#would absolutely also be like. fandom buddies
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eddiesriskybusiness · 3 hours ago
Okay, I just watched Ryan's interview with Zach Sang and... whoa, there is a LOT to unpack and learn from.
First, I really loved the affection and admiration with which he talks about his costars on 9-1-1. I mean, it really makes you see him, and them, from a completely different perspective, and I love that. Even without the buddie aspect, it was really adorable how he was poking fun at oliver during that remark.
Speaking of buddie, i also really appreciate the perspective he's got on us, the fandom. I mean, we love him, we love eddie, and gosh, I feel like we just saw that Ryan loves and appreciates us just as much and we do him.
I don't think a lot of us actually fully grasp how wild and diverse Ryan's background before 9-1-1 was. From MMA, to baseball, to modelling, dancing, fatherhood, acting, and everything in between. This interview really unlocked a new dimension to this man and just cultivates a whole new level of appreciation, admiration and respect for him and his art.
And it was really amazing how he spoke up about male objectification and sexualization, which is a thing that I don't think we talk about at all, especially in a fandom like ours, where understanding and acknowledging the dangers of male sexualization is really important. I mean, Ryan was absolutely right in what he said with regards to it being normalised to the extent that speaking against it gets you taken less seriously. And this really does need to be addressed, not just in the industry, but in everyday life as well.
Kind of breaks my heart that he was introduced into 9-1-1 the way he was, with the shirtless whatta man scene. Its iconic but again, if it was a woman, the show would've been condemned.
The interview absolutely did its job in bringing the audience closer to who Ryan Guzman is as a human being, his mind and his life and I really really love that. We always talk about how beautiful Ryan is physically, of course, but through this interview, it really hit me that, the way he talks, the way he holds himself, his behaviour, his perspectives, holy shit. He's actually so beautiful inside too, truly. And there a newfound respect for him in my heart.
Anyway, those were my two cents about the Zach Sang interview, come yell at me in the comments or my asks (please, I'm lonely lmao) about this or whatever.
I would also like to acknowledge the adorable shade of pink Ryan was for a lot of the interview.
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swaggy-buggy · 3 months ago
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my interpretation of Evelyn because she's mysterious and cool and I love her so much and I think she's criminally underrated
and also Flapjack <3
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panevanbuckley · 7 months ago
having a silly little oneshot that's less than 5k words about to hit 10k kudos is crazy. wattpad era me could never have even dreamed of such a thing, i love you all so much
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thehauntedetheral · 7 months ago
Can we get a yandere baker x reader pls?? 😭🙏 Thank you for your good stories like always
Thank you so much for your love. I hope you like this fic.
Yandere Baker
Requests are open !
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• You got a new job. The same boring sitting in your cubicle and working on a screen. But the best part about your new job is a Bakery near your office.
• You were a regular customer there since the starting of your job as you have a strong sweet tooth. And on top of that their baked goods are so delicious that they are your new addiction now. They make the best pastries according to you.
• You go their everyday even on weekends as your house is near the office for their sweet treats that now the owner of the cozy bakery is your friend who always greets you with a cute smile. And not to forget that the baker himself was a treat for eyes with his apron, good looks, messy hairs and a boyish smile.
• Yan baker who has been owning this bakery for quite some years and is always busy with many customer. But you ... You are just awesome. The way your eyes sparkle while looking at all the baked goods kept at display, the way your face is glowing with a happy smile and vibes when you take the first bite of your pastry. This all makes him fall for you like a crazy.
• He always gives you freshly baked treats for free saying you are his "favourite customer."
• Always give you discount saying that this is for their all regular customers when in reality such thing doesn't exist.
• When he gets to know you love a specific pastry always make sure to bake them for you often even though it doesn't sell much.
• Bakes the most beautiful looking and delicious cake of your favourite icing and toppings for your birthday as a surprise.
• He loves weekends more because you stay at the bakery longer sipping coffee, reading book while enjoying coffee due to no office.
• One day you didn't came to the bakery which was very unusual so he goes to your house with a box of your favourites only to find out you are sick. (Yes this man and you spend time and talk so much in bakery that you both know a lot about each other even address. It's like you are best buddies.)
• Upon finding you sick he takes care of you and cook for you. This man's cooking skills are fantastic just like his baking skills.
• Names his new pastry after you. And also to mention that you were the first one to taste it.
• Yan once heard you saying that you wanted to learn baking one day. So after few weeks this man opens a baking class for afternoon weekends just for you to join. Tries his best to make you join his class.
• You asked him how all of a sudden he started classes. He only replies with "I love baking and I wanted my afternoons on weekends to get occupied by something".
• He is the happiest in the class teaching a bunch of people because you are their and his baking. His favourite person and thing to do of his under one roof.
• You and him would enjoy doing baking while dancing, singing to the music put on after class. (Some Kind of your own personal baking class 🤭). Yan would just stare looking at you doing all this thinking he is so lucky to even be near you.
• This man is so badly down for you. Your one smile or compliment on his baking he would becomes a puddle of blushing happiness .
• After mustering up enough courage he finally knocks at your door holding your favourite cake in his hand freshly baked by him and a question written with icing on it "Will you go on a date with me? Yes or absolutely yes"
• Well after all how could you say no to such a tempting offer including a delicious cake with a good looking baker holding it, right?
Requests are open!
Part 2 :
For more yandere reading:
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rirabeko · 7 months ago
Some of Baji's mischaracterization that gives me the ICK
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It's 2024 and there are people out there who still can't understand Baji's character and mischaracterize him heavily, mostly because of the Bajifuyu ship.
DISCLAIMER: You can ship whoever you want. I'm just tired of seeing my favourite character constantly being mischaracterized because of toxic shippers. Also I'm not a shipper myself, I do not romanticize any of the relationships I mention below.
The biggest issue with Baji's character is the fact that Bajifuyu shippers (and sometimes just the fandom in general) constantly ignore Kazutora's role in Baji's life, meanwhile Kazutora made a huge impact on Baji's character. You can clearly see it not just in the anime or in the manga, but in the spin-off too.
Baji and Kazutora were that duo, they were a literal separated team within Toman. They met naturally, become friends instantly and spent most of their time together (many times without Toman). It's accepted by the fandom, that Kazutora's first real friend was Baji, but also Baji's first close friend was Kazutora.
Obviously Mikey and Baji were close as kids, but after Baji moved to a different place they weren't that close. I bet this is the reason why Baji didn't know about Shinichiro's bike shop, since when they met regularly Baji was a little kid and Shinichiro was a teenager without a bike shop. It also shows that Mikey and Baji aren't that close, they are more like childhood buddies than close friends.
I can talk about this for hours but now I only wrote it as a small disclaimer, before I get into my points, so let's go.
