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angelkwill · 2 years ago
Some things have no price tagfor they are so highly valued,yet we give them awayfor free—our timeour attentionour thoughtsour wordsHow might life be differentif we valued these things of worth?-akw- ___©2023 Angel K WillBlog Photo by Harrison Candlin from PexelsLive Inspired, Love Well, Laugh OftenCheck out the bookstore; check out the art store
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lilithmh · 2 years ago
LIS 4370 Final project outline
So, the package that I have created is a Viterbi algorithm package which is intended to pre-process text for NLP work. The general premise of how the function works is that you provide a dictionary of and language and the text that you want to train it on. The dictionary is then trained so that any modifications to the text are done in context. After the dictionary is trained the Viterbi algorithm can be applied to separate fussed words or correct spelling mistakes. The algorithm is not perfect; however, it is one of the best methods that I have found for correcting these kinds of errors. In the following section I will demonstrate how to use the package and potential pitfalls of implementation.
The two following sections are simply demonstrating how the dictionary and text can look, for use with the viterbi algorithm.
> dictionary <- AlphaWords
> head(dictionary)
1     aa
2    aaa
3    aah
4  aahad
5 aahing
6   aahs
> sample_text <- SampleText
> sample_text
[1] "This is just an example of a kind of sentence that the viterbi algorithm can solve. Since it's trained on the used data it is important that the combined word showes up in its individual form atleast one in the data. For example, in this dataset the combined word will be wordshowes as that does show up in the dataset I will also add a typo for the word solv which may be corrected depending on the dictionary that is provided. Though since solve shows up a few times I think it'll correct to solve on as desired."
The first step to working with the viterbi algorithm is to process the dictionaries as certain characters can cause issues with the algorithm in its base form.
> dictionary <- populate_dictionary(dictionary)
> head(dictionary)
[1,] “aa”
[2,] “aaa”
[3,] “aah”
[4,] “aahed”
[5,] “aahing”
[6,] “aahs”
Following the dictionary processing the dictionary needs to be trained for use with the viterbi algorithm which is done as follows. This will create a hashed dictionary which is a simple data structure that has a key value pair similar in a sense to a list however much faster and more data efficient. 
> viterbi_list <- train_viterbi(sample_text, dictionary)
vitberi_list[[1]] will be a hashed dictionary
vitberi_list[[2]] will be the total number of words
vitberi_list[[3]] will be the longest word in the dictionary
> hashed_dictionary <- viterbi_list[[1]]
> total <- viterbi_list[[2]]
> max_word_length <- viterbi_list[[3]]
This can be mapped to a dictionary and run on every word if desired, however, the text is small, so I’ll just use the words function to separate the text. Following the trained dictionary each word of the sample text can be run through the join_words() function and corrected.
> for(word in words(sample_text)){
processed_text <- join_words(word, hashed_dictionary, total, max_word_length)
> processed_text
[1] " this is just an example of a kind of sentence that the viterbi algorithm can solve since it's trained on the used data it is important that the combined word showes up in its individual form atleast one in the data for example in this dataset the combined word will be wordshowes as that does show up in the dataset i will also add a typo for the word solv which may be corrected depending on the dictionary that is provided though since solve shows up a few times i think it'll correct to solve on as desired"
Now it’s important to note that not much has changed in this sample dataset and this makes complete sense. While it is true that the viterbi algorithm will correct texts that are fussed or misspelt it generally requires quite a large training dataset to be used properly. In this case the dataset is only a few sentences and thus it’ll have little to no coercion over how words should be spelt. Ultimately the algorithm is just a probability comparison and if the typo shows up just as much as the correct spelling or if the typo is actually just  an uncommon spelling of a word, then the algorithm will simply choose which shows up first.
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thesunilekka · 3 years ago
How Can You Learn Copywriting101 Courses As A Beginner?
Above, you know all types of copywriting. If you are a beginner and want to learn copywriting skills and make money online, you can learn in two ways.
1. By yourself
2. By the mentor 
If you want to learn copywriting by yourself, Don’t worry, there are lots of resources on the internet. You can learn through blogs like now you reading, 
The excellent resource provider of the copywriting blog are copyhackers and copyblogger 
On youtube, you can learn from Alex cattoni. She has lots of experience with all types of copywriting. You just need to subscribe to her youtube channel and learn free from her free of cost.
