#world obesity day
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perezfecto · 14 days ago
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Digo, si vamos a conmemorar el #DíaMundialDeLaObesidad hablemos de lo que nadie habla. Y no: no estamos promoviendo la vida “poco saludable”. Estamos promoviendo una cultura saludable, y eso es más que alimentación, gimnasia y exámenes médicos. No puedes esperar que sociedades enfermas produzcan gente sana.
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pat7garcia · 1 year ago
Welcome to #RRBC’s 2nd Annual “A DAY IN MY LIFE” 30-Day Blogging Challenge! @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @pat_garcia
Happy National Grammar Day, National Salt Awareness Day, and World Obesity Day DAY 4, MARCH 4, 2024 Good Morning To All!First, here’s something to laugh about.😄The day before yesterday, I had beautiful sunshine. Yesterday too. My co-host of the RNH Show (Raters Not Haters Show) has been visiting my blog posts during the challenge, and I wrote about how sunny the day had been. He commented on my…
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heavyhand61 · 6 months ago
I have prepared my dream (and probably unrealistic) time line for a feedee
Starting at the day then move in
First 6 months
All prior commitments will be cancelled (work, schooling, ect)
All social medial accounts that don't revolve around feedisum will be blanked out
There will be a push to sign you up for every available feedist community (more extreme the better
Daily calorie intake will sit around the 4000cal mark
Next 6 months
Contact with anyone not completely in support of your goal of immobility will be broken
You will have regular posts about your gains on any and all available feedist platforms
Any content that does not revolve around obesity and weight gain will be banned
An expected gain of 40-60lbs a year
First year
Trips from the house will be limited
Decreasing step limits will be applied
Most media will be replaced with feedist porn
10000cal minimum per day
1 funnel feeding per day
Increase rate of post of feedist content
Second year
Leaving the house will be disallowed
Trips from bed or couche will be severely limited
15000+ cal minimum per day
3 funnel feeding per day
Clothes will be disallowed
Only consumable content will be extreme feedist porn
Any communication on social media will be limited to extreme feeders and other pro death feedist feedees
Expected 100+ lbs per year gain
Third year
Any movement beyond 3 steps must be done by scooter or wheelchair
Minimum 4h of viewing extreme feedist porn per day
25000cal+ per day
Tube feeding is standard aside from the occasional food "treat"
Must spend 4+ hours a day tube feeding
Forth year
Involuntary immobility, you will be confined to bed regardless of current mobility status
35000+ Cal per day minimum, to be consumed primarily as fats and sugars cut with only a minimum of nutrition supplement
Every hour from wakeup to sleep will involve tube feeding and a constant stream of the most extreme feedist porn
Sleep will be deferred if calorie goal has not been met
Fifth year
24/7 live stream of you're immobile fourm
50000 cal minimum
All windows blocked, all clocks removed, no indicators of date or time
Feeding tube lives in your mouth
Diet is mostly fats
Sixth plus years (don't expect to survive this long)
No contact with outside world, other feedist included
24/7 feedist hypno playing for you
Feeding tube size increased and feed slop made even less healthy and even more fattening
Start of year calorie goal of 100000+ an additional 1000 a week to be added to the minimum every week for the rest of your life
Six years and I plan on taking you from a normal healthy person to the perfect feedee, no thought, no life, just growing, growing GROWING, all that matters is growing all that matters is more all that matters is your life cut short by obesity
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thatguywhofedme · 30 days ago
❤️🐷 Never enough 🐷❤️
You know when you asked me how fat I wanted you when we first met ? I thought you were joking
You knew exactly what I was into the moment you saw me watching you stuff that greedy mouth of yours like the good piggy you already were , already a hefty 330 lbs, all belly like I love with a massive double chin, taking food by the fistful, barely chewing as you swallowed it all, not caring about who could be looking until we locked eyes
You were curious at first, it wasn't the usual look of curiosity or disgust you were used to, you saw me looking with a big smile on my face, until I got up, went to your table and asked if I could sit with you, you were shy at first, it wasn't everyday you were approached by someone who seemed to be interested in you while having food crumbs and stains all over you
From the moment I sat down I was completely honest with you, I told you how much I love your fat body and enjoy seeing you stuff yourself
You were as red as a beet, meeting someone into you who wasn't miles away behind a screen, complimenting you shamelessly in front of everyone never happened to you and before you could reply, I took one of your many greasy cheeseburgers, dipped it in your extra mayo and put it in front of you, ready to get fed, without a second thought you took it in between your greedy lips, almost putting the entire thing in your mouth while I was busy caressing your fat face, cleaning it little by little as I sucked ketchup from my finger, looking at you with envy like you've never seen before
You knew I was going to make you eat like there's no tomorrow each and every day, stuffing you like it's your last meal on death row with nothing to lose
And that's exactly what you were looking for
As the months went by and we got to know more from one another, we told each other what we were into and no surprise there, we were both into feedism and extreme weight gain
During that time your body went through some drastic changes
Your stretch marks got even brighter, your belly got even heavier, wider and most importantly, lower as it almost reached your knees as they slapped against the bottom of it while you barely waddle a couple of steps before needing your walker and oxygen, your face got so fat you couldn't really look down, what was the point anyway with me taking care of you like the prized piggy you are
We celebrated 500 lbs with a three tiered cake on all fours, or at least as best you can with all this fat making it impossible for you to move much as I took you from behind, grabbing your rolls for support as I made you hungrier with each orgasm, always wanting more with each fucking
One night I decided to try some darker themes when it came to having some fun and see where it goes, telling you I want you immobile, unable to do anything except getting fed and fucked all day long while I take care of you with some sponge baths, funnel feed you pure lard and feeding you sticks of butter dipped in sugar by the dozen, clogging those arteries while making you wheeze like crazy with each breath even with your oxygen to the max and giving you as much as it can, knowing full well there's more greasy food than air getting into this extremely obese body of yours
It certainly clicked for you as you came seconds after I said all those things and I knew I had the perfect piggy to fatten up beyond any limits we could think of
It wasn't long after before you needed a bariatric bed with me as your fulltime caretaker, feeder and lover
You were scared at first, not knowing if you could adjust to your new lifestyle, but with me making you feel like you're on top of the world, making you cum over and over again as the tube above you is slowly pumping your gut full of grease and lard to incredible sizes, which by now has grown so incredibly fat, it goes further than your feet and is almost nearing the end of the bed
We both look at the heart monitor often ever since your second heart attack, not because we worry about it, God no !!!