I am sick of it when:
they call Baji stupid (he literally outsmarted Kisaki, being smart not equals only book smart)
people headcanon him as a mean, aggressive, abusive bf (he is canonly no.1 best lover and he literally died because he has a heart of gold, let this bs go pls)
they can't understand the reason behind his suicide and make it a ship war (ICK)
people can't accept the fact Baji loves his friends differently, and not everyone is his bestie (it doesn't mean he does not love them, or prefers someone over the other but love can be different towards different people and it's absolutely normal!)
they make his character all about Bajifuyu (he is an individual, stop bringing up Chifuyu EVERYTIME when it comes to Baji. His character is much more than a guy in a dominant-submissive fanmade yaoi ship people like dragging him into!)
they make Chifuyu the good, perfect friend while constantly dragging Baji down and made him the bad guy in their relationship (I could write a whole essay just about this being a bullshit)
when they romanticize Bajifuyu (Baji canonly sees Chifuyu as a younger brother figure said by Baji's mom, but there are people out there who still believes unironically that they are in love... WHY?)
they ignore that Baji is very caring and affectionate not just towards Chifuyu, he is like this because these are his own personality traits. He behaves like this with everyone who's close to him. (Mikey, Kazutora, Ryuusei and just Toman in general)
people say Chifuyu was the only one who understood Baji's feelings and aims (the literal reason Baji died was because no one really understood his goals and behaviour, not even Chifuyu)
they romanticize Chifuyu's obsessiveness towards Baji (if Chifuyu was a girl, he would be cancelled for this behaviour immediately, but the double standard won again)
people make his death an opportunity to romanticize Bajifuyu (biggest ICK)
they say Baji is only distant with Chifuyu beacuse he is a tsundere (there are so many situations when Chifuyu truly annoys Baji, e.g. he said it many times that Chifuyu's infatuation really disturbs him and asked Chifuyu to stop)
Bajifuyu shippers ignore and hate Kazutora just because he disturbs their ship
they say Baji was a bad influence to Kazutora (Kazutora hung out with gangs even before he met Baji, he was already a part of the underworld. the reason Kazutora turned out that way was his abusive father and his horrible childhood in general. Baji literally saved him, and he could finally be himself around Baji without any judgement or harassment)
they ignore or even DENY Bajitora's bond because of Bajifuyu
they accept Bajifuyu, Kazufuyu or even the Bajitrio but HATE Bajitora (the biggest bullshit ever)
they can't recognise the fanservice of Bajifuyu and calls them canon because of the clear fanservice acts
people think Bajitora is one sided (more Baji sided) meanwhile Tora loves Baji more than his own life and shows it many times how much he loves Baji and how much Baji means to him
they accept that Chifuyu never changed his hairstyle after Baji made it for him (and obviously they romanticize it) but they are hating because Kazutora looked exactly like Baji in bad toman timeline
people ignore Bajitora and always forgets that they are very close to each other in every timeline. the new panels Wakui drew were also about Kazutora putting Chifuyu to his place after Chifuyu completly ignored Tora and disturbed his time with his best friend. (we all know Kazutora is very possessive with Baji for obvious reasons and does not tolerate being disrespected by someone)
The list could go on and on but these are the main problems I still see in this fandom when it comes to Baji's character.
I'm tired of seeing this amazingly well-written character turns into a boring, abusive, mean guy by the fandom who is only an abuser in a toxic fanmade yaoi ship.
To all the people who dislike him/call him mean and aggressive because he beat Chifuyu up:
This anime is based on a manga which takes place in the early 2000's gangster world in Japan. He is the captain of the 1st division, he is the leader, and his role is not just to be the strongest in the division but also to manage his team, bc this is also what a leader does. If someone is disrespectful, breaks the rules and shows a bad example to the others he has to punish them. In this world this is how things go. This won't make him a bad person, or an aggressive jerk. Baji can be very calm and collected when it comes to leading his division. He is a very good leader, who takes care of his teammates, so no surprise he is really loved by his division. 
Also when he beat Chifuyu up before joining Valhalla: he hated himself for doing that. But he had to, he had no other choice. And Chifuyu had every right to stand up against Baji and tell him he's not doing it. But since Chifuyu never questions Baji's decisions as the captain of the first division he agreed with this one too, and also because he wanted to help him. Chifuyu knew exactly what he was doing when he let Baji doing this to him, and he went along with it. Stop bringing this up everytime and use it against Baji.
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idontcaboose · 8 months ago
Haunted car au, pt 6
The next part is fighting me a bit, so I will just post this one for now.
Duke reeeaalllyyy does not get paid enough for this.
Good news, he was able to get the names of the dealers and suppliers and also narrowed down the places of interest to three warehouses. All he had to do was drop that info onto the server for the night crew, and that was that, not his problem anymore.
Bad news, the car is becoming his problem.
When Duke entered the cave, he could see the wheels turning, and not in a sick burnout way Jason does anytime he gets behind the wheel, they were just turning left and right. Then to add more insult to Duke's attempt at ignoring it, the car opened its driver door in what may have been a mockery of a greeting. Honestly, Duke could have also ignored that but then it seemed to fucking Panic and set off its own alarms and proceed to flail all the doors open and reverse to the point that the back wheels made it off the platform and into the gutter that runs though the cave. If Duke was a betting man, and he was, he would bet that whatever possessed or replaced the Batmobile was so incompetent that he had to worry more about Its safety from the Batfam. Whether that was protection from arrest or adoption is still up in the air.
Either way, this is becoming Duke's problem. He is really not paid enough for this. Time to calm down a sentient car.
“Hey, car buddy? You ok?”
Duke wasn't sure what he was expecting when he was talking to a car of all things, but absolute silence wasn’t it. Was this thing going to try to play car now? After everything that just happened? Duke slowly walked up to the driver's side door and looked in for the green blob person, only to see them in the back seat sprawled out. Duke tried to not think too hard while putting the car back in its spot, but the list of facts he has so far kept ticking.
1. The Batmobile has a new passenger or has been replaced
2. The thing/person is not good at hiding, so probably not a villain plot
2a. If it is a villain plot, they got the absolutely wrong person to do it
2aa. Possible meta forced to spy?
3. The person just freaked out so hard they fainted after setting off the Batmobile alarms.
4. Alfred will know what to do right?
5. Try to communicate again with the person in the car.
It didn't take long for the blur on the backseat to shift again. Luckily they didn't immediately jump into the driver's seat, where Duke still sat. Duke turned to look in the backseat, time to start this interrogation.
“Hey, you ok?” Duke was happy that he was able to see the head nod that the fuzzy blur gave.
“That's good. Now, I can't see you too well, but we can work out some basic questions, alright?” Another head nod answered him.
"Are you in danger? Like, did someone force you to do this?” The head shake that was produced shook the car. Duke internally sighed in relief, not a villain plot or meta trafficking gone wrong.
“So this was just an accident, and I am guessing you are now stuck?” Duke knew he was not as good at body language reading as the others, but the wave of embarrassment and resignation this blob was giving off confirmed that whoever/whatever this is, was not a total threat.
As usual tag list!
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism @atinygracie
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mariaace · 11 months ago
Asano Gakushū dating hc's
A/n: listen... listen.. i know the fandom is dead and everything, but this guy...ugh i think i have a thing for gingers and readheads
Warnings:none Genre:fluff Type:headcanons Anime:Assassination Classroom Pairing:Asano Gakushuu
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How did you manage to get with this mf? (Tell me the secret pls🙏🏻🙏🏻)
Honestly- he fell first and harder.
