#wot season one rewrite
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Hi, new to the WOT fandom here! What are the production issues from season 1 that you keep referring to? Thanks!
I'm so glad you're wotching!!!!!!
So when amazon commissioned the show, they originally slated the first season to be 10 episodes. After the team had written the entire season's scripts, Amazon pushed them to do rewrites on certain things and shortened the episode count to 8.
The first episode was supposed to be two episodes, probably ending episode 1 with the start of the trolloc attack and then episode 2 would be them choosing to leave the two rivers and emond's field (their hometown), and they had to shorten that to 1 episode, so the pacing in the first episode ends up really wacky and fast. I'm pretty sad about this because part of what makes the first book effective is the contrast between the sleepy pleasant small town life in emond's field and how that peace is destroyed when the plot intrudes. And I think the change made it harder for new fans to attach themselves to the main gang properly.
They also, after amazon's rewrite requests, changed Perrin's early plot significantly. Originally he was going to accidentally kill his blacksmith master, Master Luhan, and after the rewrites he was given a wife who isn't in the books who gets fridged immediately. I guess amazon thought people would only understand the emotional significance of killing a lover and not a mentor. I really didn't like that choice when I first watched it, but I do think now they're going to do something interesting with the aftermath of the dead wife stuff in Perrin's s3 arc.
The shortened episode count also impacts the pacing of the end of the first season, which also got crunched together a bit. The end of the season also had further problems because covid happened, and the last two episodes were interrupted and had to be filmed after a hiatus and with new covid protocols in place, so the characters can't touch during some key scenes at the end. They had to rewrite the scene where Nynaeve and Egwene almost burn out during the battle of Tarwin's Gap on the day of shooting, and I think the scene is less effective as a result.
Also, one of the main actors was unable to return after lockdowns for possibly covid related health reasons, Barney who played Mat, so that's why it was changed and edited so that he doesn't come into the Ways with them in episode 6, and they also had to rewrite the last two episodes to accomodate his absence and then recast Mat for s2.
As a result of all this, episode 1, 7, and 8 in season one are all a little rough around the edges and a lot of book fans, including me, didn't really like the first season when it was airing. I like it more now upon rewatch now that I can see all the stuff they did manage to set up really well for the long haul of the story, but the first season had a difficult reception when it aired, and I think a lot of people let that less than stellar first impression color their opinion of the show as a whole. Which is unfortunate, because almost all* television shows improve as seasons go on and the team behind the show gets into the groove with it, and this one definitely improves each season.
Season 2 was written with the knowledge that it would only be 8 episodes, and they didn't have any interruptions during filming, so it's significantly better in its pacing.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, September 13
BUFFY: My mom said some things to me about being the Slayer. That it's fruitless. No fruit for Buffy. ANGEL: She's wrong. BUFFY: Is she? Is Sunnydale any better than when I first came here? So, I battle evil. But I don't really win. The bad keeps coming back and getting stronger.
~~BtVS 3x11 "Gingerbread"~~
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cobaltperun · 5 months ago
I know people won't agree to this one but i seriously want EF reader to have a healthy relationship with their parents.. LOST , WOTS and Genius have suffered enough..I just want to see reader's parents absolutely doting over jenna and reader and practically making Jenna their daughter..
Buttt if you decide to give her immeasurable trauma , I'll be waiting here with my popcorn.
Lost really was the pinnacle of awful relationship with parents, wasn't it? 😅😅🤣🤣 And I get the WOTS R suffering, especially in Season 1.5, but Genius was okay. Sure, they didn't show up (something Genius rewrite will fix) but it was a healthy relationship, so unless you say Miller existing is already suffering enough (which certain someone I know would absolutely say) then I reckon Genius Reader had it good. 🤣🤣
Anyway, EF, we'll see what the poll says, I can make it wholesome, I can give her relatively small trauma, I can also give her life-long trauma. And I'll be fine with any of the options 😁😁 Anyone reading this, go vote on the poll, these don't really get a lot of votes since I'm not tagging them properly, so your vote really can make hell of a difference.