More so from morbid curiosity, wondering when it will be your last time clutching your chest, knowing full well it'll be a massive turn on for the both of us
So to answer your question, there's no answer for me to provide
We both know you can never be fat enough and we need to keep on making you fatter for as long as we can, no matter what happens, that body needs more lard and it needs it now
It's not because you're over 700 lbs that I'm going to take it easy on you, on the contrary, you know i'll fatten you up even faster with no end I'm sight
I can't wait for that heart monitor to stop beeping, knowing we both accomplished our goal and made you the greatest death piggy to ever live
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deesseshesca · 5 months ago
PAC : How can u express your affection to your partner while having sex ? (18+)
Oh...Today drain me...
Good evening pretty souls ! I am so excited ... IS OFFICIALLY KINKTOBER ! DAY : 17-18
You want to have a more detailed readings (for 2.22$), you can join my Chérie d'Amour (soul tribe)
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Strenght (reverse), knight of wands (reverse),8 cups, 9 pentacles 
You guys are very photogenic. Your friends love taking pictures of you and may even do it without you knowing. Y’all are very aesthetically pleasing people. On the other hand, y’all can’t not take a good picture to save yourself. You are incapable of finding the angle or even placing the phone properly, worse than boomers for some. Which ends up pissing off your friends. Y’all are not tech savvy. We are lucky you even know how to use your phone. 
The way you show your affection is by having no control on the relationship. Wherever the flow brings y’all, you cool with it. You don’t care for labels and you are down for literally anything. Don’t care and you will never care for the title ‘’ relationship’’, you don’t mind being ‘’just friends’’ forever. You guys can move in together, fuck each other cuddle, go to hopsital appointment and share y’all deepest secret and even convince a kid with no title. You will not have shame or even be scared to explain your situation to people around you because you don’t mind how unorthodox it is. That being said for technicalities, you will allow your partner to explore sexual endeavors with other people. Even allowing them to hold their own independence meaning living in the same house but sleeping in different bedrooms. If y’all share an abundance with each other, you can share a mansion. Like the east side is yours and the south side is his/hers. You will show your affection by holding no taboo against them. They can possess any sex toys; they might  even introduce you to their sex dolls, if they feel like it. Y’all may not even have sex at all… some of y’all is giving lavender marriage. Maybee ? I don’t know ? I have no clear indication of such but the way I am writing it, it sure sounds like it. Another way to show your affection is by  accepting their belief, y’all may have different religion or practice. Lastly you may show your affection  by not expecting anything material from them  (which lowkey breaks one of the principles  of Lavender marriage …). You don’t expect a ring, a car, or even roses on valentine day’s. All things said , it is really a show of going with the flow. If they decide to do it, you don’t mind doing it too. If they dim all the little gestures unnecessary then so do you. Ultimately your ‘’ no pressure’’ attitude is going to be the best way you show affection to them which can simulate their sexual appetite. 
💌 : FIND OUT, How your partner use their fingers in the bedroom ? on Ko-fi.
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Queen swords, 4 swords, 7 pentacles (reverse), 2 pentacles
Y’all are adopted. Y’all were in the system until 10 years old ( max ) then your life took another turn for the best. You always loved your adoptive family. They always welcomed you and poured into you. The whole family is always showering you with gifts, affection and support but you need an answer. You got them, you quickly realize that you dodge the bullet. Your biological family may be very abusive. 
The way you show your affection with your partner in a sexual setting starts with foreplay. You may indulge in giving your full attention to them. You are the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend for nerds. You will let them rant bout all the rules in the new fantasy world in which they are obese about while giving them the ‘’fuck me’’ eyes. You have beautiful brown eyes with stars in them when you are looking at something that you love. Sex apart, they love the way you look at them. You make them feel like the most loved human  being with only a look from you. The appreciation, tenderness, passion all of it in the iris of your eyes is making them love sick. Back to the sex, the way you listen and UNDERSTAND (at least try) make them feel fucking special. You even go as far as engaging in conversation with them which they looooove. Even when you are clumsy with the concept of a subject you don’t get mad when they correct you. Artists would be the perfect pair for you too. Not only are you the perfect muse (we are going to get into it later…) but you are a smart one. You don’t mind diving into the critics of philosopher, you don’t mind debating who is the best musician of the Renaissance, you don’t mind sitting down and letting your partner paint your back when they are overstimulated and you don’t mind listening to your partner singing for hours until they find perfect note. You have the patience of a God and that makes them want to give it all to you. Honestly you love discussing and especially debating because that’s why you turn on. So everything I listed is something they naturally do and everything is a way to get your panties wet/cock hard. Yes, paint on bareback and let your hand caress. Yes, sing to me how good I make you feel in between  the sheets. Yes, debate the principle of Aristotle  with me and show your passion. I love how you are trying to make your point while at the same focusing on my juicy lips.  Ok! Pile 2, your energy fully took over for a minute. Another way you show your affection is by making sure they reach their orgasm. It doesn't matter if they are tired after going hammers into you and making you cum at least 3 times.It doesn't matter if you are worn out. You need them to cum or you are dying … Ok a bit dramatic… (I feel like y’all are natural drama queen/king). You will give them a handjob  or you will rub their clit. You will do what is require for with the power still left in you to deliver your duty (Like I said fucking dramatic). Plus you will love to dive into the pleasure of a long intensive edging session, y’all can go for weeks edging. Playing with each other without actually reaching the sinful need of the body. Building the orgasm with each other and not cheating even when  you are really really really horny. Is almost a principle of respect for you. Lastly, you are acceptive of them in the bedroom. You don’t shame them for their kinks, you encourage them to go for it. You allow an open and affectionate communication for y’all to discuss y'all fantasy, kinks , experience, need, want, desire, etc… 
💌 : Also don't feel bad because you have leaned on your partner through out the whole quest to your roots adventure. While you were trying to puzzle the truth regarding your identity, your partner felt needed and not at all annoyed. So relief yourself from that guilt. They are fine. FIND OUT, How your partner use their fingers in the bedroom ? on Ko-fi.
