#world: game central station
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muses-of-the-memory · 5 months ago
Happy 12th Anniversary, Wreck-It Ralph!
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Tagged by: @hoshi-neko-hikari, @bluemajingirl, @the-world-hopper, @themultiverseheroines, @spirits-of-nature16
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gummi-ships · 2 months ago
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Kingdom Hearts Union χ - Game Central Station
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friendlyheartless · 9 months ago
Star looks toward Lucas as he approaches. "Star, you remember Lucas. We met him back that Christmas in the House of Mouse." Asha reminded to Star, who smiles and waves back at Lucas.
( @the-world-hopper )
"Hey girls," Lucas waved to the Fortuneteller sisters, Penelope and Zoey, while riding on Bubbles' shoulders.
The two Fortuneteller Sisters, Cryst and Clayr Voiant, along with Penelope the Parasol Beauty and Zoey the Winterhorn had heard Lucas coming from the Second District, and they saw Bubbles the Bouncywild carrying him.
"Hello Lucas." Cryst greeted. "Welcome back." Clayr Voiant smiled under her headdress veil. "It had been a while." Penelope stated. "What have you been up to?" Zoey asked.
( @the-world-hopper )
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blastawaytournament · 2 years ago
as any kingdom hearts fan would know, sometimes old worlds make a reappearance in later games! i'm wondering if people would prefer a preliminary type deal where repeat worlds face off to pick the ultimate version to go in the main poll (I.E. KH1 Hollow Bastion vs KH2 Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden vs BBS Radiant Garden), just let them run wild in the main poll (I.E. have KH1 Traverse Town vs Dwarf Woodlands and DDD Traverse Town vs Arendelle at the same time), or group each version together as one?
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captain-ultimat-doggo · 7 months ago
Humans entering space and realizing we are so small. We are mice compared to these giant races with their advanced machinery and technologies and experiences beyond us- except that we're humans. And our engineers dive into the new tech and once we learn the principles we also soon realize how Inefficient everything is. Their "microchips" are the size of cars, their storage drives are basically buildings, and they somehow store less data than ours. So, human companies take advantage, and tech starts rolling out. Massive and there's a lot of wasted space so that it can be managed with larger hands/pincers/claws/tentacles, but also so much more efficient than anything the galaxy has seen before.
Human technicians start hopping ships and upkeeping the general maintenance, the stuff that most aliens put off or don't notice because they never access the crevices of their ships. As human companies become more popular and lead the tech world in everything from warp cores to game stations ("it's so compact! How are the graphics so good?" Says a 60' tall grimbleback, holding a new VR headset that has all of its components included because it's so BIG by our tech standards), soon many things have accessibility ports for humans to be able to use as well. This means that these shiprats hoping ship to ship cause such a huge improvement in everything running smoothly, and there's a huge downtick in pests on ships because those "pests" are not only big enough and aggressive enough to bite a pitbull or a person in half, they're invasive to so many planets and humans hate nothing more than dog killing planet overrunning monsters.
All the while, from the Aliens perspective, humans are an elusive race that don't fraternize much with them. You almost never see a human as most places aren't exactly safe for the little things to run around in. They do export so much stuff though, and the custodial staff at the Central Galactic Outpost insists that there's more humans around than any other race if you just know where to look.
And sure it's somewhat known that some of the little daredevils hop ships and help out in exchange for room and board, usually without permission, but that can't be that common, can it?
Maybe your ship is running better this cycle ever since you stopped at the last station, that just means that tuneup was better than you thought. And maybe for some reason that program you were working on last night is finished when you wake up, but you're so tired maybe you finished it before you passed out. Somehow that faulty light in the galley has fixed itself as well, which is odd, but maybe the Engineer finally got to it. You'd know if there was someone else on your ship.
... You leave a little bowl of berries out as a thank you, just in case. You're not sure what humans like but you've heard they have a sweet tooth.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 5 months ago
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 69
One time while escaping from a cell, Romana commented that it would be child's play to unlock the door with her sonic screwdriver. She then said it was literally child's play as doing so had been a game back on Gallifrey. (Audio: Subterranea)
One of Jamie's distant relations became a spy during World War II and used the name "the Doctor." (Audio: Operation Werewolf)
On his report, Borusa gave Theta Sigma a 7 in the subject of "Physical Inactivity." He commented that his pupil seems to think he is a mountain goat. (Short story: Report on Term's Work)
Memory lanterns are Time Lord devices that resemble paper lanterns but record an individual's thoughts and memories. During the Time War, many Gallifreyans released these lanterns as a desperate ploy to not be forgotten, as they thought they would all die. (Novel: Engines of War)
Ben, Polly, and Jamie played with a ouija board on the TARDIS. This caused a dark cloud from the time vortex to slip inside Jamie's mind, affecting his behavior. The Second Doctor banished the cloud by reading a recipe for Bajaxx stew written in Ancient Gallifreyan. (Short story: Something at the Door)
Jarra To killed the previous overseer of the Axis. Eventually, a Time Lord came to investigate, but they killed them. By the time the Fifth Doctor and his companions landed there, they described the corpse as "rank" with oozing flesh and insect larvae. (Audio: The Axis of Insanity)
After leaving Nyssa, Tegan, and Marc behind, the Fifth Doctor had several adventures on his own. Eventually, he encountered his Eleventh self, and he decided to return to his companions because he didn't want to be like him - companionless and disparaged in 1892. (Audio: Thin Time)
Time Vortex leeches live in the time vortex, and the Doctor had thought they were a myth from Ancient Gallifreyan songs until one of them clung to his Eleventh self's TARDIS exterior. (Comic: Space in Dimension Relative and Time)
