#wop wop this was a longer one
jtl-fics · 1 year
Math Nerd AU for the WIP Game please?
Is he...happy?
"That's your question?" Andrew asks despite himself.
"It is." Neil says not looking out at him, "You can think about it. I don't need the answer right away I guess." Neil says.
Is he happy?
He thinks about his life, more specifically his life after Alex. He still wants to find his friend, wants to thank you and smack him over the head for the risk he took. He thinks about having a brother, having a cousin, and even his friendships with Renee and Kevin.
"Why do you want to know?" Andrew asks.
"It's still my turn Andrew." Neil reminds.
Is he happy?
"I wouldn't call it happy." He says because Andrew doesn't do that.
"What are you then?" Neil asks.
"Why do you want to know?" Andrew returns.
"I care about you, I'd like for you to at least be...content with your life." Neil answers.
Content feels safer, feels less like an admission.
"I'm content." Andrew gives back and Neil smiles still not looking at Andrew at all.
"That's good. I'm glad." Neil pushes himself away from the ledge, "See you tomorrow Andrew." he says leaving Andrew alone on the roof.
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odilelajolie · 2 months
Hunted, Ch. 1
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Several years after escaping FBI custody, Cooper Adams has quietly settled in a remote Vermont town. He's a monster in remission--his violent urges lay dormant.
But when he catches sight of Alice, a traumatized 18-year-old girl, a new form of predatory darkness overtakes his demented mind. Young and achingly vulnerable, she's a lost soul as alone in the world as he is.
Alice needs the care of a proper Daddy, and as soon as she stops resisting, Cooper knows she'll accept the special kind of love he's been saving for a special little girl like her...
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Ch. 1: Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
As far as Alice could tell, it would be yet another ordinary night in a long sequence of ordinary nights at the Sugar Maple Diner. 
Though it wasn’t as if she entirely minded. There was a strong part of her that actually took comfort in the familiarity of it all, the mundane routine of her small, simple world, regardless of the fact that it was rather dull most days. 
Dull meant safe—and safe was a good thing, especially for someone like her. 
Alice absently rotated her sore neck and shoulders as she made her way into the cozy, 50s-nostalgic restaurant, offering a friendly wave to the owner, Mr. Andrews, one of the only people in town who still bothered to interact with her. Not only had he given her a job when everyone else had refused to hire her, but he and his wife had even opened their home to Alice on occasion for a glass of lemonade, or tea and cookies, or a holiday meal. 
Alice rarely accepted these invitations from the elderly couple, always fearful she’d inadvertently exhaust the goodwill they generously harbored for her. But she appreciated their kindness, an increasing rarity for Alice, so she was always happy to volunteer whenever they needed help with little projects around their house to express her gratitude in return. 
Alice idled near the jukebox just beyond the hostess stand to see if Mr. Andrews would return her greeting, but he was busy behind the bar serving beer to a group of chatty truckers, and clearly didn’t have much spare time to say hello. 
Shaking off the brief, sharp pang of loneliness, the aching desire for someone—anyone—to talk to her, Alice headed straight for the break room to change into her uniform—an old fashioned pale pink dress with a white apron. She secured her hair in a high ponytail, and exactly five minutes before six p.m., she returned to the main dining room for her shift, forcing a smile on her face. 
The hours elapsed in the same, slow fashion they always did. The dinner rush—if merely five parties of no more than four people across three hours could be called that—consisted of the same group of Tuesday night regulars Alice had been waiting on for nearly a year now. Alice no longer bothered with trying to introduce herself, much less engage in small talk with her tables, for the town locals had long made it very clear ever since her return that they had no interest in speaking with her. So instead, Alice remained small and silent as she scribbled orders on her notepad, taking up as little space as possible as she refilled drinks, cleaned up spills, and delivered steaming plates of comfort food from the kitchen.
And she did all of this with her head perpetually lowered, so that no one would have to suffer the unnecessary discomfort of looking at her. 
By ten o’clock, the restaurant was deserted, and the only other employee remaining was Ted, the largely wordless cook who kept to himself even more strictly than Alice did. Alice generally took her own meal break around this time when it was just the two of them twiddling their thumbs until closing, silence broken only by the rockabilly and Doo-wop melodies sung by the jukebox. But before she could write down her request for a cup of soup and a half-sandwich, losing herself for a few moments to the croons of Elvis Presley—wring my faithful heart; tear it all apart; but love me—the door chime cheerfully rang, signaling the arrival of a customer. 
Alice gulped at the intimidating sight of the new arrival, and he was definitely new—she surely would have noticed him around the tiny town before now if he were a local. He was almost as broad as he was tall—and he was frighteningly tall—with the build of an elite athlete, like a champion MMA fighter, his long limbs hard and big and savage. The charcoal sweater and dark jeans he wore actually seemed to struggle to keep his toned muscles contained. 
He had thick, silky hair the color of dark roast coffee, and a closely-shorn mustache and short, angular beard. He was a very handsome man, perhaps in his early-to-mid forties, but when Alice finally met his eyes, she was instantly rendered breathless by a powerful, inexplicable sense of sheer terror that seemed to seize her by the throat, and choke her. 
Shadowed by a prominent brow bone, his inky, hooded eyes were disturbingly dark. Chilling. They reminded Alice of the eyes of a shark. Fathomless. Cold. 
“Hey there…can I get a table?” 
Unlike his frightening eyes, the velvety timber of the man’s deep voice actually inspired an equally strong sense of comfort—relief—causing the paranoid internal alarms within her body to faintly recede. 
Alice was rendered profoundly unbalanced, nearly on the verge of collapsing to the floor from the whiplash of such opposing instincts.
Perplexed by her body’s strange reactions to the stranger, Alice quickly nodded and dutifully lowered her head. She reached for a menu and silently beckoned the man to follow her, her shoulders arched nearly all the way to her ears as she timidly guided him to her favorite booth by the windows with the prettiest view of the forest.
He followed her with slow, heavy foot falls, and Alice nearly caved in on herself when she was directly confronted with just how much bigger he was up close as he slid into the booth with athletic, equanimous movements. 
Even sitting down, he was huge. 
Alice placed the menu on the table once he appeared settled, and reached into her apron pocket for her notepad and pen, waiting expectantly for him to provide his drink order, as all other customers automatically did upon sitting. 
But when he didn’t speak after several moments, Alice shyly raised her head, and was surprised to find the man gently smiling at her. 
He looked even more handsome when he smiled—
“There you are,” he said warmly, his voice triggering a sudden influx of delightful tingles throughout her weary muscles. “How are you doing tonight?”
Too stunned to speak, Alice felt hot blush rising to her cheeks in embarrassment. 
How long had it been since someone had asked her how she was? 
Seemingly sensing her unease, the man continued, “Sorry—you probably don’t want to talk with an old man like me,” he said ruefully, and Alice was suddenly overwhelmed with guilt. This handsome stranger was being more sociable with her than anyone had in months, and she was messing everything up. “Would it be possible to order—”
“I’m A-Alice,” she interrupted shakily—awkwardly—cheeks boiling at the mousy sound of her own voice. 
To her relief, the man’s smile only widened, and there was a flicker of playfulness in his eyes, somewhat tempering the otherwise unnerving quality in his dark gaze. 
“That’s a very pretty name,” he replied. “I’m Cooper.”
Cooper. Alice repeated the name in her head. It sounded strong and masculine.
She quite liked it. 
“Put us together and we’re rock stars,” he added. Alice frowned in confusion. “I…I don’t follow—”
“Alice Cooper?” Alice shook her head, and Cooper released a slow sigh. “Ahh…don’t mind me—I’m betraying my age here. He’s before your time.”
“Oh. Okay.” Alice swallowed hard. “Umm…w-welcome to the S-Sugar Maple Diner,” she offered, remembering she needed to do her job. It had been so long since she’d been required to introduce herself to a customer that Alice was quickly finding she was woefully out of practice with the basics. “M-may I get you something to drink, sir?” 
“Well I was taking a look at what you have on tap, but I notice you don’t have a bartender right now,” Cooper mentioned. “And I suspect you’re not quite old enough to legally go behind the bar.”
“Yeah…the bar closes at nine on weekdays. Mr. Andrews—he’s the owner—he already left for the night, and he usually handles that stuff.” Embarrassed, Alice tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry, sir.”
“Call me Cooper.”
“I’m sorry, Cooper.”
“So, how old are you?”
“Eighteen—but I’ll be nineteen next month.”
She wasn’t sure why she shared that detail. It certainly wasn’t as if her upcoming birthday made her seem any less young and pathetic. 
“Ahh…definitely too young to pour alcohol.” Cooper softly chuckled, his deep-chested rumble pleasantly tickling her ears. “In that case, how about a nice cold glass of Coke?”
“Would you prefer a frosted glass or ice?”
“Ice, please.”
Alice wrote down the order with a nod. “Coke with ice, coming right up.”
She began to turn on her toes to prepare his soda, but then he spoke again.
“So what do you recommend here?” Cooper asked. 
“Recommend?” Alice repeated slowly. “You mean…to eat?”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Alice realized what a stupid response it truly was.
The townsfolk’s collective avoidance of her was clearly not entirely to blame for her poor conversation skills. 
Of course he was asking her what to eat. She was a waitress. It was her job.
Mercifully, Cooper didn’t poke fun at her idiocy. “Yeah, what’s your favorite thing on the menu?” he asked. “If you were to join me for a meal, what would you order?”
Alice squeaked, “You want me to join you?” 
Cooper’s eyes widened, and he appeared even more shocked than she was. “Well, I was speaking hypothetically, but…sure! Why not. Care to join me?”
Alice thought she might actually pass out from embarrassment. 
Not only had she forgotten how to have a normal conversation, but she’d forgotten all about basic social cues. Sarcasm. Hypotheticals. 
Cooper was being friendly. Nothing more. He didn’t actually want to spend time with her—he just had good manners. 
“Umm…I’m really not supposed to…” Alice trailed off, nervously biting her lip. 
Unperturbed, Cooper shrugged his mountainous shoulders. “Perhaps some other time then.” Leaning forward, he lowered his voice and added in a conspiratorial murmur, “I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble on my account.” 
There was an undeniably patronizing quality to his warm baritone, but it wasn’t condescending in a negative way. The lilting way Cooper spoke was gentle, daresay caring, the low pitch of his manly deepness perfectly matched with a bright, uplifting enthusiasm.
Cooper spoke to her the way Alice remembered her own father used to speak to her—as if no one else in the world existed. As if she were important.
As if every word she spoke were the most brilliant thing ever to be uttered in history of the world, and he couldn’t get enough. 
Cooper had a…Dad voice, the kind of voice that felt like a warm, clean blanket fresh out of the dryer. 
He had a voice of absolute safety—a voice that made her feel brave. 
Like she could do anything. 
“I recommend the deluxe cheeseburger with fries,” Alice said, unable to contain her giddy smile. “Ted makes the best in town.”
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Cooper kept a careful gaze on Alice through his peripherals as he chewed and swallowed the mediocre cheeseburger, though he made sure to provide plenty of appreciative grunts and moans throughout his labored consumption for the girl’s benefit. 
He’d been patiently watching her for nearly a year now. It wouldn’t do well to worry the skittish thing when he was so close to finally making her his, for little Alice was a painfully insecure, highly sensitive girl. She was pitifully naïve and defenseless, lonely and desperate for affection.
She was perfect—and finally ripe for his taking. 
When he’d originally made the decision to settle down in the middle of fucking nowhere, Vermont after several years on the run, he’d simply planned on living quietly for whatever remained of his existence. The monster within lay dormant—at least for now—the compulsion to destroy and dissect no longer eroding what little remained of his sanity. The urge had been a sickness, a magmatic fever, burning so hot in his veins it was boiling him alive. Cooper knew quite well it would have killed him eventually. 
But now, his insides were…cooler, warm instead of blisteringly hot, and the dark, animalistic impulses currently thrumming through his body were far less bloodthirsty in nature compared to his prior proclivities. 
Perhaps he was in remission. 
He’d spent more than forty years keeping the two opposing halves of his psyche strictly separate, diligently compartmentalizing every aspect of his life down to the most minute detail, but when he’d caught sight of this tiny angel of a girl almost ten months ago—so sweet and innocent and frightened and alone—Cooper was leveled, and struck with an epiphanic clarity.
Perhaps the separatist approach to mitigating his dangerous urges no longer served him. 
Perhaps the only way for him to survive was by reconciling his infernal hungers, once and for all. 
When Cooper had escaped FBI custody—doubling his body count in the process—he’d been forced to accept that the closest thing to real human connection he’d ever been able access, his family, was lost to him forever. He missed being a husband. He missed being a father. 
But when he saw Alice, he realized he could still be both.
She was as alone in the world as he was, an isolated little girl shunned by nearly everyone around her. At merely eighteen, she was young and exceedingly vulnerable, in dire need of a loving authority figure to guide her and keep her safe. 
And yet, she was also a woman. Barely legal, but a woman nonetheless, and a mouthwatering one at that. Alice was a tiny thing, shorter even than Riley was when he last saw her, her petite body a tight little package of soft, untouched femininity he was growing more and more ravenous to taste.  
Cooper had always been partial to blondes, and his little Alice was a natural platinum. A “baby” blonde. 
Sweet little baby blonde with her pretty baby blue eyes—
With her milky skin and delicate features—not to mention those pouty pink lips just begging to have something hard shoved between them—Alice could look like a porcelain doll one moment, and a sex kitten the next. She was an undeniably gorgeous girl, not yet aware of her erotic allure, and under different circumstances, he knew she could have had any man on his knees begging to fuck her.
Fortunately for him, the entire town thought she was batshit crazy.
And Cooper was certainly not one to be put off by a little madness—
“How’s your dinner?” Alice asked sweetly from a few tables away. She’d been refilling ketchup bottles and rolling silverware for the last twenty minutes or so, responding beautifully—albeit awkwardly—to his subtle prompts for casual conversation.
Cooper wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and made an exaggerated show of patting his stomach. “You were right—this is the best burger I’ve ever had,” he lied smoothly. “Excellent recommendation, sweetheart.”
The girl’s cheeks instantly flooded with pretty pink blush—she likes being called sweetheart—and she shyly lowered her head, but couldn’t resist looking back at him mere seconds later with a demure giggle.   
Good girl. She found him attractive. 
His depraved plans would be much easier for her to adapt to with her sexual attraction already engaged—
“Can I get you anything else, Cooper?” Alice asked. She sounded hopeful. 
His left eye twitched at her use of his first name, one of the few…ticks beyond his control, as a small spark of violent rage kindled deep in his gut, leaving a sickly metallic taste in his mouth. 
The urge. 
Cooper was suddenly overcome with a vision—a lucid hallucination, really—of marching directly to where the girl stood, and shoving her to the floor so quickly the air would be knocked out of her lungs. He saw himself tearing off her clothes and wrapping his big hands around narrow torso, and squeezing, hard enough to crack her ribs, before mounting her like a beast in the wild, ready to take his quivering bitch in heat. He wanted to feel her small, supple body struggling beneath him, his scared, mewling kitten desperate to free herself by any means necessary.
He wanted her to scream. He wanted her to cry.
She was so fucking tiny he’d absolutely crush her with his size. Cooper was already far bigger than most people, but compared to his little girl, his sweet little nymph, he was indestructible, as vast and powerful as a god. 
He could do anything he wanted to her. He could violate her beyond recognition.
He could fuck her within an inch of her life—
Realizing he’d zoned out far longer than intended, he released a sharp exhale to snuff out the ember of fury, reminding himself that it was perfectly okay that the girl was calling him Cooper—for now. 
She’d be calling him Daddy soon enough. 
He forced himself to smile, carefully schooling his features to the affable façade he used specifically for putting people at ease. 
Like clockwork, the girl visibly relaxed. 
“Just the check please, sweetheart.”
Hunted Ch. 2: Dream A Little Dream Of Me
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darklydeliciousdesires · 10 months
The Promise of Rubies - A John Shelby/Reader One Shot Story.
This kind of just happened last night, a bit of dark, a lot of fluff. Enjoy, besties.
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(GIF credit - @peakystitches)
Words - 2,956
Warnings - Fluff! Mentions of violence, too.
