#worlds bottomiest bottom
nururu · 1 year
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he's on his way
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bougiebutchbinch · 4 days
Why will you only do Top Logan and Bottom Wade? Not a criticism, just a genuine question out of curiosity /np
Personal preference, mostly? :shrug: But also there somehow isn't enough of it, despite Wade basically begging to be fucked the entire film and shouting constantly to the world that he's the bottomiest bottom to ever bottom!
Plus, as a trans person, I am very attached to the headcanon of stone!top trans Wolvie. He means a lot to me and I'm shamelessly projecting a lot onto him~ There is precisely 0 stone!top trans!masc representation out there, even in fandom. A lot of the time when a character is widely headcanoned as trans, a lot of assumptions are made about that which really rub me the wrong way.... so I've kinda latched onto his character to an embarrassing degree, and don't wanna interact with any sort of content that contradicts My Read, y'know?
Ship what you want, how you want, etc., and I shall do the same! But please respect my boundaries on my blog.
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roguescum · 7 months
I really like your art and that one ask where you talked about Jimbei as dom ace was enlightening😳 would love to hear more about the other kink dynamics of the crew
hi anon. im about to say something else controversial but true
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zoro is one of the lowest ranking subs in the hats. yeah motherfucker i said SUB. mr Im the strongest Guy In THe World Let Me Prove It LOVES getting treated like a dubiously-trained feral dog
note i said SUB but not BOTTOM. hes a switch but likes someone else in charge
to the shock of no one luffy is his favorite. many reasons for this but one is that luff straight up outclasses him in brute strength and could probably kill him
and hes one of VERY VERY few people who can physically hold zoro down, which is how they [KINK DISCOVERED]
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anything with zo is usually rough or a little violent. bro straight up counts fighting as sex .not kidding btw
to expand on that hes terrible at expressing vulnerability like a normal person so letting people shove their hands in his mouth (essentially "touching his weapons") is his version of emotional intimacy. because hes insane
stuff something in his mouth and his brain turns off. sword? check. hands? check. random piece of driftwood? check .he will just sit there totally still for hours
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in terms of rank: the only people actually beneath him in the hierarchy are sanji, the Bottomiest bottom, and franky (but only for robin)
his usual pairups are him/sanj (usually just erotically beating the shit out of each other or making a show for another dom) him/luff (horrifying, nasty, too frequent) and very occasionally him/usopp (surprisingly gentle. imagine those big cats grooming small dogs)
zoros main partner/dom is luff. the sex is terrifying and so very weird. they have never tried missionary
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youcouldmakealife · 4 years
Hello! Mildly tawdry question. I think the last we saw Jared and Bryce talk about it, Bryce felt insecure about topping. Has that changed for him (re: Jared's recent "threats"), or is it less of a physucal thing and more of a power dynamic thing? Thanks!
Hi! More than mildly tawdry answer here!
More power dynamic than anything! Also Bryce just...really likes bottoming? And considering their uneven schedules that tends to mean if they’re having anal sex, Bryce is the one on the bottom.
Bryce is initially insecure about a lot of things sexually (this is a guy who had a mild freakout that he would be bad at sex and disappoint Jared at the beginning of their relationship, and was initially EXTREMELY resistant to fingering entirely out of self-consciousness and the ~implications of it). He’s a very self-conscious person in general, he does not like feeling embarrassed or humiliated, those are worst case emotions for him, and sex is no exception. 
But Bryce is now also someone who isn’t self conscious with Jared at this point, Jared is one of the two people in the world Bryce drops all pretence with, and their sex life has gotten really comfortable (and increasingly adventurous when they do get to spend more than a day or two in the same place, Jared is bossy and competent and Bryce is HAPPY to give him all control over him, he is in your capable hands, Jared) over the years. Summers are for training and the good kind of sore and tired and Jared cooking them dinner and hanging out playing video games with the crew and those long off days where Jared can take his time and break Bryce’s brain. Bryce loves summers. Sometimes Bryce wishes it was always summer. More than sometimes. 
I said this in an email recently:
I actually got a few asks recently like 'wait does Jared ever bottom???' and it's like -- when you see your husband on an irregular schedule, and he is the BOTTOMIEST BOTTOM TO EVER BOTTOM, how often do you think Jared's getting fucked?' (sometimes! and he enjoys it! and Bryce enjoys it! Particularly because you know it's Jared taking the lead no matter who's getting fucked. But Jared would like to just vaguely gesture in the direction of Bryce's phenomenal ass and VERY enthusiastic response to getting railed within an inch of his life as an answer here.) 
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lacependragon · 6 years
favorite thing about them
How amazing a father he is. I am so, so glad they got Burnie to voice Taiyang because I can’t think of another person who would have a better voice for him than Burnie. He’s this genuinely soft and wonderful father who knows so much about the world and how to help his kids, and he goes about it in such unconventional ways, but those ways obviously work - look at his kids.