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cannoli-reader · 2 years ago
LOL at the spokesperson for professional writers not knowing the difference between “who’s” and “whose”.  And was anyone under the impression that “rewrites” is only a figurative concept?  Master your actual craft before butting in on all that other stuff!  Explains an awful lot about the state of current movies and TV.
Although, when you get ‘write’ down to it, screenwriters are writing to be heard, not read.  The non-writer-producers need to call them on this stuff.  Send back the scripts that aren’t well written.  Maybe it’s like that general who saw the writing on the wall for the British Empire when the officers stopped dressing up for dinner. We get GoT season 8, WoT season 1, and She-Hulk, because no one checked their work back when their standards began to slip.
That being said, people deserve fair remuneration and recognition for their work. Even idiots.  Maybe especially idiots.  Life’s gonna be tough enough without Disney et al screwing them over.
Hi! I heard news that House of the Dragon s2 is going to go on filming because the scripts were already done and wanted to ask, is that scab behaviour or something? because it feels strange to me to film presumably without the writers and/or showrunners present (if they're part of the ongoing strike)
Love your blog! Thank you in advance!
I did a bit of reading up on this and while it doesn’t seem to be scabbing per se, it’s really skirting the line. Specifically, while using pre-existing scripts isn’t technically scabbing, there’s a lot of work that writers do on set that would be considered scabbing if it was done on HOTD Season 2, and the show would be in real difficulty if they couldn’t do that work.
There was a very good thread on twitter about this:
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So yeah, it’s definitely something to keep an eye on, especially as the DGA and SAG-AFTRA contracts move towards expiring.
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mangy-writes · 3 years ago
A Wheel of Time.
“Who is that?”  Rand al’ Those asks as a young woman enters the inn. Mat looks  over and then back at Rand, “What do you mean!? That's Cordelia al’Dune! The most gorgeous, voluptuous girl in the village!” he says passionately but Perrin shrugs. “She ain't much to look at to me.” he mumbles and Mat gasps. “What do you mean? Isn't much to look at! Look at her hips! Her eyes!  Her hair! She’s got the longest hair in the village! And those freckles! Whoever marries her is hella lucky…”  he says taking off slowly as she comes over. “Why thank you, Mattie.”  she says softly and he nods while Perrin stifles his laughter. “So, why are you singing my praises? Finally gonna go ahead and ask me?”  she asks sweetly and Mat chokes on his drink. “What!? N-no!”  he stutters as he responds causing Perrin to laugh harder and she grins. “That's what I  thought.”  she says softly, getting up and making to leave  in the process. “Hey! Wait! I wanted to ask if you could do a portrait of me and Laila?” Perrin asks and she smiles. “Sure thing!  But you know the rules, half before, half after.”  She responds and he nods.
“Mom! Where are the girls!?” Mat screams  at his mother,  who drunkenly mumbles something he could not make out. Quickly he dashes back outside into the night. “GIRLS!!”
Perrin swings the axe with a roar and then freezes as it punches through Laila’s gut. “L-laila?” he whispers, voice hoarse.
Tamlin al’Thor quickly removes the sheath on his Heron marked blade and squares himself off. “RUN BOY! RUN!” he belows but all Rand does is grab the blade from his father, knock him out of the way, and guts the first Trolloc in record time. Lan would be proud.
Nynaeve wakes up slowly to being dragged by her braid, as soon as the Trolloc lets her go she is moving, quickly putting distance between herself and the monster. Making for the pool she jumps in, remembering everything Cordie’s father ever said about Trollocs…
“If there’s one thing Trollocs hate… it’s water.” she whispers as she ducks down.