With Gakushū there could be sooo many tropes- academic rivals, enemies to lovers, friend to lovers, forbidden love, fake dating and there's probably more (book girly here🖐🏻)
He would deny any feelings he has for you at first. No exceptions. But he is also not stupid so he would probably google about the feelings🤦🏻‍♀️ and then realise: 'Uh! He likes you'
I doubt he would like do anything about it except if you are in A class he would spend more time helping you (even if you understand anything) as an excuse to be around you.
Would NOT tell the others from A class- absolutely not. At least at the start
You would probably be the one to confess (i imagine it on valentine's giving him chocolate)
Or if you are shy asf he would eventually confess *cough* probably with a contract *cough*
Now onto the relationship-again at first it's a secret mostly because of his father. (My poor bby) , eventually he will tell the others and his father
Study buddies :DDD (i need a study buddy like him)
No but seriously he will help you with every subject you are struggling with
Please keep this baby from overworking himself. Like drag him out of his chair please🙏🏻
Ngl he probably wouldn't be able to go invite to your house on school night because HIS FATHER✨
Okay but this guy spoils you. But wouldn't just give it to you. Like "solve this math questions" and after that he'll give you a gift
Resure him after the games he lost again E class please🙏🏻 he feels awful after them even if you are from E class please just do it
He isn't the most romantic man, but i feel like he would do some cliché stuff he read about online
He likes to be the little spoon but would never tell you or if you understand eventually he would be like "not a word to anyone" 🤭
I am convinced he wears glasses when he reads and always reads something before bed
Snatch his book and start reading it for him and he'll melt🫶🏻 the boy hasn't experienced love
I think he has one of those spinning chair and would let you.... eventually to sit on his lap while he does homework and just when he starts overworking just push the chair with your legs🫶🏻
Would be hesitant at first, but eventually would let you play with his hair, because it calms him down
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pomegranatesandtangerines · 8 months ago
based off this post
how I think (some of) the Dungeon Meshi characters would interact with an isekai-ed reader who's hyperfixation is dungeon meshi
includes: Laios, Falin, Kabru, and Toshiro (Shuro)
im imaging reader meeting him when he was a child
a little after Falin was born and after he was given the dungeon gourmet guide
reader actively seeking him out but kinda starts freaking out when they actually see him
reader decides to go with the approach being interested in his book
Laios was suspicious at first ( the book is one of the main reasons he got bullied )
but after some time and patience he got comfortable with you
I feel that Laios would be very attached to reader
like someone besides his sister who gets him, listens to him, communicates with him, etc.
listen as someone who is very hyperfixated on dungeon meshi at the moment I would be so invested in learning about monsters
and Laios is more then happy to talk about it for hours
reader making a point to support his dream of exploring the dungeons bc his parents are dicks
he wouldn't really be weirded out by reader seems to know so much about him, maybe early on but over time I feel he would just be glad to have someone like that by his side
low-key though,,, I think there would be a small small part of him that is kinda jealous over how reader seems to just,, get some people
I see reader being her number one hype-person as a child
reader would also beg her to teach them some magic
I think that Falin and reader would meet through Laios
Falin while she is outcasted from her home town, is still a litter more sociable then her brother
but what had her truly open up was not only the readers support of her magical talent but also the readers interest in learning about how biology works in this world
she also info dumps a ton
you know how she kept bringing Marcille things cause she wanted to eat them with her
she would 100% do that with reader,,, and the amount would increase when Laios leaves
he would be veryyy fascinated by the reader
his hyperfixation is people. studying them, their anatomy, psychology, how they tick
he would absolutely notice how reader picks up on things, knows things about some people without even having met them, predict events
to put it simply he wants to study reader under a microscope but is also extremely suspicious of them
he's also gonna pull out all the stops to try charm his way into understanding reader
his distrust sky rockets the first time they lock eyes, he can see it in his eyes, this look of understanding the deepest parts of him
he does not like it
it takes a long ass time for him trust them and genuinely open up again
reader making a point to ask things that will make him want to info dump
"hey did you notice how x was acting today" or "did you hear that x and y got together? do you think they'll make it?"
gossip buddies
and reader would be all too aware of this as well
he is heavily implied to have a hyperfixation on bugs, and had to at a young age become a master at masking and picking up on social norms
but anyways-
he would think reader is weird, mostly bc they would remind him of laios
slowly but surely I feel he would feel more comfortable
another case of the way to his heart is through the info dump
maybe walking back from a little adventure and noticing a beetle and showing him
now hes not gonna be as outwardly as excited as Laios
but it is slightly noticeable that he is interested and excited
reader offers to give it to him and asks him some questions
less info dumping and more info sprinkling but still he does like to talk about it
I think he would appreciate how they seem to pick up on his smaller details, maybe not a perfectly but still
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royboyfanpage · 1 year ago
Okay, let's talk about Ollie's experience with fatherhood.
I'm an Oliver Queen apologist forever, but I think that there's a tendency in fandom to go one of two ways- "absolutely perfect dad, no flaws whatsoever" or "evil abuser who shouldn't be within six miles of a child". This isn't an Ollie exclusive phenomenon, a lot of characters and topics do fall into that black-and-white mindset. But the thing is- Ollie doesn't have to be either extreme. Particularly with Roy, who most of the debate centres around, Ollie wasn't perfect! I think there's such a rich discussion point in terms of young Roy's relationship with Ollie, so much more than just That Panel. Because, in my interpretation, Ollie absolutely cared about him, absolutely saw him as a son, but also the idea of being a father is something that deeply terrified him. The idea that this literal child being dependent on him made it feel more real, if that makes sense. Coming to terms with the fact that he was responsible for another person's life was difficult for him, and so he put up this wall- hero and sidekick. A conceptual dynamic, one that's not based in reality. He can keep that distance between himself and Roy and decide what that means, he doesn't have to be a father because that word has so many strong connotations, but he can still express that he cares about Roy, in his own way. That's why he always calls Roy 'Speedy' even out of costume, that's why his first thought is that Roy's undercover in Snowbirds. He can focus on being a good mentor to Speedy, which will have a trickle-down effect to being a good guardian to Roy, right?
Unfortunately, kids' brains don't work like that! Especially not a kid who's already lost two fathers. Roy needed a stability in his teenage years that Ollie just wasn't able to give at that time. He didn't see "Ollie's nice to me as Speedy because he loves me and doesn't know how to show it", he saw "Ollie's nice to me as Speedy, which means I'm only good as Speedy". This, at least in my opinion, is a major factor in Roy’s later self-esteem issues. Roy’s constantly underestimating himself as a hero, constantly comparing himself to Dick, and pushing himself 24/7 to improve because he internalised the idea that if he’s good, if he’s the perfect hero, then he’ll be loveable. He can’t be bad, he can’t fail, he can’t back down because if he does, he’s nothing.
