#wot on prime s1e5
geryrrs · 6 months
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Josha Stradowski as Rand al’Thor
The Wheel of Time 1.05 “Blood Calls Blood”
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highladyluck · 3 years
How all the Forsaken react to their votive statuettes
Graendal: collects statuettes of herself from all over the world and displays them prominently in her lair
Sammael: deeply offended that his statuette is so short
Moghedien: satisfied that history has memorialized her with a great ass. The fact that it’s a spider abdomen is not germane
Demandred: completely oblivious to the entire thing. When he sees his iconography he assumes it’s Lews Therin’s.
Lanfear: says it’s vulgar, secretly loves it
Asmodean: recognizes the guitar make. He hated that brand.
Ishamael: Really likes the ones where the incense stick fits inside, and when you light it the flame is visible out of his mouth and eyes
Semirhage: honestly just disappointed they only burn incense
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primeideal · 3 years
Wheel of Time Episode 5: Blood Calls Blood
The title of this episode is a line from book two about prophecies or whatever that has...basically nothing to do with this episode, cool.
We arrive at the White Tower/Tar Valon somewhat earlier than the books and I am here for it. Sometimes on rereads I'm like "IDK which is my favorite plotline, they're all good" and then we get to magic city with magic school and magic factions and worldbuilding, yessss. And the colors! Both in the sense of "they're all about Ajah color symbolism, they should have lots of decorations" but also "no more literal grimdark, let's see color in these fantasy worlds!" Hype. "And now you're wondering if you can ever go back to the world you knew before or how you'd fit in. You can't, I had the same experience." :( Moiraine of House Damodred. Why are the Whitecloaks patrolling outside of Tar Valon? Feels like that's the last place they'd want to be. And the Tinkers' method of civil disobedience is...Red Rover. Inspiring. (Though I feel like the Two Rivers response to the Trolloc threat in book ~3 or 4 isn't that different?) Rand: "Egwene thinks she's the reincarnation of Jain Farstrider or something." (I expected Loial to go "but he's not even dead.") Stepin is pouring his heart out but still finds time to joke about Alanna's harem. Priorities! And now Stepin must cast the ring into the fire. Great visual/imagery using the TV medium to add some worldbuilding that's not in the book, but also, I feel like I've read this epic fantasy. Egwene gets groped by the Whitecloaks, who also remove her braid. Maybe I'm just prejudiced by daydreaming about Rule 63 Galad, but I don't see why women can't be zealot inquisitors, too. (Is it just Aes Sedai=women=bad??) Although this is also some nice foreshadowing of a different group who are going to dress Egwene in white and not let her wear her hair the way she wants... "The Light never does anything without a purpose." Except as my dreamwidth friend seekingferret would say, the purpose is that these characters are ta'veren so plot events just kind of randomly happen around them! "walking like gods amongst men" What are your beliefs/theology/opinions about gods other than "the Creator made the world"? If I had a nickel for every time a speculative fiction story tosses out a line like that and never follows up... Egwene probably wants to sacrifice herself for Perrin here. "Egwene was almost ten when she nearly died of breakbone fever" so she'd be old enough to remember it, I want her POV! "The fever had broken, not her" d'awwwww. In the books, this conversation comes up as Moiraine asking Nynaeve "you knew right where to find us, did you heal Egwene or one of them when you were younger?" "yeah, the Wisdom told me it was just a common childhood disease and she'd get better, but she looked in such terrible pain, somehow I got the fever to break early" "yeah you were channelling" "..." But that might have been ten years ago in show canon. Has Nynaeve been a wilder for that long? "it may take you your whole life to realize that, but you will" I hope this is not foreshadowing! (I mean it's in the context of Egwene is trying to sacrifice herself for Perrin so she doesn't think that she has too much longer. But I was idly batting around a while back about if they would drastically change any plotlines/endings, and IDK, I feel as if Perrin is the most likely to be like "all loose ends tied up, let's go on a berserker rage now" as long as none of his buddies are around? Egwene just stabs Valda before Perrin gets the chance to (so he can't feel guilty about it!) And takes the Aes Sedai rings, she already wants to avenge them. :D Moiraine: "Siuan Sanche is many things..." *sprawls out on the bed luxuriously* Alanna: "She might be up to something, you could challenge her!" Moiraine: "haha sure whatever." I wonder if they're going to merge Elaida with Liandrin's character? Stepin assumes that the healing last episode was Nynaeve's first time with the One Power. Do we know that? (Curious especially in light of the adapted "breakbone fever" scene, but also just in general. She "listens to the wind," doesn't she?) Oof, they aren't pulling punches with Stepin. :( The focus here on the Warder-Aes Sedai relationships really raises the stakes with regards to Lan and Nynaeve, but also Alanna and Rand. The whole throat singing, chest slapping Warder funeral scene isn't really doing it for me. I understand it's supposed to be a callback to the first scene, just not my aesthetic.
