#wos oc. lillian
rhikasa · 1 year
Thanks for the ask, @thelittlestspider! ♥️
Ameera and Silas are second cousins.
Phoenix was the final avatar of the sun goddess, Solaeris; she decided to never take on another after what happened to him.
Guinevere, Phoenix, and Penemu are nonbinary.
Lillian has central heterochromia; her eyes are mostly green, but the center of her irises is purple.
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nadjadoll · 5 years
1 through 20 for absolutely anyone you're dying to talk about
1. What is their favorite food?Molly’s favorite food is Sugar Bombs cereal! She has a huge sweet tooth and never goes anywhere without a box or two.
2. Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal?Casy is afraid of dogs, she’s not sure why she just prefers to be around birds.
3. What do they wear to bed?Though it may be unpractical, August wears not even one thing to bed. She has no shame and doesn’t care if anyone sees her unclothed, it does however surprise would be attackers though no one would be stupid enough to attack August.
4. Do they like cuddling?Micah absolutely loves it, John does too but he’s less likely to admit it. If she could, Micah would keep John in bed all day and boy has she tried.
5. Do they have a secret handshake with anyone?Ayla 1000% has a secret handshake with Marv. I’d like to think being the goofballs they are they have like a bunch of different handshakes that they alternate between that confuses everyone around them @colesphelps
6. What do they look like?I went above and beyond and made a thing with everybody’s fcs not including valentine, eve or eleni
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7. Do they like chocolate?A lot like Molly, Doll also has a bit of a sweet tooth and her favorite second only to cotton candy is chocolate, particularly dark chocolate.
8. What are their good and bad traits?Michelle is fiercely loyal and protective of her friends and family but can also be stubborn and hot-headed, especially when Jim tells her she can’t do something, she’ll go out and do it anyway. Like father like daughter as they say!
9. Do they have any artistic talent?Casy is quite a good painter! She prefers landscapes and animals however and if she ever has a spare moment she’s always painting or sketching. Faye (my other cp77 oc) is my other artistic girl, I haven’t said much about her yet but she does dabble in the arts. I imagine she would be the one painting Night City in graffiti.
Lillian is a singer as well, she didn’t gain much traction on the surface but did make quite the name for herself in Rapture!
10. What is their favorite room to be in, in the house they live in?Micah’s favorite room in the ranch is the living room. She spends a good chunk of her days doing paperwork spread out in front of the huge fireplace.
11. Do they believe in luck?Sage does!
12. Can they do magic?It’s not magic really but Casy can control the Bliss sort of like Faith does although not to that extent.
13. Do they believe in dragons?Honestly, after all that Michelle has seen with the demodogs and monsters, she wouldn’t put it past the universe.
14. What is a pet peeve of theirs?August cannot stand talkers, people that just won’t stop talking. She likes action and is easily bored, not a good combination.
15. What was the last thing they cried about?Ayla has a habit of staying up too long and not sleeping and when that happens, she gets very emotionally loopy. One instance is when she hadn’t slept more than 3 hours in one entire weekend, saw a sad video online and promptly broke down, passing out of exhaustion shortly after.
16. What is their sexuality?Lesbian: Casy, Ghost
Bi: Micah, August, Faye, Michelle, Lillian, Ayla, Dex & Doll
They don’t know/care: Sage, Molly
17. Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend?Nearly all of them have best friends but I love talking about Ayla and Marv! Marv is@colesphelps​ dc OC and I adore them together. They’re both college students, dorks and have powers. AJ and I actually were talking about them one night how exhausted they always are because they have to deal with being heroes and also college kids, and that they tend to fall asleep in the wackiest places (Ayla in the Gotham University fountain once for example). The other students have begun to take bets on where either of them are going to pass out next.
I don’t know why but I think they’re my favorite pair.
18. Have they ever been in a romantic relationship?Sure! Micah is engaged to John, in an AU Casy is with Faith, August is in love with@statichvm​‘s OC Charley, Lillian used to date Atlas in the good old days, and Ghost is rumored to have had a girlfriend at one point…
19. What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect.Michelle is very close to Jim! He pushes her buttons at times but she loves him so much, and she loves El just as much when she enters the picture. Mick had missed being a big sister since the death of Sara.
20. Do they have a pet?Molly never lets Dogmeat leave her side, she loves him to bits and he loves her! Ghost has a little grey kittie that used to belong so above rumored girlfriend. August has an all-black Doberman that is her pride and joy and I wouldn’t call them pets really but wherever Casy goes, a flock of crows seems to follow her…  
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rhikasa · 1 year
For the OC ask: 1, 12, 29, and 36~
Thank you for the ask, @writingforjoy! ♥️
1. Which OCs are the most touch-starved?
Quite a few honestly, but Silas and Radan are the two most touch-starved people out of everyone. Silas doesn't trust people very easily, but he craves being able to drop his barriers enough to allow someone to be close to him. Radan's love language is physical touch, so having to be with the one he loves in secret sort of destroys him on the inside. Alais is touch-starved as well, but he is afraid to have others close to him physically due to past trauma.
12. Which OCs is the “mom friend” (gender neutral)?
Guinevere; she checks up on her friends often and somehow always has whatever they might need. Melodié is also a mom friend. She's a good listener and without fail knows exactly what to say in order to help cheer people up.
29. Which OCs can talk their way out of any situation?
Leandra has quite the silver tongue, so she's able to talk her way out of nearly every situation unless Ella's involved because she's able to see past her bs.
36. Which OCs want/have pets? What pets are they?
Plenty of them have pets or want to have pets. Lillian has a black cat named Alasdair; she likes to joke that he's her familiar since she's a witch. Theodore in his origin life had a chestnut horse named Philip. He and his husband Jack (second life) have a dog and two cats, but he would love to have a bird and/or a horse. Kieren has a dapple gray horse named Artemus. Silas owns three dogs despite his prior fear of them due to being attacked as a kid. And despite being somewhat allergic, Alais would love to have a cat. He enjoys the idea of having a fluffy, purring animal to cuddle with.
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rhikasa · 1 year
9, 33 and 48 for the oc ask game :0 !!
Thanks for the ask, @shinonomebrainworms! ♥️
9. Which OCs sleep to complete silence vs. need white noise vs. need music?
Although both Ameera and Silas can sleep under any sort of noise conditions, they prefer to sleep in silence for survival reasons. Ella sleeps with background noise if you can count Silas snoring as white noise. Guin also likes white noise in the background. Alais listens to music when he's having problems falling asleep.
33. Which OCs can speak multiple languages? How many can they speak?
Quite a few of them are bilingual: Ameera, Avalynn, Jalisa, Lillian, Silas. They all speak both Mirian and the common language. The royal OCs can speak several languages. Deryn, for example, speaks both the common language (native) and Mirian fluently, and he knows some Aetherian (wos version of Latin) and a little bit of Ganaeshain.
48. Which OCs need caffeine in the morning?
Guin; she cannot function in the mornings without coffee. Theo also likes having some caffeine in the form of tea.
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