When all is said and done and Tamlin al’Thor is healed Kerene pulls the boys, and Egwene, aside. “Listen to me, please, and know that before you pass any sort of judgement that I cannot lie.” she says warily, pausing for a moment to catch her breath. “I am an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, my job is to kill Shadow Spawn like you saw last night. I am also 205 years of age… I’ve seen a lot in my time and I think I know the reason behind why your village was attacked. You all, or at least some of you, are Ta’veren, you’re special to the pattern. And the Dark One wants you for himself. As Green Ajah it is my job to make sure he doesn’t get what he wants. So I am asking you to accompany me to Tar Valon, where I might keep you safer than you will be here.” she says and Mat looks as if he’s about to say something. “Yes Master Cauthon?” she asks and he sighs. “Cordelia’s da always said that Trollocs can’t get past the borderlands… So how did they get here?” he asks and she smiles.
“Something called the Ways… I think. Anyone can enter them, but you need an Ogier to travel through them. I don’t think the Ogier had a hand in this, so I think a Fade must’ve been guessing and checking. It’s the only way to get past Shienar, Arafel, or Kandor without sounding an alarm.” Kerene responds and they all look between themselves. “So if we don’t leave, they’ll come back?” Rand asks and Kerene nods. “I’m afraid so.” she says and everyone looks between themselves before Egwene nods. “Then what are we waiting for?
As they all make they’re way out of the village Rand looks over at Cordelia. “So… you’re coming with us?” he says awkwardly. “Yes, Kerene Sedai seems to think one, some, or all of us are Ta’veren.” she responds softly. “Worried about how your mother will take it?” he asks and she shakes her head. “I told her, I didn't want her to worry.” Cordelia adds and he nods.
“Did you all have the same dream?” she demands her voice carrying a weight to it that tells them to come forward immediately. “Yes, I-i think so.” Cordelia responds. “Pulling a bat out of our throats, right guys?” Perrin asks and they all nod. “You must tell me if this happens again, I can guard your minds from dreams like that.
“Do not speak unless spoken to.” she hisses as they dismount in front of the Whitecloaks. “Good afternoon sir!” she says cheerfully, the picture of a polite middle aged woman. “Good afternoon. Might I ask where you’re heading..? You seem awfully far from the Borderlands mistress.” a white haired older man responds. “Yes, we are, aren't we? Well you see, I have business in Whitebridge, I have a sister there who has begged me to come and help her. She was frantic in her letters the last we spoke so my partner and I along with the children packed up.” she says smiling at Stepin and leaning into his shoulder slightly. “You’re a little old to be his wife.” another man, dark skinned with the rings of Aes Sedai adorning his waist says sceptically. “Well yes… I am several years his senior. One of the reasons none of the children look like us, we took them in. I have a kind heart and a lot of room for love.” Kerene says good naturedly as they begin to search the group. Suddenly Kerene winces. “Ah, forgive me sir, I have a wound.” she says and the Questioner stops. “May I?” he asks and she removes her cloak partly to show her shoulder. “Mistress, that is a Trolloc poisoned wound.” he says and she grimaces but nods. “Yes sir, it is. I’m afraid we actually ran into some, came out of the Mountains near the Two Rivers. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they’d have come from the Mountain of Mist itself.” she says and he nods. “No healer can heal that, when you make it to Whitebridge you show find an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. As much as I despise those witches, they are the only ones who can heal that.” he says and she nods. “Of course sir. Light bless you and your endeavours.” she says as they move to go back to their horses. “I do not need the Light’s help when I do it’s work Mistress.” he says and they go their own way.
“You fool woman! Why didn’t you say you were injured! I’d have been able to give you something.” Cordelia says angrily. “I may not be a village wisdom but she is my best friend. I know a thing or two! The very least I can do-” Kerene interrupts her. “By all means, do what you can.” she says and Cordelia pauses, shrugs, and then digs through her saddle bags. “Sit.” she says and begins the process of cleaning and treating what she can with what little supplies she has.
“You brought soap?” Mat asks incredulously. “Yes, and lotion, two changes of clothes, all eight of my head wraps, dried fruits and meat, my bed roll, my bells, hair pins and comb, and spear.” she says and Stepin bursts out laughing. “How does it all fit?” Rand asks, sounding scared of the answer he might get. “Easy, I have a big horse and a small body, it can carry more because I am very light. And I packed smart, the lotion and soap are packed away in a box. The head scarfs are rolled up and tied tight, the clothes are the same. And the food and medicinal herbs are stored away in the other saddlebag. Left side for essential foods and herbs, right side for essential clothing and luxury items.” she says with a grin. “OH! I forgot that I brought my coals and three blank notebooks.” she exclaims brightly making even Kerene laugh.
