#wos oc. alais
rhikasa · 1 year
Thanks for the ask, @rosesonneptune! ♥️
Neaira never grew a pair of wings unlike the other archangels. Since the realm of Aetheria relies on flight in order to travel around, she had to rely on friends and family to take her most places, but moving to Cerys gave her independence.
Alais has hemophobia and will faint if he sees any amount of blood; this is due to a past traumatic event.
Luthias has always wanted to become a medic, but his father wants him to be a guard like him, and this (among other things) causes a lot of conflict between the two.
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freakishrp · 7 years
SOOOOOOOM. Don't you know? Don't you know? Apa ya aku lupa. Terimakasih udah mau jadi teman kentalku! Semangat ya, sayangnya aku. ♡ Stay healthy, darling! Lots of love, Me. ♡
Somi semoga dapet SBMnya ya
Teman sbmish ku. Teman lingkaran setanish ku. Teman liburish ku. Bodoh kamu som. Tapi aku suka melihat ava dan header kamu hhehehhe. Team meramaikan mentab ku. Udah ah capek,,,,
dek somi :((( hihihi semoga kita ke depannya nanti makin dekat yaauuu sarangek 💚
Sabar ya dek. Unnies nya bubar:( nanti besok debut lagi kok
sayeangku. bernasib sama mungkin sedikit beda cerita tapi tetap berakhir pahit. sebenernya emang kita sodaraan cuma lg ga serumah aja ya? pulang, kita makan-makan.
menggemaskan kamu!!
somi somi somi bundang enak sekaleeea
semoga cepet debut permanen ya semangat
YOKSIIII URI BATAGOR!! >___<♡ kamu orangnya seruuu! enak di ajak tubir tubiran jugaaa wkwkwkwk. terus kamu cocok deh jadi somi. apalagi kalo aku daengnya? >___< hehehehe. gatau ya gimana kita bisa dekat begini hehehehe. pokoknya mah i love you! >_____<♡
Jangan kebanyakan main sama dewi, nanti ketularan ngondek/?
Somi yaaaa!!
SOMI THE MONI !! Kamu mau diconfess apa? Aku gak ada keluhan ke kamu, jadi ayo makin deket karena siapa tahu berjodoh
ini juga sering liat tapi jarang ngobrol
dek somi yg pingin diangkat jadi anak sm aku >;0
Heh bocil temannya daehwi, gimana udah liat punya daehwi? Anyway jangan percaya apa kata lalice tentang saya. Tapi kamu sih kayaknya polos dan lugu gitu
Somi sering liat di tl tapi aku jarang ngobrol sama somi, ayo ngobrol ngobrol!
Somi panutan q. Doakan aq supaya nanti peringkat 1 sepertimu
Somi semoga kamu didebutkan permanen ya. Eonni sedih lihat kamu ga debut debut di group permanen huhu tetap semangat♡
hai jsomish, aku gatau harus ngomong apa. ayo lebih dekat lagi! :)
Dedeekk kita baru sekali mtan ayoo lebih dekat denganku♡
halo Somi, apa kabarmu? kita belum pernah ngobrol kayaknya, ya? maka dari itu, ayo mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan YME. gakdeng, ayo mendekatkan diri satu sama lain! sincerely, maknae. ♡
Somi semanis permen krn somi itu somipop.
HALO SOMI. Aku kira somi yang ini IC ternyata bobrokie subhanallah ingin berdzikir saja kalo melihat somi di TL ckckckkc. Tapi gapapa kok kamu sangat menghibur som. Aku ga nyangka aja ternyata kamu bobrok itu aja sih 
kau bidadari jatuh dari surga dihadapanku ea. kau bidadari jatuh dari surga tepat di hatiku ea. ea. ea.
Som? Nal neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu
sebenernya dari setengah member kikish tuh konfesnya sama, semoga kita semakin kompak, semakin dekat satu sama lain dan tidak terpecah belah. mariii mendekaatt!!
Halo somi yang suka mcd tapi tidak suka dengan badut. Bagaimana perasaannya selama di freakish? Menyenangkan? Mari mengobrol lebih banyak karena somi terlihat lucu sekali.
hai somi. kapan debut aslinya ya, heran aku.
Heh! Cabe pasar! Jgn sok iye deh! Biar gua gampar lu mulut lu kalo berani ama gua
SOMEE DEDEQUE! tetaplah menjadi dede yg baik untuk ku oce oce?