The horizon bleeds pink into orange, swirling in watercolour as the ink of night begins to dominate, saturating into all that is warm with her cool darkness. The clouds of fluffy white smoke into grey, the evening arriving, the chill whipping against your skin as you stand outside your home, idly smoking a cigarette. No smoking in the house, as per your sister’s rules.  
It’s been just you and her looking after your brood of younger siblings since your mother died and your father hung. A hard life marred with tragedy, but you make no complaint. There are certain ways a poor woman with little in the way of opportunity can make her life better, yours perhaps the most sought after within the slums of Small Heath.
Shagging a Shelby. Many women covert it; few attain.  
It isn’t just sex between you and John any longer, though. At least, you don’t think it is. Surely if it were, you wouldn’t be the refuge he sought in times of crisis, in times where he needs someone to give him the care he usually provides to you. Surely, he’d go elsewhere if you meant so little to him as to solely be a warm hole in which to bury his cock.  
He staggers, his path zig zagging as he moves through the street, hitting the house besides yours, his features scrunched as he grunts in effort. Your heart skips on a beat, realising that he’s hurt beyond a mild beating. “John, Jesus bloody wept, what happened?” 
Casting your cigarette into the gutter, you reach for him, and he slumps against you, his body moulding soft yet heavy against yours.  
“The fucking...” he grits, pulling himself up, face contorted in agony. “The fucking wops. Jumped me, couldn’t get home. Yours was quicker. Fucking... those fucking...” 
Assertiveness kicks in, the same as when you’re dealing with split elbows and grazed knees suffered by your younger brothers and sisters, the protective instinct within your stirred to action. “Okay, don’t talk right now. Let’s get you inside. Come on.” 
Hauling his arm around your shoulders, you pull him towards your front door, burdened beneath his weight, turning to make sure there are no persons of the Italian persuasion around. Him being followed is the very last thing you need. You want to help him, such goes without saying, but if the Changretta’s knew where you lived... heaven help you.  
It isn’t like Jonh is currently in a fit state to assist in fighting them off right now either, and you could do without having to point a gun to anyone’s head. Being in a relationship of sorts with a Shelby means that wielding a weapon simply becomes par for the course. Trust you to fall for a man whose terms and conditions come with the kind of desensitising to violence you never expected to ever partake in.  
“Come on,” you grit, hauling him towards the kitchen table, John heavy against you as you steer him into a seat. “Right, let’s take a look at you. You ain’t been stabbed or shot, have you?” 
He straightens, wincing. “Slashed me, but nah, none of that.” 
You’re involving yourself in unbuttoning his waistcoat and tattered shirt when your sister walks in, the air thickening with immediate effect. “What the bloody hell went on here?” 
You turn your head, scoffing with soft incredulity. “Isn’t that obvious, Ethel?” 
“I don’t want his brand of trouble in my fucking house!” 
“S’alright, Ethel,” he groans, taking a deep breath, wincing again as you gasp upon revealing his banged up ribs. No wonder he can hardly breathe. “I weren’t followed. Wouldn’t have come if I was. Ain’t no fucking way I’m putting you, your sister or the nippers in danger.”  
“You better be sure on that, John Shelby. Because I’ll fucking hang before I let you endanger my family! We’ve already lost mom and dad, for the love of god, we don’t...” 
“Ethel!” you shout, turning to view her. “Leave it alone now. This isn’t the time, alright? Just go to work. The kids are in bed, we’re armed, and he wasn’t followed. It’s fine.”  
Ethel shakes her head, her lips pinching. “The things you’ll put up with for a shag.” 
“As would you if you saw the cock on him,” you fire back, John snorting with laughter despite his state. 
“And here was me thinking it was me raw charm you liked most,” he jokes, laughing all he can.  
“I’ll be back later.” Her frosty statement is followed by her swift exit, the front door slamming shut. You look at John, shaking your head with a soft smile. 
“I do like you for more than your cock, you know.” 
He grins, pulling out his cigarettes and lighting up. Flouting Ethel's rules is one of his favourite pastimes. “Wouldn’t blame you if that was the only thing about me you did like, bab. It’s impressive.”  
Battered six ways to Sunday and still, he’s the cockiest, most arrogant shit of a man you’ve ever met. 
“And the rest of you does come with a certain barrage of shit.” 
A flicker of embarrassment gilds his face in shame, dropping his gaze. “I know, love.”  
Pulling his shirt from him, you study his wounds carefully. Bruised ribs, but his breathing isn’t laboured enough for them to be broken. Cuts and welts to his face, a slash across his upper pectoral leading to the side of his armpit. It could have been a hell of a lot worse.  
Thank fuck Small Heath lads can take a bloody good kicking.  
Stroking his face, your heart flutters when he leans into the cup of your palm, turning his head to kiss the heel of your hand. “Let me get some stuff together, and I’ll get you sorted.”  
His gratitude is delivered in the soft gaze from his steel blue eyes, halting you as you stand, pulling you close. “I’d fucking be lost without you.”  
Of course, he would. It takes a special kind to be with a Shelby, a woman who knows the harder side of life by nature rather than infliction, a woman who accepts that smooth sailing will never come without regular choppy seas, a woman who sees beyond the black clouds for the rays of sunshine.
You think of all of that and more while boiling some water, pouring a splash of TCP into the bowl, a little cold water to follow, taking it back to the table with some cotton to begin cleaning his war wounds.  
“Fucking hell!” he hisses sharply, the sting of the antiseptic meeting the open chest wound too great to merely offer grumbles in response.  
You study the wound closely, knowing that bandaging across his chest will keep it clean, but two places at least are much too deep for the skin to knit together without assistance. “I’ll have to stitch you, John.” Your face is full of lament, squeezing his hand. “Sorry.”  
He sniffs, his shoulders twitching in shrug. “I thought you might. It's alright.”  
A cotton reel and needle are fetched, as well as a bottle of cheap brandy and a couple of glasses. You half fill his, John knocking it back immediately, causing you to reconsider your stance on anything vaguely resembling etiquette and pushing the bottle towards him instead. “Ta, bab.”  
He knocks back the brandy like it's some kind of elixir, and you cannot blame him at all, having to endure the pain of stitches administered by a semi-unskilled hand. Hems and turnups you are adept with; flesh wounds, not so much.  
Pushing the needle into his pale flesh, he hisses a grumble, prompting your lips to press a kiss into the centre of his chest before you continue. Nine stitches close the first of the deepest part of the gash, four to the second, John knocking back the brandy as you knot the thread, cutting the cotton with a sharp knife.  
“There,” you say, sitting back to admire your handiwork. “All sorted.” You notice his skin beaded in sweat, the blood trails bleeding into it, pink pearls of fluid trickling over his chest. “Do you want me to prep you a bath?” 
He shakes his head, placing the brandy bottle down. “Nah, love. You’ve done enough.” He stands slowly, taking the bowl and emptying it before filling it with the remainer of the hot water, washing himself down carefully. Standing, you tip the brandy within your glass down your throat, going to fetch a towel for him.  
“You look like you need to go to bed.”  
Taking the towel from you, he dries his face and chest, nodding. “Probably the best place for me.” Locking the front door, you walk along behind him, hands braced against the wide planes of his bare shoulders, moving to your tiny bedroom. There isn’t much in there, a double bed that takes up most of the room, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe, the spaces between the furniture narrow, John kicking off his boots and the remainder of clothes, wincing in pain as he climbs beneath the covers.  
“I was just about to make some tea,” you state, seating yourself on the edge of the bed. “Only beans on toast, it’s about all we’ve got in. Do you want some?” 
He reaches for your arm, shaking his head. “No ta, sweetheart. I think I just need to sleep it off.” He stares up at you for a few moments and your heart flutters, half with the worry that the wounds that led him to your door could have all too easily been fatal, and half with the absolute beauty of his eyes. You never noticed before, how they exactly match the sunset, smoky blue irises gilded in the golden copper of his lashes, freckled lids that begin growing heavier with every blink.  
Leaning to him, you kiss his lips softly. “Just shout if you need anything, I’ll be downstairs.”  
He’s asleep before you’ve even climbed off the bed, leaving you to wonder just how much he’d had to drink prior to him being jumped. You’ve seen John fight, he’s adept, savage, not the kind of man who would take a kicking lying down. There was bound to be more than one, though, this beating a clear message from the Italians. If they wanted him dead, he wouldn’t have turned up at all. Either that or you’d be walking to the phone box to call Tommy and inform him of John’s demise upon your doorstep, either of the two.  
Putting it to the back of your mind, you go downstairs, searching through your meagre pantry. No beans. Ahhh, yeah. You shared the last tin out between the kids before putting them to bed. You won’t receive your grocery delivery until the day after either, John putting in a standing order he pays for at the corner shop to be delivered twice weekly, so your family never go without.  
Ethel protests it, but often quietens when she sees a bottle of gin just for her there in the box when good ole’ Mr Williams knocks the door with your provisions. Say what you will about John, but he’s thoughtful and makes sure nobody within your household goes without, even if one of those people doesn’t like him much. 
Grabbing the loaf of bread, you think yourself lucky to at least have preserves and butter in good supply, slathering three slices, one plain butter, one with jam and the other with marmalade. You leave that slice until last, the comfort of your mother’s marmalade recipe you’ve finally managed to perfect making you feel warm inside as you sit at the hearth with a strong cup of tea, kicking off your shoes to warm your toes in front of the fire.  
“They’re dangerous lads, but they’re good lads, those Shelby boys.” That’s what she staunchly said of them, always welcoming John with open arms whenever he called to take you out. Him, Tommy and Arthur, they all tried to swing it the other way with the police when your dad was locked up, languishing within the damp, rat-infested surroundings of Winson Green prison. It was sadly to no avail, your father meeting the noose just two weeks after your mother died, her heart giving out on her after a lifetime of suffering with the illness.  
Your heart is now the one that lies damaged, effectively orphaned, caregiver to four small children when you feel like now is the time to be thinking about maybe beginning a family of your own. Your mind turns back to the guest within your bed, smiling as you think of him, wondering what your eventual children will look like.  
You spend a few hours at the fireside, reading a book between bouts of getting lost in thought, wondering if this new trouble with the Italians is going to only lead to further heartbreak for you. Loving a gangster is not an easy path, but you walk it with him all the same. Deciding to head upstairs rather than throw on more kindling, you seek the warmth of his body after you’ve stripped off, pulling your nightgown on and sliding into bed beside him. 
“What you bothered with this thing for?” he mutters, hand reaching to stroke against the winceyette covering your waist.  
“Well, I didn’t think you’d be fit for anything other than sleep, given the fact you turned up four hours ago beaten black and blue,” you state, John nodding. 
“I'm not, but I like the feel of your skin against mine. Get it off.”  
Rolling your eyes, the nightgown is abandoned, settling down at his side again, John grabbing your leg and gently resting it across his thighs. He wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “It’ll all be alright, you know. In the end. It ain’t alright at the moment, but that’s cos’ it ain’t the end, love.” 
You swear, he can read your mind sometimes, all your little worries you manage to hide. You can never keep them shadowed from John, though. “I know, darling. I know. I accept it, I know I have to harden myself to it all, that it’s the price I pay to love someone as much as I do you. Doesn't make it easy, though.”  
His hand strokes idly at your back, another kiss pressed to your head. “It will be one day, bab. Promise.”  
As you fall asleep beside him, you don’t know if you truly can believe that or not, wondering if you’re cursed to love and lose forever. Many more nights of worry come and go, though, but he still turns up. Sometimes battered, most of the time absolutely fine. The Italian issue gets sorted, and life moves on, until one evening when he fails to turn up at all.  
It would be your birthday, wouldn’t it? He would go missing and thus curse the day forevermore, a day that should be marked with happiness forever blacked out as the day John Shelby failed to knock your front door. Someone else does, though.  
“Come with me, love,” Arthur states, his face blank, tone flat.  
“Why?” you ask, fetching your coat from behind the front door. “Arthur, what’s going on? Why do you look so serious?”  
Your heart begins pounding, the tall, eldest Shelby sibling giving nothing away. “Just come with me.” 
Is this it? Is this the day you’ve been dreading? Surely though, if something had happened, Arthur would just come out and say it, wouldn’t he?  
He would, wouldn’t he?  
You pester him all the way along the walk, out of your street and around the corner, coming onto Watery Lane, the heat from the blast furnaces warming the chill in your cheeks as you pass them by, Okay, so you passed John’s house, too. Can’t be that bad, can it? Surely if he was dead, Arthur would have taken you there to explain?  
“After you.” Holding the door open, he makes a gesture for you to head into The Garrison first, your heart still thumping wildly with nerves, stepping in to the almightiest cheer that makes you jump about a foot out of your skin. Banners and streamers decorate the entire pub, your friends and family all present, John beaming as he walks away from the group of smiling people.  
“Happy birthday, sweetheart” he speaks warmly, pulling you into a huge hug. “Aw, look at her face! Proper got ya, didn’t I?” 
“I thought you were dead! I thought, I though Arthur was bringing me here to give me bad news, and you didn’t turn up, and...” you babble, turning to see Arthur grin. He receives a smack in the chest for his talents in delivering a completely deadpan facade. “You bugger!” 
“I know,” he chuckles, winding his arm around your shoulders and kissing your head. “I’m a fucking rotter, but I was under orders.”  
Your eyes turn back to he who gave the orders, shaking your head. “You’re a bugger too, John Shelby.” 
He raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement. “I know. Hopefully you won’t think I’m one for very long, though.” He reaches into his pocket, removing a small box, taking your hand. Your mouth virtually hits the ground as you watch him lower to one knee before you. “I love you, (Y/N). Always have, always will. Will you marry me?” 
With tears in your eyes, you accept the proposal, and the beautiful ruby and diamond engagement ring, John slipping it onto your finger and kissing your hand as the crowd erupts with cheers, standing to kiss you.  
“Promised you it’d all be okay in the end, didn’t I?” 
Indeed, he did.  
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peakyswritings · 3 months
Reb!! First i want to thank you for reading the last chapters of my thg! series i read your comments and 🥺❤️. Promise to reply them as soon as I can.
Then if your requests are still open, would you write a Tommy x Nina using this prompt:
"i’m only here for the dog cat"
Maybe it suits them 🤭❤️.
Thanks in advance! And of course there's no pressure at all!!
A/N: thank you so much for sending this, Flor!🤍 and don’t worry about the replies, I’m much behind with them myself! I made a little AU for this one, and I had so much fun writing this! (I also got a bit carried away and became longer than intended lmao)
Nina Ferrante is the OC from my Tommy Shelby x OC series Heart, Body and Soul. This is not set in the series universe, so even if you haven’t read the series, you can read this one.
Summary: the Ferrante family temporarily moves from Sicily to Birmingham to conduct business with Tommy Shelby. However, soon he finds himself stuck with something that doesn’t belong to him.
Warnings: mentions of violence/killing, English is not my first language, no proofreading.
Word count: 1.2k
Send me a prompt and I’ll write something short☀️
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Nina regretted not wearing a coat the moment she stepped out the Midland Hotel. The cold hair cut through her clothes, pricking her skin like a thousand tiny needles, setting deep into her bones. It would take more than a week to get used to that kind of weather, or to the stench of coal and iron that permeated the air. Small Heath was unlike the Sicilian village she had grown up in, in many different ways. But as she hurried past the grey buildings, and the crowded houses, and the factories, she found herself unable to pay much attention to it, or to the mud sticking to her shoes. She couldn’t even pay attention to the glances the men around her shot at her. Winston was her only concern.
She had been looking for him in her hotel room for over an hour. Above the closet, under the bed, even in the unlit fireplace, but he was nowhere to be found. She was on the verge of a mental breakdown when the phone rang and a familiar voice on the other side informed her that a certain black cat had sneaked into his office. Nina shouldn’t have been surprised, though. During her family’s business meetings with Mr Thomas Shelby at the hotel, Winston had seemed to manifest a curiosity - maybe even a liking - towards the gangster.
When she walked past the doors of the Shelby Company Limited, a big man with a grim expression stopped in front of her. He cleared his throat, looking down at her. “Who are you?”
