle you into him. Your emotions went wild, but your mind went blank as he fussed over you. Whatever was going on with the flames, you were apparently really hurting from them, and he looked utterly terrified because of it.
“{Y/N}, s-stay with me, s-stay, it’s going to be okay.”
Stay? You had no idea what he meant by stay. You were not going anywhere. Body beginning to shake, you turned and looked up into his eyes. He looked far worse off than he had been in his nook all those years before.
“Newt, I-”
“Shhh.” Holding you close, Newt looked over to Leta as she dealt the final blow to the fanatic. As soon as she finished, she too joined him at your side. Her eyes were wide and frightened, as if one more moment staring at her younger sibling in pain could snap her world in two.
“Newt, {Y/N} needs help. Now.”
“S-She can’t apparate,” he choked out, eyes watering. “Leta, it’d be too much.”
“We can’t just let her-”
“We can’t do anything.”
You caught a glimpse of your sister as these words sunk into her brain. She looked lost. Worse, she looked tormented and distraught and afraid. You could not tell why she was so afraid. You were fine, weren’t you? Sure, you were shaking and the flames did not go away, but you felt so warm up against Newt. How could something feel so good if things were bad?
“{Y/N},” Newt’s voice was shaky, uncertain. “I…I love you. I need you to know that.”
You opened your mouth to counter, but he hushed you. “What you saw in the cemetery…{Y/N}, I just told Leta we needed to part ways for your sake. Y-You stole my affection, and I did not want to drag her along. {Y/N}, you cannot leave me. Please.”
Hearing such a confession made you never want to leave. How could you leave when everything seemed to fall into place? You had been wrong; you were loved. Newt loved you, not your sister. Surely, that was cause never to leave. But, as you opened your mouth to speak, something clogged your airway and forced you to cough. And, as you looked ahead of you to Newt’s coat, a blood stain from your cough made you realize that, perhaps, you were about to have no choice but to leave. Newt and Leta’s voices grew more muffled with this realization, almost at the same rate the taste of iron filled your mouth. Coughing more, you clutched to Newt and his warmth more than you ever had before. He was your space heater, your comfort, the one tangible thing left keeping you tethered to Earth. You clawed for him, bringing him closer, and he met you with a kiss that left you both wildly fulfilled and panicked.
On his lips, you saw nothing but bright red.
The coughing began again.
“I love you,” he muttered, holding you close once more and slowly rocking you back and forth. “I love you. So much.”
“I’m so sorry,” Leta sobbed. You looked beyond Newt’s shoulder to see her with tears streaming down her face. Her skin was pale. Her eyes were dull, life slowly drawing out of her. If you had not known any better, you would say she was dead herself. Though you could not physically move, you pleaded with your eyes for her to be okay. Something about the way she could not seem to meet your eyes back left you feeling worse off than before.
Your eyes fluttered shut.
Newt choked on his tears.
“I love you.”
The fire seemed to dull in that moment. Where shaking once sat, stabilization found your feet firm on the ground. The warmth you felt, though, stayed the same. It in fact grew, enveloping you until you found yourself sitting in Newt’s nook, meeting his creatures for the first time and meeting his smiling gaze.
Death was cold. Newt was warm.
And although you did not get to experience life with him, you were content to make up for lost time in the eternity after it.
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collecting-stories · 6 years
PT 2 | Modern!Ivar
1 | 2 | 3
Once home from the date Ivar had to wonder what proper etiquette called for in this situation. He really wanted to talk to you again, in fact he really hadn’t wanted to call it a night at all. If he had it his way, and aside from right now he usually did, he wouldn’t have ended the night outside your apartment building. But after dinner he’d asked to walk you home and you let him and you didn’t say anything about him getting to his dorm unaccompanied.  
So he fidgeted around his dorm, trying to decide what to do and thankful that his mother had insisted he not have a roommate. They would have been complaining about the noise for sure if they existed. Instead it was just him, anxiously rolling back and forth in his room, too hyped to go to bed.  
He had texted both of his brothers to ask their advice. Was it too soon to call you? Ubbe said just wait till morning cause you might be sleeping. But that only served to plant seeds of doubt in Ivar’s stomach. What if you were sleeping? What if you had just gone home and gone right to bed and weren’t up like he was, excited about the evening and unable to think of anything else. Hvitserk suggested waiting the standard three days. “Make her wait for your call.” He claimed. As if Ivar was not the one who was desperate.  
No, neither of these suggestions would work. He would focus first on the task of getting to bed, then he would decide what to do. Ivar transferred himself into a stationary chair and began changing for bed. With pants and shirt folded on the desk for his daytime aide to put away in the morning he used his crutches to get from the chair to the bed. Once he’d gotten comfortable in the lumpy college provided bed, he checked his phone.  
He didn’t have to decide after all because sitting there on his phone was a text from you. It said that you had fun and you were glad he had asked you on a date. He considered messaging his brothers again, telling them you had texted back and what should he do next but he decided against it. Ivar gave himself a pep talk, reminding himself that he had asked you out and gone on the date without anyone else’s help.  
Ivar wrote me too than deleted it and wrote I had fun too would you want to get coffee tomorrow and then deleted that to settle on me too once again. Which he immediately followed up with do you want to get coffee tomorrow which he followed up with if you’re free.  