Lucu banget kamu
I love you baby grill
Seseorang yang menjadi teman charaku. Tentu saja aku merasa dekat denganmu, kau sangatlah mudah bergaul. Begitu pula denganku.aku harap kita akan terus seperti ini.
somsomi, terkadang somi lucu terkadang alay, mari kita alay alayan som, kayaknya kita bisa jadai center penonton dahsyat?
Somii.. Kita blm pernah chit-chat ayo dong pankapan kita koling koling kolang kaling enak buat buka puasa
tetaplah menonton pd101 dan dukung yongguk ya!
kaya siapa gitu, pernah kenal(?)
Somiiiyaaa lets talk more with me!
hiyuf som, tambah bakso or dijadikan seblak wenak. ku samyang qmuh
somiさんへ~今晩は!あなたは可愛いそう。あなたも面白いひとですね. we havent talked for a while. lets have conversation soon! がんばれ!
Somi, kita tidak sering mentionan padahal sering bersama di timeline. Mari di periode berikutnya kita semakin dekat <3
Halo, Somi. Kita jarang ngobrol ya. Let's have another talk next time! Mohon maaf kalau mentionnya pernah terabaikan, atau respon yang saya kasih canggung.
Kamu lagi Som. Sehat? Kalo kata hyungseobish sih semakin deket semakin bingung mau confess apaan. Thanks for everything som wkwkwk
SOMI SOMI SOMI SOMI NYA DIDI. Somi lovely + cheerful banget, Didi ga kuasa? ! T▽TGemes! ! ayo kapan-kapan kita greentea icecream date lagi? ! ♡♡ *peluk peluk somi. * with lotsa love, Didi! 💖
somi lucu kadang typingnya kayak anak manja gitu. jangan galau galau lagi. somi harus bahagia terus ya. pokoknya kalo ada yg bikin sedih, abaikan saja. cari kebahagiaan lain.
Oh ini anggota klub broduce trash ya. Mau dong aku daftar >___< hehe ayo sering ngobrol, aku sukak liat kamu asyik di timeline!
Guanlin suka kamu,kenapa kamu ga jadian sama dia?
Somi noona kapan debut lagi?
Lucu, tapi kita jarang interaksi jadi lebih sering muncul yuk terus kita ngobrol bersama hehe.
Somish tolong diingat gue kaga cold ko, pdkt dulu lah
SO MI THE MONEY, MAU NGOMONG APA YA ADUH SINYALNYA SUTUP SUTUP DISKO ?? intinya Sayang somi karena somi sangat aktif. Salam sayang, 🐱
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rhikasa · 1 year
📁 📁
Thanks for the ask, @kaiusvnoir! ♥️
Silas is a deep sleeper, but he has trust issues, so he tends to sleep in chairs so he doesn't completely fall asleep.
Alais learned how to control his aura to such an extent that he's capable of deceiving both Khalzin and Silas' aura reading abilities.
Ella's eyes are naturally hazel, but they were turned red after her aura was corrupted.
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rhikasa · 1 year
Thanks for the ask, @eurydicefades! ♥️
Theodore and Alais are both left handed.
Damaeris, Deryn, Khalzin, Memphia, and Mikael have purple auras.
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rhikasa · 1 year
🤥🌙🪤👖 for any number of OCs, not necessarily just one!
Thanks for the ask, @noblebs! ♥️
🤥 LYING - Are they good liars? Do they have tells to show they're lying?
Alais is very good at lying when he needs to, it’s a survival skill for him. He’s so good to the point that his aura has no tells (certain, subtle movements often give a person away), which causes him to slip under even Silas’ impeccable aura reading radar. Silas himself is fairly good at lying to most people, but another aura reader can easily see the clear signs he’s not being truthful. And somehow Ella is always able to tell when he’s not being sincere, but he still hasn’t quite figured out what gives it away.
🌙 MOON - What is your OC's greatest wish? How far are they willing to go for it?
Alinar’s greatest wish is for his people to be free of the war and their duty of watching over mortals. He is part of the majority of angels that desires to break away from human affairs to focus more on their own matters, as he sees such things to be beneath them. There’s little he wouldn’t do to achieve this wish, and Memphia knows first hand the games he’s willing to play in order to manipulate others to gain what he wants.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - What will always lure them into certain danger? A loved one in danger? A promise of something they are always searching for?