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9 wands (reverse), 2 cups, Knight wands, Tower (reverse) 
Y’all are going through it mentally. You are deep in a depression rut. Y’all are victime of sexual harassment and you are healing. Is not as bad as it was but you know… sometimes the voice gets loud all over again. I am sending all the love I can,your way. You and I know it is going to get better and that the worse will pass. You just need to hang in there until you find the pace and you power back again. You knew your ex before y’all became a couple. He was a good friend when the accident happened and he came back into your life. He did not mean to leave you, you know we get busy with life and distance gets created.  Naturally the Divine opens a path for you to welcome them back into your life. Then you open up and it was good and got very bad again. So you decide to cut the relationship so you can heal some more without being a burden. They are going insane Pile 3. Don’t get me wrong, they are respecting your choice. But I have the vision of someone tearing up while doing their homework. Everytime they get back into their apartment at the end of the day, they literally get in a fetus position for a good 5 minutes reminiscing about you. They pray often which is ironic since they never believe in God or anything like that. Begging them to give them your pain and leaving you alone. That you suffer enough. The tears also are not something they do. Is not that they are emotionally available, they are just very masculine . 
This section of the reading is from their POV . 
They love making love to you. They love caressing you. They love your cellulite. They love your small boobs, they love your stomach, they love your thick tights ( I’m so sorry but I need to say that I am fucking rooting for them. Out here pushing through the tears to deliver the message. Ironic, I rarely get REALLY emotional. If only you could feel what I am feeling …) and they love your hair  (another message came through, One of your ex told you he hurted you because you were ugly and that he cheated because he loved blond … your man (I know y’all are not together but I am FUCKING rooting fo them) is screaming : I LOVE YOUR BROWN HAIR !). They kissed every part of you because they wished to make all the bad memories go away. They wish they could erase any trace of your abuser away. Is not about lust, it is all about the true passion that goes straight to their dick when they see you. Is not about owning you or winning you over. Is about protecting you and giving you the love you always deserve. They love having sex with you. When y’all were together, you could not keep y’all hands off each other. In a fucked up way you brain twisted that damm information (swear I am not mad at your brain, she is a victim too. So she is doing anything in her power to protect herself) making you feel that they only want you because of sex. Because that’s all a man can ever want from you. That’s all you are good for. You are undeserving of love because you are broken good ( Yes… Is me … again … YOU ARE NOT FUCKING BROKEN GOOD ! YOU HEARD ME ! You better tell your brain to get her shit together real quick. Is going to take time but let’s start by dropping the concept that you are damaged goods. I don’t want you to EVER think that.) The reality is they love you so much they can’t resist you. The mere fact that they can indulge in your affection is their biggest blessing. They are so grateful (Going back to their prayers, they are grateful that the Divine kept you alive and safe until you came back to them) that they get to share intimate moments with you. That you even let them see you in that seductive light. There’s nothing you can, God can do, I can do that's going to stop them from going back to you. There’s nothing that happens to you no matter how bad it is, that’s going to disgust them . There's nothing you can do that’s going to make them run away. Ever since you came back into their life, the flowers bloom, the sun shines and the birds chip. You brought the color back into their life. You brought joy to the mundane. Sex with you is an explosion of good feelings, fireworks even. They love sliding into you, seeing your face twisting in pleasure not in pain. A pleasure they are giving you and a pain they are protecting you from, safe in his presence . They often push you to keep your eyes focused on them because they want you to see you are safe. You are loved and you choose a good one proving you it was never your fault. Nothing you could have done was worth that punishment. 
How can you cope with your sexual wound ? 
Spirit has an extra message dedicated to you. 
The ultimate problem of this relationship is the perception of yourself. Before we get any further, I am not here to hurt you (Trust me, I understand you more than you think). You need to contextualize what happened to you. Maybe you are not ready to get help, maybe you are not ready to talk about… fuck maybe you just not ready to deal with it but you need to realize that he is not him. I understand that your brain wants to protect you from all the ‘’him’’. Maybe repeat to yourself out loud, ‘’ (His name) is not my enemy. He is my true lover’’ everyday while you're taking a shower. When  you are caressing your body with soap, remind her, she is ok with (his name). Is important that you precise the name for your body to understand that only him at least with him everything is alright. You need to find a way to make your brain and body understand that he is your protector and lover. Because your soul knows he is home. You may not know about the rest and you got hurt by the rest but him… never him … he is all love. I know you are suffering but keeping him away is killing y'all more than you think. I am not telling you to break your boundaries or get back with him, now. You can shoot him a text. Small text here and there, telling him, you are ok , you ate. It can even be random as you telling him you are watching your favorite TV show. Let your brain get used to craving intimacy at a healthy pace.  Plus it will greatly ease his mind. Please stop dissociating while you are having sex (Bestie speaking from experience, don’t do it because it can become a habit … when that happens … you will try anything to go back to feeling something …), if you feel like you can’t do it, express it. I don’t care if you are in the middle of an act. I don’t care if you feel horny but you got triggered. I DON’T CARE … take a break, regulate your nervous system and come back. Last let yourself heal, there’s no race when it come to this fuck up mess. Stop comparing yourself to your past and let yourself discover the new you, who survive one of the most terrorizing situations. Much love Chérie d’Amour, you got this and I DO … love you. 
💌 : FIND OUT, How your partner use their fingers in the bedroom ? on Ko-fi.
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luvmanifesting · 2 months ago
More information about my world!