-I have lunch for an hour at one. I can meet you outside the children’s hospital? I’ll be there tomorrow.-  
Ivar was both thankful that tomorrow was Saturday and he had no classes and terrified that you had actually said yes. This meant having to go out with you again. Something he wanted to do but also something that pulled him out of his comfort zone.  
Despite the agreed coffee meet-up not happening until one Ivar was still up early, jittery from nervousness. He texted his aide and told them not to bother coming by, most of his dressing he could manage himself with assistance straps and an old shoehorn he had rigged with velcro. It wasn’t the most ideal thing in the world but sometimes it was nice to not have to rely on someone else for something.  
He didn’t dress up, not that he really had last night either. He’d managed jeans at least yesterday, which were impossible to get on himself and hell to get off at the end of the night. So today he wore track pants and a hoodie. He clipped his bag to his wheelchair and collapsed his crutches so he could hang them from the clips as well.
Ivar met you at the entrance of the main building, having timed the commute from his dorm to the children’s hospital correctly. It was right beside the regular hospital that he’d seen you at yesterday. He was relieved when you came outside, casually dressed in clothes that were appropriate for work but allowed you to do therapy in them.  
“Hey!” You smiled and waved, walking over to him. “So there’s a Starbucks across the street or we can go further up, there’s like food trucks and stuff since this is so close to campus too.”  
“We can do that, I’ll be honest I’m not exactly the eating on the go type.”  
“You should get one of those trays,” You joked,  miming the shape of a food tray in front of you as you started walking beside him.
“I have a cup holder, that’s about as fancy as it gets.” He replied, nodding to the cup holder attached beside his right leg.
“Oh perfect.” You jokingly set the coffee tumbler you’d been carrying into the cup holder and Ivar laughed.  
“Using me for my cup holder.”  
“I mean,” you shrugged, “seriously though that’s my third yeti. The other two got swiped, I can’t leave them anywhere.”  
“You’re joking.”  
“I’m not!” You replied, “people steal them.”  
“When this one disappears you’ll know it was me.” Ivar said. When you made a reach to grab it he swerved away making you laugh. “So, how’s work today?”
“Good, I’m doing pool therapy this afternoon so you’ve got me pre-chlorine.” You replied.  
“Thank goodness. I have a strict policy against dating anyone the smells like chlorine.”
“Bummer,” you laughed. “I was actually going to ask if you’d wanna try the pool sometime?”  
“I don’t know. I don’t really swim.”  
“Well think about it, whatever you’re comfortable with. Anyway, we’ll worry about it when you aren’t taking me out for lunch.”  
You and Ivar both agreed on a food truck that did fries and different types of grilled cheese, which you promised was way better than it sounded. There was a bench close by and you sat down, Ivar rolling his chair in facing you.
“Alright, take your coffee back so I can put my drink down.” He instructed, waving his hand at you.  
“Okay jeez.” You laughed, swapping out your yeti for his soda. “So do you usually go home for the weekends or do you stay here?”  
“I try to stay here, my mom is...well you met my mom.” He grimaced.  
“She seemed nice.”
“She’s overbearing. She wants me to move out and be independent cause she’s worried I’m not getting as much social interaction as my brothers but then I do exactly what she wants and she calls me fifty times a day asking if I'm alright.” He replied. “Oh Ivar, how’s your aide? Are they helping you? Are the books too heavy for you? Is everything accessible? Do you want me to talk to your teachers about you taking breaks or not doing all the homework? Make sure your drinking enough water. It’s everyday.”
“Well to be fair she sounds like a normal mom, but I mean, I see it a lot. Moms don’t want to feel like their kid is missing out and most of the time the kid doesn’t really feel like they are. I think...it’s hard to think about your kid always being the odd one out, so to speak.” You shrugged, “I don’t know, it’s not my place to speak on it.”
“You’re right though, I get where she’s coming from. Part of me kind of hopes this will shake her out of it and she’ll start treating me like she treats my brothers.”
“Are you the youngest?”
“Oh no...then you’re the baby forever. Chair or no chair you’re screwed.” You teased, moving your leg so that your foot was on his footrest and pulling him a little closer to you.  
“What about you though? Any siblings?” He asked.
“Younger siblings.”  
“So you’re stuck being the oldest? Then you’re screwed too.”
“Too true.”  
“See I’ve got cripple privilege though. My mom lets me get away with way more shit than my brother’s ever did cause I’m in a chair and she feels guilty. So I’ve got you beat.”
“It appears you do.” You laughed. “Well I am trapped into going back to work while you get to enjoy this lovely day.”  
“I’ll probably just go back to my room and watch netflix.” Ivar shrugged, rolling back so you could stand up and throw out the trash.
“Even that sounds better.”  
“Come over after work. We can do takeout?” He offered, hoping he wasn’t being too forward, what was he supposed to do in these situations. When was hanging out too much hanging out?
“Yeah alright. I’ll probably be like, eight or something cause I’ll have to shower first, get the chlorine out of my hair.” You replied.  
“Oh please do, I don’t want your chlorine hair stinking up my dorm room.” He joked. You laughed and playfully gave him the finger.  
Once you were back to the hospital you turned to Ivar again to say goodbye. “Thanks for lunch, I’ll text you when I’m finished, maybe I can get out early.” You said, already trying to decide if it would be wrong to pass off your last patient to someone else.
You leaned down and placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth, feeling the way his lips pulled back in a smile at the action. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yeah, see you tonight.” Ivar nodded, watching you walk back into the hospital, a slightly dazed look on his face.  