One time, a man called Gaylord Lefevre played a game of cards against the Toymaker. He cheated and used a needle to mark cards, but the Toymaker was aware of this and altered his cards to be a hand full of jokers when Gaylord wasn't looking. The Toymaker claimed he wasn't cheating but instead following a new rule that Gaylord had introduced - that cheating was acceptable. (Comic: The Greatest Gamble)
Gallifrey has a transtube, which is basically an underground train. It has a central station under the Capitol. (Novel: The Ancestor Cell)
One time after the Seventh Doctor was knocked out, he drowsily told Ace that he had had a terrible dream. A man with ringlets had been reaching out to him, saying, "Come in, Number Seven, your time is up." He was talking about the Eighth Doctor. (Audio: The Silurian Candidate)
Maria Mazzini once commented on how powerful the Fifth Doctor's thighs were - after slapping them. (Audio: Serpent in the Silver Mask)
One time, the Fourth Doctor decided to take Sarah Jane to Geshtinanna. The journey in the TARDIS took nine weeks, during which both became bored and tired. While traveling in the time vortex, the clocks in the TARDIS all stopped, and the Doctor then detected the remains of another TARDIS in the vortex, trapped their because the pilot had made the mistake of locking their course. They were worried that they too had fallen to the same fate and were unable to change course, but when the day of materialization finally came, they successfully materialized. The Doctor realized that the TARDIS had stopped all the clocks out of respect for her fallen fellow TARDIS. Even after nine weeks of travel, they materialized nowhere close to Geshtinanna. (Short story: Eternity)
The Seventh Doctor has shifted his genetic makeup enough to disguise himself before and mimic someone else. He admitted that he learned this trick from the Master, who frequently used regeneration as a disguise. (Novel: Original Sin)
On Gallifrey, there are two hundred and eight tenses in their languages. They don't translate well. (Novel: The Crystal Bucephalus)
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mazikeenhyde · 7 months ago
Oh Baby, Pain is Pleasure - Part 3
Y/W/N – Your Wrestling Name 
Y/W/N/F – Your Wrestling Name Finisher
I’m going to apologize to you all now, and prewarn you in advance, this is an absolute rollercoaster of a storyline! Shits about to get REAL messy! 
TAG LIST - @babybatlover
Oh Baby…Pain is Pleasure – Part 3
Late afternoon had seen the sun burn the remainder of the clouds from the sky, leaving a beautiful blue horizon view from across the backyard. Flocks of birds gathered as they headed over the break line, waving in and out of the smoke coming from our BBQ pit. 
I sat, gently rocking my feet back and forth on the chair egg swing we had attached to one of the older grand oak trees in our yard. It was all I had wanted when we moved in, somewhere calm and content where I could just exist. Enjoy my time, enjoy my life, and admire the world around me. Ponder life’s big questions… 
I re read that message repeatedly in my mind, who was it from? witnessed what? 
I had deleted the other text from my phone, I wasn’t going down that road. 
The sounds of two men’s deep voices bought me back, looking over to my lovers I could see Finn & Damien adorned in their matching ‘TOP CHEF’ aprons and cooking utensils with a beer in hand, either chatting away or debating about how best to cook the chicken. 
Whilst further down on the sun loungers, Rhea had stripped down to one of her thin black bikinis with the metal skull clip fastenings, she was catching the last of the sunrays to her already perfect Sunkissed skin.  Christ, how did I get so lucky as to be a part of this incredible love…. Pentagon? It’s a five-way love triangle, let’s leave it at that.
When we had been initially searching for a house to buy, one to really call home that is; we had all had something in mind we desperately wanted as a feature. We knew it needed to be a big house, one with a master bedroom where we could assemble out two King size beds that had been custom made to attach in the middle, I cannot begin to tell you how comfortable and comforting it is being held close and safe by the four people you love more than anything in the world. 
The guilt though…
Still, obviously Rhea & Finn were dead set on having a large garage/ open internal space to set up the home gym. Of course, whilst on the road we still used a lot of public gyms and one-off hotel workout rooms here and there, but when we are at home, in each other’s company, away from the world, the fans, all that attention. It is so lovely knowing we don’t have to leave our little safe haven.
Damian had specifically made it clear he wanted a huge kitchen, open planned that backed into a dinning area. When we moved in, he had taken the time to build up a barista style coffee corner and a breakfast station on the central island. Then with Finn’s help, they worked on a D.I.Y project together to design and create a full bar set up next to the table and chairs where we ate. They had eventually given in and allowed Dom to help with the painting of the bar, because he wanted to be a ‘DIY Man’ too. 
The boys always referred to it as the lad’s corner, a custom-built wooden bar that was painted a deep tranquil green and black with illuminated LED letters on the wall; ‘ALL RISE, ALL DRINK’.   That however did not stop Rhea and I from emptying some of those back bar bottles on one of many messy nights! For some reason, whenever Rhea breaks out the Tequila, we always end up playing strip twister… Odd. 
Dominick, of course… wanted a gaming room. Not just any gaming room mind you, a ‘Mens” gaming room. 
Problem is he is just so adorable at times, and we all give in, he had been granted his request of course! Although Priest put his foot down when Dom had asked for an indoor arcade style basketball hoop game, he was allowed a hoop outside but that was it. We had all seen enough broken windows during the season when Finn had tried to teach Damien and Dominick how to play golf. 
It still makes me laugh when the boys talk about how they would feel guilty that they were off spending time together, while Rhea and I would miss out? Ha. Little did they know when they buggered off to do ‘man’s stuff’ we girls would high tail it upstairs to the family bathroom and strip off into the bathtub for some… girl’s time. *Wink Wink* 
I remember one morning; Rhea and I were standing in the arched doorway at the crack of dawn waving the boys off as they set out on an early start to play a full days Golf. Leaning into her chest I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes as she bent her head down and nuzzled her lips into the crook of my neck. 