“I’m here to see Mr Shelby,” she ignored his question, going straight to the point. She didn’t have the time nor the will for the formalities, and she didn’t like the way the brute was clearly trying to intimidate her.
“What do you want with Mr Shelby?”
“He has something mine.”
The man squinted his eyes in confusion, probably wondering what Tommy Shelby could ever take from a girl like her. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it right away, as if in the middle of some kind of realisation. Nina could almost see his brain cells working to put the pieces together.
“You’re one of those wops,” he noted, and the hint of disgust in his voice was enough to send a wave of irritation through her. Before she had the chance to say something, he reached over to her. “I have to search you, miss.”
“Keep your fucking hands to yourself,” she spat, taking a step back. She glared at him, silently daring him to try and put his hands on her again. Search her. Like Hell.
The man sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s the protocol, miss.”
“You can stick your protocol up yo-”
“The lady’s fine, Scudboat.” A deep voice interrupted her mid-sentence. Thomas Shelby was standing in the middle of the room, his hands in his pockets, and Nina wondered how it was possible that none of them had heard him arrive. “Let her pass.”
“Yes, sir.” With a single nod, Scudboat moved out of the way, finally allowing her to walk further into the room. “Good luck with this one,” he muttered under his breath as he took his place by the doors again.
A heavy silence fell into the room. Shelby’s icy stare was studying her as he had studied her father and brothers during their meetings, and she would’ve lied if he had said that the thing didn’t make her at least a bit uneasy. He carried himself as if he held all the cards, and everyone else was just another pawn in his game. Even when it wasn’t him who had the upper hand. However, in this case, he did have the upper hand. Maybe going into his territory all alone hadn’t been her best idea. But it was too late to panic, and she still had her knife, safely hidden in her pocket.
Behind his placid expression, Tommy was somewhat surprised to see Vincenzo Ferrante’s daughter herself. He had expected her to send her father, or her brothers. Instead, she had walked through the streets of Small Heath on her own, and entered the doors of his company as if she were untouchable. He didn’t know whether to define her stupid or brave for that. Reckless, for sure. Rather impressed, he granted himself a moment to observe her. Dark strands of hair had escaped her long braid, and her nose and cheeks had a tinge of red due to the cold. She hadn’t even bothered wearing a coat. She wasn’t exactly in the position to make threats, and yet she had held her own with one of his scariest men. She was quite something. The young woman wavered for an instant, then she straightened her back and raised her chin.
“I’d like my cat back.”
Tommy’s eyes stared deep into Nina’s, and she held his gaze with fiery determination. Noting she wouldn’t look away first, he simply turned around, motioning for her to follow him. After a moment of hesitation, she did as he said.
It took Nina a few seconds to adjust to the dim light that filtered through the shutters of Shelby’s office. It was fairly big, furnished in dark wooden furniture, and it smelled like cigarettes, whiskey, and masculine cologne. His desk was scattered with papers and photographs, and a lit cigarette was still burning in an ashtray.
“There he is,” Tommy broke the silence, pointing to the dark fur ball curled up on one of the chairs.
Nina exhaled a sigh of relief, her heart finally finding some peace now that she knew for sure that her cat was safe. He was used to the peace of the Sicilian countryside, after all, and she wasn’t sure he’d survive the danger of the city. Winston raised his little head to look at her, but didn’t move from his comfortable spot. Traitor. He even meowed in protest when she went to grab him.
“Shut up,” she hissed.
Tommy Shelby, for his part, was looking at the scene with the shadow of a grin on his face. She was entertaining, that was sure. While she battled with the beast, he poured himself a glass of whiskey. “Want something to drink?”
“I’m only here for the cat.”
“Right,” he nodded, watching as she finally managed to pick up the animal. She snorted, pushing a rebellious strand of hair behind her ear.
With Winston tucked under her arm, Nina raised her gaze on Thomas. She couldn’t just go away without saying anything, right? He could’ve thrown the animal in the streets and leave him to his fate, after all. As if sensing she wanted to tell him something, Tommy patiently waited, but that only made the task of searching for something appropriate to say more difficult.
“Thank you.”
That was all. Nice and simple. Then she turned around and made her way towards the exit. But just as she was about to leave, a doubt arose in Nina’s mind, one she couldn’t help but voice. She stopped in her tracks, turning to look at him again. “How did you know what room I’m staying in anyway?”
“Ah,” Tommy scoffed, his lips curving in a smirk. “I own this city, sweetheart.”
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“Scudboat,” Tommy called once Nina was out on the streets, catching the man’s attention. “Keep an eye on the girl, make sure she gets to the hotel safe. Can’t trust Birmingham.”
“Yes, sir,” the Blinder nodded, immediately going to obey the order.
“Oi,” Tommy called again, making him turn around. “Keep low and keep your distance, cause if she won’t kill you, her family will,” he warned him. “And you wouldn’t like the Italian way.”
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Heart, Body and Soul taglist
@zablife @queenofshinigamis @raincoffeeandfandoms / @justrainandcoffee @call-sign-shark
@kmc1989 @babayaga67 @kmhappybunny240 @diorrfairy @mariaelizabeth21-blog1
@gaslysainz @brummiereader @loverhymeswith @fairypitou @prettywhenicry4
@mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @woofgocows @girlwith-thepearlearring @goblinjnr @outlanderuniverse
@citylights31 @neonpurplestars89-blog @red-riding-wood @evita-shelby
General tag list:
@iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys
@lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989
@call-sign-shark @jomarch-wannabe @ce1iat
@red-riding-wood @optimisticsandwichgladiator
Tommy Shelby taglist:
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jakeysbuttsheeks · 9 months
Godfather 1x
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Warnings: profanity, age gap , daddy kink , mature themes , sexual content , sex , fingering , piercing play , thigh riding , oral sex , typos , grammatical mistakes , other shit
Parings: Jake x fem reader
18+ minors dni
Previous part
You woke up tucked tightly under Jake's arm as he lay next to you. You could tell he was going to have one hell of a hangover. But his eyes looks so innocent while he slept , his lips pursed open with small snores breathing out , his hair a fanned out mess on his cheek and the pillows. He smelt extensively of alcohol and cigarettes and his shampoo and a slight dash of his perfume.
You thought of last night and the way he said all those things with that look in his eyes. And the way he kissed you and cuddled you to bed. You wished he did more but obviously he was too drunk to stay awake any longer. You hoped he meant what he said last night and that it wasn't the alcohol talking shit.
But you remembered what he said "the alcohol just gives me confidence. It doesn't make up the words for me" it replays in your head. You hoped he meant it and didn't want up and ask you to forget it ever happened again.
You wanted to lean in and kiss him and cuddle into him before he work up , just in case . but you didn't want to wake him up , he needed to rest , plus you were late for work. You lay there staring for a good few minutes before you tried to get out from his hold, making you making him shuffle slightly but he still didn't wake up .
You decide to make breakfast instead of Jake for a change. Plus Jake would probably be too hungover to do it anyway.
You were in the kitchen, halfway through making breakfast when you heard Jake's phone ringing from his room.
"fuck- what?" Jake hisses from his wopping headache as he answers the phone.
"where the fuck are you ? We have a pomo today" Sam barks over the phone.
"shit" Jake groans as he sits himself up and holds the phone away from his ear to look at the time.
"I'll be there" Jake says before hanging up and getting out of bed , walking over to his bathroom where he noticed the half smoked cigarette and empty glass of water from last night on his sink counter and it immediately hit him.
He recollected every word from what happened last night, up unto when the two of you got into bed. For a second he wondered if it was a dream. But the cigarette and the glass on the counter was proof.
He brushed his teeth and dressed up for work as fast as he could, coming out of his room to find you , wondering why he woke up to an empty bed if you fell asleep with him.
"Jake finally" your eyes light up when you see him as he approached you by the stove.
"i was getting worried. We're late for work. How are you feeling?" you say, looking at him slightly concerned, he didn't seem to be worried about what you were saying though , his eyes looked around the kitchen with a small amused smile on his face .
"what are you doing in my kitchen?" He asks in a sneaky tone, a smirk curled over the corner of his mouth as he closed in on you , his eyes fixed to your lips.
"making breakfast?" You answer as your cheeks turned red as you fought the urge to stare back at his perfect heart shaped lips.
"i made you coffee too. For your hangover" you say , pouting out your lip slightly to make sure he couldn't miss a chance to kiss you , he inched closer to you and held your hips. You caught onto how he smelt fresh now , his perfume and toothpaste.
"aren't you a doll-" Jake cuts himself off as he tilts his head and presses his lips into yours .You feel your stomach flip as you fall against him and giggle into the kiss , wrapping your arms around his neck to purely enjoy the feeling of his lips against yours.
It felt different from last night's kiss. Last night's kiss felt like a dream , like a fiction you'd made up or some delusional daydream. But this one felt so real. It felt familiar, like you've kissed his lips a thousand times. You did , but only in your dreams. You couldn't believe this kiss was not some painfully realistic dream , and that it was infact actually happening.
"I'm sorry about last night" Jake breaks the kiss and parts from you . His words making your heart drop to the floor and shatter , tears almost fought their way. Sorry? What was he sorry about ?
"sorry?- wh-?" you barely speak in confusion.
"about the puking" Jake elaborates as he serves out some of the pasta you'd made into a bowl and you feel the biggest relief as you sigh and break into a smile.
"I meant everything I said last night. I was talking about me being drunk off my ass" Jake adds , noticing your relief . Your cheeks flushed red.
"I'm just glad you got home safe. I've seen you worse back when you and Josh used to hang out with dad" you say as you watch him grab a fork and sit down at the table.
"oh fuck that. I'm too old for that shit now" Jake says, making you laugh.
"coffee" you say as you set down the hot mug next to his bowl.
"you're not eating?" He asks with a full mouth as he grabs your wrist before you walk away.
"i already did" you say as he pulls your arm around his neck , making you wrap your other arm around his neck too and bend down to his level behind him, your ear against his.
"you're not lying to me right?" Jake asks and you turn your face to press your lips against his cheek , the smile never leaving your face.
"no. I ate while I was cooking" you speak with your lips against his cheek , pressing a peck there before standing up straight. You could see the pink tint on Jake's cheeks , but he played it cool.
"I dont want you skipping meals y|n" Jake says as he feeds himself another mouth while you walk to the counter to clear it up.
"im not" you answer.
"good girl" Jake says nonchalantly. It made your kness weak to hear him praise you like that. For a second you stopped what you were doing to imagine what he'd sound like saying that to you in bed while you did your best for him to feel good .
"you ready? Let's go" Jake sits up from the table and puts his bowl in the dishwasher before heading to the fridge to grab water.
You forgot to answer him as you watched his lips pursed out to the mouth of the cold water bottle, thristly drinking it down as his Adams apple bobbed in his stretched out throat. Even his damn fingers looks so pretty just holding the bottle up.
You snap your head away and blink before he noticed you drooling over him .
"yeah let's go were late" you say as you gather your sanity and head to the front door , knowing Jake would follow behind you.
He slipped on his beatup leather boots and grabbed his keys as he left with you , the two of you rushing to the car. But you were suprised when you saw Jake heading to the passager's side of the car as he opened the car with the keys making the car a beep.
"are you letting me drive!?" You gasp in excitement as you watched him open the passangers side door .
"hell no. I'm just opening the door for you" he say and your excitement drops to a annoyed expression as you make your way over to him as he held the door open for you.
You roll your eyes at him as he smiled at you while you got in . He made sure you were fully in before closing the door for you . You were annoyed but you couldn't help the way the butterflies tickled your stomach.
He then got into the car from the driver's side , starting the engine and pulling out of the driveway , his hand finding placement on your knee . You hoped he'd keep it there . And he did. Funny how a few months ago you wished for the exact thing . And now it was happening . It was almost too good to be true .
You reached quicker than expected. Maybe because you were focused on Jake's hand in your upper thigh , genuinely keeping it there to be close to you with his thumb gently caressing the skin. You watched his eyes on the road and his other hand on the steering.
"waitt" Jake rushed as you got out of the car.
"whatt? we're late" You copied his tone as you got out and closed the door , Jake coming up beside you before you could walk in.
His hands came up to cup your face before he closed in and kissed your lips softly . His adoration for you was shown clearly when he kissed you. And it never failed to make your face red and your stomach tickle every single time.
"see you after work" he says as he breaks away , giving you a quick peck on the cheek . You could help but smile widel to yourself as you watched him part away and go inside , catching a glimpse of his ass too. I mean how could you not?
"well well well , look who it is" Josh says as Jake walks in.
"sorry guys. I have a hangover" Jake says as he picks up his guitar case.
"you seem to be awfully pleased about that though- did something happen?" Josh asks sceptically , noticing the excitement that his twin tried to mask the minute he walked in .
"well" Jake sighed , trying to bury his excitement as he looked away , trying hard not to smile but failing miserable. The excitement on his face and the pink tint on his cheeks said everything.
"Jake!? Are you fucking blushing right now?!" Josh gasps in pure shock as he tried to get a better look at his twin.
"yes he is look at his face!" Sam pointed with a laugh.
"fuck off. All of you!" Jake snapped , trying to pretend he wasn't feeling like a giggly teenager who's head over heels with his first love.
"oh my god- what is going on" danny says between the chaos.
"Jake fucked y|n! Jake fu-" Sam yelled , point jake out to to call him out .
"what the fuck-! NO!" Jake reached out to grab Sam but Sam wrestled him .
"don't lie Jake. We can see it all over your face" Josh added.
"no-! NO! No one fucked anyone!" Jake yelled , breaking everyone into silence.
"I just figured everything out with her that's all" Jake explains, letting go of Sam.
"so y'all are a thing now?" Danny asks.
"yeah" Jake felt his excitement creep up again.
"well it was about time. I've had just about enough from the weird tensions between you two" Josh says , going back to what he was doing.
"tell me about it" Jake sighs as he continued to take his guitar out.
You were busy the rest of the day because of Greta's promo. You could wait for the day to just get over so you could go home to Jake.
As soon as you were done to went off to find Jake , finding him with the rest of the band and a few other people about something. But they all seemed to be packing up to leave.
You felt butterflies when you met eyes with Jake , his eyes literally lit up when he saw you.
"heyy" he came up giving you a kiss on the cheek , shocking you slightly because you weren't sure if he'd told anyone yet. But he didn't seem to care. You could feel Axel staring into your soul though.
"Jake let's go I wanna go home" you say , not being able to waste another minute here without being able to throw yourself him.
"why? What's wrong?" He asks , worry immediately taking over him.
"nothing I'm just tried" you grumble.
"cranky are we?" Jake smiles, his hand coming up to ruffle your hair.
"quit it!" You snap and grab his wrist . You'd spent so long getting your hair to look nice just for him and he messes it up.
"alright alright" Jake cooed , patting your hair back down before someone called out for him.
"gimme few minutes 'kay?" He says before quickly walking to them.
"y|nn!" Sam exclaims as he approached you give you a hug.
"hi Sammy" you smile as he breaks the hug.
"so Jake told us the news" he says , giving your shoulder a slight nudge with his own shoulder, making you feel like all your clothes had been taken off and you were standing there naked and exposed.
"oh- yeah" you shy away , looking over at Jake intently taking to someone.
"I'm happy for you two. We all are. Y'all are good together" Sam reassures with a pat on your back.
"really?" You smile widely and looking at him. He gives you a nod and another pat on the back.
"thank you Sammy" you look up at him with a thankful gaze .
"wanna stop by and get something for dinner?" Jake asks as he walks with you to the car , finally on the way to go home.
"why?" You ask.
"you know, just to celebrate. I don't wanna eat leftovers" Jake says as he pulls out his keys and unlocks the car.
"celebrate what?" You ask.
"us-?" Jake sighs in frustration , turning to look at you.
"are you not happy y|n? Cuz you've been acting weird. you can tell me" Jake says , seriousness in his face.
"what- Jake no. I'm happy" you shake your head.
"then why are you-" he stops himself and sighs. He looked at the floor and you could tell he was overthinking. Little did he know , you wanted to be with him more than anything. And being apart from him was what made you cranky. You were being a child, but you couldn't help it.
You raised yourself on your toes and met his lips with yours to make him stop overthinking , and also to nonverbally apologise for how you were acting.
