Somewhere inside a ring
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Bandwagon-hoppage. Only a fraction of my real self, but an interesting fraction I should hope. aka Ember.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
primeideal · 22 hours ago
Galad does NOT fuck Rafe this adaptation is cancelled
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primeideal · 1 day ago
something i appreciate so much that wheel of time does better than any other fantasy show is showcasing all the different cultures that are present in the world and how that forms a character’s perspective and informs how they interact with characters from a different culture from their own.
in just the first 3 episodes of s3: its perrin and alanna sharing the different ways they grieve their dead and even liandrin's funeral custom (which helps propel the plot forward too!), how loial introduces himself in an ogier fashion and how bain and chiad do so in an aiel fashion to marin al'vere and not to mention just how the aiel culture just Clashes with everyone that's not aiel themself, its siuan continually using fishing analogies from her tairen unbringing, and how Different and Vibrant tar valon is from tanchico is from the aiel waste/three-fold land. and there's so much more i didn't catch
the show doesn't let you forget for a second that this fantasy world is vast with its own nations and people and cultures and that these characters are from different places of differing upbringings and it makes the world feel so alive.
it seeps in everywhere and makes the show so textured in a way i haven't seen in a long time. and don't even get me started on the wardrobes!
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primeideal · 3 days ago
sad reality of the fanfic-to-published work economy is that the weirdest people are willing to do it. that's why there's now hundreds of shitty no plot cishet hate-to-love enemies-to-lovers books that are ex reylo fanfic. and it's not even good. that's because the people who wrote book-quality steve/bucky and kirk/spock fic are too normal to think to themselves "i should get this porn published". they're too busy working in local government offices
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primeideal · 3 days ago
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primeideal · 4 days ago
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The Wheel of Time - Season 3 Episode 1
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primeideal · 4 days ago
Not only is the Aybara family tradition of burying their dead holding an apple seed a beautiful tradition in and of itself, it also beautifully builds upon the blessing that Nyneave’s parents said to her before they were killed and of what old King Aemon said to Queen Eldrene before he led Manetheren’s armies to war for the last time - “We shall go into the land, so our children can always hold us, and will never be alone.”
Laila wasn’t buried with an apple seed on her forehead, or over her heart, she was holding it in her hand. She, and all the other Aybaras are dead and gone, but they can still help and protect their loved ones, to a certain extent. They send up their trees, straight from their hands, not just as grave markers but bearing gifts sent from the other side. Gifts that the children of the Two Rivers can hold in their hands.
A burial ground like we see for the Aybara family could provide so much fruit for the family’s descendants. How many cakes, pies, cookies, doughnuts, and muffins worth of fruit must have come out of those trees? How many jars of applesauce and apple butter, barrels of cider, bottles of brandy, or cups of apple juice for the children? How many simple afternoon snacks for a farmer out working his fields or a young man looking after the sheep? How many baskets of apples have been brought into town for the Bel Tine feast? How many times did Perrin’s deceased great-great-great-grandmother still contribute to making sure that he got enough food as a child, given with her own hand?
How many times, as a too big, too strong, too awkward teenager did Perrin sit underneath those trees, looking for peace? How many blossom covered branches have been cut in the spring to make a flower crown for a new bride and decorate the young couple’s new house? What must it be like, the first year that your parent’s or grandparent’s tree is finally old enough to produce fruit?
“We shall go into the land, so our children can always hold us, and will never be alone.”
A beautiful practice. A beautiful show. Please watch The Wheel of Time.
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primeideal · 4 days ago
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this is an incredible map
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primeideal · 4 days ago
Prime Liveblogs Wheel of Time, S3 E1-3
3.1: To Race the Shadow
3.2 A Question of Crimson
3.3 Seeds of Shadow
Everything's under cuts: most of it should be fine for show-only peeps, but there's a thing at the end of the last post (under a separate cut) which is very spoilery so don't click that one.
Anyway, yeah, I will probably be reblogging your gifs and stuff and try to remember what my tag system was, it's been a while. :)
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primeideal · 4 days ago
"Ultratradtionalist" should include the Sun and Moon. I mention this not because it increases the humor or relevance of the comic but because there's a theory that the seven classical planets are thematic inspirations behind the seven Narnia books and tbh I buy it.
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Under the "has cleared its orbital neighborhood" and "fuses hydrogen into helium" definitions, thanks to human activities Earth technically no longer qualifies as a planet but DOES count as a star.
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primeideal · 5 days ago
If I had a nickel for every time this conversation happened in book 4 of a long-running speculative fiction series, I would have two nickels, which is not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice:
"Tell me your secrets, all this weird and magical stuff you know about the world, how does it work?"
"Girl, the truth is: everything is power."
*thinking about politics and kings and queens and manipulationg people* "That's incredibly sad but true."
"No, no, I don't mean power, I mean, like, power."
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primeideal · 5 days ago
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When you still have leftover math from pi day and then it's Purim
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primeideal · 5 days ago
I'm gonna create a black ajah community but everyone has to use alts and you're only allowed to know the identities of two other people in the group and one of you will be randomly assigned to dox everyone
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primeideal · 5 days ago
🔪 knife stop 🔪
Take a knife or two to complete any tasks you need to finish soon. Reblog to give your mutuals a knife for any group projects you may be working on
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primeideal · 10 days ago
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There is a spectacle more grand than the sea; it is heaven: there is a spectacle more grand than heaven; it is the inmost recesses of the soul.
In Les Miserables Jean Valjean spends years living under the alias of Madeleine, as a reference to Mary Magdalene. I’ve painted Madeleine and stinging nettles for the faith and fate theme of @valvertweek.
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primeideal · 12 days ago
i still think that the book of translation is possibly the wildest bit of worldbuilding in the entire wheel of time series and it just gets dropped in book eleven as a minor detail. the ogier have a magic book that can transport their entire species between worlds? planets?, which they have done before and will do again. this is never elaborated upon.
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primeideal · 13 days ago
in Western Christianity the journey of repentance and renewal comes after pancakes but in Stormlight Archive it's journey before pancakes
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primeideal · 15 days ago
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father and daughter ⛈
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