“Well you cannot claim that you came ill prepared.” Kerene says with a laugh. “Good on you.” she adds and Cordelia seems to preen herself under the praise of the Aes Sedai. “Would you mind if I took inventory of your food? Between us all we should know how much of everything we have.” she asks and Cordelia nods. “Oh of course! I made sure to pack only shelf-stable dried foods, fruits, nuts, meat, mostly deer, although there is bear, and some vegetables. But there isn’t much, I only have two bags on each side, not counting the soaps and lotion in the front bags. So I mean it;s enough for me to live off of for maybe three days, 5 if I stretch it.” she says, pulling the small burlap looking bags from the much bigger leather saddlebag and handing them over for Kerene to catalogue.
At some point they begin to sing and afterwards Kerene decides to give them a history lesson on Manetheren, a long dead country. “Kiserai ti Manetheren” Cordelia murmurs and Kerene whips around in her saddle. “You can speak the old tongue?” she asks, sounding surprised. “Yes, my father could as well, he taught me.” She responds and Kerene makes a small face and nods. “That is useful.” is all she says in response and Stepin mumbles something no one else catches.
“Come on! We have to move!” Stepin bellows as they race towards Shadar Logoth quickly entering the city. Earlier that night Stepin had finally gotten Kerene to sleep and she had not woken up since. Helping take Kerene into the church of some sort they had found Stepin turns to the group. “Do not touch anything. Do you understand me?” he grounds out and everyone nods. Turning to Cordelia he motions towards Kerene. “ Can you do anything more for her? ” he asks in the Old Tongue. “ I am not sure, I know I can channel, but I’ve never done it on purpose and I could be just as likely to harm her. I can try more herbs. ” She responds and he nods. “ Please do. ”
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rationalnerd62 · 3 years ago
Wheel of Time Screentime, s1e8
That first season finale was interesting, to say the least. Quite a few departures from the books, sure, but it does set-up some interesting things for book 2 and book 3 storylines. IMO, this is also the episode that suffered the most from the Covid situation: some late rewrites had to be done following Mat’s actor leaving, budget got tighter, the whole battle ended up being full CGI due to Covid restrictions, etc. Overall, I still enjoyed the episode, especially on a rewatch, so I’m willing to give them a pass for what did not work well.
Linked below are all the previous WoT Screentime and Speaking Time analyses. far-dareis-me did a fantastic job on those Wheel of (Speaking) Time posts, please check them out!
WoT Screentime: e1 | e2 | e3 | e1-3 | e4 | e5 | e6 | e7 | e8 
WoT Speaking Time: e1-3 | e4 | e5 | e6 | e7 | e8
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Ep7 revealed who was the Dragon Reborn, and ep8 definitely developed on that. While Rand got the 2nd spot in four episodes this season, ep8 is the first for which our favorite sheepherder gets the 1st spot. His In-Scene time is 7min bigger than Moiraine’s, with who he was traveling, due to his dream and later on his mental fight with Ishamael. Rand also has 11min more than any other folks from the Two Rivers. This was definitely his episode, which was expected and deserved.
Talking about Moiraine and Egwene, both appear either in Rand’s dream or in the fake world Ishamael showed Rand. This isn’t the first time characters appear in other people’s dreams, and so far I have never made a distinction between dream characters and real ones. I considered making one here, but ultimately decided against for simplicity and better tracking of characters over the whole season. As a result, Moiraine’s dead time corresponds to when she is killed in Rand’s dream. Meanwhile, Egwene is considered as unconscious whenever she is frozen in the fake world. Without that mental fight, Egwene would have a lower screentime than Nynaeve: the two of them are mostly in the same scenes, except when Egwene is comforted by Perrin (a 52s scene) and when Nynaeve and Lan talk (a 1m57s scene).