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(sorryyy for spam post 😓 im just really excited)
yk how earth has a sound around the planet right? and so does the other planets and whatever well for my planet it’ll have like a soft beat around it! (maybe a soft fairy-ish sound idk how to explain it)
my planet is the 4th planet from the sun
magic exists heavily in that world but its controlled magic
time does not exist in regards to my post here where i said everyone is immortal
SOME animals can talk (cats, dogs, foxes, sea lions, penguins, bears, elephants and wolves and bunnies)
ocean animals are friendly to humans (that is unless you disturb them or try to kill them)
the species that exist in this world are called “Liminoids” (get it..? “limi” as in like “limitless?” no? just me?☹️)
yes cars and planes exist but they run solely on like magic energy so it doesn’t ruin the planet
zoo’s will not exist in this world every animal lives in healthy environment thats immune to damage
even though i said time doesn’t exist this planet will traditionally celebrate something similar to new years but instead of like “yayy 365 days has passed!!” no we’ll be celebrating the life this planet has given us and we’ll all do something good to the planet as thankfulness. the fireworks will be used from magic!
the planet is free from any type of universal damage
everyone in this world is born with an element but that element won’t activate until the age of 16 (immortality again, people can still age by numbers but their body will not change. they will still look like a person in their 20s people can select their age here whenever they turn 18)
foods here will not make people overweight or obese (you can gain muscle)
instead of regular hair colors people in this world are born with various colors or 1 color
(im still thinking about it) maybe i’ll add like a special machine to where the people in this planet would maybe like to travel to earth! (they would be given procedures to keep their identity safe)
every country is ran by a healthy, stable SMART and fair monarch. (people still have freedom and equality its just to maintain world order)
cheating isn’t allowed in this planet, if found out; a persons partner is given 2 options. 1 remove this persons immorality and sentence them to death or 2 forever punishment
theres a big dome where certain countries come to entertain other countries with cool events
alsooo if you guys wanna shift to test it out then you can! you’re only given 7 hours though. you’ll be granted a little watch that has a timer. and you can only visit this place 4 times! please be respectful there though. its still in progress! here are some pictures to what the planet looks like from being on it! (some are AI though)
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i’m still working on what the PLANET itself would look like :p
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drdemonprince · 2 months ago
I’m part of a large kink group on Facebook. Like 40k+ people. I love it because people ask for help about anything and everything and members of the group are supportive and positive and it’s like “trading cookie recipe” level normal regardless of what is asked. Except like when there is obvious dubious shit going down with bad boundaries, lack of clear consent etc. people are honest and give good advice about that.
However I saw a post a few days ago that kinda stumped me. It was in response to another post that got taken down and I didn’t see it so not sure of context but basically post was about feeding fetishes. And how that OP who removed their post should not be encouraging something that is so inherently bad for someone’s health. It talked a Lot about being fat and the toll on the healthcare system and how this person should be asking why they’re attracted to that and doing some inner work. Then went on to say it is basically the Most harmful form of kink or fetish because it makes people unhealthy and then a burden on the healthcare system. It tried to come off like out of concern for people’s health and wellbeing but really just stank of fat phobia and shaming people for being into kinks that involve fat people, therefore shaming the fat people themselves.
What kinda got to me was that no one was challenging them. So I didn’t feel comfortable jumping in like maybe I’m in the wrong and this is the general consensus out there? I am fat, enjoy kink although not into the whole feeding thing personally.
The idea that someone should sit down with someone else and ask a bunch of questions about their fat kinks and why they feel this way when it’s generally accepted that even things like cnc and rapeplay etc are not questioned (because it would be weird for people to act like your therapist before wanting to fuck you) is so strange to me.
I guess their point was that feeding kinks are encouraging over eating and obesity which is bad, but other kinks could arguably be also inflicting physical pain and also reinforcing emotional distress and yet we’re not all out there trying to be doctors for each other…
I don’t know it was just weird. Wondered what your thoughts are on it.
Nah, they're full of shit and fatphobic and you can tell that by the fact they're spreading the usual concern-trolling unscientific nonsense about *besity and health. They're disgusted by fat and by the idea a person might actively want to become fat and couching it in the language of concern, replicating the exact disgust-as-morality cueing that the sex negative Puritans would against them. It's bullshit but it's incredibly commonplace. Even some fat people wring their hands against feedism/gaining/fat fetish stuff because of their own internalized respectability politics, but it's bunk, because if there's nothing wrong with loving fat people or finding them desirable, or with enjoying being fat, then there's no shame in wanting to become fat or wanting the world to have more fat people.
Feedism, gaining, fat fetishism are all great. It's great to derive sexual pleasure from being fat or being with fat partners, and it's lovely to want to become more fat. More people should do it.
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 3 months ago
Glamour shots : the jock
Jake walked into the old man’s shop for his appointment. He was going to get his head shots taken for his model agency and he needed them to be done great.
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Standing in front of the old man’s shop while he shakily put his old camera together, Jake began to get loud and obnoxious. Asking the old man why it was taking him so long. Was he shaking because he was looking at the body of perfection! Jake shouted at the old man to get his camera together fast and take his photo. He wanted to be out of here in time to make it to his party tonight that was going to launch his career into the catwalks so he could show of his Adonis like physique. The old man grinned with his head under the black draping behind the camera “say I’m hungry !” Jake was thrown off by this. Say cheese was one thing but this? “IM HUNGRY” he shouted letting the old man have some fun. The old man giggled to himself and whispered “oh yes you are…”
Jake left the shop not even noticing anything has happened. His eyes glued to his phone as he continued to txt girls talking about what he planed to do them later. He didn’t notice people looking at him staring. Looking down he seen his normal body. But to the rest of world they seen a large man. Hairy gut large as a beach ball sticking out in front of him. His gut poking out from under a too small shirt that bounced with every step. Round checks that were covered in thick stubble. Massive arms that had a thick layer of fat on them and legs that were the same.
When Jake got home he went to the bathroom and for the first time seen his reflection as the rest of the world seen him.