I’m honestly just making Ivar a more able-bodied version of my sister at this point lol. Except we have a normal mom. 
taglist: @thinkingsofamadwoman @flowers-in-your-hayr @alwaysadreamingoptimist @mixedwiththemoon @demonhunter1616 @silverbloodmoon @filthyshieldmaiden @mblaqgi @glopsifum @ilvebeenabad
If you want to be tagged let me know.
You can find my other Ivar stories here. And Vikings stories here. 
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Do you have any headcanons about the childhoods of the GMS boys? I love your blog by the way, and GMS, and it's good to know I'm not alone in loving this game so much!
I may like this game too much lol so a mix of what I think it would be like plus what we already know.  Though this is mostly my incoherent thoughts as I feel out who they could’ve been when they were younger:
Sherlock Holmes & Mycroft Holmes
Raised by their parents in a very quiet town, a good deal of distance between them and their neighbors, good thing too with the curious mind of Sherlock getting himself in trouble often
Mycroft would charm any adult and could act properly right away even if he was just in the middle of tormenting and scaring Sherlock
Sherlock most likely had a favorite stuffed animal at some point, but didn’t anymore after it ‘ran away’
Mycroft stole it
Babysitting was more of a game of chess with Sherlock trying to set traps for his brother and Mycroft easily stepping around them
Their parents loved their children and encouraged them, no matter how much they may or may not have understood it
John Watson
Opposite problem of Sherlock’s, he followed his older brother around
A pretty sensitive kid growing up and got spooked easily
But would stand up for the other kids if need be
Would comfort the younger kids while in a haunted house attraction through chittering teeth
Had various collections, sometimes he collected rocks, sometimes cards, his attention never being able to focus on one thing at a time
James Moriarty
Raised as an only child (I’m still on the fence about the brother bit or not)
Was a very mischievous and easily bored child
Would send messages to his parents asking for things, and getting them very quickly, which did not sate his boredom
After the event with his nanny he would run away often, go on little adventures
Go breaking into places and lying about who he was to see what he could get away with
Was certain there were secret passage ways hidden throughout his large home and was dead certain on finding them
Sebastian Moran
Slept only during the day and in well hidden spaces, before and after he left home
Was considered homeless even though he could’ve slept at home, though he mostly just kept a small hiding spot in the vent in his room that he would sneak into at nights
Was hungry often enough that he found it hard to keep rich and heavy foods down when he got them from James because it upset his stomach
May have been unofficially adopted by James after some point, he’s not sure when.  Coaxed into the house over time
Still hid when he slept even after he started spending more time at the Moriarty estate
He still has a stuffed animal that his mother gave him during some of her better times. 
Jack Stillman
He doesn’t want to talk about his mother.
It’s been theorized that Jack the ripper didn’t like prostitutes because his mother was one and was abusive while he had an absentee father figure in his life
I accept this as Jack Stillman’s fate
Learned to be charming to avoid trying ire from anyone who might see him as he snuck away from his home to avoid his mother
Started his ripping phase with a pair of scissors as a mannequin and never stopped
Found odds and end jobs even as a young kid to save up money to get out of the situation he was in.  Most of the time it was pet or house sitting cause he was a trustworthy lad, so gentle. 
Hercule Poirot
I will choose to believe the theory that Hercule was an orphan.
Raised by nuns and was very close to one of his ‘sisters’ there, and still talks to her on the occasion, she dedicated herself to being a nun
He spent a lot of his childhood being teased because he had to have things a certain way.  
Although I know nuns can have a bad rap, I like to think they were the ones who helped him learn how calm down whenever he would have a bad panic attack of germs or things not being just so
Made a name for himself among the children there as the one to go to when they needed to settle an argument.
Jeremy Cassel
They were not suffering but they weren’t exactly well off
He did a lot of work and did a lot of jobs to help bring in money for the family as a whole
Did a lot of things he would not be exactly proud to talk about today
But he did charm plenty of people who would be temporary mentors for him, helping him a little whenever they were in town
Most likely the second oldest from a relatively large family, still checking in on his siblings, and often helping out his eldest who makes the same bad mistakes as his parents and often struggling to keep by though too proud to really ask for help without working for it. 
Had a little hide away spot to keep gifts he got, not because he was afraid to lose them, but because he wanted to feel more sure about their location
George Lestrade
A conventional happy family
Was left behind a lot with his group of friends, though I highly doubt he noticed it
Tagged along with his siblings often
Offered to go on errands with his parents to get out of the house a lot
Was hard to keep in one spot and he was constantly looking around
Not the bravest of kids, though the most curious, was the first to leave when things got scary
Brought home pets and tried to hide them, though his parents and siblings knew and would take care of this one too until they found out who the actual owners were and then had George bring them back
Henry Jekyll & Edward Hyde
(I do prefer @cinnamonteaandbiscuits‘s thoughts on their childhood)
They lived a quiet life 
Henry’s mother insisting on them taking vitamins and being even more watchful over Henry than Edward due to Henry’s father’s health.
Edward and Henry would take turns telling each other bedtime stories
Edward would get into places that they were not entirely certain how he managed that (a Houdini like toddler)
They would never confess when their parents asked them who did what, such as sneaking a cookie
Anything that was Edward’s favorite anything, blanket, stuffed animal, what have you, was Henry’s first that he gave to him.  Though Henry will never remind him, and Edward doesn’t remember.