It’s absolutely not Roy’s fault, but also this doesn’t mean that Ollie’s an evil neglecting abuser, either. Even the best parents fuck up, and Ollie was by no means the best parent. He took in Roy as a sidekick, as a buddy, and then never really found a way to combine the ideas of sidekick and son. He assumed that Roy would be able to interpret meanings behind gestures, which is something that Roy seems to struggle with even into adulthood. I’ve talked about it a fair bit, Roy’s absolutely someone who relies on the explicit, but he’s also not someone who’ll ask for clarification, which has caused conflict in his relationships time and time again. And while it's something he has gotten better at as he's gotten older, a 12-18 year old Roy would absolutely not be able to read Ollie's motives.
And Ollie's fear of fatherhood isn't something exclusive to Roy, either. Sure, he'd gotten better at it by the time Connor and Mia entered the picture (speaking as an oldest child myself, we are the guinea pigs of parenting, I was my mum's sibling), he absolutely still expresses this with them. I mean, just look at his face when he finds out Connor's his son.
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That's the face of a man who's just had the crushing weight of parenthood slammed down onto him again, the moment Connor stopped being an ally and started being his responsibility. He's scared, because Ollie absolutely does not see himself as a good father for someone to have. This was very much present during Roy's teenage years, but particularly since this is post-Snowbirds. Both in terms of Roy developing a drug addiction and in terms of Ollie's own initial reaction to it, he immediately spirals. And, since we've already established he does not know how to process things, he lashes out at Connor.
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And as for Mia, he's definitely matured significantly by the time she comes into the picture, and compared to with Roy he's a lot more open with his feelings. However!
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He still won't explicitly accept the responsibility of fatherhood! Despite acting like a father to Mia in every way through his actions, he still won't use his words! Even though in the issue following, he expresses a paternal protectiveness over her.
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And I think Mia's HIV diagnosis is maybe one of the biggest examples of his distancing himself and hiding his feelings, particularly when Connor asks him how he's feeling about it.
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He's so fine, so totally fine, trust him when he says he's fine, totally not freaking out. He's absolutely not terrified for his not-daughter, no way.
Ollie has this fear that if he gets too attached to his kids, he's gonna end up failing them. If he keeps a distance from them, then he can't blame himself when they get hurt. Is this good parenting? No! Absolutely not! But this is also the man who dresses up as Robin Hood and who chose to die rather than lose his arm. This is not a healthy man.
But he tries, he tries so hard, even if it's in his own way. And he recognises when he fucks up! And he tries his best to mend it later on!
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He's not the best at showing his kids that he loves them, but he's so proud of Roy when he becomes Red Arrow. He comes back to life to save Connor. He stands by Mia's side when she gets diagnosed and becomes Speedy. He's not a great dad, but goddamnit he's trying to be.
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In conclusion, no, Ollie is not the perfect father. He's deeply flawed, and his own emotional incompetency has been and always will be a point of conflict between him and his kids. But he's not some uncaring abuser, either. He's trying.
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midnight1nk · 5 months ago
So, this week's episode...
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[Spoilers below cut]
I'm absolutely terrified, it's not even funny. I can't even click it. But I have to... for the LOREEEEEEEEE... okay, let's-a go....
(The following is my live reaction:)
ay the TADC plug, of course
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"Born to shit, Forced to wipe" - not smg3
wise words Three
also, the Ferris Wheel and rollercoaster thing is still there in the background (Ferris Wheel wedding, my beloved...)
I knew someone was going to bring up Meggy and her disappearance
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THANK YOU THREE for asking the right questions here
oh... not what I expected. at least the crew knows this is obviously Mr Puzzles
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OK, a LOT to digest here:
These are all the possible minigames that we might see in WOTFI. Well, at least all the attractions we could see...
a Mr Puzzles Chonk plush (in the bottom right)
a Tunnel of Love attraction... hmmmm.......
Huh, I didn't know this was by the coast of the Mushroom Kingdom. Or it could be an island/peninsula.
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The what now, Leggy?
YEP I knew that once they found out, they would want to leave
...and of course, Mario wants to stay
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Yeah, Luigi said it himself
but also, look at the Mr Puzzles cardboard cutout in the back, he's wearing Meggy's cowboy hat from Western Spaghetti
Alright, but before we go in, we gotta have a buddy system, guys
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All these critiques are going to make Mr Puzzles lose himself even more than he already is
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I think I saw someone posted about submitting a water gun game so congrats for getting in!
Leggy Plush!!
also spider-man plush... symbiote... venom... GOOP!4????
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...Once Upon A Perfect SMG4?
[*points at Four and Mario*] The sillies
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ok, but like, why is Three smiling like that while everyone else looks so disappointed?
They did the buddy system!
Bob: "Those dumbasses will see ANYTHING and get excited."
I feel seen and I don't like it.
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I don't like this either. I already know this is a trap but like noooooo
Three just standing there like a dad watching over his kid
Someone else also submitted a mini-game involving a ducky fishing game
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GOD DAYUM.... why did you have to pose like that, Three? You're not beating the allegations, huh.
Aw, Three really wanted to enjoy a carnival if Mr Puzzles wasn't involved (writers, write that down + carnival dates)
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🫵 🏳️‍🌈⁉️
oh c'mon now, it's just plainly obvious. Not that it should be surprising, everyone's part of the skittle squad (tm)
STRONG WOMEN we love to see it
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...that can't be a real thing... can it?
same Luigi same
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sorry dude, they really locked in
also what the hell is that building in the back?
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Luigi (or rather the SMG4 fandom): "See? I can handle this! I'm not afraid anymore! Do you hear me? I'm not afraid-" [*horror jumpscare*] [*scream*]
[*sobbing*] he sent one last text to warn them :( he really does care
AND HE SENT IT TO FOUR [*head in hands*]
the contact names they have for each other.... (I'm not well)
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Leggy... why did your face change like that?
Mario, please don't sacrifice yourself... oh, thank god! They really are having me panicking for the smallest things
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the mini-game challenge that I submitted:
Pop & Whirl: Everyone gets a bag of popcorn. The winner must keep all of their popped kernels in their bag, without dropping a single one... while being chased around the carnival by a collapsed Ferris Wheel (Professor Layton style)!
I DON'T CARE IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN IN WOTFI, I'LL TAKE IT. But if it does happen, I'll draw lawyer Meggy with a redesigned Ace Attorney-esque outfit (somehow)
please don't tell me the green pipe is also a trap...
...the exit door from TADC?
oh god, why does this remind me of the dark web?
and the eyes on the mushrooms... [*IGBP flashbacks*]
actually, now that I think of it, Mr Puzzles hasn't revealed himself this whole time...
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...holy shit
so was I right about us getting to see Mr Puzzles' "truest form" and the whole "Eye of Ra" thing?
are those his arms? and the circle things, it could be part of his cyborg texture but they also look like eyes.
the fog part is really interesting because they could've gone with any "spooky" color but they chose this. It's the creative vision, the one Didney had in this room.
This really reminds me of the goo from IGBP and Wren's wire simulation in Western Spaghetti, but also from this angle, a bit of Zero's "no legs" body design.
"His obsession becoming his identity" - Puzzles connected himself to the single star Didney had. You got it right, past Ink.