Ishamael had almost 8 minutes and half of screentime, putting him 5th on this chart. However, I am guessing his rank will be higher on the speaking time analysis, as that man was quite talkative.
I was hoping to see more of Min in this episode. Unfortunately, she gets less than a minute in her bar, talking with the EF folks that haven’t left for the Blight, and then a few more seconds as she is leaving Fal Dara. Bets are on concerning where she might be going: my personal guess is Tar Valon.
While I considered Lord Yakota as dead in that scene with Perrin and Padan Fain, I marked both Uno and Loial as unconscious instead. We know those two characters are making a comeback in season 2, and we don’t get an obvious “death” moment for them like we got one for Yakota. Similarly, I marked Nynaeve as unconscious instead of dead: her make-up doesn’t appear as burned up as Lady Amalisa, and in the books the One Power cannot be used to revive someone already dead. This could change in the show (how come Aes Sedai don’t have some magical CPR and defibrillator, really), but for now I will stick to the “Nynaeve was only almost dead” theory.
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Gender balance is somehow decent for this episode, as we have about 13min more In-Scene time for men than for women. This is pretty much in line with the rest of the show, as only episode 6 had women with more screentime than men.
As always, the data can be found at this link. I will follow-up in a few days with a summary for the whole first season. After that, I may do some random stats stuffs like “who did X spend the most time with?” and others, so if you have specific requests about some characters or some episodes, please send them to me!
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themangylioness · 3 years ago
I kinda wanna do a rewrite of season one... But idrk if I will... Like I have several things I wanna do for the WOT fandom but my book knowledge is so fucking limited... and like we only have one season of the show... Idk might start messing around with ideas and stuff. If I post any other stuff abt it make sure to check @rachel-ellie-writes
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sosei · 3 years ago
TLDW, spoiler free opinion on WoT season 1
Episodes 2-6 were really good imo and had a lot of really good adaptational changes. It is very clear to me that the showrunners care about WoT and want to make a good adaptation of it.
It is however clear that the showrunners got less episodes this season than they wanted (we know that they wanted 10 and got 8), which on top of how the production was heavily affected by Covid (limiting their access to locations and actors, which is especially noticeable in the final episode) and one of the main actors leaving mid-season necessitated some hasty rewrites which Shows.
That being said though, I am still feeling optimistic with regard to WoT on Prime and how they will handle the next season.
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redfivewritingby · 8 years ago
Projects in Progress: 2/20/2017
Reminder: No Maneater update for two weeks due to RDC3 and vacation. 
Maneater Chapter 5: A reconstruction goes horribly wrong at the coroner’s office, and Will picks a fight with the female version of Hannibal (because that's exactly what the world needed: two of them). But is that jealousy I smell? Or blood in the water? Dun-dun-dun. Dun-dun-dun.
Maneater Chapter 6: Hannibal and Will move into their temporary residence onboard the Jonah. Will has an another episode while Hannibal grapples with some inconvenient compassion.
Maneater: Jaws/Hannigram AU  multi: currently writing chapter 1: read now chapter 2: read now chapter 3: read now chapter 4: read now chapter 5: read now chapter 6: read now chapter 7: final pass chapters 8: final pass chapter 9: final pass chapter 10: final pass chapter 11: final pass chapter 12: rewrites chapter 13: second pass chapter 14: first pass chapters 15: writing chapters 16-18: outlining
A Game of Inches: Hannigram Super Bowl AU two parter: currently writing part 1: read now part 2: currently writing ripping my hair out
Some Other Worlds Are Even Less Kind: Part 2 - WoT/Hannigram AU pre-writing/research: reading The Eye of the World of the World part 1: read now  (No prior knowledge of the Wheel of Time necessary.)
IN THE MEAT LOCKER: (On hiatus to be returned to, maybe, one day, hopefully. Curious about any of these? Drop me an ask and I’ll post something from the WiP. Who knows, maybe it’ll encourage me to go back to one of them sooner rather than later.)