The next thing you can do is read books about copywriting. Books are available on the amazon site. 
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drink-n-watch · 4 years ago
How Not to Summon a Demon Lord Ω Ep 6 — 100 Word Anime
How Not to Summon a Demon Lord Ω Ep 6 — 100 Word Anime
Karandi and I try to figure out what happened to How Not to Summon a Demon Lord. Let’s see if we succeed. Wow, how the mighty have fallen. While How Not To Summon A Demon Lord season 1 was a pleasant surprise that delighted each week, season 2 is becoming something of a chore to watch. 21 more wordsHow Not to Summon a Demon Lord Ω Ep 6 — 100 Word Anime
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dreamin-of-somewhere-else · 7 years ago
The Novaks: The One With The Cat
The Novaks masterlist
Characters: Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, Balthazar, Castiel x sister!reader
Words: 1515
Warnings: Just a little bit of swearing, a tiny bit of subtle fluff
A/N: Hey you guys, it’s been a while since I posted, and I’m really sorry about that. Anyway, here’s a new piece of the Novaks, and it’s lighthearted for once, so don’t worry it won’t rip your heart out haha. Hope you enjoy this incredibly delayed part :)
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You clutch the black cat towards your chest, subconsciously scratching it behind its ear as you cross the road, heading towards your house. If you are to be cautious, you probably shouldn’t head straight towards it, but figure out a plan and course of action first, but it’s freaking cold out, and it looks like it’s about to rain. And cats don’t like rain, right? So really, you’re doing it for the cat — and not for yourself, not at all, you just happen to not like rain, also.
You already know that the cat in your arms are going to cause you some serious trouble. Michael will never approve of it. Ever. But it’s not like you wanted to get it, but no one else would, and you know better than to think that rainbows and cotton candy is what wait for animals no one wanted. And besides, it’s so damn cute with its soft, fluffy fur and round eyes.
As the first heavy raindrops fall, you jump up the stairs to your home, and quietly sneak inside. You hold you breath and listen. At first it’s quiet but then you hear Michael and Lucifer’s voices in the kitchen, talking passive aggressively about something.
So, you try to cover the cat as best as you can with your denim jacket, and head towards the stairs, but as you take your first step, they creak loudly.
”Hello?” Michael calls out.
”It’s (Y/N)!” you call back.
The last thing you want is for him to grow suspicious and go and look what the sound came from, because then he would see you and your new pet.
”Where have you been?” he then asked, and you could hear him leaving the kitchen, chair scraping against the floor and footsteps heading in your direction.
”Just out,” you reply vaguely as you start to move up the stairs. It’s dark on the second floor, as no light are on, and the chances of your older brother seeing the cat get smaller as you move up into the darkness. ”I’m going to my room to study, history test tomorrow.”
It’s a lie — not the history test, the studying — but Michael lets out an approving sound. You walk up the rest of the stairs, taking two steps at a time, hurry into your room and close the door behind you.
Once inside, you set the cat down. It purrs and begins to walk around the room, looking around itself. You sit down on your carpet and reach out a welcoming hand, trying to befriend the creature. But the cat simply ignores you, finding a pair of socks far more interesting.
You don’t know exactly how much time has passed when the door to your room suddenly open and you freeze.
”(Y/N), would you like to—,” there’s a pause, ”what is that?”
You stiffly turn around, eyes wide as saucers. ”Hello Castiel.”
”(Y/N),” Castiel whisper-yells as he makes his way into the room, ”is that a cat? You know you can’t just bring a cat into our home, Michael will—”
”I know,” you hiss, subconsciously reaching out to pet the cat that’s stroking itself against your legs.
”What are you going to do about it?” Castiel asks, eyebrows now furrowed as his blue eyes latch onto the black animal filled with a certain curiosity.
”I don’t know,” you reply and sigh. ”I kinda like it.”
You’ve only had it for about an hour, maximum, but still you had grown attached. Probably more attached to the cat than the cat is to you. It’s just so cute, with it’s impossibly black fur that almost makes it look like a silhouette, and the yellow, expressive eyes.
You watch as he tentatively reach out a hand. The cat immediately spots it, creeps closer, and gives Castiel a headbutt, rubbing it’s head against it. Castiel smiles fondly, despite himself.