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also congrats to Nikej1708241 for making it to the credits 🎉
.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
That was a pretty solid episode ngl. Probably not as "plot twist-y"
(i know that's not a word) as the previous episode but my spaghetti gods, it delivered! Not Marty again, we may have to rethink this one.
Ok, I've made a list of all the attractions and mini-games there are in the carnival grounds in Puzzle Park:
Ferris Wheel
"Tender Tunnel" (Tunnel of Love attraction)
Merry-Go-Round carousel
Basketball arcade game
Hammer game
Bumper Cars
"House of Crazy" funhouse (also that fits Mr Puzzles somehow)
A spooky cart ride
Water gun game
Rocket ride
Arcade (just flat-out an arcade)
Clown Ball Game
(There's apparently a cafe???)
Ducky Pond fishing game
Pizza shop (....marty?)
It's probably not all of them, we would just have to wait and see, but if you submitted a mini-game that involves any of these, congrats, you likely got in!!!
I still very much enjoyed this episode and some of what I theorized could possibly come true. And some didn't, which is totally okay with me. I'll cherish the Ferris Wheel chase scene regardless :)
We still have to wait for a trailer or a special video in regards to WOTFI, which I will have to analyze and see what's to be expected. From the looks of it in this episode, it seems like it's up to SMG4 and Mario to rescue their friends one by one by completing the mini-games. The more people they rescue, the more help they can get to complete the games. And that includes saving Meggy at the end.
Now, personally, I don't want Mr Puzzles to die. Not yet. There is still a lot of potential that could go for him. A similar redemption arc just as Three went through. Puzzlevision 2. Goop!4. Marty. Anything could happen. Then again, he could die.
Now you might think he might not die because he has a plushie, but there's literally merch of Axol and Desti and they're dead. Puzzles isn't safe from this possibility.
Put in your final bets, my dear fellows, because nothing will ever be the same again...
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kinardsboy · 4 months ago
Rant incoming
Yknow as a disabled person in this fandom I kinda get tired of seeing takes that constantly value Eddie’s feelings above Christophers and insinuate that Chris is only doing what hes doing to punish or torture Eddie..
Like maybe.. just maybe he’s doing this because he’s tired and doesn’t trust his dad anymore. Maybe Eddie’s feelings arent the only ones that matters and this isnt a punishment but a healing process for Chris. Does this unfortunately hurt Eddie in the process? Yes, but this was also Eddie’s fault in the first place.
Oh and saying that a grown man(tommy) should yell at a traumatized teen for putting his dad in emotional distress because… tommy wouldve killed for a dad like eddie is not only an extreme mischaracterization of Tommy but also just so manipulative and victim blaming towards Christopher.
It really feels like 90% of this fandom absolutely does not give a shit about Christopher unless he is actively making Eddie happy or a buddie plot device, they cant wrap their heads around the fact that EDDIE HURT HIM. It was EDDIES FAULT. So they blame other people like Helena (while saying extremely sexist and violent things about her), they try to argue parental alienation, they make up these weird little fantasies where Chris is punishing his dad and needs to be reprimanded for it.
Chris is 14, he is allowed to chose where he wants to live if he is unhappy with his father, especially if Eddie is hurting him (even though it’s unintentional) treating him like this helpless child who is so easily manipulated is ableist, treating him like a child who cant make informed decisions for his own well being is ableist.
I see post after post like “omg poor eddie he misses chris so much” BUT WHAT ABOUT CHRIS? What about Chris!!! He misses his dad, i know he does! But hes also dealing with hurt and anger and resentment and trying to manage it all on his own because he cant be around Eddie! He misses his mom too, and his dad keeps rubbing salt in the wound and i just. I just want chris to be happy ok? Hes been through so much and hes trying so hard and I just wish people would think about his side of things more.
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frogaroundandfindout · 2 months ago
I used to give the 'lazarus pit madness' trope for jason so much shit unless it was a REALLY good fic that did something interesting with the idea. But the more I read of pre52 red hood the more I'm just like "yeah no I have absolutely no idea how I'd reconcile all this heinous shit he's done without finding a way to make it not his fault actually"
I hate the 'jason was always a monster and bruce couldn't save him' nonsense so much, he was literally just a homeless little boy. MY BUDDY LITERALLY WILLINGLY WENT BACK TO BEING HOMELESS BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT TO HURT PEOPLE FOR MA GUNN EVEN THOUGH IT MEANT GIVING UP FOOD AND SHELTER AND DECENT TREATMENT
jason sweetheart I'm so sorry dc butchered you like this my god
When the characterization is so inconsistent the fandom has to resort to literal magic to explain it.
But seriously, I haven’t read a whole lot of Jason as Robin but from what I did read he was so tiny and just wanted to do good. It’s a disservice to every character involved for Bruce to adopt him because he thought he’d be a criminal otherwise. It implies Bruce thinks of every kid living in poverty as a shoe in for crime and not as some of the most vulnerable individuals in low SE areas. Which is just…so bad considering he’s 1) a rich white man stereotyping a large group of people and 2) someone that fights crime because of an act of violence commited in front of him as a little boy. A Batman that doesn’t believe in the goodness of a child (especially one like Jason who, like you said, gave up basic necessities for the sake of his morals) and protecting it in a way he wasn’t protected is a very very weird Batman to me. So it turns Bruce into a white knight and redhood into confirmation of Bruce’s stereotyping and paranoia.
If it was just Jason thinking that’s why Bruce took him in it would be a completely different animal. I might have even enjoyed reading about how Jason rationalized their changed relationship after he came back swinging (literally) and thinking that it’s some innate characteristic about him that drove the wedge between him and Bruce before he even realized it was there. But it’s very much not just Jason. EVERYONE. FUCKING. SAYS. IT. And tbh that kinda ruins everyone just a bit in my eyes. If not agreement and support for Bruce’s bs, they’re at least silently complicit in perpetuating it.
But beyond that, it also makes me think of Devin Grayson’s run where she kept talking about how dick was “meant for crime” or would have obviously been a criminal if it wasn’t for Bruce. This was built on frankly awful stereotypes regarding Romani people. I bring this one up because the combination of the two does not make Bruce look as good as the writers seemed to think.
But if we ignore the bs involved and take the reason for Jason’s adoption at face value, I think it offers an interesting comparison between him and Damian. Jason is presented a child destined for a life of crime who eventually became one of The Villains despite Batman’s efforts. Damian was an heir destined for crime who eventually became one of The Heroes because of Batman’s efforts. Idk it’s just interesting to me.
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leodette · 8 months ago
could u write Lando with an older woman? who maybe already has a kid, or at least with a small child is in her company? thanx <3
Hello, sure I can! The woman is around 30, and since there are no more instructions, the child that accompanies her is her nephew!
I Never Wanna See You Walk Away | LN4
fandom: Formula 1
pairing: Lando Norris x OC (not named)
names/faceclaims: -
summary: Lando takes Mila to the zoo
warning: age difference (older woman x younger man)
requested: yes / no
“Mila! Mila please wait for me!” Lando yelled after his little niece who zoomed away from him on her bright pink scooter, laughing at her uncle’s attempts to catch her.