He caught your hips and melted into the kiss as you backed up against his car , pulling him with you with your grip on the collar of his tshirt.
"you're stupid" you break the kiss to pepper kissed from his chin and up his jaw to his ear.
"been getting that alot recently" he says. You can sense the stress from his tone.
"I just don't want to mess this up" he says , the weight of his words were heavy . It makes your heart burn , but you were determined to make him feel better.
"i missed you. Today was a long day" you say , kissing his neck .
"is that why you're cranky?" He realises, his voice showing his mood was better instantly now that he understood.
"yeah" you breathe against his neck , his eyes rolled back and he let out a slight gasp as you sucked on his neck. You hoped he understood what you were getting to, and why you wanted to go home so desperately.
"fuckkk" Jake dragged , his knees almost buckling when he felt your tongue drag up on a spot on his neck , the metal piercing on your tongue ceasing to the feeling.
"baby-" he squeezed your hips tighter involuntary as you continued to purse your lips against his tanned skin and suck on it , trying hard to ignore the tent building in his pants.
"let's go home jakey" you break away from him , leaving him panting slightly and blushing at the way you said his name as you got into the car.
"fuck" Jake winced at the painful boner he had and got into the driver's seat , sweat coating his delicious skin already as his heart rate spiked up.
He pulled out of the drive way before he placed his hand on your thigh , you put your hand over his and melted into the feeling of his touch , involuntarily spreading your legs apart on the seat.
Your head was foggy with all the sinful thoughts of Jake you'd been having throughout the day. And now it was like some demonic entity that'd washed over you.
You moved his hand further up your thigh , making him look at you for a second before turning back on the road.
"I'm driving baby" he says as he swallows, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat as you admired his side profile.
"please-" you barely whisper as you slid down the seat slightly , restless taking over you , your panties soaked through.
"shit" he muttered under his breath as he tried to gather his sanity, at least still the two of you got home.
But you couldn't wait for that. You pulled his hand under your skirt , between your legs and he looked at you with blown out lust filled eyes.
"Jesus you couldn't wait at all huh?" Jake asks as he decided to tend to you need , brushing his fingers against your clothes heat. The pleading look you gave him was enough to get him to do anything for you.
"i have been waiting. Since yesterday but you were too drunk. And in the morning you were asleep and we were late. And the whole of today too" you complain and he smirks, his eyes on the road.
"aw man. Been so patient haven't you?" Jake chuckles, his voice seductive and deep, his palm and fingers hot and spread out on your inner thigh as his pinky barely grazes at your aching core , making your eyebrows knit together and your breath get faster.
"fuc- yeah" you answer as you rut your hips up involuntary, the seatbelt restricting you , you could almost feel a puddle of wetness under you.
"poor thing" he mumbles , his eyes shifting between you and the road as he multi tasks between driving and teasing you.
You moan at his words. At this point you'd completely lost yourself. You felt high . High on Jake and everything about him.
He sympathised over you and allowed himself to use his middle finger to rub a gentle circle on your folds through your panties.
"The fuc- you're soaked!" Jake's eyes widened at the feeling of your panties being a complete mush of wetness. You had to be ovulating or something , you were absolutely feral just at the sight of him .
You thrusted your hips up again , gripping his wrist to keep his hand between your legs , your other hand grabbing at whatever else you could.
"shit!" Jake curses as he almost hits someone on the road , distracted by you. You didn't really seemed to care. If you had to die just to have Jake , you would.
"patience till we get home baby. We're almost there. Hang on for me yeah?" Jake coaxes , his focus now on getting you home safely more than anything.
"alright" you sigh when you realise he was being serious. You release your grip on his wrist , allowing him to use both hands on the wheel as he drove fast and careful.
You couldn't keep your eyes off him. Watching him skilfully handle the engine, his eyes focused on the road , his cheeks still slightly pink and semi hard bulge in his pants. Not to mention his beautiful side profile that has been outlined every now and then from the passing vehicles and streetlights. You had your eyes locked onto him.
He finally pulled into the drive way , you had already thrown off your seat belt and lunged the door open , Jake followed behind you into the house .
"you smell pretty" Jake's voice vibrates as he stood behind you while you unlocked the door , his hands on your hips.
Once he heard the door click open he spun you around to face him before picking you up by your waist like you weighed nothing, making you let out a small squeal before his lips caught yours in a desperate frenzy , carrying you into the house with your legs around him.
"bedroom?" He mumbles as you open your mouth wider for his tongue. You moaned at the feeling of his strong muscle fighting yours in your mouth and playing with the metal on your tongue. The kiss was all teeth and tongue.
You forgot to answer him , lost in the feeling of his mouth against yours as he pressed you against the nearest wall to hold you up. You went feral and sucked on his tongue , making him let out a low moan of amusement as he pulled away to look at you.
"bedroom?" He asks again , breathing heavily. The kiss had taken the breath away from the both of you.
"yes please" you answer , your eyes screaming desperation.
He wasted no time carrying you to his bedroom, dropping you on the bed with his body crawling over yours, but you immediately sat up and flipped him over . Switching positions to have him seated on the edge of the bed while you straddling his lap.
He latched his mouth to your neck this time , kissing you in the same spot you kissed him before , being sure to return the favour as his hands held your waist securely.
You whine as he sucked with his teeth , causing a sharp sting before running his tongue over and kissing the area.
As much as you wanted him to go on forever, you wanted more. You part from him slightly to pull your top over your head , his eyes widened, not expecting you to strip so suddenly.
You wore a padded pink bra under , letting your boobs spill out just enough for Jake to go mad. He tried his best to stare with respect but that was far from possible.
You moved further up on his lap , straddling over his crotch so his face was almost stuffed into your chest but he moved back and looked up at you , silently asking for permission.
You reach back and unclasped your bra , letting the straps slide down your arms before throwing it away . You saw Jake close his eyes for a second and gulp , trying to keep his sanity.
But you didn't want anything sane from him. You wanted him to ruin you like how you imagined he would. You always knew he was good at it. You heard from alot of people that he had a talent for pleasing women. How he would leave them ruined and fucked out and desperate for more. And all you could do was imagine what it was like. Until now.
"off" you mutter as You pulled his t-shirt over his head desperately. You just needed him as close as possible. You could crawl into his skin if you could. You threw the t-shirt away and stared down at his bare chest . Your hand ran all over his bare upper half as you arched , allow your tits to be pressed flush against his chest and your heat against his crotch .
His hands held your waist , his cheeks getting pink and his erection undeniably evident, completely simp for the way you so desperately wanted him .
You adjusted yourself on his lap , shifting to sit on his thigh and whimperd by his ear as your heat met contact with the stiff muscle of his thigh .
"needy little thing aren't you?" Jake whispered by your ear in a serious but teasing tone.
"please-" you whine , trying your hardest to keep to your senses . Your body burning with desperation and desire . You felt you might die if Jake didn't touch you this instant.
His fingers dug into you as you began to grind down onto his thigh , small pants leaving the both of you and his hot breath right by your ear .
"jake- please-please-" You practically sob out , your legs getting tired but your desperation was on fire.
"shhh alright alright" Jake pitied your desperation as he grabs your waist and holds you firm on his thigh. You throw your head back as Jake takes the lead and guides you , gripping your waist and moving you swiftly back and forth on his deliciously thick thigh .
You let out a wail as he started bouncing his ankle off the floor , making you bounce on his thigh while pressing you down on it with his firm grip on your hips. He parts from you slightly to watch your tits bouncing, his lips latching around one as you arched , throwing your head back , digging your fingers into his shoulders.
He was scared you'd lose your balance and fall back so he snaked a hand up your back and cradled you while bouncing you and grinding you against his thigh .
"that's it princess" Jake encouraged as you start to moan louder. Your grip on his shoulders were firm and you were lost in the feeling of your release that was approaching.
Jake just kept his movement and whispered small praises at you , Cradling you on his knee while bouncing you on it , coxing you to a release. His face almost copying the same expression you had on your face .
"fuc- ja- please-!" You scream out coherent gibberish as Jake pulled you to your release with his mouth working your nipples, leaving marks all over your neck and chest with his thigh bouncing under you .
Goosebumps cover your skin as you shuddered at the feeling of Jake still bouncing you on his thigh and his tongue flicking over your nipples.
"fi- ers- inside I need- so bad-" you panted as you bounced in his leg with your mouth pressed against Jake's ear and you held onto him for dear life.
"you're not making sense Princess" Jake looked at you sympathetically as he caressed your hair . Your head is spinning at this point but you needed jake or you wouldn't rest .
"Ple- please daddy-" you pant , dropping your forehead against his shoulder. Jake's eyes widened as he slowed his movements , too stunned to focus on what he was doing anymore.
"fingers- please- anything!" you wriggle on his lap because his movements ceased. you caressed him from his waist down to his crotch , outlining his bulge with your fingertips.
"Fucking Christ you're killing me" Jake breathed out as his eyes fluttered shut at the relieving feeling of being touched by you. He held you away from him to look at you , his fingers grazed over your jaw before slipping his middle finger into your mouth . Your half-lidded eyes widen as you suck on his thick finger and swirl your tongue around it hungrily , still lazily riding his thigh.
He flips you over on the bed , causing you to lie on your back with him stradling you , his finger still in your mouth. He slips his finger out and a string of saliva connecting the two of you before it breaks . He drags his finger down your chest and stomach , your legs spread out to welcome his touch.
But he closed your legs again to pull your panties along with your jeans down your thighs and then slowly shimmy it down your legs and feet before tossing it away , your legs swung right open for him again .
"fucking beautiful. I've been wanting this so badly" he mumbles to himself, desperation taking over him as his erection pained him in his pants.
He cups your heat and shoves a finger into you making you choke out a moan and grab the sheets in your fists . He pulls his finger out and circles between your soaked folds , licking his own lips as you wriggle and whimper desperately .
"easy babygirl . Relax" Jake kisses your cheek when he notices how tensed up your body was and the way you'd broken out into a cold sweat .
"easy" Jake soothes , as his finger slows down .it takes everything in you to relax your body and embrace the pleasure of his touch instead of bursting right there like a desperate time bomb. You take deep breaths and squeeze the sheets , focusing on the feeling of his thick finger massaging you with the perfect amount of pressure, like you were something delicate like a porcelain doll.
Your body tenses up again and you shoot up with excitement when Jake crawled down between your legs . Your head falls back as you feel his breath against your throbbing heat . He spreads your folds apart with his index and middle finger, the tip of his tongue barely taking a lick of your arousal.
"s-stop teasing daddy please. I need you" you cry. You sounded pathetic and you didn't even care.
"don't move" he orders before he buried his face into your aching wet folds , causing your back to rise off the bed as you hand bruried into his hair.
He starts eating you out , leaving open mouth kissed against your clit and sucking and lapping at your arousal like a man starved, moaning into your folds with his tongue coming out to lick and tease your sensitive bundle , making your whine and moan out utter gibberish.
You looked down to see his head bobbing into your folds between your legs, with his hair all messed up, sweating coating over his skin. It was the most beautiful thing to see.
It didn't take much for you to get to your release , especially with Jake's skill. But you wanted more. You wanted him inside you , fillling you up till you were stupid.
"cum for me sweetie. There you go" Jake spoke as he parted from your folds , switching to use his fingers on you , running hard tight circles , making you feel giddy.
"fuck fuck fuck!" You gasp and pant in suprise as the band snaps , giving you one of the most powerful orgasms you've ever had. Your legs closed together on his head as you tried to get him to stop. But he held you down on the bed and continued till you were completely spent , your legs trembling with the overstimulation.
Everything was spinning for a second when Jake finally stopped . You felt him come up from between your legs and hover over you, his mouth and chin wet with your arousal , his lips dark pink hi.
"you okay?" Jake spoke. But you didn't know if you could even speak a word of sense anymore. You felt like you'd taken too much esctacy and you couldn't breathe.
Your hand caressed over his bare upperbody before you found the zipper of his jeans , freeing his cock before you began jerking it , making his knees buckle into you and his jaw drop open . He was very sensitive.
You turned him over to lie on the bed again , kissing his lips before leaving a trail of kissed down his chest to his torsore , he propped himself up on his elbows as he watched you go down on him.
"ah- shit y|n wait-" his hand slipped into your hair to grab a fistful but you didn't stop. You didn't stop at all. Your mouth watered at his girth , pink and leaking.
You wasted no time flattening your tongue and licking it from the base to the top on the underside, making sure to let the metal ball from your piercing rub over him . his stomach tensed as his watched you with his eyebrows pinched tightly together.
His hand slipped out of your hand an cupped your face as you began to suck on his tip , swirling your tongue around it making him let out a gutteral moan and throw his head back ,his hair flipping back with it.
You took him in further , loosening your jaw more as you felt his tip hit the back of your throat , you stopped to adjust yourself, your eyes looking up at him intently to capture every small expression.
You held the base of his cock before finally moving up and down , swirling your tongue around his shaft before sinking down on him fully.
"fuck baby that feels-" Jake's voice trembled , his eyes half lidded and lust blown.
"oh! Shit! Fu- god!" Jake jerked up as he began blabbering when you started sucking on him. Sucking your cheeks in tight around his cock , behind sure not to use your teeth and bobbing your head on him.
"stop stop fuck-! I can't!" Jake pulled you off him gently by your hair , his cock slipped out of your mouth with a string of saliva and a lewd pop.
"i won't last if you do that. You feel too good" he panted, his chest heaving as you crawled up to his face.
He turned you on your back as he flipped over you again , his cock rubbing against your stomach making you whine in desperation . Your hands slipped into his hair and pulled a fistful close to his scalp.
"fuck me daddy" you say , crystal clear , looking dead in his eyes.
"yeah?" His breathed fanned over your face as he caressed your waist , going up to your breasts to cup on one , his other hand holding himself up.
"gonna make you feel so good" he whispers out of breathlessness , his thumb toying with your pebbled nipple , making your arousal drip down your thighs.
"you want that?" He asks , leaning into you and pecking at your skin on your cheek, you turn your face to meet his lips but avoids it to tease you , continuing to kiss you behind your ear .
"yeah I want it" you whine , thrusting your hips up against him to catch some feeling.
"how bad?" He asks. He's enjoying watching you so desperate.
"so fucking bad daddy please" you beg , almost like you're throwing a tantrum like a child wanting candy.
"so needy. Such a lil whore" Jake says, loud enough for you to hear. But he wasn't lying.
"only for you Jake" you say , completely honest. You'd never act this way for another man. Ever.
"what happened to 'daddy'?" He asks , giving you a tired toothy smile ,making you roll your eyes and chuckle sheepishly. He laughed with you , leaning down to finally kiss your lips. A gentle honest and loving one , contradicting the way he was he wa going to fuck the shit out off you in a few minutes.
He distracted you with the kiss while his hand slipped between the two of you , lining himself to your hole. You immediately wrapped your legs around his waist to encourage him to keep going.
He obliged , pushing his tip into your hole gently, looking up at your face for a second before looking back down at what he was doing.
"okay?" He asks, halfway in. you nod vigorously and he lunged into you in a second, stretching you out and filling you up. The both of you letting out a gaspy moan at the feeling. He could feel your soaking walls pulsating around him and you could feel him pulsating into you. The feeling almost unreal. Your heart thumping so loud you could almost hear it.
He watched your face for any discomfort as he begins to rut his hips into you. You couldn't help the sounds that came out of you from the feeling of his girth pulling out and filling you up again , only to hit that perfect spot inside you.
You couldn't even keep your eyes open , you were complete putty under him. His damp sweaty hair brushing against your face with each thrust as his breath fell sharply on you.
"god your so perfect- so tight-" Jake rambled, his voice an octave higher. His jaw hanging slack as he let out soft moans only for you to hear.
You on the other hand , were screaming out of your lungs , loud enough for the neighbours to hear. But you couldn't help it. The pleasure was all too much and too little at the same time. You felt you would die with each electric thrust but at the same time you wanted him to keep going till you came.
"harder-" you whine and he listened, his hips violently bouncing into yours , his cock hitting your gsopt rapidly, the bed creaking loudly you thought it might break , but that still wouldn't stop you.