”See, he likes you, and you like him,” you say, making your brother look at you instead of the cat, and he frowns a little again, feeling a bit outwitted. ”It’s perfect.”
”What is that?” a new voice speaks up, and you sigh loudly, face palming.
”You couldn’t have closed the door, Cas?” you ask, looking between Castiel and Gabriel, who’s now entering the room.
”Mike’s not gonna like this,” Gabriel states in a sing-song voice. ”Which means I do.”
Gabriel walks over to the cat, picks it up and sits down on your bed. You look at him, a little unsurely, but then he begins to pet the cat, who begins to purr loudly. It claws his lap, before curling up into a ball in it. How did you not know before that he’s practically a cat whisperer?
Eventually, you give in and sit down next to your older brother, petting the cat as well.
And just like Castiel, Gabriel didn’t close the door behind him, and ten minutes later, Lucifer and Balthazar has joined you, unsurprisingly, and the hype surrounding the cat intensifies.
Meanwhile, Michael’s alone downstairs. The house has gotten suspiciously quiet, except for a few thuds coming from his only sister’s room. Sighing, he leaves the couch, and heads upstairs. Something’s up and he knows he’s not going to like it, because he knows his siblings. They never do what they’re told, and have no problem stepping on Michael’s nerves.
As he walks closer to your room, he notices that the door is actually closed, but there’s muffled, excited voices coming from inside. He wonders what you’re doing in there — and why he hasn’t moved out yet — before he grabs the handle and opens the door.
All he sees are backs.
”What the hell are you doing in here?” he asks loudly, and then he sees five surprised faces as you all turn around at his voice.
”Michael,” you address him, voice even higher than usual before you laugh nervously. ”What are you doing here?”
”Answer my question,” Michael says with a tone that implies that he’s not up for this bullshit, and his patience is running out, as always.
The silence is thick, and Michael strains his eyes as he lets his gaze run across the room, looking for something out of the ordinary that tells him what’s up — and that’s when he sees a tail.
Leaving his spot by the door, Michael walks up to his siblings, and pushes them to the side to see what they’re hiding, and is met by a black cat.
You immediately reach out to pick it up from the floor, holding it protectively in your arms. Balthazar and Gabriel cross their arms and place themselves between you and the cat, and the oldest Novak sibling.
”What the hell, (Y/N),” Michael states lowly, his eyes boring into yours.
You twist uncomfortably, ”sorry…”
”That cat is leaving,” Michael decides with finality in his voice, as he crosses his arms over his chest, ”now.”
”But—” Castiel begins. Michael interrupts.
”No, no pets allowed, you know the rules.”
”Hey, Mike,” Lucifer speaks up, stepping closer to Michael as he raises his chin. ”Stop being such a bore.”
”Actually, the cat’s awesome,” Balthazar agrees. ”He’s kind of a douchebag, but he’s cool. We like him.”
”And, he has a name too, you know,” Castiel speaks up, looking at Michael. ”It’s Crowley.”
Michael frowns, shaking his head to himself. ”Crowley. Why the hell did you name him Crowley?”
”Why the hell not?” Gabriel counters, and Michael looks like he’s about to give up.
Michael sighs and looked at his siblings. Balthazar stands closest, tense. Gabriel stares at him with a look that says come on man, you couldn’t possibly. Lucifer just raises his eyebrows, and Michael already knows what he thinks, because he always has to disagree with him, per definition. Castiel stands protectively between Michael and the cat, looking as scary as the rather scrawny teen possibly could, and then finally there’s you peeking your head out behind Castiel while holding the pet, gently scratching it behind its fluffy ears as it only squirmed a little.
There’s four young men between Michael and the cat, and then there’s you, who Michael knows won’t give up the animal without a fight.
”Fine then,” Michael growls, rolling his eyes as his shoulder lump.
He’s always the bad guy and this household, and for once he decides not to.
”What did you say?” Lucifer presses, wanting his brother to repeat his words of defeat.
The rest of you only stares at Michael, blinking being your only moves.
”I said fine,” Michael says louder, and that’s what sets you off.
A wide smile spreads on your face, as Gabriel and Balthazar high fives. Castiel cheers and Lucifer smirks contently.
Michael leaves the room in silence, and heads down the stairs again to retreat to the first floor where he spends most of his time, by himself.
Not that night though, because when you go downstairs to fetch a glass of water, you find Michael sitting in the couch, watching TV, Crowley curled up on the couch next to him.