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far-dareis-me · 3 years
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Moiraine “whole tower” Damodred
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wine4thewin · 3 years
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“This saddle is home. This cloak. These boots. This brooding man by my side.” - Moiraine Damodred
…and the brooding man in question smiles 🥺
That line slapped me with the feels. Aww, Moiraine. AWW!
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geryrrs · 6 months
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Josha Stradowski as Rand al’Thor
The Wheel of Time 1.05 "The Dragon Reborn”
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geryrrs · 6 months
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Josha Stradowski as Rand al ‘Thor and Zöe Robins as Nynaeve al’Maera.
The Wheel of Time 1.05 “Blood Calls Blood”
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geryrrs · 6 months
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Josha Stradowski as Rand al’Thor
The Wheel of Time 1x05 “Blood Calls Blood”
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geryrrs · 6 months
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Josha Stradowski as Rand al’Thor
The Wheel of Time 1.05 “Blood Calls Blood”
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highladyluck · 3 years
You arrive at the Forsaken altar
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Titties: out
Incense: lit
Prayers: muttered
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highladyluck · 3 years
Wheel of Time 01x05 liveblog
offerings! to ward off the Forsaken!!! FORSAKEN DEMON STATUES!!!!! I love this so much I need the entire set please sell them to me [ok so what is the funniest instrument for Asmodean's statue to have and what is the funniest placement for it in relation to him? I vote him crawling out of a tuba but I will also accept that his stomach is bagpipes or he is riding on a demonic accordian]
[from the recap] I love Mat's liquid grace when he's dagger vibing.
White for funerals (I like the music too!)
Nyneave holding her braid like it's a stuffed animal
That is a lot of people. The king's army too, or just the Tar Valon losses?
Timeskip one month!
Nyneave worried about Stepin... lotta subtext there re: the warder bond and what the loss of Moiraine might do to Lan, etc etc
Mat does NOT look well. This is gonna break my fucking heart.
Rand "I've seen that mountain before" al'Thor, when the fuck would you have seen that mountain before, pray tell?
Tar Valon theme!!! Are those the dulcet tones of Al'Natio or is it something else?
awwww Mat looked briefly excited for what I assume is the the first time in a month
Mat like full-body eyerolls when Rand implies he needs a bath, love that Mat can still convey utter disdain basically entirely through body language
Fuck y'all got me Cauthoring, I was like "THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED???!?" until the camera panned over to the other bed. Is this disappointment sufficient grounds to sue Rafe for queerbaiting? Please discuss
...wait ok wtf happened, Rand was not this grimy a second ago. These are some very dirty boys.
Mat is haunted by his unclear memory already, this poor boy
Nyneave thesis statement: "I don't care about the Amyrlin or your Tower politics. I care about my people."
"But will you tell me?" ooooooooh fight fight fight
Moiraine trying to warn; Nyneave bluffing
"Can you ever go back to being who you were? No, but it's a gift" is the attitude Mat “It’s not a gift if I steal it” Cauthon should have, but absolutely does not, and it is right that Nyneave is also being given this advice since they are both the ones who cling most tightly to their roots and are also the unreliablest narrators
You can tell Moiraine likes Nyneave, and you can also tell that Nyneave does not believe that Moiraine likes her
Perrin is so cute omggggggggggg his haiiiiiiir (but also still dressed very drably, pointing out that he hasn't acclimated like Egg has)
Ugh *now* it is time for Egg to fall afoul of Whitecloaks, I see how it is
ooooooof this is gonna fuck up everybody
I appreciate Aram's lived experience but I am pretty sure Valda specifically would kill anyone
Rand you fucking nerd, running straight for the Prophecies of the Dragon
Loial! Great voice :)
Rand is so defensive about being a ginger
I just realized Loial gives me Worf vibes and I'm here for it
Egwene as Jain Farstrider's reincarnation... *ponders* ...WAIT is he dead? Or do people just think he's dead?
oh my god Mat (well, at least he's still ok if he can look at girls)
Logain: cackles | Me: cackles
Mat: "I won't be like that" Oh honey, baby, my precious horrible gremlin child, I'm crying T_T Rand: "I promise" Me: “KISS”
Rand: "You'd do the same for me?" Mat, utterly unconvincingly: "You bet" [omfg 'you bet' it's never just a colloquialism with Mr. Gambling Addiction over here]
"Young boy with a death wish" lord how many of those does this series have?
uuuugh I love the RITUALS [during the candle-lighting]
...literally never seen a purification ritual that also felt so degrading (but thankfully, in an impersonal, not-really-sexualized way). I suspect this is a taste of things to come, both in a way I won't go into for spoilers reasons and also more generally in that if there is more onscreen violence in combination with nudity in this show, I expect it to continue be desexualized, especially if it involves women. This is the contract that Robert Jordan (mostly) upheld with book readers and I'm going to be extremely upset if the show follows GoT cues on violence against women instead. So far, so good.