"oh fuck baby-" he whined out at the feeling of your walls tightening around him. His hands were almost giving out from holding himself up at the was he was snapping his hips into you. Your eyes were in the back of your head as you pulled on his hair and bounced under him , descending into complete agony and bliss at the same time.
"oh- OH FUCK!" Jake practically screams as he abruptly stops and jerks forward, his mouth open in a silent scream, making your blink your eyes open. You could feel him spilling his seed into you and his legs trembling as he tried to pull out of you.
"no don't stop please don't stop!" You cry and he had no choice but to keep going, fucking his seed into you as he moaned at the sensitivity.
You couldn't handle the way he sounded and the way he kept his pace , his cock not even softening one bit.
You got louder as you felt your legs begin to violently shake , loosing as feeling from the waist down and losing connection with the world for a minute entirely. You tried to tell him you were coming but there's no way he couldn't already tell.
Your walls fluttered tight around him making him let out whines of agony as you finally gushed out.
"fuck oh my god-" Jake mumbles as his eyes rolled to the back of his head at the feeling of your warm release gushing around his cock , wetting everything.
"Fuck baby I'm sorry I wanted to pull out- but I- i came out of nowhere-" Jake immediately started apologizing, he could barely even breathe.
"I'm sorry" he repeated as he breathed heavily to catch his breath. You couldn't even frame a sentence, you mind a complete fog , your vision spinning with only the thought of Jake and nothing else. All you wanted was to be with him.
"y|n?" He calls out to you when you still don't respond. A hint of worry in his voice and you wish you could say something but you were too dazed, like you'd just been hit on the head.
"are you mad? Are you mad at me?" He asks in worry, his hand cupping your face to look at him and you finally burst out into a tired laughter. How could he possibly think you would be mad at him for giving you the best experience you've ever had in your entire life.
"whatt? What's funny? Why are you laughing?" He asks as he couldn't help the grow smile on his face from looking at you laugh, still worried but also happy you were laughing.
You shake your head as you continue to giggle, cupping the sides of his face as you met his hazel eyes still searching for an answer from you.
"that was the best thing ever" you say your laughter dying out and your voice slightly hoarse from the sounds you were making.
"it was" Jake sighed as he replyed the feeling of it in his head , his eyes closing for a second. You felt him shudder just barely.
"I've got plan b, don't worry" you say as you realise you can almost breathe normally again.
"yeah?" He asks to make sure.
"yeah. You just deal with the sheets" you speak quickly as you try to make a run for it.
"stop right there you little cheat" he grabs you just before you could get off the bed and pins you back down under him , making you let out a hearty laugh of defeat, tiredly trying to fight out of his grip.
"this is your mess might i remind you " he complains in a British accent as he laughs with your , trying to hold you down.
"you made me do it" you argue playfully.
"But you liked it didn't you" he teases , back in his own accent.
"I loved it" you feel your cheeks heat up as he looks at you in adoration.
"I love you" he says , with completely honestly and nothing else.
"I love you" you echo back, hoping he felt how much you meant it.
"but only if you deal with the sheets" you giggle and he groans dramatically, looking up at ceiling .
"this is bullying-" he fusses "are you bullying your peers ms.y|n?" He says as he holds your jaw and squishes your cheeks together making your lips purse out before pecking them and moving off you , making you laugh again as you watched him get off the bed and head to his bathroom. You sat up as you heard him turn the shower on.
He came back out with a towel around his waist , his skin still sweaty and pink and he came back to the bed to get you.
"go hop in the shower while I change the sheets" he says as he helps you off the bed as you got up lazily , giving you a kiss on the top of your head before smacking your ass toward the bathroom, making you yelp and glare at him before you stumbled into the shower .
You tried to bite down your smile as you entered the shower , replaying back everything that just happened , hoping you'd never forget it. It was the happiest you'd been in a while.
Your body was tired and worn , sore under the hot shower as the water soothed it. You stood under the water for a while as you heard Jake doing the bed outside , you didn't want to actually do it all on his own but he did it anyway. You stood there still not being able to hold back your smile from just thinking about him.
Not long later you hear the bathroom door open with Jake coming in , taking his towel off as he stepped into the shower with you . You turn to wrap your arms around his neck as he holds your waist , leaning in to kiss you right under the shower.
"Jesus Christ are you trying to fucking cook yourself or what?" Jake breaks the kiss as he hisses in pain , reaching behind you to the shower settings.
"no I like this temperatureee" you whine as you stop him.
"you're crazy" he says as he lowers the heat anyway and you pout at him.
"shut up" he says with loving aggression as he held your waist " turn around" he says as he turns you to back face him , grabbing the shower gel and the loofa and lathering the soap on your back , placing a kiss on the top of your head, making you bite back another smile that fought it's way through.
@mackalah @mindastreamofcolours @jjwasneverhere @themoreyou-love @gvf23 @sarah-gvf01 @thetroublegetssoloud71 @violetstarcatcher @brookekiszkaa @gvfmarge @mulberrimouse @lyndz2names @imdaisyfee @klarxtr @ignite-my-fire @dannywagnerschoppedhair @heckingfrick
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zablife · 2 years
Tachipen (Part 4)
Tommy x female reader
Summary: With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known. 
Author’s Note: This was requested by @honey-im-hotdog who asked for a fic about Charlie’s nanny. I decided to turn it into a series. The story will be told through flashbacks, but I will note the year. Tommy meets y/n in 1919 and the story goes thru present time which is the year of the vendetta, 1925. 
Warnings: language, ethnic slur, violence, childbirth
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1924, Tommy’s wedding day
A broken side window and a smell of petrol. Nothing left, but smoke and ash. You tried to put the disturbing thoughts out of your mind, but it was all you could think of as you sat at the long banquet table adorned with tapered candles and silver trays of food. Across the table, John laughed at his own joke, an expensive cigar in one hand and a glass of Irish whisky in the other. Isaiah clapped him on the back as he joined in and you wondered if they held a shred of remorse for what they had done.
“Y/n, is everything alright?” Ada asked, noticing the far off look in your eye.
“I need some fresh air,” you lied. Pushing your chair away from the table, you threw your napkin on the table and turned from the rowdy men as they called after you, feeling nothing but disgust. Finding the front of the house occupied by Grace’s family, you attempted to escape the sea of red uniforms with the rest of the staff below stairs. As you paced the darkened hallway outside the kitchens, you heard someone clear their throat and you looked up to find Arthur standing before you, hands in his pockets as he watched you carefully.
Unable to hold it in any longer you demanded to know, “I’m not allowed a man on my arm?”
Adopting the tone of a weary older brother reluctant to enforce his authority he began softly, “It’s about your choice of man. You know the rules.” You turned from him and he lay a hand on your shoulder attempting to console you, “Come upstairs and enjoy the party, love.”
You faced him, wiping a tear away with your sleeve. “Pretend we’re all a happy family, is that what you’d like?” you asked, failing to contain your spite.
“Aren’t you happy for Tommy?” Arthur asked, confused by your words. As he pulled away from you to study you with concern, Michael passed through with a girl on his arm. Motioning for her to go on without him, he stopped to speak to you.
“Everything alright?” he asked, the hazy, cocaine induced grin fading from his face. 
“You know it isn’t! You know why he didn’t come, don’t you?” you asked bitterly, placing your hands on your hips to stare him down.
“Who? You mean the wop?” he said scrunching his nose as though the very idea was repugnant. You could tell by his reaction he held no concern for Angel Changretta’s plight and that made you angrier than before.
“His name is Angel Changretta and his restaurant was burned to the ground to stop him coming tonight!” you corrected as you charged Michael, unable to believe his callousness.
Arthur stepped between you and Michael, placing a hand on your shoulder as he said in a calm voice, “Now, y/n, we tried to tell you. Angel Changretta weren’t good for ya. He’s a dangerous man. He’s had five different names in the last six years, and he’s got connections with the Naples boys.”
“How could you be that bloody stupid? The order was simple! No fraternizing with foreigners!” Michael spat at you from over Arthur’s shoulder.
You shook free from Arthur’s grasp, a wild look in your eye at the thought of being told what to do by the youngest member of the family. “You have no right to choose who I see in my own time!” you shouted at him. Micheal only returned an icy stare as you shook your head at him in disbelief.
Then you added more quietly, “Maybe I was stupid…to have told John that Angel showed me kindness.” Looking down at your shoes you said to more to yourself than to the men surrounding you, “Angel didn’t deserve this for being with me. I wasn’t even serious about him. Just passin’ the time cause I can’t be with the man I want.”
“Be glad it was only a warning then. Sometimes killing is a kindness and the Peaky Blinders do that very well,” Michael threatened, holding your gaze a moment before stalking off to find his girl.
You gulped as you watched him go, feeling chilled to your core. Your anger soon returned as you picked up a nearby vase and threw it as far as you could, letting out a scream of frustration. You slid down the wall, watching water drip down the subway tiles across from you. Arthur surveyed the damage, before shuffling toward you.
“It goes for all of us. We all have our orders,” he said as he extended a hand to you.
You ignored it as you picked up a crushed flower at your side, “But you have someone so you couldn’t possibly understand,” you answered sadly. Pulling your knees into your chest and pressing your cheek to your forearms you muttered, “Go back to Linda, Arthur, and leave me alone.”
Arthur slipped away quietly. As he passed Tommy on the stairs, Tommy asked, “Where’s y/n?”
“Downstairs, but she wants to be alone,” Arthur said as he stood in his way.
Tommy cocked his head and squinted at Arthur. “Have you said something about the order given last night? She wasn’t to know, Arthur.”
“She already knows, Tommy. I tried to explain it to her, but fucking Michael was high on snow. Made it worse,” he said running his hand through his hair.
Tommy punched the wall beside him in a fit of rage. He had only tried to keep you safe. He hadn’t intended to hurt you. 
From somewhere deep within the house calls for the groom could be heard and Arthur shifted uncomfortably. “We need to go back up, brother. Let’s go see your lovely bride,” Arthur suggested, but he could tell that wasn’t what consumed Tommy’s thoughts.
Tommy hesitated on the stairs as he took one final glance around. Massaging his sore knuckles, he murmured to himself, “I will make this right.”
It was far too late for you to be awake, but you couldn’t sleep. Some nights you still dreamt of home. It was difficult not to think of your sisters at times, wondering what they were doing, and if they ached for you the way you ached for them. As you sat at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of tea, Tommy descended the stairs. He looked exhausted, braces hanging from his shoulders and hair tousled as though he had tried to sleep and failed.
“What are you doing awake, ey? Thought the kids would have worn you out,” he said, voice raspy from the late hour and too many cigarettes. He lit another as you thought of an answer.
“Why are you awake?” you countered, looking him in the eye. You wanted to show him you weren’t afraid of him, hoping to put the unpleasantness behind you and start anew.
Tommy sat back in the chair across from you, blowing smoke into the air. “I asked you first,” he said with a raised eyebrow.
“Alright, I was thinking of my family. What they’d say now,” you confessed, swallowing harshly.
Tommy nodded thoughtfully, then leaned forward, digging into his pocket. He placed a bullet in front of you, standing it on end and left it there for you to consider. “That’s what they’ve said. Go on, have a look,” he said, taking another lazy drag.
You watched his eyes as your fingers reached for the cool metal, rolling it over in your hand before reading his name etched on the side. You knew what it meant. His death had been ordered. You knew it wasn’t your father, he wouldn’t have bothered. Your sister would be married by now though to one of the men Tommy and his brothers had cut the day you had left so this could only have come from one family.
Nodding thoughtfully you replied, “This came from the Lees?”
“That’s right, love,” he said seemingly unbothered by the fact that men were trying to kill him.
“What are you going to do?” you asked, eyes darting to his for some sign he understood the severity of the threat.
“Nothing,” he replied simply.
“But…the bullet has been written, Tommy. They will kill you,” you stressed to him.
Tommy shook his head and a small smile crept onto his face as he leaned forward, “No, I don’t think they will. And do you know why?”
You shook your head, fearing what he might say next.
“Because you know everything that went on in that camp. So I need some information from you to implement a plan for my business. Do you understand?” he asked snatching the bullet up and holding it in front of you.
You nodded fiercely. “Yes, what do you need?”
“You can start by telling me what you know of the racetracks,” he said with a grin. 
“Are we going to see Daddy?” the children asked excitedly. 
“Yes, we are. We’re going to surprise him today,” you said with a big grin, swinging hands with Clara along the way. The sun was setting over Small Heath at the end of a long day and the golden light made everything look softer somehow. 
“I want to see Uncle Tommy!” William shouted.
“He’s not there now. He and Aunt Polly have gone away on business,” you explained as everyone began talking at once. 
As you came upon the front door, you noticed a Lee boy sneaking inside. Your stomach turned, knowing something wasn’t right. “Katie, why don’t you wait outside for me while I fetch your dad?” you suggested. She shrugged, taking Henry from your arms and you carefully ventured inside. 
The moment you crossed the threshold, hands clamped over your shoulders and the front door slammed shut. Before you could scream, the man holding you clapped a filthy hand over your mouth and pulled you into his sweaty body. You inhaled a sharp breath as a knife came to your throat. “So you’re still here, y/n,” a familiar voice hissed in your ear. The knife pressed against your skin as he tightened his grip on your waist. “Like being Tommy Shelby’s whore do you?” You attempted to shake your head, but thought better of it, replying through clenched teeth, “What do you want Erasmus?”
“Just taking back what’s ours, sweetheart. Every last dime you helped Tommy Shelby steal at Cheltenham” he spat. “And more because I know he’s got it,” he sneered. Angered by his words you fought with all your might, feeling the sleeves of your dress tear and nails drag across your skin as you pulled away. You jabbed and clawed your way free until you could sink one hand to your boot to retrieve the knife Esmerelda had given you to defend yourself. Unsheathing it quickly, you raised up cutting Erasums from his chin to his forehead. He reared back with a roar of pain, holding his face as blood gushed forth in bright red spurts.
As you tried to run through Polly’s house you were met with the sight of Ada, asking what was wrong. You gasped for breath as you replied, “We’ve been done over. Run, Ada!” But the warning came too late, as one of the Lee boys barged into the parlor with a gun pointed at you.
“You’re not going anywhere. Sit the fuck down,” he said and you did as he said, watching as the men who accompanied him, mostly kin, overturned the shop. They broke everything in sight and stole what money and valuables they could find, four cash boxes in total. When they were satisfied they had what they wanted, Erasmus came in to see you, jerking you up from your chair by your elbow. 
“You give Tommy a message from me,” he said, holding you harshly by the jaw.
“What’s that?” you asked defiantly. 
“Tell him we want our cut or there'll be more of this,” he said, striking a blow to your cheek that knocked you to the ground. Ada screamed, rushing to you as you fell. The men ran out as quickly as they had arrived and you were left alone in the disheveled house. Only then did you hear the children calling to you, grateful that they hadn't witnessed any of it.
You called them in, hugging them tightly to you. You rocked Henry until he stopped crying and checking everyone over to be sure they weren’t harmed. William shouted out in protest. “Y/n, you’re hurting me, let me go!” Soon your attention was stolen by Ada’s whimpers then a shout.
“Holy shit. Water!” Ada said, looking down at the puddle at her feet.
“What does that mean?” Katie asked.
“Means the baby’s comin’,” you explained. “Take your brother to the neighbors’,” you said trying to keep the fear out of your voice as you pushed Henry into her arms. Of all days for Polly to be away, you thought. 
“Alright, let’s get you comfortable,” you said to Ada, praying you’d be able to do just that, but knowing you were in for a long evening. As the night wore on, John eventually came looking for you and the children and was met with Ada’s screams. 
He’d obviously been drinking because he didn’t seem to notice the state of the betting shop or understand what was happening with his sister asking, “What’s going on in here? Someone strangling a cat?”
“I’m going to strangle you if you don’t get the fuck out, John Shelby!” Ada yelled at him before lurching forward to push once more.
“Keep going. That’s right. Push,” you encouraged her, trying to ignore John. Ada screamed out in obvious pain once more and you looked up to see the note of recognition wash over John. You shook your head at him as you felt her stomach, prodding at the top of her bump and then the bottom. He eyed you suspiciously, your look of concern sobering him instantly.
“The baby’s the wrong way round,” you proclaimed, feeling sick to your stomach.