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multi-goodness · 7 years
Happy Thanksgiving! I was hoping to have this out sooner but this day can get busy. But I wanted to post a story about this holiday and unfortunately, this went into a different direction and I allow it to lol. I just want to say I am so thankful for this little escape and the fact that life can get stressful and no one gives up on my stories means so much to me! That something I saw as a dream, writing fanfic for my favorite couple, actually became a reality is so amazing and I thank each and every person who follows me. Whether you know it or not, I appreciate you all so much! Enjoy! And I will be getting to some stories over the weekend I promise.
“Sylvie?” Antonio called out as he entered the house with bags in his arms. 
“In the kitchen!” Sylvie replied as she closed the oven door. She finally finished getting the turkey prepped and put it in the oven.
Antonio walked in the kitchen and placed the bags down on the kitchen counter. He started emptying the bags and putting away the groceries. “You look stressed out.” He observed.
“I am.” She sighed. “And tired.”
“Mhm.” He replied as he looked around the kitchen. He was so busy with the bags he didn’t notice that a certain little girl wasn’t at his feet. “Where’s Julie?” He asked as he looked over at his wife.
“Thankfully, she’s sleeping.” She smiled softly as she walked over and helped Antonio with the groceries. “Thank you for going to the store for this. You’re the best.”
“I am.” He grinned at her. “But I also didn’t feel like I had a choice.” He pointed out. “You can get scary with the holidays.”
She nodded her head. “I know, I’m sorry. It’s just---I always enjoyed the holidays when I was younger. Thanksgiving, Christmas, basically every holiday that can be celebrate, I celebrated. And I just want Julie to have that experience.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It sounds silly, I know.”
He shook his head. “No, it doesn’t. I know how hard it is for you to be away from your parents, it’s even harder on the holidays.”
She nodded her head. “Now, I have my own family so it isn’t nearly as hard.” She never regretted  moving to Chicago; she loved it here so much. But that didn’t stop her from missing her parents and her siblings. 
“And sadly, our daughter likes waking us up at the crack of dawn on the holidays.” He said with a chuckle. 
“I know.” She sighed. “I’m so tired. But at least she’s sleeping now so I can get dressed and start on the rest of the food since I won’t have to run after a little girl.” She said as she walked over to the oven and opened it to check on the turkey. She closed the door after a few seconds. “I think I have enough time to take a quick shower and get dressed before Julie will wake up.”
Antonio smiled as he walked over to Sylvie and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “I think the shower can wait.” He leaned down and kissed her neck.
“Antonio, stop!” She said, although she didn’t really want him to stop. Between having a two year little girl, and their work schedules, they didn’t have much alone time. Sylvie was always so exhausted by the time he got home, and his days off never matched up with hers. She missed her husband, but right now she was hoping he was stronger than her. 
He pulled away slightly, but she could still feel his hot breath on her neck. “Do you want me to stop?” He asked, knowing she didn’t. 
“No.” She admitted weakly. She could never resist him, even when she was angry with him. “But we have such a busy day ahead of us.” 
“I know.” He agree, his arms still around her waist. He spun her around to face him as he looked into her eyes. “I just miss my wife.”
“I miss you too, baby. I do.” She said as she placed her hand on his face. She stroked his cheek with her thumb. “Julie will go to bed early tonight and we can have the whole night just for ourselves. How does that sound?”
“Perfect.” Antonio smiled softly as he leaned forward and kissed her softly. He deepened the kiss as he pulled her closer to him. 
They were interrupted as they heard little footsteps coming down the stairs. Antonio pulled away from the kiss as he heard Julie running into the kitchen.
“Daddy!” Julie exclaimed as she ran over to Antonio.
He smiled softly as he lifted her in his arms. “Hi, sweetie.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “How was your nap?” 
“It was good.” Julie smiled as she laid her head down on his chest. He could tell that she was still sleepy.
“Well, now that she’s awake, can you dress her for me?” She asked Antonio. “I still need to take a shower and hopefully put out the appetizers before people start arriving.”
He nodded his head. “Of course.” He wasn’t sure why she was asking knowing that Antonio loved spending time with his daughter. “Who is coming?” He asked.
“Um.” Sylvie thought as she walked out of the kitchen with Antonio following behind her. “I wanted to invite the whole firehouse over.”
Antonio stopped walking, thinking what his wife was capable of during the holidays. “Sylvie, you didn’t.”
She shook her head. “No. I didn’t want to put the extra pressure on me because I knew that meant extra pressure on you and I know how lucky we both are to have the entire day off.”
He nodded his head as he began following Sylvie once again. “So, who did you invite?”
“The kids of course.” She said referring to Diego and Eva. “I didn’t think it would have been much of a family holiday if all the kids weren’t here with us.” She pointed out, knowing that Antonio wanted all his kids with him. “I invited your parents but your mother had plans already and your father---well he said he was busy too.” She was sure he was busy with something other than eating but of course she wasn’t going to get in his business and ask what he was doing. “Gabby and Matt is coming so they’re going to pick up Eva and Diego and drop them off here.”
Antonio smiled as he walked upstairs and walked into their bedroom. “You’re amazing.” He wanted the kids here but figured if they wanted to come, they would have called him. “Do you want me to give her a bath?” He asked softly.