“I tell you now Y/N, I would rather run the risk of drowning when we get in that bathtub, and I bury my face deep in your pussy… then stand in a damp field hitting a stick at a ball.” Her teeth nipped at the skin of my ear lobe and my entire body melted at her touch. 
Christ the things that woman does to me. 
A loud crash had bought me back to reality, Dom had been trying to carry a tray of drinks out to the garden for us all but had tripped over some excess weigh plates we had left outside, sending the poor lad flying arse over tit. 
“Shit! God damn it, ow fuck!” Dom pulled himself up to his knees, swiping the drinks tray away in frustration before noticing blood trickling down his arm from the glasses that he had smashed across the decking. He was quick to freeze, unable to process what to do next or how to stand up safely. 
Rhea was quick to make her way over to him from the sun lounger, followed by Damian who handed Finn his spatula and beer before rushing over to help the poor lad. 
I know, I know I should have been focused on the fact that the boy I loved so much needed some help, some TLC, compassion, and support… 
But I am only human. 
And Rhea Bloody Ripley…. 
In a mini black laced bikini…
Slightly wet from the heat of the sun touching her skin, God how she glistened. How she got my motor running and…
Finn had noticed my distraction and whistled loudly, gathering my attention. 
“Aye! Lass, enough of that! Go... Take a lap!” He gestured, pointing to the end of the field in our garden. The yard stretched about 1/4 of a mile down and was cut off by the woodland. One of my favorite things about this house was the nature that came with it. It all felt so…natural and back down to earth compared to the chaos and mayhem at WWE. 
Pointing his BBQ tongs and Damian’s spatula at me, Finn raised his eyebrow. 
“No distractions, ya hear!” 
I tried not to laugh at his remark, turning my face away to hide my snicker and rolling my eyes. I was still wearing my gym gear from before; except I had nabbed one of Dominick’s merch shirts on the way to the garden from the drying rack, I was self-conscious about my stomach, and I liked to hide my body where I could. 
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?!” Finn sternly questioned me as he put the utensils down. 
At this point Rhea was taking Dom inside through the double doors, whilst Damian stood back up and turned in my direction. 
Fuck… they are hot when they get all dominant. 
“Mi Vida, did you roll your eyes?” Damian’s words were colder, flat, and prominent. I could tell he was almost looking for a reason to get me upstairs into the bedroom. Christ I was half tempted to give him a solid reason. 
Put me across your lap Papa Priest, let me feel the strength between your thighs and lay it into me Goddamn it! 
The devil on my shoulder sang its heart out at the idea, but I remembered earlier when Finn has spun the actions back against me. Leaving me alone and sexually frustrated I thought better of the situation. 
“Me? I would never…�� I said quite obnoxious/sarcastically and smiled that cheeky brat look at them before hopping up off the tree swing. I could see Damian trying not to break or give in… but a slight smirk crept into the corner of his lips.  
“I’m going to take a lap!” I stated and grinned before making a run for it, heading down and out of sight from the lads. I had a much better plan in mind to deal with my frustrations when I got in the shower later anyway. 
I was out of breath by the time I got back towards our street, less than a ¼ mile to go! I had decided to go for a proper run to clear my mind. A good few miles should do the trick, that’s what Rhea always said! With my headphones in and a decent playlist on, nothing was going to stop me! 
One foot after another I pressed on, sweat dripping down my neck I desperately tried to Shake off all that nervous energy I had built up now that WrestleMania was less than 2 weeks away. I had been on edge at times, and it showed when I trained in the ring with Rhea and Dom. Running back-to-back moves, counters, pins, and submissions, it was like every time I thought I had learnt it someone would come along and wipe my slate clean, and I knew nothing again. 
Maybe I wasn’t ready to be a champion? 
Maybe I was out of my depth? 
Rhea should be in this match not me. 
Me? Y/W/N? Was I really cut out to be a champion? 
I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket as I continued running. I tried looking at my smart watch as I ran, though it was tricky to focus on a smaller screen. 
I could see a couple messages from Finn stating the food was ready, one from Damian also telling me the food was ready, one from Dom telling me he was going to eat my hot dog if I didn’t hurry up and one from Rhea telling me she wasn’t going to let Dom touch my food. 
Honestly this lot, I love them so much. 
Turning into our street I could see our house gate entrance just up the hill, with a little spring in my step I pushed on feeling like I was picking up speed. I felt energized, I felt incredible, maybe I could do this after all! 
With the gate just in reach and the sweet smokey smell of the BBQ lingering in the air I put my head down to push those least few feet… 
But within a split second I felt something behind me. 
The music cut out as my headphones were launched to the floor and my arms locked in tight by a strength I hadn’t ever had to match. Kicking my legs out I felt them rise off the floor and before I could even fathom the mental capacity to make a sound the feeling of sticky back plastic tape suckered its way in across my lips. My eyes pooled up as the bag went over my head and my vision became darkness. A hard and cold metal floor was met with my body weight as I was hurled inside, my heart beating out of my chest the fear became all too real as I felt the ground under move away at speed. 
A hot breath came down my neck, raising every last hair on my skin to react. The voice was muffled, as if speaking through a mask. 
“You did this Y/N…” 
“You did this… and now you cannot handle the monster you created.” 
The silence in between each word was deafening, but it was the next voice that bought the fear of God into my soul. 
“ Told you I’d find you...miss me?” 