Lando had a rare moment of peace in his busy season, which allowed him to go home to Bristol for a few days, to see his parents and siblings. And because he was gone so often, hell he lived in a different country, he offered Oliver that he would take Mila in the late morning for a little ‘date’ to Bristol zoo, allowing his brother and Savannah some time with their newborn Athena.
What he didn’t count though was the energy hiding in Mila’s little body, and also the fact that she didn’t care if her ‘Uncle Lala’ was able to match his steps with her excitement.
So he was basically running after the child, trying not to gain too much attention. He was happy to not only have a break to see his family, but also not to be in public eye that much and that often.
He passed by lions and giraffes, his eyes firmly locked on Mila’s yellow jacket in desperate need to not loose her from his sight. A group of people suddenly appeared in her way, and Mila, startled, turned and ran her scooter straight into another child, both kids falling on the ground.
“Shit,” Lando sweared when he heard Mila’s high-pitched cry, running the last few paces and crouching next to her. She has laying in her stomach, the scooter next to her, partly crushed under her, the sleeves of her jacket dirty with mud, and her eyes shining with tears.
“Oh no no no, don’t cry darling, don’t,” Lando carefully lifted her, helping her to stand up and started to look for any kind of injury. In the whole mess, he completely forgot about the boy that Mila crashed into. Said young child was standing up, his hair messy and wet with a dirty water from the puddle that he fell into, the bottoms of his pants dirty. His eyes were shinning with tears, but he seemed desperately determined not to cry. Lando thought he could be around five.
“Buddy? What happened?!” a voice sounded behind them, and Lando turned to see a stunning woman with alarmed face expression. She was wearing black skinny jeans, cute boots on a small heel with a bow in the back, and a long maroon raincoat. Long haired pulled in a messy bun, and horrified look as she knelt next to the young boy, checking him in the similar way he was checking Mila.
“What happened, buddy?” she hugged him closer to her, caressing his cheek and wiping the lonely tear in his cheek. Mila though continued to cry loudly in Lando’s arms, him not being able to comfort her.
“That girl ran into m-me with her sco-scooter, those pe-people there sca-scared her,” the boy let out a few sobs, pointing first at Mila and then at the group of people that calmly walked away, clearly not aware of two crying children behind them.
“Okay, that’s okay, nothing happened,” the woman pressed a small kiss on boy’s forehead, smoothing his hair down.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” she checked, and when he shook his head negative, she turned her eyes to Lando and Mila. Lando expected her started screaming at him for not being careful, but she just smiled slightly.
“And you sweetheart? Are you okay?” she asked Mila, patting her hair. The little girl was watching her warily, still sniffling the ugly tears away, but she shook her head.
“Good. That is good. C’mon, there is no need to cry, okay? Things like this happen, the most important thing is that you are not hurt,” she smiled, and to Lando’s absolute surprise Mila squirmed out of his arms and flew herself at the woman. She quickly closed her arms around the little girl, before motioning with her hand for he boy who squeezed himself next to Mila, cuddling closer to the woman that Lando still didn’t know.
“I’m sorry, I lost an eyesight of her for only a second,” he apologized and stood up, looming over the most unusual trio anyone could imagine. He earned only a smile and a shake of head.
“Nothing bad happened, right? They’re both okay, maybe little startled, but that comes with life,” she gently eased herself out of Mila’s grid, standing up as well, her hands in each of the kids heads.
“Although we can’t tell your Mum, buddy, otherwise she would have Auntie’s neck for that,” she winked at the boy who gave her a big smile back, one of his front teeth missing but not from the collision.
“Okay, so since they both are fine, I guess we should go,” she patted Mila’s hair and let her go, grabbing the boy’s hand. But Lando’s niece had nothing out of it, running it her and grabbing her hand with the determination only toddlers posses.
“No, come with,” she stomped her foot, the last reminders of a crying fit moments ago long forgotten.
The woman looked at her with wide eyes, before bashfully smiling at Lando and turning back to Mila.
“Do you want to go to take a look at the animals with us?” she asked, making Mila nod with all seriousness.
“Yef, animalf,” she pointed towards the nearby camel, and the woman chuckled.
“Well, if your Papa has nothing against it, you can come with me and Maxie here,” she motioned to the boy who smiled at Lando’s niece.
“Oh I’m not her dad, merely an uncle,” the McLaren driver quickly corrected her, feeling a blush warming his cheeks. She was gorgeous. Clearly older than him, probably closer to thirty than to twenty, but the classic elegance and kindness made his stomach tighten and his hands sweat.
“Well, there is nothing like ‘merely an uncle’. You’re basically her Dad in proxy now,” she smiled at him, before offering her hand and introducing herself.
“Oh, eee… Bob. I’m Bob, and this little spitfire here is Mila,” he motioned to the girl who was already standing at the fence together with Maxie, both of them watching the three camels inside with wide eyes.
“I’m sorry again for the incident,” he apologized again but she only waved her hand.
“As I said, nothing happened. No broken bones or knocked out teeth.”
They were quiet for a moment, watching the kids, before Max turned to his aunt.
“Auntie, can we get some snack?” he asked, his puppy eyes out in all force, making the woman roll hers before smiling gently.
“I guess we can. Want to come with us?” she asked Lando, who after a few seconds nodded. It wouldn’t hurt neither of them.
“Sure, why not. But,” he raised his finger, “I will pay.”
That earned him a chuckle from her and excited yells from the kids, and Lando offered her his elbow which she accepted before smirking.
“Well, I guess driving fast cars in circles earns some nice paycheck, right?” she added like it was nothing. But that little comment made Lando sweat, and not in a nice way. Looking at his horrified face she started laughing.
“We’re in Bristol, Mister Norris. You’re a superstar here,” she patted his arm gently.
“Don’t worry though. If you don’t say who you are, I will not. Now, off to the snack! Max wanted those strawberry pancakes they have in the bistro!” she pulled him with her like they knew each other for years, Mila and Maxie walking in front of them, the boy helping his new friend with her scooter.
And Lando? Once the shock from the realization that she knew him disappeared, he relaxed, and maybe… maybe a small hope for leaving with her number in his phone by the end of the day entered his mind.
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lemotmo · 1 month ago
Yes to all and fascinating 🎉🎉
Q. Do you really think Buddie is happening? There is just so much evidence to suggest otherwise that I cannot bring myself to believe it's ever going to be a thing.