Rowan: AU inspired by the Irish folk legend “The Adventures of Nera”, Ace Will The Firebird: the fluff filled aftermath to the smut filled  “Always Loved a Man in Uniform.” Closing Costs: Will and Hannibal go apartment hunting post-Fall. Will is a grumpy butthead. If You Could See Him Now: Carry On fanfic from Fiona’s perspective  Part 3 of Nothing Sweeter: aka that thing where Will and Hannibal get drunk on Frose and hilarity ensues Untitled sequel to Lost and Found: a series alternate season one moments--first dinner at Hannibal’s house Kentucky Downs: Brady/Welker/Edelman drama Remember the Ravenstags: Vol 1. Fumble Recovery a hannigram football story Farmtruck: a hannigram street racing story
Current Published Word Count for 2017: 33,786 Goal: 150k for 2017
Read more on A03. 
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‘It’s different from the books’ sure it’s different but are you judging elements based on how they fit within the new transformative narrative that the show adaptation is presenting? Or are you purely judging each element based on how different it is from the books?
Does the new narrative that the show is telling have cohesive arcs and structure that work within its specific logic? Do the elements present, intentionally different or inspired or lifted directly from the books, work together to tell a story that shares most of the same overall themes and important story beats as the entire book series? Are they setting up the long term development of character arcs well?
Or are you just mad your favorite character isn’t just saying all their lines from the book directly and we need to have the ‘characters aren’t people regardless of our parasocial attachment to them, they’re storytelling tools that fill roles within a narrative conflict’ conversation again? Like, neither the author(s) nor the book characters themselves are gonna fuck you, just so we’re clear.
Mat having a weakness for helping and protecting children, Perrin being traumatized about using the axe as a weapon and worried about harming people he loves, Rand wanting to help men who can channel, everything about Egwene’s late stage character arc, Nynaeve’s innate potential and her constant early struggle with her unconsciously blocking that immense power away from herself have all been set up extremely well in the show, and all by making some pretty distinct changes from the books.
And every wot fan agrees that the books are not perfect in various ways, rearranging and tightening of the plot was always going to be necessary in an adaptation, let alone in one that is only allowed to span 8 seasons. But the main beats of the story are all there, and individual changes to characterization and the specific roles that characters play for certain bits of the narrative are not bad just because they’re different and I simply can’t take any criticism of the show that doesn’t account for that seriously.
Also like. Can we stop blaming the writers for stuff that is fully the producers’ fault. Season 1 episode 1 and episode 8 both got fucked over on rewrites and/or covid restrictions during filming, so the pacing and execution is kinda fucky there, but that’s not on the writing team. The rest of season one the pacing is better and better yet in season two, which honestly was kind of a banger start to finish.
The development in s2 of all the themes around channelers losing access to the power or autonomy over their channeling and the griefs of outliving your loved ones were explored so well, and all those ideas are very important for the rest of the plot from later in the books. And the choice to introduce all the forsaken sooner and develop them more than is present in the early books was brilliant, they’re incredibly effective and engaging villains and the show is utilizing them to full effect. Shit rules. I’m stoked for s3 for a lot of reasons but especially for more forsaken shenanigans.
When I want to reread the books I’ll reread the books. I’m doing that right now and having a great time. But I’m glad the show is different in a lot of ways and I like the way they’re reading the original text, including by changing the stuff that makes wot one of those book series you can’t really recommend without an asterisk because RJ’s grasp on feminism and queerness and gender theory was. Loose at best.
Idk man, just treat adaptations of books you love as really high budget fanfiction produced by a team of people who all care about the original text but are also of course gonna put their spin on it, and you might have a more enjoyable time watching them.
Howl’s Moving Castle by Miyazaki? Fanfiction.
NBC Hannibal? Gay Fanfiction.
The Wheel of Time on Prime? That’s right, it’s increasingly higher budget fantasy fanfiction with less gender essentialism, extra emphasis on all the milfy magical politics, and queer subtext made text, hell yeah.
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