“How do you know?” John asked.
“I’ve attended three other girls before in camp. One was like this,” you said, biting your lip and trying to think.
“What do we do?” John asked removing his coat and hat, rolling up his sleeves to show he was ready to help. Ada threw her sweat soaked head back against the pillows, too tired to care who was in the room now.
“There’s something else to try. Lean her forward,” you instructed and John helped you move Ada onto all fours. 
“It’s not long to go now,” you cooed in her ear, rubbing along her back, then helped her count “one, two, three. Push.” Ada groaned out a miserable sounding whine as she forced herself to push harder through the pain before trying to collapse onto her elbows.
“Ada, if you stay strong, I’ll fetch Freddie soon and he can see his son,” John said, and that gave Ada the motivation she needed. In two more pushes, her son Karl was born, wailing to the heavens.
“It’s a beautiful, baby boy,” you said as you cleaned and swaddled the child to hand to his mother. You helped Ada move into the rocking chair by the crackling fire just as Freddie burst through the door, tears glistening in his eyes at the sight of his wife and newborn son.
As you washed your hands clean of blood in the porcelain basin, your heart swelled at the sight of Ada leaning her head onto Freddie’s shoulder as he cradled their child and whispered to him softly. Sneaking out the back as quietly as possible so as not to disturb them, you collided with John who was waiting for you in the alley.
“You did well, tonight, love,” John said, moving toward you with a warm smile. 
“I couldn’t have done it all by myself,” you said, shyly. Then jerking your chin across the street you asked, “Do the children know you they have a cousin?” 
John nodded and added, “Yeah, but then they went back to sleep. They’re gonna stay with Mrs. Andrews tonight. Tommy just got back so I sent a blinder to tell him the news….how should we celebrate, ey?” he asked, placing a rough hand to your cheek. Your breath hitched as he leaned down to ghost his lips over yours, pressing against you gently until you were moving in perfect sync with him. The pad of his thumb caressed you softly as his tongue pushed your lips apart, seeking more of your warmth and you let out a quiet moan against him, feeling him smirk against you. 
Suddenly you heard someone in the darkness clear their throat and then you saw Polly’s figure come into view in the doorway, her curls outlined by the lamplight. “John, I would’ve thought you’d be at the Garrison by now wetting the baby’s head.”
John pulled away from you slowly, hand dropping to your shoulder as though unwilling to let you go as he replied, “Aunt Pol, when did you get back?”
Polly motioned to you as she offered, “Y/n, I’m sure you’d like a nice, hot bath after the day you’ve had.”
You realized what a state you must be in, moving to smooth your hair before ducking under John’s arm. “Thank you, Polly.”
She nodded, glancing back at John who still stood frozen in place, one hand against the brick wall. 
After you’d gone, Polly lit a cigarette, walking toward her nephew in slow, measured steps as she considered him. Standing at his back, she turned her head and blew smoke into the night air. “John, she’s only just found her footing here. She’s young and the last thing she needs is heartbreak,” She placed a hand on John’s shoulder, thinking of the many affairs he’d had since he returned home from the war. “Find someone else to put your fires out,” she warned.
John only nodded in reply and headed back toward the Garrison to join his brothers in celebrating their new nephew. As he opened the door of the snug, Tommy and Arthur greeted him. He stepped inside, removing his cap and glancing to the corner as he took in another familiar face, kind and beautiful. “Hello, John,” she said brightly.
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imaginesforeveryone · 3 months
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Arranged (Part 1)
Pairing: Finn Shelby x Y/N Warnings: Swearing, slight angst, drinking, some racist comments summary: You were the youngest child of you fathers, being part of a mob family in the heart of New York, your family had many enemies in the city, and even further away, and your life was about to change after a Peaky Boy barged into your life.
Finn’s POV
“Finn! get a move on it. We have to be at the church in 30 minutes!” Finn heard his Aunt Pol yell from the hotel door. This was the day that he so much dreaded. The day where his big brother married him away to a family that he needed to become alliance with. He had no idea who his bride was. He had no clue what she looked like. All he knew is that she is a Gotti. One of the most notorious mob families in New York. He finished up getting ready, grabbing his suit jacket and pushing past his Aunt Pol. 
“Hey.” Pol said following behind him. 
“Finn. I’m speaking to you.” She said grabbing his arm. 
“What aunt Pol?” He said turning towards her with a whole bunch of sassy. 
“I’m going to need you to tone down that sass with me boy.” Pol said looking up at him with daggers. 
“Sorry Aunt Pol.” He said breathing out a deep breath. 
“What is wrong child?” She asked. 
“Pol. Im being married off to a fucking wop for one and for two its the fucking Gotti’s. I also have no clue who this women is. So excuse me for being nervous.” He spoke before turning to keep walking. 
“Finn, you had to know the day would be coming that you would be married off to someone. You’re a fucking gypsy for christ sakes. It only comes with time.” Pol said following next to him. 
“Yeah, Pol I get it.” He said not arguing with her anymore because there was no point. 
“You never know she could be the most beautiful women you laid your eyes on. Don’t be a little sissy. You’re a Shelby, and us Shelby’s can make anything work.” She spoke pinching his cheek before getting on the elevator.
“Suck it in.” The maid that was behind you holding the strings of your corset to began pulling it tight on you. As she did so, you had to catch your breathe quickly. 
“Fuck Amy. ” You breathed out to her. 
“Beauty is pain love, I’m sorry.” She said as she did up the corset. Women stood all around you making your hair perfect, and making sure your make up was on perfectly. It was just about time to get your dress on, but you mother wasn’t there yet. Starting to freak out a bit, you paced around the room in just your corset, heels, panties, stocking, and a garter. 
“Love calm down. It will be okay.” You heard the soothing sound of your mothers voice behind you. You smiled turning around and giving her a huge hug. 
“I’m going to miss you.” You whispered to her trying not to cry so you didn’t mess up your make up. 
“I’ll see you, don’t you worry your pretty little head. Now let’s not mess up this beautiful masterpiece with tears and smoothering.” She said taking a step back looking at your hair and make up. 
“Now come.” She said walking towards the big windows that overlooked New York City, and where your dress hung. It was nothing too crazy, simply white, silk, with small beading on the side to complement your already existing curves. You stood as your mother opened the dress so you could step into it. Shimmying it up your body and it laying so perfect upon every part of you, with an open back showing off the family crest tattoo you had directly on the top of you neck. She grabbed your veil that fell way longer than your dress, but brought the whole thing together. 
“Mom.” You almost whispered. 
“Yes darling.” She said as she fluffed out the veil to see how it will look when you walked down the aisle. 
“I’m marrying a Peaky boy right?” You asked her. 
“Yes darling.” She said little chocked up. 
“Will I be safe?” You asked. She took a few steps to round to the front of you. 
“You will be more than safe with them. As much as I’d love for you to stay in New York, sadly thats not how this arrangement works. But, they have agreed for us to come to England to visit you, and for you and your husband to travel here. This day is a cause for a big alliance in our families history.” She said gently caressing your face. You smiled at her. 
“What if he’s ugly?” You asked with a slight giggle. 
“I don’t think a Shelby boy can be ugly love. Its just not in their genes. But hey, it might be your luck.” She said with a pinch of your cheek and a giggle. 
“Alright, lets getting going.” She said rounding behind you to pick up your veil and follow you down the stairs of the church, to meet your father, who stood behind a closed door that you would enter in moments time to your new life. New husband. New family. 
“Hi, Daddy.” You said from behind him and holding your bouquet in your hands. 
“Oh, la mia bellissima figlia.” He spoked with a slight tear in his eyes. Which was weird for you to see because he was the most feared man in New York. 
“Come on love, let’s get your out there.” He said pulling your veil of your face.
“Don’t let me fall daddy.” You spoke quietly.
“Never, neonata.” He said with a smirk. As the piano sounded, and the doors began to open slowly, your stomach became in knots.
wow, that’s a long walk
You thought to yourself looking down the aisle. Everyone stood up around you, as you got closer you could see the face of the man you were about to marry. Definitely not ugly, definitely looks so innocent. Him being a Shelby it came to a surprise to you. 
Finn’s POV
“Arthur fuck off.” He spoke to his best man, who stood next to him at the alter trying to make him more nervous than he already was. 
“I’m just messing little brother. But really what if she’s ugly. What if she has big man feet that could trample you over.” Arthur whispered to him. He looked over at Thomas who sat the closest to the aisle and closest to the alter. 
“Look at all these fucking wops man. We waited long enough once, now look at us, waiting again. Full circle aye?” Arthur said nudging him to help calm him. 
“You’ll be fine brother. It will be great.” He spoke out once more. 
“Arthur shut up.” Finn heard Thomas say as he bent over the railing that separated them from the aisle. As he sat down Finn heard the piano begin, and everyone rise. He fixed his tie a bit, and the single flower that was pinned to his tux jacket, and making sure his hair was slicked back perfectly. Watching as the doors slowly opened, and seeing a very tall Italian man, arm in arm with a very short, women who had a veil covering her face. Clearing his throat he watched as she moved down the aisle. As she neared the end, her father lifts the veil and gave a kiss on either side of her face. Which he was in awe about. Looking over at Arthur for confirmation as to what he thought. He gave confirming face to him. 
Finally walked down the whole length of the aisle, feeling like it just took you 20 minutes to do so. Your dad lifted your veil and kissed both cheeks before taking your hand and the man taking a step down off the two stairs you had to get up and putting his hand out to help you up. Causing a small smile to spread across your face, and also one spreading across his freckled cheeks. Hand in hand you looked at each other as the priest read from the Bible and having you say the words to the man that stood in front of you. 
“Do you Finn Shelby, take Y/N Gotti, to be wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health?” He asked looking over at Finn. 
“I do.” He said as he slipped the most beautiful ring on your small finger. 
“Do you Y/N Gotti, take Finn Shelby to be you husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health?” The priest asked motioning to you. 
“I do.” You said with a smile and taking Finn’s hand in yours and sliding the gold band around his thick finger and taking his hands into yours. 
“You may now kiss the bride.” He said as he closed the Bible and stepped back. You smirked up at him as he towered over you to lean down and kiss you. The whole place erupted. More from his side then yours, but that’s okay. As you kissed him, it felt, right? He was soft, not what you expected of a Shelby boy. Pulling away from you he smiled and took your hand in his leading you down the aisle once more as everyone threw bird seed at the two of you. You giggled and finally making it out and into the car that sat waiting for the newlyweds to enter the car.
I think this might work. You thought to your self as you look at Finn.
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justrainandcoffee · 7 months
Inner demons (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc)
“They gave me a free pass to kill and I enjoyed it...”
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Summary: It's 1917. Alfie and the men under his charge were allowed to return home. The war isn't over, but it's for him. At least physically. His wife found him one night sat in front of fireplace, he's mentally lost back in France. "Tell me a story about a man tortured by his own thoughts," his mind says "I'll tell you the story of Alfie Solomons."
Warnings: PTSD. Mentions of war. Blood. Murder. Suicide. Angst. Hurt/comfort.
Words: 1.5k
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"Captain, captain! It's Jacob Craig!! Captain!"
In his dreams, Alfie is following one if his men. Out of the trenches, a young soldier named Jacob is lying on the ground his whole body is shaking and Alfie can see why. His left leg is no there anymore and around him there's only blood.
"I'm…I'm so-sorry cap-captain."
"It's okay, soldier, you're fine. You're fine." Alfie put a hand on his shoulder and tried to not look at his missing leg.
"Te-tell my mum I lo-love her."
"I will."
Jacob Craig, only 19 years old, died no longer after. He was just a kid. Alfie wanted to yelled while some of the men put the corpse next to the others. He didn't have a chance to become a man, to have a family, to live a long life. Jacob Craig was one of the many that didn't have the chance to return home. His thoughts travelled to London. There, in a nice house in Camden Town, his wife was waiting for him. Alfie didn't know if he will be able to see her again.
A bomb exploded next to him and he ducked. When you're in a battlefield there's no time for sentimentalism. You kill or you die. Alfie grabbed his rifle and shot.
Next to him, his wife is sleeping but Alfie can't. His mind is torturing him, his nightmares are chasing him like a predator. He can name every single man who died under his watch. Not just Jacob Craig, there was a Kyle, a Christopher, an Andrew, a Derek… and so many more. You can hide if you want to, but you can't hide from your own mind.
Alfie was always an impulsive person, using the violence to be feared and respected was part of his nature. The problem is that the war increased that. He had to survive to return home and he knew what to do. But now in his mind there were not only the voices of his men, but also his enemies. The ones he killed with his own hands.
Back in 1914, before the war, he thought that returning home it'd be easy. But it wasn't. He was back, it's true, and it was more than millions could say, but the price he had to pay…
He goes to their living room. Alfie sits down in front of the chimney and watches the fire. It's hard to control himself. It's hard to pretend that everything is fine, when everything is not fine.
"Please, please… spare my life."
The voice of a man he never knew appears in his memories. Alfie can see his uniform in his mind. It was an Italian. 'A fucking wop'.
Alfie didn't spare his life. He took it and now the spirit of the Italian soldier lives forever in his conscience.
The rage he's carrying is too much. Too strong. "Tell me a story about a man tortured by his own thoughts, mom." His imagination says. And another voice responds: "I'll tell you the story of Alfie Solomons."
Anibal González was a good man. One of his best friends while they were there. Son of a Peruvian couple, Anibal was raise in England when both of his parents moved to Europe. Anibal was a funny man, full of good intentions who just wanted to live in the countryside and have a farm. That was before he blew up his brain after two years in the front. Alfie tried to stop him, but he couldn't.
He hides his face in his hands. "Make it stop… make it stop…"
"Al?" her soft voice, makes him turn around to see her. "Alfie, what's happening?"
"Ghosts… I can see them. They can see me. They're haunting me. All of them."
His hands are shaking and she put hers over his. Alfie is not the same and she can see that. His eyes are now always scrutinizing the surroundings. He's alert all the time and he can't sleep, like now.
"I don't want to hurt you, Rosie. I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't, Al."
"No, you don't understand. I know I'm 'ere, I know I'm safe now and I know who ya're… but it requires a lot of strength to reminding myself that. I need to tell me all the time that I'm not in the trenches. That there aren't wops here… only you. But I'm afraid that one day I won't be able to distinguish between ya and an enemy, between this house and the battlefield. I-… I'm terrified of hurting you. Of killing you, because my mind is damaged."
Rose caresses his face. Her poor Alfie. In her whole life she never saw him that bad… broken. Fuck those who dared to hurt him. She doesn't need a reminder to know that her husband isn't a good man, but Rose knows her husband is incapable of doing anything against her. And the proof is in front of her. Even broken, Alfie's biggest fear isn't his well-being but hers. The man she loves is terrified of hurting her because his mind isn't the same.
She hugs him and he hides his face against her body. Rose strokes his hair. "We'll face this together, Al. As always. Even if it takes you ages. I don't care. I'll be here."
"If I hurt ya, I will kill myself, ya know that, right? I fuckin' shoot myself."
"And I'm going to stop you before you can do it. You're my everything, Al. I know you better than I know myself. True that I don't know what did you experience in France, what did you see but I know how strong you are. And this is only…"
"They gave me a free pass to kill and I used it. I enjoyed it," he interrumpts. Alfie looks at her "I know I can't stop now. My nightmares, luv, are red and the voices keep claiming blood. Over and over again."
She notices that he's trembling again and holds him even tighter: "I wish we'd have the chance to run far away from here. I wish those who sent you there die cruelly. Alfie, I can't change the past. But I'm ready to this new present. If hypothetically you kill someone else… Do you think that will scare me? The day you arrive here covered by blood then I'll prepare a bath to help you to clean yourself. I'll stitch your wounds. I'll kiss your bruises. I'm not scared of you. But I'll help you to fight that urge, no matter what. Listen, I said I know you better than I know myself and it's true and since it's true, I know you're incapable of hurting me even if your voices are screaming at you."
In the house there's only the two of them. As always the two of them. Their dog called Fancy is sleeping next to the door. The sound of the fire is only interrupted by the sound of their breathing.
"I love ya, pet."
"I know. And I love you, too Al."
