#wot is a book
pien-art · 4 months
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I read @eve-is-obsessed ‘s fic “mysteriously missing moiraine” and my eyes have been opened to Moiraine / Melaine 👁️👁️ Everyone go read this fic (and every other amazing fic by eve bc hghn,, they’re really good)
I can’t wait to see Moiraine in the Aiel Waste with the Wise Ones in s3
(click image for optimal quality)
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turtlespancake · 1 year
i love seeing out of context posts about long-running stories with deep lore because it's always shit like "MAJOR SPOILER WARNING!! i can't believe that the metallic athenaeum's envoy actually used never-ending dance of the 57th universe on rionne as if she's not LITERALLY the incarnate of august?!?!" it's like buddy boy thank you for the spoiler tag but all of those words are incomprehensible without at least 5 years of foreshadowed knowledge, 7 different fan theories, and 21 wiki entries
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markantonys · 2 months
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wibblyowzah · 10 months
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Moiraine laughed and hugged Siuan. She could not help it. She truly had come home. They had come home.
—New Spring, Robert Jordan
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The thing about Wheel of Time is everyone in it is in an epic fantasy except the Forsaken, who are all in a workplace sitcom where everyone hates each other.
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Do you ever think about how the Wheel of Time books are full of goofy fake swear words like characters yelling 'blood and ashes!' instead of just saying 'fuck'.
Cause it's funny until you remember that swear words usually reflect subject matter that are culturally taboo- like how in our own society sex & bodily functions aren't topics for polite conversation, so our swear words tend to reflect that.
Then you remember the canonical description of the apocalyptic Breaking of the World that went like:
The moon was as blood, and the sun was as ashes. The seas boiled, and the living envied the dead. 
And you're like: oh.
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flo-n-flon · 1 month
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"Wiping the blood from her mouth, Moiraine crawled out from beneath the tail of the wagon and rose unsteadily to her feet, the sound of a man's laughter in her ears."
— The Fires of Heaven, Robert Jordan Moiraine and whump go well together, Robert Jordan said so
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tiredmoonslut · 1 month
Forever, forever weeping for Egwene al'Vere, the girl who wanted only to learn. Forever weeping for Egwene al'Vere, the girl who snarled at every limitation and ground them beneath her heel. Forever weeping for Egwene al'Vere, the girl selected because they thought she'd be easy to control. Forever weeping for Egwene al'Vere, the woman none of them expected her to be. Weeping for Egwene al'Vere, Watcher of the Seals, the Flame of Tar Valon, the Amyrlin Seat---who held the Pattern itself together with her bare, dying hands. Tai'shar Manetheren, tai'shar Aes Sedai.
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knight--error · 2 months
I love how for Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan decided to go with arguably the least dramatic/tragic romance path for Egwene possible. Like. Here are your options:
Option 1. Rand, essentially her betrothed/intended from birth, her childhood friend—who also goes through The Horrors constantly as he at first resists and then accepts the mantle of the Dragon. Now imagine the Dragon in love with The Amyrlin Seat. The drama. The stakes. The tension. Opposing loyalties, opposing goals, political considerations, all wrapped up and rooted in their simple, intimate knowledge of each other from their youth. Wow.
Option 2. Galad, the chivalrous, lawful prince, who becomes the leader of the Whitecloaks, an organization directly opposed to the Aes Sedai and essentially at war with it. So now you have stolen moments via Gateway, longing glances across the horizon towards where the enemy is camped, even more political maneuvering and the threat of discovery hanging over Galad's head at every second. Will their love persevere? Also, imagine the drama at discovering the Lord Captain of the Whitecloaks is a Warder.
And option 3. Gawain, AKA That Guy Over There With Nothing Better To Do, AKA That Guy With One (1) Useful Skill Which Is Stabbery, AKA The Most Normal Man In The Cast At This Point.
And Egwene surveys her options and says, "Oh yeah, I'll take one order of That Guy Over There, please."
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romans-art · 11 months
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Seonid placed her fingers beneath Alliandre's chin and tilted her head up with a touch more akin to a suggestion. Alliandre complied without a trace of resistance. In the glossiness of dim candlelight with night fallen through the windows behind her, Seonid was shadowed and gold-wreathed, all gilded at the edges.  (x)
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mysterythief · 1 month
Wit really saw two traumatized kids trying to change the world and said, I can and will hold them softly, and then did!
Seriously loving these interactions between Wit and Shallan and Kaladin at the beginning of Wind and Truth.
He’s the Fatherly support that both of them needed and never had.
He’s so soft with Shallan. He calls her Brilliant and tells her that he’s Proud of Her.
He tells Kal stories, and teases him in just the right way. He reminds him that he’s human too and he can and should still enjoy life.
I just love seeing this side of their relationship sooo much!!
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pien-art · 9 months
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Remember how at the end of The Dragon Reborn, Ishamael wrapped Moiraine in black lightning and she screamed and Ishy hurled her across the room into a column where she lay unconscious for the whole duration of the book's final confrontation and then that was just never mentioned again and she was completely fine ?? Not on my watch 🤨
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butterflydm · 28 days
Biggest Wheel of Time 'Oh That Explains Some Things' about Jordan's background:
To expand on these further:
If you look up the Citadel (where Jordan went to university), so many of the ways that Jordan writes all teachers and places of learning seem based in what is reported out of this school: brutal hazing, breaking people to teach them duty and discipline, the symbol of graduation is even a special ring (though that's not uncommon), faux-military atmosphere.
Rand comes across as weirdly passive in his love life because Jordan was passive in his own -- when he was dating two women at once, they made all the decisions about when he would be seeing which girl.
Jordan has talked about how uniquely scarring it was for him to kill a woman during his military service, and this was adopted wholesale for Rand (and Mat at various points) despite their background not matching Jordan's.
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emillungs · 11 months
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alverelover · 4 months
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nervouspearl · 10 months
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His emotions were a small knot in the back of her head, all steely hard determination. She knew the muted pain of old injuries, tamped down and ignored.
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