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zvaigzdelasas · 10 months ago
Hydrogen-powered trucks are expected to reach life-cycle cost parity with their fossil-fuel-burning peers in China by 2027 even without the aid of subsidies, a milestone which the world’s biggest producer and consumer of the zero-emission energy source, seeks to achieve eight years ahead of Europe.
This will push forward the country’s ambition to dominate the market for hydrogen fuel cells in the transport sector as Beijing’s enabling environment starts paying off, an industry executive said.[...]
“China has developed a world-leading industry in commercial vehicle applications for hydrogen fuel cell technology, with enterprises ranging from upstream raw materials to downstream products over the past decade,” said Robin Lin, chairman and president of Refire Group, a Chinese supplier of hydrogen fuel cell technologies.[...]
China has stepped up its game this year with the central and local authorities releasing a variety of hydrogen-related policies and incentives, following the release of its first national-level guidelines for the hydrogen energy industry in 2023.
Nearly a third of its end-2023 fleet of 18,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were sold last year alone, according to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, indicating the gathering pace. In a further sign of accelerating offtake, China targets to have at least 50,000 units on the road by 2025, according to its national plan.
According to Lin, China has seen significant reduction in the manufacturing cost of hydrogen fuel cell systems, which account for roughly half the cost of a hydrogen vehicle. The cost has dived from over 30,000 yuan per kilowatt in 2015 to less than 4,000 yuan per kilowatt now.[...]
“In transport, heavy-duty trucks could be the first to achieve successful commercialisation of hydrogen fuel cell technology,” he said.[...]
In China, high-purity hydrogen generated as a by-product from industrial processes, such as Shanxi province, is around 25 to 40 yuan per kilogram at local hydrogen refuelling stations, while high-purity hydrogen in other regions, such as Shanghai, is around 50 to 70 yuan per kilogram at local hydrogen refuelling stations, according to Refire.
13 May 24
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echantedtoon · 3 months ago
Turbo/King Candy x Jessica Rabbit Like S/o Headcannons
This was a request a friend really wanted from me so here it is for anyone else to enjoy.
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-You're a flag girl for a racing game similar to Outrun or Pole Position (both 80s racing games) although the big difference was that your game wasn't as popular as Turbotime so there wasn't really any reason for the guy to be jealous of the competition. At least not until Road Blasters but that's jumping the gun a little bit.  
-You don't exactly meet each other until you finally decided to leave your game one day to go join others at Tapper's for the anniversary of Litwak's arcade opening or some similar celebration that many other games were celebrating. Of course your taller than the average video game women height and body type would turn some heads and the smaller racer was no exception. 
-Dude literally has to strain his neck for a double take just to be sure he was seeing things from the amount of surgery root beer he's consumed by now. But once he confirms that you actually exist- MAN. IS. SMITTEN. ON. SIGHT!! I'm talking about the guy chokes on his drink as you gorgeously smile his way even if you weren't smiling at him, just his general direction, but it gives him enough confidence to make his move. 
-He starts by buying you a drink, Tapper setting it right in front of you, before this tiny man gracefully struggled to climb onto the stool next to you slicking his helmet back like it was hair, and giving you a sly smile. "Hey, Baby.~ Are you a parking ticket?~ Cuz you got FINE written all over you?~"
-If it doesn't work out the first time be prepared for MANY 80s pick up lines including- "If I had to rate you from one to ten I'd give you a nine because I'm the one you need." "Hey. I'm writing a phone book. Can I have your number to put in it?" "Hey, Doll face. Wanna get physical?~" And other similar ones not considered cringey quite yet.
-He's pretty egotistical in personality so expect him to brag about everything involving him to you. His trophies, his winning streak, how his game's the most popular in the arcade, how he totally beats the Turbotime Twins in everything- Did he mention that he's also the greatest racer ever? He's trying to prove how much you should be smitten too often inviting you to come view him race.
-He secretly daydreams about you being the one that waves the checkered flag upon him crossing the finish line and plastering him in affection with him showing off to the world. Gold trophy in one hand while holding a beautiful woman in the other. Everyone knows his deep crush on you. 
-Remember when Felix and Calhoun kissed and little hearts appeared? Yeah. That happens every time he thinks about you or he happens to see you in Grand Central Station or Tapper's. Other's make fun of him for that a lot and he absolutely hates it and denied it every time but everyone and their programmers know about his crush. It's super obvious by this point.
-If by some reason you do happen to date him expect him to brag about having the most beautiful girlfriend in the entire arcade. "Hey, Pac-Man. How's Mrs. Pac-Man? Guess what?! My girlfriend's hotter than that yellow beachball reject!!" You're going to have to stop him from opening his mouth before Pac-Man tries to eat him again and he was very close to Mario just goomba stomping him after he insulted Princess Peach/Toadstool. Please stop this idiot from insulting everyone's wife before someone punts him back to Turbotime.
-He's not picky about personality and would genuinely love you but he'd be very happy if you were able to knock him down a peg(he thinks it's hot his girl can kick his behind-) or two. If you pick him up he'll also fight against it and complain the entire time you hold him, but ngl he's actually very into it. He has a thing for taller women after all...Even if he hates it when you tease him or hold things out of his reach.
-However one of the downsides of you deciding to pursue the relationship with him is his jealousy. Doesn't matter who's approaching you, if Turbo's around he always gives them a death glare that can put Bowser's fire breath to shame. So some game characters might avoid you because of that temper. And if someone were to flirt with you- Overprotective guard dog with rabies he is. Don't underestimate him because of his height. More than once he's started a bar fight at Tapper's over someone getting too close or attempting to make unwanted advances especially if you had already said no. 