A. Where is this overwhelming amount of evidence that you speak of? How did I miss all the evidence? You certainly didn't provide any evidence in your ask. In fact the only 'evidence' that ever gets stated is "Ryan's dad said it's not happening'". That's it. That's all anyone ever has to offer up as proof it's not happening. A select few will go the even more ridiculous route and say "Lou said Ryan wasn't into it". I cannot believe I missed the meeting where it was decided that an actor's father, who the actor himself has suggested he has a rather complicated relationship with, and the man who wanted his job are used as the voices of truth and fact over the actors own words. The Ryan stuff in general is wild in this fandom. Oliver's quotes are taken as fact. He gets credit for his own voice. Why does Ryan not get the same credit in return? Oliver says he's up for it if that is the direction the show decides to take them in. Response: "yay Oliver wants Buddie"! Ryan says he's up for it if that's the direction the show decides to take them in. Response : "well he's not going to tell us he doesn't want it to happen". What's the difference between the two answers? They both have said the same thing and they've said it repeatedly. Why does Oliver get credit for saying it but Ryan gets discredited in favor of his father and the leech who wanted his job? It makes absolutely no sense. The only thing Ryan added to his response was that he was good with whatever direction as long as the show didn't lose their friendship at the core. That is not a fancy way to say 'I just want them to stay friends'. That's how you say a romance between them would be great but please don't ever forget that they are also best friends. People taking that response and bastardizing it to make it sound like something he didn't say is not Ryan's fault. I don't want their friendship to be erased when they turn romantic, most of us don't. Their friendship is their foundation and it's what brought people in in the first place. No one should want that erased once they go canon. That's all he was saying. I do believe Buddie is happening and I believe there is overwhelming evidence to support the belief that Buddie is happening.
The nonsense with his father's Buddie answer happened years ago, that is not a recent answer, and while the show was fully owned and controlled by FOX. It has been fairly well established since then that the plan was for them to go canon as a result of the Ana/ shooting arc. Which means Ryan and Oliver went into the beginning of that storyline with the full knowledge that the outcome would be Buddie. Clearly Ryan was down for that. He played it that way. The panic attack in the store when Ana was referred to as 'mom'. The conversation with Carla about making sure he followed his own heart and not just Christopher's. The entire shooting scene! The way Eddie's only response was to check to see if Buck was also hurt. The way Buck arrives at the hospital when Eddie wakes up. The will reveal conversation. The break up scene and dialogue between Eddie and Ana. It was clearly where it was supposed to go. Somewhere between conception and completion FOX stopped it, we don't know for sure why. Studio execs may have cut the storyline but they clearly didn't demand scenes be rewritten or re shot so Tim and the show kept the dialogue and framing of the scenes the same, an intentional choice on their part because I believe he always intended to come back to Buddie. The only thing I'm not sure of timing wise is the Taylor of it all. I don't know at what point she was re added into the mix, but that was when the show started trying very hard to make her a viable endgame option for Buck. Oliver never really got on board with that ship though so it was a hard sell, but Kristen and the show tried very hard to make it sail. I don't believe Eddie was brought in for Buck from the very beginning, but I do think it became very clear to Tim, and the others, fairly early on that the chemistry between Oliver and Ryan afforded them options they may not have ever intended. As a result I think Tim, as well as Oliver and Ryan, started leaning into and playing around with the chemistry. You cannot fake chemistry. It either exists or it doesn't. If you're a good enough actor you can fake it to an extent if you're willing to work at it, but the effortless chemistry that Oliver and Ryan have together is not easy to find.
At some point in maybe season 3 or early 4, I would guess, I think Tim decided Buck and Eddie would be each other's endgame, but that he might have to hold it specifically for the series finale. He has said before he was holding off on definitively defining their relationship because the show is not over. He gave it a shot with the shooting arc but once that was snipped I think he moved forward knowing how their story was going to end, but with the belief he was going to have to save it for the end. The show being controlled by the FOX network didn't leave him a ton of other options. Because he always had the end goal in mind he treated all their other relationships as temporary, and as a result very little effort has been put into any of them. But while they were dating other people their relationship with each other, and the family unit they built with Christopher, was given attention and depth and continued to grow and blossom. Their unit was clearly the priority. That's what got the story focus, but putting each of them in separate relationships, that got very little focus, at least gave Tim plausible deniability that he was trying to set up Buddie. Everything changed when they were freed from FOX.
Moving to ABC gave Tim options. It was clear the moment the network started promoting the show that they were fully on board with the Buddie of it all. They were basically the entire marketing campaign for season 7. Every single episode was promoted with Buddie content. I still firmly believe they were the plan for season 7. You can misinterpret episode 7x4 all you want but it was clearly about Eddie and Buck's unrealized feelings for him. Tommy was the red hearing. A way he could explain to himself why he got so carried away with jealousy without having to acknowledge or examine the Eddie of it all. The episode was not subtle. The show was basically waving a giant YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR EDDIE flag around all season long. Actual Buck focus disappeared entirely after that episode and he was used almost exclusively in Eddie's storyline. He just realized this major thing about himself and his new found relationship and status got zero focus because the show wanted the audience to remember that his relationship with Eddie was still the priority. Eddie and Buck as a unit was still the focus. I have made no secret about what a disaster I think the back half of season 7 was, especially the finale, my god that was a terrible episode of television. I think Tim eventually came around to that realization as well because he spent the first half of season 8 undoing all the nonsense the rewrites in season 7 created. He got Maya reunited with her family, got Bobby back as captain, and split Buck and Tommy. All the while he was cleaning up the season 7 mess though he allowed the first part of season 8 to be overrun by Brad. I liked Brad, I really did, but his focus took away from the genuinely needed forward motion on the Eddie storyline. That has to be corrected in the back half of the season. I 100% believe Buddie is the plan, and is coming sooner rather than later, and for the most part Buck has been put in position. He has arrived at the beginning of his realization. Eddie is not quite there yet though. He's stuck in the Christopher situation. Not everything needs to be resolved and closed before he can be ready for Buck, that's an unfair demand to make of his character and a television show, but the Christopher situation needs to at least be moving forward. Eddie has enough information about his own feelings to not be too far behind Buck in his realization, but he's blinded right now by the Christopher situation. Eddie needs focus first. It's way past time for some Eddie centric storylines. Let him spend a couple of episodes on himself. The Buck realization can come while that stuff is going on, in fact it would make sense for Eddie to realize his feelings while he's in Texas. But even if the show doesn't do it while he's in Texas, Buddie is coming. They have intentionally avoided, sidestepped, or not even bothered trying at all, with any kind of viable alternative for either character. They're not interested in anyone else for them. And now they're at a network that isn't forcing their hand to go another way. They just have to clean up some thing first.
If you don't want it to happen that's fine. Your preference is your business and your right. But people need to stop pretending they're only saying it's not happening because it's the obvious answer. The obvious answer is the contrary in fact. All the legitimate evidence we have points to it being inevitable. A bullshit answer from a parent, who has no direct involvement with the show, and a laughably predictable response from a man who wanted his job, is not the winning hand you all seem to think it is.
Thank you for this Nonny! I needed a post like this to reply to. There has been so much discourse lately and I miss the fandom positivity a lot. This is definitely a great read! 🤗
So, first I'll add my disclaimer:
There, I said it. Feels good too. 🤗
I don't understand what on Earth that anon was talking about with the whole 'evidence to suggest otherwise'? Do tell, where is that evidence to be found.
Because from where I'm standing there is a mountain of evidence that Buddie is happening. I'm not entirely sure of the timeline, but I have never been more sure that it's happening. I've been here since 2018-2019 and for the longest of time I was certain it would always stay a fanon ship.