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Jake blacked out from shock and when he came to she stood up. Looked in the mirror and the. Back down at his beautiful muscled body. Everything he seen didn’t make sense. In the mirror he seen an obese man who over indulged in food and lacked any sense of shaving. And yet he looked down and see his gorgeous muscular frame ! He needed to find out what was going on! He heard a knock at his door and when he answered his agent was there and stepped back quickly “sorry. I thought Jake was here” and quickly turned away with a look of disgust.
Jake was mortified ! Does everyone see this fat man now instead of him?! This was the first time he went back to his phone and his facial recognization wouldn’t work! Turning on the front facing camera we was shocked. It was not his reflection but that of that hairy fat man he seen in the bathroom! He ran back to the photo shop. When he got back he was sweating up a storm. To the world they seen an extremely hairy man dripping sweat down his massive body. Sweat soaking through a white shirt that showed how hairy he was under it. His massive chest and gut rising with each breath he took. “What did you do to me!” He demanded of the old man. The old man just laughed. And waived the headshot in front of him. “You said you were hungry Jake. I thought it was appropriate to fix that!” And at that moment the old man snickered “you know Jake? This pi you’re he looks nothing like you!” He held up the photo of Jake and he seen the perfect Adonis body he worked so hard for. And in one quick motion the old man ripped the photo in half causing a right light to take over the room.
When Jake was able to see again he found he had stumbled back into a chair. Looking down he began to scream as he no longer would see the body he worked so hard for. Now he seen the glamour as if it were real. A massive hairy gut stuck out in front of him resting on his lap. His stomach churned painfully for the first time ever and groaned as if he hadn’t ate in days. The old man was laughing as he walked closer to Jake “there Jake. You said you were hungry and I’ve seen fit to make sure you’re not only just always hungry. You’re going to look like the obese man you’re going to eat yourself into being !” And with that Jake chubby cheeks began to have tears drip down them. Because Jake was hungry. Extremely hungry. And he could tell this weight was never going to leave him.
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dthefeeder · 3 months ago
Oh baby you used to be on top of the world. An all-state swimmer. You had a toned body all the other girls would kill for. Boys drooled for. But then college changed all that.
You decided not to swim at college, but at first remained active. Slowly though, you went away from healthy eating. More fast food, more snacking in your dorm, more sugary coffees and sodas. Then, the working out slowly stopped too.
Most girls would gain evenly at first, but not you. You gained all in your belly and it was super noticeable. Your abs disappeared by Thanksgiving. In their place was a soft, jiggly potbelly. Lovehandles jutted out from your sides. Thighs thickened, ass widened. Your face bloated.
You tried to fight it. Tried to work out again. Tried to swim again. But it was no use. You were under a fattening spell of fast food. And snacking. Binging. Drinking.
Then one day you sat down in an old desk for class. The only class that used them.
You heard it groan when you sat down, but thought nothing of it. It was just old and a bit rusty. Then, the next thing you knew you heard a snap and found yourself on the floor.
Your fatass had broken a chair. You, the former all-state swimmer. Former, hottest girl in school. You head gasps. Laughs. Whispers. Some guys came to help you up and struggled to. You heard girls whisper what a fatass, isn’t she always stuffing her face?
But something changed that day. You didn’t want to be just a girl anymore, did you? You wanted to be more. A pig? No, even better. A hog. A hog that only wanted to eat.
So you did. 200 pounds quickly turned into 260, where you are now. You’re more belly than girl now. A true hog. Oinking for more.
But you’re not done yet. Not until I tell you that you are hog.
Now be a good girl and oink for me. And thrust yourself further into obesity.
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obesogen · 1 year ago
I care more about fat than anything else.
When I make excuses to not see people so I can spend my time just sitting in my room, thinking about obesity and looking at the fattest people ever to be alive, or drawings of people fatter than our present reality allows, I wonder–––
Everyone who knows me knows I'm a bit flaky. A few who know me very well know I am prone to using porn and fantasy to disappear from the world.
No one knows what I really do, though. No one knows how deep this goes, how old it is. No one understands how powerful, how uncontrollable, and how unlimited my lust for fat really is.
They don't know much time I spend every day just thinking about fat. How I spend hours and hours every day and every night looking at photos, videos, gifs, and artwork universally depicting bodies on the furthest, ragged extremes of obesity, and beyond.
They don't know how, if I could find them, I would devote the rest of my life to the care and further fattening of a nearly immobile partner. The thought of my mega obese love rolling down the aisle at our wedding towards me in their extra-wide power wheelchair, sporting enormous, bespoke attire because they are far too fat for any available clothing, immensely fat and soon to be only even more so with me at their side, fills me with such contentment to imagine.
I would cut ties with anyone in my life in a heartbeat for a life spent devoted to my massively obese partner. I see us hiding ourselves away from a world that doesn't understand our love. They swell bigger every day, with every drive-thru run, every pint of ice cream, every 2-liter of soda, hundreds and hundreds of grams of sugar every few hours, practically on a drip.
I care more about fat than anything else.
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plumpybread · 1 month ago
Would love an explanation for your Inazuma cast's weight! I know Itto starts gaining as a sign of rebellion, right? What about the others?
Of course! The Inazuman guys are very interesting, since the nation is infamous in the AU for being extremely anti-obesity and the polar opposite of Fontaine, but most of them have unique reasons behind going against the status quo:
He had always been an extremely disciplined young man and a formidable leader in the troops he lead, but there was something he found out that soon began to challenge his self-restraint; the secret illegal smuggling of Fontainian food conducted by the Fatui to purposefully fatten up and weaken Watatsumi Island's troops without their knowledge. A strange surge of obesity had sparked between the men of Watatsumi as months went by, not understanding why the food they ate was so much more addictive and tasty than they remembered.
Gorou did the best he could to get his peers on the field and to avoid overindulging, but even he had began falling victim to the drastic power of Fontainian food, heavily struggling to get back in shape no matter how much he exercised every day, and starting to get worried on what the future might hold.