Alexander is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, so if something terrible was going to happen to them, he would put himself into harm’s way in order to keep them safe. Same with Theodore; he’s quick to jump to the defence of his loved ones when needed, as he couldn’t bare the thought of something happening to them. Silas has found himself in a bad situation a few times due to his desire for vengeance.
👖 JEANS - What is their go-to outfit?
Ameera loves anything that is both comfortable and practical. She tends to wear all black and prefers a dark color palette. Outside of the fantasy setting of the wos universe, she would most likely wear a mix of goth and dark academia styled clothing. I could also see her rocking a black leather jacket.
OC Emoji Asks
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rhikasa · 1 year
For the OC ask: 1, 12, 29, and 36~
Thank you for the ask, @writingforjoy! ♥️
1. Which OCs are the most touch-starved?
Quite a few honestly, but Silas and Radan are the two most touch-starved people out of everyone. Silas doesn't trust people very easily, but he craves being able to drop his barriers enough to allow someone to be close to him. Radan's love language is physical touch, so having to be with the one he loves in secret sort of destroys him on the inside. Alais is touch-starved as well, but he is afraid to have others close to him physically due to past trauma.
12. Which OCs is the “mom friend” (gender neutral)?
Guinevere; she checks up on her friends often and somehow always has whatever they might need. Melodié is also a mom friend. She's a good listener and without fail knows exactly what to say in order to help cheer people up.
29. Which OCs can talk their way out of any situation?
Leandra has quite the silver tongue, so she's able to talk her way out of nearly every situation unless Ella's involved because she's able to see past her bs.
36. Which OCs want/have pets? What pets are they?
Plenty of them have pets or want to have pets. Lillian has a black cat named Alasdair; she likes to joke that he's her familiar since she's a witch. Theodore in his origin life had a chestnut horse named Philip. He and his husband Jack (second life) have a dog and two cats, but he would love to have a bird and/or a horse. Kieren has a dapple gray horse named Artemus. Silas owns three dogs despite his prior fear of them due to being attacked as a kid. And despite being somewhat allergic, Alais would love to have a cat. He enjoys the idea of having a fluffy, purring animal to cuddle with.
OC Ask Game
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rhikasa · 1 year
9, 33 and 48 for the oc ask game :0 !!
Thanks for the ask, @shinonomebrainworms! ♥️
9. Which OCs sleep to complete silence vs. need white noise vs. need music?
Although both Ameera and Silas can sleep under any sort of noise conditions, they prefer to sleep in silence for survival reasons. Ella sleeps with background noise if you can count Silas snoring as white noise. Guin also likes white noise in the background. Alais listens to music when he's having problems falling asleep.
33. Which OCs can speak multiple languages? How many can they speak?
Quite a few of them are bilingual: Ameera, Avalynn, Jalisa, Lillian, Silas. They all speak both Mirian and the common language. The royal OCs can speak several languages. Deryn, for example, speaks both the common language (native) and Mirian fluently, and he knows some Aetherian (wos version of Latin) and a little bit of Ganaeshain.
48. Which OCs need caffeine in the morning?
Guin; she cannot function in the mornings without coffee. Theo also likes having some caffeine in the form of tea.
OC Ask Game
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rhikasa · 2 years
Jade & Lapis?
Thanks for the ask, @captain-kraken! ♥️
Jade: Your favorite relationship between two characters.
That’s a tough choice, but I would have to say it’s a close tie between Theodore & Guinevere and Silas & Alais. It’s the protective older/younger sibling vibes for me.
Theodore and Guinevere grew up separately during their origin lives (Alinar was busy not knowing his son even existed), so much of their relationship is making up for lost time once they discover that they’re blood related. Theo was taken in by a human couple as a baby while Guin was raised amongst the other angels in their realm. Despite the various differences in their upbringings, the two share a strong bond and will go out of their way to do anything for each other. At one point, Guin even risks everything to stand up for her older brother against their manipulative father when it came down to it.
Silas and Alais, on the other hand, are found family. Although both were raised by single mothers, Silas grew up as an only child, whereas Alais grew up with an older brother who died in front of him at a young age (hence his fear of blood). The pair bond over the trauma of violently losing their family, and while Silas is very protective of Alais (he is a precious cinnamon roll), he is pretty capable of protecting himself when needed and even surprises Silas on occasion.