She shook her head. “No, no. I gave her a bath last night since she likes playing in the bath, I figured we wouldn’t have time for that today.” Julie wouldn’t let them give her a quick bath and would want to play until she was ready to get out. “But her outfit is in her room on the nightstand.”
He nodded his head. “Please tell me you don’t want to put her in a dress.” 
“No. She’s 2 years old and with the food, she would just ruin any dress that she wears.” She pointed out. 
“Okay. I’ll go dress her now and I’ll see you downstairs.”
A few hours later, Sylvie was beginning to make the sides since the Turkey was almost done. Julie was busy playing with her dolls which made Sylvie feel better.
“Thank you.” She said to Antonio who was helping her. “I don’t think many husbands would do what you have done today.” She smiled softly, knowing that she was lucky and it was a thought that crossed her mind every day.
He looked over at Sylvie with a puzzled look. “Not many husbands support their wives?” He asked. “I just want you to be happy and I don’t think I can accomplished that by saying no or being rude.”
She laughed. “I don’t think it would have been rude.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Some people don’t like holidays and that’s okay.”
He nodded his head. “Like they say ‘happy wife, happy life.’ Besides, I have a selfish motive behind the things I’m doing.”
Sylvie smiled, wondering what that was. “Hmm? What is it?” She asked, curious.
“Okay the things I did earlier wasn’t a selfish motive because you know anything you ask me to do, I’d do it.” He said referring to when she asked him to go to the store and then helping her with Julie. Although she never had to ask him to do anything for Julie because he’d always do it. “But now helping with the sides, well, I get to spend time with you and you know I’d always jump at any chance to spend time with my wife.”
“I wonder If you’d still feel that way when we have been married for longer than 10 years.” She said, always loving talking about their future.
“Absolutely.” He agreed. 
Sylvie laughed. “You answered that fast.” She said and she leaned against the counter as the food cooked as she arched her eyebrows. “So, either you felt like that was a trap or--” She trailed off.
“What?” He laughed. “You know me, I’d say whatever I feel is true, regardless if that would upset you or not.” He pointed out.
“True.” She said, thinking about some of their fights in the past. 
Antonio stepped away from the kitchen table and walked over to Sylvie. “Do you think ten years from now, I’d make up any excuse to not want to spend time with you?”
“I mean, our marriage is still fairly new.” She pointed out. 
“A lot of things may change in our marriage. For one, our little girl will be older, a lot older.” He sighed, thinking about that. “And many other things probably. It’s life, it happens. But one thing that won’t is using every opportunity to spend time with my wife.”
“How can you be sure?” She said, challenging him. 
“Because baby, you aren’t just my wife but my best friend.” 
Sylvie’s smile grew wider as she heard Antonio’s confession. Their eyes were locked on each other’s but no words could come out of her mouth right now. 
Before she could say anything, the door opened and she heard Gabby’s voice calling for them. It was loud enough to break the spell between them right now.
Sylvie smiled at Antonio and then she walked in the living room, Antonio following her. 
“Hey guys. Happy Thanksgiving!” Sylvie said giving Gabby, Matt, Diego and Eva a hug. 
“It smells great in here.” Matt said.
“Evie!” Julie was upstairs in her room when she heard the noise coming downstairs. As she rushed downstairs, Antonio told her to be careful. The last thing he wanted was for Julie to miss a step and fall downstairs.
Julie ran over to Eva and gave her a hug. And then did the same thing to Diego. She loved her siblings and it always gave Antonio a happy feeling knowing how close his kids were.
As Julie was done saying her hellos to her siblings, Antonio knew it was his turn and he have Diego a hug and gave a hug to Eva and kissed her cheek. “Glad you guys could make it.”
Eva shrugged her shoulders. “Mom is busy so I’m glad you guys were cooking dinner.”
As Eva explained this, Antonio shot a glance over at Sylvie who simply just shrugged her shoulders. “Dinner should be done soon.” She looked over at Gabby. “Do you want to finish helping me so I can let Antonio rest for a while?”
She nodded her head. “Of course.”
Sylvie smiled at Gabby and then walked in the kitchen. Matt looked over at Antonio. “Let’s go watch the game!” He said as they walked over to the couch and sat down. “I’m gonna assume you didn’t watch any games today so let me fill you in.” He said as he began filling Antonio on the few games he missed.
Eva and Diego were just excited to spend time with Julie so they went upstairs and played with her until dinner was done.
As Gabby and Sylvie was sitting up the table for dinner, Gabby looked over at Sylvie. “Are things okay with you and Antonio?”
Sylvie nodded her head slowly, confused by this question. “Yes. We’re great.” She said, wondering where Gabby was going with this.
“You guys shared a look that looked intense. I wasn’t sure what it meant.” She explained.
“Oh no, we’re great. He’s been great today. He helped me with everything today, so that looked had nothing to do with us.”
“And everything to do with Laura?” She asked.
She nodded her head. “I think it just bothers him that we’re always including the kids with everything in our lives which can be hard with a two year old. And Laura can’t even take care of them when it’s just her and her boyfriend.” She took a deep breath. “We have been talking a lot about moving the kids in here. I support him with whatever decision he decides. The kids already have their own room so it isn’t like we don’t have enough room for them.”
“But he doesn’t want to deal with Laura?” Gabby finished for her.