After the decline and fall of the Kaedehara clan, Kazuha escaped from Inazuma, barely making it alive from the soldier's pursuit. With a new outlook in life, he decided he wanted a life full of the freedom he never had. As a temporary member of Beidou's ship crew, he began enjoying the little things in life, such as food and beer, lots of beer.
His belly quickly began bloating in size as months went by, taut and round, a sign of his newfound joy in constant drinking with friends, and he could not care less. If anything, it just made him happy, he'd gotten used enough to his chiseled abs, maybe getting fat was simply more his style now.
I had always envisioned Heizou to be a heavier guy. Although Inazuma has very low obesity rates, it's not 0%, and some guys just grew up pretty fat and never got around losing the weight. He had likely been born with a very slow metabolism, which simply lead to weight piling on easily.
He's a bit rebellious in nature, so he might get a little kick knowing he's way fatter than what people want him to be. He doesn't plan on losing weight nor is he actively wishing to get fatter, he's simply content with his appearance, and if he ends up gaining more weight, so be it!
Scaramouche, once a puppet of the Raiden Shogun herself, set free to live freely, became a mentally scarred, evil Fatui Harbinger after a life filled with betrayal. After being defeated by Aether and Nahida in Sumeru, he chose to erase his existence from the world and assumed a new identity as a nameless Wanderer, seeking redemption and a fresh start in life.
Though most of his memory of his past life had been completely erased from his mind, he still felt an internal disdain for Inazuma and its values, which is why he felt a very odd, comforting feeling when he looked at his body in the mirror and he noticed he had gained some weight.
Since assuming his new identity as a wanderer, he had allowed his own body to start growing as fat as it wanted. He visited many restaurants throughout Sumeru and did not deprive himself from enjoying good food to its fullest. His fatness brought him a joy and comfort that he couldn't put into words, and he knew he didn't plan on actively gaining weight, but watching his stomach hang lower and his limbs grow plusher month after month made him very happy.
Like most men born in Mondstadt, Thoma was quite heavy since early on in his life, and he was likely going to be just as obese as everyone else in the city when he grew up. Unfortunately, when he went to delivery Dandelion Wine to Inazuma one day at a young age, he became stranded due to unforseen circumstances.
Despite being an outsider, Thoma's sociable nature and adeptness at building connections allowed him to integrate seamlessly into Inazuman society and grant himself some easy jobs. However, due to him being on his own and struggling with money, he lost weight easily, some days even spent starving after not being able to make enough to eat that day.
When he was an adult, he earned the trust of the Kamisato Clan, and was brought on to live with them while he worked as a housekeeper, taking on responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning, and managing household affairs.
Kamisato Ayato, the head of the Kamisato clan and a young man of similar age to Thoma, quickly grew affectionate of him, and wanted to know everything about Thoma. One day, he confessed to Ayato the fact that he used to be pretty big in the past when he lived in Mondstadt, and how his upbringing in Inazuma caused him to lose all the weight as he now had a very lean, toned body. Ayato's interest was immediately piqued. He suggested in that silver-tongued way of his that he might want to look into gaining weight and embracing his Mondstadtian culture, and Thoma simply didn't want to disappoint Ayato.
Some years down the line, Thoma blew up and became undeniably obese. His body was fat all over, and he huffed and puffed and waddled down the halls of the Kamisato estate in a way Ayato could not detach his eyes from. Thoma did not mind his very high weight by itself too much, though it did start to tire him out quite a bit during his day job, something Ayato quickly fixed by reducing his work hours by half and extending his lunch breaks so he could rest (and eat) for longer.
Ayato was utterly fascinated by Thoma and his body. Obesity was rare and socially punished in their nation, but Thoma had the excuse of being an outsider (and one from Mondstadt at that) that allowed him to gain weight without too much judgement. Even so, he didn't leave the Kamisato Estate much for people to see him anyways, always busy tending to important things inside the building, such as private meetings with Ayato every day at tea time where he would be told to lay down next to Ayato as he was hand-fed all sorts of foods and pastries in a silence of mutual enjoyment.
Itto was a feared Oni in the streets of Inazuma, not for his fearsome strength, or for his spiky, red horns, but for his annoying habit of stealing people's food when they weren't looking.
The massive Oni only cared about one thing and one thing only; rebelling against Inazuma's societal norms. Mistreated and misunderstood since birth because he was an Oni, Itto simply didn't care or want to fit into Inazuman society anymore because he knew he would never be able to even if he tried, so he set his own path in life.
Early on, getting fat was just one of the many ways to show a middle finger and protest against the Inazuman regime and values, but it quickly stuck, and he wanted more, he wanted to get fatter, not only to make a statement, but because he realized he really enjoyed feeling heavy, and so he began gorging on food for many years to come.
Now, Itto sat comfortably past the 900 pound milestone, and he was amongst the heaviest men in the entire nation. Thanks to his Oni musculature, he was still able to somewhat comfortably move around the streets of Inazuma, but he loved how heavy his massive belly felt, pinning him down no matter if he was standing or laying down. The way it sagged way past his knees, and how it'd slap against his legs through each step, he couldn't get enough of it, and he knew he wanted more. He wanted his belly to reach the ground, to know what it'd feel like to be so obscenely obese his own stomach was so massive it dragged across the floor of every room and every road he walked through, and he was going to work hard to make that his reality.
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byler-alarmist · 1 year ago
Do people know most paper receipts are harmful to their health?
I'm going to get up on my soapbox for a minute, but do people realize how pretty much everyone is being overloaded with endocrine disruptors like BPA/BPS on a near-daily basis??
I don't think many people understand that ever since most of the world transitioned to thermal paper receipts (cheaper than ink), almost every receipt you handle from the gas station to the grocery store to the Square terminal printer at the local co-op is coated with Bisphenol-A (BPA) or its chemical cousin Bisphenol-S (BPS).
These chemicals have not only been proven to cause reproductive harm to human and animals, they've also been linked to obesity and attention disorders.