"I'm tired. It's just it. I'm tired of everything. Ya think it'll pass?"
"Everything always pass, Alfie. One day this will be a distant memory."
They remain in silence once again. When Rose watches at him again, she sees him sleeping on her. The woman caresses his hair slowly.
"They gave me a free pass to kill and I enjoyed it." His words are engraved in her mind now. If hell is a real place then Alfie's soul already has a room for him there. But he was not going to go alone there. If she had to sell her own soul to be with him then she's ready to make a deal with the devil himself if that meant to be with him forever.
Alfie sleeps with his head on her lap. He's dreaming again. He's in France but this time his wife is there, right in front of him while he's ready to use his rifle. Alfie's hands are shaking and is bitting his lower lip. He sees her smiling at him and before he'd realise what's happening, the gun fells on the ground. For the first time in his dreams he's not hurting anyone. Rose is right: he's incapable of hurting her even in his nightmares. The demons in his head scream but he's not listening to them. In the dreams, Alfie smiles at her too.
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Song of the Day - September 25th is officially National One Hit Wonder Day - and each year this begs the eternal question of what is the “greatest” one hit wonder… I never really waver from my choice - “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye” is, for me, the greatest ever one hit wonder. Written by Paul Leka, Gary DeCarlo and Dale Frashuer, it was delivered by the group called Steam, or Steem, in 1969. The songwriting trio had been a doo-wop group in Connecticut, but disbanded and moved to New York City to be producers for Fontana Records. The executives liked their singing and their repertoire so much, they indulged them to record everything they had. They resurrected this song “Kiss Him Goodbye” from their old doo-wop stuff, and recorded this single, with DiCarlo on lead vocal, in less than an hour. They felt it needed to be longer, and so they wrote more as they recorded - adding in the Na Na’s and Hey,Hey’s, and adding an old previously recorded drum track from another session. I think of this recording session as the stars aligning somehow especially specially. Sometimes it is the unsuspected bit of seeming nothing-special-ness that becomes magically something very very special. The single hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart the first week of December 1969, riding out the 60’s on that jammed chart. And at the point, the single has reached multi-platinum status, having sold nearly 7 million copies. It has been used in countless movies, and TV shows, commercials, and is played at sporting events, as what they call a “taunt chant” … which, in the same spirit, has been sung on the floor of Congress, at least twice famously, to illustrate that those voting on a certain bill would soon lose their seats for their votes. At least for me, this song never ages, and never doesn’t stop me in my tracks, to sing along and just shake me out of any blue spot…” Now... just for fun, whats your favorite One Hit Wonder? ... see my list below of some worthy nominees...
a list of great one hit wonders ---
- Fontella Bass' "Rescue Me" - whose birthday is also today - released today in 1965
- Question Mark & The Mysterians' "96 Tears"
- Aha's "take On Me"
- Norman Greenbaum's "Spirit in the Sky"
- Scott McKenzie's "San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair)"
- Sinead O'Conor's "Nothing Compares To U"
- The Tokens' "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
- Unit 4 & 2's "Concrete and Clay"
- Bruce Channel's Hey Baby"
- J J Jackson's "But It's Alright"
- The Kingsmen's "Louie Louie"
- The Champs "Tequila"
- Billy Paul's "Me and Mrs. Jones"
- Soft Cell's "Tainted Love"
- Wild Cherry's "Play That Funky Music"
- Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine"
.... what other ones... ? !...?
[Mary Elaine LeBey]
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #65: 2014
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, John Legend, Iggy Azalea, OneRepublic, Jason Derulo, Magic!, Meghan Trainor, Ariana Grande, Sam Smith. End description]
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As mentioned in the previous poll, we're now seeing streaming services like Spotify taking over music consumption. Much like how Billboard had to adapt to individual retail sales in the 1950's, MTV rotation in the 1980's, Nielsen SoundScan in the 1990's, and YouTube views in the early 2010's, Spotify streams are now going to be incorporated more into Billboard's charts, with their album charts adapting to this shift in late 2014.
But before we welcome in another chart, 2014 is the year we'll also have to say goodbye to one. It feels like just yesterday we were talking about the rise of the ringtone. But as musical ringtones were starting to fall out of favor in the general public (with streaming people were growing accustomed to no longer having to pay 99 cents for a song -- they weren't going to pay 2 dollars for a snippet of one), Billboard's ringtone charts were retired in 2014, with Taylor Swift's Shake It Off as the final number 1 ringtone in America.
In 2014, we're seeing the continuing rise of retro-inspired production, with the neo soul of Pharrell Williams' Happy, the doo-wop pastiche of Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass, and the funk elements of Ariana Grande's Problem. And with Jason Derulo's Talk Dirty sampling its hook from Balkan Beat Box's Hermetico, it seems like this was a pretty good year for brass samples. Also fun fact about Happy, apparently that song was Pharrell Williams' tenth attempt at writing a song for the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack. Sadly, we will never hear those other 9 versions. Or else I would have put all of them on this poll.
Speaking of musical influence, we're also starting to see trap starting to rise in mainstream popularity. Trap music is a style of rap originating out of the southern hip-hop scene, notable for its 808 drums, snares, and triple-timed hi-hats. The origins of the style can be traced back to the 1990's during the rise of southern rap, with many trap acts coming out of Atlanta and Memphis. In fact one of the guest rappers on today's poll, Juicy J on Katy Perry's Dark Horse, is one of the pioneers of this style with his group, Three 6 Mafia. While Three 6 Mafia is associated with a variety of subgenres (gangster rap, horrorcore, crunk, etc), the trajectory of trap music can often be traced back to them. I don't usually give out homework on these polls, so instead I will just strongly suggest that you check out Mystic Stylez if you haven't already. We'll have to wait a few years until we see the explosive growth of the modern trap movement in the mainstream.
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behindthewox · 5 months
hey fish!
as an artist that has been rather loud about the fact that we deserve VIP, i come with facts that i believe need to be more well known. a lot of the issues we even have across WoX seem to just be either a lack of communication and understanding etc
anyways, after speaking with a mugwump, he said that the reason artists don’t have VIP is because it’s not a job on WoP so therefore it’s considered an “extra” job.
the problem with this is the prioritizing going on here. i mean no hate to the mugwumps as most of them are literally the most amazing people i’ve spoken to. but i don’t really love the fact that student jobs have been getting VIP for over a year- give or take a few months. it doesn’t make sense that we’ve had countless updates and fixed since then and yet the appreciation i of our artists seems to be at th depths of this list- if it’s even in there at all.
i do know that one MoM made an effort to make sure the extra jobs and artis were getting something in return of equal value- the other MoMs should be required to as well.
this is just my very strong opinion built i genuinely just want appreciation for our artists and extra jobs <3
[NOTE: the text above is a submission sent in by an anonymous contributor, and they are expressing their personal feelings and opinions. the text below is my response.]
Illustrators used to be a student job on WoP, albeit only one WoP server since all WoP servers shared graphics and it'd be unpractical to have several different teams for it. It's no longer needed now that the WoP shops are overflowing and adding more items would just add to the overwhelming-ness that is already a bit of a problem.
Basing decisions on one WoX site alone, usually WoP DK ("the original"), is something we've seen over and over again through the years. I think there's a bad case of tunnel vision involved. But what works on one site doesn't automatically work on all sites.
Illustrator should not be an extra job. It should be a job in a category of itself, similar to MoM/HMs. And it has to be valued and rewarded.
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albonoooo · 6 months
i've been tagged by @f1-giuki, @blueballsracing and @liamlawsonlesbian to share my nine favourite albums!! thank you loves <3 and please know i spent way too much time thinking about this. i go through phases with the music i listen to so it was incredibly hard to narrow it down to nine albums and ended up being a combination of all-time and current favourites (and honourable mentions because i cannot shut up). i probably forgot at least half of the music i know while making this.
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(in no particular order)
1. favourite worst nightmare by arctic monkeys
all-time favourite. my most beloved arctic monkeys album. every time fluorescent adolescent starts playing, i feel an overwhelming sense of nostalgia for something i didn't even experience. no skips on this album.
2. rush! by måneskin
current favourite. about 3/4 of the songs on this album are currently in my most played songs on spotify. idk what kind of crack they laced this with, but it is fucking good.
3. stadtaffe by peter fox
all-time favourite. these songs were played everywhere all. the. time. when i was a kid. i remember sitting on the floor in the living room in front of the radio whenever it happened, just so that i don't miss anything.
4. on the way to wonderland by sunrise avenue
all-time favourite. my first ever favourite band that i latched on to when i was around nine because i heard fairytale gone bad on the radio so often and really loved it. went to the library and borrowed this album and out of style on cd so my dad could make me illegal copies at home lol. i genuinely still find samu haber's voice one of the most soothing i've ever heard.
5. pain remains by lorna shore
recent favourite. lorna shore has quicky become one of my favourite metal bands ever since will joined them and this album was on repeat for months after it first came out. it's so good.
6. les choristes soundtrack
all-time favourite. one of my favourite movies, has made me cry many times. thanks to the three separate teachers that made my class watch this film over the course of my time at secondary school. even more so because it really scared me after the first watch when i was 11 (i think it was mostly rachin and mondain who freaked me out lol).
7. master of puppets by metallica
all-time favourite. one of the albums of all time and that's a hill i'm willing to die on. my first metal album which my dad was very happy about. this has been in every music listening rotation since i was twelve.
8. doo-wops & hooligans by bruno mars
all-time favourite. another nostalgic one. this album and unorthodox jukebox were two of the cds my mom used to keep in her car and play all the time on longer drives when i was younger. for that reason, i also associate this music with my pediatrician (whom i love and wish i could still go to lmao).
9. gold album by lukas graham
all-time favourite. first of all, why was it so hard to find a picture for this? i got this cd for my thirteenth birthday after i heard drunk in the morning on the radio and was obsessed with it. then i spent hours and hours in my room just listening to it on repeat for the next few years. i actually haven't listened to any of these songs for a while, but i still love them dearly.
honourable mentions:
(in no particular order)
1. am by arctic monkeys
their best album imo.
2. out of style by sunrise avenue
mentioned above.
3. void by the rose
could've honestly put any album of theirs.
4. unorthodox jukebox by bruno mars
mentioned above.
since this took me an eternity, i'm sure everyone and their mother has been tagged by now so. if you see this and wanna do it, consider yourself tagged :)
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Willy DeVille. August 25, 1950 - August 6, 2009
Only in America.
Only in America could a white kid from a working class Connecticut town transform himself into a character who looked like he was straight out of central casting for a member of the Sharks from West Side Story.
The first two Mink DeVille records sound like they’re cut live in a New York studio vacated by the Drifters who went out for a smoke. Jack Nietzsche produced.
But it’s the third record , Le Chat Bleu, where DeVille crafts one of the finest albums recorded in the last 50 years. The West Side tough guy is now, by turns a French chanteur, a Cajun, a street corner doo-wop singer, and a Brill Building crooner. He even wrote a song with Doc Pomus.
Like all the best American popular music, this recording inhabits a world where the Beatles never happened.
Wish you’d stuck around for a bit longer, Willy.
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winterfireice · 2 months
Sophie and Keefe get to watch two of their best friends fall in love
this first chapter is mostly background info and set up for the rest of the fic but I hope you enjoy
Taglist: @frizzle-mcshizzle @amandayetagain @doodle-do-wop
(special thanks to Doodle for helping me with this idea and for infecting me with Copper Mare thoughts)
rest of the fic under the cut
“All it really took was adding a couple of extra wires and then I could make the device transmit holographic images,” Dex says, talking about his new invention. One he created after a very long discussion between team Vailent trying to describe what an odd statue looked like after Sophie and Biana found it during a search of an old Neverseen hideout.
After thirty minutes of back and forth of glitchy videos and awful descriptions, not to forget the repeated sound of someone banging their head against a table on the other side of the imparter Dex had decided to make something to help them for the future. 
“Now if we carry these I don’t have to worry about Stina getting a concussion. I’m trying to figure out how to add the feature to our imparters but I need to find a way to size it down and I didn't have time last night because the triplets would not stop adding me into their games against my will.”
“Wait, you made this in a night?” Stina asks astonished, “C’est incroyable,” the last part is under her breath and in French so not many people hear it except for Sophie who happens to be sitting next to Stina. The corners of Sophie's lips turn up a little bit when she realizes that Stina has completely forgotten about her Polygot ability. 
“Yeah, it was pretty simple after I figured out that one of the transmitters that make the image 3D was too far to the left and it was skewing with the transmitters that were next to it,” Dex adds, “And technically I made six, one for each of us and an extra in case one breaks or if the counselors want one. Oh! This is actually pretty cool, the shell is programable so you can pick the color of it, this way we won't get them mixed up and Biana may not lose hers if it's a bright color,” 
“I don’t lose things that often,” Biana says in a scoff that is most likely in a joking manner, 
“Biana you almost missed a meeting yesterday because you lost your imparter,” Wylie chimes in from the couch on the other side of the room, 
Team Vailent had a routine meeting to discuss some problem the counselors were concerned about but the team solved the issue in record time and then decided to hang out for a little while longer especially since Dex wanted to share his new gadget. 
Right before the majority of the group’s seventh year, Master Cadence had shown them an older building on the edge of Foxfire’s property that would work for a lounge/office if they needed an extra space away from both the Black Swan but also the Councilors offices, since then they had been using the two-room crystal building for after meeting debriefs. 
It was perfect, far enough away from their classes that no one would overhear them but still close enough that they could get to their classes in time. The Vackers had some extra living room furniture that they brought over to make it comfortable and the building had a bathroom connected. Dex had found a mini fridge no one was using in his house and after hooking up a water feature it was the perfect hang-out. Sometimes even being used for studying or a quick place to get away from everyone else.
“I did not lose it! I simply forgot to turn it on hence not getting your call,” Biana says pulling Sophie out of her thoughts,
“That is unfortunately not a better excuse Bee, the only reason you made it was because I called your brother,” Sophie says closing her history book, “Speaking of not getting to places on time I have to go, Keefe planned a date night for me and I don’t want to be late,” 
“Ooo, have fun,” Biana squeals,
“Any idea where he’s taking you?” Stina asks as Sophie is grabbing her stuff,
“Nope, he said he wants it to be a ‘super secret surprise’” Sophie says in response,
“Correct me if I’m wrong but isn't a secret what makes a surprise a surprise?” Wylie asks her as he gets his own things organized, he doesn't always come back the the team hangouts since he’s a bit older than the rest of the group but every once in a while, he brings a book and some advice that the rest of the team sometimes take,
“You would be correct but I ignore that because I love him,” She says as she heads towards the door, “Hope you all have a good night see you tomorrow,” 
She steps outside and brings her leaping crystal out and leaps home, where Keefe had instructed her to meet her.
When she gets home she is greeted by Keefe with a bouquet of flowers and a nicely wrapped gift box. He is also wearing an alicorn onesie that Sophie did not know he owned,
“Happy late third year anniversary!” Keefe cheers, “I know we said not to make a big deal out of it since we both have been so busy but I wanted to get you a little something plus a fun night, so be prepared for food I definitely didn't make and star gazing,” he laughs,
The two of them had been mostly together for the last three years ever since they kissed after he came back from the forbidden cities. There had been a brief separation right before their first full year together because of poor communication but after a lot of long and deep conversions, they got back together and have been ever since. They even survived Keefe giving them both food poisoning on their second anniversary which is one, why he didn't cook for them anymore and two, why they had decided to stop making a big deal out of their anniversaries.
“That sounds amazing, please tell me there is chocolate in there somewhere,” Sophie says while she reaches past the gifts to give her boyfriend a hug,
“It's in the box, right above the matching onesie,” Keefe smiles,
One clothing change later the two of them are sitting on a big fluffy blanket near where their first kiss was and eating a bunch of baked goods and some gnomeish dish that tasted remarkably like pizza.
“Mm, this tastes amazing I thought when I first moved here I would miss all the human food I was used to but so many dishes here taste so much like the stuff I grew up with just with super different textures,” Sophie says after finishing her second slice of a foamy cake-like substance,
“It is amazing, there is also some mallowmelt over there. I tried to get the majority of your favorite foods I also tried to make custard bursts but they just seemed to melt when I took them out of the oven,” Keefe tells her with a small laugh, which then causes Sophie to laugh especially because he has mallowmelt covering his face while his head and hair is covered by the hat of the onesie that not only has a horn and ears but big cartoon eyes. 