“Yeah. I think he feels like she may act like mom of the year if he tries that.” She sighed. “Like I said, I will support Antonio with anything, but if she tries to downplay our marriage like we only got married because I got pregnant, I may hurt her then.” Sylvie didn’t like fighting, it was the reason why she stayed silent with Laura because she can say what she wants, but when it came to her family, she was proud of it and no one was going to make her feel differently.
“It’s a messy situation.”
“It certainly is.” She agreed. “But I don’t want to think about it right now, I want to have a great thanksgiving with the people I love.”
“And we will.” Gabby said with a smile. “You did this, all of this, so be happy.”
After they were finished setting the table, they told everyone dinner was done. 
One by one they entered the dining room and started sitting at the table. Sylvie smiled widely as she watched Antonio walked in the room with Julie in his arms. 
Sylvie pulled up her highchair next to where Sylvie and Antonio were seated, and then Antonio placed Julie in the highchair.
After everyone was done eating, they all stood up from their seats and walked out of the dining room. 
Sylvie stood up and lifted Julie out of her seat. She was covered in food and was a mess. “Thankfully I listened to my gut.”
Antonio chucked. “Here, let me clean her up. It’s your turn to relax.”
As Sylvie handed Julie to him, she looked down at the table. “I still have to clean this mess. I’ll do it when everyone leaves.”
He shook his head. “No, babe. I got it. You did more than enough today.“
As they walked out of the dining room, Sylvie looked over at Antonio and smiled. “Thank you.”
Antonio walked upstairs to clean up Julie as Sylvie walked over to the couch and sat down next to Gabby.
“So, when are you planning your next baby?” Gabby asked.
“No, no. We’re done.” She promised. “Our hearts are filled enough.” She said looking over at Eva and Diego. Her biggest worry was making them think they weren’t included on their family when they were. She looked back at Gabby. “I think the real question is, when are you guys gonna start?” She fired the question back at her.
“Soon. Just waiting for the right timing.” Matt answered the question for them.
“I know Julie may have been a surprise, a great surprise, but if me and Antonio would have waited for the ‘right timing’, trust me, I wouldn’t be a mom right now. There is never the perfect time to have a baby. You just do it and everything else will fall into place.”
“So, you don’t ever wish you could have waited?” Gabby asked.
“No way.” Sylvie answered honestly. “My little girl is perfect. Besides, she made us realize how much we truly love each other. And if anything, she made us fall in love with each other even more.” Sylvie shook her head, realizing she was making it sound like it was perfect. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard with our jobs, and I suffer from working mom guilt so much. But it’s never a regret and always worth it.”
Gabby nodded her head, taking in everything Sylvie was saying. “Maybe soon we’ll get lucky too.”
“You will.” Sylvie promised as she grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She knew it was more than just their jobs, but also with the fact that they lost two kids. But she knew if anyone deserved to have a kid more than she and Antonio did, it was them.
Sylvie turned her attention to Eva and Diego. “Do you guys want to spend the night?” She asked. 
Eva shook her head no. “We would love to, but we have to get home.”
Sylvie nodded her head, knowing it was because of Laura. “Of course. Another night then.”
Antonio came down a few seconds later with Julie in her pajamas. “One clean sleepy little girl who wants her mommy.” He handed her to Sylvie who took her happily.
Julie laid her head on Sylvie as she grabbed on her hair. 
“Well, we should get going, I think the little angel needs her rest.” Gabby said as she stood up. “I can stay while Matt drops off the kids to help you clean up.”
Antonio shook his head. “No, it’s fine. Sylvie is relaxing for the rest of the night while I clean up so it’s okay. You go home and relax too.” 
“Are you sure, man?” Matt asked. “We all ate too.”
“It’s fine. I don’t want to bring them home late.” With the way things were with Laura right now, he didn’t want to give her a reason to get mad right now. 
As they said their goodbyes, they headed out of the door as Antonio kissed the kids goodbye. Before Gabby walked out of the house, he grabbed her arm gently.
“What’s up?” She asked her brother.
“Thank you for bringing them. It means a lot to us.” 
“No problem.” She smiled softly. “Just fix this mess with the kids so they can stay here where they belong.”
“Gabby.” Antonio warned.
“I know, I know. It isn’t that easy.” Gabby sighed. “We’ll talk about this later when we have more time. Love you.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek.
“Love you too.” 
As he watched Gabby get in the car safety, he closed the door behind them.
“Now it’s just us.” He heard Sylvie say to him. “I think the mess can wait, come over here.”
Antonio smiled and he walked over to Sylvie. He sat down next to her and he wrapped his arm around her.
“We love you.” He heard Sylvie whispered.
Antonio looked down at Sylvie and Julie and he smiled. “I love you both too.”
“Promise me something?” 
“Hmm?” Antonio said as he relaxed, being close to his family made him relax. It was the only thing that did.
“That we won’t go to work tomorrow and we can stay in bed with our perfect little girl and have a family day in?” She asked.
“Promise.” He leaned down and kissed her head. “I think that sounds perfect.”
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
I Have Questions
Since their encounter, both girls decided they would be good friends.
Little did they know that they’d become a lot more than friends, in such a small amount of time.
Neither of them expected what was to come.
-  A few days after the party -
Lucy💕 : Hey u up? Wanna come over ;)?