-Don't underestimate him because of his height. More than one person has had a personal experience with Turbo turning into an angry honey badger infested with rabies as he was provoked.  People have learnt quickly to not make fun of his height, and to not try any funny business around you. More than once you'd have to pry him off someone and walk away with him tucked under your arm screaming profanities like a crazy Chihuahua.
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-IK he's just Turbo in disguise but his personality shift in his KC disguise is notable enough to be different from how OG Turbo would go about it. However like OG Turbo once he sees you he's absolutely smitten by you. Unlike OG Turbo however his approach to you is much more normal if by normal having a guy with Tinkerbell shoes shuffle up to you and tell you how much your eyes remind him of sparkling rock candy.
-Honestly this pairing gives more of the Jessica and Rodger Rabbit vibes. Goofy little man with a gorgeous knockout GF. His goofball charms and shyer attempts at courting you are probably what got you falling for this man in the beginning.
-Instead of eyeing your form like many others, this man instead decides to court you in the most cheesy ways possible. Bringing you chocolates and other candy from his game(it's not like there's a limited amount of  it). Flowers (specifically either chocolate roses or edible flowers arrangements). Love notes, those really cheesy ones that don't even rhythm but they're so sweet you don't mind. 
-Mans loves you endlessly and will spend hours just gazing at you with literal heart eyes with hearts popping around his head. Very sweet alongside being goofy. Surprisingly a romantic too. Offers to drive you around on the back of his car. Plans at least one date that has you both sharing two straws in one milkshake. If he's feeling really romantic then he gets you those Valentine's hard candies shaped like hearts or those red lollipops also shaped like hearts. He even dedicates his wins to you in an attempt to impress you.
-Speaking of- He's very much the Rodger Rabbit of your relationship. Always gazing goofily at you with a love struck grin to the point Sour Bill has caught him daydreaming of you all lovestruck with a dopey grin. He's a king so anything you want in Sugar Rush is at your disposal. Want a glass of chocolate milk? How about a front row seat to watch the races? Would you like Sour Bill as a personal servant? Sour Bill completely disagrees with that last gesture.
-You once agreed to be a flag girl for one of the Random Roster Races, ironically one HE won, and when you gave him a winner's kiss he's been begging you to wave the checkered flag at other races too.
-Very sweet and energetic. If his goofy antics aren't making you giggle or smile, he's always flirting with you with cheesy puns since he's a guy who loves a play on words. "Are you a piece of cake? Custh you're the scheetest.~" "What's sweet and curvy? A candy cane of courseth but you're better.~" "Your voice is more beautiful than golden honey.~" "Did you sit in sugar? C-Cuzth that's -...Gumdrops! Forget what I said." He tried being more bold but ended up becoming too flustered and couldn't finish that last bit.
-You're going to get lots of cute candy nicknames. Honey. Sugar. Honeypie. Gumdrop. Angel cake. Cupcake. Sweetheart. Sweet cheeks. Tootsie pop. When he's feeling more romantic or sentimental he'll call you more special names like My Dear, Darling, My Queen, etc. 
-When you pick him up and kiss him he just melts in your arms. Giving a loud 'HOHO!' as you press kisses to his cheeks and forehead leaving him a bright cherry red and kiss marks all over his face. The first time that happened it left him just staring off into space blue screened but now he just blushes all over and this just might be his new favorite thing ever!
-If he ever proposes to you it's either going to be with one of those ring pops or with a gem made of the shiniest rock candy he can find.
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love-and-deepspace-wiki · 7 months ago
Wiki Guide Post:
I'm V, an unofficial representative for the Linkon City Tourism Bureau. Allow me to be your personal tour guide through Linkon City and the surrounding areas! Whether you're a visitor passing through or a brand new resident, I hope you enjoy your stay! The links below will be updated as information is posted.
If you have any leads, screenshots, or info you'd like to contribute, please:
Send the info via dm
Include when/where in the game you found it
All information is sourced directly from public, in-game resources.
Any theories or extrapolation will be clearly defined as such. (For any Speculation & Theories posts, search the "#speculations and theories" tag)
Spoiler warning because 100% of the information I learn in-game will be posted without spoiler omissions.
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My Sheet Music Transcriptions
Currently In Progress:
"Sunset in Whalefall City"
"Fish In Your Hand"
"Love and Lightyear"
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Central Characters
Surrounding Characters
Nameless/Faceless Characters
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Atley Island
Binsha Ancient City Area
Chansia City
Goldwood City
Jewel Reef Island (Gabriella's Atoll)
Linkon City Area
Maple Ridge Mountains
Moonfall Bay
"Mountain Journey" Event Locations
N109 Zone
Snowraft City
The Arctic
Tulla Island
Unknown Locations
Yunshan Town
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Currencies & Finances
Currencies & Finances: Part 2
Lemurian Dictionary
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Food & Drink
Arts & Culture
Toys & Games
Media & Entertainment
Podcasts & Radio
Movies & Television
Books, Magazines, and Publications
Apps & Social Media
Clothing & Items:
General Clothing
Jewelry & Accesories
Shopping & Stores
Decor, Devices, and Technology:
Droids, Robots, and AI
Home Decor
Train/Subway Stations
Transportation Technology
Motorcycles & Cars
Airplanes & Airports
Maxwell's Yacht
Defense, Government, Law Enforcement, and Military:
Deepspace Garrison Base
Deepspace Aviation Administration (DAA)
Evol Special Rescue Unit
Evol Special Task Force (Evol Police)
Farspace Fleet
Linkon City Hall
Hunter's Association
Linkon City Police Department
World Evol Government
World Hunter's Association
Academia, Research, and Education
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Planets & Stars:
Feathers Star
KIC 9831007
Legends & Myths:
Philos: Tome of the Foreseer
The Classic of Peaks: Southern Mountain Volume
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Central Timeline:
Past Events
Present Time
Future Events
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muses-of-the-memory · 2 years ago
Princess Peach: "It certainly was, having to use the Ice Flower Toad hid in the bouquet."