Thank god Egwene is smart. I love Eggy. She's like 'fuck you'
oooooh golden eyes
Valda. ooooooooof.
"The pain is the only thing I have left of her and I'm not ready to let go of it yet" / "Don't worry, the pain will never go away" ooooof, this was a lovely exchange though
I love how after he leaves and Nyneave is alone, she eyes the ajar door almost like, flirtatiously. Like "mmmm I know I shouldn't but I'm totally gonna go exploring"
Liandrin trying to be friendly is so goddamn patronizing
I'm so scared [of dagger!Mat meeting Nyneave] phew at least he didn't hurt Nyneave
Life and death is the theme of this episode
Is breakbone fever tetanus? *squirrels this information away for fic reasons*
"The fever had broken, not her"
Is Perrin gonna confess?
I think you should light Valda's head on fire (my brain: "You must have got one of them / combustable heads" )
It's werewolf Perrin! At last at last
*cackles delightedly as Egwene stabs a bitch*
Wolfies :)
...ok is that a lie from Liandrin about Nyneave, or can she say it because she's cloaking it as an assumption?
I support The Gay Shit but I do not like Liandrin hitting on Moiraine
offerings! to ward off the Forsaken!!! FORSAKEN DEMON STATUES!!!!! I love this so much I need the entire set please sell them to me [ok so what is the funniest instrument for Asmodean's statue to have and what is the funniest placement for it in relation to him? I vote him crawling out of a tuba but I will also accept that his stomach is bagpipes or he is riding on a demonic accordian]
oh hai it's our buddy Ishamael, Father of Lies :)
Moiraine looks like she's gonna cry :(
persimmons from Tar Valon! (These are hachiya persimmons, which are only edible out of hand when they’ve matured enough, which makes them a bit of a symbolic fruit for the long-lived Aes Sedai. It’s not in the books but it’s a very lovely little worldbuilding detail they added for the show!)
"Look, I'm nervous about my first gay sex, pls comfort me Daddy Lan"
out of the mouths of warders comes wisdom about the Wisdom
Ok that position can not be comfortable, how tf do you sleep like that? ...I mean I guess you can if you're drugged, that's obviously the point, but still
oh dear.
Oh I love the droning. ooooooof. That was very powerful.
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highladyluck · 3 years
Sorry to be so obsessed with the Forsaken statuettes but I LOVE the concept and if Graendal’s lair does not have at least a wall or two full of her votive images, I shall be most displeased
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far-dareis-me · 3 years
My brain is swimming in foreshadowing and love for my children... so until I process that- I think I figured out who each of the forsaken dolls are!
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My reasoning:
Moghedian: spider pattern on the dress, plus tiny scheming hands
Semirhage: just looks like she wants to cut me open. it’s creepy.
Sammael: short. grumpy beard.
Ishamael: was named as such. also just looks super full of himself
Lanfear: way overdressed, plus that hair
Asmodean: look at his little guitar. adorable.
Be'lal: looks constipated. also short, which narrows it down significantly
Graendal: T H E M. T I D D I E S.
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far-dareis-me · 3 years
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welp.. spotted Graendal!
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far-dareis-me · 3 years
Wheel of (Speaking) Time: 1x05
So many emotions this episode. Every time I watch that scene of Egwene being prepared for Valda I start shaking, and I do not stop until she stab him. On a very much related note, every time the wolves start tearing the Whitecloaks to shreds I cackle like LTT. Fun times!
As always, the times are posted here, and check out RationalNerd's screentime analysis for this episode to get the full picture!
WoT Screentime: e1 | e2 | e3 | e1-3 | e4 | e5 | e6 | e7 | e8 WoT Speaking Time: e1-3 | e4 | e5 | e6 | e7 | e8
Charts and discussion below the cut!
Episode 5: Blood Calls Blood
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Episode 5 was our introduction to the White Tower and Tar Valon, and it's screentime certainly reflects that. Most of the top speakers are residents of the city (Stepin, Alanna, Moiraine, Loial, Liandrin), and those that don't relate to the Tower in some manner (like Valda, who wants to destroy it, and our mains, who seek it's help). A few notes:
This was Loial's first episode and he made quite a good showing! Didn't quite make the top 5, but he had nearly 2.5 min of speaking time and gave us a lot of information. Also, Hammed Animashaun has the most incredible voice and I could listen to him for hours.