The Novaks Tag List: @spacetor @rosie-winchester @lillyofthefandom @nxrd-bxtch @justaboredgir1 @hi-my-name-is-riley @steve-rogcrs @multifandom-slytherin @elma-shay @thedumbestravenclaw @castielsarsebutt @gabriels-candy-pile @fangirlpastel @mashed-fandom-imagines @yes-this-is-doggo @plethora-of-things @clairese1980 @flannel-freak @frozenheart27 @honeybeetrash @ohmoosemymoose @msdooos @sympathyforluci @mysteriouslyevil
Supernatural Tag List: @daughters-and-winsisters @evyiione @samanddeanshotsis @fabulouslycassie @delessapeace-blog @mariairwin666 @1amluke @saveprettydays @cookee50 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @infamati--et--obliterati @stillcooli0 @sammysbeanie @ocean-calls-me @deepbreathssammy @extreme-supernatural-lover @mogaruke @winchestersmut @i-kdog-posts @steve-rogcrs @wordshowers @27bmm @jjsoccer11 @ivebeenraisedfromperdition @disappointeddinosaur @nicolevanderstar @frayedphan @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy @straightestgay-voice @legend-o-zelda @mynameisdesolation @to-stars-and-back @forevershadeddark @stonergirl4life95 @wxnchestervevo @captainemwinchester @rosie-winchester @violinmyhead @magical-cas @quackerstheduck663057 @falloutofmymemez @messy-buns-and-shotguns @assbutt-still-in-hell @phonegalhelp @lemonadegazeelle @stilesneedsprotection @mcallmestiles @wishedworld @catstielanddeanthedog @foe-throughthetrees @phire23 @winchesterhound @hi-my-name-is-riley @th3things-in-mymind @lillyofthefandom @pearlender @iamafishandigosplish @hellhoundlover  @super100012 @mellorine-paprika @tracyturnblad-irl @waywardlodging @winchestergirl607 @lionheo04 @because-you-never-know-when @mistake-island 
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amberfaber40 · 2 years ago
Language arts Nutrition Foreign languages
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Family in French
You might know that “family” in French is “famille”. But what about other family words? Discover them in this beginner’s guide to family in French.
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Monthly Plan: Learn French In Under A Year - Language Learning
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Ultimate and Printable Guide: Basic French for Travelers
These are the Basic French Words and Phrases that every traveler should know and learn before visiting France to improve their trip!
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8 YouTube Channels to Improve Your French
If you're looking to improve your French listening comprehension and vocabulary, here are 8 entertaining French YouTube channels that can help you do just that.
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50 Common French Phrases (with PDF + MP3)
Learn 50 Common French Phrases You Oughta Know. Super useful for learners. (+a PDF bonus) available for your use & practice with exercises for use
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ExploreEducationUploaded to Pinterest Luciimg3k followers More information French Language BasicsFrench BasicsFrench Language LessonsFrench Language LearningSpanish LanguageFrench Words QuotesBasic French WordsHow To Speak FrenchLearn French BeginnerMore information
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globalteachonline · 3 years ago
What you'll learn Level up your C# programming skill with over 70+ beginners best practicesHow to sum 2 NumbersHow to check for Even and Odd NumbersHow to count 1s in numberHow to find ASCII values of charactersHow to find a Leap yearHow to swap 2 NumbersCelsius to FahrenheitHow to get length of a StringHow to Reverse NumbersHow to count number of WordsHow to check for Vowels and ConsonantsCount number of Vowels and ConsonantsHow to count number of Alphabets, Digits and Special CharactersHow to find a SubstringHow to get Employee DataHow to get Employee Data using Nested StructureArea of Rectangle using StructurePower of Number using RecursionHow to use Static ConstructorAnd lots more...Show moreShow lessWelcome to Practical C# Programming Practices (70+ Common Projects)! Learning C# programming language and understanding C# programming language are two different things. Almost every student enjoy learning C# programming language. But, only a few number of these students actually understand C# programming language afterwards. This is where the remaining students are left behind and kept wandering from one course to another over the internet to get the best knowledge on understanding C# programming language with cups of coffee on their table everyday.70+ C# programming best practices for absolute beginner is a comprehensive and concise guide with over 7 hours of content that is designed to pick up every interested student from the state of “zero-knowledge” to a state of “Hero-knowledge” in C# programming with lots of practical C# projects. Why Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As A C# Programmer?This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful programmer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of C# programming and prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack Software developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience.Who this course is for:Anyone looking to level up their skills and master C# programming languageAnyone who wants to learn to code