Mario: "Yep. That Mini Mushroom was pretty useless in that fight with Donkey Kong."
Luigi: "Still, having to get stuck in the Bowser Badlands was the worst. The Dry Bones, and the Shy Guys..."
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Vanellope Von Schweetz: "hey, Mario! I was just watching one of the movie trailer videos on the internet, and it says that this movie's about you, your brother and Bowser. is that true!?"
Mario: "Oh hello, Vanellope. The new Super Mario Bros. movie's more than just me, Luigi and Bowser. Worlds to explore, Mario Kart, and a big Mushroom Kingdom adventure. It's-a going be great."
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wackulart · 2 months ago
I LOVE your wreck it Ralph sona!! You don’t have to answer ofc but what’s the backstory?? Code to code jester is so cool :}
TYSMMMM!!! It's a little vague atm, but!! here's what I have so far
Turbo and Neo had known each other briefly but only got to know each other around the time after Turbo's first attempt to join another game went awry. Neo had spotted him hiding out in between games, offered him company and aid Neo and him worked together for a while, learning about the code that works within the main hub area [i forget what its called, the central station] as well as the arcades My sona's from a math/coding game so he is mildly knowledgeable on those sorts of things Eventually, Turbo comes up with his plan to take over Sugar Rush, but Neo's not as keen on the idea. Taking over a world that isn't his and destroying lives. So he decides to leave, telling Turbo that he isn't going to join him in his endeavour. They spend one last night together before Neo wants to leave because Turbo asked him to. While they rested, Turbo reprogrammed him much like he planned to do to the characters in Sugar Rush. He made him believe that he was always apart of the Sugar Rush game and approached him as King Candy, rekindling their friendship. Now, Neo remembers bits and pieces but stays in denial about things because he wants to trust King Candy. He doesn't want to lose the closest person he has to strange, muddled dreams
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notbecauseofvictories · 5 months ago
I'm still thinking about it, so---if you're a local, I highly encourage Rough House Theater's "House of the Exquisite Corpse". It's lovely, arresting, from the performances down to the smallest touches. I still can't get over the ripped umbrellas hanging upside down in dreamlike suspension from the ceiling; the way each "station" is wrapped in plywood and decorated in its own meaningful pattern and design.
But first, let me step back. "House of the Exquisite Corpse" takes its name from the old Surrealist parlor game, at the heart of which is the idea that you can collect a disparate group, then smash their ideas together and create something from the smithereens. This is something like what Rough House has done, which is pick a theme ("Superstition") and then let the artistic groups loose to create short scenes built around that theme.
(I want to call them tableaux, because watching the performances I was struck by how it felt like something out of time---as though we were 17th century courtiers in Paris ushered into a candlelit ballroom, or early 20th century farmers in Minnesota, paying our penny to see what the circus brought to town.)
The set-up itself does a wonderful job ushering you into a time-outside-of-time---you step into a space divided from the rest of the space by black sheets, chunky headsets dangling from wooden ladders suspended just over your head. The emcee is carrying a clipboard and speaks into an old-school broadcasting mic---which you can only hear if you're wearing the headsets.
It is, you'll discover, the central conceit of the performance. From there, you're directed from station to station by silent ushers, carrying flashlights so they can point you forward. Unless you are wearing the headphones at each station, you can only listen to the absent, ambient music echoing around the room.
Not only are the stations set up to wrap you in a specific soundscape, but they play with your vision too---most stations have you peer through holes or cracks in the wall, though one station had us line up in front of mirrors and watch the reflection of the performance, while another station placed shards of glass at every peephole, so you watched the scene and the character's experience of the scene in a strange double-vision. A couple of the stations used tricks of the light---strobe effects that made the puppets' movements seem even more uncanny or imply violence; a haze of smoke or fabric to disguise the human "prowling" in the puppet-shape of a tiger.
(I always like when I can tell an artist is reacting to something I've seen before, and the Rousseau "The Dream" vibes in that scene were exquisite.)
I will say that “A White Bird in the House is an Omen of Death” was my favorite, not in the least because it featured a whole choreographed song (feat. a lovely articulated owl puppet, plus some very effective shadowplay work). However, “Through the Looking Glass” was beautifully up my alley, from the unique staging---this was the station where you watched the performance in a mirror---to the creative puppetry, and a meditation on loveliness that had some bite to it. “Broken Mirror” was more traditional in its puppet work, but it also had the most elaborate staging, a fully-realized world in miniature.
I keep going back to how enormously creative so many of these artists were, in ways I simply can't ignore. “Step on a Crack” didn't necessarily work for me, but I can't stop thinking about it---its trippy setup, the inhuman knit masks the creator used; the spines dangling, neon-colored, from the nearest tree as the protagonist recited lines about loving his mother with increasing, feverish and horrible energy. The glimpses I got during “An ill fate befalls those who pluck from fruit in their dreams” of the puppeteer's face---how she shut her eyes and turned away, as though she too was affected by the puppet's horror.
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joydoesathing · 5 months ago
in your tnmn au, which us state it takes place at? like i mean as in the setting of the location of the apartment
I assume that the apartment and the whole game is somewhere in the Western US, but in my AU, it would be somewhere in California.