Alanna's "voiceover" was her singing during the burial scene at the start of the episode. I went back and forth on including it, but ultimately decided to since the shot does establish that it is her character singing, and not just the background score. Most of her other speaking time was chatting with Moiraine.
Stepin was the focus of this episode with nearly a minute more speaking time than anyone else (and the #2 screentime spot). His time was well used though, from establishing the significance of the warder bond, to introducing more about the forsaken, to developing Lan's character.
Speaking of Lan, he had the top spot in screentime, but didn't actually say much. Most of his scenes were with Stepin, who did almost all the talking, while Lan's reactions were largely conveyed non-verbally. Still, he was a major presence in this episode, and I have huge respect for Daniel Henney's acting chops.
Valda talks a lot in his short screentime. The man loves to monologue, but literally everything he says makes me want to stab him in the neck. Egwene is my hero.
This was the most Perrin has ever said in an episode and it was all tragic. Can someone give him a hug please? My heart is breaking.
Overview: episode 1-5
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Only a little variation on the top 10 list after this episode. The 7 mains have shifted around a bit and now occupy the top 7 spots. Rand, Nynaeve, Lan, and Perrin all moved up a spot, and Stepin's significant role put him on the board, and kicked Liandrin.
Gender Balance
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The gender split slightly favored men this episode, with women having only 43% of speaking time as opposed to men's 57%. That brings the overall split to 47% women / 53% men, which is still very even. But it's looking like the next ep will pull that percentage in the other direction, as it did with screentime.
I'm working on the data for episode 6 and will be posting this evening, but it's already clear my beloved daughter of the river is going to make one hell of an impact. I love that for her <3
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far-dareis-me · 3 years
So because we were only shown 8 forsaken statuettes, I’ve given some more thought to how I would cut and combine them.
Warning- spoilers abound below the cut! (no seriously- do not read if you haven’t finished the books)
So first off, no changes to Lanfear and Asmodean (because their arcs are too instrumental to change much), or to Graendal (because everyone else is too messed up to combine with a therapist), or Semirhage (because she has a whole side plot of her own with the Seanchan). I think they should all stay as is.
Now for the combinations-
Moghedian (+ Mesaana): Ok, I love her, but Mesaana doesn’t really... do anything. It’d be a simple change to just have Moghedian run the Black Ajah instead, especially since she’s already a big part of the hunt-down-the-black-ajah arc. Adds to her rivalry with Nynaeve too, which is great for the story’s tension.
Sammael (+ Aginor + Balthemel): As much as I hate to cut them, Aginor and Balthemel don’t really do much either, and having one forsaken be repeatedly slighted by the dark one would be much cleaner storytelling. Sammael is the perfect candidate, because he has virtually no overlap with the others, and he’s already very touchy. Give him Aginor/Balthemel’s EOTW fight to introduce him early, leave his core arc the same (but give him more to do with the Shaido), and then let him be reincarnated and become Halima after Mashadar eats him, as extra punishment from the dark one for dying twice. It’d keep him from only really being a player in Illian, plus his hatred for LTT would give the earliest forsaken battle a more personal touch.
Bel'al (+ Rahvin): Both these two play somewhat forgettable roles, so combine them and make them a little bit more of a presence. Keep Bel'al as the blade master forsaken, because that’s easier to characterize than the womanizer. But instead of dying at Tear, just have him fail to get Callendor and run to Caemlyn after his defeat. He and Rahvin don’t overlap and they have a similar strategy anyway, plus are both flamboyant and strategic characters (albeit in slightly different ways).
Ishamael + Demandred: this is probably the most controversial choice, but I think it could work really well- hear me out. Ishamael has some degree of rivalry with LTT, but Demandred’s is much stronger, and he is the one LTT seems most affected by. But while Ishamael is the biggest antagonist in the first half of the books (before becoming Moridin), Demandred is hardly present at all, despite being constantly talked about. Combining the two means the show would have just one forsaken who has a strong rivalry with Rand, and plays the role of primary antagonist throughout the story. This opens more opportunities for LTT to get riled up early on, and gives Rand a more personal connection to the battle. Plus, because of Demandred’s early-book absence, the only time their arcs really overlap is the last battle. And having their combined character be the driving force of the fight would make that behemoth of a battle a lot more streamlined.
I know I’m far from the first to say some of these- I’ve seen a few people say Moghedian + Messanna and am fully jumping on that bandwagon. And I know I was talking about the possibility of Demandred + Be'lal and Sammael + Rahvin yesterday, but I think I like these better (of course I may change my mind on that by tomorrow, lol). But regardless, would love to hear what other folks are thinking.
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