#worked today ahd when my coworkers asked if i was feeling better i just off handedly said
steampoweredskeleton · 2 months
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12/8 - 2019 Wtf
Thursday 8/8
This day was my free day and I decided to go shopping since all my friends would be working anyway. When planning my trip I saw my chance to meet Hannes again maybe we could go swimming or something. So when I needed to chnage buses at sportshopen I went inside and pretended to look for my asthma medecine. I didn't see Hannes until I was about to leave. I explained why I were there and then told him I had to run to the bus now. But I missed it. Now I really had the chance to meet up with Hannes and he saw me standing alone and asked if I missed the bus. He offered to drive me home. To make our moment last longera I asked if he wanted to buy some ice cream so I payed for both of them. We then just walked around Hamburgsund talking and decided that we would go swimming I just needed to get my towel. We swimmed for a while and when it got cold we hugged in the water. We then went up and dryed in the sun on the tree deck. We ended up in a chair, that was not meant for two people, making out. We moved to a bed still making out. My shorts went off and soon my panties were the only thing I was wearing. His fingers were cold underneath them. He asked me staright out "Do you want to have sex" and then we did it. He asked me if I was sure a couple times first. When we were done the condom had slipped off and he kept saying how sorry he was. I was feeling a little sick so I just layed down on the floor while we Made up a plan on how to prevent me from getting pregnant. We had some pizza that was supposed to be my din er and lunch but we ate it all up then went to my bed to sleep. I am not used to sleep next to people and in Lysekil it was different because the bed was bigger. This time I think I woke up in the middle of the night and we talked for a short while then went back to sleep.
Friday 9/8
We had an alarm on at 6.30 which was really really early for me. He drove me to Tanum so I could visit UMO but it was close. Instead I ahd to go to the pharmacy and buy the pill which was kind of expensive. I got back to Grebbestad at maybe 9.30 and walked over to sportshopen. It was really hot and when I arrived I was feeling hungry and dizzy. I went to the lunch room and ate something small when UMO called. I talked to them for a while and felt a bit relieved because I probably won't be pregnant. I went down to the store to find Hannes and tell him that everything probably will be fine. This Friday had perfect weather so the customers for today was few. I worked with Frans and somehow I said something maybe about Hannes sleeping over and Frans figured out we had had sex. He had a million questions that I felt very uncomfortable answering. In The middle of this I had to say goodbye to Paulina since this was the last day we would be working together and her shift ended at 12.
Lunch came and my first half of lunch break was with Eric and Ebba who both had their last day. Then Hannes came and sat with me when they went inside to escape the heat. Hannes had hickeys on his neck which was not my intention so I apologized and we laughed about it. Back at work me and Frans started talking real which was good, I had planned on doing that for the whole week. I told him how bad I ahd been feeling and I broke down in the middle of everything crying a lot while my coworkers, minus Frans, was standing a bit away worried or confused. I then went to our back room (ish) and Ebba asked if I wanted dextrosol or water or if I was feeling like I would faint. But all I wanted was to cry more but not with her there. When I had calmed down a bit me and Frans went for a break. When going back at 17 I hoped we would not meet Hannes because that would be awkward. We stayed and talked to Lukas and some girl that I never talked to and I said goodbye to Lukas when Hannes came walking. Oh no was my first thought. Then the girl noticed the hickeys. They started laughing and joking around about it talking about how he must use protection because the girl did not wanna become godmother yet. I met with Hannes eyes then looked away trying Hard not to blush or reveal myself. Walking away from there was also embarrassing with Frans coming after me laughing. Then it was time saying goodbye to Eric and Ebba who had their last day. Saying goodbye to Ossian and Måns which I would not work with during the weekend. After my shift enden I went to wait for the bus when Frans and Henrik came walking over so I asked if Henrik could drive me to Tanum station for my train to grandma. We still had time so we went to Coop I told him about Hannes sleeping över and we talked for while adn it felt so good to have someone to talk to. I told him how good it felt to talk to Frans about me feeling shit and he said
"Yeah you have really been down. Some days it was so obvious I could see it in your face. And you and Frans also became more shy towards eachother"
I wish I had spent more time with Frans but maybe that would have been worse now that it is over. Anyways me and Henrik went back to sportshopen for ice cream with two other girls and then he drove me to the train. He then wrote to me on messenger and told me to take the right train. I did and then wrote a small text about how nice human he is and that I would miss him a lot. Then I cried the whole time on the train.
Sunday 11/8
My last day at sportshopen. I was feeling a little regret over not partying the day before since most of the sportshopen people was there including Henrik, Frans, Edvard and apparently Hannes. But at least I was not feeling so tired. I came in early and tried on shoes and saved them in the shoeroom for myself. I worked with Henrik for an hour before his shift ended and he went home. It was a fast goodbye but a good one nevertheless. The day went on, me and Frans had more of the heart to heart conversation getting to know eachother more, on the last day. When the day was over my mum came and scared me and then I said goodbye to Frans at the backroom telling him I would miss him so much I don't even know if he answered me but he looked up to the ceiling which is what I do when I dont wan't to cry so maybe he was feeling something there. I don't know. But now it is all over. Hopefully next summer at sportshopen will be great, even better I will be 18 and can get in on Terassen and maybe I will have my drivers license.
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