I made a list of reasons for why I chose that (and also plausible reasons on why I think the actual game could be set in the Western US, so prepare for me to go all world building mode):
1.) The Western US is FedLandia
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For those who aren't that familiar, federal land is basically land that is governed by the federal US government and not by the individual state and there's a high concentration of federal land located in Western states. One of the primary owners of federal land is the Department of Defense (the military sector of the government).
Based on the research I did, basically the government can do any operation they want on federal land. The military, for example, uses some of the federal land as weapon testing ranges (there's that joke that some people back in the 1950s have nuclear bombs casually going off in their backyard). So following the lore, the Trojan Horse Project could be considered an operation under the military since it's the one funding it and I also assume that the doppels were actually developed to be weapons for espionage.
So in a way, I believe that those involved in the THP do creating and testing operations of doppels on the wide ranges of military-owned federal property and since it's on federal property, most of the operations that goes on it is mostly kept hush-hush from the general public, cuz y'know, it's secret federal government business (like Area 51 type stuff)
You could argue that it could be possible that the game could take place in the Eastern US too, since there is federal land owned by the military located there, but the problem is the secrecy of the THP operations. As seen on the map above, there's only very little federal land on the East coast and the rest is state-owned land where the general public is located (and the population is quite packed in the Eastern states). If they wanted to keep the THP and its operations as top secret as possible, I feel like it would be more logical if their central base of operations would be somewhere where there's not much people living nearby and can't just have random access to (i.e. the Western states with loads of federal land and a generally less dense population)
2.) The DDD is managing and monitoring apartments
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So, my assumption is that the DDD is some kind of special ops group created in the military, since they are directly involved in the THP. So, the personnel of the DDD are selected military personnel and their bases are just adjacent to regular military bases near the central base of operations of the THP
I also think that the apartments where doormen are stationed and modified with special anti-doppel security features are also government property, managed and monitored by the DDD ( and by extension, the military). And to ensure an adequate amount of DDD personnel get to places where doppels are located in in time, it would be more convenient if the apartments were built on or near federal land, where military bases are stationed.
And for my AU, I chose specifically California since it is said that the apartment is located downtown (so yeah probably in a city there)
3.) The occupations of some of the neighbors
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Dr. W: Since she is lead researcher of the THP, she should naturally live nearby the central base of operations is located, which is somewhere in another state adjacent and east of California
Stephanie : Prior to moving to the apartment, she was already stationed in a military base in California, so it's just convenient for her and her mom to move to the apartment in downtown Cali.
The twins (this is only applicable in my AU): They work in Hollywood so again for convenience sake, they thought it would be best to live in downtown Cali.
Since the above mentioned neighbors have to come home everyday, their workplace needs to be nearby (you can't convince me that they'd be willing to travel interstate everyday just to come home)
4.) Aliens
The whole alien storyline we have with Chester in campaign mode is quite timing because that was the era where UFO conspiracy theories and sightings were all the rage or at least where the most prominent alien related incidents occured . Most of the prominent UFO/alien related topics and incidents seem to happen in the Western US (e.g. The Roswell incident in New Mexico and Area 51 in Nevada)
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ohsalome · 2 years ago
I often hear comments about Crimea and the other territories occupied by Russia being the “price of peace” in Ukraine. I, like many Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians, know that rewarding aggression and brutal occupation does not bring peace.
Crimea is not Russian to be “given back” to Russia. It never was. It never will be.
It is the homeland that has been repeatedly, brutally taken from us; it is the homeland we will not stop fighting for.
My grandmother, Shevkiye, was just 11 years old when on May 18, 1944, Soviet soldiers barged into her home at five o’clock in the morning. World War II was still raging and the Soviet regime had just accused the Crimean Tatars of collaborating with the enemy, the German Nazis – a baseless allegation that led to the unimaginable horror of genocide by deportation.
My great-grandfather was at the front, fighting those same Nazis whom he was accused of collaborating with. So the Soviet soldiers found at home just his wife and four children – the youngest one only a few months old. The soldiers gave them 15 minutes to gather their belongings and did not stop hitting my great-grandmother with their guns as she struggled to pack.
They marched them out of the house and – along with other families from their home village of Ayserez – hoarded loaded them onto a train meant for transporting cattle. The wagons were packed with people and there were no toilets on them; people struggled to breathe. No food or water was provided on the long journey, during which my grandmother’s family remained unaware of their destination.
Exhausted and starved, they focused solely on survival as hunger and disease killed many along the way. One of the most traumatising memories of the journey for my grandmother was witnessing a pregnant woman give birth on the train and then pass away shortly after. A Soviet soldier threw her body out of the wagon while the train kept moving.
After 20 days on the train, they finally arrived at Golodnaya Steppe station in the Mirzachul region of Uzbekistan, where they were unceremoniously unloaded onto a scorching hot platform. With no money or support, they struggled to survive in this unknown land.
They settled in a dilapidated barrack with no roof, windows, or doors. Their food consisted of grass, nettle, potato peels, and rotten potatoes; their drinking water came from irrigation ditches and often caused dysentery. There was no medical assistance available; the Soviet authorities clearly wanted as many Crimean Tatars to die as possible.
The forced deportation of the Crimean Tatars to Central Asia resulted in the death of 46 percent of the population, leaving a gaping wound in the hearts of those who survived. It was the culmination of a century and a half of deliberate and systematic destruction of the Crimean Tatar people, heritage and culture after the subjugation of the Crimean state by Russian imperial forces in the late 18th century. It is on this obliteration of the Crimean Tatars that the bloody myth of Crimea as a “Russian territory” was built.
