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indiaonlinepolyclinic · 3 years ago
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Don't let your future go up in smoke...#quitsmokingtoday
#NoTobaccoDay #nosmokingplease #nosmoking #smokingkills #TobaccoFreeIndia #Tobacco #WorldNoTobaccoDay2021 #healthfirst #healthyindia #digitalindia #telehealth #telehealthcare #onlinepolyclinic #IndiaOnlinePolyclinic #onlinedoctor #bookappointment #NoTobacco #savelungs #Unite2FightCorona #IndiaFightsCorona
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victorclinic · 3 years ago
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Smoking is injurious to health | No Tobacco Day
Smoking is injurious to health. Keep yourself away from smoking to live a healthy life.    
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studiofulviocurti · 4 years ago
31 May World No Tobacco Day 2021 @who #worldnotobaccoday2021 🚬 Ancora oggi 10 milioni di italiani sono schiavi del vizio del fumo. 🚭Eppure smettere di fumare porta innumerevoli benefici, e non solo ai polmoni. 🚭Sapevate che anche nel cavo orale ci sono gravi problemi connessi al fumo? 🚭Gli aspetti più evidenti, fin dalle prime sigarette, sono l’alitosi le fastidiose macchie che si formano sui denti. 🚭Col tempo il fumo mina la salute di parodonto, impianti dentali e peggiora la guarigione dei tessuti orali. 🚭Alcune malattie delle mucose della bocca sono connesse con il fumo, la più grave è il tumore del cavo orale. 👉Fai un regalo alla tua salute, ascolta i consigli dei medici e del tuo dentista e smetti di fumare! Chiedi informazioni al tuo Dentista! 👇 www.studiofulviocurti.com/il-tuo-dentista-informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . credits_andi #smile #smiling #toptags #smiles #beautifulsmile #smiley #whitening #instagood #dentistaperbambini #mammesocial #impiantidentali #dentalimplants #like #smileeveryday #bleachng #igers #followme #instalove #mammefollowmamme #igdaily #keepsmiling #follow #thatsmile #prettysmile #tooth #teeth #dentist #dentista #dentalcare (presso Studio Dott. Fulvio Curti) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPc6zATokjg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mostlysignssomeportents · 4 years ago
Podcasting "I Quit"
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This week on my podcast, I read “I Quit,” a column I wrote for @medium that connects the dots between smoking cessation, tobacco denial, climate inaction, and anti-maskers.
Specifically, it’s about how the cancer denial playbook has been iterated and sharpened by successive generation of corporate murderers and their enablers in the Paltrow-Industrial Complex.
The goal of science deniers isn’t necessarily to convince you that covid isn’t real, or that vaccines are bad for you, or that privacy is overrated, or that there isn’t a climate emergency — their goal is to convince you that these things just can’t be known for sure.
It’s a form of weaponized skepticism and it has deep roots, going all the way back (at least) to Darrell Huff’s famous HOW TO LIE WITH STATISTICS a book I held in high esteem…
Until I read Tim Harford’s brilliant THE DATA DETECTIVE and learned that Huff was a paid shill for Big Tobacco and his major motive wasn’t to debunk bad stats, it was to obscure the link between tobacco use and cancer.
When I quit smoking 17 years ago, a wise doctor counselled me that if I was going to resist cravings, I needed a more immediate reason than “I won’t get cancer in 40 years.” My answer: “I spend two laptops per year on a product whose makers want to murder me and my friends.”
More importantly: “These companies invented the science denial techniques that are on track to render my species extinct.”
I wrote this column at the urging of my friend Matthew Rimmer, in honor of #worldnotobaccoday2021.
It’s never too late to quit smoking. See your doctor. And if you want a catchy, profane anthem to see you through the hard times, check out Allen Ginsburg’s incredible “Put Down Your Cigarette Rag (Don’t Smoke).”
Here’s the podcast episode:
and here’s a direct link to the MP3 (hosting courtesy of the Internet Archive; they’ll host your stuff for free, forever):
and here’s my podcast feed:
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digitalcorseldc · 4 years ago
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When you smoke, not only you harm your body with the slow poison but also endanger everyone around. 
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smartnivesh · 4 years ago
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Quit Smoking, start Investing! #worldnotobaccoday #worldnotobaccoday2021 #kickthebutt #startinvesting #kick #cigrate #nocigarettes https://www.instagram.com/p/CPiaQi9Fgod/?utm_medium=tumblr
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odoxsofthub · 4 years ago
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Every year, on 31 May, the WHO and global partners celebrate World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). The annual campaign is an opportunity to raise awareness on the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure, and to discourage the use of tobacco in any form. We want to create a generation that is free from tobacco and second-hand smoke and the death and disease that they cause. Say No to Tobacco
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citymapia · 4 years ago
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Some decisions are hard to take
But once taken can give back your life
'Commit to Quit'
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classicpolo · 4 years ago
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Take a pledge. It's World No Tobacco Day
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peritusinfotechpvtltd · 4 years ago
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It is never easy to quit an addiction and we salute those ex-smokers who have managed to get past their habit. 
Happy World No-Tobacco Day!...
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shipperflex · 4 years ago
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“What we need to burn on daily basis are calories and not tobacco. Stay healthy and happy with no tobacco. Happy World No Tobacco Day to all.”
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filmy-duniya · 4 years ago
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Stop consuming tobacco today and have a healthy World No Tobacco Day!...
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eksankalp · 4 years ago
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“The journey of thousand miles starts with a single step….. take the first step to your goal by saying no to tobacco.”
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ketsaal · 4 years ago
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Smoking gives you the pleasure of a moment but kills you in the process. Quit Smoking now and save lives!
Happy World No-Tobacco Day!...
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newscafe247 · 4 years ago
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Tobacco kills more people than any other addiction. Quit Smoking today and save lives!Happy World No-Tobacco Day!...
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apollocbcc · 4 years ago
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Each time you consume tobacco, you are walking a step closer to cancer. Chewing tobacco can cause oral cancer and gum diseases. Smoking tobacco can increase risk of nasal sinus, lung cancer and long term respiratory symptoms. Passive smoking is equally dangerous for people who don’t even smoke. This World No Tobacco Day, care for your health and of those around you. Say No to tobacco. For more information about cancer treatment Visit us: https://apollocbcc.com/ Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApolloCBCC/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apollocbcc/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/apollo-cbcc/
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