Deciding to ignore the text, Lauren scoffed. “It’s 11 o’clock at night for fucks sake. Maybe she actually misses me…No that’s ridiculous. All she’s missing is my body.” Unlike she usually would, Lauren didn’t mistake the text for anything other than a booty call. She didn’t see this as one of Lucy’s odd ways of expressing her interest. She often took any type of text, call, or hang out with Lucy as a sign of affection, which is why she was disappointed so so many times. She normally gave into the hook ups and saw them as a sign of love. Not this time though.
She wasn’t sure what changed. Maybe it was Normani’s words finally getting through the “thick skull” that her best friend always said she had.
Lauren walked around her house, unsure what to do. She settled for watching tv, but groaned as she scrolled through the channels and didn’t find anything interesting. She was never one to be able to spend long amounts of time doing nothing. She always had to be doing something -anything that she deemed productive. Once again, her mother had left her to be alone. She had no siblings and her father was barely apart of her life. So more often than not, her house was empty. Lauren didn’t mind as she would normally call up Normani or Lucy. Unfortunately for her, Normani had a date with some guy she met at the party and Lucy…Well. Lucy was Lucy.
Suddenly, Lauren got an idea and was surprised that she hadn’t already done so. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she found who she was looking for. She laughed, seeing how the girl spelt her name phonetically. Instead of “Camila” it was “Cameela” with a banana emoji next to it. She didn’t understand why “Cameela” put her name like that since she had not once said “Camilla” as most do. She had to thank her Cuban background for that one. She was also confused about the significance of the banana emoji. Lauren opened up the messages and thought about what she should say. She didn’t want to be awkward or weird, but she didn’t really know how to start off the conversation. Lauren didn’t have much experience in the dating world. Lucy was the one who first approached her and she’s only had few other innocent interactions. Although she tended to prefer women over men, she still liked men. Because of this she didn’t know how to start a conversation off over text.  She sent a short and simple “Hey” just to be safe. She put her phone back on the couch, not expecting a response for a little bit. Then she decided to look for something better to do. She turned off the tv and opted to go get one of her books.
Lauren smiled as she scanned all the rows of books that she’s collected through the years. She loved reading and could never put a good book down. She picked one of her favorites, Sound and Fury; Lauren had already read it three times. She couldn’t help but love the familiarity she felt when re-reading books. She had to have re-read each book at least once, especially if it was on her shelf. If a book was saved, then it had a special meaning to her. It wasn’t just another pastime for her. Each story carried its own significance.
Lauren first began reading when she was younger, as it was an escape from the world around her. Reading gave her an exit route when she was stuck in her room trying to drown out her parents yelling. To her, books were everything that she didn’t have: everywhere she hadn’t been, the revelations she hadn’t yet realized, the types of people she had yet to meet, and the type of love she longed for. Books were her everything. Lauren never understood how some people purposely chose to not read books. Didn’t get how they went out of their way to avoid reading. She never would. Lauren had always hoped that her future soul mate (if those were even real. She’s still not sure if she believes in soulmates) would love books just as much as she does. All so that they would strike up discussions about diction, tone, symbolism and so on. Basically everything your English teacher makes you think about, except they’d do it just for fun. Yes, Lauren is extremely nerdy and she never fails to show it.
She grabbed the book and went back to the living room. She plopped onto the couch and was surprisingly happy to see her phone lit up by a text from Camila.
Cameela🍌: Hey! What’s up?
Lauren: Nothin much… Just bored at home lol
Cameela🍌: Wow, can’t say the same for myself. I’m being turned into a princess. The whole shabang: Hair, makeup, everything!
Lauren: Is this a normal occurrence for you? Or is it only during the nighttime do you get so dolled up? I don’t remember you being a princess the night we met…
Cameela🍌: Oh, of course not every night. That would ruin the specialness of it! I have a special guest doing my hair and makeup. She happens to be only 10 years old and also my little sis btw
Lauren: How cute! What’s her name? I’ve always wanted siblings to do stuff like that with
Cameela🍌: Aw but isn’t it nice not having to share anything? Her name is Sofi and she says hi :)
Lauren: Yeah it’s nice but lonesome.
Lauren felt herself growing sad when she began to think about the empty places she had in her heart. She often felt lonely, especially at times like now where she was doing anything to occupy her time. A lot of times that’s where Lucy fell into place. Lauren grasped at anything to fill that hole. More than not, Lucy filled that hole temporarily with sexual interactions rather than affection. She always left Lauren to dig through those interactions for any resemblance of love and attention. Lauren shook her head, realizing she didn’t want to show Camila this side of her. Attempting to evade her previous statement, Lauren sent another text.
Lauren: Anyway, how is it that Dinah and I know each other, but you and I haven’t met before last saturday?
Cameela🍌: Hmm… I’m not really sure. Dinah and I often go out together, but maybe because I have all AP classes. Idk if you have any and we just have them at different times orr…?
Seeing as Camila’s text had no relevance to Lauren’s first text, Lauren sighed. Just as she had hoped. But some part of Lauren, deep down, wanted Camila to acknowledge the sad part of her. Hell, she wanted anyone to acknowledge it, but didn’t want to out right admit it. She didn’t want to crave for pity or attention, but rather wanted a way to stop herself from feeling the way she did. She thought Lucy was the answer, as she did for many things. But, most of the time, Lucy only made her feel even worse.