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nishadesigns · 3 years ago
How Traditional Design Can Protect Modern Homes From the Elements — Wyndesong's Place
How Traditional Design Can Protect Modern Homes From the Elements — Wyndesong’s Place
We look at the sustainable magic that happens when traditional architecture meets modern-day living How do we make our homes energy efficient, keep heat inside in winter and outside in summer, and hold moisture and humidity at bay? 18 more wordsHow Traditional Design Can Protect Modern Homes From the Elements — Wyndesong’s Place
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talmidimblogging · 3 years ago
How to Say ‘But’ in Biblical Hebrew: A Translator Looks at Genesis — theLAB
How to Say ‘But’ in Biblical Hebrew: A Translator Looks at Genesis — theLAB
Image: ©Tavis Bohlinger by Joshua Jensen Here’s something you probably never thought to count: The ESV uses the word ‘but’ 4,205 times. That’s nearly once for every 7 verses. 3,893 more wordsHow to Say ‘But’ in Biblical Hebrew: A Translator Looks at Genesis — theLAB
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grady70 · 3 years ago
spider tongue speakers
spider tongue speakerswhere are my wordshow did they just go awayspeakers of spider tonguesmultiple eyes mega thundersounds with meaningancient bird collidesthe boulders of liesnature in pixel flatair an element to mean bullshittimes have changedheralding the sweet nothingsonly heard by supple machinesin the night of the webtulips land like ticker tapebees in tribunesheld up in polyester silk…
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apparelload571 · 4 years ago
Flash Card Belajar Membaca Huruf Hijaiyah
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Flash Card Belajar Membaca Huruf Hijaiyah Word
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Makhraj Huruf Hijaiyah
DOWNLOAD FLASH CARD MEDIA BELAJAR MEMBACA CEPAT UNTUK ANAK USIA DINI Flash card adalah media berupa kartu yang berisi informasi baik kata, hurup atau gambar, media ini lebih banyak disenangi oleh orang tua atau pendidik dalam mengajarkan anaknya belajar membaca. Download Flash Card Huruf Hijaiyah Comments. Report 'Flash Card Huruf Hijaiyah' Please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible.
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issuez4dayz · 4 years ago
How To Go Pro In Call Of Duty And Win In The CDL, According To Minnesota Rokkr — Must Love Video Games
How To Go Pro In Call Of Duty And Win In The CDL, According To Minnesota Rokkr — Must Love Video Games
Throughout the 2021 Call of Duty League season, the Minnesota Rokkr hasn’t got a lot of respect. The team got off to a slower start and wasn’t competing at a level that was acceptable to the organization and its fans. 278 more wordsHow To Go Pro In Call Of Duty And Win In The CDL, According To Minnesota Rokkr — Must Love Video Games
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academicheroes · 4 years ago
Research response
In 100-300 wordsHow do research and statistics  help to determine the needed changes in healthcare 
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pubblicita · 4 years ago
How Roblox’s creator accelerator helps the gaming giant build new platform opportunities — TechCrunch
How Roblox’s creator accelerator helps the gaming giant build new platform opportunities — TechCrunch
As Roblox eyes what could be a historic debut on public markets in the coming months, investors who have valued the company at $29.5 billion… 1,413 more wordsHow Roblox’s creator accelerator helps the gaming giant build new platform opportunities — TechCrunch
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essaybluebook131 · 5 years ago
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write essay for me
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Technique On How To Write Dialogue In An Essay
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talmidimblogging · 3 years ago
How Do You Know There’s A Covert Narcissist In Your Midst? — Biblical Perspectives On Narcissism
How Do You Know There’s A Covert Narcissist In Your Midst? — Biblical Perspectives On Narcissism
. One subject we have not talked about much is the difference between overt and covert narcissism.  At it’s most basic: . An overt narcissist is an in-your-face braggart and bully A covert narcissist plays the victim, and uses manipulation and deceit to get what they want, . 8 more wordsHow Do You Know There’s A Covert Narcissist In Your Midst? — Biblical Perspectives On Narcissism
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