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hostess-of-horror · 1 month ago
Count Galak x Victim!Reader Headcanons
💕⚰️🪲A Late Valentine's Day Special!👑🍬💕
Note: Okay, so, this one I just had to do and it is gonna be late by the time I post this, but whatever! I was chatting with my buddy @sneklover earlier ago and she inspired me to make a very self-indulgent Vampire!King Candy post. This is going to be based off of my Turboratu: An Arcade Game of Horror AU and you, my lovely reader, will be His Chosen One...
@sneklover @tiramegtoons/@sliceoflifesalami @starleska @snailstrailz @starryside-1 @depressedasswarlock @crispytubes @pippengin @simpingforcys @blackthewolf17 and anyone else who wants to read this!
Content Includes: Gender Neutral Reader, Slight Suggestiveness but SFW in general (this is a vampire AU, so lots of blood-drinking and hicki- I mean, biting), themes of death, some gore, spoilers for Nosferatu (the films from 1922, 1979, and 2024) and for Wreck-It-Ralph
Fun Facts about this AU:
The name "Galak" is actually the name of a real white chocolate candy bar that was released in the UK and Switzerland! I tried to find a German candy to name Vampire!King Candy after but this was the closest thing to "Count Orlok" I could find.
The victim in this AU is supposed to be an OC named Helena (a.k.a. Ellen Hutter); the reader will not be named after her, however they will be based on her!
The entire plot is essentially the original plot of Nosferatu but with Wreck-It-Ralph characters - honestly, this is nothing more than a silly little crossover for funsies, so if you want to do any fan art or fanfiction based on it, go right ahead!
The whole thing started with this little venn diagram here:
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As usual, click on the name/title for a love song!
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Count Galak, the Turboratu
You had the premonition since your beloved Felix left for his journey.
For years, you had been haunted by visions of a dark specter, a shadow engulfing all life and light until everything becomes nothing.
Nothing but a desolate land of death where you and that very specter live happily together...
You tried to tell Felix not to go, but such an opportunity was much too important for him not to take it.
It would bring prosperity to you both, yes, but why must he go away so soon?
Nevertheless, you supported him, giving him a token of love for his travels, and watched in abject despair as he left.
But of course, you were not completely alone; Felix's companions, Ralph and Vanellope, were to watch over you while he was away.
He knew of your... melancholy and he would die at the thought of you succumbing into horrible heartache.
You loved him, you really did, and he you.
But even the purest form of love between newlyweds wasn't enough to stave off the nightmares.
Ralph and Vanellope, bless their hearts, they did what they could to cheer you up.
Walks along the Game Central Station, trips to Tapper's, even a race or two, but all in vain.
You could not shake the feeling of doom approaching the Arcade. Some infestation breaking loose.
And sure enough, you were right. And by all that is good, you wished you were wrong.
As the weeks went by, Felix was nowhere to be found, and slowly the world became... sicker.
A plague had taken hold on one of the ships, owned by the prestigious Captain Calhoun, and through this vessel, it laid siege upon the other games.
Cybugs. Carriers of death, consumers of life.
They crawled from the depths of whatever hellish pit they came from and ate their way into everyone's life.
Many fell, leaving helpless souls to be gameless, or worse unplugged.
As this plague began to rise, your darling husband came back.
Felix was beyond frightened - he had seen a monster far more horrible than anything he could ever comprehend.
He was paler, visibly shaken, and upon his neck were two small hole-like wounds that hadn't healed since they were first made.
During his recovery, he warned everyone of this man, this demon, the power he held, and worst of all, he was coming for you!
While Felix, Ralph, Vanellope, and Captain Calhoun, made their plans to fight the source of the plague, you were told to stay put.
From Felix's journey, he had acquired a small book on fearsome creatures of the night, given to him by one of the locals from the game he visited.
"When the sun has set and the moon rises over the sleeping land, from the grave rises the Turboratu - the Prince of Cybugs, Lord of the Night - to drain the coding of his victims. Immortal as he is, the only thing that can end this evil beast is for an uncorrupted game character to offer themselves in willing sacrifice. Thus his hunger shall distract him long enough until Litwik's Arcade opens."
Reading those words was enough to ignite that spark of courage in your heart.
You waited until nighttime, when at that moment you feigned a terrible fainting spell so that Felix could leave you alone as he rushed out to find a doctor.
You knew the Count was living right across from your game, as you've heard from Felix's accounts, and you made sure to gain his attention.
And sure enough, he was watching you from its entrance. Unblinkingly.
There were no words between you two; you didn't need to say anything to him.
You had opened a window of opportunity for him, and the Turboratu gladly accepted the invitation.
As you lie in your bed, dressed in white and surrounded by lilacs, Count Galak's shadow loomed from the curtains into your bedroom.
It reached to grasp its claws onto your bosom, your beating heart, your tender throat, your code.
His power and the indescribable, horrible pleasure it came with overwhelmed you in ways your husband, your darling Fix-It-Felix, could never.
Soon, you were staring into the eyes of your dark specter. You were his affliction. You were his destiny as he was yours.
Count Galak appeared before you in his truest form - a terrifying abomination between himself and the physical attributes of a Cybug.
And in this form did he prey upon you, as gently as he could, and began to drink from your bare neck.
The monster's teeth sunk into your flesh as his talons softly caressed your figure and hair.
For so long, you had to repress your melancholy for the betterment of everyone around you.
You knew deep down it caused a constant sense of burden, even to those you loved so dearly.
But not to him. Not to the Turboratu.
He savored every moment, every pain, every swallow of lifeblood, every lick of his lips was ecstasy.
He had been craving you for a long time.
Soon, your mind began to drown into a numbing sensation as your weakened eyes began to see the glint of dawn's light.
You sigh your last breath.
This was the moment that you, his corpse bride, and he, your dark specter, would die as lovers in your wedding bed.
And the Arcade is finally saved.
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