Lauren constantly felt helpless, trapped in this never ending heartache. Not just from the lack of love from Lucy, but the lack of family. Her mom was an only child so she didn’t have any uncles, aunts or cousins – which was rather odd for a cuban family. As for her dad’s side, all she knew is that she had a grandma and a few aunts, but not any further details. They all took his side. They all believed he was at no fault for their estranged relationship. She hated them for that. They blamed Lauren for it. They would say that her sexuality was the reason her father didn’t take part in her life. Even though it began long before Lauren even knew what the world “sexuality” meant. She let them have her beliefs. She would never try to convince them otherwise and wasn’t even bitter about it. If they thought her sexuality was a valid reason for her father to stop visiting or calling, then she figured she didn’t need those kind of people in her life.
Her mom’s mom, her abuela, one of the people she loved the most, passed away a few years ago.  That’s when Lauren first began to feel this way. And, don’t get her wrong, Normani and her family had always embraced Lauren and had her over whenever she pleased. However, it was always different. She didn’t want to feel like a burden upon them or intrude on their family time. They weren’t her family and she couldn’t forget that she no longer had one. Yes, she had her mom, but she wasn’t much. Her mother always struggled with admitting how bad of a mother she really was. As a result of Lauren living a privileged life-she had the nicest things, and never had to worry about food, money, or any material items-, her mother felt that Lauren had no reason to complain about her absence. This idea was constantly engraved into her mind. Therefore the brunette always felt guilt for feeling anything but satisfaction with her life and these “oh so wonderful” possessions her mother was able to provide her.  Yet this materialistic way of thinking was not for her. These items weren’t able to fill the hole in her heart, let alone love her as a family could. 
Lauren finally got out of her headspace and wiped the lone tear falling down her cheek. She saw that Camila texted her back 7 minutes ago and quickly sent a reply.
Lauren: So that’s probably the reason we’ve never crossed paths before. I have a couple AP classes but not all… I could never handle that along with being in softball. Do you play any sports?
Cameela🍌: Wow, I didn’t know you were apart of the team. You guys are really good. I haven’t been to a game for like a year, but I’ve heard you always put on a good show.
Cameela🍌: And omg me and sports? That would be some type of miracle…Unless you count eating as a sport?
Lauren: Haha! No, unfortunately I don’t believe eating falls into that category… Nice try tho ;) And yea, I’ve been on the varsity team since sophomore year.  
Cameela🍌: Damn I was finally going to be considered an athlete, maybe next year. Since sophomore year? Jeeze.. You must be pretty good. I guess I have a reason to go to the game on Friday, huh?
Lauren: Yes you should def come see how amazing i am ;)
Lauren then remembered to ask about the banana emoji.
Lauren: Why the banana emoji btw??
Cameela🍌: bc theyre amazing!! The best fruit! I can’t believe you would even ask why. I’m appalled…
Lauren laughed to herself, loving how goofy Camila was. She hoped this conversation was as fun for Camila as it was for her. She texted back, playing along with the banter.
Lauren: Oh shit. You’re right! How dare I!?! Sorry your highness, I won’t do it again. Promise!
Cameela🍌: Yea you better or else!
Lauren: Oooo I’m so scared
Cameela🍌: Mhm you should be. I’m quite terrifying.
Lauren: I find that hard to believe…
Cameela🍌: Yea yea whatever Lolo ;)
Lauren: new nickname?
Cameela🍌: Yes! New contact too
Lauren looked over to the clock, noticing it was about to be midnight, she cursed at herself. She had gotten lost in the conversation.
Lauren: It’s getting late btw i’m gonna head to bed. It was fun texting, maybe we’ll see each other in the halls tomorrow… gn :)
Camila: Aw okay, it was fun! And I hope so… Goodnight :)
Lauren was a little confused if Camila was flirting with her or not.. There were only a couple handfuls of girls out at their school. Maybe she should ask Dinah or Normani just incase… Then again she wasn’t sure if she liked Camila or if she just liked how someone was taking her mind off of Lucy. And yet she still hoped that Camila was flirting with her, because Lauren was most definitely flirting with her. Lauren couldn’t help it, it just came with the banter but she couldn’t help but feel that something else hidden amongst it. She smiled, rethinking about it all. Lauren felt happy to have a new friend, to learn more about a person. She was excited to know even more about the banana loving girl. She even blushed at the thought of Camila only going to the softball game for her. Thinking about all the times she tried to get Lucy to go to her games, she found that Lucy always had an excuse. Always had an excuse that Lauren accepted rather than facing the truth. The truth that Lucy didn’t find the game interesting or worth her time, even if Lauren was one of the star players. She was surprised that Camila, someone she had only met a few days ago, was already interested in going already. She smiled thinking about seeing Camila’s face in the stands as she was going up to bat. She could get used to seeing that girl with pretty brown eyes cheering her on. As Lauren thought more about it, she began to get butterflies in her stomach.
Author’s Note:
Hey it’s Aly! To all of you who are reading this, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I definitely tried to make it longer than the last. I’ll keep making them longer as time goes on, or at least try to. Sorry this took a bit, but it seems that my mind only goes into writing mode between 1 and 4 a.m. Anyway, I’m really looking forward for you all to see the build in Lauren and Camila’s relationship. Hopefully you’ll follow the story through and be able to see how it ends! Also big thanks to those of you who have come forward and offered to help me with this story. I really appreciate you guys and hope that we’ll be able to make the story great! Let me know what you think and spread the word :)
P.S: If any of you ever feel like talking about anything and everything just hmu on my tumblr!
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