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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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Wooo! It's Fri-YAY! 馃帀馃 #friyay #friday #yasqueen #workhardstudyhard #workhardstudyhardplayhard #5weeksin #workoutmotivation #fitness #student #partytimemotherfuckers #keepatit #nevergiveup #feelingood #boss #bossbabe #fitnessofinsta #provethemwrong (at Winnipeg, Manitoba)
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roiyalmusic 9 years ago
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Spent the last 24hrs looking and feeling like this. #workhardstudyhardplayhard #focusonme #haveagreatday
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nashruddinmanshor98 9 years ago
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I hope I can work to be rich everyday. #quote #love #note #workhard #playhard #studyhard #workhardplayhard #workhardstudyhard #workhardplayhardstudyhard #workhardstudyhardplayhard #lovefamily #lovequotes #lovefriends
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lclayderman 12 years ago
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Balancing my life between school and work #dedication #workhardstudyhardplayhard (Taken with Instagram)
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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Week 1 vs week 24 馃崙馃挭馃徏馃 #workout #bodypositive #bodygoals2018 #workhardplayhard #workoutmotivation #bodygoals #workhardstudyhardplayhard #summer #summerbody #motivation #gymmotivation #booty馃崙 #bootygains馃崙 #gains #athomeworkouts #beastmode #victoriassecret #lasenza #bodyacceptance #keepmovingforward #fatshamedintoshape #fatshaming #skinnyshaming #fatacceptance #nope #healthylifestyle #healthy #workoutjunkie #makingbetterchoices
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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Instead of studying for a quiz tomorrow I'm painting a box. 馃檪 #workhardstudyhardplayhard #not #procrastination #wednesdaynight #blackbox #painting #fuckit
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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馃槢 #monday #mondaydemotivation #demotivational #snowday #selfie #workhardstudyhardplayhard (at Winnipeg, Manitoba)
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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Week 1 Vs Week 8. #2018goals #2018gonnabelit #bodypositive #healthgoals #workhardstudyhardplayhard #fitnessofinsta #healthy #workoutmotivation #motivation #inspiration #newyearsresolution (at Winnipeg, Manitoba)
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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馃拵馃挭 #hustle #hustlelikeaman #hustlehard #itsnotluckitshustle #believeinyourself #workhardplay #workhardstudyhardplayhard #independentwoman (at Winnipeg, Manitoba)
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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Be a queen. 馃憫馃挴 #dontbeafraidofbeingthewholepackage #beaqueen #hustle #humpday #immywomancrushwednesday #workhardstudyhardplayhard #hardwork #student #bethewholepackage #fuckemthenigetsomemoney #bringinthatpaper #independentwoman #earnit #suckitupbuttercup #dealwithit
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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Meal prep, workout and first day of classes. That's my Monday. 馃挴馃檭 #mondaymotivation #monday #mealprep #workout #class #workhardstudyhard #workhardstudyhardplayhard #stayfocused #positivevibes #getthefuckouttabed #yougotthis #yougotshittodo #motivation #inspiration #keepgoing (at Transcona, Manitoba)
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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Dear anon(s) on Tumblr leaving me hate mail, Since my last post talking about body positivity and fatphobia and skinny shaming I've had 13 new messages on Tumblr telling me that I'm nothing but a stick figure that can be snapped in half if I don't sit down and shut tf up while lifting up the voices of the "real oppressed". And then blatantly calling me fatphobic and saying that I hate all fat people. NEWS FLASH FOR YA SWEETHEART, my grandma was morbidly obese we were so close. She was my best friend. I loved her to bits and I still do. When she died she was over 500lbs. How dare you tell me that I'm doing everything wrong when I know I'm not. My mom doesn't want to see me like my grandma. My brother and sister and cousins don't want to see me like that. And I know FOR A FACT that my grandma wouldn't want me to live a life like hers. She'd be damn proud of me for getting fit and utilizing all my resources to become a better version of myself. So in short, I'm no longer little Miss Goodie two shoes. If I see bull shit I'm gonna call you tf out. Especially the people bullying others within the body positivity community. Prepare to be called out on your bullshit. #bodypositive #bodypositivity #fatacceptance #fatphobia #skinnyshaming #bodyshaming #knockoffthebullshit #2018gonnabelit #2018goals #workhardstudyhard #workhardstudyhardplayhard #workoutmotivation #fitness #savage #imdonebeingnice #immabesavageaf #savageaf #byefelicia
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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馃挴馃挭馃摉 #beastmodeon #beastmode #workout #workoutmotivation #student #workhardstudyhard #workhardstudyhardplayhard #2018goals #goals #highschool #backtoschool #hard #rhianna #allornothing (at Transcona, Manitoba)
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
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Week 1 Vs Week 10. 馃挭馃拫 #week10 #bodypositive #2018goals #2018gonnabelit #healthgoals #goals #creepygirlsdoitbetter #bringiton #literallythesamesweats #bootygoals #booksbeforeboysbecauseboysbringbabies #workhardstudyhardplayhard #workhardplay #gymjunkie #gymacholic #workoutmotivation #motivation #inspiration (at Winnipeg, Manitoba)
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necromaniackat 7 years ago
Another fang-tastic day down. #wednesday13 #workhardstudyhardplayhard #studentlife #psychology #music #horror #gore #transylvania90210 (at My Coffin)
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