Lapis: What makes your antagonist “the bad guy?”
There’s several antagonists in the wos universe, but I’ll focus on Alinar since I mentioned him above. On the outside, he appears to be a family man that cares greatly for his daughter (and his son later on), but in reality he is a manipulative AH who uses others for his own gain. He’s an angel that was corrupted by the ideals of the war and believes that protection can only come through violence, so the sole way to stop it all in his eyes is through the destruction of the reni.
Gemstone Themed Writeblr Asks
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rhikasa · 1 year
Thanks for the ask, @knmartinshouldbewriting! ♥️
Alexander is nine years older than his younger sister, Keya.
Deryn and Guinevere are autistic.
Alais, Jalisa, Khalzin, Mira, and Silas are all aura readers.
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rhikasa · 1 year
21. which ocs have the most physical strength? which have the least? / 22. which ocs are most flexible? which ocs are least? / 23. which ocs have the most book intelligence? which have the least? / 24. which ocs have the most common sense? which have the least?
Thanks for the ask, @thearchangelwrites! ♥️
21. Which OCs have the most physical strength? Which have the least?
Although she is 5'1, Ameera is able to lift more than twice her own weight which has surprised many people. Silas is also rather strong, but this is less surprising given his height (6'2) and muscle mass. Anathema, like most angels, is inhumanly strong and is able to lift things mortals simply cannot. Melodié is quite strong as well, but she is a super soldier, so this doesn't come naturally. My fellow weaklings would be Alais and Mikael.
22. Which OCs are most flexible? Which OCs are least?
Ameera, Ella, Leandra, Penemu, and Silas are probably some of the most flexible. The least flexible would be Alais.
23. Which OCs have the most book intelligence? Which have the least?
Radan and Guinevere have the most book intelligence, as they both share a love for reading and learning new things. Radan has read through the castle library several times, and he knows all there is to know about the angel Aeris and the time period he's from. Guinevere loves to ramble about her current special interests, and she will often drop tidbits of information on random things she's learned about.
24. Which OCs have the most common sense? Which have the least?
Thankfully a lot of them have common sense, but Jack could benefit from having some more often.
OC Ask Game
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rhikasa · 10 months
which oc are you most excited about recently? could you tell me a bit about them? :3c
Hey @albatris, thanks for the ask! ♥️ I know I haven't been as active as I'd like to be the past few months (burnout and such), but I've still been just as focused on my wips in the meantime. That being said, I've been rather excited about Silas lately; I've been working though his relationships with other people, mainly Ella and Alais.
Although he is not very approachable and rarely shows his emotions, Silas secretly has a strong sense of empathy, but he longs to remain solitary. The path of vengeance is a dangerous one, and he doesn't want to put anyone else at risk. He is afraid of keeping people close to him because love has the possibility of being used against him. Regardless, he can't help but catch feelings and starts to fall for Ella. Despite clashing with one another at the beginning, Ella becomes a sort of moral rock for him to steady himself on since she's been down a similar path and is intimately familiar with the damage it can do to one's self. If I could sum up the vibe of their relationship, it'd be with this post.
Alais, on the other hand, becomes a little brother figure in Silas' life. While Ella guides Silas along the path of becoming a better person (than he was before at least, he's still a little feral if I'm to be honest), Alais helps him feel more comfortable expressing his emotions and generally being more "vulnerable" around others. Alais' family was rather touchy-feely, and his need for connection opens up something within Silas that he locked away years ago.
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rhikasa · 1 year
7 and 16 for whichever character is on your mind atm!
Thanks for the ask, @awordchemist! ♥️ I'll answer these for Alais:
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Homemade soup tends to trigger his nostalgia, as his mother would often make soup when he was sick or otherwise feeling down. Working on puzzles has the same effect. His uncle would collect them and hand them off to Alais and his brother to help keep the two of them occupied and therefore out of trouble. Although it's a nice feeling at first, the comfort of these memories is fleeting because they're filled with people who are no longer around.
16. What makes their stomach turn?
Blood. He developed hemophobia from a past trauma, so the mere sight of blood will make him faint. Anything gory in general tends to make him a bit squeamish.
Uncommon Questions for OCs and Their Creators
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