Not sure if your receipt is a thermal receipt? If you scratch it with a coin and it turns dark, it's thermal.
BPA/BPS can enter the skin to a depth such that it is no longer removable by washing hands. When taking hold of a receipt consisting of thermal printing paper for five seconds, roughly 1 μg BPA is transferred to the forefinger and the middle finger. If the skin is dry or greasy, it is about ten times more. 
Think of how many receipts you handle every day. It's even worse for cashiers and tellers, who may handle hundreds in a single shift. It is also a class issue, since many people who work retail and food service are lower-income and will suffer worse health consequences over time from the near-constant exposure.
Not only that, receipts printed with thermal ink are NOT recyclable, as they pollute the rest of the paper products with the chemicals.
People don't know this and recycle them anyway, so when you buy that "green" toilet paper that says "100% recycled"? Yup, you are probably wiping your most sensitive areas with those same chemicals (for this reason, I buy bamboo or sugarcane toilet paper as a sustainable alternative to recycled paper).
This page from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has some good links if you want to learn more.
As consumers, we need to demand better from our businesses and from our governments. We need regulation of these chemicals yesterday.
If you are a buyer or decision-maker for a business, the link above also contains a shortlist of receipt paper manufacturers that are phenol-free.
If you work at a register, ask customers if they want a receipt. If they don't and you can end the transaction without printing one, don't print one!
As a consumer, fold receipts with the ink on the inside, since that's where the coating is. Some more good tips here.
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humansofnewyork · 2 years ago
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“The whole world’s a fucking casino. In a casino some of the smartest people in the world are doing everything to keep you gambling. They’ve taken the clocks off the wall. They’re pumping in oxygen. They’ve even thought about the patterns on the carpet. Everything has been scientifically engineered to keep you pulling that lever. And that’s our entire world now. It’s one big casino where some of the smartest people in the world are asking themselves: ‘What is the best way I can get people to eat more? What is the best way I can get people to watch more pornography? Or take more pills? How can I use artificial intelligence to serve people the exact succession of sixty second videos that will keep them staring at their screen for an entire day?’ I used to be a personal responsibility guy. A big reason for that is I have insane discipline. If I needed to completely stop eating candy for ten years, I could do it. Done. So if I ever saw someone who was obese, I’d think, I could do it. Put me in the exact same situation, and I’d lose the weight. But now whenever I see an obese person on the jogging trail, I just want to give them a hug. It’s almost enough to make me cry. I think God, this must be so fucking hard for you. And it’s going to take perfection: insane discipline, and time, and money, and listening to all the right podcasts. Every day of the week needs to be perfectly regimented. Five years of absolute perfection. That’s what it’s going to take. Because a ton of the smartest people in the world are getting paid massive amounts of money to figure out a way to make you fail.”
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dionysianchub · 21 days ago
Not-So-Small Update
[TW: Health Issues]
I'll admit I've been struggling. I'd gained weight so quick and easy before, but the last several months have proved to be trying. A good friend and amazing human got me in contact with their partner, a feeder who works in obesity/weight loss research (proof that miracles happen tbh, a living breathing unicorn), with the hope that they could help me figure out how to break my plateau. We only had a brief back and forth on my gaining issues before they encouraged me to get tested for diabetes. As it turns out, there was a very big reason I was struggling to gain. The test results came back on Monday night and sure enough, I'm diabetic.
I've been dealing with a lot of mixed feelings the past two days; panic, shame, anxiety, fear (and maybe some slight kinky pride that I pushed myself this far) because as hot as health issues are in fantasy, I want to be able to live a sustainable life alongside this kink and this served as a rough wakeup call. But thanks to these two wonderful humans I'm able to maintain hope in what felt in the moment like my world was crumbling.
Short term, I need to put gaining on pause and focus on getting my body to stop revolting against me. Unfortunately I may need to lose some weight to achieve this, but I've been honest with my doctor about my preference in size and she only wants to see me lose 5% (12lbs) just to reduce my insulin resistance, improve my blood sugar, and help with my cholesterol (which is also pretty high as well).
Long term, I do plan to return to gaining once my A1C is within normal range again. With the support and help of these wonderful people, we're all confident that I can continue to gain weight in a more healthful way that doesn't push me back into the danger zone, as it were.
I'll still be around, and I'll still be making content (my feeder and I plan to make more content together, even if the food can't be a co-star). I'd also love to hear from any other feedee/gainers with type 2 diabetes that can share their experiences, tips, recipes... Anything would help.
And as always, thanks for being here. I'm forever grateful for the connections I've made in this community and I would never have made it this far in my journey without the support I've found here. Y'all the best. 💜
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year ago
The Best News of Last Week - 13 November
🦔 - Who knew Attenborough's echidna was just camera-shy?
1. New state law prevents animal abuse offenders from owning pets
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The law bans those convicted of animal cruelty, including those involved with dogfighting, from owning any kind of animal for five years after their first criminal offense.
2. A door at a Swedish library was accidentally left open — 446 people came in, borrowed 245 books. Every single one was returned
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The library was supposed to be closed for All Saints Day — a celebration sometimes also called All Hallows Day, the precursor of Halloween. But the library staff had forgotten to close a door. So people came in, thinking the library was open. Some visitors realized the library was technically closed and went home, but others did not.
3. Ohio votes to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use, becoming 24th state to do so
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Ohio voters approved a measure legalizing recreational marijuana on Tuesday, defying Republican legislative leaders who had failed to pass the proposed law.
Passage of Issue 2 makes Ohio the 24th state to allow adult cannabis use for non-medical purposes.
4. First ever images prove 'lost echidna' not extinct
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Scientists have filmed an ancient egg-laying mammal named after Sir David Attenborough for the first time, proving it isn't extinct as was feared.
An expedition to Indonesia led by Oxford University researchers recorded four three-second clips of Attenborough's long-beaked echidna. Spiky, furry and with a beak, echidnas have been called "living fossils".