But then the move to ABC and all the Buddie promo happened, combined with bi-Buck. And seeing how Eddie was EVERYWHERE in Buck's bi storyline, even when he was in a 'relationship' with some other guy, Eddie was still firmly in first place.
It was soooo obvious. From the get-go so many of us have been saying that T was a plot device to start the Buddie arc. And lo and behold... look what happened! Turns out that T was indeed a plot device! We were right! Go figure!🤷‍♀️
I think Buck's realisation that he is in love with Eddie will come quite early on in 8b, since we've already seen some of his reaction when Eddie told him he's leaving for El Paso. He'll spin out of control and finally realise why.
As for Eddie? I don't know. I'm sure he's going to be in El Paso for a few episodes to confront his parents, make up with Chris and maybe find himself in the process? I really haven't a clue about the timeline here. I will all depend on how long they'll want to draw things out. Knowing Tim, this might take a while. 🫠
But ultimately, I don't care. I'm just cruising along, waiting for March so we can get this show on the road. 🙂‍↕️
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 10 months ago
hello lovelyy, hope ur doing good! 🫶🏼 can i request a studying w college matt fluff? where he is like all boyish and sweet and perfect and boyfriend ughhh
ps.: yes I KNOW i only request for him 😭 but im new to the fandom and obsessed w him.. sometimes i feel like the hype on him is kinda gone idk.. so if you do not feel like writing, it its all good! thank uuu and love ur blog! 💐
hii my angel!! I am and hope you are too!! so so cute and ofc!! it depends on who you follow bc matty gets lots of love on my dash. if you want i can rec some matt writers? but if you follow me, I have a feeling you probably follow them already😭 thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
he’s the prettiest
college matt murdock x fem!reader — fluff
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word count. 353
At the end of every school week, you and Matt would have a long, laborious study session to complete all assignments before the weekend rolled around. They would be tedious, but they were worth it when it meant you could have a couple of days together, interrupted and enjoying the other's company.
You would always be far more productive when you were in the presence of your boyfriend, though most would think otherwise. His silent encouragement and support would give you the push you needed to work through your copious papers and assignments - his hard work ethic also rubbing off on you.
You were in your dorm, you at your desk, Matt laying on your bed - braille papers bunched and resting atop his chest —disregarded—
Both of you were trying to cram as much as you could before calling it a night, each of you far too tired to be using your brains in the way you currently are.
"I can't do anymore," you sigh, twisting in your chair to face Matt. "My head will explode," you playfully groan, standing to join him on your bed. 
"I can help?" he offers, scooching across the mattress - making more space for you.
You flop beside him and curl into his side, head resting atop his paper-covered chest. "No. No, absolutely not," you laugh softly, far too weary to give it any more than that. 
"I didn't mark you down as a quitter," he lightly chuckles, stroking a hand up your spine - gently nudging you closer to him. "Shame on you," he teases, pressing a kiss into the top of your forehead.
You peer up at him, his signature boyish smile out and on display. "Did you even finish your assignment?" you ask, gesturing to the papers beside him. 
He hums, tone somewhat sleepy. "Forty minutes ago."
"Forty?" you repeat, lifting your head from his chest, trying to find signs of a lie on his face. "What have you even been doing for forty minutes?"
He hesitates, the corners of his lips tilting back up into a soft grin. "Listening to you."
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aziraphales-library · 3 months ago
hiii omg first of id like to say that yall are absolutely amazing and i love ur recommendations
secondly if its not too much trouble id like to ask for holiday fics because i definitely want to get into the holiday fic spirit rn :)
I'm bumping this up because, once again, the holiday requests are coming in too late. As stated in the pinned masterpost, it take us months to answer and queue asks, folks! We do have a #christmas tag. Here are more to add to the collection...
Secret Santa by AppleSeeds (T)
On the advice of his therapist, Crowley signs up to be a 'Secret Santa', an anonymous gift-giver for a community initiative aiming to bring some Christmas joy into the lives of people going through a hard time. He's partnered with Aziraphale, a librarian who has lost his home and bookshop in a fire. Through the power of Christmas Magic, Crowley ends up meeting Aziraphale in person when he takes his nephew to the library and is immediately smitten. He becomes determined to use his expertise and influence to give Aziraphale the only Christmas present that could really make a difference, but are some things too important to be kept secret?
it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you by thealienmeme (T)
crowley is a journalist at the top of his game. he asks hard questions and never lets a story slip through his tight grip, but he's also never taken a vacation. with encouragement from his boss, he books a cabin on the outskirts of the small town of Tadfield to rent out for the month of december so he can finally relax and maybe work on his book. he doesn't have any family anyways and he isn't really a fan of christmas or the holidays... then a snow storm hits. stranded in Tadfield proper, he meets a fussy bookshop owner and learns that maybe christmas just needed a little more love.
Ships in the Night by tishae (G)
Aziraphale did not want to head home for Christmas. Spending the entirety of the holidays with his Mother and siblings seemed, if you asked him, like a special version of Hell carved out just for him. Making up a boyfriend that he was spending the season with seemed like a perfect excuse (and no, he wasn't going to think too hard about why he had provided Crowley's name), until his Mother had insisted they should both come. "It'd be great to meet him!" Aziraphale had no idea how he was going to explain this to the coffee shop owner he'd had a crush on for the last two years, much less convince him to take part, but he was about to find out. or It's Christmas time, and our ineffable idiots are faking a relationship while definitely not being totally, completely head over heels for each other.
Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by IneffableToreshi (E)
Earlier this year, popular romance novelist Anthony J. Crowley met the love of his life when his agent booked one "A.Z. Fell & Co." for his most recent book signing. Aziraphale is a huge fan of Crowley's books, and they become fast friends. Unfortunately, Crowley let's his nerves convince him that it wouldn't be right to initially pursue a fan romantically, and by the time he feels it's alright, they've become so close that he's terrified of the possibility of failure. But now it's nearly Christmas - a time for miracles, right? - and Crowley has a plan to, hopefully, make Aziraphale fall in love with him the way he's been dreaming of.
The Anon Before Christmas by foolishlovers (E)
When Crowley’s friend, blogging buddy and business partner Anathema announces her annual Secret Santa Exchange on Tumblr, she is very adamant Crowley should join this year. The old-fashioned (but admittedly compassionate) man he gets assigned to send anonymous messages to every day until Christmas sounds awfully similar to the fussy bookseller that his friends adore, yet Crowley tries to avoid at all costs. But surely his friends would have mentioned if Aziraphale had taken an interest in the Bad Omens fandom as well… right? Or: An Enemies to Lovers Secret Santa Tumblr AU.
Any Foolish Thing by Caedmon (E)
Crowley is an overworked divorce attorney on the brink of burnout in London. He's irascible and mean to everyone, on the verge of verbally abusive, until his law partner, Fergus, gives him an ultimatum: He can rusticate in the small town of Tadfield for a month and come back rested in the new year, or he can be fired. His choice. Grumbling, Crowley takes off to Tadfield, eager to get it over with - and to skirt Fergus' rules. But all of that changes when he has a chance encounter with the gorgeous man who runs Mr. Fell's Books and Bonbons...
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