How he speaks, as well. The way he speaks, the words he uses, and the tone of his voice, all conveys such concern and such empathy. It’s genuinely fantastic. I rewatch the parts of the show he’s in when I’m sad sometimes because he reminds me so much of my own dad and brings me a lot of comfort and contentment. Not joy, per se, but contentment.
least favorite thing about them
God, can I answer the haters? I don’t think I’ve seen a character this misunderstood since Jaune. The blond boys of RWBY get a lot of flack, and Taiyang takes a huge hit of it for two offhand lines - one spoken by a very sad, very biased Yang in V2, and one spoken to Yang in Family that she laughs off. Seriously.
Otherwise - they got rid of his scars in the new animation and I’m still mad about it. Give me the scars!! AND WHATEVER HIS WEAPON WAS. Was he a bare-fisted brawler? Knuckle dusters? Bronze knuckles? Come on RT.
Also: I think he should have gone with his kids. He’s staying at home and it makes sense for their character arcs, but it doesn’t make sense for his character. He seems really passive and that frustrates me, because he was supposed to be getting back in the huntsman game!
favorite line
Can I say all of them? Because Taiyang is genuinely one of my favourite characters in terms of lines. Everything he says is beautiful and well-written and Burnie delivers it in that soft, knowing way that only fathers have.
I suppose one of my faves is:
“I'm proud of how much of her I see in you. But, I'm glad I don't see all of her in you.” because of how much it means. Talking about Raven, talking about Yang’s relation to her, and showing Yang how to work things out inside herself. It’s such a good modelling moment toward looking at the past for its good, instead of its bad, and giving Yang what she needs re: herself and Raven.
His relationship with Port and Oobleck is absolutely fantastic and a detail I never expected to see in the show. It’s one of my favourite moments in the whole of V4, because it’s genuinely so soft and true to life. Taiyang has friends. He has a life. And seeing him interact with other adults is such an interesting change from how he interacts with his kids - a contrast that’s super evident if you look at that scene from Family vs his stuff with Yang in Two Steps Forward.
I’m also really curious as to why James owes him a favour and really, really want to know what their relationship is like.
Also, as I mentioned with Qrow, the relationship between them has to be so goddamn complex. Like, 
I adore the OT3 that is Summer/Taiyang/Raven and I think it could be expanded into such a fascinating story in canon - especially since we don’t know anything about Summer or if polyamory is off the table. I also really, really like the idea of him and Qrow, TaiQrow was the first adult ship I wrote in RWBY and my oneshots for it were something I really enjoyed writing. They lend themselves well to ridiculous amounts of angst and domesticity.
Also IronTaiQrow is criminally underrated, let’s be honest.
I dunno if I really have a nOTP with Taiyang. I find most of the ships with him and the adults fascinating and I wanna write almost all of them. Obviously, shipping him with his kids is skeevy, but that’s about it. I mean, even some of the wackier ones are funny.
random headcanon
- (NSFW) The man is the bottomiest bottom to ever bottom and the pregnancies were both accidents. I stand by my headcanon that it was Summer who technically knocked up Raven, because even if Yang is Taiyang’s kid, Summer was the penetrative partner that night. Things just didn’t get cleaned up. Oops.
- He struggles a lot with mental illness. Not just depression and PTSD, which is something he very clearly has, based on what we know about his past and the way he goes soft, sometimes, and the way he helps Yang, but also anxiety. Not social anxiety, but general anxiety disorder. He gets terrified of things, has routines that help, stims often to calm himself down, and has panic attacks pretty regularly. It’s something he’s fought his entire life, and it’s something that makes being a huntsman really damn hard.
- Taiyang keeps a pretty close relationship with people he knew in school - Port, Oobs, Glynda, James, etc. They’ve always been friends and he adores spending time with all of them.
- Zwei is a support dog and no one can change my mind.
unpopular opinion
Apparently thinking he’s a bare-handed brawler is unpopular? So many people want him to have full out weapons, like Yang, but I honestly think he just had “knuckle dusters” at best - thing to hold dust to give him elemental punches. But other than that, he’s completely brawler, like Hazel.
Also his semblance is far from just an amped up version of Yang’s. It’s like. So totally in another tier. But that’s a headcanon.
song i associate with them
How about Answer to Me? The fan song written for Taiyang. That one is pretty fantastic. Mostly I just like listening to FOB when I write him.
favorite picture of them
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If this doesn’t exemplify Taiyang Xiao Long in a nutshell, I don’t know what else does.
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hourcat · 7 years
i think kim would definitely be the dominate one in her and jason's relationship. she's definitely a top in my mind and jason just enjoys let her take control. do what she want. jason arching under kimberly's touch.
LMAOOOO yes yes yes. also jason scott is the world’s bottomiest bottom so like...this is completely and totally legitimate. also, kim knows how to press jason’s buttons the best out of all of them. theyre v likeminded that way, in that they know each other really, really well, so it’s easy for her to get jason off, and vice versa.
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