They are thought to have emerged about 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
5. Dog leads family to missing cat that fell into 30-metre mineshaft
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An incredibly lucky cat has his canine companion to thank for saving his life after the dog led rescuers to a 30 metre-deep mineshaft the cat fell into.
The cat, Mowgli, disappeared on Oct. 20 and had been missing for six days. Owner Michele Rose told the BBC that she had “almost given up hope” of finding her cat.
6. World’s first whole eye and partial face transplant gives Arkansas man new hope
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A surgical team at NYU Langone Health in New York has performed the world’s first successful whole-eye transplant in a living person: Aaron James.
After an accident at work led to the loss of his left eye and part of his face, Aaron was given a new window to his soul, as well as a partial face transplant.
7. Obesity drug Wegovy cut risk of serious heart problems by 20%, study finds
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The popular weight-loss drug Wegovy reduced the risk of serious heart problems by 20% in a large, international study that experts say could change the way doctors treat certain heart patients.
The research is the first to document that an obesity medication can not only pare pounds, but also safely prevent a heart attack, stroke or a heart-related death in people who already have heart disease — but not diabetes.
That's it for this week :)
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thehigherseekerastro · 5 months ago
→ Venus Through the Houses🪷 (the first house)
The manifestations of having the planet Venus through the houses in the natal chart, in a wider perspective, without being predictable about it.
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DISCLAIMER 1: I am NOT a professional astrologer, traditional or modern. I study astrology for a few years, and this is a collection of what I've learned, and what I've seen manifested in real life.
DISCLAIMER 2: Use caution and discernment when reading, and understand that this post is about one isolated planet in one isolated house in a chart. There are 12 houses, 6 major planets, 3 outer planets, and at least 5 possible major aspects between planets in your chart. Those detail can and WILL affect how the energy shows up in your life personally, so it might not apply to you. Everybody is unique.
Venus in the 1st house 🥰🪞
Out of all the stereotypical descriptions of Venus placements in astrology, Venus in the 1H is the one that is most often true in real life just as it is described. This places Venus at the forefront of your impact on the world around you. It makes your Venus be one of the things people notice the most about you when they deal with you (the sign its in will tell what idea they have of you). And yes, having Venus here is usually an indication of social grace and charm. If it conjuncts your rising, I would go as far as saying it's a beauty indicator. If your Venus is also in a Venusian degree (2°, 14° & 26° - Taurus degrees/7° & 19° - Libra degrees) while it sits in your 1st house, it's probably an indication of beauty too.
The good 😊:
You have social grace and charm, a skill you learned from a young age, after frequently having positive social responses from people you meet.
You are seen by others as pleasant, charming, comforting and delicate.
It tends to give you a good sense of humor about life (doesn't mean you are a funny person).
You could be lucky in your day-to-day life, since Venus rules abundance and it sits in your house of self.
Could have "pretty privilege", in which people are more inclined to give you things or do things for you without much effort to convince them.
It gives you an overall good sense of style, be it clothing, hair, makeup.
You have a more diplomatic approach when going about your ambitions, as opposed to people who just bulldoze over others to get what they want. You know how to ask instead of demand.
If it's well-aspected, your overall demeanor tends to be respectful, sophisticated and sweet.
You could very well be regarded by others as a beautiful person, even frequently fitting societal beauty standards. And even if you are not "conventionally pretty", you are still considered ATTRACTIVE and desirable.
You show your passion (for things, for ideas, and for people) very obviously and openly (unless Venus is in a secretive sign, like Scorpio or Capricorn).
A sweet-talker 🤭. Also, quite naughty and sensual. Not promiscuous or overtly sexual, but flirty and seductive.
The bad 😠:
You could have mad vain and superficial tendencies.
You could be quite self-centered and egotistical.
You could be manipulative, since you learned from a young age how to finesse people into giving you and doing things for you.
Could have passive-agressive arrogance, in which you're not clear about it, as you don't want to ruin your public image, but you're subtly casting people as beneath you, specially regarding their appearance and behavior.
Could indicate unwanted weight gain, specially after the age of 26 (a Venus year), when your metabolism starts to slow down. Also, after you get pregnant, if you have an uterus. Doesn't mean obesity, nor does it mean that someone is ugly if they are heavier-set. It just means YOU might not want that extra weight on you, but have trouble keeping it off, which will make you uncomfortable.
Could indicate self-esteem and self-criticism issues. You might hold yourself to strict and oppressive beauty and behavior standards, might frequently compare yourself with others, be displeased with your own body if it doesn't look exactly the way you want.
Might indicate a possible lack of ambition or drive, as you are most likely used to getting things without much trouble, which in turn makes you not develop that "go-getter" mindset towards your passions and ambitions.
Could struggle hard with aging, and could develop melancholic thoughts such as "I used to be so pretty? What happened to me?!", or "Things used to be so easy! Everything is terrible now!", which makes you bitter about your own life when things don't go your way or you have to work too hard to make something happen.
In love 💕:
You show your love openly (if the sign of your Venus allows it), and you want people who profess their attraction to you openly as well.
You love people who are similar to you, share your vibe and likes, and make you look good, as well as people who help you get what you want.
You don't like people who look like you or copy you, but you DO like it when you inspire others. Also, you DO love to gradually make your lover/significant other/partner look like you and fit your aesthetic.
Surprisingly, people with Venus in the 1H don't necessarily need their lover to be beautiful. But they don't want their love not to fit their personal standards, though.
You LOVE compliments from your person. It boosts your confidence and makes you feel appreciated and validated.
Slight tendency to want to manipulate the relationship so the power shifts towards your needs.
A tendency to want partners to approach YOU first, which could lead to being passive and lazy in love.
You could meet your partners anywhere, honestly. 1H Venuses attract love easily.
Most likely places to meet people romantically would be parties, events and through your social circle, but you could make it happen anywhere you want, to be honest.
THIS ONE IS A BIG MAYBE – read this very carefully, as it's one of MANY possibilities. MIGHT indicate a higher likelihood of cheating on at least one of your partners. You are flirty and you like to feel IN love and desired, which could make you seek that attention from multiple sources.
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