“I love you so much right now, I mean I love you every day but today you brought cake and comfy clothes with pockets,” Sophie says reaching out to wipe to clump of frosting off of his nose,
“Ok very important question, how much food do I have on my face?” Keefe asks,
“Oh, I see more butterscotch than I see your face Keefe,” 
“Perfect,” He laughs using a napkin to wipe off half a slice of mallowmelt off his face, “Oo, look up there! Shooting star you have to make a wish now, it is the rule,” 
“I don’t know if I have anything to wish for right now,” She says smiling, “We’re happy, my parents are safe, the Neverseen has been really quiet, and team valiant is doing great, and right now my amazing boyfriend created a literal picnic from my dreams,” 
“Well then wish for all that to stay the same, or just keep watching the pretty lights with me,” 
“That sounds amazing,” Sophie replies, she moves the boxes of food to the side and snuggles closer to Keefe letting his lips brush over hers for a moment before settling on his chest. They spend the next few hours watching the stars until they get so tired they are falling asleep and decide to move into the house. 
Sophie’s eyes start to open because of an insistent buzzing sound coming from somewhere in the room. And shuffling awkwardly and still half asleep does not help her find her imparter.
“What’s going on?” Keefe asks rubbing his face,
“The council is calling me, Dex added specific ringtones for emergencies. I need to find my imparter, I threw it somewhere last night but I can’t find it!” 
“Ok, ok I’ll help you look,” Keefe says getting up still in his onesie, he almost comically drops to the ground to search under the bed. As he does this the little alicorn wings flap up and down like a weak attempt the fly,
“Got it!” Keefe cheers and throws it to Sophie and she would not have caught it if not for telekinesis,
“Hello, it’s Sophie what’s wrong?” 
“A bunch of scrolls have been damaged because an intern put them next to a water fountain, we need you guys to re-write them. Also, why do you have a horn?” Bronte says through the apparent video call Sophie had answered,
“Oh, I don’t know how to answer that in a way that will make sense to you,” Sophie responds as Keefe tries to stifle a laugh from the other side of the imparter, “I’ll let the rest of the team know we’ll be there in like twenty to thirty minutes,” 
“Good, sorry to take up your Saturday,” Bronte hangs up and Sophie flops back onto her bed groaning, 
“Ugh, I do not want to go!” she wines, “And I can not believe I answered Bronte in this outfit,” 
“Are you saying that these amazing clothing pieces are not the top fashion possible?” Keefe jokes,
“They are amazing and I plan on this being a new favorite of my pajamas but it’s not great for calls with my kind of boss,” 
“Fair, now you should get ready for your very important and very cool job even if it is boring sometimes and takes up your Saturdays,” 
“Fine,” Sophie grumbles “You should probably go though, because I will definitely get distracted if you are here,” 
“Ok, but can I have a kiss before I leave?” 
“Of course,” 
“How do we live in a place that can where we can literally teleport because of magic crystals and we have basically superpowers but we don't digitalize our files?” Sophie says, 
It was almost three in the afternoon and the majority of the team had been in Atlantis since ten in the morning and they were all bordering on death by boredom. Sophie had let Wylie go home after his dads called him for help with a bunch of old boxes they were going through. 
The more time passed, the more irritable Stina got, the more Dex talked to himself, and the longer Biana took to finish reading a page. Sophie was hanging on by pure desperation to go home.
“Items found, two boxes of unknown containers of fur - origin unknown,” Dex reads aloud, apparently not only did they have to rewrite reports but also go back over the inventory of a Neverseen hideout which seemed to be Team Vailents main job for the last couple of months, “Why did the Neverseen have or need this much fur! If they are going to be weird it might as well make sense,” Dex complains, 
“I don’t care about the why, I care about when we can put these scrolls in a box far away from any possible water damage and leave,” 
“I appreciate that we have this job but at this moment I hate it,” Biana adds to the conversation,
“You are not alone in that thought,” Sophie says, “How about we take a break, if we keep going like this none of our work is going to be as good as it should be,” 
“Good idea, plus I can show you this,” Dex says pulling out a small cube and attaching it to his imparter. In Sophie’s eyes, it looks like it’s levitating but after knowing Dex for so many years she knows there is probably a more logical explanation. 
“It’s a compacted holograph gadget, and it can plug into your imparter. It's not as great quality as the bigger version but it should work in a pinch if we don't have space to carry the full-size one,” Dex starts he goes on to talk about how he made it but Sophie gets distracted by Stina who cannot keep her eyes off Dex,
“I should not find this cute,” Stina says, and it takes a moment for Sophie to realize it was said in French 
“Ok you need to stop making fun of me in languages you know I can’t speak!” Dex says all of a sudden to Stina who only replies with a simple,
“I have no idea what you're talking about,” 
Sophie smiles a little to herself but luckily no one notices. The rest of the day continues in boring forms and the occasional balled-up paper being thrown around the room. Not many interesting things happened for the rest of the day except Dex somehow falling asleep while still sitting up,
“Je crois que j’ai envie de t’embrasser” Stina whispers to Dex while Biana is out getting food,
While Sophie does find it hilarious that Stina has completely forgotten her friend is a Polyglot, she also is definitely starting to feel like she is intruding on a big secret, especially if it includes romantic feelings for people that are not Sophie,
“I’m flattered but I think you should be telling Dex you want to kiss him, not me,” Sophie responds in French to make her point,
“Wait what,” Stina quickly turns horrified, “Oh no, you're a Polyglot. How did I forget that?” 
“I have no idea, I’ve been trying to figure it out for days. By the way, you talk to yourself in French a lot,” Sophie laughs which causes Stina to throw one of the couch pillows at her,
“I have never been more embarrassed in my life,”
“Well as someone whose life has basically been on display since I moved here, I promise you it can get more embarrassing than having a crush, but as someone who went through the same thing I get it. If you ever want to talk let me know, ok?” Sophie says as Biana walks in,
“You two know you're speaking a different language right?” Biana says as she puts down a couple of boxes of food on a table near us, “Because you both do that sometimes and I’m not super sure you notice,” she laughs which somehow earns a glare from Stina to both of them.
“I do not do that regularly,” Stina grumbles, causing Sophie and Biana to laugh even harder waking up Dex,
And Sophie does not miss how Stina’s annoyed frown turns a little bit more into a smile when she hears Dex’s voice,
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cherrylng · 3 months
Great Guitarists 100 - Roger McGuinn, Tony Iommi, David Gilmour, Frank Zappa, Jerry Garcia, and Ron Asheton [CROSSBEAT (November 2009)]
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Roger McGuinn The Byrds' rock arrangement of Dylan's "Mr Tambourine Man" became a big hit in 1965, setting off a folk-rock craze. The striking 'jingle jangle' sound of his Rickenbacker electric 12-string guitar became synonymous with folk-rock, and was adopted in the 1980s by Peter Buck of R.E.M. and Johnny Marr of The Smiths, and is still followed to this day. McGuinn, who came from the folk world, picked up the electric 12-string after seeing George Harrison play it in the film "A Hard Day's Night", but his originality lies in the fact that he adopted the fingering of the banjo's fretting technique to create a unique arpeggio technique. He also played solos inspired by Coltrane's modal jazz and Ravi Shankar's sitar technique on hits such as "Eight Miles High" in 1966. -Tadashi Igarashi
Representative albums "Mr. Tambourine Man" (1965, photo) The Byrds "(Untitled)" (1970)
Tony Iommi The Rolling Stones' TV special "The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus" (1968) shows a young Iommi as a member of Jethro Tull's band. At this point, he was a mediocre player according to the Blues' standards. However, on Black Sabbath's first album, "Black Sabbath", recorded at the end of 1969, he developed a style of ultra-heavy repetition of single-note phrases. The groundwork for this was probably the technique exhibited by R&B-rooted psychedelic bands such as Iron Butterfly and Vanilla Fudge in their longer songs. The band's thoroughly Satanic band image, which was thoroughly developed by releasing the album on Friday the 13th, had a strong impact on the scene, combined with heavy but ear-catching riffs. The drop tuning introduced later, in which the band dropped three and a half notes from the regular tuning, had a decisive influence on later grunge and doom metal. -Masatoshi Arano
Representative albums "Black Sabbath" (photo from 1970), Black Sabbath "Master of Reality" (1971)
David Gilmour David Gilmour was a member of Pink Floyd, one of the UK's leading progressive bands, from the late 60s to the 70s, when synthesisers and other instruments were not yet as advanced as they are today, and was a renowned guitarist who created a fantastic and majestic sound world with his effective guitar sound. He is not known for his tricky fast playing, but his lyrical, elegant, and melodic melodies are his speciality. His tape echoed the sound of the time, and the spacey sound created by his excellent slide guitar (pedal steel) had a great influence on later psychedelic, space rock and acoustic bands. Although not well known, he is also an outstanding blues guitarist, and can be heard on Paul Rodgers' solo works, and his talent as a composer should also be more highly regarded. -Yoshihiro Hoshina
Representative albums "Meddle" (1971, photo) Pink Floyd "The Dark Side of the Moon" (1973)
Frank Zappa Frank Zappa is an amazing man with a diverse background, doing all sorts of things from doo-wop to classical music, but if you want to get a taste of his guitar playing, which is a relentless chain of emotions and sparks, I'd first recommend "Shut Up and Play Guitar!", which shows his guitarist side like a fool. Then there's the delicious "One Size Fits All", where the guitar flutters amidst an exquisite and intoxicating synthesis of sounds, and it's clear that this is a man who thinks about the whole forest with his guitar. His sublime musical philosophy has also influenced many people, including John Frusciante. His large band is known for the many talented people who played in it, and among the guitarists he trained are Lowell George (Little Feat), Steve Vai, his son Dweezil Zappa, Mike Keneally White and many others. -Eisuke Sato
Representative albums "One Size Fits All" (1974, photo), Frank Zappa "Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar" (1981)
Jerry Garcia Leader of the original jam band, the Grateful Dead, formed in San Francisco in 1965, the Dead were a psychedelic rock act that specialised in long improvisations that expressed a sense of tripping. Deadheads were intoxicated by Garcia's long solos on songs such as 'Dark Star', in which his sparkling-toned guitar weaves in and out of his signature triplets. A banjo player with a passion for bluegrass and folk music before the Dead formed, Garcia's experience with other stringed instruments - he tried his hand at pedal steel in the early '70s when the Dead became more country-rock oriented - and his love of the instrument, from Chuck Berry to Django Reinhardt (Legend has it that he bought up all the Django records available in San Francisco), and his interest in a wide range of music was concentrated in his guitar playing. He died in 1995 at the age of 53. -Igarashi Tadashi
Representative albums "Live Dead" (1969, photo) Grateful Dead "Hundred Year Hall" (1995)
Ron Asheton Ron Asheton, who played in Iggy Pop's Stooges, is a guitarist who should be recognised for his influence on later generations. From the Sex Pistols and the Damned to Sonic Youth, this is the source of the rock underground. From their formation in 1967 to their break-up in 1974, they left behind only three albums. He turned to bass on their third album, "Raw Power", in 1973, so he only made two albums as a guitarist. However, these two albums are strong. Iggy Pop and the Stooges' debut album, "The Stooges", in 1969, created the prototype for punk guitar, with simple riffs repeated on songs such as "I Wanna Be Your Dog" and "No Fun". The band's second album, Fun House, was released in 1970. The band reunited in 2003, but he died suddenly in January 2009. He did not live long after all. -Hiroshi Hirose
Representative albums "The Stooges" (1969, photo) Iggy Pop & the Stooges "Fun House" (1970)
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Pictures: Stevie Ray Vaughan (left) and Duane Allman (right)
Top 10 guitarists by genre: blues rock In the 1960s, British youth developed blues-based guitar playing as the main expression of rock. Clapton was a prime example of this, but he was also followed by (4/ Peter Green) and (5/ Mick Taylor) in the Bluesbreakers, who went on to work with Fleetwood Mac and the Rolling Stones respectively. The first guitar hero in the USA was (6/ Mike Bloomfield), who was in The Paul Butterfield Blues Band and famously played with Dylan. The 'million-dollar guitarist' who signed a contract with (6/ Mike Bloomfield) for the highest amount of money at the time (1968) was Texas-born (7/ Johnny Winter). (8/ Roy Buchanan), active since the 50s and a master teacher of Robbie Robertson and others, became widely known after a 1971 TV documentary on 'The World's Best Unknown Guitarists'. (9/ Rory Gallagher) was also the first Irish rocker to work internationally. (2/ Duane Allman) of the Allman Brothers Band was a master of the slide guitar and made a major contribution to the band's success and to Clapton's Derek & The Dominos 'Layla'. The young slide guitar prodigy (3/ Derek Trucks) is the mainstay of the current Allmans and the second coming of (2/ Duane Allman), who is also active in his own band. He was the driving force behind the unexpected blues revival of the 80s, when (1/ Stevie Ray Vaughan) appeared on the scene, blowing people's minds with his powerful playing. Most of the guitarists who emerged from the 1990s onwards were influenced by him. The 'Hendrix of Pedal Steel' (10/ Robert Randolph) is one such example. -Tadashi Igarashi
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Duane Allman
Derek Trucks
Peter Green
Mick Taylor
Mike Bloomfield
Johnny Winter
Roy Buchanan
Rory Gallagher
Robert Randolph
Translator's Note: There was a typo error on Tony Iommi's name as can be seen on the magazine page itself.
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doitfortheculture · 4 months
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Ronnie Spector "Hell is the others. ”
Veronica Spector Greenfield, born Veronica Yvette Bennett, is an American singer. She formed the doo-wop group « Les Ronettes »in 1957 with her older sister Estelle Bennett and their cousin Nedra Talley.
In search of a recording contract, they first signed with Colpix Records and produced by Stu Phillips. After releasing a few singles on Colpix without success, they were signed by Phil Spector at Philles Records.
From their debut at Phil Spector's record company, the Ronnettes exploded the charts with their titles "Baby" (1963), Baby I love you (1963), they became one of the most popular song groups of their time.
It was in 1968 that Veronica Bennett (Ronnie) married Phil Spector, whose name she took professionally. In 1969 they adopted a son (Donté Philipp.) Then two years later, Phil Spector surprised him by adopting two twins Louis and Gary for Christmas.
Throughout her relationship with Spector, Ronnie testified that her husband had subjected her to years of psychological torment and had sabotaged her career by prohibiting her from performing. She said that he had surrounded the house with barbed wire and guard dogs and confiscated his shoes to prevent him from leaving.
Ronnie added that on the rare occasions when he let her go out alone, she had to drive with a life-size mannequin from Spector, wearing the same headgear that he used to wear, sitting in the passenger seat.
No longer bearing the situation and no longer having control over herself, she began to voluntarily drink and excessively, in order to attend the meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous to escape from home. Ronnie also recalled that Phil Spector had installed a gold coffin with a glass lid in the basement, promising that he would kill her and come and contemplate her corpse if she ever left it.
In her 1990 memoirs, Be My Baby, Ronnie explained that she had fled their mansion barefoot and without any property with the help of her mother in 1972. "I knew that if I didn't leave, I would die there," she said. In their 1974 divorce agreement, Ronnie Spector lost all her phonographic recording rights, after Phil Spector threatened her to hire a hired killer to kill her. She received $25,000, a used car and a monthly alimony of $2,500 for five years.
In 1998 Ronnie Spector took the courage to testify against her ex-husband, accusing him of having frequently pointed at her with a weapon during their marriage and threatened to kill her unless she gave up custody of their children.
In 1982 she marries her second husband, Jonathan Greenfield, and takes her last name.
Ronnie Spector died in Danburry on January 12, 2022 at the age of 78 from cancer.
As for Phil Spector, on April 13, 2009, he was convicted of the murder of Lana Clarkson, He died in Corcoran prison in California, where Charles Manson died in November 2017.
A few weeks before his death, he had given an interview to the English newspaper, it read "I would say I'm relatively crazy. I have inner demons fighting me."
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